05-LAND LAWS; CLAN LAND; CLAIM FOR CLAN LAND SOLD TO ANOTHER; SUING BONAFIDE PURCHASER; Suing him for the land without first seeking to nullify the sale is improper; 05-3, 29 (3-3) SUING AFER DEATH OF VENDOR RELATIVE; Is considered against the plaintiff; 05-3, 29 (3-3) REDEMPTION OF CLAN LAND; UNEXHAUSTED IMPROVEMENTS; When land is redeemed, the person who spent labour and money on land increased the productive capacity of the land and thus entitled to unexhausted improvements;…05-1, 1. LAND DISPUTES, IN; LOCUS IN QUO VISITING; OMISSION TO DRAW SKETCH MAP BY TRIAL COURT; Not necessarily cause miscarriage of justice if photographs are tendered; 05-2, 60 (3). TRIAL COURT VISITING LAND AND DRAWS SKETCH MAP; Its finding of fact cannot be interfered by appellate court; See, .. 05-1, 6, 17. STOP ORDER BY LAND AUTHORITIES; ONCE PROVED THAT ONE BREACHED LAW; The question whether or not the land authority e.g. district council issued a stop order is irrelevant; 05-2, 60 (9) LAND TRIBUNALS PROCEDURES; DECREE; EXECUTION OF DECREES; OBJECTION TO EXECUTION; Appealing against Execution; Is improper, the remedy is to file objection; 05-3, 19. Governing rule for objections. See; 05-3, 19 Where to file objection; Is before the District Tribunal which executes; 05-3, 19 EXPARTE JUDGEMENTS/DECREES; APPEALING AGAINST THE E/DECREE; Is improper, the remedy is to apply for setting aside the same; 05-3, 19 SETTING ASIDE; GOVERNING RULE; Is part IV of the Land Disputes Courts (the District Land and Housing Tribunal ) Regulations, 2003, (reg. 11 (2)); 05-3, 19 . OWNERSHIP OF LAND GENERALLY; *GENERAL OWNERSHIP; Land is public land entrusted to the government; 05-2, 60 (7). ABANDONMENT OF LAND; *DEFINITION OF ABANDONMENT; See, 05-1, 14. ANIMUS REVETEND EXISTENCE; Land cannot be said it has been abandoned, 05-1, 14. ADVERSE POSSESSION, BY; CARE TAKER OF LAND; His position is similar to that of invitee, however long his occupation he cannot deprive the owner of his right; 05-2, 8 (p.5) LONG PERIOD OCCUPANCY UPON CLEANING BUSH; -Affords good ownership;….05-1, 2,18,24, - also see, 05-1, 56. UN ALLOCATED PUBLIC LAND; OWNERSHIP, MEANING & RESTRICTIONS; NO MAN’S LAND; 05-2, 60 (7…) OPEN SPECE; 05-2, 60 (7…) ROAD RESERVE; 05-2, 60 (7…) SALE OF LAND; ERONEOUS SALE; REMEDY TO PURCHASER; Is to demand refund of money paid from the erroneous vendor; 05-2, 70 (4…) SURVEYED/REGISTERED LAND; ACQUISITION OF LAND; (ACT 1967); APPLICABILITY OF LAND ACT 1999; ON ACQUISITION MATTERS OCCURRED BEFORE; It does not apply 05-1, 42.(CA); PUBLIC INTEREST/ PURPOSES, FOR; PUBLIC INTEREST/PURPOSES, DEFINED; See, 05-1, 42.(CA); VALIDITY OF ACQUISITION; Depends on whether the land is acquired for public purposes/ interest; 05-1, 42.(CA); CONTROL OF R/LAND BY LOCAL GOVERMENTS; DISTRICT COUNCIL; Controls all the land under it; 05-2, 60 (4). (but see alos the law under the new land Acts). JURISDICTION OF PRIMARY COURTS; They do not have jurisdiction;05-1, 22; OWNERSHIP OF; ALLOCATION BY; COMMITTEE FORMED BY DISTRICT COMMISSIONER; Has no powers to allocate land; 05-2, 60 (10, 11) DISTRICT COMMISSIONER; Has no powers to allocate land; 05-2, 60 (10) LAND OFFICE; The allocated person is rightful occupier if procedure not challenged; 05-1, 13; RATIFICATION BY LAND AUTHORITY OF ALLOCATION ILLEGALY DONE; An authorised land authority to allocate land cannot ratify an offence or illegal allocation of land; 05-2, 60 (10) VALUATION OF LAND/ IMPROVEMENTS; GOVERNMENT VALUERS VS. PRIVATE VALUERS; Justice demands that government valuer be trusted more than private valuer; 05-1, 42.(CA). VILLAGE LANDS; ALLOCATION OF LAND; POWERS OF VILLAGE AUTHORITY TO ALLOCATE; GENERALLY; -It has powers to allocate, 05-1,14., allocation by it confers good title, 05-1, 24. LAND BELONGING TO ANOTHER; The authority has no power to allocate land of another occupier; 05-1, 12,14 OPERATION VIJIJI LANDS; ALLOCATION TO ANOTHER OCCUPIER; Where former occupier went away and land allocated to another, the former looses ownership;05-1, 9, 18. PAGE 1