Peritoneal Dialysis International, Vol. 20, pp. 817–822
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Copyright © 2000 International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis
Section Editor
John M. Burkart
Wake Forest University, Winston–Salem, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Intermittent Severe Abdominal Pain with Normal Peritoneal
Fluid Findings on Presentation
Dr. Michael J. Casey: The patient was a 47-yearold Caucasian female with end-stage renal disease
(ESRD) secondary to renal biopsy-proven membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, who had done well
on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
for 2 years. She was admitted to the hospital because
of the development of nausea, vomiting, and severe
lower abdominal and back pain. In the month prior
to admission, she had had two fleeting episodes of
abdominal pain, with normal serological studies and
peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluid evaluation. Other than
hypertension, there was no significant past medical
history. Her medications at the time of admission included clonidine 0.1 mg twice daily, extended release
nifedipine 30 mg daily, erythropoietin (EPO)
3000 units subcutaneously twice weekly, and a phosphate binder with meals.
Physical examination revealed a temperature of
36.8°C, regular pulse rate of 87 per minute, blood pressure of 157/89 mmHg, and respiratory rate of 16 per
minute. Abdominal examination revealed normal
bowel sounds with mild tenderness to deep palpation,
especially in the lower quadrants. There was a
Tenckhoff catheter in place without evidence of exitsite abnormality. Stool examination for blood was
negative. The rest of her examination was essentially
Pertinent laboratory findings on admission included a blood urea nitrogen of 51 mg/dL, serum creatinine 15 mg/dL, serum amylase 134 IU/L, hemoglobin
Correspondence to: J.M. Burkart, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Bowman Gray Campus, Medical
Center Boulevard, Winston Salem, North Carolina 27157
1053 U.S.A.
10 g/dL, and white blood cell count 8400/µL with a
normal differential. The PD fluid was normal, including a normal PD fluid amylase level of 1 IU/L. Gram
stain and cultures of PD fluid were negative. An acute
abdominal series and abdominal ultrasound revealed
no abnormality. Computerized tomography (CT) scan
of the abdomen and pelvis revealed no abnormalities
and the Tenckhoff catheter was seen with the tip in
the pelvis.
Over the next 2 days the patient had intermittent
abdominal pain. On the third hospital day she developed fever, hypotension, and cloudy PD fluid, which at
this point had numerous white cells and gram-negative rods. On that day, the PD fluid amylase level was
59 IU/L from the overnight drain, and increased further to 156 IU/L. Peritoneal dialysis fluid cultures were
obtained and eventually grew Klebsiella pneumoniae
as well as Escherichia coli. The patient was treated
with fluid resuscitation and intravenous vancomycin
and gentamicin. She was taken to the operating room
where an exploratory laparotomy was performed. Postoperatively, the patient demonstrated cardiovascular
instability with hypotension, tachycardia, and fever.
She developed lactic acidosis and findings consistent
with a severe sepsis syndrome and expired. The findings at the time of exploratory laparotomy and surgical pathology findings will be discussed.
Dr. Richard G. Appel: I would like to begin by summarizing the salient features of the case. The patient
was a middle-aged Caucasian female with ESRD secondary to membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,
who was treated with CAPD. She was otherwise
healthy and without evidence of significant cardiopulmonary disease. Prior to admission to the hospital,
she did have a prodrome characterized by fleeting abdominal and back pain with normal PD fluid findings. One could say that, initially, she had evidence of
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Principal Discussant: Richard G. Appel
Michael J. Casey
5 patients with other intra-abdominal pathology had
a mean level of 816 IU/L. Based on this case as well
as subsequent experience, a PD fluid amylase level
of 50 IU/L should raise concern about intra-abdominal pathology. The major abdominal sources of amylase are listed in Table 2.
Is it possible that this patient could have had pancreatitis? Serum amylase levels during her hospitalization were either at the upper level of normal or
were only slightly elevated. In addition, basic study
of the pancreas showed no abnormalities. There was
no evidence of hemorrhagic PD fluid, which is sometimes seen in hemorrhagic pancreatitis such as noted
in the first PD Case Forum (5). Therefore, it seems
unlikely that she suffered from pancreatitis. The wall
of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach
and the small bowel, may contain amylase. It is unclear whether there is any amylase actually located
in the colon. There has been some debate as to whether
PD fluid amylase levels found to be elevated in association with gastrointestinal tract abnormalities are
due to leakage from the wall of the gastrointestinal
tract or possibly from the lumen. Clearly, the physicians caring for this patient were concerned with some
sort of gastrointestinal catastrophic event and therefore it was felt that this was the most likely source
for the peritonitis and the increasing PD fluid amylase level. I would concur that we should focus on the
bowel as the origin of the peritonitis, especially since
two gram-negative organisms were cultured from the
peritoneal cavity. More specifically, in view of the prodromal pain (see below), I would suspect a diagnosis
of mesenteric ischemia/infarction, possibly of the
nonocclusive variety.
The development of serious intra-abdominal pathology, apart from routine infectious peritonitis, in
patients on CAPD is well recognized. Nonocclusive
mesenteric ischemia/infarction (NOMI), however, has
been infrequently reported. Approximately 30%– 40%
of nondialysis patients with mesenteric ischemia/
Major Categories of Peritonitis
Spike contamination
Transvisceral bacterial migration
Intra-abdominal pathology
Abdominal Sources of Amylase
Gastrointestinal tract, including stomach and small bowel
Fallopian tubes
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abdominal pain without peritonitis. For this reason,
a number of basic studies were performed, including
acute abdominal series, abdominal ultrasonography,
and abdominal CT, which did not delineate the cause
of the abdominal pain. Subsequently, the patient developed evidence of a sepsis syndrome with hemodynamic instability, gram-negative peritonitis, lactic
acidosis, and increasing PD fluid amylase levels. Because of concerns about an intra-abdominal catastrophe, she was taken to the operating room, where she
underwent exploratory laparotomy, but subsequently
she expired.
The patient first presented with pain. Pain on infusion has been described as due perhaps to abnormally low pH of peritoneal fluid or Tenckhoff catheter
malposition (1). Her pain was not associated with infusion of dialysate and the Tenckhoff catheter was
properly placed in her pelvis on CT scan.
In a review of 103 cases with documented peritonitis, pain was present at time of presentation in 79%
(2). Patients may rarely present first with abdominal
pain and clear peritoneal fluid, with subsequent development of infectious peritonitis. In these cases, the
fluid usually becomes cloudy in less than 24 hours.
In this case, the pain persisted for longer than
72 hours, until the fluid became cloudy and she developed signs of peritonitis.
We can begin our discussion of the differential diagnosis by considering the major categories of peritonitis, which are listed in Table 1. Peritonitis associated
with spike contamination is a well-known clinical scenario that generally presents with abdominal findings, and is almost always initially associated with
abnormal PD fluid findings. This diagnosis would be
unlikely, given the clinical scenario in the current
patient. Catheter-related peritonitis would include
peritonitis associated with exit-site infections and
tunnel infections. Physical examination of this patient
did not show evidence of any problem with the catheter. The syndrome of transvisceral bacterial migration was reported over 50 years ago as a potential
source of peritonitis. This entity is not associated with
obvious perforation. It may be that transvisceral bacterial migration may occur more frequently than one
might expect, and may be rapidly cleared in the setting of a normal peritoneal cavity. However, in the
setting of a patient undergoing PD, transvisceral bacterial migration may subsequently result in active
peritonitis. Finally, peritonitis may develop secondarily to major intra-abdominal pathology (3). Clearly,
it is essential to consider this diagnosis because the
approach to therapy would be very different than that
for routine PD-associated peritonitis. In this respect,
PD fluid amylase averaged 11 IU/L in 39 patients
with typical infectious peritonitis (4). Six patients with
pancreatitis had a mean PD fluid amylase of 550 IU/L;
NOVEMBER 2000 – VOL. 20, NO. 6
NOVEMBER 2000 – VOL. 20, NO. 6
cular microangiopathy, as noted in gastrocnemius
muscle capillaries (15). Thus, one might speculate that
uremic patients in general could be predisposed to
the development of NOMI, even without the typical
triggering factors mentioned. This patient was clinically well dialyzed. On the other hand, a recurrent
theme described in both nondialysis and dialysis
populations is the presence of a relatively elevated
red cell mass. Our patient did not have an elevated
red cell mass, although she was on EPO therapy. Recent work in an in vitro and ex vivo model demonstrated that EPO has a direct vasopressor effect on
small mesenteric resistance vessels (16). In these studies, EPO caused a contraction of mesenteric resistance
vessels that was endothelium independent, suggesting that EPO acts directly on vascular smooth muscles
to cause vasoconstriction. It remains speculative as
to whether EPO had a role in the development of
NOMI in the current patient.
To investigate this possibility, further studies were
performed. Noninvasive measurement of mesenteric
blood flow can be measured by duplex scanning, which
combines ultrasonic imaging with a pulsed Doppler
unit (17). After a standard meal there is an increase
in vessel diameter, mean blood flow velocity, and volume flow of the superior mesenteric artery. Both systolic and diastolic velocity through the superior
mesenteric artery can be affected by agents other than
a meal: glucagon, for example, increases both systolic
and diastolic velocity, while vasopressin is a vasoconstrictor that reduces both systolic and diastolic velocity. With this in mind, we decided to investigate the
possibility that mesenteric blood flow could be reduced
by EPO injection. The protocol for this study is shown
in Table 3. The protocol was designed to perform a
baseline scan followed by a liquid meal, and then a
repeat scan that would demonstrate the well-known
increase in velocity and flow associated with a liquid
meal. At that point we injected EPO to see whether
the liquid meal-induced increases in velocity and flow
would be blunted. Five CAPD patients were studied
and the results are shown in Table 4. As can be seen,
vessel diameter did increase, as expected, after a liquid meal and, in addition, superior mesenteric artery
flow increased after a liquid meal. However, in our
study there was no evidence of reduction in vessel
diameter or a reduction in superior mesenteric artery flow after the intravenous injection of EPO. Interestingly, patients whose anemia was treated using
intraperitoneal epogen have not been reported to have
abdominal pain or NOMI (18).
Dr. Casey: At the time of exploratory laparotomy,
the ascending colon and transverse colon were noted
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infarction have no gross arterial or venous occlusion
and are said to have the entity of NOMI (6). The entity of NOMI has been well described in the general
surgical literature. The common denominator has
been a sustained decrease in cardiac output, as may
be seen in severe hypovolemia, congestive heart failure, and hypoxic states (7). It is interesting to note
that, in one series, 63% of patients had prodromal
pain similar to that described in this current case (6).
The patients have tended to be elderly, and survival
has been quite poor. Mesenteric angiography, which
was not done in the current case, is the most important diagnostic aid. This will show no evidence of critical stenosis in the major vessels, however, there will
be very poor or no flow seen in the small resistance
vessels in the submucosa. Locally administered dilating drugs including phentolamine, papaverine, glucagon, verapamil, and prostaglandin agonists have
been employed as therapeutic approaches (8). In one
study it was found that a diagnostic triad allowed differentiation of occlusive from nonocclusive mesenteric
ischemia. Congestive heart failure, digitalis utilization, and hemoconcentration were seen in 83% – 89%
of patients with NOMI, and in only 13% – 21% of patients with occlusive disease (9). Erythropoietin levels were not reported. The average hematocrit values
were 51.9% and 41.5% in patients with NOMI and in
those occlusive disease, respectively. In this respect,
experimental studies demonstrated that elevated red
cell mass or viscosity may play a role in the reduction
of mesenteric blood flow and sludging of blood due to
erythrocytic agglutination. The pathogenesis of NOMI
may also be related to the fact that mesenteric arterial flow is decreased in these patients by redistribution of critical perfusion to vital organs. As flow
decreases, the hydrostatic pressure becomes less than
the arterial wall tension, and small vessels collapse
(6). Alternatively, a decreased caliber of the small vessels may occur secondary to overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system (9).
In the setting of ESRD treated with dialysis therapy,
NOMI is being recognized more commonly. The clinical scenario is similar to that previously described.
Again, triggering factors include hypovolemia, hypotension, and low cardiac output (10). A high incidence of
hemodialysis-induced hypotensive episodes has been
a common finding associated with the development of
NOMI. NOMI has also been reported in hemodialysis
patients on digitalis preparations, and a high average
hematocrit value has been suggested as an associated
finding (11,12). NOMI has been reported only rarely
during CAPD, and these patients presented with hypotensive episodes or cardiac dysfunction (13,14).
Clearly, the patient described here had none of the
typical findings associated with NOMI. Uremia itself
has been reported to be associated with an intramus-
NOVEMBER 2000 – VOL. 20, NO. 6
Erythropoietin (EPO)/Mesenteric Blood Flow Protocol
Baseline scan
Liquid meal
Repeat scan 15 minutes after liquid meal
EPO 50 IU/kg intravenous
Repeat scan 15, 30, 45 minutes after EPO
Protocol Results
SMA flow
SMA = superior mesenteric artery.
to be necrotic. These were resected. There was also
evidence of patchy gangrenous areas in the small
bowel. Of interest, a Doppler probe was applied to
the mesentery of the small intestine and there was
good Doppler flow, indicating that the process causing the gangrenous changes did not represent arterial obstruction. After further deterioration, the
patient underwent a second surgical procedure
where it was evident that the remaining small and
large intestine had become necrotic. Once again,
Doppler examination revealed good flows, suggesting the absence of arterial obstruction. The surgical
pathology demonstrated extensive necrosis in both
the large intestine and the distal ileum. In some
sections, the necrotic changes were minimal and limited to the superficial mucosa. In other sections there
was evidence of transmural necrosis. Finally,
throughout the entire specimen, numerous small
resistance vessels within the submucosa were occluded by fresh thrombi. These surgical pathologic
findings represent the classic description of the
NOMI entity.
Dr. Appel: In summary, this patient presented with
abdominal pain, subsequent peritonitis, and NOMI.
The case reminds us that, to make this diagnosis, one
must have a high index of suspicion in patients at
risk. Although, in vitro data suggest that EPO is a
potent vasoconstrictor of mesenteric resistance vessels, there are no epidemiological data to suggest that
the use of EPO is associated with increased vascular
disease such as NOMI, and, furthermore, we could
not demonstrate a vasoconstrictor effect in our CAPD
Dr. Laurence Carroll (Lancaster, PA): In your discussion, you stated that atherosclerosis is not associated with this entity, so it seems like you would not
necessarily find anything on the angiogram. The other
point I wanted to ask is whether there was any
thought about looking for hypercoagulable states in
this entity. You think about somebody on PD and
wonder whether she could not keep a vascular access
open. Would that possibly be another source for the
thrombosis you found in the small vessels?
Dr. Appel: In response to the second question, she
chose CAPD as her renal replacement therapy because that was her preference. She was not someone
who had ever had any problem with vascular access.
I do not know the answer to the question on hypercoagulable state or the possibility of some abnormality such as protein S or protein C deficiency. This was
not looked for, but I think this is a valid consideration. In response to your first question, the mesenteric angiography is diagnostic for this entity. It
shows patency of the main vessels but then, once
you get to the small resistance vessels in the gut
wall, there is a cutoff sign where the flow has stopped.
That finding is diagnostic for NOMI, and that is why
the pathology shows numerous fresh thrombi in these
tiny resistance vessels in the wall of the gut. If you
have the entity, and you have a catheter in the vessel, and you are considering a therapeutic approach,
you could use a number of vasodilator therapies that
have been attempted. That would be another reason
to consider doing the study. There is one other point
to consider: Having some degree of atherosclerosis
in a mesenteric vessel is not unusual in this entity
and could predispose a person to develop NOMI simply because atherosclerotic vessels may have an
imbalance of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator substances, resulting in less nitric oxide production primarily, and therefore less vasodilation and less flow
in the small vessels.
Dr. Martin Shreiber (Cleveland, OH): Would you
be concerned about people who have developed fleeting abdominal pain and who are on high doses of EPO?
Do you think there is a level of EPO in units per kilogram above which you really need to think about precipitating this entity?
Dr. Appel: I do not know the answer to that, since
our studies were limited. The dose we used was
50 IU/kg, which as you know is an average dose of
EPO. We could have certainly used higher doses. I do
not know what would have happened if we had used
higher doses; indeed we might have seen more of an
effect to blunt the meal-induced increased mesenteric
flow. I think that if you have got a patient with fleeting abdominal pain, in view of what previous studies
have shown concerning the pain prodrome, it is something we just need to think about. If we do not think
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Post liquid meal
Post EPO
(15 minutes)
(30 minutes)
(45 minutes)
Vessel diameter
NOVEMBER 2000 – VOL. 20, NO. 6
our experience. Normally, levels are very low, less
than 10 IU/L, but occasionally you will see a level a
little higher. I think that sometimes when it is above
50 IU/L, you may not find anything significant requiring surgical intervention, but when you use
50 IU/L as a cutoff, you are likely to identify patients
with intra-abdominal pathology, some of which may
need surgical intervention.
Dr. Appel: Let me just add this to your question
about when to do sequential peritoneal fluid amylase
levels. I think that if things are appearing to go well
for the patient, and you think you are dealing with a
routine CAPD peritonitis and everything is improving, it probably is not very useful to do sequential PD
fluid amylase levels. If things do not seem to be going
well, if the PD fluid is not clearing, if the patient does
not look as if they are improving, I would recommend
repeating PD fluid amylase levels. If the level is going
up, at that point I might say maybe we need to do a
basic study of the abdomen, perhaps a CT scan. We
do not necessarily need to call the surgeons in at that
point, but that would probably be an approach you
could use to decide who would benefit from sequential studies.
Dr. Isaac Teitelbaum (Denver, CO): Just a comment,
I want to applaud you for the attempt at basic science correlation with clinical observation; that is
something we do not do nearly enough of in the dialysis arena.
Dr. Appel: That is the way people used to do research, more so than they do now.
Dr. Teitelbaum: I can think of at least two possible
reasons for why you had to get a negative result with
the EPO experiment. First, you looked at a large caliber vessel. You were limited with ultrasound, since
6 mm is not a resistance vessel. It would just seem
that if you are looking at changes in the resistance
vessels, you could not detect them by ultrasound. Second, just a quick calculation, if the EPO threshold in
the laboratory is 20 IU/mL, what you delivered at
50 IU/kg, assuming it all got distributed immediately
in the plasma volume, is perhaps only 2 IU/mL.
Dr. Appel: Let me just comment on your first point,
because I disagree somewhat with your first point.
Actually, the end diastolic velocities that are measured
are really measures of flow in the small resistance
vessels. The B mode is showing you the actual vessel
wall. The Doppler measurement of peak systolic velocity is showing you the peak systolic velocity. End
diastolic velocity measurement is a good indicator of
what is going on in small vessels. Actually, this is
analogous to renal artery Doppler, where end diastolic velocities, when they are low, indicate that there
is parenchymal disease in the kidneys, small vessel
disease. If you take the mean velocities, the biggest
change was in the diastolic flow component. What I
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as diagnosticians about entities, we do not make the
diagnosis. That is one of the problems we face. We
have to be in a position to think about the entity. I am
not trying to recommend that everybody with fleeting abdominal pain needs to have a mesenteric angiogram, but we should increase the level of suspicion
for this possibility so that we consider this in our differential diagnosis.
Dr. John Burkart (Winston–Salem, NC): With mesenteric ischemic or occlusive disease, one of the things
you look for is whether there is occult blood in the
stool; in this patient there was none found. Could you
comment on whether or not finding occult blood in
the stool would impact your work-up?
Dr. Appel: A majority of patients that I showed you
from the older series had blood in their stool. Our
patient did not have blood in the stool at presentation. Occult blood can be in the stool of patients with
occlusive or nonocclusive disease, and would probably
not differentiate the two. The presence of occult blood
in a patient with fleeting abdominal pain should increase your suspicion of ischemic disease if all other
studies are negative, but the absence of blood does
not rule it out.
Dr. Ahmed Rehan (Ann Arbor, MI): The vasoconstrictive effect of EPO in the German study, was that
not given intravenously, rather that subcutaneously?
Dr. Appel: The investigators did a number of experiments. In the studies I showed, the contractible
properties of EPO on isolated resistance vessels of
renal and mesenteric vascular beds were studied in
an in vitro model using a small-vessel myograph.
Under isometric conditions, EPO caused contraction
of this vasculature.
Dr. Rehan: I found it interesting that the patient
had a peritoneal amylase of 50 IU/L and yet you got
a surgical consult before overt peritonitis occurred.
Could someone comment on getting serial amylase
levels in difficult patients when it is not clear that
perforation has occurred?
Dr. Burkart: Dr. Caruana and I investigated the
use of peritoneal fluid amylase levels to differentiate between touch contamination and intra-abdominal pathology and found it helpful, initially
recommending a cutoff of > 100 IU/L as a finding
suggestive of intra-abdominal pathology. Subsequent
to that, with further clinical experience, we thought
we should lower the cutoff to 50 IU/L. Therefore we
felt that we should at least have the surgeons look
at her because she had had this pain. We felt she
had intra-abdominal disease, but did not know what
it was. With respect to your question about sequential levels of peritoneal fluid amylase, for touch-contamination related peritonitis, even if it is not
responding to therapy, the sequential peritoneal fluid
amylase levels never increase to above 50 IU/L, in
thought we might be able to see was some change in
mean velocity, perhaps looking at the summation of
peak and end diastolic velocities.
Dr. Teitelbaum: It may just be a laboratory artifact
that, in vitro, you require a higher concentration than
you do in vivo, but you could not have possibly
achieved the 20 IU/mL that was achieved in the laboratory. You would be in the vicinity of an order of
magnitude lower.
Dr. Appel: Right, and we chose the 50-IU/L/kg dose
because that seemed to be the kind of typical, average dosing that a patient would receive. It seemed a
reasonable choice to look at something that might be
applicable to clinical situations.
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NOVEMBER 2000 – VOL. 20, NO. 6