The Effect of Losing the Twin
and Losing the Partner on Mortality
Cecilia Tomassini1, Alessandro Rosina2, Francesco C. Billari3, Axel Skytthe4, Kaare Christensen4
Age Concern Institute of Gerontology, King’s College, London, UK, Dipartimento di Demografia Università La Sapienza, Roma, 00161 Italy
Istituto di Studi su Popolazione e Territorio, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy
Research Group on the Demography of Early Adulthood, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, D-18057 Rostock, Germany
Institute of Public Health and The Danish Centre for Demographic Research, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
everal studies have explored the impact of marital bereavement on mortality, while increasing emphasis has recently
been placed on genetic factors influencing longevity — in this
paper, we study the impact of losing the spouse and losing the
co-twin, for twins aged 50 to 70. We use data from the Danish
Twin Registry and the Population Register of Denmark for the
period 1968 through 1999. Firstly, we use survival analysis to
study mortality after the death of the spouse or the co-twin.
We find that the risk of dying is highest in the first year after
the death of the spouse, as well as in the second year after the
death of the co-twin. We then use event history analysis techniques to show that there is a strong impact of the event
‘losing the co-twin’ even after controlling for age, sex and
zygosity and that this effect is significantly higher in the
second year of bereavement. The effect is similar for men and
women, and it is higher for monozygotic twins. The latter confirms the influence of genetic factors on survival, while the
mortality trajectory with a peak in the second year after the
death of the co-twin is consistent with the existence of a twin
bereavement effect.
Writers and poets have suggested that it is possible to die of
grief. This idea has been carried on by epidemiologists who
started to study the effects of death on the survivors.
Consequently a considerable body of research has focused
on the effects of losing selected members of the social
network (bereavement) on an individual’s mortality
(Bowling, 1987; Bowling, 1994; Helsing & Szklo, 1981;
Jones & Goldblatt, 1987; Lillard & Waite, 1995;
Mellstrom et al., 1982; Schaefer et al., 1995; Stroebe &
Stroebe, 1983). Usually these studies analyse the death rates
among bereaved persons and compare them with the nonbereaved, finding an increase of mortality after
bereavement, especially in people with previous health disorders. The majority of the research done on bereavement
has focused on the loss of the spouse since this has more
effect on the daily life of the survivor and it is easier to
catch from both vital statistics and survey data. The magnitude of the marital bereavement effect on mortality seems
to vary with age and sex. The relative risk of mortality has
been found to be higher for widowed males than for
females, and to be higher for younger widowed persons
than for the older widowed.
The differences found in epidemiological studies on
marital bereavement are mainly due to the differences in
the research design (case-control studies, retrospective
analysis, cohorts of widows and widowers) and to differences in how individual characteristics are taken into
account (duration of marriage, length of widowhood, incidence of remarriage) and the cultural changes in the
population over time. Several methodological issues arise
from the kind of data available for the study. The use of
vital statistics data (like death certificates) allows a larger
sample size, longer periods of observation, and causes of
death, but it does not usually allow one to control for
several variables that might partially explain the higher
mortality of widowed people (such as previous marital
status history, previous health problems, risky behaviours,
financial situation). In the case of longitudinal surveys,
more information is available on individual life course, but
the sample size is typically much smaller, and the individual
characteristics are recorded only at the beginning of the
period considered (Lillard & Waite, 1995). Another
approach based on longitudinal data focuses on the transition from marriage to widowhood, and then on the analysis
of subsequent mortality. This is the approach that has been
followed in this paper. It is then important, for our purposes, to analyse the timing of the impact of bereavement.
Another line of research has its focus on the influence
of genetic factors on longevity. The first non-censored and
population-based twin study that could provide an estimate
of the magnitude of genetic influences on lifespan was conducted by McGue et al. (1993). A total of 600 Danish twin
pairs born between 1870 and 1880 was included. Path
analysis yielded a heritability of 0.22, with genetic influences being mainly non-additive. Later this study was
expanded by Herskind et al. (1996) to include more than
2 800 twin pairs with known zygosity born between 1870
and 1900. These cohorts were followed from age 15 years
to death. This study confirmed that approximately a
quarter of the variation in lifespan in this population could
be attributed to non-additive genetic factors, while the
remaining three-quarters were due to non- shared
environmental factors. Ljungquist et al. (1998) studied the
Address for Correspondence: Cecilia Tomassini, Dipartimento di
Scienze Demografiche, Università La Sapienza, Via Nomentana 41
Roma, 00161, Italy. Email:
[email protected]
Twin Research Volume 5 Number 3 pp. 210–217
Twin and Partner Bereavement
1886–1900 Swedish twin cohorts and concluded that a
maximum of one third of the variance in longevity is attributable to genetic factors.
Hence, it seems to be a rather consistent finding in the
Nordic countries that approximately 25% of the variation
in lifespan is caused by genetic differences. It is interesting
that animal studies have revealed similar estimates for a
number of species not living in the wild (Curtsinger et al.,
1995; Finch & Tanzi, 1997). Several authors have proposed
other theories in order to explain the similar trajectories in
mortality for twins. The hypothesis is that they reflect a
twin bereavement effect (which may be comparable in a
way to the marital bereavement effect). Segal and Bouchard
(1993) and Segal and Ream (1998) suggest that the grief
intensity increases with increasing genetic relatedness to the
deceased (kinship genetic principle). Some qualitative
studies (Woodward, 1998) show the psychological effects in
later life for twins who have lost their co-twin. This might
suggest that, in addition to a correlation between life spans
due to genetic factors, there is interdependence between the
deaths of the two twins. Nevertheless, there are very few
studies dealing with mortality following any bereavement
other than the conjugal loss (Tomassini et al., 2001).
Losing a sibling has probably been considered to have less
impact than the death of a spouse, child or parent, since
adult siblings normally do not live together and often do
not have regular contacts. In contrast to this view, some
studies have pointed out that the sibling bond has particular characteristics, which are different from their common
relationship to their parents (Krupnick, 1984).
Based on this we hypothesised two possible scenarios
explaining the twin correlation:
Hypothesis 1: Impact of time-constant factors only. If
the correlation in lifespan between the twins is due solely to
time-constant common factors (genetic or environmental),
we would expect to observe a correlation between the two
survival times only (see Figure 1).
The shorter the distance between the deaths of the
twins, the higher is the correlation between the two events
is. We would expect to observe a higher risk of mortality
for survivor A after the death of co-twin B,
Figure 1
Impact of time-constant factors only.
Figure 2
Bereavement effect.
Hypothesis 2: Bereavement effect. If there is also an
effect of the co-twin’s death (similar to the death of a
spouse), we would expect to observe interdependence
between the events (see Figure 2).
If there is interdependence, we should find a certain
time lag before the event “death of a co-twin” has an impact
on the risk of dying of the survivor. The existence of the
time lag is due to the fact that the death of the co-twin
needs a lag of time to produce some consequences on the
survivor’s risk of dying.
According to these two hypotheses, we tested if, controlling for age, the mortality risk of the surviving twin
increases after the death of the co-twin. In particular, we
tested whether there is a significant time lag between the
death of the co-twin and the peak in the risk of dying, and
if the effect of the co-twin’s death depends on (or interacts
with) sex and zygosity.
Materials and Methods
Study Population
The Danish Twin Registry is a population-based register of
twins born in Denmark between 1870 and 1996, with the
collection of information taking place in several steps. It
was established in 1954 as the first nation-wide twin register in the world, and more than 60 000 twin pairs are
In this study we focused on death and bereavement in
the age range 50 to 70 years, so we used twins from birth
cohorts 1918–1949 and followed them through the period
1968–1999. Twins from these cohorts were identified by
two different methods. The oldest cohorts born before
1931 were ascertained by scrutinising birth registers in
every parish in Denmark, including pairs with both twins
surviving to age 6 years. Only same-sexed twins from the
cohorts 1911–1930 are included in the register. The later
birth cohorts have been ascertained during the last 10 years
with the Danish Civil Registration System as the primary
source of identification. Twins from the birth cohorts
1931–1952 were identified based on the fact that almost
always twins in a pair are born on the same date and in the
same parish, and are given the same surname. From the
Danish Civil Registration System all sets of persons fulfilling these criteria were extracted and their twin status was
confirmed by either mailed questionnaires to living persons
or verification in birth registers in case of death or emigration (Kyvik et al., 1996; Skytthe, 2000).
The zygosity of same-sexed twins was determined by
the questionnaire method using the same method for the
two cohorts. Based on four questions about the similarity
of the twins the pair was assigned as either monozygotic,
dizygotic or uncertain zygosity. The method has been
proved to determine zygosity correctly in approximately
95% of the twin pairs (Hauge 1981).
The Danish Civil Registration System was introduced
in April 1968 and encompasses persons, who have lived in
Denmark since 2 April 1968 and have registered with the
national registration offices. Every person alive at or born
after April 2, 1968 has been assigned a unique identifier,
the personal identification number. Information on date of
birth and vital status (alive, death, emigration) is available,
Twin Research June 2002
Cecilia Tomassini, Alessandro Rosina, Francesco C. Billari, Axel Skytthe, Kaare Christensen
and changes in the marital status of a person (single,
married, divorced, widowed) can be followed. Vital status
and marital status of the monozygotic and dizygotic same
sex twins are followed from the age of 50 years until the age
of 70 years. Death of the spouse is indicated when the
marital status changed to widowhood. No other change in
marital status has been considered as an event.
For each twin identified to have lost his/her co-twin
(1679 individuals) a group of 2 “control-twins” were found
via the twin register (a total of 3358 control twins). Each
control-twin was matched with respect to age, sex and
zygosity. A control-twin was eligible only if he/she came
from a twin pair in which both twins were alive the day the
case-twin lost his/her co-twin. A control-twin was still eligible even if he/she lost his/her co-twin during the follow-up
time. In this way we could compare directly the survival of
twins who had just lost their co-twin to those who had not,
without confounding due to age, sex, zygosity or selection
in the twin register.
Two sets of analyses were performed, nonparametric survival analysis and parametric event history analysis.
(Readers that are not familiar with survival or event history
analysis could consult the introductory texts of Allison,
1984, or Collett, 1994).
Nonparametric Survival Analysis
For the first analyses we selected all twins that had experienced the death of the spouse (n = 2145) or the death of the
co-twin (n = 1679), when they were between 50 years and
less than 70 years of age before the 1st January 2000. We
then estimated, using the life-table method, hazard rates in
the 36 months following the death of the spouse and the
death of the co-twin, controlling for sex and zygosity.
In Figure 3, a Lexis diagram describing the periods and
cohorts under study is shown: the area A refers to the
periods and cohorts studied, while the B area refers to
periods subject to right-censoring, (i.e., our observation is
terminated at 1st January 2000 before the death of the surviving twin or the death of the spouse occurs.
Lexis diagram describing the periods and cohorts under study.
The area A refers to the window where death of spouse and
co-twins is observed, while the B area refers to periods subject to
right censoring.
and zygosity with the time-dependent variable is included,
in order to test if there is a different effect of losing the cotwin among men and women, as well as among
monozygotic and dizygotic twins.
To run this set of models we considered the survival of
a randomly selected twin from each pair that reaches age 50
(N = 8309) after the 2nd of April 1968 (starting date of the
Register) and we studied his/her mortality, with censorship
at age 70 or at 1st of January 2000 for those younger at
that date. A study by Simmons et al. (1997) shows that this
procedure does not lead to substantial biases even at ages
above 80.
The formulation of models A and B are reported below
(equations 1 and 2), while model C is obtained by just
adding the interaction terms.
Model A
logit(λ it) = α + β X i + η I(τ , ∞)
Parametric Event History Analysis
In a second approach we performed a longitudinal analysis
which considers the risk of dying of twins. Twins enter the
risk set at wave 1, when they are aged between 50 and 70.
We. included the death of the co-twin (when occurring) as a
time dependent covariate. We tested whether there is a significant increase in the mortality risk in the transition from
the state ‘co-twin alive’ to the state ‘co-twin dead’, controlling for sex, age and zygosity. For this purpose we used
discrete-time event history analysis models, with month as
the time unit.
We estimated three models. The simplest one (model
A) includes time-constant variables and a time-dependent
variable of the status of the co-twin. In the second model
(model B) the effect of the death of the co-twin is considered to be time-dependent itself, in order to pick up the
existence of a time lag between the cause (death of the cotwin) and the possible effect (death of the surviving twin).
In the third model (model C), the interaction between sex
Figure 3
Where t is the survival time, measured in months, starting from the 50th birthday. λit is the probability of death of
individual i in month t, given that i was alive at month t-1.
X i are the time constant covariates (age, sex, zygosity) of
the individual i, and β their coefficients to be estimated.
The constant variables includes age (four 5 year age groups,
the oldest compared with youngest 50–54), sex (women
compared to men), zygosity (zygosity = 1 when the twin is
I(a, b) is an indicator variable, assuming the value 1 if t
is included in the interval (a, b), and 0 otherwise. τi is the
time at death of the co-twin. The indicator then expresses
the “status of the co-twin” that is 0 if the co-twin is alive
and 1 if the co-twin is dead and η its coefficient.
Model B (time-dependent effect)
logit(λit) = α + β X i + η1I(τ , τ +11)
i i
+ η2I(τ +12, τ +23) + η3I(τ +24,∞)
Twin Research June 2002
Twin and Partner Bereavement
Where in contrast to Model A the effects of the timedependent variable that compare having lost the co-twin
one year, (η1) two years (η2) and more than two years
before (η3), with not having lost the co-twin is included.
Nonparametric Survival Analysis
We show estimated hazard rates in figures 4, 5, and 6 and
tables 1, 2, and 3. We performed two separate analyses for
mortality after the death of the spouse and after the death
of the co-twin, respectively for men and women. The
graphs show average annual hazard rates in the first, second
and third year of bereavement. The starting point on the
graph is the death of the spouse and the death of the cotwin. We should bear in mind that at this stage we do not
control by age, so that the increase of both trajectories after
the third year is likely to be due to an age effect as also indicated by the trajectory of the control group mortality
shown in Figure 6. In tables 1, 2, and 3 we indicate for
men, women, and zygosity respectively, the sample sizes,
the mean ages, the monthly hazard rates (that are shown in
the figures), and their confidence limits.
Figure 4 shows the two ‘bereavement’ effects for men:
both have similar intensity (although the effect of losing
the co-twin is consistently higher than the effect of losing
the wife despite similar mean age), but they have different
timing. The hazard rate after the death of the wife is higher
in the first year, and then it tends to fall, as demonstrated
in previous studies. The hazard rate seems to be higher in
the second year after the death of the co-twin. Figure 5
shows the results for women: the intensity of the two effects
is as expected lower than the male one, but the timing
pattern is similar.
We estimated also hazard rates specific for zygosity
(with men and women together): the results are showed in
Figure 6. The hazard rates for monozygotic twins are higher
compared to same sex dizygotic twins, and the peak in the
second year after the loss of the co-twin is more distinct.
The trajectory for the control group (that has not lost the
co-twin) is also drawn and show the expected mortality
trend with an increase due to age.
Parametric Event History Analyses
The results obtained in the event history analysis with the
models B and C are shown in Table 4. The obtained results
are in agreement with the results from the survival analyses
and support the hypothesis of interdependence between the
deaths of twins that we presented in hypothesis 2. The mortality risk increases significantly after the death of the
co-twin, even after controlling for age. The highest point of
the mortality risk is in the second year after the death of the
co-twin. The interaction with sex or zygosity is not significant, so the timing effect of the loss seems not to depend on
either sex or zygosity. The mortality is in general slightly
lower for monozygotic twins (the principal effect is negative
for mortality and the odds ratio is 0.80 compared to the
dizygotic twins) and the interaction between having lost the
co-twin and zygosity is strongly positive (the odds ratio is
2.56). The results confirm the trajectories obtained using
survival analysis, with the peak in mortality in the second
year after the death of the co-twin.
Figure 4
Comparison between survival after the death of the wife (full line) and the co-twin (dashed).
Twin Research June 2002
Cecilia Tomassini, Alessandro Rosina, Francesco C. Billari, Axel Skytthe, Kaare Christensen
Figure 5
Comparison between survival after the death of the husband (full line) and the co-twin (dashed).
Figure 6
Comparison between survival after the death of the dizygotic same sex co-twin (full line) and the monozygotic co-twin (dashed).
Twin Research June 2002
Twin and Partner Bereavement
Table 1
Monthly Hazard Rates and 95% Confidence Limits after the Death of the Wife and after the Death of the Co-twin — MEN
Loss of the wife
hazard (10-2)
Hazard Lower
95% Conf.Lim.
Loss of the co-twin
Hazard Upper
95% Conf.Lim.
hazard (10-2)
Hazard Lower
95% Conf.Lim.
Hazard Upper
95% Conf.Lim.
N = 506
Mean age = 59.6
N = 958
Mean age = 59.4
Table 2
Monthly Hazard Rates and Standard Errors after the Death of the Husband and after the Death of the Co-twin — WOMEN
Loss of the husband
hazard (10-2)
Hazard Lower
95% Conf.Lim.
Loss of the co-twin
Hazard Upper
95% Conf.Lim.
hazard (10-2)
Hazard Lower
95% Conf.Lim.
Hazard Upper
95% Conf.Lim.
N = 721
Mean age = 60.4
N =1639
Mean age = 59.2
Table 3
Monthly Hazard Rates and Standard Errors after the Death of the Co-twin — (NMZ = 485, NDZSS = 1194)
Loss of the MZ co-twin
hazard (10-2)
Hazard Lower
95% Conf.Lim.
Loss of the DZSS co-twin
Hazard Upper
95% Conf.Lim.
hazard (10-2)
Hazard Lower
95% Conf.Lim.
Hazard Upper
95% Conf.Lim.
NMZ = 485
NDZSS = 1194
In this paper we studied the mortality trajectories after the
death of the spouse and the death of the co-twin. We
showed that mortality increases in the first year after the
death of the spouse (a result that has been established in
several previous studies). We have also provided new evidence of the existence of the twin ‘bereavement effect’ and
its action on the mortality of the surviving twins. This
effect appears to be stronger in the second year after the
death of the co-twin. The event history model shows that
this effect is significant even after controlling for age and
sex. The interaction with sex is not significant, so the
bereavement effect is similar for men and women. The
interaction with zygosity is not significant either, so the
timing effect is also similar for monozygotic and dizygotic
same sex twins. The consistently higher mortality among
monozygotic compared to dizygotic twins who had lost
their co-twin provides evidence for the influence of genetic
factors. However, the time pattern with a peak in the
second year for both monozygotic and dizygotic twins indicates the existence of a twin bereavement effect.
We would like to stress that our analysis is conditioned
by survival to age 50 , and from 50 to 70, so the results that
we have obtained are restricted to the age group considered
and not to the entire life course. The model time origin is
reaching the 50th birthday, and the event studied is twin
mortality between age 50 and age 70. There is therefore no
left censoring, while we have the common right censoring
if the twin is alive at age 70 or, if younger than 70, is alive
in January 2000.
In order to explain the higher mortality of those
recently widowed, several factors are mentioned in the literature: stress from bereavement that may accelerate the
appearance of physical or mental disorders, lack of social
support after the death of the partner, a change in the
Twin Research June 2002
Cecilia Tomassini, Alessandro Rosina, Francesco C. Billari, Axel Skytthe, Kaare Christensen
Table 4
Results from the Event History Models with the Loss of the Co-twin as a Time Dependent Covariate
Model B
Odds Ratio
Model C
95% Wald
Odds Ratio s
95% Wald
Sex (reference: male)
Age (reference: 50–54)
Zygosity (reference: dizygotic)
Status of the co-twin (reference: co-twin alive)
First year after co-twin’s death
Second year after co-twin’s death
Third year (or later) after co-twin’s death
Second year*Female
Second year*Monozygotic
Note: Model C Sample size = 8309. –2*LL 10494.946.
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
family roles due to the sudden deprivation of spousal help
in daily activities (especially for older men), the loss of the
family’s income producer (especially for older women), the
lack of control that could lead to more risky behaviours
regarding smoking and drinking. Other explanations refer
to artefacts of the analyses, including selection effects (the
healthier and wealthier people are more likely to remarry),
the impact of homogamy (people in poor health tend to
marry each other), and shared unfavourable environment.
While the immediate increase in death rates after
bereavement is understandable in terms of stress (that accelerates the appearance of physical or mental disorders, that
precipitates or aggravates illness, lack of social support,
change in role, change in risky behaviours), the consequences beyond the first year are less clear. A long and
intense grieving period has related consequences in the
years thereafter. Furthermore the psychological disorders
and the social withdrawal that follow the loss of a close relative could lead to severe distress later in life both in health
and social relations. In addition to that, Klerman and
Clayton (1984) suggest that “failure to cope adequately
during the usual bereavement period predisposes a person
to late psychiatric and medical problems”.
The literature on bereavement effects of sibling loss is
very sparse compared to the spouse bereavement literature.
However, several factors can influence the tie between siblings: shared childhood environment and experiences,
critical life events and geographical proximity. Sibling relations become closer later in life, when they share the care
responsibilities of their parents (especially sisters). In this
perspective losing a sibling can have important consequences on the mortality of the survivor, especially at older
ages, since the anxiety may provoke an escalation in the fear
of one’s own death. All these relations could be enhanced
for twins, who represent a unique sibling relationship.
The one-year incidence rate of bereavement for firstdegree relatives in the general population is estimated to
range from 5 to 9 per cent. In the 1999 Longitudinal
Study of Ageing Danish Twins, for twins older than 70, it
has been found that 13.4% of them had lost their spouse
in the last five years, 15.3% the co-twin and 40.9%
another sibling. In general, bereavement can predispose
people to physical and mental diseases, can worsen existing
illness, can lead to risky behaviours, and can alter the use
of health services.
The results on the effect of losing the partner and its
rapid effect on the mortality of the surviving spouse have
been widely discussed in the previous studies on marital
bereavement. The effect of losing the co-twin on mortality
has been explained so far mainly in terms of genetic factors.
Our finding that there is a stronger impact of the death of
the co-twin in the second year after the death, suggests that
there is a sort of twin bereavement effect on mortality, and
this is occurring for both MZ and DZSS twins. It is possible that while the loss of the spouse has immediate
consequences on daily life (mainly with the lack of the
most important source of support), the loss of the twin
could be felt more later on. Adult twins have normally separate lives and separate families, so that it is possible that
when they lose their co-twin, their primary network
(spouse and children) can help them cope with the grief
immediately and therefore “postpone” the effect.
Future analysis including causes of death (available
through the Danish Central Death Registry) may offer possible explanations for the different timing of the two
bereavement effects.
We would like to thank Joan Woodward, Jane Falkingham,
Emily Grundy and James W. Vaupel for useful comments
Twin Research June 2002
Twin and Partner Bereavement
and suggestions. We are grateful to Kirsten Pagh for her
invaluable editorial help.
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Twin Research June 2002