Bart Saint Germain, Paul Valckenaers,
Hendrik Van Brussel, Hadeli, Olaf Bochmann,
Constantin Zamfirescu, Paul Verstraete
Abstract: The paper discusses the development of a multi-agent manufacturing
control system for an industrial application. This multi-agent system follows the
PROSA reference architecture and applies an ant colony design (stigmergy) to
provide coordination and emergent forecasting services. The paper first presents
the experimental set-up:
• The properties of this shop and its particular challenges to control systems
• The emulation of an existing production shop in industry
• The multi-agent system connected to this emulation
Next, the paper discusses the real-time aspect of the emulation. Third, the multiagent control system is presented. Finally, the paper discusses the browser to
analyze the results generated during simulation runs.
Keywords: Multi-agent systems, manufacturing control, industrial case study.
A manufacturing control system manages the internal logistics in a production system; it determines the routings of product instances, the assignment of workers and components, the starting of the processes on not-yet-finished product
instances, aso. Manufacturing control does not
control the manufacturing processes themselves,
but has to cope with the consequences of the
processing results (e.g. the routing of products to
a repair station).
Past experience revealed that manufacturing control cannot be implemented through ’one shot
scheduling solutions’ (Wegner, 1997). On the
shop floor, schedules have acquired a reputation for rapidly becoming invalid because of frequent changes and disturbances. Therefore, the
multi-agent manufacturing control, which is discussed in this paper, treats changes and disturbances as business-as-usual. It considers manufacturing as a non-stop ’going concern’. Moreover,
the multi-agent design incorporates the approach
from object-oriented design which states that the
problem has to be a part of the solution in order to
make robust and flexible software (Jackson, 1997).
The case study in this paper concerns making
photographic products out of large rolls of photographic foil. The factory in the case study can be
categorized as a flow shop with some routing and
storage flexibilities. Furthermore, the manufacturing processes in the case study strongly resemble disassembly operations in which one product
unit turns into multiple units when it is cut into
smaller pieces.
This section first introduces a general overview
of the different product types in the shop. Then,
some items like the slitting plan and priorities are
discussed. (see figure 1)
* CustomerOrder
Fig. 1. The topology of this case study
2.1 The case study
2.3 The slitting plan
In the case study, the system receives customer
orders. A customer order comprises one or more
product units. A product unit can either be a
stack of sheets or a roll of a given kind of photographic paper. These rolls and sheets are made
out of big rolls, called master rolls, by dividing
these big rolls into smaller pieces. In this way,
these master rolls can be associated with multiple
customer orders, which only require some part
of the big roll. Conversely, a customer order can
be associated with multiple master rolls since the
units in a single customer order can specify different types of foil (each master roll only contains
one type of foil). In other words, there is a manyto-many relationship between master rolls and
customer orders in the system.
All the ordered production units have to be
mapped on the master rolls. The material on a
master roll is expensive; even recycling this material represents a very significant expense. Therefore, the company has to reduce losses on the roll
as much as possible when the customer orders
are mapped onto the master rolls. The strategy
used to minimize these losses is to combine several customer orders into one master roll such
that almost every space is used. For further optimization, make-to-stock orders are used to fill
the gaps. Instead of recycling the material, asyet-unsold products are made; their selection is
based on market forecasts, current stock levels and
the properties of the gaps that remain after the
customer orders have been fitted to the master
To form a product, the master roll has to be split
first lengthwise, this is called slitting. This operation divides the master roll into pieces, called
reels. The second operation splits the reels along
the width of the original master roll. Depending
on the products to be made, the operation is either
cutting or rewinding. The final product is a stack
of sheets or a small roll respectively.
2.2 Priorities
Only customer orders have a visible priority. It
is very difficult to give static priorities to the
master rolls, reels... The only way to give real
priorities to the master roll or the reel is to
compose all priorities of the associated customer
orders. To compose the customer priorities, the
system must be as traceable as possible so that
the due date may be recalculated whenever the
situation changes. For example: a reel composed
out of three customer order, two with low priority
and the third one with a high priority will get a
high priority.
2.4 Disturbances
In reality, production frequently suffers disturbances. These disturbances include planned and
unexpected maintenance, which results in variations in production speeds. More seriously, some
disturbances imply damage to the photographic
film. For example: a burr in a slitting machine
can make a scratch on the foil. In this case, the
slitting plan becomes invalid and, possibly, some
customer orders may not be produced any more
out of this master roll. In such situations, the
control and planning systems have to cooperate
to re-insert this customer order elsewhere and
salvage as much as possible from the damaged foil
by making another product out of it.
While developing a new factory control system,
there are some properties that needs to be investigated:
3.2 Discrete event emulation
Fig. 2. Simulation versus Emulation
• key performance indicators (K.P.I.) such as
lead time, due date, and throughput;
• computational parameters such as the complexity of the algorithms;
• the impact of specific control system parameters such as information sampling rates.
For practical reasons, it is impossible to perform
the investigation on a real system. This is not
only prohibitively costly and time-consuming. It
would also be impossible to reproduce the same
conditions for a number of test runs when trying
to compare alternative designs or control parameter settings. One way to overcoming this is to
build a simulation. By using such a simulation
model, numerous controlled experiments may be
performed at low cost. The research developments
discussed in this manuscript use a simulation with
a specific internal structure, which is discussed
3.1 Emulation versus Simulation
The simulation in the case study comprises of
two parts: an emulation and a control subsystem
(Figure 2) . The emulation provides the state of
an emulated world to the control and the control
sends the appropriate commands to the emulation. To the control subsystem, being connected
to the emulation is indistinguishable from being
connected to the real world. Consequently, it is
easy to connect the control system to the real
factory instead of its emulation. Furthermore, validation of the simulation observes that the one-toone correspondence between the real world manufacturing system and its emulation is sufficiently
accurate. It is not necessary to check whether the
control behaviour is adequately captured by the
simulation since it is the same software code in all
The industrial case study in this paper uses a
discrete event emulation to implement the emulation part of the overall simulation. This is
different from discrete event simulation (Law and
Kelton, 1991). Discrete event simulation concerns
the modeling of a system, including its control, as
it evolves over time by a representation in which
the state variables change suddenly at certain
points over time. These points in time are the ones
at which an event occurs, where an event is defined
as an instantaneous occurrence that may change
the state of the system.
In contrast, a discrete event emulation only reflects the behaviour of the underlying production
system. The control system is not included. This
differs from the typical discrete event simulation
where the control is implemented into the discrete
event model itself. For the remainder, the techniques used for the discrete event emulation are
the same as those used in discrete event simulation
The simulation approach presented in part 3 creates an opportunity for a novel type of service
for shop floor operations. As presented above,
the multi-agent manufacturing control is first connected to an emulation for development purposes.
Afterward, the control systems will be connected
to the real system.
However, the management of the shop floor operations often has to take decisions without solid
information about the consequences of its choices.
To remedy this situation, the actual deployment of
the multi-agent manufacturing control system no
longer consists of replacing the emulation by the
real world. The emulation remains available and
can be synchronized with the current situation in
the factory or with a short-term forecast, made
available by the control, of the situation on the
shop floor. From that point on, a copy of the
control with the envisaged control settings and
the emulation execute faster than in reality and
provide feedback on how the production system
would behave; multiple sessions in parallel allow
a comparison between alternatives. In this way,
unwise ideas are discovered before they do real
An example: client X asks to change the due
date to get his products earlier. For the manager
it is very difficult to foresee the impact of this
intervention. This manager can start a simulation
with the current or forecasted state and with the
adapted due date. After some minutes the result
of the simulation is available so that this manager
has solid information to take a decision and/or to
give a quote to the customer.
As mentioned in section 3, a discrete event emulation connected to the multi-agent control is the
most appropriate way to build a simulation to test
a factory control system. There is, however, one
issue that prevents the straightforward use of an
off-the-shelf discrete event simulation software to
design the emulation.
To enable fast execution of the test runs, the emulation aims to process events as fast as possible.
Therefore, it ’jumps’ from the current event to the
next event without delay. More over conventional
simulation software assumes that the control system takes its decisions in a negligible amount
of time. This assumption does not hold for the
typical multi-agent manufacturing control system;
the control needs time to think and to perform
As a consequence, control and emulation need to
cooperate. The system tracks all control decisions
that have to be taken and all control activities
to be executed at a given point of time in the
emulation. When there are no control system
decisions or actions pending, the emulation jumps
to the next event. In the other case, the emulation
operates in real-time mode where one time unit
in emulation will take one time unit in reality.
Moreover, the control system may insert its own
events into the emulation system (e.g. schedule
the next sampling of information, the expiration
date of a service offer...).
The introduction states that a one shot solution
is insufficient; manufacturing control addresses
the ’going concern’ of making production fast
and smoothly. Furthermore, organizations become
more and more flexible in order to react much
faster to the demands of customers. To devise a
control system capable of coping with this complexity, a stable layer is needed. This stable layer
act as the foundation in the software so that the
system does not break whenever a new situation
is arises. A suitable architecture for such control
systems is PROSA (Valckenaers, 2001). On this
foundation ant-based systems are implemented in
order to enhance the quality of decisions.
The PROSA architecture is built around three
types of basic agents: order, product and resource
agents. Each of them is responsible, respectively,
for one aspect of manufacturing control: (i) internal logistics, (ii) recipes or process plans, and (iii)
resource handling. Optionally, staff agents may
be added to assist the basic agents with expert
6.1.1. Product Agent Product Agents provide
the process knowledge of a product. This means
that a Product Agent can identify all possible
subsequent production steps for certain state of
an order. The implementation and representation
of the recipe is internal to the Product Agent. The
product agent is responsible for the process plan
of different products. In the case study the process
plan corresponds to the slitting plan. The Product
Agent actually encapsulates the functions and the
means of implementing the slitting plan. This
slitting plan may be implemented either in a static
or a dynamic way see (2.3). It could also have
multiple possibilities like a choice between a cutter
or a rewinder at the end of the process.
6.1.2. Resource Agent Each resource agent corresponds to a physical part in the manufacturing system. A resource agent corresponding to
a machine provides the prior knowledge of this
machine; it knows the supported operations, the
production capacity, queuing strategy, aso. Machines like slitters, cutters and rewinders in the
case study are Resource Agents. Other types of
resource agents may also be integrated into the
model. In our example, the speed of the machines
and the accuracy of the operation depends on
number of operators. To reflect the accuracy of
the process parameters and the fluctuation of the
speed, there are two options. A first solution is
to model the number of operators as a parameter
of the machine together with the impact of this
parameter on the machine’s performance. The
other option is to consider operators as separate
resources, which is the more flexible and robust
solution. Note however that this requires the order
agents to manage multiple resource allocation,
meaning that several resources must be available
to run an operation.
6.1.3. Order Agent The order agent manages
the physical product instance being produced, the
product state model, and all logistic information
processing related to the job. It is responsible for
performing the assigned work correctly and on
time. An order agent may represent customer orders, make-to-stock orders, production orders and
orders to maintain and repair resources. The last
type of orders, maintain and repair orders, have
the highest priority to ensure the maintenance is
done on time.
The order agents in the case study reflect the
structure of the actual situation in the plant.
Order agents that correspond to a master roll
create one order agent for each of the reels that
emerge when their master roll goes through the
slitting process. Likewise, reel order agents spawn
the corresponding stack or small-roll agents when
they undergo cutting or rewinding. All agents
keep references to the agent that created them
and delegate the proper enquiries to them. For
instance, the customer order agent is systematically consulted and informed about due date
information. In this way, a change of due date
(by the customer or because some part of the
delivery suffered a delay) will be seen rapidly and
automatically by all agents involved.
The two following subsections shortly discuss the
control functionality that is developed on top of
these PROSA agent by means of an ant colony
design. (Valckenaers, 2001) gives a more detailed
6.2 Feasibility
The primary concern of order agents is to get their
product instance(s) manufactured. To achieve this
goal, the hard constraints in the manufacturing
system have to be accounted for. Hard constraints
are constraints like the process sequence (reflected
in the product agent) and deadlocks. Deadlocks
do not present a problem in this case because
there are no loops into the system. To make sure
that the right sequence of processes is reached, the
subnet capabilities of the shop are made available
at each routing point in the system.
To spread the capabilities of subnets of the shop
around, the resource agent at the end of the production line creates, at a certain frequency, a mobile resource agent and sends it upstream. These
mobile agents post information on local blackboards, which are attached to resource agents,
describing the processing capabilities of the corresponding path discovered so far. This enables
order agents to distinguish which processing capabilities are available along a given route. Whenever a transportation resource has multiple entries
these mobile agents clone themselves to ensure the
entire factory is covered by the mechanism. The
feasibility information has a finite lifespan after
which it is wiped from the local blackboard. The
frequency at which the mobile resource agents are
created by the resource at the end of the production system, is sufficiently high to ensure that
the feasibility information is always available and
up-to-date (in case of changes to the production
6.3 Exploring and forecasting
The order agents explore the available possibilities
to get themselves produced and select the most
suitable one. This is done in an ant colony design
(Dorigo, 2000). The main advantage of the antbased design is that individual agents are not
exposed to the complexity and dynamics of the
global situation. None of the agents need a mental map of the environment nor do these agents
communicate amongst themselves about the environment. Also the communication is carried out
in a very robust way by means of an evaporaterefresh mechanism.
The exploring function works as follows. Each
order agent creates ants (mobile agents) and sends
them downstream through the system along possible paths which the order should follow. The ants
act in a virtual way, without actually executing
the operations. Along his path, the ant writes
information on the local blackboards about the
(lack of) success while following this solution. To
have an idea of the queuing time on the different
resources, intentions are sent through the factory.
If all intention agents have the same decision
criteria as their corresponding order agent and
the order agent is likely to follow his intention,
resource agents can calculate reliable forecasts of
their load in the near future. These load forecasts
influence the outcome of explorations by the ants
and in turn the decision process of the Order
Finding a suitable way to visualize the emulation
is very difficult. When the speed of the emulation
increases the visualization becomes less and less
realistic. And, there will be a point where the visualization is not visible anymore because the speed
of the emulation is higher than the computer’s
ability to visualize. This section briefly presents
how to utilize a flexible browser to synchronize the
visualization with the discrete event emulation.
7.1 Painters in the event calendar
Section 3.2 explains how an discrete event emulation jumps from event to event as fast as possible. Executing an operation in the discrete event
emulation takes no considerable time, but the
animation needs some time to visualize this operation. A proper way to overcome this problem may
be found in the discrete event emulation itself.
Every time the event calendar arrives at a point
where an event is inserted, all updaters are called
to calculate their new state and these states are
eventually painted in a visualisation window on
the computer screen. If a smooth visualization is
needed, the updater has to insert sufficient events,
thus ensuring that the emulation progresses in
small steps.
To separate the logic part and the visualization
part of the emulation, the event calendar is split
up into several layers. The logic layer is responsible for the starting and the stopping of the
machines. The animation layers are responsible for
inserting the animation updaters. Synchronizing
these two layers presents no difficulty because the
states reflect the reality and every updater works
only with these states.
7.2 Off-line analysis
Section 7.1 describes a way in which the emulation
may be visualized in a pure discrete event way.
The animation is provided during the simulation
run. Having only an on-line browser, which visualizes what is happening in the factory, has the
following drawbacks:
• adding or changing a K.P.I. implies running
a new simulation;
• the user may want to ’rewind’ the simulation
to examine the information more closely to
understand what is happening;
• the user may not want to sit through the
whole simulation run; more likely, s/he would
prefer to be able to jump forward to moments
when something interesting is happening.
To manage these problems an off-line browser
was developed. While simulating, all states of the
emulation entities are written into serialized objects. These objects are recallable after the simulation process. In this way the above problems
are solved. By using the analyzer, it is possible to
observe the results more intentionally and thoroughly.
In this paper, conceptual concepts like PROSA
and stigmergy are mapped on a real case. The
case represents a shop which has some special
characteristics similar to a disassembly shop. The
strength of PROSA, the ability to reflect the situation, is used to model the complex structure
of the orders, customer orders and all types of
production orders. PROSA, especially the cooperation between the product and the order agents,
tackled also the disassembly property of the shop
and the links between the different order agents
formed a nice traceable system. To overcome the
cost and time to do tests in the real system, a
simulation approach is presented which is able to
reuse the control part and where the emulation
creates new possibilities. The visualization as presented above is done in two ways, either an on line
browser to interact with the simulation and an
off line browser to analyze the simulation run in
more detail. To conclude, PROSA and stigmergy
established a flexible and traceable system able to
handle the dynamics of the system.
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