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This book aims to explain the nature of litigation within maternity care in Britain. Litigation is one of the health service's most pressing concerns and obstetric litigation has been one of its prominent features. The book, with a foreword by Professor Bridgit Dimond, is divided into two parts. Part 1: Accountability and the law. Part 2: Obstetric litigation from A-Z.
Revista Exitus, 2020
A diferenciação pedagógica é uma abordagem ao ensino em sala de aula que tem sido apontada como relevante na promoção da participação e sucesso de todos os alunos. É, por essa razão, muitas vezes descrita como uma componente essencial das práticas inclusivas. Contudo, apesar das evidências positivas do seu efeito no desempenho dos alunos, quer em termos acadêmicos, quer em termos pessoais, os professores tendem a implementá-la pouco. Uma das razões apontadas para que os professores não desenvolvam frequentemente práticas de diferenciação pedagógica na sala de aula é a falta de clarificação desse conceito, que deu origem a uma representação desalinhada dos princípios da diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva. Assim, torna-se importante esclarecer o que se entende, de fato, por diferenciação pedagógica no contexto da educação inclusiva. Para esse efeito, será apresentado o modelo de diferenciação pedagógica segundo a proposta de Tomlinson (2008), por configurar uma visão mais integrada e ...
Academia Letters, 2021
Increasing water supply for various development needs often has two consequences. The first response is to reduce water consumption through diverse programs by innovating technology for water efficiency, such as water-saving irrigation techniques. Reducing water use can also be done through incentive and disincentive mechanisms, for example, providing water price reductions for commercial water users whose water needs fulfilling by direct rainwater (rainwater harvesting). On the other hand, setting the price of deep well water and/or PDAM water is quite expensive for water users for commercial purposes (industry, hotels, malls) that do not use rainwater directly. In addition to the things mentioned above, public campaigns to conserve water use can also be done by control the amount of water used for domestic needs. The second response to the need for water is by developing and improving the supply of water resources. The second effort or response becomes the focus of integrated water resource conservation activities. Programs and/or actions to respond to these two, in principle, are carried out through two water resources conservation efforts, namely conservation efforts by vegetative means and water resources conservation efforts by technical civil or non-vegetative conservation efforts. The water resources conservation programs mentioned above are one of the significant focuses in implementing integrated watershed management. Land cover arrangements, both location and area, also the type of vegetation/land arrangement, will determine how much the rate will occur. This process is an expected natural water resource conservation technique because of its low cost. However, considering that the natural water conservation method has not yielded the expected results, the construction of water storage facilities with reservoirs, retention ponds, basins, and lakes as an effort to conserve water resources must also be carried out. In the future, if both vegetative and non-vegetative attempts are not enough, then seawater desalinization and deep groundwater injection will become inevitable. Although it builds at a high cost, the technique of conserving water resources using a construction/civil engineering approach, for example, the construction of a dam, is more beneficial for the people living in the vicinity. They can use water directly from the reservoir/retention pond for domestic purposes, agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, and even to produce mini hydroelectric power if technically possible. In addition, the water storage building facilities also function as a means of infiltration of groundwater and at the same time controlling flooding in the downstream watershed area. Controlling and regulating human activities to be pro-environment through policy instruments is far more urgent than just building infrastructure and answering the root of the main problem (Pambudi, 2021b). In addition to the importance of the availability of water resources, the aspect of water quality is not less significant in integrated watershed management. Sources of pollution of river water and/or other water bodies are as follows, water pollution from household waste and pollution from industrial activities (point source pollution), and river water pollution due to agricultural activities and land use-based activities in the catchment area. Sources of water pollution caused by land-based activities, especially land conversion and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, are known as non-point sources of pollution. Control and/or prevention of river water pollution from household waste and industrial activities (point source pollution), can be effectively carried out through government regulatory mechanisms as long as their implementation is consistent with strict law enforcement. However, this is not the case with handling river water pollution from non-point sources. For the latter case, the cause is more complex because apart from covering a large area, water pollution occurs due to the interaction of multi-factors, such as agricultural land use, livestock, mining, soil erosion, and landslides. Therefore, it is more appropriate to control river water pollution from non-point sources with an integrated watershed management approach because the management focuses on stabilizing water and soil systems and improving the quality of surface and groundwater.
Türkiyat araştırmalar enstitüsü, 2018
Populations within the microbial world relate to each other in various ways. Although many of them will be neutralistic toward each other by not interacting in any way, others will establish relationships that are quite different.
Caderno Seminal
Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre alguns desafios enfrentados pela escola pública para garantir o acesso da leitura literária aos estudantes, em contexto de retorno às aulas presenciais após o período mais agudo da pandemia por Covid-19. Para tanto, considera a utilização de estratégias de leitura que promovam a proficiência leitora, a partir de uma perspectiva sociointerativa-cognitivista do processo de leitura, respaldada por estudos teóricos de Solé (1998) e Tedesco (2012/2013). Para tecer considerações sobre a formação de hábitos de leitura, a pesquisa apresenta a análise de dados extraídos de um questionário aplicado entre março e abril de 2022 para 84 alunos, não identificados, de 6º ano de duas escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino do Rio de Janeiro[1], fundamentando-se na pesquisa de Paulino e Cosson (2009/2020/2021) no que se refere ao conceito de letramento literário. Alguns dos resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de garantir maior frequência dos estudantes à Sa...
Odyssey XIII--XVI: The Plan of Athena and the Plan of Odysseus I.
Proyecto Curricular de Centro Tercer Ciclo de Educación Primaria.
akademija, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas Tilžės g. 18, LT-47181 Kaunas; tel. (8~37) 36 34 08; el. paštas: [email protected] 2 Maisto saugos ir gyvūnų higienos katedra, Veterinarijos akademija, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas Tilžės g. 18, LT-47181 Kaunas 3 Neužkrečiamųjų ligų katedra, Veterinarijos akademija, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas Tilžės g. 18, LT-47181 Kaunas Santrauka. Meino meškėnų katės buvo šeriamos sausu visaverčiu ėdalu "Nature's protection", kurio sudėtyje buvo 1,5 proc. klinoptilolito. Bandymas atliktas skirtingais fiziologinės būklės periodais-ramybės, katingumo ir laktacijos. Suėsto ėdalo ir išskirtų išmatų kiekis, maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumas, kraujo biocheminiai ir morfologiniai rodikliai buvo nustatomi bandymo pradžioje ir minėtais fiziologinės būklės periodais. Kačių, kurios gavo klinoptilolito priedą, išmatose buvo daugiau sausosios medžiagos: ramybės būklės metu-21,16 proc., arba 1,27 proc. (p<0,05), katingumo peri...