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A hypothetical theory of a Yangton and Yington circulating pair with inter-attractive “Force of Creation” is proposed to explain the creation of the universe and the formation of light and Matter. This theory can combine Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics, unify Four Forces, imply Higgs Boson Particles, implement String Theory, define Black Hole, as well as provide proof to Einstein’s Theory E = MC2. It is also assumed that Dark Matter is made of a multiple of Yangton and Yington circulating pairs.
Yangton and Yington Theory is a hypothetical theory based on Yangton and Yington circulating particle pairs (Wu's Pairs) with a build-in inter-attractive force (Force of Creation) that is proposed as the fundamental building blocks of the universe. It has explained successfully the formation of all subatomic particles, propagation of gravitational force, cosmological redshift, universe expansion and many other correlations between space, time, energy and matter. More than 31 major physical phenomena and theories are interpreted and derived from Yangton and Yington Theory. In summary, a road map of systematic derivation and a correlation network between the major physical phenomena and Yangton and Yington Theory are presented.
“My Universe – A Theory of Yangton and Yington Pairs” is an extraordinary book of physical science with an unprecedented concept that bridges two major but conflicting subjects Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity in modern physics. It explains and correlates almost everything in the universe, including space, time, energy and matter, as well as those objects and events from subatomic particles all the way to the boundary of the universe based on Wu’s Pairs and a hypothetical Yangton and Yington Theory. Note: “My Universe – A Theory of Yangton and Yington Pairs” can be found at the following Websites:
IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics , 2024
Yangton and Yington Theory is a hypothetical theory based on a pair of superfine Yangton and Yington antimatter particles with built-in inter-attractive Force of Creation circulating against each other on an orbit. These pairs of Yangton and Yington circulating particles are named "Wu's Pairs" which is considered as the building blocks of the universe. Yangton and Yington Theory can successfully explain that subatomic particles with string structures are built upon Wu's Pairs and String Force in compliance with String Theory, and also that String Force and Four Basic Forces are induced from Force of Creation in accordance to Unified Field Theory. In addition, Yangton and Yington Theory can very well bridge Quantum Theory with Relativity, also interpret and correlate between space, time, energy and matter in the universe. Therefore, it is believed that Yangton and Yington Theory is a theory of everything. Since 2015, a total of 71 papers including 8 equations and 63 theories, as well as a book "My Universe-A Theory of Yangton and Yington Pairs" were published by Edward T. H. Wu regarding Yangton and Yington Theory. In this paper, a summary of Yangton and Yington Theory with a road map of the systematic derivations of Yangton and Yington Theory and its correlations to major physical phenomena are presented and reviewed.
A hypothetical theory of a Yangton and Yington circulating pair with an inter-attractive “Force of Creation” is proposed as the “Origin of Creation”. When this circulating pair travels in the space it is known as “Photon”. Otherwise, at still, it is known as “Wu’s Particles” also as “Still Photon”, which makes the basic building block of all matters. The structures of Quarks, Neutrinos, Higgs Boson particles, Electron, Positron, Proton, Neutron, and Dark Matters are proposed based on “Wu’s Particles”. Also, it is assumed that “Force of Creation” is the only fundamental force in the universe that could create and unify the Four Basic Forces. Gravitation is formed by the attractive force between two Higgs Boson particles with String Structures that are made of “Wu’s Particles” of the same circulation direction. Electromagnetism is however generated between two atoms both with single outer layer Electron that are attractive to each other while spinning in the same direction and repulsive in the opposite directions. Both the Weak Force between Neutron and Positron as well as the Strong Force between two Neutrons also between Proton and Neutron are proposed and interpreted based on “Wu’s particles” and “Force of Creation”.
“My Universe – A Theory of Yangton and Yington Pairs” is an extraordinary book of physical science with an unprecedented concept that explains and correlates almost everything in the universe, including space, time, energy and matter, as well as those substances from subatomic particles all the way to the boundary of the universe based on Wu’s Pairs and a hypothetical Yangton and Yington Theory. 陰陽旋偶論是以陰子與陽子一對互相旋轉的粒子來解釋宇宙萬物的產生及空間,時間,物質與能量之間的相互關係
Yangton and Yington Theory is a hypothetical theory based on a pair of superfine Yangton and Yington antimatter particles with built-in inter-attractive Force of Creation circulating against each other on an orbit. These pairs of Yangton and Yington circulating particles are named "Wu's Pairs" which is considered as the building blocks of the universe. Yangton and Yington Theory can successfully explain that subatomic particles with string structures are built upon Wu's Pairs and String Force in compliance with String Theory, and also that String Force and Four Basic Forces are induced from Force of Creation in accordance to Unified Field Theory. In addition, Yangton and Yington Theory can very well bridge Quantum Theory with Relativity, also interpret and correlate between space, time, energy and matter in the universe. Therefore, it is believed that Yangton and Yington Theory is a theory of everything. Since 2015, a total of 71 papers including 8 equations and 63 theories, as well as a book "My Universe-A Theory of Yangton and Yington Pairs" were published by Edward T. H. Wu regarding Yangton and Yington Theory. In this paper, a summary of Yangton and Yington Theory with a road map of the systematic derivations of Yangton and Yington Theory and its correlations to major physical phenomena are presented and reviewed.
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, 2018
Yangton and Yington Theory is a theory of a Yangton and Yington circulating particle pairs (Wu's Pairs) with a build-in inter-attractive force (Force of Creation) as the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Although Yangton and Yington Theory is only a hypothetical theory, the whole concepts are developed logically based on the Five Principles of the Universe. In this paper, these principles are discussed in detail. Also, String Theory is explained by the string force and string structures built upon Wu's Pairs. Unified Field Theory, on the other hand is interpreted by the subatomic structures and four basic forces induced from Force of Creation.
It is proposed that Yangton and Yington Bubbles are the building blocks of Space and Wu’s Pairs are the building blocks of Matter. It is also believed that not only Corresponding Spaces can be generated with Yangton and Yington Bubbles and Wu’s Pairs, but also Corresponding Energy can be generated by the interaction between Force of Creation and the Corresponding Spaces created by Yangton and Yington Bubbles and Wu’s Pairs. In addition, Time reflects the changes of distribution of energy and motion of matter. As a result, four elements of the universe: Space, Time, Energy and Matter can all be naturally created at the same time with Yangton and Yington particles and Force of Creation based on the Space and Energy Correlated Five Principles of The Universe of Yangton and Yington Theory. Furthermore, based on Aging Affected Wu’s Spacetime Shrinkage Theory and Cosmological Redshift, it is proposed that there might be two Singularities and Big Bang Explosions occurred in the history of our universe, which can interpret why some galaxies observed by JMST have redshift corresponding to 26.7 billion years age rather than 13.8 billion years old.
Mehqerei Talmud 4 , 2023
A critical edition of the surviving writings by Benjamin of Cambridge.
Questa é un'interpretazione! Ne possono esistere tantissime altre, tutte valide. Non si pretende di dare la verità, solo una delle tante possibili visioni. La nostra posizione non è critica nei riguardi di coloro che la pensano in modo diverso. Questo è un paese libero e ciascuno ha facoltà di porsi nella situazione mentale che più gli si addice. Cercheremo, quindi di non polemizzare, discutere o criticare quanto, scritto da altri, è in opposizione con quello che stiamo esponendo. Non vogliamo convincere ne fare opera di proselitismo. Con stima, i nostri ringraziamenti vanno a Fabre de Olivet. Fabre de Olivet, attraverso i suoi studi sulla "Lingua Ebraica Restituita ", ha permesso a degli inesperti linguistici, di accedere ad informazioni basilari per utilizzare il genio della lingua ebraica. Le Lettere ebraiche, i Radicali, i Sostantivi e i Verbi, tutta la lingua ebraica insomma, possiede moltissime caratteristiche che permettono di classificarla come simbolica. Lo Studio sulle Lettere Ebraiche del Gruppo Arte Jeratica, lo dimostra ampiamente. Queste Lettere, come semplici vocali o consonanti, esprimono significati diversi in funzione di come si leggono: Hanno un significato di nome, di numero, geroglifico, simbolico, di segno, di livello ecc.. Chi possiede queste chiavi accede ai vari significati e può comprendere come sono possibili interpretazioni cosi diverse. La lingua ebraica, con la quale Mosé compose la Genesi biblica, contiene in sé informazioni che fanno presupporre fosse la lingua sacra degli antichi egizi; un linguaggio segreto che fu trasmesso oralmente. La veste grafica che giunge a noi, prese forma scritta durante la schiavitù babilonese per opera dei Caldei. La Genesi biblica racchiude una serie di notizie insite nei nomi dei personaggi, nei numeri che definiscono nascite, morti, durate e altro. Secondo la nostra interpretazione, questi dati potrebbero essere utilizzati nel processo esoterico. Le opposizioni interiori inevitabili, che tentano di introdurre interpretazioni soggettive, in un trattato che vuole e deve essere il più oggettivo possibile, hanno sicuramente inserito delle tendenze di parte, queste si nascondono alla nostra attenzione. Pertanto ci scusiamo e preghiamo il lettore, di considerare il Gruppo Jeratico, composto da normali persone con tutti i relativi limiti. Essendo lo studio metodico dei primi dieci capitoli della Bibbia, dal quale sono ricavate le varie sintesi, per sua struttura, complesso e di difficile comprensione, dividiamo questo volume in due parti: La prima parte contiene l'interpretazione Jeratica espressa nel modo più semplice possibile. La seconda parte espone gli studi metodici che hanno permesso le sintesi. I° PARTE Paragrafo 1 La costituzione cosmogonica degli universi e la discesa del flusso verso il divenire. (Capitoli biblici 1, 2, 3.) Elohim, LUI gli Dei, è un qualcosa che la parola non può esprimere, nulla ha facoltà di avvicinarsi al significato Suo, solo i simboli possono dare una velata immagine di quello che possiamo definire come: Essenza di non esistenza, essere impensabile, immagine astratta al di là del concetto, potenza prima ambientata in dimensioni chiamate il Nulla, il Nulla Infinito e il Nulla Infinito di Luce. (1) É il Principio. Elohim, LUI gli Dei, compie l'atto creativo primo: crea un sistema di causa e le leggi o principi che governano i Livelli o Cieli.
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