Econ. Innov. New Techn., 2003, October, Vol. 12(5), pp. 425–447
Research Department, Bank of Israel; bBerglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University,
69978 Tel Aviv, Israel
(Received 14 December 2001; Revised 20 August 2002; In final form 12 September 2002)
We study financing patterns of publicly traded R&D-intensive manufacturing firms in Israel. We further characterize
R&D-intensive firms by size, physical capital intensity, and whether they issued stocks in the United States, asking
whether these features are associated with particular financing patterns. To address these issues, we present, for the
first time, adjusted flow of funds charts that treat R&D expenses as a capital outlay (rather than an operating cost that
reduces profits, as standard accounting principles prescribe). We also address the question of how R&D inputs should
be measured – using R&D expenses or R&D personnel. We construct both expenditure- and personnel-based R&D
measures for each firm in our sample, and investigate to what extent these measures are mutually consistent.
Keywords: Cash flow; Equity; Financing; Flow of funds; Government grants and subsidies; R&D
JEL Classification: D21, H25, G32, G38, L6, O32
We investigate whether financing patterns of publicly traded R&D-intensive firms differ from
those of comparable firms that are not meaningfully engaged in R&D. There are three major
reasons for expecting such differences. First, R&D activities are hard to monitor and thus
entail high potential for misalignment of interests between the founding manager-owners
and providers of external financing. As a consequence, R&D expenditures are more likely
to be financed with internally generated funds. Second, R&D capital often takes the form
of knowledge, which is not a physical asset that can be used as collateral. This limits the ability of R&D-intensive firms to borrow, and suggests that external financing to such firms is
likely to be provided in exchange for equity. Third, because the accumulated knowledge
from R&D cannot be kept secret (and the effectiveness of patents has its limits) the returns
on R&D expenditure cannot be fully appropriated by firms, suggesting that the government
might provide financing for such investment, for example in the form of grants and cheap
external funds. For a lucid exposition of these arguments see Himmelberg and Petersen
(1994), Hall (2002), and references therein.
* E-mail:
[email protected]
Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]
ISSN 1043-8599 print; ISSN 1476-8364 online # 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080=1043859022000029249
Hall (2002) further assesses the empirical evidence on the financing of R&D. Most
evidence on this issue is from the United States, with some evidence from the United
Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, and Ireland. In recent years, Israel has become a
world center of R&D and technological innovation, and it is of interest to investigate financing patterns of R&D firms there.
Much of the R&D activity in various countries is carried out in relatively mature firms that
are often publicly traded on a stock exchange. These firms have access to a variety of financing sources and, in addition, are eligible for government R&D subsidies. Our sample
consists of such firms (as is the case in several studies cited in Hall, 2002). We ask whether
the R&D-intensive firms in the sample are special and whether they are financed differently
from other firms in the sample.
Our study is unique in several respects. First, we construct firm-by-firm and year-by-year
flow of funds charts that allow us to track the relative importance of all the financing sources,
and all the uses of funds including R&D expenses. Second, we present, for the first time,
adjusted flow of funds charts that treat R&D expenses as a capital outlay (rather than an
operating cost that reduces profits, as standard accounting principles prescribe). Third, we compare the financing patterns of publicly traded Israeli R&D-intensive firms that issued stocks in
New York to those that issued stocks only in Israel.1 Fourth, we tackle the question of how R&D
intensity should be measured. The OECD has addressed this important issue in the Frascati
Manual (OECD, 1993) that establishes criteria for measuring R&D inputs using R&D expenses
and R&D personnel.2 It should be noted that the relative merits of these different methodologies
for measuring R&D inputs are not fully understood. We partially address this issue by constructing both expenditure and personnel-based R&D measures for each firm in our sample.
We investigate to what extent these measures are mutually consistent, and conclude that for
the purposes of a study like ours, R&D expenses are more meaningful.
In many countries, the government subsidizes R&D in young companies.3 Israel is no exception in this respect, although the Israeli government also subsidizes several established firms in
the form of R&D grants. A secondary goal of this paper is to follow Griliches and Regev (1999,
2001) and characterize firms in the sample that receive substantial government assistance for
R&D.4 A systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of such policy is beyond the scope of
this paper, but the information we report raises some potentially important questions.
A branch of the empirical literature on R&D financing concentrates on determinants of
R&D expenditures and, in particular, on whether they are sensitive to cash flow. Following
Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen (1988), a positive answer is interpreted as indication of
liquidity constraints. A related question in such studies is whether liquidity constraints
have a larger effect on R&D expenditure than on other types of investment. (This might
be the case if there is greater information asymmetry in the financing of R&D projects.)
Prominent contributions on this issue are Hall (1992), Himmelberg and Petersen (1994),
Bond, Harhoff, and Van Reenen (1999), and Mulkay, Hall, and Mairesse (2000). The robust
finding in these studies is that cash flow affects R&D expenditure.
Our sample of Israeli publicly traded manufacturing firms in the 1990s is not ideal for
studying financing constraints because part of the 1990s were a ‘‘hot-issue’’ market for public
See Blass and Yafeh (2001).
The Manual is summarized in OECD (1994).
‘‘Examples of such programs are the U.S. Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) and Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) programs. Together, these programs disbursed 2.4 billion in 1995 . . . In Germany, more
than 800 federal and state government programs have been established in the recent past . . . ’’ (Hall, 2002, p.14) Hall
also describes such programs in Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Much aid for R&D is directed to universities and start-ups. We do not study these important channels of R&D
subsidy; see Trajtenberg (2000).
equity offerings on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. In addition, international capital movements were liberalized in the early 1990s and firms were permitted to issue equity abroad.
As a result, most of the firms in our sample raised considerable amounts of equity capital
in Tel Aviv and New York (see Blass and Yafeh, 2001), and were abundant in cash and liquid
assets. It is unlikely that they felt liquidity constrained during these years. When firms raise
external equity financing, the relevant question is whether ‘‘internally generated funds plus
external equity financing’’ is associated with higher R&D investment.5 We briefly address
this issue for the sake of comparison with the above-mentioned literature.
Our data set consists of the population of manufacturing firms listed on the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange (about 250 firms),6 and is augmented here to include an additional 70 Israeli firms
traded on U.S. exchanges. In terms of the type of firms under consideration, the sample is
comparable to U.S. data employed in Himmelberg and Petersen (1994) and Cohen
and Klepper (1992), and U.K. data employed in Bond, Harhoff, and Van Reenen (1999) –
in all these studies the data pertain to relatively mature companies traded on a stock
exchange.7 Bond, Harhoff, and Van Reenen acknowledge that for both the U.K. and the
German data they use, ‘‘the samples are not representative of firms in either country’’.
(Appendix I.) This qualification pertains to all the above mentioned studies including our
own.8 Griliches and Regev (1999, 2001) use an impressive sample of over 24,000 Israeli
manufacturing firms, the overwhelming majority of which are not traded on a stock
exchange. Their sample is considerably more representative of the population of firms but
lacks financial data and is, therefore, inappropriate for studying the financing of R&D.9
In recent years, small start-up firms, typically financed by venture capital, are becoming
increasingly important. There are several studies that focus on such firms, as surveyed in
Bottazzi and Da Rin (2002) and Hall (2002).10 Ideally, we would want a comprehensive sample that incorporates all types of firms – young start-ups, more mature but privately held
firms, and mature publicly traded companies – with real and financial data. Unfortunately,
such a sample is not available for any country. Obviously, this limits the ability to draw policy
conclusions from any single study.
In our main analysis, we characterize the firms in the sample that are R&D-intensive in terms of
industry, age, size, geographical location, and profitability. To address the issue of R&D financing, we use the flow of funds to calculate, for each firm-year observation, the ratios of internal
funds, debt, equity, and government financing (capital grants, R&D grants, and deferred taxes)
to total sources and, similarly, the ratios of capital expenditure, investment in inventory, investment
in liquid assets, investment in R&D, and dividend payouts to total uses. We further compute, for
each firm-year observation, standard accounting profitability ratios such as net profits to sales and
net profits to equity, as well as year-by-year Tobin’s q. We then examine whether R&D-intensive
firms rely more on equity financing, bank credit, government assistance, or internal funds,
whether they differ in terms of non-R&D uses of funds, and whether they exhibit higher accounting profitability. We also ask whether (lagged) Tobin’s q and liquid funds (internally generated
Internally generated funds correspond to ‘‘cash flow’’ conventionally measured as profits plus depreciation.
See Blass and Yosha (2002).
Himmelberg and Petersen (1994) use COMPUSTAT data for firms listed on stock exchanges in the United States,
limiting the sample to firms with assets less than 10 million U.S. dollars. Cohen and Klepper (1992) use a sample of
several hundred firms in Fortune’s top 1000 list. For the United Kingdom, Bond, Harhoff, and Van Reenen (1999) use
a sample of manufacturing firms listed on a stock exchange.
In the next section, we compare sample averages in our data to those of Israeli national-level data published by the
Central Bureau of Statistics and the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Bound et al. (1984) describe the construction and merging of various data sets of publicly traded manufacturing
firms in the United States but they do not address the issue of financing.
See the international comparison of investments backed by venture capital in Germany, Israel, Japan, and the
U.K. by Mayer, Schoors, and Yafeh (2001).
funds and new equity financing) are determinants of such investment. Finally, we evaluate the relative stock market performance of R&D-intensive firms.
We describe the sample of firms, the raw data sources, and the procedure for constructing
firm-level year-by-year flow of funds. We then explain our definition of R&D-intensity
and compare with another method used in the literature. We characterize the financing patterns of the firms in the sample, and calculate firm-level year-by-year Tobin’s q, checking
whether R&D-intensive firms are different.
General Description of the Sample
The sample consists of about 250 Israeli manufacturing firms that are listed on the Tel Aviv
Stock Exchange,11 and 70 Israeli firms traded on U.S. exchanges (a total of 321 firms). We
follow the sample for 8 years, from 1990 to 1997. Almost two thirds of the firms in the sample went public during the 1990s, while many that had been listed prior to the 1990s issued
more stock in this period, particularly in 1992 and 1993.
The sample includes most large Israeli manufacturing firms in electronics and chemicals
(including pharmaceuticals), the sub-sectors in which most R&D is performed.12 Of the 50
largest firms in these sub-sectors in 1997 (by sales), 36 are in our sample either directly or as
subsidiaries of publicly listed firms. (The remaining firms are privately held, or are stateowned enterprises, or subsidiaries of U.S. firms such as Motorola.) Moreover, these 36 firms
represent 73 percent of sales of the 50 largest firms in the above sub-sectors. Our sample of publicly traded manufacturing firms is not representative of the nation-wide manufacturing sector,
but it is reasonably representative of the sub-population of mature large manufacturing firms.13
Data Sources
Data were collected from four key sources: (1) financial statements obtained mostly from a
COMPUSTAT-type database (‘‘Dukas’’) compiled by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange from
annual reports; (2) stock price data; (3) prospecti submitted by firms issuing equity (IPOs
or seasoned offerings) during the 1990s; and (4) flow statements compiled by the Bank of
Israel Research Department from annual reports. In addition, we collected data on geographic
location and firm age (mostly from firm prospecti).
Financial Statements Data
The Dukas database contains information on all the securities listed on the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange. Because Dukas contains just four or five years of data at any point in time, it was
In the official Tel Aviv Stock Exchange classification by industry, the category ‘‘manufacturing’’ includes
venture capital firms and holding companies. To preserve the (relative) homogeneity of the sample, these firms are
not included.
Electronics includes communication equipment, medical and scientific equipment, electronic components,
hardware, and some types of software, while chemicals includes basic chemicals, fertilizers, pharmaceutical, refining,
paints, and plastics. In our sample, 63 percent of R&D expenditure is by firms in electronics and 22 percent in
It goes without saying that our sample of publicly traded manufacturing firms is not representative of the
population of start-up firms that only perform R&D and are often backed by venture capital.
necessary to reconstruct early financial statements figures by matching current and older versions
of Dukas. Since firms that go public are required to provide financial statements for twoyears prior
to the IPO, our sample includes pre-IPO data for such IPOs (more than half of the sample).
Stock Price Data
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange provides daily data for all securities listed on the exchange. The
data include price changes, number of shares outstanding, year of IPO and dividend information. The data have been stored and accumulated by the Bank of Israel Research Department
and allow us to compute a firm’s market value at any point in time. Data for stocks listed in
the United States have been mainly entered by hand from daily newspapers. We use these
data for calculating firm-level Tobin’s q, stock ‘‘beta’s’’, and stock excess returns.
We collected data from prospecti submitted to the Israeli Securities Authority (and the U.S.
SEC) in which firms issuing equity are required to provide information about their lines of
business, future prospects, business risks, ownership structure, geographic locations of plants
and markets, R&D expenses, year of incorporation, and distribution of employees’ occupations. Since most firms issued equity during the 1990s, either for the first time as IPOs or as a
seasoned offering, the data are available for the overwhelming majority of firms.
Flow Statements
The Bank of Israel Research Department has collected the 1990 through 1997 annual reports
for listed firms and entered by hand for each firm and each year the ‘‘Consolidated Flow
Statement’’. The statement decomposes the change in a firm’s balances into flows derived
from operating activities, investment activities, and financing activities (broken down into
up to 50 sub-entries). This information allows us to construct a flow of funds for each
firm-year in the sample.
In order to summarize the information contained in the flow statements, the approximately 50
types of entries provided in the statements were combined into 10 broader groups. Four – internal funds, net stock issues,14 net increase in debt, and government financing – can be viewed as
alternative sources of capital; six – capital expenditure, R&D expenses, the increase in inventories, in other working capital, in liquid assets, and dividend payments are ‘‘uses’’. For each
firm-year observation, we compute the ratios of these sources and uses to total sources, as
well as standard profitability ratios such as net profits to sales and net profits to equity.15
Some of the observations are obvious outliers (e.g., in terms of one or more of these ratios),
and were removed; see the Appendix for a detailed description of the procedure used.
Measuring R&D-Intensity
We follow the vast majority of studies in this area and rely on firm-level self-reported R&D
expenses as a measure of R&D-intensity. These expenses are reported in the Dukas database
for companies listed in Tel Aviv and by COMPUSTAT for companies listed in the United
Convertible bonds are treated here as equity, even though the interest on such bonds appears as an expense (and
not as a dividend payout).
The calculation of the flow of funds is analogous to that in Blass and Yosha (2002). The differences arise in the
treatment of R&D expenses, described later, that required construction of the entire flow of funds charts from scratch.
States. Publicly traded firms adhere to very precise (and quite strict) guidelines for reporting
expenses, issued by the Israeli Securities Authority and the U.S. SEC. Yet, R&D expenses
reported in the profit and loss statements are not sufficiently precise for our purposes because
they are net of government R&D subsidies. We, therefore, rely on the flow statements of
these firms, as well as the notes to the financial statements, to construct firm-by-firm series
of gross R&D expenses, government R&D subsidies, and R&D royalties paid to the government whenever relevant.
We define R&D-intensity as the ratio of gross R&D expenses to total uses (or total
sources). We calculate this ratio for every firm-year observation, but in most of the analysis
we rely on the average ratio over time as a measure of a firm’s overall R&D-intensity. Using
this average measure we classify firms into broad R&D-intensity groups. For the sake of
robustness, and to be consistent with other studies, we also employ R&D-intensity calculated
as the ratio of R&D expenses to non-financial uses, to sales, and to (lagged) fixed capital.
Another Measure of R&D-Intensity
Alternatively, R&D-intensity can be measured by R&D personnel. Quoting from OECD
(1994) regarding ways to measure R&D-intensity: ‘‘For statistical purposes two inputs are
measured: R&D expenditures and R&D personnel. Both inputs are normally measured on
an annual basis: so much spent during a year, so many person-years used during a year.
Both series have their strengths and weaknesses, and, in consequence, both are necessary
to secure an adequate representation of the effort devoted to R&D’’. (p.6).16 These strengths
and weaknesses have not been studied systematically with firm-level data. The next few paragraphs constitute a modest first step.
In Israel, data on R&D personnel and R&D expenses are collected by the Central Bureau
of Statistics for a wide range of firms (including privately held firms) as part of the
Manufacturing and Crafts Surveys (unreported) and the Survey of Research and
Development in Manufacturing ( published).17 In this study, we restrict attention to publicly
traded firms for which financial data are available.18 For these firms, the R&D personnel
measure is based on the percentage of employees engaged in R&D activities, and is obtained
from equity offerings prospecti. For each firm in our sample, we construct this measure,
asking whether it is consistent with the expense-based measure of R&D-intensity.
The findings are summarized in Exhibit A. The correlation of the personnel-based and the
expenditure-based measures is reasonably high, with 94 firms (out of 238 firms for whom we
have data on workforce composition) both reporting R&D expenses and employing R&D
personnel, and 78 firms not reporting R&D expenses nor employing such personnel. Only
17 firms report R&D expenses without employing personnel specializing in R&D. It turns
out that these firms did not employ R&D personnel at the time they went public, but in
later years engaged in small amounts of R&D activity.
Approximately one fifth of the firms (49 out of 238) report zero R&D expenses, yet employ
engineers and other research-type personnel. This requires investigation. In particular, the
question arises whether R&D spending may be understated because it would seem that such
See also OECD (1993).
For certain years, such data are also available internationally in surveys conducted by the United States National
Science Foundation; see Bound et al. (1984, p.26) for a discussion.
Of the 50 largest Israeli manufacturing firms in electronics and chemicals (including pharmaceuticals), the two
manufacturing sub-sectors with the highest R&D-intensity, 36 firms are in our sample, of which 25 report R&D
expenses. The largest firm, the Oil Refineries, does not report R&D expenses, but the next largest 11 firms (4
chemical, 1 pharmaceutical, and 6 in electronics) all report R&D expenses. Two excluded firms are very large and
spend considerable resources on R&D (Israel Aircraft – the second largest, and Motorola Israel – fifth).
firms might actually be conducting R&D. If so, some of the 57 firms for whom no employment
data are available and report no R&D spending might also be conducting R&D.
Exhibit A – Reporting of R&D Expenses in Annual Reports
versus Percentage of Employees in R&D from Prospecti
R&D employees in prospectus
YES (# of firms)
NO (# of firms)
Unknown (no prospectus)
Reporting R&D expenses in annual reports
YES (# of firms)
NO (# of firms)
To address this issue, we study in detail the type of activities undertaken by the 49 firms
employing R&D personnel but not reporting R&D expenses. We first discuss the accounting
and legal guidelines according to which publicly listed firms report R&D.
Israeli accounting practices generally conform to the accounting standards of the Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States.19 According to FASB Statement 2,
R&D costs are charged as an expense (rather than an investment) when incurred. Research is
defined as a ‘‘planned search or critical investigation aimed at discovery of new knowledge with
the hope that such knowledge will be useful in developing a new product . . . or a new process or
in bringing about significant improvement to an existing product or process’’. Development is
defined as the ‘‘translation of research findings . . . into a plan or design for a new product or
process or for a significant improvement to an existing product or process . . . ’’
According to the FASB, the types of activities that typically would be included as a
research and development expense include:
1. laboratory research aimed as discovery of new knowledge;
2. searching for applications of new research findings or other knowledge;
3. formation, design, modification, engineering activity and testing of product or process
4. design, construction and testing of prototypes, models, pilot plants and tools (involving
new technology).
By contrast, other related activities would not be recorded as an R&D expense, but as a cost
of production:
engineering follow through in an early phase of commercial production;
quality control and trouble shooting during commercial production;
improvement upon the qualities of, or periodic changes to existing products;
adaptation of capabilities to a customer’s needs;
routine design of tools;
design and construction engineering related to start-up of facilities or equipment.20
These accounting standards are very similar to those enforced by the Israeli Securities Authority and the U.S.
SEC which, in turn, are very close to the guidelines in OECD (1993, 1994).
The banning of the capitalization of R&D expenses occurred in 1975. Horwitz and Kolodny (1981) discuss the
effects of this decision. Among these are a relative reduction in book equity, higher leverage, and effects on firms
meeting security listing requirements. Horwitz and Kolodny further found that the decision caused a reduction in
R&D spending by small firms. In many countries, R&D capitalization is allowed and even required. In the United
Kingdom, for example, SSAP requires that development expenditures be deferred (but not pure and applied
research). An international comparison would be an important project in its own right.
As mentioned, we analyze the activities of the 49 firms that report R&D employees, yet do
not report R&D spending in their annual reports (Exhibit A). A number of interesting results
are observed:
1. These firms are not engaged in research or product development but rather in activities
such as quality control that should not be recorded as R&D expenses as indicated by the
FASB. We combed through the prospecti of 39 of the 49 firms and spoke to the management in a few cases where questions remained: in 33 cases, the R&D-type personnel
were engaged in quality control or improvement, technical supervision, or periodic
changes to existing products as well as adaptation of capabilities to a customer’s needs.
Six of the firms indeed engaged in R&D and in their prospecti (but not in their annual
reports) R&D expenses data are in fact provided in the appended notes. In these cases,
however, the expenses are miniscule – less than 3 percent of total sources.21
2. The number of employees engaged in such activities in these firms tends to be low, both in
absolute numbers (approximately 15) and as a percentage of the entire workforce.
3. The breakdown of these firms by industry is different than that of firms reporting R&D
expenses – whereas 81 out of 94 firms employing R&D-type personnel and reporting
R&D expenses are in electronics, only 11 out of the 49 not reporting R&D expenses but
with R&D-type personnel are in electronics.
It should also be noted that according to the Securities Law (Chapter 6, par. 47),
Israeli corporations are required to itemize R&D expenses as a separate expense and not
to co-mingle them with ‘‘other expenses’’ if they are greater than 5 percent of net profits.
Overall, the evidence suggests that firms that do not report R&D spending, to the extent
that they do in fact engage in R&D, do so to a very limited extent. We conclude, that for the
purposes of this study, reported R&D expenses are more meaningful.22 In light of the extensive government support to R&D-intensive firms in many countries, it is important to
measure correctly R&D-intensity. Whether our conclusion, that the expense-based measure
is better, carries over to other settings and other countries is a worthy topic for research
with obvious policy implications.
R&D Spending and Government R&D Subsidies
In our sample, 109 firms report R&D expenses at least in one annual report of these all but
ten report R&D expenses at least half of the time, while 80 percent of R&D spending in our
sample is conducted by one third of the firms. As mentioned, most of the R&D spending is
recorded in electronics (63 percent) and chemicals and pharmaceuticals (22 percent).23
In 26 percent of firm-year observations for these firms, government financing (net of
royalties) amounts to more than 30 percent of R&D expenses, while no government assistance
is provided in 23 percent of the observations. Over time, the percentage of firms receiving government financing in excess of 30 percent of R&D expenses has declined. On average over
Each of these cases was recorded prior to 1993.
As mentioned, the R&D expenses are from annual reports whereas the R&D employment numbers are from
prospecti. If, for example, a firm does not employ R&D personnel at the time of a securities offering but later hires
such personnel, our data for this firm several years after the offering will say that it reports R&D expenses but does
not employ R&D personnel. If indeed this is the source of the discrepancy between the two R&D-intensity measures,
the measure based on R&D expenses reflects more closely the firm’s year-by-year R&D activities.
The dominance of electronics in R&D expenditure is consistent with the data on the entire manufacturing sector
reported in the Survey of Research and Development in Manufacturing, 1998, published by the Central Bureau of
the sample years, 34 percent of government R&D subsidies are granted to the firms in our
U.S. R&D Firms, Local R&D Firms, and Zero R&D Firms
In light of the large differences between Israeli firms that issue securities in the United States
and those that issue only in Tel Aviv (see Blass and Yafeh, 2001), we chose to perform the
analysis in terms of three groups: firms that report R&D expenses and issued stocks in the
United States (U.S. R&D firms), firms that report R&D expenses and issued stocks only
in Tel Aviv (local R&D firms), and firms that do not report R&D expenses throughout the
sample (zero R&D firms).24 On average over the sample years, 21 percent of total government R&D subsidies are granted to the U.S. R&D firms and 13 percent to the local R&D
firms in our sample. There are striking differences among these groups as a straightforward
descriptive statistics analysis reveals.
Descriptive Statistics
Table I displays descriptive statistics.25 It is immediately apparent that (within the class of
publicly traded firms) R&D-intensive firms are larger and younger than average, especially
those that issued stocks in the United States. This is an unusual pattern – typically, size
TABLE I Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Israeli U.S.-Listed
Firms – Descriptive Statistics, 1990 – 1997 (Unweighted Averages Over All Firms and All Years;* Standard
Error of the Mean in Parentheses**).
Zero R&D firms
Local R&D firms
U.S. R&D firms
Size (total assets – Dec 1998
million NIS)
Firm age (years since incorporation)
Years since IPO
(net profits=sales)
Return on equity
(net profits=equity)
Leverage (total assets minus
equity=total assets)
Percentage of firms in
Development Areas
Sales growth
Number of firm-years***
*‘‘Profitability’’ is weighted by sales, ‘‘Return on Equity’’ by equity, ‘‘Leverage’’ by total assets, and ‘‘Sales Growth’’ by sales.
** Each variable for each firm is averaged over time, and then the standard error is calculated.
***In this table, and all subsequent tables, outliers are not included; see the Appendix. The number of firms after removing
outliers varies from about 120 in 1990 to over 250 in 1997.
The zero R&D group includes nine firms that did not report R&D expenses in most years and for whom R&D
expenditures (whenever reported) represented less than 1.5 percent of all uses.
Here, and in what follows, outliers are not included; see the Appendix. The number of firms after removing these
outliers varies from about 120 in 1990 to over 250 in 1997.
and age are highly correlated – that highlights the success of R&D-intensive firms. Indeed,
such firms – in particular those that issued stocks in the United States – exhibit faster than
average sales growth.26
It is also interesting that R&D-intensive firms are much more profitable, in particular those
that issued stocks in the United States. This finding is in sharp contrast to the popular view
that regards young R&D firms as currently non-profitable, but with high expected profits.
This view is probably inspired by start-up firms; the results in Table I indicate that R&Dintensive firms that make it to the initial public offering stage (especially if the offering is
in New York) exhibit higher than average profitability. In calculating profitability, R&D is
not regarded as a capital outlay (rather than as an expenditure) as we do for calculating
flow of funds. This suggests that the true profitability of R&D-intensive firms (i.e., when
R&D outlays are not expensed but, instead, are depreciated over time) is even greater than
that reported in the table.
U.S. R&D firms exhibit a lower leverage ratio, which is consistent with the interpretation
that Israeli firms regard equity financing in the United States as an effective alternative to
domestic bank financing. This is not so for local R&D firms possibly because Israeli
banks are still quite dominant in local financial markets, including the stock market; see
Yafeh and Yosha (1998), Blass, Yafeh, and Yosha (1998), Ber, Yafeh, and Yosha (2001),
and Blass and Yosha (2002).27
A striking finding is that local R&D firms are heavily concentrated in outlying development areas (for simplicity defined in our analysis as firms located in telephone area codes
06 and 07 during the sample period) whereas U.S. R&D firms are conspicuously not located
in these areas. Location of R&D-intensive firms seems to be responsive to financing opportunities: the Israeli government subsidizes investment in the periphery areas attracting capital
intensive – see Blass and Yosha (2002) – and local R&D firms, whereas U.S. investors are
more impressed with centrally located firms.28,29
Constructing Flow of Funds Adjusted for Investment in R&D
In order to summarize the information contained in the flow statements we combined the
approximately 50 types of entries provided in the statements into 10 broader groups. Four
sources of funds: internally generated cash, net stock issues, net increase in debt, and net government aid (capital grants plus R&D grants plus deferred taxes less royalties); and six uses
of funds: capital expenditure, R&D expenses, the increase in inventories, in working capital
(other than inventory), in cash (or cash equivalents) and securities, and dividend payments.
The R&D expenses reported in the financial statements (Dukas) are net of government aid
for R&D and, therefore, underestimate the actual expenditure on R&D. To correct for this, we
scanned the notes to annual reports by hand for firm-level year-by-year government aid for
R&D and added this amount to R&D expenses as reported in Dukas obtaining gross R&D
This is broadly consistent with Griliches and Regev (1999) who find that R&D expenses per worker are
positively correlated with firm size and negatively correlated with firm age. On the issue of R&D and firm size, see
Cohen and Klepper (1996) and references therein.
The lower leverage ratio is not a consequence of differences in usage of corporate bonds – Israeli firms raise
negligible amounts of financing in this manner (a puzzle in its own right); see Yafeh and Yosha (1998) and Blass and
Yosha (2002).
It should be kept in mind that firms seeking financing in the United States benefit from reduced tax payments.
This brings to mind the issue of spillovers. Suppose that R&D-intensive firms benefit from clustering. If some
firms seek financing from U.S. investors but others do not, they would not locate in the same area. Those who do not
seek financing abroad will move to development areas to benefit from government assistance whereas those who seek
financing abroad will remain in the center to accommodate the tastes of U.S. markets. This may reduce the degree of
geographic clustering and diminish the benefits from inter-firm spillovers.
expenses, which is defined as a use. Since government aid for R&D is a source, we added
such aid to total sources. To be consistent with the treatment of other sources of funds,
where net flows are used (e.g., net increase in debt), and also to be consistent with total
uses (that are equal to total net sources), we added net government aid to total sources.
This is the main adjustment of the flow of funds constructed in Blass and Yosha (2002)
where R&D is treated as an expense that reduces profits (and hence reduces total sources),
and government aid for R&D is ignored (and therefore omitted from total sources).30
Sources are displayed in Table II. Internally generated cash is calculated by adding depreciation
(a non-cash expense) to net income and then further adding and subtracting several additional
components. We add expenses such as deferred employee benefits, that are included in the calculation of net income but do not involve cash flows. Most important, because in the financial statements (Dukas) R&D is treated as an expense that reduces profits (and total sources), we further
add R&D expenses. (As mentioned, this is the main adjustment of the flow of funds constructed in
TABLE II Flow of Funds in Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange and in Israeli U.S.-Listed Firms – Average Sources , 1990–1997 (Averages Over All Firms
and All Years Weighted by Total Sources; December 1998 Million NIS; Fraction of Total in Space
Brackets; Standard Error of the Mean in Parentheses*).
Zero R&D firms
Local R&D firms
U.S. R&D firms
Net increase in debt2
Net government aid3
Total sources
Number of firm-years**
Internally generated funds1
Net stock issues
*Each variable for each firm is averaged over time, and then the standard error is calculated.
**See the notes to Table I.
Including R&D expenses (to correct for the fact that in the financial statements R&D is treated as an expense).
Bonds and other debt primarily from banks.
Includes grants, R&D subsidies net of royalties, and deferred taxes.
The following example should clarify the exact adjustments made. Consider a firm that in a given year spent 140
on R&D and paid 20 in royalties to the government (because R&D that had been subsidized prior to that year
generated profits). Further assume that, in that year, the firm received 60 as a government R&D subsidy. Our adjusted
flow of funds data would show that the firm used 100 of its own (internally generated) funds plus 40 in government
net aid to finance 140 in R&D spending. By contrast, in the Dukas database (or in COMPUSTAT), R&D expenses
would appear as 100, namely 140 spent in practice less the net transfer from the government. As mentioned in the
text, we do not add the entire 60 received from the government to total sources. Instead, we add the net amount
received (60 minus 20 paid in royalties) to total sources. We do so in order to be consistent with the treatment of other
sources of funds, where it is conventional to use net flows: net increase in debt, net equity issued (i.e., stocks issued
net of stocks repurchased), and so forth.
Blass and Yosha, 2002.) We then subtract revenue items, such as unrealized gains on marketable
securities, which are included in the calculation of net income but do not involve cash flows.
U.S. R&D firms rely considerably more on equity issues (defined as total proceeds
received from floatation of common stock, convertible bonds,31 and warrants as well as proceeds received from exercise of warrants and options). This is consistent with the view that
stock market finance is more suited for financing R&D due to ‘‘diversity of opinion’’ in a
large decentralized capital market (Allen, 1993). Local R&D firms do not rely on stock floatation and, instead, rely on debt (mostly bank debt) and government aid considerably more
than firms that do not perform R&D.
An intriguing result is that R&D expenses are not more likely to be financed with internally generated funds. This is in contrast to other countries where a positive relation between
R&D spending and internally generated funds was consistently found; see, e.g., Himmelberg
and Petersen (1994) and Hall (2002). As mentioned, part of the 1990s were a ‘‘hot-issue’’
market for public equity offerings on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and, in addition, many
Israeli firms issued equity in New York. As a result, most of the firms in our sample raised
considerable amounts of external equity capital on a stock exchange and were abundant in
cash and liquid assets. It is, therefore, unlikely that they felt liquidity constrained during
these years.32 We will investigate this issue further in the regression analysis (Tab. VII).
Uses are displayed in Table III. Capital expenditures include investments (net of sales) in
property, plants, and equipment. Investment in working capital (other than inventory) is
defined as an increase in current assets, such as trade accounts receivable, less current liabilities, such as trade accounts payable. Investment in cash and securities is defined as a net
change in cash holding plus a purchase of publicly traded securities and mutual funds.
The local R&D firms invest heavily in fixed capital, devoting four times as many resources to
capital expenditures than R&D expenditures. Indeed, in every year of our sample these firms
devoted greater resources to capital expenditures. Is this an indication that R&D and capital
expenditure are complements (an unlikely interpretation in light of the very different numbers
for U.S. R&D firms, and the fact that zero R&D firms also invest heavily in fixed capital)?
Was capital intensity in Israeli firms sub-optimal in the early 1990s due to the influx of immigration and labor from ex-Soviet countries, resulting in massive subsequent investment in physical capital (in that event, U.S. R&D firms must have a different production structure that is
inherently less capital intensive)? Or do zero and local R&D firms simply ‘‘specialize’’ in obtaining government aid of all sorts (capital grants and subsidies as well as R&D subsidies)? We have
no hard evidence regarding this issue, but its potential policy implications are interesting.
U.S. R&D firms differ significantly from other firms as they devote 34 percent of funds to
increasing cash balances and securities holdings, reflecting the large amounts of cash raised
during the stock offerings.33 The three groups differ in their dividend payout polices, with the
zero R&D group paying out the largest fraction of total uses.34
Convertible bonds contain both debt and equity features and are treated here as equity, even though the interest
on such bonds appears as an expense (and not as a dividend payout).
Nonetheless, it should be noted that internally generated funds as a percentage of all sources net of stock issues
was lower on average for the zero R&D firms than for the local R&D firms.
In fact, Blass and Yafeh (2001) find that these firms dilute ownership much more than firms that issue stocks in
The variation over time in this category is very small.
TABLE III Flow of Funds in Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and
in Israeli U.S.-Listed Firms – Average Uses, 1990–1997 (Averages Over All Firms and All Years Weighted
by Total Sources; December 1998 Million NIS; Fraction of Total in Space Brackets; Standard Error of the
Mean in Parentheses*).
Zero R&D firms
Local R&D firms
U.S. R&D firms
Capital expenditure
Investment in inventory
Investment in working capital
Investment in cash and securities
R&D expenditure (gross)
Total uses
Number of firm-years**
*Each variable for each firm is averaged over time, and then the standard error is calculated.
**See the notes to Table I.
Investment in Physical Capital in the Entire Manufacturing Sector
As mentioned, in our sample of publicly traded manufacturing firms, 63 percent of the R&D
spending is recorded in electronics (and 22 percent in chemicals and pharmaceuticals).
Table III indicates that the local R&D firms in our sample also invest heavily in physical
capital. We want to know whether this is similar to the investment patterns in the entire
manufacturing sector (publicly traded and privately held firms).
Aggregate data by sub-industry for the entire manufacturing sector are obtained from various
publications in the framework of the Survey of Manufacturing, published by the Central Bureau
of Statistics. These data confirm that the bulk of R&D expenditure is in electronics (and to some
extent in chemicals and pharmaceuticals), as in our sample of publicly traded firms.35
We cannot mimic the numbers displayed in Table III for these sub-industries because there
are no flow of funds data for the entire manufacturing sector (not to speak of subindustries or
The following information is from Survey of Research and Development in the Business Sector, 1998 (C.S.
26=2001), published by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, Table XXII:‘‘International Comparison –
Manufacturing Intramural Expenditure on R&D’’. The table displays the share of each industry in total national R&D
expenditure of this type. Switzerland’s chemical (including pharmaceutical) products is responsible for 86 percent of
expenditure in the country, compared to an OECD average of 27 percent. In Hungary, chemical (including
pharmaceutical) products is responsible for 66 percent of expenditure in the country. In Israel and Finland, the
electronic communication equipment is responsible for 78 and 52 percent, respectively, of expenditure in the country,
compared to an OECD average of 17 percent. In the Netherlands, electrical equipment is responsible for 42 percent
of expenditure in the country, compared to an OECD average of 7 percent. In Italy and South Korea, the bulk of
R&D expenditure (31 percent) is in transport equipment. Overall, countries seem to be quite specialized in R&D in
specific sub-industries.
individual firms). Instead, we performed the following back-of-the-envelope exercise. We calculated the following ratio for each sub-industry (in 1997):cumulative investment in physical
assets=(cumulative investment in physical assets and other long-term assets plus current
assets less current liabilities). The denominator is a proxy for the stock of accumulated
net assets in the sub-industry, and the ratio thus measures the extent to which resources
are allocated to the accumulation of physical assets rather than working capital, for example.
This ratio varies a lot across sub-industries: for example, in food manufacturing and in building materials – low-tech industries engaging in very little R&D – the ratio is 0.65 and 0.67,
respectively, whereas in ‘‘electrical and electronics’’ it is much lower, 0.37. This pattern – low
capital intensity in the R&D-intensive sector – is not consistent with the results displayed in
Table III, suggesting that privately held and publicly traded firms (not traded in the U.S.) use
their funds differently, possibly due to different financing patterns and opportunities, and size
effects. This issue is beyond the scope of our article, and it serves as a further qualification for
the applicability of the findings to the entire manufacturing sector.
Calculation of Tobin’s q
We measure firm-level year-by-year Tobin’s q as the market value of assets divided by their
replacement value. Replacement values are calculated assuming that fixed assets and inventories appreciate at a rate equal to that of the consumer price index (CPI). The market value
of assets equals the market value of common equity plus the value of debt. The latter is
calculated as the replacement value of assets less the (CPI adjusted balance sheet) sum of
the book value of common equity and deferred taxes and employee benefits.36 (We do not
construct an estimate of R&D stock, and ‘‘replacement value’’ refers to physical capital.)
Table IV displays the year-by-year unweighted average of firm-level Tobin’s q for the firms
in the sample. For local R&D and zero R&D firms, Tobin’s q so calculated rises dramatically
in 1992 and 1993 reflecting the stock price run-up in those years. For zero R&D firms it
declines in 1996, and when market conditions improved in 1997 it rises again.
TABLE IV Tobin’s q for Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Israeli
U.S.-Listed Firms, 1990 – 1997* (Unweighted Averages Over All Firms; Standard Error in Parentheses; Number of
Average: year ending
all firms
and all years
*The number of firms ranges from 87 in 1990 to 199 in 1997; these are the firms in the sample for which stock price data were
See Blass and Yosha (2002) for further details. They did not study firms that are traded in New York. For these
firms, the adjustment takes into account year-by-year fluctuations in the U.S. dollar=NIS exchange rate.
On average (and in most years), Tobin’s q of local R&D firms exceeds that of zero R&D
firms. In every year, Tobin’s q for U.S. R&D firms was above that of the zero R&D and local
R&D firms. This is consistent with Hall’s (1992) findings for a sample of U.S. firms, and with
the well-established positive relation between R&D spending and stock market value; see,
e.g., Griliches (1981), Jaffe (1986), Hall (1992), and Johnson and Pazderka (1993). This
empirical regularity suggests that R&D-intensive firms (and in particular the U.S. R&D
firms in our sample) possess many intangible assets that are valued by investors. It also suggests that the treatment of R&D as an expense, rather than an asset, understates the value of
corporate assets.
In this section, we investigate more systematically the regularities suggested by the descriptive statistics presented in the previous section. Using simple linear regression, we study the
determinants of the various source and use ratios calculated from the unique panel of firmlevel flow of funds data. Then, to compare with studies in the literature for other countries, we
briefly study the determinants of R&D-intensity. Finally, using simple linear regression with
dummy variables for R&D-intensive firms, we ask whether the performance of the stocks of
these firms is different than average.
Determinants of Source and Use Ratios
Tables V and VI display cross-section regressions of source ratios and use ratios, averaged
over time, on firm characteristics (also averaged over time).37 The regressions
are Generalized Least Squares (GLS) and the weighting is by firm (log-) total sources. We
include as regressors dummy variables for U.S. R&D firms and local R&D firms. These
dummy variables are based on the average (over time) R&D-intensity of the firms in the sample. They can, therefore, be regarded as reasonably exogenous. A year-by-year analysis would
be less appropriate for the empirical specification in Tables V and VI because year-by-year
R&D expenditure is more likely to be endogenous.
The coefficients on the R&D dummies in the first column of Table V indicate that, in
contrast to other countries (see, e.g., Himmelberg and Petersen 1994 and Hall 2002), R&Dintensive firms are not more likely to be financed with internally generated funds.38 An inspection of the coefficients on the R&D dummies in the other columns of Table V reveals that once
firm characteristics are controlled for, the financing patterns of R&D-intensive firms are not
different. The descriptive statistics in Table II indicate that R&D-intensive firms that issued
stocks in the United States rely on external equity financing, and local R&D firms on
(bank) debt financing and government aid. Table V suggests that if firm characteristics are
controlled for, these differences in financing patterns no longer obtain.
We were intrigued by this result. Further scrutiny revealed that it is driven by the inclusion in
the sample of ten large successful firms that paid R&D royalties to the government, as a percentage of sales of products developed with government aid (63 firm-year observations). When
these firms were removed from the sample, the coefficient on the U.S. R&D variable in the
second column of Table V becomes statistically significant.39 We conclude that U.S. R&D
For example, in the first column of Table V, the dependent variable is the firm-by-firm ratio of internally
generated cash to total sources, averaged over time.
This result is consistent with the descriptive statistics in Table II.
The t-statistic is 1.93. The other coefficients in the regression are not affected in a meaningful way.
TABLE V Factors Affecting Flow of Funds in Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Israeli U.S.-Listed Firms – Sources, 1990–1997* (GLS Regressions Using Firm-Level Data Averaged
Over Time; Standard Error in Parentheses).
Dependent variable:
generated cash**
Net stock
Net increase
in debt
Size (log-total assets)
Profitability (net profits=sales)
Return on equity (net profits=equity)
Industry dummies
Greater Tel Aviv area dummya
Development area dummyb
Multi-plant firm dummyc
Firm age (years since incorporation)
Seasoned security****
U.S. R&D firm dummy
Local R&D firm dummy
*Regressions are weighted by total sources. Number of firms: 258. Zero R&D firms are the control group.
**Including R&D expenses (to correct for the fact that in the financial statements R&D is treated as an expense).
***Includes grants, R&D subsidies, and deferred taxes.
****Firms that go public are required to provide financial statements for two years prior to the IPO, and our sample includes pre-IPO
data for about half the firms in the sample. For firms that went public, say, in the 1980s the variable ‘‘Seasoned security’’ takes the
value 1. For a firm that went public, say, in 1996 it takes the value 0.5 (2 observations prior to the IPO, and two observations, 1996
and 1997, following the IPO). (The correlation between ‘‘Seasoned security’’ and ‘‘Firm age’’ is very low.)
Significant at the 10 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.
Equals 1 if firm is located in area codes 03, 09, and 0 otherwise.
Equals 1 if firm is located in area codes 06, 07, and 0 otherwise.
Equals 1 if firm has plants in more than one region, and 0 otherwise. Area codes 02, 04, 08 are the control region.
firms do rely more on external equity financing, even after controlling for firm characteristics.40
It should be noted that we control for the fact that U.S. R&D firms tended to go public more
recently. This is captured by the variable ‘‘Seasoned security’’defined as the fraction of observations for each firm in years following the IPO.41 Thus, the very successful firms that pay royalties to the government, being very large, can greatly affect the estimated coefficients in GLS
regressions where weighting is by firm size (total sources).
As mentioned, this is consistent with the view that stock market finance is more suited for financing R&D than
bank finance due to ‘‘diversity of opinion’’ in a large decentralized capital market (Allen, 1993).
As mentioned, firms that go public are required to provide financial statements for two years prior to the IPO, and
our sample includes pre-IPO data for about half the firms in the sample. For firms that went public, say, in the 1980s
the variable ‘‘Seasoned security’’ takes the value 1. For a firm that went public, say, in 1996 it takes the value 0.5 (2
observations prior to the IPO, and two observations, 1996 and 1997, following the IPO). Thus, to each firm in the
sample corresponds one number between 0 and 1. The correlation between this variable and ‘‘Firm age’’ is very low,
reflecting the fact that some but not all firms went public at a very young age.
TABLE VIA Factors Affecting Flow of Funds in Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange and Israeli U.S.-Listed Firms – Uses, 1990–1997* (GLS Regressions of Ratio to Total Uses Using FirmLevel Data Averaged Over Time; Standard Error in Parentheses).
Dependent variable:
Investment in
in cash
Seasoned security**
U.S. R&D firm dummy
Local R&D firm dummy
Size (log-total assets)
(operating profits=sales)
Return on equity (net profits=equity)
Industry dummies
Greater Tel Aviv area dummya
Development area dummyb
Multi-plant firm dummyc
Firm age
(years since incorporation)
*Regressions are weighted by total sources. Number of firms: 258. Zero R&D firms are the control group.
**Firms that go public are required to provide financial statements for two years prior to the IPO, and our sample includes pre-IPO
data for about half the firms in the sample. For firms that went public, say, in the 1980s the variable ‘‘Seasoned security’’ takes the
value 1. For a firm that went public, say, in 1996 it takes the value 0.5 (2 observations prior to the IPO, and two observations, 1996
and 1997, following the IPO). (The correlation between ‘‘Seasoned security’’ and ‘‘Firm age’’ is very low.)
Significant at the 10 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.
Equals 1 if firm is located in area codes 03, 09, and 0 otherwise.
Equals 1 if firm is located in area codes 06, 07, and 0 otherwise.
Equals 1 if firm has plants in more than one region, and 0 otherwise. Area codes 02, 04, 08 are the control region.
The second column of Table V reveals that larger and more profitable firms rely less on
stock offerings.42 An interpretation is that shareholders of such companies are not eager to
dilute their ownership stake and share profits with outside investors. Of course, being profitable, they are also in less need for external equity financing.
We turn to the fourth column, determinants of government aid (investment grants,
R&D subsidies, and deferred taxes). There are two main justifications for providing
R&D aid – subsidizing spillover externalities and correcting for capital market failures
due to asymmetry of information (see Hall, 2002 for a discussion). It is interesting
that profitable firms rely more on government aid. On the one hand, this indicates that
The estimated coefficients are not meaningfully affected by the omission of the firms that paid R&D royalties to
the government. This was the case for most coefficients in the regressions displayed in Tables V and VI. From now
on, if we do not say otherwise, it should be understood that results are not affected by the omission of these firms.
TABLE VIB Factors Affecting R&D Expenditure in Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange and Israeli U.S.-Listed Firms – Uses, 1990–1997* (GLS Regressions Uses Firm Level Data Averaged
Over Time; Standard Error in Parentheses).
Dependent variable:
R&D expenditure
(gross)=total uses
net of
in cash and
R&D expenditure
(gross)=total uses
net of increase
in cash
securities and
total uses**
log [R&D
total uses]**
Size (log-total assets)
Return on equity
(net profits=equity)
Greater Tel Aviv
area dummya
area dummyb
firm dummyc
Firm age
(years since
Seasoned security***
U.S. R&D
firm dummy
*Regressions are weighted by total sources.
**Sample includes only U.S. and local R&D firms (85 firms, in log regression 74 firms). For this reason, industry dummies are
omitted in this regression.
***Firms that go public are required to provide financial statements for two years prior to the IPO, and our sample includes pre-IPO
data for about half the firms in the sample. For firms that went public, say, in the 1980s the variable ‘‘Seasoned security’’ takes the
value 1. For a firm that went public, say, in 1996 it takes the value 0.5 (2 observations prior to the IPO, and two observations, 1996
and 1997, following the IPO). (The correlation between ‘‘Seasoned security’’ and ‘‘Firm age’’ is very low.)
Significant at the 10 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.
Equals 1 if firm is located in area codes 03, 09, and 0 otherwise.
Equals 1 if firm is located in area codes 06, 07, and 0 otherwise.
Equals 1 if firm has plants in more than one region, and 0 otherwise. Area codes 02, 04, 08 are the control region.
such aid is not wasted on losing companies; on the other hand, it raises the question
whether aid reaches those firms who really need it, unless one is willing to argue that
more profitable firms generate greater spillover externalities. Firms in development
areas depend on government aid (as we would expect) and those in the Tel Aviv area
do not rely on such aid.
The industry dummies in all the regressions are mostly insignificant (not shown).43 Older
firms rely more on internal sources and less on bank debt. Surprisingly, older firms do not
rely less on government aid. This is consistent with subsidization of spillover externalities
A notable exception is textiles for which a greater reliance on debt at the expense of internally generated funds is
(that should not differ by firm age) but not with correcting capital market failures due to
information asymmetry (that should be greater for younger firms).
Finally, notice that R&D-intensive firms – both U.S. and local – do not rely more on
government aid for R&D (see the coefficients on the U.S. and local R&D firm dummies
in the fourth column). This is also an intriguing result, and it too is driven by the inclusion
of the ten large successful firms that paid R&D royalties to the government. When these firms
are removed from the sample, the coefficients on the R&D dummy variables in the fourth
column of Table V become positive and statistically significant.44 Thus, R&D-intensive
firms do rely more on net government R&D aid, although the royalties paid to the government by the few highly successful R&D firms are sufficiently substantial to obscure this
finding in the regression.45
Table VIA displays the results of an analogous exercise for use ratios, excluding R&D
expenditure ratios that are displayed separately in Table VIB. Recall that in Table III we
saw that, on average, local R&D firms are also intensive in physical capital. The first column
of Table VIA reveals that once other firm-level characteristics are controlled for this no
longer holds. The first column of Table VIA also indicates that because subsidies are
given to investment in development areas, not surprisingly, firms in these areas invest relatively more in fixed assets (capital expenditure), as do profitable firms. Combining this finding with those reported in Table V, we obtain the following pattern: firms in development
areas and profitable firms rely on government subsidies, and use these funds for investment
in physical assets. Another interesting finding, consistent with the results displayed in Table
III, is that zero R&D firms pay out more dividends than R&D-intensive firms.
We now turn to R&D expenditure. In the first column of Table VIB, R&D expenditure is
normalized by total uses (as in Tables V and VIA), but for the sake of robustness and comparison with the literature, in other columns we normalize R&D expenditure by other variables. The normalization in the two last columns of the table (by uses less increase in
cash and securities, and uses less increase in cash and securities and dividend payments,
respectively) is intended to create a measure of R&D spending as a ratio of non-financial
uses. In the regressions displayed in this table, only U.S. and local R&D firms are included
because for the other firms in the sample R&D expenditure is zero. For this reason, the
dummy variable for local R&D firms is omitted. The regressions use only 85 observations,
mostly in electronics, and, therefore, industry dummy variables are also omitted.
In Tables V and VIA, we found that profitable firms, and firms in development areas rely
on government aid and use these funds for investment in physical assets. Do these firms also
invest more in R&D? For firms in development areas, the answer is clearly no – the coefficient on the development area dummy is negative and significant in all the columns but one
of Table VIB.46 The coefficient on profitability varies across specifications, and we cannot
draw conclusions regarding the empirical relation of profitability and R&D expenditure.
In the second column of Table VIB, the left-hand variable is the log of the R&D expenditure ratio to total uses. The coefficient on log-size is positive and significant, which is
consistent with findings in, e.g., Bound et al. (1984) reporting that R&D-intensive firms
are large. In the other specifications, log-size is not significant.47
The t-statistics are 1.66 and 2.46 for U.S. and local R&D firms respectively. The other coefficients in the
regression are not affected in a meaningful way.
It is harder to argue that a positive relation between R&D-intensity and R&D grants and subsidies indicates that
R&D aid stimulates R&D because we lack information on the counterfactual – what would R&D-intensity have been
without such aid. Lach (2000) studies this issue obtaining mixed results. Some of his results point to partial crowding
out (about one half) and some to full crowding out of R&D expenditure by government R&D subsidies.
Comparing with Table I is not meaningful due to the different sample used.
See Cohen and Klepper (1996) and references therein.
The coefficient on the dummy variable for U.S. R&D firms is insignificant in all the
columns of Table VIB. That is, as a fraction of total sources, U.S. R&D firms do not invest
more in R&D than local R&D firms. This does not contradict Blass and Yafeh’s (2001) finding that Israeli companies that issue stocks in the United States are more R&D-intensive than
Israeli companies that issue stocks in Tel Aviv. Their findings indicate that, conditional on a
firm not being R&D-intensive, the data would predict that the firm would list in Tel Aviv. The
results here, as evidenced by the insignificant U.S. R&D dummy coefficient, indicate that,
conditional on a firm being R&D-intensive, the fact that it is listed in the United States
(and not in Tel Aviv) does not mean that it is more R&D-intensive.
Determinants of Year-by-Year R&D Intensity
We turn to the determinants of expenditure on R&D. As mentioned, a branch of the empirical
literature on R&D financing concentrates on determinants of year-by-year investment in R&D
and, in particular, on whether liquidity matters for such investment; see Hall (1992),
Himmelberg and Petersen (1994), Bond, Harhoff, and Van Reenen (1999), and Mulkay, Hall,
and Mairesse (2000). Until now, we ran cross-sectional regressions using firm-level variables
averaged over time. For the sake of comparison with this literature, we now present panel regressions using year-by-year variables, normalizing R&D spending by (lagged) fixed assets.
Table VII displays these regressions for R&D-intensive firms in electronics and in the
entire sample, respectively. We perform GLS panel regressions (weighted by total sources)
where the dependent variable is R&D expenditures normalized by lagged fixed assets
(property and equipment).48 The left-hand variable and the right-hand variables (including
TABLE VII Factors Affecting Year-by-Year R&D Expenditure in Manufacturing Firms Publicly Traded on
the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Israeli U.S.-Listed Firms, 1990–1997* (GLS Regressions; Dependent and
Independent Variables Measured as Deviation from Mean Over Time; Standard Error in Parentheses).
R&D-intensive firms in electronics**
dependent variable:
R&D expenditure=
lagged property
and equipment
All R&D-intensive firms
dependent variable:
R&D expenditure=
lagged property
and equipment
Lagged Tobin’s q
Leverage (total assets
minus equity=total assets)
Year dummies
Investment in cash and
securities=total uses
Lagged size (log-total assets)
Number of firm-year observations
*Regressions are weighted by total sources. The regressions allow for firm-fixed effects.
**Including firms traded in the U.S. (most are in electronics).
***R-squared of the weighted regression.
Significant at the 10 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.
Ideally, we would want to normalize by the lagged stock of R&D capital, but we do not have a good measure of
this stock. Hall (2002) surveys various studies for other countries that use measures of R&D stock.
Tobin’s q) are measured as deviations from their mean over time. In this specification any
firm-fixed effects wash out.
To control for potential liquidity effects on R&D expenditure, we include on the right-hand
side the variable ‘‘Investment in cash and securities=total uses’’, which is a measure of the
firm’s liquid assets. This variable should be greater the more internally generated cash is
generated and the more external equity financing is raised. As mentioned, most of the
firms in the sample raised external equity financing during the sample period. Therefore,
this variable captures well the abundance in liquid assets. We find, in both regressions,
that the variable is not a statistically significant determinant of R&D expenditure. This
suggests that the majority of firms in the sample were not constrained by availability of
cash and liquid assets in their R&D outlays in any given year.
The coefficient on size is negative and significant in both regressions, indicating that as a
firm grows larger (recall that this regression allows for firm-fixed effects), expenditure on
R&D, relative to fixed assets, declines.49 In both regressions, we obtain a positive coefficient
on Tobin’s q (statistically significant at the 10 percent level in the second column) suggesting
that R&D expenditure (as a ratio of fixed assets) responds positively to increases in a firm’s
market value. In this sense, for our sample of established firms, investment in R&D behaves
like investment in physical capital and responds positively to Tobin’s q, in line with numerous
studies for other countries surveyed in Hall (2002).50
The Stock Market Performance of R&D Intensive Firms
Did investors on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange benefit from investing in R&D-intensive
firms? To address this issue, we begin by studying the sales growth (that investors often
care about) of zero R&D and local R&D firms. (In what follows we omit U.S. R&D
firms.) For each firm, we calculated firm-by-firm and year-by-year sales growth, and averaged
the firm-by-firm sales growth over time. We regressed this measure on firm characteristics
(also averaged over time). The results are not very interesting, and are not displayed in a
table. Moreover, unlike most of the results reported in Tables V–VII, many of them are sensitive to the inclusion of the firms that paid R&D royalties to the government. We summarize
the main findings; unless we say otherwise, the reported results hold whether the firms that
paid R&D royalties to the government are included or not.
Not surprisingly, the sales of younger firms grow faster. We also find that the sales of profitable firms grow more slowly, which is a bit surprising. Maybe profitable firms do not make
as much effort to expand whereas less profitable firms do. The coefficient on the local R&D
firm dummy variable is negative and significant, suggesting that the sales of zero R&D firms
grow faster than those of local R&D firms, but the result disappears when the firms that paid
R&D royalties to the government are excluded.
The relative stock market performance of the firms in our sample exhibits a similar pattern.
For the years 1990–1997, we calculated firm-by-firm and year-by-year excess stock returns
(stock returns net of the riskless interest rate) for zero R&D and local R&D firms. We computed market ‘‘beta’s’’ (relative to the general index of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange) and,
using these ‘‘beta’s’’, we calculated risk-adjusted excess stock returns adjusted for dividends.
For each firm, we averaged these risk-adjusted excess returns over time and regressed them
This is not inconsistent with the result in Table I and with the result in the second column of Table VIB, that
larger firms perform more R&D. Those results refer to a cross-section of firms, whereas the results in Table VII refer
to the R&D expenditure of a firm as a function of its own size over time.
Blass and Yosha (2002) found, for a similar sample, a positive and significant relation between investment in
physical capital and Tobin’s q.
on time-averaged firm characteristics. As for sales growth, we find that the risk-adjusted
excess returns of younger firms are higher. The coefficient on the local R&D dummy is positive and significant (at the 10 percent level), suggesting that the risk-adjusted excess returns
of local R&D firms are larger than those of zero R&D firms, but the result disappears when
the firms that paid R&D royalties to the government are excluded.
We studied the financing patterns of publicly traded R&D-intensive manufacturing firms in
Israel, and presented, for the first time, adjusted flow of funds charts that treat R&D expenses
as a capital outlay (rather than an operating cost that reduces profits, as standard accounting
principles prescribe). We also addressed the question of how R&D inputs should be
measured – using R&D expenses or R&D personnel. We constructed both expenditureand personnel-based R&D measures for each firm in our sample, and investigated to what
extent these measures are mutually consistent. We found that firms that do not report
R&D spending, to the extent that they do in fact engage in R&D, do so to a very limited
extent, suggesting that the expenditure-based R&D-intensity measure is superior for a
study like ours. This is an issue that requires further research.
We also found that mature Israeli R&D-intensive firms that are traded on the Tel Aviv
Stock Exchange exhibit a high market to book ratio (a high Tobin’s q). Another interesting
finding is that, at least during the 1990s, R&D-intensive firms did not rely more on internally
generated cash (unlike R&D-intensive firms in several OECD countries). This may be
because they were able to raise inexpensive external equity financing on the booming
exchange, especially in the first half of the decade.
This research project was conducted as part of the activities of the Science, Technology, and
the Economy Program (STE) at the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in
Science and Technology. Support for that project from the Institute is gratefully acknowledged. The authors further thank three referees, Saul Lach, and Robert Sauer for helpful
comments, and Chanan Lavi and Renat Lokomet for excellent research assistance. Yosha
thanks the Research Department, Bank of Israel for financial support.
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We removed from the sample firm-year observations in which we identified inconsistencies
between the Dukas database and flow statements entered by hand. In this procedure, we used
four key variables: net profits, flows from investment activities, flows from financial activities,
and flows from operations. A discrepancy of 5 percent (provided it is greater than 5000
December 1990 NIS) in one or more of these variables led to the removal of the firm-year observation from the sample. 296 firm-year observations were removed for this reason.
We also removed firms, which were extreme outliers in terms of the average (over time) of
one or more source ratio, use ratio, or profitability ratio. Consider some ratio, x, compute the
average of x over the sample years for a particular firm, and denote this average by x0 . Repeat
for all the firms in the sample, and compute the average of x0 across firms, denoted x00 . Firms
for which x0 minus x00 was larger than four standard deviations (of x0 ), for one or more source
ratio, use ratio, or profitability ratio were removed from the sample. 49 firm-year observations
were removed for this reason.
We further removed firm-year observations for which total sources were negative (216
firm-year observations were removed for this reason), firms for which there are only one
or two observations (9 firms), as well as firms for which the time-average of total sources
was negative (13 firms).