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2012, The European Physical Journal Special Topics
12 pages
1 file
The polarization of x-rays plays an outstanding role in experimental techniques such as non-resonant magnetic x-ray scattering and resonant x-ray scattering of magnetic and multipolar order. Different instrumental methods applied to synchrotron light can transform its natural polarization into an arbitrary polarization state. Several synchrotron applications, in particular in the field of magnetic and resonant scattering rely on the improvement in the signal/noise ratio or the deeper insight into the ordered state and the scattering process made possible through these polarization techniques. Here, we present the mathematical framework for the description of fully and partially polarized x-rays, with some applications such as linear x-ray polarization analysis for the determination of the scattered beam's polarization, and the Ge K-edge resonant scattering.
Collection SFN, 2014
The aim of these notes is to introduce the experimental methods and theoretical works in the domain of magnetic and resonant x-rays scattering on single crystals to investigate the electronic and magnetic long range order in strongly correlated electron systems. We highlight the role of the x-rays polarization analysis and control to determine the magnetic structure of materials and, more generally, the electronic long range order parameters responsible for the phase transitions.
The coherent and incoherent scattering cross sections (normalized to the atomic form and incoherent scattering factors) for X-rays have been integrated over solid angle from a point source into 90° while maintaining the polarization information. This polarization information is important in X-ray fluorescence with crystal spectrometers since it can be used to reduce the background in the spectra.
The scattering of low energy X-rays by atoms is dominated by coherent (Rayleigh) and incoherent (many times known as "atomic Compton") scattering. As electron synchrotron storage rings become more widely used as sources of intense, polarized X-rays, it is important to be able to properly calculate the scattering cross sections since the polarization of the X-rays can be utilized to reduce the X-ray scattering. This paper reviews the methods of calculating the Rayleigh and atomic Compton scattering cross sections of polarized X-rays and presents analytical integrations of the cross sections over solid angles of circular detectors from point sources into 90 ° . Special attention is paid to the effects the scattering has on the background of spectra collected with energy dispersive detectors. It is shown that the ratio of scattering to fluorescence does not approach zero for small values of r/R (r = detector radius, R = distance to detector).
Physical review. B, Condensed matter, 1989
Systematic approach to the calculation of the polarization-dependent (and polarization-averaged) general term of the curved-wave multiple-scattering series in the x-ray-absorption cross section
Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 2005
Symmetry and physical aspects of 'forbidden' reflections excited by a local polarization anisotropy of the X-ray susceptibility are surveyed. Such reflections are observed near absorption edges where the anisotropy is caused by distortions of the atomic electronic states owing to interaction with neighbouring atoms. As a consequence, they allow for extracting nontrivial information about the resonant atom's local environment and their physical conditions. The unusual polarization properties of the considered reflections are helpful to distinguish them from other types of 'forbidden' reflections. When such reflections are excited, it is, for example, possible to determine not only the intrinsic anisotropy of an atomic form factor but also additional anisotropy induced by thermal motion, point defects and/or incommensurate modulations. Even the local 'chirality' of atoms in centrosymmetric crystals is accessible. Unsolved key problems and possible future developments are addressed.
Nature Communications
Resonant elastic X-ray scattering (REXS) offers a unique tool to investigate solid-state systems providing spatial knowledge from diffraction combined with electronic information through the enhanced absorption process, allowing the probing of magnetic, charge, spin, and orbital degrees of spatial order together with electronic structure. A new promising application of REXS is to elucidate the chiral structure of electrical polarization emergent in a ferroelectric oxide superlattice in which the polarization vectors in the REXS amplitude are implicitly described through an anisotropic tensor corresponding to the quadrupole moment. Here, we present a detailed theoretical framework and analysis to quantitatively analyze the experimental results of Ti L-edge REXS of a polar vortex array formed in a PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattice. Based on this theoretical framework, REXS for polar chiral structures can become a useful tool similar to x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS), enabling a co...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2009
An in-vacuum double-phase-plate diffractometer for performing polarization scans combined with resonant X-ray diffraction experiments is presented. The use of two phase plates enables the correction of some of the aberration effects owing to the divergence of the beam and its energy spread. A higher rate of rotated polarization is thus obtained in comparison with a system with only a single retarder. Consequently, thinner phase plates can be used to obtain the required rotated polarization rate. These results are particularly interesting for applications at low energy (e.g. 4 keV) where the absorption owing to the phase plate(s) plays a key role in the feasibility of these experiments. Measurements by means of polarization scans at the uranium M 4 edge on UO 2 enable the contributions of the magnetic and quadrupole ordering in the material to be disentangled.
Modern scattering theories had suggested in 1970 the possibility of the use of x-ray to study the magnetic density in the magnetic materials such as iron and cobalt. This proposal has encountered many difficulties when using traditional x-ray sources and the reason is that the intensity of photons from these sources is weak and that the magnetic property to be studied is weak as well. But with the progress in building Synchrotrons it was possible to obtain photons with high intensity and circular polarization properties that enabled the study of many magnetic materials. In this paper the polarization properties of Synchrotron radiation are presented. Also the famous Compton scattering equation is introduced and the magnetic Compton scattering equations are presented along with the introduction of methods for studying magnetic properties of materials using circular polarization of photons.
The Review of scientific instruments, 2014
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) in the soft x-ray range is an element-specific energy-loss spectroscopy used to probe the electronic and magnetic excitations in strongly correlated solids. In the recent years, RIXS has been progressing very quickly in terms of energy resolution and understanding of the experimental results, but the interpretation of spectra could further improve, sometimes decisively, from a full knowledge of the polarization of incident and scattered photons. Here we present the first implementation, in a high resolution soft-RIXS spectrometer used to analyze the scattered radiation, of a device allowing the measurement of the degree of linear polarization. The system, based on a graded W/B4C multilayer mirror installed in proximity of the CCD detector, has been installed on the AXES spectrometer at the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility); it has been fully characterized and it has been used for a demonstration experiment at the Cu L3 edge on ...
Mathematical description of polarized light
Previous reviews of x-ray polarization phenomena are mostly focused on aspects related to crystal dynamical diffraction [1,2]. Several publications discuss the polarization dependent scattering amplitudes for non-resonant magnetic [3,4] and magnetic and higher order multipolar resonant scattering [5], without introducing the formalism. Theoretical work on the polarization dependence of the resonant cross section mostly uses a tensor notation that is beyond the scope of this paper [6,7,8,9]. We here present a description of x-ray polarization based on classical electrodynamics with a view towards applications in magnetic scattering research with synchrotron radiation.
X-rays are transverse electro-magnetic waves [10], just like visible light, so that the description of polarized optics in the visible regime may be applied [11,12]. The polarization state of an isolated wave with wave vector k and photon energyhω, is completely defined by the components of the Jones vector, V = V 1 V 2 . The components V 1 and V 2 may be complex, e.g., in the case of circular polarization. The coordinate systemˆ 1,2,3 is chosen such thatk =ˆ 3 ,ˆ 1 ׈ 2 =ˆ 3 andˆ 2 ׈ 3 =ˆ 1 .
For the purpose of this paper we define the intensity of the beam as I = |V 1 | 2 + |V 2 | 2 , dropping the usual proportionality factors.
Polarization Ellipse
Following [12], we write eq. 1 as
where i = 1, 2. τ = ωt−k·r is called the propagator, |V i | are the maximum amplitudes, and φ i the phases of the two polarizations, such that V i = |V i | exp(iφ i ). Eliminating the explicit dependence on the propagator we obtain [12]:
where ∆φ = φ 2 −φ 1 is the relative phase between the two components of the polarized beam. We see that the projection of all instantaneous electric field vectors onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagationk fall onto an ellipse, the polarization ellipse [12] as shown in Fig. 1. The major (2a) and minor (2b) axes of the ellipse are given by the equations [12]
Figure 1
The polarization ellipse of a general (elliptically polarized) beam. In this example ψ = χ = 30 • , yielding P1 = 1/4, P2 = √ 3/4 and P3 = √ 3/2. For lefthanded polarization (P3 > 0), the electric field vector rotates counterclockwise when looking into the source.
and the angle ψ between the major axis and coordinate axisˆ 1 is given by
with 0 ≤ ψ ≤ π. Finally, the angle of ellipticity χ is defined by
with − π 4 ≤ χ ≤ π 4 so that tan(|χ|) = b/a (see Fig. 1).
Degenerate cases of the polarization ellipse and special polarizations
A beam with vanishing minor axis, b = 0, is called linearly polarized. In this case the two polarizations oscillate in phase, ∆φ = 0, or in antiphase, ∆φ = π. The angle of ellipticity is χ = 0, and the corresponding polarization ellipse collapses to a line. A beam with sin(2χ) = ±1, has sin(∆φ) = ±1, i.e. ∆φ = ±π/2, and |V 1 | = |V 2 | and therefore a = b. In this case the angle ψ is undefined. The corresponding polarization ellipse is a circle, and the beam has left-(∆φ = π/2) or right-handed (∆φ = −π/2) circular polarization, with electric field vectors rotating counterclockwise and clockwise, respectively, when looking into the source 1 .
Poincaré-Stokes parameters
The Poincaré-Stokes parameters P 1 , P 2 , and P 3 completely describe the state of polarization of a beam. They are defined as
P 1 and P 2 describe the state of linear polarization, and P 3 (sometimes called P c ) the degree of circular polarization [11,12,13,14], with P 3 = +1 for left-handed circular polarization. In addition, we define the degree of linear polarization as P lin = P 2 1 + P 2 2 P = (P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ) is called the Poincaré-Stokes polarization vector, although it does not have the transformation properties of a vector (P 1,2 have even parity, while P 3 has odd parity. P 1,2,3 are even under time reversal [15]). It is related to the Stokes vector, S, more commonly used in optics via S 0 = I, S 1,2,3 = IP 1,2,3 [11,12].
An isolated photon is 100% polarized with P = P 2 1 + P 2 2 + P 2 3 = 1. The Poincaré-Stokes parameters are related to the polarization ellipse, eqs. 6 and 7, as follows (see Fig. 1):
1 In the literature, the nomenclature for left-or right-handedness and for positive or negative helicity is not always consistent. We derive the sign of the helicity from eq. 16. An example for a left-handed circular wave with P3 = +1 is V1 = 1/ √ 2 and V2 = i/ √ 2. The phase and amplitude of this vector may be changed to obtain other waves with left-handed circular polarization
Coherency matrix
An X-ray beam that is composed of an ensemble of independent waves may be partially polarized, i.e. P < 1. Such a beam cannot be described by a simple Jones vector. Instead, its polarization state can be described by a density matrix [4,14,16,17,18], in analogy to the coherency matrix used in classical optics [11,12].
where the average, . . . , is taken over the ensemble of waves constituting the beam [11]. Depending on the experiment the average may require integrals over linear (beam size) and angular space (divergence), energy (bandwidth) and time (fluctuations), as the polarization may depend on each one of these parameters. σ = (σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 )
represents the Pauli matrices,
The intensity and Poincaré-Stokes parameters for the X-ray beam above are easily extracted from the coherency matrix,
Choice of coordinate system
For an isolated wave, the choice of the coordinate axesˆ 1,2 is arbitrary -ˆ 3 is given by the beam direction. When describing a scattering process these axes are usually chosen to be perpendicular (σ) and parallel (π) to the scattering plane. Following [4] and [5], we define the coordinate systemû 1,2,3 through the incident and scattered beam directions,k andk (see Fig. 2). where 2θ is the scattering angle (cos(2θ) =k ·k ). We choose the polarization vectors asˆ
Figure 2
Coordinate system and polarization vectors relative to the incident (k) and scattered (k ) beams.
1 andˆ 1 are perpendicular to the scattering plane (σ polarization), whileˆ 2 andˆ 2 lie within the scattering plane (π polarization). In the following the indices 1 and 2 may be replaced by σ and π, respectively, when the discussion is restricted to a single scattering process with a well defined scattering plane.
In magnetic scattering one frequently encounters subsequent diffraction processes with different diffraction planes, such as vertical diffraction in the monochromator, horizontal diffraction from the sample, and vertical diffraction in a polarization analyzer. This change of reference system is accomplished through an orthogonal transformation [11], R(η) = cos(η) sin(η) − sin(η) cos(η) . Here η is the rotation angle between the two reference systems A and B, such Fig. 3. The density matrix transforms as ρ B = R(η) · ρ A · R −1 (η), yielding the Poincaré-Stokes parameters
Figure 3
A change of the coordinate system from A to B is effected by an orthogonal rotation matrix. (a) Transformation of the coordinate system relative to a fixed laboratory reference. (b) Transformation of the vector components in these coordinate systems.
The degree of linear polarization, P lin , is invariant under this transformation. Also invariant are the intensity, I, the circular polarization, P 3 and the total degree of polarization, P . P 1,B is maximized and P 2,B = 0 when the major axis of the polarization ellipse is rotated onto theˆ 1 axis, i.e. for sin(2η) = P 2,A /P lin and cos(2η) = P 1,A /P lin , see eq. 6 and Fig. 1.
Jones Matrices
Jones matrices are used to describe the effect of an optical element on the beam. This formalism can be used to describe diffracting elements, filters and dichroic samples.
Let the operator M describe the (forward) scattering of an X-ray optical element, such as the phase plate, a sample, a polarization analyzer, or any other optical element in the path of the beam. The effect of M on the beam is completely described by the matrix elements of the basis vectors of polarization. They may be conveniently written in form of a 2 × 2 matrix, the Jones matrix [19,20,21],
such that V = M · V. Consider the aforementioned coordinate transformation by an orthogonal matrix R:
The same Jones matrix may be used with the coherency matrix formalism (section 1.4), so that the effect of a scattering process can also be studied for partially polarized beams. The density matrix of the scattered beam is then given by
The intensity, I , and Poincaré-Stokes parameters, P , of the scattered beam are easily obtained using equations 15 and 16. Subsequent diffraction off several optical elements, M 1 , M 2 , . . . (e.g., a monochromator, a phase plate, a sample, and a polarization analyzer) are represented by the product of the Jones matrices of the individual scatterers,
The possible polarization sensitivity of a detector can be described by an additional Jones matrix acting as a polarization filter. Standard X-ray detectors, however, are not sensitive to the polarization of the detected radiation. Instead, polarization analyzers based on Bragg diffraction are used (see section 2).
The Jones matrices for non-resonant magnetic scattering are given in [4], and those for resonant magnetic and ATS scattering have been tabulated in [5].
Müller matrices
The net effect of an ensemble of scatterers on the intensity and polarization can be elegantly described using the Müller calculus [11,12].
where M is the Müller matrix, and S i = tr(σ i · ρ) for i = 0, 1, 2, 3 is the Stokes vector
The Müller matrix can be derived from the corresponding Jones matrix, M [22]:
The Jones matrix, however, contains the phase of the scattering process, therefore it cannot be determined from the Müller matrix which does not contain the phase information. The advantage of the Müller calculus is that it can also describe depolarizing elements. This is not possible with a single Jones matrix.
In the case of a large beam described by ρ that diffracts of an ensemble of independent scatterers, e.g. different magnetic domains or grains of a mosaic crystal, the density matrix has to be calculated for each scatterer. Let n enumerate the scatterers with probability p(n), then ρ n = M n · ρ · M † n . The composite scattered beam is then described by the sum of these density matrices, ρ = n p(n)ρ n . Note that one does not obtain the same result by averaging over the individual Jones matrices! The net effect of such an ensemble of scatters can be described by a single Müller matrix, M ij = 1 2 n p(n)tr(σ i M n σ j M † n ), which is the average of the Müller matrices describing the individual scattering processes, M = n p(n)M n [22].
Thomson scattering and linear polarization analyzer
Thomson scattering is the elastic scattering by a free charged particle. It arises from the isotropic (scalar) polarizability of the scatterer, f = f (Q)ˆ † ·ˆ , where f (Q) is the form factor, i.e. the Fourier transform of the particle's charge distribution. Thomson scattering can be observed in many classes of samples, such as gases, liquids, amorphous solids, single crystals or polycrystalline powders. In the context of resonant or anomalous scattering, Thomson scattering is referred to as "normal" or "charge" scattering. The corresponding Jones matrix is given by (using the coordinate system shown in Fig. 2)
where 2θ is the scattering angle. The proportionality constant α contains all terms that are independent of the polarization, e.g. the form factor f (Q) at the chosen scattering vector Q = k − k in disordered systems, the structure factor F (Q) in crystals, and geometrical terms [23]. Note that eq. 32 holds only In the kinematic approximation, i.e. in the absence of multiple scattering and anomalous effects.
When an X-ray beam undergoes Thomson scattering, its Stokes parameters are modified as follows [24]:
where x = cos(2θ).
For cos(2θ) = 0, M = α 1 0 0 0 (eq. 32), i.e. only the σ component survives. The
Stokes parameters (eqs. 34-37) of the scattered beam reduce to except for the case P 1 = −1, when the intensity of the scattered beam vanishes, I = 0. A Thomson scatterer with 2θ = 90 • , and that can be rotated by an angle η about the beam axis, may thus be used as a linear polarization analyzer (PA) to determine the linear polarization parameters, P 1 and P 2 (see Fig. 4). Note that the degree of circular polarization, P 3 , cannot be measured in this way. It is, however, possible to establish an upper bound, as P 2 3 ≤ 1 − P 2 1 − P 2 2 . Scatterers may be incoherent, e.g., an amorphous Kapton foil, or Bragg scatterers, in which case the condition cos(2θ) = 0 is generally fulfilled only approximatively, as a perfect match of the PA crystal's d-spacing to the desired photon energy cannot always be obtained (see table 1). In practice there is always some crosstalk between the polarization channels, 0 < x 1, generally referred to as "spillover". Typically only the intensity of the scattered beam is measured. It is given by (eqs. 24,34) I ∝ S + P 1 cos(2η) + P 2 sin(2η),
Figure 4
Experimental configuration for linear polarization analysis of X-rays at the ESRF Beamline ID20[25]. The beam scattered off the sample enters an evacuated flight tube (right). In-vacuum slits are positioned upstream of the analyzer crystal. The analyzer crystal and detector are mounted on a common goniometer rotating about the beam (η-axis). The Bragg (θPA) and scattering angles (2θPA) can be adjusted individually.
Table 1
where S = (1 + x 2 )/(1 − x 2 ) = (1 + cos 2 (2θ))/(sin 2 (2θ)) is characteristic of the spillover; it is usually determined by measuring a beam of known polarization, e.g., the incident beam or a strong structural reflection of the sample. In addition to the usual benefits of analyzer crystals, such as rejection of diffuse scattering and fluorescence as well as further reduction of higher harmonics of the X-ray wavelength, PA offers further advantages which are specific to magnetic and resonant scattering.
Magnetic X-ray scattering at synchrotron sources is mostly done in the vertical scattering geometry with incident σ polarization. At dipole resonances, all magnetic scattering is the π polarization channel. A polarization analyzer set to accept only the π channel thus greatly improves the signal-to-noise ratio by preferentially suppressing Thomson scattering, which remains σ polarized.
For practical applications some additional issues have to be considered. As was already pointed out, eq. 32 neglects multiple scattering effects. Diffraction from nearperfect crystals where the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction has to be applied Table 1. A selection of crystals that can be used for polarization analysis. The photon energy at which 2θPA = 90 • is presented in column 3, while columns 4, 5 and 6 list some absorption edges for which the corresponding crystal represents a good choice.
[keV] 5f M4,5 4f L1,2,3 3d K Au
( 1 1 1 will give rise to deviations from this behavior. In extreme cases, like the Renninger effect, the polarization dependence is totally different [26,27,28]. Furthermore, nearperfect crystals have very sharp rocking curves so that the instrumental resolution function is strongly modified upon rotating the PA about the scattered beam: In the σ position, the acceptance will be narrow in the 2θ and wide in the χ directions of a normal 4-circle diffractometer [29], whereas in the π position the opposite is true. For some experiments it is desirable to improve the longitudinal resolution. However, it is generally not convenient to work with varying resolution functions. In particular, measurements of the Poincaré-Stokes parameters, which require absolute values of the integrated intensity at several positions of the PA, have to be carried out with care.
In principle, it is possible to determine P 1 (P 2 ) from a pair of measurements at η = 0 • and 90 • (η = ±45 • ) [30,31]. In order to estimate the systematic errors, however, we recommend a fit of eq. 41 to measurements at different positions of η between 0 • and 180 • in steps of 30 • or less. Furthermore, the intensities should be recorded by rocking the analyzer crystal rather than the sample [32]; in this way artifacts from the variable resolution function are minimized.
Finally, the sharp rocking curves require very high accuracy of the alignment, mechanical precision and software control during changes of the photon energy or the polarization channel. Therefore crystals with a moderate mosaic width on the order of 0.1 • , for example metals, are preferred for most practical applications. In this case the resolution function is defined by the setting of slits before the PA assembly which do not rotate with the PA. A serious disadvantage of such crystals is their relatively low reflectivity, on the order of 1-10%. The requirement of a fixed scattering angle 2θ PA ≈ 90 • leads to a linear increase of the momentum transfer, Q, with increasing photon energy, and thus to diminishing form factors f (Q). Thus, in general, the reflectivity of polarization analyzers decreases towards higher photon energies. A list of some selected PA crystals commonly used, together with the X-ray absorption edges they may be applied to, is presented in table 1. The selectivity of a polarization analyzer can be enhanced by reflecting the beam multiple times, e.g. using a channel-cut crystal. The throughput, i.e. the maximum transmitted intensity in the allowed polarization channel, however, will drop drastically unless perfect crystals such as Si or Ge are used.
Recently, a polarization purity of 2 · 10 −9 was achieved using channel-cut Si crystals with 4 reflections [33] with a photon energy tuning to fulfill the 2θ = 90 • condition as close as possible. The polarization purity in that experiment was limited by multiple-beam diffraction effects (Renninger effect) that partially rotate the plane of polarization and thus contaminate the "forbidden" channel.
3 Polarization analysis of resonant scattering at the Ge K-edge
As an example of polarization analysis we present the K-edge resonant scattering at the (006) reflection of Ge [34,35,36,37,32]. This reflection is crystallographically forbidden due to a glide plane extinction rule., i.e. the structure factor F (Q) vanishes for scalar (Thomson) scattering. Rank-3 anisotropic tensor scattering (ATS), however, is allowed [34]. Due to the high symmetry of Ge, the ATS cross section is completely determined by symmetry, up to a (resonant) amplitude factor that varies as the photon energy is tuned across the resonance. At each given photon energyhω the polarization of the scattered beam as function of the the azimuth, ψ (i.e. upon rotation of the crystal about the scattering vector Q [23]) is completely free of adjustable parameters. For incident σ polarization the Poincaré-Stokes parameters of the scattered beam are given by [36,37,32], P 1 (θ, ψ) = sin 2 (2ψ) − sin 2 (θ) cos 2 (2ψ) sin 2 (2ψ) + sin 2 (θ) cos 2 (2ψ) (42) P 2 (θ, ψ) = sin(4ψ) sin(θ) sin 2 (2ψ) + sin 2 (θ) cos 2 (2ψ) (43)
where θ is the Bragg angle. In particular, we note that P 2 1 + P 2 2 = 1 for all azimuths, i.e. the scattered beam is always fully linearly polarized.
Experimental data were taken as follows [32]: The photon energy was tuned to the maximum of the resonance, 11.096 keV. For each setting of the azimuth, the Ge (006) reflection was aligned. Then the polarization analyzer was rotated about the beam in steps of 10 • . At each position the integrated intensity was recorded by rocking the Au(333) analyzer crystal. These integrated intensities were then fit to eq. 41 in order to extract the Poincaré-Stokes parameters, see Fig. 5 (left). The final results are shown in Fig. 5 (right), along with the predictions of eqs. 42 and 43. The agreement between the experimental data and the theoretical predictions is quite satisfactory.
Figure 5
Left: Measurement of the Poincaré-Stokes parameters as function of the azimuthal angle at the Ge (006) reflection. Solid lines are fits to eq. 41. Right: Poincaré-Stokes parameters extracted from the measurements shown on the left by fitting to eq. 41. The experimental values are in quite satisfactory agreement with the parameter-free predictions (eqs. 42 and 43), show as lines. Taken from[32].
Unfortunately, the polarization dependence is identical for the two possible microscopic mechanisms of the resonance, an E1-E2 mixed resonance [34,36,37], or a E1 resonance of atoms displaced from their equilibrium positions by thermal motion (thermal motion induced scattering, TMI) [35]. Therefore this experiment was unable to distinguish between the two competing models. Studies of the amplitude and line shape as function of temperature, however, favor the TMI model [35,38].