DEL DISTRITO JUDICIAL DE AREQUIPA -AREQUIPA. 2015. INFORME DE INVESTIGACIÓN PARA OPTAR EL TÍTULO PROFESIONAL DE ABOGADO AUTOR NOLBERTO FRANCISCO CASTRO BERNAL ASESORA Abg. ANA MARÍA CALDERÓN CORNEJO AREQUIPA -PERÚ 2015 1 JURADO EVALUADOR ………………………………………………. Presidente ……………………………………………………………. Secretario …………………………………………………………….. Miembro 2 AGRADECIMIENTO A Dios y mi Familia: A dios por darme el ánimo y fortaleza para avanzar en el duro día a día, a mi esposa por el empuje y apoyo incondicional, a mi hijo por su comprensión a mi mamacita que desde el cielo me guía y seré como ella quería verme PROFESIONAL Gracias. A mis compañeros de la facultad de DERECHO: Por la perseverancia para avanzar, con la finalidad de alcanzar el objetivo final, y por el ánimo contagiante. Nolverto Francisco Castro Bernal 3 Palabras clave: calidad, Divorcio por Causal, motivación y sentencia. ABSTRACT 5 The overall study was to analyze if the quality of the judgment of Absolute Divorce Separation by causal Made issued in the first instance by the 3rd Specialized in civil court of Arequipa , the record n ° 01520-2011-0-JR-FC-02, are adapted to the relevant theoretical and normative referents. the methodology used in our thesis project was descriptive, which consisted of an intensive examination of the characteristics of the object of study in this case is the judgment for Absolute Divorce Separation Made causal , the results show that the judgments in study , show a relevant heading , the claims of the parties are settled based on the points tested in court , the judgments show a motivational relevance of the facts and the assessment of the evidence ; motivation applied relevant law, the relevant application of case law related to the case , the relevant application of the doctrine on the case , the relevant principle of procedural consistency , the decision relevant form, and the subject of the challenge or the consultation evidence.