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Television Studies is an established field within media studies, and with the dominance of reality television in particular, a research emphasis on this style is growing exponentially. Reality television and documentary film have important relevance for sociological studies because of their assumed but tenuous relationship to the real world as well as creative and strategic use of social representation. In this course, students will explore the world of reality television, documentary, and digital storytelling: the categories, sociological & consumption messages, audience interaction, and media coverage. In addition, students will learn important aspects of the history and theories of screen culture, as well as how to analyze and interpret a wide variety of media texts using key film and TV studies concepts and vocabulary.
Published in: Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation. Essays in Honor of Samuel Rubenson, ed. by Susan ASHBROOK HARVEY, Thomas ARENTZEN, Henrik RYDELL JOHNSÉN, Andreas WESTERGREN (Vigiliae Christianae. Supplements, 161), Brill, Leiden 2020, pp. 54-72.
Buildings require a lot of energy during all their lifetime, from the construction site to the use and demolition. The building sector contributes to a large part of the total emissions of greenhouse gases and consume a large amount of water and energy resources, so the material components used in the building sector have gained an important role in the discourse of sustainability. The tendency is to use natural renewable materials that generates lower environmental impact than conventional ones and are able to fulfil the required structural and architectural needs. Wood is a traditional material with a long and proud history and has been reintroduced in the construction site thanks to its sustainable characteristics. Wood used for building applications, i.e. timber, is capable to capture CO2 from the atmosphere and incorporate so-called carbon storage. Moreover, low process energy requirements and high recyclability increase the potential of timber to become a major building material. On the other hand, the considerable growing demand for highly transparent envelopes has recently resulted in massive introduction of glass as a façade component. The main objective of this thesis was therefore to elaborate on the question if it is possible to merge the positive aspects of these two materials. The thesis starts with a discussion on hybrid, composite and combined materials. The key concept is to merge two or more materials with different characteristics, which result in a finished product with better overall properties than the starting constituents. However, such building material systems are not well categorized and a new term is therefore introduced to describe the combination between wood and glass: engineered wood glass combination (EWGC). The product is then described presenting the characteristics and properties of wood and glass and the structural benefits of the whole panel. The EWGC product possesses some advantageous properties like transparency, stiffness and strength for glass and the ductile nature of timber when used under compression. Moreover, this wood-glass element enables load transfer of horizontal forces through the glass pane so that the additional metal bracing elements for stiffening the building can be omitted. Then the study goes deeper in the architectural possibilities and different potential types of assembly are described. However, only few profiles have been tested and this has resulted in the market production of only one type of panel that is currently used in the construction site. Moreover, the shape of the EWGC is suitable to integrate systems that can control the ventilation rate and solar gains, allowing the development of advanced integrated façades that ensure the comfort condition inside the building. EWGC is also seen to be highly potential as an ecological alternative to conventional structural sealant aluminium-glass façade. For this reason, the life cycle assessment (LCA) of different materials is discussed in order to evaluate their environmental impacts. LCA results are strongly dependent on the calculation boundaries and the choice of database, but it stands out that aluminium, as a construction material for glazing elements, requires up to 4 times higher primary energy demand and produces up to 16 times more CO2 emission than timber based combined panels. Despite some weak points, e.g. the lack of standardized regulations and people’s preconceptions about wood, the overall conclusion is that EWGC has the potential to be used for future building envelopes of multi-storey timber buildings.
Criminal Law and Philosophy, 2008
I take it as obvious that attempts to justify the criminal law must be sensitive to matters of criminalization-to what conduct is proscribed or permitted. I discuss three additional matters that should be addressed in order to justify the criminal law. First, we must have a rough idea of what degree of deviation is tolerable between the set of criminal laws we ought to have and the set we really have. Second, we need information about how the criminal law at any given time and place is administered, since the law in action is bound to differ radically from the law on the books. Finally, we must have some basis for speculating what life would be like in the absence of a system of criminal justice-if the state ceased to impose punishments.
أصبح تدفق الاستثمار الأجنبى المباشر ظاهرة عالمية بحيث أصبحت مختلف الدول المتقدمة والنامية منها على السواء تتنافس للحصول على أكبر نصيب من هذا التدفق.وتهدف الدول العربية الى تحقيق معدلات تنمية اقتصادية واجتماعية عالية من أجل حل المشكلات التى تجابهها،مثل مشكلات البطالة وعجز موازين المدفوعات ،وضعف معدلات الادخار والاستثمار فى عديد من دول المنطقة.ويعتبر الاستثمار الأجنبى المباشر وسيلة هامة لدفع التجارة والنمو الاقتصادى ،لما يوفره من الحصول على التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ورأس المال ولتعرف على الممارسات الحديثة فى الادارة والاتصال بأسواق الدول المتقدمة.ويهدف هذا البحث الى دراسة وتحليل اتجاهات الاستثمار الأجنبى المباشر خلال الفترة(92-2004) للوصول الى أهم السياسات التى تساعد على جذب وتحفيز الاستثمار الأجنبى المباشر الى الدول العربية.
Sustainability, 2021
Abstract: Sustainability strategy at companies has become a key business and management aspect for the development and success of an enterprise. The communication of strategies and actions re‐ lating to sustainability has become increasingly important for both companies and brands. This re‐ search studies the communication process that forms part of the sustainable strategy of fashion com‐ panies, ranging from the corporate website to e‐commerce, and it proposes improvements for sus‐ tainability communication. Two new models are presented: the Operational Model for Evaluating Fashion Corporate Websites (OMEFCW) and the Operational Model for Evaluating Fashion E‐Com‐ merce (OMEFeC), based on the core dimensions of online sustainability communication (orienta‐ tion, structure, ergonomics and content—OSEC), as established by Siano. In order to obtain an op‐ timal view of the fashion industry, four corporate groups—two luxury fashion groups (Kering Group and Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH)) and two fast fashion groups (H&M Group and Intidex)—are compared. In addition, all of the e‐commerce operations of the groups’ fashion brands are analyzed, a total of 32 brands. The results show that it is necessary to continue improving in terms of the communication of sustainability within the fashion industry, whilst demonstrating the great deficiency that exists regarding the communication of sustainability in the case of the brands’ e‐commerce operations, which are precisely the web pages most visited by consumers. Keywords: communication of sustainability; sustainability; marketing management; corporate website; e‐commerce; fashion; fast fashion; luxury fashion
Appel à communications pour les journées d'études : Du voyage de formation au voyage professionnel en France et en Europe Paris, 1 er et 2 juin 2023 Académie d'Architecture & École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-La Villette Date limite d'envoi des propositions : 15 février 2023 Date de réponse aux candidats : 20 mars 2023 L'organisation de ces journées d'études ouvre un cycle de plusieurs rencontres internationales, intitulé : Les voyages de l'architecte. En Europe, par l'Europe, au-delà de l'Europe : les architectes français et les autres dans la Méditerranée, de la période moderne à la période contemporaine
Məmməd Əliyev. Ədəbiyyat nəzəriyyəçisi Salidə Şərifovanın elmi tədqiqatlarına baxış, 2023
Introduction to Television & Media Studies
Dr. Sarah Ray Rondot Twitter Handle: @drsarahray Course hashtag: #eng110uo
Course Description
Television Studies is an established field within media studies, and with the dominance of reality television in particular, a research emphasis on this style is growing exponentially. Reality television and documentary film have important relevance for sociological studies because of their assumed but tenuous relationship to the real world as well as creative and strategic use of social representation. In this course, students will explore the world of reality television, documentary, and digital storytelling: the categories, sociological & consumption messages, audience interaction, and media coverage. In addition, students will learn important aspects of the history and theories of screen culture, as well as how to analyze and interpret a wide variety of media texts using key film and TV studies concepts and vocabulary. This course satisfies the Arts & Letters group requirement.
• Gain basic understanding of Television aesthetics
• Learn TV studies vocabulary
• Develop skills to critically analyze television and its political and cultural impact
Key Questions
What is a "confessional" space and how is the "confessional" gendered, racialized, and classed? How do confessional patterns in documentary, talk TV, and reality TV inform our understanding of anonymous disclosure? What is a performed identity? What is a performative identity? What discourses-social, personal, economic, and political-do confessional representations employ? What is the relationship between fantasy and reality and who gets to decide? How do key concepts such as camera work, editing, sound, and staging inform how we understand "real" media texts?
Television was born as an inherently social media that took up residence inside family spaces and connected rather than isolated. It's a difficult charge to watch television with other people and not talk about it. However, vocalized conversations are distracting and can make it impossible for those around you to hear what's happening. As a solution, I request that you use Twitter on your computer or mobile device. I will be live-tweeting our screenings and invite your participation. It's an easy way to ask me questions. I will use Twitter to note points of interest and discussion topics that we'll address as a class following the screening. Please note, I am only giving you license to use Twitter (not Facebook, not email, not Messages). If I notice any abuse of this privilege during class time, I will mark you absent. Follow along and join in the conversation by using our course hashtag: #eng110uo
Weekly Blog Posts (500-750 words or between 2-3 pages double spaced)
On the weeks marked on the course schedule, you are required to upload a blog post to Canvas by midnight every Thursday. Some blog posts will be open-ended while others will ask you to respond to a specific question. In general, however, you should follow this format: 1) summarize the texts you have read and watched since your last blog post. 2) critically analyze the readings and viewings, paying attention to important points they raise as well as how the readings and viewings relate. 3) discuss how the cinematic terms and screen vocabulary you have learned thus far helps you more fully understand the week's viewing. 4) connect to previous material or other forms of media we have not yet discussed in the course. 5) list any questions you have concerning the week's material. I will not be grading for structure or academic writing. I will be grading for engagement, in-depth analysis, and your ability to succinctly synthesize the week's material. Note: though I may share questions and responses in class, it will be anonymous. Feel free to honestly discuss the readings and material.
Group Presentation
Working with 2-3 peers, groups will explain and define a key cinematic term, providing information about what the term is, its significance, and landmark examples of the concept for your classmates. The Group Presentation grade involves research ability, presentation efficacy, and ability to lead a short discussion. Presentations will be 20-30 minutes in length; rubric and guidelines to follow Monday of Week 1.
Television Pitch Proposal & Pitch
You will develop a pitch for an original contemporary television show. Your pitch must address each of the different television style concepts explored in our course: narrative, staging, sound, camerawork, editing, celebrity/star text, advertising, and identity. Part of your final paper grade will include your rough draft, which must be completed by Wednesday of Week 9 (20%) as well as your level of engagement with the peer review during Week 10 (5%).
Journal for the General Philosophy of Science, 2024
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura 6(2), 12-36, 2024
Biblical Annals, 2024
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2023
Early Human Development, 2010
Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 46/1, pp. 87–107. , 2024
Entropy, 2016
Literature and Aesthetics : the journal of the Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics (SSLA), 2024