Reported belief changes through near peer role modeling

Near peer role models (NPRMs) are people who might be "near" to us in several ways: age, ethnicity, gender, interests, past or present experiences, and also in proximity and in frequency of social contact. In two previous quasi-experiemental studies, learners in a Japanese university English department were shown an 8 minute video of four exemplary, slightly older, Japanese in the same department who were expressing beliefs and attitudes thought to facilitate SLA. A pre- and post-questionnaire revealed positive changes in viewers' reported-beliefs. In the present study, we wished to see the impact of the same video-speakers on non-English majors in obligatory English courses in a different university. The results show that many of these students' reported-beliefs and behaviours also change positively after seeing the video and they seem to remain more motivated through post observations. Interestingly, the experiment also changed the teacher's beliefs that made her class more interactive and possibly intensified NPRMing.

Reportec bctterじ nangcs uFougn Nczr rc研 ズ勢 餌 冴 己鑓 氏olc lviOCICllng 弟 上貝 '大 上D 貝 働 犯ョθ s 濫 帆 ぶ ハし〃 免 γ ズて た 財筋拡瞥 Tim Mutthcy Yuan Ze Uttversity,Taiwan ぐ皿低@sa的 血.yzu,> Httoko ttao Nagoya Universお apan ,」 くmaochin@伊生shesaneD Abstact Ⅲ N e a r p e e r r o l e m o d e 酌I l s (SN)郎 a r e p e O p l e w h o m i g h t bleo Htnse ahl ‐ ysi saelv ewla‐ a g e , e n i c i t y , g e n d e r , m t t t e s t s ,e ps ae sn t oe rt t pe lt ‐ t e ndc easl,s狙 o t tx i pm Ю ity and h iequency of social contact.In tto previous quasi― smdies,lcalllel‐ cxpcrlmcntal sha anese uttversity Enghsh depaltnent wtte shown an 8‑IItunute video of four exemplary 」 響 s止 apanese h tte salne department who were expresshtt beliefs 飾配es and鮒 宮hdy older,」 ‐ thought to facilitate SLA.Ap崎 and post― questom施 "evealed positve changes in v i e w c r s ' r c p obretheedf‐ s , I n tehsee nptl ‐ s m d y , w e w i s h e d t o叩saccct tohfc 由 tte salne vidco― speakers on■ on― Engttsh mttorS h Obttgatott Engttsh courses tt a different r u t t v e r s i t y . T h c r c s u l t s s h o w t h a t m a n y o f t h cbscch csfmsd eanntds ibreehpaovrltocrds― also change pos迅 vely attl seehtt the video and ttcy seem to remain more motivated 血Юugh post obscttations.Intttcstngly,thc expcnment also changcd thc tcacheris behcfs t h a t m a d e h e r c l a s s m o r e i n t e r a c t v e a n d p o s s iibnlgy, i n t e n s i f l e d N P F u v 在 Background Weiten,Lloyd,and Lashley(1991,p.46)rc」 む tO Bandurが s Q977a,1986)socitt lettg theory to arllm th狂 etcy sbie血 tween the modd and ourselves,Thus, □血t t t O n i s m o n m c l y w h e n w e 1s施 c 脱缶e n t t i t a t e s a m e = s e x r o l e m o d d s s o m e w h a t m o r e t h a n o p p o s i t e s e x m o d e l s . [ A l s o w e a r e m eo コl i k e l y t o c o p y a m o d e l i f w e s e e t h e m o d d i s b e h a v i o r l e a t t n g t o p o s i t i outcomest… PulthelmOre],modClS have a geat impact on personality development. Children learn to be assttvё suばicient,dependable,casyぃ ,conscientous,self― 宮ottg,and s o f o t t b y o b s e r v i n g o t h e r s b e h a v t t g h t h c s e w a y seil aPtairveenst,ss,itbelaicnhgesr,s , l ‐ 釘ld peers serve as models for young children. Bandura(1997al suttgests Wseehtt or visualizintt people ar si胡 to oncself perform successfuly t y p i c a l l y r t t s e s e f f i c a c y bvettttse ttth aitn tohbesye lt‐ hemselves posscss tte capabttites to m htф:〃 WW市 ― Wntnttibel‐― E」/句19'al.h嗣 2002/1/31 氏 eportcc beller unanges uroubOn Nctt rctt Kolc lV10CICLng 'iF;)筋 ズて 己鑓 弟 上貝 '大 上D 貝 (1::14,留 た ソ初概 を ダ s加 切 身 ハし〃免 γズて Tim Mutthey Yuan Ze Uttversity,Taiwan ぐm低 @samm.yzu,> Httoko Alao Nagoya University,」 apan くmaoch血@摯仁shes.neD Abstact Nett pecr role models cN区 班Rヽ 在 S)are peOple who might be HncttH to us h sevげ al waysi age,e血述ci呼,gendcr,mtttests,past or present expenences,抵 週 also h pЮ航 ty and血 iequcncy of social contact,In伸 的 previous quasi― cxperlmental sttdies,leal■ lel‐ sha 」 apanese u血 versity Enぶ sh depaltment wtte shown an 8‐ minute video of four exemplary, shghdy older)」 apanese h the salne department who were cxpresshg beliefs and ammdes ‐and post― thought to facilitate SLA.Ap崎 questorlnarc revealed positve changes h vicwcrst reponed̲behefsi ln thc pttscnt smdy,we wished to sce thc ttact of tte salne vidco― speakers on non― Enghsh mおors h Obttgatott Engttsh courses h a different r uttvcrsity.The results show that many of thcse smdentsircported― behefs and behaviors aso change positvely after seeh宮 血e video and they seem to remttn morc motivated 血Юugh post obscttations.Intttcstngly,tlc cxpcnment also changed thes teachゴ bchcfs t h a t m a d e h e r c l a s s m o r e i n t e r a c t v e a n d p o s s i血 b宮 l=y i n t e n s i f l e d N P I u w 在 Background Wciten,Lloyd,and Lashley(1991,p.46)re」 古 tO Bandurが s Q977a,1986)soda lettg theory to affllln ttat si血 between the modd and ourselves.Thus, □mitatiOn is more mcly when we see 1遼ty chldl‐ en ttitate salne=sex role models somewhat more than opposite sex models.[Also]) we are more mdy tO Copy a model f we see tle modelts behavlorleadinttto positve outcomest… 『httelmOrc],modelS have a geat impact on personality development. Children lcarn to be assertivO,conscientious,self― su丘 &cient,dependable,easy‐ go血宮,and so folth by observhtt othcrs behav血 h these ways,Pttents,teachers,陀 latives,sibttngs, 宮 神d peers serve as models for young chiltten. Bandura(1997al suttgests Hscehtt or visualizing people ar tosi胡 oncself perform successfuly typically raises cfficacy bettett in that observo閤 they themselves possess the capab述 血es to mast釘 htф:〃 WW市 ― W五亡n宮・ bel‐― E」/句19/al.h岨 2002/1/31 氏cpo配 eQ bcttcI(ッ compal‐ able actvitesH ① .87),ThiS Starts wm the Observtton '共 弟 Z貝 nangcs EIl10ugn lNctt rccr i<olc lv10CCllng ttat Hwe tte銃 岨 arH加 d then 上D 貝 dle rcalizatton that what the Hothar ctt do should be possiblc for me.The oppositc can also Bandura(1997b)rema‐ kS,HGiven l狂 tte likely to view ge perceived disp2ndes h enccs,chiltten exp(犯 skins excmpШ ■d by an expel■ cnced model as beyond ttcttl‐ each and are ttus disinclined to hvest the criOlt needed tp masttt dlem fuly引 234).In seCOnd language acquisiton,this出scをhto queston dle は ‖ nttve spetter‖ modd(see cOOk,1999).[‑1‐ ] Schunk(1984)sutteStS th航血 school,sttdents asO acqure infomation about血 銃 own capabilitcs vicぶously ttough knowledge of othtts.Brown and lnouye(1978)claim that si航 1狂othtts offer the best basis for companson.For example,Cloward(1967)sttdiCd the effcct of a U,S,的 tottal program ぃand elcventh― 山at cmployed ten血 and f逆 油― stt WhOSe 『ade smdctts as mtors fOr fourth‐ grader pupユ rcadhtt achicvement was below gade levell Results showed that spupユ with mtors Ofthc Mme gcnder and etttdcity were httest in achievement, ‖ Brown and lnouye(1978)state th斑 obsetthg a modcl of compttable ab出 ty acheve success would create success expectations in obse即 0隠and thus enhttce thett task motvationH o,901).Note that this is not lettnatt comparmg thelnsclves with ther pcers,but rathtt the lemers obsel succcedhg in the task which es carl■ infomatlon that they themselves also havc the ties potential ab出 to d o t t e s a m e t h脇c i n go正 b s c t t h1宮 磁m c r s c o m p t t e t t e m s e l v e s w i t h t h e t t p o t c n d a l f u t u t t s e l v e become ettcitcd(mOttVated)abbut that potendal.WVhen recciving上 tto上 工 latlon about ther own potentlal capabilites,learnげ s lcam thtt effott and success go .Schunk(1983),for togeth釘 eXample,compared the erectiveness of proxttnal ttoals to social compttativcと f飢上 1latton and found ttat infomation about succcss血 l petts mtensiflcs dle idea that tter prO斌 mal own goals e al‐ attthable= Obviously,we also lealll iom ttn宮,collaboratm宮 oblcln solvttg on our own as wcll. ,and pl‐ Howev釘 ,our conにndon is ttat much of dle spal‐ k for ow behefs h ow abilites to dol血 ngs begms mte上 上 llentally,bdween mmds in an activity,and then becomes mttalnental as we step metapho宜 caly hto the place ofthe o血 ま G/ygotsky,1962),After h郷血g inttmttzcd celttt bttefs and attitlldes they can help us fu曲 釘 to lem on ow own and from otters, Near pcer role modeling N e a r p c t t r o l e m o d c l s t N P t t v t t s , M u r p h e y1 ,9 19 98 9) 5ae,l 1‐ p9e9e6ras〕 w h o a r e 6 1 o sse stooc ioanlび , e.lWhile ttiowing up〕 many peoplc professlonal,andlor age level,and whom one may respect and adlltm‐ cxp研 絶n c e w a t c h i n g s o m e s m d e n t O r s i b l i n g j u s t a f e w y c a r s o l d e r a n d m ao yd e h n g t h e t t be dlat they only respect a charactttstlc or an abihty thatthe role model has,an whole personi l n d l e l a t e 1M9u9t0t1hse〕 y a n d h i s H C o I I I n u t t c a t o n P s ye cm hn ol l os gt yt ‖ d c n t s a tz aNna ■ U t t v e r s i t y i n J a p a n d d a s t t e s o□通斌述s f q u a s it "t ed xi pe 研 s t t v o l v t tゃ g4 sN.PK躙 us.hida(1995) m色 即iewed ttur enthusiastc sttdents,onc at a ttme on video and tten edited an 8‑mhute clip which cut quickly from one sttdcnt to anotler as they coIIhncnted on the fouowhttidcasi l・Making mtttakes h Engttsh is O.K. 2・Iぜs good to have goals h lettng Engttsh. 31 Spettdng English is fun. 41 」 apanese can become good speakers of Engttsh, 2‑] [‐ http:〃 www―witing.bttkeley=edu/TESL― E」/衛19/al.httd 2002/1/31 と `しPυ とし じuDし ■ 1し上ヽ■la11としb ullυ uと11とNじal fじ じ1」、ulじ lV工 Uuじ 1111と 舜 D只 '米 上D 貝 Studcnts watchntt dle video hettd― ne紙 ttSpOnd to dle suttcCt Of making lttstakes h Enghsh petts with comments like,HI〔 Ill not used to usintt Enghshi So l donlt s athink bitt iぜ dea.I dontt e cal‐ muchH(TakeSh,See complete ttanscmpton h Appendix l).ThiS Video has been shown to all s m d e n t s h t t e止sEhn 宮 e p L c a t i o n s m d y血eu ssha宮 d e p a r m e n t s i n c e 1 9 9 5 . A dmeoprteti nr― rne video w a s l a t t t d o nu et t Qh に e y & M u r a k 施 , 1 9 9 8 ) i n w h i C h p o s i t v e r ees ualgtasi nw左 e‐d . P r ea― nd eanl位 behefs post viewhtt questionnttes showed that smdents watching the tapes changed ther reported‐ signi̲flcandy(at the o.1%lcvel)仕 どOutth watching these rapttese students talking about taking hs and aコoyhtt Engttsh= Kictti Q997)produCed a siI述 ar NPInttng Video of busincsswomen who had startcd compttes and then decided to condnue ther studies at tte versity・ u述 A丘釘 viewhtt KichiirS Vide。 〕most smdents wel‐ e more opcn to Haltclllatve tte tracksH;men wcrc morc open to wolncn working and rettrrllng to school,and women felt reheved thatthey had more choices. ヽ住zut狙1(1997)taught Smdents dttcty about hIPA/1s and then asked them to dcscribe classmates ttcy adtted.She askedi HWVhat specincaly dO these classmates do ttat youピe,what adBコ do thcy betteve that anows th鋼 ュtO do whatthcy do,and if you were to 士 do how would you宮 o about it?H 唱s these曲 狙上s process of spectthg behttior to bc modcled,imagttng enabling航ng bttefs onざ s and own p血 frst stcpS thetteticaly HmodclsH the unconscious modcml宮 prOcess that people normauy dO and makes it hcher.This cxperlmcnt was cal■ ed out h Murphey's st fil‐ year class,whttt he could quatttatively observe the reactons iom smdents fOr a pettod of dme aftemttds.Students contIIued to mendon classmates,血cnds,and falmly membtts as be血 宮NPA/1s long tt」 血e expcnlnentin ther weekly a c t o n l o g s Q t t u l p h e y , 1 9 9 3 ) a n d t h e r e n t h u s i a s m f o r l e a r namtge rs ctctmaend bmeufcohr[e挿 .This awttcncss― raising sccmed to thc teachcr to intensitt studcnt lettg as sttdentt actvely began modchng each oth研・ Yalnashita(1998)read and anayzed 40 1anguage lettEttng hstottes byyear first― smdents and 45 by 胡rd and fourth yett smdents and found thatthe type of person who was most often mendoned as insptthtt more dcsttd to learn Engttsh was thatversity of Hu述peげ sH(ment10ned by over 50%). However)血 juttor high school and high school l was tlettjuttor high school teachers(mendOned by a b o u t 2 2 % ) . T h i S i S p r o b a b l y b e c a u s e s t t l d e n t s m t e r a c t o rt t hd ie g ht t a nE dn g h is gh h t st cj hu o述o l , ls ability in En宮 and dlus havc no oppα 仙dty to be hspred by a pe釘 上sh.At uttvcrsity,smdents intcract more and ttc hspred by each othttis competence. Ogisu Q998)made a Video s血出arto Kushdゴs witt much younger sttdents:血 崎e first yearjuttor hlgh s m d c n t s s p悩 eh江 t t a t t d e i n E n g t t s h a n da ptahneens ei na」 bout how they en30yed Engttsh and had fun lea― g and didnl woly much about ttstakes.She showed itto 76 frst yearjudor high smd the salne school and to 29 sixth ttade studcnts in an attachcd elementary school tha 血t c r v i c w e e s h aedn dae d . O g i s u f o u n述l d saね r r e s u l t s t o Ksu,sehxicdeゴ pt ttat the macsi motvatton h t l e t t o u p s d e c t t a s e d . I n s o nuep froelsoewa… rch,she intcrvicwed several boys who mendoned t the students on the video were宮 ood sttdcnts because they tte Ⅲ and ttat Hteachers always praise 宮±lsH ed that same sex role models c hdeed al‐ cmcial.Kushdゴse価上er rescarch 宮±ls,H ttlus,we discovげ ftted to fmd this since thtte wtte three women and one man tt her video and there wtte vctt few malcs in tte responて 地1宮野oup, C00k(1999,pl 185)suttgests that wc should be Hlooklng to descttpdons of L2 users H and establish Ha positvc mage rather ttan descnptiOns ofnatlvc speakers as aomation〕 sourcc of証 of L2 users rather than 山em seeh宮 as failed native speakers.口 He argues,Hthe prottunttce of 市the e n症 speaker in language teachintt has obscured the distinctive namre Of the successid L2 ustt and a n u n a t t a l n a b l e g o a l f o r WLc2 a1lesaor nbecrlsi.e‖ vc the distlnctve namre Of ttc L2 user i http:〃 www―wh位― E」/衛19/al.ht飼 2002/1/31 氏epotted better changesせ rough Near Peer Roleヽ 生odelln畳 第 4頁 '共 15頁 model for second language leal■ lerst We wish to emphasize thatths is so,in palt,because dley are ng wittin each odlers zone Of proxlmal,casitt to identify with,and they more y scaffold casユ le航 ma deve10pment ttygO低 ky,1962).Both NNSs and NSs can be uscfulin the leammtt process h pro斌 dlfferent ways and d胡ttnes and ths needs sndying.[‐ 釘ent 3‐ ] smcmes fOr promo血 宮NPRMing Cooperatlve/couaborative le征 皿 ng in general(」 ohnSOn&Johnson,1994;Kohn 1992)suppOlts WttMIing since it encouragcs htcracton alnontt lettners in which they can nablaly model each otheri ヽ4any tcachers have also reported success with peer teaching and tutottng which overlap with N P R M i n g . F o r e x a m p l e , K n o p ( 1 9 7 5 ) h t r o d u c c d a t y 血v p c o ol fv c pl en 研 ent ttstruction in which second―or thil‐ d― year students come to the flrst― year sttdentsl classes to givc a dictaton,to read 上stening comprehension passattes,to ask a vttdety of questons,or to give patterll practices or an oral !If someone near thett age could speak French that wel,they bettan to presentatlon.Khop states,・ bclievc that,h a yett ortwo,they could ttso make山 筑much progressH o.102).A sittlar exalnple is buddy… reading,or cross‐ age ttto血 read血宮progaln, 宮(SalnWay,Whang&Pippit,1995).In a buddy― 血e older sndents are palred with younger sttdents and read books of thett choice on a rettular basis. Y o u n g e r c t t d r e n c t t g r a d u a loyt loenalryn ■ h o w t o r e a d f r o n t h e t t b u d d iletso, bbueth etvtes o l e a l ■ 血ther pOtCndal to someday be likcoldcr thc±buddies. The advantages of model血 peer―宮are ttso discussed by Wttson(1993).He diSCOVeredyear thtt hs ll‐ old son was a helpful assistant and peer mtOr sh class h hisOfEnぶ 9‑or 10,ye紙 old smdents at a Chinese elementary school.The Chincse sttdents felt more comfortable 直tattng iコ his son.He concludes that children llmtate peers ttstead of adults or teachers when they are immersed language. Mtthey(1998a)htthlights ivc smcmrcs dlatteachers can use to promote NP3/1htt effectvely血 tlc classroom:newsletters of sttdents coIImen低 mttg hstones,血vttng older sttdents h ,lanと 型age l働 血e classroom,inviting NNS substimtc̲teachers who spcak mosdy he tttgetlanguage,and videottg c o n v e r s a t i o n s f o r s e l f euvゅ ahueayt&iKOenI IQnに y,1998;Murphey&Woo,1998b)in whiCh peer conversattons are videoed and viewed weekly as homework by sttldents,Mul‐ phey found much suppolt for these strLICmres h dle sttdentst weckly renectons in ther acton logs,end from classroom observatons. 羽通hypothesis hat is suppolted by tte above sttdes and techniQues is tltt nett peer ro actve tt learners than NSs in that thett Hcxcellence"seetts more possible and psychologicaly more am‐ easy to rephcate becausc they tte h each othttst zones of proximal development ttygOttky,1962; MIulrphey,1996c). The Present Study Kushida(1995)showed it Was possible to change studentぎ reponed‐ bttett throutt vidcoed NPA/1s. A / 1 u r p h e y a n d M u r(a1k9施 9 8 ) u s e d t l e s a l n e v i d e o t t(ow hyeena rmsO Slta tO研 f K uss h d が interviewees had ttaduated)Witt equal success,In the present smdy)we wanted t video of」 m t t o r s ( W h O S e e x p r e s s e d b e t t e f s a p p a r e n d y l m p r e s s e d 述s a血r s t t d e n t s ) 中 a n e s e E n 宮上S h ‐ would also mpttss nOn― ma」ors in a medium lcvcl uttvcrsity(WhOSc motvatton was probably not as high and who probably had more negatlve past expenences with .[‑4‑] Enghsめ Attethods and Procedures httpt〃 .betteley.edunSL―E」/奇19/al.htEd www― wtttin宮 2002/1/31 Repotted Belief manges ttrough Nett Peer Rolc Modehn呂 第 5頁 ,共 15頁 S e v e n w e e k s i n前 t of山 r s t s e m e s t c r 6 f 1 9 9 8s ,t 1, 1y 5e 鮎 a r u nsiivげes lt ‐ tdents were shown de 8‑ 、 述 nute video produced by Kushida(1995)i ln thc Video,four pcople wげ e interviewed.One of ttem was a second‐ 崎e wtte four― yettju血or conege smdent,The other血 yett umversity sttdents,one each from the second― 卜 yctt to thc fou正 year.The only male smdent was the foulth― yctt sttdcnt. The palticipants were told shply ttat they wげ e watchng Wsome uttvel‐ sity sttdcntsH talk abbut Engttsh le価 述ng.Partllipants wtte not told what tte intettiewees ma」 ors were,nor thett school for fear that they wOuld have reason not to identtfy with the intclwieweest Paltcip[mts were given a questoIInan‐ e(Appendx B)that COnsisted of fow parts,Sccton A asked about tte previous success of thett Engttsh lcttng levcl and the■ of copridence h impl‐ oving血銃 Enghsh ability on a flvc poht Likcrt Scale.In the second palt of Secton A,NPn/1s werc explalned・ Scction B had follr stateIIlents,alontt with insmctOns asking level for tte± of a邸 ●ement or disatteement about the four positiQnsi l . M a k i n g t t s t a k c s h sE hn ぶi S O . K . 2. Iぜ s good to have宮 Oas h lcarmg Enghsh, 3. Spcaking English is n. nュ 4. 」apanese can become宮ood speakers of English. Secton C asked the palticipants totew五 whatthey thought of the intelwiewecs ttd with whch ophions they were impresscdi The participttts wtte frst asked to answer Settonastlettntt A ① and confidencc),then Section B ecmcnt statcmcnts)by CttChng ther answtts.After they丘 (fOW as‐ 正shed,the teacher read tte pttagaph about NPttls(taken frOmヽ住zuttti(1997))to make sure that they understood tte concept. S o m e o f t h e e x p l a n a t l o n awpaasn ehs」 e.They werc allowed to read along with tt text wtte llistened. N e x t , t h e t e a c h e r t o l d t h e p a l t i c i p a n t s t h t t t h e y w o u l d s e e c o n e宮 gEen gsltitsdhe n t s w h o w e 血 」お a■.Then paltlcわ antS WttChed thc video.In tte video― mtervicw,the foLlr eXpressed ttett opttoIIs aboutthe itelns h Section B,descl‐ ibed above. After watchhtt the video,paltcipants were左nasked牲 to ratc dle behef ttmber 2 of Secton Iam Aげ conidentto mprove my English fom now,H)and o五 dle fou behefs of Secton B,but ttts tme they w e r e t o l d t o p u t a n H X H b y d l t t a n s w e r s s o t h e a n s w e rosm ctohuel dp tbtcv idoiusst i n g u i s h e d answers,which were cよ ℃led,Finany,山 ey Wel‐ e asked to wttte血 抗 opi述 ons and mpressions in Sccton C. Participants Participants were l15 Srst― vcrsity sttldcnts,al between 18 and 20 ycars of agc,60%male and year u赴 40%female,Al ofthem were non‐English mttorS takintt required Enghsh courses.Thett mttors were infomadon and poLcy sttdies.Thc second author,Arao)taught ttc students in twO diffcrent ttfoups of 上s t c n i n y s p e a k i n g c l a s s e s i v e d m c s a n wu et ce ks ft ot rd 4o 5n ‑c 血 n9u0t‑c面s e s s l o n . T h e y a l s o h a d a 崎admg/野 almtt class that also met five ttnes a nutes wcek for and 45‑航 one 90‑曲 ute class.Au of ther teachatt were NNSs except for one who mttute taught session,An one 45‐ teachers ttenerauy used Engttsh only血 血ett classes,although thtte were dmes when some words or phrases were tra 5‐ ] http:〃 www―wltttng.berkeley,edu/TESL― E」/句19/al.html 2002/1/31 ふ,pulし じuDじ 11じ1じ 114n出 じs LflrOuttn lNc倒 Results 『rccr氏 olc lvloQCttng 昇 O貝 'ス 上D 貝 ( Table l hdicates the average scotts Ofecment thClr and agl‐disagl‐ eement beiore and after viewhg tte video for section A and B of the quesdonnare.The students and thett answttsbywel‐ e sorted thc士 !「 responses to the vely frst belicf in secdon 2へ bcen successful atlearmg English.Hi『 I have 1le responscs to the rcmalnlng five bttefs ttre hsted as A2 and Bl through B4.As can be scen,each viewing,exceptthose who repoied hgh scotts initan 野o u p i s a v e r a g e s c o t t i ntcerre atsteed ポ T a b l c l . 駈I I l e a I I r a t i n g s o f p o s i t t v e b t t e f s b e f o r e a n d a f t e r w a t c h i n g d l e v i d e o Five goups soHed according to ther answers to l『 bcen successfulin lemg Engttsh.H ttoup l I have =stron宮ly d主 雛延正ce,Group 2=disagee,Group 3 neither attee nor cttsattee,Group 4=セ 廷正ee,and Group 5=sttongly attree. Bl:Maklng ttstakes Group 4(11) 十si即占cant changes at pく 005,料 si即面cant changes at pく 0.0] AT― t e s t s h o w e d t hut tg rtOhuepれd i d n o t 競 c hr ae np go el 血 tbcedl― icfs significanty.However, loo血ng at th6 chttges of tte ttdividu述 野oups,the behef changes were shown to be si邸 温cant ttne out of ten times h the ttoups that had at least 30 palticipan低 ,衝 oups 2 and other gOups most likcly had too fcw palticipants to acheve significmce on some items. Sttdents who perceived that thtt own le施 宮had bccn successinl genertty had hgher averages for cach statemcnt before and afttt vidcoing.It shows ttat 皿ng past eXp慨た le鉦 nccs inユ ucnce thc stteng血 of ther suppoltive beLefs(Bandura,1977a)l HoWever,even paltcipants whO dsageed thatthcy had been successttl in ttepast reponed ttЮ ngcr suppoHitt bttett h all ttcas aftcr wttchitt thc vid 6‑ ] W駈 ユ e tle averages h Table l incttasc(except Group 5),血 研e wtte individutt sndents whOse ratings decreased tel‐ wards,as shownお巳Table 2: Table 2:me number of sttdcnts whosc answers dccreased after tle video. httpi〃 www―w五th宮.betteley.eduttESL― E」/句19/al.h飼 2002/1/31 RepoHed Sellcr Chttgcs thl‐Ough Near Pcer Role A/1odehng 第 7頁 '共 15頁 Only a ttw scores decreased,except in the last categolly,in whch組 6f the scol‐ es that decreascd had bccn 5 or 4(‖ sttOngly agccH or‖ modttately ageeW)beおre the video and decreased by one point,We also see that most of these scores wtte low on the Hpast successH scale.We ttght posmlate thatthey had happrophately high expectatlons that were tempered by the htelwieweeslinsistence that rlllstakes were acceptable,thtt thcy didゴ t want to be pclfect,and th斑 血ey just wantcd to coIImuttcatc wel.If trlis pOSmlattOn is conect,we sce it as positive rather than ncgative, Part C Qualitative ComTInents Sttdents asO wЮ te comments aboutthe video h Secton C that asked,‖ 珊Ъat did yOu血 血k ofthe a few wげ peoplc血 山e video?H About 9570 ofthe coIIments wtte positve,alttough oftcn only with ds such as H邸 ●atil‖ or HItts cool‖ or HI wantto be li̲ke ttem."Only about 5%wα ●neuttal or doubぜ ul.A few expressed a difference of on:HSomeonc op血 sald that galmオis not impoltant for convttstton. But we need a basic ttaIImtt to have a conversatlon,Ithnk,H A few othtts 21t showed血 even these rinear peersti rnay havc been too enttusiasticaly in位'I dOn'tthhttk l can have as rnany 航datin宮 ギ i n t e r e s t s a s t t e I I l . T h e ye satreed sion tiEtsnthユ e.l‖ ‐ Thcir coIIments gcncrally positvely cxprcssed thett spcakcrs'fluency phsesu判 and enゃ w atthe video― and enttusiasm.The palticゎ antS Often went from HtheyH desttptons of the video spcakers abilites and behefs to HIH statements of destte to be like thcm or behave l並 e them,For example,one smdent sttd,WI 伍よ 山ey tte tte江 ,Ir銃 出y enw山 鋼 .Ettlish is some血 血宮I should oy c対leani曜 .I didゴ t likc Engttsh,butl should flnd a way to cn」 oy,H Anothcr smdent shOws modeLntt destte more expllcity in say血宮,1ll was sulpttsed to see the collcge students spcttdng nuent s cool,I want to be like English,Iど t h c m , H S u c h c o I I m c n t s r e i n f o r c c t h e c l a i m t h a t t h e p t t t c i p a飾e n tds tuhned e r s t o o d t t c v i d e os ― p c a k e r s , w i s h e d t o e m u l a t e t t e m , a n d 血c i dmc.n t n c d w i 山 Part C also asked,H恥 駈ch oDinions wtte mpressivc for The you?Ⅲ paltcipttts cited the spcakerぎ uttque statcments,which agtt cottlmed thcr comprchcnslon and rcspect,such sO.K toas:HIぜ make 血 stakcs.Enghsh is not my language.H HI dontt want to tstudゴ En[卦sh.H‖ To have interest is HI wantto have fun.‖ HWc should itttate anyone who speaks Enghsh.H HMyju述 的 o止ant.Ⅲ 研hgh "I dontt want to isttdy'Engttsh at thc school ttachtt was very ttce,so l wanted to smdy Engttsh.‖ HI went to tte movie中 desk= thcattr witt a tape recorder.H[‑7‑] Post obscrvations Arao condnued to teach these paltcipantsお r the rest of tte school year.We hcludc below an em適 messtte sent to hcr author co― concorung her post video obscrvationsi Bcfore l did tte opttilnent,I could not see any passlon in tteF attindes.On thc frst d響 o f t t e c o l l r s e , I h廿 a od d ut ch e m t血t e m s d v e s i sn h E hn ぶa s m a u g r o u D t t s t a n d t h e n 的t h c w h o l e c l a s s t B u t c v e r y b o d y t r i c d t o s p e a k a s b i e n y a s p O S s i b l e i S o l hey were not htttested in EngLsh at au,TherefOre,I was surpttsed to sce ttett comments and answers in the expettent,Most of them showed thatthey wcre ttvious of thc peoplc 血山e v i d e o a n d w a n t e d t o b e l i t t t h c m , S o l r e t t z c d t h血e a t士t t e y w e r e j u s t h d i passions and wished to improvc tlett Enttlish dcep down.This was a bitt pleasant discovett for me and l was modvtted to teach futther. Though the class was a ttst鋼 血g/speaking class,I had aLmostぶ Ven up havh宮的em speak E n g h s h b e f o r e t h e v i d e o a n d g a v e t t血 e gm pm ra ai cn tl cy e ,t At fs tt c釧r t h e v i d e o l s t a l t e d http:〃 www̲w五 tin宮 .bttkeley,edu/TESL― E」/句19/al.ht飼 2002/1/31 氏epoRec betterじ nanges urough Nettr rctt Role、 lodelln自 第 3貝 '共 15員 giving them a lot more actvites to spcak.Some male smdcnts still seemed unwilling to make a ttoup,but once they stalted,they wtte hto itt h/1ost sttdcnts,but cspeciany tte women,seemed to be en」 oyhtt speaking h a ttoup more than ttsterlmtt practce= Once the most almoyintt male smdcnt tOld me that he liked ttese spcaking actvites.I felt so happy to hear thatt Once the teachtt h anotter dass asked me how l could s p e a k E n g t t s h i n c l a s s , b e c a u s eo ms hsem dheentttsd hf lm‐ y c l a s s h a t tch e y w e l ‐ spe永 血E E n g h s h i e e l y i n m y cdl aists ,w抽 as funil thought that my actvities were st上 close to pattem work attuStng to the■ lcvels,but they seemed to at tieel山 they werc speaking freely in Engttsh.I realized that ethose actvities wel‐ way= successful in that Fttst of al,the expenment and thc feedback iom the smdents changed me,my way of l o o k l n g血 水e s m d e n t s , m o t t t h a n a n y t h h t t 距n a ncde dt tmayt wha抽 y ofteaching and the students more.① ersOnal correspondence) Thお ema1l message shows thtt research hvolvintt thenggathe■ of smdent views can also change teacher perceptons and teacher behaviors.This is a patt of what Murphey and Woo(1998a)call Hen工 c pcdattogy,H tte eIIlergmtt of ttfomation and tools thatlead one to attuSt and adapt teachintt as we along.Arao later estimated that before showhg the video she spent about 5%or less of class time on speaking actvites.After her classes saw the video,she ttaduauy hcreased the sm to about 3070 of the total class tme because sttdents seclned so engaged tt cd speaking it so and Ш much. Lコpttcations for teachers and suttgested research T h e r e h a s n o t b e e n m u c h r e s e a r c h o n h o w t e a c h e/ rh st t m tt to h th e gl op as bt Ot ud te n t s c u l t i v a t e useful behefs for language learmg(Barcclos,200は Murphey,1996b),NP回 旺htt is one way that teachtts mght cultvatt help血 l beliefs ttd at the same time discover lmportant details about tte士 students〕 as Arao did.Obtお nhg infollllation about sttdcntsi bclicfs and stratettes is a first step.The fmdhg ways ofledng othtt students know aboutthtt peers'hi宮 皿y successful sttategics and behefs is C r u 9 i a l t o s p r e a d t t e e駈l x c e n te hn ec征 e . 恥 崎 e ttsts of sttategies and behefs h thc literamr which wげ e used h this smdy,we suggest that these 11lative tte more when pclfo上 they emerge fl‐ om smdcnts themselves Qtturphey&Wo0 1998al.TeaChers have many opdons:tellttg stohes about cffectve learners,m速 山堪 newsletters of sttdent coIIments tKindt&Murphey,2000),血 Creasing smdent̲smdent interacton,sh施 Qに videohg smdentぎ 宮language lcaming histohes urphcy,1999),and convttsations 在 Q、 urphey,2001).[‐ 8‐ ] To cal15r this work fOttrard,more research is needed to understand howwttks NP〕 differendy 迎班ing witt d釘研ent goups and contexts,血 e many ways of prescntng NPttMs to learncrs〕 and what belicfs and capab血 d cs are most susceptible to chttge through NP躙 にng,Thel‐ e ttso needs to be more resettch on how tcachers,NS and NNS,can become NPRMs for thett 在 sttdents Q、 urphey&SattH, 1998)= W e h a v e p o s t t l a t e d t h a1t述tthtre, isnと i上 tSe と l述 O f aeg血 e述c 〕i 呼 ,inttrests,and sex enhances the 血にn s i t y o f i d e n d t t c a t l o n , H o w t o i n v i t c s m d c n t s t o i d e n t i f y m o t t c l o s e l y w i t h HdistancesH also needs exploratloni ln our smdy,we saw that models from dittcr envttoIIInents could bc cffectively used, Ths similttty and adコ 士atlon of ditterence wittin the salne models is appttendy what alows an obsα vtt to open up to tte creation of new idenddest According to Lave and Wenger(1996)i http://www‐ w五tin宮 .bげ―E」/衛19/al.httd 2002/1/31 Reported 5oュ cIじ nanges tlrough Nett Pctt ROle lvlodehng 第 り貝 ' 共 1 5 員 6on;it implies not only a As an aspect of social practlce,lealmng involves the whole pel‐ ― 並implies becoIIlln宮 relatlon to specific actlvitlcs〕 but a relatton to sociそ 述coIImun■ies― 。,, a klnd of person,… ,The parson is defined by as wcll as defmes these relatlons.To ittore せ工s aspect of learlllng is to ovedook the fact thatlealmng involves the constucton of identities(D.146‐ 147). W e c o n t c n d t l t t t l e s m d e n t s h t l i s s m d y a n d t h e t t t e a c h e r w e r e H d e]fHi n e d b y a s w e n ther new relations to language learmtt and each other̀They wcre constnicting thtt identities,as aエ 血 d i v i d u a l s a n d t t o u p s d o b y t t e a c t v i t e s d l e y e n g a (g se e血e a l S O P C I I n y c o o k , 2 0 0 1 , a n d h i s discussion of perfoェ 11lativity).HOWever,perhaps unlike mostttrOups whose consmctiOns are left more to chance oaSed on people whoust t」happttH to be around them),theSe sttdents wtte shown some specific NPA/1s who lnay have given them a ccrtaln dttccton and mpcms. Concluslon The hcrease in stengtt of the repolted― belicfs h Part A and B of the questionn血 陀and the coIIments h part C hdicate that students identified with tle speakers on tte video,and c expettment obsettatlons byぬ ごao corroborated that the士 they too could become Engttsh speaka閤 .Post― stronger behefs ttd resultant lnotivatlon seemed lastngo At the salne tlne,Arao refon■ ed her behefs about dle smdents;these new behefs and behaviors may have ttrther intensifled tte smdents' 血vestment h learnlng=A delayed questoIInare concelung these bdiefs given at a later point could have supported ttese claims and should be considered 的reby施 nsearchers.[‐ 9‑] 恥hat is it ttat one lcarns by observhtt peers?We suspect that one learns ttat ccrtam successes are 江they can be happy with small successes― they dontt have to be possible,Lcarners also fmd血 血 srated believtt that ttey have to be ttke nttve spetters.恥 ese leamings give them perlnlsslon to CCrtaln behaviors witt hopttl expectations,The weak mtelpretton of these results contends that 町 through showhtt NP配 にs sndents hcrease thett motvation」 byゴ 勧 班力?g Certtt behavlors,behefs, and strategies as possible for themselves,The sttong intelpretatton says tltt NPRMintt allows sttde to id鋭 泣 Iン材彦tle mOdcls,become hsptted,and themselves become more effectve learners.Both i n t e r光 pa賦 t t o n s p o i n t t e a c h eorms tahwea yt rfald‐ i t i o n a l p e l f e c t i ro en l io af n ca en d o no v te hr e― W i d e a l native speakerH and toward models IIlore approphate to smdentsi zones of proxlmal development (CoOk〕1999)= However,students also need to expenence success.Bandura(1977al hghlights Hperfomance t in addition to'lvicattous expα accompttshnenぜ denceH as a lnttOr source of胡 cacy:1「 Perfonnance accompttsilnents provide the rnost dependable sowce of ettcacy expectations because dley are based on onets own personal expenenccs,Success raises ① m a・8s 1t )c .r Wy h ユ te t pN eP c配 t伍tn tg o n s ‖ 将 Fovides students with ideas about appropttate tasks and steps for success,tcachers also need to be awtte of thett abihty to strtlcmtt actvites so that sttldents cxpttence 江 success ing is regulttly.N not a panacea,but prcsents sttdents with powelful Hidentificatory momentsH of possibility. 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CakeShij― 恥恥atis your nalne? mterviewerj‐ My nalne is Takcshi=* (Chikaj̲My nalne is Chika.″ mtervicwcrj―rve ttot sOmc qucsdons for you.* FukO)‐ My nalne is Yuko. 抵iElpomnt h leming Endish(Or a■y lanttage)?Do you ttink sttdying Ql‐恥Ъtt dO you ttin■ hard is very mpomnt? <Chika■ ―No,I donl dink sor Umm.Fttst of an,I think,to have intttcst is mott important. ―mtervicwcrj ttght. ……だnd en」 oy sttdying, ―mterviewerl sttdyin宮 ? ―「s ttpottant tt 加other go的 coun町 .球 dakeshi■ ‐mtcrviewerl tthat dO you think is lmportant 皿ュ h gle征 Enghsh,血en?,Wen,yeah,maybc to have http:〃 www―w五tin宮 ・ bttkeleytedulTESL― E」/句19/al.htd 2002/1/31 Repoltcd gellα changcs urough Nett Pccr Role A/1odcling 第 13貞 '共 15頁 dcstinanon Or tO have ttoal,likc,uhi… Illy desdnattOn is,no,Iny pulpose is to have fun,to have fun er,ぃ with people ttom otter counttt and uh,.,I wanna have funi matis it.So,yeah,whe or leal■ l especialy language,yeah l ty to have ttn and have fhend froln otter county or you know w a t c h n ゴS e s a m e S t t e e tI' ,d研 ontt wantto smdy,sttdy language at desk,on desk.ネ くYuko>/‐ mterviewerj… 血language leammg,any language,eri t twhat is the most impottant dling in language le航 ng? ‐■町)ortant thing?First of au,we should山 直tate.. ‐(いbViewerj ltttate・ …foreigners,your ttachげ ,or your friends? ―Anybody who can speak that lanttuage‐ natlve,or teacher,or fl‐ icndst ―mtervicwerj Even」 apanese who cantt do weu? ‐CII― ・・・ yCs,sOmcttes..・ ―mterviewerj And have you got some otlcr." ―Or donit hcsitate or aidafI‐ of making lnisttts,whcn you use Engttsh language or other languagest* Q2‑Hbw do you fecl about mttng ttstakes h Engtth?Do you fecl embttassed when IIllStakeS h ttont of natve speakers? <Chika■ ― Front of native speakcrs?In ttont of nttive speakers?No l donttso ttnd.But when l was hjuttor high and high school,I wasso emb倒 圧assed.* EKeiko> ―mterviewer)… .evcn h iont of nttve spcakers? ― N o 〕b c c a u s e r m n O t a n a t i v, ci sどs pq eu ai kt 釘 c n a m r a l t O m a k e r t t sytoauk emse 狙 a血m nd yuh… gaIImar,Aght? ― mterviewerl Rlght, ‐So l always think contOnts is the most lmpoltant tthg,so l make正 直Stぷ 〔 es if h lny Engttsh)it tdoesゴ botter me, ― mterviewerl So ifyour message is dclivered prop釘 狙be nnel* 町)山cn th筑 くYuko> ― ポS n O t m e r l s a y "ポs 恥 n o p r o b l,ebmu口 t l d ot ゴc t t e t 0 0 1 n u c h i * 恥 Cakesb lt〔 s embttassh宮,but uh,I donit care much,becausc itis not lny language,and ycah,I have been smdy血宮vcry lon宮 ,and..,but uh,we can ttve without Engttsh,so you know,171n not used to using Engttsh.So l dontt tinks iぜ a big deat l donit ctte rlluch,ネ sh? Enぶ Q3‑How are you so motvated to sndy くChib ‐ B e c a u s e m y j u t t o r h t t s c h o o l t e a c h e rc ew,aasn dv ell yc血 a l n c皿tEon glhesをh t S o l w a n t e d t o sttdy English.* dakcshi■ hHe was ttni He was駈 .he ttways brought,yeah,brought tte 岬 =Hc always bttgs,… g u i t a r t o t h e c l a s s . H e p l a y e d t h e g u i t a宮 r O fa n td h, ea t c lt ah se s ,b e vg ei r曲y c l a s s . A t e v e l y c l a wc sang,he made thc students sin畳 ,thc Bcates song and cr,..〔 ‐ mterviewerl Ettoyed lettnmg Enghsh? ぃY e a h , I t t t k ly cdaihd.〕…a n d e rt… o s h i s p e r s o n a l i t y m a k e s m eY olui kkcn ohwi,n1,l… ke his class,I like him,I like Ls class,山 en l like Eittlishi SO I smdy Enghsh,… ,and l becalne good at E n g L s h , y o u k n o w , I c o u l d g e t a h g h s c o t t a t t h e t e s t , b e c a u s e l t働 tュ kIc d E n g l i s h a n studied English lnuch IIlore.Iど s hke a good cttclet… cu‐ culatton.* EKciko> http:〃 www―w五位ng.bttkeley,edu/TESL― E」/句19/al.h廿 述 2002/1/31 ▲` γ Yと し ウー ヤ V準 ▼A V・ ■― ■ ぅ vじ 叫ユ Ψいら■■■■V●uエ レウと と、Ψュし ■マ ュ∪uuユ 15 P17■ ■ 炉 く ′ ブ ヽ 上」 歩く ‐ Well,yeah,It血 よ movies realy宮ood.恥Ъen l was a teenagcr,and er.… my English was reany bad and l realy wanted to speak Enghsh because l found an Australian fhendi l used to go tO the movic theatre with a tape record研 , ― mterviewerj With a tape recordげ ― un huh,and I ‐ mterviewerj sO that you could ttcord it・ ‐and l used to ttsten to the tape at home like thousand ttnes, ― mterviewcrj Over and over again? j ―Yeah ― mterviewerl SO,you memohsed it? ―I could even recite.* Qtt Do you ttink gOing abroad is necessary tt be a good speaker ofEnglish? くChika■ ‐Iぜ s diSicult to answer,but s oneiぜ way ofbehg a宮 ood Engttsh spcaker. ‐●血研宙ewerj SO,even f youを 通 h」apan,iぜ s possible to sttdy Engttsh?/― I think so, Appendix B Video QueStiOttaire Secton A Please mark the answers for each sentence:1=strongly ttsagee 2=moderately disagee 3=neithα agree nor disa邸 ●e4=moderately agree 5=s廿 o五gly agree l have been successfulin lcttE Engttsh. 12345 1 aII confldent to improve my English fom■ ow On,12345 [ ‑ 1 4]‐ Psychologists tel us that sttldents whO succeed a lot,usually have vely strong role models 血e l n = R o l e m o d e s a r e p e o p l e w h o t t e y r e s p e c t a n dh ewna ntthteo rboel el imkoed.e恥 ls already r e s e m b l e t h e p e r s o n t t m a n y w a y s , t h e y c r e a t e. Ienv eont hmeorr ew odredss並 ,the best role mOdels are people who are peers(aboutthe same age and stams)and who are doing hings that you wanttOt You wantto be Ш(e theEl,nOt completely,but h some chal‐ acttstcs.For ex価 中le,maybe another student speaks up quickly and you wtttto lw and do the same.You admire this smdent's ability to do 伍 s and ttr this they tte a role model,but ptthaps not fOr other thttgs. Section B Please cttcle tle answersお r each sentence i l=strongly ttsagree 2=modttately disagee 3=ncithcr aEttc nor disagee 4=moderately agee 5・ =strongly agree Making回 益takes ln Engttsh is O.K. 12345 IttS宮 00d iO have goas h lea̲宮 Enghshl 12345 SpC施 宮Engttsh is台 ょ n 12345 Japanese can become good speatts Of BngLsh.12345 Section C Plcase」ve corlments after wat働 血g the video.恥 hat did you ttnk of tte pcoplc h tte video?Which opi血ons were mpressive for you?[more space provided] http:〃 www̲whdng.bel‐keley,edu′ 阻 SL―E」/句19/al.h飼 2002/1/31 Afttt watching tle video,please answer Secton A and Secton B agai早 ,ThiS time,please mark tte k on top of the previous answers, answげs with an X.If you want to mark dle salne polnts,mal‐ About tte Audlors T i m M 叩 随 y t a u g h t a t N a n z a n U t,t」 av pc ar ns ,Ⅲf o r l l y e a r s b e f o宮 rteo mYouva血n Z e U t t v t t i t y i n T a i w a n i n 2 0 0 1 . H c i s c l l r e n d y t山e h e IeEdSiOtLo rP rfo研 fesslonal Development h Language 倒 acl皿 an Lanど Educatton senes and has books pubhshed wit1 0LIP,Lon邸Lいに 型ageHouse,and Peter culmr述山eOry血1触guage Lang.He presendy is explorlng practica ttphcations kian of socio― Vygo低 teaching. Hiroko Arao received her MAom fl‐ Nanzan Uttversity and is presendy working on her PhD血 Graduate School of lntematonal Development of Nagoya Uttversity.Her fleld is Enghsh education h 」 apan;her special intttest is affectve factors h learnlng EngLsh. rests with authors.Please TESL dに E」 appropnaにly. Note:Dashed■ umbers tt square brackets lndlcate tle end of each page for purposes of Remm to Tableば Contellts Remm to Ttt Remm to Mお n Page 15‑] [‐ www‐whting,berl● http:〃 E」/句19/al.httd― 2002/1/31