Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Chaotic Attractors of Control Systems
David N. Cheban1 and Cristiana Mammana2
State University of Moldova, str. A. Mattevich 60 , MD-2009,
Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
[email protected])
Institute of Economics and Finances, University of Macerata,
str. Crescimbeni 14, I–62100 Macerata, Italy
[email protected])
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the study of the problem of existence of
chaotic attractors of discrete control systems and to description of its structure.
We consider a family of continuous mappings of metric space W into itself, and
(W, fi )i∈I is the family of discrete dynamical systems. On the metric space W we
consider a discrete inclusion
ut+1 ∈ F (ut )
associated by M := {fi : i ∈ I}, where F (u) = {f (u) : f ∈ M} for all u ∈ W. If
the family M consists of a finite number of maps, then the corresponding attractor
is chaotic. We study this problem in the framework of non-autonomous dynamical
systems (cocyles).
Keywords: Chaotic attractor; set-valued dynamical system; control system, collage, cocycle.
The aim of this paper is the study of the problem of existence of compact
global chaotic attractors of discrete control systems (see, for example, Cheban
[4,5] Bobylev, Emel’yanov and Korovin [2] and the references therein). Let
W be a metric space, M := {fi : i ∈ I} be a family of continuous mappings
of W into itself and (W, fi )i∈I be the family of discrete dynamical systems,
where (W, f ) is a discrete dynamical system generated by positive powers of
continuous map f : W → W . On the space W we consider a discrete inclusion
ut+1 ∈ F (ut ) associated by M := {fi : i ∈ I} (denotation DI(M)), where
F (u) = {f (u) : f ∈ M} for all u ∈ W.
A solution of the discrete inclusion DI(M) is called (see, for example,
[2,7]) a sequence {{xj } | j ≥ 0} ⊂ W such that
xj = fij xj−1
for some fij ∈ M (trajectory of DI(M)).
We can consider that it is a discrete control problem, where at each moment of the time j we can apply a control from the set M, and DI(M) is
the set of possible trajectories of the system.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
The problem of existence of compact global attractors for a discrete inclusion arise in a number of different areas of mathematics (see, for example,
[5,6] and the references therein).
A sequence ω : Z+ 7→ {1, 2, . . . , m} is called p ∈ N := {1, 2, . . .} periodic,
if ω(n + p) = ω(n) for all n ∈ Z+ .
A point x0 ∈ W is said to p-periodic for DI(M) if there exists an pperiodic sequence ω : Z+ 7→ {1, 2, . . . , m} such that solution {x(k)}k∈Z+ of
equation (1) (ω(i) = ij for all i ∈ Z and ij ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}) with initial data
x(0) = x0 is mp-periodic, i.e., x(k + p) = x(k) for all k ∈ Z+ .
It is well known the following result.
Theorem 1. [1, Ch.II,IV] Let M = {f1 , f2 , . . . , fm } be a finite family of
continuous mappings from W into itself. If there exists a number q ∈ (0, 1)
such that ρ(fi (x1 ), fi (x2 )) ≤ qρ(x1 , x2 ) for all x1 , x2 ∈ W and i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m},
then the following statement hold:
1. DI(M) admits a compact global attractor I, i.e.,
(a) I is a nonempty, compact and invariant set (F (I) = I, S
where F (x) :=
{f1 (x), f2 (x), . . . , fm (x)) for all x ∈ W and F (I) := {F (x) : x ∈
(b) lim β(F n (x), I) = 0 for all x ∈ W uniformly with respect to x
on every compact subset M from W , where β(A, B) := sup ρ(a, B)
(A, B ⊆ W ).
2. I coincides with the closure of the all periodic points of DI(M).
In the book [5] (Chapter VI) it was generalized this theorem for the finite
family M = {f1 , f2 , . . . , fm } when it is contracting in the generalized sense,
i.e., there are two positive numbers N and q ∈ (0, 1) such that
ρ(fin fin−1 . . . fi1 (x1 ), fin fin−1 . . . fi1 (x2 )) ≤ N q n ρ(x1 , x2 )
for all x1 , x2 ∈ W and n ∈ N , where i1 , i2 , . . . , in ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}.
Some Notions and Facts from Dynamical and
Control Systems
In this paper we will use some notions and facts from the theory of dynamical
and control systems [5]. In this Section we collect some of them.
Set-valued dynamical systems and their compact global
Let (X, ρ) be a complete metric space, S be a group of real (R) or integer
(Z) numbers, T (S+ ⊆ T ) be a semi-group of additive group S. By C(X) we
denote the family of all non-empty compact subsets of X. For every point
x ∈ X and number t ∈ T we put S
in correspondence a closed compact subset
π(t, x) ∈ C(X). So, if π(P, A) = {π(t, x) : t ∈ P, x ∈ A}(P ⊆ T ), then
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
1. π(0, x) = x for all x ∈ X ;
2. π(t2 , π(t1 , x)) = π(t1 + t2 , x) for all x ∈ X;
β(π(t, x), π(t0 , x0 )) = 0 for all x0 ∈ X and t0 ∈ T , where
x→x0 ,t→t0
β(A, B) = sup{ρ(a, B) : a ∈ A} is a semi-deviation of the set A ⊆ X
from the set B ⊆ X.
In this case it is said [11] that there is defined a set-valued semi-group
dynamical system.
Let T ⊂ T ′ ⊂ S. A continuous mapping γx : T ′ → X is called a motion
of the set-valued dynamical system (X, T, π) issuing from the point x ∈ X at
the initial moment t = 0 and defined on T ′ , if
a. γx (0) = x;
b. γx (t2 ) ∈ π(t2 − t1 , γx (t1 )) for all t1 , t2 ∈ T ′ (t2 > t1 ).
The set of all motions of (X, T, π), passing through S
the point x at the
initial moment t = 0 is denoted by Fx (π) and F(π) := {Fx (π) | x ∈ X}
(or simply F).
The trajectory γ ∈ F(π) defined on S is called a full (entire) trajectory
of the dynamical system (X, T, π).
Denote by Φ(π) the set ofTall full trajectories of the dynamical system
(X, T, π) and Φx (π) := Fx (π) Φ(π).
A system (X, T, π) is called [3],[5] compactly dissipative, if there exists a
nonempty compact K ⊆ X such that
lim β(π t M, K) = 0;
for all M ∈ C(X).
Let (X, T, π) be compactly dissipative and K be a compact set attracting
every compact subset of X. Let us set
\ [
J := ω(K) :=
π τ K.
t≥0 τ ≥t
It can be shown [3],[5] that the set J defined by equality (3) does not
depend on the choice of the attractor K, but it is characterized only by
the properties of the dynamical system (X, T, π) itself. The set J is called
Levinson center of the compact dissipative dynamical system (X, T, π).
Discrete inclusions, ensemble of dynamical systems (collages)
and cocycles
Let W be a topological space. Denote by C(W, W ) the space of all continuous
operators f : W → W equipped with the compact-open topology. Consider
a set of operators M ⊆ C(W, W ) and, respectively, an ensemble (collage) of
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
discrete dynamical systems (W, f )f ∈M ((W, f ) is a discrete dynamical system
generated by positive powers of map f ).
A discrete inclusion DI(M) is called (see, for example, [2,7]) a set of all
sequences {xj } ⊂ W (j ∈ Z+ ) such that
xj = fij xj−1
for some fij ∈ M (trajectory of DI(M)).
A bilateral sequence {xj } ⊂ W (j ∈ Z) is called a full trajectory of
DI(M) (entire trajectory or trajectory on Z), if xn+j = fij xn+j−1 for all
n ∈ Z.
Let us consider the set-valued function F : W → C(W ) defined by the
equality F(x) := {f (x) |f ∈ M}. Then the discrete inclusion DI(M) is
equivalent to the difference inclusion
xj ∈ F(xj−1 ).
inclusion (5) (or
Denote by Fx0 the set of all trajectories of discrete
DI(M)) issuing from the point x0 ∈ W and F := {Fx0 | x0 ∈ W }.
Below we will give a new approach concerning the study of discrete inclusions DI(M) (or difference inclusion (5)). Denote by C(Z+ , W ) the space of
all continuous mappings f : Z+ → W equipped with the compact-open topology. Denote by (C(Z+ , X), Z+ , σ) a dynamical system of translations (shifts
dynamical system or dynamical system of Bebutov [9,10]) on C(Z+ , W ), i.e.
σ(k, f ) := fk and fk is a k ∈ Z+ shift of f (i.e., fk (n) := f (n + k) for all
n ∈ Z+ ).
We may now rewrite equation (4) in the following way:
xj+1 = ω(j)xj , (ω ∈ Ω := C(Z+ , M))
where ω ∈ Ω is the operator-function defined by the equality ω(j) := fij+1
for all j ∈ Z+ . We denote by ϕ(n, x0 , ω) the solution of equation (6) issuing
from the point x0 ∈ E at the initial moment n = 0. Note that Fx0 =
{ϕ(·, x0 , ω) | ω ∈ Ω} and F = {ϕ(·, x0 , ω) | x0 ∈ W, ω ∈ Ω}, i.e., DI(M) (or
inclusion (5)) is equivalent to the family of non-autonomous equations (6)
(ω ∈ Ω).
From the general properties of difference equations it follows that the
mapping ϕ : Z+ × W × Ω → W satisfies the following conditions:
1. ϕ(0, x0 , ω) = x0 for all (x0 , ω) ∈ W × Ω;
2. ϕ(n + τ, x0 , ω) = ϕ(n, ϕ(τ, x0 , ω), σ(τ, ω)) for all n, τ ∈ Z+ and (x0 , ω) ∈
W × Ω;
3. the mapping ϕ is continuous;
4. for any n, τ ∈ Z+ and ω1 , ω2 ∈ Ω there exists ω3 ∈ Ω such that
U (n, ω2 )U (τ, ω1 ) = U (n + τ, ω3 ),
where ω ∈ Ω, U (n, ω) := ϕ(n, ·, ω) = k=0 ω(k), ω(k) := fik (k =
0, 1, . . . , n) and fi0 := IdW .
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Let T1 ⊆ T2 be two sub-semigroups of group S, X, Y be two metric (or
topological) spaces and (X, T1 , π) (respectively (Y, T2 , σ)) be a semigroup dynamical system on X (respectively on Y ). A triplet h(X, T1 , π), (Y, T2 , σ), hi
is called a non-autonomous dynamical system, where h : X → Y is a homomorphism from (X, T1 , π) onto (Y, T2 , σ), i.e., h(π(t, x)) = σ(t, h(x)) for all
x ∈ X and t ∈ T1 .
Let W, Ω be two topological spaces and (Ω, T2 , σ) be a semi-group dynamical system on Ω.
Recall [9] that a triplet hW, ϕ, (Ω, T2 , σ)i (or briefly ϕ) is called a cocycle
over (Ω, T2 , σ) with the fiber W , if ϕ is a mapping from T1 × W × Ω to W
satisfying the following conditions:
1. ϕ(0, x, ω) = x for all (x, ω) ∈ W × Ω;
2. ϕ(t+τ, x, ω) = ϕ(t, ϕ(τ, x, ω), σ(τ, ω)) for all t, τ ∈ T1 and (x, ω) ∈ W ×Ω;
3. the mapping ϕ is continuous.
Let X := W ×Ω, and define the mapping π : X ×T1 → X by the equality:
π((u, ω), t) := (ϕ(t, u, ω), σ(t, ω)) (i.e., π = (ϕ, σ)). Then it is easy to check
that (X, T1 , π) is a dynamical system on X, which is called a skew-product
dynamical system [9]; but h = pr2 : X → Ω is a homomorphism of (X, T1 , π)
onto (Ω, T2 , σ) and hence h(X, T1 , π), (Ω, T2 , σ), hi is a non-autonomous dynamical system.
From the presented above it follows that every DI(M) (respectively, inclusion (5)) in a natural way generates a cocycle hW, ϕ, (Ω, Z+ , σ)i, where
Ω = C(Z+ , M), (Ω, Z+ , σ) is a dynamical system of shifts on Ω and ϕ(n, x, ω)
is the solution of equation (6) issuing from the point x ∈ W at the initial
moment n = 0. Thus, we can study inclusion (5) (respectively, DI(M)) in
the framework of the theory of cocycles with discrete time.
Below we need the following result.
Theorem 2. [6] Let M be a compact subset of C(W, W ) and hW, φ, (Ω, Z+ , σ)i
be a cocycle generated by DI(M). Then
1. Ω = P er(σ), where P er(σ) is the set of all periodic points of (Ω, Z+ , σ)
(i.e. ω ∈ P er(σ), if there exists τ ∈ N such that σ(τ, ω) = ω);
2. the set Ω is compact;
3. Ω is invariant, i.e., σ t Ω = Ω for all t ∈ Z+ ;
4. ϕ satisfies the condition (7).
Chaotic attractors of discrete control systems
In Section 3 we give the conditions of existence of chaotic attractor for discrete
control systems.
Denote by A the set of all mapping ψ : Z+ × R+ 7→ R+ possessing the
following properties:
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
(G1) ψ is continuous;
(G2) there exists a positive number t0 such that:
(a) ψ(t0 , r) < r for all r > 0;
(b) the mapping ψ(t0 , ·) : R+ 7→ R+ is monotone increasing.
(G3) ψ(t + τ, r) ≤ ψ(t, ψ(τ, r)) for all t, τ ∈ Z+ and r ∈ R+ .
Remark 1. 1. Note that the functions ψ(t, r) = N q t r (N > 0 and q ∈ (0, 1))
and ψ(t, r) = 1+rt
belong to A, where (t, r) ∈ Z+ × R+ .
2. Let f : R+ be a continuous function satisfying the conditions:
1. f (r) < r for all r > 0;
2. f is monotone increasing.
Then the mapping ψ : Z+ × R+ 7→ R+ defined by equality
ψ(t, r) = x(t)
for all (t, r) ∈ Z+ × R+ , where x(t) is a unique solution of difference equation
xt+1 = f (xt ) with initial data x0 = r, belongs to A.
Let ψ ∈ A.
contracting, if
A set M of operators from C(W, W ) is said to be ψ-
ρ(fit fit−1 . . . fi1 (x1 ), fit fit−1 . . . fi1 (x2 )) ≤ ψ(t, ρ(x1 , x2 ))
for all x1 , x2 ∈ W and t ∈ N , where fi1 , fi2 , . . . , fit ∈ C(W ) and i1 , i2 , . . . , it ∈
The set S ⊂ W is
1. nowhere dense, provided the interior of the closure of S is empty set,
int(cl(S)) = ∅;
2. totally disconnected, provided the connected components are single points;
3. perfect, provided it is closed and every point p ∈ S is the limit of points
qn ∈ S with qn 6= p.
The set S ⊂ W is called a Cantor set, provided it is totally disconnected,
perfect and compact.
The subset M of (X, T, π) is called (see, for example, [8]) chaotic, if the
following conditions hold:
1. the set M is transitive, i.e. there exists a point x0 ∈ X such that M =
H(x0 ) := {π(t, x0 ) : t ∈ T };
2. M = P er(π), where P er(π) is the set of all periodic points of (X, T, π).
Recall that a point x ∈ X of the dynamical system
S T, π) is called
T (X,
Poisson’s stable, if x belongs to its ω-limit set ωx := t≥0 τ ≥t π(τ, x).
Theorem 3. Suppose that the following conditions are fulfilled:
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
a. M is a finite subset of C(W, W ), i.e., M := {f1 , f2 , . . . , fm } and m ≥ 2;
b. M is ψ-contracting for some ψ ∈ A.
Then the following statement hold:
1. the cocycle hW, ϕ, (Ω, Z+ , σ)i (Ω := C(Z+ , M)) generated by DI(M) is
compactly dissipative;
2. the skew-product dynamical system (X, Z+ , π) generated by DI(M) is
compactly dissipative;
3. I = P er(ϕ), where P er(ϕ) := {u ∈ W : ∃τ ∈ N and ω ∈ Ω such that
σ(τ, ω) = ω and ϕ(τ, u, ω) = u};
4. if every map f ∈ M is invertible, then
1. Levinson’s center J of the skew-product dynamical system (X, Z+ , π)
is a chaotic Cantor set;
2. there exists a residual subset J0 ⊆ J (large in the sense of Baire category), consisting from Poisson’s stable points, such that the positive
semi-trajectory of every point x0 ∈ J0 is dense on J;
3. I = pr1 (J) (pr1 : X → Ω, where I is the Levinson’s center of cocycle
ϕ and X := W × Ω), i.e., I is a continuous image of the Cantor set
Proof. Let Y = Ω := C(Z+ , Q) and (Y, Z+ , σ) be a semi-group dynamical
system of shifts on Y . Then Y is compact. By Theorem 2, P er(σ) = Ω and
Ω is compact and invariant.
Let hW, ϕ, (Ω, Z+ , σ)i be a cocycle
generated by DI(M) (i.e., ϕ(n, u, ω) :=
U (n, ω)u, where U (n, ω) = k=0 ω(k) (ω ∈ Ω)), (X, Z+ , π) be a skewproduct system associated by the cocycle ϕ (i.e., X := W ×Ω and π := (ϕ, σ))
and h(X, Z+ , π), (Y, Z+ , σ), hi (h := pr2 : X → Y ) be a non-autonomous dynamical system generated by cocycle ϕ. Under the conditions of Theorem 2
we have
ρ(ϕ(n, u1 , ω), ϕ(n, u2 , ω)) ≤ ψ(n, ρ(u1 , u2 ))
for all n ∈ Z+ , u1 , u2 ∈ W and ω ∈ Ω. Now to finish the proof of the
theorem it is sufficient to apply Theorem 6.1.3 [5, Ch.VI] and Theorem 2
to the non-autonomous dynamical system h(X, Z+ , π), (Ω, Z+ , σ), hi and denote by Iω := pr1 (JT
ω ), where J is Levinson center of the dynamical system
(X, Z+ , π), Jω := J h−1 (ω) and h := pr2 .
Let M ⊂ C(W ), hW, ϕ, (Ω, Z+ , π)i (respectively (X, Z+ , π) ) be a cocycle (a skew-product dynamical system) generated by DI(M) and let I (J)
be Levinson center of the cocycle ϕ (respectively, skew-product dynamical
system (X, Z+ , π)).
The set I is said to be a chaotic attractor of DI(M), if
1. the set J is chaotic, i.e. J is transitive and J = P er(σ), where J is
the Levinson center of the skew-product dynamical system (X, Z+ , π)
generated by DI(M);
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
2. I = pr1 (J).
Remark 2. 1. Theorem 3 it was proved in [6] for the special case, when
ψ(t, r) = N q t ((t, r) ∈ Z+ × R+ , N > 0 and q ∈ (0, 1)).
2. The problem of the existence of compact global attractors for DI(M)
with finite M (collage or iterated function system (IFS)) was studied before
in works [1,2] (see also the bibliography therein). In [1,2] the statement close
to Theorem 3 was proved. Namely:
1. in [1] it was announced the first and proved the second statement of
Theorem 3, if ψ(t, r) = q t r (t ∈ Z+ and q ∈ (0, 1));
2. in [2] they considered the case when W is a compact metric space and
every map f ∈ M = {f1 , f2 , . . . , fm } (i = 1, . . . , m) is contracting (not
obligatory invertible). For this type of DI(M) it was proved the existence
of a compact global attractor A such that for all u ∈ A and almost all
ω ∈ Ω (with respect toQcertain measure on Ω) the trajectory ϕ(n, u, ω) =
U (n, ω)u (U (n, ω) := k=0 fik , (ik ∈ {1, . . . , m}) and fi0 := IdW ) was
dense in A.
The problem of description of the structure of the attractor I of DI(M) in
general case (when the maps f ∈ M are not invertible) is more complicated.
We plan to study this problem in one of our next publication.
1.M. F. Barnsley. Fractals everywhere. N. Y.: Academic Press, 1988.
2.N. A. Bobylev, S. V. Emel’yanov and S. K. Korovin. Attractors of Discrete Controlled Systems in Metric Spaces. Computational Mathematics and Modeling,
v.11, No.4, pp.321-326, 2000 [Translated from Prikladnaya Mathematika i Informatika, No.3, 1999, pp.5-10.]
3.D. N. Cheban. Global Attractors of Nonautonomous Dissipstive Dynamical Systems. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, vol.1, River Edge, NJ: World
Scientific, 2004, xxiii+502 pp.
4.D. N. Cheban. Compact Global Attractors of Control Systems. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, vol.16, no.1, pp. 23–44, 2010.
5.D. N. Cheban. Global Attractors of Set-Valued Dynamical and Control Systems.
Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 2010, xvii+269 pp.
6.D. N. Cheban D. N. and C. Mammana. Global Compact Attractors of Discrete
Inclusions. Nonlinear Analyses, v.65 , No.8, pp.1669-1687, 2006.
7.L. Gurvits. Stability of Discrete Linear Inclusion. Linear Algebra Appl., 231,
pp.47-85, 1995.
8.C. Robinson C. Dynamical Systems: Stabilty, Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos
(Studies in Advanced Mathematics). Boca Raton Florida: CRC Press, 1995.
9.G. R. Sell. Topological Dynamics and Ordinary Differential Equations. Van
Nostrand-Reinhold, London, 1971.
10.B. A. Shcherbakov. Topological Dynamics and Poisson’s Stability of Solutions of
Differential Equations. Kishinev, Shtiintsa, 1972. (in Russian)
11.K. S. Sibirskii and A. S. Shube. Semidynamical Systems. Kishinev, Shtiintsa,1987. (in Russian)
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Implementation of CNN–Based
Viterbi Algorithm Using FPGA
Thang Van Chu2 , Viet–Thanh Pham1 , Mattia Frasca1 , Thang Manh
Hoang2 , and Luigi Fortuna1
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica, Università degli
Studi di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy
[email protected])
School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Science and
Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
[email protected])
Abstract. Viterbi decoder is commonly utilized in digital communication because
of its effectiveness in error correction. In this paper, we implement Viterbi algorithm
based on Cellular Neural Network (CNN) in which cells play roles as nodes in the
trellis diagram. The simulation and realization of CNN–based Viterbi decoder
show the feasibility and the accuracy of our approach. Moreover, our results are
compared with ones of current FPGA–based Viterbi decoders.
Keywords: Viterbi decoder, Cellular Neural Network, Field Programmable Gate
Digital communication systems have been widely used because of their better
features comparing to analog ones Viterbi and Omura[1]. Generally, quality
of digital system is estimated by the bit error rate (BER). Due to the channel
impairment as noise and fading, channel coding is required to improve performance of digital signal. There are two common types of channel coding:
block coding and convolutional coding. Different from block coding, convolutional coding can be utilized for both block of data and data stream. Hence,
convolutional coding has been applied to amount of practical applications,
especially in wireless communication.
An effective decoding algorithm for convolutional coding was proposed
by Viterbi Viterbi[2]. Viterbi algorithm reduced the computational load by
taking advantage of the special structure of the trellis, was therefore realized
by an application–specific integrated circuit Dawid et al.[3]. Applying the
Cellular Neural Network (CNN) to the Viterbi decoder is another approach
for achieving full parallelism Kim et al.[4]. Kim et al. proposed a decoding structure with a circularly connected CNN cell array for a fully parallel
Viterbi decoder. This structure, corresponding to CNN analog processing
array, had specific features as lower power consumption, no path memory
requirement and no trace–back requirement.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
With the developing of electronic design automatic tools, Viterbi decoder
is possible to be synthesized on an Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
chip Yeh et al.[5], Hema et al.[6]. Viterbi decoders have designed by different
hardware description languages such as VHDL Zengliang et al.[7] or Verilog
Kavinilavu et al.[8]. In addition, the principal parameters of decoders can
vary for diverse applications, for example general wireless communication Ali
et al.[9], Wong et al.[10]. However, these FPGA–based Viterbi decoders are
always required memories to store the metric and previous state information.
Therefore, parallel computing ability of decoder is reduced significantly. In
this paper, different from conventional Viterbi decoders, we introduce the
CNN–based Viterbi decoding which is expected to implement effectively on
FPGA platform.
The paper is structured as follows. Viterbi decoding algorithm is reviewed
in the next Section while our CNN–based architecture for Viterbi decoder is
introduced in Section 3. Section 4 presents obtained results. Finally some
conclusions are given in the last Section.
Viterbi decoding algorithm
In order to understand the Viterbi algorithm, we consider firstly the operation of a convolutional encoder. A convolutional code is described by two
parameters R and K, the code rate and the constraint length, respectively.
Fig. 1 illustrates a convolutional encoder with R = 1/2 and K = 3. The
encoder consists of 2–stages shift register and three modulo–2 adders. Two
bit stream outputs are created when one bit stream input is applied.
Another way to represent a convolutional encoder is with a state diagram
as shown in Fig. 2 where the states of register are noted as 00, 01, 10, and
11. There are two transitions from each state, corresponding to zero input bit
(dashed path) and one input bit (solid path). Notice that the output word
is written next to each path between two states.
Viterbi algorithm bases on trellis diagram for decoding as shown in Fig.
3. The algorithm calculates Hamming distances of paths entering each state
node and chooses the path with smallest distance. On the other word, Viterbi
algorithm performs minimum distance metric Kim et al.[4] as follows
Di,j = min {Dk,l + dij,kl , (k, l) ∈ S} ,
where Di,j , Dk,l and dij,kl are the accumulated minimum distance metric
at node (i, j), the minimum total distance metric from the start node to
the node (k, l) and the distance metric for a data bit assigned on the path
between the two nodes (i, j) and (k, l), respectively. S is the set of the nodes
in the neighbour of the node (i, j).
A hardware realization of Viterbi decoder [11] as presented in Fig. 4
is often includes: branch metric unit (BMU), add compare and select unit
(ACS), trace back unit (TBU), bit error rate monitor (BER), memory (MEM)
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Output 1
Reg. 2
Reg. 1
Output 2
Fig. 1. Convolutional encoder with R = 1/2 and K = 3.
input: 1
input: 0
Fig. 2. Encoder state diagram with R = 1/2 and K = 3.
and memory management unit (MMU). MEM stores the accumulated metric and the previous state information while MMU generates addresses and
read/write signals for MEM during different phases of operation. It is significant that the store requirement of Viterbi decoder increases exponentially
with parameter K Sklar[12] as given by
u = h2K−1 ,
where u is the amount of path storage and h is the length of the information
bit path history per stage. A novel structure of Viterbi encoder based on
CNN is expected to solve this problem.
CNN–based architecture for Viterbi decoding
CNN has introduced by Chua and Yang[13], [14] in which cells are connected
directly to nearest neighbours. In addition, because each cell is consisted of
a capacitor, resistors and voltage–controlled current, CNN has been implemented successfully through VLSI process Roska and Chua[15]. Applications
of CNN have been reported in a considerable amount of fields such as image
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 3. Decoder trellis diagram with R = 1/2 and K = 3.
Fig. 4. Block diagram of a classical Viterbi decoder.
processing, solving partial differential equation Chua and Yang[13], modelling complex system Arena et al.[16] or realizing FFT/IFFT algorithm Le
et al.[17].
CNN is suitable for real–time parallel signal processing, thus CNN is
possible in convolutional decoding. By employing CNN cells at nodes on the
trellis diagram, a circularly connected two–dimensional analog CNN enabled
very high performance Viterbi decoder Kim et al.[4]. In this part, we present
a novel CNN structure for Viterbi decoding algorithm as in Fig. 5. Each cell
communicates with two cells at the left–hand side and two cells at the right–
hand side. This structure is similar to the trellis diagram where there are two
paths entering each state. Cell (i, j) (see Fig. 6) calculates the accumulate
minimum distance metric P mi,j of distance metrics received from left–hand
side cells P mk,l and the distance metric at the cell Dmi,j
P mi,j = min{P mk,l + Dmi,j }.
Thus, from Eq. (1) and Eq. (3) it can be proved that the new CNN structure
can implement Viterbi algorithm.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 5. Modified CNN model which is similar to a trellis diagram.
minPmk ,l Dmi, j
Pmk,l Dmi, j
Fig. 6. Detail connections of cells in the modified CNN.
Implementation results
Firstly basic cell is designed in Matlab/Simulink as illustrated in the Fig.
7. Here accumulation distance metric is calculated and is transmitted to
the next right–hand side cells. Moreover the cell also corrects output bits.
After constructing basic cells, they are connected together to create a complete Viterbi decoder. The simulation results show the correction of Viterbi
Using the hardware description language VHDL, CNN–based Viterbi decoder is implemented on EP2C35F672C6 FPGA chip. Detail of basic cell
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Table 1. Utilized FPGA resources for realization of CNN–based Viterbi decoder
FPGA Components Utilized
Total logic elements
Total registers
Total memory bits
Table 2. Comparison with different architectures
This work
Zengliang et al. [7]
Kavinilavu et al. [8]
Wong et al .[10]
K Memory
Fig. 7. Detail of a basic cell constructed in Matlab/Simulink.
is displayed in Fig. 8 by Register–Transfer Level (RTL) Viewer tool. Table
1 presents the resource utilization of our design. Note that no memory requirement is obtained in this case. From the simulation of the decoder by
Quartus II software as in Fig. 9, it is obvious that it takes two clock durations
to complete the calculation.
The comparison of our work and other implementations is summarized in
Table 2. Obviously, our architecture has the advanced features comparing to
conventional others because of non–memory necessity.
In this paper, we propose a new architecture of Viterbi decoder based on
CNN. Unlike current Viterbi decoders, our architecture does not require
memories, the vital factor reduces the calculating rate. As the result our
CNN–based Viterbi decoder could be implemented easily on programmable
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 8. RTL representation of a basic cell synthesised on FPGA.
Fig. 9. Simulation of the CNN–based Viterbi decoder which is implemented by
devices. The new Viterbi decoder has been shown to be able to implement
in FPGA chip of Altera. Although the parameters of the decoder are chosen relatively small R = 1/2 and K = 3, they could be modified to support
diverse applications in communication.
This work is supported by the Vietnam’s National Foundation for Science
and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under Grant No.102.992010.17.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
1.A. J. Viterbi and J. K. Omura. Principles of Digital Communication and Coding,
1979. McGraw–Hill.
2.A. J. Viterbi. Error bounds for convolutional codes and an asymptotically optimum decoding algorithm. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IT–13:260–269, 1967.
3.H. Dawid, G. Fettweis, and H. Meyr. A CMOS IC for Gb/s Viterbi decoding:
System design and VLSI implementation. IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration, 4:17–31, 1996.
4.H. Kim, H. Son, T. Roska, and L. O. Chua. Highperformance Viterbi decoder
with circularly connected 2D CNN unilateral cell array. IEEE Trans. Circuits
Systems, 52:2208–2218, 2005.
5.D. Yeh, P. Chow, and G. Feygin. A multiprocessor Viterbi decoder using Xilinx
FPGAs. Proc. Canadian Workshop on Field-Programmable Devices, 1–8, 1994.
6.S. Hema, V. S. Babu, and P. Ramesh. FPGA implementation of Viterbi decoder.
Proc. 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics Hardware Wireless and Optical
Communications, 162–167, 2007.
7.Z. Zengliang and X. Cheng. Design method of Viterbi decoding of convolutional
code based on VHDL. Proc. 3rd IEEE International Communication Software
and Network, 178–181, 2011.
8.V.Kavinilavu, S. Salivahanan, V. S. K. Bhaaskaran, S. Sakthikumaran, B.
Brindha, and C. Vinoth. Implementation of convolutional encoder and Viterbi
decoder using Verilog HDL. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Electronics Computer Technology, 297–300, 2011.
9.M. L. Ali, M. B. Karim, and S. M. T. Ahmad. Simulation and design of parameterized convolutional encoder and Viterbi decoder for wireless communication.
Proc. 2nd Inte. Conf. on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management,
1206–1211, 2011.
10.Y. S. Wong, W. J. Ong, J. H. Chong, C. K. Ng, and N. K. Noordin. Implementation of convolutional encoder and Viterbi decoder using VHDL. Proc. IEEE
Student Conference on Research and Development, 22–25, 2009.
11.Viterbi Decoder Users Guide, Lattice Semiconductor, Inc., Hillsboro, OR, 2005,
release 4.2.
12.B. Sklar. Digital Communication: Fundamentals and Applications, 2001. Prentice Hall.
13.L. O. Chua and L. Yang. Cellular neural network: Theory. IEEE Trans. Circuits
Systems, 35:1257–1272, 1988.
14.L. O. Chua and L. Yang. Cellular neural network: Applications. IEEE Trans.
Circuits Systems, 35:1273–1290, 1988.
15.T. Roska and L. O. Chua. The CNN universal machine: An analogic array
computer. IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems II, 40:163–173, 1993.
16.P. Arena, R. Caponetto, L. Fortuna, and G. Manganaro. Cellular neural networks to explore complexity. Soft Computing, 01:120–136, 1997.
17.H. H. Le, N. T. Dzung, and T. M. Hoang. Realization of CNN–based FFT/IFFT
algorithms on FPGA. Proc. IEICE International Symposium on Nonlinear
Theory and its Applications, 277–280, 2010.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
The Effects of Diffusion of Individuals between Two
Single-Species Populations
Dumitru D. Deleanu
Maritime University of Constanta, Romania
[email protected]
Abstract: In the paper we focused on a general model for the growth of a single-species
population with non-overlapping generations. The data we have used correspond to
Nicholson’s blow-flies population and lie in the chaotic regime. The population was
divided in two groups. If these groups evolve in distinct locations, their behavior is
chaotic and, after a few generations, the initial small difference in number of individuals
becomes big enough and behaves randomly. The question I want to answer in the paper
is: What happens with the two populations if the individuals can migrate in both
directions within the time intervals between their reproduction and death? The effect of
coupling the two groups consisted in a rich dynamic behavior depending on the coupling
strength. It was found that there is a consistent region where the coupling brings out the
full synchronization of the two chaotic systems, two transition regions where an
intermittent behavior was observed and two peripheral regions where control of chaos is
shown to coexist with quasi-periodic and chaotic regimes.
Keywords: Single-species populations, Synchronization, Intermittent chaos, Control of
1. Introduction
According to May [1], models for population growth in a limited environment
are based on two fundamental premises: a) the populations have the potential to
increase exponentially; b) there is a density-dependent feedback that
progressively reduces the actual rate of increase. By using a variety of data from
field and laboratory populations, some researchers have proposed continuous or
discrete models of population growth. The most known of these models is the
logistic equation (Verhulst, 1838). Other simple models were introduced by
May (1974), Li & Yorke (1975), May & Oster (1976), and Hassel et al (1976).
Their models, which refer to single-species population with discrete, nonoverlapping generation, predict that most of the populations show monotonic
damping back to an equilibrium following a disturbance, with some exceptions
of oscillatory damping or some sort of low-order limit cycles. They concluded
that high-order limit cycles and chaos appear to be relatively rare phenomena in
naturally occurring single-species populations. Guckenheimer et al (1987) have
found that more realistic models of population growth, such as these that include
overlapping generations, are more likely to exhibit complex behaviors. If data
from laboratory population are used, even for these simple models, it was found
that some populations will not exhibit stable equilibrium points but stable cycles
or chaotic behavior [2]. That is because the laboratory situation (homogeneous
environment, constant food supply, no competitors, no predators) make possible
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
an exaggerated non-linear behavior. In this paper we focused on a general model
for growth of a single-species population with non-overlapping generations,
N t +1 = f ( N t ) = λ N t (1 + a N t )
where N t and N t +1 are the populations in successive generations, λ is the finite
rate of increase and a, b are constant defining the density-dependent feedback
term. The values for parameters correspond to Nicholson’s blowflies and lie in
the chaotic regime [3].
The population of blowflies was divided in two groups. If these groups evolve
in distinct locations their behavior is chaotic and, after a few generations, the
initial small difference in number of individuals becomes big enough and
behaves randomly. The question I want to answer in the paper is: What happens
with the two populations if the individuals can migrate in both directions within
the time intervals between their reproduction and death?
Divergence of two nearby orbits
Fig. 1. Divergence of the two isolated populations versus time
2. The Model of Two-coupled Single-species Populations
To answer the above question let us hereafter turn our attention towards the
following system of two-coupled single-species populations:
N t +1 = f (N t ) + c [ f (M t ) − f (N t )] , M t +1 = f (M t ) + c [ f (N t ) − f (M t )]
where the coupling parameter c can be thought as the fraction of the two
populations which migrate to the neighboring location. Throughout the paper I
used the fixed parameter values λ = 60, a = 0.003 and b = 6. The total
population N t = 3950 was divided in two unequal groups, N t = 1950 and
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
M t = 2000. If no change between the groups was permitted, the initial small
difference in number of individuals, ∆N t = 50 , increased quickly and behaved
chaotically (see Figure 1). The effect of coupling consisted in a rich dynamic
behavior having the main features as follows.
2.1. Complete synchronization
If two or more chaotic systems are couple, it is possible that the attractive effect
of a suitable coupling to counterbalance the trend of the trajectories to separate
due to chaotic dynamics. Synchronization of chaotic systems can be explained
by the suppression of expanding dynamics in the state space transversal to the
synchronization manifold (here M t = N t ). It is natural then to ask for which
values of coupling strength c the two systems will oscillate in a coherent and
synchronized way.
Laureano et al [4] have demonstrated that, for this kind of coupling, the range of
synchronization (in the linear approximation) is given by
0.5 (1 − exp(−λ u ) ) < c < 0.5 (1 _ exp(−λ u ) )
where λ u is the Lyapunov exponent for the uncoupled map f. For our data it
was found that λ u ≅ 0.35 , so c ∈ (0.15 ; 0.85) = S .As an example, let consider
c = 0.16 . The synchronization takes place after 200 generations (see figure 2).
Synchronization in time
Fig. 2. Evolution to synchronous state for c = 0.16
Each of the systems shows chaos and their states are identical at each moment in
time (full synchronization). To verify that the synchronous state is chaotic, a
Lyapunov exponent versus coupling strength diagram was considered (see
Figure 3.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Dependence λ= λ(c)
Fig. 3. Lyapunov exponent versus coupling strength
If c is chosen deep inside the interval S, the synchronous state is reached after
only few steps (see Figure 4). Otherwise, if c is chosen near the borders of S the
synchronization is hard to obtain, a lot of steps being necessary (e.g. 2000 steps
for c = 0.15 .
Synchronization in time
Fig. 4. Evolution to synchronous state for c = 0.25
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
2.2. Intermittent chaos
If the coupling strength c falls short of the critical value c
crit =
0.15 the
synchronized state M t = N t becomes unstable and an intermittent dynamics is
observed. Figure 5 shows the time evolution of the transverse coordinate
DN t = N t − M t for c = 0.1467 . The time periods of synchronicity are
interrupted by aperiodic chaotic bursts.
Synchronization in time
Fig. 5. Time periods of synchronicity interrupted by aperiodic chaotic bursts
( c = 0.1467 )
Synchronization in time
Fig. 6. A completely erratic state for c = 0.14
x 10
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
The basic intermittency mechanism comes from the competition between the
trajectory instability of chaotic elements and the synchronization tendency due
to the diffusion-type coupling [8]. For c = 0.14 the chaotic bursts were already
merged so the synchronization started to dissolve into a completely erratic state
(see Figure 6).
2.3. Stabilization to an ordered state
Outside the interval of synchronization the dynamics is quite complicated. For
very small values of c (weak coupling) the system behaves chaotically, the N t
values being distributed over an entire interval. By increasing c the chaotic
distribution of N t comes undone in strips, thinner and thinner (see Figure 7).
Bifurcation diagram
x 10
Fig. 7. A part of the bifurcation diagram N t = N t (c)
At c ≅ 0.007 the system entered a periodic regime, and was subjected to a
sequence of changes from a 2 n - period cycle to a 2 n −1 - period cycle. A 8period cycle was obtained for c ∈ (0.0072 ; 0.0080) (see Figure 8).
Then, a quasi-periodic regime with two strips appeared (Figure 9) which, in its
turn, was changed by a 2-period cycle for c ∈ (0.013 ; 0.11) . This periodic
regime is interrupted by windows corresponding to a 4-period cycle or even to
thin windows of chaotic regime.
Beginning with c ≅ 0.1 the number of steps required for stabilization to the 2period cycle became bigger and bigger so, finally, the chaotic regime was
reached. An analogous discussion can be done for c ∈ (0.85 ; 1) .
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Time series
Nt, Mt
Fig. 8. Time evolution of N t , M
for c = 0.0079 (8-period cycle)
Time series
Fig. 9. Time evolution of N t for c = 0.99 (quasi-period regime)
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
3. Conclusions
The dynamics for many biological populations, which breed seasonally and
have non-overlapping generations, are described by a density-dependent relation
of the form N t +1 = f (N t ) = λ N t (1 + a N t )−b . If data from laboratory tests are
used it was found that populations can exhibit even a chaotic behavior. Two
almost identical populations, living in distinct locations, evolved so that the
initial small difference in number of individuals became big enough and
behaved randomly. If the individuals representing the two populations could
migrate in both directions within the time intervals between their reproduction
and death then a rich dynamic behavior depending on the coupling strength was
observed. It was found that there is a consistent region where the coupling
brings out the full synchronization of the two chaotic systems, two transition
regions where an intermittent behavior was observed and two peripheral regions
where control of chaos is shown to coexist with quasi-periodic and chaotic
1. M. Doebeli. Intermittent chaos in populations dynamics, J. Theor. Biol., vol. 166, 325330, 1994.
2. M. P. Hassell, J.H. Lawton and R.M.May. Patterns of Dynamical Behavior in singlespecies populations. The Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 45, no. 2, 471–486, 1976.
3. M. P. Hassell. Density-dependence in single-species populations. The Journal of
Animal Ecology, vol. 49, no.1, 283-295, 1975.
4. R. Laureano, D.A. Menales and M.A.M. Ferreira. Efficient synchronization of onedimensional chaotic quadratic maps by different coupling terms. Journal of
Mathematics and Technology, 5–12, 2010.
5. R. M. May. Bifurcation and dynamic complexity in simple ecological models. The
American naturalist, vol. 110, no. 974, 573–599, 1976.
6. L. D. Mueller and H. J. Ayala. Dynamics of single-species population growth: stability
or chaos? Ecology, vol. 62, no.5, 1148–1154, 1981.
7. L. M. Pecora and T.L. Carrol. Synchronization in chaotic systems. Phs. Rev. Lett., vol.
64, no. 8, 821-828, 1990.
8. H.G. Schuster and W. Just. Deterministic chaos: An introduction. Wiley-VCH Verlag.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Thermal Emission, Density and Light Scattering in water
Dimitrios Dellaportas
Mechanical Engineering Technology, Pedagogics, Master of
Physics, Principal of 1st EPAL School of Pireas
[email protected]
At temperatures above absolute zero, particles can emit as well as absorb and
scatter electromagnetic radiation. Emission does not strictly fall within the
bounds. It is more akin to such phenomena as luminescence than to elastic
scattering. Consider an enclosure of dimensions large compared with any
wavelengths under consideration, which is opaque but otherwise arbitrary in
shape and composition. If the enclosure is maintained at a constant absolute
temperature T, the equilibrium radiation field will be isotropic, homogenous,
and unpolarized. At any point the amount of radiant energy per unit frequency
interval, confined to a unit solid angle about any direction, which crosses a unit
area normal to this direction in unit time is given by the Plank function Pe=
ћω³/4π³c²· 1/ exp(ћω/kBT)-1. Optical properties of liquids are similar in many
ways to those of solids. Electrically, there are metallic liquids such as mercyry
and molten iron, but the majority of common liquids are nonmetallic. As an
illustration of a liquid we have chosen H2O, a ubiquitious substance on our
planet; water dominates not atmospheric processes but the chemistry of life. The
optical properties of water had been studied for centuries; the modern results are
scattered throughout the literature of many scientific fields. Dielectric functions
calculated from refractive indices tabulated by Hale and Querry. Optical
constants at wavelengths shorter than 0.2 µm were taken from the work of Kerr
et al, where electronic absorption by H2O begins. Dipole relaxation in H2O
maintains a high level of absorption from the microwave well in to the infrared;
this also is the cause of the major differences between the optical properties of
liquid and solid water.
Let us contemplate the sea water near the costs. This water includes some
particles of sodium chloride, the quantity of them is increasing or decreasing
according to meteorological conditions and to electromagnetical moon’s
functions. So the thermal emission and light scattering is up to particles
assemple, phenomenon that affects the life of the aquatic organisms.
Scattering or extinction measurements allow to determine size and distribution
of sizes, shape and orientation, and chemical composition of the particles. If we
consider that the salt (sodium chloride) consists of small scaterring and
absorbing particles, we write the complex refractive index of the salt as m=ñ-iñ'.
The light scattered from a fluid containing optically isotropic molecules. Many
new features arise in the spectrum of light scattered from fluids containing
optically anisotropic molecules, of course. In the dense water of these arises as
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
to how the collective motions of the fluid can be described by the rotation and
how the thermal emission is changed. Let us note that the depolarization
spectrum Ivн(ω) consists of Lorentzian bads, all centered at zero frequency. If
we have symmetric top rotors, the spectrum consists of a single band with a
width [q2D+6Θ] which depends only on the translational self- diffusion D and
on the rotational diffusion coefficient Θ. Then, the spectrum appears to be split.
So, it is presented a spectrum theory from a molecular point of view.
Optical properties of water are similar in many ways to this of solid.
Electrically, there are metallic liquids such as mercury and molten iron, but the
majority of common liquids are non metallic. As liquid we have chosen the
water because it is much important for the chemistry of life. During the
centuries, the optical properties of water have been studied by the scientists.
Irvine and Pollack (1968), Hale and Querry (1973) have calculated n and k for
small particle calculations .Dielectric functions calculated by Hale and Querry.
Instant to other scientists who use electron volts, we use a wavelength scale. As
was done for ClNa, e' is plotted linearly and e'' is plotted logarithmically. We
also include on the e'' plot some results for solid H2O from Irvine and Pollack.
The comparison of ice and water gives the field of the similarities and
differencies between the solid and the liquid phase. The insulating liquid H2O
is not unlike the insulating solid ClNa. The electrons and vibrational excitation
regions for both materials are well separated by a highly transparent region.
Electronic absorption by H2O begins at about 0.2 µm. The major difference
between clear water and salt water occurs longward of the vibrational absorption
region. Dipole relaxation of H2O maintains a high level of absorption from the
microwave well well into the infrared. This is the cause that makes the
differencies between the optical properties of liquid and solid water.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
In our case, let us have a spherical particle that is placed in the enclosure, then
in equilibrium the distribution of radiation is uncharged. A spherical surface of
radius R is surrounding the particle that has radius a, each element has
entropydS of which is the source of a nearly plane wave that illuminates the
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
particle with irradiance Pe.dS/R2. The amount of energy absorbed per unit time
by the particle is; ∫₀∞ ∫s PeCabs .d/S. dω=4π∫₀∞ PeCabc.dω.
The sunrays are scattering on the water particles and this scattering is related to
the water density, because of the salt (ClNa). By Gibbs equation we have:
TdS=dE + PdV-∑µidni where S,E,P,V,µi,di, are the total entropy, internal ene
rgy, pressure, volume, chemical potential of species I and the number of moles
of salt respectively.
The integrated form of this equation:
Dividing this later equation by V, we get an expression for the local densities
s,e,ci, corresponding to S,E,ni. So we have:
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Then, substituting sV to S, eV to E, ciV to ni we have:
So; V(TdS-de+∑µidci)=dV(-Ts+e+p-∑µici).
The right part of this equation is zero and we obtain:
Tds=de-∑ -µidci
This equation is a view of entropy density, internal energy density, and the
molecules concentration. Alternatively, this equation can be expressed:
dq is the increment of pure heat per unit volume.
These equations make evidence how much serious and important for the
seawater life is the influence of the light scattering, the density of the water, and
the thermal emission. The density of the water can be changes because of the
pouring rain, the snow’s dissolving, the atmosphere thermal changes. If the
seawater has high density of sodium chloride, then, it has the possibility to
gather much more energy by the sunshine. It creates the presuppositions for
growth of phytoplangton, zooplangton and fish.
1. Asano S., 1979. Light Scattering properties of spheroidal particles
2. Crosswhite, H. M. and H. W. Moos 1967. Optical Properties of Ions in
Crystals, Interscience, New York.
3. Faxvog, F. R., and D. M. Roessler, 1981. Optical absorption in thin slabs
and spherical particles.
4. Bruce J. Berne and Robert Pecora 2000. Dynamic Light Scattering,
Dover Publications New York.
5. Gerald C. Pomraning 2005. The Equations of Radiation Hydrodynamics,
Dover Publications New York.
6. H. C. van de Hulst 1981. Light Scattering by Small Particles, Dover
Publicatiions, New York
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Bifurcation Analysis of Nociceptive Neurons*
Olga E. Dick and Boris V. Krylov
Pavlov Institute of Physiology of Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg,
[email protected]
Abstract: As known, modification of specified slow sodium channels (Na1,8) in the
membrane of nociceptive neurons is the basis of the pain perception by the human brain.
The work is devoted to determination of parameters of the channels most sensitive to
perceiving the painful signals. Using the bifurcation analysis of the model system
describing the impulse activity of the membrane of mammalian nociceptive neuron we
partition the parameter planes into the regions corresponding to stable and unstable
periodic solutions. The left boundary of the region corresponds to subcritical Hopf
bifurcation and emergence of the rough excitation in the form of large amplitude
oscillations. The right boundary relates to supercritical Hopf bifurcation and appearance
of the smooth excitation in the form of small large amplitude. Integrating inside the
region of stable solutions we obtain the relationship between the parameter and
frequency values. Bifurcation parameters such as the effective charge transfer of the
activation gating system of the sodium channels and the maximal conductance of the
channels play the main role in increasing the frequency and, hence, in transformation of
the unpainful stimulus into the painful one. The results explain ionic mechanisms of
action of analgesic drugs having high selectivity to NaV1,8 channels independently of the
primary target of action.
Keywords Hopf bifurcation, Membrane model, Sodium channels, Nociceptive neuron.
1. Introduction
It is known that in response to injury of nervous system nociceptive neurons can
become hyper-excitable and generate spontaneous impulse activity of unusual
frequency [1]. Perception of painful feeling is connected with activation of
peripheral nociceptors recording painful signals and transmitting them by
afferent nerve fibers to nociceptive neurons soma of which are in spinal ganglia.
Low frequency of nerve impulses carries information about adequate tactile
action and rise of the frequency for amplification of signal testifies about
possible injury [2]. Slow sodium NaV1,8 channels are considered significant in
generation of painful feeling since the enhancement of synthesis and functional
activity of these channels is related to hyper-excitability of nociceptive neurons
and high frequency neurophatic pain [3, 4]. The failure in the synthesis of the
channels causes the reduce of neurophatic pain [5]. Modulation of activity of the
channels by mediators of inflammation can lead to pathological state such as
hyperalgesia (an increase of painful sensitivity) [6]. Hyperalgesia is removed by
agents descending impulse activity of NaV1,8 channels [7].That is why these
Paper included in Chaotic Systems: Theory and Applications,
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
agents are believed as the analgesic highly selective drugs [2].The aim of the
work is to answer the question: what parameters of the slow sodium NaV1,8
channels do maximal influence on pain signaling transduction?To answer the
question it is necessary 1) to study relations between these parameters, an
applied external stimulus and a type of stable solution of the model system
describing the impulse activity of the nociceptive neuron;2) to clarify what
parameters do determine the possibility of the nociceptive neuron to generate
spontaneously a signal of a painful range frequency?
2. The model
We have used the space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley type model:
= I − g Naf m 3 h( E − E Na ) − g K n 4 ( E − E K ) −
g L ( E − E L ) − g Nas ms3 hs ( E − E Na ),
= α m ( E )(1 − m) − β m ( E )m,
= α h ( E )(1 − h) − β h ( E )h,
= α n ( E )(1 − n) − β n ( E )n,
= α m s ( E )(1 − ms ) − β ms ( E )ms ,
= α h s ( E )(1 − hs ) − β hs ( E )hs ,
where E is the membrane potential, the variables m, h, n, ms, hs represent the
probabilities of activation and inactivation of fast sodium, potassium and slow
sodium channels, respectively.
gNaf =40 nS, gK = 20 nS, gL = 5 nS, ENa =55 mV,
The constants cm=20 pF,
EK= - 85 mV, EL= -70 mV are the membrane capacitance, the maximal
conductance of the fast sodium, potassium and leakage ions channels and the
reversal potentials for Na+, K+ and leakage ions.
The voltage-dependent expressions
α m (E) =
0.115(1 + e( E + 70) / 10 )
1 + e ( E + 40) / 42)
α h ( E ) = 0.012(1 + e − ( E + 43) / 10 ),
α n (E) =
0.006( E + 45)
1 − e − ( E + 45) / 12)
β m ( E ) = 0.015(1 + e ( E + 25) / 8 ),
1 + 0.2e ( E + 10) / 7)
β n ( E ) = 0.13e − ( E + 45) / 30 ),
βh (E) =
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
α m s ( E ) = e k1( E + G ) + d1 ,
β ms ( E ) = e k 2 ( E + G ) + d 2 ,
α h s ( E ) = 0.0015e − ( E + 4) / 30 ),
β hs ( E ) =
1 + 0.2e ( E + 10) / 7)
describe rates of transfer of the activation and inactivation gating structures of
ionic channels between the closed and open states.
According to the Boltzmann’s principle for the channel with the two-state openclosed structure the ratio of the number of open channels (N0) to the number of
closed channels (NC) is determined by
Z e ( E − E ) / kT
= e eff
N c 1 − ms
where Zeff is the effective charge of the activation gating structure (in electron
units) coupled with conformational change of the gating structure during the ion
transfer through the membrane, k is the Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute
temperature, e is the electron charge, E is the membrane potential such that
Then at E = E for the activation gating structure of the slow sodium channels
one can write α m = β m , whence it follows that the effective charge value of
the activation gating structure can be gained as
Z eff =
(k1 + k2 ) .
3. Partition of the model parameter space into regions of
qualitatively different solutions
To obtain relationship between the type of stable solution of the system, its
parameters and an applied external stimulus it is sufficient to find points
belonging to the boundary partitioning the parameter space of the model system
into the regions of the qualitatively different types of stable solutions (steady
states and stable periodic oscillations). For constructing the boundary the
method of bifurcation analysis is applied.
On the I axis there are at least 3 bifurcation points (I0<I1<I2) [8]. For I<I0 and
there is a one-to-one correspondence between the type of steady state
(unstable or stable) and the presence or absence of a stable periodic solution.
For I≤I0 and I≥I2 the steady state is stable and a limit cycle does not exist.
While the bifurcation parameter I increases in interval (I0<I≤I1) the steady
state is stable and a stable and unstable periodic solutions coexist appearing via
fold limit cycle bifurcation. The unstable periodic solution shrinks down to the
rest state and makes it lose stability via subcritical Andronov-Hopf bifurcation.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Therefore, for I>I1 the stable periodic oscillations of large amplitude exist
both with decreasing and increasing I value. But for I0<I≤I1 the stable limit
cycle of large amplitude is exhibited only with decreasing I
Since for the Hodgkin-Huxley type system I0≈I1
for all the physiologically
possible parameter values [9], the value of I1 can be used as an approximate
value of I0. That is why the task of finding the boundary of qualitatively
different types of stable solutions can be reduced to the more simple numerical
task of constructing the boundary of various steady states (stable and unstable).
We write system (1) in the form
= F ( x, p, I ),
where x=(E, m, h, n, mS, hS) is a vector of the phase coordinates,
p=(gNaS, k1, k2) is a vector of parameters which can be considered as bifurcation
The method for determining the boundary points of the region of stable periodic
solutions is reduced to the sequence of operations:
1) finding the equilibrium state of system (2) as a unique solution x0 (p, I) of the
F(x, p, I)=0,
2) calculating the eigenvalues {λi ( p, I )}16 of the Jacobian matrix
J ( p, I ) =
, i, j = 1,...,6 ,
∂x j
x = x0( p , I )
3) finding the parameter values satisfying the Hopf bifurcation, namely, arising
of a pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues
λ1 = iω , λ2 = −iω , λ3 < 0, λ4 < 0, λ5 < 0, λ6 < 0 .
To determine values I1 (p) and I2 (p) at which maximal real part
(λm ( p, I )) becomes equal to zero the following algorithm is used.
1) The interval [I0, IK] of possible values is discretized with k consecutive
subintervals of length ∆.
In the case of existence even though one solution I1 (p) of equation
λm ( p, I ) = 0 ,
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
the i - subinterval involving the solution, is determined by the consecutive
search beginning from the left side of the interval. The value of this solution is
determined by linear interpolation.
2) The value of I2 (p) is calculated in the interval [i*∆, IK] by the method of
bisection followed by linear interpolation.
The numerical solution of system (1) inside the obtained region of stable
periodic solutions is found by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with a
modified variable step size and Gear algorithm. The frequency of the periodic
solution is calculated by the time values corresponding to local maxima.
4. Results and discussion
To elucidate the role of slow sodium channels in generation of the painful
stimulus the maximal conductance of the slow sodium channels (gNaS), the
effective charge transfer of the activation gating system of the channels (Zeff)
and the shift (G) of the activation curve along the membrane potential axis have
been used as variable parameters.
The family of the plane sections of the boundary partitioning the parameter
space (gNaS, Zeff, I) into the regions of stable and unstable steady states are given
in Fig.1 a, b.
Inside the each found region the steady state is unstable and there is a stable
limit cycle corresponding to stable periodic solution.
Stain-stepping effect of the left boundary of the region is related to features of
arising limit cycles on the left and right sides of the boundary. The left boundary
of the region corresponds to subcritical Hopf bifurcation and emergence of the
rough excitation in the form of large amplitude oscillations. The right boundary
relates to supercritical Hopf bifurcation and appearance of the smooth excitation
in the form of small large amplitude.
As is seen, if gNaS =0, periodic oscillations are absent at any stimulus value.
The minimal value of gNaS such that the oscillations emerge is equal to 14,9 nS
at the stimulus – 142,5 pA and the value grows when Zeff increases.
When the effective charge is less than 5e the periodic oscillations arise only
by hyperpolarizing stimulus (I<0 pA).
With increasing Zeff the steady periodic solutions region extends significantly
and shifts in direction of depolarizing stimulus (I>0 pA).
Integrating inside the constructed regions we obtain the relationship between the
model parameter and frequency values. The examples of steady periodic
solutions are represented in Fig.2 and Fig.3.
The periodic oscillations emerging on the left boundary of the region have large
amplitude and small frequency. When moving inside the region from left to
right an amplification of the external stimulus tends to change in amplitude and
frequency of the nociceptive neuron. In other words, for the constant maximal
conductance of the slow sodium channels and effective charge transfer of the
activation gating system an enhancement of the external stimulus leads to the
increase of the frequency of periodic oscillations and then their disruption.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
gnas (nS)
50 Zeff=3.5
current I (pA)
gnas (nS)
current I(pA)
Fig. 1. The examples of the plane sections of the boundary partitioning the
parameter space (gNaS, Zeff, I) into the regions of stable and unstable steady
states. Each section is constructed with 800 points on the (gNaS, I) plane
corresponding to 700 net values of the parameter gNaS .Values G=10 mV,
Z eff 11 = {3.5e , 4e , 4.5e , 5e , 5.5e , 6e , 6.5e , 7e , 8e , 9e , 10e } .
{ }
The periodic oscillations emerging on the left boundary of the region have large
amplitude and small frequency. When moving inside the region from left to
right an amplification of the external stimulus tends to change in amplitude and
frequency of the nociceptive neuron. In other words, for the constant maximal
conductance of the slow sodium channels and effective charge transfer of the
activation gating system an enhancement of the external stimulus leads to the
increase of the frequency of periodic oscillations and then their disruption.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Zeff=6.5, I=0 pA, f=7 Hz
I=75 pA, f=44 Hz
I=50 pA, f=38 Hz
I=100 pA, f=46 Hz
Fig. 2. The examples of steady solutions for Z eff = 6.5e ,
g NaS = 100nS and
various values of stimulus.
50 I=0 pA, gnas=100 nS, f=7 Hz
gnas=200 nS
gnas=150 nS, f=11 Hz
gnas=250 nS
Fig.3. The examples of steady solutions Z eff = 6.5e ,
I = 0 and different
values of g NaS .
The periodic oscillations emerging on the left boundary of the region have large
amplitude and small frequency. When moving inside the region from left to
right an amplification of the external stimulus tends to change in amplitude and
frequency of the nociceptive neuron. In other words, for the constant maximal
conductance of the slow sodium channels and effective charge transfer of the
activation gating system an enhancement of the external stimulus leads to the
increase of the frequency of periodic oscillations and then their disruption.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
When moving inside the region from bottom to top a growth of the maximal
conductance of the slow sodium channels for the constant stimulus value results
in increase of the frequency, period doubling and also failure of periodic
oscillations (Fig.3).
Thus, both factors, namely, decrease of effective charge transfer of the
activation gating system of the slow sodium channels for the constant maximal
conductance of the channels and decrease of the maximal conductance of the
slow sodium channels for the constant stimulus decline the frequency of impulse
activity. Since an increase in the frequency of impulse activity of nociceptive
neurons is related to the emergence of neuropathic pain, our findings indicate
the direction of looking for chemical agents possessing analgesic properties.
3. Conclusion
The form of the constructed regions demonstrates that ability of each parameter
to be bifurcation one significantly depends on the other parameter values. Thus,
the conclusions about bifurcation properties of the system parameters are
determined by the investigated point in the parameter space.
The character of changes in the system solutions and in the frequency of
periodic solutions can be used in searching of chemical agents aimed for
selective removal of neuropathic pain.
1. J.K. Diss, S. P. Fraser, M. B. Diamoz Voltage-gated Na channels:
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hyperexcitability of primary sensory neurons. Pain Aug. Suppl. 6: 133-140,
S.G. Waxman, T.R. Cummins, S. D. Dib-Hajj, Voltage-gated sodium
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N. Ogata, Y. Ohishi The molecular diversity of structure and function of the
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Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
9. Y.A. Bedrov, G. N. Akoev, O.E. Dick. Partition of the Hodgkin-Huxley
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Acknowledgements We thank E.A. Karymova for her help with
experimental recordings of ionic channels.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Modeling of a Scenario of Transition to Chaos in
Plasma through Sub-harmonic Bifurcation
Dan G. Dimitriu1,a, Silviu Gurlui1,b, Maricel Agop2,c
Faculty of Physics, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania
Department of Physics, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University, Iasi, Romania
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract: We report on theoretical modeling of a scenario of transition to chaos in
plasma through sub-harmonic bifurcations, based on scale relativity theory. Experimental
results show that a discharge plasma which self-structures as concentrically multiple
double layers is able to evolve towards chaos through a cascade of spatio-temporal subharmonic bifurcations when the applied constrain is gradually increased. By considering
that the plasma particles (electrons, ions, neutrals) move on continuous but nondifferentiable curves (because of the collisions), i.e. on fractal curves, we develop a
model based on scale relativity theory capable to explain the self-structuring of the
electrically conductive plasma as multiple double layers, as well as the transition to chaos
through sub-harmonic bifurcations of these structures when the applied constrain
increases. Thus, by considering that the complexity of the physical processes in plasma is
replaced by fractality, it is no longer necessary to use the whole classical “arsenal” of
quantities from the standard physics (differentiable physics). The plasma system will
behave as a special interaction-less “fluid” by means of geodesics in a fractal space. In
such context, by using the fractional revival formalism, a Reynold’s fractional criterion
of evolution to chaos through cascade of spatio-temporal sub-harmonic bifurcations was
stated. A good agreement between the experimental results and those provided by the
theoretical model was obtained.
Keywords: Chaotic modeling, Fractal, Scale relativity theory, Pattern formation, Subharmonic bifurcations.
1. Introduction
Concentrically multiple double layers are complex nonlinear potential structures
in plasmas, consisting of two or more double layers attached to the anode of a
dc glow discharge [1] or to a positively biased electrode immersed into plasma
[2]. They appear as several bright and concentric shells attached to the
electrode. The number of layers depends on the background gas, on its pressure,
on the electrode voltage and on the discharge current. The axial profile of the
plasma potential has a stair step shape, with potential jumps close to the
ionization potential of the working gas [2]. At high values of the voltage applied
to the electrode, the multiple double layer structure passes into a dynamic state
which consists of periodic disruptions and re-aggregations of the constituent
double layers [2].
In many systems where deterministic chaos arises, spatial and temporal
structures were also experimentally observed. For time scales large with respect
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
to the inverse of maximum Lyapunov exponent, deterministic trajectories can be
replaced by families of potential trajectories and the concept of definite
positions by that of probability density. This allows the description of chaos in a
stochastic way by a diffusion process as described in [3]. By considering that
the particles movement takes place on continuous but non-differentiable curves,
i.e. on fractal curves, the scale relativity theory approaches the chaotic effects in
the same way as in [3], except diffusion, which becomes a spatio-temporal scale
dependent process [4].
The theory of scale relativity (SR) applies the principle of relativity to scale
transformations. In such conjecture, the principle of SR requires that the
fundamental laws of nature apply whatever the state of scale of the coordinate
system. In order to include the non-differentiable quantum motion, the quantum
space-time must be considered relative and fractal, as described in [5]. In this
theoretical framework, it is not necessary to endow a point particle with mass,
energy, momentum or velocity. The particle may be reduced to and identified
with its own trajectory [4].
Here we report on experimental results revealing how the electrically
conductive plasma can self-structure in the form of concentrically multiple
double layers. We show that these new structures evolve towards chaos through
a cascade of spatio-temporal sub-harmonic bifurcations when the applied
constraint in form of the voltage applied on a supplementary electrode increases.
A theoretical model based on the scale relativity theory is developed, and its
results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data.
2. Experimental Results
The experiments were performed in a plasma diode, schematically presented in
Fig. 1. Plasma is created by an electrical discharge between the hot filament
(marked by F in Fig. 1) as cathode and the grounded metallic tube as anode. The
plasma was pulled away from equilibrium by gradually increasing the voltage
applied to a tantalum disk electrode (marked by E in Fig. 1) with 1 cm diameter,
under the following experimental conditions: argon pressure p = 10-2 mbar,
plasma density npl = 109 cm-3 and electron temperature kTe ≅ 2 eV. When the
voltage on the electrode reaches VE ≅ 55 V, a double layer structure appears in
front of the electrode (see photo in Fig. 2(a)). The structure is in dynamic state,
phenomenon extensively described in [6]. The FFT of the oscillations of the
current collected by the electrode is shown in Fig. 3(a). By a further increase of
the voltage on the electrode, new double layers develop in front of the electrode,
giving rise to a dynamic multiple double layer structure (see photos in Fig. 2(b)2(e)). Simultaneously with every new double layer formation, a new subharmonic appears in the FFT spectrum of the current oscillations (see Fig. 3(b)3(f). Thus, we recorded, in fact, spatio-temporal bifurcations in the plasma
system (sudden changes in the spatial symmetry and in the temporal dynamics
of the plasma system). At high values of the applied potential, the plasma
system passes into a chaotic state, characterized by uncorrelated and intermittent
oscillations (see FFT’s of these oscillations in Fig. 3(g)).
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
U1 U2
Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental setup (F – filament, A – anode, E –
supplementary electrode, U1 – power supply for heating the filament, U2 –
power supply for discharge, PS – power supply for supplementary electrode
bias, R1, R2 – load resistors).
Fig. 2. Photos of the multiple double layers in different stages (at different
increasing value of the potential applied on the electrode) of its formation.
3. Theoretical Model
Assuming that the discharge plasma particles (electrons, ions, neutrals) motions
take place on continuous but non-differentiable curves, i.e. on fractal curves of
fractal dimension DF, the dynamics of such a system can be described by the
complex operator (see [7]):
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 3. FFT of the oscillations of the current collected by the supplementary
electrode, at different increasing values of the voltage applied on it.
dˆ ∂ ˆ
(2 D )−1
= + V ⋅ ∇ − iD (dt ) F ∆
dt ∂t
Vˆ = V − iU
The real part V of the complex field Vˆ represents the standard classical
velocity, which is differentiable and independent of resolution dt , while the
imaginary part U is a new quantity arising from fractality, which is nondifferentiable and resolution-dependent. The quantity D is Nottale’s coefficient
and corresponds to the fractal – non-fractal transition. The geodesics equation (a
generalization of the first Newton’s principle) can be written in the form:
dˆVˆ ∂Vˆ
+ Vˆ ⋅ ∇ Vˆ − η ∆Vˆ
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
which is a Navier-Stokes type equation with the imaginary “viscosity
η = iD (dt )(2 D
If the motions of the fractal fluid are irrotational, i.e. ∇ × Vˆ = 0 , we can choose
V̂ on the form:
(2 D )−1
Vˆ = −2iD (dt ) F ∇ lnψ
with ψ being the scalar potential of the complex velocity. Then, by substituting
(5) in (3) and using the method described in [9] it results:
(2 D )−1 ∂ lnψ
(2 D )−1 ∇ψ
= −2iD (dt ) F ∇
− 2iD (dt ) F
= 0
This equation can be integrated in a universal way and yields:
Lˆ ψ = 0
(4 D )− 2
(2 D )−1 ∂
Lˆ = 4D 2 (dt ) F ∆ + 2iD (dt ) F
up to an arbitrary phase factor which may be set to zero by a suitable choice of
the phase of ψ . Equation (7a) is of Schrödinger type. If the fractal fluid is
placed into the external field W, then (7a,b) become:
Lˆ 'ψ = 0
(4 D )− 2
(2 D )−1 ∂
Lˆ ' = 4D 2 (dt ) F ∆ + 2iD (dt ) F
∂t m0
where m0 is the rest mass of the fractal fluid particle.
In our experiment the particle interacts with an external potential which results
in a discontinuous change in momentum. This interaction can be theoretically
modeled by means of a one-dimensional infinite square-well potential that
confines a particle to a box of given width. Localized time-dependent solutions
for this problem can be constructed in a very straightforward way from solutions
of the free-particle problem [9].
The one-dimensional infinite square-well potential confines a particle to a box
of width a and is described by
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
0 ,
W (x ) =
∞ ,
x ≤a 2
x >a 2
A particle of mass m0 is placed in this potential. The energy eigenvalues and
eigenstates are found by solving the time-independent Schrödinger-type
equation (as (7c,d)). The discrete energy eigenvalues are
(2 D )−1
En = 2m0 D 2
, D = D (dt ) F
for positive integer n . The scalar potential eigenvalues corresponding to the
energy eigenvalues (9a,b) are
2 nπ x
, x ≤ a 2 , n even
nπ x
φn ( x ) =
, x ≤ a 2 , n odd
x >a 2
Let’s consider the expression kn2 = n 2 k12 induced by the generalized coherence
(in the present context, the physical mean of the generalized coherence refers to
the generation of multiple double layers) (see for details [10]). Then, the relation
En = E1n 2 , E1 = 2m0 D 2 k12 , k1 =
expanded around n either in the form
En = E1n 2 + 2 E1n (n − n ) + E1 (n − n )
or in the form
(n − n ) (n − n )2
En = En + 4πm0 D
, En = E1n
induces the characteristic times:
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Tα =
2π m0 D
4π m0 D
, Tβ =
Because Tβ is independent of n , expression (14b) defines a universal time
scale. By means of relations (14b) and (11b), a characteristic frequency can be
k E
f0 =
= 1 1
Tβ 2π 2m0
Let us evaluate expression (15) with respect to the experimental results. Thus,
by identifying a with a characteristic length of the double layer, namely the
width of the double layer, a = ( 2ε 0V en0 ) , expression (15) takes the form
1 en E
f 0 = 0 1
2 m0ε 0V
where E1 is the ion energy, m0 is the ion mass, n0 is the ion density in the
double layer and V is the voltage on the electrode. For our experimental
conditions f0 ≅ 150 kHz. This value is in a good agreement with those
experimentally obtained by us (see Fig. 3).
Now, the fractional revival formalism may be applied. A fractional revival of a
physical function occurs when a physical function evolves in time to a state that
can be described as a collection of spatially distributed physical sub-functions
that each closely reproduces the initial physical function shape – see for details
[11]. In this context, we write the particle’s initial ( t = 0 ) scalar potential
velocity function in the square well as:
ψ ( x, t = 0 ) = ψ i ( x )
We expand this scalar potential velocity function by using the relation (10)
ψ i ( x ) = ∑ cnφn ( x )
n =1
cn = ∫ φn ( x )ψ i ( x )dx
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
By using the time scale Tβ , the time evolution of the system is found from the
Schrödinger’s type equation (the charge transport takes place on fractal curves –
see the operator L̂' from (7c,d))
4D 2 (dt )
DF )− 2
∂ 2ψ
(2 D )−1 ∂ψ
− ψ ≡0
+ 2iD (dt ) F
∂t m0
to be
ψ (x, t ) = ∑ exp[−i 2π (t Tβ )n 2 ]cnψ n (x )
A function F ( n ) whose domain is restricted to the integers ( n ∈ Z ) can be
written as a finite sum of exponentials if and only if it is r periodic, that is, if
there is an integer r such that F ( n ) = F ( n + r ) for all n . Such a finite sum is
F ( n ) = exp −i 2π ( t Tβ ) n 2 . The necessary and sufficient condition for this
exponential to be a periodic function of the quantum number n is that the time
ratio t Tβ must be rational, and we write
T ( p, q ) =
for relatively prime integers p and q (that is, p q forms a simplified
fraction). In terms of frequency, expression (48) takes the form:
f ( p, q ) =
= f0 ,
T ( p, q ) p
f0 =
The condition p > q specifies the presence of sub-harmonics in the Fourier
spectra. Now, through the fractal expressions
E1 =
m0V 2
= 4πm0 D f ( p, q )
we can introduce the Reynolds’s “fractional” criterion
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Re( p, q ) = c~ c =
where we used the substitutions:
(2 D )−1
Vc = V , Lc = Vf −1 ( p, q ) , ν~ = 8πD (dt ) F
From (25) and [12] it results a critical value for the Reynolds number, Re c . Up
to this value the fractal fluid flow becomes turbulent. Because from (23a) with
p > q results sub-harmonics for Rec , according to [13-15] a criterion of
evolution to chaos through a cascade of spatio-temporal sub-harmonic
bifurcations is stated. We call this criterion the “fractional” criterion of
transition towards chaos.
3. Conclusions
A scenario of transition to chaos through cascade of sub-harmonic bifurcations
was experimentally evidenced in connection to the generation and dynamics of
concentric multiple double layers in plasma.
By considering that the particles movements in the gas discharge plasma take
place on fractal curves, a mathematical model according with the scale relativity
theory was developed in order to describe its dynamics. In this model, the selfstructuring of a discharge plasma as concentric multiple double layers was
analyzed, a good similarity between the experimental and theoretical
dependences being obtained. By using the fractional revival formalism, a
Reynold’s fractional criterion of evolution to chaos through cascade of spatiotemporal sub-harmonic bifurcations was stated.
This work was supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0650.
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5117, 1989.
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6. R. L. Stenzel, C. Ionita and R. Schrittwieser. Dynamics of fireball. Plasma Source Sci.
Technol. 17:035006, 2008.
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and G. V. Munceleanu. Non-differentiable mechanical model and its implications.
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 49:1489-1506, 2010.
8. O. Niculescu, D. G. Dimitriu, V. P. Paun, P. D. Matasaru, D. Scurtu and M. Agop.
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9. M. Agop, G. V. Munceleanu, O. Niculescu and T. Dandu-Bibire. Static and free timedependent fractal systems through an extended hydrodynamic model of the scale
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11. D. L. Aronstein and C. R. Stroud. Fractional wave-function revivals in the infinite
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12. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz. Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann,
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Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Height Field Representation and Compression
Using Fractal Interpolation Surfaces
Vassileios Drakopoulos1 and Polychronis Manousopoulos2
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, 15784
Athens, Greece
[email protected])
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, 15784
Athens, Greece
[email protected])
Abstract. Height fields provide efficient means for representing surface elevation
data which can be used for rendering 3D terrains or landscapes. In this paper, a
novel method for representing height fields using fractal interpolation techniques
is presented. The proposed methodology allows describing natural surfaces with
an intrinsic fractal structure in a more convenient manner. Specifically, fractal
interpolation surfaces constructed on rectangular domains have been used. Results
indicate the feasibility and advantages of the proposed method in terms of quality
of representation as well as compression ratios.
Keywords: Fractals, IFS, Interpolation, Surfaces.
Height fields provide an efficient tool for representing surface elevation data
and are often used, among other applications, in 3D computer graphics for
rendering 3D terrains or landscapes. A height field is essentially a 2D array
of height values and is usually stored as a raster image; the pixel intensity
corresponds to the height at the location defined by the pixel coordinates. An
example of landscape rendering based on a height field is shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Rendering of a landscape defined by a height field.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fractal interpolation as defined by Barnsley[1] and other researchers is
based on the theory of iterated function systems. It provides an alternative
to traditional interpolation techniques, aiming mainly at data which present
detail at different scales or possess some degree of self-similarity. These properties define an irregular, non-smooth, structure which is inconvenient to be
described by using elementary functions such as polynomials. A fractal interpolation function is a continuous function whose graph is the attractor of
an appropriately chosen iterated function system. In case this graph, usually
of non-integral dimension, belongs to the three-dimensional space and has
Hausdorff - Besicovitch dimension between 2 and 3, the resulting attractor
is called fractal interpolation surface.
In this paper, a novel methodology for representing height fields using
fractal interpolation techniques is introduced. Our motivation stems from
the fact that natural surfaces, such as earth terrains, present an intrinsic fractal structure, i.e. detail at multiple scales and some degree of self-similarity.
The most important and non-trivial part for constructing fractal interpolation surfaces on rectangular domains involves ensuring their continuity. We
also present the application of the proposed methodology to terrain data,
indicating its feasibility and advantages in terms of quality of representation
as well as compression ratios.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we briefly review the
theory of iterated function systems. The necessary concepts of fractal interpolation surfaces, focusing on the proposed construction on rectangular
domains, are introduced in Section 3. In Section 4, we present the proposed
methodology for height field representation and compression using the surfaces of the previous section. Section 5 contains the result of the application
of our method to terrain data, in terms of quality of representation as well
as compression ratios. Finally, Section 6 summarizes our conclusions and
indicates areas of further work.
Iterated function systems
Let X, Y ⊂ Rn . A function f : X → Y is called a Hölder function of exponent
a if
|f (x) − f (y)| ≤ c |x − y|a
for x, y ∈ X, a ≥ 0 and for some constant c. Note that, if a > 1, the functions
are constants. Obviously, c ≥ 0. The function f is called a Lipschitz function
if a may be taken to be equal to 1. A Lipschitz function is a contraction with
contractivity factor c, if c < 1. An iterated function system, or IFS for short,
is a collection of a complete metric space (X, ρ) together with a finite set
of continuous mappings wn : X → X, n = 1, 2, . . . , N , where ρ is a distance
between elements of X. It is often convenient to write an IFS formally as
{X; w1 , w2 , . . . , wN } or, somewhat more briefly, as {X; w1−N }.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
The associated map of subsets W : H(X) → H(X) is given by
W (E) =
wn (E) for all E ∈ H(X),
where H(X) is the metric space of all non-empty, compact subsets of X with
respect to some metric, e.g. the Hausdorff metric. The map W is called the
collage map to alert us to the fact that W (E) is formed as a union or ‘collage’
of sets. Sometimes H(X) is referred to as the “space of fractals in X” (but
note that not all members of H(X) are fractals).
If wn are contractions with corresponding contractivity factors sn for
n = 1, 2, . . . , N , the IFS is termed hyperbolic and the map W itself is then
a contraction with contractivity factor s = max{s1 , s2 , . . . , sN } (Barnsley[1],
Theorem 7.1, p. 81). In what follows we abbreviate by f k the k-fold composition f ◦ f ◦ · · · ◦ f . The graph of f is the set of points G(f ) = {(x, f (x)) :
x ∈ X}.
The attractor of a hyperbolic IFS is the unique set A∞ for which limk→∞
W k (E0 ) = A∞ for every starting set E0 . The term attractor is chosen to
suggest the movement of E0 towards A∞ under successive applications of
W . A∞ is also the unique set in H(X) which is not changed by W , so
W (A∞ ) = A∞ , and from this important perspective it is often called the
invariant set of the IFS.
Rectangular subdomain fractal interpolation surfaces
Fractal interpolation surfaces constructed as attractors of iterated function
systems were first proposed by Peter R. Massopust[4], where he considered
the case of a triangular domain with coplanar boundary data. A slightly more
general construction of such fractal surfaces was later presented by Jeffrey
S. Geronimo and Douglas Hardin[3], where the domain used was a polygonal region with arbitrary interpolation points but same contractivity factors.
Here, we focus on fractal interpolation surfaces constructed on rectangular
domains with arbitrary boundary data and same contractivity factors.
Let D be a closed nondegenerate rectangular region in R2 and let S =
{q0 , q1 , . . . , qm−1 } be m, with m > 4, distinct points in D such that {q0 , q1 , q2 ,
q3 } are the vertices of D. Given real numbers z0 , z1 , . . . , zm−1 we wish to
construct a function f such that f (qj ) = zj , j = 0, 1, . . . , m − 1 and whose
graph is self-similar. Notice that the constructed FIS in the present work is
not self-affine since it is resulting from bivariate functions. Let us denote by
C(D) the linear space of all real-valued continuous functions defined on D,
i.e. C(D) = {f : D → R | f continuous}. The basic idea is to decompose D
into N subrectangles R1 , R2 , . . . , RN with vertices chosen from S and define
affine maps Li : D → Ri and contractions Fi : D × R → R, i = 1, 2, . . . , N such
that Φ defined by
(Φf )(x, y) = Fi (L−1
i (x, y), f (Li (x, y)))
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
maps an appropriate subset of C(D) onto itself. If Li is invertible, G(f ) is
mapped onto G (Φ(f )|Ri ) by (Li (x, y), Fi (x, y, f (x)). Henceforth we assume
that {Ri }N
i=1 consists of nondegenerate rectangles whose interiors are nonN
intersecting, L−1
i (Ri ) = D and that the set of vertices of {Ri }i=1 equals S.
Let k: {1, 2, . . . , N } × {0, 1, 2, 3} → {0, 1, . . . , m − 1} be such that {qk(i,j) }3j=0
gives the vertices of {Ri }N
i=1 .
Let i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }. Since D and Ri are nondegenerate, there is a unique
invertible affine map Li : R2 → R2 satisfying
Li (qj ) = qk(i,j) ,
j = 0, 1, 2, 3.
Let si be given such that |si | < 1 and Fi : R3 → R be defined by
Fi (x, y, z) = ai x + bi y + gi xy + si z + ci ,
where ai , bi and ci are uniquely determined by
Fi (qj , zj ) = zk(i,j) ,
j = 0, 1, 2, 3.
With these definitions for Li and Fi we have Φ(f )|Ri ∈ C(Ri ) and
(Φf )(qk(i,j) ) = zk(i,j) , j = 0, 1, 2, 3, whenever f ∈ C(D) and f (qj ) = zj ,
j = 0, 1, 2, 3. If Ri and Ri′ are adjacent rectangles with common edge qj qj ′ , it
remains to be determined whether Φf is well-defined along qj qj ′ , i.e., whether
Φf satisfies the “join-up” condition
Fi (L−1
i (x, y), f (Li (x, y))) = Fi′ (Li′ (x, y), f (Li′ (x, y))),
for all (x, y) ∈ qj qj ′ . We consider the case where the graph associated with
the tesselation {Ri }N
i=1 has chromatic number 4. The chromatic number of
a graph is the least number of symbols required to label the vertices of the
graph so that any two adjacent vertices (i.e., joined by an edge) have distinct
labels. Since each edge is part of some Ri this implies the vertices {qj }j=0
can be labelled with l = l(j) ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3} such that the vertices of each
Ri have distinct labels. For i = 1, 2, . . . , N and j = 0, 1, 2, 3 let k(i, j) be
determined by the condition
k(i, l(j ′ )) = j ′
for all vertices qj ′ of Ri .
Then, Eqs. (2) and (4) become
Li (ql(j) ) = qj ,
Fi (ql(j) , zl(j) ) = zj
for each of the vertices qj of Ri .
Let CB (D) denote the collection of continuous functions f such that
f (qj ) = zj , qj ∈ ∂D.
Theorem 31 Suppose the graph associated with {Ri }N
i=1 has chromatic number 4. Let Li and Fi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N , be determined by (3) and (5) with
si = s(|s| < 1). Let Φ be defined by (1). Then Φ: CB (D) → CB (D) is welldefined and contractive in the sup-norm with contractivity s. Furthermore
(Φf )(qj ) = zj , j = 0, 1, . . . , m − 1 and f ∈ CB (D).
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Proof. See Drakopoulos and Manousopoulos[2] ⊓
Then the corresponding IFS is of the form {R3 ; w1−N }, where
wi (x, y, z) = (Li (x, y), Fi (x, y, z)).
An illustration of this is shown in Fig. 2, where the left part indicates the
vertices and connecting edges of D and the middle and right parts of the
figure indicate where these vertices are mapped by the domain contractions.
For larger data sets, this pattern is repeated as necessary.
Fig. 2. Rectangular domain contractions to satisfy join-up conditions.
Height fields
A height field or relief map (see e.g. Theoharis et al.[5], p. 505) is defined as
a 2D array of height values:
H = {(xi , yj , zij : i = 0, 1, . . . , M and j = 0, 1, . . . , N },
where the x, y coordinates define a rectangular grid on the plane and the z
coordinate defines the height. The underlying grid is usually regular, i.e.
xi = x0 + i∆x ,
yj = y0 + j∆y ,
for every i = 0, 1, . . . , M and j = 0, 1, . . . , N , where ∆x = (xM − x0 )/M and
∆y = (yN − y0 )/N . From the above definition, it is clear that a height field
can be directly represented by a fractal interpolation surface of Section 3.
The only issue to be determined is whether all of the height field data will
be used in the construction of the surface or only a subset of them. This can
be achieved by regularly sampling the height field along the x, y dimensions.
The sampling frequency defines a trade-off between quality of representation
and compression ratio.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
The proposed representation is expected to be especially fruitful for height
fields defining natural surfaces, such as terrains. These often possess an intrinsic fractal structure which is conveniently described by fractal interpolation models. The idea of representing natural surfaces using fractal interpolation has also been suggested in Xie et al.[6], where the generation of rock
fracture surfaces using fractal interpolation was examined.
A height field of resolution 257 × 257 is presented in Figures 3(a) and 3(b).
Specifically, the former figure depicts the height field as a 2D raster image
where brighter areas indicate greater height; the latter figure contains its 3D
depiction. This height field, which was created using TerragenTM Classic,
contains a total of 257 × 257 = 66049 points.
Fig. 3. The original height field depicted (a) as a 2D image and (b) as a 3D surface.
Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the 2D and 3D representation of this height
field, respectively, using the proposed method. Specifically, it has been represented by a fractal interpolation surface constructed on a subset of the original
data with s = 0.02; every 8th point along each dimension of the height field
has been chosen as interpolation point. This results in a rectangular grid of
resolution 33 × 33, containing 1089 points in total, i.e. about 1.65% of the
original points. Despite the significant sparsity of the interpolation points,
the quality of the reconstructed height field is satisfactory.
Another example is given in Figures 5(a) and 5(b), where the same height
field has been represented by a fractal interpolation surface using even fewer
interpolation points. Specifically, every 16th point along each dimension has
been chosen as interpolation point. This results in a rectangular grid of
resolution 17 × 17, containing 289 points in total, i.e. about 0.44% of the
original points. Also in this case, the results are satisfactory despite the even
smaller number of interpolation points. These results indicate that fractal
interpolation surfaces are indeed capable of describing natural surfaces, such
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 4. The reconstructed height field, using every 8th data point as interpolation
point, depicted (a) as a 2D image and (b) as a 3D surface.
as terrains, with considerable quality even when high compression ratios are
Fig. 5. The reconstructed height field, using every 16th data point as interpolation
point, depicted (a) as a 2D image and (b) as a 3D surface.
Figures 6–7 depict an artistic rendering of the original height field as well
as its two aforementioned reconstructions; these figures were created using
TerragenTM Classic. As shown in the figures, the reconstructed height fields
produce equivalent results compared to the original one, even though the
significant sparsity of the interpolation points.
Conclusions and future work
We have presented a novel method for the representation and compression
of height fields using fractal interpolation techniques. Specifically, we have
represented a height field as a fractal interpolation surface constructed on the
rectangular domain defined by a subset of the original data. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is feasible, while achieving satisfactory
results in terms of quality of representation as well as compression ratios.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 6. Artistic rendering of the original height field.
Fig. 7. Artistic rendering of the reconstructed height field, using as interpolation
point (a) every 8th data point and (b) every 16th data point.
Further work will focus on the calculation of the optimal values of the vertical scaling factors in order to achieve increased localized accuracy, as well as
on the exploration of alternative fractal interpolation surface models, affine
or bivariate, including recurrent fractal interpolation surfaces.
1.M. F. Barnsley. Fractals everywhere, 2nd ed., San Diego, 1993. Academic Press
2.V. Drakopoulos and P. Manousopoulos. Bivariate fractal interpolation surfaces:
Theory and applications. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, to
appear, 2012.
3.J. S. Geronimo and D. Hardin. Fractal interpolation surfaces and a related 2-D
multiresolution analysis. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
176:561-586, 1993.
4.P. R. Massopust. Fractal surfaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 151:275-290, 1990.
5.T. Theoharis, G. Papaioannou, N. Platis, and N. M. Patrikalakis. Graphics &
Visualization: Principles and Algorithms, Massachusetts, 2008. AK Peters.
6.H. Xie, H. Sun, Y. Ju and Z. Feng. Study on generation of rock fracture surfaces
by using fractal interpolation. International Journal of Solids and Structures,
38:5765-5787, 2001.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
The Baltic Sea coupled ice-ocean model
Lidia Dzierzbicka, Jaromir Jakacki, Maciej Janecki, Artur Nowicki
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland
[email protected]
Abstract: Community Earth System Model (CESM) is a coupled climate model that
consist of five separate components with additional central coupler which controls time,
exchanging data, domains, grids and other model data. Here CESM was adopted for the
Baltic Sea and called 3D-CEMBS. This is not fully coupled configuration. In our case we
have been taken into account ocean (POP model, version 2.1) and ice (CICE model,
varsion 4.0) models which are forced by atmospheric data model (datm7). Other models
are turned off in our configuration. However the main task of the datm7 is to interpolate
data on model domain, we have interpolated data outside of the models. As an external
forces daily-averaged forty-years reanalysis data derived from European Centre for
Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF, ERA-40 reanalisys) has beed used.
Currently in pre-operational state 3D-CEMBS is using 48-hour atmospheric forcing data
from ICM-UM model (University of Warsaw). 3D-CEMBS model has also ecosystem
part (currently work in progress).
The study was financially supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific
Research (grants: No N N305 111636, N N306 353239).
Keywords: Baltic Sea, 3D model, hydrodynamic variables
1. Introduction
In 2011, the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBSv2 - new version)
was launched at the Institute of Oceanology PAS in the parallel version on the 2
km grid with rivers and the open boundary for the hydrodynamic module
Therefore, the following works were completed:
- a new version of the model was launched (3D CEMBSv2), which includes the
ocean-ice module POP-CICE (POP, version 2.1, the ice module CICE, version
4.0) and the ecosystem module (Fig.1):
• compilation of the 2 km bathymetric grid,
• adaptation of the model to meteorological data UM (ICM UW),
• compilation of a data set with meteorological forecasts (UM) from 2010 and
2011 in the required format, preparation of the initial fields for the Baltic area in
the 2 km grid,
- development of the operational system for data retrieval necessary for the
model 3D CEMBSv2,
- development of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBSv2) in
the parallel version on the 2 km grid with rivers and the open boundary:
• compilation of climatic river discharge ,
• compilation of climatic conditions along the open boundary.
This paper presents an integrated, operational model of the Baltic ecosystem –
the hydrodynamic part, the ocean-ice module POPCICE (version 2.1 and 4.0)
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
and the initial verification, the comparison of the obtained results with data from
other models and measurements in situ.
Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the Baltic model
CCSM4.0/CESM1.0 (the Community Climate System Model/Community Earth
System Model) consists of five separate elements with an additional coupler
(CPL7), which monitors the time, exciting forces, domains, grids and exchange
of information between models. The central part of the model is based on MCT
(The Model Coupling Toolkit) – which is a parallel tool providing a number of
services, such as a register of particular components of the model, descriptors of
the domain distribution into processes, communication, redistribution of data
and other very helpful tools. For our purposes, CESM was adapted for the Baltic
Sea and was called 3D-CEMBS. However, it is not an entirely active
configuration. The ocean model (POP, version 2.1) and the ice model (CICE,
version 4.0) work in the active mode, and they are imposed by the model of
atmospheric data (datm7). Other models are excluded from this configuration
(the stub mode). The main task of datm7 is interpolation of atmospheric data
into the domain of the model. External forces are daily-averaged for the period
of forty years, which come from the ECMWF re-analysis (ERA-40). At present,
in the operational mode, 48-hour atmospheric forecasts are used, which are
supplied by the UM model of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and
Computational Modelling of the Warsaw University. 3D-CEMBS Model is also
equipped with the ecosystem module, on which works are being currently
carried out in order to incorporate it into the operational mode.
The ocean model is based on the Parallel Ocean Program (POP, [7]) from the
National Laboratory in Los Alamos (LANL), which is derived from the global
ocean model ([6]) with additional conditions for free surface. This is a model of
‘z’ type (identical thickness of layers for every cell); the three-dimensional
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
equations describing the behaviour of the stratified ocean are solved by
parametrization. Numerically the model defines spatial derivatives in the
spherical coordinates using the method of finite elements. Physical quantities of
the model are embedded in the spherical grid of Arakaw B ([1]). The barotropic
equation is solved by ’preconditioned conjugate gradient solver’ (PCG), and
advection is determined by a centred differential. Parametrization of horizontal
mixing is accomplished by a biharmonic operator, and vertical turbulence is
determined by KPP parametrization. The equation of state, introduced by
McDougall et al. ([5]), is also used.
POP is a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model derived from the ocean model
created in the late 1960s by Kirk Bryan ([3]) and Michael Cox from the NOAA
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton. The model was later
modified and adapted by Semtner ([6]) for vector processors. The whole class of
models from which POP is derived are of Brayan-Cox-Semtner type (B-C-S).
The code of the model is adapted inter alia for supercomputers, but is well
adaptable (porting) also for machines of different architecture, such as cluster
types. The code of the POP model is characterised by good numerical
performance and is well scalable on a large number of O(1000) processors. A
special feature of the POP code (written in Fortranie 90) is orientation to
parallel machines and the use of MPI (Message Passing Interface) or SHMEM
(Shared Memory) libraries to communicate between processors. And therefore,
the most technologically advanced machines can be used to perform
calculations and to solve major computational problems.
CICE (Community Ice CodE) is based on elastic-visco-plastic (EVP) rheology
([4]). It is designed to work in accordance with the POP ocean model using the
parallel computing machines. It consists of several interactive elements: the
thermodynamic model, which computes local growth rates of snow and ice
owing to vertical conduction of energy and momentum fluxes. It also defines
velocity of each ice cell based on wind and ocean velocity. It has a few vertical
categories, so that the stress distribution is much closer to the real one.
CICE was applied worldwide in different configurations. It was used to study
the variability and the impact of ice on the processes occurring in the
atmosphere and the ocean in time scales ranging from decades to hundreds of
years ([2]). It is used in regional models and global applications. Incorporation
of the CICE model (version 4.0) into the regional POP model (version 2.1),
completed within the scope of the research grant (No NN305111636 − the
Polish State Committee for Scientific Research), is the first application of such
an advanced ice model for the Baltic Sea.
The ecosystem model consists of 11 main components: zooplankton, small
phytoplankton, diatoms, cyanobacteria, two types of detritus deposits (fraction
of dissolved DOM and molecular POM detritus), dissolved oxygen, and
components of nutrients, such as: nitrates, ammonia, phosphates and silicates.
The class of small phytoplankton should reflect nano- and picophytoplankton,
and can be limited by nitrates and phosphates. The class of larger phytoplankton
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
is represented by diatoms and can be limited by the aforementioned factors, as
well as by silicates. The growth rate of cyanobacteria may depend on
phosphates and the available light. Many biotic and detrital compartments
contain multiple elemental pools as we track carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and
silicon through the ecosystem.
3D-CEMBS model is currently configured at two horizontal resolutions of 9 km
and approximately 2km (1/12° and 1/48° respectively). The model bathymetry
is represented by 21 vertical levels and the thickness of the first four surface
layers was five metres. The bottom topography is based on ETOPO1 1 arcminute global relief model
(, National Geophysical Data
Center). The bathymetric data were interpolated to the model grid using the
kriging method. The initial state of the ocean model was prepared using
temperature and salinity climatic data. The ocean surface level (5m deep) is
restored based on the monthly timescale to the monthly average T and S
climatology, as a correction term to the explicitly calculated fluxes and
overlying atmosphere or sea ice. The restoring time was set to 30 days at the
surface and 10 days at the domain boundary. 3D-CEMBS model domain is
based on stereographic coordinates, but the equator of these coordinates is in the
centre of the Baltic Sea (so we actually use rotated stereographic coordinates)
and we can assume that shape of the cells is square and they are identical.
The current calculations are performed on supercomputers of cluster type,
Galera, which is located at TASK (the Academic Computer Centre in Gdańsk).
The time needed for computing 1 model year, for the ecohydrodynamic model,
for resolution of 9km, is 30 h on 16 processors, and for resolution 2km – 120 h
on 256 processors.
In the first half of 2011, the new CESM model (Community Earth System
Model - UCAR/NCAR USA) was adapted for the Baltic domain.
Models have been adapted and work properly (see the website). The results of
simulations for 48-hour forecast are presented for the model with resolution of
9 km and 2 km.
Select 2km forecast for the area or the point (Fig. 2).
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 2. Select 2km forecast for the area.
Simulations for 48-hour forecast for 2 km:
Forecast for the area:
• select the time of forecast (48-hour forecast) (Fig. 3a),
• select a required variable (temperature, salinity, currents, sea surface height,
ice cover area) (Fig. 3b),
• select the depth, one of the ten layers for which you would like to see the
model results (Fig. 3c),
• optionally you may provide boundaries to narrow the area of your query by
selecting two random points (corners of a rectangle) on the map (Fig. 3d),
• to change coordinates x and y of selected points, press: Reset Coordinates
(Fig. 3e),
• after all parameters are selected, press: Submit (Fig. 3f).
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 3. Forecast for the area. Choose parameters of forecast for 05.03.2012.
The example is presented below for the following situations:
1. Forecast start: 2012.03.05, 18:00 UTC (Fig. 4)
Select forecast parameters: hour: +6 (forecast is for 2012.03.06, 00:00 UTC),
variable: currents (cm s-1); depth: 20-26 m (5th layer), coordinate X: 187 to 425,
coordinate Y: 32 to 168. After selection of parameters, press: Submit and the
screen will show a drawing with results of the model.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 4. Forecast for the area.
Forecast for the point :
• select the depth,
• select a point on the map to get 48 h time series,
• to change coordinates x and y of selected points, press: Reset Coordinates,
• after selection of all parameters, press: Submit
The example is presented for the following situation: forecast start: 2012.03.05,
12:00 UTC (Fig. 5).
4. Conclusion
The work presents the idea of a three-dimensional Coupled Ecosystem Model
Baltic Sea version 2 (3D CEMBSv2) – a hydrodynamic part, which determines
the main physical parameters of the environment: horizontal components of the
velocity u,v and the vertical component of velocity w, pressure p, density ρ ,
temperature T and salinity S of water. Variables presented on the website for 48hour forecast are as follows: temperature, salinity, currents, sea surface height
and ice area cover.
The 3D CEMBSv2 model (at present – the hydrodynamic module) is a suitable
tool for studying the annual, seasonal, monthly and daily variability of
environmental parameters in the southern Baltic Sea. It can therefore be applied
in the forecasting of ecological changes in the Baltic.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig. 5. Forecast for the point..
1. A. Arakawa and V.R. Lamb. Computational design of the basic dynamic
processes of the UCLA general circulation model. Methods Comput Phys
17: 173–265, 1977.
2. C.M. Bitz and W.H.Lipscomb. An energy-conserving thermodynamic sea ice
model for climate study. Journal of Geophysical Research, Ocean 104:
15669–15677, 1999.
3. K.A. Bryan. Numerical Method for the Study of the Circulation of the World
Ocean. J Comput Phys 4(3): 47–376, 1969.
4. E.C. Hunke and J.K. Dukowicz. An elastic-viscous-plastic model for sea ice
dynamics. J Phys Oceanogr 27:1849–1867, 1997.
5. T.J. McDougall, D.R. Jackett, D.G. Wright and R. Feistel. Accurate and
computationally efficient algorithms for potential temperature and density
of seawater. J Atm Ocean Technol 20: 730–741, 2003.
6.. A.J. Semtner. A general circulation model for the World Ocean. UCLA
Dept. of Meteorology Tech.Rep No.8: 99 pp., 1974.
7. R. Smith and P. Gent. Reference manual for the Parallel Ocean Program
(POP), Los Alamos National Lab., New Mexico, 75 pp., 2004.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Extraction of the Dominant Features of Complex
Dynamics in Experimental Air-Water Two-Phase
Alberto Fichera, Arturo Pagano
University of Catania, Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering,
Viale Andrea Doria, 6, I-95125 Catania, Italy
[email protected]
Abstract: This paper aims at describing a novel approach to the analysis of the
experimental void fraction time series detected from air-water upward two phase flows in
a vertical channel. This system can express a great variety of different flow patterns,
whose characterisation and classification strongly depends on the approach used for
feature extraction. Phase space analysis in a traditional delayed embedding has allowed
for the observation of the complex dynamics of the system. Nonetheless, the attractors
obtained in a delayed embedding, though characterised by a regular complex structure,
appear partly folded and are affected by noisy hydrodynamic high order dynamics.
The present paper proposes the application of the SVD approach with the aim of
assessing a more appropriate embedding into the phase space spanned by the principal
vectors. In this way the dominant features of the system dynamics can be separated from
noise-like dynamics, i.e. unfolded and noise-free attractors can be obtained.
Keywords: Feature extraction, Two-phase flows, Experimental nonlinear dynamics,
SVD analysis.
1. Introduction
Several basic industrial processes, ranging from power generation, chemical and
processing plants to oil pipelines, present heat and mass transfer applications of
two phase flows. When two phase flows occur, very different flow patterns can
be observed as well as transitions from a flow pattern to another. Indeed, the
dynamical behaviours associated to the various types of flow pattern established
in the system represent critical factors for the performances of such industrial
systems. This explains the great efforts that have been and are still devoted to
flow patterns identification, which represents a fundamental basis for
appropriate characterisation of two phase flow systems.
The dynamics of two phase flows are typically of highly complex pulsating
nature, under the effect of several nonlinearities deriving from the strong
coupling of different mechanisms and of the dependence on various factors.
Among the others, the most important factors are the differential action of
gravity on the two phases and the effect of shear and surface tension forces at
their interface. As a consequence, several different flow patterns can be
identified, each of which can be characterised in terms of the dynamical
behaviour of the void fraction time series.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Among the other, two phase flows of air-water mixtures are often theoretical
and experimental analysed with the aim of achieving a reference perspective on
the general dynamical behaviours, often valid also for more complex flows,
such as those arising in presence of phase changes. In particular, the present
study aims at analysing the behaviour of ascending air-water two phase flows in
vertical pipes. For this kind of flows heat transfer phenomena connected to
phase change are not involved, so that the flow pattern established in the system
mainly depends on the mass flow rates of the two phases. By varying the mass
flow rate of the two phases, in fact, bubbly, slug, churn and annular flows can be
identified as the main flow patterns typical of several classifications [1-3].
The bubbly flow exists for low values of the gas mass flow rate and consists in
the motion of dispersed and small gas bubbles in the liquid phase. Coalescence
phenomena are at the basis of the transition from bubbly to slug flow, which can
be observed by increasing the gas mass flow rate. Slug flow is characterised by
gas bubbles, namely Taylor bubbles, enveloped by a liquid film separating them
from the pipe walls, alternated to liquid slugs. In the class of slug flow, it is
possible to distinguish between: cap flow, with short air bubbles (with the head
approximately connected to the tail) separated by long liquid slugs; plug flow,
with gas bubbles and liquid slugs of comparable length; proper slug flow,
characterised by elongated gas bubbles separated from relatively short liquid
slugs, often aerated for the presence of small dispersed air bubbles.
For growing gas mass flow rate, bubble coalescence and increasing aeration of
the liquid slug leads to a highly unstable flow pattern addressed as churn flow,
characterised by waves propagating through the liquid film enveloping the
bubbles and occasionally falling within the tube, so to form a short, unstable and
highly aerated liquid slug. Finally, the annular flow consists of a thin annular
liquid film at the tube wall on which small ripples, interspersed occasionally
with large disturbance waves, flow in a regular manner up the tube.
It is usual practice to perform flow pattern identification on the basis of the
differences of the dynamical behaviour of the time series of the local void
fraction. Therefore, the reliability of the identification approach is highly
dependent on the accuracy of the technique adopted to measure the void
fraction. Several techniques have been proposed [4-9] and impedance
measurements seem to be recognized as the most reliable [6]. At the same time,
the performances of flow patter identification approaches depend also on the
techniques adopted for time series analysis and feature extraction. Statistical [1,
2, 6] or spectral [9-12] techniques indeed represent the typical approach for flow
patterns identification on the basis of the analysis of the experimental void
fraction time series. Nonlinear techniques have been also adopted, among the
others see [10, 13-16], but a main drawback has been represented by the
relatively poor spatial and temporal resolution of the experimental time series.
In order to address this problem, the experimental time series considered in the
present study have been detected by means of a resistive probe characterised by
high temporal and spatial resolution, which has been appositely set-up as
described in [17]. The preliminary analysis in a delayed embedding of the void
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
fraction time series detected by means of this sensor has shown the existence of
strange attractors of interesting morphology for the various flow patterns [18].
Nonetheless, attractors obtained in this way are somewhat noisy as a
consequence of the superposition of high order dynamics to the dominant
dynamics characterizing the flow pattern. Among the others, the most important
high order “noisy” dynamics are those of hydrodynamic nature associated to
small diameter bubbles dispersed in the liquid slugs and to disturbances on the
liquid film enveloping the Taylor bubbles.
Therefore, the present study aims at extracting the dominant features of the flow
dynamics under various flow pattern conditions so to separate the dominant
features of the system dynamics from noise-like dynamics. The proposed
approach is analogous to that proposed in [19] and is based on the calculation of
the singular vectors of a n-dimensional delayed embedding, through the
application of the technique known as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
[20], and in the analysis of the restricted portion of the dynamics that is obtained
by projecting the attractor onto the phase space spanned by the singular vectors
corresponding to the three highest singular values.
Reported results, show that the attractors described in the new embedding
present a well defined and regular structure, indicating the existence of a low
order source of the system dynamics, which will be analysed in future studies.
Fig.2 Experimental apparatus
2. Experimental Apparatus
The experimental apparatus reported in Fig. 1 has been built and tested in order
to study the dynamics of two-phase flow in vertical pipes. The test section is a
vertical pipe of diameter 0.026 m diameter and length 3 m. The apparatus is
equipped by an electromagnetic flowmeter and three air flow metres,
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
respectively used for the measure of the water velocity and mass flow rate and
for the regulation of the air flow rate in the range between 10 and 210 l/min. The
air is supplied to the mixing section by a pressurised tank fed by a compressor,
whereas the water flow rate can be varied in the range 0-150 l/min by means of
a series of valves and bypasses placed at the pump outlet.
A resistive probe for the measure of the void fraction is placed at a distance of
over 100 times the diameter of the pipe from the mixing section, i.e. over the
required entry region for two phase flows, in order to ensure a well established
flow regime. In particular, the void fraction probe has been designed and
realised for the experimental campaign and operates in the resistive range
(carrier frequency of 20 kHz). The sampling frequency was set at 1 kHz with a
cut-off frequency of 200 Hz. A detailed description of the experimental probe
and on the wide set of experimental tests performed is reported in [17].
3. Dynamical Feature Extraction
The results of preliminary linear analyses of the experimental time series have
been shown to be unable to deal with the intrinsic complexity of two phase
flows dynamics. Hence, in [18] a morphological analysis of the threedimensional attractors has been proposed in a classical Takens’ delayed
embedding of the experimental void fraction time series [21]. In particular, it
has been observed that the attractors obtained for some of the flow patterns are
characterised by a regular fractal structure, which is indeed one of the most
important evidences of deterministic chaotic behaviour.
In the present study, the aim is to improve the dynamical representation by
adopting a new embedding, derived through the application of Singular Value
Decomposition technique, SVD [20], to the classical delayed embedding based
on Takens’ theorem, similarly to the approach proposed in [19]. The new
representation is characterised by a drastic reduction of noisy dynamics and,
above all, a sensitive improvement of the attractor unfolding, so that the
dominant morphological characteristic can be fully exploited.
As a first step, the phase space reconstruction consists in the creation of a n × w
matrix, S, where n is the length of a window moving through the data and w are
the independent variables defining the phase space, i.e. delayed version of the
experimental void fraction time series s(t)=(s0, s1, s2, …, si, …), with each
column delayed τ time steps from the previous. The condition w>2d+1 for an
appropriate embedding is implicitly respected if w is set much greater than the
unknown fractal dimension d on the basis of a preliminary estimation.
The second step consists in the application of the SVD approach to matrix S.
This is done through the calculation of a new diagonal matrix, equivalent to the
original one, i.e. with identical singular values but in decreasing order. In
particular, S is factorized into its singular values according to equation:
Λ = MT S C
In (1) Λ is the diagonal matrix containing the singular values of S in decreasing
order and M and C are the matrices of the singular vectors associated with Λ.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Details on the factorization can be found in [20]; what is interesting for the
scopes of the present study is that the high level singular values in Λ are
associated to the dominant singular vectors, i.e. those representing the dominant
features of the system dynamics, whereas the low level ones correspond to local
behaviors or noise-like components. Therefore, the system can be virtually
partitioned into two subsystem: the first deriving from noise free data (i.e. the
main features and the relevant details) and the second from noisy dynamical
behaviours, which can be considered superimposed and then eliminated.
4. Results and Discussion
The described approach has been used in the present study in order to obtain a
denoised and unfolded representation of the experimental dynamics. The SVD
technique has been applied to the delayed embedding S of the experimental void
fraction time series, created considering τ=1 and w=40 in order to ensure that w
is sufficiently greater than m, i.e. greater than the (unknown) system dimension.
The length n of the observation window has been set at 10000 data samples in
order to be wide enough to obtain a well defined attractor in phase space, i.e. an
attractor whose morphology does not change if further data samples are added.
The claimed advantages of the proposed methodology can be observed in the
results reported in the Fig. 3 to 8, which report the attractors of the same
operating condition in two different embeddings. In particular, the phase space
adopted for the plots on the left hand side of each figure is the basic three
dimensional Takens’ delayed embedding, whereas the projections on the
pseudo-phase space spanned by the three dominant principal vectors of the
improved embedding obtained through application of SVD are those reported on
the right hand side of each figure. By comparing the two methods of
representation it is possible to observe that the attractors in the delayed phase
space are in all cases sensibly affected by a higher noise level and are not
sufficiently unfolded with respect to the corresponding attractors in the principal
component embeddings, the last being characterised by a very low level of noise
and a satisfactory unfolding. It is worth to remind that, even if the two attractors
of each flow pattern appear different, they are, nonetheless, expressions of the
same dynamical behaviour. In fact, they are morphologically equivalent and,
therefore, characterised by the same invariants of the dynamics, such as fractal
dimension and Lyapunov exponents [22-25].
The successful unfolding contributes to the achievement of a clear and well
defined morphology of the attractors. This is a main advantage for the
distinction of different flow patterns through a comparison of the representation
of their dynamics in the phase space spanned by the principal components.
Moreover, in some cases the proposed embedding amplifies important
characteristics of the system dynamics. For example, the right hand cap flow
attractor in Fig. 4 shows a clear distribution of the trajectory in alternated bands,
which is a hint of the fractal (i.e. chaotic) nature of the system dynamics.
Finally, the representation in the principal component phase space is very
effective in underlining the differences between the various flow patterns.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig.3 Attractors in the delayed and principal component embeddings for the
bubbly flow; air flow rate 2 lit/min - water flow rate 32.4 lit/min.
Fig.4 Attractors in the delayed and principal component embeddings for the cap
flow; air flow rate 5 lit/min - water flow rate 20.28 lit/min.
Fig.5 Attractors in the delayed and principal component embeddings for the plug
flow; air flow rate 10 lit/min - water flow rate 9.06 lit/min.
Each type of flow pattern is, in fact, characterised by a specific morphology,
sufficiently different from that of the other flow patterns.
In particular:
- each flow pattern attractor occupies a different phase space region;
- each attractor differently “fills” its own region of phase space; for example,
the cap flow attractor (properly 3-D) has a higher filling rate than that of the
plug flow (which moves around a sort of 2-D limit cycle);
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
- the attracting region is progressively shifted, with a continuous trend from
bubbly to annular flow, with respect to the first principal component.
These differences are very important as the morphological considerations drawn
insofar are related to the fractal nature and to the stretch and folding behaviour
of the attractors [24], which can be considered as the topological expressions of
the mentioned invariants of the dynamics, whose calculation is behind the scope
of the present study and will be the object of future studies.
5. Conclusions
This study proposes a phase space approach for the description of typical
complex dynamics of two-phase flow. At first the singular vectors of the
classical delayed embedding are calculated and the attractors of the system
dynamics are projected on the state space spanned by these eigenvectors. In this
way the dominant feature of the dynamics, corresponding to a subset of the
highest singular values, are separated from noisy dynamics in the time series,
corresponding to the remaining lower singular values. The morphology of the
attractors in the obtained unfolded and noise-free representation are analysed.
Reported results demonstrate that the proposed approach represent a powerful
tool for the identification of two-phase flow patterns.
Fig.6 Attractors in the delayed and principal component embeddings for the slug
flow; air flow rate 40 lit/min - water flow rate 16.80 lit/min.
Fig.7 Attractors in the delayed and principal component embeddings for the
churn flow; air flow rate 80 lit/min - water flow rate 9.01 lit/min.
Proceedings, 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International
Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece
Fig.8 Attractors in the delayed and principal component embeddings for the
annular flow; air flow rate 80 lit/min - water flow rate 5.58 lit/min.
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Conference, 12 – 15 June 2012, Athens Greece