big grammar book

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This grammar workbook is designed for learners of English and includes a variety of exercises to practice key grammatical structures. It covers topics such as the English Alphabet, writing skills, sentence completion, common grammar errors, and the use of capital letters and punctuation. The exercises range from fill-in-the-blank questions to sentence-building tasks, offering a comprehensive approach to grammar practice. The workbook aims to engage learners with fun worksheets, games, and quizzes.’s big grammar book by Matt Purland 101 worksheets for English lessons featuring Essential English worksheets Entry Level’s big grammar book English [email protected] ISBN 978 0 9546985 0 8 First published in the UK by English 2004 Public Domain The author and sole copyright holder of this document has donated it to the public domain. Anybody can use this document, for commercial and non-commercial purposes. English’s big grammar book Introduction Hello there . . . ! . . . and welcome to English’s big grammar book. It’s the third fantastic book from English Banana and the aim this time is to practise grammar, grammar and, er, more grammar! It’s jam-packed from cover to cover with a great selection of photocopiable worksheets taken from the popular English website. We wanted to provide teachers with a really useful book of no-nonsense grammar worksheets that they can dip into and use in class with students at Entry Level (ESOL Core Curriculum Entry Levels 1 & 2). It is also ideal for students to work with at home since the answers are all printed at the back. The book is divided into four parts and is graded in difficulty, so that it begins with some basic stuff and builds up to more challenging grammar activities. It features a selection of Essential English worksheets which provide practice for crucial basic areas of knowledge for learners at Entry Level, like using numbers, writing the alphabet, spelling days and months correctly, and so on. We hope that you find this book a big help and full of material that you can use with your learners. A big thank-you must go to all the students who have already been trialling these worksheets in class. Their feedback has been invaluable to the development of this book. We’d also love to know what you think! Send your comments, feedback, and questions about this book or English in general to: [email protected]. All the materials on the English website are absolutely free, so for access to over 400 original worksheets, as well as fun online games and quizzes for practising English language skills, get your students learning with English Banana today at: Wishing you every success, All the team at English For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 i. English’s big grammar book Contents i. ii. Introduction Contents Part One 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. The English Alphabet Writing the Alphabet 1 Writing the Alphabet 2 Personal Details - Completing Forms Basic English Written Test Essential Spellings Vocabulary Test (blank copy) Just Vowels - Days, Months and Seasons 1 Just Vowels - Days, Months and Seasons 2 Days of the Week Months of the Year Understanding Dates 1 Understanding Dates 2 Common Irregular Verbs - Present Simple Tense Common Irregular Verbs - Past Simple Tense Common Irregular Verbs - Present Continuous Tense Using Capital Letters 1 Using Capital Letters 2 Basic Sentence Punctuation 1 Basic Sentence Punctuation 2 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 1 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 2 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 3 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 1 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 2 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 3 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 1 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 2 Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 3 Elementary Homophones 1 Elementary Homophones 2 Part Two 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Using Numbers 1 Using Numbers 2 Using Numbers 3 Using Numbers 4 Using Numbers 5 Working Out Prices 1 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 ii. English’s big grammar book 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Working Out Prices 2 Ordinals 1 - Months of the Year Ordinals 2 - The Alphabet Opposite Adjectives 1 Opposite Adjectives 2 Comparatives and Superlatives 1 Comparatives and Superlatives 2 Comparatives and Superlatives 3 Comparatives and Superlatives 4 Using Indefinite Articles 1 Using Indefinite Articles 2 Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1 Countable and Uncountable Nouns 2 List of Common Uncountable Nouns Part Three 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Using “There are...” & “There is...” Using Personal Pronouns 1 Using Personal Pronouns 2 Using Personal Pronouns 3 Using Personal Pronouns 4 Using Personal Pronouns 5 Using Personal Pronouns 6 Adverbs of Frequency 1 Adverbs of Frequency 2 Adverbs of Frequency 3 First Conditional 1 First Conditional 2 ‘Wh - ’ Questions 1 ‘Wh - ’ Questions 2 Compound Nouns 1 Compound Nouns 2 Compound Nouns 3 Daily Routines Complete the Sentences 1 Complete the Sentences 2 Complete the Sentences 3 Complete the Sentences 4 Complete the Sentences 5 Complete the Sentences 6 Sentence Building 1 Sentence Building 2 The Plays of William Shakespeare For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 iii. English’s big grammar book Part Four 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. Full Stops 1 Full Stops 2 Using Capital Letters 3 Using Capital Letters 4 Talking about the Past 1 Talking about the Past 2 Past Events - The Life of Captain James Cook Second Conditional 1 Second Conditional 2 Third Conditional 1 Third Conditional 2 Zero Conditional 1 Zero Conditional 2 Writing Comparisons 1 Writing Comparisons 2 Homophones 1 Homophones 2 List of Common Homophones Being Polite Good Advice 1 Good Advice 2 Good Advice 3 Write Your Own Flashcards 102. Answers to worksheets and notes for use For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 iv. part one English Essential English The English Alphabet There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. There are 5 vowels: A, E, I, O and U. The rest of the letters are consonants. Practise reading the letters out loud: Capital letters (upper case letters): ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ Small letters (lower case letters): abcdefghi jklmnopqr stuvwxyz For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 1. English Essential English Writing the Alphabet 1 Copy each letter of the alphabet into the box below: Lower case (or small) letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Upper case (or capital) letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 2. English Essential English Writing the Alphabet 2 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 3. English Essential English Personal Details - Completing Forms Practise writing your personal details with this form: Please use capital letters Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms: ______________ First Name: ______________________________________________ Surname: ______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Post Code: ______________________________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________________________ Mobile Number: ______________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ Age: ______________ Date of Birth: ____/_____/____ Nationality: ______________________________________________ Occupation: ______________________________________________ Marital Status: ______________________________________________ Number of Children: ______________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 4. English Essential English Basic English Written Test Numbers 1-30: Name: ____________________________ 1. ________________________________ Date: _____________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ Days of the week: 4. ________________________________ 5. ________________________________ __________________________________ 6. ________________________________ __________________________________ 7. ________________________________ __________________________________ 8. ________________________________ __________________________________ 9. ________________________________ __________________________________ 10. _______________________________ __________________________________ 11. _______________________________ __________________________________ 12. _______________________________ 13. _______________________________ 14. _______________________________ 15. _______________________________ Months of the year: 16. _______________________________ 17. _______________________________ __________________________________ 18. _______________________________ __________________________________ 19. _______________________________ __________________________________ 20. _______________________________ __________________________________ 21. _______________________________ __________________________________ 22. _______________________________ __________________________________ 23. _______________________________ __________________________________ 24. _______________________________ __________________________________ 25. _______________________________ __________________________________ 26. _______________________________ __________________________________ 27. _______________________________ __________________________________ 28. _______________________________ __________________________________ 29. _______________________________ 30. _______________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 5. English Essential English Essential Spellings a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December spring, summer, autumn, winter 0 ¼ ½ ¾ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 zero quarter half three quarters one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen 18 19 20 21 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 1,000 1,001 14 15 fourteen fifteen 10,000 100,000 16 17 sixteen seventeen 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one hundred and one one thousand one thousand and one ten thousand one hundred thousand one million one billion For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 6. English Essential English Vocabulary Test – _________________________ Write _____________________________________ starting with each letter of the alphabet. For example: _____________________________________. A __________________________________ N __________________________________ B __________________________________ O __________________________________ C __________________________________ P __________________________________ D __________________________________ Q __________________________________ E __________________________________ R __________________________________ F __________________________________ S __________________________________ G __________________________________ T __________________________________ H __________________________________ U __________________________________ I __________________________________ V __________________________________ J __________________________________ W __________________________________ K __________________________________ X __________________________________ L __________________________________ Y __________________________________ M __________________________________ Z __________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 7. English Essential English Just Vowels - Days, Months and Seasons 1 Fill in the gaps to spell the names of days, months and seasons: 1. __i_a_ 2. O__o_e_ 3. __u___a_ 4. A__i_ 5. _e__ua__ 6. _o__a_ 7. _a_u__a_ 8. au_u__ 9. _a_ua__ 10. _o_e__e_ 11. _a___ 12. _u_e For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 8. English Essential English Just Vowels - Days, Months and Seasons 2 Fill in the gaps to spell the names of days, months and seasons: 1. _u__a_ 2. ___i__ 3. _e__e__a_ 4. _e_e__e_ 5. _u__e_ 6. _u__ 7. _i__e_ 8. _a_ 9. _e__e__e_ 10. Au_u__ 11. _ue__a_ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 9. English Essential English Days of the Week Tick below to show the correct spellings: 1. 5. a) Sunday b) Sanday c) sunday d) snday a) Thursday b) Tuesday c) Thorsday d) thurday 2. 6. a) Manday b) monday c) Monday d) Munday a) friday b) Friday c) Frieday d) feriday 3. 7. a) Tusday b) tuesday c) Teusday d) Tuesday a) Soturday b) Saturda c) saterday d) Saturday 4. a) Wensday b) Wednesday c) Wenesday d) wednesday For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 10. English Essential English Months of the Year Tick below to show the correct spellings: 1. 5. 9. a) Janary b) January c) january d) jaNuary a) may b) Maye c) My d) May a) septembre b) September c) Septemper d) Setember 2. 6. 10. a) February b) Febuary c) Feburary d) february a) Jun b) June c) jun d) june a) october b) Octobar c) August d) October 3. 7. 11. a) march b) Marsh c) March d) Marche a) Julie b) Juli c) July d) july a) Novemer b) November c) novembrer d) Novembre 4. 8. 12. a) April b) april c) Appril d) Aprl a) August b) Augst c) Argust d) august a) decembar b) Decembar c) Desember d) December For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 11. English Essential English Understanding Dates 1 Write the full version of the following dates: Example: 10/08/92 10th August 1992 1. 01/01/97 ________________________________________ 2. 5 Jun 78 ________________________________________ 3. 10.07.02 ________________________________________ 4. 14/08/73 ________________________________________ 5. 22 Nov 01 ________________________________________ 6. 31/12/86 ________________________________________ 7. 3 Feb 90 ________________________________________ 8. 17.01.00 ________________________________________ 9. 27/03/95 ________________________________________ 10. 20 Apr 79 ________________________________________ 11. 30 Oct ’01 ________________________________________ 12. 9 Jun ’97 ________________________________________ 13. 13/09/02 ________________________________________ 14. 2 Nov 83 ________________________________________ 15. 01.01.80 ________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 12. English Essential English Understanding Dates 2 Write the full version of the following dates: Example: 03/06/88 3rd June 1988 1. 2 Jan 99 ________________________________________ 2. Feb 1 ’03 ________________________________________ 3. Sept 16 ’97 ________________________________________ 4. 02.03.65 ________________________________________ 5. 1 Mar ’94 ________________________________________ 6. Aug 04 ’01 ________________________________________ 7. 10.02.96 ________________________________________ 8. 15.12.70 ________________________________________ 9. 29 Oct ’02 ________________________________________ 10. 2. 2. 96 ________________________________________ 11. 14.5.02 ________________________________________ 12. May 1 ’01 ________________________________________ 13. 12/11/98 ________________________________________ 14. Jan 15 ’84 ________________________________________ 15. 4.8.02 ________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 13. English Test Your Grammar Skills Common Irregular Verbs Complete the verb tables using present simple tense: to be: to go: I _______________________ I _______________________ You _______________________ You _______________________ He _______________________ He _______________________ She _______________________ She _______________________ It _______________________ It _______________________ We _______________________ We _______________________ They _______________________ They _______________________ to do: to have: I _______________________ I _______________________ You _______________________ You _______________________ He _______________________ He _______________________ She _______________________ She _______________________ It _______________________ It _______________________ We _______________________ We _______________________ They _______________________ They _______________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 14. English Test Your Grammar Skills Common Irregular Verbs Complete the verb tables using past simple tense: to be: to go: I _______________________ I _______________________ You _______________________ You _______________________ He _______________________ He _______________________ She _______________________ She _______________________ It _______________________ It _______________________ We _______________________ We _______________________ They _______________________ They _______________________ to do: to have: I _______________________ I _______________________ You _______________________ You _______________________ He _______________________ He _______________________ She _______________________ She _______________________ It _______________________ It _______________________ We _______________________ We _______________________ They _______________________ They _______________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 15. English Test Your Grammar Skills Common Irregular Verbs Complete the verb tables using present continuous tense: to be: to go: I _______________________ I _______________________ You _______________________ You _______________________ He _______________________ He _______________________ She _______________________ She _______________________ It _______________________ It _______________________ We _______________________ We _______________________ They _______________________ They _______________________ to do: to have: I _______________________ I _______________________ You _______________________ You _______________________ He _______________________ He _______________________ She _______________________ She _______________________ It _______________________ It _______________________ We _______________________ We _______________________ They _______________________ They _______________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 16. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Capital Letters 1 Tick the words that should start with a capital letter, then write them out correctly: nice trousers john quickly school january get come england sarah pizza student pizza hut king edward high school single atlantic ocean coconut fridge chair butter monday december new york french For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 17. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Capital Letters 2 Tick the words that should start with a capital letter, then write them out correctly: dress good like easily hospital august claire steven spain went tomato ketchup doctor five doctor i p jones washing machine orange mount everest burger king cupboard wait indian manchester general hospital paris wednesday For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 18. English Test Your Grammar Skills Basic Sentence Punctuation 1 Write the sentences and add capital letters, full stops and question marks: 1. my sister’s name is jackie __________________________________________________________________________ 2. friday is my favourite day of the week __________________________________________________________________________ 3. i like watching eastenders on bbc 1 __________________________________________________________________________ 4. charles dickens was a famous writer he was born in portsmouth __________________________________________________________________________ 5. lisa and chantal are going on holiday to portugal in may __________________________________________________________________________ 6. did you go to school today __________________________________________________________________________ 7. my new address is 248 normanton road in nottingham __________________________________________________________________________ 8. when are you going to the hospital __________________________________________________________________________ 9. my doctor is getting a new receptionist she’s called louise robson __________________________________________________________________________ 10. ben and i are going to look round leicester grammar school on wednesday __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 19. English Test Your Grammar Skills Basic Sentence Punctuation 2 Write the sentences and add capital letters, full stops and question marks: 1. how do I get to the library from here __________________________________________________________________________ 2. the coach for london leaves in about half an hour __________________________________________________________________________ 3. my birthday is in september i usually go out for a drink with my friends __________________________________________________________________________ 4. what do you want for dinner tonight __________________________________________________________________________ 5. birmingham is the second largest city in the uk __________________________________________________________________________ 6. i’ll have a coke please and two packets of walkers crisps __________________________________________________________________________ 7. if you need to see a consultant go to the derbyshire royal infirmary __________________________________________________________________________ 8. mary poppins is my mum’s favourite film she likes julie andrews __________________________________________________________________________ 9. i drive a red fiat punto and my uncle drives a green bmw __________________________________________________________________________ 10. i joined morton park golf club last week it was very expensive __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 20. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 1 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to be’ in the present simple tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. what brother’s is name your __________________________________________________________________________ 2. is what address your __________________________________________________________________________ 3. favourite is your food what __________________________________________________________________________ 4. is your what name __________________________________________________________________________ 5. date the what today is __________________________________________________________________________ 6. much how that shirt is __________________________________________________________________________ 7. are how you __________________________________________________________________________ 8. your what is surname __________________________________________________________________________ 9. your postcode what is __________________________________________________________________________ 10. your when birthday is __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 21. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 2 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to be’ in the present simple tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. are toilets where the __________________________________________________________________________ 2. you where from are __________________________________________________________________________ 3. phone is what your number __________________________________________________________________________ 4. the answer what is __________________________________________________________________________ 5. your what nationality is __________________________________________________________________________ 6. is it old how __________________________________________________________________________ 7. your best who is friend __________________________________________________________________________ 8. one which it is __________________________________________________________________________ 9. my shirt where is __________________________________________________________________________ 10. old how you are __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 22. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 3 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to be’ in the present simple tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. is your what name first __________________________________________________________________________ 2. capital Australia the what is of __________________________________________________________________________ 3. is that car friend’s your __________________________________________________________________________ 4. outside it is cold __________________________________________________________________________ 5. when the concert is __________________________________________________________________________ 6. his parents are nice __________________________________________________________________________ 7. how there your many are class people in __________________________________________________________________________ 8. your what is favourite colour __________________________________________________________________________ 9. was Battle of when the Hastings __________________________________________________________________________ 10. you are OK __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 23. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 1 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to do’ as an auxiliary verb in the present simple tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. free do in time do you your what __________________________________________________________________________ 2. where you do live __________________________________________________________________________ 3. do you how do __________________________________________________________________________ 4. how you there get do __________________________________________________________________________ 5. do what you living for do a __________________________________________________________________________ 6. you what think do __________________________________________________________________________ 7. what want you do __________________________________________________________________________ 8. want who to you do to speak __________________________________________________________________________ 9. where do to go you want __________________________________________________________________________ 10. do you him know __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 24. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 2 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to do’ as an auxiliary verb in the present simple tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. you do to have ask __________________________________________________________________________ 2. want lunch when to do you have __________________________________________________________________________ 3. do you stamps have any __________________________________________________________________________ 4. do have you brothers any and sisters __________________________________________________________________________ 5. do work you where __________________________________________________________________________ 6. what want do you breakfast for __________________________________________________________________________ 7. do who you are think you __________________________________________________________________________ 8. newspapers which you do read __________________________________________________________________________ 9. why you like do playing snooker __________________________________________________________________________ 10. you do and want fish chips some __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 25. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 3 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to do’ as an auxiliary verb in the present simple tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. where come do you from __________________________________________________________________________ 2. English do think boring you is __________________________________________________________________________ 3. one best do which like you __________________________________________________________________________ 4. what want do they know to __________________________________________________________________________ 5. you do OK feel __________________________________________________________________________ 6. watching does enjoy she films old __________________________________________________________________________ 7. hard does Louis work __________________________________________________________________________ 8. do want you start to course this __________________________________________________________________________ 9. you do library the know to way the __________________________________________________________________________ 10. do want come with you me to you __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 26. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 1 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to have’ as an auxiliary verb in the present perfect tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. where you have been __________________________________________________________________________ 2. what been have doing you __________________________________________________________________________ 3. have you why come class this to __________________________________________________________________________ 4. when to got have arrive I __________________________________________________________________________ 5. money have you any got __________________________________________________________________________ 6. the time got have you please __________________________________________________________________________ 7. have my you friend seen __________________________________________________________________________ 8. looked have every you in cupboard __________________________________________________________________________ 9. closed curtains the have you __________________________________________________________________________ 10. she why hasn’t the washing done up __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 27. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 2 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to have’ as an auxiliary verb in the present perfect tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. you here have before been __________________________________________________________________________ 2. which you films seen have __________________________________________________________________________ 3. any oranges got have you __________________________________________________________________________ 4. have had you your tea __________________________________________________________________________ 5. finished have you magazine that with __________________________________________________________________________ 6. I’m leaving has he told you that __________________________________________________________________________ 7. you have got yet your certificate __________________________________________________________________________ 8. changed have you phone number your __________________________________________________________________________ 9. have what you today learnt __________________________________________________________________________ 10. have you bought birthday a for Jane card __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 28. English Test Your Grammar Skills Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 3 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb ‘to have’ as an auxiliary verb in the present perfect tense. Don’t forget to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a question mark at the end: 1. when you got to have go __________________________________________________________________________ 2. he why hasn’t painting finished bathroom the __________________________________________________________________________ 3. finished have your meal you __________________________________________________________________________ 4. heard you the new CD Bon Jovi have by __________________________________________________________________________ 5. what saying have to been they you __________________________________________________________________________ 6. what hair you your have done to __________________________________________________________________________ 7. photos has he done what my with __________________________________________________________________________ 8. holiday where have been on they __________________________________________________________________________ 9. she who has talking been to __________________________________________________________________________ 10. haven’t why tidied you up __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 29. English Essential English Elementary Homophones 1 Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings. Put together the words that sound the same: board dear bare be aren’t mail heel knows find mourning by its for high meet 1. fined ___________________________ 2. nose ___________________________ 3. bee ___________________________ 4. it’s ___________________________ 5. male ___________________________ 6. bored ___________________________ 7. morning ___________________________ 8. buy ___________________________ 9. hi ___________________________ 10. bear ___________________________ 11. meat ___________________________ 12. deer ___________________________ 13. four ___________________________ 14. heal ___________________________ 15. aunt ___________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 30. English Essential English Elementary Homophones 2 Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings. Put together the words that sound the same: piece loan plane poor read no none one or mind pear new pail raise night 1. pale ___________________________ 2. won ___________________________ 3. mined ___________________________ 4. know ___________________________ 5. lone ___________________________ 6. pair ___________________________ 7. plain ___________________________ 8. knew ___________________________ 9. red ___________________________ 10. pour ___________________________ 11. peace ___________________________ 12. knight ___________________________ 13. nun ___________________________ 14. rays ___________________________ 15. oar ___________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 31. part two English Essential English Using Numbers 1 Write the answers to the following sums in words: + plus - minus ÷ divided by x multiplied by = equals 1. four plus ten equals ___________________ 2. twenty five plus three plus fourteen equals ___________________ 3. nine minus seven equals ___________________ 4. thirty two minus seventeen equals ___________________ 5. seven plus one minus five equals ___________________ 6. ten multiplied by eight equals ___________________ 7. four multiplied by fifteen equals ___________________ 8. thirty two divided by eight equals ___________________ 9. sixty divided by ten equals ___________________ 10. one hundred and twenty divided by four equals ___________________ 11. seven multiplied by three plus sixteen equals ___________________ 12. eighteen minus nine plus forty four equals ___________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 32. English Essential English Using Numbers 2 Write the answers to the following sums in words: + plus - minus ÷ divided by x multiplied by = equals 1. five plus eleven equals ___________________ 2. sixteen plus nineteen plus eight equals ___________________ 3. forty five minus seven equals ___________________ 4. twenty two minus thirty one equals ___________________ 5. thirty seven plus four minus six equals ___________________ 6. twenty nine multiplied by five equals ___________________ 7. three multiplied by sixteen equals ___________________ 8. fifty five divided by five equals ___________________ 9. ninety divided by six equals ___________________ 10. one thousand one hundred divided by four equals ___________________ 11. forty multiplied by two plus four equals ___________________ 12. fifteen minus eight plus sixty equals ___________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 33. English Essential English Using Numbers 3 Complete the sums below, writing your answers in words: a) b) c) ten plus two equals _____________________________ add fifteen _____________________________ add forty one _____________________________ subtract five _____________________________ multiply by three _____________________________ nineteen minus seven equals _____________________________ subtract four _____________________________ multiply by five _____________________________ add seventeen _____________________________ subtract fifteen _____________________________ forty multiplied by two equals _____________________________ add eighteen _____________________________ add fifty eight _____________________________ subtract ten _____________________________ multiply by four _____________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 34. English Essential English Using Numbers 4 Complete the sums below, writing your answers in words: a) b) c) fifteen minus three equals _____________________________ add eight _____________________________ subtract one _____________________________ multiply by nine _____________________________ add seven _____________________________ fifty one plus four equals _____________________________ subtract thirty _____________________________ multiply by three _____________________________ subtract eighteen _____________________________ add twelve _____________________________ eighty two minus six equals _____________________________ add sixty three _____________________________ subtract twenty nine _____________________________ add ten _____________________________ multiply by four _____________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 35. English Essential English Using Numbers 5 Complete the sums below, writing your answers in words: a) b) c) one plus fifteen equals _____________________________ add twenty one _____________________________ add thirty five _____________________________ subtract eight _____________________________ multiply by ten _____________________________ seventy two minus one equals _____________________________ subtract six _____________________________ subtract twelve _____________________________ multiply by four _____________________________ add two thousand one hundred and six _____________________________ one thousand and fifty plus ninety nine equals _____________________________ add four _____________________________ subtract eighty one _____________________________ multiply by two _____________________________ add four thousand five hundred and seventy five _____________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 36. English Essential English Working Out Prices 1 Write the answers to these sums in words. Example: £2.99 + £4.60 = seven pounds fifty nine pence 1. £3.50 + £2.99 = ________________________________ 2. £10.20 + £4.99 = ________________________________ 3. £4.68 + £9.99 = ________________________________ 4. £20.50 + 17.35 = ________________________________ 5. £1.99 + £6.89 = ________________________________ 6. £103.01 + £243.50 = ________________________________ 7. £10 - £3.50 = ________________________________ 8. £25.50 - £12 = ________________________________ 9. £7.99 - £3.50 = ________________________________ 10. £13.80 - £4.04 = ________________________________ 11. £28 + £15.50 - 79p = ________________________________ 12. £10 + £12 + £14.40 29p = ________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 37. English Essential English Working Out Prices 2 Write the answers to these sums in words: Example: £4.99 + £9.50 = fourteen pounds forty nine pence 1. £2.85 + £3.95 = ________________________________ 2. £17.69 + £4.80 = ________________________________ 3. £2.99 x 3 = ________________________________ 4. £4.50 x 4 = ________________________________ 5. £35 + £2.99 + £4.99 = ________________________________ 6. 80p - 55p = ________________________________ 7. £7.95 + £18.50 = ________________________________ 8. £1.50 - 23p = ________________________________ 9. 95p + £10.48 = ________________________________ 10. £110.99 + £12.99 + £4.99 = ________________________________ 11. 89p - 22p = ________________________________ 12. 68p + £2.89 - £2.50 = ________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 38. English Essential English Ordinals 1 - Months of the Year Complete the sentences using one of these ordinals: first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 1. October is the ________________ month of the year. 2. January is the ________________ month of the year. 3. April is the ________________ month of the year. 4. March is the ________________ month of the year. 5. September is the ________________ month of the year. 6. June is the ________________ month of the year. 7. May is the ________________ month of the year. 8. February is the ________________ month of the year. 9. December is the ________________ month of the year. 10. July is the ________________ month of the year. 11. November is the ________________ month of the year. 12. August is the ________________ month of the year. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 39. English Essential English Ordinals 2 - The Alphabet Complete the sentences using an ordinal, for example, ‘first’, ‘second’, etc. 1. A is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 2. P is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 3. E is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 4. X is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 5. L is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 6. T is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 7. O is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 8. M is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 9. F is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 10. G is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 11. K is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 12. R is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 13. U is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 14. D is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. 15. J is the _________________________ letter of the alphabet. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 40. English Test Your Grammar Skills Opposite Adjectives 1 Match the adjective on the left with its opposite adjective on the right: clever high poor soft sunny stupid wet rich long rainy fat dry big short good small hard thin low bad For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 41. English Test Your Grammar Skills Opposite Adjectives 2 Match the adjective on the left with its opposite adjective on the right: light narrow warm short old cool odd young fast flat expensive normal hungry cheap uneven full wide slow tall dark For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 42. English Test Your Grammar Skills Comparatives and Superlatives 1 Write the appropriate comparative and superlative form of these adjectives: adjective comparative superlative example: big bigger biggest 1. light _________________ _________________ 2. clever _________________ _________________ 3. sunny _________________ _________________ 4. hard _________________ _________________ 5. thin _________________ _________________ 6. good _________________ _________________ 7. poor _________________ _________________ 8. short _________________ _________________ 9. late _________________ _________________ 10. happy _________________ _________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 43. English Test Your Grammar Skills Comparatives and Superlatives 2 Write the appropriate comparative and superlative form of these adjectives: adjective comparative superlative example: big bigger biggest 1. shady _________________ _________________ 2. stupid _________________ _________________ 3. rainy _________________ _________________ 4. soft _________________ _________________ 5. fat _________________ _________________ 6. bad _________________ _________________ 7. rich _________________ _________________ 8. long _________________ _________________ 9. early _________________ _________________ 10. sad _________________ _________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 44. English Test Your Grammar Skills Comparatives and Superlatives 3 Write the appropriate comparative and superlative form of these adjectives: adjective comparative superlative example: big bigger biggest 1. nice _________________ _________________ 2. cold _________________ _________________ 3. clean _________________ _________________ 4. young _________________ _________________ 5. fast _________________ _________________ 6. large _________________ _________________ 7. hungry _________________ _________________ 8. narrow _________________ _________________ 9. red _________________ _________________ 10. near _________________ _________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 45. English Test Your Grammar Skills Comparatives and Superlatives 4 Write the appropriate comparative and superlative form of these adjectives: adjective comparative superlative example: big bigger biggest 1. nasty _________________ _________________ 2. hot _________________ _________________ 3. dirty _________________ _________________ 4. old _________________ _________________ 5. slow _________________ _________________ 6. small _________________ _________________ 7. full _________________ _________________ 8. wide _________________ _________________ 9. green _________________ _________________ 10. far _________________ _________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 46. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Indefinite Articles 1 Which indefinite article should we write in front of the following words - ‘a’ or ‘an’? 1. __________ chair 2. __________ girl 3. __________ school 4. __________ egg 5. __________ hour 6. __________ apple 7. __________ exam 8. __________ hospital 9. __________ year 10. __________ university 11. __________ address 12. __________ ear 13. __________ sheep 14. __________ tie 15. __________ union For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 47. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Indefinite Articles 2 Which indefinite article should we write in front of the following words - ‘a’ or ‘an’? 1. __________ orange 2. __________ ice cream 3. __________ pencil 4. __________ umbrella 5. __________ shoe 6. __________ number 7. __________ heater 8. __________ interview 9. __________ application form 10. __________ heir 11. __________ computer 12. __________ bag 13. __________ octopus 14. __________ ewe 15. __________ fridge For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 48. English Test Your Grammar Skills Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1 Complete the sentences using either ‘a’ or ‘some’: There is ________________ sand in my shoe. There is ________________ five pound note in my wallet. There is ________________ wine in the cupboard. There is ________________ butter in the fridge. There is ________________ peanut butter on the worktop. There is ________________ radio in the kitchen. There is ________________ toothbrush in the bathroom. There is ________________ jam in the cupboard. There is ________________ magazine in the living room. There is ________________ queue at the post office. There is ________________ luggage in the car. There is ________________ suitcase in the bedroom. There is ________________ flour in the cupboard. There is ________________ sugar in your tea. There is ________________ bicycle outside. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 49. English Test Your Grammar Skills Countable and Uncountable Nouns 2 Complete the sentences using either ‘a’ or ‘some’: There is ________________ rice in the cupboard. There is ________________ dog in the garden. There is ________________ postman coming to the door. There is ________________ alcohol in the fridge. There is ________________ bathroom upstairs. There is ________________ computer in the office. There is ________________ oil on the floor. There is ________________ ice on the windscreen. There is ________________ shirt in the tumble dryer. There is ________________ homework to do later on. There is ________________ food on the table. There is ________________ cheese in the fridge. There is ________________ light switch on the wall. There is ________________ vinegar on your chips. There is ________________ pen in my pocket. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 50. English Essential English List of Common Uncountable Nouns advice air alcohol art beef blood butter cheese chewing gum chocolate coffee confusion cotton education electricity entertainment experience fiction flour food forgiveness fresh air furniture gold grass ground happiness history homework honey hope ice information jam juice knowledge lamb lightning literature love luck luggage meat milk mist money music news noise oil oxygen paper patience pay peace peanut butter pepper petrol plastic pork power pressure rain rice sadness salt sand shopping silver snow space speed steam sugar sunshine tea tennis time toothpaste traffic trousers vinegar washing up washing up liquid water weather wine wood wool work For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 51. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using “There are . . . ” & “There is . . . ” Write ten sentences using the words in the table. hall people lounge cupboards dining room a magazines office bath there is spare room bed in the garden an sink loft armchair conservatory umbrella kitchen there are dining table bedroom some knives and forks bathroom plant airing cupboard For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 52. part three English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Personal Pronouns 1 Fill in the gaps using either ‘I’ or ‘me’: 1. Give that book to ________________ . 2. ________________ don’t like working in shops. 3. Does your friend know ________________ ? 4. ________________ and Ted are going out for lunch. 5. ________________ need to ask you something. 6. ________________ ’m a vegetarian. 7. ________________ was the first one to finish my exam. 8. This is a picture of ________________ and mum on holiday. 9. This is the house they showed ________________ . 10. Did you know that ________________ live in Manchester? 11. Jenny told ________________ that you went to London last week. 12. ________________ will see you soon. 13. Deepak is older than ________________ . 14. Call ________________ when you get there. 15. This is the house where ________________ was born. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 53. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Personal Pronouns 2 Fill in the gaps using either ‘he’ or ‘him’: 1. ________________ always goes home early on Tuesdays. 2. I asked ________________ for some help. 3. ________________ asked, “What’s her problem?” 4. ________________ was always a bit quiet. 5. That’s easy for ________________ to say. 6. Do you want to see ________________ now? 7. ________________ needs a new pair of shoes. 8. I think that ________________ is really selfish. 9. Can you ask ________________ ? 10. ________________ wasn’t very well last week. 11. ________________ put on his coat and went out. 12. Gillian gave the largest piece of cake to ________________ . 13. I love spending time with ________________ . 14. Everyone told ________________ to be quiet. 15. There’s something strange about ________________ . For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 54. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Personal Pronouns 3 Fill in the gaps using either ‘she’ or ‘her’: 1. ________________ thought he was joking. 2. ________________ has got long hair. 3. I see ________________ on the bus every day. 4. John called ________________ at half past nine. 5. Sally’s sister gave ________________ a new jacket. 6. I know ________________ studies English. 7. ________________ ’s quite serious, isn’t she? 8. ________________ ’s not interested in geography. 9. That guitar belongs to ________________ . 10. Is ________________ going on holiday with you? 11. ________________ waited in the rain for half an hour. 12. I told ________________ that you can’t meet ________________ . 13. ________________ picked up the bag. 14. My neighbour said that ________________ wasn’t coming. 15. Ask my sister if ________________ saw him. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 55. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Personal Pronouns 4 Fill in the gaps using either ‘we’ or ‘us’: 1. ________________ aren’t interested. 2. Nobody told ________________ . 3. They don’t believe ________________ . 4. Will ________________ be able to meet up? 5. This is what ________________ wanted. 6. They saw ________________ walking down the road. 7. ________________ agree with you. 8. Tell ________________ what you mean. 9. ________________ hope that you enjoy yourselves. 10. Can ________________ tell you tomorrow? 11. ________________ don’t want to go out. 12. This puts ________________ in a difficult position. 13. That’s impossible for ________________ . 14. ________________ ’ll do what ________________ can. 15. Thank you for inviting ________________ . For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 56. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Personal Pronouns 5 Fill in the gaps using either ‘they’ or ‘them’: 1. I don’t know ________________ at all. 2. ________________ can’t hear you. 3. Ask ________________ yourself. 4. Who is that man with ________________ ? 5. ________________ went to the cinema with Linda and Rachael last night. 6. Please tell ________________ that ________________ are early. 7. Somebody wants to see ________________ . 8. I will put ________________ on the waiting list. 9. ________________ are at the football match. 10. Did ________________ see you there? 11. I’ve never heard of ________________ . 12. I want to invite _______________ , but I think ______________ are busy. 13. ________________ cut the grass, just like I asked ________________ to. 14. It was kind of ________________ to say ________________ would help. 15. What colour curtains do ________________ want? For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 57. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Personal Pronouns 6 Subject pronouns I you he she it we they Object pronouns me you him her it us them Fill in each gap with either a subject pronoun or object pronoun: 1. Have you seen my dad? ____________ ’s wearing a red shirt. 2. Are ____________ going to finish your dinner? 3. I don’t like Christopher. ____________ really annoys ____________ . 4. Your bag is over there. Take __________ with __________ when you go. 5. We always go to bed early. Ten o’clock is late for ____________ . 6. Her shoes were dirty, so ____________ cleaned ____________ . 7. I’m going to the cinema. Do __________ want to come with __________ ? 8. My brother rang last night. __________ was great to talk to __________ . 9. Emily saw ____________ at the restaurant. They were having lunch. 10. The boy came up to ____________ and took my hand. 11. I don’t think the shop is open. ____________ usually closes at five thirty. 12. I showed ___________ my photos. He thought ___________ were boring. 13. “How much is that CD?” “____________ think ____________ ’s £11.99.” 14. Ben isn’t coming to see the film. ____________ ’s seen ____________ already. 15. It’s sunny today, isn’t ____________ ? 16. I went to see my aunt. ____________ was pleased to see ____________ . 17. It’s good to see ____________ all. Thanks for coming. 18. Lara’s boyfriend has broken up with ____________ . ____________ told ____________ that ____________ doesn’t love her any more. 19. ____________ were annoyed when their meal was late. 20. Adele said goodbye to her brother. She was sad to watch ____________ go. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 58. English Test Your Grammar Skills Adverbs of Frequency 1 Complete the graph by adding these words, along with a percentage to show frequency: seldom usually 100% 0% often hardly ever occasionally sometimes don’t usually frequently always never For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 59. English Test Your Grammar Skills Adverbs of Frequency 2 Write ten sentences that are true for you, using adverbs of frequency. Then write ten sentences about your friend (use he or she and change the verb form): always have lunch with Tony Blair. usually use public transport. frequently go to the theatre. often smoke twenty cigarettes a day. sometimes phone directory enquiries. don’t usually wash my hands before meals. seldom have a pint after work. occasionally put vinegar on my chips. hardly ever look for a job at the Jobcentre. never play football at the weekend. I For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 60. English Test Your Grammar Skills Adverbs of Frequency 3 Write ten sentences that are true for you, using adverbs of frequency. Then write ten sentences about your friend (use he or she and change the verb form): always go shopping on a Monday afternoon. usually watch TV in the evenings. frequently go out to see a concert. often wake up at six o’clock in the morning. sometimes arrive at work on time. don’t usually have lunch in a posh restaurant. seldom brush my teeth before going to bed. occasionally have a bath or shower every day. hardly ever have a cup of tea when I first wake up. never listen to BBC Radio 4. I For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 61. English Test Your Grammar Skills First Conditional 1 If I feel tired, I’ll go to bed. If I can’t afford a new watch, I won’t buy one. If I see Carla, I’ll tell you. If you are going out, let me know. If you’re hungry, you can have an apple. If I’m going to be late, I’ll give you a call. If I need a new suit, I’ll have to buy one. If I get a pay rise, we can go on holiday. If you bring your car over, I might clean it for you. If the bus is early, I will miss it. If it starts raining, I’m going to get wet. If my brother is there, he’ll look after you. If that sale is on, I might get some bargains. If the CD stops, press ‘play’ to start it again. If the doctor thinks it’s necessary, I’ll have to have an operation. big grammar book English Banana 2003 62. English Test Your Grammar Skills First Conditional 2 If the tiger starts growling, move away as quietly as you can. If you damage my car, I’ll be really annoyed. If I give you ten pounds, can you do some shopping for me? If you think I’m joking, I’ll show you that I’m serious. If anyone knows, Sarah will. If you don’t like dogs, you won’t like Lee’s new puppies. If Leanne is going, I might go as well. If you study hard, you’ll get a certificate. If tomorrow is fine, we could go to the beach. If I wear a coat, I won’t get cold. If my sister phones, you should speak to her. If you want to go swimming later, pack your swimming things. If you’ve finished with the newspaper, give it to me. If you don’t know the right spelling, look it up in a dictionary. If the tap continues to leak, you should call a plumber. big grammar book English Banana 2003 63. English Test Your Grammar Skills ‘Wh - ’ Questions 1 Complete each sentence, using what, where, when, who or why: what (information) where (location) when (time) who (people) why (reasons) 1. _________________ ’s the time please? 2. _________________ did I just say? 3. _________________ do you think you are? 4. _________________ is my coat? 5. _________________ do you want to leave? This evening? 6. _________________ didn’t you go to college this morning? 7. _________________ was the Battle of Hastings? 8. _________________ are you looking for? 9. _________________ ’s your name? 10. _________________ is the front door open? 11. _________________ is the star of ‘Spiderman’? 12. _________________ didn’t you call me last night? 13. _________________ do you live? 14. _________________ did you go to last night? 15. “_________________ did you leave school?” “In 1994.” For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 64. English Test Your Grammar Skills ‘Wh - ’ Questions 2 Complete each sentence, using what, where, when, who or why: what (information) where (location) when (time) who (people) why (reasons) 1. _________________ do you work? 2. _________________ were you talking to yesterday? 3. _________________ ’s going on? 4. _________________ are you still in bed at four in the afternoon? 5. _________________ is your birthday? 6. _________________ did the builders get here? 7. _________________ did you put my magazine? 8. _________________ is the oldest person in this room? 9. _________________ are you going to tidy up your room? 10. _________________ is there a scratch on my new car? 11. _________________ is your sister’s occupation? 12. _________________ should I talk to about my wages? 13. _________________ ’s your favourite food? 14. _________________ has your friend been? 15. _________________ did the chicken cross the road? For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 65. English Test Your Grammar Skills Compound Nouns 1 Compound nouns are formed from two or more other nouns, for example: break + fast = breakfast Can you match the words on the left with the words on the right to make fourteen compound nouns? after birth book table air tea pan paper cave horse parent home car cup day work time port hood noon top shelf back cake board man pet fly For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 66. English Test Your Grammar Skills Compound Nouns 2 Compound nouns are formed from two or more other nouns, for example: break + fast = breakfast Can you match the words on the left with the words on the right to make fourteen compound nouns? time bath in out no cliff police some bread ant water wheel fall day side house out hanger table eater body fall room bin break woman barrow times For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 67. English Test Your Grammar Skills Compound Nouns 3 Compound nouns are formed from two or more other nouns, for example: break + fast = breakfast Can you match the words on the left with the words on the right to make fourteen compound nouns? lamp wheel foot in human shop fire foot motor butter rail mini name track valid shade chair ball man age lifter bike suit sake fly way skirt kind For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 68. English Test Your Grammar Skills Daily Routines A) Complete the sentences below using a present simple verb: I ____________________ the newspaper at 8.00am. I ____________________ a coffee break at 10.30am. I ____________________ a shower at 7.30am. I ____________________ a bus to work at 8.30am. I ____________________ up at 7.15am. I ____________________ work at 9.00am. I ____________________ lunch at 1.00pm. I ____________________ to my friend on the phone at 2.30pm. I ____________________ an email at 2.40pm. I ____________________ up at 7.05am. I ____________________ breakfast at 7.45am. I ____________________ home at 5.00pm. I ____________________ my guitar at 9.00pm. I ____________________ dinner at 6.00pm. I ____________________ to bed at 11.10pm. I ____________________ football at 7.00pm. I ____________________ a book at 10.00pm. I ____________________ to the radio at 10.40pm. I ____________________ TV at 8.30pm. I ____________________ the dishes at 6.30pm. I ____________________ to sleep at about 11.20pm. B) Write the sentences in the order that they happen. C) Next: write about your daily routine. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 69. English Test Your Grammar Skills Complete the Sentences 1 Write the sentences and complete them by choosing the best option below: 1. I live in a... a) car. b) office. c) house. d) factory. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. I like watching TV every... a) year. b) minute. c) night. d) fortnight. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. I like wearing... a) curtains. b) jeans. c) newspapers. d) a box. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. In the summer it is... a) interesting. b) dark. c) expensive. d) hot. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. In my living room I have a... a) bed. b) bath. c) garden chair. d) sofa. __________________________________________________________________________ 6. I like my job because it is... a) enjoyable. b) terrible. c) boring. d) dull. __________________________________________________________________________ 7. My favourite meal is... a) coffee. b) milk c) water. d) sausage and chips. __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Last night I saw a film at the... a) Indian restaurant. b) cinema. c) school. d) gym. __________________________________________________________________________ 9. I have a girlfriend called... a) Terry. b) Bob. c) Laura. d) Jeff. __________________________________________________________________________ 10. I work in a... a) shop. b) phone booth. c) lift. d) optician’s. __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 70. English Test Your Grammar Skills Complete the Sentences 2 Write the sentences and complete them by choosing the best option below: 1. My dad is a . . . a) fireman. b) fireplace. c) fire brigade. d) fire engine. 2. I don’t like taking . . . a) exam. b) exam paper. c) exams. d) exam preparation. 3. When do you want to go . . . a) homework? b) home? c) house? d) walk? 4. How much is a . . . a) price? b) tickets? c) ticket? d) pay? 5. My sister is twelve years . . . a) older. b) old. c) young. d) aged. 6. These questions are . . . a) easier. b) hardest. c) easy. d) easiest. 7. That clock on the wall is . . . a) young. b) fast. c) heavy. d) slowed. 8. Are you coming home . . . a) yesterday? b) tomorrow? c) last week? d) a week ago? 9. I go shopping twice a . . . a) hour. b) week. c) sometimes. d) never. 10. On Friday night I go to the . . . a) pubs. b) visit. c) cafes. d) pub. 11. How do I get to the post office from . . . 12. I wish I could go on . . . a) everywhere? b) left? c) here? d) there? a) break. b) weekend away. c) holiday. d) travelling. 13. There’s something wrong with the . . . a) cleaned. b) dust. c) hoovered. d) dishwasher. 14. Friday is my favourite day of the . . . a) month. b) week. c) afternoon. d) year. 15. I start my new job next . . . a) monthly. b) month’s time. c) months. d) month. 16. The film was really . . . a) badly. b) good. c) lonely. d) especially. 17. My exam results are . . . a) glad. b) surprised. c) disappointing. d) pleased. 18. The coach is waiting for . . . a) some. b) us. c) student. d) driver. 19. Nobody knows where the book . . . 20. I like listening to the . . . a) gone. b) said. c) were. d) is. a) cupboard. b) heater. c) radio. d) pictures. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 71. English Test Your Grammar Skills Complete the Sentences 3 Write the sentences and complete them by choosing the best option below: 1. I’m taking my wife to see a . . . a) theatre. b) play. c) poster. d) screen. 2. In the winter we leave the heating . . . a) under. b) in. c) on. d) near. 3. A giraffe has got a long . . . a) head. b) neck. c) arms. d) shoulder. 4. Can you pass me my folder . . . a) thanks? b) please? c) excuse me? d) hi? 5. I washed my hair this . . . a) later. b) never. c) morning. d) time. 6. Hussain can’t play the . . . a) lamp. b) football. c) guitarist. d) piano. 7. My boss was really . . . a) pink. b) busy. c) entertain. d) into. 8. It’s her birthday on the . . . a) fiftieth. b) day. c) eleventh. d) fourteen. 9. The concert started on . . . a) hour. b) arrived. c) time. d) month. 10. Her sink is blocked. She needs a . . a) baker. b) dentist. c) plumber. d) doctor. 11. I need to go to the bank before it . . a) opens. b) pays. c) arrives. d) closes. 12. Spring is my favourite . . . a) month. b) week. c) season. d) fortnight. 13. I’m going to get my hair . . . a) made. b) cut. c) covered. d) on. 14. The Romans came to Britain in . . . a) 45 RPM. b) 7.45 AM. c) 8th May. d) 55 BC. 15. Have we got any more . . . a) sausage? b) baked bean? c) bacon? d) biscuit? 16. What is the capital of . . . a) UK? b) London? c) South America? d) the UK? 17. We’ve booked our . . . a) travel agent. b) holiday. c) library. d) pizzas. 18. Have you got a student . . . a) with? b) loan? c) line? d) discounts? 19. When will my car be . . . a) ready? b) real? c) relied? d) related? 20. Have you ever met my . . . a) soldier? b) dad’s? c) sister? d) famous? For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 72. English Test Your Grammar Skills Complete the Sentences 4 Write the sentences and complete them by choosing the best option below: 1. Do you mind if I have a . . . a) washing? b) watch TV? c) show? d) shower? 2. My mother lives in . . . a) a field. b) Newcastle. c) wherever. d) road. 3. Do you like crossword . . . a) please? b) puzzles? c) game? d) written? 4. What’s your sister’s . . . a) neighbour? b) friends? c) name? d) aged? 5. We live in a semi-detached . . a) bank. b) garden. c) estate. d) house. 6. The only one who knows is . . a) Harry Miller. b) cat. c) the computer. d) everybody. 7. We aren’t going to make . . . a) us. b) it. c) in. d) if. 8. They are just good . . . a) of you. b) sense. c) friends. d) advice. 9. My car won’t . . . a) drive. b) start. c) gone. d) broken. 10. We are saving up to get . . . a) buying. b) shopping. c) married. d) expensive. 11. This film is really . . . a) good. b) greater. c) open. d) enjoyed. 12. Can I borrow your . . . a) elbow? b) ruler? c) waiter? d) time? 13. That’s the last . . . a) one. b) isn’t it? c) times. d) gone. 14. School is the best time of . . a) his life. b) their lives. c) your life. d) Owen’s life. 15. My leg . . . a) ends. b) goes. c) hurts. d) changes. 16. This problem is . . . a) often. b) grey. c) early. d) serious. 17. When shall I come . . . a) with? b) round? c) under? d) go on? 18. The policeman told me to . . a) calm down. b) accident. c) cried. d) replied. 19. Jemma stole my . . . a) achieves. b) age. c) make up. d) disliked. 20. The concert starts at . . . a) one. b) thirteen. c) time. d) in the evening. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 73. English Test Your Grammar Skills Complete the Sentences 5 Write the sentences and complete them by choosing the best option below: 1. How many children have you . . . a) came? b) own? c) got? d) took? 2. My uncle and aunt are . . . a) people. b) divorced. c) mixed. d) into. 3. I love reading a good . . . a) phone call. b) receipt. c) gas bill. d) novel. 4. The future will be . . . a) afraid. b) bright. c) interested. d) waited. 5. Once upon a . . . a) time. b) who. c) story. d) Time. 6. The man left his . . . a) future. b) in it. c) keys. d) addressed. 7. I bought some flowers at the . . . a) optician’s. b) market. c) carrier bag. d) bakery. 8. Noel watched his brother . . . a) come home. b) came home. c) lived. d) hear. 9. Your dog is so well- . . . a) travelled. b) meant. c) done. d) behaved. 10. I feel tired after that . . . a) go swimming. b) walk. c) go out. d) exercised. 11. The only way is . . . a) about. b) in. c) out. d) up. 12. I’m sorry about . . . a) getting. b) that. c) when. d) who. 13. Aren’t those fireworks . . . a) smelly? b) excited. c) lovely? d) gone? 14. I didn’t like your . . . a) name. b) address. c) attitude. d) farmer. 15. Petrol is far too . . . a) near. b) going. c) great. d) expensive. 16. The shock will kill . . . a) him. b) everything. c) flowers. d) hers. 17. It doesn’t rain every . . . a) afternoons. b) day. c) day? d) all the time. 18. The show must go . . . a) if. b) since. c) on. d) up. 19. Blackpool is on the west . . . a) coast. b) sea. c) lake. d) resort. 20. How many stars are there in the . . . a) air? b) evening? c) sky? d) sky. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 74. English Test Your Grammar Skills Complete the Sentences 6 Write the sentences and complete them by choosing the best option below: 1. We never even said . . . a) hello. b) good afternoon. c) see ya. d) goodbye. 2. My hands were . . . a) taken. b) clean. c) serious. d) looked. 3. My husband’s name is . . . a) Derek. b) Emma. c) Charlotte. d) father. 4. The piano is too heavy to . . a) be. b) got. c) advise. d) move. 5. That girl looks . . . a) hurrah. b) ridiculously. c) silly. d) really. 6. Let’s try to save the . . . a) travel. b) impossible. c) planet. d) recycle it. 7. That was 20p cheaper in . . . a) this shop. b) that way. c) this piece. d) her own. 8. Can you speak a bit . . . a) up a bit? b) please? c) more time? d) louder? 9. The coffee is over . . . a) then. b) there. c) taken. d) where. 10. Then he told us a . . . a) long. b) time. c) place. d) story. 11. I don’t believe . . . a) in. b) if. c) it. d) is. 12. Who wants to go . . . a) first. b) second time? c) that? d) first? 13. It was only a . . . a) agree. b) fun. c) joke. d) good. 14. Give me a . . . a) egg. b) ring. c) apple. d) ring me. 15. We don’t know what to . . . a) think. b) thought. c) wished. d) did. 16. It was chucking it . . . a) in. b) down. c) with. d) up. 17. Can I help at . . . a) the morning? b) with you? c) all. d) all? 18. My mum sent me a . . . a) shopping. b) present. c) Letter. d) blue. 19. We didn’t enjoy . . . a) camping. b) camped. c) the curtains. d) us. 20. I live in . . . a) bristol. b) Bristol? c) Bristol. d) BristoL. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 75. English Test Your Grammar Skills Sentence Building 1 Write these words in the correct order to make a sentence: 1. dog My to go on diet. needs a ______________________________________________________________ 2. went house I night. friend’s my to last ______________________________________________________________ 3. to seashore. live the I would near like ______________________________________________________________ 4. had some I buy would a car. money If I ______________________________________________________________ 5. last my Saturday. was birthday It ______________________________________________________________ 6. three-bedroomed I live a in house. ______________________________________________________________ 7. new to I buy curtains. some need ______________________________________________________________ 8. on Spain. I On going to holiday am Monday ______________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 76. English Test Your Grammar Skills Sentence Building 2 Write these words in the correct order to make a sentence: 1. need I for a stamp letter. my ______________________________________________________________ 2. me tell the please? time you Can ______________________________________________________________ 3. spaghetti like like but pizza. I don’t I ______________________________________________________________ 4. My is Oliver book favourite by Dickens. Twist ______________________________________________________________ 5. Sunday came my to sister us. On see ______________________________________________________________ 6. felt I early. I so to bed went tired ______________________________________________________________ 7. party. else Everybody at the was ______________________________________________________________ 8. holiday Would like you them? to with on go ______________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 77. English Test Your Grammar Skills The Plays of William Shakespeare 1. Write these words in the right order to make some famous quotations: a) be, is be, or not the “To question.” to that __________________________________________________________________________ b) music food be the of “If love, on.” play __________________________________________________________________________ c) bold.” made made drunk hath which hath them “That me __________________________________________________________________________ d) here?” hempen we “What swaggering homespuns have __________________________________________________________________________ e) thou yet daughter.” art blood, “But flesh, my my my __________________________________________________________________________ f) lord, thy husband keeper.” thy “Thy life, thy is __________________________________________________________________________ g) dear more.” the “Once unto once more friends, breach, __________________________________________________________________________ h) “A kingdom My horse!” horse! A a horse! for __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write the name of the play, and the character’s name 3. Write the numbers of the Act and Scene where you can find these lines For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 78. part four English Test Your Grammar Skills Full Stops 1 Add full stops to this text: My name is Tim I live in Nottingham, which is a city in the UK I live in a small detached house with my wife Jenny, and our two children, Lisa and James I work at Debenhams in Nottingham, and I really enjoy my job I am a sales manager for the sports clothing department Debenhams is the largest department store in Nottingham and there are branches all over the UK When I’m not at work I like to play tennis with my friend Joe He is much better than me, but I still enjoy it At the weekends I sometimes take my family to Manchester to visit Jenny’s mum She lives at Pine View Nursing Home in a nice suburb of the city and has been there for about five years She loves to see her grandchildren James always tells her about what he is doing at school James and Lisa both go to the same school, Mount Street Junior School For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 79. English Test Your Grammar Skills Full Stops 2 Add full stops to this text: Hello, I’m Jenny, Tim’s wife We have been married for almost eleven years I met Tim when we were both at university I studied Physics while Tim studied Business Management We graduated from Cardiff University in 1989, and went to live in Birmingham We got married in 1993 at Lincoln Cathedral I took a one-year post-graduate teaching course, then got a job teaching Science at Lincoln High School We moved to Nottingham in 1996 where Lisa was born I remember that she was a very fat baby, but a happy one! My mum helped us with looking after the baby in the first year, before she had to go into the nursing home in Manchester She wanted to move to a home in Manchester because that is where my two older sisters and their families live We go to visit often - when I can get Tim to drive us up there! I don’t drive I took some lessons when I was a student in Cardiff but I found driving on the roads quite frightening and gave up! Perhaps one day I will try again About two years after we had Lisa, James was born He was born at St.Patrick’s hospital in Nottingham It seems like it was only last week I can’t believe he’s already at school For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 80. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Capital Letters 3 Put capital letters in the right places in this text: my name is tim. i live in nottingham, which is a city in the uk. i live in a small detached house with my wife jenny, and our two children, lisa and james. i work at debenhams in nottingham, and i really enjoy my job. i am a sales manager for the sports clothing department. debenhams is the largest department store in nottingham and there are branches all over the uk. when i’m not at work i like to play tennis with my friend joe. he is much better than me, but i still enjoy it. at the weekends i sometimes take my family to manchester to visit jenny’s mum. she lives at pine view nursing home in a nice suburb of the city and has been there for about five years. she loves to see her grandchildren. james always tells her about what he is doing at school. james and lisa both go to the same school, mount street junior school. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 81. English Test Your Grammar Skills Using Capital Letters 4 Put capital letters in the right places in this text: hello, i’m jenny, tim’s wife. we have been married for almost eleven years. i met tim when we were both at university. i studied physics while tim studied business management. we graduated from cardiff university in 1989, and went to live in birmingham. we got married in 1993 at lincoln cathedral. i took a oneyear post-graduate teaching course, then got a job teaching science at lincoln high school. we moved to nottingham in 1996 where lisa was born. i remember that she was a very fat baby, but a happy one! my mum helped us with looking after the baby in the first year, before she had to go into the nursing home in manchester. she wanted to move to a home in manchester because that is where my two older sisters and their families live. we go to visit often - when i can get tim to drive us up there! i don’t drive. i took some lessons when i was a student in cardiff but i found driving on the roads quite frightening and gave up! perhaps one day i will try again. about two years after we had lisa, james was born. he was born at st.patrick’s hospital in nottingham. it seems like it was only last week. i can’t believe he’s already at school. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 82. English Test Your Grammar Skills Talking about the Past 1 Complete the sentences below using one of these verbs: went ate watched was came did had drank heard walked 1. I missed the bus so I _________________ home. 2. I _________________ some cereal and toast for my breakfast. 3. Last week I _________________ to London for the weekend. 4. I _________________ you talking about my friend yesterday. 5. Last night I _________________ a film about space travel. 6. I didn’t go alone. My friend _________________ with me. 7. _________________ you enjoy the concert? 8. It _________________ raining this morning so I didn’t go out. 9. I _________________ two glasses of water before going to bed. 10. I went to the shop to see if they _________________ any postcards. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 83. English Test Your Grammar Skills Talking about the Past 2 Complete the sentences below using one of these verbs: went laughed made was left did had tried wanted cooked 1. I _________________ a really nice meal for my mum’s birthday. 2. My brother _________________ to come too, but he wasn’t allowed. 3. We all _________________ when Tina fell off her chair! 4. I think that we were _________________ for each other. 5. Kim and Charlotte _________________ the party at 1.40am. 6. He _________________ to call you but couldn’t get through. 7. I _________________ thinking of going to the coast next weekend. 8. _________________ you know that Tessa is getting married? 9. I went home after the concert _________________ finished. 10. My friends all _________________ to see the new exhibition in town. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 84. English Test Your Grammar Skills Past Events - The Life of Captain James Cook Complete the sentences below using one of these verbs: saw landed arrived joined married crossed stayed born met left buried worked became returned promoted murdered departed hit 1. James Cook was ______________ on 27th October 1728. 2. He first ______________ as an apprentice to a shopkeeper in Staithes, N. Yorkshire. 3. He ______________ the Royal Navy in 1755, aged 26 years old. 4. He ______________ Elizabeth Batts on 21st December 1762. 5. He ______________ from his first voyage to Newfoundland as a surveyor in November 1763. 6. He was ______________ to the rank of lieutenant in the Royal Navy in 1768. 7. He ______________ from Plymouth in the Endeavour on 26th August 1768. 8. The Endeavour ______________ at Tahiti on 11th April 1769. 9. Cook and his men ______________ at Botany Bay (in Australia) on 28th April 1770. 10. The Endeavour ______________ a coral reef, causing great problems, in June 1770. 11. Cook and his wife ______________ with his father in Yorkshire in December 1771. 12. Cook ______________ Plymouth in the Resolution for his second round-the-world voyage on 13th July 1772. 13. The Resolution _____________ the Antarctic Circle for the first time in January 1773. 14. Cook ______________ ill as the expedition neared Easter Island in February 1774. 15. When he arrived back in England in the summer of 1775 he ______________ King George III. 16. Cook ______________ the west coast of North America on 6th March 1778. 17. He was ______________ in Hawaii on Valentine’s Day 1779. 18. The remains of Cook’s body were ______________ in Kealakekua Bay on 22nd February 1779. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 85. English Test Your Grammar Skills Second Conditional 1 If I were you, I’d get my hair cut. If I had the time, I’d take up golf. If I saw you more often, we could get to know each other better. If I lost my wallet, I’d report it at the police station. If I met Michael Jordan, I’d ask him for his autograph. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a house for my brother. If I wasn’t so lazy, I’d start my own business. If my friend were here, you could meet him. If I drank too much, I’d be sure to make a fool of myself. If I studied more often, I might get better grades. If I woke up at nine am, I’d be late for work. If I entered the competition, I wouldn’t do very well. If I played football for England, they wouldn’t keep losing! If I saw my children smoking, I’d be really angry with them. If I came to class early, I could finish my homework. big grammar book English Banana 2003 86. English Test Your Grammar Skills Second Conditional 2 If I bought a video recorder, I wouldn’t miss my favourite soap. If I wore that red dress, they would all notice me. If I left it up to you, we wouldn’t get anything done. If I had a word-processing package, I could type up my reports. If I were twenty years’ younger, I’d marry her! If I needed help, I would ask you. If I moved to Canada, I could get a good job out there. If we took part in the quiz, we might win it. If we saw that film, you wouldn’t enjoy it. If the computer crashed, you’d lose all your unsaved work. If our boat got lost, we’d have to call for help. If I told her that I’m a vegetarian, she’d be surprised. If my washing machine broke, I’d get it mended. If I had a heart attack, I might die. If I were Prime Minister, I’d privatise the NHS. big grammar book English Banana 2003 87. English Test Your Grammar Skills Third Conditional 1 If you’d eaten your dinner, you wouldn’t have been hungry. If I’d married Harry, we would have been happy. If I’d sold my car to you, you’d have got a bargain. If you’d attended every lesson, you’d have passed that exam easily. If it’d been sunny yesterday, we would’ve gone to the beach. If I’d told you about Chantal, you wouldn’t have believed me. If we’d read the map properly, we wouldn’t have got lost. If you’d asked her, she could’ve come as well. If I’d won the lottery, I wouldn’t be shopping in charity shops! If you’d eaten all of your main course, you could’ve had some dessert. If I’d had the chance, I would have gone to university. If I’d had your phone number, I could’ve called you. If I’d asked the doctor, she would’ve advised me on what to do. If I’d lent you my lawnmower, you would have broken it. If I’d watched that programme, I would’ve been bored stiff. big grammar book English Banana 2003 88. English Test Your Grammar Skills Third Conditional 2 If I’d had the salmon, I might have got food poisoning. If I’d gone to the interview, I might have got the job. If they’d scored another goal, they would’ve won. If I’d found some money, I would’ve handed it in. If I’d taken a taxi, I would have been there by now. If I’d thrown away your magazine, you would’ve been annoyed. If I’d gone on the trip to London, I would’ve visited Hyde Park. If I’d eaten your chocolates, I would’ve felt a bit guilty. If I’d known it was your birthday, I would’ve got you a present. If we didn’t remember which room it was, we could’ve asked Stephen. If the train had been late, we would’ve missed our appointment. If I’d had the courage, I would’ve confronted her. If I’d opened the shop on Sundays, I would’ve compromised my beliefs. If you’d been here earlier, you could have had a free drink. If my shirt had been dry, I could have put it on. big grammar book English Banana 2003 89. English Test Your Grammar Skills Zero Conditional 1 If you heat water, it boils. If you put salt and vinegar on chips, they taste nicer. If you need assistance, press here. If you don’t come on time, you miss such a lot. If you feel tired, it’s a good idea to go to bed. If it rains, it’s good for the garden. If I eat too many sweets, I put on weight. If I get up too early, I feel tired all day. If I have toothache, I go to the dentist’s. If I feel ill, I make an appointment with my GP. If I read without my glasses on, I strain my eyes. If the number 54 is late, the next bus is the 56. If school finishes early, I usually go to my friend’s house. If the post comes on time, I look at it before I go to work. If you spill coffee on my laptop, it doesn’t agree with it! big grammar book English Banana 2003 90. English Test Your Grammar Skills Zero Conditional 2 Soap dissolves if you leave it in water. Plants die if you don’t water them. Milk goes off if you don’t keep it in a cool place. Ask the teacher if you don’t understand. I don’t mind if you want to use the car. Children get upset if they’re being bullied. Stamps can be good fun if you enjoy collecting things. It can be hard to access the web if you don’t have a PC at home. The heater comes on if you press this switch. Pasta tastes awful if you let it boil for too long. I can go early on Fridays if I ask my manager’s permission. I usually like listening to the radio if Julie has it on. My mind goes blank if you put me on the spot. The car runs like a dream if you service it regularly. Dogs really like it if you walk them regularly. big grammar book English Banana 2003 91. English Test Your Grammar Skills Writing Comparisons 1 Write a sentence comparing one thing with another. For example: Compare two rooms in your house: My bathroom is smaller than my living room. 1. Compare two people in your class: __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Compare two films that you have seen: __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Compare two Asian countries: __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Compare two types of transport: __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Compare two novels that you have read: __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Compare two places near to where you live: __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Compare two famous people from history: __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Compare two capital cities: __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Compare two occupations: __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Compare two days of the week: __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 92. English Test Your Grammar Skills Writing Comparisons 2 Write a sentence comparing one thing with another. For example: Compare two animals: An elephant is larger than a cat. 1. Compare two teachers that you have had: __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Compare two television programmes: __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Compare two members of your family: __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Compare two European cities: __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Compare two types of music: __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Compare two places that you have visited on holiday: __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Compare two makes of car: __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Compare two planets in the Solar System: __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Compare two restaurants that you know: __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Compare two languages: __________________________________________________________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 93. English Essential English Homophones 1 Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings. Write an English word that sounds the same as each of these words: 1. allowed ___________________________ 2. jeans ___________________________ 3. father ___________________________ 4. tide ___________________________ 5. peace ___________________________ 6. see ___________________________ 7. weather ___________________________ 8. you ___________________________ 9. pour ___________________________ 10. none ___________________________ 11. hear ___________________________ 12. floor ___________________________ 13. by ___________________________ 14. cereal ___________________________ 15. vein ___________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 94. English Essential English Homophones 2 Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings. Write an English word that sounds the same as each of these words: 1. stair ___________________________ 2. need ___________________________ 3. pear ___________________________ 4. wear ___________________________ 5. road ___________________________ 6. made ___________________________ 7. dual ___________________________ 8. beech ___________________________ 9. aunt ___________________________ 10. feet ___________________________ 11. for ___________________________ 12. lane ___________________________ 13. idle ___________________________ 14. great ___________________________ 15. bass ___________________________ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 95. English Essential English List of Common Homophones Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings. Here are some common examples: allowed aunt ball base be bear berry blue boar board bread buy by cereal check council course dam deer die doe earn eight faint farther feet find flair floor flower for fur great hart heal hear heard hi hole idle in it’s jeans lane aloud aren’t bawl bass bee bare bury blew bore bored bred by bye serial cheque counsel coarse damn dear dye dough urn ate feint father feat fined flare flaw flour four fir grate heart heel here herd high whole idol inn its genes lain lead least loan male meet mind morning naval new no one pear pie piece pier poor rain raw read red road sale saw see sun tail tea their they’re tide too two wail warn weal wear weather week weight while wood write yew your led leased lone mail meat mined mourning navel knew know won pair pi peace peer pour reign roar reed read rode sail sore sea son tale tee they’re there tied to too whale worn wheel where whether weak wait wile would right you you’re For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 96. English Test Your Grammar Skills Being Polite We are usually more polite to people who we respect or who we don’t know well. We tend to use more direct language with our friends and close relatives. Match the polite sentence with the direct sentence that has the same meaning: Polite: 1. Can I have a cake? 2. Would you be able to keep the noise down please? 3. Can you pass me the lemonade please? 4. Would you like to sit down? 5. Can you tell me how long you are going to be please? 6. I wondered if I would possibly be able to borrow the newspaper after you have finished with it. 7. Excuse me. I’m afraid I don’t know your name. 8. I’m sorry but I’ve got to go home now. 9. Would you mind if I came with you and Diane to the cinema? 10. Excuse me. I’m ever so sorry to bother you. I hope you don’t mind but would it be possible at all for you to tell me the time please? Direct: a) Sit down. b) Get a move on. c) Who are you? d) What’s the time? e) Give me a cake. f) I’m coming with you. g) Give me a drink. h) I want the paper now! i) Shut up! j) I’m off. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 97. English Test Your Grammar Skills Good Advice 1 Match the question on the left to the good advice given on the right: 1. Are you hungry? a) Go to the doctor’s! 2. Are you unhappy? b) Have something to eat! 3. Are you bored? c) Go and work in a hospital! 4. Are you tired? d) Go for a ten mile run! 5. Are you in a hurry? e) Have something to drink! 6. Are you feeling ill? f) Go and buy some! 7. Are you lonely? g) Go to bed! 8. Are you thirsty? h) Cheer up - it might never happen! 9. Do you need some new shoes? i) Go and sit in a field! 10. Do you need a new suit? j) Go and get one! 11. Do you feel stressed out? k) Make some friends! 12. Do you like boats? l) Go and do something! 13. Do you like trees and grass? m) Go and buy a lottery ticket! 14. Do you like ill people? n) Go on a sailing holiday! 15. Do you want to be a millionaire? o) Stop eating chocolate and cakes! 16. Do you want to be famous? p) Start by making others happy. 17. Do you want to be happy? q) Slow down a bit! 18. Do you like mountains? r) Get a part in a Hollywood blockbuster! 19. Are you unfit? s) Go to the Himalayas! 20. Do you want to lose weight? t) Calm down! For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 98. English Test Your Grammar Skills Good Advice 2 Match the question on the left to the good advice given on the right: 1. Do you like meeting people? a) Good for you! 2. Do you like cars? b) Get a job as a receptionist! 3. Are you very shy? c) Become a racing driver. 4. Are you looking for romance? d) Go and visit St Paul’s Cathedral. 5. Are you lucky in love? e) Go to the hairdressers! 6. Do you want to be poor? f) Put some gloves on! 7. Do you like pop music? g) Go and buy some new plants! 8. Do you like watching films? h) Go and work in a garage! 9. Do you need help with maths? i) Go to a nice restaurant! 10. Have you got long hair? j) Buy a calculator! 11. Have you got cold hands? k) Give all your money away! 12. Do you like good food? l) Go on holiday to Spain! 13. Do you like gardening? m) Phone somebody! 14. Do you live in London? n) Switch on the TV! 15. Do you like flying? o) Join a dating agency! 16. Do you like talking? p) Go on a confidence-building course. 17. Do you know how to read a map? q) Get a job as a film reviewer. 18. Do you like lying in the sun all day? r) Buy a couple of CDs. 19. Do you like watching TV? s) Become an air hostess! 20. Do you like driving really fast? t) Go on a walking holiday! For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 99. English Test Your Grammar Skills Good Advice 3 Match the question on the left to the good advice given on the right: 1. Do you like looking good? a) Take off your jumper! 2. Do you like jam? b) Go to Panama! 3. Are you dirty? c) Move to a smaller one! 4. Have you got long hair? d) Buy a cow! 5. Do you always wake up late? e) Buy a better one! 6. Do you hate your job? f) Make yourself a jam sandwich! 7. Is your house too big? g) Go to the Sahara Desert! 8. Do you like drinking fresh milk? h) Why not get it cut? 9. Do you enjoy swimming? i) Go to a birthday party! 10. Do you like penguins? j) Go to a carpet shop! 11. Are you too hot? k) Join a tennis club! 12. Are you too cold? l) Buy some big shoes! 13. Do you like long canals? m) Buy an alarm clock! 14. Do you like sand dunes? n) Become a model. 15. Do you like birthday cake? o) Go to the South Pole! 16. Do you like getting wet? p) Put a warm coat on! 17. Do you need a new carpet? q) Go on a boat trip and jump in! 18. Do you like playing tennis? r) Have a bath! 19. Do you have big feet? s) Apply for a different one! 20. Is your mobile phone rubbish? t) Throw away your umbrella! For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 100. English Essential English Write Your Own Flashcards For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 101. the answers English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use Part One 5 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty. 7 This blank form can be used to test spelling skills and vocabulary within a wide variety of vocabulary sets. Students have to write a word that belongs to a given set, beginning with each letter of the alphabet. For example, you could ask them to write an adjective, or an occupation, for every letter of the alphabet. 8 1. Friday. 2. October. 3. Thursday. 4. April. 5. February. 6. Monday. 7. Saturday. 8. autumn. 9. January. 10. November. 11. March. 12. June. 9 1. Sunday. 2. spring. 3. Wednesday. 4. December. 5. summer. 6. July. 7. winter. 8. May. 9. September. 10. August. 11. Tuesday. 10 1. a) 2. c) 3. d) 4. b) 5. a) 6. b) 7. d) 11 1. b) 2. a) 3. c) 4. a) 5. d) 6. b) 7. c) 8. a) 9. b) 10. d) 11. b) 12. d) 12 1. 1st January 1997; 2. 5th June 1978; 3. 10th July 2002; 4. 14th August 1973; 5. 22nd November 2001; 6. 31st December 1986; 7. 3rd February 1990; 8. 17th January 2000; 9. 27th March 1995; 10. 20th April 1979; 11. 30th October 2001; 12. 9th June 1997; 13. 13th September 2002; 14. 2nd November 1983; 15. 1st January 1980. 13 1. 2nd January 1999; 2. 1st February 2003; 3. 16th September 1997; 4. 2nd March 1965; 5. 1st March 1994; 6. 4th August 2001; 7. 10th February 1996; 8. 15th December 1970; 9. 29th October 2002; 10. 2nd February 1996; 11. 14th May 2002; 12. 1st May 2001; 13. 12th November 1998; 14. 15th January 1984; 15. 4th August 2002. 14 to be: I am, You are, He is, She is, It is, We are, They are. to go: I go, You go, He goes, She goes, It goes, We go, They go. to do: I do, You do, He does, She does, It does, We do, They do. to have: I have, You have, He has, She has, It has, We have, They have. 15 to be: I was, You were, He was, She was, It was, We were, They were. to go: I went, You went, He went, She went, It went, We went, They went. to do: I did, You did, He did, She did, It did, We did, They did. to have: I had, You had, He had, She had, It had, We had, They had. 16 to be: I am being, You are being, He is being, She is being, It is being, We are being, They are being. to go: I am going, You are going, He is going, She is going, It is going, We are going, They are going. to do: I am doing, You are doing, He is doing, She is doing, It is doing, We are doing, They are doing. to have: I am having, You are having, He is having, She is having, It is having, We are having, They are having. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 102. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use 17 The following should start with a capital letter: John, England, Pizza Hut, Monday, New York, January, Sarah, King Edward High School, Atlantic Ocean, December, French. 18 The following should start with a capital letter: Claire, Spain, Mount Everest, Indian, Paris, August, Steven, Doctor I P Jones, Burger King, Manchester General Hospital, Wednesday. 19 1. My sister’s name is Jackie. 2. Friday is my favourite day of the week. 3. I like watching Eastenders on BBC 1. 4. Charles Dickens was a famous writer. He was born in Portsmouth. 5. Lisa and Chantal are going on holiday to Portugal in May. 6. Did you go to school today? 7. My new address is 248 Normanton Road in Nottingham. 8. When are you going to the hospital? 9. My doctor is getting a new receptionist. She’s called Louise Robson. 10. Ben and I are going to look around Leicester Grammar School on Wednesday. 20 1. How do I get to the library from here? 2. The coach for London leaves in about half an hour. 3. My birthday is in September. I usually go out for a drink with my friends. 4. What do you want for dinner tonight? 5. Birmingham is the second largest city in the UK. 6. I’ll have a Coke please and two packets of Walkers crisps. 7. If you need to see a consultant go to the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary. 8. Mary Poppins is my mum’s favourite film. She likes Julie Andrews. 9. I drive a red Fiat Punto and my uncle drives a green BMW. 10. I joined Morton Park Golf Club last week. It was very expensive. 21 1. What is your brother’s name? 2. What is your address? 3. What is your favourite food? 4. What is your name? 5. What is the date today? 6. How much is that shirt? 7. How are you? 8. What is your surname? 9. What is your postcode? 10. When is your birthday? 22 1. Where are the toilets? 2. Where are you from? 3. What is your phone number? 4. What is the answer? 5. What is your nationality? 6. How old is it? 7. Who is your best friend? 8. Which one is it? 9. Where is my shirt? 10. How old are you? 23 1. What is your first name? 2. What is the capital of Australia? 3. Is that your friend’s car? 4. Is it cold outside? 5. When is the concert? 6. Are his parents nice? 7. How many people are there in your class? 8. What is your favourite colour? 9. When was the Battle of Hastings? 10. Are you OK? 24 1. What do you do in your free time? 2. Where do you live? 3. How do you do? 4. How do you get there? 5. What do you do for a living? 6. What do you think? 7. What do you want? 8. Who do you want to speak to? 9. Where do you want to go? 10. Do you know him? 25 1. Do you have to ask? 2. When do you want to have lunch? 3. Do you have any stamps? 4. Do you have any brothers and sisters? 5. Where do you work? 6. What do you want for breakfast? 7. Who do you think you are? 8. Which newspapers do you read? 9. Why do you like playing snooker? 10. Do you want some fish and chips? For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 103. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use 26 1. Where do you come from? 2. Do you think English is boring? 3. Which one do you like best? 4. What do they want to know? 5. Do you feel OK? 6. Does she enjoy watching old films? 7. Does Louis work hard? 8. Do you want to start this course? 9. Do you know the way to the library? 10. Do you want me to come with you? 27 1. Where have you been? 2. What have you been doing? 3. Why have you come to this class? 4. When have I got to arrive? 5. Have you got any money? 6. Have you got the time please? 7. Have you seen my friend? 8. Have you looked in every cupboard? 9. Have you closed the curtains? 10. Why hasn’t she done the washing up? 28 1. Have you been here before? 2. Which films have you seen? 3. Have you got any oranges? 4. Have you had your tea? 5. Have you finished with that magazine? 6. Has he told you that I’m leaving? 7. Have you got your certificate yet? 8. Have you changed your phone number? 9. What have you learnt today? 10. Have you bought a birthday card for Jane? 29 1. When have you got to go? 2. Why hasn’t he finished painting the bathroom? 3. Have you finished your meal? 4. Have you heard the new CD by Bon Jovi? 5. What have they been saying to you? 6. What have you done to your hair? 7. What has he done with my photos? 8. Where have they been on holiday? 9. Who has she been talking to? 10. Why haven’t you tidied up? 30 1. find. 2. knows. 3. be. 4. its. 5. mail. 6. board. 7. mourning. 8. by. 9. high. 10. bare. 11. meet. 12. dear. 13. for. 14. heel. 15. aren’t. 31 1. pail. 2. one. 3. mind. 4. no. 5. loan. 6. pear. 7. plane. 8. new. 9. read. 10. poor. 11. piece. 12. night. 13. none. 14. raise. 15. or. Part Two 32 1. fourteen. 2. forty two. 3. two. 4. fifteen. 5. three. 6. eighty. 7. sixty. 8. four. 9. six. 10. thirty. 11. thirty seven. 12. fifty three. 33 1. sixteen. 2. forty three. 3. thirty eight. 4. minus nine (-9). 5. thirty five. 6. one hundred and forty five. 7. forty eight. 8. eleven. 9. fifteen. 10. two hundred and seventy five. 11. eighty four. 12. sixty seven. 34 a) twelve; twenty seven; sixty eight; sixty three; one hundred and eighty nine. b) twelve; eight; forty; fifty seven; forty two. c) eighty; ninety eight; one hundred and fifty six; one hundred and forty six; five hundred and eighty four. 35 a) twelve; twenty; nineteen; one hundred and seventy one; one hundred and seventy eight. b) fifty five; twenty five; seventy five; fifty seven; sixty nine. c) seventy six; one hundred and thirty nine; one hundred and ten; one hundred and For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 104. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use twenty; four hundred and eighty. 36 a) sixteen; thirty seven; seventy two; sixty four; six hundred and forty. b) seventy one; sixty five; fifty three; two hundred and twelve; two thousand three hundred and eighteen. c) one thousand one hundred and forty nine; one thousand one hundred and fifty three; one thousand and seventy two; two thousand one hundred and forty four; six thousand seven hundred and nineteen. 37 1. six pounds forty nine pence. 2. fifteen pounds nineteen pence. 3. fourteen pounds sixty seven pence. 4. thirty seven pounds eighty five pence. 5. eight pounds eighty eight pence. 6. three hundred and forty six pounds fifty one pence. 7. six pounds fifty pence. 8. thirteen pounds fifty pence. 9. four pounds forty nine pence. 10. nine pounds seventy six pence. 11. forty two pounds seventy one pence. 12. thirty six pounds eleven pence. 38 1. six pounds eighty pence. 2. twenty two pounds forty nine pence. 3. eight pounds ninety seven pence. 4. eighteen pounds. 5. forty two pounds ninety eight pence. 6. twenty five pence. 7. twenty six pounds forty five pence. 8. one pound twenty seven pence. 9. eleven pounds forty three pence. 10. one hundred and twenty eight pounds ninety seven pence. 11. sixty seven pence. 12. one pound seven pence. 39 1. tenth. 2. first. 3. fourth. 4. third. 5. ninth. 6. sixth. 7. fifth. 8. second. 9. twelfth. 10. seventh. 11. eleventh. 12. eighth. 40 1. first. 2. sixteenth. 3. fifth. 4. twenty fourth. 5. twelfth. 6. twentieth. 7. fifteenth. 8. thirteenth. 9. sixth. 10. seventh. 11. eleventh. 12. eighteenth. 13. twenty first. 14. fourth. 15. tenth. 41 clever/stupid; poor/rich; sunny/rainy; wet/dry; long/short; fat/thin; big/small; good/bad; hard/soft; low/high. 42 light/dark; warm/cool; old/young; odd/normal; fast/slow; expensive/cheap; hungry/full; uneven/flat; wide/narrow; tall/short. 43 1. lighter, lightest. 2. cleverer, cleverest. 3. sunnier, sunniest. 4. harder, hardest. 5. thinner, thinnest. 6. better, best. 7. poorer, poorest. 8. shorter, shortest. 9. later, latest. 10. happier, happiest. 44 1. shadier, shadiest. 2. stupider, stupidest. 3. rainier, rainiest. 4. softer, softest. 5. fatter, fattest. 6. worse, worst. 7. richer, richest. 8. longer, longest. 9. earlier, earliest. 10. sadder, saddest. Note: worksheets number 43 and 44 can be used together to teach opposite adjectives, e.g. light is the opposite of shady. 45 1. nicer, nicest. 2. colder, coldest. 3. cleaner, cleanest. 4. younger, youngest. 5. faster, fastest. 6. larger, largest. 7. hungrier, hungriest. 8. narrower, narrowest. 9. redder, reddest. 10. nearer, nearest. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 105. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use 46 1. nastier, nastiest. 2. hotter, hottest. 3. dirtier, dirtiest. 4. older, oldest. 5. slower, slowest. 6. smaller, smallest. 7. fuller, fullest. 8. wider, widest. 9. greener, greenest. 10. further, furthest or farther, farthest. Note: worksheets number 45 and 46 can be used together to teach opposite adjectives, e.g. nice is the opposite of nasty. 47 1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. an; 5. an; 6. an; 7. an; 8. a; 9. a; 10. a; 11. an; 12. an; 13. a; 14. a; 15. a. 48 1. an; 2. an; 3. a; 4. an; 5. a; 6. a; 7. a; 8. an; 9. an; 10. an; 11. a; 12. a; 13. an; 14. a; 15. a. 49 some sand; a five pound note; some wine; some butter; some peanut butter; a radio; a toothbrush; some jam; a magazine; a queue; some luggage; a suitcase; some flour; some sugar; a bicycle. 50 some rice; a dog; a postman; some alcohol; a bathroom; a computer; some oil; some ice; a shirt; some homework; some food; some cheese; a light switch; some vinegar; a pen. Part Three 53 1. me. 2. I. 3. me. 4. Me. 5. I. 6. I. 7. I. 8. me. 9. me. 10. I. 11. me. 12. I. 13. me. 14. me. 15. I. 54 1. He. 2. him. 3. He. 4. He. 5. him. 6. him. 7. He. 8. he. 9. him. 10. He. 11. He. 12. him. 13. him. 14. him. 15. him. 55 1. She. 2. She. 3. her. 4. her. 5. her. 6. she. 7. She. 8. She. 9. her. 10. she. 11. She. 12. her, her. 13. She. 14. she. 15. she. 56 1. We. 2. us. 3. us. 4. we. 5. we. 6. us. 7. We. 8. us. 9. We. 10. we. 11. We. 12. us. 13. us. 14. We, we. 15. us. 57 1. them. 2. They. 3. them. 4. them. 5. They. 6. them, they. 7. them. 8. them. 9. They. 10. they. 11. them. 12. them, they. 13. They, them. 14. them, they. 15. they. 58 1. He. 2. you. 3. He, me. 4. it, you. 5. us. 6. she, them. 7. you, me. 8. It, him. 9. them. 10. me. 11. It. 12. him, they. 13. I, it. 14. He, it. 15. it. 16. She, me. 17. you. 18. her, He, her, he. 19. They. 20. him. 59 There may be some discussion about what is right or wrong! The percentages should look something like this: 100% always, 90% usually, 80% frequently, 70% often, 50% sometimes, 30% don’t usually, 15% seldom, 10% occasionally, 5% hardly ever, 0% never. For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 106. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use 62 Copy this page onto card. It shows fifteen sentences that use a conditional clause. Cut up the cards and get your students to match up both parts of each sentence correctly. You could also show only one half of each sentence and elicit ideas on how to complete the sentences. 63 See notes on number 62. 64 1. What. 2. What. 3. Who. 4. Where. 5. When. 6. Why. 7. When. 8. What. 9. What. 10. Why. 11. Who. 12. Why. 13. Where. 14. Where. 15. When. 65 1. Where. 2. Who. 3. What. 4. Why. 5. When. 6. When. 7. Where. 8. Who. 9. When. 10. Why. 11. What. 12. Who. 13. What. 14. Where. 15. Why. 66 afternoon, birthday, bookshelf, tabletop, airport, teatime, pancake, paperback, caveman, horsefly, parenthood, homework, carpet, cupboard. 67 timetable, bathroom, inside, outhouse, nobody, cliffhanger, policewoman, sometimes, breadbin, anteater, waterfall, wheelbarrow, fallout, daybreak. 68 lampshade, wheelchair, football, invalid, humankind, shoplifter, fireman, footage, motorbike, butterfly, railway, miniskirt, namesake, tracksuit. 69 I wake up at 7.05am. I get up at 7.15am. I have/take a shower at 7.30am. I have/eat breakfast at 7.45am. I read the newspaper at 8.00am. I catch a bus to work at 8.30am. I start/begin work at 9.00am. I have/take a coffee break at 10.30am. I have/eat lunch at 1.00pm. I talk to my friend on the phone at 2.30pm. I send/write/read an email at 2.40pm. I go home at 5.00pm. I have/eat dinner at 6.00pm. I wash the dishes at 6.30pm. I play football at 7.00pm. I watch TV at 8.30pm. I play my guitar at 9.00pm. I read a book at 10.00pm. I listen to the radio at 10.40pm. I go to bed at 11.10pm. I go to sleep at about 11.20pm. 70 1. c) 2. c) 3. b) 4. d) 5. d) 6. a) 7. d) 8. b) 9. c) 10. a) 71 1. a) 2. c) 3. b) 4. c) 5. b) 6. c) 7. b) 8. b) 9. b) 10. d) 11. c) 12. c) 13. d) 14. b) 15. d) 16. b) 17. c) 18. b) 19. d) 20. c) 72 1. b) 2. c) 3. b) 4. b) 5. c) 6. d) 7. b) 8. c) 9. c) 10. c) 11. d) 12. c) 13. b) 14. d) 15. c) 16. d) 17. b) 18. b) 19. a) 20. c) 73 1. d) 2. b) 3. b) 4. c) 5. d) 6. a) 7. b) 8. c) 9. b) 10. c) 11. a) 12. b) 13. a) 14. c) 15. c) 16. d) 17. b) 18. a) 19. c) 20. a) 74 1. c) 2. b) 3. d) 4. b) 5. a) 6. c) 7. b) 8. a) 9. d) 10. b) 11. d) 12. b) 13. c) 14. c) 15. d) 16. a) 17. b) 18. c) 19. a) 20. c) 75 1. d) 2. b) 3. a) 4. d) 5. c) 6. c) 7. a) 8. d) 9. b) 10. d) 11. c) 12. d) 13. c) 14. b) 15. a) 16. b) 17. d) 18. b) 19. a) 20. c) 76 1. My dog needs to go on a diet. 2. I went to my friend’s house last night. 3. I would For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 107. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use like to live near the seashore. 4. If I had some money I would buy a car. 5. It was my birthday last Saturday. 6. I live in a three-bedroomed house. 7. I need to buy some new curtains. 8. On Monday I am going on holiday to Spain. 77 1. I need a stamp for my letter. 2. Can you tell me the time please? 3. I don’t like spaghetti but I like pizza. Or: I like spaghetti but I don’t like pizza. 4. My favourite book is Oliver Twist by Dickens. 5. On Sunday my sister came to see us. 6. I felt tired so I went to bed early. 7. Everybody else was at the party. 8. Would you like to go on holiday with them? 78 a) “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1, spoken by Hamlet. b) “If music be the food of love, play on.” Twelfth Night, Act 1 Scene 1, spoken by Duke Orsino. c) “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold.” Macbeth, Act 2 Scene 2, spoken by Lady Macbeth. d) “What hempen homespuns have we swaggering here?” A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 3 Scene 1, spoken by Puck. e) “But yet thou art my flesh, my blood, my daughter.” King Lear, Act 2 Scene 4, spoken by King Lear. f) “Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper.” Taming of the Shrew, Act 5 Scene 2, spoken by Katherine. g) “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.” Henry V, Act 3 Scene 1, spoken by King Henry. h) “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” Richard III, Act 5 Scene 4, spoken by King Richard. Part Four 79 & 81 My name is Tim. I live in Nottingham, which is a city in the UK. I live in a small detached house with my wife Jenny, and our two children, Lisa and James. I work at Debenhams in Nottingham, and I really enjoy my job. I am a sales manager for the sports clothing department. Debenhams is the largest department store in Nottingham and there are branches all over the UK. When I’m not at work I like to play tennis with my friend Joe. He is much better than me, but I still enjoy it. At the weekends I sometimes take my family to Manchester to visit Jenny’s mum. She lives at Pine View Nursing Home in a nice suburb of the city and has been there for about five years. She loves to see her grandchildren. James always tells her about what he is doing at school. James and Lisa both go to the same school, Mount Street Junior School. 80 & 82 Hello, I’m Jenny, Tim’s wife. We have been married for almost eleven years. I met Tim when we were both at university. I studied Physics while Tim studied Business Management. We graduated from Cardiff University in 1989, and went to live in Birmingham. We got married in 1993 at Lincoln Cathedral. I took a one-year postgraduate teaching course, then got a job teaching Science at Lincoln High School. We moved to Nottingham in 1996 where Lisa was born. I remember that she was a very fat baby, but a happy one! My mum helped us with looking after the baby in the first year, before she had to go into the nursing home in Manchester. She wanted to move to a home in Manchester because that is where my two older sisters and their For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 108. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use families live. We go to visit often - when I can get Tim to drive us up there! I don’t drive. I took some lessons when I was a student in Cardiff but I found driving on the roads quite frightening and gave up! Perhaps one day I will try again. About two years after we had Lisa, James was born. He was born at St. Patrick’s hospital in Nottingham. It seems like it was only last week. I can’t believe he’s already at school. 83 1. walked. 2. ate. 3. went. 4. heard. 5. watched. 6. came. 7. Did. 8. was. 9. drank. 10. had. 84 1. cooked. 2. wanted. 3. laughed. 4. made. 5. left. 6. tried. 7. was. 8. Did. 9. had. 10. went. 85 1. born. 2. worked. 3. joined. 4. married. 5. returned. 6. promoted. 7. departed. 8. arrived. 9. landed. 10. hit. 11. stayed. 12. left. 13. crossed. 14. became. 15. met. 16. saw. 17. murdered. 18. buried. 86 - 91 See notes on number 62. 92 Answers will vary. Here are some sample sentences: 1. Tina is taller than Abid. 2. I like Rocky II better than Rocky III. 3. India has a bigger population that South Korea. 4. Cars are more expensive to run than bicycles. 5. Great Expectations is much better than Pride and Prejudice. 6. The park is further away from my house than the school. 7. Napoleon is more interesting than Lord Nelson. 8. It is colder in Helsinki than it is in Cairo. 9. Doctors get paid a lot more than mechanics. 10. Friday is nearer to the weekend than Monday! 93 Answers will vary. Here are some sample sentences: 1. My French teacher is taller than my Maths teacher. 2. I prefer Coronation Street to Eastenders. 3. My sister spends much longer in the bathroom than my dad. 4. I have been to Madrid, but I’ve never been to Barcelona. 5. Rock music is usually louder than folk music. 6. Wales is a far wetter place than Cornwall. 7. A Ferrari can go faster than my Corsa. 8. Venus is closer to the sun than Pluto. 9. Ricardo’s Ristorante is more expensive than Clifford’s Café. 10. English is a more difficult language to learn than Spanish. 94 1. aloud. 2. genes. 3. farther. 4. tied. 5. piece. 6. sea. 7. whether. 8. ewe. 9. poor, pore. 10. nun. 11. here. 12. flaw. 13. buy. 14. serial. 15. vain. 95 1. stare. 2. knead. 3. pair, pare. 4. where. 5. rode. 6. maid. 7. duel. 8. beach. 9. aren’t. 10. feat. 11. four, fore. 12. lain. 13. idol. 14. grate. 15. base. 97 1. e) 2. i) 3. g) 4. a) 5. b) 6. h) 7. c) 8. j) 9. f) 10. d) 98 1. b) 2. h) 3. l) 4. g) 5. q) 6. a) 7. k) 8. e) 9. f) 10. j) 11. t) 12. n) 13. i) 14. c) 15. m) 16. r) 17. p) 18. s) 19. d) 20. o) 99 1. b) 2. h) 3. p) 4. o) 5. a) 6. k) 7. r) 8. q) 9. j) 10. e) 11. f) 12. i) 13. g) 14. d) 15. s) 16. m) 17. t) 18. l) 19. n) 20. c) For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 109. English Answers to Worksheets and Notes for Use 100 1. n) 2. f) 3. r) 4. h) 5. m) 6. s) 7. c) 8. d) 9. q) 10. o) 11. a) 12. p) 13. b) 14. g) 15. i) 16. t) 17. j) 18. k) 19. l) 20. e) For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! big grammar book English Banana 2003 110. Do you love real books? Great news! Now you can buy the paperback edition of Big Grammar Book online – at a great price! only $10.95 only £7.95 plus also available at other Amazon stores!