Constructing Configured DBMSs based on Frameworks
Rubens Melo
Fábio Porto
Fernanda Lima
Álvaro Barbosa
Computer Science Department (Departamento de Informática)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC/RJ
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 255 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
22453-900 – Brasil
E-mails: {rubens, porto, ferlima, alvaro} @
Telephone: 55-21-5299385
Fax: 55-21-2592232
New types of applications, such as: multimedia, workflow, web based and
datawarehousing require different functionalities for a Database Management
System (DBMS). The extension of general purpose DBMSs attending to these
requirements introduces several performance, administration and development
difficulties. On the other hand, producing specific DBMSs tailored to applications
requirements imposes development burdens. This work presents an alternative
approach, that is, the configuration of DBMSs. A configured DBMS is a set of
selected inter-related services required for the data management in specific
application domain. The services used in a configuration involve not only
traditional, but also non-traditional DBMS functionalities, such as video and audio
playback synchronism needed in multimedia application. In the ECOHOOD
(Environment of COnfigurable Heterogeneous Object-Oriented DBMS) Project,
we propose a novel approach for constructing DBMSs based on software
engineering concepts of Frameworks which defines an Object Oriented architecture
supporting reusability.
Keywords: DBMS construction, DBMS extensibility, frameworks.
The adoption of Database Management Systems for the storage of data by traditional
applications is a reality in the software industry, and gained extra power with the emergence
of relational databases. Today, the appearance of new types of applications, such as:
CAD/CAM, CASE software, multimedia, GIS, all requiring management of huge volume of
complex data poses new challenges to the database research community.
Relational databases were initially conceived to support applications with simple data
structures and business oriented transaction types of access. The new areas of applications
require special data treatment. These new requirements can be exemplified as: long
transactions, complex query processing, storage of large objects such as video and audio, and
the addition of new services to DBMS functionality, such as synchronism for continuous
The answer to these new data requisites has been given by systems classified by Catell
[Catt94] as Extended DBMS and DBMS Generators. As examples of the former, Postgres
[SR86] and Starbust [S+86] attempt to satisfy the requisites of new applications by extending
the DBMS with new data types which provide the required structure and behavior.
Exemplifying the latter, EXODUS [C+90] is a code generator that adapt specific DBMS
functionality and GENESIS [B+90] is a DBMS constructors based on modeled composition.
According to Silberschatz and Zdonik [SZ97], extensibility and componentization are
prominent research topics to be addressed. They state that it is necessary «to look for ways to
open the architecture of DBMSs in such a way that new services can be incorporated and that
database functionality can be configured in more flexible ways according to application
We present in this paper a more general approach for the construction of configured
DBMSs. Our objective is to provide an architecture where a Database Implementor (DBI)
can, at a reasonable cost, adapt any aspect of a DBMS software previously identified as
«flexible». The adaptation will be possible for all the basic DBMS services, such as: query
processor, transaction manager, rule manager and storage manager, besides allowing the
introduction of new special services. The proposal is based on the software engineering
concepts of Frameworks. Frameworks introduce an Object-Oriented architecture with
predefined abstract classes to be specialized and ready-to-use components to be plugged in the
architecture. This technology provides the required flexibility to allow the configuration of
DBMSs to support new types of application with proper behavior.
ECOHOOD (Environment of COnfigurable Heterogeneous Object-Oriented DBMS)
is an on-going project of the PUC-Rio Computer Science Department and is based on the
experience acquired in two of our previous projects: HEROS (Heterogeneous Object System)
[USM94] and EITIS (Environment of Integrated Tools for Interactive Systems) [Melo87].
The research reported in this paper is a contribution to the ECOHOOD project.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we summarize the
researches related to this work. Section 3 defines the main concepts involved in our project
and describes the proposed architecture. In Section 4, we address the main DBMS services
and exemplify one of the services framework used in the configuration of a DBMSs. Finally,
in Section 5, some conclusions and suggestions for future works are presented.
Related Works
Two main works may be considered as the principal researches related to ours. First,
the extensible DBMS and the DBMS generators that have been proposed as means of
constructing specific DBMS since the mid 80’s. Second, the recent research on Frameworks
more usual in the Software Engineering literature.
The following sub-sections survey related works in both areas.
Extensible DBMSs and DBMS Generators
Extended database systems are complete DBMSs with part of its functionality
extended to support new data types. The overall architecture is static. Differently, database
system generators produce customizable DMBSs.
There are two variations of database system generators, classified, according to their
architecture, on Toolkits and Constructors [Catt94]. In the toolkit approach, «plug-and-play»
customizable components are provided for the configuration of DBMSs. In the constructor
approach, the system provides a database architecture from which a DBMS can be generated
by inter-connecting existing modules. New DBMS modules may also be constructed.
The extensibility in extended database systems is provided mainly by the creation of
new data types, access methods, and by the extension of the query language. POSTGRES
[SR86] is an example of an extended relational DBMS. It uses an extended data model with
object facilities, such as: object identifiers, composite objects management, versioning
treatment, and inheritance. Its query language, POSTQUEL is an extended relational query
language that supports complex objects, and user-defined functions.
EXODUS [C+90] and GENESIS [B+90] were the first projects that proposed a more
general approach for DBMS construction through DBMS generators. Subsequently, other
projects like Open OODB [WBT92], P2 [BT95] and Shore [Shor94] continued the research in
this area. P2 and Shore are successors of GENESIS and EXODUS, respectively.
The ECOHOOD project provides an architecture for configuration. The architecture is
entirely flexible as to configure basic DBMS and non DBMS services providing support for
new data type management. As a general DBMS framework, our proposal may configure an
extended or a DBMS generator being, in this way, a more general approach.
Frameworks are a promising software engineering technology for producing a
reusable, «semi-complete» architecture that can be specialized to produce custom applications
[FS97]. The reuse supported by a framework is at a larger granularity than classes,
contributing to organize large systems development.
Roberts and Johnson [RJ97] state the important concept of frameworks as a reusable
design represented by a set of abstract classes and the way their instances interact. The idea is
to define a several single components with predefined cooperation. Some of these
components, designed to be replaceable, are called hot-spots [Pree94].
As cited in [Pree96], white-box frameworks consist of several incomplete classes that
contain methods without meaningful implementations. In order to modify the behavior of
white-box frameworks, it is necessary to apply inheritance to override methods in subclasses
of framework classes. Black-box frameworks, on the other hand, offer ready components for
adaptations. Modifications are achieved by composition, not by programming.
It is important to highlight that frameworks are neither pure white or black. The
tendency is that mature frameworks will evolve more into black-box through intense reuse.
The following section describes our approach to applying Software Engineering
techniques to solve the Database research challenge of configuring DBMSs.
The ECOHOOD Project
The ECOHOOD project proposes the design and use of frameworks as a means of
constructing configured DBMSs. The DBMS services, traditional or not, will be implemented
by frameworks. Each framework is constituted of a static view, expressed by its classes, and a
dynamic view, composed by messages intra and inter frameworks. The exchange of messages
between frameworks occurs due to the necessity of communication between DBMS services.
In order to deal with the complexity involved in constructing configured DBMSs, we
propose an architecture consisting of:
the DBMS Framework that represents the architecture to be configured;
the Framework Instance that represents the configured DBMS;
the DBMS «Meta-framework» Schema that synthesize the framework description
information; and
the Framework Instance Schema describing the composition of each instanced
The last two schemas constitute a repository of metadata describing the framework
and the process of configuring of DBMSs.
Different users will access this repository. The Database Implementor (DBI) is the
user responsible for extending the existing framework modules or creating new ones
whenever necessary. The Database Configurer (DBC) is the user who selects the appropriate
classes from the framework to produce a configured DBMSs. Considering the amount of
classes and messages he/she must deal with, his/her job will find great assistance in high-level
information describing the framework abstractions through an appropriate GUI type of
application. The Database Administrator (DBA) is the well-known user who keeps his regular
The following sub-sections describe the individual components of this architecture.
The DBMS «Meta-Framework» Schema
The first component of the architecture is the «Meta-Framework» schema . Its
responsibility is to describe the important framework concepts to be used by the DBI in the
DBMS construction. It is a model for the framework. It represents the architecture of the
framework by identifying its classes, messages and hot-spots. At this level, one can specify a
single DBMS framework or link various frameworks producing another DBMS framework.
As an example of the latter, a query processor framework can communicate with the storage
manager framework composing a DBMS framework.
Another important role of the «Meta-Framework» is to aid in the composition process
by informing the DBI of composition rules, based on the framework architecture. These
composition rules are represented as message calls showing the dependencies among classes.
Figure 1 shows the UML class diagram [BP98], corresponding to the classes of this
Figure 1 - The "Meta-Framework" Schema
The «Meta-Framework» schema presents the following concepts:
the class DBMS Framework expresses all the existent frameworks in an
environment 1;
the class Composed DBMS framework represents an architecture for DBMS
configuration. Various different architectures might exist promoting a more
specific type of configuration. Each composed DBMS framework is made of
A set of frameworks available for user configuration is called an environment.
DBMS service frameworks from which the DBC will construct a configured
The single DBMS-Framework depicts a complete configurable architecture
including all the DBMS services needed;
the class DBMS Services Framework describes the services to be utilized in a
DBMS framework. New DBMS service frameworks can be created and joined in a
DBMS configuration;
the Generalization class represents the superclasses. Most of the superclasses
provide an opportunity for flexibility.
the sender/receiver association defines the glue between classes, defining the
framework architecture;
The Component class represents the black-box, ready to use, components to be
plugged into a framework hot-spot;
A hot-spot is a flexibility point. This is the aspect to be analyzed by the DBI in
order to express adequate behavior and/or structure.
The DBMS Framework
The DBMS Framework represents the configuration environment. This is the core
level of the architecture where code and design are ready to be utilized. The use of the
framework may happen either by filling the flexibility points with the desired behavior, or by
plugging-in ready to use components.
The development of the DBMS framework considers the following aspects:
adequacy of the framework - a DBMS framework may be developed aiming the
refinement of DBMS services to attend different requirements, such as: specific
application domains, distributed, heterogeneous or parallel DBMS.
Selection flexibility of the DBMS services frameworks - the DBI is free to choose
which services the DBMS will require. The only mandatory DBMS service
frameworks are the Query processor and the Storage Manager frameworks. These
DBMS services form the basic structure of a DBMS.
flexibility of DBMS services - the framework developer identifies the hot spots
within each DBMS service. The DBI may choose between transaction models,
buffer manager swap policy, access methods, query optimization strategies and
different rule coupling execution mode, etc. The level of flexibility is entirely user
adaptable. It may be as large as the whole service and as small as a simple method
override. A large grained flexibility could be a multimedia DBMS requiring a
special new DBMS service, like the synchronism for the playback of continuous
media, and an small grained flexibility example in a relational DBMS, could be the
relational join method that can be chosen between the merge-join, nested loop or
hash join algorithms.
It is important to observe that framework is a semi-complete code made of objectoriented classes. Once the DBI has filled the hot-spots, what is obtained is a entirely
functional DBMS. The next level is an instance of DBMS Framework, that is, a configured
The DBMS Framework instance
The product of a framework configuration is a functional configured DBMS. The
configured DBMS provides the functionality selected from the framework, and possibly
refined, by the DBI according to the requirements of the specific client application. This is the
only level perceived by the Database Administrator (DBA) and application users. The
configurations available at this level are those offered by the selected components, as blackbox modules, and are not different than the ones provided by commercial DBMSs.
The DBMS Framework instance schema
This schema is responsible for the description of the generated configured DBMSs. A
company may construct different DBMSs to attend requirements of specific departmental
applications. The instance schema will store detailed information about each configured
DBMS helping the DBA in the environment administration. It also provides useful
information associating framework structures with configured DBMSs which use them. This
information helps the framework maintenance, indicating DBMSs that might need to be reconstructed.
Example of DBMS Services and their Hot Spots
A configured DBMS implements a selected set of interconnected specialized DBMS
services. We provide a basic set of DBMS service [EN94, SK97] frameworks as a starting
point for our environment. In Figure 2, we present the inter-connection between DBMS
services framework according to [BP98].
Figure 2 – Inter-connected DBMS service frameworks
The RuleManager framework implements active DBMS [WC96] behavior with
flexibility points that permit configuring it with different execution coupling mode and special
query extension treatment. The CatalogManager framework is designed to offer flexibility for
defining new schema type elements. The QueryProcessor framework contains flexibility
points that allows the definition of optimization strategies [YM98], complex and simple data
type queries and also structured and semi-structured data access. The TransactionManager
framework offers flexibility for the specification of adequate transaction models
[GR93,ELMA92], different serialization enforcement protocols and special recovery policies.
The StorageManager framework classes support different object type storage and special
access methods and configurable units of data transfer between primary and secondary
storage. Finally, the BufferManager permits a flexible configuration of paging flush strategy
and paging size. In the following sub-sections we briefly describe the Rule Manager and
Catalog frameworks. We also present the flexibility points (hot-spots) and discuss the
configuration process involved.
Rule Manager
Active DBMSs must provide an architecture for supporting the definition, storage and
execution of rule objects. Our framework implements a meta-catalog for storing rules. It also
includes a RuleManager class responsible for managing the storage, compiling and
manipulating rule objects and a rule executor responsible for managing the execution of rules.
In Figure 3, we show the Rule Manager Framework
Figure 3 – The RuleManager Framework
The RuleManager class is a flexibility point. Its is composed of a Query Re-writer
object. The flexibility point retracts a possible implementation of rule execution where the
user query is re-written including the associated rule text. The Query Re-writer class will
provide the adequate implementation for the operation extendQuery. The RuleExecutor class
has an abstract operation checkEvent. Depending on the coupling mode of rule execution, the
DBC defines a proper specialization class that implements the adequate mode: immediate,
deferred or decoupled. The abstract operation is another flexible point for the Rule Manager
DBMS service.
The catalog is a DBMS service responsible for storing and providing access to schema
information. Its framework is presented in Figure 4. The Catalog abstract class is a flexible
point being optionally composed by different types of schemas. As an example of the catalog
configuration, the DBC can compose a MetaSchema class and a RuleSchema class. The
SchemaType class is also a flexible point that generalizes the possible types of schemas
providing a generic interface for the catalog services. The Catalog abstract class is specialized
with a concrete Catalog class with schema components chosen in a configuration.
Figure 4 – The Catalog Framework
Creating DBMSs to cope with the new functionality required by new types of
applications is a challenge for the Database area. We believe that, instead of overloading a
DBMS with several services that might not be used, the DBMS can be configured just with
the absolutely necessary services to attend specific domain requirements.
In this paper, we propose a new approach that offers great flexibility and produces a
more adequate software. The configured DBMS is composed of software modules
implementing the services needed to support new application data. We adopted Frameworks
to produce a flexible architecture. DBMS services are implemented by an hierarchy of
configured classes that together produce a software architecture. The implementation of
software behavior is done by specifying new classes or composing existing modules in predefined flexible points.
The main contributions of this work can be cited as: the proposed architecture that
isolates the difficulties of developing a complex software as a DBMS; the use of schemas in a
framework environment that usually just leave unorganized classes to be chosen and the
modeling of database services with the identification of hot-spots as points of flexibility. In
particular, we presented two examples of DBMS services framework, the Rule Manager
framework and the Catalog framework. We also highlight the identified hot spots.
As near future works, we intend to extend the idea of DBMS frameworks to configure
new DBMSs
with new services and functionalities. We also plan to develop several
components to evolve our white-box framework into a black-box framework and construct a
GUI tool to aid the Database Configurer (DBC) in the task of choosing components of the
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