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A new high accuracy technique using one dual frequency GNSS receiver, precise point positioning (PPP) offers the possibility of cost effectively obtaining coordinates. This study investigates the accuracy of kinematic PPP for hydrographic applications on rivers, and shows results comparable to double-difference solutions.
Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has been one of the major research areas in surveying in recent years to obtain cost effectively coordinates using one dual frequency GNSS instrument. The purpose of this study is to investigate the accuracy of the kinematic PPP solution using Bernese software for hydrographic applications. This PPP solution was compared with the double-difference solution from Bernese software. The Virtual SAPOS (SAtellitenPOSitionierungsdienst der deutschen Landesvermessung) reference station was considered as a reference station. Two kinematic trajectories have been observed within project “HydrOs (Integrated Hydrographic Positioning System) on the Rhine River, Duisburg, Germany. This project is launched in co-operation of the department M5 (Geodesy) of the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) and the Institute of Engineering Geodesy at the University of Stuttgart (IIGS). The first kinematic trajectory shows a standard deviation for the kinematic PPP solution of 6 cm in East, 2.1 cm in North, and 6.8 cm in height. If the 5% of the measurements are eliminated as outliers, the standard deviation values for a confidence level of 95% (SD95%) are 5 cm in East, 1.2 cm in North and 5 cm in height. The second trajectory, which started with 40 minutes of quasi-static observation time (non-moving vessel), achieves a more precise solution. The standard deviation values of all measurement are 1.7 cm in East, 2.6 cm in North, and 4.9 cm in height. For a confidence level of 95%, the PPP solution provides a standard deviation (SD95%) of 1.5 cm for the East and North directions. Moreover, it delivers 3 cm for the height.
Journal of artificial satellites Vol. 53, No. 1, 2018
Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is ideally suited for inshore and offshore positioning because of its high accuracy and the short observation time required for a position fix. Precise point positioning (PPP) is a technique used for position computation with a high accuracy using a single GNSS receiver. It relies on highly accurate satellite position and clock data that can be acquired from different sources such as the International GNSS Service (IGS). PPP precision varies based on positioning technique (static or kinematic), observations type (single or dual frequency) and the duration of observations among other factors. PPP offers comparable accuracy to differential GPS with safe in cost and time. For many years, PPP users depended on GPS (American system) which considered the solely reliable system. GLONASS's contribution in PPP techniques was limited due to fail in maintaining full constellation. Yet, GLONASS limited observations could be integrated into GPS-based PPP to improve availability and precision. As GLONASS reached its full constellation early 2013, there is a wide interest in PPP systems based on GLONASS only and independent of GPS. This paper investigates the performance of kinematic PPP solution for the hydrographic applications in the Nile river (Aswan, Egypt) based on GPS, GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS constellations. The study investigates also the effect of using two different observation types; single-frequency and dual frequency observations from the tested constellations.
Hydrographic surveys, in accordance with the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-44 standard, can be carried out in the following five orders: Exclusive, Special, 1a, 1b and 2, for which minimum accuracy requirements for the applied positioning system have been set out. They are as follows, respectively: 1, 2, 5, 5 and 20 m, with a confidence level of 95% in two-dimensional space. The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network solutions (accuracy: 2–3 cm (p = 0.95)) and the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) (accuracy: 1–2 m (p = 0.95)) are now commonly used positioning methods in hydrography. Due to the fact that a new order of hydrographic surveys has appeared in the IHO S-44 standard from 2020—Exclusive, looking at the current positioning accuracy of the DGPS system, it is not known whether it can be used in it. The aim of this article is to determine the usefulness of GNSS/Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) for hydrographic surveys. During the resear...
Kartografija i geoinformacije, 2019
Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a technique able to compute high accuracy positioning anywhere using a single GNSS receiver and without the need for corrections from reference stations. A wide range of possible PPP algorithms, using different correction models and processing strategies, exist for both post-processing and real-time applications. PPP relies on accurate satellite and clock data, with the use of precise carrier-phase measurements. Single Frequency-PPP (SF-PPP) is currently under investigation by the scientific community, owing to its cheap implementation with respect to classical differential positioning and multi-frequency un-differenced techniques. Unfortunately, the carrier-phase observable is ambiguous by an a priori unknown integer number of cycles, called ambiguity, which is difficult to resolve with SF receivers. The aim of this paper was to study the opportunity provided by the use of a multi-GNSS constellation applied to two widespread SF-PPP models, based on different carrier-phase and code observable combinations. The algorithms were tested using static data collection carried out in an opensky scenario. The results show decimeter level accuracy on the horizontal and vertical components of the position.
Institute of Navigation, 2017
He has a strong focus on the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) for a number of precise positioning and navigation applications such as satellite orbit determination and GNSS surveying. His Ph.D. research involves expanding York-PPP engine to provide an ambiguity resolved (AR) solution, utilization of the estimated slant ionospheric term for instantaneous re-convergence and examining the interoperability, as well as combination of the different PPP-AR products. ABSTRACT Few decimetre to metre level accuracy is possible using the cellphone grade GNSS hardware. Current low-cost and ultra-low-cost (cellphone) GNSS receivers have no dual-frequency observables to form linear combination, in-order to account for the ionospheric delay. Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) are used to mitigate the ionospheric error. Signal-to-noise ratio (í µí° ¶ í µí± 0 ⁄) of cellphone antenna is on average 7.5 dB-Hz low compared to the geodetic-grade antenna which depicts that the quality of the raw observations from cellphone GNSS hardware is of low quality compared to the raw observables from geodetic-grade and u-blox hardware. Raw measurement analysis (í µí° ¶ í µí± 0 ⁄) and post-fit residuals show that signal from cellphones are more prone to multipath compared to signals from geodetic-grade and u-blox receivers. The primary reason for multipath is circular polarized antenna in the cellphones. Irregular gain pattern and poor multipath suppression of cellphone antenna is also the primary reason for the slow convergence of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solution compared to PPP solution with geodetic-grade hardware. Positioning results from cellphone processing are inferior to the geodetic-grade hardware. However, horizontal and vertical RMS of 37 cm and 51 cm, respectively, is achieved using cellphone.
Journal on Geoinformatics, Nepal
Combining the precise satellite positions and clocks correction with dual-frequency GNSS receiver, PPP is able to provide position solutions at centimeter- decimeter level. PPP can be regarded as a global positioning approach because its position solutions referred to a global reference frame. As a result, PPP provides much greater positioning consistency than the differential approach in which position solutions are relative to the local base station or stations. Due to this, today PPP has been the demand of large number of market.
This dissertation determines for the first time the vertical accuracy achievable with low-cost mass-market multi-frequency, multi-GNSS (LM3GNSS) receivers, and antennas in the context of Ellipsoid Reference Survey (ERS), usually employed in bathymetric operations aboard survey platforms. LM3GNSS receivers are relatively new in the market, and their emergence is driven by the automobile industry and several mass-market applications requiring location-based solutions at high accuracies. It is foreseeable that emerging hydrographic survey platforms such as autonomous surface vehicles, small unmanned aircraft, crowd-sourced bathymetric platforms, and offshore GNSS buoy will find LM3GNSS receivers attractive since they are power- and cost-effective (often less than $1,000 per unit). Previous studies have shown that some mass-market GNSS receivers\u27 positioning accuracy is at the sub-meter level in some positioning strategies, but the authors rarely discussed the vertical accuracy. In r...
With the development of the International GNSS Service, whose primary object is to provide highest quality data and products for research, education and multidisciplinary application, the concept of Precise Point Positioning began to receive more and more interest on the problem called “positioning”. Nowadays because of this development, the PPP technique it started to grow on the detriment of the relative GNSS positioning. PPP, it is able to offer point determination by processing undifferenced dual frequency receiver, combine with precise orbit and clock corrections offered by IGS to obtain centimeter accuracy. The aim of this paper is to make a comparative study between Precise Point Positioning (PPP) versus relative positioning under different conditions. The conditions or constrains used in this study are observation period and base line length. We apply base line technique in relative solution to spot the errors without adjustment that applied in network technique.
GNSS Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique has received a great deal of attention from scientists in the last few years. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and the initialization time of PPP solutions compared to Precise Differential GPS (PDGPS) solutions. SAPOS stations were considered as reference solutions were estimated using GIPSY-OASIS software and CSRS-PPP online service. Two kinematic trajectories have been observed in Stuttgart, Germany. The observations started with 60 minutes static data acquisition as initialization time. The static data was followed by 30 minutes of kinematic measurement. PPP solutions were evaluated with different periods for the initialization time (zero to sixty minutes) to establish the OASIS software as well as CSRS-PPP online service achieved a RMSE in 3 dimensions of 10 cm from 10 minutes initialization time. The second data set had cycle slip problems during the observation process. CSRS-PPP provided a reliable solution beginning with 20 minutes initialization time. Regarding GIPSY-OASIS software different tropospheric models and approaches were tested in the study to improve the non-reliable service solution, provides a RMSE of 5 cm in horizontal directions and below 15 cm in height direction from 10 minutes initialization time.
The accuracy that can be achieved by a single GPS receiver in stand-alone mode is around 10 metres with SA switched off; this is not adequate for most hydrographic studies. This study aims to improve this level of accuracy using a single geodetic receiver in stand-alone mode by applying a phase smoothing algorithm. The algorithm described in this study requires that the measurements be started from a known point for initialisation. The test site selected for the study is Halic bay, Istanbul. After GPS data were collected on a geodetic point for initialisation, the receiver was moved to a hydrographic vessel and trial measurements were performed along several survey profiles. The position of the vessel was calculated at every epoch using the carrier phase smoothing algorithm. In order to analyse the accuracy of the results, a second receiver collected data on another known point on the seashore during the whole session. The position of the vessel was accurately determined using a kinematic positioning method considering the data collected by both receivers. The results produced show that an accuracy of less than a metre can be achieved using the approach considered in this study.
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