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Residents' Spatial Knowledge of
Neighborhood Continuity and Form
Article in Geographical Analysis · September 2010
DOI: 10.1111/j.1538-4632.1990.tb00213.x
2 authors, including:
Stuart C. Aitken
San Diego State University
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Stuart C.Aitken and
Rudy Prosser
Residents’ Spatial Knowledge of Neighborhood Continuity
and Form
This paper discusses residents’ cognition of neighborhood fm in terms of linearbased and areal-based knowledge structures. Cognitive and behavioral data are
used to create su7faces of residents’ familiarity with, and experience of, a
neighborhood in San Diego, Cal$mia. The complexity of the data required the
topological and relational sophistication of an ARC / INFO-based geographic
information system. Cellular-based data were collected to ident$y place-spec@c
measures of residents’familiarity and experience within the community. The cellular
data facilitated aggregation of residents’ cognitive sugaces as absolute spaces, and
also relative to their homes. Spatial autocorrelation and directional autoregression
techniques are used in association with standard cognitive mapping to establish the
continuity and fm of residents’familiarity and experience with their neighborhood.
The findings suggest that there is a structural diflerence in the spatial familiarity of
residents who perceive their neighborhood as an area and those who perceive it as a
network. North-south and east-west street networks played an important part as the
basis for both linear-based and areal-based knowledge, but noncardinal directions
were more prominent in the familiarity surjkces of those residents who had an
areal-based perception of neighborhood fm. In terms of theories of spatial
knowledge acquisition, the findings suggest that (i) there may not be a direct
sequential link between linear-based and areal-based knowledge structures, (ii)
knowledge of a complex network may not be suflcient to provide areal-based
knowledge, and (iii) an areal-based knowledge structure does not necessarily
comprise an understanding of survey procedures.
Neighborhood has much in common with geographic concepts such as
environment, landscape, and place in that it is often an important spatial variable
yet it is hard to define precisely. The concept of neighborhood emerged as an
important academic and planning concern when proponents such as Jacobs (1961)
and Keller (1968) popularized it as a panacea for a wide range of inner-city
problems. Within the planning profession, the idea of neighborhood-based local
government emerged as the hallmark of a nationwide movement beginning in the
Stuart C. Aitken is assistant professor of geography and Rudy Prosser is a master of
geography candidute at San Diego State Uniuersity.
Geographical Analysis, Vol. 22, No. 4 (October 1990) 0 1990 Ohio State University Press
Submitted 6/89. Revised version accepted 11/89.
/ Geographical Analysis
1960s (Silver 1985). An academic backdrop for this movement was provided by
Gans’ (1962) sociological study of life spaces and neighborhoods of immigrant
groups, and by Lynch‘s (1960) study of cognitive, perceptual, and symbolic
meanings of the city. Over the last two decades, a social and behavioral mapping of
the city has emerged, not only in terms of its obvious demographic and functional
aspects, but also in terms of its rich range of human meaningfulness. Nonetheless,
discussion of neighborhood-level behavior and geography remains fuzzy. For
example, in the planning literature neighborhoods have been defined as
“geographic units within which certain social relationships exist, although the
intensity of these relationships and their importance in the lives of individuals vary
tremendously” (Downs 1981, p. 15). The current study was provoked in part by
this type of glib reference to the behavioral and geographical nature of
neighborhoods. The paper discusses residents’ cognition of neighborhood in terms
of simple spatial forms. Cognitive and behavioral data are structured within a
geographic information system to create surfaces of residents’ familiarity with, and
e .perience of, a neighborhood in San Diego, California. In addition, spatial
autocorrelation and directional autoregression techniques are used to establish the
continuity and form of residents’ familiarity with their neighborhood.
We raise three issues in this paper. The first relates to the renewed interest
within the social sciences and planning professions in microlevel approaches to
urban living, and geography’s unique position to contribute to this research
emphasis. In this study, we use methods that are inextricably geographic to
address variations in neighborhood cognition. The second issue relates to the study
of the form of neighborhood cognition. Stanton (1986, p. 325) casts doubt on the
complexity previously associated with explanations of neighborhood form based
upon residents’ cognitive representations. She suggests that residents rely a great
deal on habit and, as a consequence, neighborhood form can be best understood by
investigating residents’ habitual experience of place. This study confirms some of
the implications of Stanton’s (1986, 1989) work. Finally, we contend that the
qualitative changes which take place in spatial learning as one proceeds from
network knowledge to areal knowledge may be much more complex than has been
acknowledged in previous theories of spatial cognition (Golledge 1978; Smith,
Pellegrino, and Golledge 1982; Golledge et al. 1985; Stem and Leiser 1988).
According to existing theory, knowledge of a complex network should be enough to
provide an areal knowledge structure at appropriate boundaries (Golledge 1987).
Our results suggest that this is not necessarily so. As a consequence, we advise that
an important distinction should be made between areal knowledge (propositions
and facts) and survey knowledge (ability and skill to traverse an area). Each of
these three issues are dealt with below in some detail before turning to the
empirical study.
In both North America and Europe, microlevel approaches to neighborhood and
community living have begun to receive renewed attention (Ahlbrandt 1984;
Banerjee and Baer 1984; van Vliet-et al. 1987; Altman and Wandersman 1987;
Pickus and Gober 1988; Pacione 1990; Aitken 1990). This interest is derived in part
from an increasing dissatisfaction with structuralist perspectives (Lebas 1982; Gans
1984; Szelenyi 1986), and in part from sustained advances in behavioral theories
and methods over the last decade.
Structuralist perspectives provide important insights into the abstract functioning
of the urban system and they create a theoretical tension that can inform other
perspectives, but the quality of people’s daily lives is not the principal concern of
these macro- and meso-level approaches. At about the same time that social
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser
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geographers were turning to structural theories (cf. Harvey 1973; Pickvance 1974),
a new field of “environment and behavior”-as
it came to be called-was
developing on quite different grounds. While Marxist social scientists castigated
traditional urban theories, environment and behavior researchers set out to explore
“what urban ecology had left in the dust” (Michelson 1976). Researchers who
embraced this new field began to explore a coalescence of concerns about the
behavioral and social dimensions of planning and design within the physical
contexts of human experience (Aitken and Sell 1989). This research broadened as
social scientists were impressed by the role played by the physical environment on
human experience. Environment and behavior has been, from its inception, an
interdisciplinary field at the confluence of many parts of the social sciences and
design professions. Geographers offer much to this field in terms of understanding
underlying concepts of spatial meaning and behavior.
It is clear that more and more psychologists, environmental sociologists,
landscape architects, planners, and designers who are interested in neighborhoods
are writing on topics that are essentially geographic. Although geography’s
intellectual associations with these cognate disciplines have been extensively
nurtured in the past, some reviewers suggest that this interdisciplinary exploration
has been all but abandoned (Goodey and Gold 1985; Goss 1988). And yet
behavioral research in geography has sustained important theoretical and
methodological advances over the last decade (Golledge and Stimson 1987; Aitken
et al. 1989). Geographers have learned a great deal about concepts of meaning
such as spatial cognition, environmental learning, personal space, and territoriality.
Problems with measuring spatial cognition and behavior have been overcome with
varying degrees of success using a variety of fairly sophisticated procedures such as
the repertory grid (Aitken 1987), preference modeling (Veldhuisen 1988),
contextual analysis (Preston 1986), multidimensional scaling (Mackay and Zinnes
1988; Aitken 1990), discrete choice modeling (Wrigley, Longley, and Dunn 1988),
and qualitative data analysis (Leitner, Nijkamp, and Wrigley 1985). Although
measurement problems are slowly being dealt with, until quite recently spatial
data structure problems were either ignored or were considered intractable by
behavioral researchers.
In recent years, the technology surrounding computer-based geographic
information systems has increased to such an extent that the complexity of
managing, analyzing, and displaying spatial information is now significantly
reduced. Spatial data such as population characteristics, housing attributes, service
locations, and transportation flows are now readily transformed into geographic
information systems (GIs). To date, however, there has been little development of
behavioral data bases which can be incorporated into a GIs. The spatial nature of
data such as perceptions and attitudes is beyond doubt, but how these data can be
managed spatially is not a principal concern of most environment and behavior
researchers. In addition, some of the issues surrounding the analysis of behavioral
data sets-such as spatial autocorrelation-have received scant attention (Golledge
and Stimson 1987, p. 199). The current study explores the spatial autocorrelation in
a neighborhood-scale, behaviorally based, geographic information system.
Clearly neighborhoods are made up of behavioral, social, political, economic, and
physical environments. The behavioral environment relates to the amount of time
residents spend in the area, the tendency to shop locally, or the frequency with
which residents use neighborhood recreational facilities. Subsumed within the
concept of a neighborhood behavioral environment is the notion of local activity
space. This may be defined as the set of neighborhood locations with which an
/ Geographical Analysis
individual has direct contact within a particular time period. The proximity of
friends and relatives or affiliations with nearby clubs and social organizations are
indicators of residents’ social environments. The political cohesion of a
neighborhood is often directly associated with social homogeneity (Smith 1985).
Lee (1968, 1978) was one of the first environment and behavior researchers to
emphasize that residents synthesize the social and territorial aspects of
neighborhoods into a coherent cognitive representation, or “socio-spatial schema.”
He reported that although each resident’s “ . . . constellation of experience and
action is apparently unique,” there is some evidence of “norm-formation” (Lee
1968, p. 248). Lee differentiated three common types of schemata based upon
female residents’ cognitive maps, friendship patterns, club membership, and
shopping patterns. First, the “social acquaintance neighborhood’ represents the
physical extent of social interaction. In the second sociospatial schema, the
“homogeneous neighborhood,” social interaction is relatively low and cognitive
factors play a large part. Residents delimit boundaries based upon factors that
relate to “people like us.’’ Finally, the “unit neighborhood’ approximates Perry’s
(1929) planning ideal, containing a range of shops, institutions, and amenities.
Geographers have studied social networks as a basis of neighborhood integrity (for
example, Walker 1977; Smith and Smith 1978), but there has been surprisingly
little microlevel investigation of the importance of the built environment in
prescribing sociospatial schemata. Lee’s (1968) typology encompasses the social
and economic factors that help determine how individuals identify with place, but
it does not account for the effects of neighborhood morphology (Stanton 1986, p.
304). Nor does Lee’s typology account for an individual’s cognitive shaping of the
landscape (Silver 1985, pp. 170-71). It does not acknowledge that the physical
environment provides a setting for activities that contribute to neighborhood
integrity in pervasive ways. Golledge and Stimson (1987, pp. 64-70) suggest that
the cues which identify neighborhoods appear to be predominantly physical. These
cues include land-use, street-pattern, house-types, density, and identifiable
boundaries. Everitt and Cadwallader (1981) contend that the structure of a local
area has a strong influence on residents’ cognitive delimitation of their
neighborhood. They question, however, the internal cohesion of these areas: “The
home area undoubtedly remains an area with some meaning, but it remains to be
seen whether this meaning is consistent” (1981, p. 34). An investigation of this
kind of consistency is a point of departure for the current study.
Of particular interest in the study of neighborhood consistency is the role of
distance and space in stimulating or retarding activity (Metton 1969; Irving 1975;
Smith and Smith 1978; Cadwallader 1981). Generally, geographers contend that
activity space is more intensive near one’s home and declines in use with
increasing distance from that base. Distance decay is the exponential decline of an
activity with increasing distance from its point of origin. Stanton (1986, p. 302)
contends that the spatial form of a resident’s home area does not exhibit such
spatial consistency. She suggests that the directly experienced neighborhood may
be linear rather than areal, beginning and ending at particular points on a path
rather than having a continuous distance decay to identifiable boundaries.
Neighborhood form, Stanton asserts (1986, p. 319), can be greatly influenced by
factors such as street morphology and block length.
Environment and behavior research has demonstrated that in the course of
learning about the urban environment, an individual’s spatial knowledge changes
quantitatively in terms of the amount of information learned and qualitatively in
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser
terms of how this information is stored and processed (Siege1 and White 1975;
Evans 1980; Thorndyke and Hayes-Roth 1982). Much evidence has been
accumulated to suggest that people learn places through a progression of stages
which involve processing “landmark’ information first of all, then “route”
information, and lastly, “survey” information (Golledge 1978; Smith, Pellegrino,
and Golledge 1982; Golledge et al. 1985; Stem and Leiser 1988). A fourth
knowledge structure which relates to “areal” information comprises a knowledge of
places, and possibly spatial configurations, in an area. The general assumption is
that an individual’s knowledge structure provides a basis for interpreting places in
an external environment. In theories of information processing, a knowledge
structure is generally viewed as a set of symbol structures representing certain
aspects of an individual and the individual’s environment (Golledge 1987, p. 138).
It follows that spatial knowledge structures are a subset of an individual’s knowledge
of the environment. Declarative knowledge (knowing what) is the cognitive
process that encompasses the individual’s understanding of places and things. It is
generally assumed that declarative knowledge structures process landmark
information and frames of reference (Minsky 1975; Kuipers 1978). Other
researchers have broadened the concept of “frames” to encompass “stereotypes
and schemata” which are related, in part, to Lee’s (1968, 1978) typology (Bobrow
and Norman 1975; Kuipers 1980, 1982).
Procedural (knowing how) knowledge structures encompass, at a minimum, the
individual’s understanding of how to get from one place to another. Route
knowledge comprises a series of procedural descriptions involving some record of
landmarks and paths. While it is recognized that declarative knowledge is
fundamental to human activities in an urban setting, it is also recognized that a
great deal of human knowledge is procedural in nature. Gale et al. (1990) suggest
that route knowledge can be quite parsimonious. They found that successful
navigation along a route does not require extensive declarative or areal knowledge
of scenes along the way. The bulk of the empirical and theoretical work to date has
concentrated upon the integration of landmarks and routes (Golledge 1987; Doherty
et al. 1989; Gale et al. 1990). Configurational knowledge (knowing where, what,
and how) is less clearly defined but it generally refers to the individual’s ability to
traverse complicated configurations of paths and nodes within some external (not
the body axes) frame of reference, including an ability to find new routes between
nodes without getting lost. The exact nature of configurational, or survey knowledge
and its relationship to areal, or map-like knowledge appears to be largely unknown.
Survey knowledge incorporates the concept of a good “sense of direction”
(Kozlowski and Bryant 1977), but areal knowledge refers more to a familiarity with
places, and possibly route configurations, within an area. More empirical research
is needed to investigate these connections, for the results have some implications
for theories of spatial knowledge structures.
Much of the literature suggests that there is a progression from declarative to
procedural to configurational knowledge representing the successive integration of
landmark, path, and survey representations (Golledge et al. 1985, p. 129). Several
researchers report that this progression leads to an increasingly complex cognitive
representation (Downs and Stea 1973; Kaplan and Kaplan 1982; Thorndyke and
Hayes-Roth 1982). For example, according to existing theory, knowledge of a
complex network should be enough to provide an areal knowledge structure at
appropriate boundaries (Book and Garling 1980; Pick and Acredolo 1981; Golledge
1987). It has been suggested also that spatial knowledge at the metropolitan scale
is generally at the procedural rather than configurational level since most people’s
activity spaces are limited (Golledge and Spector 1978; Stem and Leiser 1988).
We suggest that these findings need not necessarily hold true for spatial knowledge
structures at the neighborhood scale. Golledge (1978) contends that the concepts
/ Geographical Analysis
of neighborhood and community develop through a spread effect that occurs in the
vicinity of nodes and paths. This spread effect constitutes areal, and possibly
survey, knowledge of a place. There is limited information on how this type of
spatial knowledge is structured. Stanton (1986) found that although her sample
could be considered to possess fairly complete areal knowledge due to the length
of time they had lived in their neighborhoods and due to the small scale of her
study areas, the form and consistency of respondents’ home area representations
were highly variable. She asserts that this is because residents rely a great deal on
habit when traveling through their home area. The concept of a cognitive
representation involving complex configurational knowledge as a sophisticated
guide is not necessarily appropriate to describe residents’ movement through
places in which they live. Aitken and Bjorklund (1988, p. 59) express these mental
representations of local areas in terms of habitual behavior applied to ordinary,
everyday environments. For daily transactions with an environment, individuals
develop and use knowledge structures that process “areal” information, but in a
partial way because there are a limited number of associations that relate cognition
to behavior. In some ways, this is related to what Kuipers (1983) calls a “commonsense knowledge structure” to the degree that intentions and expectations are not
made explicit with this kind of areal knowledge. An “extraordinary” change (Aitken
and Bjorklund 1988) in the local environment will result in some heightened acuity
on the part of the resident which may raise expectations and intentions but, on the
whole, residents’ day-to-day transactions with their local area are habituated by the
familiarity of an unchanging environment.’ This concept relates also to the work of
Tversky (19811, who argues that memory representations are schematized simply
because this makes it possible for people to take in large amounts of information.
As a cognitive process, habituation softens the complexity of any environment but,
in our local environment more than any other, it encompasses an innate need for
order and homeostasis. Thus, spatial knowledge at the neighborhood scale need not
require complex cognitive representations to interpret what is for residents a
relatively familiar environment. As a consequence, normative neighborhood forms
can be investigated through fairly simple measures of place familiarity and
A sample of respondents from Hillcrest, a central San Diego neighborhood, were
interviewed concerning their level of association with the local environment. These
data are derived from a larger survey of residents’ perceptions of neighborhood
identity and change (see Aitken 1990). Sixty-five percent ( n = 51) of the
respondents in the original study were questioned on their level of experience and
familiarity with their residential area. The sample is stratified such that length of
stay in the community, age, income, and tenure variables closely correspond with
those documented for the neighborhood as a population. The Haines’ Criss-Cross
Directory fm San Diego (1987) was used to ensure appropriate areal coverage.
Respondents were randomly selected from the five census tracts (3.00-7.00) that
the Planning Department delimited as Hillcrest in 1976 (Fig. la; San Diego 1976).
In reality, the boundaries of the neighborhoods in this area are overlapping and
indistinct. Boundary defeasibility was exemplified in 1988 when the city planners
redefined Hillcrest as a smaller area (Fig. Ib; San Diego 1988). Territorial
coherence for Hillcrest is provided by a large neighborhood sign which marks the
‘Aitken (1990) explores some of the relationships between the scale of a neighborhood change, its
proximity to a resident, and the resident’s perception of that change.
/ Geographical Analysis
l e s
FIG. Ib. Official Delimitation of Uptown Neighborhoods in 1988
spatial extent. When this kind of information is being sought, residents are usually
asked to draw lines on maps or aerial photographs (cf. Lee 1968; Golledge and
Zannaras 1973; Everitt and Cadwallader 1981; Pacione 1978, 1983; Bishop 1984).
We gave the respondents a 1 : 4800 aerial photograph that covered the five census
tracts which designated Hillcrest in 1976. Aitken and Ginsberg (1988, p. 74) have
shown that even young children have little difficulty comprehending the vertical
images. presented by instruments. such as aerial photographs provided that the
Stuart C.Aitken and Rudy Prosser
FIG.2. Residents’ Perception of Neighborhood Boundaries
/ 309
scale is small enough. This notwithstanding, we provided an alternative instrument
to all our respondents in the form of a map at the same scale as the aerial
photograph. The respondents were asked to name their neighborhood and draw its
boundaries on either the aerial photograph or the map. Only one respondent
elected to use the map.
The ARC/INFO GIS was used to develop information from the cognitive
mapping test into a geographic data base. Figure 2 represents the street pattern of
the study area with the residents’ perceived neighborhood boundaries
superimposed. The center of Hillcrest is marked on Figure 2 by the symbol “H.”
Only 4 percent of the respondents identified the planners’ 1976 Hillcrest boundaries
/ Geographical Analysis
as their neighborhood. All but one of the respondents in the University Heights
area to the northeast named and identified a neighborhood that corresponded to
the planners’ perceptions in 1988 (Fig. Ib). Discounting the residents of University
Heights, Figure 2 suggests that residents’ perceptions of the boundaries of
Hillcrest differ somewhat from those of the planners in 1988. Eighty percent of the
respondents who lived in the officially designated Park West or Medical Complex
neighborhoods (see Fig. Ib) stated that they lived in Hillcrest, and 5 percent
identified with Mission Hills to the west. Street patterns and the presence of
canyons clearly influence the form of perceived neighborhood boundaries. And yet
there is little consensus; 50 percent of the respondents identified Hillcrest with a
north-south alignment, only 25 percent agreed with the planners east-west
alignment, and 25 percent recognized both types of alignment.
Researchers have identified many problems associated with simple cognitive
mapping tests (see Pacione 1983), not least of which are the demand characteristics
of the task of drawing boundaries which render it highly unlikely that the
respondents should refuse to perform it. To alleviate this and other problems,
investigation beyond the simple cognitive mapping analysis probed residents’
familiarity with, and experience of, their residential area.
Familiarity and Experiential Surfaces
Early empirical work by geographers on how residents acquired knowledge of
urban areas exploited the concepts of spatial familiarity and experience. Golledge
and his colleagues cite work by Rivizzigno (1976) and Spector (1978) which
focused on the information sources that residents use to acquire knowledge about
locations in the urban environment (Golledge and Spector 1978; Golledge and
Stimson 1987; Golledge 1987). The locations used in these experiments were
chosen on the basis of general population familiarity (Spector and Rivizzigno 1982,
p. 48). Multidimensional scaling analyses were used on respondents’ estimates of
distances between locations in order to recover familiarity surfaces (Golledge,
Rayner, and Rivizzigno 1982). These surfaces-representing the whole of the city
of Columbus, Ohio-tended towards greater accuracy as the respondent spent
more time in the urban area. Golledge (1987, p. 140) reports on Spector’s (1978)
use of individual regression analysis to show that frequency of interaction (that is,
experience) is the greatest factor influencing the accuracy of an individual’s
familiarity surface. To our knowledge, the concepts of familiarity and experiential
surfaces have not been applied to neighborhood-scale knowledge structures and, in
addition, spatial autocorrelation methods have not been used to interpret the
fundamental geographic associations underlying these surfaces.
Respondents in our study were presented with two more aerial photographs of
the study area. These photographs had regular cellular grids superimposed. Each
cell encompassed approximately a two-block area. Respondents were asked to
indicate on the first photograph their level of familiarity with each grid cell on a
scale from 0 (unfamiliar) to 10 (very familiar). On the second photo they were
asked to indicate their experience of the place in terms of how many times they
had passed through each cell in the past week. The choice of a two-block square
scale was somewhat arbitrary, it encompassed the largest number of grids (eighty
per aerial photograph) that we felt the respondents could consider without fatigue.
Of course, the choosing of a spatial scale in a study of this kind is fraught with
difficulty. We asked respondents to represent their average familiarity with each
grid cell but we have no way of knowing how influential familiar nodes within cells
were in the respondents’ evaluations. Moreover, what would have happened if our
cells encompassed half a block or ten blocks? Such discussion takes us into the
geography of fractals (Goodchild and Mark 1987), and beyond the scope of this
Stuart C . Aitken and Rudy Prosser
/ 311
paper. In defense of the two-block scale of resolution, however, Aitken (1990) has
shown that a “territorial” step-boundary occurs in Hillcrest at about the two-block
level. In particular, residents of Hillcrest are particularly sensitive to changes
within two blocks of their homes. We might speculate from this finding that, on
average, Hillcrest residents’ familiarity finds some kind of resolution at about two
In an attempt to validate the experiential data we asked respondents where they
went (nearest intersection) for sixteen different activities (for example, shopping,
banking, and various social activities), and how often they went there in an average
week. We asked also whether or not they felt that this activity was conducted in
their neighborhood. This latter question was asked at the end of the interview to
avoid, as far as possible, errors due to the “context effect” between related
questions (Schuman and Presser 1981; Wilson 1985; Converse and Presser 1986).
In addition, we expected that it would be very difficult for respondents to maintain
a conscious consistency between the neighborhood boundaries that they had
delimited at the beginning of the interview and the later questions concerning
neighborhood activities. Given these assumptions, we found that the responses to
the cognitive mapping test and the neighborhood activities questions were
surprisingly consistent. Less than 8 percent of the activities (816 all together) that
respondents indicated as being neighborhood-oriented lay outside of the boundaries
that they had used to delimit their neighborhood; and less than 1 percent of the
activities that respondents stated were outside of their neighborhood actually fell
within the neighborhood boundaries they drew as part of their cognitive mapping
exercise. A comparison of respondents’ experiential surfaces and the frequency
data on neighborhood activities was less encouraging. The frequency data was
tabulated by cell location for each individual and compared with their experiential
data. In only four cases (7.8 percent of the respondents) was there a significant
relationship between the two data sets (t-test, p < 0.05). Although disappointing
in terms of the association between the experiential and activity data, these results
are consistent with the way we framed our questions. The experiential data were
derived by asking respondents to indicate how often they passed through a
particular grid cell, not how often they had stopped there for a particular activity.
This latter kind of data would be more appropriate in an analysis of knowledge
structures based on nodes.
The familiarity and experiential data were structured into the GIS. Two structures
were created for each data base. The first used an absolute coordinate system taken
directly from the aerial photograph. This structure was superimposed onto the
street network (Figures 3a and b). The second used a relative coordinate system
centered on the residents’ homes (Figures 4a and b). Figure 3a suggests that
residents have a strong familiarity with the center of Hillcrest and its predominant
business district. The residential areas around the north-south/east-west street
axes and in University Heights to the northeast are also noted by a high degree of
familiarity. In addition, residents display a relatively high degree of familiarity with
Balboa Park to the southeast. Figure 3b indicates the obvious importance of the
prominent north-south/east-west street network with regard to people’s experience
of the area. The arms of this network hinge around the central part of Hillcrest.
Figure 4a displays a classic distance decay of residents’ familiarity away from their
homes. The plateau effect out to about six or seven cells from the home position is
a measure of the average distance of each respondent to the area that has the
greatest familiarity to most respondents, that is, the central business area of
Hillcrest. The relative experiential surface is confined to a small area around the
home (Fig. 4b). As one would expect, the experiential surfaces represented in
Figures 3b and 4b have several local maxima which describe places visited during
a typical week such as shops and parks.
312 /
Geographical Analysis
Mi l e s
8 0 to 2
ed2.l t o 4
t o
f r o m
t o
t o
L e v e l o f
F a n i ~ t a r i t y
10 = H i g h
FIG.3a. Behavioral CIS Structured from an Absolute Coordinate System Taken Directly from the
Aerial Photograph Showing the Aggregated Familiarity Surfaces
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser
/ 313
Mi l e s
6 9
? o
8. 1
? o
f r o m
t o
t o
L e v e l
L o w
H , g h
FIG. 3b. Behavioral GIS Structured from an Absolute Coordinate System Taken Directly from the
Aerial Photograph Showing the Aggregated Experiential Surfaces
/ Geographical Analysis
t o
m4.1 f o 6
V i e w
f r o m
t o
o f
0 = Low
F a m i i iarity
10 = H i g h
FIG.4a. Behavioral GIS Structured from a Relative Coordinate System Centered on Each Resident’s
Home Showing the Aggregated Familiarity Surfaces
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser
€I9 t o 2
M6.1 t o 8
a2.1 t o 4
8 . 1 ! o 19
t o
/ 315
0 =
o f
FIG. 4b. Behavioral GIS Structured from a Relative Coordinate System Centered on Each Resident’s
Home Showing the Aggregated Experiential Surfaces
/ Geographical Analysis
Stanton (1986) concludes that there are several forms of home area. Her original
study investigated the incidence of different types of home area forms amongst 157
residents in Brooklyn Heights, New York City. Collectively, these residents
described several morphologies with principal distinctions between those that
were areal, those that were linear, and those that were a composite of linear and
areal elements. Each of these three categories comprised roughly one-third of the
home areas of her sample. Stanton speculates that “it is not implausible that there
are two major systems (one linear and one areal) for skills such as navigation and
place cognition: normal brain functioning exhibits many other instances of
overlapping, partially redundant cognitive systems” (1989, p. 3). Figure 5 illustrates
the categories of neighborhood form that Stanton originally devised. Stanton’s
(1986) respondents-who
had never been asked to think in such terms
easily able to distinguish between categories. In addition, her
respondents reported to a highly significant degree that they had the same home
area form at their previous adult residence (chi-square, p < 0.0001). She suggests
that this may be an indication of these neighborhood categories’ importance to how
residents make sense of their surroundings. Not content with these results, Stanton
(1989) conducted a five-year follow up study of fifty-three of the original sample of
residents. Of these, only five respondents (8 percent) had a shift in the category of
their home area form. Interestingly, in each case, the shift was from areal to linear
configurations. While the sample size is too small to achieve significance, some
support is garnered for the persistence of Stanton’s home area forms as enduring
cognitive structures. Stanton’s (1986, 1989) results suggest that individuals may
have a preference for a particular home area morphology if the landscape empowers
it. Alternatively, the habitual nature of lived experience may impose a relatively
immutable pattern on the individual’s mental landscape.
FIG. 5. Diagrams of Possible Neighborhood Forms (source: Stanton 1986)
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser
Neighborhood Forms Identified by the Hillcrest and the University Heights Residents
Home itself
A Single path
An area
A network of interconnected paths
A number of separate paths
/ 317
As a consequence of Stanton’s (1986) original study, each of the respondents in
the current study was presented with the four neighborhood forms depicted in
Figure 5. They were asked to identify which of these best represented their
residential area. A fifth category comprised the home itself. The interview design
was structured to minimize the effect of the respondents’ creation of familiarity
and experiential surfaces on their identifying a home area form. First, respondents
were asked to identify the form of their neighborhood early on in the interview.
Second, we anticipated that the task of creating familiarity and experiential
surfaces was too labor intensive and thought-provoking to be influenced by any of
the respondents’ prior answers. In any case, numerous experiments on interview
design have shown that there is rarely any context effect between related questions
(see Schuman and Presser 1981; Wilson 1985; Converse and Presser 1986).
It was expected that residents living in University Heights would view their
neighborhood as an area. Although it does not have a dominant center, University
Heights is a relatively homogeneous residential area, bounded by canyons on its
northern and western sides and by two major roads on its southern and eastern
sides. University Heights has much more clearly defined boundaries than Hillcrest.
In addition, curved streets and cul-de-sacs tend to limit the through traffic in the
area. Table 1 reveals, however, that only one of the respondents from University
Heights perceived their neighborhood as an area. On the other hand, 40 percent of
the Hillcrest residents perceived their neighborhood as an area. Sixty-five percent
of those who perceived their neighborhood as networks or paths also mentioned
that their neighborhood had a boundary. One can surmise then, that although
bounded, University Heights is generally not perceived as a spatial area but as a
street network. A possible explanation of this lies in the activities of residents. As
mentioned earlier, respondents were asked to locate where they pursued a series
of common activities such as grocery shopping, banking, eating at restaurants,
going for walks, biking, et cetera. Residents of Hillcrest pursued significantly more
activities in their neighborhood than residents of University Heights (t-test,
p < 0.001). University Heights is primarily residential, offering only a few
convenience shops at its periphery. Hillcrest, on the other hand, has a fairly large
pedestrian-oriented business district. Residents of Hillcrest spend more time on
activities in their neighborhood. These results tentatively support the notion that
the more people have direct experience of an area, the more likely they are to
develop areal-based knowledge as opposed to linear-based knowledge.
Merely asking people whether they feel their neighborhood is an area or a
network does not adequately test the efficacy of knowledge structures. The
following section describes the use of spatial autocorrelation to establish the
association between respondents’ perceived neighborhood form and their familiarity
with the area.
Measuring and testing for spatial autocorrelation is a central theme of geographic
research. Spatial autocorrelation exists whenever a variable exhibits a regular
/ Geographical Analysis
Moran’s I Coefficients for Hillcrest and University Heights Residents and for Those with Areal-based
Perceptions and Those with Linear-based Perceptions
Hillcrest (n = 37)
University Heights
(n = 14)
Areas (n = 16)
Networks (n = 35)
‘not si ificant
**signi%nt at the 0.001level
pattern over space in which its values at a set of locations depend upon values of
the same variable at other locations (Odland 1988, p. 7). It is evident that the
neighborhood familiarity surfaces exhibit important spatial regularities. It was
posited that a spatial autocorrelation coefficient would provide some measure of
this regularity. Cliff and Ord (1981) emphasize that the Moran I coefficient (Moran
1948) is the most useful for the evaluation of spatial autocorrelation. The index is
based upon the covariation of juxtaposed map values. Similar to a classical
correlation coefficient, as similar values tend to be in juxtaposition with one
another, then I + 1. Alternatively, as dissimilar values tend to be in juxtaposition
with one another, then I --t - 1. And for a random relation, I + 0. Griffith (1987)
describes spatial autocorrelation and the nature of a map pattern in terms of
spillover effects from one spatial area to another. Positive spatial autocorrelation
exists in map patterns if spillover from one areal unit causes values to change
correspondingly in juxtaposed areas, at least more than would be expected by
chance. Griffith and Jones (1980) found that the variation in distance decay over a
set of urban places is partially predictable from measured levels of spatial
autocorrelation for geographic distributions. In the current study, Moran I
coefficients are used to determine the effects of distance decay and the influence of
the physical environment on residents’ cognition of neighborhood form.
The regular grid pattern upon which the familiarity data were set offers the
additional advantage of “spatial neighborhood stationarity” (Tobler 1979). In other
words, each cell has the same number of neighbors and those neighbors have the
same distance relations. A Moran I coefficient was calculated for each respondent’s
familiarity data. A “Queen’s Matrix” (Clark and Hosking 1986, p. 383) approach
was used so that the data in the cells on the diagonals are included as neighbors as
well as those on the adjacent rows and columns. This introduces some variation in
the distances to neighbors, but their number and the set of distance relations
remain uniform across all cells that are not on the boundaries (Odland 1988, p. 23).
In the following analyses boundary effects are partially countered by focusing on
the interior cells of the familiarity surface. As one might expect, 98 percent of the
familiarity surfaces had positive Moran I coefficients, and 96 percent of these were
significant (normality significance test, p < 0.05).
Table 2 reports no significant difference between the Moran I coefficients of the
Hillcrest and the University Heights residents (t-test, p < 0.05). These two
sample sets of familiarity data can be considered to originate from the same
population. Attention may be turned instead to residents’ perception of
neighborhood form. Table 2 reveals that residents who perceived that they lived in
a spatial area had significantly higher Moran I coefficients than those who reported
that they lived in a network or a series of paths (t-test, p < 0.001). It seems clear
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser
that this simple measure of spatial familiarity represents accurately the form of
neighborhood perceived by residents. Residents who felt that they lived in an area
had high spatial autocorrelation coefficients on their familiarity surfaces with a
mean Moran I of 0.6218. This confirms that residents with areal-based perception
exhibit a significant degree of spatial regularity in their neighborhood familiarity. A
mean Moran I of 0.3668 for those residents who perceived their neighborhood in
terms of the street network indicates less consistency in their familiarity surfaces.
It suggests that for them, neighborhood form may be related to the street network
and, perhaps, procedural knowledge. Analysis of activity spaces revealed that
area-oriented residents pursued significantly more activities in their home area
than network-oriented residents (t-test, p < 0.05). These residents were also more
likely to walk in the neighborhood than to drive a car (t-test, p < 0.05). Given the
developmental nature of place learning, one might expect residents with areal
knowledge to have lived longer in the neighborhood than those with linear
knowledge. The data supports this suggestion but the association is not highly
significant (t-test, p < 0.25).
Given the predominant north-south/east-west direction of streets in the Hillcrest
area, one would expect the network-oriented residents to have discontinuities in
familiarity at the interstices of the cardinal axes. To test this supposition, Odlands
(1988, p. 26) regular grid spatial autoregression model was used to identify
directional influences. Odlands model explains the value at a location based upon
the values of neighboring locations. In the current context, the directional influences
are extended to encompass the eight surrounding values of the Queen's Matrix.
For example, the value of a variable X at any coordinate location V,V may be
related to the eight surrounding values by the equation
xu,u= a + 1 x u - 1 , 0 + 1
where a is a constant and the various b are regression coefficients. Variation in the
regression coefficients indicates spatial directionality. The regression model was
tested on thirty cells that encompassed the predominant north-south/east-west
axes in the study area. The model was run on each cell for all the network
respondents and all the area respondents. Figures 6a and b represent all sixty
regressions with the direction of each regression's significant coefficients and
R-square values displayed in each cell (the "H" symbol identifies the cell that
contains the central point of Hillcrest). As one would expect from a regression
between a cell and its contiguous neighbors, the R-square values are all relatively
high with a mean of 0.78 for the cells of the area-oriented residents and a mean of
0.83 for the cells of the network-oriented residents. The two sets of R-square
values can be considered to originate from the same population (t-test, p < 0.001).
Taken as a whole, the directional regression coefficients in each cell suggest that
there is a slightly greater north-south rather than east-west trend in familiarity.
North-south regression coefficient weights are somewhat higher than the east-west
weights (t-test, p < 0.25). This provides evidence to suggest that the planners'
east-west axial delimitation of Hillcrest in 1988 does not represent the views of all
residents. Of consequence to the developmental theories of spatial knowledge are
the number of noncardinal negative regression coefficients in the network-oriented
residents' cells (Figure 6b). This suggests that the diagonal cells do not vary
directly with the dependent cell, that is, their influence is negative. The primary
320 /
Geographical Analysis
H R2=.86
R2=. 60
FIG. 6a. Directional Autoregression for Thirty Cells Which Encompass the Center of the Hillcrest
and the Predominant Street Axes: Residents with Areal-based Knowledge
orientation of the familiarity surfaces of the network-oriented residents is the
north-south/east-west street network. Alternatively, diagonal cells have no negative
influence on those with an areal orientation, and several show a positive influence
(Figure 6a).
Several researchers have shown that over time landmark information is integrated
with procedural rules to facilitate movement behavior (Garling et al. 1981; Golledge
et al. 1985; Gale et al. 1990). In addition, Gale et al. (1990) found that route
knowledge is parsimonious. They suggest that successful navigation does not
require extensive knowledge about scenes along the route. Less is known of the
transition from linear knowledge to areal knowledge. Gkling et al. (1981) suggest
that a cognitive representation of the spatial layout of a residential area can be
acquired very quickly. Scale is perhaps an important consideration. To date,
/ 321
Stuart C . Aitken and Rudy Prosser
t: .
R2 =.86
R 2 =.92
1 .o
f ‘1: f ‘1
- “ O 7 .59
FIG. 6b. Directional Autoregression for Thirty Cells Which Encompass the Center of the Hillcrest
and the Predominant Street Axes: Residents with Linear-based Knowledge
neither spatial knowledge structures nor developmental sequencing principles
have been established for neighborhood scale cognition.
The current study suggests that knowledge of a complex network may not be
enough to provide an areal knowledge structure. Alternatively, areal knowledge
need not comprise an understanding of survey procedures. We suggest that areal
knowledge and survey knowledge might be overlapping-perhaps
redundant-cognitive structures. Furthermore, little evidence is gained from the
current study to support the notion that areal-based knowledge of small-scale
urban environments is related to how long an individual has resided in the area.
We suggest rather that areal-based knowledge at this scale is gained through
activities such as walking in the neighborhood, that is, knowledge that goes beyond
that of the basic neighborhood street network is gained by exploring neighborhood
/ Geographical Analysis
parks and canyons, and by taking shortcuts through alleyways and across vacant
lots. Those residents who perceive their neighborhood as an area create familiarity
surfaces that not only have cardinal directionality but also some noncardinal
influence. Alternatively, we show that residents who perceive their neighborhood
as a network of streets demonstrate a familiarity based solely upon the area’s
principal cardinal street directions. Any noncardinal influence is negative.
Research in the last decade has provided solutions to many of the problems
associated with measuring and analyzing cognitive and behavioral data. Until
lately, the spatial structure and form of these data have not been a major concern
of researchers in the field of environment and behavior. In the current study we
were concerned with creating a geographic basis for analyzing residents’ perception
of their home area. The creation of the empirical data set that powered the study
was premised upon the fact that perception of neighborhood form is related to the
habitual behavior of residents within their local area. Simple measures of spatial
familiarity and experience were used to create cognitive surfaces for each resident
in the sample. The spatial complexity of these data required the topological and
relational sophistication of an ARC/INFO geographic information system. Spatial
autocorrelation coefficients provided an indication of the consistency of residents’
familiarity with their home area. Spatial autoregression models provided evidence
of the form of neighborhood familiarity in terms of predominant directional
We draw attention to the importance of understanding the structure of geographic
learning in small-scale environments. Evidence from the study suggests that there
is a structural difference in the spatial familiarity of residents who perceive their
neighborhood as an area and those who perceive it as a network. Street networks
played an important part as the basis for both linear-based knowledge and
areal-based knowledge, but noncardinal associations were more prominent in the
familiarity surfaces of those residents who perceived an areal neighborhood form.
Those residents with areal knowledge pursued significantly more activities in the
neighborhood and were more likely to walk in the neighborhood than drive.
Theories of spatial knowledge acquisition are still at an embryonic stage.
Although some considerable advances have been made in understanding the
transition between landmark and linear knowledge, we have little understanding of
the relationship between linear knowledge and areal knowledge. On the basis of
this study, we suggest that (i) there may not be a direct sequential relationship
between linear-based and areal-based knowledge structures, (ii) knowledge of a
complex network may not be enough to provide an areal knowledge structure, and
(iii) an areal knowledge structure does not necessarily comprise an understanding
of survey procedures. Although this study supports the contention that experience,
familiarity, and environmental transactions help construct and maintain spatial
knowledge structures, there is still considerable speculation concerning how
information is selected, structured, stored, and represented in the mind. Our
findings are at best suggestive. Although past studies have shown that nodal
information is integrated with procedural rules in the development of linear
knowledge structures, such a sequence may not hold for higher-order knowledge
structures. Areal and survey knowledge might be processed by overlapping,
reticulate cognitive structures that incorporate a high degree of redundancy.
It is clear that we must develop a stronger theoretical basis from our empirical
studies. This basis would provide a clear distinction between different types of
spatial knowledge structures, and it would identify how declarative, procedural,
and survey cognitive processes relate to landmark, route, and areal information.
Stuart C. Aitken and Rudy Prosser / 323
The current study makes a modest addition to the literature and theory that
concerns itself with residents’ cognition of neighborhood form and consistency.
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