Business Ethics Assginment

Assignment Front Sheet Qualification Unit Number and Title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Unit 45 Business ethics Reg. No._Learner’s Name Assessor’s Name Ms. Shyma Mohaisen Hand-out Date Hand-in Date Submitted On Assignment Type Summative Assignment Assignment Title Exploring Business Ethics Learning Outcome No. and Statement AC In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task No. Page No. LO1 Understand different ethical perspectives in business 1.1 explain the background and development of theoretical ethical approaches 1.2 compare and contrast absolute and relative ethics 1.3 explain the ethical issues which can affect the operational activities of a business L02 Understand business objectives from an ethical perspective 2.1 explain how business objectives are affected by ethical considerations 2.2 evaluate the implications for a business and its stakeholders to operate ethically LO3 Understand ethics in workplace relationships 3.1 assess the role of the company acting as moral 3.2 analyse the development of mechanisms for achieving employee involvement and empowerment LO4 Be able to assess a current ethical issue in a business 4.1 research a current ethical issue affecting a selected business 4.2 report on how the business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships 4.3 design a suitable ethical code. Learner’s Declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Learner’s Signature: Date: Assignment Brief Qualification Unit Number and Title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Unit 25 Business Ethics Reg. No._Learner’s Name Assessor’s Name Ms. Shyma Mohaisen Hand-out Date Hand-in Date Submitted On Assignment Type Summative Assignment Assignment Title Exploring Business Ethics Scenario You are to be employed by a large multinational manufacturing corporation, ‘Ethics Inquirer’, as an ethics advisor. The company has decided to make an inquiry into of some the ethical issues being investigated in several high profile companies. The CEO of the multinational corporation has decided to enforce training for senior staff in the organization to make them more aware of ethical issues that may arise in business. Subsequently, you have been assigned with the task of preparing a document that outlines relevant information about business ethics , explore different ethical issues that may arise in business, and how a business may have to modify its objectives in order to satisfy ethical considerations. Your work shall form the basis for future ethics training in the organization   ethics/ethics-and-business-aims.html#axzz3Rwa7SdC2 or the condensed version of the annual report on VLE ; Assignment Pack Folder ( Task 1 In your capacity as an ethics advisor, produce a training aid document as outlined in the assignment brief. You could present task in report format or in a memo to your manager.  Your document or report needs to provide relevant and helpful information about ethics training for the use of Ethics Inquirer company discussed in the scenario. In your document you are to explain the background and development of theoretical ethical approaches in business(1.1). You are then required to compare and contrast absolute and relative ethics(1.2). Lastly, in your report, you are to explain the ethical issues which can affect the operational activities of Ethics Inquirer as a manufacturing company(1.3) Task 2 In your reporting as an ethics advisor working for Ethics Inquirer, you are to explain how business objectives are affected by ethical considerations, you may also extend your discussion to Ethics Inquirer as an example of a manufacturing company (2.1). You are further required to evaluate the implications for Ethics Inquirer and its stakeholders to operate ethically (2.2) Follow up your report with assessing the role of a company like Ethics Inquirer acting as a moral agent(3.1) and analyze the mechanisms for achieving employee involvement and empowerment (3.2) Task 3 In your preparation for your business ethics document, your manager at Ethics Inquirer has requested that you research a current ethical issue affecting a selected business- current ethical issues are ones that have been raised recently in the media. (4.1). Document how the chosen business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships(4.2) Use the knowledge you have acquired in your research on current issues to design a suitable ethical code (4.3) Higher Grade Achievements Merit Grade Descriptor Exemplar Indicative Characteristic Contextualization Distinction Grade Descriptor Exemplar Indicative Characteristic Task M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions An effective approach to study and research An effective approach to study and research has been applied to realise current ethical issue affecting a selected business D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when answering the written questions Self-criticism of approach has taken place You must come up with justified confusions about the effect of the development of mechanisms for achieving employee involvement and empowerment Self-criticism of approach has taken place When analysing the effect of development of mechanisms for achieving employee involvement and empowerment M2: Select/ design and apply appropriate methods / techniques A range of sources and information have been appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied To achieve m2, you must select appropriate resource material for the assignment with the use of the internet, journals, publications and text. The referencing used must follow the Harvard standard To achieve m2 you will have to achieve appropriate techniques to explore the role of the company acting as a moral agent . D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities Autonomy/independence ha s been demonstrated Submission on deadline Autonomy, independence , and distinct ideas has been demonstrated when reporting on report on how the business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships . M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts The work you present will be presented in a suitable business format and will use business terminology accurately D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking innovation and creative thought have been applied innovation and creative thought have been applied in the report on how the business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships Answer Sheet Task 1 Please type your answer below Task B Please type your answer below Task C Please type your answer below Task 4 Please type your answer below Evidence Checklist Task No. Evidence required by learner Has the evidence been presented? A B C D Reference Checklist Section Reference List Valid Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Instructions An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline date and time You must submit one single PDF or MS Office Word document. Any relevant images or screenshots must be included within the same MS Office Word or PDF document Clearly indicate the LO and AC number you address Ensure that all work has been proof-read and checked prior to submission Ensure that the layout of your documents are in a professional format Font: Verdana Font Size: 14-Main heading, Bold and Underlined 12-Sub heading and Underlined 10-Body text Line Spacing: 1.0 and justified Check your work for plagiarism Ensure that any file you upload is virus-free and not corrupted You must NOT submit a paper copy or email of this assessment to any member of staff Your work must be original Filing the reference checklist is compulsory Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Assessor’s Name Ms. Shyma Mohaisen Unit Number and Title Unit 45 Business Ethics Learner’s Name LO To achieve the criteria, the evidence must show that the learner is able to: Achieved? (tick) LO1 Understand different ethical perspectives in business 1.1 explain the background and development of theoretical ethical approaches 1.2 compare and contrast absolute and relative ethics 1.3 explain the ethical issues which can affect the operational activities of a business LO2 Understand business objectives from an ethical perspective 2.1 explain how business objectives are affected by ethical considerations 2.2 evaluate the implications for a business and its stakeholders to operate ethically LO3 Understand ethics in workplace relationships 3.1 assess the role of the company acting as moral agent 3.2 analyse the development of mechanisms for achieving employee involvement and empowerment LO4 Be able to assess a current ethical issue in a business 4.1 research a current ethical issue affecting a selected business 4.2 report on how the business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships 4.3 design a suitable ethical code. Assignment Feedback Formative Feedback: Assessor to Learner Action Plan: Summative Feedback: Assessor to Learner Feedback: Learner to Assessor 11 11PEARSON BTEC_Semester 02_Unit No. 01_Business Environment_June 2015_Cromwell UK Sharjah