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The current load shedding in Ghana has led to decreasing productivity leading to economic and social crisis due to Ghana's dependency on hydroelectric as its main source of power. Incorporating renewable energy sources to the grid installed capacity will ease the burden on Ghanaians. In this study, the potentiality and economic feasibility of wind farm project were evaluated in 11 locations in Ghana. The study employed wind-speed data using meteonorm 7 software in a Typical Meteorological Year 2 format and analysed with RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis modelling software. 10 MW of VESTAS V90 Wind turbine model with a rated power of 2,000 kW was proposed, which when developed and harnessed will drastically boost productivity of businesses, industries and the transport sector in Ghana whilst making significant contribution to the export earnings of the country.
Globally, the level of common knowledge about the positive correlation between renewable energy exploitation and climate change mitigation as well as the devastating effects of global warming (climate change) and the non-exhaustiveness of renewable energy resources should be enough motivation for poor countries with significant untapped amount of renewable energy resources to exploit them because of their vulnerability to climate change. Most poor developing countries with huge endowment of renewable energy resources have no strong excuse for not developing these resources into energy conversion facilities since most of their infrastructures are built with long-term loans which are relatively easy to secure than to generate revenue internally. This paper seeks to establish the fact that Ghana is endowed with relatively significant wind resource and has the necessary infrastructure that makes wind power generation a viable venture in the country. Ghana has a gross wind resource potential of 5640 MW per SWERA National Report (Ghana) and per the analysis done by this paper the total wind potential of Ghana was obtained as 5563 MW. However, due to critical constraints such as land availability, land suitability, land use and topography, the exploitable wind power capacity of Ghana has been found to range between 200 MW and 300 MW according to the Energy Commission of Ghana. It is presently prudent for Ghana to consider wind power development as one of its best utility-scale power development options because Ghana’s wind power potential is fairly good and needs to be harnessed to contribute to its energy mix (which as of now has zero share of wind energy) in order to reduce its carbon footprint (which ranged between 4 and 5 million tonnes of CO2 per year from 2001 to 2013 for the power sector) and to fulfill its desire to follow its low carbon climate resilient strategy as a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto protocols.
Energy Conversion and Management, 2014
This study examined the wind energy potential and the economic viability of using wind turbine for electricity generation in selected locations along the coastal region of Ghana. The two-parameter Weibull probability density function was employed to analyze the wind speed data obtained from the Ghana Energy Commission. The energy output and unit cost of electricity generated from medium size commercial wind turbine models with rated powers ranging from 50 kW to 250 kW were determined. It was found that the wind resource along the coastal region of Ghana can be classified into Class 2 or less wind resource which indicate that this resource in this area is marginally suitable for large scale wind energy development or suitable for small scale applications and be useful as part of hybrid energy system. It was further observed that wind turbine with designed cut-in wind speed of less than 3 m/s and moderate rated wind speed between 9 and 11 m/s is more suitable for wind energy development along the coastal region of Ghana. Based on the selected wind turbine and assumptions used in this study, it was estimated that the unit cost of electricity varied between 0.0695 GH¢/kW h and 0.2817 GH¢/kW h.
Wind Energy has become one major renewable energy resource being harnessed to produce electrical energy. Countries who have achieved success include China, Germany, USA, Spain, India, Egypt, Morocco, etc. Plans are afoot in many countries to make increases in current levels of electricity production from wind. Actual wind speed measurements made on the ground in the past at several locations show some promise in Ghana. Ghana as a country has the capacity to generate large- scale power from wind, and as such, deliberate efforts should be made to tackle the country’s energy problems partly with wind energy by installing and gradually increasing wind power supply capacity. This paper reviews and integrates the scattered past and present wind power-related activities in Ghana and brings them under one roof. This paper again identifies some lessons from the activities of the global top 5 successful countries which provide a rich mine of information for policy makers and stakeholders in the energy sector of Ghana. A technical perspective on the way forward for Ghana’s energy future is also presented in this paper.
Civil and Environmental Research, 2014
The harnessing of kinetic energy through the wind has been used for centuries, be it in form of powering sail boats, windmills or furnaces. However it was not until 1979 that the modern wind power industry began in earnest with the production of wind turbines. The use of wind energy as a form of renewable energy gained momentum in the 80s and 90s and there are now thousands of wind turbines operating all over the world (Abdelaziz et al 2011; Fangbele et al 2011). The modern and most commonly used wind turbine has a horizontal axis with two or more aerodynamic blades mounted on the shaft. These blades can travel at over several times the wind speed, generating electricity which is captured by a medium voltage power collection system and fed through to the power transmission network. Wind farms can range from single turbines for domestic use, through to large commercial farm either onshore or offshore. The energy emitted is measured in watts per hour (kilowatts, megawatts and gigawatts), the turbines currently in manufacture have power ratings ranging from 250kW to 5MW. To put that into perspective, a 10kW turbine will generate enough electricity generation to meet the annual electricity consumption of an average house hold in the US or 10 rural villages in Nigeria. Regardless of the size of the farm, the placement of the turbine is the key to its success. Wind farms are often opposed and refused planning permission, due to general belief that they ruin the natural environment; in very remote locations, there may be a lack of available transmission lines, protected fauna that may be displaced by the farm, not to mention the difficulties in transporting the turbines to the site in the first instance. Despite its setbacks, wind power is still seen to be cheap, low maintenance form of renewable energy which makes it imperative for Nigeria to adopt among its energy mix (Kwon 2010). The study area is in Katsina State of Nigeria. Katsina State extends from the arid southern Sahara (where there are important towns such as Jibiya, Katsina, Maiadua and Daura), Southwards through the semi-arid dry lands (with important towns like Dutsin-ma and Kankia) to the semi-arid savannah (with important towns like Malunfashi and Funtua). These settlements mentioned could be placed on an effective wind energy alternative for domestic electricity generation. The Katsina wind project could achieve this but there are several misgivings from the critics of the project. This chapter is intended to review the factors considered necessary in setting such a project i.e project's cost, wind penetration, wind predictability, wind reliability and energy storage. The objective of the research was to assess the extent at which these factors were considered in the project.
Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, 2017
FOR CITATION: Yihdego, Yohannes; Salem, Hilmi S.; Pudza, Musa Yahaya (2017). Renewable Energy: Wind Farm Perspectives - The Case of Africa. Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Volume 5, Number 4, December 2017, pp. 281-306(26). Publisher: Scrivener Publishing. DOI: ABSTRACT: This paper is on the push and choice for a greener and environmentally sustainable energy, particularly wind energy. A single wind turbine produces a limited amount of carbon emissions throughout its lifecycle. By taking a broader view, wind energy farms (or wind farms) have collectively a greater impact upon the environment and economy. Recent research on wind farms tends to focus on energy-generated modelling for the cushioning and mitigation of the climate-change malady, hence to enable accurate prediction of power generation. This paper presents an approach to wind energy, with respect to: (i) carbon emissions and intensity; (ii) potential energy production; (iii) return on economic investment; and (iv) payback-time from an early design perspective. The overall contribution of this work is to develop an approach to enable the selection of “greener” options represented in renewable energy sources, particularly the wind energy, with the focus on economic feasibility assessment and environmental impacts. This study represents, to top-management, industrialists (such as wind-turbines’ manufacturers), environmentalists, and engineers, as well as to wind-energy services’ providers, research scientists, and policy- and decision-makers, an assessment of the choices and options of wind-energy provision and in investing in its industry and development, as a clean and sustainable technology to generate electric power. In addition, the potential of using wind energy and other kinds of renewable energy sources for electric power generation is investigated in this study, with respect to the Continent of Africa, as a “case study”, in terms of opportunities and challenges. URL:
This paper statistically examines wind energy potential in Jos, Nigeria using 37-year (1971-2007) wind speed data measured at 10 m height subjected to 2-parameter Weibull analysis. The results showed that Jos falls under Class 7 of the International system of wind classification by recording annual values of mean wind speed, average power density and energy of 8.6 m/s, 458 W/m 2 and 4013 kWh/m 2 /year respectively, making the site very suitable for wind turbine applications. A technical assessment was also made of electricity generation using two commercial wind turbines, AN Bonus 300 kW/33 and AN Bonus 1 MW/54 through the computation of their respective capacity factors, annual power and energy outputs. Furthermore, the economic feasibility of using the two wind energy conversion systems for electric power generation gave estimated costs of € 0.025, € 0.026and € 0.015, € 0.016 per kWh of energy produced under two different values of annual operation and maintenance costs of 15 and 25% total initial cost respectively.
Programación del método de la ecuación de los tres momentos 5.2 Método de "ángulos de giro y deflexión" 5.2.1 Teoría 5.2.2 Programación del método de ángulos de giro y deflexión Ejercicios 191 Referencias l CAPÍTULO 6. MÉTODO DE LA DISTRIBUCIÓN DE MOMENTOS O MÉTODOS DECROSS 6.1 Introducción 1 6.2 Convención de signos para los momentos 6.3 Conceptos fundamentales: rigidez absoluta y coeficiente de distribución 6.4 Rigidez absoluta de elementos prismáticos 6.5 Coeficiente de transmisión 202 6.6 Momentos debidos a desplazamientos de los extremos del elemento 202 6. 7 Momentos de empotramiento 203 6.8 Procedimiento para estructuras cuyos nudos no se desplazan 6.9 Simplificación por extremos articulados en estructuras sin desplazamiento 212 6.1 O Simplificaciones por simetría y antisimetría 218 6.11 Estructuras con desplazamiento: método tradicional 222 6.12 Método alterno aplicable a pórticos ortogonales con desplazamiento 251 6.13 Programación del método de Cross alterno Ejercicios Referencias 2 71 CAPÍTULO 7. MÉTODO DE KANI 273 7.1 Introducción 275 7.2 V,entajas del método de Kani 7.3 Caso de estructuras sin desplazamiento 7.4 Estructuras sin desplazamiento con extremos articulados 7.5 Pórticos con nudos desplazables en sentido horizontal: cargas horizontales únicamente en los nudos 7.6 Pórticos con desplazamiento horizontal de los nudos y columnas articuladas en la base 2Q7 7.7 Programación del método de Kani aplicado a pórticos ortogonales. . JI " .
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