British Journal of Haematology, 1 9 9 6 , 9 3 , 1 –5
An n otation
Th e an tiph osph olipid syn drome (APS) is defin ed by th e
association between an tiph osph olipid (aPL) an tibodies – i.e.
lu pu s an ticoagu lan t (LA) an d an ticardiolipin (aCL) an tibodies
– an d pecu liar clin ical man ifestation s, su ch as ven ou s an d
arterial th rombosis, recu rren t abortion s an d th rombocytopen ia. Two forms of APS h ave been described: th e ‘primary’
APS (Ash erson et al, 1 9 8 9 ), th at occu rs in th e absen ce of any
u n derlyin g disease, an d th e ‘secon dary’ APS (Alarcon Segovia et al, 1 9 8 9 ), th at develops in association with
an oth er path ological con dition , main ly systemic lu pu s
eryth ematosu s (SLE).
Th romboses are th e most frequ en t clin ical even ts in APS,
becau se th ey occu r in abou t 3 0 % of patien ts (Lech n er &
Pabin ger-Fasch in g, 1 9 8 5 ). Ven ou s th romboses accou n t for
approximately two-th irds of all th e th romboembolic even ts,
represen ted main ly by deep ven ou s th rombosis of th e legs
an d pu lmon ary embolism (Italian Registry of An tiph osph olipid An tibodies, 1 9 9 3 ). On th e oth er h an d, complete
cerebral isch aemic strokes an d tran sien t isch aemic attacks
are th e most common arterial th rombotic even t in patien ts
with APS (Italian Registry of An tiph osph olipid An tibodies,
1 9 9 3 ). Th rombotic even ts may be recu rren t an d are
often spon tan eou s. Obstetrical complication s in clu de abortion , fetal loss, in tra-u terin e growth retardation an d preeclampsia (Barbu i et al, 1 9 8 8 ). Th ey are reported in abou t
1 0 –2 0 % of women with APS (Italian Registry of An tiph osph olipid An tibodies, 1 9 9 3 ) an d are regarded as pecu liar
types of th rombotic complication s involvin g th e placen tal
vessels (De Wolf et al, 1 9 8 2 ).
A variable degree of th rombocytopen ia is reported in as
many as 2 0 –4 0 % of th e patien ts with aPL an tibodies
(Lech n er & Pabin ger-Fasch in g, 1 9 8 5 ; Italian Registry of
An tiph osph olipid An tibodies, 1 9 9 3 ). Even th ou gh th rombocytopen ia is a rath er common man ifestation of APS,
u n certain ties still exist regardin g its path ogen esis, treatmen t,
an d in flu en ce on th e policy for th e th erapy of th rombosis.
Pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia and interactions between
antiphospholipid antibodies and platelets
Approximately a decade ago, aPL an tibodies h ad been
su ggested to cau se th rombocytopen ia, based on th e h igh
prevalen ce of aCL an tibodies in patien ts with idiopath ic
th rombocytopen ic pu rpu ra (ITP) (Harris et al, 1 9 8 5 ) an d on
th e in teraction between platelet membran e ph osph olipidsan d
th ese an tibodies (see below). However, recen t fin din gs
qu estion ed th e role of aPL an tibodies in th e path ogen esis of
th rombocytopen ia. In fact, an tibodies directed again st
Correspon dence: Dr Mon ica Galli, Departmen t of Haematology,
Ospedali Riu n iti, Largo Barozzi 1 , 2 4 1 0 0 Bergamo, Italy.
# 1 9 9 6 Blackwell Scien ce Ltd
glycoprotein s (GP) IIb/ IIIa an d Ib/ IX are fou n d in abou t
4 0 % of aPL-positive patien ts (Galli et al, 1 9 9 4 ), a figu re
similar to th ose already kn own for ITP (He et al, 1 9 9 4 ).
Sin ce th ese an tibodies are path ogen etically lin ked to ITP
(Ku n iki & Newman , 1 9 9 2 ), on e may su spect a similar lin kage
also in patien ts with aPL an tibodies. Moreover, an tibodies
again st a 5 0 –7 0 kD in tern al platelet protein h ave been
specifically fou n d in aPL-positive patien ts with th rombocytopen ia bu t n ot in ITP patien ts (Fabris et al, 1 9 9 4 ). Fin ally, it h as
been observed th at immu n osu ppressive treatmen t of ITP
in creases platelet n u mber an d redu ces th e titres of plateletassociated IgG (PAIgG) bu t n ot th at of aPL an tibodies
(Stasi et al, 1 9 9 4 ), in dicatin g th at aPL an d an ti-platelet
an tibodies comprise differen t specificities. Th u s, plateletspecific an tibodies, more th an an tiph osph olipid an tibodies,
appear to play a role in th e path ogen esis of th rombocytopen ia
in th e APS.
aPL an tibodies react with n egatively-ch arged ph osph olipids, wh ich are an essen tial con stitu en t of cell membran es.
In platelets, an ion ic ph osph olipids are located in th e in n er
leaflet of th e plasma membran e (Bevers et al, 1 9 9 4 ), th u s th ey
are n ot available for in teraction with aPL an tibodies.
However, u n der physiological con dition s, th is asymmetric
distribu tion can be lost, resu ltin g in exposu re of an ion ic
ph osph olipids on th e ou ter leaflet of platelet membran e
(Bevers et al, 1 9 9 4 ). For platelets, th is ph en omen on occu rs
u pon activation by differen t agon ists an d is accompan ied by
sh eddin g of microvesicles (Bevers et al, 1 9 9 4 ). Sin ce both
activated platelets an d platelet-derived microvesicles (PMPs)
represen t an importan t in vivo procoagu lan t su rface (Bevers
et al, 1 9 9 4 ), th e in teraction between aPL an tibodies an d
platelet membran e may be relevant for th e path ogen esis of
th e th rombotic complication s of APS.
Even th ou gh bin din g of aPL an tibodies to restin g platelets
h as occasion ally been reported (Hasselaar et al, 1 9 9 0 ; Ou t
et al, 1 9 9 1 ), activation an d/ or damage appear a prerequ isite
for th e bin din g of aPL an tibodies, as in dicated by several
in vitro experimen ts (Kh amash ta et al, 1 9 8 8 ; Mikh ail et al,
1 9 8 8 ; Sh i et al, 1 9 9 3 ). Conversely, less convin cin g data exist
regardin g th e in vivo in teraction between aPL an tibodies an d
platelets. Alth ou gh impairmen t of th e th romboxan e/ PGI2
balan ce (Martinu zzo et al, 1 99 3), increased u rinary excretion
an d plasma levels of th e platelet-specific -thromboglobulin
(Galli et al, 1 9 8 8 ) h ave been reported, poin tin g towards a
con dition of in vivo platelet activation , n eith er elu tion of aPL
an tibodies from platelet membran e (Biasiolo & Pen go, 1 9 9 3 )
n or eviden ce for circu latin g activated platelets h ave been
demon strated (Ou t et al, 1 9 9 1 ). Recen tly, th e presen ce of
PMPs h as been investigated in patien ts with aPL an tibodies
(Galli et al, 1 9 9 3 b). By mean s of flow cytometry, employin g
specific an ti-platelet glycoprotein an tibodies, path ological
levels of circu latin g PMPs were observed in approximately
h alf of th e patien ts. Th is fin din g was statistically associated –
by retrospective an alysis – with th rombosis.
Th e con troversial resu lts on th e in teraction between aPL
an tibodies an d platelets may stem, at least in part, from th e
recen t observation s th at plasma protein ‘cofactors’ bou n d to
an appropriate an ion ic su rface (su ch as an ion ic ph osph olipids) are th e an tigen ic target of aPL an tibodies. In particu lar
(h u man ) proth rombin is th e ‘cofactor’ for LA an tibodies
(Bevers et al, 1 9 9 1 ; Rao et al, 1 9 9 5 ), wh ereas 2 -glycoprotein
I ( 2 -GPI) is recogn ized by aCL an tibodies (McNeil et al, 1 9 9 0 ;
Matsu u ra et al, 1 9 9 0 , 1 9 9 4 ; Bevers & Galli, 1 9 9 0 ; Galli et al,
1 9 9 0 , 1 9 9 2 , 1 9 9 3 a; Oostin g et al, 1 9 9 2 ). Oth er protein s with
affin ity for an ion ic ph osph olipids – an n exin V, th rombomodu lin , protein C, protein S – h ave been proposed to play su ch a
role for oth er so-called ‘aPL’ an tibodies (Oostin g et al, 1 9 9 3 ;
Gibson et al, 1 9 9 2 ; Matsu da et al, 1 9 9 4 ). It is likely th at th e
variable availability of th ese ‘cofactors’ in differen t experimen tal con dition s may greatly in flu en ce th e reactivity of aPL
an tibodies with platelets.
In con clu sion , th e su m of th e existin g data poin ts
towards th e possibility th at platelets may circu late in an
activated state in patien ts with aPL an tibodies, even th ou gh
n o clear eviden ce th at th ese an tibodies do play a role in th is
process h as been reach ed. In th is respect, it h as been
hypoth esized th at ch ron ic exposu re of a procoagu lan t
su rface (for persisten t activation an d/ or damage of blood
cells) may con fer a h igh risk of th rombosis an d, at th e same
time, allow bin din g of th e plasma protein ‘cofactors’ with
su bsequ en t gen eration of aPL an tibodies (Galli & Bevers,
1 9 9 4 ). Th ese an tibodies th erefore migh t be regarded as a
u sefu l marker of an on goin g proth rombotic state. Moreover,
on e can n ot exclu de th e possibility th at particu lar types of
aPL an tibodies may play a role in main tain in g an d
exten din g th e th rombotic process. Th is hypoth esis represen ts th e ration ale for th e con tin u in g investigation of th e
immu n ological an d fu n ction al properties of th e family of
aPL an tibodies.
Prevalence, clinical manifestations and treatment of
thrombocytopenia in APS
Severe th rombocytopen ia (<5 0 2 1 0 9 platelets/ l) is n ot a
frequ en t fin din g in patien ts with aPL an tibodies, becau se its
prevalen ce is abou t 5 –1 0 % (Lech n er & Pabin ger-Fasch in g,
1 9 8 5 ) an d it is seldom associated with h aemorrh agic
man ifestation s. Amon g th e 2 9 3 cases en rolled in th e
Italian Registry of An tiph osph olipid An tibodies (IR-APA)
(1 9 9 3 ) th e prevalen ce of th rombocytopen ia was 2 6 %, 3 2
patien ts (1 1 %) were severely th rombocytopen ic an d major
bleedin g was experien ced by on ly two ou t of th ese 3 2
cases (6 %). Th erefore th e prevalen ce of major h aemorrh agic complication s in APS does n ot appear sign ifican tly
differen t from th at reported in ITP patien ts (Cortelazzo
et al, 1 9 9 1 ).
Recen tly, th rombocytopen ia h as been reported to be
associated with a h igh risk of mortality in patien ts su fferin g
from SLE (Dren kard et al, 1 9 9 4 ). By u n ivariate an alysis,
Dren kard et al (1 9 9 4 ) demon strated th at th rombocytopen ia
an d arterial th rombosis were th e on ly APS-related man ifestation s statistically associated with mortality in 6 5 8 SLE
patien ts (P < 0 :0 0 1 an d P 0 :0 2 , respectively). Un fortu n ately th e au th ors did n ot state wh eth er an d to wh at extent
bleedin g complication s accou n ted for th e death of th eir
patien ts; th erefore it is possible th at th rombocytopen ia was
simply associated with a more severe disease.
Some au th ors h ave specu lated abou t th e possibility th at
th rombocytopen ia selects a popu lation of aPL-positive
patien ts at particu lar risk for th e developmen t of SLE
(Harris et al, 1 9 8 5 ), bu t few data exist to su pport th is.
In deed, th e first 5 -year follow-u p an alysis of th e patien ts
en rolled in th e IR-APA stu dy in dicates th at th e rate of
progression to overt SLE is low, 0 .2 8 % patien ts/ year,
irrespective of wh eth er th rombocytopen ia is presen t or n ot
(Fin azzi, 1 9 9 4 ). Similar data h ave been recen tly reported by
Stasi et al (1 9 9 5 ), wh o performed a lon g-term observation of
2 0 8 ITP patien ts. Th ese au th ors iden tified on ly fou r patien ts
wh o developed laboratory or clin ical featu res con sisten t with
SLE or oth er overt au toimmu n e diseases over a median
follow-u p period of 9 2 mon th s.
Th rombocytopen ia in APS rarely requ ires treatmen t.
However, wh en th is is n ecessary th e same treatmen t policy
as for ITP sh ou ld be con sidered. Recen tly, a large series of ITP
patien ts h as been evalu ated for treatmen t ou tcome accordin g
to th eir aPL statu s (Stasi et al, 1 9 9 4 ): corticosteroids,
splen ectomy, h igh -dose IvIg, an ti-D immu n oglobu lin s an d
in terferon produ ced respon ses irrespective of th e presen ce of
aCL an tibodies. Most of th e patien ts were treated with steroids
an d splen ectomy. As expected, corticosteroids produ ced a
similar low rate of su stain ed respon ses in patien ts with or
with ou t aCL an tibodies (1 5 % an d 1 7 %, respectively). Splen ectomy was performed in 2 3 patien ts: su stain ed respon ses
were obtain ed in approximately 6 0 % in both grou ps of ITP
patien ts. Th erefore aPLan tibodies did n ot predict th e ou tcome
of treatmen t.
Acqu ired defects of platelet fu n ction h ave been estimated to
occu r in as many as 4 0 % of th e patien ts with aPL an tibodies
(Hasselaar et al, 1 9 9 0 ). Impairmen t of platelet aggregation
h as been fou n d in th e cou rse of opportu n istic in fection s in
AIDS patien ts with aPL an tibodies (Coh en et al, 1 9 8 6 ),
wh ereas redu ced adh esion to su ben doth eliu m h as been
observed by Orlan do et al (1 9 9 2 ). Oth er defects in clu de
storage pool disease, isolated defects in respon se to epin eph rin
or collagen , an d impairmen t of th romboxan e B2 syn th esis
(Hasselaar et al, 1 9 9 0 ). In vitro experimen ts performed with
th e immu n oglobu lin fraction s isolated from patien ts’ plasma
led to th e su ggestion th at aPL an tibodies migh t be respon sible
for th ese acqu ired qu alitative platelet defects (Coh en et al,
1 9 8 6 ; Orlan do et al, 1 9 9 2 ). However, th e eviden ce is
in con clu sive, becau se on ly in a few cases were affin itypu rified aCL an tibodies tested (Orlan do et al, 1 9 9 2 ). Even
th ou gh th e bleedin g time is gen erally prolon ged, th e defects
are n ot associated with sign ifican t h aemorrh agic complication s, u n less an oth er risk factor coexists. Th erefore defective
platelet fu n ction n eed on ly be sou gh t in cases of u n explain ed
bleedin g in aPL-positive patien ts on an tith rombotic treatmen t. Treatmen t of h aemorrh agic complication s n ot associated with th rombocytopen ia remain s an open qu estion .
# 1 9 9 6 Blackwell Scien ce Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 9 3 : 1 –5
On ly a few case reports h ave been pu blish ed; corticosteroid
admin istration an d plasma exch an ge h ave been fou n d to be
u sefu l an ecdotally (Man oh aran & Gottlieb, 1 9 8 4 ; Ordi et al,
1 9 8 4 ).
Prevalence and treatment of thrombosis in relation to
Ven ou s an d arterial th rombosis are th e most common
man ifestation s of APS. Wh en th eir prevalen ce is evalu ated
accordin g to platelet n u mber, it appears th at severe, bu t n ot
moderate, th rombocytopen ia protects, at least in part, again st
th romboembolic complication s (Italian Registry of An tiph osph olipid An tibodies, 1 9 9 3 ). Th e IR-APA stu dy reported th at
3 2 % of moderately th rombocytopen ic patien ts (platelets 5 0 –
1 0 0 2 1 0 9 / l) experien ced at least on e th rombotic even t
compared with 4 0 % of patien ts with n ormal platelet cou n t.
Conversely, severe th rombocytopen ia (platelets <5 0 2 1 0 9 / l)
was associated with a lower prevalen ce of th rombosis (9 %). It
is importan t to emph asize th at th rombotic complication s may
occu r in spite of a very low platelet cou n t, th u s complicatin g
th e an ticoagu lan t man agement.
Th ese retrospective data h ave been con firmed an d exten ded
by th e first prospective IR-APA su rvey (Fin azzi, 1 9 9 4 ). No
sign ifican t differen ces in th e in ciden ce of th rombosis were
fou n d between patien ts with a n ormal platelet cou n t
(2 .5 4 % patien ts/ year) an d th ose with moderate th rombocytopen ia (3 .2 9 % patien ts/ year). Again , a lower in ciden ce
(0 .9 5 % patien ts/ year) was observed in severely th rombocytopen ic patien ts. Th is differen ce did n ot reach statistical
sign ifican ce, probably becau se of th e relatively low n u mber
of patien ts with th rombosis (7 / 5 6 patien ts with mild
th rombocytopen ia versu s 2 / 5 2 severely th rombocytopen ic
patien ts).
Secon dary prophylaxis of th rombotic even ts with an tithrombotic dru gs is still con troversial in APS. By retrospective
an alysis, two stu dies (Kh amash ta et al, 1 9 9 5 ; Rosove &
Brewer, 1 9 9 2 ) sh owed th at lon g-term h igh -in ten sity warfarin
th erapy con fers better an tith rombotic protection th an lowin ten sity warfarin an d/ or aspirin . However, th ese th erapeutic
recommen dation s remain to be con firmed in prospective
clinical trials. The two stu dies reported an inciden ce of
sign ificant h aemorrhagic complication s of 3 .1 an d 7 .1 %
patients/year, with an inciden ce of life-threaten in g bleedin g
even ts of 1 .9 an d 1 .7 % patien ts/ year, respectively. Th ese
figu res are somewh at h igh er th an th e 1 % patien ts/ year
in ciden ce of major bleedin g observed in patien ts with
prosth etic h eart valve replacemen t, wh o are similarly on
h igh -in ten sity oral an ticoagu lation (PT INR 3 .0 –4 .5 ) (Cortelazzo et al, 1 9 9 3 ). In an ticoagu lated APS patien ts on e can n ot
exclu de th e possibility th at th rombocytopen ia (or, less
frequ en tly, a platelet fu n ction defect) may play a role, at
least in part, in th e developmen t of th e h aemorrh agic
complication s. Un fortu n ately n eith er stu dy specifically
addressed th is problem, becau se n o statemen t was made
regardin g platelet cou n ts at th e times of bleedin g even ts. Th e
IR-APA su rvey (Fin azzi et al, 1 9 9 4 ) reported major bleedin g
in th ree patien ts u n der oral an ticoagu lation ; on e of th em
was th rombocytopen ic an d experien ced a fatal cerebral
h emorrh age. Th erefore th e decision abou t both th e du ration
# 1 9 9 6 Blackwell Scien ce Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 9 3 : 1 –5
an d th e in ten sity of oral an ticoagu lation th erapy mu st be
weigh ed again st th e risk of bleedin g complication s (Barbu i &
Fin azzi, 1 9 9 4 ). In ou r in stitu tion , moderate th rombocytopen ia does n ot modify th e policy for th e treatmen t of
th rombosis in APS-positive patien ts, wh ich follows th e
gen eral gu idelin es for th e oth er con dition s of so-called
‘primary th romboph ilia’ (Greaves & Preston , 1 9 9 1 ). Con versely, we do n ot recommen d an ticoagu lan t treatmen t in
cases of severe th rombocytopen ia.
In con clu sion , moderate th rombocytopen ia is frequ en t in
APS an d, as a ru le, does n ot modify th e policy for treatmen t
of th rombosis. Severe th rombocytopen ia is relatively
u n common an d is seldom associated with bleedin g even ts.
Wh en requ ired, its treatmen t is similar to th at of ITP.
Fin ally, mu ch clin ical an d laboratory work is still requ ired
to elu cidate th e role of platelets an d aPL an tibodies in th e
path ogen esis of th e th rombotic complication s typical of
Department of Haematology,
Ospedali Riuniti,
Bergamo, Italy
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Keywords: an tiph osph olipid an tibodies, an tiph osph olipid syn drome, th rombocytopen ia, th rombocytopen ia treatmen t.