Emergent Reefs
Coastal erosion is a process that, if uncontrasted,
over time leads to sea bed desertification and waterfront thinning, thus involving both sub-marine
environment and tourism activity. Italian shores are
a typical example: the intensified quantity of tourists in the last decades while giving propulsion to
the economy at the same time increased the seabed smoothing caused by tourists, thus easing the
action of progressive erosion. Instead of focusing
on the solution of the specific problem through
existing models and approaches, the intent of this
project is to address the issue of a positive environmental transformation through the generation
and construction of marine reefs shaped to host
an underwater sculpture gallery while at the same
time providing the material and spatial preconditions for the development of marine biodiversity
on the transformed sea-bed. Tourism becomes a
part of the ecosystem; the generation of evolved
functional programs, morphogenetic strategies
and production technologies are considered efficiently connected nodes of a coherent yet differentiated network. Starting from a digital simulation of
a synthetic local ecosystem, a generative technique
based on multi-agent systems and continuous cellular automata (put into practice from the theoretical premises in Alan Turing’s paper “The Chemical
Basis of Morphogenesis” through reaction-diffusion
simulation) is implemented in a voxel field at several
scales giving the project a twofold quality: the implementation of reaction diffusion generative strategy within a non-isotropic 3-dimensional field and
seamless integration with the fabrication system.
The entire project was developed with D-shape fabrication technology in mind [1]. Developed by Eng.
Enrico Dini, who patented the technology that solidifies sand through liquid infiltration and built a large
scale 3D-printing machine, it extends and scales up
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the more common 3D-printing process; D-shape
uses the same additive tomographic layering strategy, with sequential layers of dolomitic sand upon
which a row of nozzles drop a patented binder liquid
only in the corresponding section points. The invention was co-opted from its initial purpose (printing
houses) into many different applications, mostly in
the field of art (sculptures) and, more recently, marine barriers. Since objects to be produced can have
a very heterogeneous generation history, a 3D voxel
grid is used to rationalize them to the process and
resolution of the machine; this step is not only necessary, it is the principle that links digital processes
to the materiality. Nonetheless it is applied in an
extensive way: two different models of rationality are overlaid with a brute-force method, but one
lacks geometry generation and the other misses
the link to material production. As a consequence
of this double gap and since the resolution achievable at the moment is quite coarse (in z direction the
layer thickness is 5-10 mm and the liquid expansion
causes a slightly larger horizontal xy resolution), the
emerging pattern is mostly treated as an imperfection and sanded, considering the slick look of the
digital model as a finalized result to tend to.
Starting from these assumptions and in the intent of exploiting the expressive and tectonic potential of D-Shape technology, the project explores
voxel-based generative strategies. Working with
a discrete lattice eases the simulation of complex
systems and processes (including non-linear simulations such as Computational Fluid-Dynamics) starting from local interactions using e. g. algorithms
based on continuous cellular automata, which then
can be translated directly to the physical production system. The purpose of Emergent-Reefs is to
establish, through computational design tools and
strategies and machine-based fabrication, seamless
relationships between three different aspects of the
architectural process: generation, simulation and
construction, which in the case of D-Shape technology can be specified as guided growth.
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The idea of an underwater exhibition architecture
suggests a general layout articulated as a cluster of
heterogeneous and connected halls. Such spatial
distribution pattern is typical of a peculiar marine
environment, the atoll. In order to generate a similar
distribution pattern a strategy based on the interaction with a 3D data field (provided by the simulation
of underwater currents) and attractors is implemented: in Complex Adaptive Systems, attractors
are points in the space of possible configurations
of a system (phase space) representing stable configurations, wether static or dynamic, towards which
the system tends, generating stable, oscillating or
propagative behaviors [2]. Attractors here represent
the halls as stable configurations and let the system
work to generate the intermediate states between
A software tool was developed in Processing
to control the influence of a set of attractor points
(using position and intensity as parameters) on density fields. Two different classes of attractors were
defined (positive and negative), based on magnetic
field laws, moving in a two-dimensional domain.
The voxel size (and so local density) is linked to position and intensity of each attractor following an inverse square law:
where ࢥA is the density at a specified point A,
Pi is the charge intensity of the ith attractor, and
Ri is the point-attractor distance. The density function influences the height of reefs that can eventually emerge above the water surface. However, it is
necessary to introduce a special cut-off condition for
higher values in order to achieve the crater-like configuration of the halls system:
If ੮A>1: ੮A=1-(੮A–1)
Working coherently within the voxel grid, a CFD simulation of the underwater currents was implemented (with the help of eng. Diego Angeli, researcher
within the Mimesis group at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Modena) through OpenFOAM®
(open-source software for CFD analysis) in order to
create a data permeated space. The speed vectors
data calculated in OpenFOAM is read into Processing via a custom written plug-in; attractors cause
directional vector-field convergence and inverse
square vector intensity falloff. This alteration differs
from a purely responsive behavior in which a systems reacts to an existing simulated data field: it is
already a proactive operation in order to anticipate
effects. It is crucial, however, to coherently define
the process of attractors generation and placement.
The adopted morphogenetic strategy for attractors
consisted of a virtual ecosystem: while interacting
with an underwater environment and simulating
distribution patterns, it is possible to stumble upon
inefficient configurations with low or undesired capacity of nutrients distribution.
It is therefore necessary to develop a morphogenetic strategy which, starting from the vector field,
is able to generate global configurations that are
coherent with currents behavior from simple internal local relations. This bottom-up strategy searches
global system coherence as an emergent property
of agents mutual interactions in the ecosystem or,
in other words, as the moment in which the global
system reaches and maintains homeostasis. In order
to assess the nutrients distribution capacity of the
system over time, a transportation algorithm was
adopted, with the ability to visualize concentration
patterns according to vectors direction. In relation
to this environmental property two different classes
of interacting agents (A type and B type) are moving in the defined domain interacting among each
other via a stigmergy-based relationship. The interaction between the two species occurs through
information released in the environment: nutrients
released by B type agents are stored in the voxel
cell corresponding to the agent position and sub-
Figure 1
The Synthetic Ecosystem.
Screenshot from Processing.
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sequently transported through the fluid following
the currents (vector field directions). B type agents
are able to detect nutrients concentration and move
looking for higher concentration areas. This evaluation is achieved through the analysis of neighbors
cell that return the gradient of density function.
where vD is the movement vector related to
density function D, and cs is a sensitivity coefficient
for nutrients. A positive feedback is enacted: every
agent enforces the strongest nutrient paths. In addition to this stigmergic behavior each agent interacts with neighbors of the same kind through the
basic flocking rules identified by Craig Reynolds:
cohesion, separation and alignment. “A” type agents
class is subdivided in two subclasses determined by
the sign of cs and correspondingly different behaviors: A- (generative) and A+ (dissipative). A- agents
search for areas where nutrients concentration is
minimum and generate a magnetic-like field (such
as those described previously, with inverse-square
distance propagation rule) that varies in extension
an magnitude according to number and charge of
clustering agents, while A+ subclass agents search
for areas where nutrients concentration is maximum
and can dissipate magnetic field tending to revert
the environment to its unaltered state. The usual
cohesion and separation rules control density and
spatial distribution according to each agent charge
intensity. Both subclasses maintain a stigmergic behavior with nutrients spread by B type agents. Each
A subclass can switch type (A+ to A- or the other
way around) if the nutrient concentration goes (respectively) above or below two limit thresholds that
define a “comfort zone” for the agents. Charge intensity of each A type agent represents then both a sort
of “health level” and the ability to generate (for A-) or
dissipate (for A+) the aforementioned magnetic-like
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The simulation can be manually stopped when the
ecosystem reaches a stable condition; in this case
visual assessment is faster than and (for the required
accuracy) as effective as coding a stopping condition; not to mention that such implementation,
since it requires testing all agents in the system at
each step, would have considerably slowed down
the whole simulation. While the simulation is running it’s also possible to interactively tweak different
parameters and alter or switch the agents’ charges.
During some of the simulations, when the density
of A- agents in low-concentration areas reached a
critical point, closest packing behavior appeared
although there is no specific coded implementation
of it.
The previous step provides an efficient strategy
based on bottom up processes for the generation
and spatial deployment of the fields governing the
reefs morphogenesis; the morphogenetic process itself is then developed through the implementation
of a differentiation process that progressively separates void (passage) areas from those occupied by
the material. In order to keep integral and coherent
with the field generation and fabrication logic the
exploration of cellular automata algorithms, focusing
in particular on reaction-diffusion for its properties
of condition-based differentiation and articulation in
space, seemed an almost natural choice. As hypothesized by Alan Turing (1952) in “The Chemical Basis
of Morphogenesis” such algorithms are the basis of
morphogenetic differentiation, and can be simulated
through a system of two interacting chemical substances, called morphogens, reacting together and
diffusing in space or on a surface. The reaction-diffusion process was implemented using Continuous
Cellular Automata algorithms over a 3D voxel grid,
the same underlying structure that allows a seamless
transition through all the steps of the overall process,
from analysis to fabrication. Every voxel cell interacts
only with its 26 adjacent neighbors. In the case of a
simple isotropic pattern, whose behavior is the same
in any direction, it is sufficient to consider the 6 main
Figure 2
Examples of different fields
configurations emerging
from variations in the agents
Figure 3
Algorithm steps relationship
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Figure 4
Pattern formation samples.
Reaction-diffusion behavior
changes according to density
field and vector field maps.
neighbors. The remaining 20 cells, with only an edge
or a vertex in common, are used in order to implement anisotropic diffusion. Diffusion simulation is
solved through a model based on the law postulated by Adolf Fick, which predicts how diffusion itself
affects the variation of concentration over time:
where ࢥ is the concentration as [(amount of
substances)·L-3], t is time [T], D is the diffusion coefficient as [L2·T-1]. The general reaction-diffusion
process simulation is based on the Gray-Scott algorithm, applied implementing the equations that,
extending Fick’s law, express both reaction and diffusion phenomena:
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where ∂u/∂t=Du·2u and ∂v/∂t=Dv·2v represent Fick’s second law of diffusion: Du and Dv are
the diffusion coefficients of morphogens u and v respectively, with Dv < Du. Through these equations
the fields obtained in the previous step are associated with different properties of the two morphogens: the vector-field affects the preferred diffusion
direction of morphogen v while the density field affects the variation of parameter k for reaction. The
term density is referred to the rate of material-filled
volume compared to the overall simulation volume.
Pattern formation and direction are thus controllable by tweaking the Gray-Scott parameters which
act on the outputs of the simulated ecosystem, coherently exploring variation at the present system
The importance of anisotropy in patterns distribution arises from several necessities: avoid reef overturning, coordinate scuba divers trajectories and
underwater currents with the reef formation itself in
order to minimize human-reef collision chances (as
cross-directed currents would push divers against
the reefs) and provide a distribution system of “cor-
Figure 5
Exemples of layouts generated with different ecosystem
ridors” connecting the halls. To achieve this, reefs
and empty spaces are associated to the distributionfields of the morphogen v and u respectively: the
result is a cluster of halls surrounded by walls and
paths aligned with underwater current vectors in
order to reduce at once the reef’s overturning effect
and the risk of scuba drivers being pushed against
the generated walls. Through the reaction-diffusion
algorithm simulation a wide range of possible patterns emerge, associated to particular behavioral
rules of the agents-systems. Here are some examples of different system behaviors with their related
distributions of underwater clustered halls.
By tweaking the simulation parameters it is possible to explore behavior variations within the system domain, achieving a gradient of possible distributions according to project requirements.
The issue of dealing with the integration with biological marine biodiversity and provide the material substrate for its future development was not
addressed by tweaking the system for a particular
requirement of a single specie (or a limited group
of ), rather the intent is to produce a broad range of
heterogeneous spatial conditions in order to pro-
vide the largest set of opportunities for the local
ecological community (this term refers to the complex food web that shares the same environment).
It is anyway necessary to endow the generated reefs
with qualities present in the material substrate of
other marine environments hosting rich biodiversities, the most significant of which is the presence of
cavities: they create a natural localized micro-gradient of resources and energies and are used as shelters by both weak and territorial fish species.
The basic principle adopted is the same conditional void-matter separation based on reactiondiffusion algorithms: the process described above is
iterated at a more detailed scale in a self-similarity
logic analogous to those governing fractals. Since
the Gray-Scott algorithm doesn’t allow a wide range
of scale variation over a given voxel matrix, the 3-dimensional pattern obtained so far was scaled using
an algorithm based on tricubic interpolation, which
allowed the achievement of the desired void pattern
scale with a good approximation quality. The result
is a scalable and multi-layered domain, where every
layer represents a field affecting hierarchically dependent layers, coherently driving formation at different scales. In this model matter, information and
processes are scalable.
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Figure 7
Gray-Scott algorithm applied
to a frame of final layout.
The project provides a material substrate for cultural
development and aims to the possible repopulation of local sea-bed by enhancing a pattern of differentiated spaces through the application of morphogenetic strategies that proactively shape the
new environment interacting with its own physical
characteristics. Although some tests were carried
on about underwater behavior of D-Shape material artifacts with positive results, no current testing
can provide a reliable trend of its reactions dynamics over time (for instance, resistance to erosion),
since large-scale 3D printing technology (such as
D-Shape) is still a breakthrough sector in an early development stage and rapid evolution and such kind
of tests require a longer timespan to be trustworthy.
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However this shouldn’t be an excuse for limiting design speculations, while reasonable constraints that
can be found during further extensive testing should
instead be considered and embedded in the project
strategy. Under the design process point of view,
this was a good chance to create a more intimate
relationship between morphogenetic strategy and
simulated environment. Through finite elements
discretization of environment and design object it
was possible to develop a solver that through structural and fluid-dynamics based inputs can elaborate
a convergent reaction-diffusion configuration based
on the designer’s parameters. As continuous assessment and rapid adaptation are an intrinsic part of
the design approach, further implementation are
also foreseen (such as, material behavior and its in-
Figure 8
Side views of full-developed
reefs with scale reference.
fluences in terms of weight, mechanical and viscous
behaviors over time, erosion). Another reason that
limited the physical testing phase has been the lack
of investors, although recent contacts with local institutions interested in touristic development and
environmental care may provide in the near future
the necessary economic fuel to start building a positive network among tourism, culture, material practice and sound environmental transformation.
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[1] http://www.d-shape.com/d_shape_presentation.pdf
[2] http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Attractor
[3] http://www.fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp/labs/skondo/paper_laboE.
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