On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
Robert P. Flood; Robert J. Hodrick
The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 4, No. 2. (Spring, 1990), pp. 85-101.
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Journal of Economic Perspectiues- Volume 4, ATumber 2- Spring 1990- Pages 85-101
On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
he possibility that movements in prices could be due to the self-fulfilling
prophecies of market participants has long intrigued observers of free markets. Such self-fulfilling prophecies are often called " bubbles" or "sunspots"
to denote their dependence on events that are extraneous to the market. The folklore
of such episodes includes the tulip bubble, the South Sea bubble and the Mississippi
bubble (all discussed in Peter Garber's article in this issue). and the increase in equity
prices during the "Roaring 20's" followed by the 1929 crash (discussed in Eugene
White's article in this journal). More recently, the rise and crash of stock prices from
1982 to 1987, the appreciation of the dollar on foreign exchange markets that peaked
in 1985, and sudden housing price increases in California and Massachusetts have
been attributed to speculative bubbles. The idea that bubbles might exist is often
traced to John Maynard Keynes's (1936) description of an equity market as an
environment in which speculators anticipate "what average opinion expects average
opinion to be," rather than focusing on things fundamental to the market.
If bubbles exist in asset markets, market prices of assets will differ from their
fundamental values. Markets would not necessarily be allocating the savings of
individuals to the best possible investment uses. Public policies might be designed to
attempt to rid the markets of bubbles. Although these problems have been discussed
for a long time, academic economists conducted relatively little formal empirical
analysis of actual markets until recently, probably because economists' analytical and
statistical tools were inadequate. Since economic theory placed essentially no restricI
Robert P. Flood is Senior Economist, International Monetav Fund, Washington, D.C., and
Robert J. Hodrick is Professor of Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northu~estern
University, Evanston, Illinois. Both authors are Research Associates of the National Bureau of
Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Journal of Economic Perspectives
tions on how agents formed expectations of future prices, empirical analysts had little
direction for studying the possibility of self-fulfilling prophecy. The widespread
adoption of the rational expectations hypothesis provided the required underpinning
for theoretical and empirical study of the issues.'
This paper surveys the current state of the empirically-oriented literature concerning rational dynamic indeterminacies, by which we mean a situation of selffulfilling prophecy within a rational expectations model. Empirical work in this area
concentrates primarily on indeterminacies in price levels, exchange rates and equity
prices.2 To provide a common ground for later analysis, we first examine a particular
type of explosive indeterminacy, usually called a rational bubble, in an example of the
market for equities. Then, we consider empirical work relating to price-level and
exchange-rate indeterminacies and empirical studies of indeterminacies in stock prices.
Finally, we take up some interpretive issues.
Some Intuition about Rational Bubbles
Many rational expectations models have an indeterminate aspect, as explained
by William Brock (1974), John Taylor (1977), and Robert Shiller (1978). Usually, this
indeterminacy arises when the current decisions of agents depend both on the current
market price and on their expectations of future prices. For example, consider a
simple economic model in which investors' demands for an equity depend on the
expected return on the equity. If a fixed amount of the equity is outstanding, the
current price is determined by the intersection of investor demands with the existing
supply. But, equilibrium demand depends upon the current equity price and the
beliefs of agents about equity prices in the future, since realized returns depend on the
cost of the equity today, on its resale value in the future and on any intermediate
dividends paid to holders of the stock. Since the current price depends on the
expectation of the future price and the expectation of the future price depends on the
current price, the simple theory cannot determine the market price. It only determines
sequences of prices. Only one sequence is the market fundamental price path, and the
others will have price bubbles.
In such circumstances, economic models require additional restrictions if they are
to make firm predictions about the current market price. If plausible theoretical
restrictions are added to the model, it is possible for a researcher to exclude a large
number of price paths, narrowing the field to a unique path. For example, Jean Tirole
(1985) demonstrates that real asset prices will be unique and will depend only on
market fundamentals in an economy with a finite number of rational infinitely-lived
' ~ a t i o n a lcxpectations is the requirement that the subjective expectations of the agents in a n economic
model be identical to the mathematical expectations of the model that are produced by the exogenous
sources of uncertaint) interacting with the behavior of the agents.
' ~ l i v i e r Blanchard and Mark Ll'atson (1982) also study the market for gold.
Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
tradem3 Since the assumption of infinitely-lived agents is controversial, some
economists find this anti-bubble logic uncompelling. Tirole (1985) also explores an
overlapping generations model of real asset pricing that does not exclude explosive
indeterminacies as equilibrium phenomena, but he finds that they occur only if the
rate of growth of the economy is higher than the steady state rate of return on capital.
Price level models that are consistent with many researchers' prior beliefs but that still
fail to exclude explosive indeterminacies are discussed by William Brock (1974) and
subsequently by Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff (1983, 1986). Interestingly,
explosive price level indeterminacies are much harder to rule out with a priori
theoretical arguments than are indeterminacies concerning real asset prices. Nonexplosive indeterminacies in rational expectations models, which we call sunspots, are even
harder to rule out with theoretical arguments than are explosive indeterminacies.
Many researchers argue that empirical tests for bubbles and sunspots are
uninteresting because they can be ruled out by certain types of rational economic
theories. Should these researchers still be interested in empirical tests of bubbles? We
answer yes, primarily because bubble tests are an interesting specification test of the
model. Since bubbles and sunspots arise in economic models that incorporate market
fundamentals, tests for these indeterminacies require correct specification of market
fundamentals. Bubble tests examine a composite null hypothesis of no bubbles and
correctly specified market fundamentals, which must be construed broadly to be both
the data series and the equations that constitute the economic model. Since bubble
tests can only legitimately be done on models that are not rejected by the data,
researchers must first conduct a battery of diagnostic tests. Bubble tests may be
powerful at detecting misspecifications of the model, even if it has passed other
specification tests.
It is our contention that no econometric test has yet demonstrated that bubbles
are present in the data. In each case, misspecification of the model or alternative
market fundamentals seems the likely explanation of the findings.
A Common Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Bubbles
If people in the economy are not averse to risk, and if they discount future utility
at a constant rate r , all assets would have the same constant expected real return in
equilibrium. The price of one equity share, q,, which is the sacrifice that is made to
purchase the asset, would be equal to the expected discounted present value of the
dividend accruing to ownership of the equity share during the ownership period, d l +
plus the price at which the share can be sold at the end of the ownership period, q,, ,.
No one thinks agents acttially live forever. but farnilirs can be effectively linked across gtnerations by
intergcnerational transfers and bequests. See Rarro (1989) for a discrission of this issuc as it applies to the
pffects on the economy of governrnrnt budget deficits.
Journal of Economic Perspectizles
These are the benefits from owning the asset. Hence,
q , + , ) denotes the expected value of the future dividend and the
where E , ( d , + ,
future price conditional on information available to people at time t . A typical asset
pricing formula can be derived from equation ( 1 ) by a recursive process. Update
equation ( 1 ) by one time period and substitute the resulting expression for q,+, into
the original equation. This gives
Then, update equation ( 1 ) again, and substitute for q,+, into equation (2). Do this
repeatedly. Next, use the law of iterated expectations, E,(E,+,(d,+,)) = E,(d,+,),
which recognizes that the expected value today of what we will expect about the
future when we have more information tomorrow is simply what we expect about the
future today with less information. The eventual result with an infinite number of
substitutions is that the current price equals the expected present value of all future
We attach a superscript f to this price because we define it to be the market
fundamentals price for this model since we assumed in its derivation that the discounted
value of the expected price infinitely far in the future is zero.
Equation ( 3 ) , however, does not give the only mathematical solution to equation
(1). T o characterize other solutions let the market price be the fundamentals price
plus something else that we will call a bubble, which we denote with B,:
A bubble thus represents a deviation of the current market price of the asset from the
value implied by market fundamentals. If the market price in equation (4) is to satisfy
equation ( I ) , the current value of the bubble must be the expected discounted value of
the future bubble next period. That is,
This shows that a bubble can be a possible outcome of this model, as long as the
bubble represents an expectation that the bubble will continue. Apparently, market
prices can be sternly sensible or very silly indeed. The definition of a bubble is
sometimes rewritten as:
On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
where b,+ = B,, - E,(B,+,). According to the terminology adopted by Olivier
Blanchard (1979), Robert Flood and Peter Garber (1980b) and Blanchard and Mark
Watson (1982), B, is a bubble in the equity price, and b,,, is the innovation in the
bubble at time t + 1 which has mean zero. Hence, if bubbles exist, they must be
expected to grow at the real rate of i n t e r e ~ t . ~
Theory is helpful in thinking about whether terms like B, can exist in rational
markets. For example, William Brock (1982) notes that if the researcher thinks that
the market can be analyzed by considering the maximization problem of a competitive, representative, infinitely-lived investor, there is a terminal condition (known as a
transversality condition) that allows the analyst to deduce that rational bubbles are
T o understand why this prevents bubbles from occurring, consider the consequences of several investment strategies available to a competitive agent. First, since
the representative agent lives forever, one possible investment is the buy and hold
forever strategy. This produces a marginal gain at time t equal to the expected
discounted value of all future dividends, which is the market fundamentals price. If
the actual price of the asset were less than the fundamentals price, the representative
agent could increase utility by buying the asset and planning to hold it forever. This
increased demand would raise the market price, eliminating the bubble. O n the other
hand, if an asset's price exceeded the market fundamentals price, rational competitive
agents would sell the asset because the utility gain would exceed the utility lost from
expecting to hold it forever. The decrease in demand would cause the market price to
Thus, if one is willing to argue for a representative investor model, then a test for
bubbles is a test of the underlying model; and a rejection of the hypothesis that no
bubbles exist is a rejection of the representative investor model, including the
transversality condition.
Another theoretical argument against bubbles is provided by Behzad Diba and
Herschel Grossman (1987,1988) who note that bubbles in real stock prices can never
be negative. From equation ( 5 ) , which provides the time path of a bubble, a negative
bubble at time t would be expected to grow more negative over time. From equation
(4), this implies that the market stock price would be expected to be negative within
finite time, since the market fundamentals price cannot grow that fast. Since you can
always walk away from your investment in the stock market, the stock price cannot be
negative. Hence, negative bubbles are inconsistent with rational expectations. Ruling
out negative bubbles is important since it implies that if a bubble ever is zero it cannot
start again because the innovation in the bubble, b,,,, which must have mean zero,
4 ~ h b
e ubble process is thr homogenous part of the solution to thc differrnce equation (1). Ed\&
Burnlrister. Robert Flood and Peter Garbrr (1983) explain several indeterminacies discr~ssed in the
literatnre In terms of the homogenous part of the solution. 'This type of indeterminacy is explosive since
(I + r ) > 1.
'see Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff (1983) for additional intuition and more formal discussion of
the transversalit); condition and for additional references to the mathr.matical literature on the subject
Journal of Economic Perspecttues
would not be mean zero since there would only be one way to go. Hence, any bubbles
currently present would have had to start at the initiation of the market.
Most of the empirical work on bubbles is concerned with the theoretical indeterminacy introduced above. The next two sections explore the empirical implications of
this type of indeterminacy in two settings: models of price levels and exchange rates
and of equity pricing.
Price-Level Bubble Tests
We now turn our attention to price-level bubble tests because they were the first
empirical tests, and methodological advances were built upon them. Indeterminacies
in theoretical models of the price level usually result when the demand for nominal
assets depends on the expected rate of inflation. Robert Flood and Peter Garber
(1980b) developed an empirical test for such bubbles in a monetary model of the
German hyperinflation first studied by Phillip Cagan (1956). Their model consists of a
money demand equation that is linear in natural logarithms, a money supply rule,
and money market equilibrium. The equation for money market equilibrium that
combines supply and demand is
The left-hand side of this equation represents the logarithm of actual real money
supply with m, equal to the logarithm of the nominal money supply at time t and p,
equal to the logarithm of the price level at time t. The right-hand side of the equation
states that the demand for real money balances deviates from a constant level ,l3 when
there is expected inflation, which decreases the demand for money, or when other
determinants given by the random error term v, change. The parameter a measures
the sensitivity of the demand for money with respect to expectations of inflation. The
equation is simple because the determinants of money demand other than expected
inflation are thought to be effectively constant in a hyperinflation.
The "market fundamentals" solution for the price level can be found by analogy
to the previous example of equity prices. In this case, the general price level p, plays
the role previously held by the equity price q , . T o find the market fundamentals
a ) as playing
solution, solve equation (7) for p, and think of k, = (m, - ,l3 - u,)/(l
the role of dividends paid at time t . Also, think of a / ( l
a ) as the counterpart of
r). By analogy with equation (2), the market fundamentals solution to
1j ( l
equation (7) is:
Equation (8) states that the price level at any given time is determined by the
discounted expected values of factors affecting the supply of money, m , relative to the
demand for money (as determined by demand parameter ,l3 and the factors in rl,). As
before, this formulation does not give all of the possible solutions to equation (7). A
Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
self-fulfilling price level bubble can be added to the market fundamental price if the
current value of the bubble depends on the discounted expectation of the future value
of the bubble such that E,(B,+,) = [ l ( l / a ) ] B , ,where the reciprocal of a / ( l + a )
is [ l + ( l / a ) ] . Instead of exploding at the real rate of interest, this model predicts
that logarithmic price level bubbles must explode at the rate ( I / & ) .
Although indeterminacies such as B, had been discussed in the theoretical
literature, Flood and Garber's (1980b) attempt to identify, estimate and test for a
bubble process removed it from the realm of pure theory and inserted it into empirical
economics. Flood and Garber assume that the nominal money supply is exogenous
and investigate its time series properties which are necessary in the estimation of the
reduced form equation. They also assume that v, follows a random walk. This
simplifies the forecasting problem in equation (8). They estimate a reduced form
equation for the rate of inflation assuming that a nonstochastic bubble process infects
the logarithm of the price. Consequently, the bubble process satisfies B, =
Bo[l ( l / a ) l l , and the no bubbles hypothesis is the coefficient restriction that the
initial bubble Bo = 0. A representative reduced form equation from their study is
where p, is the money growth rate and v, = v,_, + c,. Flood and Garber found no
evidence to reject the hypothesis that the parameter Bo was equal to zero, although
there are problems with their empirical methodology.
Flood and Garber mention three potential methodological weaknesses of their
study. First, they assume that money is exogenous which rules out feedback from
previous inflation to current money supply creation as would happen when the
government prints money to finance real expenditures. Second, they allow only for a
deterministic bubble process. Finally, for reasons that will be explained presently, their
statistical inference does not have solid foundations in asymptotic distribution theory.
Edwin Burmeister and Kent Wall (1982) use the Flood and Garber data and the
Cagan model to address the first two issues. They allow money growth to depend on
past money growth and past inflation, thus relaxing the exogeneity assumption, and
they allow a constant nonzero variance for the innovation in the bubble b,, which
allows the bubble to be stochastic. But, although both the Flood-Garber and the
Burmeister-Wall studies develop consistent parameter estimates, they lack convincing
tests of the no bubbles hypothesis because of an exploding regressor problem. Because
estimation is conducted under the alternative hypothesis that bubbles are present in
the economy, the reduced form regression ( 9 ) has [ 1 + ( l / a ) l l as the regressor
associated with the parameter Bo, the initial value of the bubble. This regressor is
exploding quite fast as t increases; indeed, it explodes so fast that the information
content of its most recent observation never goes to zero as a fraction of the
information content of all previous observations. This situation makes it easy to prove
consistency of the estimator of Bo since convergence is quick, but it presents serious
problems for testing hypotheses concerning Bo. The information structure of the
exploding regressor ensures that any time series sample no matter how large is always a
small sample, and standard central limit theorems do not apply.
Journal of Economic Perspectiues
The first attempt at circumventing the asymptotic distribution theory problem
was made by Flood, Garber and Louis Scott (1984) who use the fact that several
countries experienced simultaneous hyperinflations following World War I to test the
hypothesis that no bubbles have occurred in a time series-cross section framework. An
asymptotic distribution for the bubble coefficient in equation (9) is obtained by
approaching the hypothetical limit in the cross-sectional dimension; that is, by
thinking that the number of countries is going to infinity rather than assuming that
time periods are going to infinity. Unfortunately, Flood, Garber and Scott have data
for only three simultaneous hyperinflations. While they reject the hypothesis of no
bubbles in the three simultaneous hyperinflations, their appeal to large sample
distribution results is probably suspect.
More recently, the empirical approach to testing the no bubbles hypothesis has
taken a second, indirect approach. West (1987a) developed the indirect approach in
an application to the stock market, which is discussed below. Alessandra Casella
(1986) applies the West-style test to the German hyperinflation data. and it is in that
context that we introduce the test. The fundamental insight involves estimating the
parameters of a reduced-form price equation by two different methods.
In Casella's application to the German hyperinflation, the bubble test requires
two estimates of a , the sensitivity of money demand with respect to the expected rate
of inflation. The first estimation method delivers consistent (but inefficient) estimates
of the parameter and its standard error regardless of the presence of bubbles. This is
done by instrumental variable estimation of the money demand function ( 7 ) . The
second approach delivers parameter estimates and standard errors that are consistent
and efficient if bubbles are absent, but that are inconsistent if bubbles are present.
This second approach requires simultaneous estimation of a market-fundamentals
forecasting process and a reduced form equation like equation (9), but without the
bubble process present. Estimation is done subject to the rational expectations cross
equation restrictions, as derived by Lars Hansen and Thomas Sargent (1981). The
cross equation restrictions arise because the S parameters in equation (9) are functions
of a and the parameters that describe the money supply process.
The two estimates of a and their standard errors will yield numerically different
values, which motivates a Hausman (1978) specification test. This test investigates
whether the differences in the estimated coefficients are due to sampling error or to a
bias in the second estimates. For example, if the market price contains a bubble that is
correlated with some of the market fundamentals, then the second method which
leaves the bubble process out of the reduced form estimation will yield biased
coefficient estimates on the included variable^.^ In this circumstance, when all other
elements of the model are thought to be correct and are therefore inserted into the
maintained hypothesis, the Hausman test becomes a bubble test. One of the strengths
The bubble nped not be corrrlated with market fundarnrntals to apply the Hausman test. LVhilc a bias
may be created by correlation of thr bubble innovati<~ns\\ith innovations in any of the fundamental
variables. it may also bc crrated by thr bulblr's mean biasing the estimate of thr constant In thr I-educed
form or becarisr the irnproprrly rscluded bubbic has rsploding variance. S r r Gasella (1986).
On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
of this type of test is that the researcher does not have to specify an ad hoc restriction
on the variance of 6,-the weaknesses of the test will be discussed below.
When Casella implements her version of the West bubble test on the German
data, her results are consistent with the presence of price-level bubbles if the money
supply is maintained to be an exogenous process relative to inflation, but they are
consistent with the no bubbles hypothesis if the money supply is modeled as an
endogenous process in which case there is feedback from past inflation to current
money creation. Since the money supply is exploding in a hyperinflation, lack of
feedback implies an odd and perhaps implausible behavior of the monetary authority.
Exchange Rate Bubble Tests
A bubble that appears in a theoretical model of the price level, which is the value
of goods in terms of a particular currency, usually appears also in a model of the
foreign exchange value of that currency. Consequently, many models of price level
bubbles and exchange rate bubbles have points of equivalence, as Kenneth Singleton
(1987) notes.
Richard Meese (1986) applies the West (1987a) bubble test to the U.S. dollar
values of the deutschemark and the pound sterling exchange rates using a two-country
money market equilibrium model to determine exchange rates.' In his framework,
money demand in each country depends on real income and the interest rate, the
interest rate differential depends on the expected rate of change of the exchange rate,
and deviations from purchasing power parity are a random walk. These equations
may be solved for an exchange rate equation in which the current exchange rate
depends on current and expected future money supplies and real incomes, which
provides the market fundamentals solution. The West test indicates very strong
evidence of bubbles in these exchange rates during the period from October 1973 to
November 1982.
Kenneth West (1987b) conducts some additional bubble tests on the
deutschemark-dollar exchange rate and the associated market fundamentals from
January 1974 through May 1984. West uses a different test in this paper than the one
described above. He uses a construction similar to the variance bounds tests of
Stephen LeRoy and Richard Porter (1981), which are discussed below. to conclude
that exchange rate variability, in the absence of bubbles, is consistent with the
standard monetary model assumed by Meese but augmented to include money
demand errors-that is, other potential economic determinants of money demand,
0r know it-dge. Wing LVoo \\rote the first eschange-rate bubble paper. which was r\zrntually published
in 1087. LVoo uses a portfolio balancc rnodel to test for bubbles In t h r rschangc ratr of the C S. dollar
vrrsus t h r c u r r r n c i ~ sof Germany, Francr. C a n a d a and Japan. An intrrrsting asprct of his investigation is
that h r takrs a stand o n thr initiation ~ncchanismfor a n rschanqc r a t r bubblr by looking for bubbles just
a f t r r major monrtary disturbances. 'l'his mrthod. probably morr than most, runs t h r risk of confusing
bubblrs mith expected changes in market fundarnentals. W r rrturn to this possiblr confusit~n belo~v.
-4dditiunal bubblr tests involving foreign rvchangr markrts are by Kun111O k ~ n a(1985). Jeffrry Frankel
(IOiIi) a n d Paid Krngman (1986) d(,vvlop e m p ~ r i c a lanaiyscs that t h r valur {if t h r dollar rrlative to forrign
currenclrs IS not .'susta~nablr."Lt'h~lrthry motlvate their analyses by the strength of t h r dollar. \ \ h ~ c hthey
attributr poss~blyto a bubble, thry d o not trst formally for bubbles.
Journal of Economic Perspectives
and deviations from purchasing power parity as additional market fundamentals.
West argues that Meese's conclusion that bubbles are present is premature in the sense
that these additional features are not entertained by him. Their presence provides
additional market fundamentals that may explain exchange rates without the addition
of bubbles to the model. There are also additional criticisms of the Meese analysis that
we discuss below.
Bubbles and Stock Price Volatility
This section examines the issues of bubbles in stock prices and the relation of
bubble tests to excess volatility tests. A simple model that forms the foundation of
much of the asset price bubble and excess volatility literature is the constant expected
real return model presented near the start of this paper.8 Although many authors,
including those of popular financial textbooks such as Richard Brealey and Stewart
Myers (1981, pp. 42-45), often refer to this model as "a standard efficient markets
model," it should be understood that it is quite restrictive. This is only a simple
characterization of what one could mean by the concept of a n efficient market.g Since
we think that people are averse to risk, we do not think that this simple model is a
correct characterization of the actual economy. With risk aversion, there are good
reasons why expected returns on assets would fluctuate even in an efficient market.
Although bubbles could make asset prices more volatile than their market
fundamentals, certain kinds of asset price volatility tests are not well-designed to
provide tests for bubbles. Gregory Mankiw, David Romer, and Matthew Shapiro
(1985) note this point, and Robert Flood and Robert Hodrick (1986) elaborate upon
it. The problem is that the specification of the null hypothesis underlying the tests
includes bubbles, if they exist, into a composite null hypothesis. Consequently,
rejection of the null hypothesis cannot be attributable to bubbles.
This point is easily understood by consideration of the construction of the
volatility tests that have typically been conducted within the confines of the constant
expected rate of return model. Robert Shiller (1981) proposes a comparison between
the volatilities of actual prices and of what rational prices would have been with
perfect foresight. He defines the perfect foresight rational price to be the discounted
present value of actual dividends:
The expected value of the right-hand side of equation (10) is the market fundamental
price of the asset, and the validity of the constant expected return model can be tested
%re Robcrt Sh~llrr'sart& In this ~ssurand the critical survey bv Christian Gilles and Stephen LrRo);
( 1987) for addit~onal\ i e ~ \ p o ~ n t s
'See Eugenr Fama (19;fj) for a discussion of thr fact that market rflicirncy is always a joint hypothesis that
drprnds on a nlodrl of appropriate rxprcted asset returns and on an information set of investors.
Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
by examination of the null hypothesis that q, = E,(q,*). Since the realization of a
variable can be decomposed into its expectation conditional on a given information set
plus an innovation that is not correlated with the information set, the validity of the
model also implies the variance bound inequality V(q,) 2 V(q,*),if the unconditional
variance is we!l defined.
Notice that since it is impossible to measure the right-hand side of equation ( l o ) ,
econometric analysis must infer measurements of the discounted future value of
dividends. Sanford Grossman and Robert Shiller's (1981) measurable price, q^,,
truncates the infinite discounted sum of dividends in the last period of the sample, say
at time T, and substitutes the discounted market price at time T for the indefinite
future. With this definition, the actual market price, conditional on the validity of the
model, is the expected value of measurable rational price,
and the null hypothesis becomes V(q,) 5 V(4,). T o understand why bubbles are
included in this null hypothesis, notice that inclusion of qT = q J + B , on the
right-hand side of equation ( 1 1 ) implies that q, = E,(q^,) even if bubbles are present
because q, = q/
B,, and bubbles are expected to grow each period such that
E , ( B T ) = (1 r)T-lB,. Hence, these variance bounds tests are not well designed to
test for bubbles and statistical evidence of violation of the variance bounds inequality
in these tests cannot be taken as evidence of bubbles.
Shiller's (1981) first method of measuring the perfect foresight rational prices, on
the other hand, substitutes the discounted average price during the sample as the
forecast of the indefinite post-sample discounted sum of dividends. Unfortunately,
there is no reason why the hypothesis that market price is equal to expected perfect
foresight rational price should continue to be satisfied by this construction. Furthermore, Terry Marsh and Robert Merton (1986) demonstrate that this construction
could have misleading properties if dividends are smoothed by management to be an
exact function of current and past prices, since, by construction, the variance bound
inequality must be violated when the ex post rational price is defined this way.
Much of Shiller's (1981) and Grossman and Shiller's (1981) evidence against the
constant discount rate model is due to simple plots of the time series of actual prices
and of constructed ex post rational prices. The plots of the time series of constructed
ex post rational prices are considerably smoother than the time series of actual prices.
Allan Kleidon (1986) effectively criticizes these plots by demonstrating that simulated
data, generated to satisfy the model, produce plots that look very much like the plots
from actual data. Kleidon's dividend process is the lognormal random walk. One
reason the plots provide confusing evidence to the eye is that the perfect foresight
price is highly serially correlated, even if dividends are stationary, and the eye cannot
easily estimate the unconditional variance of such a process. Also, in Kleidon's case,
Journal of Economic Perspectives
dividends are actually nonstationary, which implies that the unconditional variance of
price does not exist.
West's Specification Test
As noted above, Kenneth West (1987a) developed an ingenious test for bubbles.
We now interpret the results of West's investigation of the Standard and Poor's
Composite Price Index and the Dow-Jones data that were first used by Shiller (1981).
West uses the constant expected return model in testing the null hypothesis of no
bubbles. H e first conducts a battery of tests to check that the return equation (1) is
consistent with the data, and he concludes that the evidence is not greatly at variance
with the assumption. He next estimates a dividend forecasting equation in which
future dividends depend upon the past history of dividends, and he checks its
consistency with the data. As noted above, the West specification test compares the
parameters in the projection of stock prices onto the information set of the dividend
forecasting equation to the parameter estimates constructed to satisfy the HansenSargent (1981) formulas, which use the estimated 1/(1
r ) and the parameters of the
dividend forecasting equation. Since there is a substantive difference in the two sets of
estimates, West (1987a, p. 554) concludes, "The data reject the null hypothesis of no
bubbles. T h e rejection appears to result at least in part because the coefficients in the
regression of price on dividends are biased upwards."
One aspect of West's test is criticized by Flood, Hodrick and Paul Kaplan (1987).
They note that estimation of 1/(1
r ) in the specification of the return generating
model presented in equation (1) involves using only the one-period relation between
current price and expected next period dividend and price, while testing the constructed relation of 1/(1
r ) and the parameters from the dividend forecasting
model to the reduced form coefficients involves implicit iteration of the return
generating model an infinite number of times as in the derivation of equations (2) and
(3). Although West does not find strong evidence against the specification of the
constant expected return model, when using the levels of real variables, Flood,
Hodrick and Kaplan find substantive evidence of misspecification of the model when
they iterate the equation for a second period. The latter authors change the specification in two other ways. They formulate the model in returns, and they use dividendprice ratios as instruments."
West (1987a) acknowledges this significant evidence against his model of equilibrium expected returns when these alternative instruments are used. He also attempts
to allow for time variation in expected returns within a linearized model with mixed
results. The support for finding bubbles in some of his specifications increases while it
decreases for others.
A second area of criticism of the West (1987a) specification test for bubbles is
that he assumes the dividend forecasting equations are stationary in either the levels of
' O ~ h e s efindings are consistent with the predictability of returns a t long hori~onsthat is docurnrnted by
Eugene Fama and Kenneth French (1988), Jarnes Poterba and Labvrrnce Summers (1988), and John
Campbell and Robert Shiller (1987, 1988a, b).
On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
real dividends or their first differences. Since most macroeconomic time series appear
to be stationary in first differences of natural logarithms of the real variables, both of
these specifications are somewhat suspect. In addition, the likelihood that a constant
dividend process characterizes over 100 years of data seems somewhat small given
what little is known about the dividend process.11
If we restrict attention to what West (1987a) actually estimates, for the Standard
and Poor's composite dividend process from 187 1 to 1980, the superior specification of
the dividend process appears to require first differencing and a second order autoregression. When variability of returns is allowed, and the test statistics are recalculated,
there is no evidence against the null hypothesis of no bubbles.
West (1987a) also notes that a popular model of the dividend process is the
lognormal random walk. In this case a closed-form expression for the price of the
stock is available in terms of 1/(1 + r ) and the mean and variance of the growth rate
of dividends. Since the asymptotic distribution theory necessary to provide a distribution for the coefficient in the projection of price onto dividends is inapplicable in this
case, West does no formal tests. Although the point estimates of the model are
inconsistent with the no bubbles hypothesis, the results are sensitive to the value of r,
and the no bubbles hypothesis cannot be rejected for plausible values of r. Since there
is sensitivity of the test to the estimated parameters, West interprets the results as mild
evidence against the null of no bubbles. But the evidence seems just as easily
interpretable in the opposite way, especially in light of potential for misspecification of
the model.
Recent Evidence on Stock Price Volatility
We conclude this section with a discussion of some of the current literature on the
excess variability of stock prices relative to dividends. A number of authors including
Mankiw, Romer and Shapiro (1985), West (1988a), and Campbell and Shiller
(1988a, b) test implications of the variability of stock prices relative to dividends. All
find that simple models such as the constant expected return model are inconsistent
with the data. T h e sensitivity of these tests to the assumed structure of the dividend
process and the model of returns is an outstanding issue for r e ~ e a r c h . ' ~
Examples of recent findings that intrigue us include the Campbell and Shiller
(1988a, b) studies and the West (1988a) volatility tests. Campbell and Shiller (1988a. b)
estimate a vector autoregression (VAR) of the logarithm of the dividend-price ratio,
Terry Marsh and Robert Merton (1987) investigate the aggregate dividend process and conclude that
there is support for the idea that managers smooth dividrnds. They argue that the only constraint on the
dividend process is that its present value be equal to the present value of earnings. Carnpbell and Shiller
(1987) question whether the findings of Marsh and Merton actually reflect dividend smoothing or simply
additional ability of the market to predict future dividends from information that is in addition to the past
h~storyof dividends. Campbell and Shiller (1988a) notr that a long average of the earnings of the Standard
and Poor'? composite relative to current price is useful in predicting dividrnds.
" ~ o e Mattev and Richard Meese (1986) investigate Monte Carlo simulations, using s ~ xdifferent data
generatinq environments, one of kvhich includes a stochastic bubble, of twenty-four test statistics that have
been proposrd as tests of asset priclng models. Their results indicate that some tests niay havt poor small
samplr properties.
>Journalof Economic Perspectiz'es
the logarithm of a long average of earnings relative to price, and the first difference of
the logarithm of dividends. The hypothesis of a constant expected rate of return then
implies a restriction across the coefficients of the VAR that is easily rejected by the
data. A by-product of the estimation is a ratio of the standard deviation of calculated
returns that are ccnstructed from the coefficients of the VAR assuming that the model
is true relative to the standard deviation of actual returns. This value is 0.277 with a
standard error of 0.069. Thus, the false model's predicted returns are much less
variable than actual returns. When the expected return on the stock market is allowed
to be variable but is postulated to be equal to a constant plus the expected real return
on commercial paper, the model is still rejected by the data at very low levels of
significance, but the ratio of the standard deviation of returns implied by the model to
the standard deviation of actual returns increases to 0.478 with a standard error of
West (1988a) develops a volatility test that is quite similar in its estimated
equations to the specification test described above. The test involves a comparison of
estimates, constructed using two different information sets, of the innovation variance
in the expected infinite sum of current and future dividends discounted at a constant
rate. One information set is taken to be current and past dividends, which is a proper
subset of the market's information set. The other information set is taken to be the
market price under the hypothesis that constant expected returns are correct. Forecasting with a smaller information set than the market's ought to result in a larger
innovation variance, but ?Vest finds the opposite and attributes a large part of the
volatility of prices to either bubbles or fads. I-Ie argues that time-varying expected
returns are unlikely to overturn the results.
Whether the actual volatility of equity returns is due to time variation in the
rational equity risk premium or to bubbles, fads, and market inefficiencies is a n open
issue.13 Bubble tests require a well-specified model of equilibrium expected returns
that has yet to be developed, and this makes inference about bubbles quite tenuous.
Some Matters of Interpretation
Flood and Garber (1980b) note that an omitted variable problem can bias
bubble tests toward rejection of the no bubbles hypothesis. Consider the possibility
that agents may have been expecting some future event, which is relevant to the
determination of the price level, that the unwary researcher does not include in the
model's market fundamentals. For example, suppose agents had information during
the sample that there would be an increase in the money supply at some future date,
and suppose that this information is not imbedded in the historical money supply
statistics used by the researcher to generate forecasts of future money supplies. In this
circumstance the dynamics of the price level will rationally have anticipated the
increase in the money supply in a manner that is indistinguishable from the dynamics
S r r C'olln <.amrrrr (1987) a n d LVest (1988b) for furthrr d~scuss~on
of thrse lssucs
Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
induced by a bubble in the market. The structure of a rational expectations model of
the price level forces the dynamics of the price level in response to all omitted
expected future variables to be indistinguishable from dynamic paths caused by
bubbles. Flood and Hodrick (1986) demonstrate the analogous point in an equity
market example in which agents are anticipating a change in taxation of dividend
Consider the biases that could plague West's (1987a) stock price bubble test.
Applications of the specification test for bubbles require a forecasting equation based
on a subset of the agents' information set and an unrejected return generating process.
West (1987a) uses ARIMA models of dividends and tests for changes in the structure
of the dividend process with a Chow test. Since he cannot reject the hypothesis of no
difference in the structure of the dividend process, he proceeds with the bubble test,
but this does not mean that agents were not anticipating a change in the structure of
dividends that did not materialize during the sample. Similarly, although West is
unable to reject the hypothesis that his return generating process is correctly specified,
we note above that extension of the model to longer horizons points strongly toward
model misspecification. How this misspecification biases his tests is a n open issue.
Similar problems plague the study of hyperinflations if agents think that a
hyperinflation will not last indefinitely, since they consequently must be anticipating a
reform of the monetary process.15In such an environment, the price level is changing
with changes in the probability of monetary reform, and without modelling this issue,
researchers may associate movements in the price level caused by changes in the
probability of monetary reform with changes induced by a nonexistent bubble.
In the foreign exchange market, a large body of research initiated by Richard
Meese and Kenneth Rogoff (1983) indicates that standard exchange rate models
forecast quite badly. As noted above, when bubble tests are conducted on these
models, they find bubbles. According to much research, though, it is very unlikely that
the models are correct. If the models are false, rejection of the null hypothesis of no
bubbles cannot be attributed solely to bubbles since it could equally well be caused by
the misspecification of the model.
T h e moral of this section is that research ought to find apparent evidence of
bubbles when models work poorly or when agents expect the future to be somewhat
different than history. We think this point presents a serious interpretive problem for
all bubble tests. The current empirical tests for bubbles do not successfully establish
the case that bubbles exist in asset prices. Nevertheless, bubble tests are interesting
specification tests and should continue to be an important part of the econometrician's
tool kit.
James Hamilton and Charles LVhiteman (1985) extend this omitted variable argument by formally
demonstrating the observational equivalence of omitted state variables and stochast~cbubbles.
Flood and Garber (1980a) derive probabilities of monetary reform during the German hyperinflation by
identifying them with the probability that the process for the money supply is inconsistent with a finite price
level. Inconsistency is defined to be a monetary growth rate that is too fast to be discounted at the discount
rate implied by the model. Such a money supply process implies an infinite price level if agents thought that
it would last forever.
Journal of Economic Perspectives
This research was supported b y a grant from The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation to whom
the authors express their gratitude. The comments of John Cochrane, Mark Watson and the editor,
Joseph E. Stiglitz, the co-editor, Carl Shapiro, arzd the managing editor, Timothy Taylor, are also
grateful acknowledged.
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On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
Robert P. Flood; Robert J. Hodrick
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The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits
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The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 2. (Spring, 1989), pp. 37-54.
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Speculative Hyperinflations in Maximizing Models: Can We Rule Them Out?
Maurice Obstfeld; Kenneth Rogoff
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 91, No. 4. (Aug., 1983), pp. 675-687.
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The Dazzling Dollar
Jeffrey A. Frankel
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1985, No. 1. (1985), pp. 199-217.
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Permanent and Temporary Components of Stock Prices
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Cointegration and Tests of Present Value Models
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The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 95, No. 5. (Oct., 1987), pp. 1062-1088.
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Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
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Meeting of the American Finance Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 28-30, 1987. (Jul.,
1988), pp. 661-676.
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The Dividend-Price Ratio and Expectations of Future Dividends and Discount Factors
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3. (Autumn, 1988), pp. 195-228.
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Dividend Behavior for the Aggregate Stock Market
Terry A. Marsh; Robert C. Merton
The Journal of Business, Vol. 60, No. 1. (Jan., 1987), pp. 1-40.
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Cointegration and Tests of Present Value Models
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
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Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
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Meeting of the American Finance Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 28-30, 1987. (Jul.,
1988), pp. 661-676.
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Bubbles, Fads and Stock Price Volatility Tests: A Partial Evaluation
Kenneth D. West
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 43, No. 3, Papers and Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual
Meeting of the American Finance Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 28-30, 1987. (Jul.,
1988), pp. 639-656.
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An Economic Theory of Monetary Reform
Robert P. Flood; Peter M. Garber
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 88, No. 1. (Feb., 1980), pp. 24-58.
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The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits
Robert J. Barro
The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 2. (Spring, 1989), pp. 37-54.
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Money and Growth: The Case of Long Run Perfect Foresight
William A. Brock
International Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 3. (Oct., 1974), pp. 750-777.
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Cointegration and Tests of Present Value Models
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 95, No. 5. (Oct., 1987), pp. 1062-1088.
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Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 43, No. 3, Papers and Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual
Meeting of the American Finance Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 28-30, 1987. (Jul.,
1988), pp. 661-676.
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The Dividend-Price Ratio and Expectations of Future Dividends and Discount Factors
John Y. Campbell; Robert J. Shiller
The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3. (Autumn, 1988), pp. 195-228.
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On the Inception of Rational Bubbles
Behzad T. Diba; Herschel I. Grossman
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 102, No. 3. (Aug., 1987), pp. 697-700.
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Permanent and Temporary Components of Stock Prices
Eugene F. Fama; Kenneth R. French
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 2. (Apr., 1988), pp. 246-273.
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An Economic Theory of Monetary Reform
Robert P. Flood; Peter M. Garber
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 88, No. 1. (Feb., 1980), pp. 24-58.
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Market Fundamentals versus Price-Level Bubbles: The First Tests
Robert P. Flood; Peter M. Garber
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 88, No. 4. (Aug., 1980), pp. 745-770.
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Asset Price Volatility, Bubbles, and Process Switching
Robert P. Flood; Robert J. Hodrick
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 41, No. 4. (Sep., 1986), pp. 831-842.
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The Dazzling Dollar
Jeffrey A. Frankel
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1985, No. 1. (1985), pp. 199-217.
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Peter M. Garber
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 97, No. 3. (Jun., 1989), pp. 535-560.
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The Determinants of the Variability of Stock Market Prices
Sanford J. Grossman; Robert J. Shiller
The American Economic Review, Vol. 71, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Third
Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association. (May, 1981), pp. 222-227.
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Specification Tests in Econometrics
J. A. Hausman
Econometrica, Vol. 46, No. 6. (Nov., 1978), pp. 1251-1271.
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Variance Bounds Tests and Stock Price Valuation Models
Allan W. Kleidon
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No. 5. (Oct., 1986), pp. 953-1001.
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The Present-Value Relation: Tests Based on Implied Variance Bounds
Stephen F. LeRoy; Richard D. Porter
Econometrica, Vol. 49, No. 3. (May, 1981), pp. 555-574.
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Dividend Variability and Variance Bounds Tests for the Rationality of Stock Market Prices
Terry A. Marsh; Robert C. Merton
The American Economic Review, Vol. 76, No. 3. (Jun., 1986), pp. 483-498.
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Dividend Behavior for the Aggregate Stock Market
Terry A. Marsh; Robert C. Merton
The Journal of Business, Vol. 60, No. 1. (Jan., 1987), pp. 1-40.
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Testing for Bubbles in Exchange Markets: A Case of Sparkling Rates?
Richard A. Meese
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No. 2. (Apr., 1986), pp. 345-373.
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Speculative Hyperinflations in Maximizing Models: Can We Rule Them Out?
Maurice Obstfeld; Kenneth Rogoff
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 91, No. 4. (Aug., 1983), pp. 675-687.
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Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?
Robert J. Shiller
The American Economic Review, Vol. 71, No. 3. (Jun., 1981), pp. 421-436.
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Conditions for Unique Solutions in Stochastic Macroeconomic Models with Rational
John B. Taylor
Econometrica, Vol. 45, No. 6. (Sep., 1977), pp. 1377-1385.
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On the Possibility of Speculation under Rational Expectations
Jean Tirole
Econometrica, Vol. 50, No. 5. (Sep., 1982), pp. 1163-1181.
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Asset Bubbles and Overlapping Generations
Jean Tirole
Econometrica, Vol. 53, No. 6. (Nov., 1985), pp. 1499-1528.
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A Specification Test for Speculative Bubbles
Kenneth D. West
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 102, No. 3. (Aug., 1987), pp. 553-580.
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Dividend Innovations and Stock Price Volatility
Kenneth D. West
Econometrica, Vol. 56, No. 1. (Jan., 1988), pp. 37-61.
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Bubbles, Fads and Stock Price Volatility Tests: A Partial Evaluation
Kenneth D. West
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 43, No. 3, Papers and Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual
Meeting of the American Finance Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 28-30, 1987. (Jul.,
1988), pp. 639-656.
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Some Evidence of Speculative Bubbles in the Foreign Exchange Markets
Wing Thye Woo
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 19, No. 4. (Nov., 1987), pp. 499-514.
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