Proceeding 3rd International Conference on ICT4M 2010
Pragmatic Framework of 3D Visual Navigation for Mobile User
Teddy Mantoro, Adamu A. Ibrahim
Department of Computer Science, Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Information and Communication Technology
International Islamic University Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Abstract—Mobile user navigation system explore and apply
the emerging of 3D visualization system for visualizing and
navigating conveniently in an environment. The important
consideration in visualization navigation is the real time
operation and the application device’s computational complexity
capabilities. Currently more and new research are encourage on
3D application for mobile device that will give user truly and
accurately virtual reality 3D environment in real time for user to
find its path to navigate from one location to other location in an
environment. Unfortunately, there is no commonly agreed way to
determine the accurate 3D visualization and navigation system
accompanying with the increasing activity of people among cities
and countries around the world, the requirement for navigating
people’s movement grows with unexpected speed. This paper
provides a framework for the improved 3D visualization and
navigation system. The framework will provide some
contributions for consolidation of visualization navigation
applications and techniques on mobile devices for user within an
Index Terms— Virtual reality, 3D-Visualization, PathFinding, User Navigation.
There are always a lot of options when it comes to finding a
location to reach to any place by a person who’s familiar with
the environment, while an unfamiliar environment to any
person is often difficult and time consuming to really get to a
particular place. User navigation system provides new options
for given viewpoints to present new views of a given design.
However, with Mobile user navigation system it will helps
identify new design descriptions, promoting new ideas with
respect to design principles and making it easier for path
finding within a given environment. The user navigation
system most consideration is the 3D walk-spaces, which refer
to 3D space environment that allow a user to freely walk
around, as such it can be represented virtually and embedded
on a device to allow user navigate with the help of the realtime connection between the 3D maps and the 3D walkspaces model based on landmark knowledge. The best part of
having 3D display output is that user can see a clear landmark
of certain location. Assume a user need to go to the placemark
B from placemark A and the user must pass by a tower. From
the 2D map, the user cannot distinguish which building it is
For that weakness, 3D map images are provided to help the
user recognized the landmark or the sign easily. In a scenario
where two mobile user running the application on their mobile
device and they want to meet, the 3D map will shows the
location of the user in the scene to navigate to the location of
another user to meet on the same image plane [1]. The
application could be used in any misinform places or
massive places such as, amusement park, seaport, airports,
shopping malls, market, schools and Hospitals. Users who
walk to any place that there are using the implementation of
the device will use the device, to be able to see the virtual
reality of the environment to navigate around and locate their
own information, and it will guide them depending on
the existing generated data to where ever there going.
The significant contemplation on user navigation system
application for mobile device is the real time visualization
navigation and the application device’s computational
complexity capabilities. Presently there is a need for more 3D
application for mobile device that give user precisely practical
reality 3D environment in real time for a user to find its path
to navigate from one location to other location in an
environment. However, it is still crucial in favor of general
established way to determine the accurate 3D mobile user
visualization and navigation system.
There are a lot of researches on 3D visualization navigation
system in both indoor and outdoor environment using
different technology. However, knowledge of 3D
visualization and navigation system environment lie side by
side with positioning/tracking system, the technique of the
indoor tracking and positioning system have been developed
and proven to be ideal. The indoor positioning systems are
available in many approaches like infrared sensing, radio
frequency, ultrasonic and scene capture. The concern rises in
the flexibility, cost and accuracy of the available system,
while the demand for location detection in indoor application
is growing, unfortunately Muttitanon et al. shows that there is
no commonly agreed way to determine accurate position in
indoors positioning system [2]. Nevertheless, there is a
technique that uses multiple samples from the same access
point, taking high correlation into account, to enhance the
accuracy of
determination [3]. Generally, there are two major categories of
geographical positioning systems approach to determine a
user’s location. One is based on the global positioning system
(GPS); the other is based on the cellular network system.
Although the approaches of these two major systems prove to
be effective in outdoor environments with good weather, as a
result, their performance decreases close to or under tall
obstacles [4].
This paper describes a framework for consolidations of the
techniques and applications of 3D visualization navigation
system using mobile devices like PDA, The practical
application of the framework will contribute to the building of
a general architecture for 3D visual navigation techniques on
mobile devices. It will also contribute in consolidating
different approaches used for 3D visual navigation techniques
to a more reliable and stable system.
The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows;
Section two discusses about related work, and section three
provide the framework of the 3D virtual environment, and
Proceeding 3rd International Conference on ICT4M 2010
section 4 discusses about the proposed architecture of the
framework of this study, while section is 5 descried the
implementation of the framework and section 6 is the
discussion and section 7 is the conclusion of the work.
The effort involved in capturing the content of the 3D
real environment accurately to embed it in to a device for real
time navigation remain a major task in the field of mobile com
puting. The most influential theory on navigation design in
virtual environments has been argued as being insufficient to
describe the complexity of spatial cognition in navigation in
the communities of behavioral geography and spatial
cognition [5]. However, in the mid-1990s, Silicon Graphics
Inc. (SGI), the pioneers of 3D computer graphics, began a
project to bring interactive 3D graphics to the World Wide
Web. The project took form as a scripting language that could
be mixed in with traditional HTML WebPages. That marks
the major breakthrough of this area.
Different techniques and tools were used for 3D visual
navigation. Early work on visual navigation started with using
of 3D graphs. Herman et al. [6] survey on graph visualization
and navigation techniques, as used in information
visualization which has been adopted in their work. While,
Raposo et al. [7] perform the early experiment which
visualized 3D vector graphics, small VRML animations, and
other multimedia on mobile data terminals so that it will
be transmitted over GSM network.
Brachtl et al. [8] established an approach on 3D modeling
techniques in which a full 3D model is created to generate
the illusion of movement in 3D space and Bladh et al. [9]
evaluates the use of smooth animated transitions between
directories in a three dimensional, tree maps visualization.
Subsequently, Boon-Giin et al. [10] present spatial indoor
location sensing information in 3D perception in mind thus,
Mantoro et. al. [11] provides an approach for the 3D
navigation system that utilizes user’s PDA with built-in GPS
Owing to the different techniques and approaches, this
paper desire to consolidate most of the schemes to yield up a
new pragmatic framework, having in mind the contention,
which state that a simple way to determine the applicability of
graph visualization is to consider the following question: is
there an inherent relation among the data elements to be
visualized? If the answer to the question is “no”, then data
elements are “unstructured” and the goal of the information
visualization system might be to help discover relations
among data through visual means. If, however, the answer to
the question is “yes”, then the data can be represented by the
nodes of a graph, with the edges representing the relations [6].
Though, Conventional approach on 3D modeling
techniques to generate the illusion of movement in 3D space is
challenging. Thus, a special browser for the given 3D
modeling technology has to be used. The user can freely move
in the 3D scene and choose an appropriate view of the scene,
and thus get a good notion about the 3D environment
investigated. When dealing with problems of navigation in
such an environment, some kind of clue is given to the user as
to where to go in the next step [8].
3D visualization system for visualizing and navigating is a
double- edged sword. Even though users take more
shortcuts, they also make more severe navigational errors. It
seems as though the promise of a more direct route to the
target directory, which animation provides, somehow
precludes users who navigate incorrectly from applying
a successful recovery strategy [9]. Moreover; assignment
of magnetic compass could provide dynamic orientation
information of user current viewpoint in real-time [10]. With
this contemplation, the author implement 3D navigation
system which navigates user location using Global Positioning
System (GPS) in campus environment that utilizes user’s
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with built-in GPS receiver.
The approach was already put into operation in IIUM Gombak
campus environment. The application provides 3D atmosphere
so it will be easier for the user to recognize a most likely place
to the real-world environment. The user could navigate using
3D model and at the same time can switch to the 2D maps
environment [11]. However, since the system was based on
the GPS receiver signal it will not be more reliable to indoor
implementation because of the poor implementation of
the GPS receive signal in the indoor environment.
This whole aim of this paper is to emerge techniques of the
3D visualization system for visualizing and navigating
conveniently in an environment observed from different
implementations in order to be more strengthen for an ideal 3d
3D environment (describe as a three-dimensional
representation) is physical visual fields associated with
demarcated regions around a moving observer into a
varying degree. Normally, in a 3D environment it is not
possible to visualize all the surfaces of all the objects
from one
Consequently, objects or part of objects that are not visible to
the observer will be seen in a mobile device if the
environment scene is embedded in his mobile device, as a
result, It provide options that is suitable for making local
decisions about moving around in a certain environment.
Therefore, mobile device users can navigate around with the
use of their mobile devices, which will be to rendering each
structure that cannot be visualizes simultaneously by the user
in to his device in a real-time.
The visual navigation scenario can be described using for
example Figure1. The path from point A through B was
indicated as the scenario for a person from location A, who
wishes to navigate to location B. this scenario, can be
embedded on a mobile device to explain an ideal situation.
There a lot of objects within location A and B, practically user
will always finds the path that will take him easier to his
destination, and might use his perceive options of paths that
will link location A and location B. However, viewing from
the surface of the embedded 3D environment scene in a
mobile device will consider the best and easy path, for a user
to navigate around the environment.
Proceeding 3rd International Conference on ICT4M 2010
The available fundamental algorithms used to implement the
techniques of the 3D visual navigation are mostly bearing
model, they should also describe the 3D Visual systems in
abstract to provide means to support the effective exploration
of complex data exist in the focus.
Fig. 1. Navigation from point A to point B in 3D environment
The design and development is done through the use of the
3D map and developed using 3D application software, and
embedded in to mobile device, while the web server dose the
processing. However, by using the mobile device with built-in
GPS, the user can access the map through 3D graphics map,
so it will be easier to the user to recognize a most likely place
to the real-world environment. With this capability, the user
can recognize the surroundings easily. Besides that, the user
may observe the other location with this system. Therefore,
Real-time interactive 3D animation has the potential to
support effective user interfaces by enabling virtual 3D
workspaces. However, this potential requires development of
viewpoint movement techniques that support rapid and
controlled movement through workspaces. The key idea is to
have the user indicate a point of interest (target) on a 3D
object and use the distance to this target to move the
viewpoint logarithmically, by moving the same relative
percentage of distance to the target on every animation cycle
[13]. It seems reasonable to claim that a 3D graphical entity
that is shaded and viewed in perspective is more object-like
than a 2D representation (usually a simple rectangle) and
therefore the 3D solution better matches the central
symbol [14].
Based on the different tools and techniques studied, it is
observed that the depth limit of each technique was specified
by the developers; consequently result into different
approaches of designing a 3D visual navigation system on
mobile devices. Therefore, this paper tries to logically
consolidate most of the techniques or parts of most the
techniques to come up with a better approach. However, an
interactive architecture is proposed. In general the system coprocessing interactive architecture is analyzed by taking into
consideration three moving parts (see Figure 2).
A. Visual Application
Visual application in this framework is an application
program that developers used with the aim of exploring
data and information graphically as a means of gaining
understanding and insight of an object. The choices of a
particular program will depend on the scale of the algorithm.
Fig. 2. Architecture 3D Visual Navigation
B. 3D Workspace Processing
The 3D workspace and 3D map are harmoniously related,
in 3D workspace processing. Visualization of data related to
the use of Location required the iterative animations;
however, the animation provides interaction for the paths and
objects on the mobile device which must show what is in front
of the viewer accurately, the point of the visualization
navigation, is to make it as accurately as possible for what you
see on a mobile device to be the same with what you see in
reality. There is onwards tradeoff between the visualization
application and the 3D workspace processing (see Figure 2).
The 3D processing is meant to maintain the object spaces and
refresh the animation as the observer keeps moving, as a
result, near-photorealistic virtual 3D walk-spaces in a realtime will be available on a mobile device to make it easier for
the viewer to recognize the environment. However the path
generated on the device represents the scene from an initial
position to the final position. It will also performed search in
sequence of nodes to find other path. Moreover the sequence
of nodes and path orientation will also be determined. The
iterative animation generates coordinates of points between
nodes that define the path. The set of task that need to be
computed in processing are the object their properties.
C. User Interaction
User interaction with the 3D workspace processing is a
directional circle. The task iterative object queue refers to the
processed animation which subsequent to acknowledgement,
are then return to the user mobile device. As the user move or
changes location the animation refreshes and the task is queue
Proceeding 3rd International Conference on ICT4M 2010
in the 3D workspace processing and acknowledged and the
user capture result. The circle continues.
The architecture proposed make it easier for a user to
determine the correct path, if a user enters a wrong location, it
is easy to realize the error with animation by comparing the
request with the real environment at real time. 3D graphics is
not yet very fast in mobile devices, therefore, it can be
customized by reducing the quality of the image, or by image
decompression. More so, there is problem of GPS signal,
sometimes is in-accurate due to the fact that the GPS signals is
often blocked or reflected by different weather anomaly and
shades. This is a common problem, which could greatly ease
the accuracy.
The framework proposes is an instructiveness of interaction
of a combine operation working together as shown in Figure
3. Server processing section and the client GPS device signal
transmit and received section, interacts with each other, thus
failure of operation in one section will consequently affect the
other the operation.
Fig. 3. Implementation of 3D Visual Navigation
The implementation goes on stage by stage and is
demonstrated using a scenario as shown in Figure 3 where a
user wants to go to point B from point A and want to be
guided with a mobile device. The explanation of the scenario
will be base on Figure 3. The user mobile device must be GSP
enabled and embedded with the visual applications, then that
will allow him to send a request for GPS signal at stage 1, the
GPS signal will be received in the user mobile device at stage
2, the signal will be processed using the visual application and
send to the connection server through internet connection
using Wi-Fi at stage 3 and 4. The connection server will send
the signal to the database server at stage 5, and the database
server will sent the signal to the web server at stage 6, which
will be processed and send to the user mobile device at stage
7, as user move the operation repeat again in real-time.
The connection server, web application server, and database
server are interacting together at the server processing section
successionally, which means that while, the web application
server present and processes the information of the real course
of action captured; the connection server updates the database
server with the real time operations, as such, the web
application server keeps regenerating up-to-the-minute
computation of the information receives from the connection
server. The Client device, that is, mobile phone having GPS
application; receives GPS signal and sent to the connection
server via internet connection (either through Wi-Fi or GPRS
or using SMS gateway server) to update the database server
and instantaneously the web application server will processed
the information received and send the feedback to the client
(user mobile device).
The Visual application is the program that is use for
designing virtual reality 3D scene. The choices of an
application should consider the computational complexities of
the mobile device, the propose framework make it a list
priority for an enduring application that will provide a quick
real-time feedback from the client processing section to the
connection server. Moreover, it should make a design more
reliable and be able to determine a blueprint of a real 3D
environment with high degree of accuracy. The 3D walkspaces map is another most important tool of consideration
while designing the program that will be embedded on the
mobile device, this is because it gives a user the 3D space
environment background that allow him to freely study in
those spaces, as such it can be can represented along side with
the 2D map, so that user can trace better from the environment
and will allow user to learn the structure of the
graphical space and consequently give a better landmark
knowledge. Nevertheless, understanding spatial environmental
quality requires the application of Geographic Information
System (GIS). With the analysis of GIS knowledge of
boundary will make it easy to design the virtual environment.
However, Boundary detection, which can described the region
of order of important will be categorize and be given priority,
that is, the area which is consider to be within the points of
interest (POI) it’s necessary to consider region of significant
and be giving foremost consideration while analyzing 3D.
The 3D workspace map and boundary detection are part of
the main component of the implementation of the framework.
Visual application will use 3D workspace map and determine
the boundary location. The real 3D environment should be
compare with the output of the visual application. In the real
environment, signal must be read by the visual application
through the signal sources, depending on the technology use.
The signal will be collected by the visual application. The
signals will then be mapped with the spatial temporal database
and studied. Mobile devices with some additional technology
will make and enhanced the visual navigation better. Device
like a digital magnetic compass, inertial sensors, and miniature
video cameras for position and orientation tracking embedded
on mobile device will provide an added advantage of location,
time and context-aware visualization of information.
Based on the implementation of the framework, some
certain values where obtained over a given period of time
within some certain points and it is represented in Figure 4.
Proceeding 3rd International Conference on ICT4M 2010
The longitude, latitude, and distance where plotted over time
for a mobile user who is navigating, As the user moves, the
distance increases and the longitude value changes swiftly
while the latitude changes where relatively small as shown in
Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Visualization information on time based
The Navigation Path from the framework will be
acknowledged by the iterative object captured by the visual
application from the 3D real environment. The mobile device
aim is to capture signal and be able to accurately get the 3D
real environment scene, through the application program. As
such, Navigation path will be display in real time which is
acknowledged by iterative object encounter along the way. As
the user keeps moving so also the circle continues. Eventually
user position relative to the distance move over time is
captured and presented in Figure 5. The values of the distance
increases with time and this values are plotted and indicated a
continuous increase pattern as shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Point to point changes over time
The implementation based on distance over a given period
of time within some certain points where represented in Figure
6. The longitude, latitude, and distance where plotted over
time for a mobile user who is navigating, As the user moves,
the distance increases and the longitude value changes slightly
while the latitude changes where relatively small as shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Visualization of information on distance based
The Architectural 3D Visual Navigation proposed is
intended for an adhere 3D visual navigation system, that is
practical consistent with the object’s intended role than can be
done in a particular level line. There are a lot of different
methods and techniques for 3D navigation system in a virtual
environment; the concern rises in the flexibility, cost and
accuracy of the available system. While the demand for 3D
visual navigation system is growing, so far at hand many the
techniques that are available were not generally based on a
single approach. While some techniques are closely related to
each others, some do not commonly agreed with each other.
A number of the techniques were developed with a lot of
flipside; while others are performing better, and others can do
much better if some certain predicament will be tackle.
However, this paper pursues the need in bridging important
alongside techniques or part of most technique that will be
merge together and to see the possible way to determine
accurate 3D visualization navigation system, provided the
structure will be simple and easy.
The outcome of 3D visual navigation system on mobile
device is to see 3D environment on mobile device (as shown
in Figure 7) so that users will be able to navigate around the
environment. Though this paper does not specify particular
tools for the general techniques, but pointed out reasonable
priorities to be taken at different stages of development.
The advantages and applications of visualizing the real-time
real world with 3D models are numerous, but the most
important thing is to aid the establishment of a more reliable
way in implementation. Therefore, Reliability, accessibility
and availability of the proposed framework can be achieved
through compensation of three elements; Accuracy of GPS
Proceeding 3rd International Conference on ICT4M 2010
Coordinates, Credible Method of Updates, and the reasonably
priced Cost of implementation.
decisions (for their direction) as well as providing orientation
movement during navigation (i.e. skilled way-finding) and
will improved the increased spatial knowledge of the
environment. Spatial knowledge can be described as three
levels of information: landmark knowledge, procedural
knowledge, and survey knowledge.
This paper also discussed the possible user navigation using
GPS based on time and distance in 3D map inside 3D dynamic
walk-space image. 3D scene in a mobile device, will enables
users to view their locations of services and real places in an
intuitive and user-friendly way; moreover it can also be used
for predicting and determining the distance and time between
users or to certain landmark in an environment.
Fig. 7. 3D virtual reality scene in mobile devices
The framework proposed serves to implement 3D visual
navigation application on mobile devices, which will enable
users to view the scene of interest and real places in a
perceptive and accessible way, the visualization application
provide the implementation of the design based on user
interaction in real-time manner, however the whole
architecture presented the structure of controlled resources to
be processed in 3D workspace processing and the core of this
architecture is animation, navigation and maintenance objects.
The outcome of the framework will benefit the user’s location
and visualized location context-based information, which can
be used for predicting and determining distance and time
between users to certain landmarks (static target) or dynamic
target (navigation) in a pervasive computing environment.
This paper describes pragmatic architecture of 3D visual
navigation for mobile user, in order to provide certain
priorities to be observe for 3D visual navigation system
techniques. Emphases to the consolidation of different parts of
techniques to formed more consistency, ease of understanding
and ease of use technique is the main contribution of this
The heart of the architecture 3D visual navigation is the coprocessing interactive architecture. The architecture describes
the structure of controlled resources to be processed in 3D
workspace processing and to visualize using visualization
application based on user interaction in real-time manner
The paper proposed framework can be achieved through
compensation of three elements. Which are accuracy of GPS
coordinates, credible method of updates, and affordable
cost. However, this make up a checklist, which will provide
an enhanced technique, and consequently offer an improved
3D visual navigation system, which will help users to make
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