Susan Schneider
I think it very likely – in fact, inevitable – that biological
intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon… If we ever
encounter extraterrestrial intelligence, I believe it is very likely to
be postbiological in nature …
Paul Davies1
How would intelligent aliens think? Would they have conscious experiences? Would it
feel a certain way to be an alien? It is easy to dismiss these questions as too speculative,
since we haven’t encountered aliens, at least as far as we know. And in conceiving of
alien minds we do so from within – from inside the vantage point of the sensory
experiences and thinking patterns characteristic of our species. At best, we
anthropomorphize; at worst, we risk stupendous failures of the imagination.
Still, ignoring these questions could be a grave mistake. Some proponents of SETI
estimate that we will encounter alien intelligence within the next several decades. Even if
you hold a more conservative estimate – say, that the chance of encountering alien
intelligence in the next fifty years is five percent – the stakes for our species are high.
Knowing that we are not alone in the universe would be a profound realization, and
contact with an alien civilization could produce amazing technological innovations and
cultural insights. It thus can be valuable to consider these questions, albeit with the goal
of introducing possible routes to answering them, rather than producing definitive
answers. So, let us ask: how might aliens think? And, would they be conscious? Believe
it or not, we can say something concrete in response to both of these questions, drawing
from work in philosophy and cognitive science.
You might think the second question is odd. After all, if aliens have sophisticated
enough mental lives to be intelligent, wouldn’t they be conscious? The far more
intriguing question is: what would the quality of their consciousness be like? This would
be putting the cart before the horse, however, since I do not believe that most advanced
alien civilizations will be biological. The most sophisticated civilizations will be
postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence (AI). (Bradbury, Cirkovic, and Dvorsky
2011; Cirkovic and Bradbury 2006; Davies 2010; Dick 2013; Shostak 2009).2 Further,
alien civilizations will tend to be forms of superintelligence: intelligence that is able to
exceed the best human level intelligence in every field – social skills, general wisdom,
scientific creativity, and so on (Bostrom 2014; Kurzweil 2005; Schneider 2011). It is a
substantive question whether superintelligent AI (SAI) could have conscious experiences;
philosophers have vigorously debated just this question of in the case of AI in general.
Perhaps all their information processing happens in the dark, so to speak, without any
inner experience at all. This is why I find the second question so pressing, and in an
important sense prior to any inquiry as to the contours of alien consciousness, and the
epistemological problem of how we can know “what it is like” to be an alien.
In this chapter I first explain why it is likely that the alien civilizations we encounter
will be forms of SAI. I then turn to the question of whether superintelligent aliens can be
conscious – whether it feels a certain way to be an alien, despite their non-biological
nature. Here, I draw from the literature in philosophy of AI, and urge that although we
cannot be certain that superintelligent aliens can be conscious, it is likely that they would
be. I then turn to the difficult question of how such creatures might think. I provisionally
attempt to identify some goals and cognitive capacities likely to be possessed by
superintelligent beings. I discuss Nick Bostrom’s recent book on superintelligence, which
focuses on the genesis of SAI on Earth; as it happens, many of Bostrom’s observations
are informative in the present context. Finally, I isolate a specific type of
superintelligence that is of particular import in the context of alien superintelligence,
biologically-inspired superintelligences (“BISAs”).
Alien Superintelligence
Our culture has long depicted aliens as humanoid creatures with small, pointy chins,
massive eyes, and large heads, apparently to house brains that are larger than ours.
Paradigmatically, they are “little green men.” While we are aware that our culture is
anthropomorphizing, I imagine that my suggestion that aliens are supercomputers may
strike you as far-fetched. So what is my rationale for the view that most intelligent alien
civilizations will have members that are SAI? I offer three observations that together,
motivate this conclusion.
1. The short window observation. Once a society creates the technology that could
put them in touch with the cosmos, they are only a few hundred years away from
changing their own paradigm from biology to AI (Davies 2010; Dick 2013; Shostak
2009). This “short window” makes it more likely that the aliens we encounter would be
The short window observation is supported by human cultural evolution, at least
thus far. Our first radio signals date back only about a hundred and twenty years, and
space exploration is only about fifty years old, but we are already immersed in digital
technology, such as cellphones and laptop computers. Devices such as the Google Glass
promise to bring the internet into more direct contact with our bodies, and it is probably a
matter of less than fifty years before sophisticated internet connections are wired directly
into our brains. Indeed, implants for Parkinson’s are already in use, and in the United
States the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has started to develop
neural implants that interface directly with the nervous system, regulating conditions such
as post-traumatic stress disorder, arthritis, depression, and Crohn’s disease. DARPA’s
program, called “ElectRx”, aims to replace certain medications with “closed-loop” neural
implants, implants that continually assess the state of one’s health, and provide the
necessary nerve stimulation to keep one’s biological systems functioning properly.
Eventually, implants will be developed to enhance normal brain functioning, rather than
for medical purposes.
Where might all this all lead? A thought experiment from my “Transcending and
Enhancing the Human Brain” is suggestive (Schneider 2011a).
Suppose it is 2025 and being a technophile, you purchase brain enhancements as
they become readily available. First, you add a mobile internet connection to
your retina, then, you enhance your working memory by adding neural circuitry.
You are now officially a cyborg. Now skip ahead to 2040. Through
nanotechnological therapies and enhancements you are able to extend your
lifespan, and as the years progress, you continue to accumulate more farreaching enhancements. By 2060, after several small but cumulatively profound
alterations, you are a “posthuman.” To quote philosopher Nick Bostrom,
posthumans are possible future beings, “whose basic capacities so radically
exceed those of present humans as to be no longer unambiguously human by
our current standards” (Bostrom 2003).
At this point, your intelligence is enhanced not just in terms of speed of
mental processing; you are now able to make rich connections that you were not
able to make before. Unenhanced humans, or “naturals,” seem to you to be
intellectually disabled – you have little in common with them – but as a
transhumanist, you are supportive of their right to not enhance (Bostrom 2003;
Garreau 2005; Kurzweil 2005).
It is now 2400 AD. For years, worldwide technological developments,
including your own enhancements, have been facilitated by superintelligent AI.
Indeed, as Bostrom explains, “creating superintelligence may be the last
invention that humans will ever need to make, since superintelligences could
themselves take care of further scientific and technological developments”
(Bostrom 2003). Over time, the slow addition of better and better neural
circuitry has left no real intellectual difference in kind between you and
superintelligent AI. The only real difference between you and an AI creature of
standard design is one of origin – you were once a natural. But you are now
almost entirely engineered by technology – you are perhaps more aptly
characterized as a member of a rather heterogeneous class of AI life forms
(Kurzweil 2005).
Of course, this is just a thought experiment. But I’ve just observed that we are
already beginning to develop neural implants. It is hard to imagine people in mainstream
society resisting opportunities for superior health, intelligence and efficiency. And just as
people have already turned to cryonics, even in its embryonic state, I suspect that they
will increasingly try to upload to avoid death, especially as the technology is perfected.3
Indeed, the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University has released a report on the
technological requirements for uploading a mind to a machine. And a Defense
Department agency has funded a program, Synapse, that is developing a computer that
resembles a brain in form and function (Schneider 2014). In essence, the short window
observation is supported by our own cultural evolution, at least thus far.
You may object that this argument employs “N = 1 reasoning,” generalizing from
the human case to the case of alien civilizations (see Chapter 7 in this volume). Still, it is
unwise to discount arguments based on the human case. Human civilization is the only
one we know of and we had better learn from it. It is no great leap to claim that other
civilizations will develop technologies to advance their intelligence and survival. And, as
I will explain in a moment, silicon is a better medium for thinking than carbon.
A second objection to my short window observation rightly points out that nothing I
have said thus far suggests that humans will be superintelligent. I have merely said that
future humans will be posthuman. While I offer support for the view that our own
cultural evolution suggests that humans will be postbiological, this does not show that
advanced alien civilizations will reach superintelligence. So even if one is comfortable
reasoning from the human case, the human case does not support the position that the
members of advanced alien civilizations will be superintelligent.
This is correct. This is the task of the second observation.
2. The greater age of alien civilizations. Proponents of SETI have often concluded
that alien civilizations could be much older than our own: “all lines of evidence converge
on the conclusion that the maximum age of extraterrestrial intelligence would be billions
of years, specifically [it] ranges from 1.7 billion to 8 billion years” (Dick 2013, 468). If
civilizations are millions or billions of years older than us, many would be vastly more
intelligent than we are. By our standards, many would be superintelligent. We are
galactic babies.
But would they be forms of AI, as well as forms of superintelligence? I believe so.
Even if they were biological, merely having biological brain enhancements, their
superintelligence would be reached by artificial means, and we could regard them as
being “artificial intelligence.” But I suspect something stronger than this: I expect that
they will not be carbon-based. Uploading allows a creature near-immortality, enables
reboots, and allows it to survive under a variety of conditions that carbon-based life
forms cannot. In addition, silicon appears to be a better medium for information
processing than the brain itself. Neurons reach a peak speed of about 200 Hz, which is
seven orders of magnitude slower than current microprocessors (Bostrom 2014, 59).
While the brain can compensate for some of this with massive parallelism, features such
as “hubs,” and so on, crucial mental capacities, such as attention, rely upon serial
processing, which is incredibly slow, and has a maximum capacity of about seven
manageable chunks (Miller 1956). Further, the number of neurons in a human brain is
limited by cranial volume and metabolism, but computers can occupy entire buildings or
cities, and can even be remotely connected across the globe (Bostrom 2014). Of course,
the human brain is far more intelligent than any modern computer. But intelligent
machines can in principle be constructed by reverse engineering the brain, and improving
upon its algorithms.
In sum: I have observed that there seems to be a short window from the
development of the technology to access the cosmos and the development of
postbiological minds and AI. I then observed that we are galactic babies: extraterrestrial
civilizations are likely to be vastly older than us, and thus they would have already
reached not just postbiological life, but superintelligence. Finally, I noted that they would
likely be SAI, because silicon is a superior medium for superintelligence. From this I
conclude that many advanced alien civilizations will be populated by SAI.
Even if I am wrong – even if the majority of alien civilizations turn out to be
biological – it may be that the most intelligent alien civilizations will be ones in which
the inhabitants are SAI. Further, creatures that are silicon-based, rather than biologically
based, are more likely to endure space travel, having durable systems that are practically
immortal, so they may be the kind of the creatures we first encounter.
All this being said, would superintelligent aliens be conscious, having inner
experiences? Here, I draw from a rich philosophical literature on the nature of conscious
Would Superintelligent Aliens Be Conscious?
Consider your own conscious experience. Suppose that you are sitting in a cafe preparing
to give a lecture. All in one moment, you taste the espresso you sip, consider an idea, and
hear the scream of the espresso machine. This is your current stream of consciousness.
Conscious streams seem to be very much bound up with who you are. It is not that this
particular moment is essential – although you may feel that certain ones are important. It
is rather that throughout your waking life, you seem to be the subject of a unified stream
of experience that presents you as the subject, viewing the show.
Let us focus on three features of the stream: first, it may seem to you, put
metaphorically, that there is a sort of “screen” or “stage” in which experiences present
themselves to your “mind’s eye.” That is, there appears to be a central place where
experiences are “screened” before you. Daniel Dennett calls this place “the Cartesian
Theater” (Dennett 1991). Second, in this central place there seems to be a singular point
in time which, given a particular sensory input, consciousness happens. For instance,
there seems to be one moment in which the scream of the espresso machine begins,
pulling you out of your concentration. Finally, there appears to be a self – someone who
is inside the theater, watching the show.
Philosophers have considered each of these features in detail. Each is highly
problematic. For instance, an explanation of consciousness cannot literally be that there is
a mind’s eye in the brain, watching a show. And there is no evidence that there is a
singular place or time in the brain where consciousness congeals.
These are intriguing issues, but pursuing them in the context of alien consciousness
is putting the cart before the horse. For there is a more fundamental problem: would
superintelligent aliens, being forms of AI, even be conscious? Why should we believe
that creatures so vastly different from us, being silicon-based, would have inner
experience at all?
This problem relates to what philosophers call the hard problem of consciousness, a
problem that was posed in the context of human consciousness by the philosopher David
Chalmers (Chalmers 2008). Chalmers’ hard problem is the following. As cognitive
science underscores, when we deliberate, hear music, see the rich hues of a sunset, and so
on, there is information processing going on in the brain. But above and beyond the
manipulation of data, there is a subjective side – there is a “felt quality” to our
experience. The hard problem is: why does all this information processing in the human
brain, under certain conditions, have a felt quality to it?
As Chalmers emphasizes, the hard problem is a philosophers’ problem, because it
doesn’t seem to have a scientific answer. For instance, we could develop a complete
theory of vision, understanding all of the details of visual processing in the brain, but still
not understand why there are subjective experiences attached to these informational
states. Chalmers contrasts the hard problem with what he calls “easy problems”,
problems involving consciousness that have eventual scientific answers, such as the
mechanisms behind attention and how we categorize and react to stimuli. Of course these
scientific problem are difficult problems; Chalmers merely calls them “easy problems” to
contrast them with the “hard problem” of consciousness, which he thinks will not have a
purely scientific solution.
We now face yet another perplexing issue involving consciousness – a kind of
“hard problem” involving alien superintelligence, if you will:
The hard problem of alien superintelligence: Would the processing of a siliconbased superintelligent system feel a certain way, from the inside?
An alien SAI could solve problems that even the brightest humans are unable to solve,
but still, being made of a nonbiological substrate, would their information processing feel
a certain way from the inside?
It is worth underscoring that the hard problem of alien consciousness is not just
Chalmers’ hard problem of consciousness applied to the case of aliens. For the hard
problem of consciousness assumes that we are conscious – after all, each of us can tell
from introspecting that we are conscious at this moment. It asks why we are conscious.
Why does all your information processing feel a certain way from the inside? In contrast,
the hard problem of alien consciousness asks whether alien superintelligence, being
silicon-based, is even capable of being conscious. It does not presuppose that aliens are
conscious. These are different problems, but they are both hard problems that science
alone cannot answer.
The problem in the case of superintelligent aliens is that the capacity to be
conscious may be unique to biological, carbon-based, organisms. According to biological
naturalism even the most sophisticated forms of AI will be devoid of inner experience
(Blackmore 2004; Searle 1980, 2008). Indeed, even humans wishing to upload their
minds will fail to transfer their consciousness. Although they may copy their memories
onto a computational format, their consciousness will not transfer, since biological
naturalists hold that consciousness requires a biological substrate.4
What arguments support biological naturalism? The most common consideration in
favor of biological naturalism is John Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment, which
is said to suggest that a computer program cannot understand or be conscious (Searle
1980). Searle supposes that he’s locked in a room, where he’s handed a set of English
rules that allow him to link one set of Chinese symbols with other Chinese symbols. So
although he doesn’t know Chinese, the rules allow him to respond, in written Chinese, to
questions written in Chinese. So he is essentially processing symbols. Searle concludes
that although those outside of the room may think he understands Chinese, he obviously
doesn’t; similarly, a computer may appear to be having a Chinese conversation, yet it
does not truly understand Chinese. Nor is it conscious.
Although it is correct that Searle doesn’t understand Chinese, the issue is not really
whether Searle understands; Searle is just one part of the larger system. The relevant
question is whether the system as a whole understands Chinese. This basic response to
Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment is known as the Systems Reply.5
It strikes me as implausible that a simple system like the Chinese Room understands
however, for the Chinese Room is not complex enough to understand or be conscious.
But the Systems Reply is on to something: the real issue is whether the system as a whole
understands, not whether one component does. This leaves open the possibility that a
more complex silicon-based system could understand; of course, the computations of a
superintelligent AI will be far more complex than the human brain.
Here, some might suspect that we could just reformulate the Chinese Room thought
experiment in the context of a superintelligent AI. But what is fueling this suspicion? It
cannot be that some central component in the SAI, analogous to Searle in the Chinese
Room, doesn’t understand, for we’ve just observed that it is the system as a whole that
understands. Is the suspicion instead fueled by the position that understanding and
consciousness do not decompose into more basic operations? If so, then the thought
experiment purports to prove too much. Consider the case of the human brain. According
to cognitive science, cognitive and perceptual capacities decompose into more basic
operations, which are themselves decomposable into more basic constituents, which
themselves can be explained causally (Block 1995). If the Chinese Room illustrates that
mentality cannot be explained like this, then the brain cannot be explained in this manner
either. But this explanatory approach, known as “the method of functional
decomposition,” is a leading approach to explaining mental capacities in cognitive
science. Consciousness and understanding are complex mental properties that are
determined by the arrangements of neurons in the brain.
Further, biological naturalism denies one of the main insights of cognitive science –
the insight that the brain is computational – without substantial empirical rationale.
Cognitive science suggests that our best empirical theory of the brain holds that the mind
is an information-processing system and that all mental functions are computations. If
cognitive science is correct that thinking is computational, then humans and SAI share a
common feature: their thinking is essentially computational. Just as a phone call and a
smoke signal can convey the same information, thought can have both silicon- and
carbon-based substrates. The upshot is that if cognitive science is correct that thinking is
computational, we can also expect that sophisticated thinking machines can be conscious,
although the contours of their conscious experiences will surely differ.
Indeed, I’ve noted that silicon is arguably a better medium for information
processing than the brain. So why isn’t silicon a better medium for consciousness, rather
than a worse one, as the biological naturalists propose? It would be surprising if SAI,
which would have far superior information-processing abilities than we do, turned out to
be deficient with respect to consciousness. For our best scientific theories of
consciousness hold that consciousness is closely related to information processing
(Tonini 2008; Baars 2008).
Some would point out that to show that AI cannot be conscious, the biological
naturalist would need to locate a special consciousness property, (call it “P”) that inheres
in neurons or their configurations, and which cannot be instantiated by silicon. Thus far,
P has not been discovered. It isn’t clear, however, that locating P would prove biological
naturalism to be correct. For the computationalist can just say that machines are capable
of instantiating a different type of consciousness property, F, which is specific to siliconbased systems.
Massimo Pigliucci has offered a different kind of consideration in favor of
biological naturalism, however. He sees philosophers who argue for computationalism as
embracing an implausible perspective on the nature of consciousness: functionalism.
According to functionalists the nature of a mental state depends on the way it functions,
or the role it plays in the system of which it is a part. Pigliucci is correct that traditional
functionalists, such as Jerry Fodor, generally mistakenly ignore the biological workings
of the brain. Pigliucci objects: “functionality isn’t just a result of the proper arrangement
of the parts of a system, but also of the types of materials (and their properties) that make
up those parts” (Pigliucci 2014).
Fodor’s well-known antipathy towards neuroscience should not mislead us into
thinking that functionalism must ignore neuroscience, however. Clearly, any wellconceived functionalist position must take into consideration neuroscientific work on the
brain because the functionalist is interested in the causal or dispositional properties of the
parts, not just the parts themselves. Indeed, as I’ve argued in my book The Language of
Thought, viewing the brain as irrelevant to the computational approach to the mind is a
huge mistake. The brain is the best computational system we know of (Schneider 2011b).
Does this make my position a form of biological naturalism? Not in the least. I am
suggesting that viewing neuroscience, (and by extension, biology) as being opposed to
computationalism is mistaken. Indeed, neuroscience is computational; a large subfield of
neuroscience is called “computational neuroscience”, and it seeks to understand the sense
in which the brain is computational and to provide computational accounts of mental
capacities identified by related subfields, such as cognitive neuroscience. What makes my
view different from biological naturalism is that I hold that thinking is computational, and
further, that at least one other substrate besides carbon (i.e., silicon) can give rise to
consciousness and understanding, at least in principle.
But biological naturalism is well worth considering. I am reasoning that a substrate
that supports superintelligence, being capable of even more sophisticated informational
processing than we are, would likely also be one that is conscious. But notice that I’ve
used the expression “likely.” For we can never be certain that AI is conscious, even if we
could study it up close. The problem is akin to the philosophical puzzle known as the
problem of other minds (Schneider 2014). The problem of other minds is that although
you can know that you are conscious, you cannot be certain that other people are
conscious as well. After all, you might be witnessing behavior with no accompanying
conscious component. In the face of the problem of other minds, all you can do is note
that other people have brains that are structurally similar to your own and conclude that
since you yourself are conscious, others are likely to be as well. When confronted with
AI your predicament would be similar, at least if you accept that thinking is
computational. While we couldn’t be absolutely certain that an AI program genuinely felt
anything, we can’t be certain that other humans do either. But it would seem probable in
both cases.
So, to the question of whether alien superintelligence can be conscious, I answer,
very cautiously, “probably.”
{a}How Might Superintelligent Aliens Think?
{text}Thus far, I’ve said little about the structure of superintelligent alien minds. And
little is all we can say: superintelligence is by definition a kind of intelligence that
outthinks humans in every domain. In an important sense, we cannot predict or fully
understand how it will think. Still, we may be able to identify a few important
characteristics, albeit in broad strokes.
Nick Bostrom’s recent book on superintelligence focuses on the development of
superintelligence on Earth, but we can draw from his thoughtful discussion (Bostrom
2014). Bostrom distinguishes three kinds of superintelligence:
Speed superintelligence – even a human emulation could in principle run so fast
that it could write a PhD thesis in an hour.
Collective superintelligence – the individual units need not be superintelligent,
but the collective performance of the individuals outstrips human intelligence.
Quality superintelligence – at least as fast as human thought, and vastly smarter
than humans in virtually every domain.
{text}Any of these kinds could exist alongside one or more of the others.
An important question is whether we can identify common goals that these types of
superintelligences may share. Bostrom’s suggests
The Orthogonality Thesis: “Intelligence and final goals are orthogonal – more or
less any level of intelligence could in principle be combined with more or less any
final goal.” (Bostrom 2014, 107)
Bostrom is careful to underscore that a great many unthinkable kinds of SAI could be
developed. At one point, he raises a sobering example of a superintelligence with the
final goal of manufacturing paper clips (pp. 107–108, 123–125). While this may initially
strike you as harmless endeavor, although hardly a life worth living, Bostrom points out
that a superintelligence could utilize every form of matter on Earth in support of this goal,
wiping out biological life in the process. Indeed, Bostrom warns that superintelligence
emerging on Earth could be of an unpredictable nature, being “extremely alien” to us (p.
29). He lays out several scenarios for the development of SAI. For instance, SAI could be
arrived at in unexpected ways by clever programmers, and not be derived from the
human brain whatsoever. He also takes seriously the possibility that Earthly
superintelligence could be biologically inspired, that is, developed from reverse
engineering the algorithms that cognitive science says describe the human brain, or from
scanning the contents of human brains and transferring them to a computer (i.e.,
Although the final goals of superintelligence are difficult to predict, Bostrom
singles out several instrumental goals as being likely, given that they support any final
goal whatsoever:
The Instrumental Convergence Thesis: “Several instrumental values can be
identified which are convergent in the sense that their attainment would increase
the chances of the agent’s goal being realized for a wide range of final goals and a
wide range of situations, implying that these instrumental values are likely to be
pursued by a broad spectrum of situated intelligent agents.” (Bostrom 2014, 109)
{text}The goals that he identifies are resource acquisition, technological perfection,
cognitive enhancement, self-preservation and goal content integrity (i.e., that a
superintelligent being’s future self will pursue and attain those same goals). He
underscores that self-preservation can involve group or individual preservation, and that
it may play second fiddle to the preservation of the species the AI was designed to serve
(Bostrom 2014).
Let us call an alien superintelligence that is based on reverse engineering an alien
brain, including uploading it, a biologically inspired superintelligent alien (or “BISA”).
Although BISAs are inspired by the brains of the original species that the
superintelligence is derived from, a BISA’s algorithms may depart from those of their
biological model at any point.
BISAs are of particular interest in the context of alien superintelligence. For if
Bostrom is correct that there are many ways superintelligence can be built, but a number
of alien civilizations develop superintelligence from uploading or other forms of reverse
engineering, it may be that BISAs are the most common form of alien superintelligence
out there. This is because there are many kinds of superintelligence that can arise from
raw programming techniques employed by alien civilizations. (Consider, for instance, the
diverse range of AI programs under development on Earth, many of which are not
modeled after the human brain.) This may leave us with a situation in which the class of
SAIs is highly heterogeneous, with members generally bearing little resemblance to each
other. It may turn out that of all SAIs, BISAs bear the most resemblance to each other. In
other words, BISAs may be the most cohesive subgroup because the other members are
so different from each other.
Here, you may suspect that because BISAs could be scattered across the galaxy and
generated by multitudes of species, there is little interesting that we can say about the
class of BISAs. But notice that BISAs have two features that may give rise to common
cognitive capacities and goals:
1. BISAs are descended from creatures that had motivations like: find
food, avoid injury and predators, reproduce, cooperate, compete, and so
2. The life forms that BISAs are modeled from have evolved to deal with
biological constraints like slow processing speed and the spatial
limitations of embodiment.
Could (1) or (2) yield traits common to members of many superintelligent alien
civilizations? I suspect so.
Consider (1). Intelligent biological life tends to be primarily concerned with its own
survival and reproduction, so it is more likely that BISAs would have final goals
involving its own survival and reproduction, or at least the survival and reproduction of
the members of its society. If BISAs are interested in reproduction, we might expect that,
given the massive amounts of computational resources at their disposal, BISAs would
create simulated universes stocked with artificial life and even intelligence or
superintelligence. If these creatures were intended to be “children” they may retain the
goals listed in (1) as well.
You may object that it is useless to theorize about BISAs, as they can change their
basic architecture in numerous, unforeseen ways, and any biologically inspired
motivations can be constrained by programming. There may be limits to this, however. If
a superintelligence is biologically based, it may have its own survival as a primary goal.
In this case, it may not want to change its architecture fundamentally, but stick to smaller
improvements. It may think: when I fundamentally alter my architecture, I am no longer
me (Schneider 2011). Uploads, for instance, may be especially inclined to not alter the
traits that were most important to them during their biological existence.
Consider (2). The designers of the superintelligence, or a self-improving
superintelligence itself, may move away from the original biological model in all sorts of
unforeseen ways, although I have noted that a BISA may not wish to alter its architecture
fundamentally. But we could look for cognitive capacities that are useful to keep;
cognitive capacities that sophisticated forms of biological intelligence are likely to have,
and which enable the superintelligence to carry out its final and instrumental goals. We
could also look for traits are not likely to be engineered out, as they do not detract the
BISA from its goals.
If (2) is correct, we might expect the following, for instance.
Learning about the computational structure of the brain of the species that
created the BISA can provide insight into the BISAs thinking patterns. One
influential means of understanding the computational structure of the brain in
cognitive science is via “connectomics,” a field that seeks to provide a
connectivity map or wiring diagram of the brain (Seung 2012). While it is likely
that a given BISA will not have the same kind of connectome as the members of
the original species, some of the functional and structural connections may be
retained, and interesting departures from the originals may be found.
BISAs may have viewpoint invariant representations. At a high level of
processing your brain has internal representations of the people and objects that
you interact with that are viewpoint invariant. Consider walking up to your front
door. You’ve walked this path hundreds, maybe thousands of times, but
technically, you see things from slightly different angles each time as you are
never positioned in exactly the same way twice. You have mental representations
that are at a relatively high level of processing that are viewpoint invariant. It
seems difficult for biologically based intelligence to evolve without such
representations, as they enable categorization and prediction (Hawkins and
Blakeslee 2004). Such representations arise because a system that is mobile needs
a means of identifying items in its ever-changing environment, so we would
expect biologically based systems to have them. BISA would have little reason to
give up object invariant representations insofar as it remains mobile or has mobile
devices sending it information remotely.
BISAs will have language-like mental representations that are recursive and
combinatorial. Notice that human thought has the crucial and pervasive feature of
being combinatorial. Consider the thought wine is better in Italy than in China.
You probably have never had this thought before, but you were able to understand
it. The key is that the thoughts are combinatorial because they are built out of
familiar constituents, and combined according to rules. The rules apply to
constructions out of primitive constituents, that are themselves constructed
grammatically, as well as to the primitive constituents themselves. Grammatical
mental operations are incredibly useful: It is the combinatorial nature of thought
that allows one to understand and produce these sentences on the basis of one’s
antecedent knowledge of the grammar and atomic constituents (e.g., wine, China).
Relatedly, thought is productive: in principle, one can entertain and produce an
infinite number of distinct representations because the mind has a combinatorial
syntax (Schneider 2011).
Brains need combinatorial representations because there are infinitely
many possible linguistic representations, and the brain only has a finite storage
space. Even a superintelligent system would benefit from combinatorial
representations. Although a superintelligent system could have computational
resources that are so vast that it is mostly capable of pairing up utterances or
inscriptions with a stored sentence, it would be unlikely that it would trade away
such a marvelous innovation of biological brains. If it did, it would be less
efficient, since there is the potential of a sentence not being in its storage, which
must be finite.
BISAs may have one or more global workspaces. When you search for a fact or
concentrate on something, your brain grants that sensory or cognitive content
access to a “global workspace” where the information is broadcast to attentional
and working memory systems for more concentrated processing, as well as to the
massively parallel channels in the brain (Baars 2008). The global workspace
operates as a singular place where important information from the senses is
considered in tandem, so that the creature can make all-things-considered
judgments and act intelligently, in light of all the facts at its disposal. In general, it
would be inefficient to have a sense or cognitive capacity that was not integrated
with the others, because the information from this sense or cognitive capacity
would be unable to figure in predictions and plans based on an assessment of all
the available information.
A BISA’s mental processing can be understood via functional decomposition. As
complex as alien superintelligence may be, humans may be able to use the method
of functional decomposition as an approach to understanding it. A key feature of
computational approaches to the brain is that cognitive and perceptual capacities
are understood by decomposing the particular capacity into their causally
organized parts, which themselves can be understood in terms of the causal
organization of their parts. This is the aforementioned “method of functional
decomposition” and it is a key explanatory method in cognitive science. It is
difficult to envision a complex thinking machine not having a program consisting
of causally interrelated elements each of which consists in causally organized
elements. This has important implications should a SETI program discover a
communicating BISA.
{text}All this being said, superintelligent beings are by definition beings that are
superior to humans in every domain. While a creature can have superior processing that
still basically makes sense to us, it may be that a given superintelligence is so advanced
that we cannot understand any of its computations whatsoever. It may be that any truly
advanced civilization will have technologies that will be indistinguishable from magic, as
Arthur C. Clark suggested (1962). I obviously speak to the scenario in which the SAI’s
processing makes some sense to us, one in which developments from cognitive science
yield a glimmer of understanding into the complex mental lives of certain BISAs.
I have argued that the members of the most advanced alien civilizations will be forms of
superintelligent artificial intelligence (SAI). I have further suggested, very provisionally,
that we might expect that if a given alien superintelligence is a biologically inspired
superintelligent alien (BISA), it would have combinatorial representations and that we
could seek insight into its processing by decomposing its computational functions into
causally interacting parts. We could also learn about it by looking at the brain wiring
diagrams (connectomes) of the members of the original species. Further, BISAs may
have one or more global workspaces. And, I have argued that there is no reason in
principle to deny that SAIs could have conscious experience.
Many thanks to Joe Corabi, Steven Dick, Clay Ferris Naff and Eric Schwitzgebel for
helpful written comments on an earlier draft and to James Hughes for helpful
Davies 2010, 160.
“Postbiological”, in the astrobiology literature contrasts with “posthuman” in the
singularity literature. In the astrobiology literature “postbiological” creatures are
forms of AI. In the singularity literature “posthumans” can be forms of AI, but
they need not be. They are merely creatures who are descended from humans but
which have alterations that make them no longer unambiguously human. They
need not be full-fledged AI.
Although I have elsewhere argued that uploading would merely create a copy of
one’s brain configuration and would not be a true means of survival, I doubt
dying individuals will act on a philosopher’s qualms when they have little to lose
by trying (Schneider 2014).
Biological naturalism was originally developed by John Searle, who developed
the view in the context of a larger account of the relation between the mind and
body. I will not discuss these details, and they are not essential to the position I’ve
just sketched. Indeed, it isn’t clear that Searle is still a biological naturalist,
although he persists in calling his view “biological naturalism.” In his chapter to
my recent Blackwell Companion to Consciousness he wrote: “The fact that brain
processes cause consciousness does not imply that only brains can be conscious.
The brain is a biological machine, and we might build an artificial machine that
was conscious; just as the heart is a machine, and we have built artificial hearts.
Because we do not know exactly how the brain does it we are not yet in a position
to know how to do it artificially” (Searle 2008).
For a thorough treatment of the responses to Searle’s argument, including the
system’s reply, the reader may turn to the comments appearing with Searle’s
original piece (Searle 1980), as well as Cole 2014.
Throughout his book, Bostrom emphasizes that we must bear in mind that
superintelligence, being unpredictable and difficult to control, may pose a grave
existential risk to our species. This should give us pause in the context of alien
contact as well (Bostrom 2014).
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