Job Strain and Autonomic Indices
of Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Sean M. Collins,
Robert A. Karasek,
and Kevin Costas,
Background Despite the epidemiological evidence linking job strain to cardiovascular
disease, more insight is needed into the etiologic mechanisms. This, in turn, would help to
more precisely identify risk.
Methods We measured Job Strain using the Job Content Questionnaire, 8/day diary
reports, and nationally standardized occupational code linkage, as well as autonomic
regulation utilizing heart rate variability including spectral-derived components and QT
interval variability in 36 healthy mid-aged males with varying strain jobs. The subjects
wore Holter-monitors for 48 hr; this included a work and rest day.
Results Job strain (P ¼ 0.02) and low decision latitude (P ¼ 0.004) were associated with
a reduction in cardiac vagal control (HFP) persisting throughout the 48 hr. Job strain was
also associated with elevations in sympathetic control during working hours (P ¼ 0.003).
Conclusions The disturbed cardiovascular regulatory pattern associated with job strain
may help explain the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases linked with occupational
exposure. Am. J. Ind. Med. 48:182–193, 2005. ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
KEY WORDS: job strain; heart rate variability; job content questionnaire;
psychosocial factors; occupational stress; cardiac disease risk
Substantial research now exists relating adverse psychosocial work environments to cardiovascular disease, with
a recent comprehensive review of 46 studies concluding:
‘‘the strong, consistent evidence of an association . . .support
the conclusion that job strain is indeed a major CVD risk
factor’’ [Schnall et al., 1998; Belkic et al., 2004]. The public
Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health and Environment, University of
Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts
Department of Work Environment, School of Health and Environment, University of
Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts
Institution where work was performed: Department of Work Environment, School of
Health and Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Contract grant sponsor: Chancellor’s Research Fund; Contract grant sponsor: Kerr Ergonomics Institute; Contract grant sponsor: Department of Work Environment, School of Health
and Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
*Correspondence to: Sean M. Collins, School of Health and Environment, University of
Massachusetts Lowell, 3 Solomont Way, Suite 5, Lowell, MA 01854-5124.
[email protected]
Accepted 24 June 2005
DOI 10.1002/ajim.20204. Published online in Wiley InterScience
ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
policy implications of confirming ‘‘work-relatedness’’ are
significant since cardiovascular disease remains the leading
cause of mortality and morbidity in industrialized countries.
Indeed, the recent Korean practice [KOSHA, 1998] of classifying significant portions of cardiovascular illness as workrelated has elevated heart disease to one of the two primary
causes of work-related mortality in Korea. Gaps remain
in this research, however, notably: there is less research
on the specific physiological pathways of disease causation
[Schnall et al., 1994, 2000], although failures in blood
pressure regulation, when assessed by ambulatory monitoring, are clearly identified [Schnall et al., 1998]. We assess
whether regulatory limitations of nervous system control
(sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic) could be one
of the important pathways by which psychosocial risks
contribute to cardiovascular illness. These limitations, if
confirmed, could implicate work stress in the broad range of
other diseases affected by autonomic nervous system (ANS)
The demand control model (or demand/control/support
model) is perhaps the most commonly utilized hypothesis
associating psychosocial factors at work with cardiovascular
Cardiovascular Disease Risk
disease [Karasek, 1976, 1979; Johnson and Hall, 1988;
Karasek and Theorell, 1990]. The demand—control model
classifies jobs based on psychological demands (such as work
deadline pressure) and decision latitude (control over the
work situation). The primary hypothesis involves high
psychological demands coupled with low decision latitude
(defined as ‘‘job strain’’) increasing the risk of cardiovascular
disease [Schnall et al., 1994, 2000]. However, a relative
paucity of strong associations between job strain and conventional risk factors, other than blood pressure, suggests
that the job strain coronary heart disease association is
mediated through different physiological pathways. Sudden
cardiac death (SCD)—which accounts for approximately
50% of cardiac mortality—results from defective control of
cardiac rhythms [Babuty and Lab, 2001; Gronefeld and
Hohnloser, 2001; Lombardi et al., 2001]. The common
opinion is that SCD occurs primarily in individuals with
conventional risk factors, however, these factors are not
always the precipitating cause of SCD [Myerburg and
Spooner, 2001]. Defective cardiac regulation is one pathway
to cardiovascular disease implicated by job strain research
which can be simply and non-invasively monitored with a
Holter electrocardiagram monitor.
The central nervous system’s autonomic branches influence the heart’s electrical activity through the sympathetic
(SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) divisions of the ANS,
influencing heart rate and beat-to-beat rhythm. Parasympathetic activity promotes relaxation and regeneration and
sympathetic activity mobilizes the body for action such as the
‘‘fight or flight’’ response [Cannon, 1914; Guyton and Hall,
2000]. Heart rate variability (HRV) provides an assessment
of the ANS as it influences heart rate [Bigger, 1994; Task
Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North
American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1996;
Berntson et al., 1997].
Low HRV, predicated on its ability to assess ANS based
cardiac regulation, has been utilized in clinical studies of
CVD patients to predict a variety of cardiovascular outcomes
[Kristal-Boneh et al., 1995; Task Force of the European
Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of
Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1996; Fetsch et al., 1998;
Stein and Kleiger, 1999], and in healthy populations, all
cause and cardiac mortality [Algra, 1993; Tusji and Vendetti,
1994; Tusji and Larson, 1996; Dekker, 1997], as well as
new onset of hypertension [Singh et al., 1998]. Low high
frequency power of the HRV spectrum is also a risk for mortality in patients who have had a myocardial infarction
[Kleiger et al., 1987; Bigger, 1992; Lombardi et al., 1996;
Bigger et al., 1998; Doulalas et al., 2001], have coronary
artery disease [van Boven et al., 1998] or congestive heart
failure [Mortara and LaRovere, 1994; Nolan, 1998; Galinier
et al., 2000].
There is a broader public health implication here also:
stress theories are non-specific in predicting chronic disease
from social stressors. If the implicated pathway is the central,
basal regulatory power of the ANS, with its sympathetic and
parasympathetic mechanisms, this might impact upon a
broad range of the chronic diseases potentially associated
with job strain [Van der Doef and Maes, 1999; Bongers et al.,
Studies utilizing HRV measures for investigating the
impact of occupational stress in the workplace exist, but with
limitations on recruitment of subjects and exposure assessment strengths [Collins, 2001]. Most job strain etiologic
studies above have relied on assessment methods such as
questionnaires (Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) and ERI)
[Karasek et al., 1998], a smaller number have used occupational linkage methods. The use of multiple types of job
strain assessments, the triangulation method of Kristenson
[1995, 1996], can bolster validity of interpretation and is used
in this paper.
Study Population
A sample of healthy employed men (n ¼ 30) between 35
and 59 years of age, all members of a community health plan,
was recruited from an ongoing investigation of seasonal
variations in cholesterol (Seasons Study) [Merriam et al.,
1999]. An additional sample (n ¼ 6) of healthy employed
men (35–59 years of age) was recruited from an associated
stress reduction clinic. Participants of the Seasons study had
been screened for job strain using a subset of questions from
the Job Content Questionnaire [Karasek et al., 1998]. Investigators reviewed the JCQ and current occupational
information collected for each subject as part of the intake
process and identified a potential sub-population of and high
and low strain individuals. Potential subjects were sent letters
explaining the study, how they were selected and that they
would be contacted by telephone. The Seasons population
excluded individuals with blood lipid morbidity or related
therapies, psychiatric illness, known likely-to-be-fatal diseases, and study participation limiting conditions (such as
alcoholism). Our recruitment protocol further excluded
subjects with serious medical conditions leading to medications that would affect HRV monitoring, or heart disease,
or any medications affecting HRV monitoring. The subject
population is similar to the rather homogenous Seasons recruiting base population in gender, age, breadth of occupations (see below), white ethnicity, and in social class. Only
day-shift workers were recruited, again similar to the Seasons
population. Subject recruitment occurred in two waves.
During the first wave of recruitment, difficulties associated
with participation in complex protocol studies for participants with high strain jobs became evident. The yield of
subjects screened as having a probable high strain occupation
(17%) was much less than that for subjects screened as
Collins et al.
having a probable low strain occupation (42%), potentially
biasing results. The recruitment protocol was made more
flexible to accommodate the high strain individuals without
influencing critical elements of the protocol’s scientific
method and recruitment of subjects screened as being probable of being in a high strain occupation improved (83%).
Holter monitor attachment occurred at a location and time of
the subject’s convenience, increased monetary incentives
were offered (up to $350), and the work rest day cycle could
be any two days of their regular workweek. A total of 36
subjects were successfully recruited and monitored.
Subjects are from a population based sample and,
therefore, comprise a wide range of occupations from a range
of employment sectors. Subjects in high strain occupations
held positions such as letter carrier, laborer, printer, quality
technician, and tele/data communications; while subjects in
low strain jobs held positions such as teacher, business agent,
retirement specialist, and buyer. We feel this diversity is a
significant strength of this sample as opposed to the limited
occupational variation when collecting data from one sector
or organization.
The Fallon Community Health Plan and the University
of Massachusetts Medical Center Institutional Review Board
approved the study and subjects provided informed consent
prior to participation. Subjects completed a full version of the
Job Content Questionnaire and provided occupation and
demographic information. They were connected to a Holter
monitor (Marquette 8500) to collect a continuous 48 hr ECG
recording beginning the morning of (prior to) a workday
followed through a rest day.
Job Strain
Kristensen’s triangulation method places emphasis on
multiple methodologically accurate measurements of risk
factors [Phillips and Smith, 1993; Kristenson, 1996]. This
paper utilizes a triangulation based on (A) self-reports to the
Job Content Questionnaire and (B) workday diary, and (C)
three-digit occupational linkages to US nationally representative job characteristic databases.
Subjects completed a diary with questions relating to
decision latitude, psychological demands, activity, exertion,
position, and social interaction at eight pre-determined times
each of the monitored days (three pairs of observations
separated by 20 min during work), which were aggregated
over the work day for this classification. The diary was a
modification of one utilized in a study of ambulatory blood
pressure monitoring [Schnall et al., 1990]. Questions are
similar in content to the JCQ, but modified to reflect short-
term exposures. Diary scales with moderate reliability but
good theoretical congruence with JCQ and linkage-based
scales were constructed using factor analysis with varimax
rotation. The aggregated self-report diary assessments
provide a measure where the situation to be assessed is
closer in time to the report, potentially reducing recall bias
[Kristenson, 1995, 1996; Landsbergis and Theorell, 2000].
‘‘Objective’’—non-subject influenced assessment of job
characteristics come from an occupation-based measure of
occupational linkage. The occupational title provided by
subjects’ and their three digit occupational codes (i.e. doctor,
carpenter. . .) consistent with the JCQ Center’s coding of
the US nationally representative Quality of Employment
Surveys [Karasek et al., 1985] were recorded. The JCQ JobOccupational linkage system provided national average
psychological demands and decision latitude scores associated with each subjects’ occupation code [Karasek et al.,
1985]. A method to weight and combine the individual
assessment scores was developed (Appendix I) transforming
all scores into equivalent JCQ scale scores.
Classification of Strain, Demands,
Control, Social Support,
Socioeconomic Status
High strain jobs were classified using tertiles of the final
scores based on the JCQ Center US national sample JCQ
scale means and standard deviations. Subjects were combined in a nine cell bivariate matrix of decision latitude and
psychological demands. Those in the most extreme three
high demand and low control cells were categorized as high
strain, yielding 13 high strain subjects. To test the univariate
main effects of psychological demand, decision latitude, and
social support on the dependent variables the weighted score
for demand and control, and the original JCQ score for social
support were utilized. National US JCQ sample means were
used as cut-points to split the group into high (n ¼ 15) and low
(n ¼ 21) demands as well as high (n ¼ 17) and low (n ¼ 19)
control groups. Social support was added as a continuous
scale variable to test for isostrain [Johnson and Hall, 1988].
Electrocardiograph Data Processing
Holter data tapes were analyzed for ventricular arrhythmias and HRV at the Research Holter Laboratory at
Columbia University [Albrecht and Cohen, 1988; Rottman
et al., 1990; Bigger, 1994; Sloan et al., 1994]. Dependent
variables (high frequency power, low frequency/high frequency power ratio, HRV (measured with SDNN), and heart
rate) were computed from 5-min epochs throughout the 48-hr
period. A Fast Fourier algorithm computed power in the low
frequency (LF, 0.04–0.15 Hz) and high frequency (HF,
Cardiovascular Disease Risk
0.15–0.40 Hz) spectra. High Frequency Power is an indicator
of parasympathetic autonomic response [Malliani et al.,
1991; Bigger, 1992, 1994; Berntson et al., 1997]. Three
estimates of sympathetic activity are utilized and computed
for each 5-min epoch. The first: the ratio of low to high power,
has been often used, but is considered more ambiguous than
the high frequency power with respect to parasympathetic
response [Malliani et al., 1991; Pagani et al., 1991a,b;
Berntson et al., 1997]. Residual heart rate, the second measure, has been proposed as a relative indicator of sympathetic
activation by making use of the demonstrated relationship
between vagal activity, the primary determinant of heart rate,
and the heart rate itself. Positive residuals, for example,
indicate that heart rate is higher than estimated by vagal
activity, and sympathetic activity is proposed as the major
source of this increase. Residual HR was determined by the
methods proposed by Grossman [Grossman and Sveback,
1987] and further validated by Backs and Lenneman [Backs,
1995, 1998; Backs et al., 1999; Grossman and Sveback,
1987; Lenneman and Backs, 2000]. Weaknesses of the
residual heart rate as an indicator of sympathetic measures
are dependencies on the ability of HFP to assess parasympathetic activity and the assumption of linearity in the
cardiovascular response to interacting sympathetic and
parasympathetic activity [Backs, 1995, 1998; Backs et al.,
QT variability index (QTVI), the third method, has been
shown to be a marker of sympathetic nervous system activation [Yeragani et al., 2000], and to predict risk of sudden
cardiac death [Berger et al., 1997; Atiga et al., 1998],
and with certain emotional and mental health conditions
that are known to be associated with elevated sympathetic
nervous system activity such as panic disorder and depression [Yeragani et al., 2000]. QTVI measures the
variability of the QT interval after controlling for the known
effect of heart rate. Increased sympathetic nervous system
activation leads to increases in QT interval variation that is
independent of the HRV [Negoescu and Dinca-Panaitescu,
The digitized and edited ECG signals were submitted to
algorithms developed at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
Department of Cardiology. QT variability index (QTVI) was
computed by the methods of Berger [Berger et al., 1997].
Long delays in the QT interval series resulting from noisy
signals, artifact or ectopic beats that could not be filtered were
eliminated from analysis (roughly 40%). The entire epoch
was eliminated if more than 25% of the data could not be
Sociological Periods
Subjects recorded times on the diary indicating changes
in their social situation, such as the start of work, end of work,
etc. These times were utilized to construct ‘‘sociological
periods,’’ such a ‘‘morning at work,’’ ‘‘lunch,’’ and ‘‘afternoon at work’’ (as seen in Figs. 1 and 2)—roughly seven
periods per day. These periods allow control for diurnal
rhythm variations that may be related to cardiovascular
function. However, they allow for a more precise understanding of the social determinants of daily activity effects
than arbitrary absolute time of day cut points often used in
circadian research. The actual times of major socially
mediated activities may be the most salient component of
much diurnal variation [Schwartz and Pickering, 1996; Jacob
et al., 1999]. The ECG data for each subject during each
sociological period were aggregated for comparisons
between groups within each sociological period.
Covariates that have been shown to exert an influence on
HRV controlled for in this study include age and gender. The
recruitment protocol restricted the pool of potential subjects
to men between the ages of 35 and 59 years of age. This
moderate-cost HMO intake based population tends to suggest a mid-range socioeconomic position; however education
was used to control for social class. Diary data reporting
position and exertion were available at eight discrete times
during each day, therefore, six of the 14 sociological periods
have information available regarding position and exertion.
Subjects were asked to fill out the diary based on the 20 min
time period prior to completing the diary. Total cholesterol,
body mass index, and smoking status were controlled in the
30 seasons study subjects.
Statistical Analysis
Graphic and descriptive analyses were performed to
assess differences between high and low job strain groups
during the sociological periods. To test for significant differences between the job strain, control and demand groups
fixed effects, repeated measure models with the SPSS 11.1
mixed model procedure using an autoregressive covariance
matrix were computed. Sociological period is the repeated
measure with each subject uniquely identified within each
period. Four models were constructed to test hypotheses for
each dependent variable with a ¼ 0.05 as significant. All
models included age and education. Additional parameters
including social support and cardiovascular risk factors
(BMI, total cholesterol, smoking) were tested without effect
on the outcomes of the models. Model I tested the effect of
Job Strain, entered as a dichotomous variable. Model II,
tested the effect of job strain specifically when at work: an
interaction variable was entered between location (0, not at
work; 1, at work) and job strain. Models III and IV tested the
main effects of decision latitude and psychological demands
entered as dichotomous variables.
Collins et al.
FIGURE 1. Heartratevariabilityandhighfrequencypowerduringsociologicalperiods.
FIGURE 2. Sympathetic variables duringsociological periodsbetweenstrain groups.
Cardiovascular Disease Risk
The time variation of the ECG variables over the 48-hr
period is presented in Figures 1 and 2 depict the differences
between the strain groups within each sociological period.
Parameter estimates and related statistics from the fixed
effects repeated measures models for job strain, decision
latitude, and psychological demands are presented in Tables I
and II. Social support, smoking (all subjects), body mass
index and total cholesterol (n ¼ 30) were not significant
predictors when added to any of these models.
Heart Rate Variability
Table I presents parameter estimates for HRV and HFP
for four models. The models differ in the primary parameters
(i.e. job strain, strain at work, demands, control) while the
covariates (age and education) are included in all models. As
presented in Table I there is no significant effect of high
job strain on HRV either during the monitoring protocol
(Model I) or while at work (Model II). Significant reductions
in HRV were found in the low control group (Model III) and
contrary to hypothesis (see Discussion), elevations were
associated with increased demands (Model IV). Age was
negatively associated with HRV in all models. Education was
not associated with HRV in these models.
High Frequency Power—
Parasympathetic Activity
Table I depicts model parameters for high frequency
power. Significant differences exist between job strain
groups (Model I) throughout the entire monitoring period.
Increased age is associated with decreased high frequency
power. The low job control group also demonstrated a significant reduction in high frequency power during the entire
monitoring period (Model III), with increased education
level also associated with decreased high frequency power.
No such reduction was identified for psychological demands
(Model IV), which has been a standard hypothesis in HRV
QTVI, Lo/Hi Ratio, and Residual Heart
Rate—Sympathetic Activity
Table II presents model parameters for the sympathetic
nervous system measures of QTVI, Lo/Hi Ratio, and the
residual heart rate. All sympathetic measures displayed the
same pattern of association with job strain. They were not
significantly different between job strain groups when the
model considered the entire monitoring period. However, all
sympathetic measures were significantly elevated in the high
strain group on the workday (Model II). Education was not
significantly associated with sympathetic measures.
High job strain and, even more clearly, low decision
latitude are associated with significant and persistent
reductions in cardiac vagal control. Furthermore, at work,
subjects with high job strain demonstrated elevations in
sympathetic control as measured by three different ECG
based parameters. While job strain does not predict total
HRV, low decision latitude is associated with reduced HRV.
These findings provide evidence of an association between
job strain exposure and physiological processes known to be
associated with cardiac deregulation. The persistent decrease
in parasympathetic cardiac control (HFP) in the high strain
TABLE I. Model Parameters for Heart RateVariability and High Frequency Power
Heart rate variability
Model I
Model II
Model III
Model IV
High frequency power
High Strain
High Strain ^Work
Low Control
High Demands
Repeated measure mixed models procedure using an autoregressive covariance matrix (N ¼ 34).
Collins et al.
TABLE II. Model II Statistics for SympatheticVariables
Statistics for sympathetic variables
Lo/hi ratio
Residual heartrate
Lo/hi ratio
Residual heartrate
High strain
High strain
High strain
High strain-work
High strain-work
High strain-work
Model I
Model II
Repeated measure mixed models procedure using an autoregressive covariance
matrix (N ¼ 34).
group and in the low control group and the persistent reductions in HRV in the low control group provide evidence for
work relatedness of autonomic regulation of cardiac function
known to be associated with elevated risk for several
cardiovascular diseases. The protocol is based on the significant body of literature that has investigated and identified
a relationship between job strain and cardiovascular disease while adding more sophisticated monitoring strategies
[Berntson et al., 1997] and risk assessment methods [Bigger,
1992] based on well-defined parameters from the human
factors and cardiovascular physiology and epidemiology
literature. The ‘‘triangulation’’ job strain assessment method
found substantial consistency between questionnaire and
diary measures of job strain, with occupational codes adding
further consistency for decision latitude.
Contrary to a decade of well-known laboratory research on mental workload [Kalsbeek, 1973; Backs, 1995;
Kamarack et al., 1998] this study shows psychological
demands to be positively associated with HRV. This may
reflect a difference between the measurement situation of
short acute stress exposures in the laboratory where demands
reduce short-term variability versus 48 hr of variable exposure and readjustment in the context of daily social
activity. The variability in long-term field exposures may
reflect the body’s arousal/return to baseline response to its
normal daily sequence of unpredictable challenges [Conway
et al., 1984]. This highlights the limitations of directly
relating laboratory findings of physiological responses to
field studies. Further consideration for the interpretation of
HRV an indicator of demands in the field is required.
Some consistency is found with other recent job stress
research. Vrijkotte et al. [2000] utilized Siegrist’s model of
effort reward imbalance [Siegrist et al., 1990] to assess vagal
control in subjects reporting high and low effort-reward
imbalance. Subjects with a high imbalance had significantly
lower vagal cardiac control (time domain HRV parameter–
RMSSD) and these effects were noted throughout the monitoring period on both the work and rest day.
Van Amelsvoort et al. [2000] tested the impact of job
strain, noise, and shift work on HRV (including frequency
domain measures). High strain subjects demonstrated elevated sympathetic arousal (as assessed by the percentage of Low
Frequency HRV), however there were no significant differences between the strain classification groups in vagal
cardiac activity (as measured by HFP). We have recruited
subjects from a normal working population with a mean age
of 45. Typical job tenures are measured in multiple years for
such a group in US surveys (US Quality of Employment
Survey), although we did not collect job tenure information
specifically. Job mobility is much higher under age 30, which
is outside our recruiting boundary. In contrast, van Amelsvoort et al. [2000] has specifically recruited newly employed
subjects with a mean age of 30. This could reflect as much
as an order of magnitude difference between the studies in
job tenure. For this reason we find the results from van
Amelsvoort et al. [2000] difficult to compare to our study. In
addition to the subject characteristics, the manner in which
subjects were divided into job strain exposure categories is
quite different. Van Amelsvoort et al. [2000] divided subjects
based on cut points from the sample mean. We feel it
is necessary to cut study samples based on national means to
minimize misclassification of jobs as high strain. In data
analysis, they normalized data based on individual sleep
values. They point out that this reduces between subject
variance. We would point out that if changes to HRV last into
the sleep hours (as we find with the High Frequency Power
component of HRV) then this normalization substantially
removes the between subject and between group variation
that is associated with the exposure of interest.
Findings based on sympathetic assessments in this
sample are strengthened by the consistency of responses for
all three measures (QTVI, Lo/Hi ratio and Residual Heart
Rate): significant differences are only identified for the
workday. These might reflect, at least in part, the significant
difference in exertion or posture between the strain groups on
the workday. Posture might also explain the reductions in
vagal control during the workday for high strain workers.
However, other within subject analyses on this dataset
[Collins et al., 2003] show that exertion does not differ by
Cardiovascular Disease Risk
strain groups and the difference in posture (high strain
upright) does not account for a majority of the variance. Also,
the persistence in reductions in high frequency power over
the entire monitoring period leads us to believe that posture is
not accounting for the differences in the groups in vagal
The job strain hypothesis suggests that environmental
exposure to job strain can lead to exhaustion (such as vital
exhaustion) that has been associated with altered vagal
control [Appels and Mulder, 1988; Appels et al., 1988], and
CHD [Prescott et al., 2003]. In testing the effect of vital
exhaustion, Wantanabe et al. [2002] found significant reductions in HFP measured during 5 min of supine rest in subjects
with a high vital exhaustion score as compared to low and
moderate scores. Exhausted subjects may not be able to
utilize the vagal system as a dominant control system for
cardiac output regulation, leading to a sympathetic dominant
control mechanism.
The observed stress responses are consistent with
emerging understandings of etiologic pathways of disease
development [Schnall et al., 1994, 2000]. Persistent decreases in vagal cardiac control may help explain elevated
ambulatory blood pressure readings on work and rest days in
subjects with high strain occupations. Such cardiac regulatory deregulation may be linked to increased risk of
developing clinical hypertension, as well as development
of pathological changes in the myocardium [Schnall et al.,
1990]. Findings by Lucini et al. [2002] suggest that cardiac
regulatory changes associated with reductions in vagal
cardiac control, represent a spectrum of changes that may
precede clinical hypertension. Important from a public health
and primary medical care perspective is the fact that these
cardiac deregulations occur prior to clinic-based evidence. If
sudden cardiac death of an electrophysiological origin is
related to alterations in vagal cardiac control, then one might
hypothesize that pre-clinical cardiac deregulation can
increase susceptibility to sudden cardiac death as hypothesized by Lombardi et al. [2001]. Cardiac disease related to
alterations in regulatory control may not only be mediated
through elevations in blood pressure, but can increase risk of
sudden cardiac death.
While vagal cardiac control had prolonged reductions
the indices of sympathetic control—QTVI, Lo/Hi ratio, and
residual heart rate—are elevated in the high strain group on
the workday. These findings may help explain elevated BP
during the workday (due to increased sympathetic and decreased vagal activity) and then persistent elevations in BP
after work (due to persistent drops in vagal control). This may
also be responsible for the identification of increased cardiac
reactivity in high stress subjects [Steptoe et al., 1996;
Steptoe, 2000] even when tested after work.
The time component of causality reported in this paper
is based on the fact that the 48 hr of cardiac control
phenomena are all time-subsequent to the questionnaire
administration at the beginning of the monitoring. More
detailed within-subject analysis in for the job strain/HRV covariations are reported elsewhere (both between [JCQ,
occupation] and within subject [diary] work/HRV associations remain significant). Furthermore, presumably the job
strain risk has actually developed over a significantly long
time period, but that full development process cannot be
tested in this project. We would recommend this be tested in
future research.
The independent variables shown to influence high
frequency power between subjects in previous investigations
have been age, sex, and physical fitness [Kristal-Boneh et al.,
1995]. Study selection criteria assured that study subjects
were male, between the ages of 35 and 59, generally healthy
and not using medications known to affect HRV. Control for
age increased the association between job strain and the HR
variables, which often occurs in such field studies, and adding
education also somewhat strengthened the association,
which is less common. While the literature does not suggest
a relationship between typical cardiovascular risk factors and
atypical HRV [Kuch et al., 2000], the models were tested with
control for cholesterol, body mass index and smoking status
in 30 of the 36 subjects. These variables were not significantly associated with any of the tested outcomes. There is
no evidence in the literature to suggest a relationship between
decision latitude and physical fitness. It may be hypothesized
that greater decision latitude is conducive to a lifestyle with
greater potential for the pursuit of personal fitness. High
decision latitude individuals might self-select toward better
physical fitness, and this possible association should be considered in future investigations.
This study was performed among healthy men. Depressed HRV is well recognized as a powerful independent
predictor of mortality and risk of life-threatening arrhythmias among patients after acute myocardial infarction
(AMI). Return to high strain work is an independent predictor
of lethal ischemic events among younger men post-AMI
[Theorell et al., 1991]. The present study shows replicated
evidence that high strain work adversely impacts upon
indices of HRV. Examination of autonomic indices post-AMI
in relations to return to work issues should also be given high
priority in future studies.
Other work environment exposures might influence
HRV measures through their influence on ANS function. Two
possibilities include noise [van Amelsvoort et al., 2000;
Tzaneva et al., 2001] and air particulate exposure [Magari
et al., 2001, 2002], and these possible associations should be
tested in future investigations.
More intervention studies are urgently needed which
examine the impact of improving work conditions upon
autonomic indices. One excellent example is Kobayashi et al.
[1997], a study of the autonomic effects of modifying work
hour patterns prior to engaging in night shift work. Other
examples, could be developed following the job redesign
Collins et al.
principles involving enhancement of task autonomy and job
security related possibilities of maintaining social equilibrium as suggested in the demand/control model [Karasek
and Theorell, 1990], and in the stress-disequilibrium model
[Karasek, 2005].
Conducting this study required a significant effort to
recruit a community-based sample with enough variation in
job strain measures to provide the necessary contrasts to be
assessed. During recruitment it became obvious to the researchers that high strain subjects were less likely to
participate. To recruit high strain subjects, without sacrificing
the essential aspects of the study protocol required, the
researchers had to expend considerable effort to increase the
flexibility of monitor hook up time, day, and location and
provide additional monetary incentives. Analysis shows that
without this major effort to recruit high strain subject pool
using the remaining subjects to define relative high and low
strain groups would have likely resulted in null findings.
Future studies should extend to female subjects and minority
cardiac regulation measured by HRV serves as the final CVD
disease pathway for job stress.
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This study supports the hypothesis that job strain is
associated with ambulatory electrocardiograph indices of
cardiovascular regulation in a pathogenic manner. The
findings implicate autonomic deregulation under job strain
conditions, providing a putatively powerful explanation of
heart disease, as well a potential explanation of ‘‘workrelatedness’’ for other stress-related chronic diseases.
The emerging need to understand work organization
risks has placed work-related psychosocial illness on the
National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) [NIOSH,
2003]. Gaps remain however, notably: there is much less
research on the specific physiological pathways of disease
causation although failures in blood pressure regulation,
when assessed by ambulatory monitoring, are clearly identified [Belkic et al., 2004]. We have identified regulatory
limitations of central nervous system’s control (sympathetic
and parasympathetic autonomic) of cardiac output as a
pathway by which psychosocial risks cause illness. These
ANS limitations, if confirmed, could implicate work stress in
the broad range of other diseases affected by ANS regulation.
If the implicated pathway (the central, basal regulatory power
of the ANS, with its sympathetic and parasympathetic
mechanisms) is confirmed with further studies, it implicates
a broad range of the chronic diseases as potentially associated with job strain. Disruptions in ANS control make a
case for a possibility that musculoskeletal, mental strain, or
diabetes outcomes could be related to the same basic jobrelated strains [van der Doef and Maes, 1999; Bongers et al.,
However, further studies are needed to explicitly demonstrate the full sequence of process by which defective
The authors thank all study participants for their time
and commitment to the protocol. The study would not have
been possible without the collaborative support of Dr. Ira
Ockene, Dr. Robert Mittleman, Karen Rofino-Nadworny,
and Philip Merriam (University of Massachusetts Medical Center); Dr. Thomas Bigger and Richard Steinman
(Columbia University); Dr. Ronald Berger and Barry Fetics
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predictor of emotion and that thus the best weighting formula
would be attained by assessing which methods display the
strongest association with emotion in a multiple response
relationship [Karasek and Theorell, 1990; Van der Doef
Cardiovascular Disease Risk
and Maes, 1999; Bultmann et al., 2002] using the emotional
state responses to questions on the JCQ (4) and diary (6)).
Demands and control scores from each method were entered
into linear regression models to predict: (1) negative emotion
(seven items, Cronbach’s Alpha 0.77); and (2) positive
emotion (three items, Cronbach’s Alpha 0.66). Coefficients
for occupational code demands were not significantly associated with emotion and were not included in weighting.
Standardized regression coefficients for the job strain
assessment methods were summed and the percent of the
sum accounted for by each method was utilized to weight the
scores. Seventy percent of the total job strain score was
determined by negative emotion (seven questions) and 30%
were determined based on the positive emotion (three
questions). The correlation structure between measures for
demands and control are presented in Figure A1, and show
substantial consistency across all three methods for decision latitude, and in the case of demands: for diary and
Occupational Code
Job Content
Work Day Diary
Occupational Code
Job Content
Work Day Diary
FIGURE A1. Triangulation of threejob strain measures.