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2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
4 pages
1 file
We review the possibility that metallicity could provide a diagnostic for the age of a galaxy, hence that the most metal-poor star forming galaxies in the local universe may be genuinely young. Indeed, observational evidence for "downsizing" shows the average age of the stars in a galaxy to decrease with decreasing mass and metallicity. However, we conclude both from observational and theoretical viewpoints that metallicity is not an arrow of time.
Monthly Notices of …, 2005
We derive stellar metallicities, light-weighted ages and stellar masses for a magnitudelimited sample of 175,128 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Two (SDSS DR2). We compute median-likelihood estimates of these parameters using a large library of model spectra at medium-high resolution, covering a comprehensive range of star formation histories. The constraints we derive are set by the simultaneous fit of five spectral absorption features, which are well reproduced by our population synthesis models. By design, these constraints depend only weakly on the α/Fe element abundance ratio. Our sample includes galaxies of all types spanning the full range in star formation activity, from dormant early-type to actively starforming galaxies. By analysing a subsample of 44,254 high-quality spectra, we show that, in the mean, galaxies follow a sequence of increasing stellar metallicity, age and stellar mass at increasing 4000Å-break strength. For galaxies of intermediate mass, stronger Balmer absorption at fixed 4000Å-break strength is associated with higher metallicity and younger age. We investigate how stellar metallicity and age depend on total galaxy stellar mass. Low-mass galaxies are typically young and metal-poor, massive galaxies old and metal-rich, with a rapid transition between these regimes over the stellar mass range 3 × 10 9 M * 3 × 10 10 M ⊙ . Both high-and low-concentration galaxies follow these relations, but there is a large dispersion in stellar metallicity at fixed stellar mass, especially for low-concentration galaxies of intermediate mass.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2000
Metallicity is a key parameter that controls many aspects in the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. In this review we focus on the metal deficient galaxies, in particular the most metal-poor ones, because they play a crucial rôle in the cosmic scenery. We first set the stage by discussing the difficult problem of defining a global metallicity and how this quantity can be measured for a given galaxy. The mechanisms that control the metallicity in a galaxy are reviewed in detail and involve many aspects of modern astrophysics: galaxy formation and evolution, massive star formation, stellar winds, chemical yields, outflows and inflows etc. Because metallicity roughly scales as the galactic mass, it is among the dwarfs that the most metalpoor galaxies are found. The core of our paper reviews the considerable progress made in our understanding of the properties and the physical processes that are at work in these objects. The question on how they are related and may evolve from one class of objects to another is discussed. While discussing metal-poor galaxies in general, we present a more detailed discussion of a few very metal-poor blue compact dwarf galaxies like IZw18. Although most of what is known relates to our local universe, we show that it pertains to our quest for primeval galaxies and is connected to the question of the origin of structure in the universe. We discuss what QSO absorption lines and known distant galaxies tell us already? We illustrate the importance of star-forming metal-poor galaxies for the determination of the primordial helium abundance, their use as distance indicator and discuss the possibility to detect nearly metal-free galaxies at high redshift from Lyα emission.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2001
We construct three extreme different scenarios of the star formation histories applicable to a sample of dwarf galaxies, based either on their present metallicity or their luminosity. The three possible scenarios imply different mechanical energy input rates and these we compare with the theoretical lower limits established for the ejection of processed matter out of dwarf galaxies. The comparison strongly points at the existence of extended gaseous haloes in these galaxies, acting as the barrier that allows galaxies to retain their metals and enhance their abundance. At the same time our findings strongly point at a continuous star-forming process, rather than to coeval bursts, as the main contributors to the overall metallicity in our galaxy sample.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2014
We measure the oxygen metallicity of the ionized gas along the major axis of seven dwarf star-forming galaxies. Two of them, SDSSJ1647+21 and SDSSJ2238+14, show ≃ 0.5 dex metallicity decrements in inner regions with enhanced star-formation activity. This behavior is similar to the metallicity drop observed in a number of local tadpole galaxies by Sánchez Almeida et al., and interpreted as showing early stages of assembling in disk galaxies, with the star formation sustained by external metal-poor gas accretion. The agreement with tadpoles has several implications: (1) it proves that galaxies other than the local tadpoles present the same unusual metallicity pattern. (2) Our metallicity inhomogeneities were inferred using the direct method, thus discarding systematic errors usually attributed to other methods. (3) Taken together with the tadpole data, our findings suggest a threshold around one tenth the solar value for the metallicity drops to show up. Although galaxies with clear metallicity drops are rare, the physical mechanism responsible for them may sustain a significant part of the star-formation activity in the local Universe. We argue that the star-formation dependence of the mass-metallicity relationship, as well as other general properties followed by most local disk galaxies, are naturally interpreted as side effects of pristine gas infall.Alternatives to the metal poor gas accretion are examined too.
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2008
The blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 18 holds the record of the lowest metallicity ever observed in the local universe. As such, it represents the closest analog to primordial galaxies in the early universe. More interestingly, it has recurrently been regarded as a genuinely young galaxy caught in the process of forming in the nearby universe. However, stars of increasingly older ages are found within I Zw 18 every time deeper high-resolution photometric observations are performed with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST): from the original few tens of Myrs to, possibly, several Gyrs. Here we summarize the history of I Zw 18 age and present an ongoing HST/ACS project which allowed us to precisely derive the galaxy distance by studying its Cepheid variables, and to firmly establish the age of its faintest resolved populations.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2011
In this section, we present the fits of the core extractions for the 40 galaxies in our sample, in order to illustrate the quality of the fits and visualise the misfits.
Monthly Notices of the …, 2008
We combine stellar metallicity and stellar mass estimates for a large sample of galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Two (SDSS DR2) spanning wide ranges in physical properties, in order to derive an inventory of the total mass of metals and baryons locked up in stars in the local Universe. Physical parameter estimates are derived from galaxy spectra with high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio (of at least 20). Coadded spectra of galaxies with similar velocity dispersions, absolute r-band magnitudes and 4000Å-break values are used for those regions of parameter space where individual spectra have lower S/N. We estimate the total density of metals ρ Z and of baryons ρ * in stars and, from these two quantities, we obtain a mass-and volume-averaged stellar metallicity of Z * = 1.04 ± 0.14 Z ⊙ , i.e. consistent with solar. We also study how metals are distributed in galaxies according to different properties, such as mass, morphology, mass-and light-weighted age, and we then compare these distributions with the corresponding distributions of stellar mass. We find that the bulk of metals locked up in stars in the local Universe reside in massive, bulge-dominated galaxies, with red colours and high 4000Å-break values corresponding to old stellar populations. Bulge-dominated and disc-dominated galaxies contribute similar amounts to the total stellar mass density, but have different fractional contributions to the mass density of metals in stars, in agreement with the mass-metallicity relation. Bulgedominated galaxies contain roughly 40 percent of the total amount of metals in stars, while disc-dominated galaxies less than 25 percent. Finally, at a given galaxy stellar mass, we define two characteristic ages as the median of the distributions of mass and metals as a function of age. These characteristic ages decrease progressively from high-mass to low-mass galaxies, consistent with the high formation epochs of stars in massive galaxies.
Arxiv preprint astro-ph/ …, 2004
We utilize Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging and spectroscopy of ∼53,000 star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 0.1 to study the relation between stellar mass and gas-phase metallicity. We derive gas-phase oxygen abundances and stellar masses using new techniques which make use of the latest stellar evolutionary synthesis and photoionization models. We find a tight (±0.1 dex) correlation between stellar mass and metallicity spanning over 3 orders of magnitude in stellar mass and a factor of 10 in metallicity. The relation is relatively steep from 10 8.5 -10 10.5 M ⊙ h −2 70 , in good accord with known trends between luminosity and metallicity, but flattens above 10 10.5 M ⊙ . We use indirect estimates of the gas mass based on the Hα luminosity to compare our data to predictions from simple closed box chemical evolution models. We show that metal loss is strongly anti-correlated with baryonic mass, with low mass dwarf galaxies being 5 times more metal-depleted than L * galaxies at z ∼ 0.1. Evidence for metal depletion is not confined to dwarf galaxies, but is found in galaxies with masses as high as 10 10 M ⊙ . We interpret this as strong evidence both of the ubiquity of galactic winds and of their effectiveness in removing metals from galaxy potential wells.
The Astrophysical …, 2004
We utilize Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging and spectroscopy of $53,000 star-forming galaxies at z $ 0:1 to study the relation between stellar mass and gas-phase metallicity. We derive gas-phase oxygen abundances and stellar masses using new techniques that make use of the latest stellar evolutionary synthesis and photoionization models. We find a tight (AE0.1 dex) correlation between stellar mass and metallicity spanning over 3 orders of magnitude in stellar mass and a factor of 10 in metallicity. The relation is relatively steep from 10 8.5 to 10 10.5 M h À2 70 , in good accord with known trends between luminosity and metallicity, but flattens above 10 10.5 M . We use indirect estimates of the gas mass based on the H luminosity to compare our data to predictions from simple closed box chemical evolution models. We show that metal loss is strongly anticorrelated with baryonic mass, with lowmass dwarf galaxies being 5 times more metal depleted than L Ã galaxies at z $ 0:1. Evidence for metal depletion is not confined to dwarf galaxies but is found in galaxies with masses as high as 10 10 M . We interpret this as strong evidence of both the ubiquity of galactic winds and their effectiveness in removing metals from galaxy potential wells.
Nasze czasopismo ma profil teologiczny. Nie ogranicza się jednak tylko do problematyki ściśle teologicznej. Jest periodykiem o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym. Problematykę teologiczną wpisuje i wyjaśnia, odwołując się do prawa kanonicznego, historii, etyki, także filozofii i psychologii. Wspólnym przesłaniem prezentowanych artykułów jest służba prawdzie. Jej źródłem jest Bóg. Pełnią Bożego objawienia jest Chrystus, Wcielony Logos.<br> Aktualny numer naszego czasopisma daje możliwość kilku chętnym doktorantom do zaprezentowania owoców swoich badań naukowych. Jest to dobra okazja do sprawdzenia swoich umiejętności metodologicznych i komunikatywnego przedstawienia tychże owoców.<br> Ks. Tomasz Cabaj, doktorant homiletyki na KUL-u, podejmuje problem głoszenia słowa Bożego, zatem prawd objawionych w całej historii zbawienia. Liturgiczną formą proklamacji orędzia zbawienia jest homilia. Ona, za- korzeniona w kerygmacie, stanowi formę i metodę skutecznego głoszenia żywego słow...
Literatura y Lingüistica, 2024
The Biblical Annals, 2021
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2018
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2000
Womans Art Journal, 2000
International journal of medicine, 2024
Beyond 50 Years of Ars nova Studies at Certaldo, 1959–2009. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Certaldo, Palazzo Pretorio, 12–14 giugno 2009), ed. by Marco Gozzi, Agostino Ziino, and Francesco Zimei, L'Ars nova italiana del Trecento, 8 (Lucca: LIM), 2014