arXiv:0810.4460v2 [cs.PL] 24 May 2014
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Logics for XML
Pierre Genevès
Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Software Systems from the Institut National
Polytechnique de Grenoble. Dissertation prepared at the Institut National
de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Montbonnot, France. Thesis
defended on the 4th of December 2006.
Board of examiners:
Giorgio Ghelli
Denis Lugiez
Makoto Murata
Christine Collet
Vincent Quint
Nabil Layaı̈da
Ph.D. advisor
Invited Member
This thesis describes the theoretical and practical foundations of a system
for the static analysis of XML processing languages. The system relies on
a fixpoint temporal logic with converse, derived from the µ-calculus, where
models are finite trees. This calculus is expressive enough to capture regular
tree types along with multi-directional navigation in trees, while having a single
exponential time complexity. Specifically the decidability of the logic is proved
in time 2O(n) where n is the size of the input formula.
Major XML concepts are linearly translated into the logic: XPath navigation and node selection semantics, and regular tree languages (which include
DTDs and XML Schemas). Based on these embeddings, several problems of
major importance in XML applications are reduced to satisfiability of the logic.
These problems include XPath containment, emptiness, equivalence, overlap,
coverage, in the presence or absence of regular tree type constraints, and the
static type-checking of an annotated query.
The focus is then given to a sound and complete algorithm for deciding the
logic, along with a detailed complexity analysis, and crucial implementation
techniques for building an effective solver. Practical experiments using a full
implementation of the system are presented. The system appears to be efficient
in practice for several realistic scenarios.
The main application of this work is a new class of static analyzers for programming languages using both XPath expressions and XML type annotations
(input and output). Such analyzers allow to ensure at compile-time valuable
properties such as type-safety and optimizations, for safer and more efficient
XML processing.
Cette thèse présente les fondements théoriques et pratiques d’un système pour
l’analyse statique de langages manipulant des documents et données XML. Le
système s’appuie sur une logique temporelle de point fixe avec programmes inverses, dérivée du µ-calcul modal, dans laquelle les modèles sont des arbres finis.
Cette logique est suffisamment expressive pour prendre en compte les langages
réguliers d’arbres ainsi que la navigation multidirectionnelle dans les arbres,
tout en ayant une complexité simplement exponentielle. Plus précisément, la
décidabilité de cette logique est prouvée en temps 2O(n) où n est la taille de la
formule dont le statut de vérité est déterminé.
Les principaux concepts de XML sont traduits linéairement dans cette
logique. Ces concepts incluent la navigation et la sémantique de sélection
de noeuds du langage de requêtes XPath, ainsi que les langages de schémas
(incluant DTD et XML Schema). Grâce à ces traductions, les problèmes
d’importance majeure dans les applications XML sont réduits à la satisfaisabilité de la logique. Ces problèmes incluent notamment l’inclusion, la satisfaisabilité, l’équivalence, l’intersection, le recouvrement des requêtes, en présence
ou en l’absence de contraintes régulières d’arbres, et le typage statique d’une
requête annotée.
Un algorithme correct et complet pour décider la logique est proposé, accompagné d’une analyse détaillée de sa complexité computationnelle, et des
techniques d’implantation cruciales pour la réalisation d’un solveur efficace en
pratique. Des expérimentations avec l’implantation complète du système sont
présentées. Le système apparaı̂t efficace et utilisable en pratique sur plusieurs
scénarios réalistes.
La principale application de ce travail est une nouvelle classe d’analyseurs
statiques pour les langages de programmation utilisant des requêtes XPath et
des types réguliers d’arbres. De tels analyseurs permettent de s’assurer, au
moment de la compilation, de propriétés importantes comme le typage correct
des programmes ou leur optimisation, pour un traitement plus sûr et plus
efficace des données XML.
This manuscript presents my research work done at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France), from
November 2003 to September 2006, within the WAM research project. The
work was supported by a personal Ph.D. grant from the french ministry for
research (Ministère délégué à la Recherche).
This manuscript focuses on presenting the main results obtained for the
static analysis of XML specifications using logical formalisms. The list of the
main articles and communications I have authored or co-authored during my
Ph.D. thesis follows. Some results are not presented in this manuscript (in
particular, during this period I have spent several months at IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center, New York, United States, working on scalable runtime XML
processing architectures, for which I received an IBM invention achievement
Main Publications
[1] Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaı̈da, and Alan Schmitt. Efficient Static Analysis of XML Paths and Types. To appear in PLDI’07: Proceedings of
the 2007 ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, San Diego, California, USA, June 2007. ACM Press.
[2] Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaı̈da. A system for the static analysis
of XPath. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 24(4),
October 2006.
[3] Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaı̈da. Deciding XPath containment with
MSO. To Appear in Elsevier Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE),
[4] Pierre Genevès and Nabil Layaı̈da. Comparing XML Path Expressions.
In DocEng’06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Document
Engineering, pages 65–74, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006.
ACM Press.
[5] Pierre Genevès and Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose. Compiling XPath for
streaming access policy. In DocEng ’05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM
Symposium on Document Engineering, pages 52–54, Bristol, UK, November 2005. ACM Press.
[6] Pierre Genevès and Jean-Yves Vion-Dury. Logic-based XPath optimization. In DocEng’04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, pages 211–219, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, October
2004. ACM Press.
[7] Pierre Genevès and Jean-Yves Vion-Dury. XPath formal semantics and
beyond: A Coq-based approach. In TPHOLs ’04: Emerging Trends
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in
Higher Order Logics, pages 181–198, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, August
2004. University Of Utah.
[8] Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose and Pierre Genevès. Optimization of XPath expressions for evaluation upon streaming XML data, IBM Research Patent
Filed, May 2004. This patent was awarded an invention achievement
award, given by Samuel J. Palmisano (chairman of IBM Corporation) in
July 2004.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have
contributed either directly or indirectly to the development of this thesis.
My acknowledgements first go to Vincent Quint, who accepted me as a
PhD candidate in his team, and provided me with a high quality research
environment. I also thank him for always having had confidence in me, and
letting me freely choose my research directions and the way of investigating
them. In his team I have met my colleague and friend Nabil Layaı̈da with
whom I have enjoyed sharing many happy moments doing research.
Giorgio Ghelli, Denis Lugiez, and Makoto Murata honoured me by accepting the role of referee for this dissertation. I would like to thank them for
accepting this task. I also thank Christine Collet for accepting the role of
examiner for this dissertation.
I am grateful to Alan Schmitt for his insights in the enjoyable collaboration
from which the two final chapters of this dissertation benefitted; and since he is
very pleasant to work with. I would like to thank Benjamin C. Pierce who was
at the origin of my meeting and subsequent collaboration with Alan, following
our discussion during a visit at INRIA.
I would like to thank Bob Schloss for giving me several opportunities to
join his research team at IBM Watson. I am grateful to Kristoffer H. Rose for
being my mentor during my summers spent there.
I also thank Akihiko Tozawa for fruitful discussions by email, Frédéric Lang
for helpful discussions, and Jean-Yves Vion-Dury for kindly introducing me to
research during my first year.
Finally, I would like to thank all the people from the B aisle of the INRIA
building in Montbonnot, who are definitely responsible for the sympathic and
enthousiastic research atmosphere at INRIA Rhône Alpes.
On a more personal note, I would like to thank my parents and my brother
for their unconditional support. I also thank my friends for their continuing
support and everything else. Thank you all.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Notations
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Objectives . . . . . . .
1.1.1 XML Documents and Schemas
1.1.2 XPath . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.3 Static Type-Checking . . . . .
1.1.4 Research Challenges . . . . . .
1.2 Overview of this Dissertation . . . . .
1.2.1 Applications . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.2 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Foundations of XML Processing
2.1 Trees and Tree Types . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 Finite Trees and Hedges . . . .
2.1.2 Schema Languages and Regular
2.1.3 Binary Tree Types . . . . . . .
2.1.4 Finite Tree Automata . . . . .
2.2 Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Syntax of XPath Expressions .
2.2.2 XPath Denotational Semantics
2.3 Logical Formalisms: Two Yardsticks .
2.4 First Order Logic . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Monadic Second-Order Logic . . . . .
2.5.1 Preliminary Definitions . . . .
2.5.2 WS2S Formulas . . . . . . . . .
2.5.3 WS2S Semantics . . . . . . . .
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Table of Contents
2.5.4 Equivalence of WS2S and FTA . . . . . . . . .
2.5.5 From Formulas to Automata . . . . . . . . . .
2.5.6 WS2S Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Temporal Logics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6.1 FO Relatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6.2 MSO Relatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Systems for XML Type-Checking . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7.1 Formulations of the Static Validation Problem
2.7.2 Inverse Type Inference with Tree Transducers .
2.7.3 XDuce, CDuce, Xtatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7.4 Symbolic XML Schema Containment . . . . . .
2.7.5 XJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7.6 Approximated Approaches for XSLT . . . . . .
2.7.7 Path Correctness for µXQ Queries . . . . . . .
The Spatial Logic Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.8.1 The Sheaves Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Representation of XML Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Interpretation of XPath Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 Navigation and Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Logical Composition of Steps . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 Formulating XPath Containment . . . . . . . .
3.3.4 Soundness and Completeness . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Complexity Analysis and Optimization . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Optimization Based on Guided Tree Automata
3.5 Implementation and Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 The µ-Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Kripke Structures and XML Trees . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 XPath Embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1 Logical Interpretation of Axes . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 Logical Interpretation of Expressions . . . . .
4.4.3 Correctness and Complexity . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Translation of Regular Tree Languages . . . . . . . .
4.6 Solving XML Decision Problems . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 Complexity Analysis and Implementation Principles
4.8 Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 A Fixpoint Modal Logic with Converse for
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Focused Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Formulas of the Logic . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Translations of XML Concepts . . . . . . .
5.4.1 XPath Embedding . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.2 Embedding Regular Tree Languages
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Table of Contents
6 Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Preliminary Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 The Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 Example Run of the Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Correctness and Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Implementation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.1 Implicit Representation of Sets of ψ-Types . . . .
6.5.2 Satisfying Model Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.3 Conjunctive Partitioning and Early Quantification
6.5.4 BDD Variable Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Typing Applications and Experimental Results . . . . . .
6.6.1 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7 Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Conclusion
7.1 Summary of the Main Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Further Optimizations of the Logical Solver . . . . . .
7.2.2 Pushing the XPath Decidability Envelope Further . .
7.2.3 Enhancing the Translation of Regular Tree Types . . .
7.2.4 Efficiently Supporting Attributes and Data Values . .
7.2.5 Query Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.6 Query Evaluation via Model-Checking . . . . . . . . .
7.2.7 Application to the Static Analysis of Transformations
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Computational Complexity for Logical Satisfiability Dealt With
in this Dissertation
Résumé étendu
List of Figures
Sample Tree of a Well-Formed Document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
XPath Axes Partition from Context Node. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unranked and Binary Tree Representations. . . . .
Relative Expressiveness of Schema Languages. . .
Binarization of Tree Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Sample DTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sample Context-Free Tree Type Expression. . . . .
Sample Binary Tree Type Expression. . . . . . . .
A Sample NFTA (Q, Qf , Γ). . . . . . . . . . . . . .
XPath Abstract Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Representations of a Satisfying Interpretation of X
Sample XML Tree in MONA WS2S Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Translating XPath into WS2S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WS2S Translation of a Sample XPath in MONA Syntax. . . . . .
Sample WS2S Formula for XPath Containment in MONA Syntax.
WS2S Translation of e3 in MONA Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Depth Levels in the Unranked and Binary Cases. . . . . . . . . . .
Computation of the Depth Levels of Nodes Selected by a Path. . .
Translating XPath into WS2S with Restricted Variable Scopes. . .
Optimized WS2S Translation of e3 in MONA Syntax. . . . . . . .
Statistics on Intermediate Automata for a Containment Check. . .
Semantics of the µ-Calculus. . . . . .
Dualities for Negation Normal Form. .
Translation of XPath Axes. . . . . . .
Translation of Expressions and Paths.
XPath Translation Example. . . . . .
Translation of Qualifiers. . . . . . . . .
Logic formulas . . . . . . . . . . .
Interpretation of formulas . . . . .
Cycle-free formulas . . . . . . . . .
Example of Back and Forth XPath
Truth Assignment of a Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Operations used by the Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Run of the Algorithm for Checking Emptiness of self::b/parent::a
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Navigation Translation.
List of Figures
Partial Satisfiability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Satisfiability Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Queries Taken from the XPathmark Benchmark.
Results for Instances Found in Research Papers.
Results for Instances with Horizontal Navigation.
Queries Used in the Presence of DTDs. . . . . .
Exemple: arbre d’un document bien-formé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Partition des axes depuis un nœud de contexte. . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Definition of an abstract syntax
Powerset of X
Natural integers
Alphabet of node labels
Labeled hedges
Labeled unranked trees
Labeled binary trees
Mapping from hedges to binary trees
β −1 (·)
Mapping from binary trees to hedges
Context-free tree type expressions
Denotational semantics of tree types
Regular tree type expressions
DTD tree type expressions
Binary tree type expressions
Mapping from unranked to binary tree types
Se J·K·
Denotational semantics of XPath expressions
XPath expressions
Domain of a tree (set of nodes)
Child relation between tree nodes
Sibling relation between tree nodes
Transitive-reflexive closure of ≺ch
List of Notations
Transitive-reflexive closure of ≺sb
Tuple representation of the structure t
Characteristic set of the label σ
WS2S formulas
Language defined by the formula ϕ
Matricial representation of the structure t
Tree automaton corresponding to ϕ
Termination symbol
Tree representation of the structure t
We J·K··
WS2S Interpretation of XPath
Le J·K·
Calculation of a set of depth levels
We′ J·K
Optimized WS2S Interpretation of XPath
Signature for the µ-calculus
Set of atomic propositions
Set of propositional variables
Set of atomic programs
Converse of an atomic program
Set of programs
Set of µ-calculus formulas
Interpretation of µ-calculus formula ϕ
µ-formula satisfied at a root
µ-formula ensuring structure finiteness
Translation of tree types into µ-calculus
Node with unknown context mark
Set of finite focused trees
Interpretation of the formula ϕ
unf (ϕ)
Finite unfolding of a formula ϕ
Se J·K·
XPath interpretation as focused tree sets
Translation of tree types into Lµ
Unwinding of a formula ϕ
Fisher-Ladner closure of ψ
Set of atomic propositions for ψ
cl∗ (ψ)
Extended Fisher-Ladner closure of ψ
List of Notations
Lean of ψ
Set of ψ-types
Truth assignment relation
Compatibility relation for two ψ-types
Set of triples after i iterations
Set of ψ-types after i iterations
Partial satisfiability of a formula
ϕc (t)
Most constrained formula for a ψ-type t
Path (concatenation of modalities)
Satisfiability relation
Bit-vector representation of t
Characteristic function of a set T
∆a (·, ·)
Chapter 1
Motivation and Objectives
This work was initially motivated by the need for efficient static type checkers for XML processing languages. Such programming languages use schemas
[Fallside and Walmsley, 2004] and XPath [Clark and DeRose, 1999] queries as
first class language constructs. Current examples of these languages include
the W3C recommendation XSLT [Clark, 1999] for the transformation of XML
documents, and the forthcoming XQuery [Boag et al., 2006] recommendation
for querying XML databases. Providing such languages with decidable and
efficient static type systems has been one of the major research challenges
over the last decade, notably gathering the programming language, database
theory, structured documents, and theoretical computer science communities.
This work follows the research effort initiated in [Murata, 1996, Tozawa, 2001,
Milo et al., 2003, Hosoya and Pierce, 2003].
This work resulted in the design of a new logic of finite trees adapted for
XML, and its decision procedure, presented in this dissertation. The logical
solver has been implemented as the core of a system for the general static
analysis and type-checking of XML specifications. The system can be used as
a component of static analyzers for programming languages manipulating both
XPath expressions and XML type annotations.
This dissertation presents the theoretical investigations that led to the foundations of this new logic of finite trees, along with the algorithmic bases and
implementation principles on which the logical solver relies. These discoveries
are applied to the resolution of XML type-checking problems, which are embedded in the logic. Solved problems include static typing of XPath in the
presence of regular tree type constraints.
XML Documents and Schemas
Extensible Markup Language (XML) [Bray et al., 2004] is a text file format for
representing tree structures in a standard form.
The whole structure of an XML document, if we abstract over less important
details, is a tree of variable arity, in which nodes (also called elements in the
XML jargon) are labeled, leaves of the tree are text nodes, and the ordering
1. Introduction
between children of a node is significant. XML can be seen as a concrete syntax
for describing such tree structures using mark-up texts. An example of an XML
document is as follows:
<def>The phloem is a living tissue that carries organic
nutrients to all parts of the plant where needed.</def>
<note>In trees, the phloem is part of the bark.</note>
An element is described by a pair of an opening tag < ... > and an closing
tag < /... >, between which the element content is inserted. In the previous
example, “plant”, “category”, “tissue”, “name”, “def”, and “note” are
labels (tag names in the XML jargon).
The XML specification does not fix a priori the set of allowed labels in an
XML document nor it defines any semantics for labels. Only well-formedness
conditions are defined in particular to ensure proper nesting of elements, which
allows to consider XML documents as trees. For instance, Figure 1.1 gives
a more visual tree representation of the previous well-formed sample XML
In trees(...)
Figure 1.1: Sample Tree of a Well-Formed Document.
The set of labels occurring in an XML document is determined by schemas
that can freely be defined by users. A schema (also called an XML type) is a
description of constraints on the structure of documents such as allowed labels
and their possible nesting structures. A schema thus defines a class of XML
documents. Two levels of correctness can therefore be distinguished for XML
• well-formedness which applies to documents that obey the necessary and
sufficient syntactic condition (defined by the XML specification) for being
interpreted as trees;
1.1. Motivation and Objectives
• validity which applies to documents that conform to the additional constraints described by a given schema.
The validity of a document implies its well-formedness since the schema
describes constraints on the tree and not on the text representation of the
XML document.
Each application can define its own data format by defining schemas, at a
higher abstract level (tree structures). In that sense, XML is often said to be
a metalanguage or a “format for data formats”.
Separating the two levels of correctness allows applications to share generic
software tools for manipulating well-formed XML documents (parsers, editors,
query and transformation tools...). These tools all implement the same syntactic conventions defined by the XML specification (such as the way of including comments, external fragments, special characters...). XML thus allows
a first level of processing on an XML document as soon as it is well-formed,
without making the additional and much stronger hypothesis that it is valid
w.r.t to some schema. This genericity is one of XML strengths. As a consequence, we have seen unprecedented speed and range in the adoption of XML.
A large number of schemas have been defined and are actually widely used in
practice, for instance: XHTML (the XML version of HTML), SVG (for vector graphics), SMIL (for synchronized multimedia documents), MathML (for
mathematical formulas), SOAP (for remote procedure calls), XBRL (for financial information), FIX (for securities transactions), SMD (for music), X3D (for
3D modeling) and CML (for chemical structures).
XPath [Clark and DeRose, 1999, Berglund et al., 2006] has been introduced by
the W3C as the standard query language for addressing and retrieving information in XML documents. It allows to navigate in XML trees and return a
set of matching nodes. As such, XPath forms the essence of XML data access.
In their simplest form XPath expressions look like “directory navigation
paths”. For example, the XPath expression
navigates from the root of a document (designated by the leading slash “/”)
through the top-level “book” nodes, to their “chapter” child nodes, and on to
their child nodes named “section”. The result of the evaluation of the entire
expression is the set of all the “section” nodes that can be reached in this
manner. Furthermore, at each step in the navigation the selected nodes can be
filtered using qualifiers. A qualifier is a boolean expression between brackets
that can test the existence or absence of paths. So if we ask for
then the result is all “section” elements that have a least one child element
named “citation”. The situation becomes more interesting when combined with
XPath’s capability of searching along “axes” other than the shown “children
of” axis. Indeed the above XPath is a shorthand for
1. Introduction
Figure 1.2: XPath Axes Partition from Context Node.
where it is made explicit that each path step is meant to search the “child” axis
containing all children of the nodes selected at previous step. If we instead
asked for
then the last step selects nodes of any kind that are among the descendants
of the top element “book” and have a “citation” sub-element. One may also
use other axes such as “preceding-sibling” for navigating backward through
nodes of the same parent, or “ancestor” for navigating upward recursively (see
Figure 1.2). Document order is defined as the order in which a depth-first
tree traversal visits nodes. Axes that perform navigation in reverse document
order are called reverse axes (or alternatively backward or upward axes in the
Previous examples are absolute XPath expressions as they start with a “/”
which refers to the root. The meaning of a relative expression (without the
leading “/”) is defined with respect to a context node in the tree. The context
node simply refers to the tree node from which navigation starts. Starting from
a particular context node in a tree, every other nodes can easily be reached:
XPath axes define a partitioning of a tree from any context node. Figure 1.2
illustrates this on a sample tree. More informal details on the complete XPath
standard can be found in the W3C specification [Clark and DeRose, 1999].
XPath is increasingly popular due to its expressive power and its compact syntax. These two advantages have given XPath a central role both in
other key XML specifications and XML applications. It is used in XQuery
[Boag et al., 2006] as a core query language; in XSLT [Clark, 1999] as node selector in the transformations; in XML Schema [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004] to
define keys; in XLink [DeRose et al., 2001] and XPointer [DeRose et al., 2002]
1.1. Motivation and Objectives
to reference portions of XML data. XPath is also used in many applications
such as update languages [Sur et al., 2004] and access control [Fan et al., 2004].
Static Type-Checking
XML applications most commonly use schemas for performing validation (also
called dynamic type-checking). Validation consists in using a schema validator
that analyzes a particular XML document w.r.t a given schema in order to
ensure that the document actually conforms to the expectations of the application.
In practice however XML documents are often generated dynamically by
some program. Typically, programs that manipulate XML first access data
(possibly conforming to an available schema) using XPath expressions, and
then build and return an output XML document intended to conform to a
given schema.
An ambitious approach is the static type-checking of these programs, which
consists in ensuring at compile-time that invalid documents can never arise as
outputs of XML processing code. A static type checker analyzes a program,
possibly in conjunction with schemas that describe its input and output (depending whether such schemas are available). The problem’s difficulty is a
function of the language in which the program and the schemas are expressed.
Schema languages have been extensively studied and are now well understood as subsets of regular tree languages [Murata et al., 2005]. However, although many attempts have been made for better understanding static typechecking techniques, in particular through the design of domain specific languages [Hosoya and Pierce, 2003], no approach is effectively able to deal with
XPath, which nevertheless remains the essence of XML navigation and data
Research Challenges
The reason for the limitations of existing approaches is the difficulty of XPath
static analysis. It is known that the static analysis of the complete XPath
standard is undecidable. Importance and range of applications nevertheless
motivate research questions: what is the largest XPath fragment with decidable
static analysis? Which fragments can be effectively decided in practice? How to
determine if an XPath expression is satisfiable on any of the XML trees defined
by a given schema? How to know if two XPath queries will always yield the
same result when evaluated on a document valid w.r.t. a given schema? Does
the result of an XPath expression over a valid document always conform to
another schema? Is there an algorithm able to answer these questions in an
efficient way so that it can be used in practice?
One source of difficulty for such an algorithm is that it needs to check
properties on a possibly infinite quantification over a set of trees. A variety
of factors furthermore contribute to its complexity such as the operators allowed in XPath queries and the combination of them (cf. Chapter 2.2). A
consequence of these difficulties is that such research questions are still open.
1. Introduction
Overview of this Dissertation
This dissertation starts from the idea that for deciding XML problems, two
issues must be addressed. First, identify an appropriate logic with sufficient
expressiveness to capture both regular tree types and XPath style navigation
and node selection semantics. Second, solve efficiently the satisfiability problem
which allows to test if a given formula of the logic admits a satisfying XML
document as a model.
The main application of this work is the static analysis of programs manipulating XML data and documents. This dissertation provides the necessary
foundations and system implementations for solving the major XML decision
problems that naturally arise from such static analyses.
The most basic decision problem for a query language is the emptiness
check [Benedikt et al., 2005]: whether or not an expression yields a non-empty
result. XPath emptiness is important for optimization of host languages implementations: for instance, if one can decide at compile time that a query is
not satisfiable then subsequent bound computations can be avoided.
Another basic decision problem is the XPath equivalence problem: whether
or not two queries always return the same result. It is important for reformulation and optimization of the query itself [Genevès and Vion-Dury, 2004], which
aim at enforcing operational properties while preserving semantic equivalence
[Abiteboul and Vianu, 1999, Levin and Pierce, 2005].
The most critical problem for the type-checking of XML transformations
is XPath containment: whether or not, for any tree, the result of a particular
query is included in the result of another one. It is required for the control-flow
analysis of XSLT [Møller et al., 2005]. It is also needed for checking integrity
constraints [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004], and for checking access control in
XML security applications [Fan et al., 2004].
Other decision problems needed in applications include for example XPath
overlap (whether two expressions select common nodes) and coverage (whether
nodes selected by an expression are always contained in the union of the results
selected by several other expressions).
This dissertation effectively solves these problems in the presence, or absence, of XML type constraints such as DTDs [Bray et al., 2004] or XML
Schemas [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004]. This makes possible to ensure valuable
properties (such as type-safety and optimizations) at compile-time, toward safer
and more efficient runtime XML processing. Results presented in this dissertation thus notably open promising perspectives for the effective static analysis
of XML transformations.
The first part of this dissertation is dedicated to state-of-the-art related tools
and techniques. Chapter 2 introduces some known theoretical foundations
and formalisms used in the remaining of this dissertation, while progressively
introducing related work.
1.2. Overview of this Dissertation
In a second part, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 conduct preliminary investigations with known logics in the context of XML. Specifically, Chapter 3 studies
to which extent monadic second order logic can be used in practice, despite
its high complexity, for solving XML static analysis problems such as XPath
containment. Chapter 4 introduces the µ-calculus as a powerful replacement
for monadic second order logic, and studies its use for XML reasoning.
Based on the lessons learned from these investigations, the third part of this
dissertation presents the final contribution. Chapter 5 proposes a logic of finite
trees specifically designed for XML. Chapter 6 describes a proposed algorithm
for testing the satisfiability of the logic, along with implementation techniques.
Finally, Chapter 7 concludes this dissertation and gives several perspectives.
State of the Art
Chapter 2
Foundations of XML Processing
In this chapter, some known theoretical foundations and formalisms used in the
following chapters of this dissertation are introduced. State of the art related
work is presented as underlying concepts are progressively introduced.
Trees and Tree Types
This section introduces the formal models of XML documents and schemas
most often considered in the literature as well as in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this
dissertation 1 .
Finite Trees and Hedges
An XML document can be seen as a finite ordered and labeled tree of unbounded depth and arity. Since there is no a priori bound on the number
of children of a node; such a tree is therefore unranked [Neven, 2002b]. Tree
nodes are labeled with symbols taken from a countably infinite alphabet Σ.
There is a straightforward isomorphism between sequences of unranked trees
and binary trees [Hosoya and Pierce, 2003, Neven, 2002b]. In order to describe
it, trees are first formally defined. An unranked tree is defined as σ(h) where
σ ∈ Σ and h is a hedge, i.e. a sequence of unranked trees, defined as follows:
HΣ ∋ h
σ(h), h′
non-empty sequence of trees
empty sequence
The set of unranked trees is denoted by TΣn . A binary tree t is either a σ-labeled
root of two subtrees (σ ∈ Σ) or the empty tree:
TΣ2 ∋ t
1 Chapter
σ(t, t′ )
binary tree
empty tree
5 elaborates further on this model by introducing focused trees.
2. Foundations of XML Processing
Unranked trees are translated into binary trees with the following function β(·):
β(·) : HΣ → TΣ2
β(σ(h), h′ ) = σ(β(h), β(h′ ))
β(()) = ǫ
The inverse translation function β −1 (·) converts a binary tree into a sequence of unranked trees:
β −1 (·) : TΣ2 → HΣ
β −1 (σ(t, t′ )) = σ(β −1 (t)), β −1 (t′ )
β −1 (ǫ) = ()
For example, Figure 2.1 illustrates how the sample tree a(b, c, d) is mapped
to its binary representation a(b(ǫ, c(ǫ, d(ǫ, ǫ))), ǫ) and vice-versa.
Figure 2.1: Unranked and Binary Tree Representations.
Note that the translation of a single unranked tree results in a binary tree
of the form σ(t, ǫ). Reciprocally, the inverse translation of such a binary tree
always yields a single unranked tree. When modeling XML, it is therefore possible to focus on binary trees of the form σ(t, ǫ), without loss of generality. The
following section presents how this isomorphism between binary and unranked
trees also extends to tree types. Such binary mappings allow to simplify formal
notations used in the remaining.
Schema Languages and Regular Tree Types
Schemas describe structural constraints for XML documents. There are many
formalisms (called schema languages) for specifying schemas (or “types”). For
instance: DTD, which is part of the XML specification [Bray et al., 2004],
XML Schema (W3C) [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004], and RELAX NG (OASIS/ISO) [Clark and Murata, 2001] are actively used by various applications.
Each schema language has different constraint mechanisms and different expressivenesses. A detailed characterization of each schema language can be
found in [Murata et al., 2005]. No current schema language goes beyond the
expressive power of regular tree languages. From an XML point of view, regular tree types form a strict superset of standards such as XML Schemas and
DTDs (cf. Figure 2.2). Therefore, in this dissertation, regular tree languages
are considered as the general mechanism for typing XML documents.
2.1. Trees and Tree Types
Regular tree grammars (Relax NG)
Single-type tree grammars
(XML Schema)
Local tree grammars (DTD)
Figure 2.2: Relative Expressiveness of Schema Languages.
A tree type expression T is syntactically defined as follows:
Lcft ∋ T
l[T ]
T 1 , T2
T1 | T2
let Xi .Ti in T
context-free tree type expression
empty set of trees
empty sequence
n-ary binder
where l ∈ Σ and X ∈ TVar assuming that TVar is a countably infinite set of
type variables. Abbreviated type expressions can be defined as follows:
T ? = () | T
T ∗ = let X.T in T, X | ()
T + = T, T ∗
Given an environment θ of type variable bindings, the semantics of tree types
is given by the denotation function J·Kθ :
J·K· : Lcft × (TVar → 2TΣ ) → 2TΣ
J∅Kθ = ∅
J()Kθ = {()}
JXKθ = θ(X)
Jl[T ])Kθ = {l′ (t) | l′ ≺ l ∧ t ∈ JT Kθ }
JT1 , T2 Kθ = {t1 , t2 | t1 ∈ JT1 Kθ ∧ t2 ∈ JT2 Kθ }
JT1 | T2 Kθ = JT1 Kθ ∪ JT2 Kθ
Jlet Xi .Ti in T Kθ = JT Klfp(S)
2. Foundations of XML Processing
where ≺ is a global subtagging relation: a reflexive and transitive relation on
labels2 , and S(θ′ ) = θ[Xi 7→ JTi Kθ′ ]i≥1 . Note that each function S is monotone
according to the ordering ⊆ on TVar → 2TΣ , and thus has a least fixpoint
Types as defined above actually correspond to arbitrary context-free tree
types, for which the decision problem for inclusion is known to be undecidable [Hopcroft et al., 2000]. An additional restriction is imposed to reduce the
expressive power of considered types so that they correspond to regular tree
languages. The restriction (also used in [Hosoya et al., 2005b]) consists in a
simple syntactic condition that allows unguarded (i.e. not enclosed by a label)
recursive uses of variables, but restricts them to tail positions3 . This condition
ensures regularity, and the resulting class of regular tree languages is denoted
Lrt .
Document Type Definitions
This subsection further details the connection between regular tree types and
the widely used DTD standard. As they are defined in the W3C recommendation, DTDs [Bray et al., 2004] are local tree grammars4 , which are strictly less
expressive than regular tree types. In the XML terminology, a type expression
is called the content model. DTD content models are described by the following
T1 | T2
T 1 , T2
DTD tree type expression
optional occurrence
zero, one or more occurrences
one or more occurrences
empty sequence
where l ∈ Σ. From the W3C specification, a DTD can be seen as a function
that associates a content model to each label taken from a subset Σ′ of Σ, such
that Σ′ gathers all labels used in content models. The set Ldtd of tree types
2 Subtagging goes beyond the expressive power of DTDs but a similar notion called “substitution groups” exists in XML Schemas (see [Hosoya et al., 2005b] for more details on
3 For instance the type “let X, Y .a[], Y in b[], X | ()X” is allowed.
4 A local tree grammar is a regular tree grammar without competing non-terminals. Two
non-terminals A and B of a tree grammar are said to compete with each other if one production rule has A in its left-hand side, one production rule has B in its left-hand side, and
these two rules share the same terminal symbol in the right-hand side.
2.1. Trees and Tree Types
described by DTDs can thus be represented as follows:
Ldtd ∋ T
T1 | T2
T 1 , T2
let li .Ti in T
DTD tree type expression
optional occurrence
zero, one or more occurrences
one or more occurrences
empty sequence
n-ary binder
Note that Ldtd ⊆ Lrt is obvious, by associating a unique type variable to each
label. In the following, DTDs are therefore not distinguished from general
regular tree types anymore.
Binary Tree Types
Section 2.1.1 presented a straightforward isomorphism between binary trees
and sequences of unranked trees. There is also an isomorphism between unranked and binary tree types, which follows exactly the same intuition as for
Binary tree types are described by the following syntax:
Lbt ∋ T
T1 | T2
l(X1 , X2 )
let Xi .Ti in T
binary tree type expression
empty set of trees
empty sequence
n-ary binder
For any type, there is an equivalent binary type, and vice-versa. The translation function B(·) shown on Figure 2.3 (and adapted from the one found
in [Hosoya et al., 2005b]) is used to convert a type into its corresponding binary representation. The function considers the environment θ : TVar →
Lrt for accessing the type bound to a variable Xi by constructs of the form
“let Xi .Ti in T ”.
For example, Figure 2.4 gives a sample DTD that validates the well-formed
XML document presented in Section 1.1.1 of Chapter 1. The corresponding
context-free tree type expression is presented on Figure 2.5. It uses 14 type
variables (preceded by a dollar sign $ by convention). Figure 2.6 shows its
translation into binary tree type syntax.
Finite Tree Automata
Tree automata are a convenient operational formalism for expressing the notion
of tree languages. A language is recognizable if there exists an automaton which
recognizes trees of the language. A detailed classification of tree automata
and associated results on the recognizability of tree languages are presented in
[Comon et al., 1997]. This section presents the most basic results on finite tree
automata needed for the remaining of this dissertation.
2. Foundations of XML Processing
B(·) : Lrt → Lbt
B(∅) = ∅
B(()) = ǫ
B(X) = B(θ(X))
B(l[T ]) = let X1 .B(T ), X2 .ǫ in l(X1 , X2 )
B(T1 | T2 ) = B(T1 ) | B(T2 )
B(let Xi .Ti in T ) = let Xi .B(Ti ) in B(T )
B(∅, T ) = ∅
B((), T ) = B(T )
B(X, T ) = B(θ(X), T )
B(l[T1 ], T2 ) = let X1 .B(T1 ), X2 .B(T2 ) in l(X1 , X2 )
B((T1 | T2 ), T3 ) = B(T1 , T3 ) | B(T2 , T3 )
B((T1 , T2 ), T3 ) = B(T1 , (T2 , T3 ))
B(let Xi .Ti in T, T ′ ) = let Xi .B(Ti ) in B(T, T ′ )
Figure 2.3: Binarization of Tree Types.
plant (category?, tissue*, phylogeny?)>
tissue (name+, def, note?)>
note (#PCDATA)>
phylogeny (plant+)>
Figure 2.4: A Sample DTD.
Bottom-Up Finite Tree Automata Formally, a bottom-up non-deterministic finite tree automaton (NFTA) over an alphabet Σ of node labels is a tuple
(Q, Qf , Γ) where Q is the set of states, Qf ⊆ Q is a set of accepting states, and
Γ is a set of transitions. Transitions are either of the form q ← σ or of the form
q ′′ ← σ(q, q ′ ), depending on the arity of the symbol σ ∈ Σ (respectively a leaf
or a binary constructor) and where q, q ′ , q ′′ are automaton states belonging to
Q. A bottom-up NFTA starts from the leaves and moves up the tree. At each
step of the execution, a state is inductively associated with each subtree. The
tree is accepted if the state labeled at the root is an accepting state.
2.1. Trees and Tree Types
$Empty -> EMPTYSET
$Epsilon -> ()
$Any -> ()
$PCData -> ()
$name -> name($PCData)
$note -> note($PCData)
$1 -> $plant | $plant, $1
$phylogeny -> phylogeny($1)
$category -> category($PCData)
$def -> def($PCData)
$2 -> $name | $name, $2
$tissue -> tissue($2, $def, () | $note)
$3 -> () | $tissue, $3
$plant -> plant(() | $category, $3, () | $phylogeny)
Start symbol is $plant
14 type variables.
7 terminals.
Figure 2.5: Sample Context-Free Tree Type Expression.
plant($1, $Epsilon) | plant($1, $2)
EPSILON | note($Epsilon, $Epsilon)
def($Epsilon, $7)
name($Epsilon, $5) | name($Epsilon, $3)
EPSILON | phylogeny($2, $Epsilon) | tissue($3, $10)
EPSILON | phylogeny($2, $Epsilon) |
tissue($3, $10) | category($Epsilon, $10)
$plant -> plant($1, $Epsilon)
Start symbol is $plant
7 type variables.
7 terminals.
Figure 2.6: Sample Binary Tree Type Expression.
2. Foundations of XML Processing
Top-Down Finite Tree Automata There exists a symmetric counterpart
of bottom-up NFTA called top-down NFTA, which correspond to the alternate
direction used to recognize a tree. A top-down NFTA (Q, Qi , Γ) starts at the
root and moves down to the leaves. Based on a state and a current node in the
tree, a new state is inductively associated with each subtree. Transitions thus
have the reverse form, and Qi is the set of initial states. The tree is accepted
if every branch can be gone through this way.
Determinism A deterministic finite tree automaton (DFTA) is one where
no two transition rules have the same left-hand side. This definition matches
the intuitive idea that for an automaton to be deterministic, one and only one
transition must be possible for a given node.
Expressive Power Top-down and bottom-up NFTA are equivalent (the
transition rules are simply reversed, and the final states become the initial
states). However, top-down DFTA are strictly less powerful than their deterministic bottom-up counterparts. This is because transition rules of tree
automata can be seen as rewrite rules; and for top-down ones, the left-hand
sides correspond to parent nodes. Consequently a deterministic top-down tree
automaton will only be able to test for tree properties that are true in all
branches, because the choice of the state to write into each child branch is
determined at the parent node, without knowing the child branches contents.
Every bottom-up NFTA is equivalent to a bottom-up DFTA which can
be obtained by the process of determinization. Determinization relies on the
“subset construction” and the number of states of the equivalent DFTA can be
exponential in the number of states of the given NFTA (see [Comon et al., 1997]
for the detailed algorithm). In the bottom-up paradigm, since NFTA and
DFTA accept the same sets of tree languages, they are usually not distinguished
and simply both referred as finite tree automata (FTA).
FTA are equivalent to regular tree types and therefore have the same expressiveness.
FTA as XML Types Murata was the first to consider tree automata as a
schema definition language [Murata, 1998]. Since then, FTA were heavily used
in many research works for modeling XML types [Neven, 2002a]. In fact, the
schema language Relax NG [Clark and Murata, 2001], a competitor of XML
Schema [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004] (itself introduced as a replacement for
DTDs [Bray et al., 2004]) is even directly inspired by FTA. A detailed comparison of these schema languages based on formal language theory is provided
in [Murata et al., 2005].
As a simple example, Figure 2.7 illustrates a sample NFTA which accepts
the set of trees defined by the DTD shown on Figure 2.4. The NFTA accepts
the set of all binary trees β(t) such that the unranked tree t is validated by the
DTD of Figure 2.4. Note that the NFTA can be seen as another notation for
the binary tree type expression shown on Figure 2.6. More interestingly, the
DFTA obtained by determinization of this NFTA can be seen as the operational
validator of the DTD.
2.1. Trees and Tree Types
Q = {q1 , q2 , q3 , q5 , q7 , q10 , qǫ , qplant }
Qf = {qplant }
plant(q1 , qǫ )
plant(q1 , q2 )
note(qǫ , qǫ )
def(qǫ , q7 )
name(qǫ , q5 )
name(qǫ , q3 )
phylogeny(q2 , qǫ )
tissue(q3 , q10 )
phylogeny(q2 , qǫ )
tissue(q3 , q10 )
category(qǫ , q10 )
plant(q1 , qǫ )
Figure 2.7: A Sample NFTA (Q, Qf , Γ).
Closure Properties One of the main advantages of FTA (compared to
DTDs for instance) is their closure under set theoretic operations such as union,
intersection, and complementation [Comon et al., 1997].
The union of two tree automata is trivially built: let A1 = (Q1 , Qf1 , Γ1 ) and
A2 = (Q2 , Qf2 , Γ2 ) be two FTA. Since states of a FTA may be renamed without
loss of generality, it is assumed that Q1 ∩ Q2 = ∅. It is then straightforward
to verify that A1 ∪ A2 = (Q, Qf , Γ) defined by: Q = Q1 ∪ Q2 , Qf = Qf1 ∪ Qf2
and Γ = Γ1 ∪ Γ2 .
Similarly, the intersection of two tree automata A1 = (Q1 , Qf1 , Γ1 ) and
A2 = (Q2 , Qf2 , Γ2 ) is simply obtained by calculating a product automaton:
A1 ∩ A2 = (Q1 × Q2 , Qf1 × Qf2 , Γ1 × Γ2 )
Complementation of a complete DFTA simply consists in flipping accepting
and rejecting states. Note that a DFTA (Q, Qf , Γ) is complete if and only
if there is a transition q ′′ ← σ(q, q ′ ) for each σ ∈ Σ and (q, q ′ , q ′′ ) ∈ Q3 .
Completing an automaton (e.g. adding new missing states and transitions,
and then possibly updating the final set of states [Comon et al., 1997]) may be
required before complementing it. The complement of a FTA A is noted ∁(A).
Containment for FTA By taking advantage of these closure properties,
it is possible to check the containment of two FTA A1 and A2 (determining
whether the set of trees accepted by A1 is included into the set of trees accepted
by A2 ) as the emptiness check of the FTA A1 ∩ ∁(A2 ).
It can be decided in linear time whether the language accepted by a FTA
is empty (see [Comon et al., 1997] for details). However, complementation requires determinization of the tree automaton, which may cause an exponential
2. Foundations of XML Processing
increase of the number of states in the worst case [Comon et al., 1997]. Thus
this technique has exponential time complexity. Essentially, there is no better way for checking containment between two FTA. As a result, the FTA
containment problem is in EXPTIME5 [Seidl, 1990].
Most queries used in the context of XML are either boolean or unary. Boolean
queries give a yes/no answer on a tree (for instance the validation of an XML
document w.r.t to a DTD is a boolean query). Unary queries select nodes
from a document (for instance, finding the set of nodes selected by an XPath
expression is a unary query).
Unary queries considered in this dissertation are among those defined by
the powerful XPath standard introduced in Section 1.1.2. The static analysis of XPath queries is a hard problem that has recently attracted a lot of
theoretical research attention. In particular, the computational complexity
of the containment problem for XPath expressions has received much attention from the database community [Deutsch and Tannen, 2001, Wood, 2003,
Neven and Schwentick, 2003, Schwentick, 2004, Miklau and Suciu, 2004]. The
complexity of the emptiness problem for XPath expressions has also been studied in [Benedikt et al., 2005]. One source of difficulty for such decision problems
is that they need to be checked on a possibly infinite quantification over a set of
trees. A variety of factors also contribute to their complexity such as the operators allowed in XPath queries and the combination of them. For instance, one
difficulty arises from the combination of upward and downward navigation on
trees with recursion [Vardi, 1998]. Actually, when the whole XPath language
is considered, decision problems such as containment and emptiness are undecidable. Therefore, in the literature, the focus was given to identifying major
XPath features and studying their impact on the complexity of XPath decision
problems. The distinctions between major features studied in the literature
(extended from [Benedikt et al., 2005]) follow:
• positive vs. non-positive: depending whether the negation operator is
considered (positive) or not (non-positive) inside qualifiers.
• downward vs. upward: depending whether queries specify downward or
upward traversal of the tree, or both.
• recursive vs. non-recursive: depending whether XPath transitive closure
axes (for instance “descendant” or “ancestor”) are considered or not.
• qualified vs. non-qualified: depending whether queries allow filtering
qualifiers or not.
• with vs. without data values: depending whether comparisons of data
values expressing joins are allowed or not.
• with vs. without counting: depending whether counting of tree nodes is
allowed or not.
5 The complexity class EXPTIME is the set of all decision problems solvable by a deterministic Turing machine in O(2p(n) ) time, where p(n) is a polynomial function of the input
size n.
2.2. Queries
Several XPath fragments combining only a few of these features have been
studied: see [Schwentick, 2004] for an overview. From these results, it is known
that containment and satisfiability for (reasonably) restricted XPath fragments,
even without type constraints, ranges from EXPTIME to undecidable. However, techniques used for obtaining computational complexity bounds over specific subfragments do not scale when additional features are considered, and
thus give no hints on how to address more realistic fragments. At the time
of this dissertation, no relevant algorithm effectively able of answering realistic
XPath decision problems in acceptable time and space bounds is known. XPath
decision problems have been partially characterized from a strict computational
complexity point of view, and remain unsolved in practice.
Syntax of XPath Expressions
In this dissertation, particular attention is paid at supporting a large XPath
fragment, as realistic as possible, covering major features of the XPath standard [Clark and DeRose, 1999]. The syntax of considered XPath expressions
is given on Figure 2.8. The considered XPath fragment is non-positive, both
downward and upward, recursive, qualified, and also includes union and intersection. It includes all axes. This is the largest fragment considered so far in
the literature. It covers all major XPath features except counting and data
values. The integration of counting is kept for future work, based on related
work on logics for counting [Dal-Zilio et al., 2004]. Data values are known to
cause undecidability of XPath containment when combined with previous factors [Benedikt et al., 2005, Schwentick, 2004]6 .
XPath Denotational Semantics
In the classical denotational semantics of paths, first given in [Wadler, 2000],
the evaluation of an XPath expression over an XML document t returns a
set of nodes reachable from a context node x. The denotational semantics
of the considered XPath fragment (adapted from [Wadler, 2000]) is given by
the formal semantics function Se which defines the set of nodes returned by
expressions, starting from a context node x in the tree:
Se J·K· : LXPath → Node → Set(Node)
Se J/pKx = Sp JpKroot()
Se JpKx = Sp JpKx
Se Je1 p e2 Kx = Se Je1 Kx ∪ Se Je2 Kx
Se Je1 ∩ e2 Kx = Se Je1 Kx ∩ Se Je2 Kx
6 Note
however that the very recent work found in [Bojanczyk et al., 2006] obtained the
theoretical decidability (between NEXPTIME and 3-NEXPTIME) for a limited form of data
value comparison. Integration of such restricted comparisons in the considered fragment and
the effective algorithm presented in Chapter 6 is one of the perspectives of this dissertation.
At least an additional exponential time blow-up is however expected.
2. Foundations of XML Processing
LXPath ∋ e
e1 p e2
e1 ∩ e2
p1 /p2
q1 and q2
q1 or q2
not q
XPath expression
absolute path
relative path
path composition
qualified path
step with node test
tree navigation axis (see Figure 1.2)
Figure 2.8: XPath Abstract Syntax.
The formal semantics function Sp defines the set of nodes returned by paths:
Sp J·K· : Path → Node → Set(Node)
Sp Jp1 /p2 Kx = {x2 | x1 ∈ Sp Jp1 Kx ∧ x2 ∈ Sp Jp2 Kx1 }
Sp Jp[q]Kx = {x1 | x1 ∈ Sp JpKx ∧ Sq JqKx1 }
Sp Ja::σKx = {x1 | x1 ∈ Sa JaKx ∧ name(x1 ) = σ}
Sp Ja::∗Kx = {x1 | x1 ∈ Sa JaKx}
Note that the semantics of the p1 /p2 construct corresponds to composition
of unary queries. In this sense, XPath is fundamentally different from regular expressions patterns a la Hosoya [Hosoya and Pierce, 2001] that rather use
pattern-matching techniques. The function Sq defines the semantics of qualifiers that basically state the existence or absence of one or more paths from a
2.3. Logical Formalisms: Two Yardsticks
context node:
Sq J·K· : Qualifier → Node → Boolean
Sq Jq1 and q2 Kx = Sq Jq1 Kx ∧ Sq Jq2 Kx
Sq Jq1 or q2 Kx = Sq Jq1 Kx ∨ Sq Jq2 Kx
Sq Jnot qKx = ¬ Sq JqKx
Sq JpKx = Sp JpKx 6= ∅
The semantics of paths relies on the navigational semantics of axes, given by
the function Sa :
Sa J·K· : Axis → Node → Set(Node)
Sa JchildKx = children(x)
Sa JparentKx = parent(x)
Sa JdescendantKx = children+ (x)
Sa JancestorKx = parent+ (x)
Sa JselfKx = {x}
Sa Jdescendant-or-selfKx = Sa JdescendantKx ∪ Sa JselfKx
Sa Jancestor-or-selfKx = Sa JancestorKx ∪ Sa JselfKx
Sa JprecedingKx = {y | y ≪ x} \ Sa JancestorKx
Sa JfollowingKx = {y | x ≪ y} \ Sa JdescendantKx
Sa Jfollowing-siblingKx = {y | y ∈ child (parent(x)) ∧ x ≪ y}
Sa Jpreceding-siblingKx = {y | y ∈ child (parent(x)) ∧ y ≪ x}
Path and axis navigation (illustrated on a sample tree by Figure 1.2) relies on a
few assumed primitives over the XML tree data model: root() returns the root
of the tree; children(x) which returns the set of nodes which are children of the
node x; parent(x) which returns the parent node of the node x; the relation
≪ which defines the ordering: x ≪ y holds if and only if the node x is before
the node y in the depth-first traversal order of the n-ary XML tree; and finally
name() which returns the labeling of a node.
Logical Formalisms: Two Yardsticks
Unranked trees defined in Section 2.1.1 can be viewed as logical structures,
in the sense of mathematical logic [Ebbinghaus and Flum, 2005]. In this vision, the domain of a tree t, viewed as a structure, is the set of nodes of t,
denoted by Dom(t). Formally, Dom(t) is the subset of N∗ defined as follows:
if t = σ(t1 , ..., tn ) with σ ∈ Σ, n ≥ 0 and t1 , ..., tn ∈ TΣn , then Dom(t) =
{ǫ} ∪ {iu | i ∈ {1, ..., n}, u ∈ Dom(ti )}. Thus, ǫ represents the root while vj
represents the j th successor of v.
A relational vocabulary (≺ch , ≺sb , {Oσ | σ ∈ Σ}) is often used [Neven, 2002a,
Barceló and Libkin, 2005, Bojanczyk et al., 2006]. In this vocabulary, the Oσ
2. Foundations of XML Processing
are unary relation predicates. For each σ label in the alphabet Σ, Oσ is the
set of nodes that are labeled with σ. The symbols ≺ch and ≺sb are binary
predicates. The symbol ≺ch is interpreted as the child relation: the set of pairs
(v, v · i) where v, v · i ∈ Dom(t). The symbol ≺sb is the sibling order: the set
of pairs (v · i, v · (i + 1)) where v · i, v · (i + 1) ∈ Dom(t).
Classically, ≺∗ch is defined as the transitive-reflexive closure of ≺ch (the descendant/ancestor relationship between two nodes), and ≺∗sb as the transitivereflexive closure of ≺sb (the linear ordering on siblings).
Most formalisms used in the context of XML are related to one of the
two logics used over these relational structures: first-order logic, and monadic
second order logic:
• first-order logic and relatives are frequently used for query languages since
they nicely capture their navigational features presented in the previous
Section 2.2.2.
• monadic second order logic, which extends first-order logic by quantification over sets of nodes, is one of the most expressive (yet decidable)
known logic. One of its main advantages in the context of XML is its
ability to fully support XML types (regular tree languages).
The next sections are dedicated to these two logical formalisms, which are used
as yardsticks logics in the XML setting. First-order logic is denoted by FO,
and monadic second order logic by MSO. For XML applications, the relational
vocabulary contains at least the labeling predicates Oσ for σ ∈ Σ, which are
thus omitted from notations in the remaining. The rest of the vocabulary is
listed between brackets. For example, MSO[≺ch , ≺sb ] refers to the vocabulary
(≺ch , ≺sb , {Xσ | σ ∈ Σ}). An important distinction between MSO and FO is
that ≺∗ch and ≺∗sb are definable from ≺ch and ≺sb in MSO (using second-order
quantification) but not in FO.
First Order Logic
Over a general relational structure, FO is undecidable, while its two-variable
fragment is decidable [Mortimer, 1975]. Therefore, restricting FO to its twovariable fragment, denoted FO2 , has become a classical idea when looking for
decidability [Grädel and Otto, 1999]. Furthermore, since ≺∗ch and ≺∗sb are not
definable from ≺ch and ≺sb in FO, FO2 [≺∗ch , ≺∗sb ] is generally considered.
From the work found in [Genevès and Vion-Dury, 2004] and [Marx, 2004a],
it is known that XPath expressive power is close to FO2 [≺∗ch , ≺∗sb ] that captures its navigational behavior. Specifically, in [Genevès and Vion-Dury, 2004],
a FO2 [≺∗ch , ≺∗sb ] interpretation of an XPath fragment is given and proven correct w.r.t. to XPath denotational semantics presented in Section 2.2.2. The
work found in [Marx, 2004a] characterizes the navigational fragment of XPath
(introduced as “Core XPath” in [Gottlob et al., 2005]) and shows how it can
be extended in order to be complete with respect to FO2 [≺∗ch , ≺∗sb ].
The very recent work found in [Bojanczyk et al., 2006] proves the decidability of FO2 [≺ch , ≺sb , ∼] where ∼ is a binary predicate such that x ∼ y holds
for two nodes if they have the same data value. A consequence is the theoretical decidability of a limited form of comparison of data values in XPath.
2.5. Monadic Second-Order Logic
The corresponding decision procedure is observed to be between NEXPTIME
and 3-NEXPTIME, but unfortunately the approach gives no clue for a relevant
effective algorithm [Bojanczyk et al., 2006].
FO nevertheless remains a convenient formalism for obtaining decidability
results or theoretical characterizations of XPath queries. However, an argument in favor of MSO is that FO and its variants do not fully capture regular
tree types [Benedikt and Segoufin, 2005] which make them unsuited for dealing
with XML types.
Monadic Second-Order Logic
MSO over trees is one of the most expressive – yet decidable – logic known.
It is known since the 1960’s that MSO exactly captures regular tree types.
The appropriate MSO[≺ch , ≺sb ] variant over finite binary trees is named WS2S
which stands for weak monadic second-order logic of two successors. WS2S was
introduced in [Thatcher and Wright, 1968, Doner, 1970]. In this calculus, firstorder variables range over tree nodes. Second-order variables are interpreted
as finite sets of tree nodes. Weak means that the set variables are allowed
to range only over finite sets. This is enough since XML documents have an
unbounded depth but remain finite trees. Monadic means that quantification
is only allowed over unary relations (sets), not over polyadic relations. The
two successors refer to the left and right successors of a node in the binary
tree. They are sufficient to consider general unranked XML trees without loss
of generality, owing to the mapping β(·) presented in Section 2.5.1.
This section progressively introduces WS2S in detail, and explains how it is
decided through the automaton-logic connection [Thatcher and Wright, 1968,
Doner, 1970] using tree automata introduced in Section 2.1.4.
Preliminary Definitions
For notation consistency purposes, by convention, 0 is used for denoting the left
successor and 1 for denoting the right successor of a node in a binary tree. The
definition of the domain of a finite binary tree is thus slightly updated as follows.
For t ∈ TΣ2 , Dom(t) is defined as the subset of {0, 1} such that if t = σ(t0 , t1 )
with σ ∈ Σ and t0 , t1 ∈ TΣ2 , then Dom(t) = {ǫ} ∪ {iu | i ∈ {0, 1}, u ∈ Dom(ti )}.
ǫ represents the root while vj represents the (j + 1)th successor of v, for j ∈
{0, 1}. A node in the binary tree is thus a finite string over the alphabet {0, 1}.
The notion of characteristic sets is now defined, which further formalizes
and generalizes the Oσ unary predicates introduced in Section 2.3 for the labeling. A characteristic function of a set B is a function from A to {0,1}, where
A is a superset of B. It returns 1 if and only if the element of A is also an
element of B:
f : A → {0, 1}
1, if a ∈ B
∀a ∈ A, f (a) =
0, if a ∈
A characteristic set is a subset of a set A that contains all elements of A for
2. Foundations of XML Processing
which the characteristic function returns 1:
Xf ⊆ A
Xf = {a ∈ A | f (a) = 1}
In the following, characteristic sets of interest are subsets of Dom(t), which
denote where a particular property holds in a tree. Particular attention is paid
to the characteristic sets Xfσ which denote where a particular symbol σ occurs.
Consider for instance the binary tree t = a(b(ǫ, c(ǫ, d)), ǫ) over the alphabet Σ =
{a, b, c, d}. It is identified by its tuple representation e
t = (Xfa , Xfb , Xfc , Xfd )
where Xfσ is the characteristic set of the symbol σ:
Xfa = {ǫ}
Xfb = {0}
Xfc = {01}
Xfd = {011}
The set Xfa ∪ Xfb ∪ Xfc ∪ Xfd of all positions contained in characteristic sets
forms a shape.
A node belongs to a characteristic set Xfσ (also noted Xσ ) if and only if
the node is labeled by σ. Note that in the example of Figure 2.1, one and
only one symbol occurs at each position. In the general case however, there is
no restriction on the content of characteristic sets. A given node may belong
to several characteristic sets. In this case, a node may be labeled by several
symbols. This can be used to encode other properties than XML labeling. On
the opposite, a particular position may not be a member of any characteristic
set. In this case, the overall structure contains a node which is not labeled
by any symbol of the considered alphabet; therefore it is no longer a labeled
tree on this alphabet. Chapter 3 examines how XML trees can be encoded
by constraining these structures using WS2S formulas introduced in the next
WS2S Formulas
From a syntactic point of view, WS2S formulas can be generated by a simple
core language, whose abstract syntax follows:
Lws2s ∋ Φ, Ψ
X =Y −Z
X = Y.0
X = Y.1
first successor
second successor
existential quantification
where X, Y , and Z denote arbitrary second-order variables. Other usual
2.5. Monadic Second-Order Logic
logical connectives can be derived as syntactic sugars of the core:
Φ ∨ Ψ = ¬(¬Φ ∧ ¬Ψ)
Φ ⇒ Ψ = ¬Φ ∨ Ψ
Φ ⇔ Ψ = Φ ∧ Ψ ∨ ¬Φ ∧ ¬Ψ
∀X.Φ = ¬∃X.¬Φ
Note that only second order variables appear in the core. This is because first
order variables can be encoded as singleton second-order variables. A notation
convention is adopted for simplifying the remaining part of the chapter: firstorder variables are noted in lowercase and second-order variables in uppercase.
WS2S Semantics
This section gives an interpretation of WS2S formulas as finite subsets of
{0, 1}∗ . Given a fixed main formula ϕ with k variables, its semantics is defined inductively. Let a tuple representation e
t = (X1 , ..., Xk ) ∈ ({0, 1}∗ )k be
an interpretation of ϕ. The notation t(X) denotes the interpretation Xi (such
that 1 ≤ i ≤ k) that e
t associates to the variable X occurring in ϕ. The semantics of ϕ is inductively defined relative to e
t. The notation e
t ϕ (which is read:
t satisfies ϕ) is used if the interpretation t makes ϕ true:
t X ⊆ Y iff e
t(X) ⊆ e
t(Y )
t X = Y − Z iff e
t(X) = e
t(Y ) \ e
t X = Y.0 iff e
t(X) = {p.0 | p ∈ e
t(Y )}
t X = Y.1 iff e
t(X) = {p.1 | p ∈ e
t(Y )}
t ¬ϕ iff t 2 ϕ
t ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 iff e
t ϕ1 and e
t ϕ2
t ∃X.ϕ iff ∃I ⊆ {0, 1}∗ , e
t[X 7→ I] ϕ
where the notation e
t[X 7→ I] denotes the tuple representation that interprets
X as I and all other variables as e
t does. Note that the two successors of a
particular position always exist in WS2S.
A formula ϕ naturally defines a language L(ϕ) = {e
t | e
t ϕ} over the
alphabet ({0, 1}∗ )k , where k is the number of variables of ϕ.
Equivalence of WS2S and FTA
It has been known since the 1960’s that the class of regular tree languages is
linked to decidability questions in formal logics. In particular, WS2S is decidable through the automaton-logic connection [Thatcher and Wright, 1968,
Doner, 1970], using tree automata (introduced in Section 2.1.4). In 1968,
Thatcher and Wright proved the following equivalence:
Theorem 2.5.1 ([Thatcher and Wright, 1968]) WS2S is as expressive as
finite tree automata.
2. Foundations of XML Processing
The proof works in two directions. First, it is shown that a WS2S formula can
be created such that it simulates a successful run of a tree-automaton. Second,
for any given WS2S formula a corresponding tree automaton can be built.
Technically, the correspondence of WS2S formulas and tree automata relies
on a convenient representation that links the truth status of a formula with
the recognition operated by an automaton. This representation is a matricial
t be a tuple,
vision of the tuple representation
described in Section 2.5.1. Let e
its matricial representation
positions in
the tree. Entries of t ....
correspond to values in {0, 1} of characteristic functions:
an entry (v, p) = 1 in t means that the position p belongs to the variable Xv .
Consider for instance the formula ϕ = (∃X.∃Y. Y = Z.0 ∧ X = Z.1) which
has three variables X, Y , and Z. A typical matrix looks like:
ǫ 0 00
1 1 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
010 1
Note that this matrix is finite since only finite trees are considered. It furthermore allows to capture finite trees of unbounded depth. As a counterpart,
there is an infinite number of matrices that define the same interpretation:
any number of columns of zeros may be appended....
at the right end of the matrix (for positions after the end of the tree). Let t be the minimum matrix,
without such empty suffix. Rows of the matrix are called tracks and give the
interpretation of each variable, which is defined as the finite set {p | the bit for
position p in the Xi track is 1}.
Each column of the matrix is a bit vector that indicates the membership
status of a node to the variables of the formula. The automaton recognizes all
the interpretations (matrices) that satisfy the formula. A line by line reading
of the matrix gives the interpretation of each variable (i.e. its associated set of
positions), whereas an automaton processes the matrix column by column; it
transits on each bit-vector.
From Formulas to Automata
Given a particular formula, a corresponding FTA can be built in order to decide
the truth status of the formula.
Let ϕ be a formula with k second-order variables. As an interpretation
of ϕ, consider a tuple representation e
t = (X1 , ..., Xk ) ∈ ({0, 1}∗ )k . The tree
automaton that corresponds to ϕ is noted AJϕK. ....
AJϕK operates over the alphabet Σ = {0, 1}k , and can be seen as processing t column by column. Note
however that there is an infinite number of matrices that defines the same interpretation. On one hand, any number columns of zeros can appear at the end
of the matrix. On the other hand, a column of zeros can also appear for any
position in the tree, before a non-empty column, denoting that this position is
not a member of any interpretation. The automaton therefore faces a problem:
when recognizing a column of zeros, knowing if the recognition should stop
(because the end of the tree has been reached) or continue. In other terms,
the automaton needs to know the maximal depth of the tree as an additional
information in order to know when to stop. To this end, a new termination
2.5. Monadic Second-Order Logic
symbol ⊥ is introduced. From a matricial point of view, this symbol appears
as a component of a bit-vector whenever this component will not be 1 anymore
for the remaining bit-vectors to be processed. Technically, AJϕK recognizes the
tree representation b
t of e
t. b
t is obtained from e
t as follows:
1. the set of positions of b
t is the prefix-closure of X1 ∪ ... ∪ Xk
2. leaves of b
t are labeled with ⊥k
3. binary constructors of the tree are labeled with an element of {⊥, 0, 1}k
such that the ith component of a position p in b
t is marked: 1 if and only
if p ∈ Xi , 0 if and only if p ∈
/ Xi and some extension of p is in Xi , and ⊥
Note that in this tree representation, ⊥ appears as a component of a node
label whenever no descendant node has a 1 for the same component. For
example, Figure 2.9 gives the tuple, the matrix, and the tree representation of
a particular satisfying interpretation of the formula X ⊆ Y .
t = ({0}, {0, 1})
t = X
ǫ 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
Figure 2.9: Representations of a Satisfying Interpretation of X ⊆ Y
Theorem 2.5.2 ([Thatcher and Wright, 1968, Doner, 1970]) For every
formula ϕ, there is an automaton AJϕK such that:
t ϕ ≡ AJϕK accepts b
The automaton AJϕK is calculated using an induction scheme. A basic
bottom-up tree automaton corresponds to each atomic formula:
AJX ⊆ Y K =
q ← ⊥⊥,
q ← ⊥1(q, q),
q ← 01(q, q),
q ← ⊥0(q, q)
q ← 00(q, q)
, {q}
q ← 11(q, q)
2. Foundations of XML Processing
q ← ⊥⊥⊥,
q ← ⊥⊥0(q, q),
q ← ⊥0⊥(q, q), q ← ⊥00(q, q),
q ← ⊥01(q, q), q ← ⊥11(q, q),
q ← 0⊥⊥(q, q), q ← 0⊥0(q, q),
AJX = Y − ZK =
q ← 0⊥1(q, q), q ← 00⊥(q, q),
q ← 000(q, q),
q ← 001(q, q),
q ← 011(q, q),
q ← 11⊥(q, q),
q ← 110(q, q),
q ′ ← 00(q, q ′ )
q ← ⊥⊥,
, {q ′ }
AJX = Y.0K = q ′ ← 00(q ′ , q) q ′ ← 01(q ′′ , q)
q ← 1⊥(q, q) q ← 10(q, q)
q ′ ← 00(q, q ′ )
q ← ⊥⊥,
, {q ′ }
AJX = Y.1K = q ′ ← 00(q ′ , q) q ′ ← 01(q, q ′′ )
q ← 1⊥(q, q) q ← 10(q, q)
Logical connectives are then translated into automata-theoretic operations,
taking advantage of the closure properties of tree automata (presented in Section 2.1.4). Formula conjunction is translated into intersection of automata:
AJϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 K = AJϕ1 K ∩ AJϕ2 K
and negation is translated into automata complementation:
AJ¬ϕK = ∁(AJϕK)
Existential quantification relies on projection and determinization of tree
automata. The automaton AJ∃X.ϕK is derived from AJϕK by projection. This
means the alphabet of AJ∃X.ϕK has to be one element smaller than the alphabet of AJϕK. In every tuple of AJϕK the X component is removed, so that
its size is decreased by one. The rest of the automaton remains the same.
Intuitively, AJ∃X.ϕK acts as AJϕK except it is allowed to guess the bits for
X. The automaton AJ∃X.ϕK may be non-deterministic even if AJϕK was not
[Comon et al., 1997], that is why determinization is required.
As a result, for every formula ϕ it is possible to build an automaton AJϕK
in this manner, which defines the same language as ϕ:
L(AJϕK) = L(ϕ)
Analyzing the automaton AJϕK allows to decide the truth status of the
formula ϕ:
• if L(AJϕK) = ∅ then ϕ is unsatisfiable;
• else ϕ is satisfiable. If L(∁(AJϕK)) = ∅ then ϕ is always satisfiable (valid).
Possessing the full automaton corresponding to a formula is of great value,
since it can be used for generating examples and counter-examples of the truth
status of the formula. A relevant example (or counter-example) can be built
by looking for an accepting run of the automaton (or its complement).
2.5. Monadic Second-Order Logic
WS2S Complexity
Two factors have a major impact on the cost of a WS2S decision procedure:
1. the number of second-order variables in the formula
2. the number of states of the corresponding automaton (automaton size)
The number of second-order variables determines the alphabet size. More
precisely, a formula with k variables is decided by an automaton operating on
the alphabet Σ = {0, 1}k . Representing the transition function δ of such an
automaton can be prohibitive. Indeed, in the worst case, the representation of
a complete FTA requires 2k · |Q| transitions where Q is the set of states of the
automaton. A direct encoding with classical FTA such as the one described
in Section 2.5.5 would lead to an impracticable algorithm. Modern logical
solvers represent transition functions using BDDs [Bryant, 1986] that can lead
to exponential improvements [Klarlund and Møller, 2001, Tanabe et al., 2005].
As seen in Section 2.5.5, automaton construction is performed inductively
by composing automata corresponding to each sub-formula. During this process, the number of states of intermediate automata may grow significantly.
Automaton size depends on the nature of the automata-theoretic operation
applied and the sizes of automata constructed so far. Each operation on tree
automata particularly affects the size of the resulting automaton:
• Automata intersection causes a quadratic increase in automaton size in
the worst case, as well as all binary WS2S connectors (∧, ∨, ⇒) that
involve automata products [Klarlund et al., 2001].
• when considering deterministic complete automata, automata complementation corresponding to WS2S negation is a linear-time algorithm
that consists in flipping accepting and rejecting states.
• The major source of complexity originates from automata determinization which may cause an exponential increase of the number of states
in the worst case [Comon et al., 1997]. Logical quantification involves
automaton projection (c.f. Section 2.5.5) which may result in a nondeterministic automaton, thus involving determinization. Hopefully, a
succession of quantifications of the same type can be combined as a single
projection followed by a single determinization. However, any alternation of second-order quantifiers requires a determinization, thus possibly
causing an exponential increase of the automaton size.
As a consequence, the number of states of the final automaton corresponding to a formula with n quantifier alternations is in the worst case a tower of
exponentials of height c · n where c is some constant, and this is a lower bound
[Stockmeyer and Meyer, 1973]. The translation from logical formulas to tree
automata is thus non-elementary 7 :
7 The term elementary introduced by Grzegorczyk [Grzegorczyk, 1953] refers to functions obtained from some basic functions by operations of limited summation and limited
multiplication. Consider the function tower () defined by:
tower (n, 0) = n
tower (n, k + 1) = 2tower (n,k)
2. Foundations of XML Processing
Theorem 2.5.3 [Meyer, 1975, Stockmeyer, 1974] The satisfiability problem
for WS2S formulas has an unbounded stack of exponentials as worst case lower
This high complexity, originating from the full construction and complementation of intermediate tree automata, is the counterpart of WS2S expressiveness
and succinctness. Chapter 3 of this dissertation investigates how it is possible to deal with this complexity in practice, proposes a decision procedure
for XPath containment based on WS2S along with optimizations of the WS2S
decision procedure in the XML setting.
Temporal Logics
Some temporal and fixpoint logics closely related to FO and MSO have been
introduced and allow to avoid explicit automata construction.
FO Relatives
For query languages, Computational Tree Logic (CTL) has been proposed in
[Clarke and Emerson, 1981]. CTL is equivalent to FO over tree structures
[Barceló and Libkin, 2005] and its satisfiability is in EXPTIME. The connection between XPath and FO relatives like CTL has been studied in [Marx, 2004b,
Miklau and Suciu, 2004, Barceló and Libkin, 2005]. In particular, the work
found in [Marx, 2004b] characterizes a subset of XPath in terms of extensions of
CTL, whose satisfiability is in EXPTIME. Authors of [Miklau and Suciu, 2004]
also observed that a fragment of XPath can be embedded in CTL. However, regular tree languages are not fully captured by FO [Benedikt and Segoufin, 2005].
These approaches are therefore not intended to support XML types.
In a attempt to reach more expressive power, the work that is presented
in [Afanasiev et al., 2005] proposes a variant of Propositional Dynamic Logic
(PDL) [Fischer and Ladner, 1979] with an EXPTIME complexity, but whose
exact expressive power (as a strict subset of MSO) is still under study.
The goal of the XPath research presented so far is limited to establishing
new theoretical properties and complexity bounds.
The research presented in this dissertation differs in that it seeks, in addition
to the previous goals, efficient implementation techniques and concrete design
that may be directly applied to XML type-checking problems involving XPath
queries and regular tree types.
MSO Relatives
The propositional modal µ-calculus introduced in [Kozen, 1983] has been shown
to be as expressive as non-deterministic tree automata [Emerson and Jutla, 1991].
From [Arnold and Niwinski, 1992, Kupferman and Vardi, 1999], it is known
that WS2S is exactly as expressive as the alternation-free fragment (AFMC)
Grzegorczyk has shown that every elementary function in one argument is bounded by
λn.tower (n, c) for some constant c. Hence, the term non-elementary refers to a function
that grows faster than any such function.
2.7. Systems for XML Type-Checking
of the propositional modal µ-calculus. The µ-calculus subsumes all early logics such as CTL and PDL (see [Barceló and Libkin, 2005] for a recent survey on tree logics). The µ-calculus is trivially closed under negation, can be
extended with converse programs, and still remains decidable in EXPTIME
[Vardi, 1998]. The best known complexity for the resulting logic is 2O(n ·log n)
[Grädel et al., 2002]. As a counterpart of its substantially inferior complexity,
it looses the succintness of MSO. Fixpoint logics are indeed notorious for being difficult to understand, even for reasonably expert people, as pointed by
[Bradfield and Stirling, 2001]. However, it is assumed in this dissertation that
this is not a problem since the logic is only intended as a target for the compilation of XML concepts. As such, the µ-calculus constitutes an interesting
alternative for studying MSO-related problems. From a theoretical perspective, the AFMC with converse sounds as an appropriate logic for XML: it is
expressive enough to capture a significant class of XPath decision problems,
while offering an interesting balance between complexity and expressiveness.
The work found in [Tanabe et al., 2005] proposes a decision procedure for
the AFMC, whose time complexity is 2O(n·log n) . However, models of the logic
are Kripke structures (general infinite graphs), and the logic lacks the finite
model property (i.e. there exist formulas which are satisfiable on Kripke structures and unsatisfiable on finite trees). In a preliminary work on XML typechecking, a logic for finite trees was presented [Tozawa, 2004], but the logic is
not closed under negation.
Chapter 4 of this dissertation studies how the recent AFMC decision procedure proposed in [Tanabe et al., 2005] can be used in the context of XML.
Based on the outcome of these investigations, the final Chapters 5 and 6 prove
the decidability of a new logic for finite trees, derived from the µ-calculus, in
time 2O(n) and propose an effective algorithm for checking its satisfiability in
Systems for XML Type-Checking
This section presents other related work on XML type-checking frameworks,
which do not definitely aim at supporting XPath. Actually, none of the approach presented in this section is able to effectively deal with the expressive
power of the XPath fragment considered in this dissertation (and presented
in Section 2.2.1). Nevertheless, this section gathers the main approaches and
ideas developed elsewhere for static type-checking in the XML setting. Although notably different, several approaches can be seen as complementary to
the work proposed in this dissertation. Most techniques are based on regular
tree languages and use tree automata introduced in Section 2.1.4.
Formulations of the Static Validation Problem
The paper [Audebaud and Rose, 2000] was influential in clearly defining the
static validation problem. As an early attempt, it also proposes a set of typing
rules to establish relationships between the input and output type of an XSLT
transformation, but the method is only applicable to a tiny fragment of XSLT.
The XML type-checking problem was later described in [Suciu, 2002]. A more
recent survey work on the static type checkers for XML transformation languages can be found in [Møller and Schwartzbach, 2005]. The remaining part
2. Foundations of XML Processing
of this section presents the major known frameworks and innovations around
the type-checking of XML.
Inverse Type Inference with Tree Transducers
The paper [Suciu, 2002] describes how static type-checking can be performed
using forward type inference. Forward type inference refers to the ability to
automatically deduce the output type of the XML document derived from the
evaluation of an XML transformation. This is usually done by inference rules,
and corresponding type inference algorithms are generally polynomial in the
XML setting [Tozawa, 2001]. Type inference is used to do type-checking. For
instance, if a program is assumed to return a type Tout ; once the inferred
output type Tout
is known, type-checking can be performed by testing the ininf
clusion Tout ⊆ Tout . The work found in [Milo et al., 2003, Suciu, 2002] reveals
an important limitation of forward type inference in the context of XML: unfortunately, forward type inference is not complete. This is because the output
type of a program may actually be a non-regular tree language that cannot
be infered. In that case, the infered regular type is typically a larger approximation of the actual type, and the type-checker rejects the correct program,
because Tout
6⊆ Tout (an example and details on this limitation can be found in
[Suciu, 2002]).
The work found in [Milo et al., 2003] introduces the technique of inverse
type inference in an attempt to overcome this problem. Inverse type inference
computes the allowed input language for a so-called k-pebble transducer given
its output language. The resulting algorithm has non-elementary complexity.
The paper [Martens and Neven, 2003] investigates how the expressive power of
tree transducers must be further restricted in order to allow a polynomial time
decision algorithm. The practical relevance and usability of techniques based
on tree transducers have not yet been demonstrated.
XSLT0 The paper [Tozawa, 2001] examines a fragment of XSLT called XSLT0
which covers the structural recursion core of XSLT. It relies on inverse type
inference to perform exact static validation, in the manner of [Milo et al., 2003]
but with a more efficient (exponential time) algorithm. However, XSLT0 does
not support XPath but only allows simple child steps in the recursion. Compiling XSLT into XSLT0 is thus possible for only the simplest transformations.
XDuce, CDuce, Xtatic
XDuce [Hosoya and Pierce, 2003] was the first domain specific programming
language with type-checking of XML operations. The most essential part of
the type system is the subtyping relation, which is defined by inclusion of
the values represented by the types (this is also called structural subtyping8 ).
The proposed algorithm for subtyping attempts to avoid the worst case exponential time complexity in practical cases. Instead of relying on tree automata determinization, it checks the inclusion relation by a top-down traver8 Structural subtyping is usually opposed to nominal subtyping in which type compatibility and equivalence are not determined by the type’s structure but through explicit declarations and names of the types. See [Su et al., 2002] and [Siméon and Wadler, 2003] for
more details on subtyping paradigms.
2.7. Systems for XML Type-Checking
sal of the original type expressions. XDuce’s algorithm builds on the previous work found in [Aiken and Murphy, 1991], and extends it with several
implementation techniques. The resulting algorithm appears efficient in practice [Hosoya and Pierce, 2003]. XDuce has provided the foundation for later
languages, in particular the CDuce [Benzaken et al., 2003, Frisch, 2004] and
XStatic [Gapeyev and Pierce, 2003] languages. The CDuce language attempts
to extend XDuce towards being a general purpose functional language. To
this end, CDuce provides a more sophisticated type system featuring function
types, intersection and negation types. It extends XDuce with higher-order
functions, variations of pattern matching primitives, and parametric polymorphism [Hosoya et al., 2005a]. Xtatic aims at integrating the main ideas from
XDuce into C# . All these languages support pattern-matching through regular expression types but not XPath. As pointed in [Colazzo et al., 2004], a
major difference is that pattern-matching implements a one-match semantics,
i.e. every pattern, instead of collecting every matched piece of data (as in
standard query languages such as XPath), only binds the first match. Although some recent work shows how to translate parts of XPath into Xtatic
[Gapeyev and Pierce, 2004], the XPath fragment considered does not include
reverse axes nor negation in qualifiers.
Symbolic XML Schema Containment
The work found in [Tozawa and Hagiya, 2003] proposes a symbolic algorithm,
based on binary decision diagrams [Bryant, 1986], in order to solve the containment between two XML schemas. The algorithm appears to be efficient
in practice and favorably compares to the one used by XDuce. The idea of
using symbolic techniques is similar to the one used in implementations presented in Chapters 4 and Chapter 6. The implicit encoding of FTA presented
in [Tozawa and Hagiya, 2003] is however significantly simpler since it only considers XML types (XML types only use a simple form of tree navigation; they
do not need upward nor multidirectional navigation in trees as XPath does).
Nevertheless, this work was the first to reveal the interest of using implicit
techniques in the context of XML. This work suggests and motivates further
developments such as simplifications for particular cases of the more general
symbolic techniques used in Chapters 4 and Chapter 6.
The XJ [Harren et al., 2005] language aims at integrating XML processing
closely into Java. Types are regular expressions over XML Schema declarations. The type system has two levels: regular expression operators and XML
Schema declarations. A peculiarity of XJ is that subtyping on the schema level
is nominal, i.e. type compatibility and containment is determined by explicit
declarations and the name of the types (as in Java). This aspect contrasts with
the structural subtyping systems used in XDuce (and in this dissertation). XJ
subtyping on the regular expression level is defined as regular language inclusion on top of the schema subtyping. [Møller and Schwartzbach, 2005] argues
that an inherited drawback of the underlying nominal style of subtyping is that
a given XML value may be tied too closely with its schema type, which thus
makes certain transformations more complex than they could be. XJ neverthe35
2. Foundations of XML Processing
less provides an interesting experiment of integration of type-safe processing in
Java, and a detailed study of nominal subtyping in the context of XML can be
found in [Siméon and Wadler, 2003].
Approximated Approaches for XSLT
Several approaches aim at proposing XSLT debugging features at compile-time
by choosing to sacrifice exact decidability and to settle for pragmatic approximations instead. Among this line of work, the paper [Dong and Bailey, 2004]
aims at conservatively analyzing the flow of an XSLT transformation. It uses
the control-flow information to detect unreachable templates and guarantee
termination. The analysis is however less precise than the more recent one
found in [Møller et al., 2005]. The work [Møller et al., 2005] presents a more
complete approximated technique that is able to statically detect errors in
XSLT stylesheets. Their approach could certainly benefit from using the exact
algorithm proposed in Chapter 6 instead of their conservative approximation.
Path Correctness for µXQ Queries
The work found in [Colazzo et al., 2006] proposes a sound and complete type
system for ensuring path correctness for XML queries. The notion of navigation correctness is similar to the emptiness problem formulated in chapter 4.6
that can be used for detecting contradictions. The common idea is that if a
subexpression of a query always yields an empty result then this should be considered as an error. The considered query language in [Colazzo et al., 2006],
called µXQ, covers a minimal core of XQuery [Boag et al., 2006] but ignores
reverse navigation. In comparison, the XPath fragment considered in this dissertation includes all axes. The algorithm presented in Chapter 6 may provide
perspectives on how to extend the type system of [Colazzo et al., 2006] to deal
with reverse navigation.
The Spatial Logic Perspective
Spatial logics are formalisms traditionally used for describing the behavior and
spatial structure of concurrent systems. The main ingredient of spatial logics is an operator called composition (or separation), which usually permits
reasoning over concurrent and mobile processes [Boneva and Talbot, 2005].
Spatial logics have recently been found useful in the study of semistructured
data and related query languages as they allow to express properties about
structures such as graphs [Cardelli et al., 2002, Dawar et al., 2004] and trees
[Cardelli and Ghelli, 2004].
The work found in [Cardelli and Ghelli, 2004] proposes the TQL logic as
the core of a query language for semistructured data represented as unranked
trees and unordered trees. The TQL logic is based on the ambient logic
[Cardelli and Gordon, 2000, Cardelli and Gordon, 2006]. It is known that TQL
is more expressive than MSO since it can express some counting properties
about trees that can not be defined in MSO. It has been shown that a fragment
of the ambient logic contained in TQL is undecidable [Charatonik et al., 2003].
Nevertheless, decidable fragments of TQL could be useful for building type systems for semistructured data such as the one proposed in [Calcagno et al., 2003],
2.8. The Spatial Logic Perspective
and also for testing emptiness and containment of queries, as suggested in
[Cardelli and Ghelli, 2004]. TQL thus provides an interesting foundation for
further research.
The work found in [Boneva and Talbot, 2005] considers a fragment of TQL
called STL and characterize its expressiveness. STL satisfiability is shown
undecidable but some syntactic restrictions over STL formulas allow to capture
The logic TL described in [Dal-Zilio et al., 2004] is also based on the ambient logic. TL can be encoded into the so-called sheaves automata proposed in
[Dal-Zilio and Lugiez, 2003], whose transitions are conditioned by Presburger
The major difference between these spatial logics and the work presented
in this dissertation is that spatial logics operates on unordered trees, whereas
this dissertation considers ordered trees (cf. Section 2.1.1) such as structured
documents. On one hand, the extension of TQL’s data model with ordering is
an interesting and important open issue [Conforti et al., 2002]. On the other
hand, extending the logic of ordered trees proposed in the Chapters 5 and 6 of
this dissertation with counting constraints is also an interesting and promising
perspective. These research directions can thus be seen as complementary and
could certainly benefit from a reciprocal inspiration.
The Sheaves Logic
The work found in [Dal-Zilio and Lugiez, 2006] introduces a modal logic for
documents called GDL, inspired from TQL, and proves the decidability of a
fragment of GDL called the Sheaves logic. The Sheaves logic (SL) operates on
ordered trees, and combines regularity and counting constraints. SL provides
an interleaving operator for dealing with mixed ordered and unordered content.
One one hand SL lacks recursion, i.e. fixpoint operators which are needed for
supporting query langages (cf. Chapter 4); one the other hand SL allows to
reason about numerical properties of the contents of elements, and may provide
the inspiration for the integration of counting constraints in the logic presented
in Chapter 5, kept for future work.
Preliminary Investigations
towards a Logic for XML
Chapter 3
Monadic Second-Order Logic for
This chapter first investigates how MSO can be used in the context of XML,
despite its non-elementary complexity1 . A sound and complete decision procedure for containment of XPath queries is proposed based on MSO. Specifically,
XPath queries are translated into equivalent formulas in WS2S introduced in
Section 2.5.2. Using this translation, the logical formulation of the containment problem is constructed, and optimized, by taking into account XPath
peculiarities. The containment formula is then decided using tree automata.
When the containment relation does not hold between two XPath expressions,
a counter-example XML tree is generated. A complexity analysis is provided,
along with practical experiments.
Chapter Outline Section 3.2 presents the encoding of XML trees into WS2S.
Section 3.3 explains the translation of XPath queries to logical formulas. A
complexity analysis and an optimization method are given in Section 3.4. Experimental results and the outcome of this approach are respectively discussed
in Sections 3.5 and 3.6.
Representation of XML Trees
Section 2.5.1 presented how characteristic sets can be used for describing shapes.
A shape is basically a second order variable, interpreted as a set of nodes, for
which particular properties hold. Using WS2S, this section now expresses additional requirements that a shape should fulfill in order to be an XML tree.
The first requirements are structural. First, in order to be a tree, a shape
X must be prefix-closed, that is, for any position in the tree, any prefix of this
1 It is well known that type inference for higher-order typed lambda calculi can have nonelementary complexity, and is nevertheless effectively used by typed functional programming
languages such as those of the ML family [Henglein and Mairson, 1991].
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
position is also in the tree:
PrefixClosed(X) = ∀x.∀y.((y = x.1 ∨ y = x.0) ∧ y ∈ X) ⇒ x ∈ X
This ensures the shape is fully connected. Second, a predicate for the root of
X is defined:
IsRoot(X, x) = x ∈ X ∧ ¬(∃z.z ∈ X ∧ (x = z.1 ∨ x = z.0))
In order to be a tree and not a hedge, X must have only one root with no
SingleRoot(X) = ∀x.IsRoot(X, x) ⇒ x.1 ∈
Then, the labeling of the tree must be consistent with XML. The same symbol
may appear at several locations in the tree with different arities: either as a
binary constructor or as a leaf. However, one and only one symbol is associated
with a position in the shape. Assume that the set of characteristic sets forms
a partition:
Partition(X, X1 , ..., Xn )
Disjoint(X1 , ..., Xn )
Xi ∧ Disjoint(X1 , ..., Xn )
i6=j Xi ∩ Xj = ∅
this prevents a node to have multiple labels, but it also prevents a tree to be
using an infinite alphabet. The problem comes from declaring X =
that prevents any other symbol to occur in the tree. Consider instead
that the characteristic sets must be disjoint, then a position in the tree may not
be a member of any of the considered characteristic sets. That is how labeling
from an infinite alphabet is emulated. As a result, an XML tree is encoded in
the following way:
XMLTree(X, X1 , ..., Xn ) =
Disjoint(X1 , ..., Xn )
X 6= ∅
where X is the tree (non-empty in order not to get degenerated results) and the
Xi s are the characteristic sets. Figure 3.1 introduces how this is formulated in
MONA Syntax [Klarlund and Møller, 2001], for the case of two characteristic
sets of interest named Xbook and Xcitation. The only difference is that the
shape X is declared as a global free variable named $ together with associated
restrictions, instead of being passed as a parameter to predicates. In MONA
syntax, “var2” is the keyword for declaring a free second-order variable; “all1”
is the universal quantifier for first-order variables; and “&” and “|” respectively
stand for the “∧” and “∨” connectives.
Interpretation of XPath Queries
This section explains how an XPath expression can be translated into an equivalent WS2S formula. This logical interpretation basically consists in considering
a query as a relation that connects two tree nodes: a context node from which
the query is applied, and a result node (selected by the query).
3.3. Interpretation of XPath Queries
# Data Model
var2 $ where ~empty($)
& (all1 x : all1 y : ((y=x.1 | y=x.0)
& (y in $)) => x in $)
& all1 r : (r in $ & ~(ex1 z : z in $
& (r=z.1 | r=z.0)))
=> r.1 notin $;
# Characteristic sets
var2 Xbook, Xcitation;
# Partition
((all1 x : x in Xbook =>x notin Xcitation)
&(all1 x : x in Xcitation =>x notin Xbook));
Figure 3.1: Sample XML Tree in MONA WS2S Syntax.
Navigation and Recursion
As a first step toward a WS2S encoding of XPath expressions, the navigational
primitives over binary trees must be expressed. Considering binary trees involves recursion for modeling the usual child relation on unranked trees (c.f.
Figure 2.1 and the isomorphism between binary and unranked trees detailed
in Section 2.1.1). Recursion is not available as a basic construct of WS2S. Recursion can be defined via a transitive closure formulated using second-order
The following-sibling relation is first expressed in WS2S. Consider a secondorder variable F as the set of nodes of interest. The following-sibling relation is
defined as an induction scheme. The base case just captures that the immediate
right successor of x is effectively its first following sibling:
(x.1 ∈ F )
Then the induction step states that the immediate right successor of every
position in F is also among the following siblings, and formulates this as a
transitive closure:
∀z.(z ∈ F ⇒ z.1 ∈ F )
The global requirement for a node y to be one of the following siblings of x is
now formulated. The node y must belong to the set F which is closed under
the following-sibling relation starting from x.1:
(x.1 ∈ F ∧ ∀z.z ∈ F ⇒ z.1 ∈ F ) ⇒ y ∈ F
Note that this formula is satisfied for multiple sets F . For instance, the set of all
tree nodes satisfies this implication. Actually, only the smallest set F for which
the formula holds is of interest: the set which contains all and only all following
siblings. A way to express this is to introduce a universal quantification over
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
F . Indeed, ranging over all such set of nodes notably takes into account the
particular case where F is minimal, i.e. the set of interest. If the global formula
holds for every F , y is also in the minimal set that contains only the following
siblings of x. Therefore, the XPath “following-sibling” axis is defined as the
WS2S predicate:
followingsibling(X, x, y) = ∀F.F ⊆ X ⇒
((x.1 ∈ F ∧ ∀z.z ∈ F ⇒ z.1 ∈ F ) ⇒ y ∈ F )
that expresses the requirements for a node y to be a following sibling of a node
x in the tree X. XPath “descendant” axis can be modeled in the same manner.
The set D of interest is initialized with the left child of the context node, and
is closed under both successor relations:
descendant(X, x, y) = ∀D.D ⊆ X ⇒
(x.0 ∈ D ∧ ∀z.(z ∈ D ⇒ z.1 ∈ D ∧ z.0 ∈ D) ⇒ y ∈ D)
Considering these two relations as navigational primitives, more complex ones
can be built out of them:
child(X, x, y) = y = x.0 ∨ followingsibling(X, x.0, y)
following(X, x, y) = ∃z.z ∈ X ∧ z.1 ∈ X ∧ ancestor(X, x, z)
∧ descendant(X, z.1, y)
self(X, x, y) = x = y
descendantorself(X, x, y) = self(X, x, y) ∨ descendant(X, x, y)
Eventually, the other XPath axes are defined as syntactic sugars by taking
advantage of XPath symmetry:
ancestor(X, x, y) = descendant(X, y, x)
parent(X, x, y) = child(X, y, x)
precedingsibling(X, x, y) = followingsibling(X, y, x)
ancestororself(X, x, y) = descendantorself(X, y, x)
preceding(X, x, y) = following(X, y, x)
Logical Composition of Steps
This section describes how path composition operators are translated into
logical connectives. The translation is formally specified as a “derivor” shown
on Figure 3.2 and written We JeKyx where:
• the parameter e (surrounded by special “syntax” braces JK) is the source
language parameter that is rewritten;
• the additional parameters x and y are respectively the context and the
result node of the query.
3.3. Interpretation of XPath Queries
We J·K·· : Expression → Node → Node → Lws2s
We J/pKyx = ∃z.isroot(z) ∧ Wp JpKyz
We JpKyx = Wp JpKyx
We Je1 p e2 Kyx = We Je1 Kyx ∨ We Je2 Kyx
We Je1 ∩ e2 Kyx = We Je1 Kyx ∧ We Je2 Kyx
Wp : Path → Node → Node → Lws2s
Wp Jp1 /p2 Kyx = ∃z.Wp Jp1 Kzx ∧ Wp Jp2 Kyz
Wp Jp[q]Kyx = Wp JpKyx ∧ Wq JqKy
Wp Ja::σKyx = a(x, y) ∧ y ∈ Xσ
Wp Ja::∗Kyx = a(x, y)
Wq : Qualifier → Node → Lws2s
Wq Jq1 and q2 Kx = Wq Jq1 Kx ∧ Wq Jq2 Kx
Wq Jq1 or q2 Kx = Wq Jq1 Kx ∨ Wq Jq2 Kx
Wq Jnot qKx = ¬ Wq JqKx
Wq JpKx = ∃y.Wp JpKyx
Figure 3.2: Translating XPath into WS2S.
The compilation of an XPath expression to WS2S relies on Wp in charge
of translating paths into formulas, and the dual derivor Wq for translating
qualifiers into formulas. The basic principle is that Wp JpKyx holds for all pairs
x, y of nodes such that y is accessed from x through the path p. Similarly,
Wq JqKx holds for all nodes x such that the qualifier q is satisfied from the
context node x.
The interpretation of path composition Wp Jp1 /p2 Kyx consists in checking the
existence of an intermediate node that connects the two paths, and therefore
requires a new fresh variable to be inserted. The same holds for We J/pKyx that
restarts from the root to interpret p, whatever the current context node x is.
Paths can occur inside qualifiers therefore We , Wp and Wq are mutually
recursive. Since the interpretations of paths and qualifiers are respectively
dyadic and monadic formulas, the translation of a path inside a qualifier Wq JpKx
requires the insertion of a new fresh variable whose only purpose consists in
testing the existence of the path.
Eventually, the translation of steps relies on the logical definition of axes:
a(x, y) denotes the WS2S predicate defining the XPath axis a, as described in
Section 3.3.1. For instance, Figure 3.3 presents the WS2S translation of the
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
# Translated XPath expression:
# child::book/descendant::citation[parent::section]
# Data Model
var2 $ where ~empty($)
& (all1 x : all1 y : ((y=x.1 | y=x.0)
& (y in $)) => x in $)
& all1 r : (r in $ & ~(ex1 z : z in $
& (r=z.1 | r=z.0)))
=> r.1 notin $;
# Characteristic sets
var2 Xbook, Xcitation, Xsection;
# Partition
((all1 x: x in Xbook => x notin Xcitation
& x notin Xsection)&
(all1 x: x in Xcitation => x notin Xbook
& x notin Xsection)&
(all1 x: x in Xsection => x notin Xbook
& x notin Xcitation));
# Query (parameters are context and result nodes)
pred xpath1 (var1 x, var1 y)=
ex1 x1 : child(x,x1) & x1 in Xbook
& descendant(x1,y) & y in Xcitation
& ex1 x2 : parent(y,x2) & x2 in Xsection;
Figure 3.3: WS2S Translation of a Sample XPath in MONA Syntax.
XPath expression:
Formulating XPath Containment
The XPath containment problem can now be expressed in terms of a logical
formula. Given two XPath expressions e1 and e2 , the WS2S formula corresponding to checking their containment is built in two steps. First, each XPath
expression is translated into a WS2S logical relation that connects two nodes
in the tree, as presented in Section 3.3.2. Then the data model is unified. Each
translation yields a set of characteristic sets. The union of them is built, so
that characteristic sets that correspond to symbols used in both expressions
are identified.
From a logical point of view, e1 ⊆ e2 means that each pair of nodes (x, y)
such that x and y are connected by the logical relation corresponding to e1 is
3.3. Interpretation of XPath Queries
similarly connected by the logical relation obtained from e2 :
∀x. ∀y. We Je1 Kyx ⇒ We Je2 Kyx
The containment relation holds between expressions e1 and e2 if and only if the
WS2S formula (3.1) is satisfied for all trees. With respect to the notations of
Section 3.2, the containment between expressions e1 and e2 is thus formulated
∀X. XMLTree(X, X1 , ..., Xn ) ⇒ (∀x ∈ X. ∀y ∈ X. We Je1 Kyx ⇒ We Je2 Kyx )
where the Xi are members of the union of all characteristic sets detected for
each expression. Consider for instance the two XPath expressions:
e1 = child::book/descendant::citation[parent::section]
e2 = descendant::citation[ancestor::book and ancestor::section]
Figure 3.4 presents the generated WS2S formula for checking containment between e1 and e2 , in MONA syntax. The formula is determined valid (which
means e1 ⊆ e2 ) in less than 0.2 seconds, the time spent to build the corresponding automaton and analyze it. The formula for the reciprocal containment check between e2 and e1 is satisfiable, which means e2 6⊆ e1 . The total
running time of the decision procedure is less than 0.9 seconds, including the
generation of the counter-example, shown below:
Soundness and Completeness
Soundness and completeness of the decision procedure for XPath Containment
are ensured by construction. Indeed, consider the initial definition of the containment problem: provided a XML tree, checking containment between two
XPath e1 and e2 consists in determining if the following proposition holds:
∀x, Se Je1 Kx ⊆ Se Je2 Kx
By definition, (3.2) is logically equivalent to:
∀x, ∀y, y ∈ Se Je1 Kx ⇒ y ∈ Se Je2 Kx
Then the last step remaining to prove is the equivalence between (3.3) and
(3.1). To this end, the compilation of XPath expressions into WS2S formulas
must preserve XPath denotational semantics, which means:
Theorem 3.3.1 The logical translation of XPath expressions is equivalent to
XPath denotational semantics:
Wp JeKyx ≡ y ∈ Sp JeKx
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
# Checking XPath Containment between
# and ’descendant::citation[ancestor::book
and ancestor::section]’
# Data Model
var2 $ where ~empty($)
& (all1 x : all1 y : ((y=x.1 | y=x.0)
& (y in $)) => x in $)
& all1 r : (r in $ & ~(ex1 z : z in $
& (r=z.1 | r=z.0)))
=> r.1 notin $;
# Characteristic sets
var2 Xbook, Xcitation, Xsection;
# Queries (parameters are context and result nodes)
pred xpath1 (var1 x, var1 y)=
ex1 x1 : child(x,x1) & x1 in Xbook
& descendant(x1,y) & y in Xcitation
& ex1 x2 : parent(y,x2) & x2 in Xsection;
pred xpath2 (var1 x, var1 y)=
descendant(x,y) & y in Xcitation
& ex1 x1 : (ancestor(y,x1) & x1 in Xbook)
& ex1 x2 : (ancestor(y,x2) & x2 in Xsection);
# Problem formulation
((all1 x: x in Xbook => x notin Xcitation
& x notin Xsection)&
(all1 x: x in Xcitation => x notin Xbook
& x notin Xsection)&
(all1 x: x in Xsection => x notin Xbook
& x notin Xcitation))
(all1 x: all1 y: (xpath1(x,y)=> xpath2(x,y)));
Figure 3.4: Sample WS2S Formula for XPath Containment in MONA Syntax.
3.4. Complexity Analysis and Optimization
Proof (Sketch) The proof uses an induction over the structure of paths.
Since the definition of paths and qualifiers is cross-recursive, a mutual induction
scheme is used. The scheme relies on the dual property for qualifiers that also
needs to be proved:
∀p, ∀x, (Sq JqKx ≡ Wq JqKx )
Specifically (3.4) is proved by taking (3.5) as assumption, and reciprocally
(3.5) is proved under (3.4) as assumption. Both equivalences (3.4) and (3.5)
are proved inductively for each compositional layer. The idea basically consists
in associating corresponding logical connectives to each set-theoretic composition operator used in the denotational semantics. XPath qualifier constructs
trivially correspond to logical WS2S connectives. Path constructs involves
set-theoretic union and intersection operations which are respectively mapped
to logical disjunction and conjunction. Two path constructs: p1 /p2 and p[q]
require specific attention in the sense their denotational semantics introduce
particular compositions over sets of nodes. They are recalled below:
Sp Jp1 /p2 Kx = {x2 | x1 ∈ Sp Jp1 Kx ∧ x2 ∈ Sp Jp2 Kx1 }
Sp Jp[q]Kx = {x1 | x1 ∈ Sp JpKx ∧ Sq JqKx1 }
Auxiliary lemmas are introduced in order to clarify how these constructs are
mapped to WS2S. The XPath construct p1 /p2 is generalized as a function
product(), whereas the XPath construct p[q] is generalized as filter ():
product() : Set(Node) → (Node → Set(Node)) → Set(Node)
filter () : Set(Node) → (Node → Boolean) → Set(Node)
product() is characterized by the lemmas (3.6) and (3.7), in which y and z are
nodes, and S is a set of nodes. These lemmas abstract over XPath navigational
functionalities performed by axes by letting f denoting a function that returns
a set of nodes provided a current node:
∀y, ∀z, ∀S, ∀f : Node → Set(Node), z ∈ S ⇒ y ∈ (f z) ⇒ y ∈ product(S, f )
∀y, ∀S, ∀f : Node → Set(Node), y ∈ product(S, f ) ⇒ ∃z, z ∈ S ∧ y ∈ (f z).
The function filter () is in turn characterized by the following lemma:
∀y, ∀g : Node → Boolean, y ∈ filter (S, g) ⇒ y ∈ S
The auxiliary lemmas (3.6), (3.7), and (3.8) are also proved by induction.
Developing the proof in constructive logic involves the (trivial) decidability
of set-theoretic inclusion and of the denotational semantics of qualifiers. The
full formal proof is detailed in [Genevès and Vion-Dury, 2004]. It has been
mechanically checked by the machine using the Coq formal proof management
system [Huet et al., 2004].
Complexity Analysis and Optimization
The translation of an XPath query to its logical representation is linear in the
size of the input query. Indeed, each expression is decomposed then translated inductively in one pass without any duplication, as shown by the formal
definition of We in Section 3.3.2.
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
The second step is the decision procedure, which, compared to the translation, represents the major part of the cost. The truth status of a WS2S
formula is decided throughout the logic-automaton connection as described in
Sections 2.5.4 and 2.5.5 of previous Chapter 2. This translation from logical
formulas to tree automata, while effective, is unfortunately non-elementary.
This bound may sound discouraging. Fortunately, the worst-case scenario
which corresponds to complex formulas, is not likely to occur for small instances of the containment in practice. Furthermore, recent works on MSO
solvers - especially those using BDDs techniques [Bryant, 1986] such as MONA
[Klarlund and Møller, 2001] - suggest that in particular practical cases the explosiveness of this technique can be effectively controlled.
In practice, the implementation relies on MONA [Klarlund and Møller, 2001]
that implements the WS2S decision procedure along with various optimizations. Additionally, a significant optimization that takes advantage of XPath
peculiarities for combating automaton size explosion is described in the following subsection.
Optimization Based on Guided Tree Automata
A major source of complexity arises from the translation of composed paths.
Each translation of the form Wp Jp1 /p2 Kyx introduces an existentially quantified
first-order variable which ranges over all possible tree positions (c.f. Figure 3.5).
The idea in this section is to take advantage of XPath navigational peculiarities for attempting to reduce the scope associated to such variables. XPath
navigates the tree step by step: each step selects a set of nodes which is in
turn used to select a new one by the next step. The interpretation of a variable inserted during the translation of p1 /p2 corresponds to the intermediate
node which is a result of p1 and the context node of p2 . The truth status of
the formula is determined by the existence of such an intermediate node at
a particular position in the tree. If one can determine regions in the tree in
which such a node may appear from those where it cannot appear, valuable
positional knowledge is gained that can be used to reduce the variable scope.
It is interesting to try to identify the region in the tree (or even some larger
approximation) in which the node must be located in order for the formula to
be satisfied. XPath sequential structure of steps makes it possible to exploit
such positional knowledge. Indeed, consider for instance the expression:
e3 = /child::book/descendant::*[child::citation]
e3 navigates from the document root through its “book” children elements and
then selects all descendant nodes provided they have at least one child named
“citation”. Several conditions must be satisfied by a tree t1 in order to yield a
result for e3 :
• t1 must have at least one “book” element as a child of the root;
• t1 must have at least one element that must be a descendant of the “book”
• for this node to be selected it must have at least one child named “citation”.
3.4. Complexity Analysis and Optimization
e1(x,y) = ex1 x1 : isroot(x1) & x1 in $
& ex1 x2 : child(x1,x2) & x2 in Xbook
& descendant(x2,y) & y in $
& ex1 x3 : child(y,x3) & x3 in Xcitation;
Figure 3.5: WS2S Translation of e3 in MONA Syntax.
Figure 3.6: Depth Levels in the Unranked and Binary Cases.
This is made explicit by the logical translation We Je3 Kyx in MONA syntax shown
on Figure 3.5. In this translation, x1, x2 and x3 denote the respective positions
of the root node, a “book” child, and a “citation” child of the selected position
y. These variables actually only range over a particular set of positions in the
tree. By definition, the root can only appear at depth level 0, the “book”
element can only occur at level 1 and its descendants occur at any depth level l
greater or equals to 2. Eventually, the “citation” element should occur at level
l + 1. This is because each step introduces its particular positional constraint
which can be propagated to the next steps.
The idea of taking advantage of positional knowledge is even more general.
Theoretically, normal bottom-up FTA are sufficient for deciding validity of a
WS2S formula (as presented in Section 2.5.4 of Chapter 2). However composition of such automata is particularly sensitive to state space explosion,
as presented in Section 2.5.6. Guided tree automata (GTA) [Biehl et al., 1997]
have been introduced in order to combat such state space explosion by following
the divide and conquer approach. A GTA is just an ordinary FTA equipped
with an additional deterministic top-down tree automaton called the guide.
The latter is introduced to take advantage of positional knowledge, and used
for partitioning the FTA state space into independent subspaces. Top-down
deterministic automata are strictly less powerful than ordinary (bottom-up or
non-deterministic top-down) FTA [Comon et al., 1997]. However, this is not a
problem since the guide is only intended to provide additional auxiliary information used for optimization purposes. As a consequence, the more precise is
the guide, the more efficient is the decision procedure, but an approximation is
sufficient. The guide basically splits the state space of the FTA in independent
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
subsets. Therefore the transition relation of the bottom-up automaton is split
into a family of transition functions, one for each state space name. A state
space name corresponds to a particular depth level or a set of depth levels.
GTA can be composed in the same way than ordinary FTA as explained in
Section 2.5.4 of Chapter 2. A GTA can be seen as an ordinary tree automaton,
where the state space has been factorized according to the guide. A GTA with
only one state space is just an ordinary tree automaton. A detailed description
of GTA can be found in [Biehl et al., 1997]. GTA-based optimization may lead
to exponential improvements of the decision procedure [Elgaard et al., 2000].
A tree partitioning based on the depth levels is now introduced. It is depicted by Figure 3.6 for a n-ary sample tree and its binary counterpart. Based
on this partitioning, a positional constraint (a restricted set of depth levels)
is associated to each node variable. Indeed, a node referred by an XPath can
occur at several depth levels since some axes involve transitive closure (c.f. Section 2.2.2 of Chapter 2). Moreover, the set of depth levels can even be infinite
since XPath offers recursion in unbounded trees.
The computation of sets of depth levels is calculated by the function shown
on Figure 3.7, and written Le JeKN where e is the XPath expression to be
analyzed and N is the set of positional constraints corresponding to the context
node from which e is applied. Again, the algorithm proceeds inductively on
the structure of XPath expressions. XPath steps are base cases for which the
set of levels is effectively calculated from the previous one. Transitive closure
axes such as “descendant” turn the set of depth levels into an infinite one,
even if the previous was finite. Path composition basically propagates the
level calculations by combining with the base cases. Note that an important
precision can be gained with absolute XPath expressions. In this case, the
initial set of depth levels is the singleton {0} as opposed to relative XPath
expressions for which the context node is not known and the initial set of
depth levels is subsequently N.
The optimized compilation of XPath expressions to WS2S formulas is given
on Figure 3.8. We′ , Wp′ and Wq′ are respective optimized versions of We , Wp
and Wq , which convey a set of depth levels as an additional parameter passed
to Le and Lp . These functions compute the restrictions on variable scope that
are inserted by Wp′ and Wq′ . “∃z [D] ” denotes the fact that the existentially
quantified first-order variable z is restricted to appear at a depth level among
the set of depth levels D. In practice, Le and Lp can be merged into We′
and can be implemented in a single pass over the XPath expression. Thus the
translation and the depth level computation remain linear in the size of the
MONA provides an implementation of GTA. The application of the previous
algorithm to e3 leads to the logical formulation shown on Figure 3.9 in MONA
The guide obtained in this translation means that the root is labeled with
“l0”; its left and right successor nodes are labeled with “l1” and “epsilon”
respectively. The “epsilon” is a dummy state space reflecting the fact that the
underlying shape is a tree and not a hedge. No variable is associated with this
state space. The “lothers” state space represents any tree node occurring at
a depth level greater than 3. Such a state space is associated with variables
whose scope is of unbounded depth. The size of the guide depends on the
maximum depth level found among the computed restrictions. Formally, a
3.4. Complexity Analysis and Optimization
Le : LXPath → Set(Int) → Set(Int)
Le J/pKN = Lp JpK{0}
Le JpKN = Lp JpKN
Le Je1 p e2 KN = Le Je1 KN ∪ Le Je2 KN
Le Je1 ∩ e2 KN = Le Je1 KN ∩ Le Je2 KN
Lp : Path → Set(Int) → Set(Int)
Lp Jp1 /p2 KN = Lp Jp2 KLp Jp1 KN
Lp Jp[q]KN = Lp JpKN
Lp Jself::nKN = N
Lp Jchild::nKN = {n + 1 | n ∈ N }
Lp Jparent::nKN = {n − 1 | n ∈ N }
Lp Jdescendant::nKN = {n′ | n ∈ N ∧ n′ > n}
Lp Jdescendant-or-self::nKN = {n′ | n ∈ N ∧ n′ >= n}
Lp Jancestor::nKN = {n′ | n ∈ N ∧ n′ >= 0 ∧ n′ < n}
Lp Jancestor-or-self::nKN = {n′ | n ∈ N ∧ n′ >= 0 ∧ n′ <= n}
Lp Jfollowing::nKN = N − {0}
Lp Jpreceding::nKN = N − {0}
Lp Jfollowing-sibling::nKN = N
Lp Jpreceding-sibling::nKN = N
Figure 3.7: Computation of the Depth Levels of Nodes Selected by a Path.
guide for a maximum depth level n is a top-down deterministic tree automaton
with {q0 , ..., qn+1 } ∪ {qǫ } as set of states, q0 as the single initial state, and the
following set of transitions:
{q0 → (q1 , qǫ )}
{qi → (qi+1 , qi ) | i ∈ [1...n]}
{qn+1 → (qn+1 , qn+1 )}
{qǫ → (qǫ , qǫ )}
where qi (i ∈ [0...n]) denotes the state space name corresponding to the depth
level i, and qn+1 represents all depth levels greater or equal to n + 1 . For formulating the XPath containment, the guide is computed from the two XPath
expressions. Specifically, the deepest (and thus the most precise) guide is chosen as the guide for both expressions.
Eventually, each variable is restricted with a list of state spaces that represents the regions in the tree where its valuation must be searched. For instance,
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
We′ : LXPath → Node → Node → Set(Int) → Lws2s
We′ J/pK(x, y, N ) = ∃z [{0}] .isroot(z) ∧ Wp′ JpK(z, y, {0})
We′ JpK(x, y, N ) = Wp′ JpK(x, y, N)
We′ Je1 p e2 K(x, y, N ) = We′ Je1 K(x, y, N ) ∨ We′ Je2 K(x, y, N )
We′ Je1 ∩ e2 K(x, y, N ) = We′ Je1 K(x, y, N ) ∧ We′ Je2 K(x, y, N )
Wp′ : Path → Node → Node → Set(Int) → Lws2s
Wp′ Jp1 /p2 K(x, y, N ) = ∃z [Lp Jp1 KN ] .Wp′ Jp1 K(x, z, N ) ∧ Wp′ Jp2 K(z, y, N )
Wp′ Jp[q]K(x, y, N ) = Wp′ JpK(x, y, N ) ∧ Wq′ JqK(y, N )
Wp′ Ja::σK(x, y, N ) = a(x, y) ∧ y ∈ Xσ
Wp′ Ja::∗K(x, y, N ) = a(x, y)
Wq′ : Qualifier → Node → Set(Int) → Lws2s
Wq′ Jq1 and q2 K(x, N ) = Wq′ Jq1 K(x, N ) ∧ Wq′ Jq2 K(x, N )
Wq′ Jq1 or q2 K(x, N ) = Wq′ Jq1 K(x, N ) ∨ Wq′ Jq2 K(x, N )
Wq′ Jnot qK(x, N ) = ¬ Wq′ JqK(x, N )
Wq′ JpK(x, N ) = ∃y [Lp JpKN ] .Wp′ JpK(x, y, N )
Figure 3.8: Translating XPath into WS2S with Restricted Variable Scopes.
guide l0 -> (l1, epsilon),
l1 -> (l2, l1),
l2 -> (l3, l2),
l3 -> (lothers, l3),
lothers -> (lothers, lothers),
epsilon -> (epsilon, epsilon);
e1(x,y)= ex1 [l0] x1 : (isroot(x) & x=x1 & x in $)
& ex1 [l1] x2 : child(x1,x2) & x2 in Xbook
& descendant(x2,y) & y in $
& ex1 [l3, lothers] x3 : child(y,x3)
& x3 in Xcitation;
Figure 3.9: Optimized WS2S Translation of e3 in MONA Syntax.
3.5. Implementation and Experiments
“ex1 [l1] x2” means the scope of the variable x2 is limited to tree nodes occurring at depth level 1.
This optimization is useful for both kinds of XPath expressions: absolute
and relative. More precise restrictions can be computed for absolute XPath
expressions (for which the initial set of depth levels is the singleton {0}).
Implementation and Experiments
The approach has been implemented. A compiler (written in Java) takes XPath
expressions and translates them into WS2S formulas. A Java interface controls
the C++ implementation of the MONA WS2S solver, and in addition provides
precise runtime statistics on the decision procedure.
The evolution of the intermediate automata (in terms of states, number of
BDD nodes involved, the minimizations, products, projections...) are reported
in realtime during a run of the decision procedure. For example, Figure 3.10
shows detailed statistics on the intermediate automata built during the comparison of the following two XPath expressions e4 and e5 :
e4 = a/b[descendant::c]/following-sibling::d/e
e5 = a/d[preceding-sibling::b]/e
The horizontal axes of charts of Figure 3.10 correspond to the number of automata operations. In that case, 380 operations were needed to complete the
XPath containment test. Once the decision procedure terminates, the result of
the comparison is displayed in the console:
"a/b[descendant::c]/following-sibling::d/e" is contained in
"a/d[preceding-sibling::b]/e" [Total Time: 00:00:00.18]
Extensive tests have been carried out with the implementation. Tests have
been reported in [Genevès and Layaı̈da, 2006]. They are not detailed here,
since it is difficult to come up with a clear conclusion based on the observed
practical behavior of this decision procedure on a few instances. Instead, only
the major lessons learned from the practical experiments are summarized:
• The GTA-based optimization has been observed to be particularly useful
as guides cause a small overhead compared to the significant performance
gains they provide on many instances. Some containment instances cannot be solved without this optimization.
• For small expressions (that are most likely to occur in practice in XSLT
transformations, as suggested by [Møller et al., 2005]), it has been observed over many instances that the implementation can run in acceptable
time and space bounds. Since this approach is sound and complete over
a large XPath fragment, it provides an interesting alternative to the less
complex but incomplete decision procedure over a very restricted XPath
fragment previously studied in the literature [Miklau and Suciu, 2004].
• For larger XPath expressions however, intermediate tree automata constructed can be so large that blow-ups are observed, even using GTA.
Practical experiments notably suggest that the WS2S decision procedure
3. Monadic Second-Order Logic for XML
Figure 3.10: Statistics on Intermediate Automata for a Containment Check.
implemented in MONA is particularly sensitive to the alphabet size,
which clearly makes the approach inappropriate for XPath expressions
that use a large number of tag names.
• The explosiveness of the approach is very difficult to control in practice. It
is possible to find relatively small expressions for which blow-ups cannot
be controlled, even by the GTA-based optimization. Subsequently, there
exist relatively small XPath containment instances for which containment
cannot be decided in acceptable time and space bounds.
• As a result, no clear conclusion can be drawn from the experiments,
concerning the maximum size and complexity of XPath expressions for
which this procedure could offer practical guarantees. Such a characterization is made very difficult by the huge number of parameters that
must be taken into account, due to all the optimizations implemented in
MONA [Klarlund et al., 2001]. It is thus very difficult to estimate up to
which XPath expression size and complexity this decision procedure can
be used in practice. Observed results on tested instances suggest that
this approach may be efficient for XPath expressions using less than 10
tag names, and indicate that it cannot be reasonably used with larger
An approach based on MSO has been proposed for the XPath containment
problem: query containment is formulated in terms of a WS2S formula, which
is then decided using tree automata. An optimization method based on guided
3.6. Outcome
tree automata is proposed in an attempt to take advantage of XPath peculiarities in order to improve time and space requirements of the complex decision
An advantage of the approach is that it provides a sound and complete
decision procedure for a large XPath fragment. Another advantage of this
technique is to allow generation of tree examples and counter-examples of the
truth status of the formula.
The major drawback of this approach, however, is that the decision procedure is based on the full construction and complementation of the intermediate
automata. This makes the explosiveness of the approach very hard to control
in practice and unfortunately restricts its use to only small XPath expressions.
Surprisingly enough, the full construction and determinization of intermediate FTA often seems unnecessary. Indeed huge intermediate automata are
almost always reduced by following projection operations. This can been observed on most practical scenarios owing to the detailed statistics reported by
the implementation (see for instance the peaks in the evolution of intermediate
automata states on Figure 3.10). The determinization of huge intermediate
automata is the source of uncontrollable blow-ups in practice. On many instances, it has been observed that the memory representation of intermediate
automata may require several hundreds of megabytes (or even several gigabytes
which is not affordable on most current machines), even if this appears to be
unnecessary since the final resulting automaton is only of several kilobytes in
One direction of future work is to search for tree automata guides that
produce a finer-grained partition of the automaton state space, in order to
enhance the scalability of the decision procedure. Another perspective is to
search for approaches that do not construct unnecessary parts of intermediate
automata, or even do not construct automata at all. This is the motivation
that underlies investigations presented in the next chapter.
Chapter 4
XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
Investigations presented in this chapter are motivated by a search for automata
theoretic approaches that avoid explicit construction of tree automata. In
this direction, this chapter attempts to build efficient decision procedures for
XML problems by using the alternation-free modal µ-calculus. This logic is
as expressive as WS2S, less succinct, but has a lower complexity (exponential
This chapter shows how XPath can be linearly translated into the µ-calculus.
In addition, regular tree types (including DTDs) are also linearly embedded
in the µ-calculus. XPath decision problems (containment, emptiness, equivalence, overlap, coverage) in the presence or absence of XML types are expressed
as formulas in this logic. A state of the art decision procedure for µ-calculus
satisfiability is used to solve the generated formula and to construct relevant
example and/or counter-example XML trees. The system has been fully implemented.
Chapter Outline The chapter is organized as follows: in Section 4.2 the
µ-calculus is introduced; Section 4.3 explains how general graph models of this
logic can be restricted so that they represent XML trees. The translation of
XPath queries into this logic is described in Section 4.4. Section 4.5 embeds regular XML types into the logic. Based on these translations, Section 4.6 explains
how to formulate and solve the considered decision problems. A complexity
analysis is presented in Section 4.7, along with implementation principles of
the system. Finally, the outcome of this approach is discussed in Section 4.8.
The µ-Calculus
The propositional µ-calculus is a propositional modal logic extended with least
and greatest fixpoint operators [Kozen, 1983]. A signature Ξ for the µ-calculus
consists of a set Prop of atomic propositions, a set Var of propositional variables, and a set FProg of atomic programs. In the XML context, atomic
propositions represent the symbols of the alphabet Σ used to label XML trees.
Atomic programs allow navigation in trees.
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
The µ-calculus with converse1 [Vardi, 1998] augments the propositional µcalculus by associating with each atomic program a its converse a (such that
a = a). A program α is either an atomic program or its converse. Prog denotes the set FProg ∪ {a | a ∈ FProg}. This is the only difference with the
propositional µ-calculus that lacks converse programs. Equipping the logic
with converse programs is useful for supporting query langages that allow both
forward and backward navigation in trees (see Section 4.4.2). Converse programs generally provide a mean to reason about the past, which also proved to
be useful in the context of program verification [Vardi, 1998]. The interaction
of converse programs with other constructs of the logic is known to be quite
subtle. In particular, in µ-calculus it is known that converse programs interact
with recursion in such a way that the finite model property is lost [Vardi, 1998].
The decidability of the µ-calculus extended with converse was proved to be in
EXPTIME in [Vardi, 1998], by introducing a new class of alternating two-way
automata on infinite trees.
The set Lfull
µ of formulas of the µ-calculus with converse over the signature
Ξ is defined as follows:
µ ∋ ϕ, ψ
[α] ϕ
atomic proposition
universal modality
least fixpoint
where p ∈ Prop, X ∈ Var and α is a program. Note that X should not occur
negatively in µX.ϕ. The following abbreviations are defined:
⊥ = ¬⊤
ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 = ¬(¬ϕ1 ∧ ¬ϕ2 )
hαi ϕ = ¬ [α] ¬ϕ
νX.ϕ = ¬µX.¬ϕ{¬X/X }
hαi ϕ is called the existential modality and νX.ϕ the greatest fixpoint. The
semantics of the full µ-calculus is given with respect to a Kripke structure
K = hW, R, Li where W is a set of nodes, R : Prog → 2W ×W assigns to
each atomic program a transition relation over W , and L is an interpretation
function that assigns to each atomic proposition a set of nodes. The formal
semantics function JϕKK
V shown on Figure 4.1 defines the semantics of a µcalculus formula ϕ in terms of a Kripke structure K and a valuation V . A
valuation V : Var → 2W maps each variable to a subset of W . For a valuation
V , a variable X, and a set of nodes W ′ ⊆ W , V [X/W ′ ] denotes the valuation
that is obtained from V by assigning W ′ to X.
Note that if ϕ is a sentence (i.e. all propositional variables occurring in ϕ
are bound), then no valuation is required. For a node w ∈ W and a sentence
ϕ, K, w |= ϕ iff w ∈ JϕKK denotes that ϕ holds at w in K.
1 The µ-calculus with converse is also known as the full µ-calculus, or alternatively as the
two-way µ-calculus in the literature.
4.2. The µ-Calculus
V : Lµ −→ 2
V = W
V = ∅
V = L(p)
V = W \ JϕKV
Jϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 KK
V = Jϕ1 KV ∪ Jϕ2 KV
Jϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 KK
V = Jϕ1 KV ∩ Jϕ2 KV
J[α] ϕKK
V = {w : ∀w (w, w ) ∈ R(α) ⇒ w ∈ JϕKV }
Jhαi ϕKK
V = {w : ∃w (w, w ) ∈ R(α) ∧ w ∈ JϕKV }
{W ′ ⊆ W : JϕKK
V =
V [X/W ′ ] ⊆ W }
{W ′ ⊆ W : JϕKK
V =
V [X/W ′ ] ⊇ W }
V = V (X)
Figure 4.1: Semantics of the µ-Calculus.
The two modalities hai ϕ (possibility) and [a] ϕ (necessity) are operators for
navigating the structure.
In order to avoid redundancy, only a subset of Lfull
µ composed of formulas in
negation normal form is of interest. A formula is in negation normal form if and
only if all negations in the formula appear only before atomic propositions. Every formula is equivalent to a formula in negation normal form [Kozen, 1983],
which can be obtained by expanding negations using De Morgan’s rules together with standard dualities for modalities and fixpoints (cf. Figure 4.2).
For readability purposes, however, translations of XPath expressions given in
Section 4.4 are not given in negation normal form.
¬ [α] ϕ = hαi ¬ϕ
¬ hαi ϕ = [α] ¬ϕ
¬µX.ϕ = νX.¬ϕ{X/¬X }
¬νX.ϕ = µX.¬ϕ{X/¬X }
¬(ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 ) = ¬ϕ1 ∨ ¬ϕ2
¬(ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 ) = ¬ϕ1 ∧ ¬ϕ2
¬¬ϕ = ϕ
Figure 4.2: Dualities for Negation Normal Form.
For reasoning on XML trees, only a specific subset of Lfull
µ , namely the
alternation-free modal µ-calculus with converse over finite binary trees is of
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
A Lfull
µ formula ϕ in negation normal form is alternation-free whenever the
following condition holds2 : if µX.ϕ1 (respectively νX.ϕ1 ) is a subformula of ϕ
and νY.ϕ2 (respectively µY.ϕ2 ) is a subformula of ϕ1 then X does not occur
freely in ϕ2 .
The following section now introduces the additional restrictions of Lfull
related to finite binary trees.
Kripke Structures and XML Trees
In this section, the satisfiability problem of Lfull
over Kripke structures is reµ
stricted to the satisfiability problem over finite binary trees.
The propositional µ-calculus has the finite tree model property: a formula
that is satisfiable, is also satisfiable on a finite tree [Kozen, 1988]. Unfortunately, the introduction of converse programs causes the loss of the finite
model property [Vardi, 1998]. Therefore, the finite model property must be
reinforced along with some other properties to ensure finite binary models that
encode XML structures.
First, each XML node has at most one Σ-label, i.e. p ∧ p′ never holds for
distinct atomic propositions p and p′ . This can be easily incorporated in a
µ-calculus satisfiability solver.
Second, for navigating binary trees, only two atomic programs 1 and 2
are used, together their associated relations R(1) =≺fc and R(2) =≺ns whose
meaning is to respectively connect a node to its left child and to its right child.
For any (x, y) ∈ W × W , x ≺fc y holds iff y is the left child of x (i.e. the
first child in the unranked tree representation) and x ≺ns y holds iff y is the
right child of x in the binary tree representation (i.e. the next sibling in the
unranked tree representation).
For each atomic program a ∈ {1, 2}, R(a) is defined to be the relational
inverse of R(a), i.e., R(a) = {(v, u) : (u, v) ∈ R(a)}. Thus programs α ∈
{1, 2, 1, 2} are considered inside modalities for navigating downward and upward in trees.
Restrictions for a Kripke structure to form a finite binary tree are now
defined. A Kripke structure T = hW, R, Li is a finite binary tree if it satisfies
the following conditions:
(1) W is finite
(2) the set of nodes W together with the accessibility relation ≺fc ∪ ≺ns
define a tree
(3) ≺fc and ≺ns are partial functions, i.e. for all m ∈ W and j ∈ {1, 2} there
is at most one mj ∈ W such that (m, mj ) ∈ R(j).
A finite binary tree T = hW, R, Li satisfies ϕ if T, r |= ϕ where r ∈ W is
the root of the tree T .
The previous restrictions are now expressed in Lfull
µ . For accessing the root,
the Lµ formula
ϕroot = 1 ⊥ ∧ 2 ⊥ ∧ ¬ h2i ⊤
2 For instance, νX.(µY. h1i Y ∧ p) ∨ h2i X is alternation-free but νX.(µY. h1i Y ∧ X) ∨ p is
not since X bound by ν appears freely in the scope of µY .
4.4. XPath Embedding
is used. Its meaning is to select a node provided it has no parent and no sibling.
The property for ensuring finiteness relies on König’s lemma which states
that a finitely branching infinite tree has some infinite path or, in other words, a
finitely branching tree in which every branch is finite is finite. The expression
νX. h1i X ∨ h2i X is only satisfied by structures containing infinite or cyclic
paths. To prevent the existence of such paths, the previous formula is negated
and, propagating negation using the rules presented on Figure 4.2, yields the
following formula:
ϕft = µX. [1] X ∧ [2] X
ϕft states that all descending branches are finite from the current context node
(ϕft is vacuously satisfied at the leaves). ϕft must hold at the root (i.e. ϕroot ∧
ϕft must hold), in order to ensure structure finiteness. This is for condition (1)
to be satisfied.
Properties (2) and (3) still need to be enforced. This is done by rewriting
existential modalities in such a way that if a successor is supposed to exist, then
there exists at least one, and if there are many all verify the same property.
This is a way to overcome the difficulty that in µ-calculus, one cannot naturally
express a property like “a node has exactly n successors”. Technically, ϕFBT
denotes the formula ϕ where all occurrences of hαi ψ are replaced by hαi ⊤ ∧
[α] ψ FBT . Furthermore, a node cannot be both a left child and a right child:
the formula (¬ 1 ⊤ ∨ ¬ 2 ⊤) must be satisfied at each node.
formula ϕ is satisfied by a
Theorem 4.3.1 ([Tanabe et al., 2005]) A Lfull
finite binary tree model if and only if the formula ϕroot ∧µX.(¬ 1 ⊤∨¬ 2 ⊤)∧
[1] X ∧ [2] X ∧ ϕFBT is satisfied by a Kripke structure.
The proof of the “if” part iteratively constructs a tree model and proceeds
by induction on the structure on ϕ. The “only if” part is almost immediate.
Theorem 4.3.1 gives the adequate framework for formulating decision problems
on XML structures in terms of a µ-calculus formula.
XPath Embedding
This section explains how an XPath expression can be translated into an equivalent formula in Lfull
µ . Navigation as performed by XPath in unranked trees is
translated in terms of navigation in the binary tree representation (using the
isomorphism presented in Section 2.1.1). The translation adheres to XPath formal semantics in the sense that the translated formula holds for nodes which
are selected by the XPath query.
Logical Interpretation of Axes
The formal translations of navigational primitives (namely XPath axes) are
formally specified on Figure 4.3. The translation function noted “A→ JaKχ ”
takes an XPath axis a as input, and returns its Lfull
µ translation, in terms of a
Lµ formula χ given as a parameter. This parameter represents a context and
allows to compose formulas, which is needed for translating path composition.
A→ JaKχ holds for all nodes that can be accessed through the axis a from some
node verifying χ.
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
A→ J·K· : Axis → Lfull
µ → Lµ
A→ JselfKχ = χ
A→ JchildKχ = µZ. 1 χ ∨ 2 Z
A→ Jfollowing-siblingKχ = µZ. 2 χ ∨ 2 Z
A→ Jpreceding-siblingKχ = µZ. h2i χ ∨ h2i Z
A→ JparentKχ = h1i µZ.χ ∨ h2i Z
A→ JdescendantKχ = µZ. 1 (χ ∨ Z) ∨ 2 Z
A→ Jdescendant-or-selfKχ = µZ.χ ∨ µY. 1 (Y ∨ Z) ∨ 2 Y
A→ JancestorKχ = h1i µZ.χ ∨ h1i Z ∨ h2i Z
A→ Jancestor-or-selfKχ = µZ.χ ∨ h1i µY.Z ∨ h2i Y
A→ JfollowingKχ = A→ Jdescendant-or-selfKη1 (χ)
A→ JprecedingKχ = A→ Jdescendant-or-selfKη2 (χ)
η1 (χ) = A→ Jfollowing-siblingKA→ Jancestor-or-selfKχ
η2 (χ) = A→ Jpreceding-siblingKA→ Jancestor-or-selfKχ
Figure 4.3: Translation of XPath Axes.
For instance, the translated formula A→ JchildKχ is satisfied by children of
the context χ. These nodes are composed of the first child and the remaining
children. From the first child, the context must be reached immediately by
going once upward via 1. From the remaining children, the context is reached
by going upward (any number of times) via 2 and then finally once via 1.
Logical Interpretation of Expressions
Figure 4.4 gives the translation of XPath expressions into Lfull
µ . The translation
function “E → JeKχ ” takes an XPath expression e and a Lfull
χ (denoting
a particular context) as input, and returns the corresponding Lµ translation.
The translation of relative XPath expressions use the current context χ. The
translation of absolute expressions navigates from χ to the root which is taken
as initial context for the expression.
For example, Figure 4.5 illustrates the translation of the XPath expression
“child::a[child::b]”. This expression selects all “a” child nodes of a given context which have at least one “b” child. The translated Lfull
formula holds for
“a” nodes which are selected by the expression. The first part of the translated formula, ϕ, corresponds to the step “child::a” which selects candidates
“a” nodes. The second part, ψ, navigates downward in the subtrees of these
candidate nodes to verify that they have at least one “b” child.
Note that without converse programs it would have been impossible to differentiate selected nodes from nodes whose existence is tested, since properties
4.4. XPath Embedding
E → J·K· : LXPath → Lfull
µ → Lµ
E → J/pKχ = P → JpK(µZ.¬h1i⊤∨h2iZ∧µY.χ∨h1iY ∨h2iY )
E → JpKχ = P → JpK(χ)
E → Je1 p e2 Kχ = E → Je1 Kχ ∨ E → Je2 Kχ
E → Je1 ∩ e2 Kχ = E → Je1 Kχ ∧ E → Je2 Kχ
P → J·K· : Path → Lfull
µ → Lµ
P → Jp1 /p2 Kχ = P → Jp2 K(P → Jp1 Kχ )
P → Jp[q]Kχ = P → JpKχ ∧ Q← JqK⊤
P → Ja::σKχ = σ ∧ A→ JaKχ
P → Ja::∗Kχ = A→ JaKχ
Figure 4.4: Translation of Expressions and Paths.
Translated Query: child::a [child::b]
a ∧ (µZ. 1 χ ∨ 2 Z) ∧ h1i µY.b ∨ h2i Y
} |
Figure 4.5: XPath Translation Example.
must be stated on both the ancestors and the descendants of the selected node.
Equipping the Lfull
µ logic with both forward and converse programs is therefore
crucial for supporting XPath3 . Logics without converse programs may only be
used for solving XPath emptiness but cannot be used for solving other decision
problems such as containment efficiently.
XPath most essential construct p1 /p2 translates into formula composition
in Lfull
µ , such that the resulting formula holds for all nodes accessed through
p2 from those nodes accessed from χ by p1 . The translation of the branching construct p[q] significantly differs. The resulting formula must hold for all
nodes that can be accessed through p and from which q holds. To preserve semantics, the translation of p[q] stops the “selecting navigation” to those nodes
3 One may ask whether it is possible to eliminate upward navigation at the XPath level
but it is well known that such XPath rewriting techniques cause exponential blow-ups of
expression sizes [Olteanu et al., 2002].
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
Q← J·K· : Qualif → Lfull
µ → Lµ
Q← Jq1 and q2 Kχ = Q← Jq1 Kχ ∧ Q← Jq2 Kχ
Q← Jq1 or q2 Kχ = Q← Jq1 Kχ ∨ Q← Jq2 Kχ
Q← Jnot qKχ = ¬ Q← JqKχ
Q← JpKχ = P ← JpKχ
P ← J·K· : Path → Lfull
µ → Lµ
P ← Jp1 /p2 Kχ = P ← Jp1 K(P ← Jp2 Kχ )
P ← Jp[q]Kχ = P ← JpK(χ∧Q← JqK⊤ )
P ← Ja::σKχ = A← JaK(χ∧σ)
P ← Ja::∗Kχ = A← JaKχ
A← J·K· : Axis → Lfull
µ → Lµ
A← JaKχ = A→ Jsymmetric(a)Kχ
Figure 4.6: Translation of Qualifiers.
reached by p, then filters them depending on whether q holds or not. This is
expressed by introducing a dual formal translation function for XPath qualifiers, noted Q← JqKχ and defined in Figure 4.6, that performs “filtering” instead
of navigation. Specifically, P → J·K· can be seen as the “navigational” translating function: the translated formula holds for target nodes of the given path.
On the opposite, Q← J·K· can be seen as the “filtering” translating function: it
states the existence of a path without moving to its end. The translated formula Q← JqKχ (respectively P ← JpKχ ) holds for nodes from which there exists a
qualifier q (respectively a path p) leading to a node verifying χ.
XPath translation is based on these two translating “modes”, the first one
being used for paths and the second one for qualifiers. Whenever the “filtering”
mode is entered, it will never be left.
Translations of paths inside qualifiers are also given on Figure 4.6. They use
the specific translations for axes inside qualifiers, based on XPath symmetry:
symmetric(a) denotes the symmetric XPath axis corresponding to the axis a
(for instance symmetric(child) = parent).
Correctness and Complexity
The translation of XPath in Lfull
µ can be proven correct with respect to XPath
denotational semantics. First, a Wadler-like semantics of XPath expressions is
defined with respect to Kripke structures that are XML trees. Let KT be the
set of Kripke structures that are finite binary trees (as defined in Section 4.3)
and W(KT ) = {w ∈ W | hW, R, Li ∈ KT } the set of nodes of such structures.
4.4. XPath Embedding
Given a finite binary tree T = hW, R, Li ∈ KT and some node x ∈ W of T , the
functions Se J·K(T,x) , Sp J·K(T,x) , Sq J·K(T,x) and Sa J·K(T,x) respectively define the
semantics of XPath expressions, paths, qualifiers, and axes:
Se J·K(·,·) : LXPath → KT → W(KT ) → 2W(KT )
Se J/pK(T,x) = Sp JpK(T,root(T ))
Se JpK(T,x) = Sp JpK(T,x)
Se Je1 p e2 K(T,x) = Se Je1 K(T,x) ∪ Se Je2 K(T,x)
Se Je1 ∩ e2 K(T,x) = Se Je1 K(T,x) ∩ Se Je2 K(T,x)
Sp J·K(·,·) : Path → KT → W(KT ) → 2W(KT )
Sp Jp1 /p2 K(T,x) = z ∈ Sp Jp2 K(T,y) | y ∈ Sp Jp1 K(T,x)
Sp Jp[q]K(T,x) = y ∈ Sp JpK(T,x) | Sq JqK(T,y)
Sp Ja::σK(hW,R,Li,x) = y ∈ Sa JaK(hW,R,Li,x) | y ∈ L(σ)
Sp Ja::∗K(T,x) = y ∈ Sa JaK(T,x)
Sq J·K(·,·) : Qualif → KT → W(KT ) → {true, false}
Sq Jq1 and q2 K(T,x) = Sq Jq1 K(T,x) ∨ Sq Jq2 K(T,x)
Sq Jq1 or q2 K(T,x) = Sq Jq1 K(T,x) ∧ Sq Jq2 K(T,x)
Sq Jnot qK(T,x) = ¬Sq JqK(T,x)
Sq JpK(T,x) = Sp JpK(T,x) 6= ∅
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
Sa J·K(·,·) : Axis → KT → W(KT ) → 2W(KT )
Sa JselfK(T,x) = {x}
Sa JchildK(hW,R,Li,x) = {y ∈ W | x ≺fc y} ∪ z ∈ W | x ≺fc y ∧ y ≺+
ns z
Sa Jfollowing-siblingK(hW,R,Li,x) = z ∈ W | x ≺+
ns z
Sa Jpreceding-siblingK(hW,R,Li,x) = z ∈ W | z ≺ns x
Sa JparentK(hW,R,Li,x) = {p ∈ W | p ≺fc x} ∪ p ∈ W | p ≺fc y ∧ y ≺+
ns x
Sa JdescendantK(T,x) = Sa JchildK(T,x)
∪ z ∈ Sa JdescendantK(T,y) | y ∈ Sa JchildK(T,x)
Sa Jdescendant-or-selfK(T,x) = Sa JdescendantK(T,x) ∪ Sa JselfK(T,x)
Sa JancestorK(T,x) = Sa JparentK(T,x)
∪ z ∈ Sa JancestorK(T,y) | y ∈ Sa JparentK(T,x)
Sa Jancestor-or-selfK(T,x) = Sa JancestorK(T,x) ∪ Sa JselfK(T,x)
Sa JfollowingK(T,x) = z ∈ Sa Jdescendant-or-selfK(T,y) | y ∈ f(T,x)
Sa JprecedingK(T,x) = z ∈ Sa Jdescendant-or-selfK(T,y) | y ∈ p(T,x)
f(T,x) = y ∈ Sa Jfollowing-siblingK(T,w) | w ∈ a(T,x)
p(T,x) = y ∈ Sa Jpreceding-siblingK(T,w) | w ∈ a(T,x)
a(T,x) = {w ∈ Sa Jancestor-or-selfK(T,x) }
The auxiliary function root(T ) returns the root of T , and the relation
symbol ≺+
ns used in the semantics of axes denotes the transitive closure of the
relation ≺ns defined in Section 4.3.
The correctness of the translation of XPath into Lfull
µ can now be stated:
Theorem 4.4.1 (Translation Correctness) For any finite binary tree T ∈
KT , nodes x and y of T , property χ ∈ Lfull
µ , expression e ∈ LXPath , and path
p ∈ Path, the following equivalences hold:
(∀χ ∈ Lfull
T, x |= χ ⇒ T, y |= E → JeKχ )
T, y |= E JeKχ
y ∈ Se JeK(T,x)
Se JeK(T,x)
{x | T,x|=χ}
(∀χ ∈
(∀χ ∈
y ∈ Sp JpK(T,x)
y ∈ Sp JpK(T,x)
T, x |= χ ⇒ T, y |= P JpKχ )
T, y |= χ ⇒ T, x |= P JpKχ )
4.5. Translation of Regular Tree Languages
Proof outline: Each equivalence is proved by a straightforward structural
induction that “peels off” the compositional layers of each set of rules.
This result links XPath decision problems to satisfiability in Lfull
the size of a translated formula E → JeKχ is linear in the length of the XPath
expression e since there is no duplication of subformulas of arbitrary length in
the formal translations4 .
Translation of Regular Tree Languages
The translation of regular tree types into µ-calculus is now introduced. It
is based on the binary representation of types introduced in Chapter 2. In
order to simplify translations, a notation for a n-ary least fixpoint binder is
letµ (Xi .ϕi )1≤i≤m in ψ
This notation is actually a syntactic sugar for ψ where all free occurrences of
Xi have been replaced by µXi .ϕi until ψ becomes closed (that is all Xi in ψ
are in scope of their corresponding unary µ-binder). This provides a shorthand
for denoting a Lfull
formula which would be of exponential size if expressed
using only the unary least fixpoint construct. Such a naive expansion contains
unnecessary duplicate formulas whereas the satisfiability solver operates only
on a single copy of them (see Section 4.7). Therefore, the n-ary binder is a
useful compact notation for representing Lfull
translations of recursive types,
without introducing useless blow-ups between representation of formulas and
their satisfiability test.
The translation from binary regular tree types into Lfull
formulas is given
by the following function J·K :
J·K : Lbt → Lfull
J∅K = ⊥
JǫK = ⊥
JT1 | T2 K = JT1 K ∨ JT2 K
Jl(X1 , X2 )K = ∧succ 1 (X1 ) ∧ succ 2 (X2 )
Jlet Xi .Ti in T K = letµ (Xi .JTi K)1≤i≤m in JT K
where there is an implicit bijective correspondence between Lbt variables from
TVar and Lfull
variables from Var . Note that the translations of the empty
tree type and the empty tree are the same since empty trees should not be
explicitly mentioned in satisfiability results. The function succ · (·) sets the tree
4 Formulas in which the formal parameter χ appears twice (see Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.6)
do not cause such duplication since at this stage χ carries a constant. Section 4.6 explains
how χ is initialized with a constant at the expression level.
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
frontier accordingly:
succ · (·) : Prog × TVar → Lfull
[α] X
if nullable(X)
succ α (X) =
hαi X if not nullable(X)
The predicate nullable(·) indicates if a type contains the empty tree:
nullable(·) : TVar ∪ Lbt → {true, false}
nullable(X) = nullable(θ(X))
nullable(∅) = false
nullable(ǫ) = true
nullable(l) = false
nullable(T1 | T2 ) = nullable(T1 ) ∨ nullable(T2 )
nullable(l(X1 , X2 )) = false
nullable(let Xi .Ti in T ) = nullable(T )
Solving XML Decision Problems
Both XPath over unranked trees, and regular unranked tree types have been
translated in the unifying Lfull
µ logic over binary trees. Owing to these translations, XML decision problems (such as XPath containment, equivalence, emptiness, overlap and coverage) in the presence or absence of XML types are now
reduced to satisfiability in Lfull
µ .
Correlating Context Nodes for Path Comparison In order to correlate
two different paths when performing any kind of mutual-relationship checking,
a special atomic proposition s is introduced. This atomic proposition marks
the initial context node(s) from which an XPath expression is applied. s is
used as initial value of the χ parameter of the translating function E → J·Kχ . For
an XPath expression e ∈ LXPath , E → JeKs is thus a sentence, that is denoted
by ϕe in the remaining. Owing to the introduction of s, formulas may refer
to the same context multiple times. This allows to compare different XPath
expressions applied to the same initial context that can be any node in any
Formulating of XML Problems Some simplified notations are first introduced: T denotes the set of trees: by default, T = TΣn , and whenever an
optional DTD d ∈ Ldtd is specified T = JdK∅ . Additionally, ϕT denotes the
µ embedding of the tree language T . In the absence of DTDs ϕT = ⊤, and
ϕT = JB(d)K in the presence of d ∈ Ldtd .
Several decision problems needed in applications can be expressed in terms
of Lfull
µ formulas:
4.6. Solving XML Decision Problems
• XPath containment
– Input: e1 , e2 ∈ LXPath and optional d ∈ Ldtd
– Problem: Does e2 always select all nodes selected by e1 ?
– Definition: ∀t ∈ T , ∀x ∈ t, Se Je1 Kx ⊆ Se Je2 Kx
– Tested Lfull
µ formula: ϕe1 ∧ ¬ϕe2
• XPath equivalence
– Input: e1 , e2 ∈ LXPath and optional d ∈ Ldtd
– Problem: Does e2 always select exactly the same nodes as e1 ?
– Definition: ∀t ∈ T , ∀x ∈ t, Se Je1 Kx = Se Je2 Kx
– Equivalence can be tested by two successive and separate containment checks
• XPath emptiness
– Input: e ∈ LXPath and optional d ∈ Ldtd
– Problem: Will e ever return a non-empty set of nodes?
– Definition: ∀t ∈ T , ∀x ∈ t, Se JeKx 6= ∅
– Tested Lfull
µ formula: ϕe
• XPath overlap
– Input: e1 , e2 ∈ LXPath and optional d ∈ Ldtd
– Problem: May e1 and e2 select common nodes?
– Definition: ∀t ∈ T , ∀x ∈ t, Se Je1 Kx ∩ Se Je2 Kx 6= ∅
– Tested Lfull
µ formula: ϕe1 ∧ ϕe2
• XPath coverage
– Input: e1 , e2 , ..., en ∈ LXPath and optional d ∈ Ldtd
– Problem: Are nodes selected by e1 always selected by one of the
e2 , ..., en ?
– Definition: ∀t ∈ T , ∀x ∈ t, Se Je1 Kx ⊆ 2≤i≤n Se Jei Kx
– Tested Lfull
µ formula: ϕe1 ∧
2≤i≤n ¬ϕei
Note that for the containment problem, the unsatisfiability of ϕe1 ∧ ¬ϕe2 is
tested. Indeed, checking that an XPath expression e1 is contained into another
expression e2 consists in checking that the implication ϕe1 ⇒ ϕe2 holds for all
trees. In other terms, there exists no tree for which the results of e1 are not
included in those of e2 , i.e. the negated implication ϕe1 ∧ ¬ϕe2 is unsatisfiable.
Since the finite binary tree model property must be enforced (as seen in
Section 4.3.1), decision problems are formulated from the root, and the actually
checked formula becomes:
ϕroot ∧ ϕft ∧ (ϕT ∧ µX.ϕtested ∨ h1i X ∨ h2i X)FBT
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
where ϕtested corresponds to a particular XPath decision problem from those
given above. Intuitively, the fixpoint is introduced for “plunging” XPath navigation performed by ϕtested at any location in the tree. It is for example
necessary for relative XPath expressions that involve upward navigation in the
It is important to note that formula (4.5) is always alternation-free since
both embeddings of XPath and tree types produce alternation-free formulas,
and the negation of an alternation free sentence remains alternation-free. In
practice, negated sentences introduced by XPath embeddings are turned into
negation normal form, by applying the rules given on Figure 4.2.
Complexity Analysis and Implementation Principles
The proposed approach has been implemented. A compiler takes XPath expressions as input, and translates them into Lfull
formulas. Another compiler
takes regular tree types as input (DTDs) and outputs their Lfull
The formula of a particular decision problem is then composed, normalized and
The µ-calculus satisfiability solver is specialized for the alternation-free µcalculus with converse. It is closely inspired from the tableau methods described in [Tanabe et al., 2005] and [Pan et al., 2006]. A detailed description of
the AFMC solver is beyond the scope of this chapter (see [Tanabe et al., 2005]
for more details on an AFMC solver; and Chapter 6 for a detailed description of a logical solver specialized for XML). The focus here is rather given
to the AFMC solver aspects which allow to establish precise complexity results for the considered XML decision problems with the µ-calculus approach.
The algorithm relies on a top-down tableau method which attempts to construct satisfying Kripke structures by a fixpoint computation. Nodes of the
tableau are specific subsets of a set called the Lean [Pan et al., 2006]. Given
a formula ψ ∈ Lfull
µ , the Lean is the subset of the Fischer-Ladner closure
[Fischer and Ladner, 1979] of ψ composed of atomic and modal subformulas
of ψ [Pan et al., 2006]. The algorithm starts from the set of all possible nodes,
and repeatedly removes inconsistent nodes until a fixpoint is reached. At the
end of the computation, if ψ is present in a node of the fixpoint, then ψ is
satisfiable. In this case, the fixpoint contains a satisfying model that can be
easily extracted and used as a satisfying example XML tree.
The complexity of the addressed XML decision problems can now be stated:
Proposition 4.7.1 XPath containment, equivalence, emptiness, overlap and
coverage decision problems, in the presence or absence of regular tree constraints, can be solved in time complexity 2O(n·log n) , where n is the Lean size
of the corresponding Lfull
This upper-bound is derived from:
1. the linear translations of XPath and regular tree types into the µ-calculus;
2. the 2O(n·log n) time complexity of the solver, which corresponds to the
best known complexity for deciding alternation-free µ-calculus with converse over Kripke structures [Tanabe et al., 2005]. Note that this com72
4.7. Complexity Analysis and Implementation Principles
plexity is smaller than the best known complexity for the whole µ-calculus
with converse [Vardi, 1998] which is 2O(n ·log n) [Grädel et al., 2002].
The key observation for the linear translation of regular tree types is that only
distinct atomic and modal subformulas of the translated formula are present in
the Lean, even for a n-ary binder ϕ = letµ (Xi .ϕi )1≤i≤m in Xk . More precisely,
the Lean corresponding to the translation of ϕ contains at most:
• the two eventualities hai ⊤ for a = 1, 2
• 2 · m universalities [a] ϕ where m is the number of binary tree type variables in the binder and the constant factor corresponds to the downward
programs a = 1, 2
• the atomic propositions representing the alphabet symbols used in ϕ
Deriving complexity from properties of the closure of a formula was first
used by Fischer and Ladner for establishing decidability of PDL in single exponential time [Fischer and Ladner, 1979]. Analog observations have also been
made for the modal logic K [Pan et al., 2006], and the µ-calculus over general
Kripke structures [Tanabe et al., 2005]. These results can be seen as an application of this technique to the case where regular tree types are combined with
XPath bidirectional queries over finite trees.
Keys for the efficiency of the method on large practical instances are as
1. Nodes of the tableau contain only modal formulas and exactly one atomic
proposition (for XML), which greatly reduces the number of enumerated
nodes for large alphabets.
2. Negation in the µ-calculus is rather straightforward compared to automata techniques. Indeed, handling Lfull
formulas in negation norµ
mal form simply reduces to checking membership of atomic propositions in tableau nodes. This contrasts with tree automata techniques
which require for every negation the full construction and complementation of automata with an exponential blow-up. As pointed out in
[Baader and Tobies, 2001] and [Pan et al., 2006], tableau methods for logics with the tree model property can be viewed as implementations of the
automata-theoretic approach which avoids an explicit automata construction.
3. The implementation relies on representing sets of nodes and operating on
them symbolically using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) [Bryant, 1986].
BDDs provide a canonical representation of boolean functions. Their effectiveness is well known in the domain of formal verification of systems
[Edmund M. Clarke et al., 1999]. BDD variables encode truth status of
Lean formulas. The cost of BDD operations is very sensitive to variable ordering. Finding the optimal variable ordering is known to be
NP-complete [Hojati et al., 1996]. However, several heuristics are known
to perform well in practice [Edmund M. Clarke et al., 1999]. Choosing a
good initial variable order does significantly improve performance. Preserving locality of the initial problem happens to be essential. It can be
easily observed that the variable order determined by the breadth-first
4. XML and the Modal µ-Calculus
traversal of the initial formula (thus keeping sister subformulas in close
proximity while ordering Lean formulas) yields better results in practice.
There are still areas for improvements though. In particular, a large amount
of time is spent in the µ-loop detection performed by the solver for avoiding
cycles and infinite paths in the case of finite recursion [Tanabe et al., 2005].
From this perspective, transforming the µ-calculus formula at the syntactic
level (as presented in Section 4.3) and then relying on loop detection to enforce the finite model property is overkill. The approach may be improved by
considering XML finite tree structures as models of the logic, and building an
appropriate satisfiability solver for such structures.
An approach for solving XPath decision problems by reduction to satisfiability
of alternation-free modal µ-calculus with converse over general Kripke structures has been proposed. XPath queries and regular tree types are linearly
translated into the AFMC. XML decision problems are expressed as formulas
in this logic, then decided using a solver for AFMC satisfiability. With respect
to MSO, this yields much more efficient (exponential time) decision procedures
for XML decision problems. Nevertheless, this approach may still be greatly
improved, since models of the logic are too general for the XML setting, and
one has to pay extra costs for restricting them appropriately. One direction
of future work consists in designing a more appropriate calculus where models
are finite trees instead of general Kripke structures. This is what is achieved
in the remaining of this dissertation.
A Fixpoint Modal Logic with
Converse for XML
Chapter 5
A Fixpoint Modal Logic with
Converse for XML
This chapter and the following introduce the final results of this thesis, based
on the lessons learned from the investigations reported in previous chapters.
The decidability of a new logic with converse for finite and ordered trees
is proved. The logic is sufficiently expressive to support XPath bidirectional
navigation in finite trees along with regular tree languages. The logic is derived from the µ-calculus and inherits some of its desirable properties, while
improving the best known complexity for finite trees. These discoveries are
naturally applied to the static analysis of XML specifications, for which they
yield sound, complete and efficient decision procedures. The proof method is
based on two auxiliary results. First, XML regular tree types and XPath expressions have a linear translation to cycle-free formulas. Second, the least and
greatest fixpoints are equivalent for finite trees, hence the logic is closed under
Chapter Outline This chapter presents focused trees in Section 5.2 as a
convenient data model for XML. The logic is then introduced in Section 5.3,
and translations of XML concepts into the logic are presented in Section 5.4.
Focused Trees
In this chapter, a less conventional approach is used to represent XML trees,
called focused trees. Focused trees are directly inspired by Huet’s Zipper data
structure [Huet, 1997], and are closely related to pointed trees introduced in
[Podelski, 1992, Nivat and Podelski, 1993], which were extended to pointed
hedges and applied to the XML setting in [Murata, 2001]. Focused trees not
only describe a tree but also its context: its previous siblings and its parent,
recursively. Exploring such a structure has the advantage to preserve all information, which is quite useful when considering languages such as XPath that
allow forward and backward axes of navigation.
5. A Fixpoint Modal Logic with Converse for XML
Formally, an alphabet Σ of labels, ranged over by σ is assumed.
σ[tl ]
list of trees
empty list
t :: tl
cons cell
(tl , Top, tl ) root of the tree
(tl , c[σ], tl ) context node
(t, c)
focused tree
In order to deal with XPath containment, it is needed to represent in a
focused tree the place where the evaluation was started using a context mark.
To do so, we consider focused trees where a single tree or a single context node
is marked, as in σ s [tl ] or (tl , c[σ s ], tl ). When the presence of the mark is
unknown, it is written as σ ◦ [tl ].
F denotes the set of finite focused trees with a single mark. The name of
a focused tree is defined as nm(σ ◦ [tl ], c) = σ. Navigation in focused trees is
now described, in binary style. Four directions can be followed: for a focused
tree f , f h1i changes the focus to the children of the current tree, f h2i changes
the focus to the next sibling of the current tree, f 1 changes the focus to the
parent of the tree if the current tree is a leftmost sibling, and f 2 changes the
focus to the previous sibling.
(σ ◦ [t :: tl ], c) h1i = (t, (ǫ, c[σ ◦ ], tl ))
(t, (tl l , c[σ ◦ ], t′ :: tl r )) h2i = (t′ , (t :: tl l , c[σ ◦ ], tl r ))
(t, (ǫ, c[σ ◦ ], tl )) 1 = (σ ◦ [t :: tl ], c)
(t′ , (t :: tl l , c[σ ◦ ], tl r )) 2 = (t, (tl l , c[σ ◦ ], t′ :: tl r ))
When the focused tree does not have the required shape, these operations
are not defined.
Formulas of the Logic
The logic to which XPath expressions and XML regular tree types are going
to be translated is introduced. It is a sub-logic of the alternation free modal
µ-calculus with converse. Next, a restriction on the considered formulas is
introduced, and an interpretation of formulas as sets of finite focused trees is
given. Then, it is shown that the logic has a single fixpoint for these models
and that it is closed under negation.
In the following definitions, a ∈ {1, 2, 1, 2} are programs and atomic propositions σ correspond to labels from Σ. It is also assumed that a = a.
Formulas, defined in Fig. 5.1 include the truth predicate, atomic propositions (denoting the name of the tree in focus), start propositions (denoting the
presence of the start mark), disjunction and conjunction of formulas, formulas under an existential (denoting the existence a subtree satisfying the subformula), and least and greatest nary fixpoints. We chose to include a nary
version of the latter because regular types are often defined as a set of mutually
5.3. Formulas of the Logic
Lµ ∋ ϕ, ψ
σ | ¬σ
s | ¬s
hai ϕ | ¬ hai ⊤
µXi .ϕi in ψ
νXi .ϕi in ψ
atomic prop (negated)
context (negated)
existential (negated)
least n-ary fixpoint
greatest n-ary fixpoint
Figure 5.1: Logic formulas
JσKV = {f | nm(f ) = σ}
J⊤KV = F
JXKV = V (X)
Jϕ ∨ ψKV = JϕKV ∪ JψKV
Jϕ ∧ ψKV = JϕKV ∩ JψKV
J¬σKV = {f | nm(f ) 6= σ}
JsKV = f | f = (σ s [tl ], c)
J¬sKV = {f | f = (σ[tl ], c)}
Jhai ϕKV = {f hai | f ∈ JϕKV ∧ f hai defined}
J¬ hai ⊤KV = {f | f hai undefined}
\ n
JµXi .ϕi in ψKV = let Ti =
Ti ⊆ F | Jϕi KV [Ti /Xi ] ⊆ Ti
JνXi .ϕi in ψKV
in JψKV [Ti /Xi ]
[ n
= let Ti =
Ti ⊆ F | Ti ⊆ Jϕi KV [Ti /Xi ]
in JψKV [Ti /Xi ]
Figure 5.2: Interpretation of formulas
recursive definitions, making their translation in our logic more succinct. In
the following we write “µX.ϕ” for “µX.ϕ in ϕ”.
An interpretation of formulas as sets of finite focused trees with a single
start mark is now given on Figure 5.2. The interpretation of the nary fixpoints
first compute the smallest or largest interpretation for each ϕi then returns the
interpretation of ψ using these bindings.
The set of valid formulas is now restricted to cycle-free formulas, i.e. formulas that have a bound on the number of modality cycles independently of
the number of unfolding of their fixpoints. A modality cycle is a subformula of
the form hai ϕ where ϕ contains a top-level existential of the form hai ψ. “Toplevel” means under an arbitrary number of conjunctions or disjunctions, but not
under any other construct. For instance, the formula “µX. h1i (ϕ∨ 1 X) in X”
is not cycle free: for any integer n, there is an unfolding of the formula with n
modality cycles. On the other hand, the formula “µX. h1i (X ∨ Y ), Y. 1 (Y ∨
5. A Fixpoint Modal Logic with Converse for XML
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I ϕ
ϕ = ⊤, σ, ¬σ, s, or ¬s
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I ϕ
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I ψ
∆ k (Γ ⊳ hai) ⊢R
I ϕ
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I ψ
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I hai ϕ
¬ hai ⊤
∀Xj ∈ Xi . (∆ + Xi : ϕi ) k (Γ + Xi : ) ⊢I\X i ϕj
∆ k Γ ⊢I∪X i ψ
∀Xj ∈ Xi . (∆ + Xi : ϕi ) k (Γ + Xi : ) ⊢I\X i ϕj
∆ k Γ ⊢I∪X i ψ
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I µXi .ϕi in ψ
∆ k Γ ⊢R
I νXi .ϕi in ψ
Γ(X) = hai
∆ k Γ ⊢R
X 6∈ R
∆ k Γ ⊢I
∆ k Γ ⊢R
∆ k Γ ⊢R
Figure 5.3: Cycle-free formulas
⊤) in X” is cycle free: there is at most one modality cycle.
Cycle-free formulas have a very interesting property, which can now be described. To test whether a tree satisfies a formula, one may define a straightforward inductive relation between trees and formulas that only holds when the
root of the tree satisfies the formula, unfolding fixpoints if necessary. Given a
tree, if a formula ϕ is cycle free, then every node of the tree will be tested a
finite number of time against any given subformula of ϕ. The intuition behind
this property, which holds a central role in the proof of lemma 5.3.2, is the
following. If a tree node is tested an infinite number of times against a subformula, then there must be a cycle in the navigation in the tree, corresponding
to some modalities occurring in the subformula, between one occurrence of the
test and the next one. As trees are considered, the cycle implies there is a
modality cycle in the formula (as cycles of the form h1i h2i 1 2 cannot occur). Hence the number of modality cycles in any expansion of ϕ is unbounded,
thus the formula is not cycle free.
Figure 5.3 gives an inductive relation that decides whether a formula is
cycle free.
In the judgement ∆ k Γ ⊢R
I ϕ of Fig. 5.3, ∆ is an environment binding
some recursion variables to their formulas, Γ binds variables to modalities, R
is a set of variables that have already been expanded (see below), and I is a
set of variables already checked.
The environment Γ used to derive the judgement consists of bindings from
variables (from enclosing fixpoint operators) to modalities. A modality may
be , no information is known about the variable, hai, the last modality taken
hai was consistent, or ⊥, a cycle has been detected. A formula is not cycle
free if an occurrence of a variable under a fixpoint operator is either not under
a modality (in this case Γ(X) = ), or is under a cycle (Γ(X) = ⊥). Cycle
5.3. Formulas of the Logic
detection uses an auxiliary operator to detect modality cycles:
Γ ⊳ hai = {X : (Γ(X) ⊳ hai)}
To check that mutually recursive formulas are cycle-free, one proceeds the
following way. When a mutually recursive formula is encountered, for instance
µXi .ϕi in ψ, every recursive binding is checked. Because of mutual recursion,
formulas cannot be checked independently and a variable must be expanded
the first time it is encountered (rule Rec). However there is no need to expand
it a second time (rule NoRec). When checking ψ, as the formulas bound to
the enclosing recursion have been checked to be cycle free, there is no need to
further check these variables (rule Ign). To account for shadowing of variables,
newly bound recursion variables are removed from I and R when checking a
recursion. One may easily prove that if ∆ k Γ ⊢R
I ϕ holds, then I ∩ R = ∅.
This relation decides whether a formula is cycle free because, if it is not,
there must be a recursive binding of Xi to ϕi such that ϕi {ϕi/Xi }{ϕj/Xj } exhibits a modality cycle above Xi , where the Xj are recursion variables being
defined (either in the recursion defining Xi or in an enclosing recursion definition).
With these definitions, a first result can now be shown: in the finite focusedtree interpretation, the least and greatest fixpoints coincide for cycle-free formulas. To this end, a stronger result is proved, which states that a given
focused tree is in the interpretation of a formula if it is in a finite unfolding of
the formula. In the base case, the formula σ ∧ ¬σ is used as “false”.
Definition 5.3.1 (Finite unfolding) A finite unfolding of a formula ϕ belongs to the set unf (ϕ) inductively defined as
unf (ϕ) = {ϕ}
for ϕ = ⊤, σ, ¬σ, s, ¬s, X, ¬ hai ⊤
unf (ϕ ∨ ψ) = {ϕ′ ∨ ψ ′ | ϕ′ ∈ unf (ϕ), ψ ′ ∈ unf (ψ)}
unf (ϕ ∧ ψ) = {ϕ′ ∧ ψ ′ | ϕ′ ∈ unf (ϕ), ψ ′ ∈ unf (ψ)}
unf (hai ϕ) = {hai ϕ′ | ϕ′ ∈ unf (ϕ)}
in Xi
νXi .ϕi in Xi
unf (µXi .ϕi in ψ) = unf (ψ{µXi .ϕi
unf (νXi .ϕi in ψ) = unf (ψ{
/Xi })
/Xi })
unf (µXi .ϕi in ψ) = σ ∧ ¬σ
unf (νXi .ϕi in ψ) = σ ∧ ¬σ
Lemma 5.3.2 Let ϕ a cycle-free formula. If f ∈ JϕKV then f ∈ Junf (ϕ)KV .
5. A Fixpoint Modal Logic with Converse for XML
The reason why this lemma holds is the following. Given a tree satisfying ϕ,
we deduce from the hypothesis that ϕ is cycle free the fact that every node of
the tree will be tested a finite number of times against every subformula of ϕ.
As the tree and the number of subformulas are finite, the satisfaction derivation
is finite hence only a finite number of unfolding is necessary to prove that the
tree satisfies the formula, which is what the lemma states. As least and greatest
fixpoints coincide when only a finite number of unfolding is required, this is
sufficient to show that they collapse. Note that this would not hold if infinite
trees were allowed: the formula µX. h1i X is cycle free, but its interpretation
is empty, whereas the interpretation of νX. h1i X includes every tree with an
infinite branch of h1i children.
We now illustrate why formulas need to be cycle free for the fixpoints to
collapse. Consider the formula µX. h1i 1 X. Its interpretation is empty. The
interpretation of νX. h1i 1 X however contains every focused tree that has
one h1i child.
Proof outline:
The result is a consequence of the fact that a sub-formula is never confronted
twice to the same node of the focused tree as there is no cycle in the formula.
It is thus possible to annotate occurrences of ν and µ with the direction the
formula is exploring for each variable, as in Fig. 5.3, and prove the result by
induction on the size of focused tree in this direction.
More precisely, each variable in every µ and ν of the initial formula is given
a unique identifier.
The induction principle relies on the longest path of a focused tree. Given a
tree and a direction (which may be ), we define the longest path as the longest
cycle-free path that starts in the initial direction.
We then prove the property that a tree f belongs to the finite unfolding of
ϕ by induction on the lexical order of:
1. the number of fixpoints not yet annotated;
2. the max of the lengths of the longest path for a given unique identifier
according to the direction for this identifier;
3. the size of the formula.
The interesting case is an annotated formula recursion ϕ = µXi .ϕi in ψ.
This formula may only have been produced by an expansion. As the formula is
cycle-free, at least one modality has been encountered since the expansion for
each identifier associated with the Xi , and these modalities are compatible with
the previous directions (if they existed). The longest path for each identifier is
thus shorter hence we have by induction that f is in a finite expansion of the
expansion of ϕ.
In the rest of the dissertation, only least fixpoints are considered. An important consequence of Lemma 5.3.2 is that the logic restricted in this way is
closed under negation using De Morgan’s dualities, extended to eventualities
and fixpoints as follows:
¬ hai ϕ = ¬ hai ⊤ ∨ hai ¬ϕ
¬µXi .ϕi in ψ = µXi .¬ϕi {Xi/¬Xi } in ¬ψ{Xi/¬Xi }
5.4. Translations of XML Concepts
Translations of XML Concepts
The interpretation of XPath expressions as sets of focused trees is given:
Se J·K· : LXPath → 2F → 2F
Se J/pKF = Sp JpKroot(F )
Se JpKF = Sp JpK{(σs [tl],c)∈F }
Se Je1 p e2 KF = Se Je1 KF ∪ Se Je2 KF
Se Je1 ∩ e2 KF = Se Je1 KF ∩ Se Je2 KF
Sp J·K· : Path → 2F → 2F
Sp Jp1 /p2 KF = f ′ | f ′ ∈ Sp Jp2 K(Sp Jp1 KF )
Sp Jp[q]KF = {f | f ∈ Sp JpKF ∧ Sq JqKf }
Sp Ja::σKF = {f | f ∈ Sa JaKF ∧ nm(f ) = σ}
Sp Ja::∗KF = {f | f ∈ Sa JaKF }
Sq J·K· : Qualif → F → {true, false}
Sq Jq1 and q2 Kf = Sq Jq1 Kf ∧ Sq Jq2 Kf
Sq Jq1 or q2 Kf = Sq Jq1 Kf ∨ Sq Jq2 Kf
Sq Jnot qKf = ¬ Sq JqKf
Sq JpKf = Sp JpK{f } 6= ∅
5. A Fixpoint Modal Logic with Converse for XML
Sa J·K· : Axis → 2F → 2F
Sa JselfKF = F
Sa JchildKF = fchild(F ) ∪ Sa Jfollowing-siblingKfchild(F )
Sa Jfollowing-siblingKF = nsibling(F ) ∪ Sa Jfollowing-siblingKnsibling(F )
Sa Jpreceding-siblingKF = psibling(F ) ∪ Sa Jpreceding-siblingKpsibling(F )
Sa JparentKF = parent(F )
Sa JdescendantKF = Sa JchildKF ∪ Sa JdescendantK(Sa JchildKF )
Sa Jdescendant-or-selfKF = F ∪ Sa JdescendantKF
Sa JancestorKF = Sa JparentKF ∪ Sa JancestorK(Sa JparentKF )
Sa Jancestor-or-selfKF = F ∪ Sa JancestorKF
Sa JfollowingKF = Sa Jdescendant-or-selfK(Sa Jfollowing-siblingK(S
a Jancestor-or-selfKF )
Sa JprecedingKF = Sa Jdescendant-or-selfK(Sa Jpreceding-siblingK(S
a Jancestor-or-selfKF )
fchild(F ) = {f h1i | f ∈ F ∧ f h1i defined}
nsibling(F ) = {f h2i | f ∈ F ∧ f h2i defined}
psibling(F ) = f 2 | f ∈ F ∧ f 2 defined
parent(F ) = {(σ ◦ [rev a(tl l , t :: tl r )], c)
| (t, (tl l , c[σ ◦ ], tl r )) ∈ F }
rev a(ǫ, tl r ) = tl r
rev a(t :: tl l , tl r ) = rev a(tl l , t :: tl r )
root(F ) = {(σ s [tl ], (tl , Top, tl )) ∈ F } ∪ root(parent(F ))
XPath Embedding
An XPath expression can be translated into an equivalent formula in Lµ which
performs navigation in focused trees in binary style, as presented in the Section 4.4 of previous Chapter 4. A stronger result can be proved:
Proposition 5.4.1 (Translation Correctness) The following hold for an
XPath expression e and a Lµ formula ϕ, with ψ = E → JeKϕ :
1. JψK∅ = Se JeKJϕK∅
2. ψ is cycle-free
3. the size of ψ is linear in the size of e and ϕ
5.4. Translations of XML Concepts
Translation of following-sibling::a/preceding-sibling::b
into Lµ : b ∧ [µY. h2i ( a ∧ µZ. 2 s ∨ 2 Z ) ∨ h2i Y ]
Figure 5.4: Example of Back and Forth XPath Navigation Translation.
Proof outline: The proof uses a structural induction that “peels off” the
compositional layers of each set of rules over focused trees. The cycle-free
part follows from the fact that translated fixpoint formulas are closed and
there is no nesting of modalities with converse programs between a fixpoint
variable and its binder. Each XPath navigation step is cycle-free, and their
composition yields a proper nesting of fixpoint formulas which is also cycle-free.
Figure 5.4 illustrates this on an typical example. Finally, formal translations
do not duplicate any subformula of arbitrary length.
Embedding Regular Tree Languages
The straightforward isomorphism between unranked and binary regular tree
types (presented in Section 2.1.3 of Chapter 2) is used. The translation from
binary regular tree types into Lµ is given by the function J·K as follows:
J·K : Lbt → Lµ
J∅K = σ ∧ ¬σ
JǫK = σ ∧ ¬σ
JT1 | T2 K = JT1 K ∨ JT2 K
Jσ(X1 , X2 )K = σ ∧ succ 1 (X1 ) ∧ succ 2 (X2 )
Jlet Xi .Ti in T K = µXi .JTi K in JT K
where the formula σ ∧ ¬σ is used as “false”, and the function succ · (·) takes
care of setting the type frontier:
¬ hαi ⊤ ∨ hαi X if nullable(X)
succ α (X) =
hαi X
if not nullable(X)
according to the predicate nullable(·) (defined in Section 4.5 of previous chapter) which indicates whether a type contains the empty tree.
Note that the translation of a regular tree type uses only downward modalities since it describes the allowed subtrees at a given context. No additional
restriction is imposed on the context from which the type definition starts.
5. A Fixpoint Modal Logic with Converse for XML
In particular, navigation is allowed in the upward direction so that type constraints for which only partial knowledge in a given direction is known can be
supported. However, when the position of the root is known, conditions similar
to those of absolute paths are added. This is particularly useful when a regular
type is used by an XPath expression that starts its navigation at the root (/p)
since the path will not go above the root of the type (by adding the restriction
µZ.¬ 1 ⊤ ∨ 2 Z).
On the other hand, if the type is compared with another type (typically to
check inclusion of the result of an XPath expression in this type), then there
is no restriction as to where the root of the type is (the translation does not
impose the chosen node to be at the root). This is particularly useful since an
XPath expression usually returns a set of nodes deep in the tree which may be
compared to this partially defined type.
Chapter 6
Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
This chapter presents the algorithm for deciding the logic introduced in previous chapter. It is shown sound and complete, and the time complexity boundary is proved. The combination of all these ingredients leads to the main
result: a satisfiability algorithm for a logic for finite trees whose time complexity is a simple exponential of the size of a formula. With these proofs,
a practically effective system for solving the satisfiability of a formula is described. The system has been experimented with some decision problems such
as XPath containment, emptiness, overlap, and coverage, with or without type
Chapter Outline Some preliminary notions are defined in Section 6.2. The
satisfiability algorithm is then introduced in Section 6.3 and proven correct
in Section 6.4, with details of the implementation discussed in Section 6.5.
Applications for type checking are described in Section 6.6 along with some
experimental results, before the approach outcome is discussed in 6.7.
Preliminary Definitions
The unwinding of a formula ϕ = (µXi .ϕi in ψ), noted exp(ϕ), is defined as
exp(ϕ) = ψ{µXi .ϕi in Xi/Xi } which denotes the formula ψ in which every occurrence of a Xi is replaced by (µXi .ϕi in Xi ).
The Fisher-Ladner closure cl(ψ) of a formula ψ is defined as the set of
all subformulas of ψ where fixpoint formulas are additionally unwound once.
Specifically, the relation →e ⊆ Lµ × Lµ is defined as the least relation that
satisfies the following:
• ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 →e ϕ1 , ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 →e ϕ2
• ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 →e ϕ1 , ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 →e ϕ2
• hai ϕ′ →e ϕ′
• µXi .ϕi in ψ →e exp(µXi .ϕi in ψ)
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
The closure cl(ψ) is the smallest set S that contains ψ and closed under the
relation →e , i.e. if ϕ1 ∈ S and ϕ1 →e ϕ2 then ϕ2 ∈ S.
Σ(ψ) denotes the set of atomic propositions used in ψ along with an other
name, σx , representing atomic propositions not occurring in ψ.
The extended closure is defined as cl∗ (ψ) = cl(ψ) ∪ {¬ϕ | ϕ ∈ cl(ψ)}. Every
formula ϕ ∈ cl∗ (ψ) can be seen as a boolean combination of formulas of a set
called the Lean of ψ, inspired from [Pan et al., 2006]. This set is noted Lean(ψ)
and defined as follows:
Lean(ψ) = hai ⊤ | a ∈ {1, 2, 1, 2} ∪ Σ(ψ)
∪ {s} ∪ {hai ϕ | hai ϕ ∈ cl(ψ)}
A ψ-type (or simply a “type”) (Hintikka set in the temporal logic literature)
is a set t ⊆ Lean(ψ) such that:
• ∀ hai ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ), hai ϕ ∈ t ⇒ hai ⊤ ∈ t (modal consistency);
/ t∨ 2 ⊤ ∈
/ t (a tree node cannot be both a first child and a
• 1 ⊤ ∈
second child);
• exactly one atomic proposition σ ∈ t (XML labeling); the function σ(t)
is used to return the atomic proposition of a type t;
• s may belong to t.
Typ(ψ) denotes the set of ψ-types. For a ψ-type t, the complement of t is the
set Lean(ψ) \ t.
A type
determines a truth assignment of every formula in cl∗ (ψ) with the
relation ∈ defined in Figure 6.1.
Note that such derivations are finite because the number of naked µXi .ϕi in ψ
(that do not occur under
modalities) strictly decreases after each expansion.
The notation ϕ ∈ t is often used if there are
some T, F such that ϕ ∈ t =⇒
(T, F ). A formula ϕ is true at a type t iff ϕ ∈ t.
The the truth status of a formula is now related to the truth assignment of
its ψ-types.
Proposition 6.2.1 If ϕ ∈ t =⇒ (T, F ), then T ⊆ t, F ⊆ Lean(ψ) \ t, and
/ t =⇒ (T, F ), then T ⊆ t, F ⊆ Lean(ψ) \ t,
Vψ ∧ ψ∈FV¬ψ =⇒ ϕ. If ϕ ∈
and ψ∈T ψ ∧ ψ∈F ¬ψ =⇒ ¬ϕ.
Proof outline: Immediate by induction on the derivations.
A compatibility relation is now defined between types. This relation establishes which formulas must hold in a type in order for it to be a witness for a
modal formula.
Definition 6.2.2 (Compatibility relation) : Two types t, t′ are compatible under a ∈ {1, 2}, written ∆a (t, t′ ), iff
∀ hai ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ), hai ϕ ∈ t ⇔ ϕ ∈ t′
∀ hai ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ), hai ϕ ∈ t′ ⇔ ϕ ∈ t
6.3. The Algorithm
ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ)
ϕ ∈ t =⇒ ({ϕ}, ∅)
ϕ1 ∈ t =⇒ (T1 , F1 )
ϕ1 ∈ t =⇒ (T1 , F1 )
ϕ2 ∈ t =⇒ (T2 , F2 )
⊤ ∈ t =⇒ (∅, ∅)
ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 ∈ t =⇒ (T1 ∪ T2 , F1 ∪ F2 )
ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 ∈ t =⇒ (T1 , F1 )
ϕ2 ∈ t =⇒ (T2 , F2 )
/ t =⇒ (T, F )
ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 ∈ t =⇒ (T2 , F2 )
¬ϕ ∈ t =⇒ (T, F )
exp(µXi .ϕi in ψ) ∈ t =⇒ (T, F )
ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ)
µXi .ϕi in ψ ∈ t =⇒ (T, F )
/ t =⇒ (∅, {ϕ})
/ t =⇒ (T1 , F1 )
ϕ1 ∈
ϕ 6∈ t
/ t =⇒ (T1 , F1 )
ϕ1 ∈
/ t =⇒ (T2 , F2 )
ϕ2 ∈
/ t =⇒ (T1 ∪ T2 , F1 ∪ F2 )
ϕ 1 ∨ ϕ2 ∈
/ t =⇒ (T1 , F1 )
ϕ 1 ∧ ϕ2 ∈
/ t =⇒ (T2 , F2 )
ϕ2 ∈
ϕ ∈ t =⇒ (T, F )
/ t =⇒ (T2 , F2 )
ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 ∈
¬ϕ ∈
/ t =⇒ (T, F )
exp(µXi .ϕi in ψ) ∈
/ t =⇒ (T, F )
µXi .ϕi in ψ ∈
/ t =⇒ (T, F )
Figure 6.1: Truth Assignment of a Formula
The Algorithm
The algorithm works on sets of triples of the form (t, w1 , w2 ) where t is a type,
and w1 and w2 are sets of types which represent all possible witnesses for t
according to relations ∆1 and ∆2 .
The algorithm proceeds in a bottom-up approach, repeatedly adding new
triples until a satisfying model is found (i.e. a triple whose first component
is a type implying the formula), or until no more triple can be added. Each
iteration of the algorithm builds types representing deeper trees (in the 1 and
2 direction) with pending backward modalities that will be fulfilled at later
iterations. Types with no backward modalities are satisfiable, and if such a
type implies the formula being tested, then it is satisfiable. The main iteration
is as follows:
X′ ← X
X ← Upd(X ′ )
if FinalCheck(ψ, X) then
return “ψ is satisfiable”
until X = X ′
return “ψ is unsatisfiable”
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
where X ⊆ Typ(ψ)×2Typ(ψ) ×2Typ(ψ) and the operations Upd(·) and FinalCheck(·)
are defined on Figure 6.2.
Upd(X) = X
∪ {(t, w1 (t, X ◦ ), w2 (t, X ◦ )) |
∪ {(t, w1 (t, X ◦ ), w2 (t, X ◦ ))s |
∪ {(t, w1 (t, X s ), w2 (t, X ◦ ))s |
∪ {(t, w1 (t, X ◦ ), w2 (t, X s ))s |
/ t ⊆ Typ(ψ)
∧ h1i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w1 (t, X ◦ ) 6= ∅
∧ h2i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w2 (t, X ◦ ) 6= ∅}
s ∈ t ⊆ Typ(ψ)
∧ h1i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w1 (t, X ◦ ) 6= ∅
∧ h2i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w2 (t, X ◦ ) 6= ∅}
/ t ⊆ Typ(ψ)
∧ h1i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w1 (t, X s ) 6= ∅
∧ h2i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w2 (t, X ◦ ) 6= ∅}
/ t ⊆ Typ(ψ)
∧ h1i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w1 (t, X ◦ ) 6= ∅
∧ h2i ⊤ ∈ t ⇒ w2 (t, X s ) 6= ∅}
wa (t, X) = {type(x) | x ∈ X ∧ hai ⊤ ∈ type(x) ∧ ∆a (t, type(x))}
FinalCheck(ψ, X) = ∃x ∈ X s , dsat(x, ψ) ∧ ∀a ∈ {1, 2}, hai ⊤ ∈
/ type(x)
dsat((t, w1 , w2 ), ψ) = ψ ∈ t ∨ ∃x′ , dsat(x′ , ψ) ∧ (x′ ∈ w1 ∨ x′ ∈ w2 )
X s = x ∈ X | x = ( , , )s
X ◦ = {x ∈ X | x = ( , , )}
type((t, w1 , w2 )) = t
Figure 6.2: Operations used by the Algorithm.
X i and T i respectively
denote the set of triples and the set of types after
i iterations: T i = type(x) | x ∈ X i . Note that T i+1 is the set of types for
which at least one witness belongs to T i .
Example Run of the Algorithm
Figure 6.3 illustrates a run of the algorithm for checking the non-emptiness of
the simple XPath expression e = self::b/parent::a. This expression is first
compiled into the logic as explained in section 5.4.1. The resulting formula
ψ = E → JeK⊤ is shown on Figure 6.3 (step 1). As a second step, Lean(ψ) is
computed. Then the fixpoint computation starts: the set of types T 1 contains
all possible leaves (step 3). For each type in T 2 \ T 1 , a witness must be found
in T 1 . The algorithm notably finds a witness for a particular ψ-type t such
that a ∧ h1i ϕ ∈ t (step 5). T 2 finally contains 81 ψ-types (step 6). t happens
to satisfy the initial formula ψ (step 7), therefore the algorithm stops just
after computing T 2 (step 8) because the structure built by connecting t and
its witness (as drawn on Figure 6.3) is a finite tree which contains a node on
which ψ is satisfied. Thus self::b/parent::a is satisfiable.
6.4. Correctness and Complexity
5) Does a h1i ϕ belong to T 2 ? Yes! Witness:
8) → return satisfiable!
7) Does
6) T 2 = 81
4) T 1 ={ σ
a satisfy
3) T 0 = ∅
2) Lean(ψ) = h1i ⊤,
1 ⊤, h2i ⊤,
2 ⊤, σ, a, b, h1i ϕ, h2i ϕ
1) ψ = a ∧ h1i ϕ with ϕ = µX.(b ∧ s) ∨ h2i X ≡ exp(ϕ) = (b ∧ s) ∨ h2i ϕ
Figure 6.3: Run of the Algorithm for Checking Emptiness of self::b/parent::a
Correctness and Complexity
In this section the correctness of the satisfiability testing algorithm, is proved,
and it is shown that its time complexity is 2O(|Lean(ψ)|) .
Theorem 6.4.1 (Correctness) The algorithm decides satisfiability of Lµ formulas over finite focused trees.
Termination For ψ ∈ Lµ , since cl(ψ) is a finite set, Lean(ψ) and 2Lean(ψ)
are also finite. Furthermore, Upd(·) is monotonic and each X i is included in
the finite set Typ(ψ) × 2Typ(ψ) × 2Typ(ψ) , therefore the algorithm terminates.
To finish the proof, it thus suffices to prove soundness and completeness.
Preliminary Definitions for Soundness First, a notion of partial satisfiability is introduced for a formula. In this partial satisfiability notion, backward
modalities are only checked up to a given level. A formula ϕ is partially satisfied
iff JϕK0V 6= ∅ as defined in Figure 6.4.
For a type t, ϕc (t) denotes the most constrained formula, where atoms are
taken from Lean(ψ). In the following, ◦ stands for s if s ∈ t, and for ¬s
ϕc (t) = σ(t) ∧
¬σ ∧ ◦ ∧
hai ϕ ∧
¬ hai ϕ
σ∈Σ,σ ∈t
A notion of paths is now introduced. Paths written ρ are concatenations of
modalities: the empty path is written ǫ, and path concatenation is written ρa.
Every path may be given a depth:
depth(ǫ) = 0
depth(ρa) = depth(ρ) + 1 if a ∈ {1, 2}
depth(ρa) = depth(ρ) − 1 if a ∈ {1, 2}
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
JXKnV = V (X)
J⊤KnV = F
Jϕ ∨ ψKnV = JϕKnV ∪ JψKnV
JpKnV = {f | nm(f ) = p}
Jϕ ∧ ψKnV = JϕKnV ∩ JψKnV
J¬pKnV = {f | nm(f ) 6= p}
JsKnV = f | f = (σ s [tl ], c)
J 1 ϕK0V = F
J 2 ϕK0V = F
J¬sKnV = {f | f = (σ[tl ], c)}
J 1 ϕKn>0
= f h1i
J 2 ϕKn>0
= f h2i
Jh1i ϕKnV = f 1
Jh2i ϕKnV = f 2
| f ∈ JϕKVn−1 ∧ f h1i defined
| f ∈ JϕKVn−1 ∧ f h2i defined
∧ f 1 defined
| f ∈ JϕKn+1
| f ∈ JϕKn+1
∧ f 2 defined
J¬ hai ⊤KnV = {f | f hai undefined}
\ n
Ti ⊆ F | Jϕi KnV [T
JµXi .ϕi in ψKnV = let Ti =
in JψKnV [T
i /Xi ]
⊆ Ti
i /Xi ]
Figure 6.4: Partial Satisfiability
A forward path is a path that only mentions forward modalities.
A tree of types T is defined as a tree whose nodes are types, T (•) = t,
with at most two children, T h1i and T h2i. The navigation in tree of types is
trivially extended to forward paths. A tree of types is consistent iff for every
forward path ρ and for every child a of T hρi, the following holds: T hρi (•) = t,
T hρai (•) = t′ implies hai ⊤ ∈ t, hai ⊤ ∈ t′ , and ∆a (t, t′ ).
Given a consistent tree of types T , a dependency graph is now defined. In
this graph, nodes are pairs of a forward path ρ and a formula in t = T hρi (•)
or the negation of a formula in the complement t. The directed edges of the
graph are modalities consistent with the tree. For every (ρ, ϕ) in the nodes the
following edges are built:
• ϕ ∈ Σ(ψ) ∪ ¬Σ(ψ) ∪ {s, ¬s, hai ⊤, ¬ hai ⊤}: no edge
• ρ = ǫ, ϕ = hai ϕ′ with a ∈ {1, 2}: no edge
• ρ = ρ′ a, ϕ = ha′ i ϕ′ : let t = T hρi (•). Let first consider the case
a′ ∈ {1, 2} and let t′ = T hρa
there are T, F such that ϕ′ ∈ t′ =⇒ (T, F ) with T a subset of t′ , and F
a subset of the complement of t′ . For every ϕT ∈ T an edge a′ is added
to (ρa′ , ϕT ), and for every ϕF ∈ F an edge a′ is added to (ρa′ , ¬ϕF ).
Consider now the case where a′ ∈ {1, 2} and first show that a′ = a. As
T is consistent, hai ⊤ in t. Moreover, as t is a tree type, it must contain
ha′ i ⊤. As a′ is a backward modality, it must be equal to a as at most
one may be present. Hence ρ′ aa′ = ρ′ holds. Let t′ = T hρ′ i (•). By
6.4. Correctness and Complexity
consistency, ϕ′ ∈ t′ , hence ϕ′ ∈ t′ =⇒ (T, F ) and edges are added as in
the previous case: to (ρ′ , ϕT ) and to (ρ′ , ¬ϕF ).
• ρ = ρ′ a, ϕ = ¬ ha′ i ϕ′ : let t = T hρi (•). If ha′ i ⊤ is not in t then no edge
is added. Otherwise, one proceeds as in the previous
case. For downward
modalities, let t = T hρa i (•) and compute ϕ ∈
/ t =⇒ (T, F ) which is
known to hold by consistency. Edges are then added to (ρa′ , ϕT ) and
to (ρa′ , ¬ϕF ) as before. For upward modalities, as ha′ i ⊤ holds in t, one
/ t′ =⇒ (T, F ) is computed
must have a′ = a and let t′ = T hρ′ i (•). ϕ′ ∈
and edges are added to (ρ′ , ϕT ) and to (ρ′ , ¬ϕF ) as before.
Lemma 6.4.2 The dependency graph of a consistent tree of types of a cyclefree formula is cycle free.
Proof outline: The proof proceeds by induction on the depth of the cycle, relying on the fact that the dependency graph is consistent with the tree structure
(i.e. if a 1 edge reaches a node, no 2 edge may leave this node). The induction
case is trivial: if there is a cycle of depth n, there must be a cycle of depth
n − 1, a contradiction.
The base case is for a cycle of depth 1. One case is described, where the
cycle is (ρ, h1i ϕ) −→1 (ρ1, 1 ψ) −→1 (ρ, h1i ϕ). As ϕ must be a subformula of
ψ and ψ a subformula of ϕ, they are both. recursive formula. An. analysis of the
shape of ϕ, based on the derivations ϕ ∈ t =⇒ (T, F ) and ψ ∈ t′ =⇒ (T ′ , F ′ )
with h1i ψ ∈ T and 1 ϕ ∈ T ′ then shows that ϕ is not a cycle-free formula, a
Lemma 6.4.3 (Soundness) Let .T be the result set of the algorithm. For any
type t ∈ T and any ϕ such that ϕ ∈ t, then JϕK0∅ 6= ∅.
Proof outline:
The proof proceeds by induction on the number of steps of the algorithm.
For every t in T n and every witness tree T rooted at t built from X n , one can
show that T is a consistent tree type and one can build a focused tree f that
is rooted (i.e. of the shape (σ ◦ [tl ], (ǫ, Top, tl ′ ))). The tree f is in the partial
interpretation of ϕc (t): f hρi ∈ Jϕc (T hρi (•))K∅
for any path ρ whose
depth is 0 or more, and f contains
if s occurs in T .
Then one shows that for all ϕ ∈ t, f ∈ JϕK0∅ holds.
The base case is trivial by the shape of t: it may only contain backward
modalities (trivially satisfied at level 0), one atomic proposition, and one context proposition. Moreover there is only one tree of witnesses to consider, the
tree whose only node is t. If the atomic proposition is σ, then the focused
tree returned is either (σ s [ǫ], (ǫ, Top, ǫ)) or (σ[ǫ], (ǫ, Top, ǫ)) depending on the
context proposition.
In the inductive case, every witness types for both downward modalities, t1
and t2 are considered. For each of them, every tree type T1 and T2 are considered and a tree type rooted at t is built which is consistent by definition of the
algorithm. By induction, f1 and f2 such that f1 hρi ∈ Jϕc (T h1ρi (•))K∅
and f2 hρi ∈ Jϕc (T h2ρi (•))K∅
for any path ρ whose depth is 0 or more.
If either T1 or T2 contains s, then f1 or f2 contains the context marker by
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
induction. Moreover, by definition of the algorithm, it is the case for only one
of them and s is not in t.
Let f1 be (σ1◦ [tl1 ], (ǫ, Top, tr1 )) and f2 be (σ2◦ [tl2 ], (ǫ, Top, tr2 )). Let f =
(σ(t)◦ [σ1◦ [tl1 ] :: tr1 ], (ǫ, Top, σ2◦ [tl2 ] :: tr2 )) where σ(t)◦ is σ(t)s if s ∈ t, and
σ(t) otherwise. Note that f contains exactly one context marker iff s ∈ T .
Next, one shows that f1 hρi ∈ Jϕc (T h1ρi (•))K∅
implies f h1ρi ∈
Jϕc (T h1ρi (•))K∅
, and the same for the other modality, by induction on
the depth of the path, remarking that every backward modality at level 0 is
trivially satisfied.
Then one proceeds to show that f satisfies ϕc (t) at level 0. To do so, a
further induction on the dependency tree is needed. Let ρ be a path of the
dependency tree and ψ be a formula at that path in the dependency tree, one
shows that f hρi ∈ JψKV
. To do so, one relies on f hρi ∈ JψKV
depth(ρ) 6= 0. In the base case at depth 0, the result is by construction as the
formula is either a backward modality or an atomic formula. In the base case
at another depth, the case is immediate by induction as the formula has to be
an atomic formula whose interpretation does not depend on the depth. In the
induction case, one concludes by the inductive hypothesis and by definition of
partial satisfiability.
The proof is concluded by noticing that the final selected type has no backward modality, hence Jϕc (t)K∅0 = Jϕc (t)K∅ .
Lemma 6.4.4 (Completeness) For a cycle-free closed formula ϕ ∈ Lµ , if
JϕK∅ 6= ∅ then the algorithm terminates with a set of triples X such that
FinalCheck(ϕ, X).
Proof outline: Let f ∈ JϕK∅ be a smallest focused tree validating the formula
such that the names occurring in f are either also occurring in ϕ or are a single
other name σx . By Lemma 5.3.2, there is a finite unfolding of ϕ such that f
belongs to its interpretation. Hence there is a finite satisfiability derivation,
defined in Figure 6.5, of f ǫ ϕ.
In the satisfiability derivation, paths are assumed to be normalized (11 = ǫ).
Hence every path is a concatenation of a (possibly empty) backward path ρb
followed by a forward path ρf .
This derivation has the following property, immediate by induction: let f
the initial focused tree, then f ′ ρ ϕ implies f ′ = f hρi. Hence if f1 ρ ϕ1 and
f2 ρ ϕ2 , then f1 = f2 .
Next, one uses the satisfiability derivation to construct a run of the algorithm that concludes that ϕ is satisfiable. One first associates each path to a
type, which one then saturates (adding formulas that are true even though the
satisfiability relation does not mention them at that path). One next shows
that every formula at a path in the satisfiability relation is implied by the type
at that path, and that types are consistent according to the ∆a (t, t′ ) relation.
One then concludes that the types are created by a run of the algorithm by
induction on the paths.
More precisely, let first describe how tρ is built. Let Φρ the set of formulas
at path ρ. One first adds every formula of Φρ that is in Lean(ϕ), then one
6.4. Correctness and Complexity
(σ[tl ], c)
f h1i ρ1 ϕ
f ρ h1i ϕ
nm(f ) = σ
f ρσ
nm(f ) 6= σ
f ρ ¬σ
f h2i ρ2 ϕ
f ρ h2i ϕ
f hai undefined
f ρ ¬ hai ⊤
f 1
(σ s [tl ], c)
1 ϕ
f 2
f ρψ
2 ϕ
exp(µXi .ϕi in ψ)
µXi .ϕi in ψ
Figure 6.5: Satisfiability Relation
completes this set to yield a correct type: if hai ψ ∈ Φρ then one adds hai ⊤;
for every modality a for which f hai is defined one adds hai ⊤; if there is no
atomic proposition in Φρ then one adds nm(f hρi); finally if f hρi has the context
marker one adds s.
One next saturates the types. For every path tρ if tρa exists, if hai ψ ∈
Lean(ϕ), and if ψ ∈ tρa then one adds hai ψ to tρ . This procedure is repeated
until it does not change any type. Termination is a consequence of the finite
size of the lean and of the number of paths. The resulting types are satisfiable
as they are before saturation (since a focused tree satisfies them) and each
formula added during saturation is first checked to be implied by the type.
One next shows (*): for any given path ρ, if ϕρ ∈ Φρ then ϕρ ∈ tρ , by
induction on the satisfiability derivation. Base cases with no negation are
immediate by definition of tρ as these are formulas of the lean. For base cases
with negation, one relies on the fact that f hρi satisfies the formula, hence one
cannot for instance have σ and ¬σ in Φρ . If ¬ hai ⊤ ∈ Φρ then one cannot
also have hai ψ ∈ Φρ as ρa is not a valid path, hence hai ⊤ is not in tρ thus
¬ hai ⊤ ∈ tρ . The inductive cases of this induction (disjunction, conjunction,
recursion) are immediate as they correspond to the definition of · ∈ ·.
One next shows that for every type tρ and tρa where a is a forward modality, hai ⊤ ∈ tρa and ∆a (tρ , tρa ) hold. (Note that, by path normalization, the
types considered may be t12 and t1 for modality 2.) The first condition is immediate by construction of tρa as f hρai is defined. For the second condition,
let hai ψ ∈ tρ . If hai ψ ∈ Φρ , then it occurs in the satisfiability derivation with
an hypothesis fρa ρa ψ. In this case ψ ∈ tρa holds by (*). If hai ψ ∈
/ Φρ then
it was added during
Conversely, if ψ ∈ tρa then by saturation hai ψ ∈ tρ . The case hai ψ ∈ tρa
is now considered. The proof goes exactly as before, distinguishing the case
where the formula is in Φρa and the case where it was added by saturation.
One now shows that there is a run of the algorithm that produces these
types. The proof proceeds by induction on the paths in the downward direction:
if tρa has been proven for a partial run for a ∈ {1, 2}, then tρ is proven for
the next step of the algorithm. Moreover, one shows that (tρ , {tρ1 }, {tρ2 }) is
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
marked iff a forward subtree of f hρi contains the context mark. The base case
is for paths with no descendants, hence no witness is required. The algorithm
then adds (tρ , ∅, ∅) to its set of types, with a mark iff s ∈ tρ , iff f hρi is marked.
The inductive case is now considered. By induction, a partial run of the
algorithm returns tρ1 and/or tρ2 . One first shows that tρ is returned in the next
step of the algorithm, taking these two types as witnesses. One first remarks
that if either witness is marked then the other is not and the mark is not at
f hρi, since there is only one context mark in f , and if the mark is at f hρi,
then neither witness is marked. For each child a ∈ {1, 2}, ∆a (tρ , tρa ) and
hai ⊤ ∈ tρa , hence the triple (tρ , W1 , W2 ) with tρ1 ∈ W1 and tρ2 ∈ W2 is added
by the algorithm.
One may now conclude. At the end of the induction, the last path considered, ρ0 , has no predecessor, hence it is the longest backward only path. Since
/ tρ0 and 2 ⊤ ∈
/ tρ0 . Moreover, as the
f hρ0 i is the root of the tree, 1 ⊤ ∈
context mark is somewhere in f , it is in a forward subtree of f hρ0 i, hence the
final type is marked.
Finally, tǫ is in the witness tree of the final type, and
since f ǫ ϕ, ϕ ∈ tǫ .
Lemma 6.4.5 (Complexity) For a formula ψ ∈ Lµ the satisfiability problem
JψK∅ 6= ∅ is decidable in time 2O(n) where n = |Lean(ψ)|.
Proof outline: |Typ(ψ)| is bounded by 2Lean(ψ) which is 2O(n) . During each
iteration, the algorithm adds at least one new type (otherwise it terminates),
thus it performs at most 2O(n) iterations. What is done at each iteration is now
detailed. For each type that may be added (there are 2O(n) of them), there are
two traversals of the set of types at the previous step to collect witnesses. Hence
there are 2 ∗ 2O(n) ∗ 2O(n) = 2O(n) witness tests at each iteration. Each witness
test involves a membership test and a ∆a test. In the implementation these
are precomputed: for every formula hai ϕ in the lean, the subsets (T, F ) of the
lean that must. be true and false respectively for ϕ to be true are precomputed,
so testing ϕ ∈ t are simple inclusion and disjunction tests. The FinalCheck
condition test at most 2O(n) ψ-types and each test takes at most 2O(n) (testing
the formulas containing s against ψ). Therefore, the worst case global time
complexity of the algorithm does not exceed 2O(n) .
Implementation Techniques
This section describes the main techniques used in the complete implementation
[Genevès, 2006] of the Lµ decision procedure.
Implicit Representation of Sets of ψ-Types
The implementation relies on a symbolic representation and manipulation of
sets of types using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) [Bryant, 1986]. BDDs
provide a canonical representation of boolean functions. Experience has shown
that this representation is very compact for very large boolean functions. Their
effectiveness is notably well known in the area of formal verification of systems
[Edmund M. Clarke et al., 1999].
First, one may observe that the implementation can avoid keeping track of
every possible witnesses of each ψ-type. In fact, for a formula ϕ, one can test
6.5. Implementation Techniques
JϕK∅ 6= ∅ by testing the satisfiability of the (linear-size) “plunging” formula
ψ = µX.ϕ ∨ h1i X ∨ h2i X at the root of focused trees. That is, checking
JψK0∅ 6= ∅ while ensuring there is no unfulfilled upward eventuality at top level
0. One advantage of proceeding this way is that the implementation only need
to deal with a current set of ψ-types at each step.
A bit-vector representation of ψ-types is now introduced. Types are complete in the sense that either a subformula or its negation must belong to a
type. It is thus possible for a formula ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ) to be represented using
a single BDD variable. For Lean(ψ) = {ϕ1 , ..., ϕm }, a subset t ⊆ Lean(ψ) is
represented by a vector ~t = ht1 , ..., tm i ∈ {0, 1}m such that ϕi ∈ t iff ti = 1. A
BDD with m variables is then used to represent a set of such bit vectors.
For a program a ∈ {1, 2}, some auxiliary predicates on a vector ~t are defined:
• isparenta (~t) is read “~t is a parent for program a” and is true iff the bit
for hai ⊤ is true in ~t
• ischilda (~t) is read “~t is a child for program a” and is true iff the bit for
hai ⊤ is true in ~t
For a set T ⊆ 2Lean(ψ) , its corresponding characteristic function is denoted
χT . Encoding χTyp(ψ) is straightforward with the previous definitions.
The equivalent of ∈ is defined on the bit vector representation:
if ϕ ∈ Lean(ψ)
ϕ = ϕ′ ∧ ϕ′′
statusϕ′ (~t) ∨ statusϕ′′ (~t) if ϕ = ϕ′ ∨ ϕ′′
statusϕ (~t) =
if ϕ = ¬ϕ′
¬statusϕ′ (~t)
statusexp(ϕ) (t)
if ϕ = µXi .ϕi in ψ
a → b and a ↔ b respectively denote the implication and equivalence of
two boolean formulas a and b over vector bits. The BDD of the relation ∆a
for a ∈ {1, 2} can now be constructed. This BDD relates all pairs (~x, ~y ) that
are consistent w.r.t the program a, i.e., such that ~y supports all of ~x’s hai ϕ
formulas, and vice-versa ~x supports all of ~y ’s hai ϕ formulas:
xi ↔ statusϕ (~y ) if ϕi = hai ϕ
yi ↔ statusϕ (~x) if ϕi = hai ϕ
∆a (~x, ~y ) =
⊤ otherwise
For a ∈ {1, 2}, the set of witnessed vectors is defined:
χWita (T ) (~x) = isparenta (~x) → ∃~y [ h(~y ) ∧ ∆a (~x, ~y ) ]
where h(~y ) = χT (~y ) ∧ ischilda (~y ).
Then, the BDD of the fixpoint computation is initially set to the false
constant, and the main function Upd(·) is implemented as:
χUpd(T ) (~x) = χT (~x) ∨ χTyp(ψ) (~x) ∧
χWita (T ) (~x)
Finally, the solver can be implemented as iterations over the sets χUpd(T )
until a fixpoint is reached. The final satisfiability condition consists in checking
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
whether ψ is present in a ψ-type of this fixpoint with no unfulfilled upward
∃~t χT (~t) ∧
¬ischilda (~t) ∧ statusψ (~t)
Satisfying Model Reconstruction
The implementation keeps a copy of each intermediate set of types computed
by the algorithm, so that whenever a formula is satisfiable, a minimal satisfying
model can be extracted. The top-down (re)construction of a satisfying model
starts from a root (a ψ-type for which the final satisfiability condition holds),
and repeatedly attempts to find successors. In order to minimize model size,
only required left and right branches are built. Furthermore, for minimizing the
maximal depth of the model, left and right successors of a node are successively
searched in the intermediate sets of types, in the order they were computed
by the algorithm. For readability purposes, the extracted satisfying model can
be enriched by annotating the context mark s from which XPath evaluation
started and a target node selected by the XPath expression. The annotated
model is then provided to the user in XML unranked tree syntax.
Conjunctive Partitioning and Early Quantification
The BDD-based implementation involves computations of relational products
of the form:
∃~y [ h(~y ) ∧ ∆a (~x, ~y ) ]
It is well-known that such a computation may be quite time and space consuming, because the BDD corresponding to the relation ∆a may be quite large.
One famous optimization technique consists in using conjunctive partioning [Edmund M. Clarke et al., 1999] and early quantification [Pan et al., 2006].
The idea is to compute the relational product without ever building the full
BDD of the relation ∆a . This is possible by taking advantage of the form of
∆a along with properties of existential quantification. By definition, ∆a is a
conjunction of n equivalences relating ~x and ~y where n is the number of hbi ϕ
formulas in Lean(ψ) where ϕ 6= ⊤ and b ∈ {a, a}:
∆a (~x, ~y ) =
Ri (~x, ~y )
If a variable yk does not occur in the clauses Ri+1 , ..., Rn then the relational
product (6.1) can be rewritten as:
∃yk h(~y ) ∧ 1≤j≤i Rj (~x, ~y )
∧ i+1≤l≤n Rl (~x, ~y )
y1 , ..., yk−1 , yk+1 , ..., ym
This allows to apply existential quantification on intermediate BDDs and
thus to compose smaller BDDs. Of course, there are many ways to compose
the Ri (~x, ~y ). Let ρ be a permutation of {0, ..., n − 1} which determines the
order in which the partitions Ri (~x, ~y ) are combined. For each i, let Di be the
6.6. Typing Applications and Experimental Results
set of variables yk with k ∈ {1, ..., m} that Ri (~x, ~y ) depends on. Ei is defined
as the set of variables contained in Dρ(i) that are not contained in Dρ(j) for
any j larger than i:
Ei = Dρ(i) \
The Ei are pairwise disjoint and their union contains all the variables. The
relational product (6.1) can be computed by starting from:
h(~y ) ∧ Rρ(0) (~x, ~y )
h1 (~x, ~y ) =
yk ∈ E 0
and successively computing hp+1 defined as follows:
yk ∈ E p
hp+1 (~x, ~y ) =
hp (~x, ~y ) ∧ Rρ(p) (~x, ~y )
if Ep 6= ∅
if Ep = ∅
until reaching hn which is the result of the relational product. The ordering
ρ determines how early in the computation variables can be quantified out.
This directly impact the sizes of BDDs constructed and therefore the global
efficiency of the decision procedure. It is thus important to choose ρ carefully.
The overall goal is to minimize the size of the largest BDD created during the
elimination process. A heuristic taken from [Edmund M. Clarke et al., 1999]
is used. It seems to provide a good approximation as in practice it yields the
best observed performance. It defines the cost of eliminating a variable yk as
the sum of the sizes of all the Di containing yk :
|Di |
1≤i≤n,yk ∈Di
The ordering ρ on the relations Ri is then defined in such a way that variables
can be eliminated in the order given by a greedy algorithm which repeatedly
eliminates the variable of minimum cost.
BDD Variable Ordering
The cost of BDD operations is very sensitive to variable ordering. Finding the
optimal variable ordering is known to be NP-complete [Hojati et al., 1996].
However, several heuristics are known to perform relatively well in practice
[Edmund M. Clarke et al., 1999]. Choosing a good initial order of Lean(ψ)
formulas does significantly improve performance. To this end, preserving locality of the initial problem happens to be essential. Experience has shown that
the variable order determined by the breadth-first traversal of the formula ψ
to solve, which keeps sister subformulas in close proximity, yields better results
in practice.
Typing Applications and Experimental Results
For XPath expressions e1 , ..., en ∈ LXPath , the decision problems presented in
Section 4.6 can be generalized in the presence of several XML type expressions
T1 , ..., Tn and formulated as follows:
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
• XPath containment: E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K) ∧ ¬E → Je2 K(s∧JT2 K) (if the formula
is unsatisfiable then all nodes selected by e1 under type constraint T1 are
selected by e2 under type constraint T2 )
• XPath emptiness: E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K)
• XPath overlap: E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K) ∧ E → Je2 K(s∧JT2 K)
• XPath coverage: E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K) ∧ 2≤i≤n ¬E → Jei K(s∧JTi K)
The advantage of generalizing all the previous problem formulations with
distinct types T1 and T2 is particularly useful for applications where types
evolve. For instance, it is common that a file format of some company (described by an XML schema for instance) evolves over time. In this case, transformations that operated on the old document type must be updated to operate on the new type. Analysing XPath queries of a transformation (written in
XSLT for instance) under different type constraints (the old one and the new
one) can be used for helping the programmer to identify and understand the
consequences of the evolution of the document type.
The system can also be used to check basic subtyping: JT1 K ∧ ¬JT2 K. However, since XPath (and therefore reverse navigation) is not used in that case,
algorithms specialized for this restricted case such as the ones proposed in
[Hosoya and Pierce, 2003] or in [Tozawa and Hagiya, 2003] may perform better on practical instances.
Additionally, two decision problems are of special interest for XML static
type checking:
• Static type checking of an annotated XPath query: E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K) ∧
¬JT2 K (if the formula is unsatisfiable then all nodes selected by e1 under
type constraint T1 are included in the type T2 .)
• XPath equivalence under type constraints, checked by E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K) ∧
¬E → Je2 K(s∧JT2 K) and ¬E → Je1 K(s∧JT1 K) ∧ E → Je2 K(s∧JT2 K) (This test can
be used to check that the nodes selected after a modification of a type T1
by T2 and an XPath expression e1 by e2 are the same, typically when an
input type changes and the corresponding XPath query has to change as
Experimental Results
Extensive tests of the implementation [Genevès, 2006] have been carried out1 .
This section gathers a few of them. All times reported correspond to the actual
running time (in milliseconds) of the Lµ satisfiability solver without the extra
(negligible) time spent for parsing XPath and translating into Lµ .
First, an XPath benchmark [Franceschet, 2005] is used. Its goal is to cover
XPath features by gathering a significant variety of XPath expressions met in
real-world applications. In this first test series, types are not yet considered,
and the focus is only given to the XPath containment problem, since its logical
formulation (presented in Section 4.6) is the most complex (as it requires the
1 Experiments have been conducted with a Java implementation running on a Pentium
4, 3 Ghz, with 512Mb of RAM with Windows XP.
6.6. Typing Applications and Experimental Results
/site/regions/*/item[parent::namerica or parent::samerica]
/site/regions/namerica/item p /site/regions/samerica/item
/site/people/person[address and (phone or homepage)]
Figure 6.6: Queries Taken from the XPathmark Benchmark.
logic to be closed under negation). This first test series consists in finding
the relation holding for each pair of queries from the benchmark. This means
checking the containment of each query of the benchmark against all the others.
qi ⊆ qj denotes that the query qi is contained in the query qj . Comparisons of
two queries qi and qj may yield to three different results:
1. qi ⊆ qj and qj ⊆ qi , the queries are semantically equivalent, which is
denoted by qi ≡ qj
2. qi ⊆ qj but qj 6⊆ qi , denoted by qi ⊂ qj or alternatively by qj ⊃ qi
3. qi 6⊆ qj and qj 6⊆ qi , queries are not related, denoted by qi 6∼ qj
Queries are presented on Figure 6.6 (where “//” is used as a shorthand for
“/descendant-or-self::*/”). Corresponding results together with running times
of the decision procedure are summarized on Table 6.1. Obtained results show
that all tests are solved in several milliseconds. These first results suggest
that several XPath expressions used in real-world scenarios can be efficiently
handled in practice.
As a second test series, several expressions found in research papers on
the containment of XPath expressions are compared. Figure 6.7 presents the
collected expressions. Figure 6.7 also shows the obtained results. The first containment instance of Figure 6.7 was first formulated in [Miklau and Suciu, 2004]
as an example for which the proposed tree pattern homomorphism technique is
incomplete. The third example was not solvable in acceptable time and space
bounds using the technique based on WS2S presented in Chapter 3. For this
instance, the Lµ technique is orders of magnitude faster, and yields acceptable
memory footprints. These results suggest that the system is reasonably able to
handle containment instances which are difficult or impossible to solve using
other techniques.
Figure 6.8 presents the results of a third test series including examples
with intersection, and axes such as “following” and “preceding”, which are not
illustrated in the previous series.
In the fourth test series, several XPath expressions (shown on Figure 6.9)
are used in the presence of two real-world XML types: the DTDs of the SMIL
[Hoschka, 1998] and XHTML [Pemberton, 2000] W3C recommendations. Table 6.2 gives the size of each DTD by presenting the number of symbols used
(alphabet size) and the number of grammar production rules (type variables)
in the unranked and binary representations. Several decision problems and
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
6∼ q2
6∼ q3
6∼ q4
⊃ q5
6∼ q6
6∼ q7
⊃ q8
6∼ q9
⊂ q3
⊂ q4
6∼ q5
6∼ q6
6∼ q7
6∼ q8
6∼ q9
⊃ q4
6∼ q5
6∼ q6
Time (ms)
6∼ q7
6∼ q8
6∼ q9
6∼ q5
6∼ q6
6∼ q7
6∼ q8
6∼ q9
6∼ q6
6∼ q7
≡ q8
6∼ q9
6∼ q7
6∼ q8
6∼ q9
6∼ q8
6∼ q9
6∼ q9
Time (ms)
Table 6.1: Results for Comparisons of Benchmark Queries.
a[b]/(b p c)/d/(e|f)/g
(a[b]/b/d/e/g) p (a/b/d/f/g)
⊂ e2
⊃ e4
⊃ e5
⊃ e5
⊂ e7
⊂ e9
≡ e11
Time (ms)
Figure 6.7: Results for Instances Found in Research Papers.
6.6. Typing Applications and Experimental Results
a/b[//c]/following::d/e ∩ a/d[preceding::c]/e
a/c/following::d/e ∩ a/d[preceding::c]/e
⊂ e13
⊂ e15
⊂ e17
⊂ e19
≡ e12
6∼ e22
⊂ e21
6∼ e18
Time (ms)
Figure 6.8: Results for Instances with Horizontal Navigation.
html/(head p body)
//img[not *]
Figure 6.9: Queries Used in the Presence of DTDs.
SMIL 1.0 [Hoschka, 1998]
XHTML 1.0 [Pemberton, 2000]
Tree Type Variables
29 unranked, 11 binary
104 unranked, 325 binary
Table 6.2: Types Used in Experiments.
their results are presented on Table 6.3. For example, the emptiness test for
p9 shows that the official XHTML DTD does not syntactically prohibit the
nesting of anchors. Obtained results suggest that deciding XPath problems
remains practically feasible, especially for static analysis purposes where such
operations are performed at compile-time.
An additional benefit of the technique is that it automatically outputs a
satisfying XML document, which can easily be enriched with XPath context
and target information. For instance, the solver trace for the emptiness test
for p8 is given below:
Checking emptiness of
in the presence of ’smil.dtd’.
Parsing XPath [249 ms].
Compilation of XPath to Tree Logic Formulas [15 ms].
Input DTD read from ’sampleDTDs/smil.dtd’.
6. Satisfiability-Testing Algorithm
p5 ∩ p6 6= ∅
p6 ⊆ p 7
⊆ p11 ∪ p12 ∪ p13
p14 ⊆ p15
Time (ms)
Table 6.3: Results in the Presence of DTDs.
Start symbol is $smil
Converted DTD into BTT [140 ms].
CFT: 29 type variables and 19 terminals.
BTT: 11 type variables and 17 terminals.
Translated BTT into Tree Logic [16 ms].
Computing Relevant Closure
Computed Relevant Closure [46 ms].
Computed Lean [0 ms].
The Lean has size 53. It contains 35 eventualities and 18 symbols.
Fixpoint Computation Initialized [31 ms].
Computing Fixpoint......[94 ms].
Formula is satisfiable [171 ms].
A satisfying finite binary tree model was found [94 ms]:
smil(head(switch(seq(video(#, audio), layout), meta), #), #)
In XML syntax:
<smil context="true">
<audio target="true"/>
is satisfiable in presence of ’smil.dtd’
These experiments shed a first light on the cost of solving XML decision
problems in practice, and suggest that the presented system is already able to
handle realistic scenarios.
6.7. Outcome
The essence of the obtained results lives in a sub-logic of the alternation free
modal µ-calculus with converse, with some syntactic restrictions on formulas,
and where models are finite trees. As detailed in Chapter 5, the syntactic
restrictions allow to prove that formulas of the logic are cycle-free. The cyclefree property is used to prove that the least and greatest fixpoint operators
collapse in a single fixpoint operator. This provides closure under negation,
which is the key property for solving the containment (a logical implication).
Deep connections between this logic and XML decision problems can then be
revealed: XPath expressions and regular tree type formulas conform to the
Lµ syntactic restrictions. Furthermore, XPath expressions and regular tree
languages can surprisingly be efficiently embedded since they are linear in the
size of the corresponding formulas in the logic.
A sound and complete algorithm for testing the satisfiability of the logic is
described in this chapter. Its upper bound time complexity is 2O(n) w.r.t. the
length n of the given formula. The combination of all these ingredients yields
the main result: sound and complete decision procedures, with the same upper
bound complexity, for XML decision problems involving regular tree types and
XPath queries. The implementation appears efficient in practice. A benefit of
the approach is that the system can be effectively used in static analyzers for
programming languages manipulating both XPath expressions and XML type
annotations (input and output).
Chapter 7
Summary of the Main Contributions
The main contribution of this thesis is a new logic for finite trees, derived
from the µ-calculus. The logic is expressive enough to capture regular tree
types along with multi-directional navigation in finite trees. It is decidable in
single exponential time (specifically in 2O(n) steps where n is the size of the
input formula defined as its number of atomic propositions and eventualities).
This improves the best known computational complexity for finite trees. As
such, this logic offers a new compromise between expressivity and complexity,
specifically interesting in the context of XML.
Another contribution of this thesis is to show how to linearly compile queries
and regular tree types (including DTDs and XML Schemas) in the logic. The
logic takes almost full XPath into account and supports the largest fragment
that has been treated for static analysis. Another advantage is that the logic is a
sublogic of an existing one (the µ-calculus) thus facilitating known optimization
techniques and warranting extensibility.
This solves the major decision problems needed in the static analysis of
XML specifications. These problems involve containment, emptiness, equivalence, overlap, and coverage of XPath queries (in the presence or absence of
regular tree types), static type-checking of an annotated XPath query, and
XPath equivalence under type constraints.
Furthermore, implementation techniques that yield concrete design and effective algorithm implementation in practice are presented. The fully implemented system is already able to handle realistic scenarios.
There are a number of interesting and promising directions for further research
that builds on the results and ideas developed in this dissertation.
Further Optimizations of the Logical Solver
The worst-case complexity upper bound for deciding Lµ cannot be less than
exponential time (since it can be used to decide FTA containment, or alterna107
7. Conclusion
tively since it contains the CTL subsystem). Nevertheless, several techniques
can be further developed for continuing to improve the performance of the
implementation. One perspective is to use dynamic reordering of BDD variables whenever it can speed up the decision procedure. Another interesting
direction of further research is to attempt to statically reduce Lean contents
by exploiting peculiarities of particular problem instances such as locality.
Pushing the XPath Decidability Envelope Further
One perspective of this thesis consists in extending the considered XPath
fragment in order to support restricted data value comparisons (in the manner of [Bojanczyk et al., 2006]). Another direction for extending the fragment consists in integrating related work on counting [Dal-Zilio et al., 2004,
Seidl et al., 2004] to the logic.
Enhancing the Translation of Regular Tree Types
Another perspective consists in considering a modification of the translation of
types such that it imposes the context of a type to also follow the regular tree
language definition (stating for instance that the parent of a given node may
only be some specific other nodes). This would allow a yet more precise and
interesting reporting on type-checking instances.
Efficiently Supporting Attributes and Data Values
Most theoretical work on XML and XPath models XML documents by finite labeled ordered trees, where the labels are taken from a finite alphabet.
Attributes and data values are usually ignored. This thesis makes the same abstractions, and thus still offers perspectives for supporting more XML features.
There is a reason for each previous widespread abstractions.
The difficulty for supporting XML attributes arises from the fact that they
are unordered [Bray et al., 2004] which forces to consider mixed ordered and
unordered contents in the underlying data model. There are several directions
that can be followed for supporting constraints over mixed content while avoiding blow-ups caused by a naive modeling of unordered data on top of an ordered
data model. Shuffle automata introduced in the 1970’s provide a way to deal
with an interleave operator [Jedrzejowicz and Szepietowski, 2001]. The work
found in [Dal-Zilio and Lugiez, 2006] introduces the Sheaves logic and a related
new class of automata (sheaves automata) suited for ordered trees. The logic
combines regularity and counting constraints, and provides an interleaving operator. The work found in [Murata and Hosoya, 2003] proposes an automata
rewriting technique for handling attribute-element constraints, which has been
implemented in a validator for RELAX NG. The approach presented in this
dissertation can easily be extended for supporting unordered XML attributes
in an alternative manner, by observing that the algorithm proposed in Chapter 6 is based on ψ-types. Since a ψ-type is simply a set of formulas, attributes
could naturally be modeled by a new class of atomic propositions, with the
same complexity.
The usual reason for ignoring data values comes from the fact that they
quickly lead to languages whose static analysis is undecidable [Alon et al., 2003,
7.2. Perspectives
Neven and Schwentick, 2003, Benedikt et al., 2005]. Nevertheless, there exists examples of decidable static reasoning tasks involving attribute values
[Arenas et al., 2005, Buneman et al., 2003, Bojanczyk et al., 2006]. A perspective of this thesis is to extend the algorithm proposed in Chapter 6 to deal
with attribute values. This could help at identifying more precisely the upperbound complexity of decision problems involving XPath with limited data
value comparison, which has been observed to be between NEXPTIME and
3-NEXPTIME in the recent work found in [Bojanczyk et al., 2006].
Query Optimization
Another perspective of this thesis is to take advantage of the static analysis of
XPath expressions for optimization purposes. This allows for instance to automatically detect contradictions and eliminate redundancies from XML queries
at compile time, as preliminary investigated in [Genevès and Vion-Dury, 2004].
One perspective is to extend this work with some trace-based semantics for
XPath (in the manner of [Hartel, 2005]) in order to capture optimality of a
query w.r.t a given evaluation context. Then, the optimal query could be calculated by using the automatic comparison of queries described in this thesis.
Query Evaluation via Model-Checking
The linear translation of XPath into the µ-calculus opens perspectives for query
evaluation. A direction of future work consists in revisiting XPath evaluation (reduced to model-checking) based on existing techniques [Mateescu, 2002,
Mateescu and Sighireanu, 2003].
Application to the Static Analysis of Transformations
Last but not least, a perspective of this thesis is to apply the presented XPath
static analysis techniques to the type-checking of XML transformation languages. Results presented in this dissertation open the way to the construction
of debuggers, compilers, and type-checkers for XSLT and XQuery. For example, the recent work found in [Møller et al., 2005] could benefit from using
the exact algorithm of Chapter 6 instead of their conservative approximation.
The practical experiments reported in Chapter 6 strengthen the hope for an
effective analysis of this kind in the near future.
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Computational Complexity for
Logical Satisfiability Dealt With
in this Dissertation
WS2S [Meyer, 1975] used in Chapter 3.
2O(n ·log(n)) Full µ-calculus [Grädel et al., 2002].
2O(n·log(n)) AFMC [Tanabe et al., 2005] used in Chapter 4.
2O(n) Lµ logic proposed in Chapters 5 and 6.
Résumé étendu
Motivation et objectifs
Ce travail a été initialement motivé par le besoin d’analyseurs statiques efficaces
pour les langages de manipulation de données et de documents XML. Ces langages de programmation utilisent des schémas [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004] et
des requêtes XPath [Clark and DeRose, 1999] comme constructions de première
classe. Des exemples actuels de ces langages incluent la recommandation du
W3C XSLT [Clark, 1999] pour la transformation de documents XML, et la future recommandation XQuery [Boag et al., 2006] pour l’interrogation de bases
de données XML. Equiper ces langages de systèmes décidables et efficaces pour
la vérification statique de types a été l’un des défis de recherche majeurs de
la dernière décennie, qui a entre autres rassemblé les communautés travaillant
sur les langages de programmation, les bases de données, les documents structurés, et l’informatique théorique. Ce travail poursuit l’effort de recherche initié
dans les travaux décrits dans [Murata, 1996, Tozawa, 2001, Milo et al., 2003,
Hosoya and Pierce, 2003].
Ce travail a abouti à la conception d’une logique d’arbre finis adaptée à
XML, et sa procédure de décision, présentées dans cette thèse. Le solveur
logique a été implanté au cœur d’un système pour l’analyse statique générale
et le typage des spécifications XML. Le système peut être utilisé comme un
composant d’analyseurs statiques pour les langages de programmation utilisant
à la fois des expressions XPath et des types XML.
Cette thèse présente les investigations théoriques qui ont conduit aux fondations de cette nouvelle logique d’arbres finis, avec les bases algorithmiques et les
principes d’implantation sur lesquels le solveur logique repose. Ces découvertes
sont appliquées à la résolution des problèmes de typage XML, qui sont traduits
dans la logique. Les problèmes résolus incluent le typage statique du langage
XPath en présence de types réguliers d’arbres.
Documents XML et schémas
Extensible Markup Language (XML) [Bray et al., 2004] est un format de fichier
texte pour la représentation de structures arborescentes sous une forme standard.
Résumé étendu
La structure complète d’un document XML, si on s’abstrait des détails
d’importance moindre, est un arbre d’arité variable, dans lequel les nœuds
(aussi appelés éléments dans le jargon XML) sont étiquettés, les feuilles de
l’arbre sont des nœuds textes, et l’ordre entre les nœuds enfants est important.
XML peut être vu comme une syntaxe concrète pour la description de telles
structures en utilisant des balises. Un exemple de document XML suit:
<def>Le phloeme est un tissu vivant servant au transport
dans toutes les parties de la plante.</def>
<note>Dans les arbres, c’est une partie de l’ecorce.</note>
Un élément est décrit par une paire composée d’une balise ouvrante < ... >
et d’une balise fermante < /... >, entre lesquelles le contenu de l’élément est
inséré. Dans l’exemple précédent “plante”, “categorie”, “tissu”, “nom”,
“def”, et “note” sont des étiquettes (noms d’ élément dans le jargon XML).
La spécification XML ne définit pas a priori l’ensemble des étiquettes permises dans un document XML, et ne définit pas non plus de sémantique pour
les étiquettes. Seules des conditions de bonne formation sont définies pour
s’assurer que les éléments sont bien imbriqués, ce qui permet de considérer
les documents XML comme les arbres. Par exemple, la Figure 1 donne une
représentation plus visuelle du précédent document XML bien formé.
Le (...)
Dans (...)
Figure 1: Exemple: arbre d’un document bien-formé.
L’ensemble des étiquettes qui apparaissent dans un document XML est
déterminé par des schémas qui peuvent être librement définis par les utilisateurs. Un schéma (aussi appelé un type XML) est une description des contraintes sur la structure des documents, comme les étiquettes permises et leur
possible structure d’imbrication. Un schéma définit ainsi une classe de documents XML. Deux niveaux de correction peuvent donc être distingués pour les
documents XML:
• le caractère bien-formé qui s’applique aux documents qui vérifient la condition nécessaire et suffisante (définie par la spécification XML) pour être
interprétés comme des arbres;
• la validité qui s’applique aux documents qui vérifient les contraintes additionnelles décrites par un schéma donné.
La validité d’un document implique son caractère bien-formé puisque un
schéma décrit des contraintes sur l’arbre et non sur la représentation textuelle
du document XML.
Chaque application peut définir son propre format de données en définissant
des schémas, à un plus haut niveau d’abstraction (structures arborescentes).
De ce fait, XML est souvent appelé un métalangage ou un “format pour les
formats de données”.
Séparer les deux niveaux de correction permet aux applications de partager
des outils logiciels génériques pour manipuler des documents bien formés (analyseurs syntaxiques, éditeurs, requêtes, outils d’interrogation et de transformation...). Ces outils implantent tous les mêmes conventions définies par la
spécification XML (comme la façon d’inclure des commentaires, des fragments
externes, des caractères spéciaux...). XML rend ainsi possible un premier
niveau de traitement pour un document XML dès lors qu’il est bien-formé,
sans faire l’hypothèse additionnelle beaucoup plus forte qu’il est valide par
rapport à un certain schéma. Cette généricité est l’une des forces de XML.
En conséquence, l’adoption de XML s’est faite à une vitesse et une ampleur
inégalée. De nombreux schémas ont été définis et sont actuellement largement
utilisés en pratique, par exemple: XHTML (la version XML de HTML), SVG
(pour le graphisme vectoriel), SMIL (pour la synchronisation des documents
multimédias), MatML (pour les formules mathématiques), SOAP (pour l’appel
de procédure à distance), XBRL et FIX (pour les informations financières et les
transactions de valeurs), SMD (pour la musique), X3D (pour la modélisation
3D), et CML (pour les structures chimiques).
XPath [Clark and DeRose, 1999, Berglund et al., 2006] a été introduit par le
W3C comme le langage de requêtes standard pour sélectionner et récupérer de
l’information dans les documents XML. Il permet de naviguer dans les arbres
XML et de retourner un ensemble de nœuds vérifiant certaines conditions. En
tant que tel, XPath forme l’essence de l’accès aux données XML.
Dans leur forme la plus simple, les expressions XPath ressemblent à des
“chemins de navigation dans les répertoires”. Par exemple, l’expression XPath
navigue à partir de la racine d’un document (désignée par le “/” en tête) à
travers les nœuds “livre” au premier niveau, vers leurs nœuds enfants “chapitre”,
jusqu’à leurs nœuds enfants nommés “section”. Le résultat de l’évaluation de
l’expression complète est l’ensemble de tous les nœuds “section” qui peuvent
être atteints de cette manière. De plus, à chaque étape de la navigation, les
nœuds sélectionnés peuvent être filtrés avec des qualifieurs. Un qualifieur est
Résumé étendu
une expression booléenne entre crochets qui peut tester l’existence ou l’absence
de chemins. Si on formule par exemple la requête suivante :
alors le résultat est constitué de tous les éléments “section” qui ont au moins un
élément fils nommé “citation”. La situation devient plus intéressante lorsque
les capacités de navigation de XPath selon d’autres “axes” que l’axe “child”
sont utilisées. En effet, l’expression XPath précédente est un raccourci pour:
qui fait apparaitre de manière explicite que chaque étape de navigation utilise
l’axe “child” contenant tous les nœuds enfants des nœuds sélectionnés lors de
l’étape précédente. Si on formule la requête suivante :
alors la dernière étape sélectionne les nœuds de n’importe quel nom qui sont
parmi les descendants de l’élément “livre” et qui ont un sous-élément nommé
“citation”. Il est aussi possible d’utiliser des axes comme “preceding-sibling”
pour naviguer vers les précédents nœuds fils du même parent, ou “ancestor”
pour naviguer récursivement vers le haut (cf. Figure 2). L’ordre du document
est défini comme l’ordre dans lequel les nœuds sont visités par un parcours en
profondeur d’abord de l’arbre. Les axes qui effectuent de la navigation dans
l’ordre inverse de l’ordre du document sont appelés “axes inverses”.
Les exemples précédents illustrent tous des expressions XPath absolues
puisqu’elles commencent toutes avec un “/” qui se réfère à la racine. La
sémantique d’une expression relative (sans le “/” en tête) est définie par rapport
à un nœud de contexte dans l’arbre. Le nœud de contexte désigne simplement le
nœud de l’arbre depuis lequel la navigation débute. A partir d’un nœud de contexte quelconque dans un arbre, tous les autres nœuds peuvent être facilement
atteints: les axes XPath forment une partition de l’arbre. La Figure 2 illustre
cela sur un exemple. Plus de détails informels sur le langage XPath complet
peuvent être trouvés dans la spécification du W3C [Clark and DeRose, 1999].
XPath est de plus en plus populaire du fait de son expressivité et de sa syntaxe compacte. Ces deux avantages ont conféré à XPath un rôle central dans
d’autres spécifications clés et applications XML. Il est utilisé dans XQuery
[Boag et al., 2006] comme le langage cœur pour formuler des requêtes; dans
XSLT [Clark, 1999] pour la sélection des nœuds dans les transformations; dans
XML Schema [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004] pour définir les clés; dans XLink
[DeRose et al., 2001] et XPointer [DeRose et al., 2002] pour référencer des parties de données XML. XPath est aussi utilisé dans de nombreuses applications
comme les langages de mise à jour [Sur et al., 2004] et de contrôle d’accès
[Fan et al., 2004].
Vérification statique de type
Les applications XML utilisent la plupart du temps les schémas pour effectuer
de la validation (aussi appelée vérification dynamique de type). La validation
consiste en l’utilisation d’un validateur de schéma qui analyse un document
Figure 2: Partition des axes depuis un nœud de contexte.
XML particulier par rapport à un certain schéma dans le but de s’assurer que
le document est bien conforme aux attentes de l’application.
En pratique cependant, les documents XML sont souvent générés dynamiquement par un certain programme. Typiquement, les programmes qui manipulent
du XML accèdent tout d’abord aux données (se conformant possiblement à un
certain schéma) avec des expressions XPath, et construisent et retournent ensuite un document XML résultat qui se conforme aux exigeances d’un autre
Une approche ambitieuse est la vérification statique de type pour ces programmes, qui consiste à s’assurer au moment de la compilation, que le code
traitant les données XML ne peut pas produire de document non valide. Un
vérificateur statique de type analyse un programme, possiblement en présence
des schémas qui décrivent ses entrées et sorties (si ceux-ci s’avèrent disponibles).
La difficulté du problème est fonction du langage dans lequel le programme et
les schémas sont exprimés.
Les langages de schémas ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études et sont maintenant bien compris comme des sous-ensembles des langages réguliers d’arbres
[Murata et al., 2005]. Cependant, bien que de nombreuses tentatives aient été
faites pour mieux comprendre les techniques de typage statique, en particulier
à travers la conception de langages de programmation spécifiques au domaine
[Hosoya and Pierce, 2003], aucune approche est effectivement capable de supporter XPath, qui demeure néanmoins l’essence de la navigation et de l’accès
aux données XML.
Défis de recherche
Les limitations des approches existantes sont justifiées par la difficulté de
l’analyse statique de XPath. Il est connu que l’analyse statique du langage
Résumé étendu
XPath complet est indécidable. L’importance et l’ampleur des applications
motivent néanmoins des questions de recherche: quel est le plus gros fragment
de XPath dont l’analyse statique est décidable ? Quels fragments peuvent
être efficacement décidés en pratique ? Comment déterminer si une expression
XPath est satisfaisable sur l’un des arbres XML définis par un schéma donné
? Comment savoir si deux requêtes vont toujours donner le même résultat
lorsqu’elles sont évaluées sur un document valide par rapport à un certain
schéma ? Est ce que le résultat d’une expression XPath sur un document
valide se conforme toujours aux exigeances d’un autre schéma ? Existe-t-il un
algorithme capable de répondre à ces questions d’une manière efficace de telle
sorte qu’il soit utilisable en pratique ?
Une source de difficulté pour un tel algorithme est qu’il doit vérifier des
propriétés sur une quantification possiblement infinie sur un ensemble d’arbres.
Une variété d’autres facteurs contribuent de plus à sa complexité comme les
opérateurs permis dans les requêtes XPath et leur composition (cf. Chapitre 2.2).
Une conséquence de ces difficultés est que de telles questions de recherche sont
toujours ouvertes.
Aperçu de cette thèse
Cette thèse part de l’idée que deux problèmes doivent être résolus pour pouvoir
répondre à des problèmes de décision dans le monde XML. Tout d’abord, identifier une logique appropriée avec une expressivité suffisante pour supporter à la
fois les langages d’arbres réguliers et la navigation et la sémantique de sélection
de nœuds à la XPath. Deuxièmement, résoudre efficacement le problème de la
satisfaisabilité de cette logique qui permet de déterminer si une formule donnée
de la logique admet un document XML qui la satisfait.
Principales contributions
La contribution principale de cette thèse est une nouvelle logique pour les
arbres finis, dérivée du µ-calcul. La logique est suffisamment expressive pour
capturer les langages réguliers d’arbres et la navigation multi-directionelle dans
les arbres finis. Elle est décidable en temps simplement exponentiel (plus
précisément en 2O(n) étapes où n est la taille de la formule dont le statut
de vérité est déterminé définie comme le nombre de propositions atomiques et
d’éventualités qu’elle comporte). Cela améliore la meilleure complexité computationnelle connue pour les arbres finis. En tant que telle, cette logique
offre un nouveau compromis entre expressivité et complexité, spécifiquement
intéressant dans le contexte de XML).
Une autre contribution de cette thèse est de montrer comment traduire
linéairement les requêtes et les types réguliers d’arbres (incluant les DTDs et
les XML Schemas) dans la logique. La logique prend en compte XPath dans sa
quasi globalité, et supporte le plus gros fragment qui a été traité pour l’analyse
statique. Un autre avantage est que la logique est une sous-logique d’une
existante (le µ-calcul) ce qui facilite l’application de techniques d’optimisation
connues et l’extensibilité.
Cela résout les problèmes de décision majeurs rencontrés dans l’analyse statique des langages manipulant des structures XML. Ces problèmes englobent
l’inclusion, la satisfaisabilité, l’équivalence, le recouvrement, la couverture des
requêtes XPath (en présence ou absence de types réguliers d’arbres), le typage statique d’une requête XPath annotée, et l’équivalence des requêtes sous
contraintes de type.
De plus, des techniques d’implantation sont présentées, qui conduisent à la
réalisation concrète et à l’implantation d’algorithmes efficaces en pratique. Le
système entièrement implanté est déjà capable de traiter des scénarios réalistes.
La principale application de ce travail est une nouvelle classe d’analyseurs statiques de programmes manipulant des données et des documents XML. Cette
classe d’analyseurs utilise directement les résultats décrits dans cette thèse, qui
résolvent les problèmes de décision auxquels ils sont confrontés. La résolution
de chaque problème particulier offre des applications importantes.
Par exemple, le problème le plus fondamental pour un langage de requête est
la satisfaisabilité: une expression retourne-t-elle toujours un résultat vide ? La
satisfaisabilité de XPath est importante pour l’optimisation des langages hôtes
de XPath: par exemple, si on peut savoir au moment de la compilation qu’une
requête est insatisfaisable, alors tous les calculs qui en dépendent peuvent être
Un autre problème fondamental est le problème de l’équivalence: deux
requêtes retournent-elles toujours les mêmes résultats ? Savoir déterminer
l’équivalence entre deux requêtes est utile pour la reformulation et l’optimisation
de la requête elle-même [Genevès and Vion-Dury, 2004], qui vise à s’assurer
de propriétés opérationnelles tout en préservant la sémantique de la requête
[Abiteboul and Vianu, 1999, Levin and Pierce, 2005].
Le problème le plus critique pour le typage statique des transformations
XML est l’inclusion de requêtes XPath: est ce que, pour tout arbre, le résultat
d’une requête particulière est inclus dans le résultat d’une autre ? Ce problème
se pose pour l’analyse du flot de contrôle de XSLT [Møller et al., 2005]. Savoir
déterminer l’inclusion est aussi utile pour vérifier les contraintes d’intégrités
[Fallside and Walmsley, 2004], et pour vérifier la politique et les droits d’accès
dans les applications de sécurité XML [Fan et al., 2004].
D’autres problèmes de décision utiles dans les applications incluent par
exemple la couverture mutuelle des requêtes (deux expressions peuvent-elles
sélectionner des nœuds communs ?) et la couverture (les nœuds sélectionnés par
une requête sont-ils toujours contenus dans l’union des résultats sélectionnés
par d’autres requêtes ?). Ces problèmes sont par exemple utiles pour détecter
statiquement les erreurs de programmation.
Cette thèse résout ces problèmes de décision, en présence ou en l’absence
de contraintes de types XML comme les DTDs [Bray et al., 2004] ou les XML
Schemas [Fallside and Walmsley, 2004]. Cela permet de s’assurer de propriétés
locales ou globales importantes (comme le bon typage ou des optimisations)
au moment de la compilation, pour un traitement plus sûr et plus efficace des
données XML. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ouvrent notamment des
perspectives prometteuses concernant l’analyse statique des transformations
Résumé étendu
Organisation de la thèse
Cette thèse est divisée en trois parties. La première partie est dédiée à l’état de
l’art et présente les techniques de pointe existantes et les travaux de recherche
reliés. A cette fin, le chapitre 2 introduit quelques fondations théoriques et
formalismes utilisés dans la suite de cette thèse, tout en introduisant progressivement les travaux reliés au fur et à mesure que leurs concepts sous-jacents
ont été présentés.
Dans une seconde partie, les chapitres 3 et 4 conduisent des investigations préliminaires avec des logiques connues dans le cadre de XML. Plus
précisément, le chapitre 3 étudie dans quelle mesure la logique monadique du
second ordre peut être utilisée en pratique, en dépit de sa grande complexité,
pour résoudre des problèmes d’analyse statique comme l’inclusion des requêtes
XPath. Une procédure de décision correcte pour l’inclusion est proposée. Le
chapitre 4 introduit le µ-calcul sans alternance comme un puissant remplacement pour la logique monadique du second ordre, et étudie son usage pour
raisonner sur les arbres XML. Les problèmes de décision mettant en jeu les
requêtes XPath et les types réguliers sont réduits à la satisfaisabilité de cette
logique sur des structures de Kripke générales.
Grâce aux leçons tirées des investigations précédemment menées, la troisième
partie de cette thèse présente la contribution finale. Le chapitre 5 propose une
logique d’arbres finis spécifiquement conçue pour XML. Le chapitre 6 propose
un algorithme pour tester la satisfaisabilité de la logique, ainsi que les techniques pour son implantation. Des expérimentations sont menées avec une
implantation complète du système, qui s’avère efficace sur plusieurs scénarios
réalistes. Enfin, le chapitre 7 conclut cette thèse et donne de nouvelles perspectives.