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God made the illusion look real and the real an illusion. He concealed the sea and made the foam visible, the wind invisible, and the dust manifest. you see the dust whirling, but how can the dust rise by itself? you see the foam,but not the ocean. invoke Him with deeds, not words; for deeds are real and will save you in the infinite-life.
Reading any sufic text, one is suddenly opening the spiritual door and starts journeying the path to spiritual openings such as dreams (Dreams 1/46th is (wahy-revelation) a true dream) and self awareness, insight, discernment, knowing haqq-the truth from batil-false, Inspiration (basirah-seeing with the inner eye of the heart, Firasa-seeing with Nur of Allah, Ilham (Inspiration of the heart ) and the goal should be to purify the heart. "Indeed he succeeds who purifies his own self…" 91:9 Quran However, the journey or the path to Allah is full of perils or dangers, them being dunya, Nafs, Hawa, Satan who can confuse and fool even the best of us. What is needed for the Real serious Salik-Traveller to Allah is a living Sufi master who will open much more and be more beneficial then just reading for example Dalail khayrat but without a living guiding Sufi shaykh.
The hadith discussed in the text is one of the most comprehensive and rewarding exhortations of the Noble Prophet (S) to one of his most eminent companions by the name of Abu Dharr.
How Islam has lost the true Spirit. The loss of the True Caliphate and the handing over of the Spiritual Heartland of Islam to the Saudi Monarchy has given birth to Wahhabi Ideology, - a festering sore on the body of Islam.
The hadith discussed in the text is one of the most comprehensive and rewarding exhortations of the Noble Prophet (S) to one of his most eminent companions by the name of Abu Dharr.
Introduction to Islam and Sufism
Concept of Man in the Philosophy of Gandhi and Iqbal: A Comparative Study, 2019
The present study is an endeavor to present concept of man of two contemporary Indian leading philosophers. This is a study with a noble hope to sketch out a more comprehensive idea of man in the philosophical thoughts of Gandhi and Iqbal. Thus, it is basically a comparative study concerning the concept of man of two stalwart personalities. In the course of our study it appears to us that man has different natures like physical, psychological, metaphysical, moral etc. But it should be mentioned that we cannot divide the different natures of man into any water tight compartments and that is why, in the bosom of our study we can see that different natures of man were often overlapping, interrelated and crisscrossing with one another. For its better understanding, we have classified and analyzed all these natures of man in aforesaid heads. We have been motivated to do this research work because man is the centre of all creatures of the universe and his supremacy never be avoided. The position of man is in the highest hemisphere of the creatures of the globe; legitimately our curiosity and inquisitiveness indulged us to pursue research work on the topic to know the exact position of Man. During the period of our study we thought that the two leading philosophers of India have given wonderful explanation of man in their philosophy, which attracted ourselves to pursue a significant research work on the topic. There is an another ground that each and every man would like to know first who he is, from where he has come, what actions he is to perform in this life, where he is to go, what duties and responsibilities is to be performed by a man in the society? So, we can say that the first and foremost duty of man is to get the answer of these questions. Thus, it is redundant to say that the most important objective of this study is to find out the answers to these basic questions of humankind in the light of these two great philosophers i.e. Gandhi and Iqbal. Yet, it cannot be claimed here that this study could have fully satisfied to answer these questions. We have also been motivated by observing different evils in the society committed by man like chaos, violence, conflict, blood-shedding and terroristic activities etc. which are the causes of degradation of the moral values in the society. All these social evils mainly motivated us how to overcome them. Our objective is to know whether man is capable to eradicate these evils from the society. We think, all these evils in the society persist because of the lack of man’s own nature and status. The duty of each and every man is to know first about himself and then others. So, we can expect that this study could help man to get answer of all these questions and thereby that can help to reconstruct the society and the Nation as well. Thus, we can claim that this study could save the society and the nation from possible degradation and can help to eradicate social evils. It is also one of the objectives of this study to know ‘what is the destiny of man on this earth?’ This study has tried to find out the answer of this question in the ways shown by the two great philosophers. It has been observed by the study that the goal of man or the destiny of man on this earth is to attain immortality as propounded by the two leading philosophers of India. Gandhi explained the nature of immortality as the unification of the finite man with the infinite Being. In this process of unification of the finite and the infinite, the former losses his individual existence. But in Iqbal’s philosophy we do not see to loss the finite existence of man in the infinite bosom of the Supreme Being. Man could retain his individuality and his finitude after the attainment of immortality. Therefore, it is also one of the objectives of our study to sketch out the relation of the destiny of man with his immortality.
Catedra de Farmacognozie și Botanică farmaceutică, IP USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Centrul Știinţific al Medicamentului, IP USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Centrul Științific de Cultivare a Plantelor Medicinale, IP USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”Obiectivul studiului. Pornind de la idea că una din direcțiile actuale de dezvoltare a industriei farmaceutice este obţinerea și utilizarea extractelor din plante medicinale, cu conținut de diverse principii active, cum ar fi: polifenolii, substanțele tanante, flavonoidele, lucrarea dată prezintă cercetări derulate în scopul determinării toxicității acute al unor plante medicinale (Argimoniae herba, Cichorii herba) specii cu proprietăți antioxidante. Materiale și metode. Plantele medicinale: turiță – mare (Agrimonia eupatoria L.), cicoare (Cichorium intybus L.) au fost recoltate din colecția Centrului Științific de Cultivare a Plantelor Medicinale USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, conform recomandărilor farmacopeice. Polifenolii au fost dozați prin metoda s...
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2021
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2020
Lafferriere, J. N. (Coord.) et al. La vida : primer derecho humano. (2010). Buenos Aires : Educa, 2010
Estudios Atacameños, 2021
International Letters of Natural Sciences, 2015
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 2024
Spectrum of Emerging Sciences, 2024
Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2010
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2017
Molecules, 2020
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021