Estrogen synthesis by immature rat sertoli cells in vitro

Journal of andrology

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The research investigates the synthesis of estrogen by immature rat Sertoli cells in vitro. Utilizing various experimental setups, data are analyzed to understand the activity and regulation of estrogen production in response to different stimuli. Findings indicate significant insights into the role of Sertoli cells in gonadal function and potential implications for reproductive health.

Estrogen Synthesis by Immature Rat Sertoli Cells In Vitro CARLOS A. JOANNE SUAREZ-QUIAN, MARTIN BRUMBAUGH, of FSH-stimulated aromatization was Ever like immature Drs. Medical Sertoli cells, estrogen synthesis, cases have School-School and Dym’s present of Dentistry, address: Department Submitted for ceived September 21, 1982. publication 21, 1982; June accepted 11, 1982; revised for publication (Hunt and Teilum, in both The in men has 1939; evidence and greater and tradiol erous tial Medical 3900 re- tissue 203 for 1979) not Sertoli gained by et mg than al, protein in isolated More re- rat testes certainty of Andrology be stimu- as the source of testicusupport when 17f3-esrat et al, 1974). with can FSH. cells much established Society (Leach et al, 1976). found to increase of the mature (dejong cell Adincrease shown that aromatase activity et al, 1979) and mature (Val- from immature immunoreactive of estrogens 4:203-209) to cells Leydig per testes (Payne Sertoli cells to produce the identity © American 1983; but the estrogen in whole Payne, hCG was tubules de- Moulder, aromatization. caused an of estrogen tubules The case estrogens and supports production cently, it has been in immature (Canick lar Huggins site of testicular of hCG in men was by been used in the and Sertoli synthesis. observed in 1949). seminiferous Georgetown (J Androl CANICK (1934) first noted estrogentestes, the testicular cell aromatization testosterone 1956). of Anatomy, 0196-3635/83/0500/0203/$01.15 Budd, Experimental lated version September A. testicular tumors were believed from either Leydig or Sertoli as the major ministration aromatase, 3900 Reservoir Rd. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. Supported by grant no. 7R01 HD16260-01. Reprint requests: C. A. Suarez-Quian, Georgetown School-School of Dentistry, Department of Anatomy, Reservoir Rd, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. for wherein originated 1945; also testis. Suarez-Quian Zondek in stallion responsible ladares words: MAKRIS, JACOB bated. Indirect methods of observation past have implicated both the Leydig cells as likely candidates for estrogen For example, feminization of men was obtained by RIA. Neither control nor LH-treated cells, however, in the presence of substrate, produced detectable levels of labeled or immunoassayable estrogens. Aromatase activity was also studied in the presence of a cold estrogen trap and measured by direct tracer methodology. In this case, estrogen synthesis was more than doubled. These data may suggest the further metabolism of estrogen by Sertoli cells. Finally, our results are discussed with respect to the role of the immature Sertoli cell in the synthesis of testicular estrogens. Key AND the Departments of Anatomy and and Gynecology, Laboratory of Reproduction and Reproductive Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts since activity type ANASTASIA RYAN, From Obstetrics Human Biology, Past research has implicated both the Leydig and Sertoli cells as sources of testicular estrogens. To study this issue further, we investigated the ability of Sertoli cells isolated from the testes of immature (10-day-old) rats to synthesize estrogens in response to FSH in vitro. The activity of Sertoli cells was examined by aromatase comparing simultaneously two different methods: 1. the conversion of 19-(6,7-3H)-hydroxyandrostenedione to (3H)estrone and (3H)estradiol, measured by silica gel thin layer chromatography; and 2. the conversion of unlabeled 19-hydroxyandrostenedione to total estrogen (El + E2), measured by RIA. Sertoli cells, cultured in the presence of substrate, exaromatase activity in response to FSH. Values hibited obtained for total estrogen synthesis, measured by direct tracer methodology, at FSH dosages of 0.5 &g/ml and 1.0 &g/ml, during a 24-hour period of incubation, were 620 pg/mg and 580 pg/mg, respectively; and after a incubation, values obtained were 570 pg/ml and 48-hour 560 pg/mg, respectively. When measured by RIA, simiwere obtained for estrogen synthesis at idenlar results tical FSH dosages and times of incubation. A dose response DYM, J. KENNETH in isolated but not Moreover, seminifin intersticultured rats have been shown estrogens, although produced could not be by the methodology 204 Journal employed (Dorrington Rommerts et tioned, al, cells odology was These when aromatization examined (Welsh Steinberger, for measuring borated initial that capable and of by cells of tracer to estrogens in vitro of estrogens Sertoli are (Gore- cells, produced we compared the 19-hydroxyandrostene- as measured by RIA, with the of 19-(6,7-3H)hydroxyandrostenedione investigation by report, was support these respect to the direct tracer published in progress, findings role Materials methodwhile our the identities and are of estrogen and revealed experi- and containing testis. Methods less than 0.05 times NIH-LH-S1; and NIH bLH-4, potency 1.8 to 3.2 U/mg, ing less than 0.05 NIH-FSH-S1 U/mg were the National Pituitary Agency 3H)hydroxyandrostenedione England Nuclear, special droxyandrostenedione tase substrates. Preparation of Sertoli were C from culture one dish). for two cultured testis days in per dish DMEM + 4 (30 x 5% FCS CO2. After two days in culture, the medium was changed; unattached cells, consisting mostly of germ cells, were rinsed away with a Pasteur pipette and new medium, containing 2% FCS in DMEM, was added. 37 in an atmosphere of of Substrates and 95% air and 5% Addition Cell Hormones to Sertoli Cultures cells had been in culture for two days, the medium was removed and 19-(6,7-3H)hydroxyandrostene= 0.5 .tM with the addione, (1 MCi, final concentration dition of unlabeled 19-hydroxyandrostenedione) in DMEM + 2% FCS was added to each culture dish. In some experiments, cold estrone and estradiol (1 M) were added to each culture dish to establish an estrogen (RIA) studies, unlabeled trap. For radioimmunoassay 19-hydroxyandrostenedione, 0.5 tM final concentration, was used as substrate. Incubation times and dosages for gonadotropin treatments were as indicated in the legends for each experiment. discussed in the Ten-day-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were purchased from Charles River Breeding Laboratories (Wilmington, MA). Trypsin, collagenase (Worthington Biochemical Co.), soybean trypsin inhibitor, BSA, and deoxyribonuclease (Sigma Chemical Co.) were prepared in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) (Grand Island Biological Co.) Penicillin 10,000 units/mI, 10,000 Fungizone#{174} 25 mcg/ml, and streptomycin mcg/ml were added to DMEM with or without fetal calf serum (GIBCO). NIH oFSH (Batch #13), potency 15 U/mg, obtained Falcon mm, Vol. indirats of the immunoreactive estrogens were with certainty (Ritz#{233}n et al, 1981). Our ments and 1983 cells 15 Cells method corro- data, total at meth- immature #{149} May/June After unlabeled to estrogens as measured ology. In a very recent with quescultured Tcholakian estrogens 1980). the identity immature conversion own direct 1976; from synthesizing conversion dione by Wiebe, were by radioimmunoassay Sertoli Langton et al, To establish in vitro results 1975; 1979). Finally, an alternative estrogens, by tritium release, the cating Armstrong, 1978). however, Sertoli and of Andrology (NIAMDD). (SA, synthesis) (Steraloids), Cell and containprovided by 32CiJmmole) and were unlabeled used 19-(6,7- (New 19-hy- as aroma- Assay of Cells and Culture After appropriate incubation times, media were removed from each culture dish, extracted twice with under N2. The separation of diethyl ether, and dried (3H)estrone and (3H)estradiol from 19-hydroxylated androgens was carried out by silica gel thin layer chromatography (benzene-heptane, ethyl acetate, 50:30:20). RIA studies were performed as described previously (Canick and Ryan, 1976) using an antiserum (Abraham 310 #5) that cross reacts equally with estrone and estradiol. Cells were removed from the culture dish with 2% sulfate containing 1 mM EDTA and sodium dodecyl protein determinations were performed (Lowry et al, 1951). The cultured cells were processed for light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy as described by Brinkley et al (1967). The cells were fixed with 1.5% glutaraldehyde and 1.5% p-formaldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer in situ and post-fixed with 1% 0s04 in 1.5% potassium ferrocyanide (Karnovsky, 1971). Sections were cut parallel to the plane of growth and examined with a JEOL-100S electron microscope. Culture Sertoli cell cultures were prepared using the method of Dorrington and Fritz (1975) with the following modification: the enzyme sequence was reversed, collagenase treatment preceded trypsin digestion. The final cell suspension to be plated contained Sertoli cells in two forms, single cells and aggregates, and germ cells, also individually and in association with Sertoli cell aggregates. Since individual cells in aggregates are very difficult to count accurately, we seeded cells in culture dishes not as number of cells per dish, but rather as a ratio of Media Results toli Figure cells 1A is a light which were micrograph embedded into thick sections parallel The purity of Sertoli cells nique is readily apparent. this light micrograph type is present. Sertoli presence of irregularly of cultured Serin plastic and cut to the plane of growth. obtained by this techCareful inspection of illustrates that only cells are identified shaped nuclei, one cell by the con- each No. SERTOLI 3 taming only power electron ture. The homogenous one nucleolus. the Leydig cells micrographs, identity periments these constitute less of our and myoid although two than synthesis of time different of a low culan estab- types have 1% of total been cells (3H)estrone in ex- shown to in vitro. and and FSH, examined 48 hours, 0.5 levels g/ml and and 1.0 obtained FSH more effect was given time estrogen of by by The in media from harvested at two concentration required greater than before aromatase lated. a FSH pg/ml. after At level 24 hours dose of estrogen treated indicated control did The only small precursor. doubling appear quantities of the to further At time either of incubation stimulate estrogen syn- thesis. These data duced cells. were were suggested being the gens, whereas (3H)estradiol. gens accumulated FSH stimulation, those 3. As before, negligible FSH-stimulated measurable Sertoli Sertoli cells in the presence control levels cells amounts of synthesized (3H)estrone and Further, newly synthesized estroin the medium with time after reaching levels much higher obtained in the absence of an estrogen is shown described cells were Methods, cultured as no exoge- to the media, for different and cells time peri- nous were in Figure 4. Sertoli in Materials and estrogens stimulated were added with FSH ods as indicated LH-treated cells cant levels of in Figure synthesized estrogens aromatization to estrogen 4. Neither statistically when control compared of nor signifiwith FSH obof measured dishes were stimulation. 0.01 g/ml activity A of FSH was was stimu- than ase, was reversed. that a purer obtained terpretation 0.5 g/ml, the slightly. Synthesis Morphologic in et al, 1978; 1979). to constant specific radio further activity by comparing methods: 1. the using silica recrystallization conversion of tein in our experiments, methodologies, others (Dorrington is cells de1979; recently have emfrom the et al, 1980) (3H)estro- activity (Ritz#{233}n et the Sertoli simultaneously two conversion of to (3H)estrone 19-(6,7and gel thin of the dif- layer chromatoproducts, and 2. 19-hydroxyandros(El + E2) using RIA. produced per mg prousing similar and Sertoli in- initially Armstrong, demonstrates in immature unlabeled tenedione to total estrogen The amount of estrogen is the et al, data (Gore-Langton of synthesized Our report of aromatase in vitro alternative methods loss of hydrogen of testosterone during 3H)hydroxyandrostenedione the by was and Verhoeven These aromatization reaction and by recrystallization (3H)estradiol graphy and vitro immature animals RIA (Dorrington in indicated cells of et al, in vitro collagen- thus facilitating studies. Rommerts al, 1981). presence 1975) and studies of Sertoli estrogens cell pub- Fritz, trypsin this method, of biochemical from by Damme Sertoli a previously and sequence, been corroborated by ploying the stereospecific the lB and 2B positions gens to obtain from population by obtained termined used (Dorrington enzyme 1975; have procedure ferent the of as decreased slightly the cells trap. Measurement by RIA of unlabeled 19-hydroxyandrostenedione we varied that van and LHof estro- method lished pro- by consisting of cold 1 M estrone The results of this experiment are shown in Figure treated cells produced easily estrogens further To examine this hypothesis, incubated with (3H)substrate of an estrogen trap and 1 M estradiol. than that metabolized were Discussion LHcultures of FSH, not and of es- produced 3H)hydroxyandrostenedione dose cells On the other hand, FSH-stimulated Serdid synthesize substantial amounts of and (3H)estradiol from the 19-(6,7- cells trogens. toli cells (3H)estrone that culture higher a of total of FSH-stim- cells all produced of accumudose and methods methodology. response Sertoli an levels cells different tracer a dose In our before values FSH-treated two distinctly RIA and direct potential. results maximal at two Untreated control cells, in the presence of precursor alone, as well as LH-treated (5 jg/ml) cells, were examined with respect to their aromatization Our once similar aromatization RIA. elapsed stimulation, 5 illustrates ulated cells. 12 hours took place, no further was noted. For a given synthesis Figure by 2. FSH-stimulated than observed; tained using measurement, 205 et al with experiment, (3H)estradiol to FSH, as measured is shown in Figure was Sudrez-Quian estrogen synthesis lation with time Occasion- cells are observed from numerous cell 24 hours doses cells. SYNTHESIS in exhibiting further cultured of aromatization intervals, is cells nuclei, pattern, by Sertoli cells in response direct tracer methodology, Stimulation lB of Sertoli irregularly shaped euchromatin ally, light ESTROGEN Figure micrograph lish The CELL to Armstrong, either that of reported 1975; the two by Rom- 206 Fig. Thick shaped Original Typical peripheral containing Journal 1. A. Light micrograph section was cut parallel nuclei, each containing magnification x820. of Andrology #{149} May/June of rat Sertoli cell monolayer after three days in to the plane of growth. Asterisk (*) indicates area only one nucleolus (n), establishes the identity B. Electren micmgraph of thin section (uranyl acetate Sertoli cell characteristics are observed: heterochromatin; 2. large lipochrome foliate cristae generally organized 1983 culture (embedded of culture dish not of these cells. Note a,,, Reynold’s stain) Vol. 4 in plastic, toluidine blue stain). invaded by Sertoli cells. Irregular that only one cell type is present. cut parallel to the plane of grewth. 1. irregularly shaped nuclei with abundance of euchromatin, pigment granules (L); 3. small, round lipid granules (1); and transversely (m). Original magnification x6000. lacking 4. slender large clumps mitochondria of No. SERTOLI 3 CELL ESTROGEN SYNTHESIS Sudrez-Quian 207 et al 5, I 0 Ii. \ F 0, 24 48 24 48 24 48 24 48 hours TIME Fig. 2. Measurement of aromatase activity of immature rat Sertoli cells by direct tracer methodology using 19-(6,7-3H)hydroxyandrostenedione as substrate. Cells were cultured for two days prior to gonadotropin treatment. Media were harvested and assayed at times indicated in figure. (Values reported are mean ± SE; n = 4). merts Damme et al, et 1978; Verhoeven al, 1979; Gore-Langton Ritz#{233}net al, dione, trone ments. 1981). and The substrate as further in the produced by of estrone and experiments metabolism has of been 1979; et al, obtained direct RIA Fig. 4. Aromatase by RIA. Unlabeled concentration, was van 1980; is probably our cross-reaction our direct estrogens an by previously added to immature Media were (Each column and Armstrong, harvested least a es- with tracer 12 stimulation by FSH (1 gJml) as measured 19-hydroxyandrostenedione, 0.5 m final used as substrate. FSH and substrate were rat Sertoli cells after two days in culture. and assayed at times indicated in figure. represents mean 1975) planned. In a time also since suggest observed (3H)es- tracer experifrom the same estradiol, gives equal In addition, methodology This we measured antisera estrogens. al, 24 TIME 19-hydroxyandrostene- substrate, (3H)estradiol estrogen combination trogen both Using a 17-keto et 12 course hours ± SE; and of estrogens were to FSH stimulation. has reported estrogen synthesis 48 24 48 24 48 immature rats beled substrate ported are mean were cultured in the presence ± SE; n = Sertoli of cold seen in the A similar for (Armstrong of at measurable media in lag phase FSH-dependent et al, 1975; Dor- cells. (Dorrington 24 estrogens. (Values Injq/mI Fig. 5. Dose response of aromatase stimulation by FSH during a 24-hour period as measured by RIA. Sertoli cells from immature rats were cultured for two days before addition of FSH 48 hours activity measured in the presence 1 j.m; E2, 1 j.m). Sertoli cells from for two days prior to adding la4). a lag are apparent TIME Fig. 3. Result of aromatase of a cold estrogen trap (El, 4), before previously FSH 24 studies (Fig. observed amounts response been additional experiment was n = 4). re- and unlabeled nadotropins. substrate. Line drawn Control between 0.5 g/ml FSH represents a best tween 0.5 gJml and 1.0 jg/ml response was observed at P < mean ± SE; n = 4). cultures dosages did not of 0.01 fit. Downward FSH 0.05. line receive g/ml drawn indicates that a different (Each point constitutes goand bea 208 of Andrology Journal rington et al, binding 1978) protein al, 1979). As the presence and by for secretion Sertoli cells of androgen in vitro the stimulation of aromatase to FSH (Dorrington et al, tema (Welsh suggested by others, these of numerous intracellular et data imply events for activity in 1976; Dorrington response et al, 1978). Moreover, the served (Fig. stimulation 1978). 48 hours previously and Armstrong, 1975; Rommerts In our experiments, of FSH others stimulation, (Rommerts Based in contrast al, 1978; our results not the with tures, strong and the evidence reports that mentioned estrogens Sertoli cells of immature animals. of al, tracer may antibody. cell cul- The response immature vivo to in vivo animals. the ability testosterone tive importance synthesis in the examined. zation in though (dejong of adult data paper has tubules that FSH reported of adult adult stimulated regard, aromatization hCG stimulation whereas intact been crease ick et Payne, estrogen synthesis in both al, 1979) and mature rats 1979) and in men (Payne recent paper, hCG aromatization immature or mature 1981). It is important also in purified rats to note lost during strong and maturation Dorrington, Sertoli originate cells has from (Valladares aromatase the In shown Leydig of the 1977). significantly testes. observed this to in- immature (Can(Valladares and et al, 1976). In a been that did or hypophy- hCG in has aromatirats, al- in vivo in intact rats, in- significant same paper administered aromatization of in also to estrogen must be re- the data are not statistically et al, 1974). In addition, the stimulate in Sertoli cells to aro1979). The rela- the Sertoli cell testis, however, sectomized late results by Pomerantz of immature (Pomerantz, Only one seminiferous presented not the conducted Sertoli Since same Moreover, seminiferous derived canine cryptorchid to stimucells and from gonadal has from been synthesis in adult reported only in cells of transformed testes Sertoli (Huggins and et al, 1949). 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