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Vitamin B12: chemical modifications†
Cite this: Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,
42, 6605
Keith ó Proinsias, Maciej Giedyk and Dorota Gryko*
Received 13th February 2013
Vitamin B12 plays a key role in many metabolic processes occurring in all mammals. Over the years its
biological role has been extensively studied generating a lot of interest in the chemistry of this vital
DOI: 10.1039/c3cs60062a
molecule. This established a variety of new methodologies for the synthesis and analysis of new
cobalamin derivatives as well as creative purification techniques. This tutorial review summarizes all the
advancements made in this area, providing a deeper insight into vitamin B12 chemistry.
Key learning points
The nomenclature of corrinoids.
The chemistry of vitamin B12.
Selective modifications of cobalamin.
Purification and analysis of cobalamin and its derivatives.
1 Introduction
Lord Alexander B. Todd wrote: ‘‘Vitamin B12 turned out to be a
substance of frightening complexity’’.1a As a consequence it took more
than ten years to accomplish its total synthesis. Hence, to date
vitamin B12 derivatives have been exclusively obtained via modifications of the natural compound. This review focuses on the chemistry
of vitamin B12 and its derivatives giving the researcher an introduction to the field of this fascinating molecule.
Vitamin B12 (1) combines many aspects from biology and
chemistry. For many applications it is not used in its original
state, instead it is specifically tailored to please its handler
and allow for the binding of appropriate groups or exposing
particular active sites. The coupling of therapeutic agents to
vitamin B12 (1) has been a major goal for many researchers due
to vitamin B12 possessing a specific uptake pathway.2 Furthermore, the chemical synthesis of co-enzymes (adenosylcobamide
and methylcobamide) from vitamin B12 is important as they work
in unison with enzymes to catalyze rearrangement and methyl
transfer reactions respectively.3 Cobalamin derivative, cobinamide
is used for cyanide detection in solution and in blood, and has also
been utilized in the separation of different cobalamin-binding
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44/52,
01-224 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail:
[email protected]
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/
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proteins, such as transcobalamin (TC), intrinsic factor (IF) and
haptocorrin (HC), within various excreted substances from
mammals and fish.4,5 It can also be employed in soluble
guanylyl cyclase (sGC) regulation, activating the enzyme
through the catalytic domain whereas other activating agents
target the regulatory domain.6 Vitamin B12 derivatives have also
been studied as catalysts in dehalogenation reactions.7 From an
environmental point of view this method shows promising results
for converting pollutants, such as 1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2trichloroethane (DDT), into less harmful 1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)2,2-dichloroethane (DDD). A similar type of reaction has also been
utilized in the detoxification of inorganic arsenic.8
2 Nomenclature
Vitamin B12 (1) is a highly functionalized tetrapyrrolic compound with three acetamides and four propionamides attached
to the periphery of the macrocycle. The five-membered pyrrolic
rings, highlighted in various colors, are labeled from A to D and
the numbering of the corrin ring begins at the A ring and goes
clockwise around the macrocycle. In Fig. 1, each amide group is
labeled in red from position a to g. The central cobalt ion is
coordinated by four pyrrolic nitrogen atoms and two ligands
situated on both sides of the corrin ring (a-bottom and b-upper
face). The fifth ligand at the b-face is usually the cyanide ion,
whereas the sixth ligand at the a-face is the nitrogen atom
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present in 5 0 ,6 0 -dimethylbenzimidazole. The other nitrogen is
linked to a five-carbon sugar (ribose, highlighted in gray color)
and bears the R5 0 -OH group. Ribose in turn connects to the
phosphate group, and hence back onto the corrin ring via the
propionamide group at the f-position.
By adhering to a few simple rules the naming of old or new
vitamin B12 derivatives is straightforward. Vitamin B12 (1) itself,
also known as cobalamin, is abbreviated as (CN)Cbl. This type
of abbreviation is common in the literature and will be used
throughout the review so the reader should refer to this section
as a guide. The term Cbl indicates that the structure is that of
cobalamin (1). In the abbreviation of vitamin B12 the (CN) at
the beginning states that there is a cyanide ligand present on the
b-face side of the central cobalt ion. By changing the ligand the
first section of the abbreviated name changes (compounds 2–9)
e.g. hydroxocobalamin (OH)Cbl 2 which now bears the hydroxyl
ligand instead of the cyano. The oxidation state of cobalt can be
demonstrated in the compound name after the ‘‘cob’’ prefix e.g.
cob(III)alamin, cob(I)alamin or in the subscript, in which case
vitamin B12 (1) indicates the +3 oxidation state, vitamin B12r the
Keith ó Proinsias
Maciej Giedyk
Keith ó Proinsias was born in
Dublin, Ireland, in 1982. He
completed his PhD at the
Institute of Tallaght Dublin in
2009, under the supervision of
Dr Fintan Kelleher. After a brief
stint as a chemistry research
technician in 2009 he started a
post-doctoral stay at the Institute
of Organic Chemistry of the
Polish Academy of Science where
he is currently working. His
current research interests are
vitamin B12 chemistry and the
activation of sGC enzyme.
Maciej Giedyk was born in
Legionowo, Poland, in 1988. He
joined the research group of Prof.
Dorota Gryko in 2010 and in
2012 he graduated from Warsaw
University of Technology with
Masters in Engineering. He is
currently undertaking a PhD at
Chemistry of the Polish Academy
of Science. His research interests
include chemical modifications of
vitamin B12 and enzymatic
catalysis in organic synthesis.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 6605--6619
Fig. 1
Numbering of vitamin B12.1a,9,10
+2 oxidation state and vitamin B12s the +1 oxidation state. The
word ‘‘nor’’ before vitamin B12 means the lack of certain groups,
for example the methyl group at the C5 (compound 10), C15
(compound 11) or Pr3 (compound 12).9,11 When a number is
included in the name it specifies the position where a change
has occurred e.g. C5-nor-(CN)Cbl which relates to cobalamin
that lacks the methyl group at the C5 position. Employing the
word ‘‘epi’’ along with the number of a position indicates a
change in the stereochemistry at this particular position. A
special case of such stereoisomers are 13-epi-derivatives, which
are also called neo-derivatives (Fig. 2).
Cleavage of the ribose moiety, together with the phosphate
and dimethylbenzimidazole groups, gives cobinamide (Cbi) 16
(Fig. 3). The same rules apply to Cbi derivatives as in (CN)Cbl
except that the central cobalt now bears two cyanide ligands
and therefore is written as (CN)2Cbi (see compounds 17–19).
Removal of the 2-hydroxypropyl group at the f-position leaves
the carboxylic acid group giving cobyric acid (20). A terminal
Dorota Gryko obtained her PhD
from the Institute of Organic
Chemistry of the Polish Academy
of Sciences in 1997, under the
supervision of Prof. J. Jurczak.
After a post-doctoral stay with
Prof. J. Lindsey in North
Carolina State University (1998–
2000), she started her independent career in Poland. In 2009
she received the prestigious
TEAM grant from the Foundation
for Polish Science. Her current
Dorota Gryko
research interests are focused on
vitamin B12 chemistry, the activation of sGC enzyme and
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Fig. 2
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Nomenclature of vitamin B12.10
number of OMe groups has dropped by one and the position
of the lactone is in italics. This rule is also true for the
10-position (also called meso) e.g. (CN)2Cby(OMe)7(10-Cl) 27.
Examples: (CN)2Cby(OiPr)7 is an ester of cobyrinic acid with
isopropanol groups, (CN)2Cby(NH2)7 is a primary amide,
(CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-CO2H) possesses six methyl esters and the
acid function in the c-position, etc.
3 Vitamin B12
Fig. 3
Nomenclature of cobinamide and its derivatives.1,10
amide (CONH2) instead of an acid at this position gives
cobyramide/cobyrinamide (21). Partial cleavage of the ribose
moiety leaving the phosphate gives (CN)2Cbi-P 22.
Complete hydrolysis of vitamin B12 (1) gives cobyrinic acid
(CN)2Cby 24 (Fig. 4). The names for cobyrinic acid derivatives
indicate the position and type of conversion at the periphery of
the macrocycle. For example dicyano cobyrinic acid heptamethylester (25) is abbreviated as (CN)2Cby(OMe)7. Once again
two cyanide ligands (CN)2 are indicated, Cby tells that the
structure is that of cobyrinic acid. The final section details
the type of terminal groups present. In this case there are seven
methylester groups (OMe)7. Changes to the structure can be
easily noted by including the additional description at the end
of the formula e.g. the formation of c-lactone at the c-position is
written as (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23. Notice that the
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Reactions on the central cobalt ion
The central cobalt ion in (CN)Cbl (1) is coordinated to the
cyanide ligand and to the nitrogen atom of dimethylbenzimidazole. There is an equilibrium between the free (base-off) and
coordinated (base-on) form which is shifted by adjusting pH
(Scheme 1).3
The exchange of ionic ligands is straightforward as it
involves aquacobalamin formation and its subsequent treatment with an appropriate salt solution e.g. KCN, KN3, NaSCN,
etc. (Scheme 2).
Reactions occurring at the cobalt ion on vitamin B12 (1) have
been at the centre of research for many years due to its
biological importance. Cobalt-alkyl vitamin B12 analogues are
produced by enzymatic systems as intermediates in the synthesis of coenzymatic forms of corrinoids e.g. methylcobalamin
or adenosylcobalamin, which are cofactors for such vitamin
B12-dependent enzymes as methyltransferase, methylmalonylCoA mutase, dioldehydratase, glyceroldehydratase, deaminases, etc.
The formation of a covalent Co–C bond appears to be a more
demanding process. In order to react, the cobalt ion must be
first reduced. The process can be monitored visually as a colour
change is observed. Cbl (red) reduces to Co(II) (brown) and then
to Co(I) (blue/green) (Scheme 3).1,10
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Fig. 4
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Nomenclature of cobyrinic acid and its derivatives.1,10
Scheme 1
Vitamin B12 base on/base off modes.
Scheme 4
Scheme 2
Synthesis of various Cbl analogues.
Scheme 3
Reduction of cobalt.
There is an array of methods to achieve this goal.13 Commonly
used examples of reducing agents are: NaBH4, Zn, sodium
formate and chromium(II) acetate. Cbl 1 can also be reduced
catalytically using the Adams catalyst giving Co(II)-derivative 1r.
However, the synthesis of Co(I) compound 1s cannot be achieved
using this method. The most controlled manner for reduction
is utilizing electrochemical methods giving either Co(II) or (I)
compound selectively. The synthesis of a Co(I) species 1s is usually
achieved using chemical means. Unfortunately, an excess of
reducing agent can reduce the formed (alkyl)Cbl, hence Co2+ ions
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 6605--6619
Reactions on Co(I) species 1s.
are added to the cobalamin-borohydride solution. This method is
suitable for vitamin B12 coenzyme synthesis.
All the reduced forms of Co are extremely reactive and
spontaneously oxidize to Co(III) species under aerobic conditions.
High reactivity of blue/green cobalamin Co(I) 1s is often utilized for
the synthesis of coenzyme possessing Co-alkyl bonds, e.g. Ado-Cbl
or Me-Cbl. Co(I) derivative 1s reacts with various electrophiles such
as alkyl and acyl halides, aryl diazonium salts, epoxides, Michael
acceptors as well as unsaturated hydrocarbons (Scheme 4).10–13
Handling of the product is extremely important as the
presence of air or light causes decomposition. Therefore, adhering
to strict anaerobic conditions and having an arsenal of aluminium
foil is a must for any vitamin B12 chemist. One exception to the rule
is EtPhCbl 34, also known as antivitamin B12, which is one of the
most stable Cbl derivatives of this type.12
Although cobalt ions can be bound to a number of moieties
(Scheme 4), the method possesses limitations, mostly involving
steric hindrance of an electrophile, stability of the products
as some of them are rapidly oxidized (e.g. benzylcobalamin)
or hydrolyzed (e.g. methyl acrylate derivative) and therefore
are impossible to isolate.13 In the case of alkene or alkyne
analogues the substrate must be activated by conjugation with
an electron withdrawing group e.g. acetylene is used for
vinylCbl 33 synthesis, however employing ethylene gives no
reaction.13 Furthermore, due to low solubility of vitamin B12
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derivatives and required stability of the solvent in reducing
environment the choice of solvent is restricted to H2O, methanol,
ethanol and aq. acetic acid.
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Modifications to the side chains
Mono-acids. Currently, partial hydrolysis of (CN)Cbl 1 is the
only method of exposing reactive sites at the b-, d- and e-positions
via the formation of mono-carboxylic acid. This method is low
yielding and requires a painful and difficult purification process.
In 1972 Yamada and Hogenkamp showed that incubation of
(CN)Cbl 1 in 0.5 N HClaq solution at 37 1C for 3 h gives a
mixture of partially hydrolyzed mono-carboxylic acids.14 In 1980
Matwiyoff et al. further extended this study by confirming the
structure of each isomer using 13C NMR resonance studies.14 For
the synthesis of mono-acids he used 1 N HCl. After purification
the final isolated yields were b-acid 35 15% and d-acid 36 7% and
e-acid 37 9% (Scheme 5).
Cobinamide. The synthesis of cobinamide 16 dates back to
1956. Friedrich and Bernhauer (see within ref. 17) reacted
(CN)Cbl 1 with cerium(III) hydroxide in the presence of excess
cyanide achieving phosphodiester cleavage in good yield
(60–80%, Scheme 6).17 The isolation of (CN)2Cbi 16 from the
crude reaction mixture is difficult, involving several phenol
extractions and column chromatography.
The synthesis of Cbi 16 can also be achieved under acidic
conditions. Brown found that reacting (CN)Cbl 1 with CF3SO3H
under strict anhydrous conditions gives b-CF2HCbi in 78%
yield (Scheme 6).17 The presence of water in the reaction
leads to a decrease in the yield due to epimerization at the
13-position. In 1971 Bonnett et al. made a simple, but very
important discovery.15 Treatment of (CN)Cbl (1) with trifluoroacetic acid at 25 1C for 2 h gives three major products, neo-Cbl
15, neo-Cbi 17 and cobinamide (16), which surprisingly are
completely separable using paper chromatography.9
Scheme 5
Partial hydrolysis of (CN)Cbl 1.
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Scheme 6
Cobinamide synthesis.
Scheme 7 Phosphate coupling to cobinamide. (i) (CN, Cl)Cbi, methyl dichlorophosphate, NaOH, pyridine, freshly distilled DMF, DCC.
Treatment of (CN)Cbl 1 with ZnCl2 and NaBH4 as a reducing
agent furnished Cbi 16 in 56% yield, a decrease from the
original yield, but with much less demanding purifications
required.16 Reactions with other metal salts, including Cu(II)
in MeOH, affords a mixture of two isomers (a-aqua-b-cyanoand a-cyano-b-aqua-) of Cbi 16 in a combined yield of 63%.17
There has been a small number of reports involving the
coupling of phosphates to Cbi 16. In 1993 Toraya successfully
coupled methyldichlorophosphate to Cbi (Scheme 7).18 The
procedure required strict anaerobic conditions (no yield given).
Finke and White also attempted this type of coupling, claiming
superior methodology.18 However, four consecutive column
chromatography purifications were required giving desired
compound 39 in 26% yield.
Cobyric acid. Modification of the ribose moiety includes the
complete cleavage of the tail end of (CN)Cbl 1 giving cobyric
acid (20) (Fig. 3). In 1971 Renz reported the first synthesis of
this compound, a procedure that is still used today as a
standard method.19 This methodology, though effective, uses
extremely harsh reaction conditions (anhydrous ZnCl2, dry
MeOH, 170 1C oil bath, 1 h followed by treatment with
piperidine), which contributes to a low yielding product 20
(11% yield). Although the reaction is quick and straightforward,
the mishmash of by-products in the crude reaction mixture
makes the purification process very long, requiring an assortment of chromatographic techniques. Bonnett et al. continued
this work using a 35% HCl solution to create cobyric acid (20)
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Fig. 6
Fig. 5
from (CN)Cbl 1 with 10% yield.20 Unlike Renz, he identified the
three components in his reaction mixture i.e. b-, d- and e-monoacids a typical mixture for this type of unselective hydrolysis.
The use of cobyric acid (20) in further reactions has been
mainly studied by Kraütler and Zelder. By using an indirect
approach, Kräutler first synthesized nor-vitamin B12 (12),
a derivative of (CN)Cbl lacking the methyl Pr3 group in the
f-amide chain (Fig. 5).21 Cobyric acid (20) was coupled to
(2-aminoethyl)-3 0 -(a-ribazolyl)diphosphate in the presence of
ethylchloroformate giving the desired nor-vitamin B12 (12) in
a decent 73% yield. Using the developed methodology nor-11 18
and iso-Cbi’s22 19 and iso-Cbl23 13 were synthesized.
Zelder and Zhou completely removed the phosphate moiety and
attached to (CN)Cbl 1 a peptide backbone by directly coupling the
appropriate peptide linker to dicyano cobyric acid (Scheme 8).24
These types of compounds favour base off mode as a result
of f-side chain flexibility. Thus, when such a monomer was exposed
to a pH 8.1 solution, inter base-on dimer 41 was formed in 38%
yield (Fig. 6).
Using a different approach Wilbur and co-workers also synthesised two stable (CN)Cbl dimers.3 By reacting either stannylbenzoylaminophthalate di-TFP ester or benzene tricarboxylate tri-TFP ester
with an e-functionalized Cbl derivative the desired dimers were
obtained in approximately 45% yield.
Lactone and lactam. Compared to the remaining three rings
B is the most reactive site on (CN)Cbl 1. It is the only part on the
corrinoid that can be selectively modified in high yields giving
access to cobalamin derivatives.
Scheme 8 Synthesis of a (CN)Cbl 1 derivative with a peptide backbone. (i)
Dimethylamino pyridine-N 0 -(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride, EDCHCl, DMAP, dry DMF, 0 1C–rt, 4 h.
Inter base-on dimer.
Nor- and iso-vitamin B12 and cobinamide derivatives.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 6605--6619
Scheme 9 Ligand effect on chlorination. (i) (CN)Cbl 1, chloroamine-T hydrate,
glacial AcOH, H2O; (ii) MeCbl 42, chloroamine-T hydrate, 1.0 M HCl.
Treatment of (CN)Cbl 1 with chloramine-T allowed chlorination at both the meso- and 8-position followed by spontaneous
lactone formation giving (CN)Cbl(c-lactone)(10-Cl) 43 in an
incredible 90% yield (Scheme 9).10 By replacing the cyano
ligand with a methyl one the nature of the compound altered
allowing for selective chlorination at the 10-position in a
fantastic 82% yield.
Expanding on this type of synthesis; it is also possible
to selectively synthesize either (CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45 or
(CN)Cbl(c-lactam) 46 directly from (CN)Cbl 1 (Scheme 10).10
The synthesis of (CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45 is also fairly straight-forward,
usually being obtained in quantitative yields. Both Todd and
Wilbur reported an excellent methodology for (CN)Cbl(c-lactone)
45 synthesis using the chloroamine-T or NCS/NaI approaches.
We found that using Keese’s modified procedure, e.g. employing
Scheme 10 Synthesis of (CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45 and (CN)Cbl(c-lactam) 46 from
(CN)Cbl 1. (i) NaOH, H2O, 100 1C, 10 min; (ii) NBS, 2 M AcOH, rt, 24 h.
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Scheme 11 Reduction and ring opening of (CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45. (i) 10% (w/v) aq. NH4Cl, zinc wool, 3 h; (ii) 1,4-diaminobutane, 50 1C, 2.5 h or diaminododecane,
80 1C, 24 h.
NBS with a prolonged reaction time, gives (CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45
in high yield.25 Todd and co-workers show that applying 0.1 N aq.
sodium hydroxide at 100 1C for 10 min gives c-lactam 46 in a
respectable 53% yield.
(CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45 has been found to be most useful in
the functionalization of (CN)Cbl 1. Brown demonstrated that
(CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45 can be reduced to (CN)Cbl(c-CO2H) 47
in 80% yield or it can be reacted under melt conditions with
primary diamines to give (CN)Cbl with terminal amine functionality (Scheme 11).26
When (CN)Cbl(c-lactone) 45 was treated with granulated NaBH4
in water at 60 1C the reaction gives a mixture of products. It
emerged that the stereogenic center at the 8-position partially
epimerizes giving the mixture of two epimeric forms of c-acids that
can be readily separated via HPLC, with (CN)-8-epi-Cbl-c-CO2H and
(CN)Cbl(c-CO2H) 47 being isolated in a modest yield of 23% and
46% respectively. The epimerized compound was subsequently
coupled with NH4Cl giving (CN)-8-epi-Cbl 14 in 80% yield.27
Reactions at R5 0 -OH
Toraya et al. was the first to report the selective modification at
the 5 0 -OH position by reacting (CN)Cbl 1 with succinic anhydride
in the presence of pyridine giving a mixture of two compounds
(Scheme 12).28 The major product was the desired 50 -monosuccinyl(CN)Cbl 50 (90% yield) while the minor one was the 20 ,50 -disuccinyl(CN)Cbl derivative.
Activation of the 5 0 -OH position via the reaction of (CN)Cbl 1
with CDT or CDI followed by the addition of a nucleophile is the
most versatile method of Cbl functionalization (Scheme 13).3 The
synthesis of such carbamates is a one pot procedure; (CN)Cbl 1 is
Scheme 12 Coupling of succinic anhydride to (CN)Cbl. (i) Succinic anhydride,
pyridine, DMSO, 1 h, 85%.
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Scheme 13 Coupling at the 5 0 -OH position using CDT. (i) (a) CDT, NMM, DMSO,
GlyOMe, rt-40 1C, 1 h, 58%; (b) 0.1 M NaOH, 30 min, 100%.
first activated with CDI in DMSO at 30 1C for 25 min, followed by
the addition of a primary amine giving the desired product in a
decent yield. For example, Grissom et al. synthesized two simple
derivatives using GlyOMe 51 and 4,7,10-trioxa-tridecanediamine
(Scheme 13).29 NMR studies showed that modifications to the
5 0 -OH position only affect the chemical shifts of the ribose moiety
leaving the remaining corrinoid unaffected. This publication is an
excellent reference tool for those deciphering (CN)Cbl derivatives, in
particular those conjugated at the 50 OH position.
Recently, Doyle et al. reported the synthesis of (CN)Cbl(50 -CO2H)
52, the first direct modification at this position (Fig. 8).30 Oxidation
of the 5 0 -hydroxy group with 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) and
2-hydroxypyridine (HYP) as the O-nucleophile gives the desired
acid in 30% yield.
Subsequently, a reliable synthetic route to ‘‘clickable’’ vitamin B12
53 was established by Gryko and Chromiński.31 The formation of
the azido group at the 50 -OH position was accomplished via 50 -OMs
Fig. 7
Synthesis of (CN)Cbl(5 0 -CO2H).
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Scheme 14
Elimination of the c-position. (i) (a) Diphenylphosphoryl azide, Et3N, MeOH, rt, 48 h and (b) 1.0 N KOH; (ii) pH 10 CAPS buffer, 50 1C, overnight.
Scheme 15
Fracturing the B-ring. (i) (CN)Cbl, 0.2 M NaHCO3 buffer (pH 9.0), incubated at 50 1C, 3 weeks, 6%; (ii) NaBH4, oxygen free H2O, 15 min, 84%.
intermediate (Fig. 7). Reactions were conducted on a large scale with
little purification required – a joy for any chemist.
Modifications to the macrocycle
Modifications to the core of (CN)Cbl 1 have been laid by the waste
side for many years. It was not until recently that some of these
unique compounds came to light. Brown first showed that treatment
of (CN)Cbl(c-NH2) 54, synthesized from (CN)Cbl(c-NHCO2CH3),
with a basic solution under strict anaerobic conditions leads to
complete elimination of the c-position forming the green
corrinoid 55 in 95% yield (Scheme 14).32
On the other hand incubation of (CN)Cbl 1 with a milder
base e.g. 0.2 M NaHCO3 for 3 weeks at 50 1C slightly cracks the
B-ring giving blue corrinoid 56 in a low yield of 6% (Scheme 15).33
By reducing corrinoid 56 with NaBH4 tetrapyrrolic ring reforms
furnishing (CN)Cbl(c-acid)(8-OH) 57 in 84% yield. Electrochemicalreduction gives a similar compound but with a –CH2OH group at
the C5-position in 18% yield.34
Photo-oxidation of (CN)Cbl 1 in the presence of methylene
blue selectively breaks the corrinoid in half into AD 59 and BC
Scheme 16 Fragmentation of (CN)Cbl. (i) (a) hn, O2, methylene blue, KCN,
ethylene glycol–CD3CN (1 : 1), 20 1C, 120 h; (b) 80 1C, 3 h.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 6605--6619
60 fragments held together by coordination to the cobalt
(Scheme 16).35 However, by using high temperature the cobalt
ion can be removed.
Furthermore, it is also possible to synthesize nor-Cbl derivatives,
devoided of the C5 and/or C15 methyl groups.10 Under oxidative
conditions, using KMnO4 in dry pyridine, C5/C15 methyl groups
oxidize to a carboxyl group, which is followed by decarboxylation in
the presence of Ce(OH)2 giving C5-nor 10 or C15-nor-Cbl 11. As usual
some unwanted hydrolysis occurred, but the most interesting was
that it only occurred at the peripheral amide groups surrounding
either the C5/C15 position.
4 Cobyrinic acid derivatives
Hydrophobic cobyrinic heptaesters
Transformation of (CN)Cbl 1 to cobyrinates 25, 61–63 cannot be
easier. By simply dissolving (CN)Cbl 1 in the appropriate
alcohol with concentrated sulfuric acid the desired product
can be isolated within a few days (Scheme 17).3 A few tips: ensure
Scheme 17
Synthesis of (CN)2Cby(OR)7. (i) Alcohol, H2SO4, 60 1C, 72 h.
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that the alcohol solution is degassed prior to the addition of acid. In
our experience the best degassing method is bubbling argon through
the solution with sonication at approximately 40 1C for 30 min.
The synthesis of other cobyrinic acid derivatives is scarce.
In 1994 Munk used (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 to form heptanitrophenylesters which were reacted with long alkyl chains
bearing N-terminal and C-terminal protected groups to give
hepta-acid compounds.36
By subjecting (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 or (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone)
23 to excess of a primary amine in the presence of cyanide or
azide aminolysis of the peripheral methylesters occurs affording
cobinamide derivatives (Scheme 18).6 The synthesis of hydrophobic amides cannot be achieved from (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 due
to undesired hydroxylation at the 8-position.
The complete modification to the peripheral methyl esters via
reduction to alcohol with LiAlH4 in THF was reported by Gossauer
(Scheme 19).3 Subsequent treatment of (CN)2Cby(CH2OH)7 68
with methanesulfonyl chloride gives (CN)2Cby(CH2OMs)7 69 in a
decent yield (61%), which upon further reduction with Li(Et3BH)
in THF affords (CN)2Cby(alkyl)7 70 soluble in hexane and other
non-polar solvents.
Scheme 18 Synthesis of (CN)2Cby(amide)7. (i) (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23,
ethanolamine, Bu4N+Cl , CCl4, 50 1C, 24 h; (ii) (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23,
n-butylamine, NaN3, CCl4, 50 1C, 72 h; (iii) (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25, ethanolamine,
Bu4N+Cl , toluene, 50 1C, 24 h.
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Scheme 20
Synthesis of (CN)2Cby(CN)7 71. (i) DMF, (COCl)2, pyridine, 0 1C, 1 h. 76%.
Scheme 21
Hydrolysis of (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25. (i) TFA, toluene, 14 days, rt.
Kreppelt reported that the terminal amide groups of cobyramide
(21) could be transformed into cyano groups by treatment with
phosgene and pyridine in DMF (Scheme 20).3,37
Cby dimers were prepared from (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 derivatives.
Partial hydrolysis of (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 and (CN)2Cby(OMe)7(c-lactone) 23 gives a mixture of mono-acids, which can be isolated
in low yields of approx. 10% (Scheme 21).38
Subsequently (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(b-acid) 72 was transformed
into (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(b-NH2) through a multistep process involving
acyl azide synthesis and Curtius rearrangement. When
(CN)2Cby(OMe)6(b-NH2) reacts with (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(f-nitrobenzyl) the desired dimer is formed. This methodology was
then transferred into the synthesis of a,c/c,a-dimers via the
usage of (CN)2Cby(OMe)5(a-acid)(c-lactone). (Links to all theses
mentioned above can be found in the ESI.†)
Scheme 19 Synthesis of (CN)2Cby(CH3)7 70. (i) (CN)(H2O)Cby(OMe)7, LiAlH4, THF, 2 h,
0 1C; (ii) MsCl, DMF, Et3N, 5 1C–rt, 25 h; (iii) 0.1 M Li(Et3BH) in THF, THF, 0 1C–rt, 60 h.
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Lactone synthesis and reactions
The most useful cobyrinic acid derivative for further functionalization is (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23. The original method for
c-lactone synthesis used chloroamine-T, however this approach is
littered with unwanted by-products and requires control over
the cobalt ligands.39 On the other hand, Keese’s methodology
for c-lactone synthesis is the definitive way to isolate this handy
compound.25 Utilizing N-bromosuccinimide in 2 M AcOH the
c-lactone is first formed on (CN)Cbl (ensure NBS is added
portionwise), followed by methanolysis of the six remaining
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Scheme 22 Synthesis of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23 from (CN)Cbl 1. (i) (a)
NBS, 2 M AcOH aq. rt, 5 h; (b) MeOH, H2SO4, 60 1C, 5 days.
amide groups (Scheme 22). One point that has not been mentioned
by Keese is that when you separate the desired c-lactone it is worthy
to collect unreacted and partially hydrolyzed material for further
hydrolysis. This will greatly increase your yield.
Further functionalization of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23 can be
achieved via reduction to either c-acid or c-alcohol, or via lactone ring
opening (Scheme 23). Treatment of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23
with Zn/AcOH in toluene gives (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-acid) 75 within
minutes (Scheme 23).25 Be sure to activate zinc before use and degas
the AcOH/toluene solution. The reaction takes approx. 20 min, usually
when it turns dark green it is completed. However, monitoring by TLC is
advised as appearances can be deceiving. (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-acid) 76
can be further coupled using various protocols forming esters or
amides.3 Amide and ester formation is straightforward utilizing
EDC/DMAP or DEPC methodology. In our experience (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-acid) 76 can be temperamental when it comes to choosing
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coupling reagent, so if one fails just try another one. Average yields
do not exceed 60–70%. Another but less productive method is the
activation of the (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-acid) 75 with ClCO2C(Me)2CCl3
and then coupling to give amides or esters in approx. 30% yield.
On the other hand (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23 is reduced with
NaBH4 to alcohol 77.40
The ring opening of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23 opens a gateway to the diverse selective functionalization at c- and d-positions
(Scheme 24).41 Addition of a primary amine depending on the
reaction condition gives either mono- or di-amides in excellent
yields. Mono-amides upon treatment with cyanide convert to spirolactone 82 which can be opened with another primary amine or
reduced to d-acid 86. (CN)2Cby(OMe)5(c-acid)(d-amide) 87 can also
be obtained from di-amide. By mixing di-amide with an acid
e.g. TFA, c-lactone 85 reforms and can be reduced to c-acid 87. Both
c- and d-acids can then be easily coupled to compounds, such as
amino acids, using DEPC as a coupling reagent.
Moreover, in the presence of ascorbic acid and oxygen yellow
compound 88 bearing a lactone located between the C6 and
C7-positions with the hydroxyl group at the C5-position is formed
in a low yield of 10% (Scheme 25).42 Subsequently, it serves as a
starting material for the synthesis of spirolactone 89. Furthermore
utilizing c-amide 90, synthesized by coupling of NH3 to (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23, a yellow corrinoid derivative 91 can be obtained.
Scheme 23 Synthesis of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-CO2H) 76 and (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-OH) 77 and coupling with various amines. (i) (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-CO2H) 76 synthesis: Zn,
AcOH, toluene, rt, 20 min; (ii) (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-OH) 77 synthesis: NaBH4. Example of coupling: (iii) (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-CO2H) 76, 1-(6-hydroxy-hexyl)-cytosine, EDC
HCl, DMAP, DCM, DMF, 0 1C–rt, 2 h; (iv) (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-CO2H) 76, n-butylamine, DEPC, Et3N, DMF, rt, 18 h.41
Scheme 24 (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23 ring opening. (i) Amine, dioxane, rt, 24 h; (ii) KCN, dioxane, rt, 48 h; (iii) Zn, AcOH, toluene, rt, 20 min; (iv) amine DCM, rt,
24 h; (v) 50% TFA in DCM, rt, 1 h.
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Scheme 25 Synthesis of the yellow corrinoids. (i) Ascorbic acid, NaHCO3, phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), 0.01 M EDTA, MeOH, O2, 65 1C, 3 h; (ii) ascorbic acid, KHCO3,
phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), 0.01 M EDTA, MeOH, O2, 65 1C, 3 h; (iii) ascorbic acid, KHCO3, phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), 0.01 M EDTA, MeOH, O2, 70 1C, 3 h.
Scheme 26 meso-Modifications. (i) NO2BF4, acetic acid, 4 d, rt. 76%; (ii) NaBH4,
methanol, 53%; (iii) N-iodosuccinimide, acetic acid, 48 h, rt. 54%; (iv) N-bromosuccinimide, glacial acetic acid, 15 min, rt. 91%.
Modifications at the meso-position
Upon exposure to either N-bromosuccinimide or N-iodosuccinimide,
(CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 is easily halogenated at the meso-position
(Scheme 26).39 Similarly, nitration with nitrosulfuric acid gives
(CN)2Cby(OMe)6(10-NO2) 94.43
The most commonly used derivative of this class is
(CN)2Cby(OMe)7(10-NH2) 28, which is synthesized from the
(CN)2Cby(OMe)6(10-NO2) 94 intermediate. It reacts with anhydrides,
acids and aldehydes.3,43 In the case of coupling with acids only
DCC can be utilized, in our experience this is the only method that
works efficiently. The use of different coupling reagents only
hinders the reaction, when EDCHCl is used a lactam by-product
Scheme 28 Synthesis and further transformations of pyrocobester (100). (i)
Decalin, reflux, 45 min; (ii) Pd/C, formic acid, benzene, THF, glass ampule, no light,
85 1C, 6 h or zinc, AcOH, N2, rt, 12 min; (iii) CCl4, O2, 200 W W-lamp, 5 min.
between the d-position and C10 forms (Scheme 27).43 This is
due to the presence of acid, hence reacting meso-amine 28 in
DCM with TFA furnishes (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(10-d-lactam) 95 in
79% yield. After Boc-protection it can be opened with a primary
amine, allowing access to selectively functionalized derivatives
at the d- and meso-position of type 99.
Core modifications
By refluxing (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 in decalin the acetyl group at
the c-position magically disappears to give green pyrocobester
100 in 34% yield, which after reduction furnishes 7-decarboxymethyl-cobyrinate 101 in 62% yield Scheme 28.44 Pyrocobester
100 is very sensitive to oxygen and light, making its purification
difficult. After oxidation the compound turns from green to
violet furnishing secocorrinoid 102 in 96% yield.
This type of oxidation can also occur with (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-O-octadecyl) 103 or even (CN)Cbl 1 using methylene blue
(Scheme 29).45
5 Purification
Scheme 27 Selective functionalization of the d- and meso-position. (i) 50% TFA
in DCM, rt, 5 h. 79%; (ii) (Boc)2O, DMAP, DCM, rt, 23 h. 73%; (iii) ethanolamine,
NaCN, Et3N, DMF, rt, 24 h. 85%; (iv) TFA, triethylamine, DCM, rt, 30 min. 61%;
(v) Boc-b-Ala-OH, EDC, DCM, 0 1C–rt, 6 h. 74%.
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A quantitative yielding Cbl reaction that requires no purification is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Due to many Cbl
analogues possessing similar physical and chemical properties
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Scheme 29 Oxidation of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-O-octadecyl) 103. (i) Methylene
blue, CD3OD, O2, light, 30 min.
purification can be tricky. The following gives a brief overview
of diverse purification techniques used in Cbl chemistry.
Cobalamin derivatives
Purification of Cbl derivatives is a skill in itself usually involving
multistep processes. However some good strategies are known.
Phenol extraction used for salts and organic soluble compounds removal. The first step in Cbl purification is usually
phenol extraction, a very important technique to master.10
However, there are only a handful of reports detailing the full
extraction process, usually the crude reaction is diluted with
water and washed with phenol–DCM (w/v, 1 : 1). The phenol
solution is then diluted with DCM approx. four times its volume.
A product is then back extracted using fresh water. If the product
remains in the phenol phase; just add more DCM. This process
can be repeated two or three times to ensure complete removal
of all salts and compounds soluble in organic solvents. An
alternative to phenol extraction is Sep-Pak chromatography.
Chromatography. Column chromatography of Cbl involves a
number of techniques. In the early days ion exchange column
chromatography was used with a Dowex stationary phase.37
Nowadays, reverse phase (RP) C-8 or C-18 silica is more common,
although some examples of using the normal phase are known.6
HPLC on an analytical and preparative scale is often used
throughout the literature for difficult separation.
Precipitation. Most of the hydrophilic derivatives are soluble
in water and/or simple alcohols and can be precipitated using such
systems as H2O–acetone, MeOH–Et2O, EtOH–DCM, etc. many of
these systems have produced crystals suitable for X-ray analysis.
Cobyrinic acid derivatives
Extraction. Most Cby derivatives are hydrophobic therefore
work-up is quite easy. The first step involves extraction, in
which the crude mixture is diluted with an organic solvent
(DCM, etc.) and washed consecutively with aqueous media. The
last wash usually involves an aq. KCN wash.
Warning: it is important to remember that CN is a strong
base and under acidic conditions protonates giving poisonous
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HCN. The choice of solvent is also important for extraction. For
example, in the synthesis of (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 Murakami
et al. described the use of CCl4, which selectively separated
the desired product from not fully esterified by-products (see
within ref. 3).
Chromatography. Column chromatography is the best
method for purification of Cby derivatives. Although Cby derivatives can be complex and difficult compounds to work with
they do have intense colours making purification a little bit
easier. Back in the day paper or TLC chromatography was used
for the separation of small amounts of organic material.44 More
modern approaches involve using flash chromatography,
dry column vacuum chromatography (DCVC) or HPLC.44 The
eluent of choice for these techniques is a mixture of a nonpolar
(DCM, chloroform, AcOEt, toluene) and polar (EtOH, MeOH,
i-PrOH) solvents. More complex systems include the use
of hexane–i-PrOH–MeOH–HCN.25 Other less often utilised
stationary phases, used most often for desalting reaction mixtures, include such materials as Sephadex or Amberlite.18 In
our opinion, dry column vacuum chromatography (DCVC) is a
superior method for separating Cby derivatives.46 The basic
concept is using a very small meshed silica which is packed into
a sintered column. Vacuum is required to draw the eluent
through hence separating your compound. It is recommended
to include cyanide on the column if a dicyano product is
required. Due to the acidity of the silica (CN)Cby (red) can
form making purification more difficult. In our experience the
addition of solid NaCN on the top of the column is the safest
and most practical method. We also advise the use of EtOH
over MeOH when possible. However, when separating Cby
bearing carboxylic moieties MeOH is required as the fraction
becomes more sharp on the column making it possible to
separate compounds of similar polarity. For more difficult
separations the use of toluene–MeOH is helpful.
Precipitation. The precipitation of the pure product is
advisable. In our experience the product is stable for longer.
Typical solvent systems used are AcOEt–hexane, DCM–pentane
and chloroform–heptane, but depending on the product others
are also possible.
6 Analysis of (CN)Cbl 1 and its derivatives
NMR spectra
At first look the NMR spectra below would scare a ghost (Fig. 8).
However please do not despair, with a little help and practice the
general elucidation of these spectra is easy. When a full assignment is required e.g. COSY, HSQC, HMBC, etc. techniques are
employed, it can get a bit more tricky. When using 2D NMR
always start from the most clearly resolved signal, which is
usually C10 at approx. 6 ppm.
In the case of (CN)Cbl 1 the spectra are easier to solve, due to
the signals being well separated and defined (Fig. 8). Also there
is a lot of literature now based primarily on NMR analysis of
(CN)Cbl 1 further helping in tackling these spectra. A rough
guide to the 1H NMR can be seen in Fig. 8. For more precise
direction see ref. 1.
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Fig. 8
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NMR of (CN)Cbl 1 in DMSO.
Fig. 10 UV-Vis spectra of CNCbl 1 in H2O (0.35 mM) and (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 in
DCM (0.35 mM).
Fig. 9
NMR of (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 in CD3Cl.
The choice of solvent is very important in both the analysis
of (CN)Cbl 1 and Cby derivatives. In order to visualise the amide
peaks of (CN)Cbl 1 the sample must be run in DMSO. In the
case of Cby derivatives the choice of solvent is critical due to the
loss of the CN ligand occurring causing splitting of peaks.
In our experience [D8]toluene is the best solvent, however
if solubility is an issue CD2Cl2 is very useful. If there is an
hydroxyl group on the macrocycle then [D6]DMSO is recommended. As with (CN)Cbl, Fig. 9 shows a rough guide to
(CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 elucidation. Unfortunately, in our experience even a small alteration to the Cby derivative can cause a
multitude of shifts.
UV-Vis spectroscopy
Cbl analogues possess very intensive and deep colours. Their
light absorption is due to p–p transitions in the corrin ring,
where we can find six conjugated double bonds.9 In the
absorption spectra of (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 characteristic bands
are observed: ab series at E600–450 nm, ED series at E400 nm,
g at E370–350 nm and d at E330–300 nm (Fig. 10).9
Intensity of these bands and their bathochromic or hypsochromic shift vary for each derivative and are influenced by
such factors as axial ligands, central metal ion and substituents
in the corrin ring (Fig. 11).47
The effect of ligands is highlighted in Fig. 11. The value of
the extinction for a, b and g bands in dicyanocobalamin is by
far the biggest, but at the same time ED and d bands display
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Fig. 11 The influence of the axial ligand on absorption spectra of (CN)Cbl (—),
ethynylCbl(), vinylCbl (--) and methylCbl (---).47 (Reproduced with permission
from Prof. Williams. Copyright 1965, Royal Society Publishing.)
the smaller extinction. Solvent can also have such an effect,
however the difference is only slight but noticeable.1,10
Circular dichroism spectroscopy
CD not only gives the same information as UV-Vis but contributes in
confirming conformational and epimeric changes in the corrin ring
(Fig. 12).1 A good example is a set of two epimers: (CN)Cbl 1 (A) and
neo-Cbl 15 (B), which differ only in the configuration at the C13
carbon atom (Fig. 12). In the wavelength around 300 nm compound
A exhibits a positive peak whereas compound B – negative. Also,
Fig. 12 CD of (CN)Cbl 1 (A) and neo-Cbl 15 (B) in 0.1 M KCN (reproduced from
ref. 45 with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry).48
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extinction coefficients for the signals at 400 nm differ significantly in value, making these two compounds easy to distinguish
using this technique.
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7 Summary
Vitamin B12 is a highly functionalized molecule with a variety of
methodologies available for exposing its reactive sites. Modifications to (CN)Cbl 1 can be selectively conducted on the central
cobalt giving a wide range of Cbl analogues. Other selective
reactions can occur at the 5 0 -OH position by reacting with
anhydrides or CDI/CDT, or at the c-position utilizing a easily
prepared lactone. 5 0 -OH can be further transformed into either
a carboxylic acid (5 0 -CO2H) or azide (5 0 -N3). Other less selective
reactions include the popular partial hydrolysis, which is the
only known method that gives mono-acids at the b, d or e
positions. Complete removal of the ribose moiety gives cobyric
acid, which can be coupled with a variety of simple and complex
groups to synthesize a number of cobalamin and cobinamide
derivatives. Partial cleavage of the tail end gives cobinamide which
can also be used for the same purpose. Modifications to the
macrocyclic core are rare although examples such as breaking of
the B-ring or fragmentation of the vitamin are known.
The most commonly used derivatives are those created from
cobyrinic acid (20). Its derivatives consist of hepta-esters giving
hydrophobic analogues. As with cobalamin it is possible to
form (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23, which can be reduced to
(CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-CO2H) 79 or opened using primary amines
under mild conditions giving c- or c/d-amides. In this case
the spirolactone intermediate can be isolated and reduced to
d-acid. Further selective modifications can occur at the mesoposition e.g. (CN)2Cby(OMe)7(10-NH2) 28 which allows for the
coupling of various anhydrides or acids, it is even possible
to create (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(d,10-lactam). This gives access to
functionalization of both the d- and 10-position. Aminolysis
of (CN)2Cby(OMe)6(c-lactone) 23 and (CN)2Cby(OMe)7 25 gives
hydrophobic and hydrophilic cobinamides.
The chemistry of vitamin B12 has been studied for many
years providing an array of useful derivatives that has been
utilized in a variety of applications. However this work is still
ongoing with a vast amount of possibilities still available for
our young scientists.
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This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund with the TEAM program, grant no. TEAM/2009-3/4.
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