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Geosciences Journal, 2019
The Spontang ophiolite complex exposed along the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) represents a fragment of oce-anic lithosphere emplaced after the closure of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. The complex lying south of the ITSZ forms the highest tec-tonic thrust slice above the Mesozoic-Early Tertiary continental margin in the Ladakh-Zanskar Himalaya. The complex consists of a well-preserved ophiolite sequence dominated by peridotites, gabbros and ultramafic cumulates along with highly tectonized sheeted dykes and pillow lavas. The mantle suite of rocks is represented by minor lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites. Chromian spinel is brown to reddish, and its morphology and textural relationship with coexisting silicates varies with strain. Spinel occurs as blebs and vermicular exsolutions within orthopyroxene to spherical inclusions within olivine, characteristic of which is the elongate holly leaf shape. Chrome spinels are characterized by low TiO 2 and high Cr 2 O 3 indicative of their depleted nature. Cr# [= atomic ratio Cr/(Cr + Al)] in the studied spinels are characterized by a small decrease in TiO 2 for a larger increase in Cr# consistent with observations for spinels aligned along the Luobusa trend of the Yarlung Zangpo Suture Zone (YZSZ) ophiolites. Variations in Cr-spinel Cr# and Mg# observed in the investigated peridotites may have resulted from a wide range of degrees of mantle melting during their evolution. Mineral and wholerock chemistry of the Spontang peridotites is characterized by interaction between depleted magma and pre-existing oceanic lithosphere, typical of supra-subduction zone settings. The Spontang peridotites have olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene compositions similar to those from both abyssal and fore-arc peridotites and display spoon shaped REE profiles characteristic of interaction between LREE-enriched melt, derived from the subducting slab and LREE-depleted mantle residues. Equilibration temperatures calculated for the above rocks indicate that the studied samples represent typical mantle peridotites formed within the spinel stability field.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2011
This paper presents a new approach called clustering technique-based least square support vector machine (CT-LS-SVM) for the classification of EEG signals. Decision making is performed in two stages. In the first stage, clustering technique (CT) has been used to extract representative features of EEG data. In the second stage, least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) is applied to the extracted features to classify two-class EEG signals. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, several experiments have been conducted on three publicly available benchmark databases, one for epileptic EEG data, one for mental imagery tasks EEG data and another one for motor imagery EEG data. Our proposed approach achieves an average sensitivity, specificity and classification accuracy of 94.92%, 93.44% and 94.18%, respectively, for the epileptic EEG data; 83.98%, 84.37% and 84.17% respectively, for the motor imagery EEG data; and 64.61%, 58.77% and 61.69%, respectively, for the mental imagery tasks EEG data. The performance of the CT-LS-SVM algorithm is compared in terms of classification accuracy and execution (running) time with our previous study where simple random sampling with a least square support vector machine (SRS-LS-SVM) was employed for EEG signal classification. We also compare the proposed method with other existing methods in the literature for the three databases. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can produce a better classification rate than the previous reported methods and takes much less execution time compared to the SRS-LS-SVM technique. The research findings in this paper indicate that the proposed approach is very efficient for classification of two-class EEG signals.
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International Congress Series, 2004
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows accurate and noninvasive measurements of left ventricular (LV) volumes. Nonetheless, chamber volume quantification is based on manual tracing of endocardial boundaries, which is subjective and time-consuming. We developed a technique for semi-automated detection of 3D endocardial surfaces from MRI data and direct quantification of volumes, and validated it against conventional manual tracing. Eleven patients underwent cardiac MRI (GE, 1.5T FIESTA, short axis views). Custom software was used to semi-automatically detect the LV endocardial surfaces from the MRI data. End-systolic (ESV) and end-diastolic (ESV) volumes were computed directly from voxel counts. Linear regression and Bland -Altman analyses were used to compare semi-automated versus manually traced ventricular volumes and ejection fraction (EF). Semi-automated EDV and ESV showed high correlations with manual values both in EDV and ESV (r = 0.97, 0.99, respectively) and EF (r = 0.93). No biases and narrow limits of agreement in EDV, ESV and EF estimates were found and a small interobserver variability was calculated for both volumes and EF. The method results in an accurate detection of endocardial surfaces and direct measurement of ventricular volumes and EF. D
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2006
The early universe might have undergone phase transitions at energy scales much higher than the one corresponding to the grand unified theories (GUT) scales. At these higher energy scales, the transition at which gravity separated from all other interactions, the so-called Planck era, more massive strings called supermassive cosmic strings could have been produced, with energy of about 1019 GeV.
Biophysical Journal, 2009
By exploring a recent model [Palmeri, J., M. Manghi, and N. Destainville. 2007. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99:088103] where DNA bending elasticity, described by the wormlike chain model, is coupled to base-pair denaturation, we demonstrate that small denaturation bubbles lead to anomalies in the flexibility of DNA at the nanometric scale, when confined in two dimensions (2D), as reported in atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments [Wiggins, P. A., et al. 2006. Nature Nanotech. 1:137-141]. Our model yields very good fits to experimental data and quantitative predictions that can be tested experimentally. Although such anomalies exist when DNA fluctuates freely in three dimensions (3D), they are too weak to be detected. Interactions between bases in the helical double-stranded DNA are modified by electrostatic adsorption on a 2D substrate, which facilitates local denaturation. This work reconciles the apparent discrepancy between observed 2D and 3D DNA elastic properties and points out that conclusions about the 3D properties of DNA (and its companion proteins and enzymes) do not directly follow from 2D experiments by AFM.
Icarus, 2004
The NASA-JPL Deep Space 1 Mission (DS 1) encountered the short-period Jupiter-family contained a remote-sensing package called MICAS (Miniature Integrated Camera resolution. Prior to its closest approach of 2171 km, the remote-sensing package on the images provided the first close-up, unobscured view of a comet's nucleus. At closest was less than 1% of that of the nucleus. An kprecented range of high solar phase comet is active, enabled the first quantitative and disk resolved modeling of surface macroscopic roughness. comet I9P 3Wrelly m Sepemkr 22,2001, abwt s days &e€periklim. DSl's payload S~C~F O E X~~P ,~) that k l~& d a 1024 quart: CCD X X ! a R SPC~WZIX~~Z ?~&h -12sq spxecrzfi &Ai L%d 25 CCD images #€tk C W W t ad 45 ma-R speck2 (i). These approxh, p m e s w f i g to a sedutim d4? meters per pixel, * & kteEsity of Lk C m s zrgles (5249 &gees), ?+t?iIlg g " e *~s that me in geIIer3l attaimble mly ?Ykn a ~W W & i C &yskd pX&%eters, imlLdizg 4 2 % single pal-tide *.se fiBcttm & K ! The geometric albedo of Borrelly is 0.029 k0.006, comparable to the dark hemisphere Gf Iaptlds, &e bwest albedo C-type ctstercids, &d the urmiz,? FiEgs. The B a d a&?&, ?&e may e&&Dce Lk heating of &e nttlem &Ed sublimation of ?%Aatiks, ?Vhi€h if: @&l k y4 0.009 +/-0.002, is lower than that of any Solar System object measured. Such a low sf causes the albedo to decrease even further. A map of normal reflectance of Borrelly
Trials, 2012
Rapid access chest pain clinics have facilitated the early diagnosis and treatment of patients with coronary heart disease and angina. Despite this important service provision, coronary heart disease continues to be under-diagnosed and many patients are left untreated and at risk. Recent advances in imaging technology have now led to the widespread use of noninvasive computed tomography, which can be used to measure coronary artery calcium scores and perform coronary angiography in one examination. However, this technology has not been robustly evaluated in its application to the clinic.
Brain Sciences, 2020
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 1982
Computational Intelligence, 1992
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2003
Cognition & Emotion, 2010
European Journal of Public Health
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series, 2018
Architectural Science Review
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2019
Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2012
Journal of, 2021
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2009