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International Journal of Communication, 2018
This article describes the newest stage in the development of modern technological media. I call this stage “media analytics.” It follows the previous stages of massive reproduction (1500–), broadcasting (1920–), the use of computers for media creation workflows (1981–), the Web as global content creation and distribution network (1993–), and social media platforms (2004–), to name just a few such stages. Unlike other stages, the new stage is not focused on new mechanisms for creation, publishing, or distribution of media, although it also affects these operations. Instead, this new stage is about automatic computational analysis of the content of all online digital media, personal online behaviors and communication, and automatic actions based on this analysis. Media analytics is the new stage of media technology that impacts everyday cultural experiences of significant percentages of populations in dozens of countries who use Internet and computing devices. (For figures about use of Internet and social media in the USA by different demographics groups, see latest Pew Research Center Internet & Tech reports.) (…) While media analytics technologies and concepts are widely discussed in computer and data sciences in business publications, in conferences and trade shows, in leading science journals, and being taught to millions of students worldwide in computer science and data science classes, they are not discussed in either popular press or by academics outside of technology and science fields. This lack of systematic knowledge on the part of many academics and journalists who write about digital cultures about the details of the computational processes that drive web services, apps, desktop applications, video games, search, image detection, voice recognition, recommendation systems, behavioral advertising, and so on, as well as contemporary software engineering and the field of data science in general often prevents them, in my view, from seeing the full picture. (Understanding of many of these details does require knowledge of computer science, and today very few people in academic humanists, social sciences or journalism have this background.)
Journal of General Management, 2004
The catastrophic ascension of the Europeans to the stage of world history entailed the launching of a race war against Africans, which is still raging to this day. This race war is multifaceted; however, its ultimate objective is the racial extermination of the Africans. In the interim period before the racial extermination of Africans, the Europeans have chosen to embark on a cruel project to "falsify African consciousness". This falsification is achieved through a process of culturicide. By the latter, we imply a form of "intellectual warfare" waged by the Europeans to confuse Africans, especially their most gifted members, about their African identity and culture to serve global white supremacy. The integrationist "double-consciousness" of the New Negros in America and the "New Africans" in South Africa is the highest stage of this intellectual warfare. The latter has resulted in the emergence of integrationist double-consciousness (which accepts whites and seeks to coexist with them) among the black elite, like Dubois, and revolutionary double-consciousness (which rejects both whites and white supremacy) among ordinary Africans both in America and South Africa. Using African phenomenological framework, this paper will argue that the integrationist double-consciousness of the black elite must be abandoned and replaced with the revolutionary double-consciousness of ordinary Africans such as Garveyites and amaqaba. This is in order to destroy whites and global white supremacy and to restore African Renaissance
Revista Mythos, 2022
No início de 2021, a Revista Mythos lançou o dossiê Mulheres no Mundo Antigo. Pesquisadoras dos variados rincões do Brasil e da América Latina aderiram à chamada e a coleção de artigos planejada para um número se transformou em duas, uma publicada em meados daquele ano e esta agora, em 2022. Bons frutos do trabalho acadêmico em curso, desde meados dos anos de 1990. Nesta trajetória, as contribuições das epistemologias feministas e de gênero, formuladas tanto no Brasil como no estrangeiro, têm sido cruciais na redefinição das abordagens teórico/metodológicas das pesquisas sobre as mulheres, na grande maioria realizadas por elas, cada vez mais presentes nos espaços acadêmicos (Rawson, 1995; Dias, 2019). Com o avanço das investigações no decorrer destes anos, cada vez mais compreendemos as possibilidades inúmeras dos significados de ser mulher, identificadas nas múltiplas identidades constituídas no cotidiano de cada tempo histórico (Wyke,1998; Candido, 2012). Avançamos em relação à noção de categorias fixas, universais e apenas biologizantes de feminino e masculino, definidas por uma essência, indelével, a-histórica e atemporal. Por meio dos debates, identificamos o espaço social como um campo plural, dinâmico, de conflitos e parcerias, composto não pela mulher, mas por mulheres, diferentes em suas singularidades étnicas e regionais; em suas trajetórias culturais e vivências sexuais; marcadas pelo acesso à liberdade jurídica, à educação e aos bens materiais, ou pela falta ou limitações deles.
Araucaria, 2014
La posición de Grocio respecto a la guerra es considerada en este artículo como un intento de mediación entre el realismo político y el moralismo pacifista. Aunque la guerra es una consecuencia inevitable del conflicto permanente en las relaciones humanas, puede ser ajustada a los principios y reglas del derecho natural común a los hombres y del derecho de gentes resultante del consenso entre los pueblos. En consecuencia, Grocio expone las condiciones de justificación de la guerra y propone reglas de conducta en la guerra. Sin embargo, persiste una tensión insuperable entre las pretensiones normativas de la moral y el derecho,
Projetica, 2013
O presente artigo trata de uma pesquisa realizada com 15 escolas brasileiras que possuem curso de graduação em design. Tendo em vista a importância do ecodesign para a minimização de impactos ambientais negativos advindos do atual modelo de produção e consumo, acredita-se que a inclusão da disciplina Ecodesign é fundamental para que os designers possam atuar de maneira sistêmica no mercado. Palavras-Chave: design; ecodesign; matriz curricular. The present article analyzes a survey of 15 Brazilian schools that have graduation course in design. Given the importance of ecodesign to minimize negative environmental impacts from the current model of production and consumption, it is believed that the inclusion of the discipline Ecodesign is essential for designers to act in a systemic approach in the market. Ao longo dos anos, o design vem sendo utilizado não somente para as etapas projetuais no desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços, mas sim, fazendo parte do contexto estratégico e estrutural das empresas e organizações. Neumeier (2010, p. 14) comenta que Para organizar sua empresa com vistas à agilidade, é necessário que ela desenvolva uma "mentalidade focada no design", que confere a habilidade de mobilizar o mais Projética, Londrina, v.4, n.2, p. 165-188, Jul/Dez. 2013 AMBROSIO, Vanessa Constance; HEEMANN Adriano
The area of the Julian Alps consists of a predominant mountainous and a hilly landscape, the majority of which is unsuitable for the agrarian land use. Animal husbandry became the main sector of agrarian industry, while arable farming had greater importance in more favourably situated areas. The flourish of the ironwork industry from the 14th century onwards brought about the area’s economic progress, which was significantly improved by the presence of numerous more or less important traffic routes via the Julian Alps. The ironwork industry and trade were the most important factors in the development of urban centres on the fringes of the Julian Alps.
Cuando una persona, sea deportista o no, inicie un entrenamiento de sobrecarga en el gimnasio el Profesor de Educación Física debe armar un plan de trabajo para lograr el objetivo perseguido por esa persona. Pero antes de iniciar un plan de actividad física es necesario que la persona que va a someterse a un esfuerzo físico, haya visitado al médico para ver en qué condiciones de salud se encuentra y erradicar factores de riesgo o malos hábitos de vida. Es importante que el profesor de Educación Física sepa qué tipo de tareas puede realizar una persona con hipertensión arterial, diabetes, colesterol u obesidad, entre otras enfermedades, como así también saber que estrategias seguir con mujeres en la peri-menopausia o menopaúsicas. Una vez que nos aseguramos que no existen riesgos podemos seguir adelante. Como primer paso, para confeccionar la planificación es necesario conocer el objetivo que tiene el individuo que va a iniciar el trabajo con pesas. En el caso de un deportista, el objetivo está mucho más claro, especialmente si conocemos las demandas del deporte en el cual compite, esto es fundamental debido a la especificidad que debe tener el entrenamiento de alto rendimiento; es ampliamente conocido el tipo de fuerza necesario que requiere cada disciplina deportiva, la frecuencia y duración de las sesiones dentro de los distintos estadios y períodos del entrenamiento deportivo. Pero con aquellas personas que no son deportistas ni compiten recreativamente, tendremos que preguntarles qué objetivo persiguen.
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2010
The Topography of Memory, 2023
Essere nel Mondo, 2023
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017
Actu-philosophia, 2019
DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, 1993
International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2022
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2010
Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2020
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 2012