UK Consumption
Emissions by Sector and
Sustainability Research Institute, University of
Leeds and Stockholm Environment Institute,
University of York
A research report completed for the Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs
May, 2011
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UK Consumption Emissions by Sector and Origin
Final Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
May, 2011
This research was commissioned and funded by Defra. The views expressed reflect the
research findings and the authors’ interpretation; they do not necessarily reflect Defra policy
or opinions.
Professor John Barrett (University of Leeds)
Anne Owen (Stockholm Environment Institute)
Marco Sakai (University of Leeds)
Suggested Citation:
Barrett J., Owen A., Sakai M. (2011) UK Consumption Emissions by Sector and Origin,
Report to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by University of Leeds
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 6
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8
Methods and approach .................................................................................... 9
Results ............................................................................................................ 14
Applications of Results to Policy.................................................................. 26
References .............................................................................................................. 28
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre
Carbon dioxide equivalent
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Global Trade Assessment Programme
Input Output
Multi-Regional Input Output
Open Planet Economy Europe
Rest of World
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
US Environmental Protection Agency
Executive Summary
1. This report provides an analysis of where Greenhouse Gas emissions associated with UK
consumption occur by both sector and country. To undertake this task a Multi-Regional
Environmentally extended input-output a al sis MREEIOA is e plo ed to allo ate
environmental pressures (e.g. emissions of greenhouse gases) associated with production
and supply chain processes to groups of finished products by means of inter-industry
economic transactions. The majority of the data is derived f o the Glo al T ade Analysis
Project a d fo s part of the outputs from a European 7th Framework project entitled,
The UK’s full suppl hai e issio s for 2004 from a consumption perspective are 853Mt
CO2e. This does not include direct emissions from households as a result of burning fuel for
heating and private car use. These account for a further 161Mt CO2e bringing the total
emissions to 1014 Mt CO2e. This figure is consistent with other models that have divided the
rest of the world into fewer regions (Wiedmann and Barrett, 2011), demonstrating
consistency and agreement across the various models.
3. Of the 853 Mt CO2e, 89% of these emissions were associated with household consumption
and the remainder related to public administration and defence. Of the 726 Mt CO2e
associated with household consumption, 45% of emissions are from consumption satisfied
by UK production. Therefore, 55% of CO2e emissions to provide UK households with goods
and services occur outside the UK. The variation between products is substantial with some
p odu ts ha i g % of thei a o footp i t i side the UK a d othe o l ha i g 17 %.
4. Of the 853 Mt CO2e, 15 product groups account for more than 75% of total emissions. Over
55% of the emissions associated with these products occur overseas. Electricity is the most
significant product, where 94% of the emissions occur inside the UK. Excluding electricity,
the emissions associated with the other key products have a greater proportion of emissions
occurring overseas (over 61%). In some cases such as electronic equipment and clothing,
over 80% of the emissions occur outside the UK.
5. O l a fifth of UK’s e issio s e odied i i po ts come from the European Union. 78% of
emissions occur outside the European Union. The highest proportion of emissions comes
from Asia, accounting for 36% of the total. Other regions of significance are North America
(12%) and the rest of Europe (10%). Together, these four regions account for 80% of
imported emissions.
6. From a country perspective, 15 countries / world regions (out of a total of 113) account for
nearly 70% of the total emissions associated with imports. They account for a total of 267
million tonnes of CO2e emissions. In terms of comparison, this is equivalent to all the UK
electricity emission and household gas use. The country with the highest level of emissions
to satisfy UK consumption is China, by quite some margin. Over 81Mt CO2e occur in China
related to UK consumption. This is nearly twice as large as the next country, the USA with
emissions of 44 Mt CO2e. The next two countries are Russia and South Africa, demonstrating
that countries with the most significant emissions occur outside the European Union.
7. Of the 81Mt CO2e associated with China, 43% of the emissions are associated with two
products, these being electronic equipment and textiles. Other products of significance
include vehicle and transport equipment, services and construction. The majority of the
embodied carbon is from products or intermediate materials as opposed to the importing of
raw materials.
8. With a specific profile on textiles, China is the largest provider of finished textiles and
clothing products, supplying around 13% of all UK imports, followed by Italy (9%) and
Southeast Asia (9%). Further emissions are associated with the import of intermediate
products where the final assembly is within Europe. In terms of the emissions from all
textiles, the majority of UK emissions, more than two thirds, are generated in other regions
of the world. A significant portion of these take place in China, which is the biggest exporter
of textiles and clothing (finished and intermediate products) to the UK. To be precise,
around 27% of all emissions from textiles & clothing have their source in that particular
country. In the case of leather products, China accounts for almost 45% of emissions
associated with leather for UK consumption.
9. The application of this data is widespread. In particular, it could be used to provide greater
detail on assigning responsibility as part of international negotiations. The data
demonstrates which sectors have the highest carbon intensity down the supply chain of all
UK products, providing valuable information on where the need for clean technology is most
pressing. Additionally, the data has been used for maximum effect by the Carbon Trust to
understand the scale and issues surrounding carbon leakage in the UK.
10. Additional applications relate strongly to informing the numerous initiatives related to
sustainable production and consumption. It is clear that a demand side perspective for some
products could deliver greater carbon reduction potential, hence the importance of product
roadmaps currently being developed by Defra. Products that are both high in terms of
emissions with the majority of the emissions occurring overseas include electronic
equipment, textile and clothing, motor vehicles and construction equipment.
11. Finally, detailed supply chain data can be made available through these models allowing
industry to fully appreciate the complex of their supply chains.
This report provides an analysis of where Greenhouse Gas emissions associated with UK
consumption occur by both sector and country. The analysis is provided for 2004 as this is the last
complete year where a full global database is available. The analysis adds to other studies
undertaken for Defra on the consumer emissions associated with the UK (Wiedmann et al, 2008,
Minx et al, 2009, Wiedmann and Barrett, 2010).
Through these previous studies, the UK Government is fully aware of the fact that consumer
emissions in the UK are higher than territorial emissions. Consumer emissions account for the full
lifecycle emissions associated with all the products consumed by UK residents, while territorial
emissions are the GHG emissions emitted within the territory of the UK. With the UK becoming
increasingly reliant on imported products it is not surprising than consumer emissions have
continued to rise in the UK while territorial emissions are falling.
Previous analysis of consumer emissions has been limited in terms of providing insights into where
they occurred (i.e. which country and sector). The first study by Wied a et al di ided the Rest of
the Wo ld (ROW) into three world regions (Wiedmann et al, 2008). Further studies have been
commissioned to provide the UK with an annual consumer emissions indicator. This approach
considers emissions between the UK and the rest of the world and the associated carbon trade
balance, therefore adopting a two region approach.
This analysis provides depth in the understanding in terms of country and sector of emissions for the
UK. To undertake this task a Multi-Regional Environmentally extended input-output analysis
(MREEIOA) is employed to allocate environmental pressures (e.g. emissions of greenhouse gases)
associated with production and supply chain processes to groups of finished products by means of
inter-industry economic transactions. The main data sources are sectoral macro-economic and
environmental accounts of each country combined with national input-output tables.
The MREEIOA model traces the embedded Greenhouse Gas Emissions of 57 product groups for 2004
across 113 countries and 57 sectors (6441 different sectors in total). This report provides an
understanding of the model, the results and discusses their application to UK policy.
The data was obtained from a number of sources, but primarily built on the model currently under
development for a European 7th F a e o k esea h p oje t e titled O e Pla et E o o
Net o k OPEN-EU). The project is being coordinated by WWF-UK and the modelling to deliver a
software tool for the project is being undertaken by NTNU and SEI.
Methods and approach
History of MRIO Models
The MRIO models link environmental pressures, such as Greenhouse Gas Emissions, with final
consumption through understanding global supply chains. In short, the model links production to
consumption by a detailed understanding of the integration between both sectors and countries.
MRIO models are now recognised as one of the leading, if not only, approach to undertake such a
task (Peter, 2010, Wiedmann, 2009, Minx et al, 2009). MRIO models are extremely data intensive
thus limiting the number of data sources used to construct such models. One of the key data
requirements are national input-output tables. While many countries produce such tables there are
gaps, and the classifications and years are inconsistent. Therefore, for MRIO models to reflect a
global picture, a consistent database provided by Purdew University is often employed, called
Glo al T ade Analysis Project GTAP . Alte ati el data p o ided
the OECD is applied ho e e
the global coverage of this data is limited.
A more detailed description of the history of MRIO modelling can be found in Wiedmann (2009).
The standard Input-Output analysis considers that the output (X of se to i is gi e
where each xij ep ese ts the o t i utio s f o the i-th se to to j-th se to o i dust i a
economy, and where yi stands for final demand. In other words, the total output of a particular
sector is determined by its intermediate and final demand.
If each xij is divided by the total output of its corresponding sector:
then, after rearranging (2), equation (1) can be reformulated as:
This last equation, in turn, can be expressed in matrix notation as X=AX+Y, and after solving for X, it
where X and Y are vectors of total output and final demand, respectively, I is the identity matrix, and
A is the technical coefficient matrix, which shows the inter-industry requirements. On the other
hand, the first term at the right hand of the equation deserves special attention. (I-A)-1 is known as
the Leontief inverse (further identified as L). It indicates the inter-i dust e ui e e ts of the i-th
sector to deliver a unit of output to final demand.
Under a Multi-Region Input-Output (MRIO) framework, A has to account not only for domestically
produced goods and services within the different regions, but also for the trade that takes place
between them. In this sense, the sectoral e ui e e ts of egio m a e de o posed i to a
domestic component —which represents inter-industry relationships within the region— and
another one that represents imports —which show the inter-industry relationships with other
se to s lo ated i the n-th egio .
Hence, A becomes a square composite matrix formed by a number of blocks. The diagonal blocks
, where m=n) represent domestic IO matrices, which show the inter-linkages between
sectors located within regions. Conversely, the off-diagonal blocks (i.e.
, where ≠ ) represent
the se to al e ui e e ts of egio m f o othe se to s lo ated i egio n . These a e k o
as the import matrices.
Similarly, X and Y must include total output and final demand, respectively, of all sectors located in
all regions. Regarding Y, it incorporates all the components of final demand (i.e. private and public
consumption, gross capital formation and change in stocks) of domestically produced goods and
services (YD ithi egio m , as ell as of i po ted products and services (YI f o egio n to
e o su ed i m . Mo eo e , goods a d se i es p odu ed do esti all E), but consumed in
egio n i.e. e po ts a e e uall o side ed to e a pa t of Y.
In this sense, in an open economy equation (4) can be rewritten as:
X = (AD + AI) X + YD + YI++ E - M
And since total imports (M) are equal to imports to intermediate demand (AI) plus imports to final
consumption (YI),
M = AI X + Y I
then, by substituting (9) in (8), exactly the same form of equation (4) is obtained once again. This
implies that it can be used to determine the amount of output (X) from any arbitrary demand.
In the context of an Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Input-Output (MREEIO) model,
environmental impacts are included as an extra vector. This report focuses specifically on GHG
emissions, which are assumed to be a function of output. If the emissions (g ge e ated se to i
are divided by the corresponding output (Xi), then a row vector of direct intensities (G) are obtained,
just as is expressed by equation (10):
In order to calculate the amount of emissions that would result from a certain level of output, G —
known as the direct intensity multipliers— is post-multiplied by X. So by substituting this last variable
according to equation (4), the direct emissions (Fd) are determined by:
he e the s
ol ^ sta ds fo a diago al e to . G provides a set of weights to the L matrix,
forming the total intensity multipliers (GL). Thus, when this new matrix (ĜL) is post-multiplied by Y,
then direct emissions are obtained.
Another approach is to post-multiply GL by Ŷ, which allows determining the indirect emissions (Fi)
originated from a given level of final demand.
Both approaches yield the same amount of total emissions. However, they differ in terms of the
entities to which they are allocated (Munksgaard and Pedersen, 2001; Gallego and Lenzen, 2005;
Lenzen et al., 2007; Peters, 2008). In the first one, these are assigned to the sectors (industries)
where the emissions were generated during production. Conversely, in the second one, these are
allocated to the final consumers —which can be households, firms or the government— in terms of
their final demand.
Data Sources
A Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Input-Output model requires a substantial amount of
data. Domestic IO tables are required for each region, as well as bilateral trade data and
environmental impact variables. Fortunately, the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), which
involves a network of researchers who conduct global economic analyses —by using computable
general equilibrium models—, has made all this data available.
The MREEIO model used in this report features data for the year 2004 extracted from the GTAP
version 7 dataset (the latest available), which includes 113 regions and 57 sectors. This means that
the technical coefficients matrix (A) has a dimension of 6441 rows by 6441 columns. In addition to
this matrix, there is another one for final demand, which is constituted by four categories for each
region (households, government, capital formation and variation in stocks). It forms a matrix with a
dimension of 6441 rows by 452 columns.
Accompanying all these matrices, there is also a vector of environmental extensions, consisting of
total annual GHG emissions for all the 113x57 region-sectors of GTAP 7. CO2 emissions were
calculated according to the Tier 1 method suggested in the revised 1996 IPCC guidelines (Lee, 2008),
and by using energy statistics published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Under the IPCC
a ou ti g ules, itigatio o l applies to g ee house gas e issio s a d e o als taki g pla e
within national territory a d offsho e a eas o e hi h the ou t has ju isdi tio
take f o
Peters et al, 2011). In this sense, emissions are derived from six energy sources or carriers: coal,
crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products, electricity and gas distribution. In turn, non-CO2 data
(CH4, N2O, and fluorinated gases) were obtained from the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) and calculated by applying growth rates based on near-term projections to 2001 emissions
data from GTAP 6. Thus, these figures can vary from the emissions reported by different countries in
2004 (Rose et al., 2010). It is worth mentioning, however, that CO2 emissions generated from land
change and non-CO2 emissions from biomass are missing from this dataset. Additionally, emissions
associated with processing, such as cement production are also excluded. The UK Environmental
Accounts suggest that these process emissions account for around 2% of total UK emissions.
There are a number of uncertainties associated to the GTAP database and to the construction of
MRIO models in general. These are related to a number of issues, like manipulation due to
calibration, balancing and harmonisation, use of different time periods, currencies, country
classifications and levels of disaggregation, inflation, data errors, among others (Lenzen, 2001;
Lenzen et al., 2004; Peters, 2007; Weber, 2008; Lenzen et al., 2010).
According to Peters (2007), the biggest uncertainty might be the one related to its manipulation.
GTAP data is collected from voluntary submissions by individuals or organisations at an international
scale, and these receive in return the right to use the dataset. Thus, the data is presented in different
country classifications and levels of aggregation. Walmsley and Lakatos (2008) have claimed that of
all the contributed tables, 58 did not contain all 57 sectors, so disaggregation was required.
Moreover, data generally corresponds to different years. IO tables for some countries, like Cyprus
and Malta, date from 1986, while Hong Kong’s is f o
. A tuall , o l a f a tio of the e ti e set
of domestic IO tables corresponds to 2004. Furthermore, the data is often expressed in national
currencies. For these reasons, after receiving the data from its original sources, GTAP undertakes a
process of harmonisation. The data is initially transformed in order to comply with GTAP
classification. It is subsequently valuated by taking into account currency conversions and inflation,
so all tables are expressed in a common unit in 2004 prices. The it is fu the
ali ated a d
ala ed , aki g it suita le to e used i a o puta le ge e al e uili iu
odel. The p e ise
details of these harmonisation, calibration and balancing processes are not transparent enough,
which affect data consistency and generate a degree of uncertainty that is hard to estimate.
Giljum et al. (2008) believe that GTAP data is not sufficiently harmonised. Hence, they prefer to use
other sources, such as the OECD, who supplies better harmonised international IO tables and
bilateral trade data. The drawback is that domestic IO tables from only OECD countries plus 11 nonmember countries are available. Moreover, the organisation does not supply bilateral trade data for
the latter group of countries. In this sense, Giljum’s MRIO odel just takes i to a ou t the t ade
that occurs between OECD members, while the rest of the countries seem not trade between them.
This makes it a semi-unidirectional trade MRIO model. Consequently, while it may be more robust in
terms of harmonisation, it lacks the ability to take into account the complete effects obtained from a
full multilateral model.
Relating to MRIO models in general, Weber (2008) has analysed the most common error types
associated with environmental MRIO models compared to the traditional single-region ones. By
using IO data from the United States and several of its largest trading partners, he determined that
aggregation and concordance to a common sectoral classification, the treatment of the rest-of-world
(ROW) region, and monetary exchange rate issues represent the greatest uncertainties. In the
particular case of the GTAP EE-MRIO model that is used to produce the results for this report, these
problems seem to be also present at a certain extent. Some of these have already been mentioned,
but it is worthy to highlight the ROW issue. Although it does not include a ROW region as such, it
does possess 18 aggregate regions that comprise 116 nations in total. Due to the reduced size of
their economies or the lack of data at a national level, these were aggregated instead of being
presented individually. This aggregation, according to Lenzen (2004) and Weber (2008), is likely to
result in some errors.
Some other issues further contribute to increase the level of uncertainty that is present in any model
of this kind. In general terms, raw macroeconomic and energy data, as is generated by national
sources, is already associated with a series of errors. These are seldom estimated by governmental
offices of statistics at a national scale, so it is difficult to determine their magnitude. Moreover, data
from different sources often varies due to differing definitions or methodologies for data collection.
For example, GTAP CO2 data is calculated by using IEA energy statistics. However, it may vary from
10% to 20% at a national level —and maybe even more at a sectoral level— when compared to
other sources (Minx, et al., 2008), such as the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre (CDIAC).
Particularly, significant variations have been found in the case of the United States, China and the
EU. I this sa e espe t, Le ze et al.
, hile u de taki g a u e tai t a al sis of the UK’s
carbon footprint by using an MRIO model, estimated an 89% probability that the footprint might
have been significantly larger than originally calculated due to errors related to the carbon
In summary, it is almost impossible to know how big the uncertainties are. But, in spite of all these
issues, some authors think that the advantages of MRIO models outweigh these problems (Weber,
2008). And regarding GTAP, it still constitutes one of the most reputable sources and its data is
currently being used in numerous studies.
Structure of the Results
The analysis of the results have been organised by posing a number of relevant questions related to
where and in which sectors UK consumer emissions occur. The analysis provides over 415 million
data points therefore making it impossible to display all the data.
What are the consumer emissions in the UK?
The UK’s full suppl hai e issio s f o o su ptio a e
Mt CO e. This does ot i lude di e t
emissions from households as a result of burning fuel for heating and private car use. These
accounted for a further 161Mt CO2e bringing the total emissions to 1014 Mt CO2e. This figure is
generated by the 113 region model described above. For comparison, Wiedmann and Barrett (2011)
ha e p odu ed a ti e se ies of the UK’s a o footp i t et ee
a d
usi g a two-region
odel UK a d Rest of Wo ld ). This model is used to generate the official indicator for the UK
Go e
e t o o su e e issio s. Fo o pa iso , i
, the UK’s a o footp i t a o di g
to this model was 1059 Mt CO2e (Wiedmann and Barrett, 2011). The small variation of 4% adds
legitimacy to both models.
Figure 1 below provides a high level breakdown of this total in three categories. These being:
Household Supply Chain Emissions – CO2e emissions embedded throughout the whole
supply chain in products purchased by UK households for one year (in this case 2004).
UK Government Supply Chain Emissions – CO2e emissions embedded throughout the whole
supply chain in products purchased by the UK Government for one year (2004).
Direct Emissions from Households – CO2e emissions associated with the direct emissions of
UK households mainly including gas for heat and vehicle fuel.
CO2e Kt
UK Household Supply Chain
Direct Emissions of UK
UK Government Supply
Chain Emissions
Figure 1: High Level Breakdown of UK Consumer CO2e Emissions (2004)
Page 14 |
Both directly and indirectly, UK households are respo si le fo
% of the UK’s o su e e issio s,
with UK Government expenditure accounting for 11%. This is consistent with the recent Defra study
undertaken by Wiedmann and Barrett (2010) where between 1990 and 2008 UK Government
consistently accounted for about 10% of total consumer emissions. In terms of the split between
direct and indirect household emissions, indirect (supply chain emissions) account for 82% of total
The following analysis concentrates on evaluating this 82% and the previously mentioned report
already covers UK Government emissions in considerable detail (Wiedmann and Barrett, 2010).
Which products have the highest carbon footprint consumed by UK
The 57 product categories in the model have been aggregated into 14 high level categories below.
Figure 2 provides the results.
CO2e (kt)
Figure 2: UK Household Indirect Emissions by high level product groups
Distribution of products along with household travel accounts for 20% of the total UK household
emissions. As mentioned, this does not include direct household of which car fuel accounts for an
additional 68,669 Kt CO2e. This is closely followed by agricultural and food products, accounting for
16% of indirect households CO2e emissions. The indirect emissions related to services are also high.
This is consistent with findings from Minx et al (2009) who demonstrated the increasing reliance on
services and the continual rise in emissions in this sector. In fact, emissions from services are higher
than the emissions from electricity use by households.
In terms of the more disaggregated results, figure 3 provides the CO2e emissions for the 15 products
that account for more than 75% of total emissions.
Page 15 |
CO2e Kt
Figure 3: 15 Top 15 products with highest CO2e emissions
Electricity has the greatest impact, followed by food products not classified elsewhere. This mainly
refers to packaged and manufactured food products. Trade distribution refers to transport
requirements in distributing products to households, followed by construction.
The analysis below gives an indication of where the emissions occur to supply these key products to
UK households.
Which products embedded carbon is emitted outside the UK?
Of this 725.8 Mt CO2e, 45% of emissions are from consumption satisfied by UK production.
Therefore, 55% of CO2e emissions to provide UK households with goods and services occur outside
the UK. The variation between products is substantial in terms of this proportion.
Figure 4 shows the proportion of the 14 high level product groups in terms of territorial and
overseas CO2e emissions.
Page 16 |
UK "Rest of World" Emissions
UK Production Emissions
Figure 4: Proportion of UK consumer emissions occurring inside and outside the UK
The emissions throughout the supply chains related to the 14 product groups shows large variation
in where the emissions occur. For electricity, 94% of the emissions occur in the UK and for electronic
equipment only 17% occur in the UK. A similar situation occurs for vehicles, where 81% of emissions
are emitted outside the UK to satisfy UK consumption. The other product group to resemble a
similar pattern is textiles (79% of emissions occurring overseas).
Clearly the inefficiency in the distribution of electricity combined with energy security issues means
it is a very different product from the others. With electricity excluded, 60% of UK consumer
emissions occur outside the UK.
Figure 5 shows the proportions for 15 products that account for over 75% of total consumer
Page 17 |
CO2e Kt
UK "Rest of World"
UK Production
Figure 5: Proportion of UK Household Products with emissions occurring inside and outside the UK
It could be argued that territorial CO2e emissions related to providing UK households with products
could be reduced through either production or consumption side changes. Significant improvements
in the carbon intensity of UK industry could deliver large reductions in these emissions. However,
options related products produced outside the UK are significantly limited. In these cases,
consumption side changes become one of the only options available. Figure 6 documents the 15
products that have the highest Co2e emissions outside the UK.
Where are the CO2e emissions from imports emitted related to UK
The following analysis identifies the location by country of the CO2e emissions required to satisfy UK
consumption for 2004. This does not mean that the UK directly imports from every country where
the emissions occur, but somewhere down the supply chain to import all the products consumed in
the UK, emissions would have indirectly occurred in every country.
Page 18 |
CO2e (kt)
Figure 6: Country of origin for CO2e emission emitted to satisfy UK consumption for 2004
The 15 countries / world regions (out of a total of 113) account for nearly 70% of the total emissions
associated with imports. They account for a total of 267 million tonnes of CO2e emissions. In terms
of comparison, this is equivalent to all the UK electricity emissions and household gas use.
The emissions that occur in China alone are higher than all the direct emissions of UK households
(this including gas and car fuel). In other words, the scale of these emissions is far from trivial.
Historically, a greater proportion of these emissions would have occurred in the UK, when imports
from China were lower and domestic production considerably higher. In 1990 for example, our tworegion model suggest that 65% of the emissions from UK consumed goods and services occurred in
the UK. By 2008, this has reduced to 45%, a dramatic shift in a very short timescale.
Figure 7 provides the results by different world regions.
Page 19 |
Middle East
CO2e (kt)
South America
European Union
Rest of Europe
North America
Figure 7: CO2e Emissions by World Regions
O l a fifth of UK’s emissions embodied in imports come from the European Union. This is very
important, as these emissions could potentially be captured under a joint European agreement on
emission reduction. However, 78% of emissions occur outside the European Union. The highest
proportion of emissions comes from Asia, accounting for 36% of the total. Other regions of
significance are North America (12%) and the rest of Europe (10%). Together, these four regions
account for 80% of emissions.
In which sectors in China do emissions occur to provide UK households
with goods and services?
With over 81 million of CO2e emissions embodied in UK consumption occurring in China, a more
detailed analysis of China has been provided. Figure 8 provides an analysis of the products that
Chi a’s e issio s a e asso iated ith. Over 43% of the emissions are associated with two products,
these being electronic equipment and textiles.
Page 20 |
Agriculture and Food
Distribution and
Textiles and Clothing
Other Manufactured
Electronic Equipment
and Machinery
Metal and
metal products
Vehicle and Transport
Figure 8: CO2e emissions from products emitted in China (2004)
Figure 9 shows which sectors the CO2e emissions occurred to provide each of the product groups.
CO2e (kt)
Distribution and Transport
Electricity and utilities
Other Manufactured Products
Electronic Equipment and Machinery
Vehicle and Transport Equipment
Metal and metal products
Minerals and mineral products
Wood and Paper Products
Textiles and Clothing
Figu e : Chi a’s CO e e issio s
Agriculture and Food Production
p odu t a d se to of o igi .
Of the 81 Mt CO2e, over 30 Mt CO2e are emitted in the electricity sector in China to provide the UK
ith its goods a d se i es. This is ea l
% of the total e issio s. The a o i te sit of Chi a’s
ele t i it is al ost dou le that of the UK’s, ea i g o side a l highe e issio s to p o ide the
same product.
Page 21 |
Case Study – CO2e emissions associated with textiles
The following section analyses UK emissions related to the textile and clothing industries, which
encompass the manufacture of textiles and man-made fibres, wearing apparel and leather products.
In order to satisfy final demand by households, government and firms in the UK, finished goods are
imported from diverse regions around the world. As can be seen in figure 10, China is the largest
provider of textiles and clothing products, supplying around 13% of all imports, followed by Italy
(9%) and Southeast Asia (9%).
Figure 10: UK Imports of finished goods (textiles) according to origin
The UK also imports intermediate goods that are used to manufacture textiles and clothing within
the country. Figure 11 shows the amount of intermediate products (in percentage terms) that these
industries import from other nations and regions around the world. In this case, China is not the
larger supplier of intermediate goods. These mainly come from EU member countries, especially
from Italy (9%), Ireland (8%), France (7%), Belgium (5%) and Germany (5%). The USA (8%) also
represents an important supplier, along with West Asia (5%).
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Figure 11: UK Imports of intermediate goods (textiles) according to origin
Due to the structure of final demand related to these industries in the UK, the territorial emissions
that occur within the country are significantly low. As can be seen in figure 12, the majority of UK
emissions —more than two thirds— are generated in other regions of the world. A significant
portion of these take place in China, which is the biggest exporter of textiles and clothing (finished
and intermediate products) to the UK. To be precise, around 27% of all the emissions have their
source in that particular country. In the case of leather products, China accounts for almost 45% of
emissions. This indicates that Chinese industries are very carbon-intensive. On the other hand,
almost half of the emissions correspond to the rest of the world (ROW).
Wearing apparel
Figure 12: Percentage of consumption emissions related to textiles, wearing apparel and leather
products according to source (2004)
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By analysing the source of these emissions in more detail in each of these three regions (UK, China
and the rest of the world), it can be seen that the larger portions correspond to the electricity
sectors (see figure 13). The transport sector has an important contribution in the UK, as well as in
the ROW. On the other hand, the livestock sector (bovine, cattle, sheep and others) contributes
importantly in China.
Table 1 shows the highest emitting sectors. Nearly 10% of emissions are related to the electricity
sector in China. In other words, the textiles and clothing industries in that country are dependent on
di til p odu ed ele t i it . This is follo ed y the transport sector in the UK, which is required to
ship all the imported products. As has been said, the livestock sector in China comes next,
accounting for around 4.5% of the emissions. The remaining sectors are listed next (the last 44
sectors, labelled othe s , e e agg egated due to thei s all o t i utio s .
Bus ines s s erv ic es
Gas manufac ture dis tribution
Air trans port
Leather produc ts
Petroleum c oal produc ts
Bov ine c attle s heep and goats hors es
Chemic al rubber plas tic produc ts
Wearing apparel
Tex tiles
Trans port
Elec tric ity
Figure 13: Sources of emissions related to textiles, wearing apparel and leather products according
to sector and region of source
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Sector (country)
% of emissions
Electricity (China)
Transport (UK)
Bovine cattle, sheep, goats, horses (China)
Textiles (UK)
Chemical rubber plastic products (China)
Plant-based fibers (China)
Trade (UK)
Wearing apparel (UK)
Mineral products (China)
Paddy rice (China)
Coal (China)
Animal products (China)
Vegetables fruit nuts (China)
Table 1 Percentage of emissions according to highest emitting sectors
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Applications of Results to Policy
Data of such complexity and depth have considerable applications, some of which have already been
International negotiations
One of the key barriers related to the progress in international climate change negotiations relates
to the i te p etatio of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) as outlined in the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The interpretation of CBDR to
date has meant territorial emission reduction targets for developed countries only. However, a lack
of targets in some of the largest economies in the world, such as China and India is not consistent
with the need for deep emission cuts to avoid dangerous climate change.
The MRIO model provides sound empirical evidence on the final destination of the products and
their associated emissions. Evidence of this nature helps to provide information that could inform
negotiations related to the allocation of responsibility. Additionally, this information can help focus
attention of which sectors in which countries have the greatest potential for climate change
Carbon leakage
Data from MRIO models has already been used to understand the carbon emissions associated with
carbon leakage. There is a significant concern related to competiveness issues when one region,
such as the European Union, places a price on carbon and other regions do not, suggesting that
imports to the European Union would then be cheaper without this additional cost. MRIO models
can be used to identify the scale of this issue and a recent report by the Carbon Trust has fully
documented the level of carbon leakage from the UK using an MRIO model. The full report is
available from:
One of the key issues raised by MRIO data is not just the imports of intermediate products such as
steel but the steel embedded within products. This demonstrates the complexity of information
needed to ascertain the scale of carbon leakage as it does not simply relate to raw materials such as
steel and aluminium.
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Prioritisation of products
It is clear that the CO2e emissions associated with some products could be reduced through
improvements in the carbon intensity of UK production. Electricity has to be the best example of
this, as 94% of the emissions occur within the boundary of the UK. However, with other products it is
very difficult to see how the UK can influence the carbon intensity of production when over 80% of
the emissions occur in numerous other countries. There is the additional challenge that the majority
of these emissions do not occur inside the European Union, ruling out the opportunity for EU level
agreements on emission reduction.
With the absence of a global agreement on climate change mitigation, the UK can still influence the
emissions associated with products consumed in the UK and produced elsewhere. A recent report
commissioned by WRAP (Barrett and Scott, 2011) demonstrated a wide range of demand side
strategies that could be effective in terms of emission reduction. These included identifying the
optimal use of products by households, ensuring that the product is used for its full lifetime. Also the
e efits of losi g the loop fo ate ials a d p odu ts to e su e that maximum options for repair
and recycling could deliver savings.
It is clear that a demand side perspective for some products could deliver greater carbon reduction
potential, hence the importance of product roadmaps currently being developed by Defra. Products
that are both high in terms of emissions with the majority of the emissions occurring overseas
include electronic equipment, textile and clothing, motor vehicles and construction equipment.
Analysis of supply chains
With additional analysis, a complete and comprehensive supply chain of each of the product groups
by country and sector is possible. Companies have already been using data of this type to fully
appreciate the complexity of their supply chain. Methods such as structural path analysis provide a
picture of both the production layers and associated emissions of products (Wiedmann, Lenzen and
Barrett, 2009).
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