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The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2023
Enlightenment liberalism has come under furious attack from multiple sources in recent years, including cognitive science, the social sciences, identity politics of the left, and populism and nationalism on the right. The notions of individual liberty, free speech, and broad rights protections operating under neutral procedural law has been tied to elitism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and oppressive capitalism. This article points out that recent criticisms from progressives and conservatives are not new. They were mostly formulated several decades ago. Further, they commonly create a straw liberalism, failing to recognize the complexity of the Enlightenment liberal tradition. They ignore the fact that the validity of the institutions and processes of liberalism can, indeed must, be accepted, regardless of criticisms of simplistic versions of liberal theory. For those liberal institutions and processes remain the only known means for controlling the forces of modernity on which we ...
Tarihin Tanıklığında Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, 2024
Yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sonucunda Kıbrıs Adası'nda M.Ö. 5000 yılından itibaren insanların yaşadığı, Cilalı Taş ve Tunç devirlerine ait buluntulardan anlaşılmaktadır. 1 Kıbrıs Adası'nın ilk yerleşimcilerin Anadolu'nun güneyi ile Suriye ve Filistin'den bu bölgeye gelenlerden oluştuğu tahmin edilmektedir. Kıbrıs'ın isminin nereden geldiği konusunda farklı açıklamalar olsa da Kıbrıs metali anlamına gelen (ki bu bakır madenidir), Latince aes Cyprium ya da kısaltılmış haliyle Cuprum'dur. 2 Kıbrıs, Sicilya ve Sardinya'dan sonra Akdeniz'in üçüncü büyük adası olup, Kuzey Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde kuzeye doğru Anadolu Platosu ve güneye doğru burnuyla Afrika tabakasının arasında yer alır. Kıbrıs Adası'nın yüzölçümü, 9251 km² olup uzunluğu 225 km ve genişliği de 96,5 km'dir. Kıbrıs Adası, kuzeyinde Türkiye'ye 71 km, batısında Suriye'ye 98 km ve Lübnan'a 150 km ve güneyinde Mısır'a 330 km ve Akdeniz'de bulunan Girit ve Rodos adalarına sırayla 370 km ve 500 km uzaklıktadır. Kıbrıs Adası, girintili çıkıntılı yapısı ve 782 km uzunluğundaki sahilleriyle kendine has bir jeolojik yapıya sahiptir. Kıbrıs 35º kuzey paraleli ve 35º doğu meridyeni üzerinde yer alır ve tipik Akdeniz iklimine sahiptir. Kıbrıs'ta yazlar sıcak ve kurak, kışları ılık ve yağışlıdır. Kasım ve mart ayları arasındaki beş aylık kış mevsiminde bol yağış alır. Kıbrıs Adası, doğal yapısı bakımından
Revista Exitus
Avaliação inicial de repertório é uma ferramenta importante para o planejamento de ensino e pode auxiliar na inclusão escolar de indivíduos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. O IAR foi desenvolvido para avaliar repertório comportamental, pré-requisito para alfabetização de crianças com desenvolvimento neurotípicos. Este instrumento de avaliação é considerado uma ferramenta de avaliação eficaz, simples e de rápida e fácil aplicação. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar a aplicabilidade do IAR em crianças com TEA. Participaram três meninos diagnosticados com TEA, com idades entre 8 e 9 anos, alfabetizados e matriculados no 2º e 3º ano fundamental do ensino regular. A aplicação do instrumento e a interpretação dos resultados foram realizadas a partir das instruções fornecidas no manual de aplicação do IAR. Ao final da avaliação, P1 apresentou desempenho indicativo de ‘muita dificuldade’ na maioria das áreas do instrumento (8 do total de 13). P2 demonstrou ‘muita dificuldade’ ...
Russian Politics & Law, 2009
The Significance of the Rise of Aleksandr Dugin for the Interpretation of Public Life in Contemporary Russia the aggressiveness of neo-Eurasianism expresses itself through, among others, aleksandr dugin's positive references to nazi ideas, the third reich and russian neo-nazism. this review article briefly comments on the current state of, above all, western scholarly, publicistic and journalistic analysis of the nature and rise of dugin's movement. Doctor of Political Science Aleksandr Gel'evich Dugin (born 1962), leader of the International Eurasianist Movement (IEM), is a prolific publicist who in the 1990s had already attracted attention among researchers of the Russian right-wing movement, both in Russia and outside its borders. 1 In 1998 he was appointed official adviser to the then Speaker of the State Duma, Gennadii Seleznev, thereby becoming part of the political establishment of the Russian Federation. In recent years he has won fame not only in the former Soviet Union but also in the West. 2 Today he is known, perhaps, to most people with an interest in Russian politics and to many foreign specialists on Eastern Europe
Tree morphology and characteristics are quite different among different tree species, leading to large differences in cooling performance across tree species, particularly across different climatic regions. To obtain microclimatic characteristics and data on the influence of common subtropical tree species on the outdoor thermal environment, this study investigates, with field measurements, three physiological indices (leaf transpiration rate, leaf surface temperature, and leaf reflectance) and seven microclimatic parameters (solar radiation, long wave radiation, mean radiant temperature (Tmrt), ground surface temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed) characterizing four common tree species in Guangzhou: Ficus microcarpa, Mangifera indica, Michelia alba, and Bauhinia blakeana. The Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) is calculated with the Rayman 12 tool to assess human thermal comfort. Special focus is set on the differences between these parameters in the presence and absence of tree cover. The results are as follows: Ficus microcarpa has the best cooling performance (reduced solar radiation by 1050 W/m 2 , reduced Tmrt by 14.8°C, reduced PET by 32.4°C). These trees have also some negative effects: reducing wind speed (2.83 m/s) and increasing long wave radiation (55 W/m 2 ). It is expected that these data and results will shed some light on tree planting implications in subtropical areas.
Religions, 2024
In everyday life, one encounters many experiences of affliction that, for whatever reason, nature (ours or others’) cannot resolve. Yet, when nature’s finite resources are exhausted and hope seems in vain, humans often experience extra-ordinary moments of renewal and resolution—breakthroughs, remissions, insights, and conversions. We experience these moments in our natural existence; yet, we feel they cannot originate, cannot be attributed to nature alone. Rather, these experiences, called “graces” in Christianity, are attributed to a divine power acting in us. How do we come to describe these experiences in this way? Is it possible to formulate a general theory of these experiences as “graces”? Is there an “experience” of grace in general, a “state of grace”, which serves as ground and unifying experience for the “graces” we receive? Working from the Catholic theological point of view, this paper examines such experiences of affliction and renewal, as well as the basic Catholic framework schematizing them as found in the Bible and Catholic religious writings. In doing so, this paper highlights the theme of impossibility (absolutely or in context) underlying each experience, and broadly categorizes them as happening within three regions of human life: the external, ethical sphere, the interior self-relationship, and the vertical relationship to the Divine. In dialogue with theologians and phenomenological thinkers, general formulations of the experiences are placed within their respective spheres, and certain problems in the identification or interpretation of these experiences are identified. The paper then explores how the experience of a “New Creation” can serve not only as a label for the totality of these experiences, but also as a totalizing and overarching ground-experience of “grace” and an interpretive hermeneutic for graces in general. As a result, a graced moment of total personal “rebirth” or “recreation”, prevenient with respect to any personal co-operation or experiences of grace as grace, is identified as a potential ground for all other graces considered. Finally, this paper considers some potential implications of this account of grace for both Catholic thought and Phenomenology more generally.
Journal of contemplative & holistic education, 2024
This paper explores the intersections of using autobiographical (currere) writing and mindful meditations as two forms of contemplative practices in teacher education, from the perspectives of both a secondary classroom teacher and a teacher educator. An experientially-based conceptual inquiry, it is contextualized through first-person autobiographical narrations reconstructed from the authors' currere writings and mindfulness practices, in order to draw connections between both through the theme of making room for breathing. The pedagogical contexts surrounding how students practice mindfulness and currere in teacher education are discussed, and the body, emotions, temporality, space, and relationality are analyzed as intersecting and complementary dimensions of these contemplative practices. When currere and mindfulness practices are combined they are mutually enhancing, and this paper explores the relationships between the two to formulate a theory and practice of selfunderstanding and self-transcendence for renewing integrative pedagogy in teacher education.
Анциферов и петербургское краеведение: К 130-летию со дня рождения Н. П. Анциферова / Сост. В. В. Яковлев, А. В. Кобак; гл. ред. В. В. Яковлев; отв. ред. Т. В. Вольская. СПб.: Скрипториум, 2019. С. 113–179., 2019
21 июля 1944 года, в 12.00, в Институте мировой литературы им. А. М. Горького Академии наук СССР (Москва, ул. Воровского, ныне Поварская ул., д. 25а) на открытом заседании Ученого совета была представлена к защите кандидатская диссертация Н. П. Анциферова «Проблемы урбанизма в русской художественной литературе. Опыт построения образа города — Петербурга Достоевского — на основе анализа литературных традиций»2. Присутствовали: В. Я. Кирпотин, Л. И. Пономарев, С. И. Соболевский, Л. И. Тимофеев, Н. Л. Бродский, Н. К. Гудзий, Б. В. Михайловский, А. К. Дживелегов, М. А. Цявловский, В. Ф. Шишмарев, Д. Д. Благой, С. А. Бугославский, Б. П. Козьмин
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Acuity : Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature and Culture, 2016
eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, 2017
IEEE access, 2024
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
Scientific Reports, 2019
Journal of Turkish Research Institute, 2002
Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021