Published online 15 June 2015
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14 6847–6859
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv591
Chromatin and extracellular vesicle associated sperm
Graham D. Johnson1 , Paula Mackie2 , Meritxell Jodar1,3 , Sergey Moskovtsev2,4 and Stephen
A. Krawetz1,3,*
Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201, USA,
CReATe Fertility Centre, Toronto, ON, M5G 1N8, Canada, 3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201, USA and 4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of
Toronto, ON, M5G 1E2, Canada
Received November 7, 2014; Revised May 16, 2015; Accepted May 23, 2015
A diverse pool of RNAs remain encapsulated within
the transcriptionally silent spermatozoon despite the
dramatic reduction in cellular and nuclear volume following cytoplasm/nucleoplasm expulsion. The impact of this pronounced restructuring on the distribution of transcripts inside the sperm essentially
remains unknown. To define their compartmentalization, total RNA >100 nt was extracted from sonicated (SS) mouse spermatozoa and detergent demembranated sucrose gradient fractionated (Cs/Tx)
sperm heads. Sperm RNAs predominately localized
toward the periphery. The corresponding distribution of transcripts and thus localization and complexity were then inferred by RNA-seq. Interestingly,
the number of annotated RNAs in the CsTx sperm
heads exhibiting reduced peripheral enrichment was
restricted. However this included Cabyr, the calciumbinding tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated protein
encoded transcript. It is present in murine zygotes
prior to the maternal to the zygotic transition yet
absent in oocytes, consistent with the delivery of
internally positioned sperm-borne RNAs to the embryo. In comparison, transcripts enriched in sonicated sperm contributed to the mitochondria and
exosomes along with several nuclear transcripts including the metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (Malat1) and several small nucleolar RNAs. Their preferential peripheral localization
suggests that chromatin remodeling during spermiogenesis is not limited to nucleoproteins as part of the
nucleoprotein exchange.
Following spermatogenesis the mature male gamete remains in a transcriptionally and translationally quiescent
state yet harbors a unique population of RNAs (1–4). Many
of these transcripts possess a clearly deined role during
spermatogenesis providing a rich source for the discovery
of male fertility biomarkers (5). Still other sperm RNAs
await functional assignment. Notably, these sequences in
sperm may not require translation to be of functional importance within the cell or following fertilization (6,7). Regardless of their coding potential attributing function to
sperm RNAs has been complicated by a poor understanding of basic principles governing these transcripts including
their cellular localization. Some RNAs likely remain bound
to protein chaperones as ribonucleoprotein particles that
are observed following their transcription in round spermatids (8,9). Yet, others, may complex with the paternal
chromatin (10,11). Nevertheless, assigning functional roles
to all sperm transcripts necessitates understanding their cellular localization.
Various studies have used luorescence in situ hybridization to establish the presence of speciic RNAs within the
context of the spermatozoon (12,13). However, localizing
an internally positioned target within the mature sperm
head is challenging due to the extreme compaction of this
structure. The stability of proteins relative to RNAs offers greater lexibility in their immunological localization
as chemical agents can be employed to increase penetrance
and thereby the chance of detection (14). However, microscopy is not conducive to identifying the major sites of
sperm RNA compartmentalization in a high-throughput
As illustrated in Figure 1, the extra-nuclear and intranuclear compartments provide at least two sites within the
limited volume of the sperm head that should be capable of
harboring RNA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis
of others has shown that speciic transcripts are lost when
sperm nuclei are demembranated (15). This is consistent
* To
whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 313 577 6770; Fax: +1 313 577 8554; Email:
[email protected]
C The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
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6848 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14
Figure 1. Potential sites of RNA localization in sperm. RNAs extracted from sonicated sperm (SS) can localize to three generalized compartments: (i)
Mitochondria; (ii) extra-nuclear compartment that includes the plasma membrane, the acrosome and associated membranes; (iii) the intra-nuclear compartment which includes the nucleus, the nuclear envelope and the perinuclear theca. Fractionation and demembranation produces a population of sperm
heads that remain associated with the perinuclear theca but lack the extra-nuclear compartment as well as the mitochondrial sheath and tail. RNA-seq
analyses of transcripts extracted from SS or Cs/TX heads were used to identify compartment speciic patterns of RNA enrichment.
with previous detergent based sperm puriication methods
which are expected to compromise membranes, impacting
RNA-seq proiles (16).
Fractionation of nuclei and subsequent isolation and
analysis by RNA-seq is a routine procedure in somatic
cells (17) but has yet to be attempted in sperm. To discern the global pattern of transcript compartmentalization in mouse spermatozoa, total RNA was extracted from
sonicated sperm (SS) and detergent demembranated gradient fractionated (Cs/TX) sperm heads. RNA quantiication
demonstrated that the majority of RNA in sperm is associated with the peripheral membranes which are lost following treatment with detergent. To identify sperm transcripts that exhibited preferential enrichment within the
intra- or extra-nuclear compartments (Figure 1) RNAs extracted from SS and Cs/TX sperm heads were subjected to
RNA-seq analysis. The Cs/TX heads exhibited suppressed
coverage of annotated RNAs supporting their general depletion from the nucleus and perinuclear theca and localization within the outer sperm membranes. As expected and
observed by RNA-seq, transcripts enriched in these samples displayed a reduced peripheral enrichment when evaluated by RT-PCR and included RNAs associated with the
cytoskeleton and spermatogenesis. In comparison, within
the SS samples, RNA-seq analysis highlighted a set of preferentially extra-nuclear localized RNAs, many of which are
associated with extracellular vesicles. This association was
supported by a cross-species comparison of the mouse and
human homologs enriched in the sperm extra-nuclear compartment and exosomes recovered from semen. These re-
sults contribute to the growing evidence for the presence of
exosomes on the surfaces of the male gamete (18–24). Additional classes of RNAs also appeared to be associated with
the outer sperm membranes including nuclear-encoded mitochondrial transcripts and some nuclear RNAs. Their
preferential peripheral localization suggests that chromatin
remodeling during spermiogenesis is not limited to nucleoproteins as described in the following.
Sonicated and Cs/Tx sperm head preparation and RNA extraction
Sperm fractions were prepared and RNAs extracted essentially as described (Figure 1;25,26,27). In brief, mature spermatozoa from transgenic line HP3.1 (28) were isolated from
cauda epididymides and vas deferens harvested from individual four month old transgenic mice on ice into 50 mM
Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, buffer. The cells were washed twice following iltration through an 80 micron mesh, resuspended
in 0.5 ml 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, buffer and subjected
to sonication with a TekMar TM-50 sonic disruptor (TekMar, Cincinnati, OH, USA) at 70% maximum output for 2
min on ice to separate heads from tails and to lyse potential cellular contaminants. The sonicated sperm suspension
was washed twice and 1 – 5 × 107 sperm per sample were diluted to a volume of 7.5 ml in 1 M sucrose buffered with 50
mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, containing 5 mM MgCl2 . A triplestep gradient was prepared by overlaying diluted samples
onto cushions consisting of 2 M sucrose buffered with 50
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14 6849
mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, containing 5 mM MgCl2 and 0.45
g/ml CsCl buffered with 25 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, buffer
containing 0.5% Triton X-100. Sperm heads were recovered
by ultracentrifugation at 75 600 × rcf for 45 min at 4◦ C
and subsequently washed twice with 25 mM Tris–HCl, pH
7.4, buffer containing 0.5% Triton X-100. Following resuspension in 0.5 ml RLT, a guanidine-thiocyanate lysis buffer
(Qiagen) supplemented with 1.5% -mercaptoethanol (Amresco), 0.2 mm stainless steel beads were added to the samples and the Cs/TX sperm heads mechanically lysed with a
Disruptor Genie (Scientiic Industries, Inc., Bohemia, NY,
USA). After the addition of an equal volume of Qiazol (Qiagen) nucleic acids were recovered using the RNeasy system (Qiagen). Following sonication and washing sonicated
sperm RNAs were equivalently extracted. Total RNAs were
DNased (Turbo DNase, Ambion) and subsequently subjected to RT-PCR with intron-spanning primers to Prm2
(Supplementary Dataset 1; 28).
Isolation of RNA from human sperm and seminal vesicles
Normozoospermic semen (WHO 2010) was collected from
healthy donors with proven fertility by masturbation after
2–5 days of sexual abstinence. Following analysis excess semen was stored at −80◦ C. Samples were thawed at room
temperature for 20 min and exosomes were isolated from
the seminal luid by differential centrifugation at 4◦ C as follows: 3,000 rcf for 10 min to pellet sperm fraction which
was stored at −80◦ C, followed by 12,000 rcf for 45 min to
pellet cellular debris and larger vesicles. The supernatant
was centrifuged at 110,000 rcf (Beckman Coulter Optimax
MLA-13 rotor) for 70 min. The resulting exosomal pellet was washed with 1 ml Phosphate buffered saline (Dulbecco’s Phopshate Buffered saline), pelleted again at 110
000 rcf for 70 min and stored at −80◦ C until RNA extraction. The sperm pellet was thawed and processed through
a 50% PureSperm (Nidacon) cushion prior to RNA extraction. Exosomal and sperm RNA-seq libraries were prepared as outlined below.
Transmission electron microscopy
Aliquots of SS and Cs/TX murine sperm were subjected to
transmission electron microscopy at the Microscopy Imaging Laboratory (University of Toronto, ON, USA) using
standard protocols. Briely, cells were pelleted by centrifugation, ixed in a 4% paraformaldehyde with 1% glutaraldehyde buffered with 0.1 M sodium phosphate monobasic
buffer (NaH2 PO4 ), pH 7.2, at 4◦ C and subsequently postixed with 1% osmium tetroxide buffered with 0.1 M sodium
phosphate dibasic buffer (Na2 HPO4 ), pH 7.2, for 1 h. Dehydration of the cells was achieved with a series of increasing concentrations of ethanol to allow for iniltration of the
Epon embedding resin. The resin was sectioned on an ultramicrotome (Leica) and transferred to a copper transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) grid. Reynolds lead citrate and
5% uranyl acetate was used for contrast staining and micrographs were taken on a Hitachi H 7000 at 75 Kv (25uA
beam current) using an AMT XR-60 digital camera.
Sequencing library preparation and analysis
Stock synthetic spike-in External RNA Controls Consortium ERCC (ERCC) RNAs (Invitrogen) were diluted 1:10
000 and pooled with 5 ng of total sperm RNAs prior
to reverse transcription and ampliication using the Seqplex system (Sigma; 29). Pre-ampliied cDNA libraries were
subjected to sequencing library construction (DNA UltraLow, NEB) followed by 50 cycles of paired-end sequencing
on the Illumina Hi-Seq 2500 platform. Sequencing reads
were aligned simultaneously to the mouse genome assembly Mm10 in addition to the ERCC FASTA sequences with
Tophat2 (version 2.0.12; 30) using the following parameters: tophat2 -r 30 –mate-std-dev50 –no-coverage-search
-G genes.gtf. Novel transcript structures were assembled
using Cuflinks (version 2.1.1; 31) after removal of PCRduplicates with Picard tools (
Assembled transcripts exceeding twice the average fragment
length (135 bp) were combined with UCSC gene annotations (Mm10).
Preliminary analysis of aligned sequencing reads was carried out with the Samtools (version 0.1.19; 32) and Bedtools
(version v2.19.1–2; 33) suites. Ranked predicted fold change
and RPKM values for enrichment analyzes were calculated using uniquely aligned reads and the GFold package
(34). A lower limit of detection was determined by analysis of ERCC coverage. Log normalized ERCC RPKM values were well correlated across samples (r2 > 0.90; Supplementary Figure S1) demonstrating that inter-sample comparisons of RNAs exceeding 116 RPKM were reliable. To
derive enrichment predictions the Cs/TX samples were independently compared to the SS sample and the intersection of transcripts with an absolute GFold value greater
than zero and a RPKM value exceeding the ERCC cutoff were considered for RT-PCR validation. Differential enrichment analysis of the human ejaculate exosomes and human sperm RNA-seq samples as well as mouse embryo and
oocyte analyses were performed with both with the HT-Seq
and DEseq2 software packages (35–37) as well as GFold
Plots and browser graphics were generated using the ggplot2 R package and the UCSC genome browser, respectively. Ontological analyzes were performed using GOrilla
and associations presented as False Discovery Rate corrected q-values (39). A hypergeometric probability function
in R was used to assess the likelihood of overlap observed
between sperm datasets and nuclear encoded mitochondrial
transcripts taken from the Mitocarta database (40) and human ejaculate RNA-seq datasets.
Genomic coordinates of repeat elements were retrieved
from the Repeat Master track of the UCSC genome browser
and analyzed with Bedtools. To determine the relative coverage of repeat families unmapped and multiply-mapped
reads were aligned to the rodent RepBase v19.0 repeat sequences (41). Following alignment the number of uniquely
aligned sequencing reads corresponding to each repeat family was summed and those values combined with those obtained from the initial unique alignments from the same
sample. Estimates of subfamily abundance of sperm LINEs
were determined by equivalently subsampling and aligning
FASTQ iles to canonical sequences for each of the actively
6850 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14
transcribed mouse LINE elements retrieved from RepBase
(42). Only uniquely aligned sequencing reads were considered.
RT-PCR validation
Samples (n = 6) used for RT-PCR validation of the RNAseq results were isolated as above with minor changes.
Sonicated and washed sperm from a single mouse were
counted on a hemocytometer and split into two equal
aliquots. Subsequently sperm were either subjected to ultracentrifugation through a triple-step gradient or left on
ice prior to nucleic acid extraction. SS and Cs/TX pellets were divided into two aliquots and used for separate RNA and DNA extractions. Prior to RNA extraction
sperm samples were lyzed with RLT buffer supplemented
with 1.5% -mercaptoethanol and Qiazol as above and following disruption with 0.2 mm stainless steel beads stored
at −80◦ C. Sperm pellets were digested with proteinaseK in the presence of -mercaptoethanol and DNAs recovered by phenol–chloroform extraction with phase-lock
tubes (5Prime) followed by ethanol precipitation with linear acrylamide. DNAs were quantiied with Picogreen (Invitrogen) and used to equilibrate the stored RNA extractions with respect to sperm concentration per volume of
lysate. For each individual animal equal volumes of the SS
and Cs/TX lysate were passed through the RNeasy column
such that RNA was recovered from equivalent number of
match sonicated and demembranated sperm heads. Subsequently, eluted RNAs were DNased as above prior to quantiication with Ribogreen (Invitrogen). First-strand cDNA
was synthesized using equal volumes of total RNA with
the addition of 1 l of diluted ERCC, (1:1000), 40 units of
RNase Block (Agilent), 100 ng of random primers (Invitrogen) and the Superscript III kit (Invitrogen). Diluted SS
and Cs/TX cDNA products were analyzed in parallel triplicate reactions by real-time PCR using Hot-Star Taq Polymerase system (Qiagen) and 0.5 mM of each forward and
reverse oligonucleotide primer (Supplemntary Datatset 1)
for 50 cycles. Delta-Ct values are calculated as follows: Ct
= Ct Cs/TX − Ct SS .
Isolation of compartmentalized RNAs
The highly condensed mature spermatozoon possesses distinct structural features and organelles that may harbor sitespeciic populations of RNAs. To elucidate whether patterns of RNA retention vary between the peripheral structures contained in the extra-nuclear compartment of the
gamete and those found within the intra-nuclear compartment, sperm samples were briely sonicated and aliquots
subjected to gradient fractionation in the presence of detergent. Electron microscopy conirmed the separation of
sperm heads and tails following sonication as well as the
absence of contaminating cell types (Figure 2). Despite the
absence of an intact acrosome the sonicated sperm (SS)
heads retained the inner acrosomal membrane (IAM) as
well as portions of the outer acrosomal membrane (OAM;
43). Ultracentrifugation of the SS heads through a sucrose
cesium chloride step gradient and detergent demembranation produced sperm heads (Cs/TX) free of tail and mitochondrial sheath remnants. In addition, the Cs/TX heads
lacked all peripheral membranes while retaining the perinuclear theca. This network of cytosolic and nuclear proteins
attaches the inner acrosomal membrane to the nuclear envelope and is resistant to extraction with both ionic and
non-ionic detergents such as Triton X-100 used in this study
Isolation of RNAs from SS and Cs/TX heads demonstrated that the long RNA fraction (>100 nt) in sperm is
largely peripherally localized (Figure 3). Considering the
RNA recovered from Cs/TX sperm head fraction, 61.45%
of the 87 femtograms of RNA retained in each spermatozoon must be found within the membranes removed during
isolation of the nucleus and perinuclear theca (Figures 1 and
2). This supports prior work demonstrating that treatment
with detergents alters the transcript proile of the sperm cell
(16). Resolution of whether the RNAs recovered from the
Cs/TX heads reside within the nucleus and/or the perinuclear theca remains a technical challenge. To better understand patterns of transcript localization throughout the
male gamete RNA from the SS and Cs/TX sperm heads
was subjected to RNA-seq analysis.
Library characteristics
Mitochondrial encoded transcripts. The eficacy of the
sample fractionation established by microscopy was conirmed by the reduced sequencing coverage of the mitochondrial genome in the Cs/TX sperm heads (Figure 4A). In
contrast, the SS heads exhibited a 10-fold enrichment in
coverage of mitochondrial RNAs corresponding to >7%
of all uniquely aligning reads. This value is within the
range (3.5–36%) observed in other mouse sperm RNA-seq
datasets (3,4,45) indicative of signiicant differences in sample and library preparation that has been resolved (16).
Ribosomal RNAs. In addition to a greater proportion of
mitochondrial transcripts, the SS heads possessed greater
amounts of ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs, Figure 4A). Together these transcripts and their associated pseudogenes
constituted 28 and 17% of all unique sequencing reads in
the SS and Cs/TX libraries, respectively, even though unlike other cell types, sperm rRNAs are fragmented (46,47).
It is not obvious why the ribosomal transcripts persist at elevated levels in both sperm fractions. Within the SS samples
the elevated levels of rRNA relect the additional contribution of membrane-associated ribosomal transcripts in addition to those retained following isolation of the Cs/TX
sperm head structures (Figures 1 and 2). The abundance
of the rRNAs in SS relative to demembranated Cs/TX
samples may relect entrapment of cytoplasmic constituents
during condensation and concurrent membrane restructuring and/or be acquired from or maintained in external structures such as membrane-bound extracellular vesicles. These structures have been observed in vivo in physical
association with spermatozoa (18,21,23,24). Unlike cytoplasmic droplets which are osmotically sensitive structures
formed by maturing spermatids as they expel their cytoplasm and often lost during routine sperm processing (48),
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14 6851
Figure 2. Cs/TX fractionated sperm heads lack peripheral membranes. (A and B) Sonication separates the tail from the sperm head while preserving the
outer membrane structures. Fragments of the sperm tail (PP) and mitochondrial sheath (MS) are observed following sonication whereas potential somatic
contaminants are not. (C and D) Fractionation through a sucrose–cesium chloride gradient in the presence of Triton X-100 enriches a population of sperm
heads free from tail and mitochondrial remnants. The Cs/TX sperm nucleus remains surrounded by the perinuclear theca (PT) as evidenced by the dorsal
tip (DT) and ventral spur (VS) structures but lacks the peripheral membranes observed in the sonicated sample. Dashed boxes in (A and C) (Magniication
× 12 000; scale bar = 500 nm) are presented at higher magniication in (B and D) (Magniication × 50 000; scale bar = 100 nm). Equatorial segment (ES);
inner acrosomal membrane (IAM); mitochondrial sheath (MS); nucleus (N); outer acrosomal membrane (OAM); perinuclear theca (PT) postacrosomal
sheath of the PT (PAS-PT), principle piece (PP) of the sperm tail; subacrosomal layer of the PT (SAL-PT).
sperm-bound exosomes fuse with the gamete (22). Further
support that the elevated levels of ribosomal transcripts in
the SS cells relative to that observed in the Cs/TX heads
may result from the packaging of these sequences in extracellular vesicles is the recent observation that this class of
RNA is the most abundant observed in exosomes retrieved
from human semen (20).
Greater than 17% of the uniquely aligned reads in the
Cs/TX RNA-seq libraries corresponded to the ribosomal
transcripts. Considering that rRNAs are not commonly observed in somatic nuclear RNA (17) and in the absence of
evidence for their translocation into the nucleus these transcripts are presumed to be intimately associated with but
likely outside of the highly condensed nucleus. In this manner these fragmented transcripts might persist within partially assembled ribosomes as has been observed in cytoplasmic droplets (46). The abundance of the rRNAs and
their associated proteins would suggest that they are not
6852 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14
Figure 3. The majority of the RNA retained in sperm is localized to the
sperm periphery. RNAs were quantiied after recovery from equal numbers of sperm heads from the same animal (n = 9) following sonication
and Cs/TX fractionation. The SS cells contained signiicantly more RNA
than matched Cs/TX heads (P = 0.007, two-tailed paired t-test). After accounting for the presence of the intra-nuclear compartment within each SS
sperm cell ∼53.47 fg of RNA is associated within the peripheral structures
of the extra-nuclear compartment. Center lines show the medians (87.03
and 33.56 fg of RNA per sperm head, SS and Cs/TX, respectively); box
limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by R software;
whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th
percentiles, outliers are represented by dots and represent matched SS and
Cs/TX samples from the same animal.
completely expelled during the inal stages of spermiogenesis. This may lead to the sequestration of the translational
machinery within the perinuclear theca as has been observed in proteomic analysis of detergent-treated sperm nuclei (49). As these proteins are not known to contribute to
this cytoskeletal nucleus-acrosomal interface they may be
passively retained along with bound rRNAs through prior
association. Whether this mechanism resolves other RNA
associations within the sperm nucleus (15) remains to be established.
ERCC control RNAs. To determine a lower limit of detection synthetic ERCC (External RNA Controls Consortium) RNAs were added in equal amounts to all samples
prior to cDNA synthesis. Coverage of the control transcripts was highly correlated across all samples (r2 > 0.90;
Supplementary Figure S1) while their absolute levels varied between fractionation methods. Of all uniquely aligning
sequencing reads approximately, 25% Cs/TX and 16% SS
sperm head reads corresponded to the ERCC transcripts in
the RNA-seq libraries, respectively. The increased representation of these synthetic sequences in the Cs/TX sequencing
libraries was likely a consequence of the reduced availability of biological and or accessible RNA templates following
the loss of the outer sperm membranes. Supporting this observation the Cs/TX heads exhibited a 10% increase in the
percentage of reads aligned to the nuclear genome with a
concomitant decrease in coverage of annotated regions relative to the SS heads (Figure 4B). This is reminiscent of the
observation that the use of detergents to remove somatic cell
contaminants from human sperm negatively impacts transcript levels compared to samples puriied by other means
(16). Representation of intronic sequences were equivalently
suppressed in all libraries (Figure 4B) relecting the cessa-
Figure 4. Sequencing coverage and enrichment in annotated regions vary
between the SS and Cs/TX sperm heads. (A) RNAs extracted from SS or
Cs/TX samples were subjected to RNA-seq. Following alignment the percentage of uniquely aligned sequencing reads attributed to speciic classes
of sequences was determined. The largest contribution of alignments in
both the Cs/TX and SS RNA-seq libraries corresponded to the nuclear
genome in a treatment dependent manner. Coverage of the rRNAs and
the ERCC control RNAs in libraries also varied by preparation. The reduced sequencing coverage of the mitochondrial genome in the Cs/TX
sperm heads conirmed the eficacy of the sample fractionation. (B) SS
cells exhibited a greater enrichment of uniquely aligned sequencing reads
in exonic regions (coding and non-coding) relative to that observed for the
Cs/TX samples. Fold enrichment values for uniquely aligned sequencing
reads within exons, introns and intragenic regions are presented for SS
and Cs/TX RNA-seq libraries. Enrichment was determined by dividing
the percentage of genomic bases in an element class by the percentage of
unique sequencing reads aligned to that class.
tion of nascent RNA production prior to nuclear condensation.
Identiication of putative SS and Cs/TX enriched transcripts
Mature spermatozoa possess a unique morphology and a
comparatively small quantity of RNA. These limitations required that sonicated sperm containing nuclei surrounded
by perinuclear theca be compared to the demembranated
Cs/TX heads rather than independently sampling compartments as can be accomplished for somatic cells (17).
By mass, ∼39% of the RNA within a sonicated sperm
cell can be attributed to the structures contained within a
Cs/TX head (perinuclear theca and nucleus; Figures 1 and
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14 6853
2). Therefore transcripts enriched within the more external regions of the spermatozoon will be diluted by RNAs
present within the mitochondrial sheath, the perinuclear
theca and nucleus, reducing their representation when resolved by RNA-seq. Consequently, the sampling methods
employed herein are expected to under- and over-report putative externally (SS) and internally (Cs/TX) localized transcripts, respectively. In addition, the limited data suggested
an alternative to standard differential expression analysis
pipelines was necessary to identify patterns of RNA localization within the mature spermatozoon. Accordingly,
GFold was used to rank transcripts by the posterior distribution of their normalized expression values and candidate transcripts putatively enriched within either the SS or
Cs/TX heads were selected for downstream RT-PCR analysis.
The GFOLD analysis identiied a total of 308 transcripts
that were preferentially enriched in the Cs/TX RNA-seq libraries. Together this set of RNAs included 184 annotated
and 116 novel transcripts as well as all ERCC control transcripts exceeding the minimum threshold of detection (Supplementary Dataset 2). Ontological analysis of the annotated RNAs enriched in these samples identiied terms related to spermatogenesis and cytoskeleton (Supplementary
Dataset 3). Within this set of RNAs, the Prm1 transcript,
as well as Erich2 and Fam71e2 (formerly 4933404M02Rik
and 4930401F20Rik, respectively), were previously identiied within the mouse sperm nucleus by RT-PCR though
their preferential localization within the gamete could not
be inferred from that study (15). As expected fewer transcripts were predicted to be enriched in the SS RNA-seq
libraries relative to the Cs/TX heads (n = 152; Supplementary Dataset 4). This set of putatively enriched sonicated
sperm RNAs included many nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein mRNAs (n = 20; P < 1.9 × 10−20 ; Figure 5B).
These RNAs comprised 17% of the transcripts enriched in
the SS RNA-seq libraries and only 2% of the Cs/TX enriched RNAs (n = 4; 40). This association was supported
by ontological analysis of the predicted SS RNAs which
revealed terms related to cytochrome-c oxidase activity
and the mitochondrial membrane (Supplementary Dataset
5). Together this likely represents the evolutionarily conserved shuttling of cytosolic ribosomes bound with nuclearencoded mitochondrial mRNAs to the surface of the mitochondria prior to condensation (50–52). These transcripts
are expected to be lost along with the mitochondrial sheath
and proximal structures during fractionation of the Cs/TX
Additional ontological categories were also signiicantly
associated with the RNAs enriched in the SS sample. These
included terms related to exosomes (q < 1.05 × 10−9 ;
Supplementary Dataset 5). The enrichment of exosomalassociated RNAs in the SS RNA-seq libraries supports
prior observations that the outer sperm membranes are associated with extracellular vesicles. This set of transcripts
includes guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein),
gamma 5 (Gng5; Figure 5A) for which both the RNA and
protein products have been observed in exosomes recovered
from multiple tissues in human and mouse (53–55). Interestingly, of the 42 SS enriched transcripts associated with
the exosome ontological category, only three were present
above background in both Cs/TX samples. This set of SS
RNAs exhibited a median fold increase of 5.9 (range =
2.6 – 192.9) relative to the Cs/TX samples demonstrating
that these transcripts are externally localized relative to the
perinuclear theca and nucleus and therefore may be delivered to the gamete by exosomes and incorporated during
epididymal maturation or within the vas deferens. Further,
>45% of all mouse homologs enriched in the SS RNA-seq
library were also differentially expressed in human ejaculate exosomes relative to sperm collected from the same semen samples (P < 6.4 × 10−19 , hypergeometric probability
test; Supplementary Figure S2). By comparison only 8% of
the RNAs predicted to be enriched in the Cs/TX libraries
were signiicantly enriched in the human exosome dataset
(P > 0.8). The depletion of these transcripts following exposure to Triton-X100 relects the loss of external sperm membranes that serve as sites of exosome attachment and likely
harbor RNAs some of which may possess an origin other
than sperm (19). To some extent this resolves the exosomal
RNA concentration abundance question (56).
To test the proposed link between the detection of exosomal RNAs and the presence of external sperm membranes
GFold was used to identify transcripts predicted to be differentially enriched in either the SS sample or in a previously published mouse sperm RNA-seq dataset prepared
following detergent incubation (4). Differentially expressed
human ejaculate exosome homologs were present in the set
of SS enriched RNAs at levels signiicantly exceeding that
expected by chance (P < 1.2 × 10−26 , hypergeometric probability test). This relationship was not observed in the detergent treated sperm (P = 0.99). Similarly the human exosome homologs enriched in the SS sample were present at elevated levels (P < 2.2 × 10−16 , Mann–Whitney U-test; Supplementary Figure S3) and exhibited a stronger ontological
enrichment in exosome associated terms than their counterparts enriched in the detergent treated sample (q < 3.83 ×
10−49 and q < 3.84 × 10−16 , respectively). Analogous to the
Cs/TX sperm head fractionation used in the current study,
detergent treatment (4) would have been expected to produce a sperm nucleus surrounded by the perinuclear theca
at the expense of external membranes. Since these external
structures harbor the majority of spermatozoal RNA in addition to serving as the site of exosome attachment their loss
would be expected.
Several of the SS transcripts included well known somatic nuclear RNAs such as Small Nucleolar RNAs,
H/ACA Box (Snora23, Snora52, Snora81), Small Cajal
Body-Speciic RNA 13 (Scarna13) and the long non-coding
RNA (lncRNA) metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (Malat1; Figure 5C). The persistence
of an elevated level of Malat1 in all sperm samples and
its extra-nuclear enrichment can be ascribed to the presence of a triple helix structure at its 3′ end which stabilizes the transcript (57). Association of this nuclear RNA
with more external regions of the spermatozoon suggests
Malat1, Snora RNAs, Scarna13 and potentially other ncRNAs are expelled along with the nucleoplasm during condensation. Bereft of a nucleous or Cajal bodies these transcripts appear as if they may not be essential to the mature
male gamete or the next generation (15). However, the retention of a minor pool of nuclear-associated Malat1 tran-
6854 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14
Figure 5. RNAs representative of speciic cellular functions and organelles are enriched within the peripheral sperm membranes. Coverage of uniquely
aligned sequencing reads are presented for three transcripts on the UCSC genome browser. Reads per million uniquely aligned reads (RPM) are presented
on the Y-axis for each sample with the maximum value corresponding to that observed in the sonicated sample (SS) for each RNA panel. The direction of
transcription is depicted by arrows. (A) Cox6x is nuclear-encoded mitochondrial transcript. (B) The Gng5 RNA and corresponding membrane-associated
G protein product are enriched in exosomes from several tissues and species. (C) Malat1 is a conserved long non-coding RNA that is enriched at active
loci and within paraspeckles where it recruits splicing factors.
scripts (Figure 5C) may result from the direct interaction
of these lncRNAs with regions of the sperm genome which
remain in a ‘poised’ chromatin coniguration (58–61) and
clariication is being actively pursued.
A series of oligonucleotide primers were designed to validate patterns of preferential transcript compartmentalization in sperm by RT-PCR. RNAs from individual mice (n
= 6) were extracted from equal numbers of SS or Cs/TX
sperm heads and reverse transcribed with random primers.
The addition of ERCC RNAs to the irst-strand synthesis
reaction served as a loading and synthesis control (Figure
6A). Although the fold-changes estimated from the RNAseq datasets and delta-Ct values were well correlated (r2 =
0.86; Figure 6B) all transcripts queried were found to be enriched in the sonicated sperm samples suggesting that globally, RNAs are peripherally localized in the mature male
gamete (Figure 2) consistent with mass distribution. This
included the irst and third most enriched protein-coding
transcripts in the Cs/TX RNA-seq libraries, Ankyrin repeat
and MYND domain containing 1 (Ankmy1) and ecotropic
viral integration site 5-like (Evi5l; Supplementary Dataset
2). However, the RNAs predicted by GFold to be enriched
in the Cs/TX heads exhibited signiicantly reduced deltaCt values compared to those observed for the set of transcripts predicted to be enriched in the sonicated sperm (P
< 0.004, Mann–Whitney U-test; Figure 6C). These results
suggest that while the majority of RNA within the mature
spermatozoon can be localized to the periphery of the cell
their relative proportions vary between transcripts as some
are expected to be differentially retained within the intranuclear compartment. On one hand, the relative depletion
of Malat1 and Snora81 RNAs (Table 1) from the Cs/TX
samples predicts that in the male gamete these transcripts
are unlikely to contribute to nuclear organization in a manner reminiscent of that observed in somatic cells. On the
other hand, some Malat1 remains within the Cs/TX heads
and may be suficient to contribute to the packaging of the
limited number of histone-associated promoters present in
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14 6855
Figure 6. RT-PCR validation of peripheral sperm RNA enrichment. (A) To validate patterns of transcript enrichment predicted by RNA-seq RNAs from
individual mice (n = 6) were extracted from equal numbers of sonicated or Cs/TX sperm heads and subjected to RT-PCR analysis. The transcript encoding
lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2 (Lamp2) is enriched in sonicated sperm indicating the preferential localization of this RNA within the outer
sperm membranes. ERCC spike-in RNAs served as a loading control an exhibited no preferential enrichment. (B) Estimated RNA-seq fold-changes and
delta-Ct values were well correlated (r2 = 0.86). Transcripts exceeding the RPKM threshold (>116 RPKM; Supplementary Figure S1) and predicted by
RNA-seq to be enriched in the extra- or intra-nuclear fractions are presented as solid circles or triangles, respectively. Lamp2 and NADH dehydrogenase
[ubiquinone] 1 subunit C1 (Ndufc1) partitioned to the extra-nuclear fraction but did not exceed the threshold (∼85 RPKM in SS) and are presented as
open circles. (C) Transcripts predicted by RNA-seq to be enriched in the SS samples (n = 6) exhibited signiicantly greater delta-Ct values (P = 0.004,
Mann–Whitney U-test) than transcripts predicted to be enriched in the Cs/TX heads (n = 5). Center lines show the median delta-Ct values of the SS- and
Cs/TX-predictions from RNA-seq (9.23 and 3.72, respectively); box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by R software; whiskers
extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots.
sperm chromatin (60,61). Alternatively, other RNAs such as
the repetitive RNAs may participate in packaging the paternal genome (Supplementary Tables SI, SII).
Repetitive RNAs in mouse sperm
Retained repetitive RNAs are of particular interest as they
may contribute to nuclear structure as has been observed
in somatic cells or may participate in genome confrontation
and consolidation observed in plants and animals whereby
parental genome compatibility is ensured (5,62). To better
understand the role and abundance of these RNAs, the coverage of all individual repetitive elements was determined
initially using uniquely aligned sequencing reads (Supplementary Tables SI, SII). This was complimented by realigning multiply mapped and unmapped sequencing reads
to the RepBase repeat annotations. These alignments were
combined with the uniquely aligned reads to determine the
relative abundance of each repeat family within the sperm
RNAs (Supplementary Dataset 6).
The Cs/TX libraries were enriched in repeat sequences
such as satellite, simple and low complexity repeats (Supplementary Table SI). The presence of satellite RNAs may relect opportunistic transcription as heterochromatic structures relax prior to protamine deposition. A series of com-
Table 1. Sperm RNAs are enriched in the extra-nuclear compartment
6856 Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14
Figure 7. Detection of sperm dervied RNAs in fertilized oocytes prior to zygotic genome activation. Cabyr is observed in sperm (blue; Supplementary
Figure S4) absent from oocytes and present in pronuclei embryos (black and red respectively; 37) following natural mating. Coverage for each sample is
presented as reads per million uniquely aligned reads (RPM) on the Y-axis. The direction of transcription is depicted under the gene model.
plimentary sequences were consistently enriched in the
Cs/TX sperm head RNA-seq libraries relative to sonicated sperm (Supplementary Dataset 6). The representation of these sequences within the Cs/TX samples was well
above their genomic background resolving as a pattern of
poly-purine or -pyrimidine RNA enrichment in these samples (Supplementary Table SII). Interestingly, GAA repeatcontaining RNAs (GRC-RNAs) have been observed previously in the several somatic cell types wherein they contributed to chromatin structure by directly binding nuclear
matrix proteins (63). These chromatin-associated RNAs
form discrete DNase insensitive foci that are lost following
RNase treatment. Conirmation that the nuclear-retained
simple repeat transcripts identiied in this study are polypurine in nature would suggest that they may correspond
to the population of nuclear matrix associated RNAs previously observed in sperm (11). Though assigning a similar
nuclear function and even localization to the simple repeat
sperm RNAs is an intriguing possibility, their lack of sequence complexity precludes RT-PCR validation and precise mapping.
Reminiscent of the results obtained for annotated and
novel RNAs long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs)
exhibited greater RNA-seq coverage in the Cs/TX samples relative to sonicated sperm yet RT-PCR suggested that
they were approximately eighty times more enriched in the
SS samples (data not shown). Alignment to the LINE-1
(L1) repeat class on average contributed to more than 5%
of all unique reads in the Cs/TX samples. Realignment to
all canonical repeat sequences showed that ∼25% of all
uniquely aligned reads corresponded to the L1 family in the
Cs/TX samples (Supplementary Table SI). This was nearly
twice the amount observed for the next most abundant family. To determine which of the L1 repeats was most actively
transcribed during the inal stages of spermatogenesis the
RNA-seq libraries were realigned to canonical sequences
for each active subfamily (42). In all samples the most abundant L1 transcripts corresponded to subfamily III of the
L1MdTf lineage. The potential paternal contribution of L1
RNAs to the zygote, thought to perhaps spur autoregulated embryonic transcription of such elements, has been
discussed (5,64). LINE transcripts have also recently been
shown to directly contribute to somatic chromatin structure in an RNase sensitive manner (65). However, this as-
sociation is not observed in the condensed somatic heterochromatin. Perhaps during the later stages of spermatogenesis the LINE transcripts are depleted either passively
or actively from the sperm nucleus contributing to sperm
chromatin condensation as is observed following RNase
treatment in interphase cells (65,66). In the present study
this would resolve as and be consistent with their observed
extra-nuclear enrichment.
Identiication of sperm-borne RNAs post-fertilization
The delivery of RNAs by human sperm to an oocyte has
been shown (1,67). To ascertain whether mouse spermatozoa may potentially fulill a similar function murine oocyte
and pronuclei embryos sampled prior to zygotic genome
activation were subjected to differential expression analysis (37). A total of 88 differentially enriched embryonic
transcripts were identiied which exhibited no coverage in
the oocyte but were detected in all three sperm RNAseq datasets in the current study. A previous mouse sperm
RNA-seq study proposed that the Wnt4 and Foxg1 transcripts may be delivered by sperm to the oocyte (68). These
RNAs were not detected in the embryonic datasets nor were
they consistently present in sperm RNA-seq studies from
others (Supplementary Figure S4B). Though the majority
of the differentially enriched mouse embryo RNAs identiied above were present at low levels in sperm (median
RPKM ∼1.4) the transcript encoding the Calcium-binding
tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated protein (Cabyr; Figure
7 and Supplementary Figure S4A) was consistently detected
at elevated levels in both SS and Cs/TX samples and was
observed in all available mouse sperm RNA-seq datasets
(3,4,45). Interestingly, this transcript was enriched in the
Cs/Tx heads by RNA-seq (Supplementary Dataset 2) suggesting a reduced peripheral enrichment similar to that observed for the set of predicted Cs/TX RNAs evaluated by
RT-PCR (Figure 6 and Table ). These transcripts likely persist within either the perinuclear theca or the nucleus and
would therefore be expected to reach the oocyte cytoplasm
following fertilization (69). It is not clear whether paternal Cabyr RNA would be of functional importance considering the established role of its protein product in modulating intracellular calcium levels during capacitation (70),
although one could speculate a signaling function as part of
Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, Vol. 43, No. 14 6857
the ion lux upon fertilization. Irrespective, in human males,
it is considered of diagnostic value for idiopathic male factor infertility (71). Nevertheless, detection of a testis-speciic
RNAs encoding a protein restricted to the post-meiotic
male germline in naturally fertilized embryos prior to zygotic genome activation supports the view that sperm RNA
persists throughout the normal lifecycle of the paternal gamete and are delivered to the oocyte.
The distribution of RNAs within the spermatozoon
The mature spermatozoon is host to a cadre of RNAs that
are not evenly distributed throughout the limited volume
of the sperm head. By mass ∼66% of the RNAs greater
than ∼200 nt in length were enriched within the limited
volume of the extra-nuclear compartment (plasma membrane, the acrosome and associated membranes as well as
the sperm tail and mitochondrial sheath) of the sperm cell.
Approximately one-third of the RNAs observed in sperm
are expected to be within the nucleus/perinuclear theca. As
determined by RT-PCR the strength of their preferential
compartmentalization varied in accord with the RNA-seq
results. Together these results provide a list of candidate
extra- and intra-nuclear associated transcripts which serve
as the foundation for future studies delineating their function within the mature sperm. Intriguingly, the set of RNAs
exhibiting the strongest external localization included many
transcripts linked to exosomes and transcripts commonly
localized to speciic organelles in somatic cells including the
nucleus and mitochondria. Whether these transcripts are
passively retained within the external sperm membranes following expulsion of the cytoplasm or are packaged within
extracellular vesicles to serve a later function will be resolved when the contents of sperm-bound exosomes are
fully described. The peripheral enrichment of non-coding
RNAs such as Malat1 and the LINE transcripts which are
known to modulate somatic cell chromatin structure suggests that nuclear remodeling in the sperm is not limited to
nucleoprotein exchange. The fraction of these RNAs that
remain associated with the intra-nuclear compartment may
be restricted to the few poised histone-bound accessible
regions that persist following protamination. Representative of the population of transcripts is testis-speciic RNA
Cabyr. This RNA is likely delivered by sperm to the embryo
and is a diagnostic element indicative of idiopathic male infertility (71).
Raw sequencing reads and processed data are deposited in
the Gene Expression Omnibus repository (GEO Accession
Number: GSE62874).
Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.
Charlotte B. Failing Professorship (to S.A.K.; in part).
Funding for open access charge: Charlotte B. Failing Professorship (to S.A.K.; in part).
Conlict of interest statement. None declared.
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