UNU/SIPA Junior Research Fellowship Paper Series
Number 02 – October 2015
Measuring the Impacts of Security
Interventions: An Introduction
Franziska Seethaler UNU/SIPA Junior Research Fellow
The United Nations University (UNU)/Columbia University School of International Public Affairs (SIPA) Junior Research Fellowship gives young scholars and practitioners the opportunity to work closely with UNU researchers and
contribute to UN policy development initiatives.
This Paper represents the views of the author and not those of United Nations University or Columbia University
© 2015 United Nations University. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN: 978-92-808-9012-9
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
Executive Summary
Assessing the impact of security interventions is a challenging – yet essential – endeavour. Without adequate expertise, resources, and political will, impact assessments are unlikely to contribute effectively to rule of law programming, drug control
policy, efforts to tackle organized crime, or countering violent extremism (CVE) interventions. Rigorous impact assessment,
on the other hand, can stimulate innovation, and improve both the effectiveness and efficiency of security interventions –
important for beneficiary communities and financially-strapped donors alike. However, effective impact assessment in volatile environments is challenging: insecurity itself complicates assessment design, implementation, and analysis.
This paper provides an introduction to the challenges of effective security intervention impact assessment. It discusses different measurement tools and methods available to security practitioners and programmers, and offers ideas for strengthening impact assessment in these fields.
Impact assessment is often not prioritized when interventions are conceptualized and planned. It is only tacked on once
accountability to donors needs to be demonstrated. This makes programmatic progress difficult to measure, because no
thorough baseline studies are conducted when the programmes are set up. Security practitioners are often not conversant
with assessment tools and methods, measurement design, data collection, and analysis. Instead of undertaking the hard task
of measuring long-term impacts, programmers often resort to measuring easily quantifiable outputs, which fail to provide
insights into an intervention’s complex impact. This risks wasting scarce donor money, producing poorly-tailored interventions – or worse, doing real, but unrecognized, harm to supposed beneficiaries.
Many of the challenges discussed in this paper can be mitigated through thoughtful application and combination of different methods and tools. The second part of the paper therefore provides an introduction to basic assessment methods
including surveys, experiments, and select qualitative approaches, explaining how they work, their potential advantages and
drawbacks, and offering examples of their use in relation to security interventions.
The final part of the paper highlights new possibilities for more accurate, comprehensive, and thoughtful approaches to
impact assessment of contemporary security interventions. These include the early integration of impact assessments into
programme design, lengthened time horizons, as well as the use of mixed methods, experimental designs, and new technologies.
The paper also points out, however, that reaping the full benefits of the methodological innovations requires a corresponding cultural change, generating greater familiarity amongst practitioners and donors with different approaches to – and
benefits from – impact assessment. This should be matched by a recalibration of expectations, time frames, and budgets for
impact assessment.
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
How can we measure the impact of security interventions1
in the areas of the rule of law, drug control policy, organized
crime, and countering violent extremism (CVE)? Understanding the impact of these security interventions allows for the
modification of future project design, tailored programming,
improved efficacy, and targeted allocation of scarce resources; all important to both recipient communities and fiscallystrained donors alike.
Accurately assessing the complex impact of contemporary
security interventions is inherently challenging. Choosing a
well-suited assessment methodology - essential for making
inferences about causal relationships - requires expertise,
institutional capacity, financial resources, access, and political support. Methodological choices, data collection, and
analysis are further complicated by the nature of the volatile
conflict environments in which security interventions occur.
The aforementioned components of rigorous impact assessments are thus often lacking. Instead impact assessments
are conducted with a narrow focus on easily accessible
and quantifiable metrics, such as the number of weapons
collected, drugs seized, or combatants cantoned. These
metrics, however, are not necessarily accurate measures
of an intervention’s complex impact. As a consequence,
ill-conceived impact assessments can on occasion provide
wildly inaccurate impressions of an intervention’s efficacy
thus wasting scarce donor money. They may also have unintended negative consequences for the target population as
causation is misattributed and programmes are not modified
Despite or perhaps because of these challenges involved
in impact assessment, there is a growing debate about
how best to assess intervention impacts. This intensifying
debate has already produced some more thoughtful and
tailored approaches to impact assessment, encouraging
a longer-term perspective on programming and generating support for initiatives to identify lessons learned and to
facilitate cross-pollination across fields. Methodological and
technological innovations, such as experimental assessment
designs and the use of new mobile technologies in data
collection and analysis, also offer new opportunities. While
these innovations are not a panacea to continued problems,
which will require additional attention and innovation, they
put more accurate and cost-effective measurement within
reach thus enhancing our capacity to design more effective
Recently, the importance of rigorous measurement has also
been emphasized in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted at the UN Sustainable
Development Summit on 25-27 September 2015.2 The SDGs
reflect an expanded understanding of sustainable development, beyond that of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs). SDG 16 for example calls for the reduction of “all
forms of violence”, as well as “efforts to combat organized crime and to promote the rule of law.”3 With regard to
measurement, the Transforming our World: 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development highlights the need to strengthen
data collection and capacity building for broader, high-quality measurement of progress toward the SDGs.4
In light of these developments, this working paper seeks
to provide an overview of the current state of impact assessment in security interventions and explore the various
assessment methods at programmers’ disposal. The first
part of this working paper focuses on current challenges of
impact assessment and highlights evolving approaches of
impact assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
more generally. The second part provides an introduction
to basic assessment methods, areas of application, and
respective advantages and drawbacks. New possibilities for
more accurate, comprehensive, and thoughtful approaches
to M&E will be highlighted in the last part of this paper. An
appendix provides a tabulated bibliography, offering leads
for further reading on how the different methods and tools
discussed in this paper may be applied in various areas of
security interventions.
Rigorous impact assessment is inherently difficult, requiring
sufficient expertise, resources, access, and political will to
include M&E from the conceptualization phase of security
interventions. Impact assessment is particularly difficult to
conduct in the volatile environments of complex contemporary security interventions because gaining the necessary access and collecting the data is challenging. There is
growing recognition that traditional approaches to impact
assessment in security interventions have been flawed: many
programmatic assessments were limited to a rudimentary
evaluation carried out over a short time span, and focused
on assessing easily measurable outputs such as the number
of arrests in organized crime interventions or the number of
drugs seized in drug policy interventions.5 Rarely were impact assessments oriented to effectively measure the larger
effects of programming or to provide sufficient context for
analysing impact.6
The consequences of continuing to conduct these types of
assessments are laid bare by the example of Mozambique’s
disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR)
programme. An assessment of the United Nations Mission in
Mozambique (ONUMOZ) DDR programme focused on the
number of weapons it collected as part of its disarmament
mandate. Between 1992 and 1994, ONUMOZ collected
200,000 weapons,7 which in absolute terms appeared to
represent a success, but in context, this number represented
only a small fraction of the millions of weapons estimated to
be in Mozambique at the time.8 Moreover, the programme
failed to put the weapons it had collected beyond use – and
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
the caches were eventually raided by criminal elements. Mozambican arms were then smuggled to surrounding states,
where they fuelled further conflict and crime.9
Although there is intensifying debate surrounding, and
growing recognition of, the need to improve the rigor of
impact assessment and to better tailor M&E exercises to realities on the ground, it is unclear if there is yet widespread
understanding and application of innovative methods and
technologies amongst programme staff and donors. Persisting challenges with regard to assessment design, implementation, and analysis will therefore be outlined in the following section.
a) Assessment Design
As the Mozambican example illustrates, a narrow focus on
short-term programmatic outputs, instead of the long-term
impacts of security interventions, can overlook the complex
effects of these programmes and misconstrue the security
intervention’s efficacy. In the case of Mozambique, a focus
on the number of weapons collected failed to give programmers an indication of the total number of weapons circulating in Mozambique, nor an understanding of recidivism rates
or the dynamics of informal criminal elements. A focus on
outputs rather than outcomes (or impacts) can therefore ultimately prevent the necessary modification of programmes,
which in turn can negatively affect the target population and
undermine their trust in the programmes.
The issue of output- versus impact-related indicators is not
only relevant in the context of DDR programmes. It is also
reflected in the current debate around drug policy. Instead
of merely focusing on immediate enforcement outputs, such
as asset seizures or arrests, there has been increased interest
in measuring the larger societal impact of organized crime
policy (e.g. long-term reduction of violence and vulnerabilities).10 Growing criticism queries whether an approach that
focuses only on outputs will adequately reflect progress (or
lack thereof) towards the larger goals highlighted by the international drug control conventions, such as improving the
health and welfare of populations.11 In addition to criticism
of output-oriented metrics, there has been increasing scepticism regarding approaches that fail to take into account
knock-on effects (e.g. eradication in one area stimulating
production in another) and approaches that use inadequate
metrics, in particular in cases where direct measurement is
difficult. Situations where observation is problematic and
direct measurement is not possible pose additional challenges, requiring alternate methods and adequate proxy
indicators that allow for indirect measurement.
Assessing the impact of preventive programmes represents
another challenge. For example, how can programmers
demonstrate that their interventions aimed at preventing the
proliferation of organized crime work? If no new incidents
of organized crime occur in an area, is this phenomenon at-
tributable to the preventive programmes or to other factors
in the programme environment? One option to attempt to
measure the impact of these programmes is counterfactual
analysis. Both scenarios with and without the intervention are compared, in order to establish cause and effect
between the intervention and the observed outcomes. However, as illustrated with the organized crime example above,
even in cases where a change in conditions is observable,
it might be more difficult to determine whether this change
was unequivocally induced by the intervention itself or
whether conditions improved due to other external factors
(the ‘attribution problem’).
In recent years, the United Nations and other actors have increasingly recognized that we need to not only rethink what
we seek to measure, but how we seek to measure it. There is
increasing recognition that better metrics and measurement
alone are not the answer, but rather a more holistic approach is needed in order to adequately reflect the complex
impact of interventions on realities on the ground. This does
not only include the aforementioned issue of output- versus impact-related indicators, but also concerns about the
level of analysis, metrics used, and sample size. Instead of
– or in addition to – measuring the number of court cases
processed by a newly reformed judiciary, for example,
measuring the public’s acceptance of, and experience with,
the new institutions may be a more effective approach to
understanding the impact of such reforms.12 As the choice of
methods and metrics is subjective and context-dependent,
the advantages and shortfalls of this choice need to be discussed in the analytical stage of impact assessment.
b) Assessment Implementation
One of the main obstacles to effective measurement is
whether the data needed can be accessed in the time frame
and with the resources available. This includes issues of access, but also security constraints in conflict-ridden contexts
where security interventions take place. In these contexts,
access to baseline data can pose a problem, for example in
cases where the interventions were set up under time pressure and a thorough collection of pre-intervention baseline
data was not feasible. This lack of baseline data can distort
the impact assessment because no data is available against
which to measure progress.
Both ethical concerns and privacy issues can also limit
certain types of measurement. There have been instances
where ethical concerns have been voiced with regard to
programmes that include a random assignment to treatment and control groups, the latter of which are “denied”
treatment. In other cases, privacy concerns have arisen with
regard to the personal data compiled for intervention assessment, its storage, and the potential it might be shared
with outside actors. For example, in the case of some DDR
programmes, biometric data – such as fingerprints – are
collected during the registration of ex-combatants and
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
personal data including information about membership in
armed groups might be stored in databases. Privacy concerns about this information have the potential to impede
data access in impact assessment, both during data collection and in subsequent inter-agency information sharing. If
not for strong safeguards, privately- or nationally-run DDR
programmes might have reservations to share personal data
with other national and international actors. All of these
constraints can result in a small or unrepresentative sample
size that is not sufficiently large to produce reliable results.
Maintaining high research and ethical standards in these
cases is of utmost importance for the sustainability and success of the programmes.
measurement methods and tools available to practitioners
working in the areas of drug control policy, organized crime,
rule of law, and CVE. The following chapters do not have
the aspiration of being exhaustive,15 but rather focus on the
most pertinent methodological approaches and metrics
available to security intervention programmers: surveys,
experiments, indicators, indices, benchmarks, as well as
other selected qualitative approaches. To increase readability, each section will provide a description of the method,
explain the main variants or types, highlight areas of application, and discuss its potential advantages and drawbacks.
c) Assessment Analysis
In the iterative process of programme design, quality analysis is needed to match the data collection. In this regard,
challenges may arise in the synthesis, analysis, and contextualization of data, as well as the presentation of results.
The complexity of conflict dynamics and the interconnectivity of different factors can complicate the identification of
causal relationships and thus make it difficult to attribute
specific impacts to particular security interventions. In the
field of organized crime interventions, the Central American
Regional Security Initiative (CARSI), an integrated rule of law
programme partly funded by the U.S. Department of State,
provides a pertinent example: While researchers were able
to demonstrate a reduction of municipal-level crime through
programmes for at-risk youth and communities, they were
unable to attribute the success to a specific programme
as disparate initiatives (e.g. counter-gang, neighbourhood
clean-up, improved lighting programmes) were launched in
concert.13 In addition to these attribution problems, biases,
spill-over effects, and interdependent variables can distort
the findings. For example, it might be difficult to discern
whether an intervention or another factor, such as the growing economy, was responsible for the improved security
situation in a country. Depending on how data are analysed,
the same data can yield very different results and thus be
left open to alternate, even conflicting, interpretations.
The challenges and the benefits of more rigorous approaches to impact assessment are not limited to one area
of security interventions. As such, advances in one area can
facilitate learning across security intervention fields. Innovations in one field – such as anti-gang programming in
North America, which has through innovation and analysis
developed sophisticated measurement techniques over the
past two decades – may also be highly informative for programme design, implementation, and data analysis in other
fields, such as CVE.14
Numerous challenges discussed in this paper can be mitigated through the thoughtful application and skilful combination of the methods and tools available. For that reason,
the following sections seek to provide an introduction to the
a) Description
Survey research encompasses any measurement procedures
that involve asking questions of respondents, ranging from
in-depth in-person interviews to short, automated telephone
questionnaires. Depending on the scope and breadth of
the inquiry, surveys can take either qualitative (e.g. in-depth
interviews of a small number of people) or quantitative
form (e.g. questionnaires distributed to a large sample of
a population). Surveys, when conducted on a larger scale,
allow researchers to measure and make statistical inferences
about the attitudes and behaviours of a large sample of
b) Types
Questionnaires: Questionnaires or social surveys are a
method used to collect standardized data in a statistical
form from a large number of people. Types of questionnaires include factual surveys, which collect descriptive information (e.g. government census), attitude
surveys, and explanatory surveys.17 Questionnaires can
be conducted in person or via mail, email, online, or by
Interviews: Face-to-face interviews can be conducted
individually or in focus groups. Individual interviews
help foster an atmosphere of trust and privacy in order
to gain a deeper understanding of the interviewees’ attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. The purpose of focus
group interviews is to learn through discussion in small
groups about “conscious, semiconscious, and unconscious psychological and socio-cultural characteristics
and processes among various groups”.18
Survey questions can be standardized (to enhance comparability), unstandardized (useful in pilot studies when researchers are still formulating survey questions) or semi-standardized (using a set of pre-determined questions as a guideline,
but leaving room for flexibility).19 Open-ended or closedended questions can be utilized depending on the context,
expected use, and goals. Instead of using simple yes/no
answers, scaled responses allow respondents to give more
nuanced answers. The so-called Lickert Scale uses a scale
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
from 1 to 5 to systematize respondents’ answers, which also
allows for easier graphical analysis of responses. The Hague
Institute for the Internationalization of Law, for example,
utilized the Lickert Scale in their assessment of justice needs
and access to justice in Mali by applying a scale from 1 to 5
to systematize answers to the 110 questions they asked to
survey participants.20
c) Areas of Application
Impact assessments of security interventions frequently
include surveys. In the area of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, for example, Christopher Blattman
and Jeannie Annan conducted a randomized survey-based
assessment to analyse the incentives of child involvement in
armed groups.21 Macartan Humphreys and Jeremy Weinstein conducted a survey of 1,043 ex-combatants in Sierra
Leone in 2003, to analyse which determinants facilitate political, social, and economic reintegration of ex-combatants.22
In research on CVE, Vanessa Corlazzoli used a survey to
establish a baseline assessment for the Countering and Preventing Radicalization project in Indonesia, inquiring about
the availability of places of worship and the community’s tolerance of different religions and attitudes towards women.23
In their assessment of the justice sector in Yemen, Martin
Gramatikov et al. used survey data to measure the public’s
acceptance and experience with justice institutions.24
d) Advantages
Surveys are a tool that allows researchers to understand
the subjective attitudes of a large number of people and
to monitor changes in perception. When designed and
executed properly, surveys enable researchers to make inferences about larger populations. In addition to proper sampling, tailoring the survey for particular audiences enhances
the quality of this method. To reach respondents of different backgrounds, it may be necessary to adapt the order,
content, and style of the survey questions to the respective
audience. In case of illiterate respondents, for example, verbal interviews may be employed. Depending on the context,
standardized, semi-standardized, and unstandardized surveys can be employed that provide the researcher with the
necessary flexibility to either adapt questions to the respective audience and/or enhance comparability across a larger
group of respondents. Surveys can facilitate the collection
of a great depth or breadth of data.25 When conducted using information and communication technologies, instead
of enumerated interviews, surveys can be administered
remotely, expanding the breadth of the study.26 Software
can also make it possible to analyse large amounts of data
quickly at low cost, using sophisticated statistical techniques.
are not adequately addressed. With regard to survey design,
the choice of the type of survey used should take into
consideration the demographics of the population, cultural
specificity, and the degree of flexibility needed to obtain the
answer to the questions the enumerator seeks to answer.27
For example, if researchers administer a written questionnaire in regions with low literacy rates, they may introduce
a major bias into the study. Furthermore, survey questions
must be carefully phrased in order to prevent respondents
resorting to politically correct answers to avoid presenting themselves in an unfavourable manner or out of fear of
negative repercussions,28 when presented with questions
about controversial issues.29 In addition, double-barrelled,
biased, or politically sensitive questions might confuse or
irritate the respondents, thus distorting the data.30 Another
topic that needs to be addressed is the issue of human subjects protections. By demonstrating to participants that their
answers are confidential and the data is protected, they may
feel more at ease and are able to answer more honestly. The
use of strong ethical safeguards, such as human subjects
review and approval, and security safeguards in the handling
of data provided by respondents can add to the complexity,
cost, and timeframe of administering surveys effectively, but
also improves the reliability and robustness of the evidence
thus gathered.
When implementing surveys, the possibility of biases,
such as sampling effects that distort findings must also be
considered.31 Conducting a successful survey also depends
on accessing the target population, which may be especially
difficult in conflict contexts or other environments with security risks or concerns. Access issues need to be addressed
through the choice of research design and data collection
methods, including mobile technologies. One of the main
challenges of survey analysis is the interpretation of nonresponses. Non-responses, especially in online and mobile
surveys, can lead to misperception by surveyors of the characteristics or attitudes of the population for which they are
designing the intervention.32 Consequently, the challenges
of interpreting non-responses as well as survey answer options, such as the meaning of options like “partially agree”
for example, needs to be addressed in the analysis of the
survey data collected.
Aside from inherent limitations to certain survey approaches,
most of the problems lie in poor survey design, implementation, and analysis. Yet through a solid survey design and
a rigorous analysis, the drawbacks of survey design can be
a) Description
e) Drawbacks
The effectiveness of survey research is diminished when
issues of poor survey design, implementation, and analysis
Experimental designs, commonly used in the natural sciences, allow researchers to make claims about causal inference
by systematically controlling one or more independent vari-
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
ables (i.e. causal factors) and measuring any change in the
dependent variable (i.e. effect).33 When applied to security
interventions, experiments seek to determine the effects of
a certain type of treatment (e.g. security intervention such
as the presence of peacekeepers) on a target population.
In order to establish that the security intervention is indeed
responsible for the observed outcome, control groups are
frequently employed.34 In comparison to the treatment
group, the control group – often unknowingly – receives
no exposure to security intervention (e.g. access to DDR
programming). Sometimes researchers make use of the
so-called “placebo effect” to test if the same effects occur
when an inert or non-treatment is administered, simply due
to the recipients’ expectation that they are part of the treatment group
b) Types and Characteristics
Myriad types of experiments exist, of which only the most
frequently used in security interventions will be highlighted
in the following section. The types and characteristics in
this list are not mutually exclusive, but some characteristics,
such as double-blind experiments and matched subject
designs, can be used in combination.
Within-group and between-group designs: To
compare the impact of different treatments, withingroup designs expose every participant to a treatment and then measure its effect. In the second step,
they expose all participants to another treatment and
measure the latter’s effect, an approach that requires
fewer participants and mitigates the lack of a control
group. In cases where a control group is available,
participants in between-group designs are assigned to
either treatment or control group, in order to measure
the effects of systematically controlling one or more
causal factors.35
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs): In RCTs, participants are randomly assigned to the treatment or the
control group, allowing for the effectiveness of the
treatment to be compared against the baseline that
the control group establishes.36 Randomization in RCTs
helps reduce sampling biases of the researcher.
Quasi-experimental designs: Like in experimental
designs, quasi-experimental designs divide participants
into treatment and control groups in order to test
claims about causal inferences, but lack the randomized assignment used in RCTs. They are frequently
used in individual case studies or in situations where
randomization is difficult.37
Stepped-wedge designs: Stepped-wedge designs
involve a sequential rollout of an intervention to participants. Due to the staggered intervention over multiple
measurement periods, no division into treatment and
control group is needed, as participants with later
access to the intervention serve as the control group
with which to compare the effects of the programme.
Consequently, a smaller sample is needed in steppedwedge designs. Stepped-wedge designs also have
logistical and financial advantages, as interventions are
seldom carried out simultaneously for all participants.
Stepped-wedge designs can also help to minimize
ethical issues as participants are not “denied” treatment, but advantage is taken of inherent rollout delays
to test the efficacy of programmes.
Matched subject designs: When RCTs or large-scale
sampling is problematic, matched subject designs
attempt to enhance the comparability of small control
and treatment groups, by matching subjects across
groups based on pre-existing characteristics, such as
race or gender.
Double-blind experiments: In double-blind experiments neither the participants, nor the researcher know
whether the participants have been assigned to the
treatment or control group. Consequently, doubleblind experiments can help to reduce biases.
Counterbalanced measures designs: In cases where
having a control group is problematic, a counterbalanced measures design allows all participants to have
the treatments, but alters the order in which they
receive them to test the impact of the order of the
Behavioural games: Behavioural games use experimental settings to make inferences about beliefs and
behaviours. The objective is to analyse how emotions,
limited foresight, and social learning impact decisionmaking in simulated situations in order to understand
how human beings operate in real-life strategic situations.39
c) Areas of Application
Michael Gilligan, Eric Mvukiyehe, and Cyrus Samii use
a quasi-experimental design to test the effectiveness of
ex-combatant re-integration in Burundi. In their research,
instead of randomly assigning participants to treatment
and control groups respectively, they exploit bureaucratic
failures in the delivery of the re-integration benefits and
halts in service delivery to measure programme effects.
For future research in this area, the authors of the study
advocate for more randomization and within-programme
experiments.40 However, not everyone is convinced of
the research merits of randomized designs. In the field
of organized crime, Michael Maltz argues there are legal,
administrative, and ethical difficulties of using experimental
design, given that the control group would be free of law
enforcement efforts creating the potential for violence and
crime to continue.41
d) Advantages
One of the main advantages of experiments is the level
of precision and reliability of the findings, as compared to
other research methods such as surveys. Experiments allow
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
researchers to demonstrate in an easily understandable
and replicable way how they came to their assessment. In
addition, randomization enhances experimental assessments’ external validity (i.e. findings are generalizable
and broader inferences for larger populations can be
made). Stepped-wedge designs, which consist of multiple measurement periods, allow for prediction of the
long-term impact of programmes, while avoiding some of
the ethical arguments against RCTs. Behavioural games
allow researchers to test hypotheses that are difficult
to verify in real-life scenarios. In addition, behavioural
games facilitate the analysis of decision-making processes by assuming that humans are not always rational and
self-interested actors, but emotional actors that operate
in a social context.
e) Drawbacks
The use of experiments in security intervention assessments is limited by perceived – and in some cases, real –
ethical concerns and logistical considerations. Under the
assumption that treatment is actually beneficial, it might
be perceived as unethical to deny a population access to
treatment in order to establish a control group (e.g. withholding reintegration benefits to some DDR participants)
for a long period of time. Moreover, the creation of
experimental conditions is logistically complex and often
cost-intensive. In particular randomized controlled trials
conducted on a large scale require large samples and
thus sufficient financial resources, expertise as well as political will to push for and invest in the use of experiments
on a larger scale. Given the difficulties of reproducing
real-life conditions and the concerns related to research
ethics in randomized experiments, quasi-experimental
designs and stepped-wedge designs may be important
alternate tools.
a) Description
Indicators, indices, and benchmarking are frequently
used to measure progress and to demonstrate the impact
of security interventions. An indicator is a “quantitative
or qualitative variable that provides a simple and reliable
means to measure achievement, to reflect the changes
connected to an intervention, or to help assess the performance of a program.”42 Indicators can be designed
to reflect both the positive and negative impact of a
programme. An index is an “accumulation of scores from
a variety of individual indicators that rank-orders specific observations in order to represent a more general
concept.”43 Benchmarking is a method of using reference
points (i.e. benchmarks) to assess the performance of
an intervention.44 Multiple identity indicators are used to
“measure progress toward or regression away from [the
chosen] benchmarks.”45
b) Types
Indices/Composite indicators are used to “measure
multi-dimensional concepts, which cannot be captured by a single indicator.”46 They consist of several
– often weighted – individual indicators. Examples
of the use of composite indicators include the Human Development Index, which consists of several
measures, such as life expectancy, education, and per
capita income; and the Freedom House Index, which
includes several measures of civil liberties and political rights.
Proxy indicators are used where direct measurement
is not possible. Proxy indicators offer a way to measure more abstract concepts, such as trust and political
Performance indicators are variables that “allow
the verification of changes in the intervention…
and measure to what extend objectives are being
Impact indicators are “variables that allow the
assessment of positive and negative, primary and
secondary long-term results produced by an intervention. These results can be produced directly or
indirectly, and can be intended or unintended.”48
c) Areas of Application
Indicators and indices play an important role in measuring
the effectiveness of security interventions. In the justice
sector, the 2003 report of the Vera Institute of Justice
examined performance indicators across the justice sector to measure progress toward justice and security.49 In
drug policy research, Robert Muggah proposes a set of
indicators to measure the effectiveness of a new drug
policy, which are focused on safety, citizen security, and
improvements in public health instead of easily quantifiable data enforcement outputs such as the number of arrests or seizures.50 In 2011, the United Nations Rule of Law
Indicators were developed to measure the performance,
transparency, and accountability of rule of law institutions
and serve as a “diagnostic tool to refine interventions to
address the most pressing problems.”51
d) Advantages and Drawbacks
Indicators enable researchers to measure the progress
towards a predetermined goal and thus, the impact of
an intervention. Proxy indicators enable an approximate
measurement in cases where the phenomenon is not
directly measurable. However, if not thoughtfully chosen,
indicators may not accurately measure the impact of the
intervention at hand. While composite indicators allow for
a big picture, they are only as good as their components
and the weighting formula behind them, and without a
good understanding of the multiple factors at hand, can
be used to draw simplistic, non-robust policy conclu-
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
sions.52 Such pitfalls are not inevitable and can be overcome by understanding the individual indicators used in
the composite, such as the various measures of freedom
in the Freedom House Index.
contemporary… context in which the text is experienced
today.”63 Textual analysis, which has qualitative and quantitative applications depending on the scale and depth of
the approach, is a method researchers use to describe and
interpret the characteristics of different types of text.64 The
units of analysis can range from words to semantics, characters, and concepts.65
a) Case Studies
Case study methods “involve systematically gathering
enough information about a particular person or ... event to
understand how it operates or functions”53 for the purpose
of gaining a deeper understanding about the particularities of the respective case and potentially deriving lessons
learned for other cases. Case studies can focus on different units of analysis and can incorporate a number of data
gathering measures, such as in-depth interviews, content
analysis, and participant observation.54
Case studies can take the form of within-case studies, which
are an in-depth exploration of sub-units of a single case,
and cross-case studies, which allow for comparative studies,
highlighting similarities and differences across cases.55 Case
studies can also be divided into sub-types depending on
the purpose they are used for: intrinsic case studies seek to
provide a better understanding of the intrinsic characteristics of a particular, unique case, and thus have little external
value for other cases.56 Conversely, instrumental case studies
serve as an instrument to better develop broader theoretical
questions and more general hypotheses that have relevance
beyond the case itself.57 Collective case studies “involve the
extensive study of several instrumental cases” to help theorize about a broader context.58
In the area of CVE, James Khalil and Martine Zeuthen use
Kenya as a case study to examine the USAID Office of
Transition Initiatives’ CVE pilot project and to draw lessons
learned from the Kenyan case study for the broader CVE
community.59 In a 2010 report on organized crime, UNODC
employs various regional case studies to highlight the
impact of drug trafficking, mineral smuggling, and maritime
piracy.60 While case studies grant in-depth insights into a
particular case of relevance, allowing for a better understanding of causal relationships and nuances, subjective
decisions by the researcher may raise questions about the
objectivity of the results.61 Moreover, due to context-specific
factors, the generalizability of the findings of case studies
can be limited.62
b) Textual Analysis
Textual analysis “involves the identification and interpretation of a set of verbal or non-verbal signs. The meaning
of these signs can be analysed from the perspective of
the speaker’s intent, the audience’s reaction, the historical
and cultural context in which the text was created or the
In their research on CVE efforts, Lazar Stankov et al. use
a linguistic analysis of texts produced by known terrorist organizations to explore the development of a militant
extremist mindset.66 While textual analysis enables the
researcher to understand a particular culture, social group,
or phenomenon,67 the drawback of textual analysis is that
the researcher’s interpretation is “only one of many possible
valid interpretations.”68
Skilful combination of assessment methods and tools
enables more rigorous and effective impact assessment
of security interventions. In this section, some of the key
practical techniques that can facilitate such approaches
are considered: early integration of M&E into programme
design; increased time horizons; as well as the use of mixed
methods; experimental designs; and new technologies.
a) Early Integration of M&E into Programme Design
Quality impact assessment requires that M&E is viewed as
an integral part of programming and that it is integrated
into programme design at the conceptualization stage.
Unfortunately, impact assessment is often only implemented
once programmes are already running and accountability
to donors needs to be demonstrated. Budget constraints,
lack of resources and expertise, and a lack of political will
can prevent the early integration of impact assessment into
programme design. Implementing M&E after a programme
is already in place has numerous disadvantages, including
the failure to establish baselines and gather baseline data
against which programmatic progress can later be measured.
Effective impact assessment also needs an adequate strategic framework. The theory of change is a methodology that
involves defining long-term goals and subsequently mapping backward short-, medium-, and long-term preconditions, underlying assumptions, and causal relationships that
are required to reach this goal.69 Using a theory of change
thus allows programme managers to compare actual outputs
to desired impacts and to make more informed decisions
about strategy and tactics. However, to include rigorous
impact assessment from the conceptualization stage of
programmes, long-term impact assessment beyond output
evaluations also needs to be prioritized and valued by programmers and donors alike.
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
b) Lengthen Time Horizons
In order to adequately capture the impact of security interventions, programmers may need to consider longer-term
assessment approaches. By employing longitudinal assessments, which study the same population over multiple datacollection periods, programmers will be able to measure
impact, not just programmatic outputs.70 Longitudinal studies
avoid some of the biases that plague other research methods
(e.g. ‘cohort effects’, which refer to the effects of shared experiences of a group), but are subject to their own challenges
(e.g. ‘attrition effects’, wherein participants drop out before
the end of the study). While drawbacks to this approach must
be addressed, the challenges to longer-term assessment are
not primarily methodological in nature, but rather political,
financial, and bureaucratic. Of particular note are the shortterm orientation of mandates and budgetary constraints that
prevent shifting assessment timeframes. In the case of UN
peacekeeping operations, budgetary reporting cycles are
usually one year and since peacekeeping missions leave the
country once their mandate ends, it is difficult to fund and
conduct longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impact
of security interventions. In addition, donors may need to
re-calibrate their expectations about effective M&E and be
willing to wait longer for comprehensive (and more accurate)
results as well as demonstrate a willingness to deal with
non-results. Managing donor expectations will reduce the
reporting of unreliable data just because donors demand a
demonstration of results.
c) Mixed Methods
As each approach to assessment has particular advantages
and drawbacks, a combination of methods can help overcome constraints and achieve a more comprehensive picture
of a security intervention’s impact.71 Mixing various methods
allows researchers to approach problems from multiple
ways with the hope that, despite the drawbacks associated
with any particular approach, the use of more than one, will
improve the robustness of the findings. Method triangulation can be employed both simultaneously or sequentially,
by using different metrics and applying multiple research
methods (e.g. quantitative and qualitative approaches). As
the methods employed become more numerous and potentially complex, however, practitioners need to become more
conversant in methods and understand the implications of
the methods and metrics used to assess their programmes.
d) Experimental Design
Experiments bear great potential for impact assessment of
security interventions. While potential obstacles can arise
when there is resistance to experiments, it is often possible
to mitigate such concerns with thoughtful design. For example, stepped-wedge designs seem to be particularly promising for the field of security interventions. In these designs,
participants are divided into treatment and control groups.
However, instead of denying the control group treatment
entirely, the control group receives treatment at a different
point in time. In many ways, stepped-wedge studies mimic
the logistical realities of rolling out interventions, whereby
it is rare that all groups will be exposed to the intervention simultaneously. These designs open new possibilities
in experimental designs as they can help to address ethical
concerns about denying beneficiaries potentially life-saving
or –enhancing treatments.
e) New Technologies
Information and communication technologies in both data
collection and data analysis have put more comprehensive,
accurate, and less expensive measurement within reach. In
particular in non-conducive security environments, these
technologies have potential utility in improving access to
beneficiaries, and thus in “their ability to produce large data
sets, which can be combined with other tools for greater
analytical capacities and insights.”72
Cellular technology and cloud computing have made it
easier to poll people in dangerous areas and analyse their
political preferences.73 For example, in the rule of law field,
the low cost and pervasiveness of mobile technologies is
facilitating perception-survey based methodologies for rapid
assessment of citizen attitudes to different justice needs and
providers.74 Moreover, digital technologies are also transforming the sources of data available to researchers and
funders, and the ways that communities impacted by security
interventions can participate in monitoring and accountability. In South America, for example, the availability of digital
cameras and social media is transforming approaches to
monitoring policing and complex security interventions such
as the pacification programmes in Brazil’s favelas.75
Information and communication technologies can also serve
as a tool to facilitate data collection and analysis, given their
ability to collect and analyse large data sets and to potentially reach even rural areas: Even on phones without WiFi or
GPS, SMS and phone calls can be used as a tool to manage
data collection, as in the case of the FrontlineSMS software
that was employed in Search For Common Ground’s Promoting Inclusive and Participatory Elections (PIPE) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. FrontlineSMS has been used
to “market peacebuilding radio programmes through SMS
blasts.”76 Real-time automated data aggregation and data
analysis with the help of software makes these new technologies a cost- and time-efficient tool. Yet given the privacy concerns associated with such information and communication
technologies it is important to place these technologies duly
under a “strict political and legal framework [that addresses]
control and confidentiality concerns.”77
All of these attempts to make impact assessment in contemporary security interventions more rigorous are, however, to
no avail if the findings are not worked back into programmat-
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
The analysis of evolving approaches to impact assessment
suggests that assessing the effectiveness of contemporary
security interventions remains, despite innovations and
technological advances, a challenging endeavour. Despite,
and in the face of, these challenges, the practitioner community needs to continue find ways to improve its approach
to impact assessment to ensure that programming is effective and efficient. An empirics-led iterative programming
cycle, based on a sound theory of change and research design, is required to conduct high-quality impact assessment
that measures not easily quantifiable outputs, but metrics
that are actually informative regarding the effectiveness
of security interventions. Inadequate impact assessments
can not only lead to a misinterpretation of programmatic
impacts, but may also allow ineffective and even harmful
programming, which can have detrimental effects to beneficiaries as well as society at large, to continue.
As laid out here, there are numerous possibilities for improving the impact assessment of security interventions.
Introducing randomization into M&E can – when done well
– address ethical concerns and ensure robust assessments.
The use of information and communication technologies
in both data collection and data analysis has put more accurate and cost-effective impact assessment within reach.
While this paper has acknowledged that these innovations
are not a cure to all problems, they do provide potential
ways to improve upon the current state of assessment in
this area.
What does effective impact assessment require beyond
methodological considerations? First of all, a cultural
change is necessary: practitioners need to become more
conversant in different research methods and tools. This
will enable them to measure impact beyond easily quantifi-
able measures and to combine methods where necessary.
It will also make practitioners better situated for interpreting results, incorporating impact assessment into planning,
and choosing the right assessment experts and contractors.
Likewise, impact assessment needs to be embraced not
just as a necessary box to tick, but as an integral part of
programme planning; it should be incorporated at the conceptualization stage of intervention planning. Third, cultural
sensitivity and contextual knowledge is required to design
effective assessment exercises for security interventions to
ensure that biased sampling does not cloud the evaluation
of intervention impacts. Fourth, a careful recalibration of
expectations and time frames, and thus budgets, is necessary at the programmatic, bureaucratic, and donor level.
Such a shift would be encouraged if donors enhance their
M&E requirements, provide line-item funding for assessment, and extend funding cycles to account for longitudinal
assessment timeframes. By moving from short-term political
priorities to long-term studies, practitioners will be able to
shift from measuring outputs to measuring impact, and thus
get a clearer picture of the effects of security interventions.
Lastly, and on a related note, the professionals conceptualizing and executing security intervention in the areas of rule
of law, drug control policy, organized crime, and CVE need
to acknowledge that better approaches to assessment may
demonstrate that some security interventions have lacklustre impacts. Rather than adopt a bureaucratic survival
approach that views such results as damaging, the community needs to shift its mindset to embrace rigorous measurement as the first step to identifying lessons learned, tailoring programming, and improving the impacts of security
interventions on the lives of vulnerable peoples. While it will
be necessary to address and navigate the challenges identified herein in the future, the assessment tools and methods
discussed in this paper indicate that a more accurate and
cost-effective measurement is within reach.
In this context, the term “security interventions” is used to describe the conceptualization and execution of programmes in the areas of the rule of
law, drug control policy, organized crime, and countering violent extremism (CVE).
United Nations General Assembly, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, A/70/L.1.
United Nations, “Open Working Group proposal for Sustainable Development Goals,” available from https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/fo-
cussdgs.html (accessed 25 June 2015).
United Nations General Assembly, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, A/70/L.1.
Robert Muggah, Katherine Aguirre and Ilona Szabo de Carvalho, “Measurement Matters: Designing New Metrics for a Drug Policy that Works,”
Strategic Paper 12, Igarapé Institute, January 2015, p. 2.
Julia Anderson, Julia Anderson, Fernando Bouzas, Rashid Dar, Yohsuke Fukamachi, Jiri Jelinek, Sophie Klinger, Amanda Roth, and Felipe Umaña,
“Evaluating Success in Tackling Transnational Organized Crime,” Capstone Project Report, Columbia University, May 2015, p. 6.
Ana Leao, “Chapter 1: Disarmament Initiatives in Mozambique,” in: Institute for Security Studies Africa, Weapons in Mozambique: Reducing Avail-
ability and Demand, available from https://issafrica.org/pubs/Monographs/no94/Chap1.pdf (accessed 7 July 2015).
Marie Eloïse Muller, From Warfare to Welfare: Human Security in a Southern African Context, (Assen, The Netherlands: Royal Van Gorcum, 2004),
p. 31; and Jennifer Perry, “Small Arms and Light Weapons Disarmament Programs: Challenges, Utility, and Lessons Learned,” US Defense Threat
Reduction Agency, 12 July 2004, p. 10.
Mark Knight and Alpaslan Ozerdeem, “Guns, Camps, and Cash: Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reinsertion of Former Combatants in Transitions
from War to Peace,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 41, No. 4, July 2004, pp. 501-502.
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
Anderson et al., p. 6.
Muggah et al., p. 4.
For example, see Martin Gramatikov, Kavita Heijstek-Ziemann, Roger El Khoury, Gediminas Motiejunas, Sam Muller, and David Osborne, “Family,
Justice and Fairness in Yemen: The Impact of Family Problems on Yemeni Women,” Hiil publication, 2014.
Susan Berg-Seligson, Diana Orces, Georgina Pizzolitto, Mitchell Seligson and Carole Wilson, “Impact evaluations of UNAID’s Community-Based
Crime and Violence Prevention approach in Central America,” Latin America Public Opinion Project, 2014.
Anthony A Braga and David L. Weisburd, “The Effects of ‘Pulling Levers’ Focused Deterrence Strategies on Crime,” Campbell Systematic Reviews,
Vol. 6, March 2012, available from http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/lib/project/96/ (accessed 30 July 2015).
Not every qualitative and quantitative method available will be detailed in this section, but rather the focus will be on the most relevant research
methodologies, metrics, and tools for assessing contemporary security interventions. As with all M&E, the specific choice of methods depends on the
research questions, resources, context, and programme size at hand.
Scott van der Stoep and Deirdre Johnston, Research Methods for Everyday Life – Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, (San Fran-
cisco: John Wiley and Sons Publication, 2009), p. 37.
University of Surrey, “Questionnaires“, available from http://libweb.surrey.ac.uk/library/skills/Introduction%20to%20Research%20and%20Manag-
ing%20Information%20Leicester/page_48.htm (accessed 15 July 2015).
Bruce Berg, Qualitative Research Methods for Social Sciences, Fourth edition, (Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon, 2001), p. 111.
Ibid., p. 70.
HIIL, “The Needs of the Malians for Justice: Towards More Fairness,” 2014, available from http://www.hiil.org/data/sitemanagement/media/
Mali%20Report_HiiL_Final%20English_low_resolution.pdf (accessed 12 July 2015).
Christopher Blattman and Jeannie Annan, “Child Combatants in Northern Uganda: Reintegration Myths and Realities,” in Robert Muggah, ed.,
Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, (New York City, Routledge, 2008), p. 103–126.
Macartan Humphreys and Jeremy Weinstein, “Demobilization and Reintegration,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 51, No. 4, August 2007, p.
Vanessa Corlazzoli, Baseline Report: Countering and Preventing Radicalisation In Indonesian Pesantrens, (Washington, DC: Search for Common
Ground, 2011).
Martin Gramatikov, et al.
Scott van der Stoep and Deirdre Johnston, Research Methods for Everyday Life – Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, (San Fran-
cisco: John Wiley and Sons Publication, 2009), p. 37.
Bruce Berg, Qualitative research methods for social sciences, Fourth edition, (Needham Heights, Allyn & Bacon, 2001), p. 82.
Ibid., p. 74.
For example, being denied access to programmes. van der Stoep and Johnston, p. 185.
Berg, p. 85.
Ibid., p. 80.
Ibid., p. 27.
Ibid., p. 31.
To determine that a causal relationship exists, a researcher will try to find evidence that a factor X produces Y and test whether in the absence of X,
there is no Y. See van der Stoep and Johnston, p. 106.
Ibid., p. 112.
Ibid., p. 131.
The objective of RCTs is to reduce the influence of confounding variables - those variables that can lead to incorrect interpretations of the relation-
ship between the dependent and the independent variables - through randomization. Ibid., p. 120.
Ibid., p. 147.
In comparison to repeated measures designs, in which subjects are exposed to all treatments.
Colin Camerer, Behavioural Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013).
Michael Gilligan, Erik Mvukiyehe and Cyrus Samii, “Reintegrating Rebels into Civilian Life: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Burundi,” Journal of
Conflict Resolution, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2012, p. 21.
Michael D. Maltz, Measuring the Effectiveness of Organized Crime Control Efforts, (Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago, Office of International
Criminal Justice, 1990), p. 15.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), “Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management,” 2002,
available from http://www.oecd.org/development/peer-reviews/2754804.pdf (accessed 2 September 2015), p. 25.
Vanessa Corlazzoli and Jonathan White, “Measuring the Un-measurable – Solutions to Measurement Challenges in Fragile and Conflict Affected
Environments,” Search for Common Ground/UK Department for International Development, March 2013, p. 15.
OECD, “Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management,” p. 18.
United Nations, “Monitoring Peace Consolidation – United Nations Practitioners’ Guide to Benchmarking,” 2010, available from http://www.
un.org/en/peacebuilding/pbso/pdf/monitoring_peace_consolidation.pdf (accessed 2 September 2015).
OECD, “The OECD-JRC Handbook on Practices for Developing Composite Indicators,” paper presented at the OECD Committee on Statistics, 7-8
June 2004, OECD, Paris, available from http://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=6278 (accessed 30 July 2015).
Measuring the Impacts of Security Interventions: An Introduction
Vera Institute of Justice, “Measuring Progress Towards Safety and Justice: A Global Guide to the Design of Performance Indicators Across the
Justice Sector,” November 2003.
Muggah et al.
United Nations, “Rule of Law Indicators: Implementation Guide and Project Tools,” 2011, available from http://www.un.org/en/events/peacekeep-
ersday/2011/publications/un_rule_of_law_indicators.pdf (accessed 12 July 2015).
European Commission Composite Indicators Research Group, “What is a Composite Indicator?” 18 December 2014, available from https://com-
posite-indicators.jrc.ec.europa.eu/?q=content/what-composite-indicator (accessed 2 September 2015).
Berg, p. 225.
Ibid, p. 229.
James Khalil and M. Zeuthen, “A Case Study of Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) Programming: Lessons from OTI’s Kenya Transition Initiative,”
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2014), p. 31.
UNODC, “Crime and Instability: Case Studies of Transnational Threats,” February 2010.
Berg, p. 231.
van der Stoep and Johnston, p. 210.
Ibid., p. 211.
Sage Research Methods, “What is Textual Analysis?” available from http://srmo.sagepub.com/view/textual-analysis/n1.xml (accessed 12 July 2015).
Berg, p. 247.
Lazar Stankov Derrick Higgins, Gerard Saucier, and Goran Knezvic, “Contemporary Militant Extremism: A Linguistic Approach to Scale Develop-
ment,” Psychological Assessment , Vol. 22, No. 2, (2010), p. 246–258.
van der Stoep and Johnston, p. 213.
Center for Theory of Change, “What is Theory of Change?” available from http://www.theoryofchange.org/what-is-theory-of-change/ (accessed 15
July 2015).
van der Stoep and Johnston, p. 39.
Berg, p. 5.
Corlazzoli and White, p. 22.
For example, see Craig Charney, “Here, There, and Everywhere: The Cell Phone at the Bottom of the Pyramid,” December 5, 2009, available from
http://www.charneyresearch.com/resources/here-there-and-everywhere-the-cell-phone-at-the-bottom-of-the-pyramid/ (accessed 30 July 2015).
See for example The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law, “Les besoins des Maliens en Matière de Justice: Vers Plus d’Équité,” avail-
able from http://www.hiil.org/data/sitemanagement/media/HiiL_Mali_Report_lores.pdf (accessed 2 September 2015).
David Bruce and Sean Tait, “A ‘Third Umpire’ for Policing in South Africa: Applying Body Cameras in Western Cape,” available from http://
en.igarape.org.br/a-third-umpire-for-policing-in-south-africa/ (accessed 2 September 2015).
Corlazzoli and White, p. 22.