Modeling visual attention on scenes
Brice Follet (*) (***) — Olivier Le Meur (**) — Thierry Baccino
(*) Thomson, Compression Lab.
1 av. de Belle Fontaine 35576 Cesson-Sevigne France
[email protected]
(**) University of Rennes 1
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes France
[email protected]
(***) LUTIN (UMS-CNRS 2809), Cité des sciences et de l’industrie de la Villette
30 av. Corentin Cariou 75930 Paris
[email protected]
ABSTRACT. Research in the computational modelling of the visual attention has mushroomed
in recent years. First generation of computational models, called bottom-up models, allows
to calculate a saliency map indicating the degree of interest of each area of a picture. These
models are purely based on the low-level visual features. However, it is now well known that
the visual perception is not a purely bottom-up process. To improve in a significant manner
the quality of the prediction, top-down information (prior knowledge, expectations, contextual
guidance) have to be taken into account. We propose in this article to describe some bottom-up
models and the metrics used to assess their performances. New generation of models based
both on low-level and high-level information is also briefly described. To go one step further
in the understanding of the cognitive processes, new computational tools have been recently
proposed and are listed in the final section.
RÉSUMÉ. La modélisation computationelle de l’attention visuelle connaît actuellement un
essor considérable. Les premières modèles, purement basés sur l’attention dite exogène, permettent de calculer une carte de saillance indiquant les zones d’intérêt visuel d’une image.
Cependant, afin d’améliorer cette prédiction, il s’avère nécessaire de prendre en compte des
informations de plus haut niveaux relatives à l’attention endogène, c’est à dire des informations liées aux processus cognitifs. Afin de rendre compte de cette problématique, le présent
article décrit un certain nombre de modèles exogènes ainsi que des modèles intégrant de la
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connaissance a priori. Les méthodes d’évaluation des performances sont également décrites.
Afin d’aller plus loin dans la modélisation et dans la compréhension des processus cognitifs, de
nouvelles perspectives et direction d’études sont exposées.
KEYWORDS: Attention, eye movements, saliency map, scanpath, bottom up, top down, computational modeling, EFRP, eye tracking.
MOTS-CLÉS : Attention, mouvements oculaires, carte de salience, parcours visuel, mécanismes endogène exogène, modélisation computationnelle, EFRP, suivi du regard.
1. Intoduction
The computational modeling of visual attention is an important challenge for computer vision researchers. Potential applications are large
and various (video compression, surveillance, retargeting...). The targeted goal is to predict in an automatic manner from an input picture
or video sequence the locations where an observer would gaze on. For
that, most of the computational models rest on the assumption that there
exists a single saliency map in the brain. A saliency map is a map indicating the degree of interest of each area. However, it seems that there
is no single saliency map in the brain but rather a set of saliency maps
that are distributed throughout the different visual areas of the brain.
The assumption of unique saliency is then a strong shortcut but a very
comfortable view to design a computational model. Indeed, in this condition, the brain can be compared to a computer where the inputs are
the sensory information and the output the saliency map.
Based on the assumption that there is a unique saliency map in the brain,
Koch and Ullman proposed in 1985 a plausible architecture of a visual
attention model [KU85]. From an input picture, several early visual features are extracted in a massively parallel manner, leading to one feature
map per channel. A filtering operation is then applied on these maps in
order to filter out most of the visually irrelevant information. Then,
these maps are mixed together to form a saliency map. From this influential work, a number of computational models have been proposed.
They can be grouped into two categories that could be called hierarchical models and probabilistic (or statistical) models. The architecture of
these two categories of models is almost the same; they differ in the
mathematical operations used to determine the salience.
This first generation of models rests mainly on bottom-up mechanisms.
Early visual stages are indeed purely bottom-up. However, a number of
other features such as prior knowledge, our expectation, goals we have
to perform may have a significant impact on the way we scan our visual
In this paper, we propose to tackle these aforementioned points. The
first part concerns a brief review of bottom-up models. We also briefly
review methods to assess the degree of similarity between predicted and
human data. In the second point, we emphasize the factors that a second
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generation of computational models of visual attention should take into
account. In this same part, some models based on prior knowledge are
described. In the last part, new perspectives as well as new computational tools are described.
2. Computational models
2.1. Hierarchical models
Figure 2.1 (a) gives the architecture of Itti’s model [IKN98]. This
computational model, proposed in 1998, is the first model able to compute efficiently a saliency map from a given picture. The saliency map
is built from 3 separate feature maps coming from 3 channels (color,
orientation and luminance).
As depicted in figure 2.1 (a), a Gaussian pyramid is used for each channel to split the input signal into several spatial scales. Center-surround
differences are used to yield a feature map. The final saliency map is
then computed. A map normalization operator N (.) is defined. The
definition given by Itti et al. is the following operation:
1) Normalizing the values to a fixed range in order to eliminate
modality-dependent amplitude differences;
2) Finding the location of the map’s global maximum and computing
the average of all its other local maxima;
3) Multiplying the map by a factor depending on the previous values.
Figure 2.1 (b) gives an extension of Itti’s model. Le Meur’s model
[MCBT06] improves two aspects of Itti’s model: first, the extraction
of the early visual features in Itti’s model is achieved by different
operators that can provide dramatically dynamic range. To cope with
these problems, several normalization schemes are used many times at
different stages of the model in order to eliminate modality-dependent
amplitude differences. Second, the building of the final saliency map is
the result of linear combination. The feature maps are first normalized
in the same dynamic range and then combined.
(a) Itti’s model
(b) Le Meur’s model
Figure 1: Two examples of hierarchical model of bottom-up visual attention
To deal with the two aforementioned points, Le Meur et al. proposed
to extract the early visual features by using psychophysic models. A
contrast sensitivity function is used to normalize incoming information
to their visibility threshold. Perceptual subband decomposition is then
applied on the Fourier spectrum. Each resulting subband can be seen
as a population of visual cells that is sensitive to a range of orientations
and to a range of spatial frequencies. Finally, a visual masking operation allows modulating the visibility thresholds of a given subband by
taking into account information coming from other subbands. The goal
of these first steps is to provide homogeneous feature maps that can be
directly compared. At this stage, a single normalization is required.
A center-surround operation is then applied on each subband in order
to eliminate irrelevant information and to promote contrasted areas. After that, a unique saliency map is computed by using a normalization
scheme, called long-term normalization.
2.2. Statistical models
Statistical models differ from the previous ones because they rest on
a probabilistic approach. The assumption is that a rare event is more
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salient than a non rare event. The mathematical tool that can simply
simulate this behavior is the self-information. Self-information is a
measure of the amount information provided by an event. For a discrete
random variable X, defined by A = {x1 , ..., xN } and by a probability
density function, the amount of information of the event X = xi is
given by I(X = x) = −log2 p(X = x) bit/symbol.
The first model based on this approach has been proposed by Oliva et
al. [OTCH03].Bottom-up saliency map is given by: S = p(F1|G) , where
F denotes a vector of local visual features observed at a given location
while G represents the same visual features but computed over the
whole image.
More recently, this approach has been reused by a number of authors.
The proposed models differ in the support used to compute the saliency:
– The probability density function is learnt on the whole picture
– A local surround is used to compute the saliency. The saliency
can be either be computed by using the self-information [BT09] or the
mutual information [GV09];
– A probability density function has been learned on a number of natural image patches. Features extracted at a given location are compared
to this prior knowledge [ZTM+ 08, BT09];
– A probability density function is learnt from what it happened in
the past. This is the theory of surprise proposed by Itti and Baldi [IB06].
This approach allows to compute how incoming information affect our
perception. The idea is to compute the difference between posterior and
prior beliefs of observers.
2.3. Performances
The assessment of computational models is commonly performed by
assessing the degree of similarity between predicted saliency maps and
data coming from eye tracking experiments. Eye tracking experiments
are commonly conducted in a free-viewing task. It means that observers
were allowed to examine picture freely without any particular objective.
Figure 2: Predicted saliency maps for different original pictures and for
different computational models.
The goal is to lessen top-down feedback and to favor a bottom-up gaze
The collected raw eye tracking data is then parsed into fixations and
saccades. A velocity-based algorithm can be used to perform this parsing(see [SG00] to have more details and to have a taxonomy of parsing methods). Several databases exist on internet (see for instance, ).
The degree of similarity between the prediction of a computational
model and the ground truth can be obtained by two methods. These
methods, called saliency-map-based and fixation-point-based method
are described in the following subsections.
2.3.1. Saliency-map-based method
The saliency-map-based method, as its name suggests, rests on the
use of map. Therefore, from the collected eye-tracking data, a human
saliency map is computed by taking into account fixation points of all
observers. The building of this kind map is described in [Woo02]. Figure 2.3.1 gives an example of human and predicted saliency map.
The degree of similarity between these two maps can be assessed by
different methods. However, the most used and probably the most rele-
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vant is the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). The idea is to use
a binary classifier in order to label each pixel as being fixated or not.
Different thresholds are used. For each threshold the true positive rate
(TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) is deduced (an example is given
2.3.1 (d)). A ROC graph depicting the tradeoff between TPR and FPR
is plotted. The TPR rate is plotted on the Y axis whereas the FPR rate
is plotted on the X axis. On this graph, the point (0,1) represents a perfect similarity. The more the top left-hand corner the curve is close, the
better the classification is. The diagonal line (if it is plotted on a linearlinear graph) indicates that the classification is a pure random process.
One inter- esting indicator is the area under the curve, called AUC. This
indicator is indeed very useful to compare the quality of the prediction.
The AUC value is always between 0 and 1. An AUC value equal to
0.5 indicates that there is no similarity between the two sets of data. A
value of 1 is obtained for a perfect classification.
(a) Original
(b) Exp. SM
(c) Predicted SM
(d) ROC
Figure 3: Example of human saliency map (b) and predicted saliency
map (a). (c) correponds to a ROC classification (example for a given
threshold): original pixels stand for true negative, green pixels for true
positive, the others for false and true negative.
2.3.2. Fixation-point-based method
Rather than considering a saliency map, this method uses the list
of the human fixation points [PLN02, PIIK05]. Predicted saliency for
each fixation point is extracted from the predicted saliency map at the
spatial coordinates of the considered fixation point. At the end of the
list of fixation points, a value, called NSS standing for Normalized Scan
path Saliency, is obtained. A NSS equal to zero means that there is no
similarity between the predicted saliency map and the visual scan paths.
A positive NSS indicates that there is a similarity whereas a negative
one indicates an anti-correspondance. Figure 2.3.2 gives an example.
Below, the three steps of the NSS method are given:
1) Each saliency map is transformed into a Z-score (normalized to
zero mean and one unit standard deviation);
2) Predicted saliency is extracted in a local neighboorhood centered
on a human fixation point;
3) Average of the obtained values.
Figure 4: NSS computation (extracted from [PIIK05].)
3. The necessity of cognitive models
A purely contrast guidance-based process is a basic view of how
our attention is deployed. A second form of attention controlled by
higher areas of the brain can override, or at least can influence, bottomup process.
3.1. Top-Down priming
To improve in a significant manner visual attention models, topdown source guidance of visual attention should be taken into account.
Numerous studies indeed show that the attentional deployment is
driven not by a single source but rather by a set of guidance sources.
The seminal experiment of Yarbus [Yar67] is the perfect illustration
of the strong relationship existing between bottom-up and top-down
mechanisms. Yarbus recorded eye movements when observers watched
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a painting. Observers were given different questions to answer prior
viewing the painting. The fact that the recorded visual scan paths
were radically different simply demonstrated that the visual attention
deployment is not a purely bottom-up process. Since 1967, more and
more experiments strengthen and refine Yarbus’s conclusions (see [?]
for a nice and short review).
3.2. Two visual pathways
Behavioural researches have proposed many functional splitting like
evaluating versus orienting, what and where processes, focal and ambient treatment, examining against noticing computation, figural/spatial
and foveal-ambient to conceptualize a dual processing which reconciles
opposed classical theoretical approaches of behavioural sciences. Functional neuroanatomy has confirmed this functional dichotomy in showing two distinct visual pathways working in parallel. These findings
support idea that cortex computes visual information by separating object identification to scene spatialization. These two ways start from
earlier visual areas (V1, V2) with a dorsal pathway directed to posterior parietal cortex to compute spatial attributes of scene. While ventral pathway which is responsible of objects identification is directed to
infero-temporal cortex [Bar04].
3.2.1. A dichotomy in spatial frequencies
Thorpe et al. [TFM96] have shown that visual system is able to categorize visual scene in 160 ms. This very rapid processing, probably
due to a feed-forward mechanism, could be explained by the brain ability to categorize rapidly visual scene from low frequencies information
Indeed, many studies claimed that visual processing follows a coarse-tofine process. This coarse-to-fine process seems to rely on the processing of low versus high spatial frequencies of visual contrast. The coarse
process might be based on low frequencies contrary to the fine process
based on high frequencies. Thus, it has been shown that fast categorization of visual scene was related to the processing of low frequencies
[SO94] while finer information given by high frequencies corresponded
to time-consuming processes for object recognition [Bar04]. Emotional
information in face [SO99] and maybe in scene perception is provided
by low frequencies but certainly across under cortical pathways. The
gist is fundamental for scene recognition [OT06]. It should correspond
to the low frequency spatial invariant of each category [Oli05]. These
findings brought the idea that a dorsal pathway could be specialized in
low frequency coarse processing through the magnocellular dorsal pathway while high frequency fine processing might be related to the parvocellular ventral pathway [Bar04]. Others studies suggest that functional distinction corresponds to an asymmetry between both cerebral
hemispheres. However, behavioural data support a dual model based on
functional dichotomy and Baddeley and Tatler (2006) have shown that
high frequency edges can predict fixation locus. So, the actual matter
is to figure out whether this functional parallelism is able to influence
attentional guidance.
3.2.2. A dichotomy in the visual scan path
Yarbus’s experiments [Yar67] indicated that fixation duration increases during scene viewing involving a strong attentional focus. This
result has been confirmed by recent studies on eye-movements under
various conditions (different tasks like searching, recognition [USP05],
memorization [CMH09] or free viewing [PHR+ 08]. These same experimentations also indicated a decreasing of amplitude saccade according
to time viewing.
An important aspect outlined by Unema’s study [USP05] concerns the
relationship between the fixation duration and the amplitude of the
subsequent saccade. Their graph (see figure 3.2.2) shows clearly that
larger saccade amplitude corresponded to fixation duration shorter than
200 ms and smaller saccade amplitude to fixation duration greater than
200ms. This relationship across fixation and saccade has allowed them
in categorizing ambient and focal fixations. Ambient fixations have
been defined by large saccades and short fixation durations and the other
way around for focal fixations. These two kinds of fixations/saccade
pairs reveal a coarse-to-fine eye movement strategy [OHVE07] in accordance to the cerebral visual processing modes [PV09].
To know whether ambient-to-focal strategy was correlated to a coarse-
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Figure 5: Saccade amplitude as a function of fixation duration (extracted from [USP05]).
to-fine process or not, Follet et al. [FMB09] conducted an eye tracking
experiment with hybrid stimuli with four different visual scene categories (Mountain, Street, Coast, Open Country). Hybrid pictures were
built with stimuli mixing low frequencies of an image with high frequencies of another. The principle was to compare visual scan pattern
(i.e. fixation duration/amplitude saccade relationship). They also measured for each category gaze allocation similarities between original and
hybrid pictures. The idea is to assess the extent to which low and high
spatial frequencies contribute to the guidance of eye movements. Results indicated firstly that eye movements were more or less driven by
low or high frequencies and secondly they were dependent on the visual scene category. These issues suggested a relationship between the
processing of low frequencies and the ambient-to-focal strategy.
3.3. Cognitive models of visual attention
Most of researchers are now convinced that high-level factors coming from cognitive operations should have a bigger importance in visual guidance [HBCM07]. Saliency map models described in section
2 are very efficient to determine the early fixations during scene viewing but they are weaker to simulate subsequent fixations when semantic
information becomes more essential. In fact, fixation positions are less
strongly tied to visual saliency when meaningful scenes are involved
[OTCH03]. Gaze control becomes knowledge-driven over time which
replaces or modulates visual saliency effects. But what kind of knowledge is involved in this visual guidance:
– Memory scene knowledge: This memory can involve either
episodic knowledge or semantic knowledge. Episodic memory stores
personal events (times, places...) that can be explicitly stated. The use
of that memory in visual guidance can describe why we restrict the region of search when we are looking for a specific object in a well known
scene. Semantic memory can be related to the concept of schema or
frames defended earlier by Minsky (1974) [Min74]. They represent
generic semantic and spatial knowledge about a particular type of scene
which includes information about the objects likely to be found (a bed
in a bedroom), spatial regularities (a painting on a wall) and real world
knowledge about scenes (logs can float in the river). These examples
show that long-term memory affect the gaze control but not only, short
term memory as well. For example, short term knowledge can explain
why a viewer can refixate regions of the current scene that are semantically informative or interesting [LM78];
– Task-related knowledge: There is a lot of evidence showing that
tasks involve selective fixations since the Yarbus’ experiment. Gaze
control changes with reading, driving or searching. Even saliency maps
are sensitive to the task and simulate rather recognition experiments
than search experiments [UF06].
Modeling these types of high-level information is not trivial and the
question arises over how it can be combined with low-level factors
(saliency maps). One approach is to consider that knowledge structures
modify the bottom-up saliency [RZB02]. For example, looking for a car
in a street does not need to look at the top of building. Some prior information about a scene maintained in long-term memory serves to constrain the visual field of search and consequently the effect of saliency
map. This notion has given the basis of Contextual Guidance model
that highlight scene regions likely to contain a specific class of object
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[TOCH06]. This model predicts fixation positions during object search
significantly better than a saliency map model. However, memory as
well as task knowledge is very complex to integrate in a computational
model given the lack of accurate definition. While Henderson and others have only built theoretical models avoiding coding the semantic information, Navalpakkam and Itti [NI05] attempted to create a semantic
memory by means of ontology. This solution is far from being satisfying since they had first to manually segment the objects and labelize
them to be included in the ontology. The ontology is therefore not exhaustive and needs to be updated for each new stimulus. In the future,
a challenge would be to associate automatically objects with their visual context as it is used in text processing by Latent Semantic Analysis
4. Perspective regarding the visual attention deployment
All these questions on computational models of visual attention
stand on the status of eye fixation and whether it is possible to identify
the main factors determining that fixation. Broadly speaking models
have to predict where and how long do we look a visual scene (i.e,
spatial and temporal determinants of the fixation).
As we have seen in section 2, both scene-statistics and saliency maps
approaches have attempted to describe the location of fixations rather
than their durations. However, fixation locations can also be related
to the meaning of a fixated region since meaningful object may likely
differ from scene background in image properties. Human gaze is
under the control of the brain that process data not only on available
visual input but also according to its mental structures (memory, goals,
plans, beliefs...). As an example of that semantic influence, Henderson
et al [HP08] shown that fixation locations differed in both their image
statistics and their semantic content. One of the future challenges for
computational modeling of visual attention is therefore to address that
semantic information and investigate how it might be implemented.
A promise way would be to consider another characteristic of gaze
behavior, namely the variability of fixation durations.
This variable has been largely ignored on gaze control while in other
activity, such reading, fixation durations represent the main measure
of cognitive processing. Thus, it has been shown that fixation duration
is affected by lexical frequency, predictability and semantic content
[Ray98]. Obviously, looking at a visual scene does not involve the
same processes than reading which entails that fixation duration on
reading reflects a large part of the processing on the fixated region.
However, this effect has also been found when viewing a visual scene
[HP08]. Average fixation duration during scene viewing is around 330
ms [Hen07]. Visual scenes may contain several meaningful objects and
that meaning modulates the duration of fixations [USP05]. There are
at least two possibilities for using fixation duration in a computational
model of visual attention:
1) By weighting fixation position with fixation duration. However,
several open questions are still pending: whether this weighting may be
applied linearly or not; what are the main semantic factors that modulate fixation duration on object viewing; how to define semantics for an
object, by its own meaning, by the context of use or probably by both
factors. This approach is still a challenging direction in research;
2) By separating different components of fixation duration and associating them to specific functions. One way which has been already explored is by combining the eye-fixations with other physiological variables such as EEGs [Bac10]. This technique firstly introduced by Baccino and Manunta [BM05] has been called Eye-Fixation-Related potentials and consisted to analyze EEGs only during the fixation phases.
One of the main advantages with this technique is that the interpretation of fixation duration can be enriched by several components coming
from the separation of the EEG signal. That separation can be carried
out by statistical procedures (PCA, ICA, PARAFAC) in order to detect
whether any attentional or semantic components may be associated to
the fixation and categorized it.
Modeling visual attention on scenes has received a great interest by
cognitive scientists in the last decade. Purely visual models at the beginning, the implementation of neurophysiological and cognitive information has been progressively added over the years. But the way is still
long before having a satisfying model that might be cognitively plausible.
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Studia Informatica Universalis.
Brice Follet (*) (***) — Olivier Le Meur (**) — Thierry
Baccino (***)
Modeling visual attention on scenes
November 27, 2009
– adresse postale :
(*) Thomson, Compression Lab.
1 av. de Belle Fontaine 35576 Cesson-Sevigne France
[email protected]
(**) University of Rennes 1
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes France
[email protected]
(***) LUTIN (UMS-CNRS 2809), Cité des sciences et de
l’industrie de la Villette
30 av. Corentin Cariou 75930 Paris
[email protected]
– téléphone : 01 44 10 84
– télécopie : 00 00 00 00
– e-mail :
[email protected]
LATEX, avec le fichier de style st✉❞✐❛✲❍❡r♠❛♥♥✳❝❧s,
version 1.2 du 03/12/2007.