Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
Cognitive Vitality With Aging
Achieving and Maintaining Cognitive Vitality With Aging
enhancers and protective agents such as antioxidants and
anti-inflammatories, may eventually prove useful as
adjuncts for the prevention and treatment of cognitive
decline with aging. The data presented in this review
should interest physicians who provide preventive care
management to middle-aged and older individuals who
seek to maintain cognitive vitality with aging.
Mayo Clin Proc. 2002;77:681-696
Cognitive vitality is essential to quality of life and survival
in old age. With normal aging, cognitive changes such as
slowed speed of processing are common, but there is
substantial interindividual variability, and cognitive
decline is clearly not inevitable. In this review, we focus on
recent research investigating the association of various
lifestyle factors and medical comorbidities with cognitive
aging. Most of these factors are potentially modifiable or
manageable, and some are protective. For example, animal
and human studies suggest that lifelong learning, mental
and physical exercise, continuing social engagement, stress
reduction, and proper nutrition may be important factors
in promoting cognitive vitality in aging. Manageable
medical comorbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, and
hyperlipidemia, also contribute to cognitive decline in
older persons. Other comorbidities such as smoking and
excess alcohol intake may contribute to cognitive decline,
and avoiding these activities may promote cognitive
vitality in aging. Various therapeutics, including cognitive
AAMI = age-associated memory impairment; AD = Alzheimer
disease; apoE4 = apolipoprotein E4; BDNF = brain-derived
neurotrophic factor; CREB = cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding protein; FDA = Food and
Drug Administration; MCI = mild cognitive impairment;
MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; MRI = magnetic
resonance imaging; NGF = nerve growth factor; NSAID =
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PET = positron emission tomography; SPECT = single-photon emission computed
longer, more active lives.1 However, most older individuals
still face late life with changes in cognitive function that
affect quality of life2 and increase mortality.3 Cognitive
vitality in old age is impaired by both “normal cognitive
aging” and diseases that cause dementia, primarily
Alzheimer disease (AD) and vascular dementia. Although
the cognitive impairments associated with normal aging
have been defined and may impair quality of life,4-7 cognitive decline with aging is not inevitable, and many older
adults, including some centenarians, appear to avoid cognitive decline even into the 11th decade of life.8,9
Recent research has resulted in new information identifying clinical risk factors for cognitive aging that are potentially modifiable. These new data support an emerging
basis for primary and secondary prevention efforts to
achieve and maintain cognitive vitality in late life. In this
review, we discuss research that associates various risk
factors with normal cognitive aging. Because most of these
risk factors are potentially modifiable or manageable, such
research should be of interest to physicians who provide
preventive care counseling to older persons hoping to
maintain cognitive vitality with aging.
he “longevity revolution” has increased the focus on
many aspects of health in aging. The older population
is growing rapidly, and individuals are typically living
Fro m the Ins titute fo r the Study o f Aging, Inc , Ne w Yo rk, NY (H.M.F.,
A.W.O.); De partme nt o f Ge riatric s , Me dic ine , and Ne uro bio lo gy,
Mo unt Sinai Me dic al Ce nte r, Ne w Yo rk, NY (H.M.F.); Inte rnatio nal
Lo nge vity Ce nte r, Ne w Yo rk, NY (R.N.B.); De partme nt o f Ps yc hiatry
and Ne uro lo gy, Mas s ac hus e tts Ge ne ral Ho s pital, Bo s to n, Mas s
(M.S.A.); Unive rs ity o f Califo rnia Ce nte r o n Aging, Lo s Ange le s
(J.E.B.); De partme nt o f Ne uro lo gy, Bio lo gy and Be havio r, Unive rs ity
o f Califo rnia, Irvine (C.W.C.); Be c kman Ins titute (W.T.G., A.F.K.) and
De partme nt o f Ps yc ho lo gy and Ne uro s c ie nc e Pro gram (P.E.G.), Unive rs ity o f Illino is at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana; De partme nt o f
Epide mio lo gy, Unive rs ity o f Pitts burgh Graduate Sc ho o l o f Public
He alth, Pitts burgh, Pa (L.H.K.); Ge riatric s , Bo s to n Me dic al Ce nte r,
Bo s to n, Mas s (T.T.P.); Pfize r, Inc , Gro to n, Co nn (B.G.S.); and Co ld
Spring Harbo r Labo rato ry, Co ld Spring Harbo r, NY (T.T.).
This wo rk was c o s po ns o re d by the Ins titute fo r the Study o f Aging,
Inc , the Inte rnatio nal Lo nge vity Ce nte r, the Natio nal Ins titute o n
Aging, and Canyo n Ranc h He alth Re s o rts . The wo rk was als o
s uppo rte d by Pfize r, Inc , Eis ai, Inc , Jans s e n Pharmac e utic als ,
Ne uro c he m, Inc , Elan Pharmac e utic als (fo rme rly Athe na Ne uro s c ie nc e s , Inc ), and the Fide lity Fo undatio n.
Addre s s re print re que s ts and c o rre s po nde nc e to Ho ward M. Fillit,
MD, Ins titute fo r the Study o f Aging, Inc , 7 6 7 Fifth Ave , Suite 4 6 0 0 ,
Ne w Yo rk, NY 1 0 1 5 3 (e -mail: hfillit@ rs lmgmt.c o m).
Mayo Clin Proc. 2002;77:681-696
© 2002 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
Cognitive Vitality With Aging
Cognitive decline, although a relatively common occurrence, cannot be considered an inevitable part of aging.
Nature provides clear examples of elderly people who
maintain cognitive vitality, even in extreme old age. Many
older adults who live into their ninth decade retain high
cognitive function,10 and centenarians who maintain their
intellect negate the myth of the inevitability of cognitive
The aging brain remains capable of adapting to stimuli,
and although declines in specific cognitive functions occur,
some cognitive functions increase with age and can compensate for those functions that may decline. In addition,
normal older persons and even those with mild cognitive
deficits can benefit from cognitive training.13-15 People who
reach old age with greater stores of knowledge may show
increased adaptivity.2 Some cognitive functions, such as
vocabulary, improve with age.16 Older people who are
socially interactive and use additional information resources in solving everyday problems also show adaptivity.2 Taken together, these findings suggest that individuals
have varying degrees of “functional reserve” in their brains.
Persons with high functional reserve may have increased
capacity to keep learning and adapting despite age-related
changes.17 Increasing this functional reserve should promote
cognitive vitality with aging.
The underpinning of this functional reserve is likely to
be brain plasticity, the ability of the brain to change structurally in response to stimuli. Recent neuroscience research
shows that plasticity occurs via several mechanisms. In
young animals, complex experience results in an angiogenic effect to increase vascular supply to the brain.18,19
Long-term enhancement of hippocampal synaptic connections occurs with acquisition of knowledge, although this
process occurs more slowly in older animals than in young
animals.20 Synaptogenesis and angiogenesis also occur in
the cerebellar cortex of the adult rat in response to stimuli.21
The number of synapses per neuron may increase in rats
exposed to more stimulatory vs less stimulatory environments.22 In old rats, a stimulating environment helps reverse age-related gliosis in the hippocampus, which is associated with damage.23 Finally, the widely held belief that
the adult brain cannot make new neurons (neurogenesis)
has been challenged recently by a growing body of new
data. Animal studies have demonstrated that neuronal precursors in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, an area of
the brain associated with learning and memory, continue to
produce new neurons in adulthood.24,25 Studies in rats and
mice show that a stimulatory environment,26,27 estrogen,28
Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
and aerobic exercise (running) also stimulate such new
neuron production.29 Neurogenesis has also been observed
in the neocortex of adult primates.25,30
The decline in cognitive function seen with apparently
normal aging is associated with structural changes in the
brain. Even early in the aging process, changes such as
cerebral atrophy, ventricular enlargement, and hippocampal atrophy may be evident in some, but not all, individuals.31,32 Ultimately, the underlying pathologic basis of
cognitive decline must be loss of synapses, neurons, neurochemical inputs and neuronal networks.33,34 However, neuronal loss is no longer thought to be a characteristic and
inevitable feature of normal brain aging.35 In normal aging,
some disruptions in neural networks occur, but cell death is
not as common as it is in dementia.36 Indeed, as noted
previously, neurogenesis, the production of new neurons,
appears to continue throughout life, including old age.25,26
The cause of changes in brain structure and function
with aging is unknown. Some processes required for maintaining normal neural function may become dysregulated
with aging, causing neural damage.2 Dysregulated inflammation (activation of microglia, cytokine release, and
acute-phase response) may contribute to neuronal damage.37,38 Oxidative stress, an imbalance between oxidative
and antioxidant processes, may also cause neuronal damage in the aging brain.39,40
The pathologic changes associated with AD differ substantially from normal brain aging. Although some minor
deposition of β-amyloid peptide and neurofibrillary tangles
may occur in the aging brain, the amount and distribution
of these deposits are greatly increased in AD. Deposition of
β-amyloid is thought to be a primary factor in causing
AD,38 resulting in neuronal cell death and disruption of
neural networks in AD. Tangles are believed to either
contribute to and/or to be a sign of neuronal cell dysfunction and death and are associated with an abnormally phosphorylated form of a brain protein called tau. In tangles, tau
twists into paired helical filaments that form intracellular
occlusions associated with disruption of microtubules. The
precise mechanism underlying the aberrant assembly of tau
into tangles is unknown, but the available evidence suggests that hyperphosphorylation of tau is involved.41,42
Clinical and Investigational Paradigms
Many investigators have studied the characteristics of
normal cognitive aging. Cognition is a combination of
skills, including attention, learning, memory, language,
and praxis, and executive functions, such as decision making, goal setting, planning, and judgment. A hallmark of
normal cognitive aging is slowed speed of processing.43,44
This slowed speed of processing may be the “bottleneck”
that causes other deficits in cognitive function. Researchers
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Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
hypothesize that slow speed of processing impairs cognition because simultaneous cognitive operations cannot be
successfully executed and the products of early processing
are not available when later processing is completed (“simultaneity”).44 Slowed speed of processing may contribute
to declines in visual and verbal memory, abstraction, naming, verbal fluency, and recall.45-50 As a result, older individuals may have difficulty performing tasks that require
holding and integrating multiple items in memory (eg,
remembering a telephone number that one just looked up
after being distracted by a question).
From a clinical and an investigational perspective, 3
types of cognitive decline with aging have been recognized: age-associated memory impairment (AAMI),5 mild
cognitive impairment (MCI),4 and dementia. Age-associated memory impairment is a clinical paradigm that attempts to describe changes in cognition that occur with
normal aging.51 Although age-associated memory impairment is a commonly used term for older persons with
complaints of memory loss, other concepts and terms, such
as age-related cognitive decline52 and cognitive impairment–no dementia,53 have also been used to describe persons with mild memory loss. People experiencing AAMI
complain of memory loss but generally have normal scores
on psychometric testing for their age group.5 This syndrome has been variously termed benign senescent forgetfulness and aging-related cognitive decline. For persons
older than 50 years who complain of subjective memory
loss, AAMI is defined as cognitive function that is 1 SD
below the mean for young individuals on at least 1 psychometric memory test.5,54 Most data indicate that patients with
AAMI do not progress to dementias such as AD. In addition, most data indicate that AAMI is not a prodromal state
for MCI because less than 1% of people with AAMI will
develop dementia. However, certainly some individuals
with very early dementia may complain of mild memory
loss akin to AAMI as their first symptom.55 Nevertheless,
more studies of rates of progression of AAMI to MCI or
dementia are needed.
Mild cognitive impairment describes older persons with
subjective complaints of memory loss and objective psychometric measures of memory impairment compared with
individuals of the same age.4 However, these individuals do
not have pronounced impairments in daily function and
generally do not have impairment of other cognitive functions such as language or abstract thinking. Therefore, by
definition, they do not have dementia. In a study of MCI,
subjects performed 1.5 SDs below the mean for agematched adults on memory tests, whereas other cognitive
functions appeared relatively unaffected.4 At least in some
patients, MCI may be a prodromal syndrome of dementia.
Up to 15% of individuals with MCI develop dementia
Cognitive Vitality With Aging
each year, and 50% with MCI will develop dementia within 3 years of diagnosis. However, whether MCI is a separate entity or an early prodromal stage of dementia remains
a matter of debate56 because all individuals with MCI do
not inevitably have progression to AD.57 A recent study
found that older patients with memory complaints who
convert to AD differ by at least 1.5 SDs from normal older
patients on 3 of 17 cognitive tests. Based on these studies,
selected clinical interview questions may be useful to identify such converters, particularly questions related to delayed recall.58
Dementia can be broadly defined as a syndrome of
progressive global cognitive impairment severe enough to
affect daily function.59 The term dementia is reserved for
chronic, progressive, irreversible, global cognitive impairment. Dementia is common in old age, with up to 25% of
people older than 75 years and 40% of people older than 80
years having the illness.60 The most common causes are
clearly AD and vascular dementia. Other causes of dementia include Parkinson disease, Lewy body disease, and
other more rare neurodegenerative conditions.61,62 As discussed previously, at present there is no known neuropathogenic relationship between cognitive aging and AD.
Alzheimer disease is not considered an accelerated form
of cognitive aging, but rather a disease primarily of old
Emerging research has resulted in a growing understanding
of the potentially modifiable risk factors associated with
cognitive decline in late life, and several interventions are
being evaluated in research studies to prevent cognitive
decline and dementia in older persons (Table 1).63
Early Detection
Early detection is essential to implementation of strategies to prevent cognitive decline. General approaches to
early detection of cognitive impairment are neuropsychological testing, imaging, and use of biomarkers and genetic
markers. At present, most of these strategies, particularly
brain imaging, are being evaluated primarily for use in the
early detection of MCI or dementia.
Neuropsychological Testing.—Neuropsychological
testing is clearly the most practical method of evaluation of
cognitive decline with normal aging. Because there is considerable interindividual variation in cognitive decline with
normal aging, neuropsychometric examination could potentially evaluate an individual’s cognitive strengths and
weaknesses and potentially lead to an intervention plan of
cognitive training that is tailored to that individual’s needs.
Indeed, clinical programs along these lines are evolving in
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Cognitive Vitality With Aging
Table 1. Possible Strategies to Promote Cognitive Vitality
With Aging
Early detection of individuals at risk
Neuropsychological testing
Genetic markers
Lifestyle management
Build “cognitive reserve” by remaining intellectually and
socially active
Continue lifelong learning
Engage in regular mental exercise
Maintain active social networks
Remain involved in the community by occupational or
voluntary activity
Engage in regular physical exercise
Reduce or minimize the effects of stress
Ensure appropriate nutrition and avoid nutritional
Manage medical comorbidities
Sleep disorders
Sensory impairments
Avoid alcohol, smoking, and illicit drug abuse
Pharmaceutical approaches
Cognitive enhancers
Anti-inflammatory agents
clinical practice, often using computer-based technology to
expedite the process of both evaluation and training. Although neuropsychological approaches have the advantage
of measuring the actual function of interest (ie, cognitive
function), neuropsychometrics are time-consuming, and
considerable effort is required to detect subtle neuropsychological impairments that can be compared with agematched norms. Several studies64-66 have investigated neuropsychological testing paradigms for early detection of
cognitive impairment in individuals with early AD, MCI,
or AAMI. However, routine neuropsychological testing for
the evaluation of normal cognitive aging cannot be recommended at this time.
Many brief and practical mental status tests are available in clinical practice to screen and assess cognitive
function in older persons, but these are primarily geared
toward the detection of more severe cognitive impairment
due to dementia. The Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE)67 is probably the most widely used and has been
validated for screening for cognitive impairment in older
persons in a community setting. Because the MMSE and
Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
instruments like it were primarily developed to detect dementia, they are not sensitive enough to detect the mild
cognitive changes associated with normal aging. In clinical
practice, patients who complain of memory impairment
and who may have AAMI or MCI will generally score
normally on screening instruments such as the MMSE.
When indicated or desired, these individuals may be given
more extensive psychometric testing by an expert neuropsychologist to distinguish patients with AAMI or MCI
from those with dementia.
Specifically with regard to screening for cognitive impairment due to dementia, the US Preventive Services Task
Force found in 1996 that evidence was insufficient to recommend for or against cognitive screening for dementia in
asymptomatic older people in routine clinical practice because not enough data had been accumulated to gauge the
benefit of such screening for preventing the medical, psychological, and social consequences of dementia.68 However, with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval
of modestly effective and safe cholinesterase inhibitors and
advances in the understanding of AD care management, the
impetus for screening and early detection may have
changed considerably.69,70 Early detection means that
people can receive new treatments and effective care management, which are crucial to promoting cognitive, emotional, and functional health during a time of cognitive
frailty and in preserving the health of the caregiver. As the
prevalence of cognitive impairment increases to approach
25% of individuals older than 75 years, it may be effective
to screen these individuals on some regular basis (eg, every
2 years) for cognitive impairment. With ongoing clinical
trials of the cholinesterase inhibitors and other drugs for the
treatment of AAMI and MCI, the paradigm for screening
for cognitive impairment may change even more in the
future. One could envision a future in which treatments for
normally aging individuals with slowed speed of processing and mild short-term memory impairment may be available and would justify routine neuropsychological assessment as part of an annual “health in aging” examination.
Clearly, however, that day has not yet arrived.
Brain Imaging Techniques.—As with neuropsychological evaluations, brain imaging techniques, such as
computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), functional MRI, positron emission tomography
(PET) scanning, and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), have been primarily investigated as
methods for the early, preclinical detection of dementia.
These imaging techniques show considerable promise as
methods to detect the early brain changes that occur before
the clear clinical expression of MCI and AD.71-75 In particular, MRI measurements of hippocampal atrophy appear to
be sensitive enough to detect individuals with MCI at risk
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Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
for subsequent progression to AD.76,77 Ongoing longitudinal studies are evaluating this technology. In the future, this
technology may be able to detect early hippocampal atrophy before the onset of clinically apparent dementia. PET
scanning also shows promise for the early detection of
metabolic changes in the temporal-parietal cortex that are
associated with subsequent progression to AD.78 In addition, PET scanning may be useful for the early detection of
plaques and tangles associated with AD.72 Recent work in
mice suggests that radioligands and use of SPECT and PET
may allow the detection of brain deposits of β-amyloid in
living patients with AD. These radioligands may be useful
to identify individuals at risk of developing AD and for
monitoring disease progression and to show the effect of a
therapeutic intervention.79 However, other than identifying
individuals at risk for AD, imaging currently has no application in those experiencing normal cognitive aging, other
than as investigational tools. In the future, imaging (particularly PET and functional MRI) might be useful for
identifying cognitive strengths and weaknesses of the aging brain.
Biomarkers.—As with brain imaging, the primary purpose of current research regarding the development of
biomarkers is targeted for early detection of individuals at
high risk for AD who might benefit from intensive prevention programs. For example, low levels of β-amyloid and
high levels of tau-related antigens in cerebrospinal fluid
have been reported to correlate with AD.80-85 Blood levels
of β-amyloid have also been correlated with AD in some
studies.82 However, the potential role of biomarkers for the
preclinical detection of sporadic AD remains undefined.86
At present, because the actual biological basis of normal
cognitive aging remains unknown, there are no clinically
valuable or relevant biomarkers that would be useful in the
context of normal cognitive aging, and careful psychometric testing remains the most relevant and sensitive test for
these purposes.
Genetic Markers.—Although genetic factors are not
currently potentially modifiable, they may play a role in
risk for cognitive decline with aging. Although the
apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) genotype75,87 is associated with
increased risk of dementia, there is no evidence that the
apoE4 genotype is associated with an increased risk of
cognitive decline with aging. Because not all persons with
the apoE4 genotype develop dementia, apoE4 is probably a
susceptibility factor that interacts with other factors (such
as head trauma and cholesterol)88 to cause dementia.89-91
More recently, loci have been identified that are associated with extreme longevity in pedigrees of humans. Of
note, individuals in these families appear to be protected
from cognitive decline well into the 10th and 11th decades
of life. A gene loci located on chromosome 4 associated
Cognitive Vitality With Aging
with extreme longevity has been identified among centenarians with intact cognitive function.8 Ultimately, the
identification of such protective genes could lead to new
therapeutic targets to promote cognitive vitality in late life.
Lifestyle Factors
Promoting Brain Reserve: Lifelong Learning, Social
Engagement, and Occupational Complexity.—Some
studies92-95 have shown that low education and poor linguistic ability are correlated with cognitive decline in late life,
although others have not found this association.96 Other
studies93,97-99 have found a similar association of these factors with dementia in late life. Although education may be a
marker of socioeconomic status, the association of education with cognitive decline and dementia appears to be
independent of socioeconomic status. However, the association of low education with cognitive decline may also be
related to selection bias in studies. Clearly, more research
needs to be done, and prospective trials will likely be
almost impossible to design and conduct.
Social disengagement is an independent risk factor for
cognitive decline among cognitively intact older persons.100 Berkman101 suggests that social engagement most
likely challenges individuals to communicate and participate in exchanges that stimulate cognitive capacities. Other
studies102-104 have suggested that individuals who have rich
and satisfying social engagement patterns and who engage
in continuing complex nonoccupational activities may be
protected against dementia in late life. These data suggest
that maintenance of social engagement and avoidance of
social isolation may be important in maintaining cognitive
vitality in old age. Considerable animal data indicate that
environmental enrichment and stimulation increase capillary formation, synaptogenesis, and neurogenesis, even in
older animals.18,19,23,25-27,29
Complex intellectual work increases the cognitive functioning of older workers.105 Work may also increase social
interactions and a sense of self-efficacy, both of which may
be important to maintenance of cognitive vitality.1 These
findings may have important implications for the structure
of retirement in old age and support the common wisdom
that volunteerism and continued participation in the
workforce may play a role in maintaining cognitive reserve
and vitality in aging.
These animal and human data suggest that lifelong
learning and maintenance of occupational and social engagement may contribute to cognitive vitality in late life
perhaps by promoting biological “cognitive reserve”
through increased synaptic complexity and neurogenesis.
However, definitive research studies, such as prospective
randomized clinical trials, to support this possibility have
not been performed.
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Cognitive Vitality With Aging
Cognitive Training.—Studies13-15,106-111 have shown
that training can improve various cognitive functions in
older adults, including reasoning, memory storage and retrieval, visual perception, attention, and skill coordination.
Indeed, a small but growing body of evidence suggests that
skills learned during training can be transferred to similar
tasks. However, training is often specific to the skills
trained and learned (eg, training for memory enhancement
does not transfer to tasks that rely on the rapid scanning of
the environment). Therefore, training interventions need to
be tailored to the cognitive problems exhibited by the individual, generally determined by neuropsychometrics testing. The effect of training on prevention of cognitive decline is an area of research interest.2 Although older adults
with mild cognitive deficits can be trained to improve
certain cognitive functions, there is a paucity of such resources and programs in clinical practice, and the effectiveness of existing “mental exercise” programs has not been
Physical Exercise.—Animal models clearly show a
beneficial effect of physical exercise on cognitive function.29 This effect may be mediated, in part, through increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF),112,113 a neurotrophin involved with learning, longterm potentiation, cell health and survival, and protection
from injury.114 Although several studies115-119 show improvement in cognitive function with physical exercise or
better cognitive function in older persons who exercise,
some do not.120,121 These discrepancies among studies may
be related to differences in the types of exercise promoted
(aerobic, anaerobic, strenuous) and in the general health of
the participants at baseline.122 Determining direct beneficial
cognitive effects of exercise from its effects on mood and
other factors such as stress is difficult. In addition to these
neurobiologic mechanisms, physical exercise also ameliorates vascular risk factors and medical comorbidities that
contribute to cognitive decline.21 Although more human
research is clearly needed in this area, these new data
support the notion that engaging in physical exercise, including enjoyable leisure-time activities, can contribute to
maintaining cognitive vitality and preventing cognitive decline in late life, either directly or through the avoidance of
medical comorbidities such as vascular disease.
Stress Reduction.—Animal models and some human
studies123 show that chronic stress results in hippocampal
atrophy through a glucocorticoid-mediated mechanism.
Studies124-126 in humans suggest that it is how stress is
perceived that is critical and that it is the sense of being
overwhelmed by stress that influences brain structures and
may result in associated memory defects. Acute stress is
also associated with impaired cognitive functioning,127 especially in older adults. Posttraumatic stress disorder is a
Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
good example of the short- and long-term effects of acute
stress on the human brain.128 The long-term effects of
chronic stress on cognitive function may result in decreased cognitive reserve, resulting from neurotoxicity,
neuroendocrine changes, or other factors.
These data indicate that stress contributes to cognitive
decline. Cognitively frail, elderly individuals with decreased brain reserve may be particularly at risk. Clinical
strategies for stress reduction may include activities that
have other health benefits (eg, exercise). Training in stress
reduction, including adaptive (as opposed to maladaptive)
methods for responding to stress, may be useful as a means
to promote cognitive vitality for selected individuals. Clinical studies are needed to show that stress reduction improves cognitive function in elderly individuals.
Sleep.—Cognitive vitality may be compromised substantially by sleep disorders, and older persons are especially susceptible to this effect. Biological alterations in
sleep patterns occur with age.129 As a result, older persons
often experience sleep fractionation and other changes.
Sleep fractionation may adversely affect cognitive function
and is associated with poor memory and learning.130 In
addition, older individuals are at increased risk for sleep
apnea and hypopnea and for the adverse cognitive effects
of sedatives and hypnotics, which are frequently prescribed
to treat sleep disorders in older persons. Older patients
complaining of cognitive impairment should be questioned
about their sleep patterns. Strategies to promote sleep hygiene and avoidance of daytime napping are often effective
in improving sleep, whereas some older patients may require evaluation and treatment for sleep disorders.
Nutrition.—Some studies131,132 suggest that caloric restriction early in life has a beneficial effect on cognition
with aging, but other studies133 do not show such an association. Caloric restriction in older persons is not recommended because of the risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition can cause long-term cognitive impairment.134 Isolated
vitamin deficiencies, particularly B12 deficiency, are associated with cognitive disorders (including dementia) in
elderly individuals that may be attributed to “normal cognitive aging” but, in fact, represent a potentially reversible
Antioxidants, such as vitamin E and vitamin C, may be
important in protecting the brain from oxidant injury. Some
studies136,137 suggest a protective effect of these antioxidants against cognitive decline. Other studies138-140 suggest
an association of antioxidant intake with protection against
the risk of dementia. However, there are no prospective
randomized, controlled studies showing that antioxidants
promote cognitive vitality or protect against dementia. Although several of these studies are ongoing, more research
is needed to determine the benefits of dietary antioxidant
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Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
interventions in both short- and long-term clinical trials.139 In
older individuals taking antioxidants, clinicians should caution against excess vitamin intake as a means of promoting
cognitive vitality. The use of a daily multivitamin is probably prudent, provided the recommendations of the Institute
of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board regarding the levels
of vitamins C and E for older persons are adhered to.
M anaging M edical Comorbidities
Accumulating data also show that many medical conditions, particularly those identified as risk factors for cardiovascular disease, are also risk factors for cognitive decline
with aging and dementia in older individuals. Potentially
reversible medical illnesses may also cause cognitive impairment in older individuals. These include adverse drug
reactions; depression; metabolic, nutritional, and endocrine
disturbances; tumors; normal-pressure hydrocephalus;
trauma, including subarachnoid hemorrhage; alcoholism
and other forms of substance abuse; sensory loss (vision
and hearing problems); and infection.61 During the early
stages of these disorders, memory disturbances and other
cognitive dysfunction may be attributed to “cognitive aging”; eventually they may cause delirium or dementia.
Clearly, many older individuals may have more than one of
these medical comorbidities, which may increase their risk
of cognitive impairment.
Hypertension.—Data indicating a relationship between
blood pressure and late-life cognitive function in the absence of dementia suggest that hypertension is a risk factor
for impaired cognitive function in late life.141 Several studies142-144 have also identified hypertension as a risk for
vascular dementia, presumably through the occurrence of
both large and small strokes. Launer et al145 have shown
that elevated levels of blood pressure in middle age increase the risk for late-life dementia in men never treated
with antihypertensive medication.
Small (lacunar) strokes causing cognitive impairment
are often “strategic” strokes that are not clinically apparent
and may not be associated with motor or sensory deficits.
In counseling middle-aged and older persons regarding the
importance of compliance with hypertension treatment,
clinicians can inform them that control of hypertension is a
means of reducing stroke and, therefore, the cognitive decline associated with cerebrovascular disease. In addition,
effective management of hypertension may also prevent
clinically nonapparent lacunar strokes and “strategic”
strokes in localized regions that affect cognition alone
without affecting motor function.
Diabetes.—Diabetes at midlife is a risk for cognitive
decline,146 and older women with diabetes have lower levels of cognitive function than do women without diabetes.147 Poor metabolic control (sustained hyperglycemia) in
Cognitive Vitality With Aging
people with diabetes has been linked to reduced cognitive
functioning.148 The relationship between diabetes and cognitive impairment is complicated. Glucose is needed for all
types of cognition.149 However, the relationship between
glucose and cognitive function follows an inverted
U-shaped curve,150 with impaired cognitive function occurring as a result of both acute hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.151,152 Therefore, the long-term health risks and benefits
of tight glucose control on cognition must be carefully
considered in older individuals. In addition, diabetes is
associated with other comorbid conditions, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and altered insulin concentrations,153,154 that may also affect cognitive function through
various mechanisms.
These data indicate that diabetes is a risk factor for
cognitive decline.147 The failure to control diabetes adequately may contribute to cognitive decline through several mechanisms. More research is needed to determine the
risks of tight glucose control on cognitive function. More
studies of treatments for diabetes need to include their
impact on cognitive outcomes in older persons.
Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis.—Hyperlipidemia has been associated with cerebral atrophy.31 Atherosclerosis at middle age increases the prevalence of cerebral
white matter lesions in late life.155 In addition, a moderate
association exists between carotid atherosclerosis and poor
cognitive function in men aged 59 to 71 years.156
Hyperlipidemia has also been identified as a risk factor
for dementia.157 Recent data in animal models indicate that
hyperlipidemia increases β-amyloid deposition in the brain
and that cholesterol-lowering treatment reduces amyloid
accumulation,158,159 one of the hallmarks of AD.160 In a
population-based study,161 all markers of atherosclerosis
were associated with both AD and vascular dementia.
These recent data suggest that cholesterol and atherosclerosis are risk factors for cognitive decline due to dementia
and indicate that lowering cholesterol may prevent cognitive decline. Several studies currently under way are investigating the effects of lipid-lowering agents (3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors) in AD
( However, at present,
there are no data that prospectively show that lowering
cholesterol prevents cognitive decline in normally aging
Depression.—Persons who have a high sense of selfefficacy are more likely to maintain cognitive function over
time.1,116 Depression, which is common in older persons,
clearly has important deleterious effects on cognitive function162 and is the most common cause of reversible cognitive impairment and dementia in older individuals. Clinicians need to have a high index of suspicion for depression
in older persons and must be particularly aware of the
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Cognitive Vitality With Aging
effects of depression on cognitive function. In individuals
complaining of cognitive dysfunction, depression should
be considered as a possible reversible and treatable cause.
Polypharmacy.—Many older people take medications
that may impair cognitive function. Multiple medications
have adverse central nervous system effects for which
older persons with decreased cognitive reserve are especially at risk.163 Adverse drug reactions are a common cause
of reversible cognitive decline in elderly patients. A careful
medication review can eliminate medications that may adversely affect cognitive function. Several classes of medications cause cognitive adverse effects more commonly than
others, such as anxiolytics, hypnotic-sedative agents,
antipsychotics, antihistamines, and anticholinergics.
Sensory Impairments.—Visual and auditory deficits
are common in older persons. Sensory impairments can be
a cause of isolation, loss of mental stimulation, and even
depression. Common treatable causes of sensory impairments, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and impacted cerumen,
should be treated with a view to their importance for maintaining cognitive function, particularly in frail, older persons. By encouraging the use of technological aids, cognitive function in older persons can be optimized through
improved ability to sense environmental information and
more effectively interact with the environment.164
Head Trauma.—Head trauma is an important source of
brain damage that often goes unrecognized.165 Repeated
low-level head trauma may also contribute to cognitive
decline in apparently normal aging. Chronic head trauma in
professional soccer players has been associated with impaired performance in memory, planning, and visuoperceptual tasks compared with a control group of noncontact
sport athletes.166 Cognitive performance of professional
soccer players was inversely related to the number of concussions incurred and the frequency of “heading” the ball
while playing soccer. Dementia pugilistica from boxing is
another example of the impact of chronic head trauma on
cognitive function. An early case-control study167 found
head injury to be a significant risk factor for AD, although a
recent study168 did not corroborate these findings. Individuals with the apoE4 genotype may be at greater risk for
cognitive decline after head trauma.88 Older persons who
fall are at risk for subarachnoid hemorrhage that may cause
reversible cognitive decline.
Substance Use and Abuse: Smoking, Alcohol, and
Illicit Drugs.—Nicotine may have a beneficial effect on
cognition by enhancing attention.169 Nicotinic agonists remain an active area of research in drug discovery and drug
development as cognitive enhancers.170,171 We are aware of
no studies on the relationship between smoking and cognitive decline associated with normal aging or of studies of
the effect of smoking on cognition in normally aging indi-
Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
viduals. One case-control study172 found an inverse relationship between smoking and AD, but later studies103,168,173
found that smoking does not positively affect the onset or
severity of AD. Smoking is associated with increased vascular disease, particularly stroke, which may cause vascular dementia.174
Clearly, smoking should not be recommended because
of potential nicotine effect on cognition in elderly individuals. Given the relationship of smoking with pulmonary and
vascular comorbidities, particularly stroke, smoking may
contribute to cognitive decline in older persons, but prospective data to demonstrate this are lacking.
The Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area survey
of the National Institute of Mental Health showed that
alcoholism is highly prevalent among people older than 65
years.175 In mice, alcohol abuse has been shown to cause
brain deficits and reduced cognitive performance.176 However, investigators have shown an inverted U- or J-shaped
relationship between alcohol consumption and cognitive
performance that suggests that very moderate alcohol consumption might positively affect cognitive function, perhaps mediated by a favorable effect on vascular comorbidities.177 However, the effect may vary from person to
person. In non–apoE4 carriers, moderate drinking was
found to protect against cognitive decline, but apoE4 carriers who drank moderately experienced an increased risk.178
Excessive, long-term alcohol consumption is associated
with dementia.179
Despite some health benefit claims for very moderate
alcohol consumption, we believe the cognitive tolerance
of older individuals to alcohol is low, and the danger of
alcohol abuse is high. In older individuals with decreased
cognitive reserve, even very moderate long-term alcohol
consumption may impair cognition. Older individuals
complaining of memory loss and cognitive decline should
be queried about their alcohol consumption and a trial of
abstinence recommended if appropriate in an attempt to
regain optimal cognitive function.
Contrary to popular belief, substance abuse with illicit
drugs occurs in elderly individuals and can contribute to
cognitive decline. Long-term marijuana abuse has been
associated with subtle impairment of memory, attention,
and information processing,180-183 although the degree of
cognitive impairment is less than that seen with long-term
alcohol abuse.180,181 The psychoactive drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) has also been associated
with memory impairment.184 Impairment of cognitive function has not been as clearly shown with other hallucinogens
such as lysergic acid diethylamide.184,185 Persons who consume stimulants such as cocaine or crack-cocaine experience pronounced brain pathologic conditions and cognitive
impairment.186,187 Additional research is needed to investi-
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Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
gate the long-term effects of drug use on cognitive vitality
in later life, particularly because many baby boomers who
may have experimented with drugs in the 1960s remain
intermittent or continuous users of marijuana and other
drugs and are now entering their later years.
Although most pharmaceutical research to date has focused
on the development of drugs to prevent or treat dementia,
interest is growing in the development of pharmacologic
agents for cognitive enhancement in older persons experiencing normal cognitive aging.188 Some agents are being
evaluated for AAMI and MCI.54
Drugs That Enhance Cognition
The basal forebrain cholinergic system plays a key role
in normal memory and learning.38 Currently, there are 4
FDA-approved cholinesterase inhibitors (tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, and galanthamine) for treatment of cognitive impairment in AD.189,190 These drugs have been
shown to significantly improve or maintain cognitive function and daily function in about 60% of patients with mild
to moderate AD.191-193 These cholinesterase inhibitors are
currently being investigated for the treatment of cognitive
impairment in patients with MCI and AAMI. Some preliminary data indicate that cholinesterase inhibitors may
have value in the treatment of cognitive disorders associated with normal aging.194 There is no evidence that these
medications play a role in the prevention of cognitive decline or AD.
Muscarinic agonists195 target postsynaptic muscarinic
M1 receptors and have been shown to improve cognitive
function in animal models and humans.196 Although these
agents have shown some improvement in cognitive function in patients with AD, agents in this class have been
severely limited because of their adverse effects. Continued research on these agents may yet result in an approved
drug.197 Another approach to address impaired cholinergic
transmission is to target nicotinic cholinergic receptor
ligands to allosterically potentiate submaximal neurotransmission.198
Glutamate modulators are also being evaluated as cognitive enhancers. Glutamate neurotransmission plays a role
in cognition and is affected in AD.189 Memantine is a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate modulator that interacts
with N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. This agent is currently in phase 3 clinical trials for vascular dementia and
severe AD. In a recent study,199 memantine improved function and reduced care dependency in AD patients with
severe dementia. Ampakines, a novel class of agents, augment glutaminergic pathways and increase the production
of BDNF and nerve growth factor (NGF) in brain areas
Cognitive Vitality With Aging
involving memory, which also makes them potential disease-modifying agents. The ampakine CX516 enhances
short-term memory in rats through a synaptic mechanism200,201 and is currently undergoing clinical evaluation
for early AD and MCI.
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element
binding protein (CREB) has been linked with longterm memory formation in animals.202 Indeed, blocking
CREB expression blocks long-term memory formation,203
whereas enhancing CREB expression potentiates longterm memory.204 These results suggest that agents that
promote CREB expression may be promising for promoting long-term memory formation, even in normally aging
Other products that are available as alternative medicines purport to enhance cognition in normally aging individuals. Huperzine A is a cholinergic agent available as a
neutraceutical.205 One recent clinical trial suggested that
gingko biloba may be of benefit in patients with AD.206
Phosphatidylserine has also been investigated as a treatment for AAMI with some benefit in clinical trials.207 Several other strategies for improving cognition in patients
with AAMI have also been investigated.52
Cholinesterase inhibitors, muscarinic agonists, nicotinic
agonists, glutamate modulators, CREB activators, and alternative medicines are an exciting new group of therapeutics that may be useful in the future for the treatment of
cognitive decline in individuals experiencing normal cognitive aging. However, these agents require further study
for their use in normal aging and are either not available or
not indicated for healthy individuals at this time.
Protective Agents
Neurotrophins.—Because various neuronal insults occur with normal aging, promoting the survival of neurons
could be useful in preventing or treating normal cognitive
aging. Neurotrophins such as BDNF and NGF are protein
growth factors that control the survival, growth, or differentiation of neurons and other cells derived from neuroectoderm. Modulation of neutrophin activity may be approached by targeting local neurotrophin synthesis,
neurotrophin receptors, or signal transduction pathways
associated with neurotrophin activity.208 The purine derivative AIT-082 promotes NGF-induced neurite extension in cell culture by activating transcription of neurotrophic factors in regions of the brain associated with
learning and memory.209 AIT-082 has also been shown to
improve working memory in mice.210 This agent is currently in phase 2 clinical trials for AD. A second agent,
CEP-1347, is a small molecule that rescues neurons from
apoptosis. CEP-1347 has been shown to promote motor
neuron survival.211
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Cognitive Vitality With Aging
Anti-inflammatory Agents.—There is no evidence
that inflammation plays a role in normal cognitive aging.
However, inflammation is recognized as an important component of the neuropathology of AD. Several epidemiologic studies212 have shown that patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a lower
incidence of AD. Indeed, patients taking NSAIDs have
only about a third of the activated microglia seen in other
patients with senile plaques.37 In animal models using
transgenic mice, amyloid deposition is suppressed by
NSAIDs.213 A pharmacologic rationale exists for the use of
aspirin to prevent cognitive impairment because aspirin
may play a role in preventing strokes and, therefore, vascular dementia.214 However, only limited data are available on
the use of aspirin to prevent cognitive decline.214,215 Studies
testing the value of NSAIDs in the prevention of AD are
currently in progress. A recent trial of the corticosteroid
prednisone failed to show any effect in slowing the rate of
progression of existing AD.216 At this time, anti-inflammatories should not be taken as a means to prevent cognitive aging or dementia.
Antioxidants.—Oxidative stress is a rational target for
slowing cognitive aging. However, to our knowledge, no
studies of antioxidants in normal cognitive aging have been
performed. One study showed that vitamin E in high doses
(presumably required to achieve therapeutic levels within the brain) and selegiline, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, both delayed time to institutionalization in patients with moderate AD.217 Newer, more potent central
nervous system–specific antioxidants are currently being
Hormones.—Decreased estrogen levels after menopause have been associated with the cognitive decline that
occurs in older women. Estrogen has both neurotrophic and
neuroprotective effects.220 Animal studies221 show a clear
benefit of estrogen or selective estrogen receptor modulators on cognitive function. Estrogen stimulates formation
of neurons in the dentate gyrus of the rat.28
Some cross-sectional and longitudinal studies222-225 have
shown that use of oral estrogen replacement therapy may
protect against age-related decline in cognitive function
and dementia in older women. The Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study59 is investigating the effects of estrogen
on the prevention of dementia. Estrogen is also being considered for treatment of MCI54 because it has other health
benefits for the younger cohort of the aged population.
Estrogen may improve subclinical cognitive changes in
recently postmenopausal women.226 A recent trial failed to
show efficacy of estrogen therapy for older women with
existing AD.227 Use of estrogen replacement therapy should
be considered by the clinician in the context of overall
patient risks and benefits. No recommendation can be
Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
made at this time on using estrogen to prevent or treat
cognitive decline.
Testosterone has been suggested to have some benefit in
improving cognitive function in men. Men who are
hypogonadal may have cognitive and emotional changes
that respond to testosterone replacement.228,229 Ongoing trials are evaluating the possible risks and benefits of testosterone therapy for older men with cognitive decline and
Several agents that have been historically marketed for
general health benefits are now being touted for cognitive
vitality. Dehydroepiandrosterone is a natural precursor of
estrogen and testosterone that has been advertised as a
supplement to boost memory and to cure many ills of
aging. Melatonin, another over-the-counter substance,
may have a mild hypnotic effect.230 Melatonin levels may
decrease with age, which may be associated with insomnia in some older people. Because lack of sleep is implicated in memory dysfunction, marketers are promoting
melatonin to increase cognitive vitality. Human growth
hormone levels also decline with age,231 and cognitive
benefits of treatment with human growth hormone have
been proposed.
More research is needed to evaluate these hormonal
agents1,232 because they are unproven therapies for preventing and treating cognitive decline. Until more clinical trial
data are obtained, clinicians should not recommend these
hormonal agents for the treatment of cognitive decline,
particularly because these hormones may have serious adverse effects.
Cognitive vitality is essential to quality of life and survival
in older persons. Research on cognitive aging indicates that
cognitive decline is not an inevitable part of aging. Studies
in animals have clearly shown considerable plasticity in the
aging brain. Recent studies have identified several risk
factors for cognitive decline that are modifiable, including lifestyle factors and medical comorbidities. These
emerging scientific data have important implications for
preventing and managing cognitive decline with aging. In
addition, therapeutic strategies in development may
contribute substantially to the practice of prevention and
treatment of cognitive decline in older persons.
Nevertheless, more research is clearly needed to advance our knowledge of the prevention and treatment of
cognitive aging.2 Additional studies are needed to define
the specific changes that occur with normal cognitive aging
at the molecular, cellular, organ system, and individual
levels. Research on biomarkers associated with cognitive
impairment and advanced brain imaging techniques is also
needed. Better animal models of cognitive aging must be
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Mayo Clin Proc, July 2002, Vol 77
developed for descriptive studies and the design of proofof-concept prevention studies. Primary and secondary prevention trials for delaying cognitive aging in older persons,
such as the ongoing cognitive aging studies within the
Women’s Health Initiative funded by the National Institute
on Aging, are clearly needed. Further research is also
needed with regard to behavioral interventions (such as
cognitive training and physical exercise) that may promote
cognitive vitality in older individuals.
Health in aging is a key issue in the longevity revolution. However, most efforts to date with regard to healthy
aging have focused on medical and physical functional
aspects of health. Unfortunately, the maintenance of cognitive health has not been a primary public policy issue.
Perhaps, given the emerging data described herein, policy
initiatives can now begin to advance the goal of achieving
and maintaining cognitive vitality. Recent research on the
effect of lifestyle factors and medical comorbidities on
cognitive vitality could become the basis for populationbased programs to increase awareness among the general
population and among clinicians about the real potential to achieve cognitive vitality in old age. In the future,
with continuing research and better clinical care, we may
expect that, for an increasing percentage of aging individuals, it is possible to set the goal that cognitive function might change little, if at all, from its level in middle
Cognitive vitality is crucial to optimal aging. This has
been known for thousands of years. In the words of Marcus
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BCE), “To live is to think.” Although
we still have much to learn, data are now beginning to form
the scientific basis for achieving and maintaining cognitive
vitality in late life through primary and secondary prevention in clinical practice.
We thank Dennis Evans, MD, Neil Buckholz, PhD, and Marcelle
Morrison-Bogorad, PhD, for their participation and contributions to this work. We are also grateful to Tonya Lee, Nora
O’Brien, MA, and Sue Reynolds-Foley, MHA, for their invaluable help.
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