Program Generation with Class

1997, Informatik aktuell

We have implemented a program generation library for polymorphically typed functional languages with lazy evaluation. The library combinators perform program generation by partial evaluation, a technique which allows the generation of highly-customized and efficient specialized output programs from general, parameterized input programs. Previously implemented program generation libraries for polymorphically typed languages have either required dynamic typing or been in the context of specially designed program generation languages. In contrast, our library has been implemented in Gofer, a widely available functional language. Moreover, we exploit multi-parameter constructor classes which are part of Gofer's type system to construct program generators that are bindingtime polymorphic. An appropriate polymorphic binding-time analysis can provide the necessary type annotations to specify these properties. However, we designed and implemented a minor extension of Gofer's type reconstruction mechanism that can automatically infer binding times.

Program Generation With Class Peter Thiemann and Michael Sperber Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut, Universität Tübingen Sand 13, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany fthiemann,[email protected] Abstract. We have implemented a program generation library for polymorphically typed functional languages with lazy evaluation. The library combinators perform program generation by partial evaluation, a technique which allows the generation of highly-customized and efficient specialized output programs from general, parameterized input programs. Previously implemented program generation libraries for polymorphically typed languages have either required dynamic typing or been in the context of specially designed program generation languages. In contrast, our library has been implemented in Gofer, a widely available functional language. Moreover, we exploit multi-parameter constructor classes which are part of Gofer’s type system to construct program generators that are bindingtime polymorphic. An appropriate polymorphic binding-time analysis can provide the necessary type annotations to specify these properties. However, we designed and implemented a minor extension of Gofer’s type reconstruction mechanism that can automatically infer binding times. Partial evaluation [2, 9] is an automatic program transformation technique which improves programs when given part of their input. Typically, a source program p has two inputs ins and ind where ins is available early, statically, and ind is available late, dynamically. A partial evaluator spec specializes p with respect to ins such that JpK ins ind = JJspecK p insK ind. The intention is that the specialized (or residual) program JspecK p ins computes the result more efficiently than the source program applied to the entire input. Offline partial evaluation stages specialization into a binding-time analysis and a specialization phase. The binding-time analysis transforms p into p-ann, given the information that ins is statically known—regardless of the particular value of ins. It marks each part of p as either static (executable at specialization time) or dynamic (executable at run time; the specializer must generate code for it). Consequently, for offline partial evaluation, spec is an interpreter of annotated programs. In addition to being an aggressive optimization technique, offline partial evaluation is a rather general approach to program generation: The dynamic parts of a program function as templates for the generated programs with the specializer filling in the static parts at program generation time. One way to implement partial evaluation is to transform p-ann into a generating extension p-gen. The generating extension is a specializer customized to specializing p with respect to its static input: JpK ins ind = JJp-genK insK ind. Either self-application of a partial evaluator or a hand-written program generator generator (PGG, cogen) [1,10] can generate such a generating extension. The PGG approach is attractive because of two reasons: Static constructs can run directly rather than having to go through interpretation. Also, the generation extension can exploit the presence of a library of specialization combinators [5,15], each of which defines the behavior of one specific annotated language construct. Effectively, a specialization combinator library allows the annotated program to be the generating extension. Previous specialization combinator libraries [5, 15] are implemented in languages with dynamic typing. A major drawback of existing libraries is that their combinators are binding-time-monovariant: each construct carries one fixed annotation assigned by the binding-time analysis. In contrast, recent developments in binding-time analysis have given rise to polymorphic binding-time analysis [4] which does not have that restriction. There is an ad-hoc implementation of a PGG using an extension of that binding-time analysis [3]. To summarize, our contributions are the following: 1. We introduce simple combinators for binding-time-monovariant generating extensions, using standard ML-typed programs. 2. We show how to exploit Gofer’s multi-parameter constructor classes [7] to implement binding-time-polyvariant generating extensions. 3. We demonstrate how to extend Gofer’s type system to also perform automatic binding-time analysis as a by-product of type reconstruction. 1 Binding-Time-Monovariant Program Generation ML-style parametric polymorphism is sufficient to express binding-time-monovariant program generation: Each expression in the generating extension only works for one specific set of binding times for its parameters. We motivate the combinators needed with a simple example and show how to implement the remaining combinators required for general program generation. 1.1 Motivation Consider the power function, written in Gofer: power :: Int -> Int -> Int power n x = if n==0 then 1 else x*power (n-1) x With a fixed n at, say, 2, a generating extension based on power should come up with power2. power2 :: Int -> Int power2 x = x*x*1 1.2 Simple Program Generation The construction of an appropriate generator requires a binding-time analysis. Since n is static the test n==0 and hence the conditional are also static. The same holds for the subtraction n-1. Everything else is dynamic. Therefore, a generating extension would look like this: power_gen_SD :: Int -> Code -> Code power_gen_SD n x = if n==0 then liftD 1 else multD x (power_gen_SD (n-1) x) Here, liftD 1 converts the generation-time value 1 to an expression whose value is 1 and multD constructs the code for a multiplication. Given suitable definitions for liftD and multD (shown in Section 1.4) the expression power_gen_SD 2 (MkVar "x") evaluates to a representation of x*x*1. 1.3 Representing Code Program generation requires a code representation. The Code datatype represents a small applied lambda calculus: data Code = MkInt Int | MkVar String | MkLam String Code | MkApp Code Code | MkIf Code Code Code ------ integer constants variables abstraction application conditional Names like +, *, etc. are implicitly bound to appropriate definitions. The function multiApp simplifies the construction of code generating functions. multiApp :: [Code] -> Code multiApp = foldl1 MkApp The paper uses standard Gofer syntax to represent generated programs. Code generation will ultimately need to generate fresh names in the output code. Hence, the specialization combinators will return instances of a code generation monad rather than just a Code object. The code generation monad CodeGen a is a supply for fresh names as an instance of a state transformer with unit and bind operations resultC and bindC: data CodeGen a = CodeGen (NameSupply -> (a, NameSupply)) type NameSupply = Int resultC :: c -> CodeGen c resultC c = CodeGen (nn -> (c, n)) bindC :: CodeGen a -> (a -> CodeGen b) -> CodeGen b bindC (CodeGen m) f = CodeGen ((n(c, n) -> let CodeGen m' = f c in m' n) . m) runC :: CodeGen a -> a runC (CodeGen st) = fst (st 0) newVar :: CodeGen String newVar = CodeGen ((nn -> ('v':show n, n)) . (+1)) The newVar operation generates a fresh variable name. The function runC runs a code-generating computation and returns the resulting code. The transition to the CodeGen monad incurs that all dynamic constructs need to return a CodeGen Code instead of Code. mkInt = resultC . MkInt mkVar = resultC . MkVar mkLam v e = resultC (MkLam v e) mkApp e1 e2 = resultC (MkApp e1 e2) mkIf e1 e2 e3 = resultC (MkIf e1 e2 e3) multiAppC = resultC . multiApp The appropriate instance declarations make CodeGen into a proper monad so that do notation works for it: instance Functor CodeGen where map f (CodeGen t) = CodeGen (nn -> let (x, n') = t n in (f x, n')) instance Monad CodeGen where result = resultC bind = bindC 1.4 Monovariant Specialization Combinators The power gen SD generator in Section 1.1 requires definitions for liftD which constructs a residual constant from an integer, and multD which constructs a residual multiplication: liftD liftD multD multD :: Int -> CodeGen Code = mkInt :: CodeGen Code -> CodeGen Code -> CodeGen Code x y = do f c1 <- x; y <- c2; multiAppC [MkVar "*", c1, c2] g More advanced program generation requires a dynamic conditional operator ifD: ifD :: CodeGen Code -> CodeGen Code -> CodeGen Code -> CodeGen Code ifD i t e = do f c0 <- i; c1 <- t; c2 <- e; mkIf c0 c1 c2 g The ifD combinator allows the formulation of dynamic recursion. However, its naive use in a realistic settings (using Gofer recursion to model dynamic recursion) immediately leads to non-termination. Hence, dynamic recursion requires a fixD operator for dynamic fixpoints, and, for good measure, lambdaD for dynamic abstraction. fixD and lambdaD make use of higher-order abstract syntax [11, 12, 15] which delegates all questions of binding and scoping to the Gofer interpreter. Without higherorder abstract syntax, program generators would have to encode all variable references. lambdaD f = do f v <- newVar; b <- f (mkVar v); mkLam v b g applyD f a = do f f0 <- f; a0 <- a; mkApp f0 a0 g fixD f = do f v <- newVar; b <- f (mkVar v); mkApp (MkVar "fix") (MkLam v b) g The functions lambdaD and fixD acquire fresh variable names before constructing the respective bodies. The construction happens by applying the function f to a code generator which constructs a residual variable reference to the fresh variable. Finally, the construct itself is generated. Now runC (power_gen_DS (MkVar "n") 7) evaluates to: fix (nv1 -> nv2 -> if v2==0 then 1 else 7*v1 (v2-1)) 2 Polyvariant Specialization Combinators The combinators that we have developed so far are monovariant with respect to their binding-time properties. This means that source functions which need to generate code for several different binding times for their arguments require multiple generators for the same function. Polymorphic binding-time analysis [4,6] addresses this shortcoming. It attaches a symbolic binding-time value to each expression. We use constructor classes to propagate the necessary binding-time information at generation time. The goal is to use a single program generator function power_gen_XX which can Int Int, Int Code Code, be used at all of the following types: Int Code Int Code, and Code Code Code. The additional requirements for polyvariant specialization combinators are: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! – an expression lift 1 in the program must stand both for an integer and for code, – the multiplication operator * must stand once for multiplication and once for a code constructor, – a cond function for conditionals must be able to accept code as a condition, – an equality function that can generate code as well as a boolean result. 2.1 Lifting A type class Liftable with instances for Int and CodeGen Code. This class requires multiple parameters, and is therefore specific to Gofer. class Liftable a b where lift :: b -> a Obviously, the identity function covers all cases where lift x must stand for x. Integers lift to code by virtue of the appropriate code constructor. instance lift = instance lift = Liftable a a where id Liftable (CodeGen Code) Int where mkInt 2.2 Primitive Operations For primitive operations on numbers, code generators need to be an instance of the type class Num. Two auxiliary functions define unary and binary operators. unop name x = do f c1 <- x; multiAppC [MkVar name, c1] g binop name x y = do f c1 <- x; c2 <- y; multiAppC [MkVar name, c1, c2] g instance Num (CodeGen Code) where x + y = binop "(+)" x y x - y = binop "(-)" x y x * y = binop "(*)" x y x / y = binop "(/)" x y negate x = unop "negate" x fromInteger i = mkInt i 2.3 Conditional Like the definition Liftable of lift, there is a type class Conditional for the conditional. Conditional a b denotes that there is a conditional cond where a is the result type of the test, and b is the result type of the conditional itself: class Conditional a b where cond :: a -> b -> b -> b The first instance describes the static conditional which is just an if expression. instance Conditional Bool b where cond i t e = if i then t else e The second instance describes the dynamic conditional which generates code from code: instance Conditional (CodeGen Code) (CodeGen Code) where cond = ifD 2.4 Equality Unlike the case for Num above, the standard class Eq is unsuitable for characterizing comparisons because the result type of Eq comparisons is always Bool. However, in the context of code generation, it may have to return code. Again, a multi-parameter type class is required. class Equality a b where eq :: a -> a -> b instance eq x y instance eq x y Eq a => Equality a Bool where = x == y Equality (CodeGen Code) (CodeGen Code) where = binop "(==)" x y 2.5 Functions The definition of a class for functions lambda and apply needs to abstract from the function type constructor in order to give sensible typings in the standard function case. In this case a multi-parameter constructor class is necessary. class Function f a b where apply :: f a b -> a -> b lambda :: (a -> b) -> f a b The instance that covers standard functions implements the apply function by application and lambda by the identity. instance Function (->) a b where apply f x = f x lambda f = f The instance for code is slightly more problematic since it requires a binary type constructor for code: data CodeGen2 a b = MkCodeGen2 (CodeGen Code) fromCodeGen2 :: CodeGen2 a b -> CodeGen Code fromCodeGen2 (MkCodeGen2 x) = x instance Function CodeGen2 (CodeGen Code) (CodeGen Code) where apply f a = do f x1 <- fromCodeGen2 f; x2 <- a; mkApp x1 x2 g lambda f = MkCodeGen2 ( do s <- newVar e <- f (mkVar s) mkLam s e ) 2.6 Fixpoints Using this encoding for functions a fixpoint operator becomes feasible: class Function f a a => Fix f a where fix :: f a a -> a fix g = apply g (fix g) instance Fix (->) a instance Fix CodeGen2 (CodeGen Code) where fix g = do f c <- fromCodeGen2 g; mkApp (MkVar "fix") c g 2.7 Synthesis With the now complete combinator library, a maximally polymorphic generator for power is straightforward: power_gen_XX n x = apply (fix (nf -> lambda (nn -> cond (eq n (lift 0)) (lift 1) ((lift x) * (apply f (n - (lift 1))))))) n It has the following type which Gofer infers automatically: power_gen_XX :: (Fix (->) (f n r), Conditional b r, Num r, Function f n r, Num n, Liftable r x, Liftable r Int, Equality n b, Liftable n Int) => n -> x -> r Gofer can use power_gen_XX at all the types advertised above. Hence, it can evaluate all of the following expressions. power_gen_XX 3 2 8 runC (power_gen_XX x*x*1 runC (power_gen_XX fix f -> n runC (power_gen_XX fix f -> n =) =) =) =) n n n n 2 (mkVar "x")) (mkVar "n") 4) -> if n==0 then 1 else 4*f (n-1) (mkVar "n") (mkVar "x")) -> x -> if n==0 then 1 else x*f (n-1) n Our approach to overloading the function type constructor generalizes to overloading product and sum construction. The actual class and instance declarations are very similar to the declarations for class Function and have therefore been omitted from the paper. 3 Improvement Unfortunately, the above combinators often lead to program generators for which the Gofer type inference engine cannot infer a type fully automatically. Specifically the multi-parameter class Function is a major source of ambiguity. For example, the expression n identity = lambda ( z -> z) has type identity :: Function f a a => f a a. If we apply identity to anything, the type checker can probably resolve a to Int or CodeGen Code. However, it is not able to determine the correct instance to use since it cannot infer f. Conversely, the overloading in the expression runC (fromCode2 identity) cannot be resolved, either. Here, f is instantiated to CodeGen2, but it is impossible to determine an instantiation for a. We use the technique of improvement to make type inference more effective. Improvement [8] allows the type checker to instantiate type variables in contexts if there is only instance that fits the already instantiated type variables. The goal is to perform subsequent context simplification. In our second case, where f is instantiated to CodeGen2 the only remaining possibility for a is (CodeGen Code). Hence, improvement solves the second problem. The first problem is not always amenable to improvement. If a is instantiated to Int, say, then the only possible instantiation for f is ->. If a is CodeGen Code then both instantiations of f (function or code) are possible and improvement cannot help. To deal with this situation, we have enhanced the type checker by a method which is standard practice in binding-time analysis. First, we use improvement as far as possible to propagate the dynamic binding time. If that is no longer possible we start instantiating the occurrences of f in a Function a b context to -> until all type variables of higher kind are instantiated. We proceed accordingly for other similar contexts (for pairs, sums, etc). We have modified the type checker of the Gofer interpreter to perform improvement with a bias to binding-time analysis. This modified version infers the type of the expression runC (fromCode2 identity) to be Code. It discovers that f in the predicate Function f a a is instantiated to CodeGen2 and therefore instantiates a to CodeGen Code (as specified in the instance declaration for Function). We have yet to perform experiments on larger programs to assess the effectiveness of the technique in more realistic settings. 4 Related Work Writing program generator generators directly has proven a viable approach to partial evaluation [1, 5, 10, 15]. All of these works describe binding-time-monovariant PGGs. Also, the library-based proposals [5, 15] both depend on the dynamic typing discipline provided by the implementation language Scheme. Nelson, Sheard, and Taha [13, 14] propose programming languages specifically tailored to and program generation. The programmer must explicitly provide binding-time annotations; there is no automatic binding-time analysis. In these languages, generated programs are always type-correct. All the above approaches deal exclusively with strict languages. In fact, we are not aware of any specializer for a lazy language which our approach provides for free. Polymorphic binding-time analysis [4] results in annotated programs with symbolic annotations. A corresponding program generator propagates actual binding-time values at generation time [3]. It cannot benefit from using the natural representation of static values (one important advantage of the PGG approach for typed languages) since the type of such a generator, when written using just ML-style parametric polymorphism, cannot express the dependency of the type on the actual binding-time values (if the binding-time parameter has value “dynamic” then the type is code, otherwise if the binding-time parameter has value “static” then the type is integer, for example). The polymorphic binding-time analysis [4] also uses qualified types in order to express binding-time constraints. However, the information inherent in these qualified types is not carried over to the specialization phase. 5 Conclusion The PGG approach relying on denotational implementations of constructs of an annotated language seamlessly carries over to polymorphically typed languages. 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