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Bats are a remarkably successful group of animal and it constitutes the second largest mammalian order. There are approximately 178 genera and 962 species of known living bats. They usually live or inhabitant in an area that are temperate and tropical like. The aim of this study is to document the population of bats in Arboretum, UMS campus. The method used in this study was mist netting. Five mist nets were used for this study and they were established in a perpendicular orientation to the existing trail. Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) method was used to calculate the abundance of bats. CMR was conducted by applying a dot of paint at the back of the bats. The result shows that there was only one family of bats found in the arboretum that consists of three species. The family was from Pteropodidae consisting of the species of Cynopterus brachyotis, Cynopterus horsfieldi and Cynopterus sphinx. The most prominent species was the Cynopterus brachyotis with the total number of 11 species ...
The study of bats diversity was conducted in Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (KUSTEM) from July until December 2004. The objective is to examine the diversity of bat species in KUSTEM area for conservation purpose. Ten mist nets were used as the capturing device. Species identification was based on the forearm measurement, weight, sex, maturity status and their reproduction. Bats were released after identification. A total of 99 individual bats were captured, comprising of two families and four species. Three species were frugivorous bats, Cynopterus brachyotis, Cynopterus horsfieldii and Eonycteris major from the family Pteropodidae. One insectivorous species, Kerivoulla papillosa was captured from the family Vespertillionidae. Cynopterus brachyotis is the highest captured individual and species, representing 70.97% of total capture. Shannon-Weiner index is 0.8569 and Simpson index is 0.4504. The bat diversity in KUSTEM is influenced by the capture device and duration of study.
Results of bat fauna research in Holosiyivsky forest (Kiev city) in June 2011 are presented. Bats were caught with mist-nets and traps of two types, bat sounds were recorded with use of ultrasound detectors and digital recorders. 204 individuals of 8 species were caught: M. daubentonii, N. leisleri, N. noctula, E. serotinus, P. pygmaeus, P. nathusii, P. kuhlii and P. auritus. P. pipistrellus was registered with a bat detector. Three tree-roosts of one mixed maternity colony of P. pygmaeus and P. nathusii and one maternity colony of N. noctula were found. P. pygmaeus dominated by number of individuals caught with mist-nets at foraging sites (n=91); M. daubentonii revealed to be a subdominant; P. kuhlii, the rarest. Other species had part from 5 to 7%. Two captured species - E. serotinus and P. kuhlii - were presented only by males and non-breeding females, other species were presented by pregnant and/or lactating females, younglings. Adult males were presented among all captured spec...
We used mark and recapture techniques to evaluate movements of bats within and between three brazilian forest remnants. We captured bats with mist-nets in four 1 ha plots representing different degrees of isolation of riparian (two plots) and submontane (two plots) forests between July 2002 and June 2003. Using numbered aluminium tags, we marked 635 bats of seven species and 54 individuals of six species were recap- tured. Overall, we recaptured Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) (short-tailed fruit bat) most frequently, espe- cially in plots where they were banded in the riparian forest plots. These results suggest that this bat has restricted feeding areas, which are probably determined by the abundance of Piper Linnaeus (Piperaceae), its preferred food item. In contrast, species of the genus Artibeus Leach, 1821 exhibited few recaptures, suggesting high mobility and larger feeding areas. In fact Artibeus seems to use more of the forest remnants in their search for food, espe...
Defensible information, education and understanding are seen as key for any decisions regarding impacts on, and management of, the long-term integrity of Gatkop Cave, and the bats that use it as a roost.
Due to two unique specializations - echolocation and flight, bats have become one of the most successful groups of extant mammals in the world. Pilikuttuwa rajamaha viharaya, an ancient meditation monastery complex is a one of best places for bats which gives protection in Sri Lanka. In the present study, we evaluate the species diversity and population status of bats in Pilikuttuwa ancient meditation monastery complex with regard to their roosting ecology. Six species of bats including Taphozous melanopogon, Rhinolophus beddomei, Rhinolophus rouxii, Hipposideros galeritus, Hipposideros speoris and Megaderma spasma were recorded with the following conservation status, four in Vulnerable and two in Least Concerned. Taphozous melanopogon was the most abundant, and had the largest population with the widest distribution at the study site. A Natural predator of bats, Paradoxurus hermaphoditus was recorded in one roosting site.
Гуцуляк О. Мезоєвразійська міфологема про трьох братів-родоначальників у скіфському, тюркському та уральському інваріантах // Від Шота Руставелі до Юнуса Емре : матеріали міжнародної наукової конференції «Від Шота Руставелі до Юнуса Емре: наукова конференція присвячена пам’яті Гриця Халимоненка», 26-27 листопада 2024 р. (укр., азерб., тур., пол., узб.., англ. мовами) / упорядник д. і. н. Я. В. Пилипчук. – Київ-Вінниця : ТВОРИ, 2024. – с. 35-43.
Giuseppe Guzzatta, con contributi di G. Di Stefano, M.A. Vicari Sottosanti, V. Lo Monaco, Il "Tesoro dei sei imperatori" dalla Baia di Camarina, 2014
Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2019
Art History & Criticism, Vytautas Magnus University, 2024, Vol. 20, p. 32–52
Brain Communications
İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, 2022
European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies, 2023
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022
Addictive Behaviors, 2010