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This paper presents multiple healthy recipes including granola bars, guacamole, pasta sauce, salsa, and cookies, focusing on ingredients that promote health while still satisfying taste. Each recipe includes quantities and preparation suggestions, appealing to readers looking for nutritious and flavorful meal options.
The 2nd International Conference of Ia ValSe-Food Network, 2020
The aim was to develop a snack bar using regional food products. The formulation included traditional cereals and amaranth, quinoa, sunflower, flax, chia, sesame and poppy seeds subjected to different treatments. Two sensory evaluations were carried out to evaluate acceptability. Snack bars containing toasted seeds presented high acceptability by the consumer. Amaranth, quinoa, chia and sunflower significantly increased the acceptability. The sensory methods applied allowed for the selection of ingredients and processing technologies that increase the preference of consumers.
India Studies in Business and Economics, 2022
Climate change and associated increase in climatic variability is projected to increase risks to our food security. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), which includes several technological, institutional and policy interventions, can help us increase production and adapt to climate change with significant greenhouse gases (GHG) mitigation co-benefits. Several policy and institutional initiatives in the past have promoted greater adoption of CSA practices and technologies, which have helped reduce the impact of rainfall deficit on an aggregate scale. There is a need to invest in developing a better understanding of the adoption domains of CSA interventions, their linkages with demand and supply of food, and appropriate ‘business models’ to scale them out. Climate-Smart Village approach is one such strategy to facilitate this. Increased focus on new digital and genetic technologies, improved early warning systems of weather and production risks, redesigned agricultural insurance programm...
The International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO) is a non-profit organization whose members are scientists involved or interested in plant proteomics. Since the publication of the first INPPO highlights in 2012, continued progress on many of the organization's mandates/goals has been achieved. Two major events are emphasized in this second INPPO highlights. First, the change of guard at the top, passing of the baton from Dominique Job, INPPO founding President to Ganesh Kumar Agrawal as the incoming President. Ganesh K. Agrawal, along with Dominique Job and Randeep Rakwal initiated the INPPO. Second, the most recent INPPO achievements and future targets, mainly the organization of first the INPPO World Congress in 2014, tentatively planned for Hamburg (Germany), are mentioned.
Unsheathed - The Story of Muhammad (short version without pictures), 2020
This is the story of the goatherd who changed the world. Although he was one of the most influential men in history, few people today know anything about him. This book, researched from the earliest Islamic sources, documents his life. Here at last the truth is laid bare: his humble beginnings; why he believed he had a message from Allah; how he convinced some of his neighbours to accept his message and why others were sceptical; and what eventually led to swords being UNSHEATHED. In the bitter conflict for Arabia’s soul, treaties were broken, strangers were slain, and parents, children, brothers and wives were betrayed. Survivors were drawn into the close-knit Muslim community and the compelling rule of sharia. The Prophet, convinced that Allah had sent him as a mercy to all the world, met every challenge without faltering in his mission. This is the story of Muhammad. This shortened edition of the story does not include any pictures of God, angels, jinn, humans, mammals or birds.
Rocznik Podhalański tom XIV, 2020
Artykuły zebrane w XIV tomie „Rocznika Podhalańskiego” są pokłosiem ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej „Juliusz Zborowski i jego dzieło”, zorganizowanej w dniach 6–8 czerwca 2019 roku z okazji sto trzydziestej rocznicy otwarcia Muzeum Tatrzańskiego w Zakopanem. Główna idea przyświecająca wydarzeniu była zgodna z wyznaczonymi tej placówce kilkadziesiąt lat temu założeniami, które Juliusz Zborowski przez cały okres swojej pracy na stanowisku dyrektorskim konsekwentnie realizował. Powołane w XIX wieku muzeum miało stać się jednostką o charakterze badawczym. Zborowski planował prace dotyczące muzeum i nimi kierował, udzielał konsultacji, wspólnie z wybitnymi specjalistami poszerzał wiedzę w zakresie nauk przyrodniczych i humanistycznych na obszarze Tatr i Podtatrza i ją upowszechniał. Dążył do stworzenia z muzeum ośrodka koordynującego specjalistyczne badania nad regionem, a zbiory etnograficzne i przyrodnicze miały służyć naukowym opracowaniom na temat przyrody i kultury góralskiej z terenów Podhala, Spisza i Orawy. Zborowski dbał także o zasoby archiwalne, powiększył księgozbiór o kilka tysięcy woluminów dotyczących rożnych obszarów Karpat, a działalność wydawnicza była jednym z głównych kierunków rozwoju zarządzanej przez niego placówki. Zebrane w niniejszym „Roczniku Podhalańskim” artykuły i opracowania dotyczą więc wątków naukowego dorobku Zborowskiego oraz najnowszych wyników badań prowadzonych nad regionem z rożnych perspektyw poznawczych: etnologii, antropologii kulturowej, literaturoznawstwa, historii, dziedzictwa fonograficznego, muzealnego kolekcjonerstwa, archeologii, etnomuzykologii, etnolingwistyki i historii sztuki. Tym samym prezentują wielowątkowy opis postrzeganej rzeczywistości, bliski idei konsekwentnie wdrażanej przez pierwszego dyrektora Muzeum Tatrzańskiego.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Dropping out of secondary education is a major problem in modern economies. Several explanations have been put forward, but not all have been systematically tested due to methodological and ethical problems. We compared two groups of pupils from the same secondary school classes. The groups selected by teachers on the basis of there anticipated school outcomes (continuing school, n=585, versus dropping out, n=196). Motivational variables were intrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, and identified regulation, external regulation, a motivation, academic self-efficacy and consistency of interest. Self-regulation variables were perseverance of effort, learning strategies and resistance to peer influence. All these dimensions were measured through shortened versions of validated scales. Statistical analyses showed that most, but not all of the tested dimensions were significantly different for both groups. Significant motivational variables were intrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, a motivation, and academic self-efficacy. Self-regulation variables that differentiated the two groups were perseverance of effort, and some learning strategies (elaboration, organisation, rehearsal, but not monitoring, planning and regulating) as well as resistance to peer influence. The factors, which have been found, are often cited, but in our study they are measured through a systematic design. While motivational factors are difficult to affect, self-regulatory skills could be taught and their systematic integration into school curricula could contribute to reducing dropout rates for students at risk.
Fostering Motivation and Social Learning in MOOCs with Gamification. MOOCs are, in spite of a declining presence in the media, widespread world-wide and complement the educational landscape via increasingly multifaceted manifestations. Motivation and scarce social interaction are still problematic, due to the effects of isolation in a seemingly empty online environment. However, gamification has proven to encourage the development of motivation and engagement in online learning social contexts. This paper examines the extent to which game-like elements might support motivation and social learning in MOOCs. In addition to an extensive analysis of the literature, theories of motivation and insights from latest CSCL research have also been considered. The gamification elements relevant to online learning have been analysed in respect to their efficacy towards intrinsic motivation, competition and cooperation as well as to social learning. Findings show that elements like avatars & profiles, badges and social sharing can improve social participation in MOOCs if there are combined with feedback mechanisms. Avatars and profile pages can raise social presence and sociability in MOOCs when combined with reputational systems and real-time integration in the user interface, and therefore impede the effects of isolation. Points, badges and leaderboards appeal not only to the more competitive learners but to most users if they reflect social activities, too. Components with major effects on intrinsic motivation are Freedom to fail, Rapid Feedback, Story, meaningful goals and challenges.
Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior 14th Edition Coon Test Bank, 2019
Full download : Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior 14th Edition Coon Test Bank , Introduction to Psychology Gateways to Mind and Behavior,Coon,14th Edition,Test Bank
Constructive Approximation, 2003
Management International Review, 2011
Mathematische Annalen, 2005
Marine Geology, 2007
in A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema, Alistair Fox, Michel Marie, Raphaëlle Moine, Hilary Radner (dir.), Wiley Blackwell, pp. 314-332., 2015
Perennial journal of history, 2023
Journal of Dentistry, 2018
Genetics, 2005
Revista Opinião Filosófica, 2020
Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale, 2004
Crop Protection, 2018
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2012