Paleontological Society
Wall Structure and Growth of Fusulinacean Foraminifera
Author(s): Scott A. Hageman and Roger L. Kaesler
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 72, No. 2 (Mar., 1998), pp. 181-190
Published by: Paleontological Society
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 20/09/2012 01:21
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J. Paleont., 72(2), 1998, pp. 181-190
Copyright ? 1998, The Paleontological Society
NaturalSciences,ParkCollege, Parkville,MO 64152, and
Departmentof Geology,NaturalHistoryMuseum,and PaleontologicalInstitute,
The Universityof Kansas,Lawrence66045
electronmicroscopyof tests of Triticitesventricosusand Schwagerinasp. shows that the microgranular
was secretedratherthan agglutinated.Grainsrangein size from 0.5 to 6.0 ,um,but grainslargerthan4 JImare rare.Evidencethat
grainswere secretedincludestightpacking,uniformsize and shape,and apparentlyhomogeneouscomposition.Furthermore,
electronmicroscopyconfirmsthe perforatenatureof the antethecaand the natureof the keriothecalwall. Alveoli tapertowardthe
tectumand pass throughthe tectumas tiny pores,enhancingcommunicationbetweenchambersand with the externalenvironment.
The traditionalmodel for the additionof chambersis rejected.Threeways in which new chambersmay have been addedto the test
that are consistentwith observationsmadehere: 1) The antethecamay have thickeneddifferentially,creatinga substrateto which the
keriothecaof the new chamberwas attached;2) Partof the tectum,septum,and keriothecaof the previouschambermay have been
resorbedbefore calcite formingthe new chamberwas secreted,perhapsnecessarybecausethe tectumwas an unsuitablesubstrateon
which to attachthe keriothecaof the new chamber;3) A combinationof the abovemay have occurredwhereinthe antethecathickened
differentiallyand was resorbedlocally, providinga suitablesubstrateon which to attachthe keriothecaof the new chamber.The last
model is favoredhere becauseit best explainsthe shapeof the septaand the configurationof the keriothecaof the chambersof most
specimens.Nevertheless,the othertwo models are consistentwith the morphologyof some specimens.
using scanning electron
microscopy have led to significant advances in understanding skeletal microstructure and mode of growth of fossils
(Crick, 1989; Simkiss and Wilbur, 1989; Carter, 1990). The wall
structure of fusulinacean foraminifera, however, has been studied very little by this method of investigation. Calcite cement
that has overgrown nearly all the internal surfaces of the test
typically obscures details and especially the boundaries of features secreted by the fusulinid. Moreover, study of the addition
of chambers by fusulinids is hampered by the inability clearly
to discern in SEM micrographs the tectum, the outer covering
of the wall, which is commonly visible in thin section. Because
the tectum marks the boundary between chambers, its location
is critical to understanding growth (Figure 1).
The purpose of this study is to test hypotheses about the wall
structure and the mode of addition of chambers in fusulinids.
Results of this study show that 1) the grains that comprise the
fusulinid test were secreted rather than agglutinated; 2) the keriotheca is a perforate structure with pores that penetrate the tectum, allowing communication between chambers and with the
outside environment; and 3) the traditional model of the formation of chambers does not account for the observed relationships of the tectum, keriotheca, and septa. These observed relationships has led to new models for the formation of chambers.
The superfamily Fusulinacea is one of the most successful
groups of foraminifera, comprising eight families and 166 genera (Loeblich and Tappan, 1988). Fusulinaceans are more abundant and better preserved than any other group of macroscopic
marine fossils in the Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks of many
areas (Thompson, 1964, p. C359). The abundance and evolutionary development of the superfamily in upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks make fusulinids valuable for biostratigraphy, and
interregional correlation is possible due to worldwide zones
based on genera.
The classification of calcareous foraminifera is based on six
major types of wall structure (Henbest, 1937; Thompson, 1951;
Loeblich and Tappan, 1988). The suborder Fusulinina is characterized by a microgranular test that is now widely thought to
have been secreted but has been regarded previously by some
authors as agglutinated (Brady, 1876; Cushman, 1948; for further discussion see Henbest, 1963; Green et al., 1980; Haynes,
1981). Foraminifera with microgranular walls became extinct at
the end of the Permian and left no descendants. Thus, both actualistic and taxonomic uniformitarian approaches to the study
of fusulinid wall morphology and paleobiology fail.
Fusulinid tests are characterized by microgranular walls made
of closely packed, equidimensional, subangular grains of calcite.
The grains are usually a few micrometers in length (Reitlinger,
1950; Tappan, 1971; Green et al., 1980; Zheng and Yang, 1991;
Yang and Zheng, 1993). Different arrangements of grains result
in layering in the walls of the test, which, together with the form
of the test, are the basis for distinguishing higher taxa within the
suborder (Lipps, 1973).
Fusulinids have three principal types of wall structure (Figure
2) (Dunbar and Henbest, 1942; Ross, 1982). The profusulinellid
wall (Figure 2.1) consists of three layers that include a protheca,
tectum, and tectorium. The fusulinellid wall (Figure 2.2) contains an upper and lower tectorium. The keriothecal wall (Figure
2.3) lacks tectoria. In place of the protheca is a thicker and
modified, alveolar layer comprising a series of large, thinly
walled, polygonal tubes that are subdivided into smaller tubes
near the tectum. This modified layer resembles a miniature honeycomb and is termed the keriotheca (Dunbar and Henbest,
1942; Ross, 1982). The large, planispiral, fusiform test of fusulinids shows little external detail. Study of axial and sagittal
sections is therefore essential because internal features, especially the wall structure, are the most important morphological features for identifying taxa (Haynes, 1981, p. 120).
Whether the fusulinid test was built from grains secreted in
layers or was agglutinated was questioned for years, but most
fusulinid workers are convinced that the microgranular wall was
secreted. However, agglutination is still mentioned (Haynes,
1981, p. 117). This study plans to demonstrate conclusively that
secretion is the only form of test construction for fusulinids.
Reasons for uncertainty in test microstructure are due to limited
resolution of optical microscopes and alteration, typically including recrystallization of a high proportion of the calcareous
tests (Haynes, 1981). Such secondary alteration as recrystallization, dolomitization, silicification, and compaction has commonly led to changes in the composition and texture and to
V. 72, NO. 2, 1998
of a fusulinid in partial sagittal and axial sections
with a detailed insert of the wall structure (adapted from Dunbar and
Condra, 1927).
FIGURE I-Morphology
1 Profusulinellid
/ upper
z Pusullnellld
secretedwall. Largergrainsof sparrycalcitecement(6 to 14 ,im long)
line an unfilledchamber(KUMIP2,506,574); 1,250X.
FIGURE3-Broken specimen of Triticites ventricosus from the Hughes
Creek Shale Member. The small grains (2 to 5 ,xm long) comprise the
distortionof the wall of the test, all of which result in the loss
of information(Cummings,1955).
Microgranularwall--Early workers disagreed whether fusulinid tests were agglutinated or secreted (Henbest, 1937;
Haynes, 1981). Because thin-sectionpetrographygives insufficient resolution,it has not been especiallyhelpfulin determining
the natureof the test (Lipps, 1973). Brady (1876) believed that
the test was built of minuteparticlesembeddedin a calcareous
cement, and Cushman(1948) judged the test to be wholly or
partly agglutinated.Fusulinidworkerswho concluded that the
wall was secretedinclude Moller (1878), Plummer(1930), Galloway (1933), and Rauzer-Cherousova (1936). Wood (1949)
and Cummings(1955, 1956) showed that the wall is formedof
equidimensional,subsphericalgrains of calcite that are closely
packedbut withoutdetectablecement. Greenet al. (1980) used
high-voltagetransmissionelectron microscopyto study the internal structureand space between micrograins in Triticites
moorei. The presenceof small intergranular
voids, which range
in size from less than 50 A to 1,000 A and probablycontained
organic matter,suggests a secreted test. The idea that the test
was constructedof secretedgrains in layers is now widely accepted (Henbest, 1937; Wood, 1949; Reitlinger, 1950; Cummings, 1956; Greenet al., 1980).
Keriotheca.-Studies of thin sections have suggestedthatthe
keriotheca is a perforate structure comprising alveoli, hence its
name meaninghoneycombwall (Douville, 1906; Hayden,1909;
Dunbarand Condra,1927;White, 1932;Henbest,1937;Thompson, 1951; Skinner and Wilde, 1954). Such early keriothecal
2-Types of fusulinid walls. 1, three-layered,profusulinellid fusulinidsas Triticitesand Schwagerina,however,were thought
wall. 2, four-layered,fusulinellidwall. 3, two-layered,keriothecalwall.
to have had an imperforatewall. Proponentsof the imperforate
3 Keriothecal
FIGURE4-Scanning electronmicrographsshowing the secretedgrainscomprisingthe test. 1-3, Schwagerinasp. from boreholeMaune2-36 [36-
21-34]. 1, stereopairs7? apartof a sagittallybrokenspecimenexposingthe proloculus,spirotheca,and septa (KUMIP2,506,582), 35x. 2, detail
of grainscomprisingthe left side of proloculuswall (see Figure4.1), 2,000X. 3, detail of grainsof a septum(KUMIP2,506,588), 1,250X. 4-8,
Triticitesventricosusfromthe HughesCreekShaleMember.4, polishedandetchedaxial sectionthroughthe proloculus(KUMIP2,506,562),10X.
5, detailof polishedandetchedspecimenshowingindividualgrainscomprisingthe left side of proloculuswall (see Figure4.4), 5,000X. 6, axially
brokenspecimenthatexposes septalfluting,tunnels,and chomata(KUMIP2,506,580), 20x. 7, detailof grainscomprisingthe flutedseptumand
spar in the three open spaces surroundingthe septum(rightarrowin Figure4.6), 1,250x. 8, grainscomprisinga crackedchoma (left arrowin
Figure4.6), 2,500x.
Ps '
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specimens have weathered free from the shale matrix and were
collected by sweeping them into a sample bag with a whisk
o Sparry calcite
Preparation.-The fragmented specimens of Schwagerina sp.
* Mean of secreted
were mounted on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) stubs
using double-sided tape. The specimens of T. ventricosus were
* Mean of spar
. 10.00
prepared in three different ways in a search for a good method
of mounting fusulinids onto SEM stubs. Some specimens were
encased in epoxy, cut and polished into axial and sagittal sections, and mounted to the SEM stubs with epoxy. The epoxy0
encased fusulinids did not photograph well because the bound(
0 0 O
aries of the walls were difficult to distinguish from the epoxy.
m. 5.00
Other specimens were not embedded but were glued to a glass
slide with epoxy, cut, and polished. The slides were then frozen
ID l
in order to remove specimens from the epoxy and slide. The
0 o
specimens were then mounted onto SEM stubs with a small
amount of epoxy. This method worked if care was used in ap- OLOC1
..) i
plying the epoxy. The presence of epoxy on the polished surface
or sides of the specimen, of course, resulted in poor photographs.
The remaining specimens were broken with a hammer or scissors and mounted onto SEM stubs with epoxy. This method
Lengthof grains, pm
reveals the microstructure quite well but does not provide any
FIGURE5-Relationships between sizes of secretedand sparry-calcite control in
observing specific features. Before being mounted, all
grainsof Triticitesventricosus.SEM micrographswere used to mea- the specimens were cleaned by using an ultrasonic cleaner and
sure 120 secretedgrainsand 40 grainsof spar.Some datapointsrep- etched in
one-percent hydrochloric acid for five seconds to reresentmore thanone grain.
veal individual grains.
C Secreted grains
wall structure believed that the alveoli abruptly taper toward the
tectum so that they close, do not penetrate the tectum, and thus
are not represented by pores on the external surface (Dunbar
and Condra, 1927; White, 1932). Most authors, however, now
believe that the openings in the keriotheca pass through the tectum as tiny pores that lead to the next chamber, the next whorl,
or to the outside environment (Thompson, 1951; Zheng and
Yang, 1991), a view that is supported by this research.
The method by which fusulinids added chambers has not been
controversial. The traditional view has held that a new chamber
is added to the existing antetheca, the anterior wall of the last
chamber, simply by attaching calcite of the new chamber to the
pre-existing one without any modifications (Dunbar, 1963;
Thompson, 1964). In the process the antetheca becomes a septum between the last two chambers when an additional chamber
is added, and the new chamber's leading edge becomes the antetheca. The addition of chambers has been studied very little.
Deprat (1912) discussed the different shapes of the antetheca
and septa. Dunbar and Condra (1927) dismissed most of these
observed differences as being due to improperly prepared specimens, but they were not able to explain all of the shapes that
Deprat observed. Haynes (1981, p. 120) reported that the antetheca may be planar, bow out in a curve, or fold.
Sampling.-Well-preserved, broken fragments of immature
specimens of Schwagerina sp. were recovered from drill cuttings
sampled at ten-foot intervals from a bore hole, the Maune No.
2-36 [36-21-34] at 2,700 to 2,800 feet below the surface in central Kansas. The fragmented, immature specimens could not be
identified to species and did not allow firm biostratigraphic conclusions, but they are probably from the Beattie and Grenola
Limestones of the Council Grove Group.
The Hughes Creek Shale Member of the Foraker Limestone,
approximately 1.5 km east of Paxico, Kansas, on Interstate 70
was sampled because it contains abundant, well-preserved specimens of Triticites ventricosus (Meek and Hayden, 1858). These
Well-preserved specimens were a priority because minute features of fusulinids are easily obscured by diagenesis, especially
by sparry-calcite cement and recrystallization. Fortunately, some
of the specimens had unfilled chambers or chambers filled with
a single crystal of sparry calcite rather than a drusy lining, which
facilitated observation of the structure of the wall.
Evidence of a secreted wall would include grains that are
closely packed, fitted, equidimensional, sharp edged, and homogenous in appearance suggesting a uniform composition
(Cummings, 1955; Tappan, 1971). Evidence of an agglutinated
test would include grains that are: loosely packed with gaps,
cement, or organic matter separating them; rounded; and variable in size and composition (Lipps, 1973). The specimens studied have equidimensional grains in a fitted network with a uniform size, shape, and, apparently, composition as judged from
crystal habit (Figure 3). If the tests were agglutinated, the packing could be tight but with cement-filled gaps and with a wider
variety of grain sizes, shapes, and possibly compositions. Specimens were studied with these criteria in mind to determine if
their tests were secreted or agglutinated.
One immature specimen of Schwagerina with well-defined
spirotheca, septa, and proloculus clearly lacks sparry calcite in
the pore space (Figure 4.1). The wall of the proloculus consists
of well-packed, subangular, fitted grains that are typically 2 to
4 ,Im long with no spar between the grains (Figure 4.2). The
surface of the septum of another specimen of Schwagerina sp.
has grains that are closely packed, subangular, and consistently
3 to 4 ,Im long (Figure 4.3).
Studying a specimen of Triticites ventricosus shows that the
proloculus, chomata, and axial fillings comprise granular calcite
(Figure 4.4, 4.5). Many of the chambers have been filled with
secondary, sparry calcite. On the left side of the wall of the
proloculus, grains are tightly packed and fitted, strongly suggesting that they were secreted (Figure 4.5). In the background,
a large crystal of spar approximately 10 pm across extends into
the hollow proloculus and shows the size difference between the
secreted grains and the sparry calcite cement. A freshly broken
surface of T. ventricosus (Figure 4.6-4.8), also with spar-filled
i: r 1
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electronmicrographsshowing the perforatenatureof the keriothecaof Triticitesventricosusfrom the Hughes Creek Shale
Member.1, split image of the keriothecafrom a cut, polished,and etchedaxial section (KUMIP2,506,563), upper50x, lower 250x (areain the
white box from the upperimage). 2, spirothecawith counterclockwisegrowthshowing open alveoli, from a cut, polished, and etched sagittal
section (KUMIP2,506,568), 350x. 3, split image of the keriotheca,septum,and the exteriorof the spirothecawith clockwise growthfrom a cut,
polished,andetchedsagittalsection(KUMIP2,506,610);uppershows a largealveolusthatopens on the outersurfaceas a pore (arrowP), 170X;
lower shows wheretectum(T) stops (arrow)and only keriotheca(K) is in contactwith the suturethatextendsdown into the septum,340x (area
in the white box from the upperimage). 4, split-image,exteriorview of the antethecaand spirothecafrom an etched,whole specimen(KUMIP
2,506,614); upper shows the small pores covering the outer surfaceof the spirotheca(arrow),100; lower shows the grains comprisingthe
antethecaand a spar-linedpore (arrow)in the antetheca,1,OOO (areain the white box from the upperimage).
FIGURE 6-Scanning
V. 72, NO. 2, 1998
chambers, clearly shows the difference between grains comprising
the wall and the spar that fills the chambers. The apparently
secreted grains are all tightly packed, angular to subangular, and
consistently 0.5 to 5.0 ,xm long, whereas the crystals of chamber-lining spar are 10 to 15 ,pm long. A choma of the same
specimen that was cracked during preparation comprises tightly
packed, angular to subangular grains that are 2 to 4 ixm long
(Figure 4.8). A septum of another specimen that was used to
study the addition of chambers also reveals grains that are 2 to
4 ,um long and appear to have been secreted (Figure 7.3, 7.4).
SEM micrographs that show distinct grains were used to measure randomly the secreted grains of the wall and sparry calcite
(Figure 5). A grid was constructed to lay over micrographs.
Lengths and widths of 120 secreted grains and 40 sparry calcite
grains were measured. The grains comprising the wall are different in size from the spar. Secreted grains range from 0.5 to
6.0 IJm long and have an average length of 2.5 Ixm, but 95
percent (114 grains) are from 1 to 4 pIm long. Grains of sparry
calcite cement are considerably larger than grains in the secreted
wall and range from 2 to 16 xim long and an average length of
7.6 ,um. Only 4 grains (10 percent) were smaller than 5 ,xm in
length; thus 90 percent of the grains of sparry calcite are from
5 to 16 ,Im long.
When viewed in thin section, the keriothecal wall is seen to
have light and dark bands, 75 to 100 ,xm long and 15 to 20 pxm
wide, that are perpendicular to the surface of the test. These are
also visible in some SEM micrographs (Figure 6.1-6.3). The
bands represent walls and pores in a two-dimensional, edge view
of the honeycomb structure, but authors have not always agreed
on which bands correspond to pores and which to wall (Dunbar
and Condra, 1927; White, 1932). Whether the alveoli extend as
tiny pores through the wall into the next chamber or to the outside world has also been debated. Thompson (1951), however,
demonstrated that the alveoli taper and pass through the tectum.
He heated spar-filled specimens, oxidizing iron in the pore filling
of the alveoli so that they became visible in thin section. Zheng
and Yang (1991) also concluded that the pores penetrate the
spirotheca and allow communication between whorls and with
the outside.
When viewed in SEM micrographs, the dark bands are alveoli
that are filled or lined with sparry calcite (Figure 6.1-6.3). When
the fusulinid was alive, the alveoli were filled with cytoplasm,
possibly bearing symbiotic, photosynthetic algae (Ross, 1972)
and connected to the inner chambers. The alveoli are 15 to 20
Ixm wide, 75 to 100 pxmlong, and taper abruptly toward the
tectum. Figure 6.1 resembles the typical two-dimensional views
seen in thin sections and emphasizes the difficulty in determining whether the keriothecal openings pass through the tectum to
the outside or into the next whorl and in ascertaining which
bands correspond to pores and which to wall. Crystals of sparry
calcite line every surface, obscuring details and complicating the
interpretation. SEM micrographs of etched specimens, however,
provide a three-dimensional view, and some show that the alveoli are open and pass through the tectum as tiny pores (see
Figure 6.3 in which the arrow indicates one such pore). More-
FIGURE 7-Scanning
over, numerous pores in the spirotheca appear to correspond to
the underlying alveoli that comprise the honeycomb wall (Figure
6.4). The perforate nature of the antetheca is also demonstrated
by the presence of large, spar-filled pores (Figure 6.4, arrow),
but they are not as abundant as the pores in the spirotheca. These
SEM micrographs (Figure 6.3, 6.4) confirm Thompson's (1951)
idea that the alveoli extend from the inner surface of the wall
and pass through the tectum to the next whorl or to the outside
during life to allow exchange of nutrients and to provide other
cytoplasmic communication with the external environment. In
the past, secondary, sparry calcite cement has confounded the
interpretation of the wall, making its structure difficult to see in
thin section and leading to misinterpretation even with scanning
electron microscopy (Figure 7.1). Grains of spar, however, are
typically coarser than the calcite of the wall (Figure 5). In some
thin sections the open spaces in the keriotheca appear as dark
bands (White, 1932), probably because of the manner in which
large crystals of sparry calcite refract the light.
Some authors have described or named sparry calcite as part
of the wall instead of a diagenetic feature, leading to even more
confusion in the interpretation of structure. Henbest (1937, p.
215), for example, was probably describing spar when he noted
a keriothecal structure he called columnar jointing on a microscopic scale. Similarly, it seems that Zheng and Yang (1991, p.
223, pl. 1) and Yang and Zheng (1993, p. 323, fig. 7) did not
differentiate between the grains comprising the wall and the secondary sparry calcite.
While Zheng and Yang (1991) demonstrated the nature of the
keriothecal wall but unfortunately, their interpretation labeled
the spar that lines the alveoli as brachycolumns which suggests
a two-dimensional interpretation. Indeed, the walls appear to be
columnar (Figure 7.1), but that is due to the polished, etched,
and orientated section of the wall of a three-dimensional pore
being observed in a two-dimensional, edge view. To label a diagenetic feature that appears to be columnar as part of the wall
is misleading, and the term brachycolumn should be suppressed
because it refers to a diagenetic feature and stresses the twodimensional appearance of the wall rather than its three-dimensional honeycomb reality. Yang and Zheng (1993) analyzed the
layers of the wall, but once again it appears they may not have
differentiated sparry calcite grains from secreted grains.
The traditional model to explain the addition of new chambers
and the consequent formation of septa suggests that when a new
chamber was added, the fusulinid merely attached the calcite of
the new chamber directly to the organic-rich tectum of the previous chamber (Figure 8.1) (see, for example, Dunbar and Skinner, 1937). Scanning electron micrographs and thin sections,
however, do not support this mode of growth. Instead, they indicate that the antetheca may have been modified as a new
chamber was added (Figures 6.2, 6.3, 7.2). The modification
seems to have involved a partial or complete removal of the
tectum from the upper portion of the antetheca, which may have
been initially quite thin (Figure 7.5, arrow). Specimens on which
electronmicrographsshowingthe modificationsof the antethecaassociatedwith additionof chambersby Triticitesventricosus
from the Hughes Creek Shale Member. 1, split image of a broken, etched specimen (KUMIP 2,506,603); upper 40X; lower shows spar covering
every surface, 400X (area in the white box from the upper image). 2, spirotheca with counterclockwise growth showing septa and the keriotheca
from a cut, polished, and etched sagittal section (KUMIP 2,506,566), 200x 3, spirotheca with clockwise growth showing a septum from a cut,
polished, and etched sagittal section having modification of the septum (arrows mark end points of resorption) (KUMIP 2,506,610), 250x. 4, detail
of secreted grains comprising the septum (see Figure 7.3), 2,000X. 5, thin antetheca (arrow) from a cut, polished, and etched sagittal specimen
possibly with a malformed penultimate chamber (KUMIP 2,506,613), 100x. 6, polished spirotheca from a sagittally sectioned specimen with
counterclockwise growth showing the modification of septa (arrow), 30x.
V. 72, NO. 2, 1998
I I I II I i I I
=t- , 31
2 Differential-thickeningmodel
_ ,'
4 Combinationmodel
the antethecaecould be studiedwere rarebecausethe antethecae
were typically absent, poorly preserved,disturbedby compaction, or lost duringpreparation.This may have resultedin part
fromtheirbeing initiallyquitethin.Unfortunately,the only specimen found that clearly reveals the thin antethecawas one that
may have failed properlyto develop its last chamber(Figure
7.5). Thus, this thin antethecamay be exceptional,the resultof
teratologicaldevelopment,ratherthan being normal.
The modificationof the antethecabeforethe additionof a new
chamberis not partof the growthprocess accordingto the traditional model (Figures 6.2, 6.3, 7.2, 7.3, 7.6). SEM micrographs,thin sections, and publisheddescriptionsall indicatethe
need for a revised model of growth. A prime example comes
from the work of Dunbar(1963, p. 29) in which he showed the
traditionalmodel beside an actualspecimenthatclearlydoes not
fit the model. Otherauthorsseem also to have illustrateddiagramaticallyand labeledincorrectlythe featuresof the wall. For
example, alveoli have been drawnextendinginto the septa, indicatingthat both septa and antethecaehad a keriothecalstructure(White, 1932, p. 7; Haynes, 1981, p. 121). These specimens,
however, indicate that pores in the antethecawere largerthan
those of the keriothecaand very sparsely distributed(Figures
6.4, 7.3).
Althougha revisedmodel of the additionof chambersis clearly needed, no single model can account for all the apparent
methodsof chamberadditionobservedin the specimensstudied.
Threenew models have been developedto explain the apparent
methodsof growthobserved (Figure8.2-8.4).
Differential-thickeningmodel.-In this model the antetheca
was initially thin. It either continuedto grow or, at some stage
after the new chamberwas formed, began to thicken. When
anothernew chamberwas to be added,the tectumwas resorbed
or fragmentedalong its zone of attachment,forming a secure
Wall-resorptionmodel.-In this model of growth,the antetheca was initially secretedat its final thickness,equivalentto the
thicknessof a septum.When a new chamberwas to be added,
the tectumand portionsof the keriothecawere resorbedproviding a tectum-free,calcite foundationfor the attachmentof the
calcite that formedthe new chamber(Figure8.3).
Combinationmodel.-This model combines the two previously describedmodels. It accountsfor both thickeningof the
antethecaduringthe additionof the new chamberandresorption
of part of the tectum and keriotheca(Figure 8.4). This model
assumes that an initially thin antetheca(Figure 7.5) is characteristicof fusulinidsand thatclearingaway some of the organicrich tectumand calcite of the antetheca(as it becomesa septum)
would providea firmersite for attachmentof calcite formingthe
new chamber.
The combinationmodel is favoredhere becauseit seems best
to fit the observed evidence. The specimens reveal a modified
8-Models of additionof chambers.1, traditionalmodelwiththe
new septumformedby the antetheca'sbeing attacheddirectlyto the
tectumof the previouschamber(tectumshownas a heavy blackline).
model with the septumthickeningby addi2, differential-thickening
tionalgrowthin the lower part(arrows)while the tectumin the upper
partwas resorbedor fragmented,thus formingan areafor the site of
attachmentof the new chamber.3, wall-resorption
modelwith the septum modifiedand the adjacenttectum(shown as a dashedline) modified, forminga tectum-freesurfacefor attachmentof the calciteof the
new chamber.4, combinationmodelwith partof the septumthickened
(arrows)and some of the septumandtectum(shownas a dashedline)
resorbed.This also formsa tectum-freesite for attachmentof the new
area where the tectum and calcite of the septumhave been resorbed(Figures6.2, 6.3, 7.2, 7.3, 7.6) and an antethecathatwas
initially thin (Figure7.5). In additionto explainingthese observations, this mode of growth also seems intuitivelyto provide
the greatest strength.The strength,which was due to the increased surface area and better mineralogicalsubstratefor attachment,may have been coincidentalor adaptive,as has been
suggestedfor otherlarge,benthicforaminifera(see, for example,
Yan et al., 1994). The additionaltime and energyrequiredfor a
fusulinid to implement the combinationmodel may not have
been a concern.The energy involved in resorptionandreprecipitationseems unlikelyto have been appreciablygreaterthanthat
needed for extractingand precipitatingnew calcite from sea water or food and may have been inconsequentialwhen compared
with the advantagesconferredby increased strength(Blaxter,
1989; Smil, 1991).
Resorptionof part of the test is common among fusulinids.
Many genera,for example,resorbedpartsof their septato form
tunnels that are thoughtto have allowed for intracellularcommunication,migrationof the nucleus (Dunbar,1963), or brood
chambers (Ross, 1972). The resorbedcalcite presumablywas
then secondarilyredepositedas chomata.
The antethecaeof the studied specimens were poorly preserved and did not provide conclusive evidence that they were
initially thin. If antethecaewere not initiallythin, then the wallresorptionmodel would be favoredfor the additionof chambers.
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manuscript.P. Enos, C. A. Ross, and G. A. Sandersonalso reviewed the manuscriptand contributedto its improvement.B.
E. Cutler,I. J. Rowell, and K. R. Evanshelped with preparation
of specimensand with SEM work.A. J. Rowell, R. A. Robison,
and N. G. Lane assistedus in obtainingreferences.R. W. Lange
provided specimens from the subsurface,which he collected
while drilling oil wells. The study was funded in part by the
KansasGeological Foundation,Sigma Xi (GIAR 93/06 19077),
and a Departmentof Geology summerresearchfellowship.The
University of Kansas electron microscopy laboratoryprovided
SEM micrographs.J. Kernsof The PaleontologicalInstituteprepared the line drawings.The fusulinids studied have been reposited with the Division of InvertebratePaleontology of the
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7 JULY1997
J. Paleont., 72(2), 1998, pp. 190-201
Copyright ? 1998, The Paleontological Society
'Departmentof Geology,The Universityof Alabama,Tuscaloosa35487-0338
[email protected]>and
2Programin EducationalResearch,The Universityof Alabama,Tuscaloosa35487-0231
[email protected]>
ABSTRACT-Two new genera of Upper Silurianstromatoporoids
in orderActinostromatida
are described.Genus Bicolumnostratum
is characterized
Stock,with type species B. micum(Bogoyavlenskaya),
by two kindsof pillarsandnonalignedcolliculi,andis assigned
to familyActinostromatidae.
GenusAcosmostromaStock,withtypespeciesA. ataxiumStocknew species,containsirregularmicropillars
and microcolliculi,and is assignedto family Densastromatidae.
Two additionalnew species areAcosmostromaglascoense Stock and
A.? cobleskillenseStock.A fourthspecies is A. tenuissimum(Parks).Bicolumnostratum
is knownfromLudlow-andPridoli-agestrata,
whereasthe occurrencesof Acosmostromaare strictlyPridoliin age.
IN order Actinostromatida are character-
ized by a skeleton composed of vertically oriented, cylindrical pillars, and horizontally oriented, cylindrical colliculi that
connect adjacent pillars. In some genera the pillars and colliculi
are so small as to be called micropillars and microcolliculi. The
placement of the colliculi in relation to the pillars is such that
in tangential thin section a pattern commonly called a "hexactinellid network" (e.g., Steam, 1966, text-fig. 3) is seen. In at
least one genus, Acosmostroma Stock new genus, the orientations of the micropillars and microcolliculi are not regular in at
least parts of specimens, and the observer has difficulty discriminating between the two.
In the Systematic Paleontology section the terms micropillar
and microcolliculus (plural: microcolliculi) are employed in
many places. These microstructures, first defined by Stock and
Holmes (1986, p. 561), are differentiated from pillars and colliculi on the basis of the smaller size of the micropillars and
microcolliculi. Essentially, if pillars and colliculi are small
enough to comprise microstructural elements within the macrostructures of stromatoporoids in order Syringostromatida as presented by Steam (1993), they are called micropillars and microcolliculi, even though they may be the primary skeletal elements
of stromatoporoids in order Actinostromatida.
Most of the specimens described herein were collected from
either the Glasco Member of the Rondout Formation in eastern
New York or the Cobleskill Member of the Rondout Formation
of central New York. Both members are part of the Pridoli Series
of the Silurian System. One specimen was collected from the
Jersey Shore Member of the Keyser Formation of western Virginia, which is also Pridoli. Information on the collecting localities is presented in the Appendix. Additional information on the
stratigraphy of the Pridoli of New York was presented by Stock
(1979, text-figs. 5, 6). Denkler and Harris (1988) provided the
most recent summary of Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian
stratigraphy in Virginia.
Stock assumes responsibility for the taxonomic portion of this
study, whereas Burry-Stock is primarily responsible for statistical procedures.
Measurement.-Procedures and terms used to describe morphology employed here are the same as those outlined by Stock
(1979, p. 307; 1982, p. 657).
Statistics.-In the present paper statistics are used as a supplemental tool, to bring some objectivity to the use of skeletal
dimensions in species identifications; they are not used in lieu
of qualitative decisions. Qualitative conclusions were reached