IZA DP No. 5617
Ethnic Dimensions of Suburbanisation in Estonia
Tiit Tammaru
Maarten van Ham
Kadri Leetmaa
Anneli Kährik
April 2011
zur Zukunft der Arbeit
Institute for the Study
of Labor
Ethnic Dimensions of
Suburbanisation in Estonia
Tiit Tammaru
University of Tartu
Maarten van Ham
University of St Andrews
and IZA
Kadri Leetmaa
University of Tartu
Anneli Kährik
University of Tartu
Discussion Paper No. 5617
April 2011
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IZA Discussion Paper No. 5617
April 2011
Ethnic Dimensions of Suburbanisation in Estonia
Large scale suburbanisation is a relatively recent phenomenon in East Central Europe and
responsible for major socio-spatial changes in metropolitan areas. Little is known about the
ethnic dimensions of this process. However, large minority population groups, mainly ethnic
Russians, remained into the former member states of the Soviet Union after its dissolution in
1991. We use individual level Estonia Census data in order to investigate the ethnic
dimensions of suburbanisation. The results show that ethnic minorities have a considerably
lower probability to suburbanise compared to the majority population, and minorities are less
likely to move to rural municipalities – the main sites of suburban change – in the suburban
ring of cities. Individual characteristics that measure strong ties with the majority population
and host society exert a positive effect on ethnic minority suburbanization, and on settling in
rural municipalities.
JEL Classification:
J61, R21, R23
suburbanisation, ethnicity, Census data, East Central Europe, Estonia
Corresponding author:
Tiit Tammaru
Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies
Department of Geography
University of Tartu
Vanemuise 46
Tartu 51014
[email protected]
In many formerly centrally planned countries in Eastern Europe, the land use of
places within commuting distance from larger cities has changed dramatically since
the 1990s. Many of these places have lost their formerly agricultural and industrial
character and have been transformed into suburban residential and service areas
(Borén and Gentile 2007; Hirt, 2006; Krišjāne and Bērziņš 2009; Leetmaa et al. 2009;
Ouředníček 2007; Timár and Váradi 2001). The new inhabitants of these suburban
areas are mostly affluent households who have left larger cities in search for better
quality housing and living environments (Kährik and Tammaru 2008; Ouředníček
2007) and neighbourhoods reflecting their (new) socio-economic status (Golubchikov
2009). The socio-economic dimensions of suburbanisation in Eastern European
countries are relatively well understood. Less is known about the ethnic dimensions of
suburbanisation, despite the existence of often sizeable Russian minority populations
in some member states of the former Soviet Union.
Studies on suburbanisation in Western European countries and the US have
shown clear ethnic dimensions to suburbanisation (Bonvalet et al. 1995; Clark 2006;
Goodwin-White 2007; Massey and Denton 1988; Li 1998; Teixeira 2007; Bolt et al.
2008). In these countries, ethnic minorities are often less likely to move to more
affluent middle class suburbs and concentrate within a limited number of
neighbourhoods in urban areas. Such residential careers are partly due to socioeconomic differences between ethnic minority and majority groups. Other
explanations given are ethnic differences in knowledge about regional housing
markets, differences in search behaviour, discrimination of ethnic minorities, and
limited language skills of ethnic minorities. Although there are large differences in
both the ethnic composition of populations and the history and spatial patterns of
urban development between Western Europe and the US, and Eastern European
countries, it can be expected that also in the formerly centrally planned Eastern
European countries there is an ethnic dimension to suburbanisation.
This study uses individual level Census data for Estonia in order to shed more
light on differences in suburbanisation between the majority and minority populations
after the demise of the Soviet Union. We will investigate the (a) individual level
characteristics of those members of the ethnic minority population who left core cities
and those who stayed; and (b) destination choice of suburbanizers. We are specifically
interested in clarifying the role of socio-economic status (measured by education and
occupation) and ties with the majority population and host society (measured by
country of birth, partner ethnicity and majority language proficiency) on the
probability to suburbanise, and on the probability to settle in rural areas in the
suburban ring for ethnic minorities. The latter areas are the main sites of ongoing
suburban transformation in many formerly centrally planned countries in Europe since
they provide available land for the construction on new residential areas, which was
previously used for agricultural purposes (Kulu and Billari 2004; Ouředníček 2007;
Tammaru et al. 2009). In Estonia only few members of the ethnic minority population
lived in rural municipalities in the suburban ring by the end of the Soviet period.
Estonia was one of the member states of the former Soviet Union between
1944 and 1991. Ethnic minorities form about a third of the Estonian population, with
the largest minority groups being Russians (80% minorities), Ukrainians (7%),
Byelorussians (4%) and Finns (3%). Ninety per cent of the ethnic minorities live in
urban areas and they form about half of the total urban population. In this study, a
‘core city’ is defined as a continuous built-up area, which includes both the inner city
area and Soviet time high-rise housing estates and some older areas with detached
housing from the inter-War and Soviet periods. The ‘suburban ring’ is defined as the
municipalities surrounding the core cities, but within daily commuting distance (see
the data and methods section for more details). This is the area of most intense inmigration and housing development in Estonia over the last two decades (Tammaru et
al. 2009). We define suburbanisation as a process of intra-metropolitan population
dispersal: moves from core cities to the suburban ring.
Most of the previous research on ethnic minority suburbanisation has been done in
North American and West European contexts. These studies reveal that ethnic
minorities are still more likely to live in core cities than those belonging to majority
populations, but there is also an increasing trend towards ethnic minority
suburbanisation (Bonvalet 1995; Wen et al. 2009). In this section we will review
literature on ethnic differences in suburbanisation rates, and literature on the
destinations and characteristics of minority suburbanizers.
Many studies show that ethnic minorities are not always willing or able to
suburbanize at a similar rate as the majority population (Hou 2006; Massey and
Denton 1988). For example, discriminatory practices towards minorities in the
housing and labour markets, or the preference to live together with co-ethnic could
decrease the likelihood that ethnic minorities leave core cities (Kulu and Billari 2004).
High concentrations of ethnic minorities in cities could lead to higher out-migration
rates for the majority population (Alba and Nee 2003; Bolt et al. 2008; Frey and Liaw
1998; Feijten and van Ham 2009; van Ham and Clark 2009; van Ham and Feijten
2008). This implies that a higher suburbanisation rate of the members of the majority
population relative to members of the minority population could lead to an increase in
ethnic minority concentration in core cities despite growing minority suburbanisation.
Most of the research on minority suburbanisation focuses on the destinations
of minority suburbanizers and its effects on residential segregation or integration with
the majority population. Several studies found evidence that suburbanisation increases
co-residence of ethnic minorities with the majority population (Clark 2006; GoodwinWhite 2007; Logan et al. 1996). This is partly explained by the similarity of the
causes that shape residential choices of both minority and majority populations
(Finney and Simpson 2008; Newbold 1996). Moves to suburban areas are strongly
related to life course events, housing needs, and increased personal wealth. All these
motives also trigger moves of members of the minority populations to suburban
destinations, and contribute to their increased co-residence with the majority
population (Alba and Nee, 2003). Also characteristics which measure minority
exposure to, or ties with, the host country (for example, immigrant generation, host
language proficiency, ethnic intermarriage, and host country citizenship) have been
found to increase co-residence of ethnic minorities with the majority population in
suburban areas (Alba et al. 1999; Brubaker 2001; Painter and Zhou 2008). In short,
when the socio-economic status of ethnic minorities improves, and when they develop
stronger ties with their host society, they are more likely to move to suburban
locations with relatively high percentages of the majority population (Bolt and van
Kempen 2010).
Other studies show that ethnic minorities suburbanise to ethnic suburbs, in
which case suburbanisation does not necessarily increase co-residence with the
majority population (Li 1998). According to the group affinity hypothesis, social
networks and institutional resources are more likely to flourish in large, viable, ethnic
communities. Own-group preference and spatial self-selection out of a desire for
cultural cohesion imply that even wealthy minorities that move to suburban
destinations might still prefer to reside in own-group ethnic areas (Goodwin-White
2007). As a consequence, patterns of core city ethnic segregation are replicated in
suburban areas. Li (1998) introduced the concept of ‘ethnoburbs’ to characterize the
emerging minority clusters in the suburbs.
Ethnic concentrations in suburbs are not necessarily the result of choice. The
structure of the housing market can also lead to the formation of suburban ethnic
clusters (Pamuk 2004). A study from Australia showed that ethnic minorities tend to
cluster in older and cheaper housing stock available in the suburban areas (Randolph
and Holloway, 2005). The spread of social housing construction to the suburban ring
has an important effect on the concentrations of ethnic minorities in certain suburban
areas in European countries (Bonvalet et al. 1995). Thus, the relationship between the
socio-economic status of ethnic minority suburbanisers and their residential
destinations in the suburbs are contested. Along with the increase in co-residence with
the majority population in suburban areas, the concentration of both wealthy and
disadvantaged ethnic minorities into specific suburban locations can also be observed.
We have summarised the above literature review into three theoretical models
of minority and majority suburbanisation and how these can change the ethnic
landscape in metropolitan areas (Figure 1). Model 1 is characterised by a low
suburbanisation rate of ethnic minorities and a high suburbanisation rate of the
majority population. The result is an increasing concentration of ethnic minorities in
the city. Model 2 is characterised by suburbanisation of all ethnic groups, which leads
to increasing minority-majority co-residence in metropolitan space. Model 3 is
characterised by minority suburbanisation to specific locations in the suburban ring,
leading to suburban ethnic clusters.
Figure 1 shows that the literature review revealed various patterns of minority
suburbanisation in Western Europe, North America and Australia. Different patterns
for different ethnic groups within individual cities and countries arriving at different
times add further diversity to metropolitan ethnic change (Alba and Nee 2003; Finney
and Simpson 2008). An important cause of these diverse patterns is that existing
studies have different time horizons. Only a few studies are able to explicitly study
differences in the probability to suburbanize by immigrant generation. Because the
factors shaping the first settlement choices of new immigrants in a country and their
later spatial mobility choices differ strongly, Hou (2006) suggests that it would be
ideal to find research areas where minority populations do not increase through
immigration in order to better understand the residential choices of established ethnic
minority populations over time. Estonia is such a place: it has a very sizeable minority
population, but has not experienced major immigration since the demise of the Soviet
Union in 1991. Furthermore, Estonia is undergoing rapid suburbanisation similarly to
many other formerly centrally planned countries in Europe (Tammaru et al. 2009).
To better understand contemporary suburbanisation patterns in formerly centrally
planned countries in Europe, we will briefly discuss the evolution of metropolitan
areas under central planning. From the 1960s to the 1980s, the drive towards
industrialisation and constant housing shortages led to the construction of large
standardized high-rise housing estates in larger cities of the Soviet Union and East
Central Europe (Smith 1996; Kährik and Tammaru 2010). Public housing was highly
subsidized by the state (Sýkora, 2009), making it an attractive segment of the housing
“market” (Leetmaa et al. 2009). Most of the high-rise housing construction remained
within the core cities, but over time similar housing started to spread to suburban ring
as well. The development of secondary urban centres or satellite towns intensified in
the 1970s, when part of the industrial and housing investment was allocated to areas
within commuting distance from major cities in order to limit the population growth
of these cities (Lappo 1992).
Detached housing remained the dominant housing type in rural areas in the
suburban ring, although pre-fabricated apartment blocks were built in rural areas as
well in the former Soviet Union (mainly in the central settlements of collectivized
farms). Single-family homes were built almost exclusively by homeowners
themselves and the construction often took several years of hard work (Konrád and
Szelényi 1974). Central planners supported such initiatives indirectly in order to
alleviate metropolitan housing shortages (Gentile and Tammaru 2006). Selfconstruction also implied that detached houses became mainly available to manual
workers (Konrád and Szelényi 1974; Smith 1996). The high attraction of subsidized
urban apartments on the one hand, and self-construction as an important mean of
access to suburban detached housing on the other caused socio-spatial differentiation
of the population. Consequently, we find that people with a higher social status were
somewhat over-represented in core cities and in urban apartments while people with a
lower social status were somewhat over-represented in suburban areas and in
detached houses (Kulu 2003; Tammaru and Leetmaa 2007).
In the former Soviet Union, ethnicity was an additional element of the
metropolitan level socio-spatial differentiation in many satellite states. The few
existing studies document a considerable ethnic segregation as a result of the
relationships between immigration, industrialisation, and central allocation of housing
(Kulu 2003; Gentile and Sjöberg 2010; Gentile and Tammaru, 2006). New housing
with modern facilities in the cities of member states of the former Soviet Union, was
preferentially allocated to Russian and other Slavic immigrants (Kulu 2003; Smith
1996). The allocation of immigrants to newly built pre-fabricated apartment blocks
caused them to settle in core cities and in satellite towns, whereas the native
population was over-represented in rural areas within the suburban ring (Tammaru
2001). The establishment of an ethnic infrastructure, such as Russian-language
schools and cultural houses, followed population patterns and therefore became
widely available in core cities and satellite towns. Satellite towns were spatially
compact with manufacturing plants being the main employers, while rural areas just
around the core cities remained agricultural in character until the very end of the
Soviet period (Kulu and Billari 2004; Lappo 1992).
To conclude, by the end of the Soviet period, two distinct areas had emerged
in the suburban ring around larger cities in many satellite states; industrial satellite
towns with mainly urban apartments and high concentrations of (Russian and other)
immigrant populations, and rural areas dominated by agricultural activities with
mainly detached housing and a low presence of immigrant populations. This legacy of
the Soviet time has left a clear impact on contemporary patterns of suburbanisation in
those countries. After the fall of the Soviet Union, agricultural production collapsed in
many rural areas in the suburban rings of core cities, which meant that this land
became available for new residential suburban developments.
In the former satellite states of the Soviet Union live about 25 million Russians, which
form the most important ethnic minority group in those countries (Poppe and
Hagendoorn 2001). In Estonia, ethnic minorities form one third of the total
population, and Russians form 80 per cent of the minority population. Ethnic
minorities form 46 per cent of the total core city population of Estonia and 19 per cent
of the suburban ring population (see the data and methods section for more details).
Seventy per cent of ethnic minorities live in the core cities of Tallinn and regional
towns, and another 6 per in their suburban rings. The respective figures are 38 and 10
per cent for Estonians. The political and economic reforms that followed after the
demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 had an important ethnic dimension.
First, in the process of nation-building in the newly independent countries, the
position of Russians changed dramatically; from being the largest and most powerful
ethnic group in the former Soviet Union, they now suddenly became a minority group
in the independent states (the former satellite states) (Laitin 1998). In Estonia, the two
most important elements of this nation-building process were related to language and
citizenship policies (Rannut 2008). Estonian language replaced Russian as the official
language of Estonia. The decisive precondition for getting Estonian citizenship was
proficiency in Estonian language (Lindemann 2009). The language requirement was
far reaching as many Russian immigrants who had lived in Estonia for a long time, or
where even born in Estonia, did not qualify for Estonian citizenship because of a lack
of language skills. A lack of language skill also limits access to the labour market as
Estonian language proficiency is required by law in public and some private sector
jobs (Lindemann 2009). According to the 2000 Census, around 40 per cent of the
ethnic minorities in Estonia had Estonian citizenship, 19 per cent were Russian
citizens, and as many as 38 per cent had no citizenship at all (Tammaru and Kontuly
Second, ethnic minorities in Estonia suffered more than the native population
from the shift from a Soviet time industry based economy to a services based
economy (Aasland and Fløtten 2001), partly because towards the end of the Soviet
period, Russians and other minority groups were especially over-represented in
manufacturing. While unemployment was non-existent in Estonia at the end of the
Soviet period; in 2000, 19 per cent of the ethnic minorities and 12 per cent of the
Estonians were unemployed (Tammaru and Kulu 2003). Being proficient in Estonian
language and having Estonian citizenship reduced the risk of unemployment among
members of the minority population, but did not bring it down to the level of
Estonians (Lindemann and Saar 2008). The changes in occupational structure are also
notable; the largest decreases in minority employment were in public administration
and financial intermediation after the demise of the Soviet Union (Tammaru and
Kulu, 2003). The decreased share of minorities in public administration is quite
characteristic of the former satellite states of the Soviet Union (Kaiser 1995) and is
partly explained by the nation-building process and the requirement to speak Estonian
in such occupations.
The literature review on patterns and processes of ethnic minority suburbanisation, the
features of the ongoing (sub)urban change in the formerly centrally planned countries
in Europe, and the changes in the relative position of ethnic minorities in Estonia over
the last decades lead us to two hypotheses on ethnic differences in suburbanisation in
Hypothesis 1. Ethnic minorities are less likely to move from core cities to the
suburban ring, and especially less likely to move to rural municipalities within the
suburban ring, than those belonging to the majority population.
There are several reasons to expect why ethnic minorities are less likely to move to
the suburbs than the majority population in Estonia. First, studies in other immigrant
societies observe that minorities are not always able or willing to leave core cities at
an equal rate compared to the majority population (Hou 2006; Massey and Denton
1988). Those who do move to the suburbs do so within a few years after arrival as
part of their housing adjustment process (Bonvalet et al. 1995; Texeira 2007).
However, Estonia has a long established minority population with very few new
immigrants since the country regained independence in 1991. Second, the ethnic
infrastructure, including Russian-language schools, is most dense in the core cities.
This makes moves to the suburbs less attractive for the Russian minority population.
Third, Estonians have more economic resources to improve their housing conditions
and residential location within the metropolitan space than ethnic minorities. Studies
on ethnic differences in labour market performance reveal a clear “glass ceiling”
effect for ethnic minorities (Lindemann and Saar 2008). Fourth, the housing condition
of many Estonian households living in core cities towards the end of the Soviet period
were worse than those of ethnic minorities (Kulu 2003). This makes them more likely
to leave the core cities in search for better housing. All these factors lead us to expect
a higher suburbanisation rate among ethnic Estonians than among ethnic minorities. If
this hypothesis is correct, this will lead to an increasing concentration of ethnic
minorities in core cities (see Figure 1, Model 1). We expect that the probability of
moving to rural municipalities in the suburban ring is especially low among the
members of the ethnic minority population since this implies moving away from the
established minority settlement areas.
Hypothesis 2. Higher socio-economic status and stronger ties with the majority
population increase the probability that members of the ethnic minority population
move to rural destinations in the suburban ring.
Previous studies in other immigrant countries do not provide conclusive evidence of
those minority characteristics that lead to an increase of minority-majority coresidence in suburban areas. For example, it has been found that minorities with a
higher socio-economic status move to both majority-dominated (Clark 2006; Logan et
al. 1996) and minority-dense (Li 1998; Wen et al. 2009) suburban destinations. The
context of suburban change in Estonia leads us to expect that minorities with a higher
socio-economic status would be more likely to settle in rural destinations in the
suburban ring (Figure 1, Model 2), while minorities with a lower socio-economic
status would be more likely to settle in urban destinations in the suburban ring (Figure
1, Model 3). Satellite towns offer more affordable housing, and previous studies on
general mobility patterns for the Estonian population show that these areas are
attractive destinations for those with a lower-socio-economic status (Leetmaa and
Tammaru 2007). Rural areas around core cities offer better opportunities for
improving ones housing condition since most of the more attractive dwellings,
including new residential areas and detached housing, could be found there (Tammaru
et al. 2009). Following previous studies, we also expect that stronger ties with the
majority population and the host society would increase the probability that ethnic
minorities move to non-ethnic concentration destinations: rural areas within the
suburban ring (Figure 1, Model 2). Weak ties with the majority population and the
host society would increase the probability of moves to secondary ethnic clusters:
satellite towns within the suburban ring (Figure 1, Model 3).
This study uses anonymous individual-level data from the 2000 Estonian Census. The
data includes the entire population living in the 15 urban regions of Estonia (Figure
2). All areas surrounding a core city from which at least 30 percent of the workers
commute to the core city are defined as being part of the urban region (see Kährik and
Tammaru 2008; Ouředníček 2007). We distinguished three types of metropolitan
areas based on the size of the urban area: capital city, regional town, and county seat
metropolitan areas. The total size of the research population is 697,121 people. We
identified 660,495 ‘stayers’ who live in a core city in both 1989 and 2000. We also
identified 36,626 suburbanisers who lived in a core city in 1989, but in a suburban
ring in 2000.
<<<<FIGURE 2 about here>>>>
This study distinguishes two different residential contexts within the suburban ring.
Rural municipalities located within the suburban ring represent areas with a low
population density, a high share of detached houses and a low share of minority
population (on average 10 per cent). Urban municipalities in the suburban ring
(Soviet-era satellite towns) represent a quite different suburban residential context,
with a high share of apartments and ethnic minorities (43 per cent). Moves of ethnic
minorities from core cities to rural suburban municipalities could be seen as moves
away from core city ethnic concentration areas, lowering core city ethnic
concentrations. Moves of ethnic minorities to suburban municipalities with higher
densities could be seen as moves to secondary ethnic clusters.
<<<<TABLE 1 about here>>>>
There are some important compositional differences between Estonians and ethnic
minorities living in the urban regions of Estonia (Table 1). First, as one would expect,
the migration background is different because only two per cent of Estonians but 52
per cent of ethnic minorities are foreign-born. Estonia already has a large secondgeneration immigrant population, and a third generation of immigrants is emerging as
well. This provides researchers with an excellent opportunity to study differences in
spatial redistribution by immigrant generation. Most of the ethnic minorities live in
urban areas and multifamily houses.
To investigate the probability that different groups move from core cities to
the suburban ring, we have fitted a series of multinomial logistic regression models
(dependent categories are: stay in core city; move to rural municipality in suburban
ring; move to urban municipality in suburban ring). The models can be written as
p(Yi = j)
p(Yi = J)
= α + ∑ βjk Xik
where p(Yi =j) is an individual’s i = 1, … I probability of being a suburbaniser to a
rural (j=1) or an urban (j=2) municipality, and p(Yi = J) is the probability of being a
stayer in a core city (J=3). α is the constant, and Xik is an individual level variable,
and βjk is the parameter for this individual level variable, with K variables. We first
estimate a model for the whole population to investigate ethnic differences in
suburbanisation and to test hypothesis 1 (Table 2). Next we estimate a model only
including ethnic minorities to test hypothesis 2 (Table 3).
There are large ethnic differences in Estonian suburbanisation patterns. The majority
population is over-represented among movers from core cities to the suburban ring:
80 per cent of the suburbanisers are Estonians, while they only make up 54 per cent of
the population living in core cities. Subsequently ethnic minorities, who make up 46
per cent of the population residing in the core cities, account for only 20 per cent of
moves from core cities to the suburban ring. There are also important differences by
ethnicity in destinations within the suburban ring. Of those who suburbanise, 86 per
cent of Estonians settle in rural municipalities in the suburban ring, while only 50 per
cent of the ethnic minorities settle in rural municipalities. The other half moves to
urban satellite towns in the suburban ring.
The choice of destination differs by type of urban region (see Figure 2 for
locations and types). Thirty seven per cent of ethnic minorities suburbanising from
Tallinn city move to rural municipalities, compared to just over 73 per cent of those
from regional core cities, and 95 per cent of those moving from County seat cities.
These differences clearly reflect regional differences in the structure of the housing
market, as it is mainly the larger cities which have urban satellite towns in their
suburban ring. A similar relationship between type of urban region and destination
choice can be found for ethnic Estonians, but the differences are much smaller. Eighty
per cent of those suburbanising from Tallinn move to rural municipalities, 92 per cent
of those from regional cities, and 94 per cent of those from county seat cities.
Table 2 presents a multinomial logistic regression model of residential
mobility destinations in the 1989–2000 period, for those who lived in cities in 1989
(including both Estonians and ethnic minorities). The reference category consists of
those who are still in core cities in 2000. We modelled the probability that people
moved to either urban or rural destinations in the suburban ring of cities. The
modelling results confirm that Estonians are more likely to suburbanise than ethnic
minorities. There are important differences between the two suburban destinations.
The ethnic differences in the probability to move to urban destinations in the suburban
ring are much smaller than the ethnic differences in the probability to move to rural
destinations in the suburban ring. For example, Russians are 1.13 times (1/0.888) less
likely than Estonians to move to urban destinations, but 6.41 times (1/0.156) less
likely to move to rural destinations in the suburban ring. These results confirm our
earlier descriptive findings and indicate that these are real ethnic differences and not
differences caused by other compositional effects (as we control for many individual
characteristics in the model). The model gives us some insight in why there are these
ethnic differences in destination choices. We controlled for socio-economic status by
including level education and occupation in the model. This indicates that the ethnic
differences are likely to be caused by differences in preferences (urban destinations
provide better services for ethnic minorities), and in lack of access to rural
destinations because of a range of barriers related to ethnic infrastructure and housing,
including relatively low earnings of minorities. The suburbanisation patterns seem to
suggest that the concentration of ethnic minorities in the core cities and satellite towns
in suburban ring will increase due to selective ethnic migration patterns.
<<<TABLE 2 about here>>>
The parameters of the control variables in the model in Table 2 are largely as
expected. Women are slightly less likely to move to rural municipalities in the
suburban ring than men (compared to staying in the city and moving to urban
suburbs). Because most moves are likely to be made in a household context, and our
data does not allow us to control for this, it is difficult to give a meaning to this result.
However, there are some indications that urban residence is more attractive for
women than for men (Halfacree and Boyle 1999). The probability of suburbanisation
is highest for the younger birth cohorts, and decreases with age. This age effect
reflects that moving propensity generally drops with age. Those living in couples are
more likely to have moved to the suburban ring than singles, especially to rural
destinations. So after controlling for ethnicity, suburbanisation has a clear life course
and family dimensions. Our results also confirm earlier research (Tammaru and
Leetmaa 2007) showing that in the 1990s people with a low level of education were
more likely to move to the suburbs than university educated people, and especially to
the urban areas in the suburbs. The reasons for this are likely to be complex and
possibly linked to urban employment and income. Unfortunately, we do not have
income data, but previous research shows that also in Estonia education is a
reasonable proxy for income (Helemäe et al. 2000). Especially urban areas in the
suburbs might be attractive to those with a lower level of education because these
provide cheap accommodation: Soviet time urban apartments are priced lower in
suburban areas relative to core cities. Occupation was found to be a good predictor of
suburbanisation as well. Those in managerial positions are the most likely to
suburbanise, especially to rural destinations in the suburban ring. Managers are likely
to enjoy good incomes and they are found to move to the most attractive suburban
housing. Finally, the model shows that those living in the largest cities are most likely
to suburbanise to urban areas in the suburban ring and those living in county seat
cities are most likely to move to rural areas in the suburban ring. By including this
variable we controlled for some of the structural housing market differences between
Table 3 presents a similar multinomial logistic regression model, but this time
only including ethnic minorities. Again, the reference category consists of those who
are still in core cities in 2000 and we modelled the probability that people moved to
either urban or rural destinations in the suburban ring of cities. The model in Table 3
allows us to examine more closely the role of ethnic minority specific characteristics
in suburbanisation behaviour. The results show that other non-Slavic ethnic groups
have the highest probability to move from cities to suburban (both urban and rural)
areas. They are most likely the least sensitive of all ethnic groups to the existence of
ethnic specific infrastructure such as schools. As expected, the probability to move to
urban destinations in the suburban ring is highest for recent immigrants (first
generation/foreign born) and lowest for third generation ethnic minorities. The
probability to move to rural suburban locations seems to increase with immigrant
generation. Although the differences are not statistically significant, we think they are
still meaningful as we are working with data including the whole population of
Estonia, not a sample. So we could carefully argue that the longer ethnic minorities
are in Estonia for, the more likely they are to move away from traditional ethnic
concentration areas in both the city and suburbs. The results for other variables which
measure ties with the majority population and host country are more straightforward.
Those with Estonian language proficiency and Estonian citizenship are the most likely
to move to rural municipalities within the suburban ring. Minorities who do not speak
Estonian, or who have Russian citizenship are most likely to stay in core cities.
Furthermore, ethnic minorities with an Estonian partner are 3.3 times more likely to
move to rural municipalities in the suburban ring than singles and those with a
minority partner.
<<<TABLE 3 about here>>>
The effects of age, level of education, and labour market characteristics are similar to
those in the model for the whole population. The probability to suburbanize decreases
with age, but the age effect on the probability to move to rural areas is less
pronounced than for the whole population. Those with university education are the
least likely to suburbanise. Ethnic minorities in managerial occupations are the most
likely to suburbanise, especially to rural destinations. The effect of education is much
stronger for ethnic minorities than for the whole population (see Table 2). As found
for the whole population, those living in the capital city metropolitan area are the
most likely to move to urban areas in the suburban ring. These satellite towns around
the capital city have a well established ethnic infrastructure and this seems to be an
important trigger of minority moves to suburban destinations.
The results of this study confirm our first hypothesis: ethnic minorities are less likely
to move from core cities to the suburban ring than Estonians. These differential
residential patterns can be partly explained by ethnic differences in both preferences
and opportunities to participate in residential suburbanisation. The lower probability
of ethnic minorities to leave cities could be due to a higher presence of co-ethnics and
a high density of ethnic infrastructure in core cities relative to the suburban ring. Also
the fact that ethnic minorities are over-represented in the best segment of the urban
stock of apartments, and that they therefore gained more from housing privatisation in
the cities, contributes to their lower out migration rates. Estonians are more likely
than ethnic minorities to leave core cities and move to the suburban ring, and
especially to rural destinations.
Although the elevated out-migration of the majority population from core
cities implies that these become more ethnically concentrated (Figure 1, Model 1), the
Estonian literature gives little reason to suggest that the underlying mechanisms can
be interpreted in a similar way as the ‘White Flight’ process observed in the United
States (Frey and Liaw, 1998). First, Estonians had more to gain from moving to the
suburbs because they lived in relatively poor quality urban housing by the end of the
Soviet period (Kulu 2003). Second, Estonians also gained more economically from
the post-Soviet transition period than ethnic minorities (Lindemann and Saar 2008),
giving them the financial means to suburbanise. The higher probability of ethnic
minorities to stay in core cities is most likely related to the higher density of ethnic
infrastructure such as Russian language schools and cultural clubs in core cities
compared to suburban ring.
We also found significant ethnic differences in destination choices within the
suburban ring. Ethnic minorities are less likely to settle in rural municipalities than
Estonians, and more likely to move to secondary ethnic clusters in the suburban ring
(Figure 1, Model 3). There are several possible explanations for this. One of them is
that ethnic minorities have a less strong preference for single-family houses than
Estonians (Kulu 2003). Estonia went through a rapid suburbanisation period during
the inter-War period, before the large-scale immigration of Russians started. For
example, Tallinn lost about 20 per cent of its population to the largest garden town
Nõmme that was built during the 1920s and 1930s (Tammaru 2001). During Soviet
time Estonia, when large numbers of immigrants entered the country, standardised
high-rise housing became the norm (Kährik and Tammaru 2010). There is also
another reason which explains why Estonians are over-represented in moves to rural
municipalities in the suburban ring. While ethnic minorities gained from the housing
privatisation process that transformed sitting tenants into home owners of the post
WW II housing stock, ethnic Estonians gained from the restitution of pre-War land
and housing properties in the suburban ring to their gainful owners (Kõre et al. 1996).
A third reason is that while some ethnic infrastructure could be found in urban
municipalities in the suburban ring, such infrastructure is almost missing in rural
municipalities. Thus, only those minorities who do not need the existence of ethnic
infrastructure will be able and willing to settle in the latter areas.
One of the most important findings of our study highlights that ethnic
minorities who show strong ties with the majority population and the host country
(speaking Estonian, having Estonian citizenship, and living with an Estonian partner),
are the most likely to suburbanise and to settle in rural municipalities in the suburban
ring, which increases co-residence with the majority population (Figure 1, Model 2).
This confirms our second hypothesis. Lacking such ties increases the probability to
stay in cities, or move to urban municipalities in the suburban ring (Figure 1, Model
3). Living with an Estonian partner has an especially strong effect on moves to rural
We found relatively strong effects of people’s phase in the life course (age and
partner status) on suburbanisation behaviour, irrespective of ethnic origin. During the
Soviet period, due to housing shortages, housing careers were only weakly related to
changes in life courses: once people were allocated an urban apartment, it was
difficult to make any subsequent moves (Gentile and Tammaru, 2006; Gentile and
Sjöberg 2010). This changed during the transition period and we now observe that
especially young people and families are prone to moving to suburban destinations.
We also found that having economic resources is important to explain
suburbanisation. During the Soviet period, access to detached housing was a function
of both economic resources and the ability to self-build, while nowadays the role of
economic resources has increased. Other studies have shown that more affluent
households in Estonia move to the suburban ring to improve their housing conditions
(Kährik and Tammaru, 2008), or to improve their socio-spatial status (Golubchikov
2009). Those with less resources have been found to move to less attractive suburban
destinations (Tammaru and Leetmaa 2007). The above effects of socio-economic
characteristics were found for both Estonians and ethnic minorities.
This study has provided new insights into the ethnic dimensions of
suburbanisation patterns of the mainly Russian minority population residing in the
countries that were once part of the former Soviet Union. Given the ethnically
selective process of suburbanisation found in Estonia, suburbanisation has an effect
on ethnic concentrations of both cities and suburban locations. Cities and urban areas
in the suburban ring are becoming more ethnically concentrated. Rural municipalities
in the suburban ring will remain residential locations for ethnic Estonians and those
minorities that have established close ties with the majority population in their host
society, e.g. by being proficient in the native language. The rural areas are the main
sites of new residential construction both in Estonia (Tammaru et al. 2009) and many
other formerly centrally planned countries in Europe (Ouředníček 2007).
The socio-spatial polarisation that results from the higher suburbanisation
rates of wealthier people in East European countries has an additional ethnic
dimension in the countries of the former Soviet Union with a large minority
population, such as Estonia. Therefore, there is a need for further comparative and indepth research in other countries of the former Soviet Union which focuses more
explicitly on the ethnic dimension of urban change.
We acknowledge the financial support provided by the Estonian Science Foundation
(grant no. 8774), the Estonian Ministry of Education and Science (target financed
research project no. SF0180052s07), and the NORFACE research programme on
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Model 1. Low suburbanisation rate of ethnic minorities and high suburbanisation rate of the majority
population lead to increased segregation.
Model 2. Similar destinations of all suburbanizing groups lead to increased minority-majority coresidence.
Model 3. Different destinations of suburbanizers lead to the formation of suburban ethnic clusters.
Big outer circle denotes the boundary of the suburban ring
Small circle in the centre denotes core cities
Other small circles represent residential locations in the suburban ring
White, grey and black colours indicate an increasing share of the minority population
T1 refers to time 1; T2 refers to time 2
Figure 1. Three models of how minority and majority suburbanisation could change
the ethnic landscape in metropolitan areas.
Figure 2. Urban regions of Estonia.
Table 1. Compositional differences between Estonians and ethnic minorities in the
research population (%).
Place of
Location in
Born in Estonia, both parents Estonia born
Born in Estonia, one parent foreign born
Born in Estonia, both parents foreign born
Foreign born
In union
Not in union
Suburban ring around Tallinn
Regional towns
Suburban rings around regional towns
County seats
Suburban rings around county seats
Outside urban regions
Table 2. Multinomial logistic regression model of residential mobility destinations
between 1989 and 2000 (odds ratios). Total population, reference category are stayers
in core cities.
Other ethnicity
Birth cohort
After 1970
Before 1930
Family status
In union
Level of education
In education
Other white collar
Blue collar
Region of residence
Capital city urban region
Regional town urban region
County seat urban region
-2 Log likelihood = 20952.469
Significance: * p < 0.10 ** p < 0.05 *** p < 0.01
Suburbanizer to
urban areas
0.888 ***
0.879 *
1.133 ***
0.676 ***
0.499 ***
0.388 ***
0.319 ***
1.227 ***
0.842 ***
0.870 ***
0.703 ***
1.185 ***
0.491 ***
0.212 ***
0.259 ***
Suburbanizer to
rural areas
0.156 ***
0.228 ***
0.159 ***
0.265 ***
0.926 ***
1.094 ***
0.697 ***
0.636 ***
0.465 ***
0.264 ***
1.371 ***
0.885 ***
0.965 *
1.473 ***
0.321 ***
0.347 ***
0.459 ***
0.922 ***
1.251 ***
Table 3. Multinomial logistic regression model of residential mobility destinations
between 1989 and 2000 (odds ratios). Ethnic minority population only, reference
category are stayers in core cities.
Other ethnicity
First/Foreign born
Speaks Estonian
Partner ethnicity
Other country
Not chosen
Birth cohort
After 1970
Before 1930
Level of education
In education
Other white collar
Blue collar
Urban region
Capital city urban region
Regional town urban region
County seat urban region
-2 Log likelihood = 25891.889
Significance: * p < 0.10 ** p < 0.05 *** p < 0.01
Suburbanizer to
urban areas
1.252 ***
0.850 **
0.852 ***
1.182 *
0.892 *
1.115 ***
1.113 *
0.658 ***
0.455 ***
0.364 ***
0.285 ***
0.877 ***
0.664 ***
1.213 **
0.387 ***
0.149 ***
0.111 ***
Suburbanizer to
rural areas
1.297 ***
1.247 ***
1.288 ***
3.255 ***
0.537 ***
0.833 ***
0.858 ***
1.231 ***
0.579 ***
0.901 **
0.799 ***
2.393 ***
0.239 **
0.260 *
0.521 ***
0.780 ***
2.348 ***