Individual Investor Trading and Stock Returns
Ron Kaniel, Gideon Saar, and Sheridan Titman*
First version: February 2004
This version: December 2006
This paper investigates the dynamic relation between net individual investor trading and
short-horizon returns for a large cross-section of NYSE stocks. The evidence indicates
that individuals tend to buy stocks following declines in the previous month and sell
following price increases. We document positive excess returns in the month following
intense buying by individuals and negative excess returns after individuals sell, which we
show is distinct from the previously shown past return or volume effects. The patterns we
document are consistent with the notion that risk-averse individuals provide liquidity to
meet institutional demand for immediacy.
* Ron Kaniel is from the Faqua School of Business, Duke University. Gideon Saar is from the Johnson
Graduate School of Management, Cornell University. Sheridan Titman is from the McCombs School of
Business, University of Texas at Austin. We wish to thank Shuming Liu for dedicated research assistance.
We are grateful for comments from an anonymous referee, Robert Battalio, Simon Gervais, John Griffin,
Larry Harris, Joel Hasbrouck, Roni Michaely, Terry Odean, Maureen O’Hara, Lei Yu and seminar (or
conference) participants at Cornell University, Duke University, INSEAD, London Business School, New
York University, Ohio State University, Rice University, University of Notre Dame, Yale University, and
the American Finance Association meetings. This research began while Saar was on leave from New York
University and held the position of Visiting Research Economist at the New York Stock Exchange. The
opinions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the members or directors of the NYSE.
For a variety of reasons, financial economists tend to view individuals and institutions
differently. In particular, while institutions are viewed as informed investors, individuals
are said to have psychological biases and are often thought of as the proverbial noise
traders in the sense of Kyle (1985) or Black (1986). One of the questions of interest to
researchers in finance is how the behavior of different investor clienteles or their
interaction in the market affects returns. In this paper we focus on the interaction between
individual investors and stock returns.
More specifically, we examine the short-horizon dynamic relation between the
buying and selling by individuals and both previous and subsequent returns using a
unique dataset that was provided to us by the NYSE. The dataset was constructed from
the NYSE's Consolidated Equity Audit Trail Data (CAUD) files that contain detailed
information on all orders that execute on the exchange. For each stock on each day we
have the aggregated volume of executed buy and sell orders of individuals that enable us
to create a measure of net individual investor trading.
We examine the extent to which intense net buying or selling by individuals in a
stock is related to the stock’s past returns and the extent to which such intense net trading
by individuals predicts future returns. Consistent with earlier studies, we find that
individuals tend to buy after prices decrease and sell after prices increase. The mean
market-adjusted return in the 20 days prior to a week of intense individual selling is
3.15%, while prior to a week of intense individual buying it is −2.47%. More
interestingly, we find that the trades of individuals can be used to forecast future returns.
Specifically, we find that stocks experience statistically significant excess returns of
0.80% in the 20 days following a week of intense buying by individuals, and –0.33%
following a week of intense individual selling.
Although this paper considers several potential explanations for this finding, the
one that best explains our findings is that the contrarian tendency of individuals leads
them to act as liquidity providers to institutions that require immediacy. Following Stoll
(1978), Grossman and Miller (1988), and Campbell, Grossman, and Wang (1993), one
can argue that institutional investors who require immediacy must offer price concessions
to induce risk-averse individuals to take the other side of their trades, and that this, in
turn, results in subsequent return reversals. This return dynamic is consistent with the
return patterns we observe during and after weeks of intense buying or selling by
individuals. We also find that the magnitude of the excess returns is greater in less liquid
stocks, which is consistent with this explanation.
Since individuals tend to buy after prices decrease and sell after prices increase,
their profits may also relate to the short-horizon return reversals first observed by
Jegadeesh (1990) and Lehmann (1990). In principle, these reversals can be due to either
illiquidity or investor overreaction. 1 If the return reversals are due to overreaction, then it
may be the case that the short-horizon excess return observed after intense net individual
trading simply reflects the fact that individuals buy after prices decrease and sell after
they increase. If this is the case, then we might expect the predictability result we
documented to diminish after controlling for past returns. Alternatively, if return
reversals arise because of illiquidity, and if the aggregate net trading of individuals
provides a better measure of the institutions’ demand for immediacy than past price
changes, then one might expect intense net individual trades to be a better predictor of
short-horizon returns than past returns.
In addition to past returns, our analysis controls for trading volume in light of
evidence that volume is related to short-horizon returns (e.g., Conrad, Hameed, and
Niden (1994), Gervais, Kaniel, and Mingelgrin (2001), and Llorente, Michaely, Saar, and
Wang (2002)). Volume can arise from shocks to investor hedging needs, private
information, or trader interest in a given stock. Since such shocks can give rise to demand
by individuals, it is possible that volume and net individual investor trading contain the
same information about future returns.
To evaluate these different possibilities, we examine the returns of portfolios
constructed from independent sorts on net individual trading, volume, and returns. In a
double-sort on net individual trading and returns we find a relation between net
individual trading and future returns but no evidence of an independent past return effect.
Sorting on net individual trading and volume shows that both variables predict returns but
they seem to contain different information. We also run multivariate regressions of
weekly returns on past returns, volume, and net individual trading. The results of these
regressions indicate that trading by individuals is a powerful predictor of future returns
that is not subsumed by either past return or past volume. Correcting for bid-ask bounce
and nonsynchronous trading causes past return to lose its predictive power in all but small
stocks; net individual trading remains a significant predictor.
Finally, we look at the question of whether the actions of individuals are
“systematic” in the sense that they affect all stocks at the same time. We conduct a
principal component analysis of net individual trading but do not find strong evidence of
correlated actions of individuals across stocks: the first principal component of this
variable explains only 1.70% of the variance over and above a simulated benchmark
created from independent data.
Our paper is part of a growing literature that examines the dynamic relation
between individual investor trading and returns. 2 The evidence on this relationship
(especially the direction of returns following individual trading) seems to differ
depending on three dimensions that distinguish the different studies: (i) the horizon of the
dynamic relation (shorter horizon, days and weeks, versus longer horizon, several months
to a couple of years), (ii) country (individual investors play different roles in the financial
markets of different countries), and (iii) the nature of the data and whether individual
investor trading is actually observed or has to be inferred. We believe that the evidence
from different countries and different horizons can be reconciled, and we devote Section
VII to a thorough discussion of the literature and how our results relate to other findings.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section describes the
sample and the unique dataset we use. Section II presents analysis of the dynamic relation
between net individual trading and returns. The investigation of short-horizon return
predictability and its relation to net individual trading is carried out in Section III.
Sections IV, V, and VI discuss interpretations of the results and provide additional
evidence on competing explanations. Section VII offers a discussion of the literature on
the dynamic relation between individual trading and returns. In particular, we relate our
results to the literature and seek to understand (or reconcile) seemingly conflicting
evidence. Section VIII looks at the question of whether the actions of individuals are
“systematic” in the sense that they affect all stocks at the same time. Section IX
I. Data and Sample
We study the trading of individuals using a dataset that was provided to us by the New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The dataset contains four years of daily buy and sell
volume of executed individual investor orders for a large cross section of NYSE stocks.
The dataset was constructed from the NYSE's Consolidated Equity Audit Trail Data
(CAUD) files that contain detailed information on all orders that execute on the
exchange, both electronic and manual (those handled by floor brokers). One of the fields
associated with each order, called Account Type, specifies whether the order comes from
an individual investor.
The Account Type designation of individual investor orders has its origins in the
aftermath of October 1987. The NYSE introduced the Individual Investor Express
Delivery Service that provides priority delivery of orders that have been identified as
individual investor orders. 3 The goal of the service is to ensure that individual investors
are not disadvantaged relative to professional investors in periods of extreme market
conditions. In order to implement the system, new Account Type categories that identify
individual investors were created in October 1988, and orders coming from individual
investors are now marked as such by their brokers (Account Type is a mandatory field a
broker has to fill for each order that is sent to the NYSE).
The Account Type field is not audited by the NYSE on an order-by-order basis. It
is reasonable to assume, however, that individual investor orders are marked as such
because designating an order as coming from an individual investor has some advantages.
At the same time, NYSE officials monitor the use of this field by brokers. Any abnormal
use of the individual investor designation in the Account Type field by a brokerage firm
is likely to draw attention, which prevents abuse of the system. We therefore believe that
the Account Type designation of individual investor orders is fairly accurate.
Our sample contains all common, domestic stocks that were traded on the NYSE
any time between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2003. The scope of our dataset is
large: $1.55 trillion of individual trading in 2,034 NYSE stocks over four years. 4 We use
the CRSP database to construct the sample, and match the stocks to the NYSE dataset by
means of ticker symbol and CUSIP. This procedure results in a sample of 2,034 stocks.
An important advantage of this dataset is that the information about daily buy and sell
volume of individual investors was created by aggregating executed orders, rather than
trades. In other words, the classification into buy and sell volume in our dataset is exact,
and we do not have to rely on classification algorithms such as the one proposed by Lee
and Ready (1991). Panel A of Table I presents summary statistics from CRSP on the
Table I
sample stocks (for the entire sample and for three size groups).
Panel B of Table I contains some summary statistics for the dataset. The weekly
dollar trading volume of individuals in the average stock is 4.3 million dollars, but it
ranges from 716 thousand dollars in small stocks to over 11 million dollars in large
stocks. 5 The average (median) trade size for an individual in our sample is $15,822
($13,243), which is somewhat larger than in Barber and Odean (2000) who report an
average trade size of $13,707 for sells and $11,205 for buys (but much smaller medians,
$5,738 and $4,988, respectively). On the other hand, the average trade size Barber and
Odean (2005) report in the sample of individuals who use a full-service broker between
1997 and 1999 is $15,209 for buys and $21,169 for sells. The larger average trade size in
their sample is consistent with ours, and may reflect a later period (closer to ours) or a
different clientele (full service versus discount broker). Panel B of Table I also shows that
the average order size of individuals is positively related to the market capitalization of
the stock: the average order size in large stocks is more than twice that in small stocks.
We should note that some brokers either sell some of their order flow (in NYSElisted stocks) to wholesalers for execution or internalize a certain portion of their clients’
orders by trading as principal against them. Since such pre-arranged trading practices
cannot be carried out on the NYSE, these trades take place on one of the regional
exchanges (or alternatively reported to the NASD) and are therefore not in our sample of
NYSE executions. For example, Schwab internalized 66% of its orders in the fourth
quarter of 2003, while Fidelity sent about 38% of its volume in NYSE-listed stocks to the
Boston Stock Exchange to be executed by its own specialist. 6 However, it is very likely
that the fraction of volume these brokers send to the NYSE consists of orders that create
an imbalance not easily matched internally. This means that imbalances in the orders of
individuals find their way to the NYSE even if some of the more balanced individual
volume is executed elsewhere. Therefore, our net individual trading measure (detailed
below) that captures imbalances in individuals’ executed orders on the NYSE probably
reflects (even if not perfectly) the individuals’ imbalances in the market as a whole.
We construct a daily measure of net individual investor trading by subtracting the
value of the shares sold by individuals from the value of shares bought, and we
standardize the measure by the average daily dollar volume. Specifically, we define Net
Individual Trading (NIT) for stock i on day t as:
NITi ,t =
Individual buy dollar volumei,t − Individual sell dollar volumei,t
Average daily dollar volume in previous yeari,t
where the denominator is the stock’s average daily dollar volume (from CRSP) for the
year ending on day t-1. 7 For most of the work in this paper on short-horizon
predictability of returns we aggregate the measure to the weekly frequency to be
compatible with prior literature.
Table II provides summary statistics on the weekly Net Individual Trading (NIT)
Table II
measure. In Panel A we observe that for the average NYSE stock in our sample, the timeseries mean of NIT during the years 2000–2003 is negative (i.e., individuals sold more
than they bought). 8 Panel B demonstrates that the time-series standard deviation of a
stock’s Net Individual Trading measure is rather large, with an average magnitude of
seven times the mean for small stocks or twice the mean for large stocks. What this
means is that although NIT is typically quite small, there are observations where NIT is
quite large. 9
Panels A and B of Table II demonstrate that the extent of imbalances in individual
trading varies over time, and can be rather large in magnitude for some stocks on some
weeks. If we were to think in terms of a representative (aggregate) individual, then most
weeks we would observe that the representative individual rebalances a bit of his or her
holdings in each stock but does not have a strong, predominant direction. Since our goal
is to look for dynamic patterns that relate the buying or selling desires of this aggregate
individual to the returns of specific stocks, it is clear that such patterns would be more
detectable if we focus on weeks when this individual is intensely buying or selling these
stocks. Therefore, in the next section we use a procedure that each week forms portfolios
of stocks that experience more intense buying or selling by individuals, and investigate
the return patterns around these occurrences.
II. Dynamic Relation between Net Individual Trading and Returns
Our goal is to look at whether intense imbalances are dynamically related to shorthorizon returns. We believe that such return patterns will manifest themselves more
clearly when one restricts the investigation to more intense imbalances. Therefore, we
used two methods by which one can place stocks every week into portfolios with intense
positive or negative imbalances. One methodology is to cross-sectionally sort every week
on the NIT measure and form decile portfolios (decile 1 is the intense selling portfolio,
10% of the stocks with the most negative NIT that week, and decile 10 is the intense
buying portfolio). By repeating this procedure every week in the sample period, we get a
time-series of the extreme portfolios that can then be examined. We carry out this
analysis as part of our robustness tests, but we chose to present in the paper the second
methodology for placing stock/weeks into intense imbalance portfolios.
The second methodology looks at each stock’s past magnitude of NIT in order to
determine whether net individual trading is “intense.” Our procedure is carried out as
follows. Each week, we put each stock into one of the ten decile portfolios by comparing
the value of NIT of the stock that week to the values of NIT of the same stock in the
previous nine weeks. If the NIT measure that week is more negative than the NIT
measures of the same stock in the previous nine weeks, the stock is put into decile 1
(most intense selling). If the NIT measure is more positive than the NIT measures of the
same stock in the previous nine weeks, the stock is put into decile 10 (most intense
buying) for that week. Note that the decile portfolios may contain different stocks on
different weeks, but the stocks in these portfolios share the characteristic that their net
individual trading is much more negative (decile 1) or much more positive (decile 10)
than the NIT these stocks experienced in the recent past. We would like to emphasize that
the measure of Net Individual Trading used in the analysis is the level of the imbalance
(and not the change in imbalance). The procedure that places stocks into portfolios just
defines a benchmark that helps us decide whether a particular NIT on a given week for a
given stock is more intense than the “normal” NIT of that stock. 10
The reason we adopt the methodology of forming deciles by comparing a stock’s
NIT each week to its own past NIT is because the impact of trading imbalances on future
prices should be related to each stock’s ability to absorb order flow. 11 This portfolio
formation procedure, similar in spirit to the methodology in Gervais, Kaniel, and
Mingelgrin (2001), has the advantage that it uses a moving window of past NIT values
and therefore is robust to a potential trend in the measure. It turns out that both
procedures yield similar findings, but we believe using own-stock past values for
determining the deciles is more appropriate for our specific goal of looking at the relation
between imbalances and returns and therefore we only present these results. 12
Panel C of Table II presents time-series summary statistics for the average NIT of
stocks in deciles 1 and 10 (intense selling and buying, respectively). The average
magnitude of the imbalance for stocks in these deciles can be rather large: 41.71% of
average daily volume when individuals sell and 20.48% when they buy. Since Panel A of
Table II shows that individuals on average sold during the sample period, the deviation of
intense buying or selling from the unconditional mean of NIT is approximately
symmetric. Comparing the summary statistics of the intense NIT portfolios with the
information for the entire sample (in panels A and B of Table II), it appears that decile
portfolios 1 and 10 tend to have average NIT values that are between one and two
standard deviations above or below their time-series means. One thing we check is
whether our portfolio formation procedure causes us to focus on a somewhat
unrepresentative set of stocks. In other words, we want to be sure that the procedure does
not always put in the extreme portfolios the same few stocks that experience consistent
buying or selling by individuals for the entire duration of the four-year sample period.
We therefore computed for each stock the fraction of weeks it is placed in the decile 1 or
decile 10 portfolios. The mean value of this fraction across the sample stocks is 0.1239
(0.1109) for decile 1 (decile 10), which suggests that we indeed achieve our goal of
looking at the majority of stocks exactly at those times when these stocks experience
more extreme imbalances. 13
Having created the time-series of portfolios with intense individual trading
imbalances, we turn to investigating the short-horizon dynamic relation between NIT and
returns. Table III presents the cumulative market-adjusted returns around intense buying
or selling by individuals. 14 We look at patterns associated with the intense selling and
buying portfolios (decile 1 and decile 10, respectively), but also for robustness we present
results for somewhat less intense trading by forming a selling portfolio from the stocks in
deciles 1 and 2, and a buying portfolio from the stocks in deciles 9 and 10. We report the
market-adjusted return during the week of intense individual imbalance, but our focus is
on the short-horizon dynamics. Therefore, market-adjusted cumulative returns are
calculated for 20, 15, 10 and 5 days before the first day or after the last day of the intense
individual trading week. The cells in the table contain the time-series means and tstatistics for each of the cumulative return measures. We use the Newey-West correction
in computing the t-statistics due to potential autocorrelation of the errors induced by
overlapping periods (especially when the cumulative return measures are for periods
longer than one week).
Table III
The first line of the table shows that intense individual selling (decile 1) follows
an increase in the prices of stocks. The mean excess return in the 20 days prior to the
selling week is 3.15%, and the mean excess return in the five days prior to that week is
1.62%. These returns are highly statistically significant. The last line of the table
describes the returns in the week prior to intense individual buying activity (decile 10).
The excess return in the 20 days prior to intense buying is –2.47%, and is highly
statistically significant. We get similar results with the less extreme portfolios (deciles 1
and 2 for selling, and deciles 9 and 10 for buying), suggesting that our findings are not
driven by outliers.
The table also reveals that there are positive excess returns following weeks with
intense net buying or selling by individuals. The portfolio of stocks in decile 10 earns
0.32% market-adjusted returns in the week after intense buying and 0.80% in the 20 days
following portfolio formation (both statistically significant). The excess return after
intense individual selling is smaller in magnitude (–0.33% after 20 days) but nonetheless
statistically significant. It is also interesting to note that excess returns during the intense
trading week have opposite signs (positive when individuals sell and negative when
individuals buy). We will return to this finding in Section V when we discuss potential
explanations for the patterns we document.
Panel B of Table III looks at the weekly excess returns (as opposed to the
cumulative excess returns) in the four weeks around intense trading by individuals. This
enables us to statistically test the hypothesis that the excess return continues to increase
(or decrease) every week. We observe that during the four weeks after intense trading by
individuals, excess returns continue to accumulate and the weekly changes are for the
most part statistically significant. This is not due to a continued abnormally large
imbalance of individual trading over that period. Figure 1 shows the NIT of decile 1 and
decile 10 stocks around the formation week. It is clear from the figure that NIT before
Figure 1
and after the formation week does not have the same magnitude but is rather much closer
to the “normal” level (which on average is negative as Table II indicates). 15
II.A. Robustness Tests
We carried out extensive robustness tests that consider how different elements of the
analysis may affect the results. First, to examine the robustness of our findings to the
portfolio formation procedure, we formed NIT deciles based on a weekly cross-sectional
sorting and replicated the analysis in Table III. The results were similar, and both the
return patterns prior to individual trading and the return predictability were statistically
Second, we examined the robustness of our results to different definitions of the
net individual trading measure. We used a non-standardized measure (without dividing
by the average volume), a measure standardized by average volume over the entire
sample period, one standardized by predicted volume from a regression model, and an
imbalance measure constructed by dividing the dollar buying each week by the sum of
dollar buying and selling by individuals. We also used several definitions of the
deviations from net individual trading by subtracting the mean over the sample period, a
moving average over the previous year, or the predicted value from a regression model.
The results using all measures were very similar, showing significant returns prior to
individual trading and return predictability following intense individual trading
Third, we examined the robustness of our results to different definitions of
returns. Specifically, we repeated the analysis with excess returns from a market model
regression, with industry-adjusted returns, with raw returns, and with returns generated
from end-of-day quote midpoints (constructed using the TAQ database). 16 All return
definitions generated similar, statistically significant results.
Lastly, we repeated the analysis with two altered samples. Since our sample
period includes a severe decline in the prices of technology stocks, we repeated our tests
excluding the technology sector. We also used a sample that excludes all stock/weeks
with dividend or earnings announcements. We found that the patterns in these subsamples were similar to those we identified in the complete sample. 17
III. Short-Horizon (Weekly) Predictability of Returns
This section examines how our evidence relates to other evidence of short-horizon return
predictability that is described in the existing literature. We first consider the Jegadeesh
(1990) and Lehmann (1990) findings on short-horizon return reversals. Given that
intense individual buying follows a month of negative returns and intense individual
selling follows a month with positive returns, it is possible that the short-horizon excess
returns we document following intense trading imbalances of individuals simply reflect
the Jegadeesh and Lehmann return reversals. We then consider the Gervais, Kaniel, and
Mingelgrin (2001) finding that volume increases predict returns. Since individual trading
imbalances may be related to trading volume, it is possible our findings linking individual
trading imbalances and future returns is related to evidence that increased trading volume
predicts returns.
III.A. Short-Term Return Reversals
To examine this issue we form 25 portfolios by independently placing stocks into five
quintiles based on their weekly return and five quintiles based on their NIT decile ranking
for the week. 18 For each portfolio we compute the market-adjusted return in the
following week. 19 Panel A of Table IV, which reports the time-series averages of the
weekly market-adjusted returns for the 25 portfolios, reveals no apparent evidence of
return reversals in our sample period when conditioning on NIT. The last two columns of
the table look at the payoffs to a trading strategy that buys quintile 5 and sells quintile 1.
If the return reversal strategy that buys the portfolio with last week’s most negative return
and sells the one with last week’s most positive return can be used to generate profits, the
payoffs in the column Q5–Q1 should be negative and significant. The table shows that
the payoffs to this strategy are not statistically different from zero in any of the NIT
quintiles. 20
Table IV
On the other hand, there is a pronounced pattern within each quintile of past
returns going from past individual selling (NIT quintile 1) to past individual buying (NIT
quintile 5). The market-adjusted return in each column of the table becomes more
positive as we go from the stocks that individuals sold the previous week to those
individuals bought. The bottom two rows of the panel provide information about the
payoffs to buying a portfolio that is comprised of stocks that experience more intense
individual buying in the previous week (NIT quintile 5) and selling those stocks
experiencing intense individual selling (NIT quintile 1) in each return quintile. All these
portfolios realize statistically significant positive payoffs, ranging from 0.24% to 0.60%
per week. 21
III.B. Trading Volume and Future Returns
We also consider the possibility that net individual trading predicts returns because of its
correlation with volume, which was shown by Gervais, Kaniel, and Mingelgrin (2001) to
predict future returns. To examine whether the NIT-return relationship is independent of
volume we repeat the analysis placing the stocks each week into five quintiles of NIT and
five quintiles of turnover. The assignment of a stock into a turnover quintile on a given
week follows the methodology in Gervias et al. and is similar in nature to the way we
assign stocks each week into NIT quintiles (the turnover of a stock on a certain week is
compared to the turnover of the same stock in the previous nine weeks). Twenty five
portfolios are formed as the intersection of the five turnover quintiles and five NIT
quintiles, and their excess returns in the following week are calculated. 22
Panel B of Table IV reveals that the information in the NIT measure is distinct
from that in turnover, and both provide independent information about future returns. In
particular, the strategy of buying the stocks in NIT quintile 5 and selling the stocks in
NIT quintile 1 produces statistically significant payoffs in each turnover column, and the
strategy of buying the stocks in turnover quintile 5 and selling those in turnover quintile 1
generates statistically significant payoffs in each NIT row.
The finding that both net trading of individual investors and turnover predict the
subsequent week’s return is especially interesting. Gervais, Kaniel, and Mingelgrin
(2001) suggest that the high-volume return premium, or the tendency of prices to increase
after periods with high turnover, is due to shocks in trader interest. If high volume attracts
investor attention to the stock, the investor recognition hypothesis (e.g., Merton (1987))
argues that the stock value would increase due to better risk sharing. It is reasonable to
assume that individual investors do not follow all the stocks all the time but may be
attracted to a certain stock after a volume shock brings media attention to it. This
reasoning suggests that conditioning on a variable that specifically measures individual
investor trading could potentially explain the high-volume return premium, leaving no
role for turnover.
Our findings, however, suggest that turnover and NIT contain different
information and neither of them subsumes the other. One possible explanation for this
result is that the short-horizon relation between net individual trading and returns is nonlinear. Since volume is an absolute value measure while NIT is a directional measure, the
non-linearity means that volume will show up significantly as well.
To examine turnover, NIT, and past returns simultaneously we estimate a series of
Fama and MacBeth (1973) regressions, where returns in week t are regressed on week t-1
returns, NIT, and turnover. 23 To be consistent with the methodology we implemented in
Section II, we use a transformation of NIT into decile ranks (the NITDecile variable). 24
Similarly, we use a transformation of turnover into decile ranks because Gervais, Kaniel,
and Mingelgrin (2001) found such a transformation of volume useful in predicting
Table V
In Panel A of Table V we use CRSP returns to be consistent with most of the
papers in the return predictability literature. In both the univariate and multivariate
regressions, the coefficients on NITDecile and TurnoverDecile are positive and highly
statistically significant, which is consistent with the findings in the last table, but the
coefficient on past return is negative and significant, which is consistent with past
literature, but seems inconsistent with the results from the portfolio sorting approach. 25 In
the separate regressions on small, mid-cap, and large stocks we observe that the
significant relation between past returns and future returns is driven entirely by the
smaller stocks.
The significant showing of past returns in the sample of small stocks prompted us
to examine the robustness of these results to two issues: bid-ask bounce and
nonsynchronous trading. 26 To eliminate the effect of bid-ask bounce we use the TAQ
database to create a return series from end-of-day quote midpoints. 27 The closing TAQ
midpoint may also mitigate the problem of non-synchronous trading. Since the specialist
keeps a binding quote in each stock and can change the quote even when there is no
trading, the quote prevailing at the close of the market presumably contains updated
pricing information even if the last trade occurred long before the close.
Panel B of Table V presents the results of the regressions with the midquote
returns. While both NIT and turnover are strongly related to future returns in the entire
sample and all subsamples, the past return effect is weaker with midquote returns. Here,
past return is not significant in the regression on the entire sample and it comes out
significant only in the small cap subsample, with a significance level that is weaker than
we observed in the regressions using CRSP returns.
The finding of no return reversals, even in a univariate specification, for mid-cap
and large stocks seems surprising given the evidence in previous studies of short-horizon
return dynamics. Since the four-year sample period we consider does not overlap with the
sample periods examined in the previous studies of weekly return reversals, we use the
same methodology to examine return reversals over four-year periods starting in 1964.
This exercise is intended to provide some insights on whether this phenomenon has
changed over time, and whether the period we study is unusual relative to the periods
considered in earlier studies.
Table VI
The results in Table VI indicate that the return reversal phenomenon has been
changing. The second column of Table VI shows a very clear trend in the estimated
mean coefficients over the past decade or so since the publication of the work by
Lehmann (1990) and Jegadeesh (1990) on the predictability of short-horizon returns.
While the magnitude of the mean coefficient on past return fluctuates throughout the
decades, it monotonically decreases from the 1988−1991 period (−0.0909) to the
2000−2003 period (−0.0229). 28 The analysis of size groups shows that the decline in the
magnitude and significance of the mean coefficient over the past decade can be found in
stocks of all sizes. Since small stocks demonstrate a higher degree of weekly return
reversal than mid-cap or large stocks, the declining trend still leaves a statistically
significant mean coefficient during our sample period, 2000−2003. The smaller
magnitude of reversals in larger stocks coupled with the declining trend over the past
decade result in non-significant mean coefficients for the mid-cap and large groups in the
most recent four-year period.
IV. Are the NIT Returns Associated with Increased Risk?
Before considering alternative explanations for the observed relation between NIT and
returns it is important to examine whether individual trading is associated with changes in
the riskiness of stocks. One possibility is that institutions sell shares to individuals when
they consider the shares too risky. Alternatively, following the logic of De Long,
Shleifer, Summers and Waldmann (1990a), one might conjecture that increased
individual trading can make stocks more volatile or riskier. In either case, the higher
returns in the weeks following an increase in NIT may simply be compensation for the
increased risk.
To examine in more detail volatility patterns around intense trading by individuals
we follow the same basic procedures that generated the numbers in Table III, but
calculate volatility rather than mean returns. We compute for each stock in each of the
four portfolios the standard deviation of daily returns in 9-day windows centered on k = –
20, –15, –10, –5, 0, +5, +10, +15, and +20 days (where day 0 is the middle of the
formation week). Since we are interested in abnormal volatility around intense individual
trading activity, we subtract from these numbers the “normal” 9-day return standard
deviation (which we compute as the average of daily return standard deviations on all
non-overlapping 9-day windows in the sample period). Table VII, which presents the
mean of these abnormal volatility measures in each NIT portfolio, tells us how volatility
of returns evolves around the intense trading of individuals.
A clear pattern emerges from the table: volatility increases prior to intense
individual activity and subsequently decreases. Take for example the volatility of returns
around intense individual selling (first line of the table, going across the columns): it is
−0.0001 below average volatility at k = –20, then increases to 0.0012 above average
volatility at k = –5, reaches 0.0018 at k = 0, and then decreases to –0.0008 by k = +20.
The next two columns test the increase of volatility from k = –20 to k = 0, which is
0.0020 and statistically significant, and the decrease of –0.0027 from k = 0 to k = +20,
again statistically significant. The last column of the table tests the more “permanent”
change in volatility, from k = –20 to k = +20, and finds no significant change. An even
greater increase in volatility (0.0033) is observed from –20 to 0 before intense buying
activity (decile 10), and most of it is subsequently reversed (–0.0023) from 0 to +20. 29
There is some evidence of a gradual decline in volatility, and at k = +5, the return
standard deviation following intense buying by individuals is still 0.0013 higher than
average, which is statistically significant. However, the magnitude of the elevated
volatility is quite small (about 10% of the average standard deviation), and volatility goes
down back to the normal level in the following week. Therefore, it seems that the
increase in volatility we observe is too small and too temporary in nature to explain the
excess returns we observe. 30
V. Individual Investors as Liquidity Providers
Up to this point we have established that there is a positive association between NIT and
future returns, that these return patterns are not subsumed by existing return patterns
observed in the literature, and that NIT does not seem to be associated with increases or
decreases in volatility.
In this section we discuss what we believe is a plausible explanation for the
finding of positive (negative) short-horizon excess returns following intense individual
buying (selling). At the outset, however, we want to emphasize that although we find that
individual investor trades contain information that can be used to forecast returns over
short horizons, this does not necessarily imply that individual investors, who have much
longer holding periods, realize abnormal returns. The question of interest to us, however,
is not whether individuals realize these excess returns but rather why we observe them.
The explanation that we find most consistent with the data is that individuals earn
a small excess return following periods of high NIT as compensation for providing
liquidity to institutions that require immediacy. Price pressure exerted by institutional
trading is consistent with both the contemporaneous pattern we observe—positive excess
return when individuals intensely sell and negative excess return when individuals
intensely buy—and with the patterns of excess return following intense individual
trading. What may be happening is that individuals sell shares when the buying pressure
from institutions pushes prices up and buy shares when the selling pressure from
institutions pushes prices down. We do not claim that individuals provide liquidity by
trading actively like dealers making two-sided markets. Rather, it could be that when
institutions trade large positions in a certain direction and start moving prices, individuals
end up taking the other side of these positions. 31
The pattern we observe whereby individuals buy when prices decline and sell
when prices increase make them natural liquidity providers irrespective of whether they
use market or limit orders. In fact, practitioners often define liquidity supplying orders as
buy orders placed when the stock price is falling and sell orders placed when the stock
price is rising. 32 We know from models of risk-averse liquidity provision like Grossman
and Miller (1988) and Campbell, Grossman, and Wang (1993) that investors who require
immediacy (e.g., institutions) must offer price concessions to induce other risk-averse
investors, in this case individuals, to take the other side of their trades. These price
concessions result in subsequent return reversals because the future cash flows of the
stock do not change, and these could be the short-horizon excess returns we find
following intense individual trading.
Note that the negative excess return after individuals sell is smaller in magnitude
than the positive excess return during the week of intense selling (the “k = 0” column in
Table III). Similarly, the positive excess return after individuals buy is smaller in
magnitude than the negative excess return during the week in which they buy. This seems
to suggest that there is a “permanent” price impact to the institutional trading activity in
addition to the “temporary” price impact that is due to risk-averse liquidity provision. Our
results are therefore consistent with studies that show how the price pressure of
institutional trading is only partially reversed subsequently (see, for example, Chan and
Lakonishok (1993, 1995), Keim and Madhavan (1997), and Campbell, Ramadorai and
Vuolteenaho (2005)). Our results are also consistent with Campbell, Ramadorai, and
Vuolteenaho (2005), who use institutional 13-F filings and trade information from TAQ
to identify institutional trading. Their results suggest that institutions demand rather than
provide liquidity, and seem particularly likely to demand liquidity when they sell stocks.
They note that our results complement theirs, and indeed the two studies document return
patterns that mirror each other using very different data sources.
If the excess returns we document following intense net individual trading
represent “compensation” for providing liquidity to institutions, we should expect to find
a larger compensation for accommodating institutional order flow in less liquid stocks.
To test this hypothesis we used the percentage effective spread (the distance of the
transaction price from the quote midpoint divided by the quote midpoint) as a proxy for
the liquidity of a stock. 33 The larger the effective spread, the greater the price movement
on trades and therefore the less liquid the stock. We sorted stocks each week according to
the average percentage effective spread and put them into three groups: small, medium,
and large. We then formed the intense buying and intense selling portfolios of individuals
separately for each spread group. We found that the excess returns are indeed larger in
less liquid stocks, especially when individuals buy: the 20-day excess return on portfolio
10 is 0.42% in the small spread group, 0.59% in the medium spread group, and 1.40% in
the large spread group. 34
There is a vast literature in market microstructure on the cost of trade execution,
but much less exists on the liquidity implications of aggregate imbalances of a specific
clientele. 35 Two studies that use trade imbalances report return reversals of similar
magnitude to ours. Chordia and Subrahmanyam (2004) look at the profitability of trading
strategies that use previous day trading imbalances signed with the Lee and Ready (1991)
algorithm. They find that return reversals in the following day (which they attribute to an
“inventory” effect or the provision of liquidity by risk-averse agents) can be used to form
a strategy that yields a statistically significant daily average return of 0.09%. Barber,
Odean, and Zhu (2005) look at imbalances of small trades signed by the Lee and Ready
(1991) algorithm and report 0.73% (–0.64%) return in the month after a week with
intense positive (negative) small-trade imbalances. 36
VI. Other Potential Explanations
Probably the most straightforward explanation for our finding of positive (negative)
short-horizon excess return following intense individual buying (selling) is that
individuals whose trades are executed on the NYSE have private information about the
fundamentals of stocks. Coval, Hirshleifer, and Shumway (2002) suggest that individual
investors are better able to exploit their private information (because they are small
relative to institutions) and look for evidence in the 1991–1996 discount broker dataset.
They document persistence in the performance of some individual investors, and while
on average individuals in their sample underperform, they document that some traders
earn 12-15 basis points per day during the following week after they trade.
Adopting such an interpretation to explain our results, however, would suggest
that individuals in the aggregate, or at least those individuals who heavily influence our
sample on weeks when there is an intense imbalance of trading, are somehow better
informed than the institutions with whom they trade. While plausible, we find this
explanation less appealing since it is unclear how individuals, who have far fewer
resources than institutions, could gain the upper hand in discovering private information
and trading on it profitably in such a wide-spread fashion. 37
Figure 2
Figure 2 shows the cumulative excess returns up to 50 days following a week with
intense individual imbalances. It seems that the magnitude of the excess returns stabilizes
starting 20 days after intense individual buying or selling. Coval, Hirshleifer, and
Shumway note that the average holding period for individuals in the 1991–1996 discount
broker sample is 378 days (301 days for traders with at least 25 trades). If this is also the
typical holding period of individuals who trade on the NYSE, then they do not trade
frequently enough to take advantage of whatever short-lived private information they
have. Another piece of evidence that seems inconsistent with the hypothesis that the
return patterns are due to individual investors trading on short-lived private information
can be seen in Table III. Prices during the intense trading week seem to go in the opposite
direction to what this hypothesis would imply: negative returns when individuals
intensely buy and positive returns when they sell. 38
Another explanation is that increased individual buying is associated with
increases in the visibility of the stocks, and that this could lead to the subsequent increase
in share prices. As we mentioned earlier, Merton (1987) suggests that increased
recognition by individual investors can lead to broader risk sharing, which can in turn
reduce required rates of return, and as a result, increase stock prices. However, Merton’s
story requires an immediate increase in share prices, as the visibility of the stock
increases, which is inconsistent with what we observe. Indeed, we find a
contemporaneous decline in stock prices in weeks in which individuals accumulate
One might also consider the possibility that the serial correlation of orderimbalances by individual investors generate our returns. This is essentially the argument
made in a recent paper by Barber, Odean and Zhu (2005), who find that an increase in
small-trade buying in week 1 is associated with high contemporaneous returns and both a
high magnitude of small-trade buying in week 2 as well as higher returns in week 2. It
should be noted that in our case, however, a positive order imbalance is associated with
negative rather than positive returns in the contemporaneous week, and the serial
correlation of the order imbalance is actually quite small.
VII. Our Results in the Context of the Literature
The literature on the trading behavior of individual investors has been evolving rapidly
and it is useful to describe how the results in this paper relate to both earlier and
contemporaneous research that examines individual trading behavior.
The first thing to note is that there is wide-spread agreement in the literature that
individuals tend to be contrarian, at least in the short-term, which is consistent with our
argument that individuals tend to supply liquidity to institutions. Choe, Kho, and Stulz
(1999) report short-horizon contrarian patterns of Korean individual investors (i.e.,
buying after prices go down and selling after prices go up), Grinblatt and Keloharju
(2000, 2001) report contrarian tendencies (both long and short-term) using Finish data,
Jackson (2003) demonstrates such short-horizon patterns using Australian data, and
Richards (2005) reports similar findings in six Asian markets. In the U.S., Goetzmann
and Massa (2002) examine individuals who invest in an index fund and find that
contrarians outnumber momentum traders two to one, and Griffin, Harris, and Topaloglu
(2003) document a short-horizon contrarian tendency of traders who submit orders in
Nasdaq stocks through a set of retail brokers. 39
There is less agreement, however, about the relation between individual trades
and future stock returns. Starting with the longer horizon (several months to two years),
Odean (1999) finds that stocks individuals buy underperform those they sell. Barber and
Odean (2000) look at the overall performance of individual portfolios and find that they
underperform the index by about 1%. Similarly, Grinblatt and Keloharju (2000) report
poor performance of individual investors at the six-month horizon in Finland. San (2005),
who infers individual trading from signed total volume by subtracting institutional
changes in 13-F filings, finds the opposite result: excess return is positive in the two years
following individual buying. Two recent papers, Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2005) and
Hvidkjaer (2005) use small-trade volume signed with the Lee and Ready (1991)
algorithm as a proxy for individual investor trading. Both papers find that stocks with
heavy small-trade buy volume underperform stocks with heavy small-trade sell volume.
The performance difference is detected up to three years in the future. 40 Barber, Odean,
and Zhu (2005) also provide some evidence on short-horizon return patterns that we
discuss below.
It should be noted that because of our limited time series we are unable to
contribute to the literature on the long-term effect of individuals’ purchases and sales.
Our focus, therefore, is on short-horizon return patterns. Looking at evidence from
outside the U.S., our results are consistent with evidence presented by Jackson (2003),
who finds that the net flows of small investors positively predict future short-horizon
returns in Australia. In contrast, Barber, Lee, Liu, and Odean (2005) find that in Taiwan,
individual investors realize small losses in the short horizon (0.17% in the first 25 days).
Similarly, Andrade, Chang, and Seasholes (2005) report that margin traders in Taiwan
(most of whom are individuals) tend to earn negative returns over short-horizons.
It may not be particularly surprising that the findings in Australia are consistent
with our results but the Taiwanese results have a different flavor. The Australian market,
like the U.S. market, is dominated by institutions, so our conjecture that individuals
provide liquidity to institutions is equally plausible in the U.S. and Australia. However,
Barber, Lee, Liu, and Odean (2005) report that 89.5% of dollar volume on the Taiwan
Stock Exchange comes from individuals, and that day trading (most of which is carried
out by individuals) is 23% of dollar volume, which suggests that this liquidity provision
story is unlikely to be applicable in Taiwan. They also show, however, that individuals
do make money from liquidity providing trades (1.06% in the first 10 days). It should
also be noted that our experimental design is somewhat different from that in Barber,
Lee, Liu, and Odean (2005), and therefore their results could potentially be consistent
with ours. They look at return patterns following all imbalances, while we focus on those
intense imbalances where individuals in the aggregate have a strong, predominant
The only paper that looked at the short-horizon dynamic relation between the
trading of individual investors in the U.S. and returns prior to our study (to the best of our
knowledge) is Griffin, Harris, and Topaloglu (2003). They found no evidence that
individual imbalances predict future daily returns. One potential explanation for the
differences in our findings is that there is a fundamental difference between the
NASDAQ stocks examined in their study and NYSE stocks we examine. Another
potential explanation is that their proxy for individual investor trading (trading through
brokers who mostly serve retail clients) may contain some noise that masks a weaker
relationship. 41
Recent evidence that is consistent with ours can be found in Barber, Odean, and
Zhu (2005). They suggest a possible reconciliation of our finding of positive (negative)
excess returns after intense buying (selling) by individual and the result in Odean (1999)
of poor longer horizon performance of individual investor trading. Using signed, small23
trade volume as a proxy for individual trading, they find similar results to ours on the
return patterns in the several weeks after heavy buying or selling by individuals. They
conclude that the pattern reverses itself subsequently, and therefore it is consistent with
the longer horizon underperformance that they document.
VIII. On the Issue of Systematic Noise
A natural question to ask of our dataset is whether the actions of individual investors on
the NYSE are “systematic” in the sense that they affect all stocks at the same time. The
importance of this issue rests in part on the suggestion of the behavioral finance literature
that, if indeed individual investors are “noise” traders, a systematic variation in their
behavior would affect expected returns. This argument is succinctly made by Lee,
Shleifer, and Thaler (1991): “If different noise traders traded randomly across assets, the
risk their sentiment would create would be diversifiable, just as the idiosyncratic
fundamental risk is diversifiable in conventional pricing models. However, if fluctuations
in the same noise trader sentiment affect many assets and are correlated across noise
traders, then the risk that these fluctuations create cannot be diversified. Like
fundamental risk, noise trader risk will be priced in equilibrium.”
Since we found a dynamic relation between net individual trading and returns on
a stock-by-stock basis, we also looked at whether the dynamic relation exists between the
value-weighted market return and a value-weighted measure of net individual trading.
We found no statistically significant patterns, suggesting that the behavior of individuals
may not be highly correlated across stocks. The lack of dynamic patterns at the market
portfolio level prompted us to carry out additional analysis.
In Table VIII we aggregate the dollar buying and selling of all individuals every
day in all NYSE common, domestic stocks and provide summary statistics on the timeseries distribution of this aggregated imbalance measure. The table demonstrates that
aggregate imbalances of individuals can be rather large in magnitude. One could think of
two different scenarios for how such large aggregate imbalances are created. First, they
could potentially reflect just a few stocks that individuals intensely buy (or sell) on a
particular day, with the rest of the stocks having more-or-less balanced individual trading.
Second, it could be that these large aggregate imbalances arise when most stocks exhibit
on the same day the same predominant direction of individual trading (either buying or
selling). Only the second scenario would suggest systematic behavior of individual
investors across stocks.
To examine this issue, we conduct a principal component analysis of the daily net
individual trading measure and look at the percentage of variance of NIT that is explained
by the first ten principal components. We construct 1,000 random sub-samples of 180
stocks each from among the stocks that have a complete set of daily returns, and look at
the mean and standard deviation of the percentage of variance across the 1,000 random
sub-samples. 42 We use simulations to generate principal components for independent
random matrices, and use these as a benchmark for evaluating the percentage of variance
explained by the principal components in the real data (details of the methodology are
provided in the Appendix). 43
Panel A of Table IX shows the results of the principal component analysis of the
Table IX
net individual trading measure and also of daily returns. We present the daily return
analysis just to provide a sense of the magnitude of co-movement observed in the cross
section of stocks. For example, 21.25% of the daily variation in returns of stocks in our
sample is explained by the first five principal components. However, the third line of the
panel shows that the percentage of variance explained by the first five principal
components of the simulated independent data is 5.33%, and therefore the difference
between these two numbers, roughly 15.92%, is a better measure of the structure in the
real data. As for NIT, we cannot find strong evidence of a common component in the
imbalances of individual investors across stocks. Indeed, the first (and largest) principal
component of NIT explains only 1.70% of the variance (adjusted using the simulated
data) compared with 12.07% for returns.
Since some papers (e.g., Lee, Shleifer, and Thaler (1991) and Kumar and Lee
(2005)) claim that “noise” trading of individuals is potentially stronger in small stocks,
we sort the sample into ten deciles according to each stock’s average market
capitalization over the sample period. 44 Panel B of Table IX presents the results. Contrary
to what one might have expected based on the above papers, the percentage of the NIT
variance explained by the first five principal components (adjusted using the simulations)
is higher for large stocks (10.31% for decile 10) than for small stocks (3.13% for decile
Our findings do not seem as strong as those of Kumar and Lee (2005) who
examine correlations among order flow imbalances of portfolios of stocks traded by
clients of a U.S. discount broker (using the 1991–1996 dataset). They find that their
measure of order flow imbalance is moderately correlated across portfolios of stocks,
concluding that there is evidence of a systematic component in retail investor trading.
They also note that the difference between their results and ours could be due to a
different research methodology, sampling frequency (daily for us versus monthly for
them), aggregation mode (individual stock imbalances here versus portfolio imbalances
there), data source, and sample period (ours is 2000–2003 while theirs is 1991–1996). It
is also interesting to note that when Kumar and Lee look at portfolios of different sizes,
the correlation becomes smaller as the size of the portfolio decreases, raising the
possibility that the relation would not be as strong at the individual stock level. This
question therefore awaits additional research. 45
IX. Conclusions
Our analysis of the trading of individual investors on the NYSE provides two important
results. First, we document that net individual trading is positively related to future shorthorizon returns: prices go up in the month after intense buying by individuals and go
down after intense selling by individuals. This is the first time such a pattern was
documented for individual investors trading in the U.S. and a large portion of the paper
investigates this pattern.
Second, we find that the predictive ability of net individual trading with respect to
returns is not subsumed by volume or the return reversal phenomenon that was
investigated in the literature. Our results seem to contrast with Subrahmanyam (2005)
who finds that net trade imbalances do not predict returns. Perhaps the net order flow of
individuals that we consider is a better measure of the demand for liquidity than the net
trade imbalance of Subrahmanyam, who uses the Lee and Ready (1991) algorithm to
indirectly infer whether trades are initiated by buyers or sellers. The Lee and Ready
algorithm establishes which party to a trade used a market order (by comparing the
transaction price to the quote midpoint), and classifies that party as a liquidity demander.
In contrast, we classify individuals as liquidity providers regardless of how they execute
their orders, which allows for very different interpretations of the data. For example,
institutions that want to move large positions might use dynamic limit order strategies
and their demand for immediacy might be accommodated by contrarian individuals who
would offer their shares with market orders. In this example, the Lee and Ready
algorithm would classify the institutions as liquidity providers and the individuals as
liquidity demanders, while we would make the opposite classification.
In general, the contrarian behavior we document of individual investors on the
NYSE seems important for understanding short-horizon return predictability. The
underlying reason for why individuals act in such a way is not well understood, and one
can find arguments in the behavioral literature supporting both contrarian tendencies
(e.g., loss aversion in Odean (1998)) as well as a tendency to buy winners (e.g., positive
feedback trading in De Long, Shleifer, Summers, and Waldmann (1990b) or attribution
bias in Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam (1998)). Whatever the reason, the
contrarian choices of individuals lead them to implicitly provide liquidity to other market
participants who demand immediacy.
In theory, the extent to which price reversals are observed depends on the risk
aversion of the liquidity providers and the amount of capital available for liquidity
provision. Suppose that individual investors are the only ones providing liquidity in the
market. If contrarian individual investors are in some sense too active relative to the
demand for immediacy, there will be an excess supply of liquidity in the market. If this is
the case, then the return pattern compensating the individuals for providing liquidity
could be overwhelmed by the (presumed) information content of the institutional order
flow, leaving no excess returns (or even excess returns going in the opposite direction).
On the other hand, if there are too few contrarian investors relative to the demand for
immediacy, then the excess returns we observe when individuals implicitly provide
liquidity could be even more pronounced.
In reality, liquidity is provided by professional traders (e.g., NYSE specialists) as
well as those individuals who buy when prices go down and sell when prices go up. One
would expect that the amount of capital that these professionals devote to their market
making activity is determined by the aggregate demand for liquidity as well as the
amount of liquidity implicitly supplied by individual investors. In equilibrium, these
professional traders will supply liquidity up to the point where their trading profits just
cover their costs. Over the past 20 years institutional trading has increased and the
importance of individual investors has declined, suggesting that there may have been a
positive shift in the demand for immediacy and a negative shift in the supply of liquidity.
If this is indeed the case, and if the amount of capital devoted to liquidity provision is
slow to adjust, then this shift could create a potential short-term profit opportunity for
those traders that provide liquidity.
The evidence in this paper is consistent with the view that a short-term liquidity
provider could have generated profits by mimicking the trades of individual investors
during our sample period. There is also anecdotal evidence suggesting that in response to
this opportunity, there has been an increase in the number of professional investors who
specialize in short-term contrarian trading strategies, and thus indirectly provide such
services. 46 Indeed, the presence of these traders may be responsible for the reduction we
document in the return reversals first observed by Jegadeesh (1990) and Lehmann (1990).
Then why don’t the strategies implemented by these short-term traders eliminate
the excess returns associated with the trading of individuals? This is a difficult question
that clearly warrants additional research. The most natural explanation is that these high
frequency strategies are quite costly to implement, so we expect to observe high pretransaction costs returns. It is also possible that the remaining return is needed to
compensate those firms for the risk associated with undertaking the liquidity-supplying
trading strategies. Moreover, it may be the case that mechanical strategies are unable to
implement the strategies implicitly implemented by individual investors. While the trades
of all market participants (including individuals) are public information, the Account
Type information identifying the orders of individual investors could not be used to
implement a trading strategy in real time because it was not publicly available during that
time period (it was not available even to the specialists who oversee trading on the NYSE
floor). Therefore, institutions could not simply use NIT to formulate their strategies, but
rather would have to base a strategy on an imperfect proxy for net individual trading.
The evidence we present suggests that understanding short-horizon return
predictability requires understanding the implicit liquidity provision of individuals as
well as the explicit liquidity provision of professional investors. In particular, liquidity
provision may be viewed as the interplay between different types of investors who
populate the market. At the very least, our work suggests that understanding the behavior
of one investor type, individuals, holds some promise for explaining observed return
Our sample consists of 2,034 stocks and 1,004 trading days. For the analysis in Panel A
of Table IX we first construct 1,000 random sub-samples of 180 stocks each from among
the stocks that have a complete set of daily returns. We perform a principal component
analysis using the Principal Axis method for each sub sample, and then compute the
mean and standard deviation across the 1,000 sub-samples of the percentage of the
variance explained by the first ten principal components. These summary statistics are
reported in the panel as “Real Mean” and “Real Std”.
The adjustment using simulations is done as follows. We construct another set of
1,000 random sub-samples of 180 stocks each. We calculate the mean and standard
deviation of the variable analyzed (say the net trading of individual investors) for each
stock in a sub-sample. We then generate an artificial time-series for each stock drawn
from a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation. We conduct a
principal component analysis on the 180 independent time-series and note the percentage
of the variance explained by the first ten principal components. We repeat this process for
each sub-sample ten times and average the percentage of the variance explained by each
principal component in order to get estimates that are less noisy. We end up with 1,000
estimates for sub-samples of simulated, independent data (reported in the table as Sim.
Mean), and look at the differences (Diff.) between the real and simulated means.
The results demonstrate the importance of considering a simulated benchmark.
For example, the first principal component in Panel A explains on average 1.11% of the
variance of the simulated, independent data. The fact that the first eigenvalue explains
considerably more than 1/180 of the variance of a 180-stock sample of randomly
generated returns is not entirely surprising. It is well known that the distribution of the
spacing x between adjacent eigenvalues of a random matrix whose elements are i.i.d
Gaussian is closely approximated by the “Wigner surmise”
P ( x ) ≈ Axe − Bx
(see, for example,
Porter (1965)). Furthermore, numerical experiments have shown that the surmise holds
for a wide range of distributions (e.g., Lehman (2001)). Therefore, the use of a simulated
benchmark aids in evaluating the strength of the structure found in the real data.
For the analysis in Panel B of Table IX we sort the sample into ten deciles
according to each stock’s average market capitalization over the sample period. We
perform a principal component analysis on each decile separately. To create the
simulated benchmark for these estimates we start by using the mean and standard
deviation of each stock to generate 500 artificial time-series drawn from the normal
distribution. We then use these simulated data to run 500 separate principal components
analyses for each decile, and we report in the table the difference between the estimate of
the percentage of variance in the real data and the mean of the 500 estimates of the
simulated data.
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Table I
Summary Statistics
The sample of stocks for the study consists of all common, domestic stocks that were traded on the NYSE at any time
between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2003 with records in the CRSP database. We use ticker symbol and CUSIP to
match the stocks to a special dataset containing daily aggregated buying and selling volume of individuals that was
provided to us by the NYSE. There are 2,034 stocks in our sample. In Panel A we provide summary statistics from the
CRSP database. For each stock we compute the following time-series measures: AvgCap is the average monthly market
capitalization over the sample period; AvgPrc is the average daily closing price; AvgTurn is the average weekly turnover
(number of shares traded divided by the number of shares outstanding); AvgVol is the average weekly dollar volume; and
StdRet is the standard deviation of weekly returns. We then sort the stocks by market capitalization into ten deciles, and
form three size groups: small stocks (deciles 1, 2, 3, and 4), mid-cap stocks (deciles 5, 6, and 7), and large stocks (deciles 8,
9, and 10). The cross-sectional mean and median of these measures are presented for the entire sample and separately for
the three size groups. In Panel B we compute from the NYSE dataset the following time-series measures for each stock: the
average weekly Dollar Volume, defined as the sum of executed buy and sell orders, the average weekly Share Volume, and
the Executed Order Size of individual investors in terms of both dollars and shares.
Panel A: Summary Statistics of Sample Stocks (from CRSP)
Small stocks
Mid-Cap stocks Mean
Large stocks
All stocks
(in million $)
(in $)
(in %) (in million $)
Panel B: Summary Statistics of Individual Trading from the NYSE Dataset
Small stocks
Mid-Cap stocks Mean
Large stocks
All stocks
Individuals Individuals Individuals Individuals
Order Size Order Size
(1000s $)
(in %)
Table II
Summary Statistics of Individuals’ Trading Imbalances
The sample of stocks for the study consists of all common, domestic stocks that were traded on the NYSE at any time
between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2003 with records in the CRSP database. We use ticker symbol and CUSIP to
match the stocks to a special dataset containing daily aggregated buying and selling volume of individuals that was
provided to us by the NYSE. There are 2,034 stocks in our sample. NITt for a stock on week t is defined as the dollar
volume bought by individuals minus the dollar volume sold by individuals (both obtained from the NYSE), divided by a
moving average of past one-year average dollar volume (from CRSP). In Panel A we compute the time-series means of NIT
for each stock over the four-year sample period. We then sort stocks into five size quintiles according to average market
capitalization (from CRSP), and present cross-sectional summary statistics of the stocks’ NIT for the five size quintiles. In
Panel B we compute the time-series standard deviation of NIT of each stock over the sample period and present crosssectional summary statistics for the five size quintiles. Panel C presents summary statistics of NIT in weekly portfolios of
stocks that experience intense buying or selling by individuals. For each week in the sample period, we use the previous
nine weeks to form NIT deciles. Each stock is put into one of ten deciles according to the value of NIT in the current week
relative to its value in the previous nine weeks. Decile 1 contains the stocks with the most intense selling (negative NIT)
while decile 10 contains the stocks with the most intense buying (positive NIT). For each decile, we compute the average
NIT for the stocks in the portfolio. We present time-series summary statistics of the average NIT in deciles 1 and 10 for the
entire sample and separately for the three size groups.
Panel A: Cross-Sectional Distribution of Stocks’ Average NIT
Size Quintiles
Q1 (small stocks)
Q5 (large stocks)
Std. Dev.
Panel B: Cross-Sectional Distribution of Stocks’ Standard Deviation of NIT
Size Quintiles
Q1 (small stocks)
Q5 (large stocks)
Std. Dev.
Panel C: Summary Statistics of NIT in Portfolios of Intense Buying or Selling by Individuals
Std. Dev.
Intense Selling
(decile 1)
All stocks
Small stocks
Mid-Cap stocks
Large stocks
Intense Buying
(decile 10)
All stocks
Small stocks
Mid-Cap stocks
Large stocks
Table III
Returns around Intense Individual Trading
This table presents analysis of market-adjusted returns around intense buying and selling activity of individuals as given by the net individual trading measure
(NIT). For each week in the sample period, we use the previous nine weeks to form NIT deciles. Each stock is put into one of ten deciles according to the value
of NIT in the current week relative to its value in the previous nine weeks. Decile 1 contains the stocks with the most intense selling (negative NIT) while decile
10 contains the stocks with the most intense buying (positive NIT). We present the results for four portfolios: (i) decile 1, (ii) deciles 1 and 2, (iii) deciles 9 and
10, and (iv) decile 10. Let k be the number of days prior to or following portfolio formation each week. In Panel A, we calculate eight cumulative return numbers
for each of the stocks in a portfolio: CR(t-k,t-1) where k∈{20, 15, 10, 5} days and t is the first day of the formation week, and CR(t+1,t+k) where k∈{5, 10, 15,
20} days and t is the last day of the formation week. The return on each portfolio is then adjusted by subtracting the return on a market proxy (the equal-weighted
portfolio of all stocks in the sample). We present the time-series mean and t-statistic for each market-adjusted cumulative return measure and for the marketadjusted return during the intense trading week (“k = 0”). In Panel B, we present the time-series mean and t-statistics for weekly market-adjusted returns in the
four weeks around the formation week (i.e., CR(t-k,t-k+4) where k∈{20, 15, 10, 5} days and t is the first day of the formation week, and CR(t+k-4,t+k) where
k∈{5, 10, 15, 20} days and t is the last day of the formation week). ** indicates significance at the 1% level and * indicates significance at the 5% level (both
against a two-sided alternative). The t-statistic is computed using the Newey-West correction.
Panel A: Cumulative Market-Adjusted Returns around Intense Individual Trading
Intense Selling
(decile 1)
(deciles 1&2)
(deciles 9&10)
Intense Buying
(decile 10)
k = −20
k = −15
k = −10
K = −5
k = +5
k = +10
K = +15
k = +20
k = +5
k = +10
k = +15
k = +20
Panel B: Weekly Market-Adjusted Returns around Intense Individual Trading
Intense Selling
(decile 1)
(deciles 1&2)
(deciles 9&10)
Intense Buying
(decile 10)
k = −20
k = −15
k = −10
k = −5
Table IV
Return Predictability: Portfolio Sorting Approach
This table presents analysis of weekly return predictability conditional on the previous week’s return (Panel
A) or turnover (Panel B) and the net individual trading measure (NIT). For each week in the sample period,
we use the previous nine weeks to form NIT quintiles. Each stock is put into one of the five quintiles
according to the value of NIT in the current week relative to its value in the previous nine weeks (where
quintile 1 has stocks with more negative NIT, or more selling, and quintile 5 has stocks with more positive
NIT, or more buying). In Panel A, each week in the sample period stocks are also sorted on return and put
into five quintiles (quintile 1 has stocks with the most negative return and quintile 5 has stocks with the
most positive return). We then form 25 portfolios as the intersection of the five return quintiles and five
NIT quintiles, and compute for each portfolio the market-adjusted return in the week following the
formation week. We present the time-series mean return for each of the 25 portfolios sorted by return and
net individual trading. The last two rows of the panel give the payoff to the strategy of buying NIT quintile
5 and selling NIT quintile 1, and the last two columns of the panel give the payoff to the strategy of buying
return quintile 5 and selling return quintile 1. Panel B presents similar analysis except that we place stocks
in portfolios based on past turnover (rather than past return) and past NIT. The construction of the 25
portfolios is analogous to the one in Panel A, and the last two columns of the panel give the payoff to the
strategy of buying turnover quintile 5 and selling turnover quintile 1. ** indicates significance at the 1%
level and * indicates significance at the 5% level (both against a two-sided alternative). The t-statistic is
computed using the Newey-West correction.
Panel A: Weekly Return Predictability using Past Return and NIT
Q1 (<0)
Q5 (>0)
Q1 (<0)
Q5 (>0)
Panel B: Weekly Return Predictability using Past Turnover and NIT
Q1 (<0)
Q5 (>0)
Q1 (low)
0.0029** 0.0035**
Q5 (high)
Table V
Return Predictability: Fama-MacBeth Approach
This table presents a regression analysis of short-horizon (weekly) return predictability. The dependent
variable is weekly return, Return(t+1), and the independent variables are an intercept, Return(t),
NITDecile(t), and TurnoverDecile(t). The TurnoverDecile variable is from Gervais, Kaniel, and Mingelgrin
(2001). It classifies the weekly turnover (number of shares traded over the number of shares outstanding)
into ten deciles by comparing it to the same stock’s turnover in the previous nine weeks. The net individual
trading (NIT) measure is described in Section I, and the NITDecile variable is constructed in a similar
fashion to TurnoverDecile. We implement a Fama-MacBeth methodology for the regressions: (i) a crosssectional regression is performed for each week in the sample period, and (ii) test statistics are based on the
time-series of the coefficient estimates. We present the mean coefficient from the weekly regressions, and
use the Newey-West correction for the standard errors to compute the t-statistics. In Panel A we use CRSP
returns, while in Panel B we compute returns using end-of-day quote midpoints from the TAQ database. **
indicates significance at the 1% level and * indicates significance at the 5% level (both against a two-sided
Panel A: CRSP Returns
Size Groups
All Stocks
Small Stocks
Large Stocks
Panel B: Midquote Returns from the TAQ Database
Size Groups
All Stocks
Small Stocks
Large Stocks
Table VI
Return Predictability: Historical Trends
This table presents an investigation of historical trends in short-horizon (weekly) return predictability with
past return as the predictive variable. The dependent variable is weekly return (from CRSP), Return(t+1),
and the independent variables are an intercept and Return(t). We implement a Fama-MacBeth methodology
for the regressions: (i) a cross-sectional regression is performed for each week in the sample period, and (ii)
test statistics are based on the time-series of the coefficient estimates. We present the mean coefficient from
the weekly regressions, and use the Newey-West correction for the standard errors to compute the tstatistics. Since our main analysis (e.g., Table V) uses four years of data (2000–2003), we examine
historical trends by running the regressions on non-overlapping four-year periods going back from 2003 to
the beginning of data availability in CRSP. The table presents regression results for all stocks and by size
groups. We sort stocks according to market capitalization into ten deciles, and define deciles 1, 2, 3, and 4
as small stocks, deciles 5, 6, and 7 as mid-cap stocks, and deciles 8, 9, and 10 as large stocks. ** indicates
significance at the 1% level and * indicates significance at the 5% level (both against a two-sided
All Stocks
Small Stocks
Mid-Cap Stocks
Large Stocks
1964 –
1968 –
1972 –
1976 –
1980 –
1984 –
1988 –
1992 –
1996 –
2000 –
Table VII
Return Volatility around Individual Trading
This table presents analysis of daily standard deviation of returns around intense buying and selling activity of individuals as given by the net individual trading measure
(NIT). For each week in the sample period, we use the previous nine weeks to form NIT deciles. Each stock is put into one of ten deciles according to the value of NIT
in the current week relative to its value in the previous nine weeks. Decile 1 contains the stocks with the most intense selling (negative NIT) while decile 10 contains the
stocks with the most intense buying (positive NIT). We present the results for four portfolios: (i) decile 1, (ii) deciles 1 and 2, (iii) deciles 9 and 10, and (iv) decile 10.
For each stock and each week, we calculate the standard deviation of daily returns in a 9-day window centered on day k∈{-20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20}, where k = 0
is the middle of the formation week. We subtract from these numbers the “normal” 9-day return standard deviation (which we compute as the average of daily return
standard deviations on all non-overlapping 9-day windows in the sample period). Every week we calculate the average of these standard deviations across all the stocks
in each of the four portfolios. Each cell in the table contains the time-series mean for each portfolio and a t-statistic testing the hypothesis of a zero mean. The last three
columns provide the differences in standard deviations from k = −20 to k = 0, k = 0 to k = +20, and k = −20 to k = +20, with t-statistics testing the hypothesis of zero
differences. ** indicates significance at the 1% level and * indicates significance at the 5% level (both against a two-sided alternative).
k = −20
to k = 0
k = 0 to
k = +20
k = −20
k = −15
k = −10
k = −5
k = +5
k = +10
k = +15
k = +20
Intense Selling
(decile 1)
(deciles 1&2)
(deciles 9&10)
Intense Buying
(decile 10)
k = −20
to k=+20
Table VIII
Summary Statistics of the Aggregate Net Individual Trading Measure
The sample of stocks for the study consists of all common, domestic stocks that were traded on the NYSE
at any time between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2003 with records in the CRSP database. We use
ticker symbol and CUSIP to match the stocks to a special dataset containing daily aggregated buying and
selling volume of individuals that was provided to us by the NYSE. There are 2,034 stocks in our sample.
Stocks are sorted by market capitalization and put into three groups: small (deciles 1, 2, 3, and 4), mid-cap
(deciles 5, 6, and 7), and large (deciles 8, 9, and 10). For each size group and for the entire market we
compute the dollar imbalance of individuals aggregated across all stocks in the group, and provide timeseries summary statistics for this dollar imbalance measure.
Entire Sample
Small stocks
Mid-Cap stocks
Large stocks
Std. Dev.
(million $) (million $) (million $) (million $) (million $) (million $) (million $)
Table IX
Principal Component Analysis
This table presents a principal component analysis of returns and the net individual trading measure (NIT)
at the daily frequency. Panel A reports the results of a principal component analysis of 1,000 sub-samples
of 180 stocks each (since we have more stocks in our sample than days in the sample period). We perform a
principal component analysis on each sub-sample, and report the mean (Real Mean) and standard deviation
(Real Std.) across sub-samples of the percentage of the variance explained by the first 10 principal
components. We then construct 1,000 additional 180-stock random sub-samples. We compute for each
stock the mean and standard deviation of the variable of interest (say NIT) and generate an artificial timeseries for each stock drawn from a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation. We
perform a principal component analysis on the simulated data of each sub-sample, and report the mean
(Sim. Mean) across sub-samples of the percentage of the variance explained by the first 10 principal
components. We then report the difference in the percentage of the variance explained by the different
principal components (PC1, PC2, sum of PC1-5, sum of PC1-10) between the real data and the simulated
data. Panel B reports the results of a principal component analysis of NIT done separately on each size
decile. We sort the stocks according to average market capitalization over the sample period into 10
deciles. We perform a principal component analysis on each decile and report the percentage of the
variance explained by both the first 5 and the first 10 principal components (PC1-5 and PC1-10,
respectively). We then use the mean and standard deviation of each stock to generate 500 artificial timeseries drawn from the normal distribution to form 500 independent sub-samples for each decile. We
perform a principal component analysis on each sub-sample and save the mean across the sub-samples of
the percentage of the variance explained by the first 5 and 10 principal components. We then report the
difference in the percentage of the variance explained by the principal components between the real data
and the simulated data.
Panel A: Percentage of Variance Explained by Principal Components (1000 random samples of 180 stocks)
Real Mean
Real Std.
Sim. Mean
Real Mean
Real Std.
Sim. Mean
Panel B: Percentage of Variance of NIT Explained by Principal Components (size deciles)
Figure 1
NIT around Intense Individual Trading
This figure presents the Net Individual Trading (NIT) measure of stocks before, during, and after they
experience weeks with intense buying and selling activity of individuals. For each week in the sample
period, we use the previous nine weeks to form NIT deciles. Each stock is put into one of ten deciles
according to the value of NIT in the current week relative to its value in the previous nine weeks. Decile 1
contains the stocks with the most intense selling (negative NIT) while decile 10 contains the stocks with the
most intense buying (positive NIT). Let k be the number of days prior to or following portfolio formation
each week. The figures show the average NIT measure of the stocks in decile 1 and 10 during the intense
trading week as well as their average NIT in the four weeks around the formation week (i.e., CR(t-k,t-k+4)
where k∈{20, 15, 10, 5} days and t is the first day of the formation week, and CR(t+k-4,t+k) where k∈{5,
10, 15, 20} days and t is the last day of the formation week).
Decile 1
Decile 10
Figure 2
Returns Following Intense Individual Trading
This figure presents cumulative market-adjusted returns following weeks with intense buying and selling
activity of individuals as given by the net individual trading measure (NIT). For each week in the sample
period, we use the previous nine weeks to form NIT deciles. Each stock is put into one of ten deciles
according to the value of NIT in the current week relative to its value in the previous nine weeks. Decile 1
contains the stocks with the most intense selling (negative NIT) while decile 10 contains the stocks with the
most intense buying (positive NIT). We present the results for four portfolios: (i) decile 1, (ii) deciles 1 and
2, (iii) deciles 9 and 10, and (iv) decile 10. We calculate cumulative return numbers for each of the stocks
in a portfolio: CR(t+1,t+k) where t is the last day of the portfolio formation week and k is the number of
days in the cumulative return calculation. The return on each portfolio is then adjusted by subtracting the
return on a market proxy (the equal-weighted portfolio of all stocks in the sample).
Cumulative Returns
Decile 1
Decile 10
Decile 1&2
Decile 9&10
Jegadeesh (1990) and Lehmann (1990) both discuss the possibility of overreaction. Lehmann (1990) also
suggests that frictions in liquidity provision may explain the weekly reversals and Jegadeesh and Titman
(1995), who examine the relation between return reversals and bid-ask spreads, provide evidence that is
consistent with a liquidity explanation for daily reversals. More recently, Subrahmanyam (2005) finds no
relation between past trade imbalances signed using the Lee and Ready (1991) algorithm and future returns,
which is inconsistent with the liquidity explanation in a theoretical model he develops to distinguish
between illiquidity and overreaction.
See, for example, Odean (1998, 1999), Choe, Kho, and Stulz (1999), Barber and Odean (2000, 2001, 2005),
Grinblatt and Keloharju (2000, 2001), Coval, Hirshleifer, and Sumway (2002), Goetzmann and Massa (2002),
Griffin, Harris, and Topaloglu (2003), Jackson (2003), Andrade, Chang, and Seasholes (2005), Barber, Lee,
Liu, and Odean (2005), Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2005), Hvidkjaer (2005), Richards (2005), and San (2005).
The service is activated when the Dow Jones Industrial Average moves more than a certain amount up or
down from the previous day's close. When the Individual Investor Express Delivery Service was introduced
in October 1988, the threshold was a 25-point move from the previous day’s close.
In comparison, Odean (1998, 1999) has $1.1 billion of trading by individual clients of a certain discount
broker during a seven-year period (1987–1993). Barber and Odean (2000, 2001), Coval, Hirshleifer, and
Shumway (2002), and Kumar and Lee (2005) use a different sample with $24.3 billion of individual trading
from one discount broker over six years (1991–1996). Barber and Odean (2005) study another dataset
(clients of a full-service retail broker) with data from 1997 to 1999 and individual investor transactions
totaling $128 billion.
The reason we provide summary statistics at the weekly frequency is that most of our analysis is done at
that frequency to be compatible with the literature on short-horizon return predictability.
These figures are taken from an article by Kate Kelly in the Wall Street Journal (“SEC Overhaul Could
Topple Best-Price Rule,” March 5, 2004).
For example, to compute the denominator for February 3, 2000 (for a certain stock) we average the daily
dollar volume over all trading days from February 3, 1999 to February 2, 2000.
Note that the time-series mean of weekly NIT is rather small in magnitude, with a median across stocks of
between -0.0318 and -0.0659 for the different size quintiles. In dollar terms, the medians for the size
quintiles (from small to large) are: -$5,835, -83,751, -$209,456, -$436,242, and -$1,417,285.
The first-order autocorrelation of the NIT measure is positive and seems to be somewhat lower for smaller
stocks (0.2082) than for larger stocks (0.2825).
To have an idea of the dollar magnitude of the intense imbalances of individuals, we computed the
average dollar imbalance of the stocks in each decile portfolio. The time-series mean of the average dollar
imbalance for the decile 1 (decile 10) portfolio is –$3,061,250 ($1,190,945), and the standard deviation is
$1,153,572 ($744,578).
Subrahmanyam (2005) makes a similar point stating that inventory control effects predict a downward
pressure on the price of a stock in the absolute rather than the relative (cross-sectional) sense.
The dynamic patterns we find are a bit stronger when we implement the cross-sectional sorting
procedure. These results are available from the authors upon request.
We also computed the faction of stocks in decile 1 (or decile 10) in week t that were also placed in the
same decile in week t+1. The time-series average of this fraction is 0.1939 (0.1652) for decile 1 (decile 10),
which is a bit smaller than the first-order autocorrelation of NIT reported in footnote 9.
We use the equal-weighted portfolio of all stocks in the sample as a proxy for the market portfolio. To
create the cumulative returns of the market portfolio, say over a 20-day period, we first compute for each
stock the cumulative (raw) return over the relevant 20-day period. The average of these returns across the
stocks in the sample is what we define as the return on the equal-weighted market portfolio.
The excess return does not continue to significantly increase beyond four weeks. In Section VI, when we
discuss potential explanations of this pattern, we provide additional evidence on what happens after four
For industry-adjusted returns we used a classification into ten industry portfolios (based on four-digit SIC
codes) made available by Kenneth French. The specification of the ten industry portfolios can be obtained
The questions of how individuals trade around earnings announcements and whether their trading can
explain known return patterns around corporate events (such as the drift) are of independent interest (see,
for example, Lee (1992), Nofsinger (2001), Hirshleifer, Myers, Myres, and Teoh (2003), Frieder (2004),
Shanthikumar (2004), and Vieru, Perttunen, Schadewitz (2005)). We are currently pursuing an
investigation of these questions in a separate paper due to the breadth of the issues associated with such an
As in Section II, every week a stock is assigned a separate decile ranking by comparing its NIT on that
week to its NIT in the previous nine weeks.
We examined the robustness of our findings to different definitions of returns by repeating the analysis
using market-model-adjusted returns, industry-adjusted returns, raw returns, and returns computed from
end-of-day quote midpoints (as in Section II). Our conclusions from all these return definitions were the
We use the Newey-West correction in the computation of the t-statistics.
The payoffs are in terms of percentage of dollar invested in the long position of this zero-investment
We computed the correlation between the NIT ranks and the turnover ranks for each stock. The mean
correlation across the stocks in the sample is –0.055 and the standard deviation is 0.1782. This relatively
low correlation means that the independent sorting procedure results in a reasonable number of stocks in
each of the 25 portfolios.
Specifically, a cross-sectional regression is performed for each week in the sample period. Then, we
construct test statistics based on the time-series of the estimated coefficients (using the Newey-West
correction for the standard errors).
For robustness, we also ran the regressions using NIT, rather then the NIT decile ranks, as the
independent variable. This specification is similar in spirit to the cross-sectional robustness tests that we
conducted in Section II. The results were similar in that the mean coefficient on NIT was positive and
statistically significant in all the models (univariate and multivariate).
While the mean coefficient on past return is much larger in magnitude than the mean coefficients on
NITDecile and TurnoverDecile, the past return effect is in fact much smaller than the NIT or volume
effects. To see this note that the magnitude of a typical weekly return is in the order of 10−2, which means
that its effect on future returns (after multiplying by the regression coefficient) is in the order of 10−4. In
contrast, the mean of the decile rank variable used for NITDecile (or TurnoverDecile) is about 5.5, which
means that the effects of NIT and volume on future returns are in the order of 10−3.
Conrad, Gultekin, and Kaul (1997) claim that a large portion of the documented weekly return reversal
can be explained by bid-ask bounce. Lo and MacKinlay (1990) present a framework where non-trading
induces negative serial correlation in the returns of individual stocks. While their simulations show that the
impact of non-trading on short-horizon returns of individual stocks is negligible, it can still contribute to the
significant coefficient that we find on past returns.
Since the quality of intraday data in TAQ may not be as high as the quality of the CRSP data, if the
absolute value of the difference between the TAQ return and the CRSP return is greater than 15%, we set
the TAQ return to a missing value for the purpose of the regressions.
One possible explanation for the decrease in magnitude of the reversals since the beginning of the 1990s
is the decrease in bid-ask spreads over that period that would result in less bid-ask bounce.
We also tested the hypothesis that the increase in volatility before a week of intense trading is equal to
the decrease in volatility afterwards, and could not reject it at conventional significance levels.
In addition to examining changes in volatility we examined changes in the betas and conducted a similar
analysis to that in Table VII using the beta of stocks (with respect to the value-weighted index) instead of
the standard deviation of returns. As in Table VII, there was no statistically significant change between the
betas computed at k = –20 and at k = +20.
Institutional investors often seek to acquire or dispose of large positions in a stock and therefore the
impact of their trading on market prices can be significant. Furthermore, when different portfolio managers
chase after the same alpha (i.e., correlated trading strategies) the price impact of their trading can be further
amplified. The investment style of portfolio managers and their motivation for the change in position often
determine the demand for immediacy of execution and, in turn, the price impact of trading (see, for
example, Wagner and Edwards (1993), Chan and Lakonishok (1995), and Keim and Madhavan (1997)).
See, for example, Wagner and Edwards (1993).
The percentage effective spread measure is constructed using the TAQ database.
In light of the literature on the relation between liquidity and expected returns, one could argue that sorting
on spread is basically sorting on a stock characteristic that could be priced. As such, the result of higher
excess returns following purchases by individuals in the high effective spread group could mean that
individuals buy riskier stocks. We therefore computed excess returns by subtracting the return on a portfolio
of stocks with similar spreads as opposed to subtracting the return on the proxy for the market. For example,
the excess return on the intense buying portfolio in the small spread group is its raw return minus the return
on the entire small spread group.
The market microstructure literature often looks at more basic units of liquidity demand (e.g., trades) and
quantifies the compensation for liquidity provision using a measure such as the realized spread (the reversal
from the trade price to a post-trade benchmark price). Due to the aggregate nature of the daily data we
obtained from the NYSE, however, we cannot relate our results directly to those studies.
Campbell, Grossman, and Wang (1993) use another approach to demonstrate return reversals due to
liquidity provision. They regress the current return on past daily volume (signed by the past return) and find
a significant negative coefficient. This approach is also used in Pástor and Stambaugh (2003).
It is possible that the orders executed on the NYSE come from relatively sophisticated individual
investors. In other words, it could be that the distribution across individuals in our dataset is different from
the one in the dataset of the discount broker’s clients, and that more individuals in our dataset are like the
skillful individuals that Coval, Hirshleifer, and Shumway document. One piece of evidence inconsistent
with this explanation, however, comes from Jones and Lipson (2004) who also use NYSE proprietary
order-level data. They find that orders coming from individuals have smaller permanent price impacts
relative to institutional orders, suggesting that individuals have less private information than institutions
about stocks’ fundamentals.
We thank the referee for pointing out this simple test of the short-lived private information hypothesis.
San (2005) does not have data that identifies individuals. She creates a proxy for net individual trading
by signing total volume and subtracting from it changes in institutional holdings. She finds that prices
decline in the two years prior to individual buying. Bailey, Kumar, and Ng (2004), who examine a sample
from a discount broker (1991 to 1996), find that U.S. individuals who invest abroad also exhibit contrarian
behavior (relative to the foreign country’s stock index).
The advantage of using signed, small-trade volume to proxy for individual investor trading is that a long
time-series can be constructed (both papers utilize a sample period that starts in 1983). The disadvantage is
that small-trade volume may not just come from individuals. Lee and Radhakrishna (2000) use three
months of NYSE data (similar to ours) and show that this proxy worked reasonably well in 1990. However,
Hvidkjaer (2005) notes that in the final years of his sample (that ends in 2004) small trade volume increases
markedly, and it no longer seems to be negatively related to changes in institutional holdings. The bulk of
the increase in small trading is probably coming from institutions that split orders into small trades.
Campbell, Ramadorai, and Vuolteenahu (2005) reach the same conclusion when looking at the relation
between changes in institutional holdings and small trade volume. In fact, their methodology finds that
trades below $2000 are more likely to come from institutions than from individuals. While signed, smalltrade volume is probably a reasonable proxy for individual investor trading over a large portion of the
sample used in Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2005) and Hvidkjaer (2005), Hvidkjaer notes that this proxy may
be a poor one in the future.
The dataset used by Griffin, Harris, and Topaloglu does not provide information on whether certain
trades or orders come from individuals. However, they observe an identifier that tells them something about
the broker or the venue of execution (i.e., they can separate institutional brokers, wirehouses, ECNs,
regional firms, wholesalers, small firms, and regional exchanges). Griffin, Harris, and Topaloglu classify
the order flow of all ECNs (except Instinet), regional firms, wholesalers, and the Chicago Stock Exchange
as order flow coming from individuals. Each small firm is classified depending on the executed order size
of the majority of its orders (if most orders are small, all the order flow of that firm is classified as coming
from individuals).
We chose 180 stocks as the size of a sub-sample because it is approximately a tenth of the number of
stocks, and is therefore roughly comparable to the number of stocks in a size decile. We present the
principal component analysis of size deciles later in this section.
We use simulations to create a benchmark because any arbitrary decision on the size of the sub-samples
affects the estimates. For example, the percentage of the variance explained by the first principal
component is at least 1% in a 100-stock sub-sample because each stock contributes one unit of variance to
the analysis. The simulated benchmark helps us determine whether the structure observed in the data is
really there, as opposed to being generated by our particular choices or simply by chance (see Freedman
and Lane (1983)).
Each decile contains less than 200 stocks, and therefore we do not need to draw random sub-samples to
analyze the data. Nonetheless, we still need to adjust the estimates using simulations of independent,
normally-distributed data (details are provided in the Appendix).
Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2003) do not focus on the correlation in individual trading across many stocks,
but they show that clients of two different brokers tend to trade the same stocks at the same time. They also
show temporal persistence in that if individuals are buying a stock one month they are more likely to be
buying it the following month as well.
For example, Automated Trading Desk (ATD) is one of the firms that pioneered the use of computerized
expert systems applied to liquidity provision. While currently they also work on an agency basis for
institutional investors, their core competency has been proprietary limit-order strategies that provide
liquidity to the market and profit from short-term price movements. ATD’s trading in 2003 accounted for
about 5% of Nasdaq volume and more than 2% of the volume in listed stocks. It is also interesting to note
that there has been a tremendous drive for consolidation among NYSE specialist firms in the past 15 years.
The number of specialist firms trading NYSE common stocks declined from 52 in 1989 to seven in 2004.
One argument made to support these consolidations was that liquidity will be enhanced by having bettercapitalized market making firms.