TRENDS in Cell Biology
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
The on –off story of protein
Marie-José Bijlmakers1 and Mark Marsh2
Peter Gorer Department of Immunobiology, Kings College London, 3rd Floor New Guy’s House, Guy’s Hospital,
London SE1 9RT, UK
MRC Cell Biology Unit, MRC-LMCB and Department of Biochemistry, University College London, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT, UK
Palmitoylation is one of the most frequent post-translational modifications found on proteins. It contributes to
membrane association, protein sorting and many other
processes. Through its reversibility, palmitoylation also
provides mechanisms to regulate the functional activities of integral and peripheral membrane proteins. Here
we discuss evidence that proteins can be palmitoylated
at different locations in the cell, how targeting to these
locations might be directed, and aspects of the proposed functions of palmitoylation.
The covalent attachment of lipid moieties is an essential
modification found on many proteins. In eukaryotic
and viral systems, four major forms of lipid modification
have been recognized so far: the co-translational amino
(N)-terminal myristoylation of cytosolic proteins; the
modification of plasma membrane (PM) proteins with
glycophosphatidyl inositol (GPI); the carboxy (C)-terminal
isoprenylation of cytoplasmic proteins; and the most
common, and apparently most versatile, modification –
the post-translational addition of palmitic acid to many
integral and peripheral membrane proteins [1 –3]. In most
proteins palmitic acid is esterified to the free thiol of
cysteines, but other saturated (such as myristic and
stearic) and unsaturated (such as oleic and arachidonic)
fatty acids can also be used [3]. Hence S-acylation is the
more appropriate term, although ‘palmitoylation’ is used
more frequently and is used in this review.
The mechanisms involved in palmitoylation are understood poorly. The relevant enzymes are mostly uncharacterized, although some candidates have been reported
recently (Box 1). The wide range of substrates, absence of
clear consensus motifs, and the fact that palmitoylation
occurs at various cellular locations also contribute to the
murky picture. Palmitoyl acyltransferase (PAT) activity
has been partially purified and found to be tightly
membrane associated [4,5]. Non-enzymatic palmitoylation
is possible, but, apart from modifications reported in
mitochondria, these reactions might only occur in vitro
(Box 2).
Palmitoylation motifs
The features required for palmitoylation are poorly
understood. Cysteines that are close to membrane-interCorresponding author: Marie-José Bijlmakers (
[email protected]).
acting domains [transmembrane domains (TMDs) or
membrane-associated domains in non-integral membrane
proteins] seem to be preferred sites, possibly because of
their accessibility to membrane-associated PAT. Additional
factors must also be involved because not all cysteines that
are near to TMDs are palmitoylated, and some cysteines
that are not obviously close to membrane-interacting
domains can be acylated.
Transmembrane proteins
Many viral and cellular integral membrane proteins are
palmitoylated on cysteines that are either close to the
TMD/cytoplasmic domain (CD) boundary, or located in
their CD (Figs 1,2). In some cases the TMD itself can
influence palmitoylation. Structural models for the TMD
of influenza virus hemagglutinin A (HA) predict a helix
with nonhydrophobic residues aligned on one side (Fig. 1).
Sequence changes that insert hydrophobic residues into
this face reduce palmitoylation on cysteines in the CD [6].
Cysteines introduced into the CD of the Sendai virus F
protein, which has a very hydrophobic TMD (Fig. 1), are
not palmitoylated, but inserting the TMD from HA into F
protein promotes palmitoylation. Thus, nonhydrophobic
residues in a TMD can favor palmitoylation of transmembrane proteins. Whether these residues affect transport
and/or assembly of oligomeric proteins, or influence
interactions directly involved in palmitoylation, is
A need for specific residues around the palmitoylation sites in the CDs of several heptahelical G-proteincoupled receptors (GPCRs) has been suggested. In
these proteins, clusters of hydrophobic and positively
charged amino acids often precede and follow, respectively, one or more palmitoylated cysteines (Fig. 1). The
non-enzymatic in vitro palmitoylation (Box 2) of
peptides corresponding to the C-terminal domain of
the b2-adrenergic receptor (b2-AR) suggests that this
arrangement is optimal for acylation [7]. However, this
sequence pattern is not conserved in all palmitoylated
GPCRs (Fig. 1), and the relevance of the in vitro
acylation is unclear. For the a2-AR, the deletion of
positively charged residues from the CD has no effect
on palmitoylation [8]. In the coxsackie and adenovirus
receptor (CAR), which contains a single TMD,
palmitoylation does not seem to require any CD
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TRENDS in Cell Biology
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
Box 1. Purification of palmitoyl acyltransferase activity
Attempts to isolate palmitoyl acyltransferases (PATs) using standard
protein purification techniques have been frustrated by the extreme
instability of the activities. Membrane-associated PAT activities have
been partially purified from bovine brain. These activities are resistant
to extraction with high salt or high pH, but are sensitive to protease
treatment, boiling and detergent extraction, suggesting that the PATs
are membrane-integrated enzymes.
A protein of 70 kDa that catalyzes the addition of palmitate to the
cortical cytoskeletal protein spectrin has been isolated from erythrocytes, but no further characterization of this activity was reported [a]. A
dimer of 260 and 270 kDa proteins, which enhances palmitoylation of
Drosophila Ras in vitro, has been cloned from the silkworm Bombyx
mori [b]. This protein complex is expressed only during embryogenesis
and is probably not normally involved in palmitoylating Ras.
A genetic screen in Drosophila identified a protein required for
palmitoylating Sonic Hedgehog (Shh). Shh is attached to the outer
leaflet of the plasma membrane through an amide-linked palmitoyl
moiety (although this might be attached initially as a thioester) [c], as
well as a covalently linked cholesterol moiety [d]. Loss of the newly
identified skinny hedgehog (ski ) [e], which is also known as sightless [f]
or rasp [g], leads to an impairment of Shh function that is concomitant
with loss of Shh palmitoylation [e,f]. Skinny hedgehog is localized in the
lumen of organelles of the secretory pathway and is unlikely to
palmitoylate cytosolic or transmembrane proteins.
A significant breakthrough has been achieved recently with the
identification of two enzyme activities in yeast that mediate C-terminal
palmitoylation, the Erp2p –Erp4p complex [h] and Akr1p [i]. Mutations
in the genes ERF2 and ERF4 (also known as SHR5 ) were previously
found to diminish palmitoylation of Ras2p. A purified complex of Erf2p
and Erf4p has now been shown to mediate Ras2p palmitoylation in vitro.
Ras2p, which is farnesylated at its C-terminus, is a preferred substrate
over the similarly modified mammalian H-Ras and the myristoylated
Gai1 subunit. Erf2p is an integral membrane protein that localizes to the
endoplasmic reticulum and contains a conserved Asp-His-His-Cys
cysteine-rich domain (DHHC-CRD). Akr1p also contains a DHHCCRD but shares no other homology with Erf2p. Purified Akr1p
palmitoylates the casein kinase Yck2p in vitro. The predicted
protein has six transmembrane domains and has been localized
preliminarily to the Golgi. The substrate specificity of these
proteins – Akr1p mutants palmitoylate Ras2p normally and Erf2p
mutants palmitoylate Yck22p normally – suggests that many more
PAT activities might exist.
a Das, A.K. et al. (1997) Purification and biochemical characterization
of a protein – palmitoyl acyltransferase from human erythrocytes.
J. Biol. Chem. 272, 11021 – 11025
b Ueno, K. and Suzuki, Y. (1997) p260/270 expressed in embryonic
abdominal leg cells of Bombyx mori can transfer palmitate to
peptides. J. Biol. Chem. 272, 13519– 13526
c Pepinsky, R.B. et al. (1998) Identification of a palmitic acid-modified
form of human Sonic hedgehog. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 14037– 14045
d Porter, J.A. et al. (1996) Cholesterol modification of hedgehog
signaling proteins in animal development. Science 274, 255 – 259
e Chamoun, Z. et al. (2001) Skinny hedgehog, an acyltransferase
required for palmitoylation and activity of the hedgehog signal.
Science 293, 2080 – 2084
f Lee, J.D. and Treisman, J.E. (2001) Sightless has homology to
transmemebrane acyltransferases and is required to generate active
Hedgehog protein. Curr. Biol. 11, 1147– 1152
g Micchelli, C.A. et al. (2002) Rasp, a putative transmembrane
acyltransferase is required for Hedgehog signaling. Development
129, 843– 851
h Lobo, S. et al. (2002) Identification of a Ras palmitoyl transferase in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 41268– 41273
i Roth, A.F. et al. (2002) The yeast DHHC cysteine-rich domain protein
Akr1p is a palmitoyl transferase. J. Cell Biol. 159, 23 – 28
Box 2. Non-enzymatic S-acylation
Spontaneous transfer of palmitate from palmitoyl-CoA to cysteine
residues can occur in vitro. A cysteinic SH group, which is a good
nucleophile, attacks the thioester bond between CoA and palmitate. This
non-enzymatic, autoacylation occurs with several proteins, including Ga
subunits, SNAP25, myelin proteolipid and rhodopsin, as well as with
peptides representing the myristoylated N-terminal domain of the Src
kinase Yes and the C-terminal domain of the b2-adrenergic receptor.
The reaction shows similarities to in vivo palmitoylation; for example,
autoacylation of Ga subunits at physiological pH occurs exclusively at
Cys3, the principal palmitoylation site in vivo, and is both dependent on
N-terminal myristoylation and enhanced by the presence of bg subunits
(but only when the g subunit is prenylated) [a]. Similarly, as in vivo, the
autoacylation of SNAP25 is enhanced by the presence of one of its
binding partners, syntaxin [b]. Autoacylation is dependent on time,
temperature, concentration and pH, and does not occur when
denatured substrates are used.
Whether autoacylation on cytosolic cysteines occurs in vivo is
unclear. Several differences between the enzymatic and non-enzymatic
processes suggest that it does not. In vitro, some Ga subunits are
palmitoylated more efficiently than other subunits, although this does
not seem to be the case in vivo. Conditions that allow complete Ga
palmitoylation in vitro do not support palmitoylation of myristoylated
Fyn [a]; in vivo, these proteins are acylated with comparable kinetics.
Proteins that are not normally palmitoylated, such as actin, are Sacylated in vitro.
The most compelling argument against autoacylation comes from
considerations of acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP). This abundant
cytosolic protein binds long-chain fatty acids with high affinity and is
likely to keep the cytosolic concentration of free long-chain fatty acylCoA below that needed for autoacylation. Autoacylation of Ga subunits,
for example, is predicted to take hours rather than minutes at cytosolic
fatty acid concentrations [c]. In agreement, autoacylation of Ga is
completely inhibited in the presence of ACBP, whereas in vitro Sacylation in the presence of a partially purified PAT is only partially
affected [d].
a Duncan, J.A. and Gilman, A.G. (1996) Autoacylation of G protein a
subunits. J. Biol. Chem. 271, 23594– 23600
b Veit, M. (2000) Palmitoylation of the 25-kDa synaptosomal protein
(SNAP-25) in vitro occurs in the absence of an enzyme, but is
stimulated by binding to syntaxin. Biochem. J. 345, 145 – 151
c Leventis, R. et al. (1997) Acyl-CoA binding proteins inhibit the
nonenzymic S-acylation of cysteinyl-containing peptide sequences by
long-chain acyl-CoAs. Biochemistry 36, 5546– 5553
d Dunphy, J.T. et al. (2000) Differential effects of acyl-CoA binding
protein on enzymatic and non-enzymatic thioacylation of protein and
peptide substrates. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1485, 185 – 198
TRENDS in Cell Biology
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
Viral Proteins
Flu HA
Sendai F
.. V I T I I V V M V V I L V V I I V I V I V L Y R L K R S M L M G N P . .
7TM G-protein-coupled receptors
α2A-adrenergic R
. . F F W F G Y C N S S L N P V I Y T I F N H D F R R A F K K I L C R G D R K R I V - COOH
β2-adrenergic R
Vasopressin V2 R
. . L L M L L A S L N S C T N P W I Y A S F S S S V S S E L R S L L CC A R G R T P P S L G P Q D E S C T T A S S . .
Luteinizing hormone R
Serotonin R
Endothelin B R
Bradykinin B2 R
Dopamine D(1) R
T-cell specific
.. F L A C V L G G S F G F L G F L G L C I L C CV R CR H Q Q R Q A A R M S Q I K R L L S E K K T C Q C . .
. . T L S L L V V C I L L L L A F L G V A V Y F Y C V R R R A R I H F M K Q F H K - COOH
..W A P L A G I C V A L L L S L I I T L I C Y H R S R K R V C K C P R P L V R Q E G K P R P S E K I V
Myristoylated and palmitoylated proteins
Gα z
Palmitoylated only
TRENDS in Cell Biology
Fig. 1. Amino acid sequences surrounding palmitoylation sites. The gray box indicates predicted TMDs. Cysteines known to be palmitoylated are depicted in green;
cysteines known not to be palmitoylated are underlined. The glycines (G) to which myristic acid is attached are underlined. Hydrophobic amino acids are in bold, basic residues in red and acidic ones in blue. The proteins in italics are not palmitoylated and are depicted for comparison with closely related palmitoylated counterparts, or, in the
case of Sendai F protein, to illustrate the difference in hydrophobicity of the transmembrane domain (TMD) compared with that of the Influenza HA (Flu HA) protein, as discussed in the text. Sendai F protein does not normally contain cysteines in its cytoplasmic domain, the lower sequence shows introduced cysteines [8].
determinants at all, although the possible role of TMD
sequences in this protein has not been assessed [9].
The problem of identifying palmitoylation signals is
illustrated by the CD8ab heterodimer – the T-cell
antigen receptor (TCR) co-receptor on cytotoxic T cells.
This heterodimer assembles before exit from the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Both CD8a and CD8b
have cysteines located close to the TMD/CD boundary,
but only CD8b is palmitoylated (Fig. 1). The hydrohttp://ticb.trends.com
phobicity of the TMD is similar in the two proteins,
and positively charged residues are found close to the
cysteines in both.
Most palmitoylated cysteines are found within ten
residues of either side of the TMD/CD boundary
(Fig. 1). However, the acylation of CD cysteines that
are further from a TMD occurs on several proteins,
including the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate
receptor (MPR), in which palmitoylation occurs 34
TRENDS in Cell Biology
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
TRENDS in Cell Biology
Fig. 2. Examples of different types of palmitoylated proteins. (a) Integral membrane proteins with palmitate attached close to the TMD–CD boundary. Proteins with a single
TMD or with several membrane-spanning domains can be palmitoylated on either their CD or their TMD. Proteins with a single TMD can be of type I or II orientation. Palmitoylated multiple-membrane-spanning proteins with two (e.g. caveolin), four (e.g. CD9 and CD151) and seven (GPCR) TMDs have been described. (b) Integral membrane
proteins with palmitate at cysteines that are distant from the TMD –CD boundary. Palmitoylation could position CD elements close to the membrane. (c) Palmitoylated and
myristoylated cytosolic proteins. Myristic acid is added during translation through an amide bond to Gly2 (after removal of the N-terminal methionine). In most cases, posttranslational palmitoylation at one or more nearby cysteines is required for stable membrane association. (d) Palmitoylated and prenylated cytosolic proteins. Prenylation
occurs shortly after translation at a C-terminal cysteine in the Cys-Aaa-Aaa-Xaa motif, where Aaa is an aliphatic residue and Xaa is any residue. Either farnesyl or geranylgeranyl are attached through a thioether bond. Palmitoylation at a nearby cysteine follows prenylation and strengthens membrane association. (e) Cytosolic proteins that
are only palmitoylated. Palmitate can be attached at the N-terminus or at other sites in the protein. Abbreviations: CD, cytoplasmic domain; TMD, transmembrane domain.
residues from the TMD [10], and the envelope (Env)
proteins of primate immunodeficiency viruses [11]. For
example, HIV-1 HXB2 Env is palmitoylated on
cysteines located 59 and 132 residues from the TMD.
Of these, the membrane proximal cysteine is conserved
in most HIV strains and is located close to a proposed
amphipathic helix that might interact with the
membrane [11].
Cytosolic proteins
In cytosolic proteins, palmitate is found attached either
close to myristic acid or prenyl groups, or in the absence of
other acylations (Fig. 2). Newly synthesized Src family
kinases and Ga subunits are co-translationally myristoylated, but they do not stably associate with membranes
until palmitoylation has occurred [12– 15]. Such dually
acylated proteins often have positively charged amino
acids around the palmitoylation sites (Fig. 1). These
residues might be needed to enhance membrane binding
before palmitoylation and thus to enhance accessibility to
PAT [3]. In agreement with this, the membrane-association kinetics of the Src kinase Fyn, which has lysines at
positions 7, 9 and 13, is faster than that of the related
kinase Lck, which lacks basic residues in its extreme Nterminus [16,17]. Mutant, nonpalmitoylated Fyn also
associates with membranes to a greater extent than does
nonpalmitoylated Lck [13– 15]. In fact, basic residues are
important for membrane-association of GAP43 [18], a
palmitoylated but nonmyristoylated protein found in
neuronal growth cones (Fig. 1).
Hydrophobic residues that neighbor a cysteine can
influence palmitoylation in some cytosolic proteins. The
endothelial form of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is
modified by myristoylation and by palmitoylation of
Cys15 and Cys26. The sequence between these two
cysteines contains five Gly-Leu repeats (Fig. 1). Substitution of the leucine residues with serines abolishes
palmitoylation of eNOS [19].
Gly-Leu motifs have not been found in other proteins,
but hydrophobic residues enhance palmitoylation of the
nonmyristoylated proteins PSD95 and GAP43. PSD95, a
scaffolding protein of the MAGUK family that is important
for clustering neuronal receptors at postsynaptic densities, is palmitoylated on Cys3 and Cys5 [20]. Replacing
Leu4, Ile6 or Val7 with other hydrophobic residues has no
effect on palmitoylation, but replacing them with alanine,
serine or acidic residues reduces palmitoylation [21].
Similarly, for GAP43, which is palmitoylated on Cys3
and Cys4 [22], replacing both Leu2 and Met5 with serines
prevents palmitoylation, whereas replacing Met5 with
hydrophobic isoleucine only partially inhibits this modification [21].
As for transmembrane proteins, at present it is difficult
to predict whether specific cytosolic proteins are substrates for palmitoylation. Glutamate receptor interacting
protein 1 (GRIP1) is synthesized as two splice variants,
TRENDS in Cell Biology
GRIP1a and GRIP1b, which differ only in their N-terminal
regions. Both proteins have N-terminal cysteines and
clusters of basic and hydrophobic residues (Fig. 1), but only
GRIP1b is palmitoylated [23]. A similar situation exists
for the two forms of glutamic acid decarboxylase, GAD65
and GAD67: these proteins have cysteines distributed
throughout a central region, but only GAD65 is palmitoylated (Fig. 1) [24].
The lack of a clear consensus sequence and the diverse
nature of the amino acids found to influence palmitoylation suggest that common structural features rather than
strict sequence requirements are likely to be key factors
that specify palmitoylation.
Cellular site of palmitoylation
PAT activity has been found in fractions containing PM,
Golgi and mitochondrial membranes (Box 1) [25]. It is also
enriched in sphingomyelin- and cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains [26] – the so-called ‘lipid rafts’ that
are associated with both PM and intracellular membrane
systems. Kinetic and biochemical experiments have
indicated that PAT activities are located on the intermediate compartment (IC) [27] and, in yeast, on the vacuole
[28]. The recently identified yeast palmitoyl transferases
Erf2p – Erf4p and Akr1p have been localized to the ER and
Golgi, respectively [4,5] (Box 1).
Like PAT, palmitoylated proteins are found at the PM
and on many intracellular membranes. The cellular site of
palmitoylation has been investigated for only a few
proteins, and assumed for many others. Determining the
location where specific proteins are palmitoylated has
proved to be difficult. Whether the substrates are integral
or peripheral membrane proteins, they can be rapidly
relocated after palmitoylation. In many situations, proteins go through cycles of depalmitoylation and repalmitoylation, and thus might be acylated at more than one
location. Although many proteins were thought to undergo
acylation at the PM, there are now clear examples of
proteins that are palmitoylated on intracellular
Transmembrane proteins
Palmitoylation of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein
(VSV-G) and Sindbis virus glycoprotein E1 occurs early
in the exocytic pathway (Fig. 3a). When cells are
incubated at 158C, these proteins are not transported
from the ER and palmitoylation is blocked. Restoration
of transport leads to palmitoylation before aspartic-acidlinked oligosaccharides are trimmed, which implicates
the IC or cis-Golgi as the site of palmitoylation [27]. The
timing of palmitoylation of influenza HA, relative to its
trimerization and carbohydrate-trimming, indicates that
palmitoylation of this protein takes place in a similar
location [29]. A GPCR, CCR5, is also palmitoylated early
in the exocytic pathway. Significantly, CCR5 cysteine
mutants are transported inefficiently to the PM and
show decreased mobility in compartments of the exocytic
pathway [30].
Sensitivity to brefeldin A (BFA) has implicated the
Golgi apparatus, or post-Golgi compartments in the
palmitoylation of some proteins, such as the tetraspanins
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
CD151 and CD9 [31]. However, palmitoylation of other
proteins is unaffected by BFA, although their transport
to the PM is inhibited (Fig. 3). In addition, some ER
resident proteins that are not normally palmitoylated
are found to be palmitoylated in BFA-treated cells, which
suggests that a Golgi or IC-associated PAT is redistributed to the ER [32]. For proteins such as CD151, it
is unclear whether the BFA-induced inhibition of
palmitoylation is due to the loss of a functional Golgi
apparatus, the inhibition of a specific PAT, or some other
indirect effect.
Overall, the results from biochemical and cell fractionation experiments indicate that with the exception of the
ER, transmembrane proteins are palmitoylated along the
exocytic pathway.
Myristoylated and palmitoylated peripheral membrane
The biosynthesis of three myristoylated and palmitoylated
proteins, Lck, Fyn and the heterotrimeric G-protein
subunit (Gaz), has been analyzed in detail. At steady
state, these proteins are primarily located at the PM,
but their myristoylated precursors are either soluble
or only weakly associated with membranes. Despite
similarities in their cellular distribution, N-terminal
sequences and acyl modifications (Fig. 1), the pathways
through which these proteins achieve their distribution
differ significantly.
Lck, which is expressed primarily in T lymphocytes,
interacts with the CDs of the TCR co-receptors CD4 and
CD8 [33]. This interaction, which depends on Lck being
palmitoylated and stably bound to the membrane, begins
within minutes of Lck synthesis and occurs early
in the exocytic pathway, possibly in the IC or cis-Golgi
[16]. Indeed, Lck might be modified by the same PAT
that acylates the co-receptors. Subsequently, membranebound Lck moves to the PM on exocytic transport
vesicles (Fig. 3b). Notably, Lck transport to the PM,
but not its palmitoylation, is inhibited by BFA. By
contrast, newly synthesized Fyn is targeted directly to
the PM with no requirement for the exocytic machinery
[17] (Fig. 3e).
Gaz has properties that are intermediate between
those of Lck and Fyn. Gaz associates first with
intracellular membranes and subsequently with the
PM [34]. Although reminiscent of Lck biosynthesis,
palmitoylation of Gaz does not occur on intracellular
membranes, and BFA does not affect its transport to the
PM. Instead, Gaz seems to sample intracellular membranes, before undergoing palmitoylation and stable
binding at the PM (Fig. 3d).
Why different proteins use distinct mechanisms is
unclear. The main factors that are likely to determine
where palmitoylation occurs are the subcellular distribution and substrate specificity of different PATs, and
the interactions that influence targeting to PATs. For
example, it is possible that Gaz can be palmitoylated
only by a PM-restricted PAT. Indeed, Erf2p – Erf4p and
Akr1p, which both mediate palmitoylation at C-termini,
have diverging substrate specificities and localizations
[4,5] (Box 1).
TRENDS in Cell Biology
(a) TM proteins
Palmitoylation at
intracellular Compartment
Transport blocked by BFA
(VSV G protein)
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
(b) Cytosolic proteins
Palmitoylation at
intracellular compartment
Transport blocked by BFA
(Lck, N-Ras, H-Ras)
(c) Cytosolic proteins
Palmitoylation at
intracellular compartment
Palmitoylation blocked by BFA
(SNAP-25, GAP-43)
(d) Cytosolic proteins
Palmitoylation at plasma
membrane, transient at
intracellular compartment
No effect of BFA
Intermediate compartment
Palmitic acid
(e) Cytosolic proteins
Palmitoylation and
interaction at plasma
membrane only
No effect of BFA
TRENDS in Cell Biology
Fig. 3. Transport pathways of palmitoylated proteins. (a) Palmitoylated transmembrane (TM) proteins follow the normal route through the exocytic pathway to the plasma
membrane (PM). Palmitoylation of some TM proteins is blocked by brefeldin A (BFA). (b –e) Other pathways for cytosolic proteins are distinguished by the effect of BFA on
transport (b) or palmitoylation (c) or by the lack of an effect on either (d,e). Direct (e) and indirect (b– d) transport routes to a final destination can be differentiated.
The localization of binding partners might attract
proteins to specific membrane compartments. When bg
subunits are misdirected to mitochondria, Ga subunits
also mislocalize to this compartment [35]. In addition, bg
subunits can recruit myristoylated, palmitoylationdeficient Ga to membranes, and enhance the palmitoylation of nonmyristoylated Ga [36 – 38]. Thus, bg subunits
could be involved in targeting Ga to PAT. Although not
essential for Lck palmitoylation, CD4 or CD8 might
influence Lck recruitment to a membrane compartment
early in the exocytic pathway.
Differences in the N-terminal sequences of Src kinases,
and similarly modified proteins, might influence protein
interactions that are important for targeting to specific
PATs or membrane systems. Analogous to the Rab escort
proteins (REPs) that bring Rabs to geranylgeranyltransferases, targeting might also involve chaperones that have
yet to be identified [39].
Prenylated and palmitoylated peripheral membrane
Ras proteins are prenylated at their C-termini and several,
including H-Ras and N-Ras, are also palmitoylated.
Cysteines located four residues from the C-terminus are
prenylated by a cytosolic prenyltransferase [1]; subsequently, the three C-terminal amino acids are removed
by prenylcysteine endoprotease (hRce1) and the resulting
C-terminal cysteine is methylesterified by a prenylcysteine carboxymethyltransferase (pcCMT). hRce1 and
pcCMT are located on the ER [40– 42], indicating that
this compartment has a role in Ras transport to the PM.
Palmitoylated H-Ras and N-Ras are associated to some
extent with the Golgi apparatus, and either BFA treatment or culturing the cells at 158C causes these Ras
proteins to accumulate on intracellular membranes without reducing palmitate incorporation [43,44]. By contrast,
the nonpalmitoylated K-Ras is not found in the Golgi
region and its transport is unaffected by BFA. Thus,
palmitoylation of H-Ras and N-Ras determines Golgi
targeting and transport to the PM through the exocytic
pathway (Fig. 3b). The enzyme that palmitoylates Ras2 in
yeast, Erf2p, is localized to the ER, but a mammalian
homolog has not been identified as yet.
Peripheral membrane proteins modified with palmitate
The transport of two neuronal palmitoylated proteins,
SNAP25 and GAP43, has been studied using chimeras of
TRENDS in Cell Biology
green fluorescent protein (GFP) in living cells [45].
SNAP25, a t-SNARE that functions in the fusion and
exocytosis of secretory vesicles, is palmitoylated on
cysteines located in its central domain [46]. By contrast,
GAP43 is palmitoylated at its N-terminus [22]. Both
proteins are located in axons but first accumulate at the
trans-Golgi network (TGN) and are then transported on
vesicles to the PM. Again, this resembles the synthesis of
Lck, Ras and Gaz (Fig. 3); however, palmitoylation of
SNAP25 and GAP43 is inhibited by BFA [47] (Fig. 3c). The
palmitoylation of these proteins thus requires functional
Golgi membranes either to deliver the proteins to a specific
location or, perhaps, to facilitate the reaction itself. Why
BFA inhibits the palmitoylation of these and not other
proteins that follow the same transport route is unclear.
More information on the distribution of PAT activities in
normal and drug-treated cells, and the mechanisms
through which PATs interact with substrate proteins, is
SNAP25 contains a motif, located C-terminal to the
palmitoylation sites, that is important for both membrane association and palmitoylation [48]. This motif
might be responsible for recruiting newly synthesized
SNAP25 to PATs, but the interactions that it mediates
remain to be characterized. Nonpalmitoylated SNAP25
can also be recruited to membranes containing syntaxin, another t-SNARE [49]. This interaction might
prevent SNAP25 from being released from membranes
after depalmitoylation.
Several palmitoylated cytosolic proteins are located on
Golgi membranes and might be palmitoylated there.
GAD65 is palmitoylated on cysteines in the central part
of the protein but is targeted to the Golgi by its 27-residue
N-terminal domain [24]. The related GAD67 differs in this
N-terminal region and is not targeted to the Golgi (Fig. 1).
Replacing the N-terminus of GAD65 with that of GAD67
blocks Golgi targeting and palmitoylation, which suggests
that GAD65 palmitoylation requires Golgi targeting. For
other Golgi-associated palmitoylated proteins, targeting
and palmitoylation signals are more difficult to separate.
SCG10 concentrates in neuronal growth cones and in the
trans-Golgi [50,51]. Its 34-residue N-terminal domain,
which includes two acylated cysteines, is sufficient to
target GFP to the Golgi region. Palmitoylation mutants of
SCG10 associate with the membrane but do not localize to
the Golgi or to growth cones. Similarly, palmitoylation of
eNOS is not required for membrane binding but is
essential for Golgi localization [19]. Thus, Golgi targeting
might be required for palmitoylation and, vice versa,
palmitoylation might be necessary for retention on Golgi
Functions of palmitoylation
In peripheral membrane proteins, palmitoylation can
promote or specify membrane interactions. In integral
membrane proteins, however, the functions of palmitoylation are less clear. With increasing knowledge of protein
trafficking and the structure of the PM and other cellular
membranes, roles for palmitoylation are emerging. The
use of bromopalmitate as a tool to inhibit palmitoylation
also has led to progress in this area [52]. But, as for the
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
examples discussed above, few clear-cut rules have been
Localization of cytosolic proteins
Palmitoylation can aid the association of cytosolic proteins with membranes and can also facilitate sorting. A
N-terminal sequence, specifying myristoylation and
palmitoylation, attached to GFP can promote a different
distribution to one specifying dual palmitoylation [53]. The
precise position of the palmitate can also influence distribution: in Lck, mutation of Cys5 but not Cys3 (Fig. 1)
results in accumulation of the protein in the Golgi region of
transfected NIH-3T3 cells [54]. In addition, replacing
residues around the palmitoylation sites can affect the
localization of these proteins. Wild-type Lck localizes to
the PM and Golgi in HeLa cells [54], but replacing its
N-terminal residues with those of Fyn leads to localization
exclusively in the PM (Bijlmakers and Marsh, unpublished). This N-terminal region contains the Fyn palmitoylation sites Cys3 and Cys6 and, in contrast to Lck, three
positively charged residues.
The targeting of proteins to axons and dendrites in
neurons is also influenced by changes around protein
palmitoylation sites. PSD95 normally localizes to dendrites, but deleting the amino acid between the palmitoylated cysteines (Fig. 1) allows transport into axons as well
[55]. Similarly, introducing positively charged residues
around the palmitoylation sites enhances axonal targeting. For GAP43, replacing N-terminal basic residues
(Fig. 1) reduces normal axonal targeting and increases
targeting to dendrites [55]. Because transport to dendrites
and axons can involve the TGN [45], these changes seem to
influence post-Golgi sorting. Thus, the presence of
palmitate moieties, together with their context, can
influence the sorting of some palmitoylated cytosolic
Localization to rafts and signaling
Many palmitoylated proteins, including Src family
kinases and some Ga subunits, associate with lipid
rafts [3]. It has been suggested that signal transduction
could be regulated, in part, by sequestering signaling
proteins into different PM domains until they are
brought together by an activating signal. The strongest
support for such a process, coupled with a role for
palmitoylation, comes from studies on T cells. Engineered forms of Lck (which is crucial for T-cell activation)
that are attached to membranes through a TMD, rather
than through acylation, show reduced association with
rafts and reduced signaling activity [56]. Similarly,
mutation of the palmitoylation sites on LAT, a transmembrane adaptor protein that is also essential for TCR
signaling, abrogates both raft localization and T-cell
activation [57]. The TCR co-receptors CD4 and CD8 are
also palmitoylated and show some propensity to associate with rafts [58 – 60]. For CD8, palmitoylation has been
shown to be essential for co-receptor function. Similarly,
palmitoylation and raft localization of the Src family
kinase Lyn is required for FcRe signaling [61,62].
The activities of some Ga subunits are compromised
when their palmitoylation sites are mutated (for reviews,
TRENDS in Cell Biology
see Refs [63 – 67]). Absence of palmitoylation reduces
targeting to rafts [68] and/or caveolae [69]. The lack of
palmitate and/or altered sorting can further influence Ga
interactions with bg subunits, GPCRs and regulators of
G-protein signaling (RGS proteins) and, as a result,
coupling to specific signaling pathways. In addition, the
activity of some RGS proteins is influenced by palmitoylation [70,71]. Similarly, eNOS requires palmitoylation for
optimal functioning and targeting to Golgi membranes
and caveolae [19]. Nonpalmitoylated eNOS is catalytically
indistinguishable from the wild-type enzyme when purified, but produces less NO in stimulated cells [72]. By
contrast, the activity of the mitochondrial proteins
MMSDH and CPS1 is inhibited by palmitoylation of
their active site [73,74]
Protein trafficking
Palmitoylation influences the trafficking of some transmembrane proteins: effects on endocytosis, recycling,
protein stability and transport from ER to the PM have
been observed [75,76]. For example, palmitoylation seems
to facilitate transport of the newly synthesized chemokine
receptor CCR5 to the PM. Non-acylated CCR5 that does
reach the cell surface is compromised in its ability to couple
to signaling pathways activated by chemokine agonists
and in endocytosis through clathrin-coated vesicles
[30,77]. How acylation contributes to CCR5 functional
activities is unclear. CCR5 might associate transiently and
in an agonist-dependent manner with rafts to facilitate
coupling to G proteins.
CD151 mutants lacking key cysteines have reduced
stability, and biosynthetic intermediates can be observed
that are barely detected during synthesis of the wild-type
protein [31]. For MPR, an acylated cysteine is essential for
the activity of the so-called ‘lysosome avoidance motif ’,
which enables the protein to recycle from late endosomes
to the Golgi [78]. Replacing this cysteine inactivates the
signal (a di-aromatic sequence), which causes MPR to be
sorted to lysosomes and degraded [10]. Although in these
cases palmitoylation is apparently required for transport
to the correct cellular location, it is not essential for the
transport of all acylated transmembrane proteins. For
CD4, replacing the palmitoylation sites fails to influence
transport to the cell surface [58].
Palmitoylation of several viral Env proteins has
been proposed to facilitate raft-association and virus
assembly, because the rafts can provide a membrane
platform on which viral structural proteins can
concentrate to enhance assembly [79,80]. Palmitoylation of the Env proteins of Sindbis, Semliki Forest,
HIV, SIV and Rous sarcoma viruses is required for
efficient viral replication [11,81 – 84]. Replacing the CD
cysteines in influenza HA has been shown to reduce
raft-association and to inhibit infectious virus assembly
[85,86]. The CDs of HIV and SIV Envs are palmitoylated on either one or two cysteines that are located
distal to the TMD/CD boundary. These palmitoylations
have been proposed to stabilize the association of a
putative amphipathic helix with the inner leaflet of the
PM and might position signals in the CD for
Vol.13 No.1 January 2003
interaction with sorting machineries or viral assembly
In addition to virus assembly, palmitoylation might also
be involved in virus entry. During infection, influenza HA
initiates fusion of the viral membrane with an endosomal
membrane. Model systems have suggested that fusion,
which is induced by low pH, proceeds through an initial
hemifusion intermediate, followed by the formation and
expansion of a fusion pore. Although acylation is not
required for hemifusion, non-acylated HA is compromised
in its ability to form and/or expand the fusion pore [87,88].
Similar functions might be attributed to the acyl moieties
in other viral fusion proteins.
Palmitate turnover
For several palmitoylated proteins, the half time of the
palmitate moieties is significantly shorter than that of
the protein, indicating that the complex goes through
cycles of depalmitoylation and repalmitoylation. For
example, MPR palmitate turns over with a t1/2 of 2 hours,
but the t1/2 of MPR is 40 hours. Given that palmitoylation provides a mechanism for binding cytosolic
proteins to membranes, or for segregating proteins
to microdomains, depalmitoylation and repalmitoylation
could provide a mechanism to regulate membrane association and/or sorting.
For proteins involved in signal transduction, these
cycles could be induced by activation and, by controlling
access to specific substrates, could regulate signaling.
Indeed, an agonist-induced increase in palmitate
turnover has been observed for b2-AR, Gas and eNOS
[65,89,90]. In addition, palmitate cycling on PSD95 has
been proposed to modulate synaptic strength by controlling the postsynaptic density of DL -a-amino-3-hydroxy-5methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptors.
Palmitoylation allows PSD95 to cluster in the postsynaptic membrane. Blocking PSD95 palmitoylation leads
to a loss of AMPA receptors from these domains, and the
rapid endocytosis of AMPA receptors requires depalmitoylation of PSD95 [91].
The finding that acylated proteins are palmitoylated
and depalmitoylated raises additional issues about PAT
activity. For PSD95, repalmitoylation of the depalmitoylated protein seems to occur at the PM, that is, close to the
postsynaptic membrane. Thus, some PM proteins might be
initially palmitoylated in the exocytic pathway to facilitate
their sorting to the PM, but once this cellular localization
has been established repalmitoylation might exploit local
PATs. In cells such as neurons, this could preclude the need
to return proteins to specific exocytic pathway sites for
Turnover of palmitate on SNAP25 is likely to be
important for its activity in vesicle fusion because the
nonpalmitoylated protein is defective in vitro [92].
Vac8p, a protein needed for vacuole inheritance and
morphology in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is N-terminally
myristoylated and palmitoylated [28]. A recent report
implicates Vac8p in a homotypic vacuole fusion reaction
that requires palmitoylation of the protein during the
priming step. As with several other palmitoylated proteins, acylation of Vac8p is dynamic.
TRENDS in Cell Biology
In addition to the palmitoylation or repalmitoylation
reactions mediated by PATs, cycling of palmitate
involves depalmitoylation by protein palmitoyl thioesterases that presumably have appropriate locations
and the requisite controls to mediate depalmitoylation
under specified conditions. So far, an acyl protein
thioesterase (APT1) that depalmitoylates Ga subunits,
Ras and eNOS in vitro, and Gas in vivo, has been
described [93,94].
Concluding remarks
As the number of proteins that are known to be
palmitoylated continues to grow, so the range of different
functions that can be attributed to this modification is
expanding. Progress has been made in understanding the
targeting of proteins to PATs, and different pathways have
been identified even for closely related proteins. However,
there is still much to learn and it is likely that subtle
differences in sequence and structure have significant
implications for the sorting and functional properties of
palmitoylated proteins.
Sequence motifs for targeting palmitoylated proteins
are being identified, but the ways in which these work
remain to be elucidated. Nevertheless, understanding
the details of these reactions could indicate new ways in
which to modify palmitoylation and the functions of
specific palmitoylated proteins. Like the farnesylation
inhibitors that are being tested as anti-tumor drugs
(owing to their ability to inhibit Ras function), inhibitors
of palmitoylation could, for example, influence Lck
activity and might be used to suppress T-cell functions.
The existence of different transport pathways for
palmitoylated proteins suggests that some specificity of
inhibition might be achievable.
Several PAT enzymes with different specificities are
likely to exist; indeed, two enzymes that mediate C-terminal
palmitoylation have been reported recently. The further
characterization of these proteins and identification of
novel PAT activities, such as those that mediate N-terminal
palmitoylation, will be important steps forward. Genetic
screens in yeast and Drosophila are likely to be useful tools
in the search for PATs.
We thank our colleagues at Kings College London and University
College London for discussion and helpful criticism during the
preparation of this review, in particular A. Pelchen-Matthews, N.
Signoret, M. Malim, A. Giannini and N. Franc for critically reading
the manuscript. M.-J.B. and M.M. are supported by the UK Medical
Research Council. We apologize to colleagues whose work has not
been cited owing to space limitations.
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