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1993, Central Asian Survey
7 pages
3 files
Biossegurança, 2018
É o primeiro capítulo de um livro sobre biossegurança, voltado para qualquer profissional que se interesse pelo assunto. O livro foi escrito em linguagem coloquial, sem o formalismo tradicional do meio acadêmico e mesclando um texto escrito com vídeos disponíveis no Youtube.
Bolgov R. et al. (eds) Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021, pp. 337-354., 2021
The paper explores the political and ideological evolution of the mainstream left thought collective in the West. Heavily influenced by the classical Marxian paradigm prior to the 1950s, this collective gradually shifted to the matters of culture and identity between the 1950s and the 1980s. In the left ideological paradigm, this transformation became known as the “cultural turn”; some early left authors also referred to this shift as “Cultural Marxism.” Later, the latter became a favorite word of choice for scholars and writers on the right. Social scholarship on both sides of the political spectrum have frequently stressed the important role of the so-called Frankfurt School in pioneering the abovementioned transformation. This paper argues that, as far as the mainstreaming of the cultural turn, there were more important intellectual sources than that school. Among others, these sources included racialized Marxism of C.L.R James, William Dubois, and Frantz Fanon (1940s-1960s), W. Right Mills, and British Cultural Studies, which gradually phased out economic determinism and the class-based approach of classical Marxism by shifting attention to culture, identity, the Third World, race, and gender.
In the second paper of this two part series on Key Elements of Interprofessional Education (IPE), we highlight factors for success in IPE based on a systematic literature review conducted for Health Canada in its ‘‘Interprofessional Education for Patient Centred Practice’ ’ (IECPCP) initiative in Canada (Oandasan et al., 2004). The paper initially discusses micro (individual level) meso (institutional/organizational level) and macro (socio-cultural and political level) factors that can influence the success of an IPE initiative. The discussion provides the infrastructure for the introduction of a proposed framework for educators to utilize in the planning and implementation of an IPE program to enhance a learner’s opportunity to become a collaborative practitioner. The paper also discusses key issues related to the evaluation of IPE and its varied outcomes. Lastly, it gives the reader suggestions of outcome measurements that can be used within the proposed IPE framework.
L’objectif de ce dossier est de présenter le concept d’IDS (Intrusion Detection System) et d’IPS (Intrusion Prevention System). Il s’agit de techniques permettant de détecter les intrusions et éventuellement de les prévenir. Ces techniques sont utilisées en association avec tous les éléments d’une politique de sécurité.
Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were first utilized in the 20th century and are still in use today. Conventional electronic voting machines only have the ability to record a candidate's vote total. The polling officer personally verifies voters' identities before allowing them to cast ballots using the voter list. The poll worker uses indelible ink to detect fraudulent voters. These techniques call for more labor. In order to address these issues, we suggested a novel method based on the Internet of Things (IOT). Here, we're tying the Internet of Things to the voting machine. At first, the user enrolled their faces and their finger prints with an id. If a user's finger print is recognized later on during the voting process, the monitor will display their ID and the short names of each party. This party id must be entered by the user using switches. The party icon will then show up in the LCD. The total votes cast for each party will increase, as well as that party's vote total. If one of them matches, the voter is permitted to cast a ballot because the system uses both biometric and video data. The server receives each party's vote total as well as voter identification information.
Ad unicum. Antika. Antické památky v mobiliárních fondech ve správě Národního památkového ústavu, 2023
Publikace historicky poprvé uceleně představuje čtenářům antické předměty, které jsou uchovávány v mobiliárních fondech státních hradů a zámků. Publikaci uvozuje kapitola věnovaná fenoménu sběratelství řeckých a římských památek od středověku do 19. století. Pozornost je věnována také slavným římským sbírkám, kolekci kardinála Antoina Perrenota de Granvelle či pražské císařské kunstkomoře Rudolfa II. Představeny jsou rovněž klíčové osobnosti, díky kterým se na naše území antické importy dostaly. V dalších kapitolách jsou na základě materiálů, ze kterých byly předměty vyrobeny, popsány dobové technologie i stručná historie jednotlivých uměleckých a řemeslných oborů. Za každou kapitolou jsou katalogovou formou představeny konkrétní předměty – různé typy keramických nádob a jejich zdobení, keramické lampy, stavební antická keramika, bronzové prvky výzdoby oděvů či zařízení domácnosti, jako je vzácná lampa se stínidlem ve tvaru netopýra, skleněné nádobky, kamenosochařská díla, vzácné gemy i kostěné předměty. Sledovány jsou také příběhy děl, jako je socha/herma bohyně Hekaté, jejíž cesta na české území je doložena kardinálskými sbírkami z Říma přes Besancon do rudolfínské Prahy a dále na černínský Jindřichův Hradec.
Twelfth International Conference at the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo to focus on the theme of PERIODICALS: S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD! In periodicals, the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (“S.T.E.M.”) and the Arts are imbricated with one another (“S.T.E.A.M.”) in both material and theoretical terms. The history of journals and magazines runs parallel to the industrial and scientific revolutions. These revolutions have found a privileged place of diffusion in periodicals thanks to the timeliness of information, flexibility of content, easy diffusion and prompt response to the dialogues and controversies reflected within them. Technological progress has shaped the materiality of periodicals, including the type of paper, graphic design and technologies for the reproduction of both text and images. This international conference will bring together academics from universities around the world from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives to reflect on how periodicals represent, create, maintain, or challenge, the notions of “techniques”, “sciences”, and “art” within the contexts of their localities, their communities of production, their readerships, and their editorial boards.
Documentos de Trabajo del IIJUNAM #203, 2021
¿Por qué unos países tienden a reformar sus reglas electorales más que otros? ¿Cuáles son las razones que inciden en el nivel de activismo reformista de los países latinoamericanos? ¿Qué significa que unos países hayan cambiado sus reglas de juego de manera intensiva mientras otros casi no han hecho reformas? En diversas investigaciones previas (Freidenberg y Uribe Mendoza, 2019; Freidenberg y Došek, 2016a y 2016b) hemos encontrado diferencias en el nivel de activismo reformista en los 18 países de América Latina entre 1977-2019. Aún cuando se registran 239 reformas en la región para dicho período, ese activismo de las élites políticas no ha sido homogéneo, sino que permite diferenciar a los países en hiperactivos (Ecuador, Perú, México, Rep. Dominicana), moderados (Argentina, Bolivia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Brasil, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia) y pasivos (Uruguay, Paraguay).
This project plan was created on request of the CraftBrew Company-one of the largest manufacturers of craft beer in the United Kingdom. Due to its rapid development, a new Customer Relationship Management system needs to be implemented within the company headquarters, all the subsidiaries as well as its sales points located across the country. The aim of the new system is to improve customer relations processes, and to gather all the customer data in one reliable system. The system should be compatible with IT solutions, which are already in use in the company, and powerful enough to storage the vast amount of data from all the CraftBrew's sales channels (bars, retailers, supermarkets, online customers, apply4shares platform). The CRM should contain 'clients' module, which will be divided into 'Customers' and 'Investors' section to which data will be automatically downloaded from the apply4shares platform. The system should be implemented within one year, from 1 st April 2019 to 1 st April 2020. In order to ensure successful delivery of the project, project plan documents had been created. The planning process and all the documents are based on the waterfall methodology; however, the modules of the CRM will be tested as soon as they will be delivered. The reason for that is that modules are not interdependent. After the modules are done, the resources can be released to their business unit, as their workload in the project is very limited (1-2 modules), and there would be no other assignments for the programmers (Hill, 2013). The traditional waterfall approach would be the best for this project because: The scope of the project is clear (Biafore, 2012) The project is not complex-the needs of the company are well-described The system will be purchased and just customized what makes the project even easier All requirements can be easily agreed in the beginning of the project Waterfall makes it easier to estimate costs, create schedules and meet deadlines This document includes: WBS structure of the project, Stakeholder analysis-stakeholder mapping, power/interest grid for stakeholder prioritization, and stakeholder analysis matrix, Communication plan-stakeholder communication grid, communication register, and project organization chart, Risk evaluation tools-risk register and risk classification matrix, Responsibility assignment matrix (RACI chart) for the development phase Schedule, Gantt chart and network diagram for the development phase. In the first part of this planning document there will be presented work packages distinguished in the project, presented in a form of the work breakdown structure.
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Http Www Theses Fr, 2006
HortTechnology, 1992
Vnitřní lékařství
Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2018
Spinal Cord, 2016
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2019