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2012, Crossing Borders: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Volume 1
11 pages
1 file, 2023
In questa newsletter Nella sezione: Saṁyama – Introduzione alle meditazioni con seme (sabīja)- Olfatto, meditazioni con gli oli essenziali. Il Mandarino L’olio essenziale di mandarino ci porta sprazzi dell'infanzia con le sue connotazioni di gioia, di libertà, di novità e di innocenza, quando si osa ridere, giocare, saltare al di là delle paure e del giudizio altrui. Esso toglie i limiti che bloccano la nostra mente e i nostri sogni. Le nostre aspirazioni profonde possono essere accolte con entusiasmo. Il mandarino stimola il chakra sacrale come l'olio essenziale di ylang ylang. E' un riequilibrante nervoso ed emotivo, nonchè un tonico digestivo.
Draft edition comparing The Valediction of Moses (V) and the canonical book of Deuteronomy. Comments welcome!
Πρακτικά του 3ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Γόρτυνας «Ἐν Γορτύνῃ καί Ἀρκαδίᾳ ἐγένετο...», (Το προσκύνημα ως τόπος συνάντησης ανθρώπων, λαών, θρησκειών, πολιτισμών), 28-30 Σεπτεμβρίου και 1 Οκτωβρίου, 2017. (2024), 2024
Head & Neck, 2024
Introduction: India contributes two-thirds of the global mortality due to oral cancer and has a younger population at risk. The societal costs of this premature mortality are barely discussed. Methods: Using the human capital approach, we aimed to estimate the productivity lost due to premature mortality, valued using individual socioeconomic data, related to oral cancer in India. A bottom-up approach was used to prospectively collect data of 100 consecutive patients with oral cancer treated between 2019 and 2020, with a follow-up of 36 months. Results: The disease-specific survival for early and advanced stage was 85% and 70%, with a median age of 47 years. With 671 years lost prematurely, the loss of productivity was $41 900/early and $96 044/advanced stage. Based on population level rates, the total cost of premature mortality was $5.6 billion, representing 0.18% of GDP. Conclusion: India needs to implement tailored strategies to reduce the economic burden from premature mortality.
Capital Psychiatry, 2023
"A Critical Reflection on the Past, the Present, and the Possible Futures of the Psychiatric Field" by Marcelo Pakman, MD Review of "Psychiatry in Crisis: At the Crossroads of Social Science, the Humanities, and Neuroscience" (2021) by Vincenzo Di Nicola & Drozdstoy Stoyanov Capital Psychiatry Summer Issue, 2023, 4(2): 44-45
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 2016
While karst environments present methodological and interpretive challenges to archaeologists, they also provide some unique opportunities. One of these opportunities is the ability to date field walls by measuring divergent rates of bedrock dissolution underneath and adjacent to ancient walls. Field walls are traditionally difficult to date, either by using morphological typologies or through the association of diagnostic or chronometric materials. The method presented here, therefore, represents a valuable tool for archaeologists working in karst landscapes. The methodology is described along with a discussion of potential problems, drawing in particular upon evidence from the karstic terrain of the Burren in western Ireland. The methodology is then applied to a group of field walls on the Burren which are shown to date to the Chalcolithic - Early Bronze Age.
The period between the 1608. law of religious freedom and the Wesselényi conspiracy (1664-1671) was characterized by the conception of the „proselytizer landlord counter-reformation”, which shaped the balance of power between the growing Catholic confession and Protestant churches. In this period the landlords tried to convert their serfs to their own confession by peaceful (or less peaceful) means, wherein the „jus patronatus” helped them. In my study, I analyze the religious life of two settlements (oppidum) in Northeast Hungary and the factors which influenced them. As a result of the microhistorical analysis of the issue, it was pointid it out the great inportance of the calvinistic patron system, which developed a very strong social structure. This structure lived on afterwards that the landlords converted to the catholic church. In this situation there were a several confessional conflict between the catholics and the protestans preacher. The rewards and privilegs of the Protestant preachers protected the noble county, wherein the most dominant power was the alliance of the protestant gentries. This aliance was successful in the political will-building processes in the hungarian Diets too, and resulted the formation of the confessional order as a special type of corporatism.
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Cahiers de la Méditerranée
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement, 2021
The British Journal for the History of Science, 1993
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