The STEP Modular Architecture
Allison Barnard Feeney
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8264,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8264
[email protected]
The first Technical Note in this series [1] introduced the international standard ISO
10303, informally known as STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data).
Subsequent Technical Notes discussed various issues faced by users of STEP and how
the ISO TC184/SC4 committee is addressing these issues. This paper presents the
current move to modularize the STEP application protocol architecture. This paper
describes the initial STEP architecture, requirements for improvements to the
architecture, features of the new modular architecture, status and issues.
STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data, formally known as ISO 10303)
is an international standard designed to enable the exchange of product data between
heterogeneous computer systems used throughout the product life cycle. STEP is being
developed under the leadership of ISO TC 184/SC4, the ISO sub-committee responsible
for data exchange standards in the area of industrial and manufacturing applications [2,3].
A new modular STEP architecture addresses some deficiencies of the original
architecture and is intended to speed development, facilitate implementation, and increase
interoperability of applications of STEP.
This paper introduces the new modular architecture in the context of the initial
architecture. First, the initial STEP architecture is described. Requirements governing the
development of the modular architecture are summarized. Components of the new
modular architecture are presented with an explanation of how the initial architecture is
changed. The current status of the modularization effort is presented, followed by issues
that remain to be addressed.
Initial STEP Architecture
The architecture of STEP is designed to support the development of standards for product
data exchange and product data sharing [4]. The architecture is governed by the
following concepts: (1) the scope of what is standardized and what is conformance tested
is set at the level of “an application,” (2) application requirements are based on a model
of a business activity, (3) application requirements are standardized using natural
language, and (4) a mapping is specified defining how the application requirements are
satisfied using a STEP data model [5].
The key information models comprising the STEP standards are known as application
protocols (APs). As illustrated in Fig. 1, an AP consists of the following major elements:
An application activity model (AAM) describing the business process the information
model supports.
An application reference model (ARM) specifying the information requirements.
A schema for data structures based on the SC4 common resources (CRs), called an
application interpreted model (AIM), that is the basis for implementations of the
Application Activity Model
Application Reference Model
Application Interpreted Model
- What process do I want to
- What are the information
requirements of the activity
in industry terminology?
- How do I model the
required information using
Components of a STEP Application Protocol
Implementation Method
- What implementation
technology do I need?
Fig. 1 Initial AP Structure
STEP developers have made a conscious decision to focus on the information required by
industrial processes rather than on the processes themselves as the processes may change
over time while the underlying information requirements are longer lasting. This focus on
information allows STEP to support data exchange, some forms of data sharing, as well
as long-term data retention. To that end, the STEP community has standardized a data
specification language, called EXPRESS [6], as well as implementation methods for file
exchange and data access based on EXPRESS. The AIM of an AP is specified using
EXPRESS. A conforming implementation of an AP must use the AIM schema in
combination with one of the implementation methods. STEP standardizes conformance
testing methods and abstract test suites to facilitate certification of AP implementations.
An AP may specify conformance classes (CC) allowing certification of conformance to a
specified subset of the AIM.
Application interpreted constructs (AICs) were introduced to the STEP architecture to
enable cooperative use of multiple APs in a business enterprise. An AIC specifies a piece
of an AIM that may be used to exchange product data common to two or more APs.
However, an AIC does not document the common requirements or the mapping of those
requirements into the AIM.
Requirements for the Modular Architecture
Industry adoption of STEP initially focused on implementing the first AP, AP203
Configuration controlled design [7]. As other APs with different capabilities have been
standardized, it has become apparent that the “islands of APs” paradigm does not meet
industry requirements for STEP. The capability of sharing the common information
defined by two or more APs is an important requirement for companies to realize the full
benefits of STEP. This capability is referred to as “AP interoperability.” Industry is also
asking for a “plug-and-play” environment where companies are able to choose from a set
of comprehensive STEP capabilities to satisfy their data-exchange needs. APs are
extremely large documents that take many years to standardize and are therefore not
responsive to changes in industrial requirements.
Based on experiences gained through early implementation and the various attempts to
address AP interoperability within SC4, a comprehensive set of requirements for the
modular architecture was gathered [8]. Some of the high-level industry requirements are
Reduce the high cost and lengthy time to develop an AP.
Allow implementation of a combination of multiple APs or extension of AP
implementations with additional capabilities.
Enable application software reuse.
Eliminate duplication and repeated documentation of the same requirements in
different APs.
Reuse data generated by an implementation of one or more APs, by an
implementation of one or more different APs (AP interoperability).
Modular Architecture
The stated objective of the STEP modularization effort is “to enable the more efficient
technical development, standardization, implementation and deployment of STEP
standards without changing the fundamentals of the current technical architecture” [8].
The STEP architecture will continue to be based on standardizing industry requirements
and mapping those requirements to a data model based on the SC4 common resources, a
process known as “interpretation.”
The primary change introduced by the new modular architecture is the explicit
harmonization of common information requirements. Rather than relying on
harmonization occurring as a by-product of consistent interpretation across APs, module
requirements are first harmonized across domains and the resulting mappings are
standardized in smaller packages, known as application modules (AMs). AMs are reused
by other AMs and ultimately in APs.
The implementable portion of the STEP modular architecture has two core components:
Application module (AM) - A small, reusable data specification documented with an
ARM (application reference model); mapping; interpreted schema; and usage guide.
Application protocol (AP) - The use of a data specification to meet the requirements
of some business process.
The objectives and function of the architectural components are described below.
Application Module
An application module is designed to maximize reusability of the harmonized
requirements and the associated interpretation into the SC4 common resources, the data
specification, and thus, software implementations. Modules can be referenced by other
modules rather than be copied. Modules support reusability by the standards developer,
implementer, and user.
Application modules replace AICs in the STEP architecture. Though the modular
architecture does not prohibit the use of AICs as common resources for application
modules, in practice, AMs have been created to replace AICs. The objectives of AICs
and AMs are similar. They both standardize interpretation results for reuse in multiple
APs. However, AICs and AMs are created differently, have different audiences, and
have different content. An objective of modularization is to document a concept one time
and then to directly reuse that concept in other modules. An AIC is only created when a
concept has already been documented in two or more APs. AICs and CRs were both
designed to be used by the standards developer. AMs and APs are also designed for
industrial customers who evaluate the capabilities of standards for use in their
organizations and for software developers who implement the standards. AMs, unlike
AICs, contain harmonized information requirements and specifications of the mappings
of those requirements to the CRs.
An application module may be as generic as a common resource or as application
context-specific as an AP. No requirements have been set on the size or level of
granularity of an AM. Each AM will define an information model for one or more
concepts. Where a module requires concepts defined in other modules, it will reference
the other modules. The links between modules form a directed, acyclic graph. Three
categories of modules have been proposed. Foundation modules are characteristically
generic for reuse, have no scope overlap, avoid use of global rules, and are considered
part of the SC4 common resources (and often merely add a requirements model and a
mapping to constructs defined in the SC4 common resources). Application modules are
built from foundation modules and common resources, add EXPRESS constructs beyond
those referenced from the CRs, contain local rules to reflect project requirements, and
may overlap in scope with other AMs. An AP module is the top-level module that
provides the data specification for a modular AP. These categorizations are primarily to
distinguish internal SC4 management practices. All modules have the same content and
follow the same ballot process [9].
The modular approach calls for the use of EXPRESS rather than natural language for the
documentation of requirements, i.e., the ARM, in an application module. This allows the
use of tools to validate the dependencies between application module ARMs. It has the
added benefit of allowing for the future use of an in-development EXPRESS mapping
language called EXPRESS-X [10] that will make the requirements-to-resources mapping
computer interpretable as well.
Application Protocol
A modular AP is a documented use of an application module for a specific business
process. A single, normatively referenced AM is the data specification for the AP. This
AM uses other normative AMs to provide the documentation of its requirements and
interpreted model. The top-level AM may include specific business process rules or
constraints. An AM that serves as the top-level AM for a modular AP may also be used
in another modular AP, should the second AP completely encompass the scope of the
first AP.
The proposed content for an AP document includes an activity model and conformance
class definitions. Industry terminology mappings from the generic AM terminology may
be defined in an AP to make it more understandable to reviewers from the application
domain [11]. The content of a modular AP is a matter of current debate. Inclusion of a
graphical EXPRESS ARM and a complete EXPRESS AIM is generally considered to be
necessary to support implementation. In Fig. 2, the initial STEP architecture is contrasted
with the modular STEP architecture.
Initial STEP Architecture
Modular STEP Architecture
Each AM contains its
own ARM, mapping,
and AIM.
Fig. 2 Modular Architecture vs. Initial STEP Architecture
Status Of STEP Modularization
The STEP modular architecture was approved as an ISO TC 184/SC4 work item in 1999.
To meet standardization requirements set out for the architecture, SC4 decided that
application modules will be published as ISO technical specifications, an ISO deliverable
requiring only one ballot cycle prior to publication.
Guidelines. Today, three documents detailing aspects of the modular architecture,
including rules for specifying the content of the architectural components [11-13] have
been provisionally approved. A draft set of guidelines was balloted in SC4 but the final
guidelines have not been published.
Development Environment. Modules are being documented in the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) [14] and managed in a Concurrent Versions System (CVS) [15]
repository on SourceForge [16]. Webs of related modules may be published in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) with hot links traversing the many interrelationships
between the modules. This sophisticated publishing environment is needed to manage
the many related documents and their many references to each other and to the SC4
common resources. The module repository currently supports AMs; the AP capability is
being developed.
AMs. Nine application modules have been approved and published to date. These
modules provide the capability to assign appearance to shapes and to assign geometric
elements to layers. 61 modules that support product data management and geometry are
undergoing a confirmatory ballot within SC4 and ISO publication is expected in early
2003. More than 300 module part numbers have been assigned to projects planning
modular APs in the areas of engineering change, engineering analysis, geometric
dimensioning and tolerancing, and product lifecycle support, among others.
APs. No modular APs have been published yet. A subset of the first 70 modules will be
used in the first modular AP, the second edition of ISO 10303-203. AP203e2 is under
development even while SC4 is working to determine the ideal content for a modular AP.
EXPRESS. The modular approach required modifications to the EXPRESS language to
solve problems that arise from specifying a model across multiple subdocuments. These
modifications have been agreed upon and are due to be published in the final draft of the
second edition of ISO 10303-11, expected in late 2002. These changes to the EXPRESS
language provide the ability to define structures that may be extended and constrained
outside of the schema in which they are defined.
Harmonization Team. A harmonization team was officially created by SC4 resolution
in June 2000, but no resources have been allocated and the team is not active.
Technical Issues
There are a number of issues and unanswered questions regarding modularization. Some
primarily affect SC4 standards developers, yet others affect the users and implementers
of SC4 standards.
Guidelines. The lack of stable, consensus guidelines documents governing
modularization makes it difficult for the projects developing modules to do so in a
consistent manner, and delays development of tools. The guidelines document governing
content of an AM is fairly stable (though does not quite match the proposed content
provisionally approved by SC4), but the guidelines document prescribing content of a
modular AP is not. The stability of the guidelines reflects the amount of experience SC4
has had with the different types of documents.
Development Environment. Use of the sophisticated modules development
environment requires technical savvy on the part of the standards developer. Modules
published to date have been produced by one project, working closely with the repository
developers. For modularization to be successful, all modules must reside in the
repository. Further, the scalability of the module repository may raise issues in the
future--when more projects begin using the repository to develop modules SC4 will need
rules and procedures to govern their interaction.
Harmonization. The harmonization team identified in the development of the
architecture was established, but resources to staff the team have not materialized. In the
absence of a harmonization team, there is no impartial advisory group to facilitate
requirements harmonization, or to advise SC4 on the level of consensus or harmonization
of modules submitted for ballot. There is no group with a comprehensive knowledge of
existing modules to advise projects on their appropriate application. There are no
documented principles governing requirements harmonization. In short, there are no
checks and balances on the development of modules other than the ISO ballot process
that, in the case of modules, consists of only one ballot cycle.
Granularity. No guidance has been given to AM developers regarding the appropriate
level of granularity for AMs. A balance needs to be reached between reusability and
usability. Many of the AMs are at a very fine level of detail to maximize reusability. It
has not yet been demonstrated that the foundation modules provide value beyond that
gained by simply using the SC4 common resources: 1) there is a not insignificant cost
associated with creating, documenting, and maintaining a module; 2) the requirements
models and mappings provided in foundation modules are often no more informative than
the common resources themselves; and 3) the foundation modules have so many
interdependencies that by using one foundation module you are committing to using
several. Further, the fine-grained requirements of foundation modules are aggregated in
the top-level module for an AP. In traditional APs, the ARM was modeled at a more
coarse level of detail in general, only providing fine-grain detail in areas of particular
interest to the AP. Perhaps a better model would be to create fewer modules with more
context and less reusability -- modules that are interesting at the requirements level.
APs. The content and presentation of modular APs are not yet finalized. SC4 has an
opportunity to leverage implementation experience to design and deliver APs that best
meet the needs of STEP users and implementers. The currently proposed content of the
modular AP is very similar to the traditional AP, but is there other information or other
means of presenting the same information that would be of higher utility? XML
technology provides enormous flexibility to deliver not only what ISO requires, but what
may be more important to any given audience (e.g., a sorted entity.attribute listing would
be a useful view). Modular APs may be delivered as an HTML web of interrelated
modules that can be easily navigated by the reader. However, navigation through many
layers of modules is a painful way to visualize the "big picture” and some implementers
are asking for a paper document to print and put on their bookshelves. It remains to be
seen whether SC4 will produce guidelines for modular APs that will result in presentation
of an ARM that serves the purpose intended for ARMs: be a useful scope and
requirements development tool for AP developers; adequately present the AP scope to
industry reviewers; and provide explanation of the AP AIM, through the mapping
specification, for implementers.
EXPRESS. At this point, EXPRESS edition 2 implementations are in experimental
stages, but a mapping between EXPRESS edition 2 constructs and EXPRESS edition 1
exists as a workaround. Some SC4 implementation method standards may require
subsequent editions to take advantage of the new capabilities in EXPRESS edition 2.
EXPRESS-X. The modular approach is designed to take advantage of the coming
EXPRESS-X capabilities. EXPRESS-X is a STEP description method for mapping
between two related EXPRESS schemata. The modular approach would like to leverage
this new capability for mapping between the requirements and interpreted model
schemata. How that will happen has yet to be completely resolved.
Conformance Requirements. Changes may be made to the STEP conformance testing
methods to support the new modular architecture. The way conformance classes are
specified may also need to be changed for modular application protocols.
The STEP modular architecture was created to enable more efficient development,
standardization, implementation and deployment of STEP. The architecture is an
improvement over the original. Projects now have the flexibility to produce monolithic
APs, as before, or divide their scope in any way they determine will maximize
reusability. It remains to be seen whether SC4 will succeed in applying the architecture
to its advantage. We will not know that until we see how efficient, reusable, and
interoperable the first set of modular APs is proven to be.
Pratt, M.J., 2001, “Introduction to ISO 10303—the STEP Standard for Product
Data Exchange,” ASME J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., 1, No. 1, pp.102-103.
SC4 On-Line Web Page:
ISO TC 184/SC4 Web Page:
ISO 10303-1:1994, Product data representation and exchange – Part 1:
Overview and Fundamental Principles.
Kemmerer, S. (ed.), STEP the Grand Experience, NIST Special Publication
939, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, July 1999.
ISO 10303-11:1994, Product data representation and exchange – Part 11:
Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual.
ISO 10303-203:1994, Product data representation and exchange – Part 203:
Application protocol: Configuration controlled design.
Price, D. M. “WG10 STEP Modularization Requirements Specification,” ISO
TC 184/SC4 WG10 N227, 1998-12-14. Available on-line at
Dunford, J. “Categorisation of Application Modules,” ISO TC 184/SC4 WG12
N1031, 2002-03-25. Available on-line at
ISO/DIS 10303-14:2002, Product data representation and exchange – Part 14:
Description methods: The EXPRESS-X language reference manual.
“Guidelines for the Content of Application Protocols Using Application
Modules,” ISO TC 184/SC4 N1113, 2001-05-02. Available on-line at
“Guidelines for the Content of Application Modules,” ISO TC 184/SC4 N1161,
2001-05-02. Available on-line at
Barnard Feeney, A. “Application Module Development Points in the
Application Protocol Development Process,” ISO TC184/SC4 WG12 N1312,
2002-07-02. Available on-line at
World Wide Web Consortium. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
(Second Edition). W3C Recommendation. 2000-10-06. Available on-line at
Cederqvist, P. et al, “Version Management with CVS.” Available on-line at
STEP Module Respository Web Page: