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In this paper we address the problem of how new categories and new interpretations can be created in legal reasoning. We present some examples of such creativity, and then an- alyze them t-o identify the mechanisms that must be mod- eled for incorporating creativity. We point out that many of these mechanisms can be implemented by using components of already existing sysrems. Based on this analysis, we out- line our approach, which uses a blackboard style architecture to generate creative arguments. Top-down processes are activated by ponions of rules or ratio decidendi of precedents. Bottom-up processes are activated by the facts of the cur- rent case and precedents. The retrieval of precedents is also modeled as a blackboard process, so that which precedents are examined is determined dynamically depending on the contents of the blackboard. We compare our approach with existing research and then briefly mention future research problems.
Abstract In recent years several proposals to view reasoning with legal cases as theory construction have been advanced. The most detailed of these is that of Bench-Capon and Sartor, which uses facts, rules, values and preferences to build a theory designed to explain the decisions in a set of cases. In this paper we describe CATE (CAse Theory Editor), a tool intended to support the construction of theories as described by Bench-Capon and Sartor, and which produces executable code corresponding to a theory.
Ratio Juris, 18, 2005, 434-463.
Can the bridge from evaluating a given argument to discovering a new one be crossed? Here it will be shown how argumentation schemes can be used in a heuristic search procedure applied to legal cases using argument diagramming to guide the user in a search for new arguments.
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Artificial intelligence and law - ICAIL '93, 1993
This paper investigates the relevance of the logical study of argumentation systems for AI-and-law research, in particular for modelling the adversarial aspect of legal reasoning. It does so in applying the argumentation framework of Prakken (1993a/b) to the legal domain. Three elements of the framework are particularly illustrated: firstly, its generality, in that it leaves room for any standard for comparing pairs of arguments; secondly, its abili~to model the combined use of these standards; and finally, its relevance for modelling metalevel reasoning. These three features make the framework suitable as a logical framework for any theory of legal argument.
Abstract In this paper we describe an approach to reasoning with cases which takes into account the view that case law evolves through a series of decisions. This is in contrast to approaches which take as a starting point a set of decided cases, with no account taken of the order in which they were decided. The model of legal reasoning we follow is based on Levi's account which shows how decided cases often need to be reinterpreted in the light of subsequent decisions, so that features of cases wax and wane in importance.
Artificial Intelligence, 2003
Reasoning with cases has been a primary focus of those working in AI and law who have attempted to model legal reasoning. In this paper we put forward a formal model of reasoning with cases which captures many of the insights from that previous work. We begin by stating our view of reasoning with cases as a process of constructing, evaluating and applying a theory. Central to our model is a view of the relationship between cases, rules based on cases, and the social values which justify those rules. Having given our view of these relationships, we present our formal model of them, and explain how theories can be constructed, compared and evaluated. We then show how previous work can be described in terms of our model, and discuss extensions to the basic model to accommodate particular features of previous work. We conclude by identifying some directions for future work. A naive model of reasoning with cases, set up as a straw man in Frank, 1949, can be expressed as an equation, R x F = D, intended to express that a decision, D, can be deduced by the application of a set of rules, R, to the facts of a particular case, F. Although the simplicity of this picture has its attractions, it is problematic in every respect. The facts of a case are not givens: cases need to be interpreted, and different lawyers will interpret them in different ways. The rules, intended to be derived from precedent cases, are also not in plain view; a case may interpreted in a variety of ways, and as Levi,1949, stresses, the interpretation of a precedent may change in the light of subsequent cases (see also Twining and Miers, 1991, p311 ff). Moreover, the rules that cases give rise to are inherently defeasible: when we come to apply them we will typically find conflicting rules pointing to differing decisions, so we need a means of resolving such conflicts. Thus none of describing the facts of the case, extracting rules from precedents and applying these rules is straightforward. To model reasoning with cases in a satisfactory way, we must account for all of the description of cases, the extraction of rules and the resolution of conflicts. A better way of seeing reasoning with cases is to see it as a process of constructing and using a theory. As McCarty put it:
Jurix, 2003
In this paper we report some experiments designed to clarify some issues and to test some of the assumptions in the model of reasoning with legal cases advanced by Bench-Capon and Sartor. We identify the questions to be explored, briefly describe a tool developed to support these experiments and report the results of a series of experiments based on Aleven's analysis of US Trade Secrets cases. We then consider what light the experiments have thrown on our questions, and propose some directions for future work.
From the Turing machine to Searle's Chinese Room, artificial intelligence systems have always been a fascinating challenge, not only for computer scientists but also for philosophers and jurists. The challenge of AI is to create intelligent systems that are able to imitate human reasoning with increasing accuracy, reaching a point at which they can replicate it as a whole. These artificial systems are destined to have a notable impact on the law, exerting significant influence on issues such as civil liability, the protection of personal data collected by the intelligent system and whether or not a certain degree of legal subjectivity may be attributed to the most sophisticated models. On the other hand, artificial intelligence engineers have found the law to be an ideal field for experimenting with new artificial agents since it is, at first sight, characterized by a heavy use of logic. The first expert systems were created in the 1970s. An expert system is a program with a broad base of knowledge in a specific sector with the ability to solve problems related to that area in an intelligent way. The simplest type of these programs uses inferential processes. Basing itself on a set of given rules (norms) this kind of program connects the condition to the appropriate legal effect, according to a line of reasoning such as: "If A (condition) then B (result)". This approach is called "formalism", as it views the law as a set of rules. Simulating legal reasoning is not just a question of mechanically applying the right rule to the actual case. Other instruments are needed, as appropriate: interpretation, analogy, knowledge gained from experience (learning), aequitas. Reconciling the potential and characteristics of artificial systems with the nature of the law and legal reasoning is not just a matter of pure syllogisms. Thus the first approach is counterpoised by a second approach, "realism", which uses case-based reasoning founded on experience gained from precedent. The paper aims to provide an overview of models of intelligent systems that can be used to reproduce legal reasoning. After a general introduction on the relationship between artificial intelligence and the law, the paper will examine the models of artificial systems based on artificial neural networks and legal expert systems. It will then move on to consider legal theories based on the application of rules and on analogy based on precedent, legal dialectic, defeasible reasoning and the importance of learning, in an attempt to understand which constitutes the best approach to justified legal reasoning
Abstract. Some recent accounts of reasoning with legal cases view reasoning with cases as theory construction. In this paper we describe AGATHA (ArGument Agent for THeory Automation) which will automatically generate theories intended to explain a body of case law by following a process inspired by the style of argumentation found in case based reasoning systems.
Abstract Much work using argumentation frameworks treats arguments as entirely abstract, related by a uniform attack relation which always succeeds unless the attacker can itself be defeated. However, this does not seem adequate for legal argumentation. Some proposals have suggested regulating attack relations using preferences or values on arguments and which filter the attack relation, so that some attacks fail and so can be removed from the framework.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law - ICAIL '11, 2011
In this paper we offer an account of reasoning with legal cases in terms of argumentation schemes. These schemes, and undercutting attacks associated with them, are expressed as defeasible rules of inference that will lend themselves to formalisation within the AS-PIC+ framework. We begin by modelling the style of reasoning with cases developed by Aleven and Ashley in the CATO project, which describes cases using factors, and then extend the account to accommodate the dimensions used in Rissland and Ashley's earlier HYPO project. Some additional scope for argumentation is then identified and formalised.
There are many instances in legal reasoning where one could say that a certain degree of creativity was involved. Moreover, this creativity can be glimpsed both when reasoning with precedents as well as when reasoning with rules. Sometimes the creativity lies in making a precedent seem similar to the current case, sometimes it is in distinguishing a precedent from the current case in some new way, and at other times one can find it in a novel application of a statutory predicate to the facts of the current case. As the term 'interpretation' is often used in the literature on legal reasoning to refer to the process of making two cases seem analogous, making them seem distinct, or applying a statutory predicate to the facts of a case (Twining and Miers 1982), perhaps we could say that the focus of our research is to understand and model the process of generating new interpretations.
This research is motivated from our previous work on creative analogies and metaphors [Indurkhya 1992;1997], where it is proposed that a new perspective on some object or situation (a case for a legal-reasoning system) can result from applying the higher-level description of one object to Pennission to make digitalJhard copy of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by pennission of ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific pennission andlor fee. ICAIL-97,Melbourne, Australia © 1997 ACM 0-89791-924-6/97/06.$3.50 2 Examples of Creativity in Legal Reasoning 2.1 Creativity in Using Precedents: Making and Un-Making of Analogies When applying a precedent to a new case, the issue always is whether the precedent is similar to the new case or not: if the precedent is similar then it supports a similar decision for the new case, otherwise it does not. Now in some situations, this reasoning seems somewhat straightforward: the legal experts generally agree on what the significant aspects of the new case and the precedent are, and the issue in dispute is whether the shared aspects between the new case and the precedent are sufficient to make the precedent apply to the new case; or the differences between them are significant enough that the precedent does not apply to the new case. However,in some other situations new categories are created to distinguish a case from a precedent or to apply a rather dissimilar precedent to a new case. Here are some examples (some of these examples are also mentioned in Rissland and Skalak 1991): 1. In the case of Weissman, 751 F.2d 512 (1984), a college professor sought to obtain tax-deduction for homeofficeexpenses. The taxpayer cited the case of Drucker, 715 F.2d 67 (1983), where a concert violinist was allowed to claim tax-deduction for maintaining a studio at home where he rehearsed. The lawyer for the Commissioner tried to distinguish Drucker on the grounds that the employer of the concert violinist provided no space for rehearsal, but the employer of the college professor provided an office (it was a shared office, with not enough security S. 674 (1965), that seems very dissimilar at first. The precedent involved a case concerning escheating: a rule that allows the state to claim uncollected debts of a company. This precedent was made relevant in the following manner. S. was seen as a self-employed taxpayer. His home-office, where he did administrative work, was seen as his 'main office', and the hospitals where he actually saw and treated patients were viewed as branch offices. Now in the cited precedent, the issue was: which state has the right to escheat a company's unclaimed debts -the state where it is incorporated, the state where its main office is located, the state where its branch offices are located (where most business is done), or the state where the person to whom the debt was owed was last known to reside. In the opinion written for the precedent, at one place the terms 'main office' and 'principal place of business' were used interchangeably. The minority opinion used this fact to support their argument that S.'s homeofficeis his principal place of business.
=> A structured representation is created for the new case. A precedent that is similar with respect to this created representation is retrieved to support the argument.
Creativity in Applying Rules: Novel Ways to Categorize
When applying a rule (e.g. a statute) to the facts of a case, the issue is whether the predicates appearing in the rule apply to the facts of the case or not. I provide below two examples where a certain amount of creativity was involved in this process (many more examples can be found in Twining and Miers 1982, Chap. 1):
1. In the case of Baie, 74 T.C. 105 (1980), a hot-dog stand operator claimed tax-deduction for the kitchen at home where hot-dogs were prepared. One argument made by B. was that her kitchen was the home-office and the principal place of business. Another argument used was that her kitchen was a manUfacturing facility of the business. It is this latter argument that we consider creative. (The judges remarked: "We find this argument ingenious and appealing, but, unfortunately, insufficient to overcome the unambiguous mandate of the statute." [74 T.C. 110 (1980)].) => The category 'manufacturing facility' is applied in a novel way to the kitchen where hot dogs are prepared in a novel way.
2. This is a fictitious example, adapted from a short story by the popular thriller writer Frederick Forsyth. It concerns a gun law, which makes it a felony to be in the possession of a gun, but allows an exception for home. A young man, who is some kind of mechanic, is arrested for having a gun in his van. His lawyer argues that his client keeps his tools and equipment in his van and does repair work there, so it is his workshop. Sometimes his client also sleeps in the van on long work-related trips when he cannot get home at night. So his van is his 'home', and the exception clause to the gun law should be applied to him. => The category 'home' is applied in a novel way to the van.
Some Observations Based on the Examples
In all the above examples, we notice that the underlying process is that of categorization: the creativity lies in applying an existing category to·the facts of a case in a novel way (when arguing from rules), or coming up with a new category in order to analogize or distinguish two cases (when arguing from precedents). In particular, we can identify the following mechanisms that can be used in generating creative arguments:
1. Specialization: Two situations A and B are such that A has category P but B does not have P. The objective is to analogize A and B. Then make P more specific until it does not apply to A also. (e.g. 'provided space for work' is specialized to 'provided suitable space for work').
Notice that when a category is specialized, its complementary category is generalized. Thus, the above example can also be viewed as a generalization of the category 'not provided space for work' to the category 'not provided suitable space for work'. However, as we focus on what happens to the category, and not on the ~~on or specialization, we prefer tõ r=":;DlL is exaz::::?!z S?ECialization is used for analogizing. It czn a1:s.:: be t:Sa:3 for distinguishing. For example, if Am? =d 3 bas P also, and the objective is to di:s:ill.o~-~::0;::) B, t.hen one can specialize P until it applies~o::.e but not the other. (e.g. A and B were bo:JJ .o~c.eC 'space for work' but only A was prmici.oo 'SL'"t:ab!e spare for work'.) 2. Ger..en:;!£za..~: Tnough we did not present an example of it. o.r:.ecar: imagine an inverse operation where a catego~JP tha4 applies to A (but not to B) is generalized u.r:-.i! :t applies to B also. For example, if A is a coc.ege pro'>r,and B is a high-school teacher, one could ge;r:ezciize the two categories to 'teacher', in order to analogize A and B. In theory, generalization can also he n.sed for distinguishing. A and B need to be distinguished. Find a property P that both A and B do not have.. Generalize P until it applies to one but not the oilier. But because there are basically a large number of properties that an object does not have, this mechanism is not computationally viable.
This is a special kind of specialization. Basi-calJy, split a ca.tegory into two so that one part applies to A and the other to B. (e.g. business of employer and business of employee.) It can only be used for distinguishing, but not for analogizing.
Make Quantitative into Qualitative:
If some quantitative difference can be found, then try to find a qualitative term to capture this difference. The adversarial move would be to advance a qualitative term that blurs the quantitative difference.
Restructure: Build a structured representation of one object or situation, and use this structure to access other similar precedents. If the structure is changed, then different precedents will be considered 'similar' and retrieved.
6. Redefine: Look for alternative definitions of the category, and see if the situation satisfies the conditions for an alternative definition. (e.g. application of 'home' to van, or 'manufacturing facility' to the kitchen.)
Towards Modeling Creativity in Legal Reasoning
We now examine the problem of how to incorporate these mechanisms in a legal reasoning system. There are really three major issues underlying the six mechanisms mentioned above -(1)-(4): how to create new categories (to analogize, distinguish, or describe a quantitative aspect qualitatively); (5): how to use structure-based dynamic retrieval of precedents; and (6): how to come up with novel ways of applying existing categories. We will first consider each issue in turn, and propose some ideas for modeling it. Then in the next section, we will outline an architecture that integrates all these ideas.
Creating New Categories to Analogize or Distinguish Two Cases
A major problem that must be addressed in modeling the creation of new categories is how to constrain this process so that only reasonable categories are created, for given the / facts of any case, one can generate an endless number of categories that apply to it without coming up with any useful legal argument. We approach this problem in two stages. In the first stage, we use the desired conclusion of the argument to focus attention on a precedent, and decide whether we would like to analogize or distinguish. This can be done following the approach of Cabaret (Rissland and Skalak 1991), where the desired point-of-view for the new case and the decision for the precedent are combined to decide on one of the four strategies (argument stances), and then one of the four tactics (argument moves) are used to realize the chosen strategy. (Though our architecture is different from Cabaret in a number of significant ways as will become apparent in Sees. 5 and 6.) Even after two cases have been identified, and it is determined whether we want to analogize or distinguish them, there can be many ways to achieve this goal: a category can be specialized or generalized in several possible ways. However, most of these 'creations' may not make a proper argument. To create a category in a reasonable way requires a lot of world knowledge. For example, to specialize the category 'employer did not provide space' to 'employer did not provide suitable space' requires an understanding of the employer-employee relationship, the significance of this category to the purpose of the law, etc. Although, it is possible to represent all this world knowledge, and provide enough guidance to a system so that it can 'discover' this specialization, we feel that any such approach must be necessarily ad hoc.
One way to address this problem is suggested by our past research on creative metaphors (Indurkhya 1992), where it is shown that creative insights can result from applying the concepts and categories related to one object to the lowlevel description of another object. Following this idea, we propose that the created categories come from the high-level descriptions of other cases or rules. We can explain this better using two of the examples presented in Sec. 2.1 above.
• In Ex. 1, the category 'suitable space' comes from another precedent Cousino, 679 F.2d 604 (1982), where the court ruled that a junior high school teacher was not entitled to home office tax deduction, because the school provided him with his own classroom and he had access to an office equipped with a phone so that his employment-related duties -namely teaching, preparing for lessons, grading, and talking to the parents -could be carried out at the school. Therefore, the court concluded, C.'s use of his home office was not for the 'convenience of the employer'.
• In Ex. 3, the category 'substantial' comes from a proposed regulation by the IRS, which contains the following text: "If an outside salesperson has no office space except at home and spends a substantial amount of time on paperwork at home, the office in the home may qualify as the salesperson's principal place of bus iness." (quoted on 94 T.C. 26, emphasis added).
Thus, we advocate that along with the facts of each precedent, we keep a high-level description of how and why the precedent was decided in a certain way. This can be done following the approach of Branting (1993), which shows a method for representing ratio decidendi of a case. Then the categories used in the description of one case can be applied to the facts of another case. This approach also requires that tenuous rules such as the purported purposes of the law, or proposed regulations, which are not legally binding, are also represented in the system so that their categories are available for being applied to new cases, should the need arise.
It may seem that by taking this approach, we are really modeling 'discovery' of categories rather than 'creation'. We do not wish to dispute this characterization, but would only like to add that in that case many so called creative acts, such as coming up with a new metaphor in poetry, or a new way to solve a problem would also be characterized as acts of discovery. As long as such acts are included in the same class as the process we are interested in modeling in legal reasoning, we do not care whether they are dubbed as 'creation' or 'discovery'.
Structure-Based, Dynamic Retrieval of Precedents
This concerns the aspect of creativity illustrated by Ex. 4 of Sec. 2.1: How can a seemingly dissimilar case be retrieved from the facts of the given case? The standard dimensional approach of Hypo (Ashley 1990) does not work well here because the two cases are not only very different, but the commonality between them is such that it is hard to imagine that a legal expert would encode their shared aspects as a dimension at all. What aids the retrieval is that in the highlevel structure being constructed for the new case (Soliman), the category 'main office'or 'administrative headquarters' is applied to the home office. Given that the goal is to show that the home office is the 'principal place of business', we are interested in finding any support to claim that 'main office' can be equated with 'principal place of business'. The support can come from a rule (which may be tenuous rule) in which the two terms are equated, or from some precedent where the two categories co-apply. Thus, although the search domain is rather wide, the object of search is very narrowly specified.
This search would require looking into the facts and opinions of the case, as searching via the existing dimensions of the precedents, though it can be accomplished rather quickly, may not be sufficient. In our example, it is doubtful that a legal expert would include a dimension that contained 'principal place of business' or 'main office' while entering Texas u. New Jersey case into the knowledge base. Even if they did, the effect would be to note that the state in which the company's 'main office' was located was not given any right to escheat the unclaimed debts. To retrieve this precedent requires that all the arguments put forth in the written opinions of the case be represented in more or less the same form (it may be necessary to impose the isomorphism condition proposed by Bench-Capon and Coenen 1992, though recently Routen 1996 has questioned whether it is possible to impose this condition at all). In our example, the only connection to Texas v. New Jersey case is that in the opinion, the court argued that if the right to escheat was awarded to Pennsylvania, where the principal business office of the company were located, it "would raise in every case the sometimes difficult question of where a company's 'main office' or 'principal place of business' or whatever it might be designated is located." [379U.S. 680 (1965)]Thus, integrating this mechanism requires a dynamic retrieval mechanism triggered by the argument being constructed, and a detailed representation of the opinions written for the precedents.
Novel Ways of Applying Existing Categories
The third issue is how to model the novel application of an existing category, as in applying 'manufacturing facility' to the kitchen or 'home' to the van. We believe that this can be modeled by incorporating a top-down component a la Cabaret (Rissland and Skalak 1991). For example, if the goal is to argue that the taxpayer qualifies for home office tax deduction, then all the rules that have this goal as their consequent are acti vated, and we try to see if the antecedents of any of them are satisfied by the facts of the new case. The antecedents, in turn, may activate other rules, and so on. At some point, the issue becomes whether a category, such as 'manufacturing facility', or 'home', can be applied to the new case. To determine this, we need to represent all the different sets of conditions that are necessary or sufficient for that category to be applicable, and see how far those conditions are satisfied by the given facts. Even if not all the conditions are satisfied, we can still try to show that 'either they are not necessary, or they are satisfied in some other way, followingthe exact same approach as in Cabaret.
An Architecture for Modeling Creativity
We can now integrate the observations of the last section into the outline of a model. Our proposed model is based on the approach of Hofstadter and his colleagues (Hofstadter and the Fluid Analogies Research Group 1995), where a parallel distributed architecture, and a mixture of top-down and bottom-up control structures are used for modeling creativity in analogies. (At this time we do not use the probabilistic aspect of their architecture.) It also uses many components from the systems implemented by Rissland and her research group: in particular, the design of our top-down component is based on the Cabaret system (Rissland and Skalak 1991) and the design of the bottom-up component is influenced by the BankXX project (Rissland, Skalak and Friedman 1996). We also incorporate the ideas proposed by Branting (1993) on how to represent ratio decidendi of precedents. Below, we list the key features of our model:
• A multi-layered representation is used for each precedent. At the lowest level, facts of the precedent are represented. At the highest level, its ratio decidendi is represented using statutory concepts and categories. The intermediate levels contain those concepts and categories that connect the statutory concepts to the facts.
• Statutory knowledge, heuristic knowledge, purpose of the law and other extra-legal factors, and world knowledge is all encoded as rules. (This is not to say that it is a simple matter, for as Hage (1996) has shown, it is quite complex to represent these different sources of knowledge, and to use them in a reasonable way.)
• A rule can connect concepts and categories on anyone level, or between adjacent levels. Rules of the latter kind correspond to 'reduction operators' of Branting (1993).
• The process of generating an argument for the new case is seen as that of coming up with a representation for it (in the highest level) given its facts (in the lowest level) .
• An intra-level rule can work in both the forward and the backward directions. An inter-level (reduction operator) rule can work in both the bottom-up and the top-down directions. The forward and the bottom-up directions amount to drawing some conclusion from the facts. The backward and the top-down directions There are some signi.ficant and far-reaching implications of these feanr.-e5that we should perhaps elaborate a bit. One is that a precedent really becomes a multi-layered network of rules, except thaI. there may be many facts at the lowest level that are nor. connecr.ed to anything in the higher levels. (All those facts do not end up affecting its ratio would be left unconnected.) Secondly, the dimensions are not explicitly represented with each precedent. In fact, the knowledge typically embodied in dimensions is distributed in two places in our model: in ru1es used in the ratio of precedents, and in rules that correspond to heuristic legal knowledge.
Both these factors make the retrieval of precedents in our model quite different from the conventional dimensionbased CBR systems such as Hypo (Ashley 1990). There are basically two ways in which a precedent can be used [in our model] to support an argument being constructed. One is that if [a part of] the argument being constructed for the new case uses a rule or a network of rules that was used in the ratio of a precedent, then that precedent can be used to support the argument. The other way is as follows. A rule that is being used for constructing the argument is applied to a precedent. The rule is not a part of the ratio of the precedent, so one needs to apply it to the facts of the precedent as if it were a new case. If the precedent is found to satisfy the rule, it can be used to support the argument for the new case. (For example, the ratio of Cousino case, namely that the employer provided no suitable space, is applied to Drucker case, the ratio of which does not contain the predicate 'suitable space'. However, on finding that the facts of Drucker case satisfy this rule also, Drucker can be used to support the argument for Weissman. ) We should note that our approach to precedent retrieval is perhaps less efficient than a dimension-based approach. However, we feel that this is the cost one must pay for being able to model creative arguments. In a practical system, one may wish to use a hybrid approach with the dimensions being used for quick access, but provide an option to switch to the slower module for generating creative arguments, if required.
We are implementing our model using the blackboard architecture (Erman et al. 1980, Nii 1986), for it is ideally suited for a mixture of top-down and bottom-up control with multiple levels, and the shell for it is commercial available (GBB system from the Blackboard Technology Group).
An Example
We now illustrate some aspects of our approach by showing how Ex. 1 from Sec. 2.1 can be modeled. Fig. 1 shows the facts of Weissman, which is the new case.
Figure 1
A partial representation of the facts of Weissman
The case-base includes Cousino and Drucker. Fig. 2 shows a partial representation of the facts and ratio of the Cousino case. For easier understandability, we do not show all the facts, all the nodes corresponding to the displayed facts, or all the links between the displayed nodes. For example, the links carried-aut-at connecting tasks to the places where they are carried out are not shown. Also, we do not show in the figure the semantics of displayed categories. For instance, the semantics of suitable-space-for -"a place P is a suitable-space-for a task T, if T's attributes are either included in P's attributes, or can be derived from them" -is not shown in the figure. Now when the Drucker case is applied to the facts of Weissman (Fig. 1), the resulting representation is shown (partially) in Fig. 4. Notice that Drucker's rational does not apply to Weissman because for each task required by W.'s employer, there exists some place provided by the employer that is designated for this task. However, when Cousino is activated, the category suitable-space-for comes into play. This category reinterprets Drucker as shown in Fig. 5 The category suitable-space-for is also applied to Weissman, (Fig. 6). With this reinterpretation, Drucker and Weissman are rendered similar.
Figure 2
Figure 4
Applying Drucker to Weissman Drucker
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 5: Effect of Cousino in reinterpreting Drucker.
Notice that even though Cousino itself would support a conclusion against Weissman; its category suitable-spacefor is crucial in reinterpreting Drucker and applying it to Weissman by rendering them similar.
Comparison with Related Research
As we have been pointing out throughout this paper, we have designed our model using many ideas from existing literature and implemented systems. Obviously, we owe a great intellectual debt to Cabaret (llissland and Skalak 1991) and BankXX (llissland, Skalak, and Friedman 1996) architectures, for we have been greatly influenced by them. Yet, there are many significant corners where we have taken a different turn: for instance, in how we represent precedents, and how we retrieve them. Though a detailed comparison must be deferred to a later date as both Cabaret and BankXX are fully implemented systems and our ideas are just getting off the drawing board, we would like to mention here some important ways in which our proposed system goes beyond the capabilities of each of the Cabaret and BankXX systems.
It is interesting to note that Cabaret comes rather close to incorporating the aspect of creativity exemplified by Ex. 1 of Sec. 2.1. This example is analyzed at length in Rissland and Skalak (1991) to demonstrate the working of Cabaret. In generating an argument for Weissman case, Cabaret finds that a rule that can allow Weissman to claim tax-deduction is a near miss: the condition that the home office be the principal place of business is not satisfied. As the conclusion of this rule is the desired goal of the system, it tries to broaden the rule by finding some precedent which is similar to Weissman, and where the courts considered the missing condition to be satisfied. As a result, Drucker is retrieved, which is seen similar to Weissman in that in both the home office was the primary-responsibility location, and was necessary to perform employee's assigned duties.
Here llissland and Skalak argue that this step of Cabaret closely refiects the court's argument: "The commissioner attempts to distinguish Drucker on the ground that the employer there provided no space for practice, while here the employer provided some space, i.e. a shared office and a library. Drucker is not so easily distinguished, however, for there, as here, the relevant fact is that the employer provided no suitable space for engaging in necessary employmentrelated activities." (quoted on pp. 869-870 of llissland and Skalak, 1991; emphasis court's). However, we would argue that Cabaret does not really model the argument in this quote, for, as far as we can determine, it does not have the dimension 'employer-provided-space' in its knowledge base. To model this argument faithfully, a system has to be able to note t hat Weissman can be distinguished from Drucker along the 'employer-provided-space' dimension, and teach then find out that if this dimension is changed to 'employerprovided-suitable-space', the distinction disappears. This point may be subtle, but we feel that in capturing it lies the crux of modeling creativity. In comparing our system with BankXX, we would like to note that, again as far as we can determine, BankXX cannot model the kind of reinterpretation illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6. While it uses a complex representation scheme with multiple spaces (one of which contains legal theories), a sophisticated search algorithm that exploits many kinds of inter-and intra-space links to generate 'argument pieces', and several different ways to determine and evaluate how an argument piece can support a certain desired conclusion for the new case; the cases in the case-base themselves are not reinterpreted during processing. For this reason, we believe that our approach extends the argument-generating capability of a system like BankXX in an important way.
There are also other systems that address the problem of multiple interpretations.
For example, in the dialectical reasoning system of Poulin et al. (1993) and St.-Vincent et al. (1995), all foreseeable interpretations of the statutes are encoded in the system, and a filtering mechanism is provided for choosing appropriate interpretations depending on the goals of the user. Hamfelt (1996) proposed a multi-level first-order formalism for representing legal meta-knowledge necessary for generating multiple interpretations. However, the focus of our research is somewhat different, as we are interested in modeling the process of generating novel, unforeseeable interpretations.
Conclusions and Future Research
In this paper we have analyzed the problem of modeling creativity in legal reasoning, and outlined a blackboard architecture for it. The architecture is based on a synthesis of existing approaches in legal reasoning, with an added mechanism that allows cases already existing in the case-base to be reinterpreted.
The basic idea is to represent the facts and the ratio of each case in the case-base. When a case is activated, the categories used in its ratio are made available for reorganizing the new case as well as any other case that is currently being considered for being applied to the new case. As a result of this interaction, the facts of the cases already existing in the case-base (and that are being applied to the new case) can be reinterpreted; and novel arguments for the new case can emerge.
We emphasize once more that this research is still in its infancy, as we have just started to build our system based on the ideas outlined here. Needless to say, still much work remains to be done in implementing and testing our system.
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