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Model-Driven Web Engineering
(MDWE 2008)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01648-6_16 · Source: DBLP
Nora Koch
Antonio Vallecillo
University of Malaga
Available from: Antonio Vallecillo
Retrieved on: 03 February 2016
7th International Conference
on Web Engineering
Como, Italy, July 16-20, 2007
Workshop Proceedings
Editors: Marco Brambilla, Emilia Mendes
AEWSE'07: workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering
AWSOR'07: workshop on Aligning Web Systems and Organisation Requirements
IWWOST'07: 6th workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies
MDWE'07: 3rd workshop on Model-driven Web Engineering
WQVV'07: workshop on Web quality, Verification and Validation
ICWE’07 Workshops, Como, I taly, July 2007 – Marco Brambilla, Emilia Mendes (Eds.)
Workshop proceedings of the 7th I nternational Conference on Web Engineering.
Copyright © 2007 held by authors.
Workshop list
AEWSE'07: workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering
Organizers: S. Casteleyn, F. Daniel, P. Dolog, M. Matera, G.-J. Houben, O. De Troyer
AWSOR'07: workshop on Aligning Web Systems and Organisation Requirements
Organizers: D. Lowe, D. Zowghi
IWWOST'07: 6th workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies
Organizers: M. Winckler, O. Pastor, D. Schwabe, L. Olsina, G. Rossi
MDWE'07: 3rd workshop on Model-driven Web Engineering
Organizers: A. Vallecillo, N. Koch, G.-J. Houben
WQVV'07: workshop on Web quality, Verification and Validation
Organizers: M. A. Moraga, C. C. Munoz, M. A. Caro Gutierrez, A. Marchetto, A. Trentini, T. Bultan
ISBN: 978-88-902405-2-2
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione,
Politecnico di Milano.
June 2007.
Milano, Italy.
7th International Conf. on Web Engineering
Como, Italy, July 2007
ICWE 2007 Wor kshops
Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Emilia Mendes, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Copyright © 2007 held by authors
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
[email protected] , Web:
Emilia Mendes, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
[email protected] , Web:
Publisher: Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy.
June 2007.
ISBN: 978-88-902405-2-2
Copyright © 2007 held by authors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
or otherwise— without the prior written permission of the publisher and of the authors.
Cover photo: Maximiliano Corredor (Flickr BioMaxi, Creative Commons, some rights reserved).
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Web Engineering is a young discipline containing numerous research challenges
being investigated by its research community, some of which more pressing than
others. Of these, two of the most important relate to the development and maintenance
of Web applications since the frequent pressure of time to market faced by Web
companies must co-exist with the delivery of high quality Web applications. To tackle
these challenges Web engineering research must inform practice with the necessary
mechanisms to enable practitioners to:
x Obtain and fully understand user requirements very early on in the development
life cycle
x Design and implement applications using the best set of available
models/tools/techniques, the least amount of time, and providing the best
possible quality. Quality here is often characterised by high usability and
It is pleasing to see that this year the five workshops to take place during the 7th
International Conference on Web Engineering together encompass the mechanisms
abovementioned, thus representing a wide and complementary spectrum of research
related to Web development and maintenance.
These five workshops and corresponding organisers are as follows:
x AEWSE'07 - Second International Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in
Web Systems Engineering (Organisers: Sven Casteleyn, Florian Daniel, Peter
Dolog, Maristella Matera, Geert-Jan Houben, Olga De Troyer)
x IWWOST'07 - Sixth International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software
Technologies (Organisers: Marco Winckler, Oscar Pastor, Daniel Schwabe,
Luis Olsinal, Gustavo Rossi)
x MDWE'07 - Third International Workshop on Model-Driven Web
Engineering (Organisers: Antonio Vallecillo, Nora Koch, Geert-Jan Houben)
x AWSOR'07 - 1st Workshop on Aligning Web Systems and Organization
Requirements (Organisers: David Lowe, Didar Zowghi)
x WQVV'07 - First Workshop on Web quality, Verification and Validation
(Organisers: Maria Angeles Moraga, Coral Calero Munoz, Maria Angélica
Caro Gutierrez, Alessandro Marchetto, Andrea Trentini, Tevfik Bultan)
We received nine workshop submissions of which six were selected. Of these, two
were joined, making it a total of five workshops to take place during ICWE’07.
I would like to thank the workshops’ organisers for their excellent work putting
together a very exciting selection of papers and invited talks. And of course, to thank
all the authors who submitted papers to the workshops.
I hope you all find the workshops thought provoking and engaging, and that the
discussions and results presented make a strong contribution to the body of
knowledge in Web Engineering and to advancing this discipline further.
June 2007
Emilia Mendes
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Table of Contents
Second International Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems
(Organisers: Sven Casteleyn, Florian Daniel, Peter Dolog, Maristella Matera,
Geert-Jan Houben, Olga De Troyer) ………………………………………... 7
First Workshop on Aligning Web Systems and Organization Requirements
(Organisers: David Lowe, Didar Zowghi) ………………………………… 109
Sixth International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies
(Organisers: Marco Winckler, Oscar Pastor, Daniel Schwabe, Luis Olsinal,
Gustavo Rossi) ………………………………………………………………147
Third International Workshop on Model-Driven Web Engineering
(Organisers: Antonio Vallecillo, Nora Koch, Geert-Jan Houben) …………. 209
First Workshop on Web quality, Verification and Validation
(Organisers: Maria Angeles Moraga, Coral Calero Munoz, Maria Angélica
Caro Gutierrez, Alessandro Marchetto, Andrea Trentini, Tevfik Bultan) …..315
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Second International Workshop on Adaptation and
Evolution in Web Systems Engineering (AEWSE’07)
July 19, 2007 – Como, Italy
Sven Casteleyn (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Florian Daniel (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Peter Dolog (Aalborg Universitet, Denmark)
Maristella Matera (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Geert-Jan Houben (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Olga De Troyer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Program Committee Members
Jaime Gomez (University of Alicante, Spain)
Nora Koch (Ludwig-Maximilian University München, Germany)
Gustavo Rossi (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)
Schahram Dustdar (Technical University of Vienna, Austria)
Peter Plessers (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Jeen Broekstra (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Moira Norrie (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Current Web applications are evolutionary in their nature: in several scenarios, such
class of systems require (frequent) changes of content, functionality, semantics,
structure, navigation, presentation or implementation. Examples of such applications
are found in domains as eHealth, eGovernment, eLearning, and Business to Business
interactions such as open marketplaces. In all these domains, the Web enables to do
business or professional activities on the Internet. However, application services
change over time due to new knowledge, practices, processes, and management
approaches in the application domains. Moreover, recent advances in communication
and network technologies provide users the ability to access content with different
types of (mobile) devices, at any time, from anywhere, and with any media service.
Such new needs demand for the development of adaptive Web systems, able to
support more effective and efficient interactions in all those situations where the
contents and services offered by the Web application are (rapidly) changing, and/or
strongly depend on the current environmental situation, users' (dis)abilities, and/or the
actual purpose of the application.
Due to the changes in the application domains, the structure, navigation and
presentation of Web applications, the content and its semantics are typically highly
volatile, and evolve due to a variety of reasons, such as:
x Changes to the design of the application (e.g. to correct design flaws, or
to support new requirements);
x Adaptation to new technologies;
x Changes to maintain consistency with (changing) external sources (e.g.
a referenced ontology, externally linked pages);
x Update/change (by the user) of for example content, structure,
navigation, presentation (e.g. relevant with the rise of blogs, wikis, etc.);
x Maintenance.
Properly dealing with evolution will clearly influence the quality of a Web site (i.e.
incorrect linking due to changes, unreachable pages and their automatic repair,
consistency, etc). Similarly, mechanisms to automatically deal with evolution and its
consequences will become indispensable in large-scale Web applications (where
manual management of changes and their impact is infeasible). Also, when ontologies
are used to describe or annotate content on Web sites, their evolution must be
managed to avoid any inconsistency between the ontologies and the Web sites.
Although highly relevant due to the intrinsic evolutionary nature of Web
applications, the problem of dealing with adaptation and evolution of Web
applications (during design, implementation and deployment) and its impact is highly
under-estimated; so far few works dealt with adaptation and evolution in Web
Engineering research.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
AEWSE aims at promoting the discussion on the above issues, bringing together
researchers and practitioners with different research interests and belonging to
different communities. This year’s edition of AEWSE, held in conjunction with
ICWE 2007 (Como, Italy), received a good number of submissions, among which 10
papers have been selected for presentation. The addressed topics mainly focus on:
- Model-driven engineering approaches for adaptive and context-aware web
applications (see papers by Garrigós et al., Daniel et al., and Reina-Quintero et
- The benefit and application of semantic Web and Web 2.0 tools and
technologies (Preciado et al, Barla et al.) .
- Web User interface migration (Bandelloni et al.).
- The application of software engineering techniques, such as aspect orientation
(Bebjak et al., Mondéjar et al.) and object variance/versioning (Grossniklaus et
al.), for supporting adaptivity and evolution.
Starting from these contributions and the invited talk by Prof. Barbara Pernici
(Politecnico di Milano), our ultimate goal is to facilitate the discussion of key issues,
approaches, open problems, innovative applications, and trends in the methodologies
and technologies to support adaptive access to and/or evolution in (the design of) Web
June 2007
Sven Casteleyn
Florian Daniel
Peter Dolog
Maristella Matera
Geert-Jan Houben
Olga De Troyer
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Table of Content
Irene Garrigos, Cristian Cruz and Jaime Gomez. A Prototype Tool for the
Automatic Generation of Adaptive Websites ......................................................... 13
Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Alessandro Morandi, Matteo Mortari and
Giuseppe Pozzi. Active Rules for Runtime Adaptivity Management .................... 28
Michael Grossniklaus and Moira Norrie. Using Object Variants to Support
Context-Aware Interactions .................................................................................... 43
Renata Bandelloni, Giulio Mori, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro and Antonio
Scorcia. Web User Interface Migration through Different Modalities with Dynamic
Device Discovery ................................................................................................... 58
Rubén Mondéjar, Pedro Garcia Lopez, Carles Pairot and Antonio F. Gómez
Skarmeta. Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Web Clustering using Distributed Aspect
Middleware (Damon) ............................................................................................ 73
Michal Bebjak, Valentino Vranic and Peter Dolog. Evolution of Web Applications
with Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns ................................................................... 80
Michal Barla, Peter Bartalos, Mária Bieliková, Roman Filkorn and Michal
Tvarozek. Adaptive portal framework for Semantic Web applications ................. 87
Juan Carlos Preciado, Marino Linaje Trigueros, Fernando Sánchez Figueroa. An
approach to support the Web User Interfaces evolution ........................................ 94
Antonia M. Reina-Quintero, Jesús Torres Valderrama and Miguel Toro Bonilla.
Improving the adaptation of web applications to different versions of software with
MDA .................................................................................................................... 101
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
A Prototype Tool for the Automatic Generation of
Adaptive Websites
Irene Garrigós1, Cristian Cruz1 and Jaime Gómez1
Universidad de Alicante, IWAD, Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig, Apartado 99
03080 Alicante, Spain
{igarrigos, ccruz, jgomez}
Abstract. This paper presents AWAC, a prototype CAWE tool for the
automatic generation of adaptive Web applications based on the A-OOH
methodology. A-OOH (Adaptive OO-H) is an extension of the OO-H
approach to support the modeling of personalized Websites. A-OOH allows
modeling the content, structure, presentation and personalization of a Web
Application. The AWAC tool takes the A-OOH design models of the
adaptive Website to generate as an input. Once generated, the adaptive
Website also contains two modules for managing the personalization which,
at runtime, analyze the user browsing events and adapt the Website according
to the personalization rule(s) triggered. These personalization rules are
specified in an independent file so they can be updated without modifying the
rest of the application logic.
The continuous evolution of the WWW is reflected in the growing complexity of
the Web applications with rapidly changing information and functionality. This
evolution has lead to user disorientation and comprehension problems, as well as
development and maintenance problems for designers. The ad-hoc development of
Web-based systems lacks a systematic approach and quality control. Web
Engineering, an emerging new discipline, advocates a process and a systematic
approach to development of high quality Web-based systems. In this context Web
Design Methodologies appeared [3,4,11,12,14,16], giving solutions both for
designers and for users. However, new challenges appeared, like the need of
continuous evolution, or the different needs and goals of the users. Adapting the
structure and the information content and services for concrete users (or for
different user groups) tackles the aforementioned (navigation, comprehension and
usability) problems. In order to better tailor the site to one particular user, or a
group of users, several Web methodologies provide (to some extent)
personalization or adaptation support. Yet, few of these approaches provide an
underlying CAWE1 tool for Web Engineering and even less provide a tool to
support personalization modeling (see next section for an overview). The lack of
Computed Aided Web Engineering
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
such tools causes the personalization to be implemented in an ad-hoc manner.
Moreover, the different (adaptive) methodologies are not properly tested.
In this paper, we present the fundamentals of the AWAC (Adaptive Web
Applications Creator) prototype tool. This is a CAWE tool which automatically
generates adaptive Web applications based on the A-OOH methodology developed
at the University of Alicante (Spain). The input of the AWAC tool is the set of AOOH design models needed to model the adaptive Website to generate. The output
is the generated Website with its database. The output includes a Web engine and a
personalization module which allow the adaptivity at runtime of the final Web
pages. The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, a study of the
existing methodologies with a CAWE tool supporting adaptivity is presented. In
Section 3 a brief introduction to the A-OOH method is given. The paper continues
in Section 4 describing the AWAC architecture and some of the technologies used.
This section also describes the personalization support in AWAC. Along the
Sections 5, 6, and 7 the different steps for creating and running an adaptive Website
using the AWAC tool are explained. A running example (online library) is used to
describe the tool support. Finally, Section 8 sketches some conclusions and further
Related Work
As aforementioned, few (adaptive) Web modeling approaches provide an
underlying CAWE tool to give support to their methodologies. We can mention the
Hera Presentation Generator (HPG) [9], which is the integrated development
environment that supports the Hera methodology developed at the Technical
University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands). There are two versions of HPG: HPGXSLT and HPG-Java. Compared with HPG-XSLT, HPG-Java extends the
functionality of a generated Website with user interaction support (form-based).
Moreover, instead of generating the full Web presentation like HPG-XSLT does,
HPG-Java generates one-page-at-a-time in order to better support the dynamic Web
applications. The designer can define adaptation by means of the inclusion of
appearance conditions over the elements of the Hera design models. These
conditions are expressed in SerQL[15] language and use data from the
user/platform profile or conceptual model. A drawback of this approach is the
difficult maintenance when the personalization policies change because the
conditions are integrated in the models.
Another tool for generating adaptive hypermedia applications on the WWW is
AHA! [7] (Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture), based on the AHAM model. It also
has been developed at the Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands).
It is able to perform adaptation that is based on the user’s browsing actions. AHA!
provides adaptive content by conditionally including page fragments, and adaptive
navigation support by annotating (actually coloring) links. The updates to attributes
of concepts in the user model are done through event-condition-action rules. Every
rule is associated with an attribute of a concept, and is "triggered" whenever the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
value of that attribute changes. Every page has an access attribute which is
(virtually) "changed" whenever the end-user visits that page. This triggers the rules
associated with this attribute. The AHA! tool claims to be general purpose but has
mainly been used to develop on-line courses.
We can also mention WebRatio [17] developed to support the WebML
methodology at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). This tool still does not support
dynamic personalization features, but only adaptability (with respect to user
profile/preferences and device characteristics). To validate WSDM, at the
University of Brussels (Belgium), a prototype tool was created for the support of
the methodology [2]. It does not support personalization, but adaptivity for all the
users. ArgoUWE [13] is the tool developed to support the UWE approach at the
Luwdig Maximilians University of Munich (Germany). UWE supports
personalization however it is not yet incorporated on the ArgoUWE tool.
A-OOH Fundamentals
The Adaptive OO-H method (A-OOH) is an extension of the OO-H (Object
Oriented Hypermedia) approach [11] to support the modeling of adaptive (and
personalized) Web applications. It supports most of the OO-H basic features and
some updates and extensions for the support of adaptive Web sites modeling.
The same as OO-H, A-OOH is a user-driven methodology based on the object
oriented paradigm and partially based on standards (XML, UML, OCL...). The
approach provides the designer the semantics and notation needed for the
development of adaptive Web-based interfaces and their connection with preexisting application modules. The main differences with respect to OO-H are next:
Adaptive hypermedia systems are complex systems which require an
appropriate software engineering process for their development. This is why
in A-OOH the design process is based on the Unified Process (UP) and not in
the spiral model as OO-H design process was based.
The Navigational Model has been modified separating the presentation
features that were mixed in the Navigational Model of OO-H. Moreover a
UML profile has been defined for using UML notation for representing the
Navigational Model.
A Presentation Model has been added. This model also uses UML notation.
A User and Personalization Model have been added for being able of
modeling adaptive Web applications.
The set of A-OOH models are defined for the running example in Sections 5 and 6.
The personalization model allows the designer to define a collection of rules that
can be used to define a personalization strategy for a user or group of users. The
rules are Event-Condition-Action [5] rules: they are triggered by a certain event
(e.g. a browsing action, the start of a session) and if a certain condition is fulfilled
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
(for example “user.age=18”), the associated action is performed. The rules will be
defined using a simple and easy to learn language defined in A-OOH. One of the
purposes of this language is to help the Web designers2 to define all the rules
required to implement a personalization strategy. This language is called PRML
(Personalization Rules Modelling Language) and will be shortly explained in
Section 4.2. Next, the fundamentals of AWAC are explained.
AWAC: Adaptive Web Applications Creator
The AWAC tool main purpose is automatically generating an adaptive Web
application from the A-OOH models. The AWAC tool takes as input the A-OOH
design models: the Domain Model3(DM), in which the structure of the domain data
is defined, the Navigation Model (NM) which defines the structure and behaviour
of the navigation view over the domain data, and finally the Presentation Model
(PM) defines the layout of generated hypermedia presentation. To be able to model
adaptation/personalization at design time two new models are added (to the set of
models): The User Model (UM), in which the structure of information needed for
personalization is described. Typically, the information captures beliefs and
knowledge the system has about the user and it is a foundation for personalization
actions described in the Personalization Model. The Personalization Model (PeM),
in which personalization policies are specified. Next to the personalization of the
content, navigation structure and presentation, the personalization model also
defines updates of the user information specified in the User Model.
These models are represented by means of XML elements (in XMI [18] format).
The reason for choosing an XMI representation of the models is that this format
can be easily generated from UML models (most UML tools allow this
transformation). To read and process the A-OOH models for the generation of the
final Web pages we have used the .NET technology. This technology provides us
with the DOM class (XML Document Object Model), with which we can represent
in memory the XML documents. The output of the AWAC tool is:
The generated adaptive Website (Web pages): the actual version of AWAC
generates Web pages.
Modules for managing the personalization: these modules are explained in
the next section.
Application database: The A-OOH models initially represented in XMI
models are mapped into an object oriented database. Depending on the
personalization actions performed every user has a different set of A-OOH
model instances. This database also contains the user information related to the
domain. The idea of using a relational database was rejected due to the
transitioning complexity from object-oriented thinking to relational
persistence. In this way the database can automatically be generated from the
set of A-OOH models. The database technology we chose is db4o [6], the most
Web designers are not necessarily experienced Web programmers.
Sometimes called Conceptual Model
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
popular database for objects of open code, native to Java and .NET. Db4o
eliminates the OO-versus-performance tradeoff: it allows you to store even the
most complex object structures with ease, while achieving highest level of
WebSite Engine
PRML Evaluator
Fig. 1. (a) Generated AWAC Application Architecture (b) Main Modules Actions
Generated AWAC Application Architecture
The generated Web Application has a three layered architecture as seen in fig. 1a.
The first layer is the user interface, through which the user can generate http
requests and receive http responses.
The second layer contains the main modules of the Web Application for
managing the personalization (i.e. Website Engine and PRML Evaluator, see
fig 1b). The Website Engine interacts with the user, gathering the requests and
giving back the response. As already mentioned, the A-OOH models are
modified for each particular user (i.e. each user will have a different set of
models depending on the adaptation actions performed on them). The Website
engine loads the models (from the Application Database) of the particular user
when s/he starts a new session. These models are modified along the different
sessions depending on the adaptation actions performed. This implies each
user will see a different adaptive view of the Website every session s/he
browses it. The Website engine captures the events the user performs with his
browsing actions and sends them to the PRML Evaluator module. This
module is responsible of evaluating and performing the personalization rules
attached to the events. When a rule is triggered, to evaluate the rule conditions
and perform the proper actions we have implemented a .NET component using
the ANTLR Parser generator [1]. From the PRML grammar we can generate
the syntactic trees which help us to evaluate the rule conditions and perform
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
them if necessary. Finally to execute the actions of the rules, we have
implemented in C# the different actions types that we can find in PRML.
The third layer contains the Application database and a text file containing the
set of rules defining personalization policies on the Website. This set of rules
is defined using the PRML rule language. Next an overview of the PRML
language is given and the implementation of the actions supported by AWAC
is explained.
AWAC: PRML Support
PRML was born in the context of the OO-H [11] Web design method to extend it
with personalization support (A-OOH). PRML is an ECA rule based language.
These rules update the information needed for the adaptation in the User Model and
perform adaptation actions over the structure of the Website4.
The AWAC Tool does not implement all the adaptation events and actions of
PRML. AWAC only supports the detection of simple browsing events (i.e. not a
sequence of events). The events supported are: SessionStart (triggered with the start
of the browsing session by a user) SessionEnd (triggered when the browsing
session expires after certain inactivity of the user in the system or when the user
explicitly finishes the session), Navigation (i.e. click on a link) and LoadElement
(i..e. loading of a navigational node independently of the link that loads the node ).
In Table 1 the personalization actions supported by PRML and the ones
implemented in AWAC are shown. Next the actions supported by AWAC are
Table 1: PRML Support in the AWAC tool
Updating User Model Content
Filtering content (concept instances)
Filtering content (concept attributes)
Link hiding
Sorting content (node instances)
Adding / deleting links
Adding filters to links
Dynamically grouping users
Implemented in AWAC
The AWAC tool implements the following actions over the different elements of
the A-OOH models:
Actions over attributes (User and Navigation Models):
Personalization of the presentation is not yet considered.
Note that PRML rules can be attached to nodes or to links of the Navigation Model
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Updating an attribute value from the User Model (setContent): This action
allows modifying/setting the value of an attribute (of a concept) of the User
Model. To perform a setContent action the PRML Evaluator updates the
corresponding attribute value in corresponding model of the Application
Filtering attributes in the Navigation Model nodes (selectAttribute):.By means
of this action a node can be restricted by hiding or showing some of the
attributes of the Domain Model/User Model related concept. The PRML
Evaluator updates the visibility of the corresponding attribute in the proper
model of the Application database.
Actions over links (Navigation Model):
Hiding links and their target nodes (hideLink): Analogous to filtering data
content, PRML also supports filtering links. This action affects to the
visibility of a link so in the same way as attributes, each link and node in AOOH contains a visibility property. The PRML Evaluator updates the visibility
of the corresponding link (and its target node) in the proper model of the
Application database.
Actions over nodes (Navigation Model):
Filtering node instances (selectInstance): This action shows only the selected
instances of a Domain Model/User Model concept for a user depending on the
personalization requirements we want to support. The PRML Evaluator
module selects the instances to be shown in the current session from the
Application database.
Sorting node instances (sort): In PRML node instances can be sorted by a
certain value to satisfy a personalization requirement. The PRML Evaluator
module selects and sorts the instances to be shown in the current session from
the Application database.
The adaptive actions are only performed once during a session not to overwhelm
the user, this means the filtered attributes, links, instances and sorted instances will
be the same during the present session. However, the desirable option (future work)
is that the designer decides when adaptation should take place to fulfil each
personalization requirement. Next, by means of a running example, the steps
needed for creating and running a Website using AWAC are described.
Step 1: Creating the A-OOH Models
To better understand how to generate adaptive Websites with AWAC using AOOH and PRML, a case study is presented which describes an online library. In
this library information about the books is shown, as well as reviews done by
readers visiting our Website. Users can consult the books and buy them, adding
them first to the shopping basket. In Figure 2 the Domain and User Model are
shown. In the User Model we store different information needed to fulfill the
personalization requirements initially specified for the Website:
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Users will see fifteen (maximum) recommendations of books in which authors
they are most interested in (sorted by interest).
If the user does not have enough interest in any book author to get
personalized recommendations, the recommendations link is not shown: In
order to fulfil the 1st and 2nd requirements we need to acquire and update the
user interest in the different authors
Users that have bought at least 10 books will be offered a discount in the book
price: In this case, to fulfil this requirement (and offer the price discount to the
user) the number of books bought (in all the sessions) should be stored in the
Domain Model
IdStore: int
name: string
address: string
phone: int
fax: int
image: string
email: string
+bookT oStore *
User Model
IDauthor: int
name: string
degree: int
IdBook: int
name: string
summary: string
price: float
secondhand: boolean
daysSinceDelivery: int
image: string
discount: float
Buy() : void
clicks: int
+userT oBuy
- amount: int
+reviewToBook 1
+userT oInterest
+bookToReview *
Rev iew
Idreview: int
text: string
reviewer: string
id: int
name: string
IdBasket: int
1 +userToBasket
1 -
login: string
password: string
numberOfSessions: int
Fig. 2. Domain and User Model for the Online Library
In the updatable data space defined by UM the information describing the user’s
interests on the authors is stored as DomainDependent information, according to
the defined personalization requirements. In the UM we also have the Buy class.
This class represents a navigation event triggered by the user behaviour and stores
the number of clicks done in the link Buy in the attribute clicks (we will use this
information to fulfil the 3rd personalization requirement of the running example).
This value is stored as long-term data (i.e. independent of the session), because the
designer wants to personalize on basis of the number of books bought in total by
the user. Note that to store the number of clicks on any other link we would just
have to add a new Navigation element to the UM.
Figure 3 shows the Navigational Model of the online library. When the user enters
the Website (login) he finds a collection of links (i.e. menu) with the links
ConsultBooks, Recommendations, ViewCategories and SecondHandBooks as a
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
starting point. If the user navigates through the first link (ConsultBooks) he will
find an indexed list of all the books (indexed by the book’s name). The user can
click in any of the book names to view the details of the chosen book (see in Figure
3 the navigational class BookDetails). Moreover the user can see reviews done by
other users of the different books. When the user clicks on ViewCategories, an
indexed list of the categories is shown (indexed by the category’s name). When the
user clicks in one of the categories he will see the books associated to that category.
If the user navigates through the SecondHandBooks link he can see all the books
used that are on sale.
name: string
name: string
name: string
price: float
summary: string
image: string
Buy() : void
View details
name: string
Rev iew :DM.Rev iew
reviewer: string
name: string
price: float
summary: string
image: string
discount: float
Buy() : void
Rev iew Details:DM.Rev iew
review: string
reviewer: string
Fig. 3. Excerpt of the Navigational Model
Once the NM is specified the Presentation Model has to be defined. It is captured
by one or more Design Presentation Diagrams (i.e. DPDs). There should be one
DPD for each NM defined in the system. This diagram enriches the Navigation
Diagram described in previously. The DPD describes how the navigation elements
are presented to the user. The DPD main objectives are to provide the page
structure of the Website, grouping the NM Navigational Nodes into Presentation
Pages. These Presentation Pages are abstract pages, which in the final
implementation can be represented by one or more concrete pages. The designer
can add static pages also directly on the DPD. This is represented in the level 0 of
the DPD.
The second goal is to describe the layout and style of each page of the interface.
The designer should decide which interface components are going to be in the page
and where are they going to be positioned. Moreover, he can modify the individual
structure of the pages and add static elements directly on the DPD. This is
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
represented in the level 1 of the DPD, exploding each of the abstract pages
previously defined in the level 0.
In Figure 4 the DPD (level 1) for the page that shows the recommendations to the
user. This page is defined as a set of layouts and cells. The layouts are also
composed of cells. Cells contain interface components that represent the elements
of the Web page. The Page Chunk element represents a fragment of an abstract
page which has associated a Presentation model where the components shown in
this fragment are defined. This fragment can be reused in the different pages that
compose the Web application. In this way we avoid to make several diagrams of
common parts to all (or many of) the pages. Inside this package the Presentation
Model attached to the Page Chunk is shown. In this case, the Menu is defined as a
page chunk. The final Web page for recommendations generated on basis of these
models is in Figure 8.
+ «Text» bar: string = |
+ «Image» footerLine: string
(from Presentation Model)
+ «Text» link: string = View categories
+ «Text» link: string = Recommendations
+ «Image» image: string
+ «Text» title: string = Recommendations
«IncludeCell» «IncludeCell»
+ «Image» icon: string
+ «Text» name: string
«Text» name: string
«Text» Telephone: string = Telephone:
«Text» phone: string
«Text» Fax: string = Fax:
«Text» fax: string
«Text» address: string
«Text» Email: string = email:
«Text» email: string
+ «Text» bar: string = |
+ «Text» bar: string = |
+ «Text» link: string = Consult books
+ «Text» link: string = Second hand books
Fig. 4. (a) PM for the Recommendations Page (b) PM for the Menu page chunk
Note that it is not the objective of the paper to explain the A-OOH design models in
depth, but to give an overview so the reader can better understand the proposal.
Step 2: Adding Personalization using a PRML file
What is left now is defining the Personalization Model in which the adaptive
actions to perform over the previously defined set of models are specified. For this
purpose we use the PRML language. The basic structure of a rule defined with
PRML is the following:
When event do
[Foreach expression]
[If condition then] action
A PRML rule is formed by an event and the body, which contains a condition
(optional) and an action to be performed. The event part of the rule states when the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
rule should be triggered. Once triggered the rule condition is evaluated (if any) and
in the case the condition is evaluated positively the action is performed. A Foreach
expression can be also present in the rule when the action and the condition act
over a set of instances.
Please note that the purpose of this paper is not to explain the PRML language, for
a better understanding of the rules the reader can consult [10].
Now we define the PRML configuration file for our running example6. For a better
comprehension we can divide this file in two sections:
The acquisition rule section defines the rules needed to gather the required
information to personalize. In our example we have two acquisition rules:
The first rule is triggered by the activation of the link ViewDetails. The rule
updates the proper instance of the interest class on the author the user consults
the details of. This is done using the SetContent action.
The second rule is triggered by the activation of the link Buy. The number of
books bought along all the sessions is stored in the buy class of the User Model
by increasing the attribute clicks every time the user buys a book.
When Navigation.ViewDetails (NM.Book book) do
Foreach a, b in (UM.User.userToInterest, book.bookToAuthor)do
If(b.ID = a.interestToAuthor.ID) then
When Navigation.Buy (NM.Book b) do
setContent(UM.User.userToBuy.clicks, UM.User.userToBuy.clicks + 1)
The personalization rule section contains the personalization rules which describe
the effect of personalization in the Website. In our example, we have three
personalization rules:
The first rule is triggered by the activation of the Recommendations link. To
fulfil the 1st personalization requirement we need to define a Sort action. It
operates over a set of instances (i.e. the set of books to sort). The syntax of this
action is very similar to SQL. This rule properly sorts the book instances by
the user interest degree on the different authors returning the fifteen
(maximum) with highest interest (and greater than 100) to be recommended to
the user.
The second rule hides the Recommendations link if there is no
recommendation to show to the user. It is triggered by the SessionStart event
(i.e. when the user enters the Website).
The third rule is triggered by the activation of the ViewDetails link. This rule
checks the number of books bought by the user and if this number is greater
than 10 it shows the attribute discount of the book to be shown.
Some attributes of the rules have been omitted for simplicity reasons.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
# RULE:“ShowRecommendations”
When Navigation.Recommendations(NM.Book* books) do
Sort books orderBy ASC LIMIT 15 Where
UM.User.userToInterest.interestToAuthor.ID= books.bookToAuthor.ID
# RULE:“HideLink”
When SessionStart do
If ForAll(UM.User.usertoInterest)
( or<100) then
# RULE:“ShowDiscount”
When Navigation.ViewDetails(NM.Book book) do
If UM.User.userToBuy.clicks >10 then
Step 3: Generating the Web Application with AWAC
Once modelled, the Web Application has to be generated using the AWAC tool.
The AWAC interface is a Web page in ASP.Net. To generate a Web application
using AWAC the following steps are to be taken:
1. Save the UML A-OOH models in XMI format.
2. Create a new project in the AWAC environment and load the XMI files
containing the A-OOH models.
This is done in the main view of the AWAC tool, shown in Figure 5(a).
The loaded models can be viewed selecting the corresponding option in the
Adaptive OO-H models section, as it can be seen in Figure 5(b).
3. Save the PRML file as a text file and upload the file.
In the menu, the option PRMLToolsÆ Edit Rules shows a new view of the AWAC
tool in which we can load the file containing the PRML rules for our Web
application (see Figure 6). It is desirable that the extension of the file is“.p” for
clarity purposes, but this is not mandatory.
In further versions it will be possible to edit the rules loaded and check if they are
syntactically and semantically correct.
4. Generate the Web application
Once the A-OOH models and the PRML file are uploaded, the Web application can
be created and downloaded as a compressed rar file (see Figure 7).
As explained in Section 4, the output of the AWAC tool contains the generated
adaptive Website (Web pages in, the modules for managing the
personalization (the Website Engine and the PRML Evaluator) and the application
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 5. (a) AWAC tool: loading the A-OOH models (b) View of the models in XMI
Fig. 6. Loading the PRML file
5. Deploying and running the Website
Once generated, the adaptive Web application can be run in a Web server. The
adaptive Web pages shown to the users will differ depending on their browsing
actions. In Figure 8 the recommendations page is shown for two different users.
Depending on the user interest (stored in the UM) the books to recommend vary.
To properly show the recommendations to the user the AWAC modules generated
for managing the personalization (explained in Section 4.1) follow the next steps
(see Figure 1b): The Website Engine gathers the request of the user for the
recommendations page and triggers the user browsing event (i.e. click on
recommendations) sending it to the PRML Evaluator module. This module checks
if there is any rule triggered, and finds the “ShowRecommendations” rule which
executes. This rule selects and sorts the corresponding book instances to be shown
from the Navigational Model. These recommendations won’t change until the next
time the user starts a session. This decision has been taken not to overwhelm the
user with constant updates.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 7. Generate and download the Web application
Fig. 8. Running the Website: Recommendations page for two different users
Conclusions and Future Work
This paper presents AWAC, a prototype CAWE tool for the automatic generation
of personalized Web applications. This tool implements the A-OOH (Adaptive
Object Oriented Hypermedia) methodology, which is an extension of the OO-H
method for supporting the modelling of personalized Websites. The input of the
AWAC tool is the set of A-OOH design models needed to model the adaptive
Website to generate. The output is the generated Website with its database. The
output includes a Web engine and a personalization module which allow to manage
the personalization at runtime of the final Web pages. The personalization rules can
be edited in an independent way of the rest of the application, which improves the
personalization maintenance.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Some experiments are being done with AWAC. One is the generation and running
of the (adaptive) Intranet of the university lab of the authors. This Intranet is now
online and the users accesses are being studied. The purpose of this experiment is
twofold: to study the satisfaction of the users (in terms of personalization
performed, fast response…) and the improvement of the personalization techniques
applied. As future work, besides implementing all the PRML functionality,we
would like to add a graphical user interface in order to define the A-OOH models
using AWAC. Now, to define the A-OOH models and generate the XMI files we
use the Enterprise Architect Design tool [8] in which we have defined the UML
profiles needed for the modelling of the A-OOH diagrams.
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Enterprise Architect - UML Design Tool,
Franciscar, F., Houben G.J., Barna P.:”HPG: The Hera Presentation Generator”.
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Garrigós I., Gómez J., Barna P., Houben G.J.: A Reusable Personalization Model in
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Gómez, J., Cachero, C., and Pastor, O.: “Conceptual Modelling of Device-Independent
Web Applications”, IEEE Multimedia Special Issue on Web Engineering, pp 26–39,
Houben, G.J., Frasincar, F., Barna, P, and Vdovjak, R.: Modeling User Input and
Hypermedia Dynamics in Hera International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE
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Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Active Rules for Runtime Adaptivity
Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Alessandro Morandi, Matteo Mortari, and
Giuseppe Pozzi
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
Via Ponzio 34/5, 20133 Milano, Italy
Abstract. The trend over the last years clearly shows that modern Web
development is evolving from traditional, HTML-based Web sites to fullfledged, complex Web applications, also equipped with active and/or
adaptive application features. While this evolution unavoidably implies
higher development costs and times, such implications are contrasted
by the dynamics of the modern Web, which demands for even faster
application development and evolution cycles.
In this paper we address the above problem by focusing on the case of
adaptive Web applications. We illustrate an ECA rule-based approach,
intended to facilitate the management and evolution of adaptive application features. For this purpose, we stress the importance of decoupling
the active logic (i.e. the adaptivity rules) from the execution of the actual
application by means of a decoupled rule engine that is able to capture
events and to autonomously enact adaptivity actions.
Adaptability (the design-time adaptation of an application to user preferences
and/or device characteristics [1]) and adaptivity (the runtime adaptation of an
application to a user profile or a context model [1]) have been studied in the last
years by several authors in the field of Web engineering. Adaptability is intended
as the capability of the design to fit an application to particular needs prior to
the execution of the application. Adaptivity is intended as autonomous capability of the application to react and change in response to specific events occurring
during the execution of the application, so as to better suit dynamically changing execution conditions. Recently, adaptivity has been extended to the case of
context-aware Web applications [2], where adaptivity is based on a dynamically
updated context model, upon which the adaptive application is built.
As is the nature of the Web engineering discipline, the previous approaches to
adaptability, context-awareness and adaptivity primarily focus on the definition
of design processes to achieve adaptation, thereby providing efficient methods
and tools for the design of such a class of applications. For instance, model-driven
methods [1, 2], object-oriented approaches [3], aspect-oriented approaches [4],
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
and rule-based paradigms [5, 6] have been proposed for the specification of adaptation features in the development of adaptive Web applications. The resulting
specifications facilitate the implementation of the adaptation requirements and
may also enhance code coherence and readability. Unfortunately, in most cases
during the implementation phase all the formalizations of adaptivity requirements are lost, and the adaptivity features become buried in the application
code. This aspect implies that changes and evolutions of adaptive behaviors after the deployment of the application are difficult, unless a new version of the
application is implemented and released.
Based on our experience in the model-driven design of adaptive/contextaware Web applications [2, 7], we are convinced that the next step in this research
area is to support the dynamic management of adaptivity features: on one hand
this will require proper design time support (e.g. languages or models), on the
other hand this will require suitable runtime environments where adaptivity
specifications can be easily administered.
In [8] we already outlined a first conceptual framework for this approach. We
now focus on the evolution of that work, describing a rule-based language (ECAWeb) for the specification of adaptive behaviors, orthogonally to the application
design, and its concrete implementation. The resulting framework provides application designers with the ECA-Web language and application administrators
with the possibility to easily manage ECA-Web rules (inserting, dropping, and
modifying rules), even after the implementation and the deployment of the application, i.e. at runtime. As envisioned above, by the described approach we
enable the decoupled management of adaptivity features at both design- and
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses some related works
on adaptivity in the Web. Section 3 introduces the ECA-Web rule language for
the specification of adaptive behaviors for Web applications and, then, shows
how ECA-Web rules can be executed by a proper rule engine and integrated
with the execution environment of the adaptive Web application. Section 4 discusses the prototype of an adaptive Web application supported by ECA-Web
rules and shows the usage of the active rule language. Section 5 describes the
implementation of the overall system and reports on first experiences with the
rule-based adaptivity specification and the runtime management of adaptivity
rules. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and discusses future work.
Related Work
Conceptual modeling methods provide systematic approaches to design and deploy Web applications. Several well-established design methods have been so
far extended to deal with Web application adaptivity. In [1] the authors extend
the Hera methodology with two kinds of adaptation: adaptability with respect
to the user device and adaptivity based on user profile data. Adaptation rules
(and the Hera schemas) are expressed in RDF(S) (Resource Description Framework/RDF Schema), attached to slices and executed by the AHA engine [9].
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The UWA Consortium proposes WUML [10] for conceptual hypertext design.
Adaptation requirements are expressed by means of OCL-based customization
rules, referring to UML class or package elements. In [11] the authors present
an extension of WSDM [12] to cover the specification of adaptive behaviors.
In particular, an event-based Adaptive Specification Language (ASL) is defined, which allows designers to express adaptations on the structure and the
navigation of the Web site. Such adaptations consist in transformations of the
navigation model, which can be applied to nodes (deleting/adding nodes), information chunks (connecting/disconnecting chunks to/form a node), and links
(adding/deleting links). In [4] the authors explore Aspect-Oriented Programming
techniques to model adaptivity in the context of the UML-based Web engineering
method UWE. Recently, WebML [13] has been extended to cover adaptivity and
context-awareness [2]. New visual primitives cover the specification of adaptivity
rules to evaluate conditions and to trigger some actions for adapting page contents, navigation, hypertext structure, and presentation. Also, the data model
has been enriched to represent some meta data supporting adaptivity.
The previous works benefit from the adoption of conceptual models, which
provide designers with powerful means to reason at a high-level of abstraction,
independently of implementation details. However, the resulting specifications
of adaptivity rules have the limit of being embedded inside the design models, thus raising problems in the maintenance and evolution of the adaptivity
requirements, once the application is released.
Recently, active rules, based on the ECA (Event-Condition-Action) paradigm,
have been proposed as a way to solve the previous problem. Initially exploited
especially in fields such as content evolution and reactive Web [14–16], ECA rules
have been recently adopted to support adaptivity issues in Web applications. In
particular, the specification of decoupled adaptivity rules provides a way to design adaptive behaviors along an orthogonal dimension. Among the most recent
and notable proposals, the work described in [5] enriches the OO-H model with
personalization rules for profile groups: rules are defined in PRML (Personalization Rule Modeling Language) and are attached to links in the OO-H Navigation
Access Diagram. The use of a PRML rule engine is envisioned in [6], but its real
potential for adaptivity management also at runtime remains unexplored.
In line with the previous work, the approach we describe here proposes a rulebased language adopting the ECA paradigm. We call the language ECA-Web,
emphasizing that it is able to express events and actions that may occur in a Web
environment. Although the proposed language allows one to reference elements
of a conceptual specification of an application1 , it is a self-sufficient language
for the specification of adaptivity rules. The novelty of our work is however the
development of a decoupled environment for the execution and administration of
adaptivity rules, which allows the management of adaptivity features to be kept
totally independent of the application execution. This aspect introduces several
advantages in terms of maintainability and evolvability.
In this paper we shall briefly show how the language can be bound to WebML [13].
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
<rule name="...">
Optional binding of the rule to hypertext elements. If no
scope is defined, the rule is considered of global scope
and thus applied to all hypertext pages.
Mandatory specification of the events that trigger the
rule (Web events, data events, temporal events and
external events).
Optional condition to check the status of session
variables or database content.
Mandatory action to be enacted to adapt the application
in response to the event that triggered the rule.
Optional priority to resolve conflicts among
concurrently actived rules over the same scope.
Fig. 1. Structure of ECA-Web rules.
Enabling Dynamic Adaptivity Management
In the following we introduce the design component (the ECA-Web language)
and the runtime component (the rule execution environment) that enable the
dynamic administration of adaptivity features.
ECA-Web is an XML-based language for the specification of active rules, conceived to manage adaptivity in Web applications. The syntax of the language
is inspired by Chimera-Exception, an active rule language for the specification
of expected exceptions in workflow management systems [17]. ECA-Web is an
evolution of the Chimera-Web language we already proposed in [8], and it is
equipped with a proper rule engine for rule evaluation and execution.
The general structure of an ECA-Web rule is summarized in Figure 1. A typical ECA-Web rule is composed of five parts: scope, events, conditions, action
and priority. The scope defines the binding of the rule with individual hypertext
elements (e.g. pages, links, contents inside pages). By means of events we specify how the rule is triggered in response to user navigations or changes in the
underlying context model. In the condition part it is possible to evaluate the
state of application data (e.g. database contents or session variables) to decide
whether the action is to be executed or not. The action specifies the adaptation
of the application in response to a triggered event and a true condition. The priority defines an execution order for rules concurrently activated over the same
scope; if not specified, a default priority value is assigned. More details on the
rule specification by means of ECA-Web are given in the next section, where
we discuss the architecture of the runtime environment for rule execution. An
example of ECA-Web rule will then be shown in Section 4.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Web Server
Web App.
Rule Engine
Rule Registry
Rule Repository
Fig. 2. Functional architecture of the integrated execution environment for adaptive
Web applications.
The Integrated Runtime Architecture
The execution of ECA-Web rules demands for a proper runtime support. Figure 2
summarizes the functional architecture of the system, highlighting the two main
actors: the Rule Engine and the Web Server hosting the Web application. The
Rule Engine is equipped with a set of Event Managers to capture events, and a
set of Action Enactors to enable the execution of actions. The communications
among the single modules are achieved through asynchronous message exchanges
(Message-Oriented Middleware).
Event Managers. Each type of ECA-Web event is supported by a suitable
event manager (i.e., Web Event Manager, Data Event Manager, Temporal Event
Manager, and External Event Manager ). As in [8], event managers and ECAWeb provide support for the following event types:
– Data events refer to operations on the application’s data source, such as
create, modify, and delete. In adaptive Web applications, such events can
be monitored on user, customization, and context data to trigger adaptivity actions with respect to users and their context of use. Data events are
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
managed by the Data Event Manager, which runs on top of the application’s
data source.
– Web events refer to general browsing activities (e.g. the access to a page, the
submission of a form, the refresh of a page, the download of a resource), or
to events generated by the Web application itself (e.g. the start or end of an
operation, a login or logout of the user). Web events are risen in collaboration
with the Web application and captured by the Web Event Manager. Since
adaptivity actions are typically performed for each user individually, Web
events are also provided with a suitable user identifier (if any).
– External events can be configured by a dedicated plug-in mechanism in form
of a Web service that can be called by whatever application or resource from
the Web. An external event could be for example a notification of news fed
into the application via RSS. When an external event occurs, the name of the
triggering event and suitable parameters are forwarded to the rule engine.
External events are captured by means of the External Event Manager.
– Temporal events are subdivided into instant, periodic, and interval events.
Interval events are particularly powerful, since they allow the binding of a
time interval to another event (anchor event). For example, the expression
“five minutes after the access to page X” represents a temporal event that
is raised after the expiration of 5 minutes from the anchor event “access to
page X”. Temporal events are managed by the Temporal Event Manager,
based on interrupts and the system clock.
The managers for external and temporal events are general in nature and
easily reusable. The Data Event Manager is database-dependent2 . The Web
Event Manager requires a tight integration with the Web application.
Action Enactors. Actions correspond to modifications to the Web application
or to executions of back-end operations. Typical adaptation actions are: adaptation of page contents, automatic navigation actions, adaptation/restructuring
of the hypertext structure, adaptation of presentation properties, automatic invocation of operations or services. Adaptations are performed according to the
user’s profile or his/her context data.
While some actions can easily be implemented without any explicit support
from the Web application (e.g. the adaptation of page contents may just require
the setting of suitable page parameters when accessing the page), others may
require a tighter integration into the application’s runtime environment (e.g. the
restructuring of the hypertext organization). The level of application support
required for the implementation of the adaptivity actions thus heavily depends
on the actual adaptivity requirements. However, application-specific actions can
easily be integrated into the ECA-Web rule logic and do not require the extension
of the syntax of the rule language (an example of the use of actions is shown in
Figure 7).
In our current implementation we support PostgreSQL. Modules for other database
management systems are planned for future releases.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Rule Engine
1: Event
7: Action
2: Event
6: Action
3: Get rule(s)
by event
Rule Registry
4: Rule(s) by priority
5: Condition evaluation
Fig. 3. The rule engine: internal rule execution logic.
As depicted in Figure 2, the execution of adaptivity actions is performed by
means of three action enactors: Web Action Enactor, External Action Enactor,
and Data Action Enactor. Web actions need to be provided by the application
developer in terms of Java classes; they are performed by the Web Action Enactor, which is integrated into the application runtime environment, in order to
guarantee access to the application logic. External actions are enacted through
a dedicated Web service interface. Data actions are performed on the database
that hosts the application’s data source.
The enactor for external actions is general in nature and easily reusable,
the Data Action Enactor is database-dependent, the Web Action Enactor is
integrated with the Web application.
Rule Engine. In the architecture depicted in Figure 2, the Rule Engine is in
charge of identifying the ECA-Web rules that correspond to captured events,
of evaluating conditions, and of invoking action enactors – in case of conditions
evaluating to true.
In the rule engine, a scalable, multithreaded Rule Evaluator evaluates conditions to determine whether the rule’s action is to be performed or not, depending
on the current state of the application. In ECA-Web, conditions consist of predicates over context data, application data, global session variables, and/or page
parameters. For example, in the condition part of an ECA-Web rule it is possible
to specify parametric queries over the application’s data source, where parameters can be filled with values coming from session variables or page parameters.
The rule engine also includes a Rule Registry for the management of running,
deployed ECA-Web rules. Deployed rules are loaded into the Rule Registry, a
look-up table for the efficient retrieval of running rules, starting from captured
events. The internal execution logic of a triggered rule is graphically summarized
in Figure 3.
ECA-Web Rule Management
While the Rule Registry contains only deployed rules for execution, the Rule
Repository offers support for the persistent storage of rules. For the management
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 4. The Web interface for the Rule Administration Panel.
of both Rule Registry and Rule Repository, we provide a Rule Administration
Panel that allows designers to easily view, add, remove, activate, and deactivate
rules. Figure 4 shows a screenshot of the Rule Administration Panel.
Deploying ECA-Web Rules
Activating or deploying an ECA-Web rule is not a trivial task and, depending
on the rule specification, may require to set up a different number of modules.
During the deployment of an ECA-Web rule, the XML representation of the rule
is decomposed into its constituent parts, i.e. scope, events, conditions, action,
and priority, which are then individually analyzed to configure the system. The
scope is used to configure the Web Event Manager and the Web Action Enactor.
The events are interpreted to configure the respective event managers and to set
suitable triggers in the application’s data source. The conditions are transformed
into executable, parametric queries in the Rule Registry. The action specification
and the rule’s priority are as well fed into the Rule Registry. Each active rule in
the system is thus represented by an instance in the Rule Registry, (possibly) by
a set of data triggers in the database, and by a set of configurations of the event
managers and the action enactors.
The registry allows the concurrent access by multiple Rule Evaluators. Priorities are taken into account in the action enactor modules, which select the
action to be performed for the page under computation (the scope) from the
queue of possible actions, based on rule priorities.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
During the deployment of an ECA-Web rule, conflict resolution and termination analyses will be performed in line with the methods conceived and
implemented for the Chimera-Exception language [17].
Enacting Adaptivity
External and data actions can be executed immediately upon reception of the
respective instruction from the rule engine. The enaction of Web actions, which
are characterized by adaptations visible on the user’s browser, is possible only
when a “request for adaptation” (a page request) comes from the browser. In
fact, only in presence of an explicit page request, the Web application is actually
in execution and, thus, capable to apply adaptations. This is due to the lack of
suitable push mechanisms in the standard HTTP protocol.
In order to provide the application with active/reactive behaviors, in our
previous works we therefore studied two possible solutions: (i) periodically refreshing the adaptive page currently viewed by the user [2], and (ii) periodically
monitoring the execution context in the background (e.g. by means of suitable
Rich Internet Application – RIA – technologies) and refreshing the adaptive page
only in the case adaptivity actions are to be performed [7, 8]. Both mechanisms
are compatible with the new rule-based architecture and enable the application
to apply possible adaptivity actions that have been forwarded to the Web Action
Enactor by the Rule Engine.
Case Study
In the context of the Italian research project MAIS3 we have developed a contextaware Web application, called PoliTour, supplying information about buildings
and roads within our university campus at Politecnico di Milano. The application
is accessed through a PDA equipped with a GPS receiver for location sensing.
User positioning is based on geographical longitude and latitude. As the user
moves around the campus, the application publishes location-aware data, providing details about roads and buildings. The required adaptivity consists of (i)
adapting page contents according to the user’s position, and (ii) alerting the
user of possible low connectivity conditions, based on the RSSI (Received Signal
Strength Indicator) value of the wireless Internet connection. The alert consists
in changing the background color of the displayed page.
The application has been designed with the WebML model, a visual notation
for specifying the content, composition, and navigation features of hypertext
applications [13]. In this paper we use the WebML notation for two distinct
purposes: (i) to easily and intuitively describe the reference application, and
(ii) to better highlight how the active rules introduced in the next section may
take advantage from a formally defined, conceptual application model for the
definition of expressive adaptivity rules. The approach we propose in this paper,
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Context Model sub-schema
1:N Name
Fig. 5. ER data schema of the PoliTour application.
however, is not tightly coupled to WebML and can be used in the context of any
modeling methodology upon suitable adaptation.
It is worth noting that the approach based on ECA-Web described in this
paper is not to be considered an alternative solution to the conceptual design approaches so far proposed in the literature for Web application modeling. Rather,
we believe that the best expressiveness and a good level of abstraction for the
illustrated adaptivity specification language will be achieved by complementing
the current modeling and design methods (such as WebML, Hera, OO-H or
OOHDM). In fact, in this paper we hint at the specification of ECA-Web rules
on top of WebML (both data and hypertext models), just like SQL triggers are
defined on top of relational data models. This consideration is in line with the
proposal by Garrigós et. al [6], who show how to apply their PRML rule language
to several different conceptual Web application models.
The conceptual model of the application serves as terminological and structural reference model for the specification of adaptivity rules and, thus, allows
application developers to keep the same level of abstraction and concepts already
used for the design of the main application. In terms of WebML, for example,
this could mean to restrict the scope of individual rules to specific hypertext
elements like content units, pages, or areas, or to relate events to specific links or
units. The same holds for actions, which could for example be applied to single
units or even attributes.
Application Design with WebML
Figure 5 depicts a simplified version of the data schema underlying the PoliTour
application, expressed in the Entity-Relationship (ER) notation. Five entities
compose the context model, which is required in addition to the user identity to
achieve the context-aware features of the application. The entities Connectivity
and Position are directly connected to the entity User, as they represent context data which are individual for each user of the system. Position contains
the latest GPS coordinates for each user, Connectivity contains a set of discrete connectivity levels that can be associated to users, based on their current
RSSI. GPS coordinates and RSSI are sensed at the client side and periodically
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Nearby Buildings
Fig. 6. Simplified hypertext model of the PoliTour application. H stands for Home page;
L stands for Landmark page.
communicated to the application server in the background [7]. The entities Area,
Building, and Road provide a logical abstraction of raw position data: buildings and roads are mapped onto a set of geographical areas inside the university
campus, which enables the association of a user with the building or road he/she
is located in, based on the GPS position. The entity Classroom is located outside the context model, as the application is not able to react to that kind of
granularity, and the respective data is considered additional application content.
Figure 6 depicts the WebML-based hypertext schema of the PoliTour application defined on top of the ER schema shown in Figure 5. The application
hypertext is composed of three pages: Buildings, Roads, and Classroom. Page
Buildings shows a list of buildings (BuildingsIndex unit) the user can select
from. By choosing one of the buildings, the respective details (BuildingData
unit) and the list of classrooms (ClassroomsIndex unit) of the building is shown.
If interested in, the user can select one of the building’s classrooms and navigate
to the Classroom page. Similarly, page Roads shows a list of roads for selection
by the user. The details of selected roads are shown by the RoadData unit positioned in the middle of the page. The identifier of the selected road is further
propagated to the NearbyBuildings unit, which shows the buildings adjacent
to the road and allows the user to navigate to the Buildings page. The two
pages Buildings and Roads are further tagged as landmark pages, meaning
that they can be accessed through a global navigation menu. Page Buildings is
also tagged as the home page of the application.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
<rule name="showBuilding">
Binding of the rule to the Building page
The rule may be triggered by two data events,
i.e. the modification of the current user’s latitude
<class></class> or longitude. For presentation purposes, we only
show the event related to the latitude parameter.
<param name="type">modify</param>
<param name="table">Position</param>
<param name="attr">latitude</param>
The specification of the rule’s
condition requires the definition of two
data objects for the construction of the
database query: the first one (P)
extracts the current user’s position by
<eq><value>user_id</value><value>Rule.currentUser</value></eq> means of the Rule.currentUser
environment variable; the second one
(A) extracts the area associated to the
user’s current position. Finally, the
<notnull> condition allows us to check
the presence of a building in the
identified area.
The adaptation of the page
contents requires the invocation
of the Showpage action with
<param name="redirectURI">building.jsp?id=<value>building_oid</value></param> suitable parameters computed
at runtime.
Fig. 7. The ECA-Web rule for checking the user’s current position and updating page
Defining an ECA-Web Rule
The full specification of the application’s adaptivity requires several different
ECA-Web rules to manage the adaptation of the contents in the pages Buildings
and Roads, and to alert the user of low connectivity conditions. Figure 7 shows
the ECA-Web rules that adapts the content of the page Buildings to the position of the user inside the university campus.
The scope of the rule binds the rule to the Buildings page. The triggering
part of the rule consists of two data events, one monitoring modifications to the
user’s longitude parameter, one monitoring the user’s latitude parameter.
In the condition part of the rule we check whether there is a suitable building
associated to the user’s current position (<notnull> condition), in which case
we enact the Showpage adaptivity action with new page parameters, suitably
computed at runtime; otherwise, no action is performed. The condition evalua-
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
tion requires the extraction from the data source of two data items (<object>),
namely the position of the current user and the area in which the user is located. The selection condition is enclosed within the <requirements> tag. In
the action part of the rule we link the bellerofonte.actions.Showpage4 Java
class, which contains the necessary logic for the content adaptation action. The
variable building oid has been computed in the condition part of the rule and
is here used to construct the URL query to be attached to the automatic page
request that will cause the re-computation of the page and, thus, the adaptation
of the shown content.
It is worth noting that the scope of the previous rule is limited to one specific
hypertext page. There might be situations requiring a larger scope. For example,
the rule for alerting users about low connectivity is characterized by a scope that
spans all the application’s pages; in terms of WebML, binding an ECA-Web rule
to all pages means to set the scope of the rule to the site view, i.e. a model
element (see site view PoliTour in Figure 6). The scope of the rule is specified
as follows:
As for the dynamic management of adaptivity rules, we could for example
be interested in testing the two adaptivity features (location-aware contents and
the low connectivity alert) independently. We would thus first only deploy the
rule(s) necessary to update the contents of the Buildings and Roads pages and
test their functionality without also enabling the alert. Then we could disable
this set of rules and enable the rule for the alert and test it. If both tests are
successful, we finally could enable both adaptivity features in parallel and test
their concurrent execution.
The proposed solution has been developed with scalability and efficiency in mind.
The Web application and the rule engine are completely decoupled, and all communications are based on asynchronous message exchanges based on JMS (Java
Message Service). The different modules of the proposed system can easily be
distributed over several server machines. The overhead introduced into the Web
application is reduced to a minimum and only consists of (i) forwarding Web
events and (ii) executing adaptivity actions. These two activities in fact require
access to the application logic. In fact, depending on the required adaptivity
support, event mangers and action enactors may require different levels of customization by the Web application developer. The customization consists in the
implementation of the application-specific events and of the actions that are to
be supported by the adaptive application.
Bellerofonte is the current code name of the rule engine project.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
To perform our first experiments with ECA-Web and the rule engine, we have
adapted the PoliTour application, which we already extensively tested when developing our model-driven approach to the design of context-aware Web applications [7]. As for now, our experiments with a limited number of rules have
yielded promising results. Experimentations with larger numbers of active rules,
different adaptive Web applications, and several users in parallel are planned.
Also, to really be able to take full advantage of the flexibility provided by
the decoupled adaptivity rule management, a set of suitable adaptivity actions
needs to be implemented. Our current implementation provides support for data
actions and a limited set of Web actions (namely, ShowPage for adapting page
contents, and ChangeStyle for adapting presentation style properties). Data actions are currently applied only to entities and attributes that are directly related
to the user for which the action is being executed. Also, condition evaluation is
automatically confined to those context entities and attributes that are related
to the user for which the rule is being evaluated. We are already working on
extending condition evaluation to any application data, coming from the data
source as well as from page and session parameters.
In the context of WebML, the provision of a set of predefined adaptivity
actions will lead to a library of adaptivity actions, possibly integrated into the
WebML runtime environment. In the case of general Web applications, the rule
engine can be used in the same fashion and with the same flexibility, provided
that implementations of the required adaptivity actions are supplied.
We believe that the decoupled runtime management of adaptivity features represents the next step in the area of adaptive Web applications. In this paper
we have therefore shown how to empower design methods for adaptivity with
the flexibility provided by a decoupled environment for the execution and the
administration of adaptivity rules. The development of Web applications in general is more and more based on fast and incremental deployments with multiple
development cycles. The same consideration also holds for adaptive Web applications and their adaptivity requirements. Our approach allows us to abstract
the adaptive behaviors, to extract them from the main application logic, and to
provide a decoupled management support, finally enhancing the maintainability
and evolvability of the overall application.
In our future work we shall focus on the extension of the ECA-Web language
to fully take advantage of the concepts and notations that can be extracted
from conceptual Web application models (e.g. from WebML models). We shall
also investigate termination, complexity, and confluence issues, trying to apply
Chimera-Exception’s Termination Analysis Machine [17] to ECA-Web. Extensive experimentations are planned to further prove the advantages deriving from
the decoupled approach.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
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ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Using Object Variants to Support
Context-Aware Interactions
Michael Grossniklaus and Moira C. Norrie
Institute for Information Systems, ETH Zurich
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract We discuss the need to extend general models and systems
for context-awareness to include adaptation of interactions to context.
Our approach was motivated by our experiences of developing mobile
applications based on novel modes of interaction. We describe how we
were able to support context-aware interactions using an object-oriented
framework that we had already developed to support context-aware web
Context-awareness in web engineering involves the adaptation of applications
to user situations. At the level of models and frameworks to support web engineering, several generic approaches have been proposed to allow application
developers to determine what notions of context and adaptation are relevant
to specific applications. General models and mechanisms have therefore been
developed that can cater for various forms of adaptation that correspond to personalisation, internationalisation, multi-channel access, location-awareness etc.
Furthermore, for full generality, it should be possible to adapt any aspect of a
web application, including content, structure and presentation.
However, one aspect that has received relatively little attention is the need to
adapt interaction processes to context and how existing models and mechanisms
can be generalised to support this. Our experiences have shown that supporting
mobile and ubiquitous applications often involves working with new modes of
interaction resulting from the characteristics of the different devices used. The
nature of these devices is such that the linearity of traditional web-based transactions may be lost and input data may be assembled from various sources and in
different orders rather than being specified in a single step. This also means that
users need to be carefully guided through the interaction so that they are aware
of the current interaction state. An important factor here is that users can be
supplied with context-dependent help information according to the interaction
In this paper, we describe how we were able to exploit an object-oriented
framework that was developed to support context-aware web engineering to support context-aware interactions. We begin in Sect. 2 with a discussion of related
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
work and a motivation of our approach. Sect. 3 presents the main features of
the object-oriented framework and how it supports context-awareness through a
notion of multi-variant objects. In Sect. 4, we show how the mechanisms used to
supported context-awareness in our framework could be used to support contextaware interactions. Section 5 provides a general discussion of the approach and
directions of future work. Concluding remarks are given in Sect. 6.
The need for context-awareness is well documented in the field of web engineering. Its impact can be witnessed in several model-based approaches and a few
implementation platforms recently proposed. For example, the Web Modelling
Language (WebML) [1] has been extended with primitives that allow adaptive
and context-aware sites to be modelled [2]. To manage context information,
the data model is extended with a context model that is specific to the developed application. To gather context information, two additional units—Get URL
Parameter and Get Data—have been introduced. The first unit retrieves context information sent to the server by the client device encoded in the URL.
The second unit extracts context information according to the context model
from the database on the server. Each page that is considered to be contextdependent is associated in the model with a context cloud that contains the
adaptation operation chains. These operation chains can be built from the standard WebML operation units as well as from units that have been introduced to
model conditional or switch statements in the specification of workflows. When a
context-aware page is requested, the corresponding operation chain is executed
and the content of the page adapted accordingly. However, in order to adapt
the content itself, the context-dependent entities in the data model have to be
associated with entities representing the relevant context dimensions. Depending on the complexity of the application, this can lead to a very cumbersome
data model that is no longer true to the orthogonal notion of context. Apart
from such content adaptation, it is also possible to adapt the navigation and
the presentation. The newly introduced Change Site View unit can be used to
forward a client from one site view to another, whereas the Change Style unit
adapts the web site in terms of colours and font properties. Another extensions
to WebML allows reactive web applications [3] to be specified. The proposed
approach uses the Web Behaviour Model (WBM) in combination with WebML
to form a high-level Event-Condition-Action (ECA) paradigm. WBM uses the
notion of timed finite state automatons to specify scripts that track the users’
navigation on the web site. When a WBM script reaches an accepting state, the
condition it represents is fulfilled and the corresponding actions in the form of
a WebML operation chain are executed as soon as the associated event occurs.
Based on this graphical ECA paradigm, applications such as profiling to infer
a user’s interests or updating specific values within the user model as well as
adapting to this information can be specified and implemented automatically
based on an intuitive model.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The Hera methodology [4] is a model-driven approach that integrates concepts from adaptive hypermedia systems with technologies from the semantic
web. Faithful to its background of adaptive hypermedia systems, the specification of adaptation has always been an integral part of the Hera methodology [5].
Hera distinguishes between static design-time adaptation called adaptability and
dynamic run-time adaptation called adaptivity. The design artefacts of all three
models used in the development process can be adapted by annotating them
with appearance conditions. Depending on whether the condition specifies an
adaptability or adaptivity rule, they are evaluated during the generation step or
at run-time. If a condition evaluates to true, the corresponding artefact will be
presented to the user, otherwise it is omitted. Thus, alternatives can be specified
using a set of mutually exclusive appearance conditions. Similar to the approach
taken by WebML, web sites that have been designed with Hera are implemented
by using the conceptual models to configure a run-time environment. The Hera
Presentation Generator (HPG) [6] is an example of such a platform that combines the data stored as RDF with the models represented in RDFS to generate
an adapted presentation according to user preferences as well as device capabilities. The presentation compiled by the Hera presentation generator is rendered
as a set of static documents that contain the mark-up and the content for one
particular class of clients. Hence, with this approach, it is only possible to implement appearance conditions that express design-time adaptability. More recently, an alternative implementation platform for Hera has been proposed based
on the AMACONT [7] project. Based on a layered component-based XML document format [8], reusable elements of a web site can be defined at different
levels of granularity. The document components that encapsulate adaptive content, navigation and presentation are then composed through aggregation and
interlinkage into adaptive web applications. The proposed document format has
three abstraction levels—media components, content unit components and document components—mirroring the iterative development process of most web
sites. Adaptation is realised by allowing components of all granularities to have
variants. A variant of a component specifies an arbitrarily complex selection
condition as part of the metadata in its header. The decision as to whether a
component is presented to the user is made by the XSLT stylesheet that generates the presentation according to the current context. AMACONT’s publishing
process is based on a pipeline that iteratively applies transformations to a set
of input documents to obtain the fully rendered output documents. Through
the caching of partial results, intermediate steps can be reused multiple times
leading to improved performance.
In UML-based Web Engineering (UWE) [9], adaptation is based on the Munich Reference Model [10] for adaptive hypermedia applications. The architecture and concepts of this reference model are based entirely on the previously
discussed Dexter and AHAM reference models. However, while Dexter has been
specified in Z without a graphical representation and AHAM has so far only
been defined informally, the Munich Reference Model being written in UML
offers both a graphical representation and a formal specification using the Ob45
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ject Constraint Language (OCL). The model uses the same layering as Dexter—
within-component, storage and run-time layers—and partitions the storage layer
in the same way as AHAM into a domain, user and adaptation model. In contrast to the existing models, the Munich Reference Model distinguishes three
forms of rule-based adaptation instead of two. To match the three layers of the
UWE methodology, these forms of adaptation are adaptive content, adaptive
links and adaptive presentation. A shortcoming of this rule-based approach is
that the rules exist outside the model and thus have no graphical representation. A possible solution to this problem has been proposed through the use of
aspects-oriented modelling techniques [11]. As adaptation logic is orthogonal to
the basic application logic, the cross-cutting nature of aspects provides a promising solution for separating the two. By introducing the concept of aspects, the
UWE metamodel has been extended to support adaptive navigation capabilities such as adaptive link hiding, adaptive link annotation and adaptive link
So far, we have looked at the most influential conceptual models for web engineering and in some cases their proprietary implementation platform. Apart from
those, general technologies to support context-awareness and adaptation haven
been developed. An example of such a solution is the web authoring language Intensional HTML (IHTML) [12]. Based on version control mechanisms, IHTML
supports web pages that have different variants and adapts them to a userdefined context. The concepts proposed by IHTML were later generalised to form
the basis for the definition of Multidimensional XML (MXML) [13] which in turn
provided the foundation for Multidimensional Semistructured Data (MSSD) [14].
Similar to semi-structured data that is often modelled using the Object Exchange Model (OEM), MSSD is represented in terms of a graph model that
extends OEM with multidimensional nodes and context edges. In the resulting
Multidimensional Object Exchange Model (OEM), multidimensional nodes capture entities that have multiple variants by grouping the nodes representing the
facets. These variants are connected to the multidimensional node using context
edges. In contrast to the conventional edges used in OEM, the label of a context
edge specifies in which context the variant pointed to is appropriate. Using these
specifiers, a MOEM graph can be reduced to a corresponding OEM graph for
a given context. Based on this graph representation, a Multidimensional Query
Language (MQL) [15] has been defined that allows the specification of context
conditions at the level of the language. Thus, it can be used to formulate queries
that process data across different contexts.
A general and extensible architecture that supports context-aware data access is proposed in [16]. Their approach is based on the concepts of profiles and
configurations. Context is represented as a collection of profiles that each specify
one aspect of the context such as the user, the device etc. Each profile contains
a set of dimensions that capture certain characteristics and are associated to
context values over attributes. Profiles are expressed according to the General
Profile Model (GPM) [17] that provides a graphical notation and is general
enough to capture a wide variety of formats currently in use to transmit context
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
information as well as transforming from one format to another [18]. While such
profiles describe the context in which a request has been issued to the web information system, configurations express how the response should be generated.
A configuration has three parts that match the general architecture of web information systems in terms of content, structure and presentation. The content
part of the configuration is represented by a query formulated in relational algebra. The definition of the structure part is expressed using WebML to define
the hypertext. Finally, the presentation part is specified using the notion of a
logical stylesheet which unifies languages such as Cascading Stylesheets (CSS).
Configurations are stored in a repository on the server side and matched to the
profiles submitted by the client as part of its request. The matching is done
based on adaptation rules consisting of a parametrised profile, a condition and
a parametrised configuration [19]. The profile allows parameters instead of values to be used that are then assigned the values specified in the client profile.
The condition constrains the values that are valid for the rule to be applied by
formulating a logical expression over the parameters. Finally, the configuration
includes the parameters value to adapt the content delivery. During the matching process, the client profile is compared to the adaptation rules. If the client
profile matches the parametrised profile of the rule and the specified values fulfil
the condition, the parametrised configuration is instantiated and applied.
Multi-Variant Objects
As presented in the previous section, most model-based approaches offer at least
some support for context-aware web engineering. Some solutions even offer an
integrated implementation platform tailored to the capabilities and requirements
of the respective model. Most approaches, however, rely on standard components
such as application servers, content management systems or relational databases
to implement the modelled specifications. Unfortunately, as we will see, these
implementation platforms do not provide native support for context-awareness.
Therefore, this functionality has often to be implemented over and over again
leading to poor reuse of code and maintainability. In this section, we will present
multi-variant objects as an enabling concept for context-aware query processing
in information systems.
Multi-variant objects have been specified within the framework of an objectoriented database management system developed at our institute. As this database management system is built on the concepts defined by the OM [20] model,
we have decided to define our model as an extension of OM. OM is a rich and
flexible object-oriented data model that features multiple instantiation, multiple inheritance and a bidirectional association concept. This model was chosen
as, due to its generality, it is possible to use it to implement other conceptual
models such as the Entity-Relationship (ER) model or the Resource Description
Framework (RDF). Further, the feature of multiple instantiation, i.e. the ability
of a single object to have multiple instances that exist on different paths along
the inheritance graph, is something that is of frequent use in the domain of web
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
engineering. Imagine, for instance, a content management system that manages
users who have certain roles in the administration of the web site. Based on
these user roles, the types of the objects themselves will vary as they include
different attributes and methods. In most object-oriented systems, this is usually
modelled by defining the abstract concept of a user and then using inheritance
to define concrete subtypes of this user. Most of these systems however do not
provide a solution for the requirement that a user object needs to have two or
more of these subtypes at the same time, whereas in reality users can have any
number of roles, as someone can be, for example, both a site administrator and
a content editor. In OM, the feature of multiple instantiation can be used to
cater for exactly this kind of situation.
Figure 1: Conceptual data model of an object
Therefore, in the original OM model, an object is represented by a number of
instances—one for every type of which the object is an instance. All instances of
an object share the same object identifier but are distinguishable based on the
type of which they are an instance. For the purpose of multi-variant objects, we
have broken this relationship between the object and its instances and introduced
the additional concept of a variant. As shown in the conceptual data model
represented in Fig. 1, in the extended OM model, an object is associated with a
number of variants which in turn are each linked to a set of revisions. Finally, each
revision is connected to the set of instances containing the actual data. As can
be seen from the figure, our model supports two versioning dimensions. Variants
are intended to enable context-aware query processing while revisions support
the tracking of the development process. However, for the scope of this paper we
will focus on variants exclusively and neglect the presence of revisional versions
in the model. Note that all versions of an object still share the same object
identifier tying them together as a single conceptual unit. As in the traditional
OM model, objects can be instantiated with multiple types and therefore both
objects and variants can be related to any number of types. A variant of an object
is identified by the set of properties associated with it. Any variant can have an
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
arbitrary number of properties, each consisting of a name and a value. Finally,
instances are still identified based on their type. Hence they can only be linked
to exactly one of the types to which the object is related. Further, instances are
associated with values and thus contain the actual data of an object.
Before presenting how context-dependent queries are evaluated by our system, it is necessary to briefly introduce the notion and representation of context
that we are using. In the setting of our context-aware information system, context information is regarded as optional information that is used by the system
for augmenting the result of a query rather than specifying it. As a consequence,
such a system also needs a well defined default behaviour that can serve as a fallback in the absence of context information. In our approach, context information
is gathered outside the information system by the client application. Therefore,
it is necessary that client applications can influence the context information that
is used during query processing by the information system. To support this, a
common context representation that is shared by both components is required.
Since several frameworks for context gathering, management and augmentation
already exist, our intention was to provide a representation that is as general as
possible. Acknowledging the fact that each application has its own understanding of context, this representation is based on the concept of a context space S
that defines the names of the context dimensions that occur in an application.
Each context dimension name can be associated with a value to form a context
value c = name, value. Then, a context C(S) is a set of context values for
the dimensions specified by S. Finally, a context space denoted by C⋆ (S) is a
special context that contains exactly one value for every context dimension of
S. While contexts are used to describe in which situation a particular variant
of an object is appropriate, the current context state of the system governs how
context-dependent queries are evaluated.
Context-aware queries over these multi-variant objects are evaluated using
the matching algorithm shown in Fig. 2 to select the appropriate variants whenever objects are accessed by the query processor. The algorithm takes an object
o and the current context state of the system C⋆ (S) as inputs. First it retrieves
all variants of o that are linked to it through the HasVariants association. After
building the context state of each variant from the properties that are associated to it through HasProperty , the algorithm applies a scoring function fs to this
variant context state that returns a value measuring how appropriate the variant is in the current context. It then returns the variant of o that has obtained
the highest score smax . However, if the highest score is below a certain threshold smin or if there are multiple variants with that score, the default variant is
Similar to context dimensions, the concrete definition of the scoring function
depends on the requirements of a context-aware application. Our system therefore allows the default scoring function to be substituted with an applicationspecific function. As it is not possible to discuss all issues involved in designing
such a scoring function in the scope of this paper, we refrain from going into
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
match(o, C⋆ (S))
1 V0 ← rng(HasVariants dr({o}))
2 V1 ← V0 ∝ (x → (x × rng(HasProperty dr({x}))))
3 V2 ← V1 ∝ (x → (dom(x) × fs (C⋆ (S), rng(x))))
4 smax ← max(rng(V2 ))
5 V3 ← V2 % (x → rng(x) = smax )
6 if |V3 | = 1 ∧ smax ≥ smin
then v ← V3 nth 1
else v ← rng(DefaultVariant dr({o})) nth 1
9 return v
Figure 2: Matching algorithm
further detail. Nevertheless, we will give an intuitive understanding of its effect
by means of examples in the next section.
Context-Aware Interactions
Based on the concept of multi-variant objects, we implemented a context-aware
content management system that was used as the server component of a mobile
tourist information system. The tourist information system was designed to assist
visitors to the city of Edinburgh during the art festivals held each year during the
month of August. A coarse overview of the architecture of the so-called EdFest
system [21,22] is shown in Fig. 3. The range of clients that are supported by
our system is shown on the left-hand side of the figure. Apart from traditional
clients that are based on desktop PCs and PDAs, EdFest introduced a novel
interaction channel based on interactive paper [23]. Our context-aware content
management system is shown on the right-hand side of the figure. It consists
of a web server that handles the communication with the clients, a server that
manages publishing metadata [24,25] and an application database that stores the
content of the EdFest application database. While the kiosk and PDA clients
are implemented using standard HTML, the paper client actually consists of two
publishing channels. The paper publisher [26] channel is used at design time to
author and print the interactive documents from the content managed by the
application database. The paper client channel is then active at run-time when
the system is used by the tourists and is responsible for delivering additional
information about festival venues and events by using voice feedback when the
users interact with the digital pen on the interactive documents.
Of the four publishing channels, the paper and PDA client are mobile and
have thus been integrated with the platform shown at the centre of the figure
that manages various aspects of context. A range of sensors gather location,
weather and network availability information that is then managed in a dedicated
context database [27]. Context information is sent from the client to the server
by encoding it in the requests sent to the content management server. This is
one of the tasks of the client controller component. It acts as a transparent
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Kiosk Client
Paper Publisher
Paper Client
PDA Client
Data Server
Figure 3: Overview of the EdFest architecture
proxy that intercepts requests and appends the current context state stored in
the context database. Another task of this component is to act as a server on
the client side, enabling the server to issue call-back requests to the client and
thus allowing proactive behaviour to be implemented.
In this paper, we do not go into further details of the functionality offered by
the EdFest system. A comprehensive description of the design and implementation of the system can be found in [28]. We instead focus on one particular
functionality that demonstrates the need for context-aware interactions. The
functionality we have chosen is the reservation process that allows tickets to be
booked interactively. To understand what context-aware interactions are, Fig. 4
compares the interaction process of the prototype kiosk interface to the process
on the paper client. At the top, Fig. 4(a) and (b) show the two different graphical user interfaces. The kiosk interface offers an HTML form with text fields in
which the required information can be entered by the user. If all information has
been entered, the data is sent to the server by clicking the submit button. With
the paper client, the reservation process is quite different. Instead of entering all
information and submitting the form with all data at once, a request is sent to
the server for each parameter. The reason for this behaviour is that, in contrast
to the web-based user interface, the tourist needs to be guided through the process by constant voice feedback. Also, this feedback serves as a confirmation of
the data entered that could not be perceived by the user otherwise. Therefore, to
book a ticket with the paper client, the tourist has to first start the reservation
process by pointing to the icon labelled “Start reservation”. The system then
instructs them to select the event for which they want to book tickets. This is
done by selecting the event with the digital pen in a separate brochure listing
all events. After an event has been selected, the number of tickets and the date
are set in much the same way. The server checks if the booking is valid and,
if so, sends a voice prompt to the client instructing the tourist to confirm the
reservation by clicking on the icon labelled “reserve”. At the bottom, Fig. 4(c)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Start reservation
Number of tickets
(a) Kiosk interface
(b) Paper interface
(c) Kiosk interaction
(d) Paper interaction
Figure 4: Comparison of the reservation process on different clients
and (d) illustrate the communication pattern that results from reserving tickets
using the kiosk and paper client, respectively. As can be seen in the figure, accessing the reservation process from the kiosk client results in two request and
response pairs where the first retrieves the empty form and the second uploads
all values to the server for processing. The picture in the case of the paper client
is quite different as each data value required to process the reservation request
is sent to the server encoded in an individual request. Additionally, the already
selected values have to be managed in a session on the client and retransmitted
with every request.
Implementing the server-side application logic that handles the reservation
process across multiple channels is a difficult task if the interaction patterns of
the different channels are as heterogeneous as in the given example. In the EdFest
system, our solution was inspired by the method dispatching strategies found in
object-oriented programming languages. Many object-oriented languages allow
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
methods to be overloaded, i.e. support the definition of multiple versions of the
same method with different sets of arguments. At run-time, they select the socalled most specific method from the set of applicable methods based on the
number and type of arguments given by the caller of the method. In its basic
nature, virtual method dispatching is not unlike selecting the best matching variant of an object. All that has to be done to simulate method dispatching based
on multi-variant objects is to define an object type that represents operations
and treat the parameters specified by the client as context values.
Figure 5 gives a graphical representation of the multi-variant method object
that was created to handle the setReservation process. As shown, for each context state that occurs in the process shown in Figure 4(d), a variant of the object
is defined. As the context values that will be sent by the client cannot be known
beforehand, the context states describing the variants use the value +∗ which
indicates that a value for the corresponding context dimension has to be set but
the actual value is not important. The default variant is responsible for starting
the reservation process by generating a reservation number and initiates a session on the client. All other variants of the object extract the provided context
data, update the application database accordingly and send back a response that
guides the visitor to the next step, except for variant o369@5[5] that informs
the tourists that they have completed the reservation process successfully.
<id, +*>
<id, +*>
<event, +*>
<id, +*>
<event, +*>
<date, +*>
<id, +*>
<event, +*>
<date, +*>
<tickets, +*>
<id, +*>
<event, +*>
<date, +*>
<tickets, +*>
<confirmed, true>
Figure 5: The setReservation object
The kiosk reservation process only needs to access the default variant and
the variant shown on the far right in the figure. In the case of the paper client,
however, the reservation process runs through all variants of the objects before
completing. An interesting aspect of implementing such processes is the way in
which errors made by the user are handled. Interacting with the paper client, it
is impossible to cause an error by entering incorrect values into the reservation
process as all data is chosen from the pre-authored paper documents. The tourist
can, however, deviate from the process by prematurely selecting parameters that
will only be gathered in a later step. In this case, the value will nevertheless be
stored in the client’s session but the response will be the same as before, asking
the tourist to select the value corresponding to the current step. When this value
is finally selected by the user, all steps that have been executed out of order are
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
skipped automatically as those values have already been stored in the session on
the client.
While a tourist cannot deviate from the defined process in the web interface,
it is possible to enter arbitrary values as well as to leave out certain parameters
altogether. Hence, the system has to be able to additionally cope with these
errors. The logic to check whether the form has been completed correctly by the
user could be implemented on the client-side using embedded scripts. However,
this solution is not generally possible on all required delivery channels as scripting
capabilities, if present at all, vary substantially. Our approach to implementing
process functionality based on an object with multiple variants is already able to
handle cases where the tourist has failed to specify a required value. Even if they
are not required in situations where the tourist fills in the form correctly, in the
case of an error, the additional variants defined for the interactive paper process
can be used for error handling in the kiosk interface. An omitted parameter will
lead to the selection of one of these intermediate variants which will be rendered
for the client as a form where the missing parameter is highlighted. Although
context matching can provide a solution to missing values, it is not capable
of addressing the problem of handling errors caused by incorrect data. To also
implement this functionality, traditional parsing and error handling technique
have to be applied.
Using the ticket reservation process available in the EdFest system as an example, we have argued that interactive paper not only affects the way in which
content is accessed and delivered but also the nature of information interaction.
In EdFest, this problem was solved by creating context-aware operations that
were realised based on multi-variant objects. Apart from the aspects already
discussed, the interaction processes implemented for the interactive paper client
have additional interesting characteristics. Looking back at the communication
pattern between client and server given in Figure 4(d), a similarity to modern
web applications can be observed. In order to prevent page reloads and provide
immediate feedback to the user, many web sites nowadays use a technique called
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). As indicated by its name, AJAX
is a combination of existing technologies that are used together to provide more
interactive web pages. In AJAX, a web page uses client-side scripting to connect
to a server and to transmit values without reloading the whole page. At the time
of opening the connection, a response handler is registered that will be invoked
as soon as the request has been processed. Using JavaScript, the response handler can then update the web page asynchronously by accessing the Document
Object Model (DOM) of the mark-up used to render the current page. Web
applications based on AJAX communicate with the server at a finer level of
granularity that is not unlike the interaction processes encountered on the paper
client. The solution presented here to handle such processes could therefore form
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the basis for integrating delivery channels that support AJAX with those that
do not.
The use of context in this implementation raises an interesting question. We
must ask ourselves whether it is sensible to apply the same mechanisms not only
to data but also to programs. We have conducted preliminary research into this
direction with the implementation of a prototype language that supports multivariant programming [29]. The language is an extension of Prolog that allows
predicate implementations to be defined for a given context state. The current
context state of the system is managed by library predicates that allow context
values to be set and removed. Before a context-aware Prolog program can be
executed, it needs to be loaded by a special parser that replaces all predicate
calls in the program with a call to a dispatching predicate that takes context into
consideration. Experiences gained from a set of example programs have shown
that the approach has its merits even though writing context-aware programs can
be quite challenging, especially if context-dependent predicates are allowed to
modify the context state. Naturally, our prototype implementation suffers from
a few limitations and problems such as poor performance. Also, it is still unclear
how to combine context-dependent predicate invocation with the backtracking
mechanism of Prolog. Nevertheless, we believe that the potential benefits of this
approach outweigh these challenges and will therefore continue to investigate the
application of our version model to programming languages.
In this paper we have motivated the need for implementation platforms that
allow context-aware applications to be implemented in a flexible and elegant
way. Our approach proposes to extend information systems with the concept
of multi-variant objects that form the basis for context-aware query processing.
Based on this concept, we have implemented a context-aware content management system that has since been used to implement several web-based systems.
The most ambitious system implemented so far is a mobile tourist information
system targeted at visitors to the Edinburgh art festivals. Apart from traditional
client devices, this EdFest system also supports a mobile paper-based client. In
contrast to supporting conventional delivery channels where it is sufficient to
adapt the content, structure and presentation, a paper-based interface also requires that the interaction process is adapted. As an example, we have discussed
the implementation of the reservation process based on the EdFest interactive
paper documents. In order to address the situation that the paper client requires a different communication pattern than traditional browser-based clients,
we have created context-dependent interaction processes. Technically, these interaction processes were realised through different implementation variants of
the database macro implementing the corresponding application logic. In this
setting, context has been used to dispatch the request made by the client to the
desired implementation similar to object-oriented programming languages that
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
dispatch a call to an overloaded method dispatching based on the parameters
provided by the caller.
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Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Web User Interface Migration through Different
Modalities with Dynamic Device Discovery
Renata Bandelloni, Giulio Mori, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, Antonio Scorcia
ISTI-CNR, Via G.Moruzzi, 1
56124 Pisa, Italy
{renata.bandelloni, giulio.mori, fabio.paterno, carmen.santoro, antonio.scorcia}
Abstract. In this paper we present a new environment for supporting Web user
interface migration through different modalities. The goal is to furnish user
interfaces that are able to migrate across different devices offering different
interaction modalities, in such a way as to support task continuity for the mobile
user. This is obtained through a number of transformations that exploit logical
descriptions of the user interfaces to be handled. The new migration
environment makes use of service discovery both for the automatic discovery of
client devices and for the dynamic composition of the software services
required to perform a migration request.
Keywords: User Interface Migration, Adaptation to the Interaction Platform,
Ubiquitous Environments.
1 Introduction
One important aspect of pervasive environments is the possibility for users to freely
move about and continue interacting with the services available through a variety of
interactive devices (i.e. cell phones, PDAs, desktop computers, digital television sets,
intelligent watches, and so on). However, continuous task performance implies that
applications be able to follow users and adapt to the changing context of users and the
environment itself. In practise, it is sufficient that only the part of an application that
is interacting with the user, migrates to different devices.
In this paper, we present a new solution for supporting migration of Web application
interfaces among different types of devices that overcomes the limitations of previous
work [2] in many respects. Our solution is able to detect any user interaction
performed at the client level. Then, we can get the state resulting from the different
user interactions and associate it to a new user interface version that is activated in the
migration target device. Solutions based on maintaining the application state on the
server side have been discarded because they are not able to detect several user
interactions that can modify the interface state. In particular, we present how the
solution proposed has been encapsulated in a service-oriented architecture and
supports Web interfaces with different platforms (fixed and mobile) and modalities
(graphical, vocal, and their combination). The new solution also includes a discovery
module, which is able to detect the devices that are present in the environment and
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
collect information on their features. Users can therefore conduct their regular access
to the Web application and then ask for a migration to any device that has already
been discovered by the migration server. The discovery module also monitors the
state of the discovered devices, automatically collecting their state-change
information in order to understand if there is any need for a server-initiated migration.
Moreover, we show how the approach is able to support migration across devices that
support various interaction modalities. This has been made possible thanks to the use
of a logical language for user interface descriptions that is independent of the
modalities involved, and a number of associated transformations that incorporate
design rules and take into account the specific aspects of the target platforms.
In the following section we discuss related work. Next, we provide an overall
introduction of the environment, followed by a discussion on the logical descriptions
used by the migration environment and how they are created by a reverse engineering
process starting with the source desktop Web pages. Then, we provide the description
of the semantic redesign module, explain how the migration environment
functionalities have been incorporated, and describe the device discovery module.
Lastly, we present an example application describing a migration through desktop,
mobile and vocal, and draw some conclusions.
2 Related Work
The increasing availability of various types of electronic interactive devices has raised
interest in model-based approaches, mainly because they provide logical descriptions
that can be used as a starting point for generating interfaces that adapt to the various
devices at hand. In recent years, such interest has been accompanied by the use of
XML-based languages, such as UsiXML [5] and TERESA XML [7], in order to
represent the aforementioned logical descriptions. The research in this area has
mainly focused on how to help designers efficiently obtain different versions that
adapt to the various interaction features, but contributions for runtime support have
started to be proposed. For example, the Personal Universal Controller [8]
automatically generates user interfaces for remote control of domestic appliances. The
remote controller device is a mobile device, which is able to download specifications
of the functions of appliances and then generate the appropriate user interface to
access them. The architecture is based on a bidirectional asynchronous
communication between the appliance and the remote controller. However, the
process of discovering the device is far from automatic as the user needs to manually
enter the device’s network address in the remote control application before any other
action can be performed. ICrafter [11] is a more general solution for user interaction
in ubiquitous environments, which generates adaptive interfaces for accessing
services in such environments. In ICrafter, services beacon their presence by
periodically sending broadcast messages. A control appliance then requests a user
interface for accessing a service or an aggregation of services by sending its own
description, consisting of the user interface languages supported (i.e. HTML,
VoiceXML) to an entity known as the Interface Manager, which then generates the
user interface and sends it back to the appliance. However, ICrafter does not support
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
the possibility of transferring the user interface from one platform to another, while
the user is interacting with it, maintaining the client-side state of the interface.
SUPPLE [4] generates adaptive user interfaces taking functional specifications of the
interfaces, a device model and a user model as input. The remote solver server that
acts as the user interface generator is discovered at bootstrap by the client devices,
and they can thus request rendering of interfaces to it once it is discovered. However,
discovery is limited to the setup stage of the system, and it does not monitor the
runtime status of the system, thus loosing some of the benefits that could arise from a
continuous monitoring activity. SUPPLE does not support the migration of a user
interface from one device to another, but only adapts it to different types of platforms.
Luyten and Coninx [6] present a system for supporting distribution of the user
interface over a federation or group of devices. Migratability, in their words, is an
essential property of an interface and marks it as being continuously redistributable.
These authors consider migration and distribution of only graphical user interfaces,
while we provide a new solution supporting graphic, vocal and even multimodal user
interfaces migration. A general reference model for user interfaces aiming to support
migration, distribution and adaptation to the platform is proposed in [1]. Our system,
in particular, proposes a more concrete software architecture that is able to support
migration of user interfaces, associated with Web applications hosted by different
application servers, among automatically discovered devices.
3 Overall Description of the Environment
Our migration environment is based on a service-oriented architecture involving
multiple clients and servers. We assume that the desktop version of the considered
applications already exists in the application servers. In addition, we have a proxy
service and the services of the migration platform, which can be hosted by either the
same or different systems.
Fig. 1. Migration scenario.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Figure 1 provides an overview of the system through an example from the user
viewpoint. First, there is a dynamic discovery of the new user device as it enters the
environment. Then, the environment may suggest migration to a nearby device
(automatic migration), or the user can explicitly request a specific migration, e.g. by
pointing with a RFID reader the projector (user-initiated migration), and the user
interface migrates to the target device with the mediation of the migration server. In
the example in Figure 1, the projector is associated with a PC, which will be
considered the target device.
Fig. 2. Main communication among the migration services.
When a migration has to be processed, no matter which agent (the user or the system)
starts the process, the Migration Manager, which acts as the main server module,
retrieves the original version of the Web page that has to be migrated by invoking the
HTTP Proxy service and retrieving the Web page(s) the user has accessed. Once the
Web page(s) are retrieved, the Migration Manager builds the corresponding logical
descriptions, at a different abstraction level, by invoking the Reverse Engineering
service of our system. The result of the reverse engineering process is then used as
input for the Semantic Redesigner service, in order to perform a redesign of the user
interface for the target platform, taking into account the logical descriptions it
received from the Migration Manager. Once the target Web pages have been
generated, the Presentation Mapper service is used to identify the page which should
be uploaded first into the target device.
In order to support task continuity throughout the migration process, the state
resulting from the user interactions with the source device (filled data fields, selected
items, …) is gathered through a dynamic access to the DOM of the pages in the
source device. Then, such information is associated to the corresponding elements of
the newly generated pages and adapted to the interaction features of the target device
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
by the State Mapper module, in a totally user-transparent way. Figure 2 represents
with UML interaction diagrams the main communication among the migration
In order to allow for a good choice of the target device, the migration server retrieves
and stores information about the devices that are automatically discovered in the
environment. The collected information mainly concerns device identification and
interaction capabilities. Such information allows, on the one hand, users to choose a
target migration device with more accurate and coherent information on the available
targets and, on the other hand, the system to suggest or automatically trigger
migrations when the conditions for one arise. Thus, both the system and the user have
the possibility to trigger the migration process, depending on the surrounding context
conditions. A review of the different migration situations is described later on.
Users have two different ways of issuing migration requests. The first one is to
graphically select the desired target device in their migration client. Users only have
the possibility of choosing those devices that they are allowed to use and are currently
available for migration. The second possibility for issuing migration requests occurs
when the user is interacting with the system through a device equipped with an RFID
reader. In this case, users could move their device near a tagged migration target and
keep it close from it for a number of seconds in order to trigger a migration to that
device. In this case a time threshold has been defined in order to avoid accidental
migration, for example when the user is just passing by a tagged device. This second
choice offers users a chance to naturally interact with the system, requesting a
migration just by moving their personal device close to the desired migration target,
in a straightforward manner.
Migration can also be initiated by the system skipping explicit user intervention in
critical situations when the user session could accidentally be interrupted by external
factors. For example, we can foresee the likelihood of having a user interacting with a
mobile device that is shutting down because its battery power is getting too low. Such
situations can be recognised by the system and a migration is automatically started to
allow the user to continue the task from a different device, avoiding potential data
Alternatively, the server can provide users with migration suggestions in order to
improve the overall user experience. This happens when the system detects that in the
current environment there are other devices that can better support the task being
performed by the user. For example, if the user is watching a video on a PDA and a
wide wall-mounted screen, obtained through connecting a projector to a desktop PC,
is detected and available in the same room, the system will prompt the user to migrate
to that device, as it could improve his performance. However, the user can continue to
work with the current device and refuse the migration. Receiving undesired migration
suggestions can be annoying for the user, thus users who want to receive such
suggestions when better devices are available must explicitly subscribe to allow for
this mixed-initiative migration activation service. In any case, once a migration has
taken place, nothing prevents the user or the system from performing a new migration
to another available device.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
4 The User Interface Logical Descriptions Supported
Our migration service considers different logical views of the user interface, each one
giving a different level of abstraction of the users’ interactions with the system:
The task level, where the logical activities are considered.
The abstract interface level, consisting of a platform-independent description
of the user interface, for example at this level we can find elements such as a
selection object.
The concrete interface level, consisting of a platform-dependent but
implementation language independent description of the user interface, for
example in the case of a graphical user interface, the abstract selection object
can become a radio button, a list or a pull-down menu.
The final user interface, the actual implemented user interface.
The abstract description level represents platform-independent semantics of the user
interface and is responsible for how interactors are arranged and composed together
(this will also influence the structure of the final presentations).
Fig. 3. The specification of the abstract user interface language used in our
migration approach
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The concrete description represents platform-dependent descriptions of the user
interface and is responsible for how interactors and composition operators are refined
in the chosen platform with their related content information (text, labels, etc.). The
concrete description adds information regarding concrete attributes to the structure
provided by the abstract description. The abstract description is used in the interface
redesign phase in order to drive the changes in the choice of some interaction object
implementations and their features and rearrange their distribution into the redesigned
pages. Both task and logical interface descriptions are used in order to find
associations between how the task has been supported in the original interface and
how the same task should be supported in the redesigned interface, and associate the
runtime state of the migrating application. We have used TERESA XML for the
logical description of the structure and interface elements [7]. The logical description
of the user interface is organised in presentation(s) interconnected by connection
elements (see Figure 3). Connections are defined by their source and target
presentations, and the particular interactor in the source presentation in charge of
triggering the activation of the target presentation. Presentations are made up of
logical descriptions of interaction objects called interactor elements. Interactors are
composed by means of composition operators. The goal of such composition
operators is to identify the designers’ communication goals, which determine how the
interactor should be arranged in the presentation. Thus, we have a grouping operator
indicating that there is a set of elements logically connected to each other, a relation
operator indicating that there is one element controlling a set of elements, a hierarchy
operator indicating that different elements have different importance for users, and an
ordering operator indicating some ordinal relation (such as a temporal relation) among
some elements.
5 From Web Pages to Logical Descriptions
As we have introduced before, our environment exploits transformations that are able
to move back and forth between various user interface description levels. Thus,
reverse engineering support has been introduced. The main purpose of the reverse
engineering part is to capture the logical design of the interface (in terms of tasks and
ways to structure the user interface) and then use it as a key element to drive the
generation of the interface for the target device. Some work in this area has been
carried out previously. For example, WebRevEnge [9] automatically builds the task
model associated with a Web application, whereas Vaquita [3] and its evolutions
build the concrete description associated with a Web page. In order to support the
automatic redesign for migration purposes, we need to access all the relevant abstract
descriptions (the concrete, abstract and task level). Thus, the reverse engineering
module of our migration environment is able to take Web pages and then provide any
abstract logical descriptions, as needed.
Each page is reversed into a presentation, its elements associated with interactors or
their composition operators. The reversing algorithm recursively analyses the DOM
tree of the X/HTML page starting with the body element and going in depth. For each
tag that can be directly mapped onto an interactor a specific function analyses the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
corresponding node and extracts information to generate the proper interactor or
composition operator.
After the first generation step, the logical description is optimised by eliminating
some unnecessary grouping operators (mainly groupings composed of one single
element) that may result from the first phase. Then, according to the X/HTML DOM
node analysed by the recursive function, we have three basic cases:
The X/HTML element is mapped into a concrete interactor. This is a
recursion endpoint. The appropriate interactor element is built and inserted
into the XML-based logical description.
The X/HTML node corresponds to a composition operator. The proper
composition element is built and the function is called recursively on the
X/HTML node subtrees. The subtree analysis can return both interactor and
interactor composition elements. In any case, the resulting concrete nodes
are appended to the composition element from which the recursive analysis
The X/HTML node has no direct mapping to any concrete element. If the
element has no child nodes, no action is taken and we have a recursion
endpoint, otherwise recursion is applied to the element subtrees and each
child subtree is reversed and the resulting nodes are collected into a grouping
Each logical presentation can contain both elements that are the description of single
interactor objects and composition operator elements. The composition operators can
contain both simple interactors and multiple composition operators. Our reverse
engineering transformation identifies the corresponding logical tasks [10]. This is
useful for two main reasons: the interface on the target device should be activated at a
point supporting the last basic task performed on the source device in order to allow
continuity, and in the redesign phase it is important to consider whether the type of
tasks to support is suitable for the target device.
6. Semantic Redesign for Different Types of Platforms
The redesign transformation aims at changing the design of a user interface. In
particular, we propose a redesign for identifying solutions suitable for a different
platform, which is performed automatically by exploiting semantic information
contained in the logical description of the user interface (created by the reverse
process). Given the limited resources in screen size of mobile devices (such as cell
phones or PDAs), desktop presentations generally must be split into a number of
different presentations for the mobile devices. The logical description provides us
with some semantic information that can be useful for identifying meaningful ways to
split the desktop presentations along with the user interface state information (the
actual implemented elements, such as labels, images, etc.). The redesign module
analyses the input from the desktop logical descriptions and generates an abstract and
concrete description for the mobile device from which it is possible to automatically
obtain the corresponding user interfaces. The redesign module also decides how
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
abstract interactors and composition operators should be implemented in the target
mobile platform. In order to automatically redesign a desktop presentation for a
mobile presentation we need to consider semantic information and the limits of the
available resources. If we only consider the physical limitations we may end up
dividing large pages into small pages which are not meaningful. To avoid this, we
also consider the composition operators indicated in the logical descriptions. To this
end, our algorithm tries to maintain interactors that are composed through some
operator at the conceptual level in the same page, thus preserving the communication
goals of the designer. However, this is not always possible because of the limitations
of the platform, such as limited screen resolution. In this case, the algorithm aims at
equally distributing the interactors into presentations of the mobile device. In
addition, the splitting of the pages requires a change in the navigation structure with
the need for additional navigator interactors that allow access to the newly created
pages. More specifically, the transformation follows the subsequent main criteria:
The presentation split from desktop to mobile takes into account the
composition operators because they indicate semantic relations among the
elements that should be preserved in the resulting mobile interface.
Another aspect considered is the number and cost of interactors. The cost is
related to the interaction resources consumed, so it depends on pixels
required, size of the fonts and other similar aspects.
The implementation of the logical interactors may change according to the
interaction resources available in the target platform (for example an input
desktop text area, could be transformed into an input mobile text edit or also
removed, because writing of long text is not a proper activity for a mobile
The connections of the resulting interface should include the original ones
and add those derived from the presentation split.
The images should be resized according to the screen size of the target
devices, keeping the same aspect ratio. In some cases they may not be
rendered at all because the resulting resized image is too small or the mobile
device does not support them.
Text and labels can be transformed as well because they may be too long for
the mobile devices. In converting labels we use tables able to identify shorter
In particular, the following rules have been applied for creating the new connections:
Original connections of desktop presentations are associated to the mobile
presentations that contain the interactor triggering the associated transition.
The destination for each of these connections is the first mobile presentation
obtained by splitting the original desktop destination presentation.
Composition operators that are allocated to a new mobile presentation are
substituted in the original presentation by a link to the new presentation
containing the first interactor associated with the composition operators.
When a set of interactors composed through a specific operator has been
split into multiple presentations because they do not fit into a single mobile
presentation, then we need to introduce new connections to navigate through
the new mobile presentations.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
In the transformation process we take into account semantic aspects and the cost in
terms of interaction resources of the elements considered. We have defined for each
mobile device class identified (large, medium or small) a maximum acceptable
overall cost in terms of the interaction resources utilizable in a single presentation.
Thus, each interactor and (even each composition operator) has a different cost in
terms of interaction resources. The algorithm inserts interactors into a mobile
presentation until the sum of individual interactor and composition operator costs
reaches the maximum global cost supported. Examples of elements that determine the
cost of interactors are the font size (in pixels) and number of characters in a text, and
image size (in pixels), if present. One example of the costs associated with
composition operators is the minimum additional space (in pixels) needed to contain
all its interactors in a readable layout. This additional value depends on the way the
composition operator is implemented (for example, if a grouping is implemented with
a fieldset or with bullets). Another example is the minimum and maximum interspace
(in pixels) between the composed interactors. After such considerations, it is easy to
understand that each mobile presentation could contain a varying number of
interactors depending on their consumption of interaction resources.
There are various differences to consider between graphical and vocal interfaces. In
vocal interfaces there are several specific features that are important in order to
support effective interaction with the user. For example, it is important that the system
always provides feedback when it correctly interprets a vocal input and it is also
useful to provide meaningful error feedback in the event of poor recognition of the
user’s vocal input. At any time, users should be able to interrupt the system with vocal
keywords (for example “menu”) to access other vocal sections/presentations or to
activate particular features (such as the system reading a long text). An important
aspect to consider is that sometimes users do not have an overall control of the system
state, such as in graphic interfaces. In fact, short term memory can be easily disturbed
by any kind of distraction. Thus, a useful technique is to provide some indication
about the interface state in the application after a period of silence (timeout). Another
useful technique for dealing with this problem can be the use of speech titles and
welcome or location sentences in each vocal presentation to allow users to understand
their position and the subject of the current presentation and what input the system
needs at that point. Another important difference between speech and graphic
interfaces is that the vocal platform supports only sequential presentations and
interactions while the graphical ones allow concurrent interactions. Thus, in vocal
interfaces we have to find the right balance between the logical information structure
and the length of presentations. The analysis of the result of the reverse engineering
provides useful information to understand how to organise the vocal version (for
example what elements should be grouped) and then the arrangement is implemented
using vocal constructs. When problems with long labels require looking up shorter
synonyms then we use specific tables for them.
The main criteria of the redesign algorithm for the vocal platform are:
Before redesign for vocal interaction, elements regarding tasks unsuitable for
the vocal platform (for example, long text inputs) are removed and labels
which are too long are modified (with the help of a database of terms
suitable for vocal activities).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Semantic relations among interactors in the original platform are maintained
in the vocal platform, keeping interactors composed through the same
composition operators in the same vocal presentation, and implementing
them with techniques more suitable for the vocal device.
Before redesign, images are removed and substituted by alternative
descriptions (ALT tag).
Implementation of interactors and composition operators will change
according to the resources of the new vocal devices.
The algorithm aims at providing a logical structure to vocal presentations
avoiding too deep navigation levels because they may disorient users. To this
end, only the highest level composition operators (in the case of nested
operators) are used to split desktop presentations into vocal presentations.
Composition operators that are allocated to new vocal presentations are
substituted in the main vocal presentation that cannot contain them by a
vocal link to the new presentation, which contains the first interactor
associated with the composition operator.
7. Device Discovery
Device discovery is another important aspect in migratory user interface
environments. It allows the system to notice potential migration-source and
migration-target devices. The technology that enables this discovery in our migration
architecture is a custom discovery protocol explicitly created to handle service
discovery, service description, and service state monitoring tasks at Internet Protocol
level. The protocol is implemented as a module in the server, and as a client
application on each of the devices. The design of this protocol provides multicast
mechanisms for peer-to-peer device and service discovery, using well-known UDP/IP
mechanisms. Once the module and the user devices have discovered each other, they
make use of reliable unicast TCP/IP connections to provide service description and
service monitoring primitives to the system. The implementation and use of the
description capabilities of our discovery protocol provides means for the system to
gather a rich set of information from the devices that are present in the environment,
regarding both their interaction and communication capabilities as well as their
general computational ones.
The device discovery of our migration infrastructure is based on multicast datagrams
using UDP/IP. When one device enters the network, it issues a discovery (DIS)
message to a well-known multicast address to which all existing devices must
subscribe. Subscription to multicast groups is handled by the network equipment and
usually limited to the current subnet. In any event, when this discovery (DIS) message
is received by the other network peers, they respond by sending a unicast message
(RES) to the issuer of the discovery (DIS) request. This way, all active migration
clients and servers found in the network discover each other via a minimal exchange
of network packets. At this point, the discovery algorithm changes depending on the
nature of the migration application running on that particular device. If the device is
to act as a server, then a unicast description request (DES) will be sent to all the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
discovered devices, requesting them to discover themselves by sending an XML
description file to the server device. This description will be saved in the server for
future reference. If, on the other hand, the device is to act as a client to the migration
infrastructure, then it will wait until a server is found and a description file is
requested by it. Once this state is reached, the system is configured and fully
functional. In order to guarantee consistency, keep-alive (DIS) multicast messages are
sent by all parties with a periodicity of 1 second. When no keep-alive is received from
a given device for a configurable amount of time, the device is deemed as having
departed the network and no further communications are allowed with it until proof of
its re-activation is gathered, in the manner of new multicast keep-alive messages. The
periodicity of the keep-alive datagrams is low enough to ensure no considerable
network traffic will be generated.
In order to supply the migration server with information about the devices that are
present in the environment, XML-based device description files have been used.
These files include all the relevant information the migration server needs in order to
identify the device and find out its capabilities and features. The description files also
provide an efficient way to monitor the state of the devices available in the
environment by allowing the migration server and other interested parties to subscribe
to certain events in order to receive a notification message each time a device statechange occurs. This has improved the support for automatic migration through richer
and more accurate monitoring of the environment and the user interactions with it.
The use of our custom discovery protocol in combination with these XML description
files has proven to be successful and addresses our objectives and goals. In our new
discovery-enabled prototype, users do not need to manually specify the IP address of
the migration server, the middleware automatically discovers it for them. Neither do
they need to login their personal interaction device into the migration environment, as
their devices are automatically detected by the system both when connecting to it and
when disconnecting from it. Thus, the new migration architecture offers an increased
robustness and better consistency over the previous versions of our migration
prototype, without increasing the prototype’s complexity from the development point
of view, and keeping things transparent and simple for the end user.
8. Example Application
This section presents an example application of our migration environment. In the
example, John is planning to go on vacation and would like to buy a new camera. He
decides to search for a bargain on an online auction website and accesses the “e-Bid”
website through his desktop PC. He checks the information about the available
cameras by looking at item descriptions and prices. He finds an interesting offer and
accesses the page containing information about the selected camera. He then decides
to bid on this item, but discovers that he has to register first, and thus starts filling out
the long registration form required by the website. Suddenly, the alarm on the desktop
reminds him about a meeting which is going to take place this afternoon at his office,
so he has to leave. The form is too long to be completed in time, thus he quickly
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
migrates the application to his PDA and goes out walking towards his car, while he
continues filling in the form.
Figure 4 shows the desktop form partially filled in and how it is transformed for the
mobile device if migration is triggered at that time. After the reverse engineering
phase, the original desktop interface is transformed into a composition of
concrete/abstract objects. Then, the composition operators (indicating a semantic
relationship among the objects involved) and the number and cost of the interactors of
the various presentations are considered in order to redesign the original desktop page
for the new device. As a result of this process, the long desktop form is split into two
pages or presentations for the PDA. Additional connections are inserted for handling
the page splitting and allowing the user to navigate from/to the two pages. After
completing the registration, John, with his PDA, places a bid on the camera before the
auction ends in a matter of a few minutes, and then he is redirected to the page
containing the camera description, where he can monitor the status of his bid.
Fig. 4. Example of migration through different devices.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
While he is keeping an eye on the bidding, he enters his car and the application
automatically migrates from the PDA to his mobile phone and can now be accessed
through the vocal interface thanks to the wireless connection to the car voice system.
Indeed, the environment carries out a redesign of the application for the new platform
(vocal) and therefore identifies how the user interface design should be adapted for
the new platform. Moreover, by identifying the point where the user was before the
migration was activated, the environment is also able to update the new user interface
with the data gathered from user so far, allowing the user not to start from scratch but
continuing the interaction from the point where it was left off. Indeed, the speaker
says “you have bid on item number 12345678 say item to hear the description of the
item, price to know the current price, time to hear the ending time and bid to bid again
on the item”. John says “price”. The car voice system replies “the price is 135 $, you
have been outbid, if you want to make a new offer say “bid followed by the new
amount”, “bid 140 $”, “you are the highest bidder for item 12345678, time is ending
in ten minutes, say continue if you want continue checking the item or exit if you
want to exit the application”. John has reached the maximum amount of money he is
willing to spend for the camera and thus says “exit” and continues driving towards his
office. He will access the e-Bid website later on to check if he won the auction.
9. Conclusions
This paper has presented an environment supporting migration of user interfaces,
even with different modalities. The implementation of the system, from the
architectural point of view, follows a service-oriented architecture, with its
corresponding benefits, both for the end user and for the developers of the system.
The user interfaces that can be generated by the system are implemented using
XHTML, XHTML Mobile Profile, VoiceXML and Java for the Digital TV. There are
many applications that can benefit from migratory interfaces. In general, services that
require time to be completed (such as games, booking reservations) or services that
have some rigid deadline and thus need to be completed wherever the user is.
Our environment is able to reverse engineer, redesign, and migrate Web sites
implemented with XHTML and CSS. All the tags of these standards can be
considered and manipulated.
An algorithm has been identified for handling code in Web pages that is implemented
in different languages, for instance applets and Flash applications, which are generally
identified by <object> tags with further attributes in their specification (e.g. title, etc.).
The algorithm tries to map applets/flash elements to concrete (simpler) elements,
taking into account the provided specification of such elements and also the capability
of the target platform considered. For instance, if an applet/flash element has no
siblings and there is no further data in its specification, the algorithm simply removes
the corresponding node, otherwise it might map it into a e.g. textual string whose
label is derived from the title attribute within the specification of the flash/applet
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
We are now working on a new version of our environment which is able to
generate Microsoft C# -based user interface implementations, even supporting
different modalities, such as gestural interaction.
We have conducted a number of preliminary user studies with the objective of
analyzing the user perception of interface migration and we have found the first
results to be encouraging. However, we plan to carry out a further user study in the
nearby future to better measure the effectiveness of the resulting interfaces.
We thank Zigor Salvador for his help in the implementation of the dynamic device
discovery part.
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8. Nichols, J. Myers B. A., Higgins M., Hughes J., Harris T. K., Rosenfeld R., Pignol M.:
Generating remote control interfaces for complex appliances. In: Proceedings ACM
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9. Paganelli, L., and Paternò, F.: A Tool for Creating Design Models from Web Site Code. In:
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, World
Scientific Publishing 13(2), (2003), 169-189.
10. Paternò, F.: Model-based Design and Evaluation of Interactive Applications. Springer
Verlag, ISBN 1-85233-155-0, 1999.
11. Ponnekanti, S. R. Lee, B. Fox, A. Hanrahan, P. and Winograd T. ICrafter: A service
framework for ubiquitous computing environments. In: Proceedings of UBICOMP 2001.
(Atlanta, USA, 2001). LNCS 2201, ISBN:3-540-42614-0, Springer Verlag, pp. 56-75.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Web Clustering using
Distributed Aspect Middleware (Damon) *
Rubén Mondéjar1, Pedro García1, Carles Pairot1, and Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta2
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Avinguda dels Països Catalans 26, 43007 Tarragona, Spain
{ruben.mondejar, pedro.garcia, carles.pairot}
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Universidad de Murcia
Apartado 4021, 30001 Murcia, Spain
[email protected]
Abstract. In this paper, we introduce the concept of adaptive peer-to-peer cluster and present our contributions on SNAP, a decentralized web deployment
platform. In addition, we focus on the design and implementation of a load balancing facility by using the functionalities provided by our distributed AOP
middleware (Damon). Using this approach, we are able to implement new
mechanisms like decentralized session tracking and dynamic policies in a decoupled architecture. We believe that our model offers a novel approximation
for modularizing decentralized crosscutting concerns in web environments.
1 Introduction
Nowadays, scalability and availability are two of WWW’s main challenges. Therefore, servers may stop serving requests if their network bandwidth is exhausted or
their computing capacity is overwhelmed. One way to deal with the scalability problem is to have several identical servers and give the user the option to select among
them. This approach is simple, but it is not transparent to the client. An alternative is
to rely on an architecture that distributes the incoming requests among these servers in
an unobtrusive way. A successful solution to this problem comes in the form of clustering or federation of servers. Following a distributed pattern, servers are made redundant so as when one becomes unavailable, another one can take its place.
Many important websites operate in this way, but these replicated server alternatives are normally expensive to achieve and maintain. As a matter of fact, the actual
trend is to head towards decentralized models. These models take advantage of the
computing at the edge paradigm, where resources available from any computer in the
network can be used and are normally made available to their members. However,
such architecture also introduces new issues which have to be taken care of. Some of
these issues include how to deal with constant node joins and leaves, network heterogeneity, and many others. Moreover, another important issue is the development complexity of new applications on top of this kind of networks.
* This work has been partially funded by the European Union under the 6th Framework
Program, POPEYE IST-2006-034241.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
For these reasons, we need a middleware platform that provides the necessary
abstractions and mechanisms to construct distributed applications. The Java Enterprise
Edition (JavaEE) (formerly known as J2EE) architecture is a worldwide successful
middleware alternative for development of distributed applications. Nevertheless, it
feels tied to the client-server model. In this setting, Aspect Oriented Programming
(AOP) presents an interesting solution to modulate crosscutting concerns on JavaEE
environments [1]. Thus, our aim is to modify any JavaEE server behaviour so as it is
able to work on a peer-to-peer (p2p) web cluster.
Thereby, we present a solution based on distributed AOP [2, 3, 4]. Specifically, we
have developed a new approach to support decentralized JavaEE crosscutting concerns that includes: session failover for stateful applications, a complete HTTP loadbalancing technique which permits dynamic client redirection to other servers, and a
runtime policy system that defines node selection and workload distribution patterns.
The advantages of our solution are as follows: a complete abstraction and decoupled
design, and a transparent and generic interception server side scheme which is valid
for any JavaEE servlet container implementation.
2 Adaptive p2pWeb Clustering
WWW is the most used technology in the Internet. Wide-area application development usually targets web environments. However, clients suffer non-desirable errors
like “page is currently not available” or “resource is not accessible” due to server
problems. On the other hand, p2p computing provides and shares resources efficiently
among all network peers. As a consequence, it seems natural to merge standardized
WWW wide-area applications with the the benefits p2p has to offer. Until now, we
have worked in this synergy of p2p and web technology with our p2pWeb model. In
order to support web applications and services deployment and management, we have
developed a p2pWeb platform called SNAP [5]. In this context, one of SNAP’s current limitations is in providing stateful applications. Specifically, the problems this
paper tries to resolve are the use of front-side load balancing and the lack of distributed session tracking. Moreover, due to the complexity of JavaEE architecture it is
difficult to add new functionalities or behaviours in a transparent way.
AOP permits to elegantly intercept and modularize crosscutting concerns in runtime. In addition, distributed AOP offers many interesting features for our p2p web
cluster including monitoring and adaptability capabilities. In this way and making
good use of structured p2p substrates and dynamic aspect frameworks, we have designed Damon [4], a fully decentralized aspect middleware built on top of a structured
p2p overlay. Therefore, this work represents our first approach merging both concepts: p2p clustering and distributed AOP. As seen in Figure 1, we present an adaptive
p2pWeb architecture where Damon enables transparent and distributed interception
over the SNAP platform.
In this section, we explain the mechanisms to supply clustering issues, including
distributed session failover, load balancing techniques, and runtime policies. In this
line, we are focused on the inclusion of these features based on the separation of De-
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
centralized Crosscutting Concerns [4]. Thus, we also guarantee the necessary interdependence between the new aspectized mechanisms and the SNAP web server code.
The real cohesion between SNAP and Damon is achieved with the corresponding
pointcuts of the distributed aspects. Finally, these aspects are deployed on nodes that
are running the SNAP applications that they aim to intercept.
Fig. 1. p2pWeb architecture diagram.
2.1 Achieving Session Failover
In clustered environments, HTTP sessions from a web server are frequently replicated to other group servers. Session replication is expensive for an application server,
because session request synchronization usually is a complex problem. Therefore, the
initial issue we intend to solve is session tracking for stateful applications. Certainly,
we need to use session migration when a node is shutdown (i.e. it crashes) or the load
balancer decides to redirect the client to a different node.
Our solution is based on our Damon aspect framework, its persistence service and
URL rewriting. For decentralized session persistence we use its ID to identify the
session. This solution has a structural problem though, because session ID is only
considered to be unique in the original host, but this is not applicable to whole network. Therefore, we need to change the session ID generator by means of intercepting
the session creation code.
Once our session data is accessible throughout the network, we need a way to restore it whenever a new server becomes responsible for that client. The idea is to have
meta-information that identifies the session directly embedded into the URL. This
technique is known as URL rewriting. We mainly use URL rewriting to report the
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
client session ID to new server. URLs are modified before fetching the requested item,
attaching the session ID like a usual request parameter. For instance:
@Before("execution(* javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(..)) AND args(req,res)")
public void retrieveSession(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) {
HttpServletRequest httpReq =(HttpServletRequest)req;
//restore session?
if (req.getParameter("_JSESSIONID")!=null) {
String jsessionid = req.getParameter("_JSESSIONID");
PersistenceHandler dht = thisEndPoint.getPersistenceHandler(aspectClassName);
Hashtable sessionData = (Hashtable) dht.get(jsessionid);
if (sessionData!=null) restoreSessionData(sessionData, httpReq.getSession());
Fig. 2. Retrieve Session Damon Pointcut.
Figure 2 shows the retrieveSession pointcut. Before requests are made, the retrieveSession pointcut is executed. This pointcut checks whether the session ID is
among the request parameters in order to restore previous session information from
the network. If it is found, such remote session data is loaded into the new local server
@Around("execution(* javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(..)) AND args(req,res)")
public Object loadBalancer(JoinPoint joinPoint, ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) {
HttpServletRequest httpReq =(HttpServletRequest)req;
HttpServletResponse httpRes =(HttpServletResponse)res;
//redirect to other instance? Policy's decition (1)
if (isTimeToRedirect(getRequestParam(req, "_REDIRECT_FROM"))) {
String newHost = getNewHost(); //Policy decition (2)
//Obtains request parameters and returns the new url destination
String url = constructNewURL(httpReq)
HttpSession session = httpReq.getSession(false);
if (session!=null) { //Has session?
ReflectionHandler rh = thisEndPoint.getReflectionHandler(aspectClassName);
String sid = session.getId() + ":" + rh.getLocalInstance().getHostName();
String jsessionid = generateSHA(sid);
if (params.equals("")) url += "?_JSESSIONID="+jsessionid;
else url += "&_JSESSIONID="+jsessionid;
url += "&_REDIRECT_FROM="+ rh. rh.getLocalInstance().getHostName();
return joinPoint.proceed();
Fig. 3. Load-Balancer Damon Pointcut.
2.2 Load Balancing Technique
A common approach chosen in these cases is known as front-side load balancing.
This technique is to perform load balancing only at the beginning of a session and
thereafter the connection between client and server is fixed, without any interaction
with a load balancing instance anymore. Regarding SNAP’s initial load-balancer, it
clearly follows a front-side based strategy using p2p locators [5]. For some applications, it can be adequate to bind clients to specific servers. However, such approxima-
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
tion has apparent limitations, such as what happens when the specific server the client
is bound to stops working.
Trying to better improve SNAP’s load balancing algorithm, we intend to dynamically map load-balancers to web applications. These are implemented using a Damon
aspect (see Figure 3). By means of the session tracking aspect session data can be
effectively restored. Again, the attached session ID in the URL identifies the client
among the servers. The loadBalancer pointcut intercepts any client requests and determines whether they are to be served or redirected to any other running application
server. It also provides two new extension methods: isTimeToRedirect(String from)
and getNewHost().
2.2.1 Load-Balancing Runtime Policies
In order to complete our system we provide policies designed to demonstrate the
viability of our approach. Workload distribution in traditional web clusters is different
from our decentralized system, because we do not have any centralized spot. Therefore existing centralized load balancing policies are to be modified to be efficient in
our p2p system. In such case, we need to implement policies that perform well under
heavy-loaded systems with highly variable workload.
There are many different algorithms which define the load distribution policy,
among them are: random, Round-Robin, weight-based, least recently used (LRU),
minimum load, threshold-based, local-space, last access time or other parameter-based
policy. Following, we describe two examples of our implemented policies.
First, the Round-Robin is the most basic policy, although it is not the simplest, as it
is the random one. We have implemented a decentralized version of the traditional
Round-Robin policy where requests to each host are scattered throughout all hosts
holding an application instance. Basically, it uses Damon reflection layer [4] to obtain
the other instances, and chooses the next host after the previous one.
Secondly, we have also implemented the Least Recently Used (LRU) policy as
well. In this policy, the host’s stress index is calculated as the average of server requests per second. Since we need to perform communication among other instances,
messaging methods are used to distribute current server stress information.
2.3 Validation
We observe that the cost of our new concerns locally is directly produced by the
aspect engine of our Damon framework’s implementation and it is similar to other
evaluation results. We have as well conducted several experiments to measure the cost
of our solution in a distributed scenario. In summary, we have mainly measured the
system reaction to new policies activation and requests management.
The experiments were conducted on the PlanetLab []
network, located in a wide variety of geographical locations, to measure the overhead
of our system. Before each test, we estimated the average latency between hosts so as
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
to get a measure of how much overhead is incurred by the aspect activation and the
following requests after the activation phase.
The values shown in Table 1 are the median of all the tests run. Each test was done
using 500 random activations and advice calls for each pair of hosts. In conclusion,
using the PlanetLab testbed, we verified the correct behaviour of the system and that
Damon does not impose an excessive latency (the normalized incurred activation
overhead is 3.27 and the one imposed by advice calls is 1.78).
Table 1. Overhead observed of runtime aspect activation tests in milliseconds
Originator Host
Destination Host
Advice calls
3 Related Work
To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first approach in use distributed AOP
in order to provide session tracking and load-balancing policies on a p2p web cluster.
For this reason, we will basically focus this section on describing related work in more
traditional solutions and in AOP approaches.
There exist different non-AOP solutions to introduce clustering in web environments. Regarding servlet filters and server mods, the Java Servlet specification version
2.3 introduces a new component type, called filter. A filter dynamically intercepts
requests, before a servlet is reached. Responses are additionally captured after the
servlet is left. There also exist a variety of server mods (like load-balancers) that directly depend on the server’s implementation. Usually, these mods are difficult to bind
to a specific server. Finally, WADI [] aims to solve problems
about the state propagation in clustered web servers. Thus, WADI provides several
services useful for clustering on JavaEE platforms. Nevertheless, its main drawback is
that it needs wrapping extensions for each different server’s implementation and forthcoming versions.
On the other hand, there are a number of non-distributed AOP solutions existent in
the literature about concerns in JavaEE architectures [1, 6]. However, there are only a
few distributed AOP solutions in complex systems and previous to Damon [4]. In [2],
authors present a distributed AOP language called DjCutter. This language is the
precursor of the remote pointcut concept. Remote pointcuts are similar to traditional
remote method calls, which invoke the execution on a remote host. Nevertheless, these
advices are executed in a unique and centralized host, thus making this solution inappropriate for dynamic systems. In this way, we can find more recent solutions like
AWED [3] that solves many of these problems. AWED presents a more complete
language for explicit aspect distribution. In our case, Damon is more like an abstracted
and decoupled middleware that presents easier integration in this kind of scenarios.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we have presented an adaptive p2p cluster using a distributed AOP
approach. By recalling Figure 1, we observe that the novelty of this paper results in
the two being merged into one cohesive solution. It is important to stress out that we
could transparently swap SNAP p2p cluster by another web system thanks to uncohesion nature provided by Damon. Otherwise, we have designed the necessary mechanisms to allow stateful wide-area web applications: a session failover, an HTTP loadbalancing mechanism, and a runtime policy system.
As a consequence, our solution aims to be as generic as possible thus supporting
more dynamic environments. Our p2pWeb cluster, instead of being a traditional cluster
with replicated servers; it is an effectively wide-area platform where each server holds
different applications running on top of it. Moreover, we have designed our architecture using AOP which transparently intercepts the most significant servlet methods. By
using such a solution we achieve more elegant, modular, and suitable mechanisms than
traditional alternatives.
Finally, by means of our contributions, the client’s experience and usability when
browsing p2p web applications is improved, since all fault tolerance and load balancing algorithms run in the background transparently. As a consequence, the client remains unaware of server changes due to overwhelming or failures, as its session state
propagates from one to another.
To conclude, we pretend to further develop our adaptive middleware in mobile
scenarios (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, MANETS) within the POPEYE IST project
Mesbah, A., van Deursen, A.: Crosscutting Concerns in J2EE Applications. Seventh IEEE
International Symposium on Web Site Evolution, 2005.
Nishizawa M., Chiba, S.: Remote Pointcut --- A Language Construct for Distributed AOP.
Proc. of AOSD '04, Lancaster, UK. pp.7-16, 2004.
Benavides Navarro, L. D., Südholt, M., Vanderperren, W., De Fraine, B., Suvée, D.:
Explicitly distributed AOP using AWED. In Proceedings of the 5th Int. ACM Conf. on
AOSD'06, March 2006. ACM Press.
Mondejar, R., Garcia, P., Pairot, C., and Skarmeta, A. F.: Damon: a decentralized aspect
middleware built on top of a peer-to-peer overlay network. In Proceedings of SEM’06
(Portland, Oregon, November 10 - 10, 2006).
Pairot, C., García P., Mondéjar, R.: Deploying Wide-Area Applications is a SNAP. IEEE
Internet Computing Magazine. March/April 2007.
Han, M., Hofmeister, C.: Separation of Navigation Routing Code in J2EE Web Applications. Proceedings of ICWE’05, Sydney, Australia (2005).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Evolution of Web Applications with
Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns
Michal Bebjak1 , Valentino Vranić1 , and Peter Dolog2
Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology
Slovak University of Technology,
Ilkovičcova 3, 84216 Bratislava 4, Slovakia
[email protected],
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, building E, DK-9220 Aalborg EAST, Denmark
[email protected]
Abstract. It is more convenient to talk about changes in a domainspecific way than to formulate them at the programming construct level
or—even worse—purely lexical level. Using aspect-oriented programming,
changes can be modularized and made reapplicable. In this paper, selected change types in web applications are analyzed. They are expressed
in terms of general change types which, in turn, are implemented using aspect-oriented programming. Some of general change types match
aspect-oriented design patterns or their combinations.
Changes are inseparable part of software evolution. Changes take place in the
process of development as well as during software maintenance. Huge costs and
low speed of implementation are characteristic to change implementation. Often,
change implementation implies a redesign of the whole application. The necessity
of improving the software adaptability is fairly evident.
Changes are usually specified as alterations of the base application behavior.
Sometimes, we need to revert a change, which would be best done if it was
expressed in a pluggable way. Another benefit of change pluggability is apparent
if it has to be reapplied. However, it is impossible to have a change implemented
to fit any context, but it would be sufficiently helpful if a change could be
extracted and applied to another version of the same base application. Such a
pluggability can be achieved by representing changes as aspects [5]. Some changes
appear as real crosscutting concerns in the sense of affecting many places in the
code, which is yet another reason for expressing them as aspects.
This would be especially useful in the customization of web applications.
Typically, a general web application is adapted to a certain context by a series
of changes. With arrival of a new version of the base application all these changes
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
have to be applied to it. In many occasions, the difference between the new and
the old application does not affect the structure of changes.
A successful application of aspect-oriented programming requires a structured base application. Well structured web applications are usually based on the
Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern with three distinguishable layers: model
layer, presentation layer, and persistence layer.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 establishes a scenario
of changes in the process of adapting affiliate tracking software used throughout
the paper. Section 3 proposes aspect-oriented program schemes and patterns
that can be used to realize these changes. Section 4 identifies several interesting
change types in this scenario applicable to the whole range of web applications.
Section 5 envisions an aspect-oriented change realization framework and puts
the identified change types into the context of it. Section 6 discusses related
work. Section 7 presents conclusions and directions of further work.
Adapting Affiliate Tracking Software: A Change
To illustrate our approach, we will employ a scenario of a web application
throughout the rest of the paper which undergoes a lively evolution: affiliate
tracking software. Affiliate tracking software is used to support the so-called
affiliate marketing [6], a method of advertising web businesses (merchants) at
third party web sites. The owners of the advertising web sites are called affiliates. They are being rewarded for each visitor, subscriber, sale, and so on.
Therefore, the main functions of such affiliate tracking software is to maintain
affiliates, compensation schemes for affiliates, and integration of the advertising
campaigns and associated scripts with the affiliates web sites.
In a simplified schema of affiliate marketing a customer visits an affiliate’s
page which refers him to the merchant page. When he buys something from the
merchant, the provision is given to the affiliate who referred the sale. A general
affiliate tracking software enables to manage affiliates, track sales referred by
these affiliates, and compute provisions for referred sales. It is also able to send
notifications about new sales, signed up affiliates, etc.
Suppose such a general affiliate tracking software is bought by a merchant
who runs an online music shop. The general affiliate software has to be adapted
through a series of changes. We assume the affiliate tracking software is prepared
to the integration with the shopping cart. One of the changes of the affiliate
tracking software is adding a backup SMTP server to ensure delivery of the
news, new marketing methods, etc., to the users.
The merchant wants to integrate the affiliate tracking software with the third
party newsletter which he uses. Every affiliate should be a member of the newsletter. When selling music, it is important for him to know a genre of the music
which is promoted by his affiliates. We need to add the genre field to the generic
affiliate signup form and his profile screen to acquire the information about the
genre to be promoted at different affiliate web sites. To display it, we need to
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
modify the affiliate table of the merchant panel so it displays genre in a new
column. The marketing is managed by several co-workers with different roles.
Therefore, the database of the tracking software has to be updated with an administrator account with limited permissions. A limited administrator should
not be able to decline or delete affiliates, nor modify campaigns and banners.
Aspect-Oriented Change Representation
In the AspectJ style of aspect-oriented programming, the crosscutting concerns
are captured in units called aspects. Aspects may contain fields and methods
much the same way the usual Java classes do, but what makes possible for them
to affect other code are genuine aspect-oriented constructs, namely: pointcuts,
which specify the places in the code to be affected, advices, which implement
the additional behavior before, after, or instead of the captured join point 3 , and
inter-type declarations, which enable introduction of new members into existing
types, as well as introduction of compile warnings and errors.
These constructs enable to affect a method with a code to be executed before,
after, or instead of it, which may be successfully used to implement any kind of
Method Substitution change (not presented here due to space limitations). Here
we will present two other aspect-oriented program schemes that can be used to
realize some common changes in web application. Such schemes may actually
be recognized as aspect-oriented design patterns, but it is not the intent of this
paper to explore this issue in detail.
Class Exchange
Sometimes, a class has to be exchanged with another one either in the whole
application, or in a part of it. This may be achieved by employing the Cuckoo’s
Egg design pattern [8]. A general code scheme is as follows:
public aspect ExchangeClass {
public pointcut exhangedClassConstructor(): call(;
Object around(): exhangedClassConstructor() { return getExchangingObject();}
ExchangeObject getExchangingObject() {
if (. . .)
new ExchangingClass();
The exhangedClassConstructor() is a pointcut that captures the ExchangedClass
constructor calls using the call() primitive pointcut. The around advice captures these calls and prevents the ExchangedClass instance from being created.
Instead, it calls the getExchangingObject() method which implements the exchange logic. ExchangingClass has to be a subtype of ExchangedClass.
Join points represent well-defined places in the program execution.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The example above sketches the case in which we need to allow the construction of the original class instance under some circumstances. A more complicated
case would involve several exchanging classes each of which would be appropriate
under different conditions. This conditional logic could be implemented in the
getExchangingObject() method or—if location based—by appropriate pointcuts.
Perform an Action After an Event
We often need to perform some action after an event, such as sending a notification, unlocking product download for user after sale, displaying some user
interface control, performing some business logic, etc. Since events are actually
represented by method calls, the desired action can be implemented in an after
public aspect AdditionalReturnValueProcessing {
pointcut methodCallsPointcut(TargetClass t, int a): . . .;
after(/∗ captured arguments ∗/): methodCallsPointcut(/∗ captured arguments ∗/) {
performAction(/∗ captured arguments ∗/);
private void performAction(/∗ arguments ∗/) { /∗ action logic ∗/ }
Changes in Web Applications
The changes which are required by our scenario include integration changes,
grid display changes, input form changes, user rights management changes, user
interface adaptation, and resource backup. These changes are applicable to the
whole range of web applications. Here we will discuss three selected changes and
their realization.
Integration Changes
Web applications often have to be integrated with other systems (usually other
web applications). Integration with a newsletter in our scenario is a typical
example of one way integration. When an affiliate signs up to the affiliate tracking
software, we want to sign him up to a newsletter, too. When the affiliate account
is deleted, he should be removed from the newsletter, too.
The essence of this integration type is one way notification: only the integrating application notifies the integrated application of relevant events. In our case,
such events are the affiliate signup and affiliate account deletion. A user can be
signed up or signed out from the newsletter by posting his e-mail and name to
the one of the newsletter scripts. Such an integration corresponds to the Perform
an Action After an Event change (see Sect. 3.2). In the after advice we will make
a post to the newsletter sign up/sign out script and pass it the e-mail address
and name of the newly signed up or deleted affiliate. We can seamlessly combine
multiple one way integrations to integrate a system with several systems.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Introducing a two way integration can be seen as two one way integration
changes: one applied to each system. A typical example of such a change is data
synchronization (e.g., synchronization of user accounts) across multiple systems.
When the user changes his profile in one of the systems, these changes should be
visible in all of them. For example, we may want to have a forum for affiliates. To
make it convenient to affiliates, user accounts of the forum and affiliate tracking
system should be synchronized.
Introducing User Rights Management
Many web applications don’t implement user rights management. If the web application is structured appropriately, it should be possible to specify user rights
upon the individual objects and their methods, which is a precondition for applying aspect-oriented programming.
User rights management can be implemented as a Border Control design
pattern [8]. According to our scenario, we have to create a restricted administrator account that will prevent the administrator from modifying campaigns
and banners and decline/delete affiliates. All the methods for campaigns and
banners are located in the campaigns and banners packages. The appropriate
region specification will be as follows:
pointcut prohibitedRegion(): (within(application.Proxy) && call(void ∗.∗(..)))
|| (within(application.campaigns.+) && call(void ∗.∗(..)))
|| within(application.banners.+)
|| call(void Affiliate.decline(..)) || call(void Affiliate.delete(..));
Subsequently, we have to create an around advice which will check whether
the user has rights to access the specified region. This can be implemented using
the Method Substitution change applied to the pointcut specified above.
Introducing a Resource Backup
As specified in our scenario, we would like to have a backup SMTP server for
sending notifications. Each time the affiliate tracking software needs to send
a notification, it creates an instance of the SMTPServer class which handles
the connection to the SMTP server and sends an e-mail. The change to be
implemented will ensure employing the backup server if the connection to the
primary server fails. This change can be implemented straightforwardly as a
Class Exchange (see Sect. 3.1)
Aspect-Oriented Change Realization Framework
The previous two sections have demonstrated how aspect-oriented programming
can be used in the evolution of web applications. Change realizations we have
proposed actually cover a broad range of changes independent of the application
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
domain. Each change realization is accompanied by its own specification. On the
other hand, the initial description of the changes to be applied in our scenario
is application specific. With respect to its specification, each application specific
change can be seen as a specialization of some generally applicable change. This
is depicted in Fig. 1 in which a general change with two specializations is presented. However, the realization of such a change is application specific. Thus, we
determine the generally applicable change whose specialization our application
specific change is and adapt its realization scheme.
Fig. 1. General and specific changes with realization.
When planning changes, it is more convenient to think in a domain specific
manner than to cope with programming language specific issues directly. In
other words, it is much easier to select a change specified in an application
specific manner than to decide for one of the generally applicable changes. For
example, in our scenario, an introduction of a backup SMTP server was needed.
This is easily identified as a resource backup, which subsequently brings us to
the realization in the form of the Class Exchange.
Related Work
Various researchers have concentrated on the notion of evolution from automatic
adaptation point of view. Evolutionary actions which are applied when particular events occur have been introduced [9]. The actions usually affect content
presentation and navigation. Similarly, active rules have been proposed for adaptive web applications with the focus on evolution [4]. However, we see evolution
as changes of the base application introduced in a specific context. We use aspect
orientation to modularize the changes and reapply them when needed.
Our work is based on early work on aspect-oriented change management [5].
We argue that this approach is applicable in wider context if supported by a version model for aspect dependency management [10] and with appropriate aspect
model that enables to control aspect recursion and stratification [1]. Aspectoriented programming community explored several specific issues in software
evolution such as database schema evolution with aspects [7] or aspect-oriented
extensions of business processes and web services with crosscutting concerns of
reliability, security, and transactions [3]. However, we are not aware of any work
aiming specifically at capturing changes by aspects in web applications.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Conclusions and Further Work
We have proposed an approach to web application evolution in which changes
are represented by aspect-oriented design patterns and program schemes. We
identified several change types that occur in web applications as evolution or
customization steps and discussed selected ones along with their realization. We
also envisioned an aspect-oriented change realization framework.
To support the process of change selection, the catalogue of changes is needed
in which the generalization-specialization relationships between change types
would be explicitly established. We plan to search for further change types and
their realizations. It is also necessary to explore change interactions and evaluate
the approach practically.
Acknowledgements The work was supported by the Scientific Grant Agency
of Slovak Republic (VEGA) grant No. VG 1/3102/06 and Science and Technology Assistance Agency of Slovak Republic contract No. APVT-20-007104.
[1] E. Bodden, F. Forster, and F. Steimann. Avoiding infinite recursion with stratified
aspects. In Robert Hirschfeld et al., editors, Proc. of NODe 2006, LNI P-88, pages
49–64, Erfurt, Germany, September 2006. GI.
[2] S. Casteleyn et al. Considering additional adaptation concerns in the design of
web applications. In Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive
Web-Based Systems (AH2006), LNCS 4018, Dublin, Ireland, June 2006. Springer.
[3] A. Charfi et al. Reliable, secure, and transacted web service compositions with
ao4bpel. In 4th IEEE European Conf. on Web Services (ECOWS 2006), pages
23–34, Zürich, Switzerland, December 2006. IEEE Computer Society.
[4] F. Daniel, M. Matera, and G. Pozzi. Combining conceptual modeling and active
rules for the design of adaptive web applications. In Workshop Proc. of 6th Int.
Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE 2006), New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
[5] P. Dolog, V. Vranić, and M. Bieliková. Representing change by aspect. ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, 36(12):77–83, December 2001.
[6] S. Goldschmidt, S. Junghagen, and U. Harris. Strategic Affiliate Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003.
[7] R. Green and A. Rashid. An aspect-oriented framework for schema evolution in
object-oriented databases. In Proc. of the Workshop on Aspects, Components and
Patterns for Infrastructure Software (in conjunction with AOSD 2002), Enschede,
Netherlands, April 2002.
[8] R. Miles. AspectJ Cookbook. O’Reilly, 2004.
[9] F. Molina-Ortiz, N. Medina-Medina, and L. Garcı́a-Cabrera. An author tool based
on SEM-HP for the creation and evolution of adaptive hypermedia systems. In
Workshop Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE 2006), New York,
NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
[10] E. Pulvermüller, A. Speck, and J. O. Coplien. A version model for aspect dependency management. In Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Generative and ComponentBased Software Engineering (GCSE 2001), LNCS 2186, pages 70–79, Erfurt, Germany, September 2001. Springer.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Adaptive portal framework
for Semantic Web applications
Michal Barla, Peter Bartalos, Mária Bieliková,
Roman Filkorn, Michal Tvarožek
Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics
and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Ilkovičova 3, 842 16 Bratislava, Slovakia
Abstract. In this paper we propose a framework for the creation of
adaptive portal solutions for the Semantic Web. It supports different
target domains in a single portal instance. We propose a platform environment where the ontology models and adaptivity are among first-class
features. Adaptivity is supported by the personalized presentation layer
that integrates software tools for automatic user characteristic acquisition. A significant contribution of the design lies in our method for automatic form building from the domain ontology and automated CRUD
pattern support by object-ontology mapping. We evaluate the framework
in two domains – online labor market and scientific publications.
Many current information systems need a suitable way of communicating with
users by means of a user-friendly (graphical) user interface. Consequently, many
systems adopted a web-based user interface, which can be accessed via a thin
client, such as a generic web browser. This introduces new challenges since the
architecture, design and overall approach to engineering of web-based applications differs from traditional desktop thick client applications.
While typical web applications offer specific services to users, web portal solutions aim to provide a single point of access for personalized services, information sharing and collaboration support. Furthermore, portals serve as gateways
to other content and services provided either locally or more often as distributed
applications. Thus, system integration plays a very important role where interoperability is becoming paramount. Unlike traditional desktop applications, web
portals often employ a diverse range of middleware, specialized methods and
tools to integrate and process information from various sources. Consequently,
portal solutions strive not only for maximal flexibility and variability but also for
shared semantics to which the Semantic Web principles may be applicable [10].
These however are not yet supported by the state of the art portal frameworks.
Web-based information systems in general, and portal systems in particular
can also be viewed from the client users’ perspective where the overall design,
functionality and user-friendliness of the user interface is important. Personalized
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
approaches such as adaptive hypermedia have been proposed to solve common
problems like the “lost in hyperspace” syndrome and information overload, while
social approaches were proposed for collaboration and information sharing.
In this paper we propose a framework for the creation of adaptive web-based
portal solutions for integrating different web applications. We strongly focus on
reusability, component-based design, personalization and interoperability taking
advantage of ontologies, adaptive navigation and presentation.
Related work
There are many commercial quality portal solution products from a variety of top
rank software vendors, e.g. Microsoft SharePoint, Sun Java System Portal Server,
IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic. Although definitely varying in specific technology particulars, the list of supported features and off-the-shelf components
is overwhelming. They offer consistent solutions and share many characteristics
such as security, enterprise information and services integration, documentation,
steep learning curve, ease and comfort use and administration. Similarly, opensource Apache Foundation projects such as Cocoon, Struts, Tapestry or Jetspeed
are examples of commonly used, technically mature, reusable portal, albeit less
sophisticated, frameworks for fast web application development.
Some state of the art methods in web application development, based on
model drive approaches, include HERA [14], WebML [8], SHDM/OOHDM [9],
UWE [5]. Ideally, these are aimed at designing web applications, which are well
understood and where the respective models can be (easily) defined. However,
they do not directly address the integration and common aspects of different
distributed web applications and/or data sources into a single portal instance.
The idea of using ontologies in portal solutions for the Semantic Web has already been examined in several works. OntoPortal uses ontologies and adaptive
hypermedia principles to enrich the linking between resources [4]. The AKT
project aims to develop technologies for knowledge processing, management and
publishing, e.g. OntoWeaver-S [6], which is a comprehensive ontology-based infrastructure for building knowledge portals with support for web services.
The SEAL [11] framework for semantic portals takes advantage of semantics
for the presentation of information in a portal with focus on semantic querying and browsing. The semantic web portal tool OntoViews [7] is designed for
publishing of RDF content on the web and provides the user with a contentbased search engine and link generation/recommendation based on relationships
between ontological concepts. SOIP-F [13] describes a framework for the development of semantic organization information portals based on “conventional” web
frameworks, web conceptual models, ontologies as well as additional metadata.
A lot of work has already been done in the field of semantic web portals. Existing approaches take extensive advantage of ontologies, web services and different
navigation and presentation models. However, while support for personalization
(via presentation adaptation to user context) was already addressed in some
approaches, they do not offer fully automatic semantic user action logging. Our
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
approach takes advantage of semantic server-side logging which supports and
augments the successive user characteristic estimation.
Furthermore, issues concerning the evolution of open information spaces
should be addressed with respect to effective portal development and maintenance with the aim of reducing workload when developing new portal solutions
or maintaining existing ones in changing environments. Our automated support
of CRUD patterns contributes to this issue.
Adaptive portal solution architecture
The proposed framework for the creation of adaptive web-based portal solutions
has two major goals: to be able to support different target domains in a single portal instance, and to set up a platform environment where the ontology
models and adaptivity will be among first-class features. A portal created using
the framework stands as an integration platform for different existing or newly
developed web applications, which are available via a single access point, and
which can be either independent or interconnected.
A target domain is represented by a domain specific model. It captures
and specifies its characteristic concepts, structures, relations, behavior and constraints. In order to easily change models one has to focus on a meta-model.
Ontologies constitute a way to manage and process the model and its metamodel in a consistent and uniform way. While being able to manipulate the
entities at the instance level of the ontology, the inference mechanisms may take
both levels in consideration and the result may improve and alter either the
model or the meta-model of the particular target domain.
From this point of view, even two consecutive versions of the same ontology
may be considered as two different models and a suite of tools and inference
rules may be able to process the data between these two instances. In such a
way our framework is able to adapt to changes to its own (meta-)model.
Our design reflects the following requirements:
– Adaptivity and adaptability of the system’s presentation and functionality.
– Built-in automatic user modeling based on user action logging with semantics
and automatic user characteristic estimation.
– Reusability and generic design suitable for multiple application domains.
– Extensibility with additional tools for specific tasks and overall flexibility
with respect to tool orchestration.
– Tolerance towards changes in the domain and user ontologies.
In our design we take advantage of MVC-based frameworks, componentbased web development and XML processing, which are based on the pipes and
filters architectural pattern, what makes them specifically suitable for RDF/RDFS
and OWL processing. One such framework is the open-source web development
framework Apache Cocoon (, which we used as
the underlying portal framework for our solution. Figure 1 depicts an overview
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
of the portal architecture that extends the basic functionality of Cocoon with additional software components in order to fulfill the aforementioned requirements.
Form Presentation
Presentation Tool A
Presentation Tool B
User Characteristic Acquisition
Form Generator
User Modeling
Bean Generator
Ontology-Object Mapper
User Action Logging
Common Configuration
User Management
Coplet Management
Corporate Memory
Domain Ontologies
Domain Knowledge Bases
User Ontology
User Profiles
Event Ontology
User Action Logs
Fig. 1. Overview of our adaptive semantic portal framework architecture.
Corporate memory. We store data in the Corporate Memory repository which
stores the domain, user and event ontologies (Figure 1, bottom). We use a domain ontology to capture and formally specify domain specific data – concepts,
structures, relations, behavior and constraints characteristic for a particular application domain. A user ontology is derived from the domain ontology to define
users, their characteristics and preferences towards specific domain concepts. We
employ an event ontology to capture the semantics of user actions during system
operation for their successive processing in the user modeling process.
Cocoon extensions. The core Cocoon extensions include (Figure 1, center):
– User Management used for creating and altering of user accounts.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
– Common Configuration of individual tools, which is used to access data in
the Corporate Memory repository.
– Security, which ensures that only authorized users access protected resources.
– Coplet Management used to customize the overall portal interface, i.e. to
add, remove or edit the layout and use of individual coplets (i.e., Cocoon
servlets corresponding to specific GUI parts) and skins.
CRUD support. A significant contribution of our design is the CRUD component. It supports form generation from the domain ontology and the automated
CRUD pattern (Figure 1, top left) as means of improving reusability for different application domains. CRUD organizes the persistence operations of an
application into Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete operations that are implemented by a persistence layer, and includes the generation of form descriptions
for Cocoon (Form Generator ), the generation of the underlying JavaBeans (Bean
Generator ) and the associated mapping and persistence of JavaBeans (OntologyObject Mapper ) in the ontological repository [2].
User characteristics acquisition. We employ the personalized presentation
layer architecture proposed in [12] that facilitates User Characteristic Acquisition – a two stage process consisting of sever-side and client-side User Action
Logging and User Modeling. The process takes advantage of a set of software
tools, integrated into the portal framework, that form a configurable user modeling chain which transforms user actions into a user model that can be used by
all tools integrated in the portal.
The User Action Logging stage produces logs with semantics which are processed using a rule-based approach [1] resulting in user characteristics stored in
an ontology-based user model. Every presentation tool in the portal is responsible for the logging of its respective events and their semantics by means of a
common logging service and thus contributes to user characteristics acquisition
Presentation. The Portal tool is used to aggregate output from individual
adaptive Presentation tools, which support adaptation based on user context,
and assist in the creation of comprehensive user action logs. The user context
itself contains different types of data, e.g., a user model describing user characteristics and an environment model describing the client device or client connection.
In particular, we utilize Form Presentation tools that take advantage of
CRUD pattern support to provide users with personalized form filling functionality for specific domain concepts. For navigation in the domain ontology we use
an adaptive faceted browser and a cluster navigation tool that supports visual
navigation in clusters of domain concepts. We also employ several search tools
that allow the user to specify different search criteria and ranking algorithms.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
We successfully employed the proposed portal solution in two projects dealing
with different domains. Using the framework we created a portal Job Offer Portal (JOP) used in research project NAZOU ( in
the domain of online job offers. JOP offers its users several ways of navigation
through the information space using different presentation tools, which work
with the ontological database produced by a chain of data harvesting tools that
acquire and process data from the Internet [3].
The whole system utilizes multiple data processing chains. Starting with the
data sources, users can submit new job offers using a set of forms generated
by the framework. On the other hand, a set of automatic wrapping and web
crawling tools collects (structured) documents (tools WrapperGenerator, WebCrawler, RIDAR – Relevant Internet Data Resource Identification). To support information retrieval, approaches like clustering (tools Clusterer, ASPECT
– Probabilistic document clustering) and criteria and top-k ordering (tools CriteriaSearch, SQEx – Semantic Query Expansion Tool, TopK aggregator, IGAP
– Induction of Generalized Annotated Programs) are employed. The data and
search results presentation is performed by JOP – the primary adaptable user
interface, which integrates individual presentation and user modeling tools (tools
Factic - Faceted browser and ClusterNavigator) and user modeling (tools Click,
LogAnalyser, SemanticLog).
Another portal, called Publication Presentation Portal (P3) was created in
research project MAPEKUS ( It uses metadata about scientific publications downloaded from digital libraries and aids
users in finding relevant ones by adapting the presented information.
Both created portals use ontology-based back-end and user modeling features
provided by our portal framework. Both stand for an integration platform for
various domain-specific tools and data processing workflows. The features of
common ontologies and adaptivity significantly improve their overall quality.
We described the design of a framework for the creation of adaptive web-based
portal solutions with support for both adaptability and adaptivity.
We take advantage of component-based design and built a working portal
from a set of interconnected software tools that perform specific tasks. Furthermore, we employ ontologies in order to incorporate semantics shared across
individual tools, data and metadata into the respective domain and user models in a consistent and uniform way. In this way our solution supports different
target domains in single portal instance.
The automated form generation from the domain ontology and object-ontology
mapping contributes to the flexibility and the easy reuse of the solution. Using
these components we can flexibly react to domain ontology changes by changing
the corresponding parts of the application automatically.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Acknowledgment. This work was partially supported by the Slovak Research
and Development Agency under the contract No. APVT-20-007104 and the State
programme of research and development under the contract No. 1025/04.
1. M. Barla and M. Bieliková. Estimation of User Characteristics using Rule-based
Analysis of User Logs. In Data Mining for User Modeling Proceedings of Workshop
held at the International Conference on User Modeling UM2007, pages 5–14, Corfu,
Greece, 2007.
2. P. Bartalos. An approach to object-ontology mapping. In Mária Bieliková, editor,
IIT.SRC – Student Research Conference 2007, pages 9–16. Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2007.
3. M. Ciglan, M. Babik, M. Laclavik, I. Budinska, and L. Hluchy. Corporate memory:
A framework for supporting tools for acquisition, organization and maintenance of
information and knowledge. In J. Zendulka, editor, 9th Int. Conf. on Inf. Systems
Implementation and Modelling, ISIM’06, pages 185–192, Perov, Czech Rep., 2006.
4. S. Kampa, T. Miles-Board, L. Carr, and W. Hall. Linking with meaning: Ontological hypertext for scholars, 2001.
5. N. Koch. Transformation techniques in the model-driven development process of
uwe. In ICWE ’06: Workshop proceedings of the sixth international conference on
Web engineering, page 3, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
6. Y. Lei, E. Motta, and J. Domingue. Ontoweaver-s: Supporting the design of knowledge portals. In E. Motta et al., editor, EKAW, volume 3257 of LNCS, pages
216–230. Springer, 2004.
7. E. Mäkelä, E. Hyvönen, S. Saarela, and K. Viljanen. Ontoviews - a tool for creating
semantic web portals. In S. A. McIlraith et al., editor, Int. Semantic Web Conf.,
volume 3298 of LNCS, pages 797–811. Springer, 2004.
8. N. Moreno, P. Fraternalli, and A. Vallecillo. A uml 2.0 profile for webml modeling.
In ICWE ’06: Workshop proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web
engineering, page 4, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
9. L. A. Ricci and D. Schwabe. An authoring environment for model-driven web
applications. In WebMedia ’06: Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian symposium on
Multimedia and the web, pages 11–19, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
10. N. Shadbolt, T. Berners-Lee, and W. Hall. The semantic web revisited. IEEE
Intelligent Systems, 21(3):96–101, May/June 2006.
11. N. Stojanovic, A. Maedche, S. Staab, R. Studer, and Y. Sure. Seal: a framework
for developing semantic portals, 2001.
12. M. Tvarožek, M. Barla, and M. Bieliková. Personalized Presentation in Web-Based
Information Systems. In J. van Leeuwen et al., editor, SOFSEM 2007, pages 796–
807. Springer, LNCS 4362, 2007.
13. E. D. Valle and M. Brioschi. Toward a framework for semantic organizational
information portal. In Ch. Bussler et al., editor, ESWS, volume 3053 of LNCS,
pages 402–416. Springer, 2004.
14. K. van der Sluijs and G.J. Houben. A generic component for exchanging user models between web-based systems. International Journal of Continuing Engineering
Education and Life-Long Learning, 16(1/2):64–76, 2006.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
An approach to support the
Web User Interfaces evolution
Preciado, J.C.; Linaje, M.; Sánchez-Figueroa, F.
Quercus Software Engineering Group
Escuela Politécnica. Universidad de Extremadura (10071 – Cáceres, Spain)
{jcpreciado; mlinaje; fernando}
Abstract. Currently, there is a growing group of Web 1.0 applications that is
migrating towards Web 2.0 where their data and business logic could be maintained but their User Interface (UI) must be adapted. Our proposal facilitates the
adaptation of existing Web 1.0 applications to Web 2.0, focusing on UIs and
taking advantage of functionality already provided by legacy Web Models. In
this paper we present, as an example, how to adapt applications already modelled with WebML to RUX-Model, a method that allows designing rich UIs for
multi-device Web 2.0 UIs. One of our main goals in attending the workshop is
discussing other potential adaptations for applications modelled with OOHDM,
UWE or OO-H among others.
Keywords: Web Engineering, Adaptation, User Interfaces, Web 1.0, Web 2.0,
Rich Internet Applications.
1 Introduction
Over the past few years, the traditional HTML-based Web Applications (Web 1.0)
development has been supported by different models and methodologies coming from
the Web Engineering community.
Nowadays, the complexity of activities performed via Web User Interfaces (UIs)
keeps increasing and ubiquity becomes fundamental in a growing number of Web
applications. In this context, many Web 1.0 applications are showing their limits to
reach high levels of interaction and multimedia support, so many of them are migrating towards Web 2.0 UIs.
The majority of the features of Web 2.0 UIs may be developed using Rich Internet
Applications (RIAs) technologies [8] which combine the benefits of the Web distribution model with the interface interactivity and multimedia support available in desktop applications. UI development is one of the most resource-consuming stages of
application development [2]. A systematic development approach would decrease
resource usage. However, there is still a lack of complete models and methodologies
related with RIA [1]. An interesting partial proposal can be found in [11].
Our statement is that it is not only important to develop applications for Web 2.0 from
scratch, but it is also important to adapt existing Web 1.0 applications based on Web
Models to the new requirements and necessities following a methodology.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
In this paper we use RUX-Model (Rich User eXperience Model) [9], a Model Driven
Method for engineering the adaptation of legacy Web 1.0 applications to Web 2.0 UI
expectations [8]. A case study is presented using the RUX-Model CASE Tool (RUXTool, available at, which supports RIA UI code generation
and it is validated by implementation.
RUX-Model proposes three UI transformation phases that we describe in Section 2.
However, the main contribution of this paper focuses on the definition of the connection with the Web Model to be adapted (Section 3).
2 RUX-Model Overview
RUX-Model is an intuitive visual method that allows designing rich UIs for RIAs and
its concepts are associated with a perceptive graphical representation. In the context
of adapting existing Web 1.0 applications to Web 2.0, RUX-Model can be seen as an
adaptor as it is depicted in Figure 1 (left). Due to it being a multidisciplinary proposal
and in order to decrease cross-cutting concepts, the UI specification is divided into
levels. According to [3] an interface can be broken down into four levels, Concepts
and Tasks, Abstract Interface, Concrete Interface and Final Interface. The RUXModel process starts from Abstract Interface and each Interface level is composed by
Interface Components. Concepts and Tasks are taken by RUX-Model from the underlying legacy Web Model.
Abstract Interface provides a UI representation common to all RIA devices and development platforms without any kind of spatial arrangement, look&feel or behaviour, so all the devices that can run RIAs have the same Abstract Interface.
Abstract Interface elements are: Connectors, we have included them to establish the
relation to the data model once the hypertext model specifies how they are going to be
recovered; Media, they represent an atomic information element that is independent
of the client rendering technology. We have categorized media into discrete media
(texts and images) and continuous media (videos, audios and animations). Each media
gives support to Input/Output processes; Views, a view symbolizes a group of information that will be shown to the client at the same time. In order to group information, RUX-Model allows the use of four different types of containers: simple, alternative, replicate and hierarchical views.
Then in Concrete Interface we are able to optimize the UI for a specific device or
group of devices. Concrete Interface is divided into three Presentation levels: Spatial,
Temporal and Interaction Presentation. Spatial Presentation allows the spatial arrangement of the UI to be specified, as well as the look&feel of the Interface Components. Temporal Presentation allows the specification of those behaviours which require a temporal synchronization (e.g. animations). Interaction Presentation allows
modelling the user’s behaviour with the UI.
The RUX-Model process ends with Final Interface which provides the code generation of the modelled application. This generated code is specific for a device or a
group of devices and for a RIA development platform and it is ready to be deployed.
RUX-Model adaptation process from Web 1.0 applications to Web 2.0 has three different transformation phases. Figure 1 (left) shows the different interface levels and
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
transformation phases. The first transformation phase (Connection Rules), marked as
1 in the figure, is automatically performed and extracts all the relevant information
from the previous Web Model to build a first version of Abstract Interface. Then, the
second phase is performed, marked as 2 in Figure 1 where Concrete Interface is
automatically obtained from Abstract Interface. Finally, in the third phase, marked as
3 in the figure, Final Interface is automatically generated depending on the chosen
RIA rendering technology (e.g. Lazslo, Flex, Ajax, XAML). Phases 1 and 2 can be
improved by modellers to achieve their goals according to their needs.
Fig 1. Left: RUX-Model architecture overview; Right: Example of RUX-Model method
In Figure 1 (right) we show the Interface levels and the transformation phases, but
here from a practical point of view. In this figure, RUX-Model obtains Abstract Interface automatically by means of a connection to an existing Web application developed using a Web Model (e.g. WebML [4]). This Abstract Interface is transformed
into two Concrete Interfaces, one with a special arrangement adapted for PCs and the
other for a group of mobile devices. One Concrete Interface is transformed into two
Final Interfaces for a PC using different technologies (one uses Laszlo and the other
uses AJAX) and the other Concrete Interface into two Final Interfaces for similar
devices (e.g. PDA and Smartphone) using Laszlo rendering technology.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
3 Web Model to RUX-Model Adaptation
From now on, we focus on the adaptation process to the Web Model being adapted.
RUX-Model connection process takes from the connected Web Model two kinds of
information regarding its structure and navigation. Information regarding the presentation model is not considered in RUX-Model because Web 1.0 presentation models
are not oriented to Web 2.0 UIs (e.g. no single page application, no partial UI refreshment, etc).The structure and navigation are for allowing Final Interface triggering the Operation Chains defined in the underlying Web application being adapted
and for building the RUX-Model Abstract Interface.
The connection process starts selecting the set of Connection Rules, phase 1 in the
Figure 1, according to the Web Model that we have chosen. A set of Connection
Rules exists for each potential Web Model being considered (e.g. WebML [4],
OOHDM [5], UWE [6], OO-H [7] or Hera [12] among others).
3.1 WebML Specific Case
The selection of WebML [4] as the Web Model for this case study is based on previous studies [1]. WebML allows modellers to express conceptual navigation and business logic of the Website. WebML is supported by a CASE tool called WebRatio
( that generates application code. This code is based on JSP
templates and XSL style sheets for building the application’s presentation.
Regarding the triggering of Operation Chains, this is solved as in [10], using the
“pointing” links, given that WebML links use the typical HTTP GET format: where pageid denotes a Web page and PL a list of tag-value pairs.
Fig 2. WebML Connection process schema
Regarding the building of Abstract Interface, it is important to note that all the concepts of WebML are associated with a graphical notation and a textual XML syntax.
WebML XML is composed of several tags (and content). Next we show those ones
most relevant for our connection process.
x <Structure>: related to Entity, Attribute and Relationship,
x <Navigation>: related to containers (<Siteview>, <Area> and <Page>) and units
(<ContentUnits>, <DataUnit>, <IndexUnit>, <HierachicalIndexUnit>, <MultidataUnit> and <EntryUnit>) to express and to organize the Web Model.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
This information is used all along the RUX-Model designing process as depicted in
Figure 2. The Connection Rules filter the information offered by WebRatio, obtaining
only the information needed to build Abstract Interface, that is the <Structure> and
<Navigation> elements.
Due to the fact that the WebML navigation model is composed by several siteviews,
the first step that takes place in the connection process is to create a basic empty presentation abstract model, in order to insert in it an alternative root view that will contain a simple view for each defined site view. Later on, for each one of these site
views, we will process the content placed in each page using the algorithm whose
pseudocode is shown in Table 1.
The algorithm works following a basic rule: if the page contains only one WebML
Unit it is transformed directly to Abstract Interface Component(s) according to the
Connection Rules. If the page contains more than one Unit, a RUX-Model simple
view (Figure 2) will be created. This simple view will contain the results of WebML
Unit processing. <Page> and <Area> are treated in the same way.
All the nodes contained in <Structure> are used as in the previous Web Model, using
their original connectors. All the nodes of the hierarchy defined in <Navigation> will
be transformed according to the Connection Rules, calling to their identifiers of connectors described in <Structure>.
Table 1. Connection Rules pseudocode.
WebML_Element )
AIE : AbstractInterfaceElement
AIC : Connector
AIV : SimpleView
AIE Å AI.new_alternative_view( )
AIE Å AI.new_simple_view( )
AIE Å AI.new_simple_view( )
AIC Å AI.new_connector( )
AIE.insert_connector( AIC )
AIV Å AI.new_simple_view( )
AIV Å AI.new_replicate_view(
AIE.insert_view( AIV )
ForEach( Descendant in WML )
If Descendant is DisplayAttribute
NV (New View): SimpleView Å AI.
new_simple_view( )
NC (New Component): MediaComponent Å AI.
new_media_component(, Descendant.type or TEXT ) )
NC.connect( AIC, Descendant.attr_name )
NV.insert_element( NC )
AIV.insert_view( NV )
AIE.insert_element( ConnectionRules( AI, Descendant ) )
Return AIE
AI : AbstractInterface
Root : SimpleView Å AI.new_simple_view( "root" );
Foreach( Descendant in Navigation )
Root Å Root.insert_element( AI, ConnectionRules( Descendant ) )
3.3 Case Study
With the aim of validating our proposal, we show a simple real-life case study. This
case study is inspired by the “Pedro-Verhue” Website (,
an on-line catalogue for home interior decoration, based on RIA technologies to provide high interaction and presentation capacities.
Due to the case study extension, we only focus on the Connection Rules that is the
main objective of this paper. Notwithstanding, the full engineering process is available on-line through a video tutorial and the Web 2.0 application is deployed at
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
At the top of Figure 3 the underlying Web Model is depicted (i.e. WebML hypertext
model) and at the bottom the RUX-Model Abstract Interface automatically obtained
using the connection process (i.e. Connection Rules).
Fig 3. From WebML hypertext Model to RUX-Model Abstract Interface.
Mainly, Pedro-Verhue has a first level category (called “Menu” in Figure 3) that
onmouseover displays a second level category (called “Menu Photos” in Figure 3) in
order to show the photograph index. When one of the photographs is selected, the
detailed information (called “Show Photo” in Figure 3) is shown to the user. All this
process is carried out in a single page, following RIA concepts.
Figure 3 focuses on “Menu Photos” to explain how the transformation is carried out.
WebML “Menu Photos” page becomes (Figure 3 arrow a) the “Menu Photos” Simple
View in the RUX-Model Abstract Interface. “Index Unit 2”, that uses photo entity
from the WebML structure, becomes (Figure 3 arrow b) the “[Photos]” Simple View
with a Replicate View inside. Finally, for each attribute available in the WebML “Index Unit 2” the process creates (Figure 3 arrows c and d) one Media element with a
common Connector inside a Simple View.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we use RUX-Model (Rich User eXperience Model) [12], a Model Driven Method for the systematic adaptation of RIAs UIs over existing HTML-based
Web Applications based on Models in order to give them multimedia support, offering more effective, interactive and intuitive user experiences.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Among the transformation phases proposed in RUX-Model, we have focused on the
definition of the connection process with the Web Model being adapted. This phase is
crucial in the process, due to it being the only part of RUX-Model that depends on the
Web Model selected.
We have proposed a case study to demonstrate our approach in practical terms using
RUX-Tool. Currently, RUX-Tool is able to take advantage of applications generated
using WebML and it is able to auto-generate RIA UIs code for several extended rich
client rendering technologies such as AJAX (using DHTML) and OpenLaszlo[8].
At the implementation level, RUX-Tool has a series of prerequisites about the models
that can be used in order to extract from them all the information automatically.
Moreover, conceptually, RUX-Model may be used on several existing Web Models
such as OOHDM, UWE, OO-H or HERA among others. Discussing this issue is one
of our main objectives at the workshop.
Acknowledgments. Partially funded by PDT06A042 and TIN2005-09405-C02-02.
1. Preciado, J.C., Linaje, M., Sánchez, F., Comai, S.: Necessity of methodologies to model Rich
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3. Limbourg Q., Vanderdonckt J., Michotte B., Bouillon L., Lopez V.: UsiXML: a Language
Supporting Multi-Path Development of User Interfaces, IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for HCI, LNCS (2005) vol. 3425 207-228
4. Ceri S., Fraternali P., Bongio A., Brambilla M., Comai S., Matera M.: Designing DataIntensive Web Applications, Morgan Kauffmann (2002)
5. Schwabe, D., Rossi, G., Barbosa, S. D.: Systematic hypermedia application design with
OOHDM, ACM Conference on Hypertext, ACM Press (1996) 116-128
6. Koch N., Kraus A.: The Expressive Power of UML-based Web Engineering, International
Workshop on Web-oriented Software Technology, Springer-Verlag (2002)
7. Gómez, J., Cachero, C.: OO-H Method: extending UML to model web interfaces, Information modeling for internet applications, Idea Group Publishing (2003)
8. Brent S.: XULRunner: A New Approach for Developing Rich Internet Applications. Journal
on Internet Computing, IEEE (2007) vol. 11 iss. 3 67-73
9. Linaje, M., Preciado, J.C., Sánchez-Figueroa, F.: A Method for Model Based Design of Rich
Internet Application Interactive User Interfaces, International Conference on Web Engineering, LNCS (2007), vol. 4607
10.Ceri S., Dolog P., Matera M., Nejdl W.: Model-Driven Design of Web Applications with
Client-Side Adaptation, LNCS (2004) vol. 3140 201-214
11.Bozzon, A., Comai, S., Fraternali, P., Toffetti Carughi, G.: Conceptual Modeling and Code
Generation for Rich Internet Applications, International Conference on Web Engineering,
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12.Houben, G.J., van der Sluijs, K., Barna,P., Broekstra, J., Casteleyn, S., Fiala, Z., Frasincar,
F.: Hera, Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications, HumanComputer Interaction Series (2007), Springer, vol. 12
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Improving the adaptation of web applications to
different versions of software with MDA
A. M. Reina Quintero1 , J. Torres Valderrama1 , and M. Toro Bonilla1
Department of Languages and Computer Systems
E.T.S. Ingenierı́a Informática.
Avda. Reina Mercedes, s/n.
41007 Seville, Spain
{reinaqu, jtorres, mtoro}
Abstract. The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) has been proposed
as a way of separating the details of an implementation platform from the
problem domain. This paper shows that this approach is also good for
the adaptation of software to the different versions of the same platform.
As an example, Spring Web Flow (SWF), a framework that allows the
definition and representation of user interface flows in web applications,
has been chosen. After six months of evolution, the web flows defined with
SWF 1.0 RC1 were not compatible with SWF 1.0. The paper analyzes the
changes introduced by the new release, and it proposes an MDA-based
approach to soften the impact of these changes.
The fast evolution of technology has caused the period of time that companies
take for providing new versions of their products be shortened, if they want to
be up-to-date. Many times, new releases offer new and improved features, but
also cause backward incompatibility. This problem is stressed in open source
projects, because new versions are often released out due to their continuous
interaction with end users. Therefore, it is crucial to adapt software products
that are being developed with these frameworks at a minimum cost.
On the other hand, web applications are becoming more and more complex,
and nowadays, they are more than just simple interconnected web pages. Thus,
an important piece in its development are Web Objects [4], that is, pieces of compiled code, that provide a service to the rest of the software system. These pieces
of code are often supported by open source frameworks, and as a consequence,
the evolution of these frameworks has also become an important challenge in
web application evolution.
The process of releasing out new versions of a framework or a software
product can be considered as a software evolution process. There are several
techniques for software evolution that range from formal methods to ad-hoc
solutions. But the most promising ones are: reengineering, impact analysis techniques, category-theoretic techniques and automated evolution support. MDA
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
also seems to be a promising philosophy for dealing with software evolution, not
only because it allows the separation of the domain concerns from the technological concerns, but also because design information and dependencies are explicit
in models and transformations, respectively.
This paper shows how the MDA philosophy can help us to adapt easily to
a new release of a framework the software artifacts produced with an earlier
version. Furthermore, it analyzes the evolution process in the MDA. To demonstrate the benefits of this philosophy, the paper will be based on a case study.
The case study describes how a web flow defined with Spring Web Flow 1.0-RC1
can be adapted to Spring Web Flow 1.0, a more stable release. Spring Web Flow
(SWF)1 is a component of the Spring Framework’s web stack focused on the
definition and execution of user interface (UI) flows within a web application.
A user interface flow can be considered as part of the navigation process that a
user has to deal with while interacting with a web application. For the sake of
having a clear idea of the period of time between the two sreleases, it should be
highlighted that SWF 1.0 RC1 was out in May 2006, while SWF 1.0 was publicly accessible in October 2006. And, although both versions share most of the
concepts, there are some technical details that differ and that cause backward
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In section 2, the problem is
introduced by example, that is, the working example is explained and problems are briefly highlighted. Secondly, the approach is explained following three
stages: metamodel and tranformation definitions, evolution analysis and change
propagation. After that, some related works are enumerated and, at last, the
paper is concluded and some future lines of work are pointed out.
Problem Statement
Due to the constant evolution of technology, new versions of software products
are released out more and more frequently. This cycle of new versions is specially speeded up when dealing with open source products. This is due to user
participation: users are constantly sending reports about mistakes. In this context, a frequent operation is software migration, thus the study case is going
to be focused on a migration from Spring Webflow 1.0 RC1 to Spring Webflow
1.0, a new, more stable release, which appeared just 6 months after the public
appearance of the 1.0 RC1 release.
A flow defines a user dialog that responds to user events to drive the execution
of application code to complete a business goal. And, although the elements
or constructs needed to define a web flow are the same in both versions, the
technical details differ from one release to the other. As a consequence, there is
no backward compatibility.
In order to be clear enough, the flow used as study case is simple, but it
covers the main issues needed. The initial example has been obtain from [2],
The Spring Web Flow Home Page:
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
and can be seen as part of the navigation path from a simple e-shop web site.
The flow simulates part of the dialog that takes place when a user wants to buy
certain product. The navigation steps that a user has to pass through to buy
some thing are: Firstly, select the Start link. Secondly, enter his personal data.
Thirdly, select the properties of the product. And, finally, after pushing the Buy
button, he will obtain a message reporting about the shopping.
Fig. 1. State chart corresponding to the web flow specified in SWF 1.0 RC1
The implementation of this dialog using SWF requires the definition of a web
flow. This web flow can be specified in two different ways, by means of an XMLfile or using a Java-code. It is a good technique to draw a state chart in order
to understand the web flow better. The flow consists of six states (Fig. 1(a)):
three ActionState’s, two ViewState’s and one DecisionState. Initially, the
flow starts its execution by an ActionState which is in charge of setting up the
form. Then, the form is displayed through the personalDetailsView state. After
that, the flow enters into another ActionState, which will bind and validate the
data introduced by the user. If there are any problems with data, the flow will go
back again to the personalDetailsView state; otherwise, it will enter into the
orderDetailsView state, and the process will be repeated. Finally, if all data are
right, the flow will enter into the testQuantity state, a DecisionState, that
can route the flow depending on the value of the attribute cancelled. However,
if the flow evolves in order to be SWF 1.0 compliant, we have the state chart
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
shown in Figure 1(b). The number of states has been reduced from six to three.
That is, all the ActionState’s have disappeared.
The approach
Metamodel and transformation definition
The first step in the approach is to obtain a metamodel which expresses the
concerns that are implicit in the framework and their relationships. In our case
study, a metamodel of Spring Web Flow is needed. In this case, two different
metamodels should be defined, one for the SWF 1.0 RC1, and the other one
for SWF 1.0. The great advantage here is that, at this point, both metamodels
should not differ too much. The models conforming to these metamodels are also
needed. It is likely that we have models conforming to SWF 1.0 RC1, but if the
model-driven process has been not followed, some reengineering techniques could
be applied to obtain them. Finally, a set of transformations for obtaining the
code should be given, whether model-to-text or model-to-model transformations.
Furthermore, with all these artifacts, an analysis should be done in order to
determine the kind of evolution that has been entered into the new release of
the framework.
Analysing the evolution
In order to face up to the adaptation process, the artifacts that are subject to
change should be identified, and also, which of these changes should be classified as evolution. In MDA there are three ways of evolution: model evolution,
transformation evolution and metamodel evolution. In model evolution, changes
to source models must be mapped into changes to target models through the
transformation rules. In transformation evolution, changes to the transformation
definition must be mapped into changes to target models. Finally, in metamodel
evolution, changes to a metamodel must be mapped to changes to described
models, plus to transformation definitions.
This section will analyze the different changes introduced in the Spring Web
Flow framework, and it will classify them according to the ways of evolution in
MDA. In our study case, the main changes introduced to Spring Web Flow are:
1. From DTD’s to XMLSchemas. Although structurally, this change is important, conceptually is very simple. The only thing to do is to define a new
set of model-to-text transformations. And, if the model-to-text transformer
is based on templates, we only have to modify the template. This is a kind
of model evolution.
2. Changing the root and the initial state. This change is also simple.
While in SWF 1.0 RC 1, the root of the XML webflow was <webflow> in
SWF 1.0, the root is <flow>. Moreover, the way of specifying the start state
has also been modified: in SWF 1.0 RC, the initial state was specified as an
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
attribute of the root element <webflow id="orderFlow" start-state="¬
setupForm">; however, in SWF 1.0, it is defined as an XML element <startstate idref="personalDetailsView"/>. These modifications only imply
the template redefinition. This is a kind of model evolution.
3. New renderAction property in the ViewState This change is due to
the introduction of a new property renderAction belonging to ViewState.
But this new property implies a bit of conceptual change, because we should
change the design of the flow in order to take advantage of the advanced
features of the framework. Thus in SWF 1.0 RC1 an initial ActionState
was needed in order to setup initially a form. If we look at the Figure 1, we
will see that the start state is an ActionState named setupForm. However,
in SWF 1.0 this can be represented by a property <render-actions> linked
to the ViewState that is in charge of rendering the form. As a result of the
new design, in the Figure 1(b), the ActionState has completely disappeared.
This is a kind of metamodel evolution.
4. Actions in transitions This change is not really due to the new version of
SWF, but due to the inexperience of the authors with SWF when working
with SWF RC1. Thus, two states (one ViewState and one ActionState)
were defined in order to specify, on the one hand, a web form, and on the
other hand, the binding and validation of data introduced by the user in
that form. There, the ViewState named personalDetailsView is followed
by the ActionState named bindAndValidatePersonalDetails, which is
in charge of the binding and validation of user data. In that flow there is
also another pair of states that follow the same pattern orderDetailsView
and bindAndValidateOrderDetailsView. However, these two states can be
replaced for just one ViewState, and the validation and biding can be triggered by the transition, which implies the disappearance of the ActionState.
Thus, if we compare the Figures 1(a) and 1(a), we will see that the number of
states has been reduced, and now, the bindAndValidatePersonalDetails
and bindAndValidateOrderDetails have been missed. This is a kind of
transformation evolution.
Change propagation
In order to migrate our application to be compliant to the new version of the
framework, different actions should be undertaken. And the concrete action will
depend on the kind of evolution. The easiest evolution to face up to is the model
evolution. In this case, the only thing to do is reformulate the set of model to
text transformations defined for generating the XML-Webflow files.
The metamodel evolution implies not only the modification of the Spring
Webflow metamodel, but also the definition of new model to text transformations. In order to migrate the old Spring Webflow models into the new ones, two
different strategies can be followed: one based on horizontal transformations, and
the other one based on vertical transformations. Horizontal transformations [1]
change the modular structure of an application at the same level of abstraction.
If we think in model transformations, source models and target models should
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
be expressed at the same abstraction level. On the other hand, vertical transformations [1] involve the transformation of a high abstraction level model into a
lower level one.
In the strategy based on horizontal transformations, besides the original
model-to-text transformations, a set of horizontal model-to-model transformations has to be defined. These transformations along with the original and
evolved metamodels, and the original model will be the input of a model transformation engine, which will produced the evolved model as output. Applying
the model to text transformations, the evolved Spring Webflow will be obtained.
The second strategy is more aligned to MDA and it consists on the definition
of a new metamodel which captures only the relevant concerns, that is, it should
ignore those elements that are platform dependent. This second approach is a bit
more expensive than the first one, in the sense that new artifacts are needed, and
they are conceptually more complex. But it also has some advantages. Firstly,
as the different versions deal with the same concepts, it is likely that the PIM
metamodel will not change very often, and the important modifications should
be at the PSM and transformation levels. Secondly, with the second approach
we have to define a new metamodel for the new version of the product, but many
times, this new metamodel is very similar to the one defined for the previous
version, so this task does not suppose too much work. And, finally, if we define
a PIM metamodel, we can deal with the same concepts but in other platforms.
Finally the model evolution can be solved defining a set of horizontal transformations to reformulate the old models. In this case, the metamodel remains the
same, and also the model to text transformations.
Related Work
The model-driven software evolution is a new area of interest, thus in the 11th
European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering a workshop
on model-driven software evolution has been held. In [7] a survey of the problems
raised by the evolution of model-based software systems is made and it is stated
that Model-Driven Engineering requires multiple dimensions of evolution. Our
approach deals with three of these dimensions. On the other hand, in [6] the
drawbacks of model driven software evolution are analyzed, and as a conclusion
the authors state that a dual approach is needed, that is, to use requirements
evolution to generate the model specification and the test specification to validate
the system. Our approach follows a top-down approach, but, at this point we
are not interested in validation or verification.
In [3] incompatibilities between models and metamodels caused by metamodel revisions are faced up. The proposed approach is based on the syncronization of models with evolving metamodels, but this approach only deals with one
dimension of evoulution, the metamodel evolution. [5] proposes a framework
where software artifacts that can be represented as MOF-compliant models can
be synchronized using model transformations, but they are focused on traceability of changes of software models . Finally, in [8], a systematic, MDA-based
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
process for engineering and maintaining middleware solutions is outline. In our
approach, SWF can be considered as part of a corporate middleware.
Conclusions and Further Work
This paper has pointed out how we can take benefit of the MDA philosophy in
order to have a better adaptation to the different versions of the same software
product. To do so, a case study based on the Spring Web Flow framework has
been introduced. An analysis of the changes introduced in the new version of
the framework has been made. Furthermore, two different approaches based on
model transformations have been considered to face to metamodel evolution. In
this case, the following artifacts are needed: one SWF 1.0 RC1 metamodel, one
SWF 1.0 metamodel, one web flow metamodel (this one, at the PIM level), two
sets of model to text transformations (one for obtaining the XML file conforming
to SWF 1.0 RC1, and another one for obtaining the XML conforming to SWF
1.0); and, finally, a set of model to model transformations, which will transform
the web flow model (at the PIM level) into a model for SWF 1.0 RC1 and SWF
1.0, respectively.
One of the future works is the implementation, via web, of a metamodel
repository, in such a way that we can count with the metamodels of the different
versions of the frameworks. Thus, a set of metamodels will be publicly available
in order to improve the adaptation to different releases of a framework.
1. K. Czanercki and U.W. Eisenecker. Generative Programming. Methods, Tools and
Applications. Addison Wesley, 2000.
2. Steven Devijver. Spring web flow examined. JavaLobby.
3. B. Gruschko and D. S. Kolovos. Towards synchronizing models with evolving metamodels. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Model-Driven Software Evolution held with the
ECSMR, 2007.
4. A. E. Hassan and R. C. Holt. Architecture recovery of web applications. In Proceedings of the 24rd Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, 2002, pages 349–359, 2002.
5. I. Ivkovic and K. Kontogiannis. Tracing evolution changes of software artifacts
through model synchronization. In Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference
on Software Maintenance (ICSM’04), 2004.
6. H. M. Sneed. The drawbacks of model-driven software evolution. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Model-Driven Software Evolution held with the 11th European Conference
on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2007.
7. A. van Deursen, E. Visser, and J. Warmer. Model-driven software evolution: A
research agenda. In Proc. Int. Ws on Model-Driven Software Evolution held with
the ECSMR’07, 2007.
8. J. P. Wadsack and J. H. Jahnke. Towards model-driven middleware maintenance.
In Proc. Int. Workshop on Generative Techniques in the context of Model-Driven
Architecture, 2002.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
International Conference on Web
Engineering 2007
1st Workshop on Aligning Web
Systems and Organization Requirements
16th July 2007, Como, Italy
David Lowe, Didar Zowghi
University of Technology, Sydney
Workshop Program Committee
Dr. Sotiris Christodoulou, University Of Patras, Greece
A/Prof. Jacob Cybulski, Deakin University, Australia
Prof. Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada
Prof. Jim Whitehead, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Dr. Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University, UK
Prof. Al Davis, University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Armin Eberlein, University of Calgary, Canada
Dr. Emilia Mendes, University of Auckland, NZ
Dr. Scott Overmyer, Baker College, USA
Prof. Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Dr. Davide Bolchini, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Prof. Ray Welland, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table of Contents:
Web Based Requirements Management Approach for
Organizational Situation Awareness ............................................. 112
Vikram Sorathia, Anutosh Maitra
This paper introduces an approach towards building situation awareness systems
for organizations that are targeted to function in dynamic environment.
Considering process engineering related issues, a unified process for situation
awareness is proposed. With introduction to novel artifacts that are found essential
for achieving proper situation awareness, unique requirements are identified for a
metaCASE tool that will provide access to these artifacts in collaborative
environment. The proposed approach suggests capturing organizational
requirements in formal Ontology and provides mechanism for deriving traceability
among various artifacts in web environment.
Conceptual Modelling of Service-Oriented Systems .................... 122
Mario A. Bochicchio, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Natallia Kokash, and Federica Longo
The design of service-oriented systems currently is one of the most important
issues in the software engineering. In this paper, a conceptual framework for
designing Web service-based systems is presented. This approach is characterized
by client-centered analysis and presence of business-process modelling to identify
functionalities and collaboration patterns of involved Web services. Service
discovery and selection are parts of the design process. A case study is provided to
explain the principle steps of the proposed framework.
Aligning Web System and Organisational Models ....................... 132
Andrew Bucknell, David Lowe and Didar Zowghi
In this paper we describe an approach to facilitating the alignment of web system
and organisational requirements by using graphical models of the processes that
are being supported by a web-based system. This approach is supported by the
AWeSOMe modelling architecture. This architecture allows us to investigate the
effectiveness of different notations for modelling systems. The architecture is
being implemented as the AWeSOMe modelling tool, which will be used to
investigate our approach to alignment in industry-based case studies.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Whilst there has been considerable attention applied to the design
and implementation of Web systems – and this has justifiably been a
focus of most research in the Web Engineering field – there is a
growing recognition of, and interest in, how we most effectively
determine the scope of these systems and integrate them efficiently
within their organisational context. Indeed it has been argued that lack
of consideration of this area is a major cause of creating Web
applications which are technically successfully, but operationally a
failure. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and
practitioners who are working in the early stages of the Web
development process – i.e. those activities where Web systems are
scoped, specified, and where impacts on, and effective integration with,
existing organisational processes are considered – and to explore how
improvements in techniques, models, and tools can lead to better
integration of Web systems and organisational processes.
The workshop is designed to be relevant to researchers in the Web
Engineering field, but to also draw in researchers from related areas
(requirements engineering, system specification, business analysis,
business/IT alignment, etc.), who would not normally have considered
attending the ICWE conference, but who are undertaking research
which is highly relevant. In order to make the workshop as relevant and
practical as possible we have included significant opportunities during
the workshop for critical discussion and analysis of the issues raised in
the papers. We have also included a thought-provoking keynote by
Professor Roel Wieringa which will set the scene for the workshop.
Professor Wieringa is internationally recognized in the area of
requirements engineering. It is our hope that this workshop will
increase awareness of and interests in these important issues within the
Web Engineering community and serve as a starting point for future
collaboration among researchers from different disciplines.
Professor David Lowe
A/Professor Didar Zowghi
30th May 2007
Web Based Requirements Management
Approach for Organizational Situation
Vikram Sorathia and Anutosh Maitra
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, INDIA.
[email protected]
This paper introduces an approach towards building situation awareness systems for organizations that are targeted to function in dynamic environment.
Considering process engineering related issues, a unified process for situation
awareness is proposed. With introduction to novel artifacts that are found essential for achieving proper situation awareness, unique requirements are identified
for a meta CASE tool that will provide access to these artifacts in collaborative environment. The proposed approach suggests capturing organizational requirements in formal Ontology and provides mechanism for deriving traceability
among various artifacts in web environment.
1 Introduction
The Software Engineering domain currently offers numerous standards, best
practices, conventions and procedures to aid the development process. The ISO
Reference Model-Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), TOGAF - an architecture framework by the Open Group[1], Department of Defense Architectural
Framework (DoDAF), Zachman framework, Federal Enterprise Architecture
Framework and many others are well evaluated[2] for their utility in building
fairly complex information systems. The method engineering domain[3] provide
unique method proposals towards building of Information Systems. Rational
Unified Process[4] and its extensions are widely accepted for its rich source of
guidance in form of concepts, guidelines, templates, tool mentors, checklists,
white papers and supporting materials.
With expanding business enterprises, consortiums, trade groups, governmental
alliances, and international organizations, building of information system has
become quite challenging even with the modeling techniques mentioned above.
For example global policies for reducing disaster risks require information collection, processing, sharing and dissemination at various geographical scales[5].
Wide geographical coverage, multiple disciplines and dynamic scenario make it
difficult to capture all the aspects of the Universe of Discourse (UoD) a priori.
Considering a kind of a scenario given in Figure 1 for an information system,
the universe of discourse can be represented from multiple domain point-of112
ICWE 2007 Workshops
Fig. 1. Information Flow in Universe of Discourse
views for the given organization. The interpretation of situation is therefore
based on rules defined in respective domains[6]. To realize the information flow
as indicated, various specialized tasks are to be carried out to obtain appropriate domain representations. Once representation is available, the information
processing and determination of required set of actions can be done, result of
this activity should be sent to real-world actors who can alter or maintain the
situation in their desired status. Hence actors in real-world, as well as the actors
playing different roles in: creating representations, domain world view, inferring
required actions, and communicating to appropriate actors in the given UoD;
all should be equipped with appropriate Situation Awareness.
The concept of Situation Awareness was initially introduced[7] in reference
to flight automation domain yet with required modifications, it can be adopted
in building reactive systems for any domain in general. Information systems
in dynamic enterprises provide a challenging case for designing a reactive system. All team members responsible for information system must be able to
react to the changing needs of the organization. The changing need can be detected and communicated with proper situation awareness framework. Hence
in present context, Situation Awareness is a state achieved in which a role is
provided with information at specific space, time and conceptual granularity;
determined in the prevailing context and the underlying information communication configuration. It not only provides world-view of domains relevant to
the role, but also provides actions required.
1.1 Orthogonal Concerns
The following representation depicts how a specific instance in enterprise information system can be traced back to real world processes in a UoD depicted in
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Figure 1
Processes → Events → Observation → Reports → Findings → Policy → Requirements → Design → Instances.
This kind of mapping reveals that at each of the defined stage, various roles
carryout certain activity within or outside the system to produce specific artifacts. An important observation is that though each of these activities are
having specific sequence and input output dependency among them, the actors
performing the activity may have completely orthogonal interests. For example
service developers, service providers, data providers, configurators and users:
all are associated to a specific service, but a service developer may not show
any concern about how data will be provided, or how service will be deployed.
2 SA Unified Process
During the requirement gathering stage of an enterprise information system
many non-functional requirements that are essential for collaboration in dynamic environment can be missed. Efforts toward team integration later becomes difficult task. The basic principle of the unified process is that, organizations will define their commitment toward methods instead, and then the
developers will develop and test according to the given reference model. Thus
rapid adoption of missing components in the system could me made possible.
2.1 Life cycle
Different phases in a life cycle of an SA Process are depicted in Figure 2. The
phases are defined as follow:
– Policy: The life-cycle starts with the policy of the organization to collaborate
for situational awareness needs.
– Analysis: The requirements phase identifies how situational needs can be
fulfilled with the available infrastructure.
– Design: Designing allows the development of required extensions of core
SA services and components to suite the local needs. This phase includes
development of DoDAF architectural products that guides the realization of
identified needs.
– Mapping: Mapping is done at the semantics level. Once the application is
defined, the organizational rules and other Ontologies can be mapped appropriately.
– Configuration: Configuration is the process in which actual instances are
– Management: Once the configuration is up, the intermediate task for data
management, fine tuning and resource management for load balancing are
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy
Fig. 2. SA Unified Process Life Cycle
– Review: The behavior of the configuration is evaluated according to the
needs. A number of traceability matrices are studied to determine the capability of the system. Coverage analysis from Traceability matrix provides
basic information required for comprehensive Gap Analysis.
– Archive: The archival phase purges existing instances, stores the traces, and
other logs for future references.
2.2 Architectural Products
The foundation of the proposed SA unified process is based on DoDAF, TOGAF, RUP and some other existing proposals. Many of the architectural products in the SA Unified process are same as identified in these basic products.
For example, it imbibes all the architectural products of DoDAF[8]. SA Process
is planned to be service centric and service related products are same as defined
in SOMA[9]. These Architectural Products not sufficiently equipped to support
the required situation awareness to various actors during different phases in SA
Process life-cycle. Hence following web based architectural products categorized
as Situation Awareness Views (SAV) targeted at actor situation awareness are
introduced, details of which is discussed in [10].
Organizational Knowledge base URL View (SAV-1)
SA Role Product Matrix (SAV-2)
SA Information Need-Component Matrix (SAV-3)
SA Information Need-Service Matrix (SAV-4)
SA Information Need-Data Matrix (SAV-5)
SA Information Need-ETL Matrix (SAV-6)
SA Information Need-MoM Pattern Matrix (SAV-7)
SA Information Need-VO Matrix (SAV-8)
SA Information Need-Coverage Matrix (SAV-9)
SA Need-Response Matrix (SAV-10)
Artifact-Standard Matrix (SAV-11)
Information Need-Research Matrix (SAV-12)
Policy/Resource-Action/Utilization Matrix (SAV-13)
Needline-System Matrix (SAV-14)
Organization Goals-SA Artifact Matrix (SAV-15)
Organization Need-SA Artifact (SAV-16)
3 Requirements for a Meta CASE tool
While many popular CASE tools allow provisions for composing the methods,
certain additional features must be incorporated to support the required situation awareness to the users.
3.1 Supporting Separation of Concern
The actors associated in the process may have completely orthogonal concerns
and hence, tooling must provide support for customized experience of each actor
playing one or more roles in a given instance. This need becomes more relevant
when actors just provide their skill-set and the CASE tool thereafter should be
able to infer what possible roles they can play.
3.2 Event Driven
Targeted systems are reactive in nature; and the CASE tool must support event
based triggers. The RUP may specify if a particular activity is event triggered
or not, but the mechanism of detecting the event is not known. The events are
also considered to be delivered not to the explicit subscriptions but the general
roles. As the RUP further allows specification of skills, this information can be
used for identification of the proper recipient of the event notification. Hence
the CASE tool must be able to collect profiles of the potential members, and
the event detection mechanism must be able to identify appropriate recipient
and be able to deliver message to them over collaborative environment.
3.3 Dynamism in Organization
In situations where organizations are responding to emergency situations or
crisis, the decision for setting up an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and
decisions related to allocation of resources keep on changing as the event unfolds. As exact boundary of emergency is discovered, organizations may have
to come together at national or international level resulting in change often in
drastic manners. The resources in terms of skilled manpower and ICT infrastructure may change with volunteers and donated resources, that needs to be
incorporated instantaneously. The CASE tool must support the required level
of dynamism experienced by the organizations during the events.
3.4 Estimation of Efforts
For any organization, the volume of work required to achieve it’s goal should
be determined. There can be some systems already in place, which can be
integrated with the planned information system. The knowledge representation
needs to be incorporated also in the estimation, that allows the organization to
identify the items they are supposed to make provision for.
3.5 Knowledge Representation
Consistent flow of information in situation awareness system is only possible
if consistent representation of knowledge is adhered to throughout the process
life-cycle. It also allows reusability of the domain knowledge. The spatial, temporal and semantic reasoning is very critical for the success of the CASE tool, so
the knowledge representation that can allow such reasoning is a basic necessity.
While knowledge representation and reasoning allows support for spatial and
temporal relationship, the architectural products should be able to use this
aspect. For example various grid nodes which are part of a Virtual Organization (VO) can be scattered across a larger area. Hence the decisions regarding
data(artifact repository) regionalization and other such provision requires spatial nature to be considered. The meta data is also having spatial elements in
the schema, hence architectural product should be able to render instances and
allow query based on spatial/temporal attributes.
3.6 From Monolithic to VO
The collaborating teams should be considered as members of a VO. Like successful applications as bug tracking is handled in collaborative mode in web
environment, the SA Unified Process must also be handled in similar manner.
3.7 MoM Patterns
Members in the VO have different connectivity scenario. So appropriate Message
Oriented Middleware (MOM) patterns must be supported by the CASE tool to
achieve enterprise integration through appropriate messaging.
3.8 Semantics based Traceability
Traceability among architectural products provide basis for tracking the coverage of the effort. The software teams involved in SA is provided the tasks during
the entire life-cycle, and hence each and every part is interpreted as required
due to some precursor. Thus traceability can actually be based on semantics
and should be able to cover the entire set of the tasks.
3.9 Task Allotment
Task allotment to volunteers or the team members can be done based on evaluating the skills. Once the volunteers define that they will be continuing with the
task, system should be able to take notice of the same. The status of ongoing
task should be identifiable at any intermediate interval.
3.10 Visualization
Complex level architectural approaches demand high degree of technical expertise for the user. How users will take up the task depends on how effectively
it is provided with proper visualization. Monitoring of alloted work, overview
of the process status, search of architectural components, the hierarchical view
coverage and errors should be rendered to improve the situation awareness.
3.11 Standardization
The standardization related concepts in the ontology suggest their applicability.
Each artifact or work product should be traced to appropriate standards. Standardization traceability matrix not only supports the developers to consider
standards, it also provides the standard specification that must be considered
while developing given application.
3.12 Artifact Impact and Reusability
The SA life-cycle demands the knowledge of when and how reusable artifacts
can be published, discovered and utilized. Figure 3 describes all SA Process
artifacts based on the frequency of update and spatial relevance. There can
be some artifacts that are relevant for some time only for very specific region
and can not be reused. The data collected, the execution environment, system
level tasks, organizational decisions and reviews fall in to this category. Some
artifacts are local but valid for longer period of time and do not require frequent
updates. For example, SA Configuration, organizational knowledge, mapping,
transformation and organizational policies. SA review and SA management can
be considered to be globally relevant but short term and needs to be verified by
multiple implementations. The fourth quadrant contains the set of artifacts that
can be reused. For example SA Process, Services, Components Standardizations
and domain knowledge, can be created or incorporated by any SA Configuration
and can be reused globally for long period of time.
ICWE 2007 Workshops
Fig. 3. Quadruple of Artifacts
3.13 Web Based Access
In order to meet all the requirements discussed above, the proposed CASE tool
must be web-based for the following reasons. As a dynamic set of actors form a
VO to identify, create, monitor, utilize and share various process artifacts, web
based access to artifact repository fulfills this requirement. The requirement of
creating assertions in reference to Ontology, inferencing the events, determining
the traceability etc. can be achieved by accessing ontology server. Visualization
of process artifacts, task assignment, allocation, monitoring and other required
features can only be achieved in web environment. Hence various core services
of the CASE tool are accessed over http in collaborative manner.
4 SACore Configuration
In any given situation, the CASE tool must be able to infer the information
need for a given instance.
– The collection of required information, the provision of messaging and managing the reports by the user must also be supported.
– From the collected data, event detection tasks should be identified and for
the identified events the set of action needs to be defined.
– For the identified actions, status must be reported back.
– All these should immediately reflect updates as organizational decision changes.
Hence determination of task to be done at particular instance is a critical requirement.
– Artifacts and work-products can be considered as jobs submitted to a processing engine. The status thereof becomes important in tracking the progress.
– System level and middleware level job monitoring provides reliable mechanism of monitoring job status, but the CASE tool itself must also provide
support to monitor and report the status of the job.
Fig. 4. SA Configuration
– Various roles are responsible for artifacts or work products that can be reused
in other configurations. This identifies a requirement for a mechanism by
which a role can publish and discover newly created work products to improve
Figure 4 depicts the Situation Awareness Process artifacts that are introduced in
Section 2.2. The artifacts are part of a message bus that connects all the users
of the SA Core infrastructure. SA Core is Service-Component infrastructure
realized in the form of various Eclipse plug-ins and is configured and deployed
in grid environment. The SA Core consists of four major parts for MoM, KM,
VO and Data Management components-details of which is beyond the scope of
this paper. The proposed architecture of SA Core has a programming model
and a series of artifacts configured in a way to support the required functionality
of a meta CASE tool discussed above.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
5 Conclusion
This paper presented some ideas for building information systems that are targeted at Situation Awareness Systems in dynamically changing environments.
With review of the present status in Unified Processes, Enterprise Architecture
Frameworks and other aspects in building information systems, a Unified SA
process is proposed that extends the current capability of available approaches.
Many novel architectural products that are required for the purpose have been
presented. The requirements of meta CASE tool more suitable of providing
appropriate access to users have been identified. Finally a configuration with
SACore that can be considered as meta CASE tool is discussed. The approach
also demonstrated separation of concern amongst various types of users in collaborative virtual environments.
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2. Tang, A.; Han, J. & Chen, P. (2005) A Comparative Analysis of Architecture
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4. Kruchten P. (2000) The Rational Unified Process An Introduction, Second Edition, Addison Wesley,ISBN: 0-201-70710-1.
5. United Nations (2005) Report of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction,
Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.
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Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 473-476.
7. Endsley, M. (2000) Theoretical underpinnings of situation awareness: a critical
review. In Endsley, M. R. & Garland, D. J. (ed.) Situation awareness analysis
and measurement Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 3-32.
8. DHS (2006) Public Safety Architecture Framework: The SAFECOM Program,
Department of Homeland Security, Vol.2 Product Descriptions. Version 1. Washington DC, USA.
9. Wahli, U.; Ackerman, L.; DiBari, A.; Hodgkinson, G.; Kesterton, A.; Olson, L.
& Portier, B. (2007) IBM Redbook: Building SOA Solutions Using the Rational
SDP, International Business Machines Corporation. USA.
10. Sorathia V.;Maitra A. (2007) Situation Awareness Unified Process, In Proceedings of International Conference of Software Engineering Advances, France.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Conceptual Modelling of Service-Oriented
Mario A. Bochicchio1 , Vincenzo D’Andrea2 ,
Natallia Kokash2 , and Federica Longo1
SetLab, University of Salento, Italy {mario.bochicchio, federica.longo}
DIT - University of Trento, Italy {natallia.kokash, vincenzo.dandrea}
Abstract. The design of service-oriented systems currently is one of the
most important issues in the software engineering. In this paper, a conceptual framework for designing Web service-based systems is presented.
This approach is characterized by client-centered analysis and presence
of business-process modelling to identify functionalities and collaboration patterns of involved Web services. Service discovery and selection
are parts of the design process. A case study is provided to explain the
principle steps of the proposed framework.
Web services are self-contained software units that can be published, located
and invoked via the Internet. They are seen as the future of the Web simplifying
business integration and achieving a separation of concerns. Many organizations
are interested in wide acceptance of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and
Web service standards, leveraging both from a perspective to use the Web as a
market for their own services and ability to consume already existing ones. In
practice, this technology brings multiple technical and conceptual problems. One
of them concerns the development of Web services and their further reuse in more
complex systems. It is assumed that designers of such systems either are aware
about existing Web services and can model systems able to collaborate with them
or describe abstract services they would like to use relying then on automated
(even runtime) service discovery to substitute these abstract descriptions with
real Web services. None of these scenarios is really acceptable. In the former
case, all information about a required Web service should be known in advance
(before starting actual system design) to allow for its location in a UDDI registry
or a like. In the latter one, it is unlikely that exactly such a service will be found
and, therefore, a bulk of problems with service or system adaptation to achieve
interoperability appear. To resolve this issue, a design methodology that follows
the principle “meet-in-the-middle” is required.
Another question is what functionalities should be implemented as Web services to be both self-contained and allow for their reuse in different contexts.
Who are their intended clients? Such functionalities can be singled out through
analysis of existing business processes to accomplish logically independent tasks
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
that are not highly specific for a given process. It means that while modelling a
system designers can stand out potentially reusable parts as Web services with
additional efforts to make them customizable and acceptable by all members of
an intended audience.
The objective of this paper is to find a conceptual design methodology that
addresses the above problems. Conceptual modelling of business-level collaboration protocols is essential for attaining the system composed from a set of
communicating services, easily replaceable with other services and potentially
reusable in different application contexts. The design process in this case requires analysis of all stakeholders of the system and its goals at the abstract
level. We adopt the xBPEM (Business Process Enhanced Model Extended with
Systemic Variables) [1] framework and extend it for service-capable modelling.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, a necessary background on Web services and service-oriented design is given. Section 3 presents
the proposed methodology for modelling service-based business processes. In
Section 4, a case study is given. Section 5 summarizes the contributions of this
paper and outlines future work.
In this section we analyze existing service-oriented modelling techniques.
Web Service Description Language (WSDL) describes a Web service interface by means of operation signatures. Different languages have been proposed to
supplement static service interface descriptions with dynamic information about
service functionalities. Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
(BPEL4WS) includes means for specifying abstract and executable processes.
Global behavior of all parties involved in a collaboration can be specified with
Web Service Choreography Definition Language (WS-CDL). Use of WSDL,
BPEL4WS and WS-CDL for modelling service-based business processes brings
two problems: (1) the level of abstraction is too low for convenient modelling,
and (2) the languages are lacking a standardized graphical representation which
would ease the design process.
Basic design principles of service-based applications have been described by
Papazoglou and Yang [2]. A weak point of this work is that it does not distinguish logical business processes from their implementation. Its first step is
to “identify, group and describe activities that together implement a business
process,” which is a sort of bottom-up approach. The presented framework is
fully service-oriented, i.e., all activities are modelled as Web service invocations,
while in real-world systems other functionalities are needed. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) aims at simplifying business and technology change by separating
business and application logics from underlying platform technology. It clearly
separates business processes, designed based on pure business concepts, from
technical processes, or software realizations of abstract business processes. Quartel et al. [3] propose Interaction Systems Design Language (ISDL) for graphical
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
modelling of service-oriented systems, considering specific concepts such as internal and external activities.
We suppose that a step from proprietary notations towards Unified Modelling
Language (UML), standard, well-known and close to software system design language, should be done. Such approaches take advantage of model-based analysis
of semantical interoperability between different components of a system. UMLbased service discovery tools (e.g., [4]) can simplify discovery and adaptation of
external Web services minimizing risk of logical flaws through analysis of their
structure and internal behavior. Another argument towards UML is that Web
services represent a new dimension in development of Web Information Systems
(WIS). Such systems now can be constructed by means of transparent integration of services available on the Web and graphical Web interfaces. A language
for modelling Web services should be compatible with traditional software design
techniques that normally employ UML.
Several works study modelling of Web service structural and behavioral aspects using UML. Gardner [5] explains how UML activity diagrams can be
mapped into BPEL4WS. Deubler et al. [6] introduce aspect-oriented modelling
techniques for UML sequence diagrams. These techniques are needed to specify certain behavior aspects of overlapping Web services (so called crosscutting
services or aspects). An approach by Kramler et al. [7] model Web service collaboration protocols taking into account their specific requirements and supporting mapping of design views into existing Web service technologies. Feuerlicht
and Meetsathis [8] define domain-specific service interfaces from a programmatic
viewpoint. Lau and Mylopoulos [9] apply Tropos [10] for designing Web services.
Tropos is an agent-oriented software development methodology operating with
concepts of actors, goals, plans, resources, dependencies, capabilities and beliefs.
Kazhamiakin et al. [11] use a Tropos-based methodology for modelling business
requirements for service-oriented systems, starting from strategic goals and constraints. Penserini et al. [12] propose a Tropos extension for designing services,
which allows for an explicit correlation of stakeholder’s needs with systems plans
and environmental constraints. Aiello and Giorgini [13] show how Tropos can be
used to model Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.
There is a need for describing the procedure on how to derive “good” service
abstractions from high-level business requirements and business process models
(e.g., identify candidate services within a given UML analysis model) [14]. Too
coarse grained services tend to have a low reuse potential, while too fine-grained
services may not be loosely coupled and require a big amount of message exchange and coordination efforts. An idea of using a meet-in-the-middle modelling
approach as opposed to a top-down or bottom-up solutions seems to be effective
in this context [15]. A service-based systems must be designed using a combination of business-driven service identification coupled with service identification
through leveraging legacy assets and systems.
Design of service-oriented systems that implement abstract cross-organizational
business processes is not an easy task. Such systems should lead to creation of
reusable context-independent services and be oriented on adaptation of existing
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 1. xBPEM and Web Service Modelling (WSM) frameworks.
legacy components and provision of appropriate interfaces and QoS for all kinds
of end users. The goal of the current work is to come with a set of design steps
that can help to make good SOA-related decisions. We examine the possibility
to adopt xBPEM methodology [1] for designing service-oriented systems.
In this section we propose our framework for conceptual modelling of servicebased business processes.
UML is a standard general purpose modelling language, but it is mainly system oriented. BPEM [16] is an extension of UML for business process modelling.
BPEM qualitatively represents business goals in natural or semiformal language
but does not consider impact of Web technology on them. xBPEM approach
further elaborates BPEM by introducing a consistent business strategy design
methodology. This methodology is used to control business goals through business process Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which enable measurement of
both internal process performance and QoS from customer viewpoints.
Figure 1 draws the main conceptual steps of the xBPEM and its extension
to enable seamless involvement of Web services into the process. In a nutshell,
the proposed framework consists from the following steps:
1. Business Process Design. The overall process begins with the business process
modelling phase according to the xBPEM methodology. Thus, stakeholders
are defined with their high-level goals and basic KPIs, which measure the
global performance from the viewpoints of each stakeholder.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
2. Service Identification. This step is focused on separating loosely coupled
functional parts of the collaborative business process into standalone service
components. Considering that business processes evolve in time in order
to adapt to business strategy which changes following market rules (i.e. new
products, new services, new business models), we may observe that candidate
services can be identified as:
– repeated blocks of activities inside a business process;
– similar blocks of activities among various business processes or different
– time-invariant blocks of activities in a time-variant business process.
An accurate analysis of the activity diagrams produced at the first step is
essential to identify these blocks of activities and to make them eligible to
become Web services. The analysis process can be partially automated by
searching for similar graphical patterns in the activity diagrams representing
abstract business processes.
3. Choreography Design. Desired communication patterns among identified abstract services are defined using UML sequence or collaboration diagrams
based on the interaction patterns among stakeholders, Web services and the
system which are shown into the xBPEM’s swimlanes diagrams.
4. Requirements Elicitation. Requirements for discovery of existing software
components and Web services (inputs/outputs, pre-conditions/effects, behavior patters and desired quality levels) are defined based on the identified
abstract services.
5. Components Discovery and Selection. Software components that can be used
to compose the system are of two essential types:
– Modifiable, i.e. available as documented source-code (e.g., open source
projects) or coming from organizations available to customize it (e.g.,
software houses);
– Unmodifiable, i.e. coming from providers not particularly interested in
customization or not customizable at all (e.g., Web services).
In particular, this step covers discovery of Web services (interfaces, behavioral specifications and coordination patterns specified at the previous
stages). Then, the QoS information about Web services and their providers
must be collected (using data published by service providers, authorized
agencies or other service clients), in order to select the best candidate Web
6. Risk Analysis. This step is needed to assess risk related to use of external
Web services (loss of service, loss of data, security/privacy concerns, etc.).
On the basis of this assessment, the existing risks can be mitigated through
selection of more appropriate services, use of alternative services for critical
tasks, system re-design, data replication, and so on.
7. Design Refinement and Component Adaptation. At this step the prepared
models can be refined to allow for the seamless integration of the external
Web services. Found Web services and existing legacy systems are tested and
analyzed in order to decide how to introduce them to the system. It may
happen that adaptors or wrappers are needed. Providers of chosen services
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 2. High-level goal diagram of the news distribution scenario.
become stakeholders of the system. If no services with required functionalities
are found, the organization should think about implementing them, thus,
increasing code reusability both in its own future projects and in the projects
of third parties.
8. QoS Negotiation and Service Contraction. If quality parameters of discovered
Web services do not correspond to identified KPIs, they can be negotiated
with service providers. At this step identified KPIs should be mapped into
direct requirements for QoS further resulting in SLAs.
Case Study
In this section we consider a case study extracted from a news publishing domain.
The case-study scenario is as follows: A journalist writes an article via mobile
phone or via PC and sends it to the editorial office. The system must identify
the author and notify the editor about a news event. In case of successful authorization, the news item is stored in a system archive. The editorial staff can see
the registered articles, send comments to the author, ask for news revision, select
one or more publication channels, and publish the news. The author is notified
that his/her article has been published. To access the news, a reader selects a
preferred news channel.
According to the methodology presented in Section 4 this scenario is modelled
with the help of goal diagrams and business process diagrams (Activity 1). For
each stakeholder main goals are shown in Fig. 2. Related goals are connected
with dotted lines. Then, KPIs are defined from perspective of each user type.
Table 1 describes examples of KPIs for news editor and news writer.
Figure 4 shows the news distribution process as the flow of three sub-processes:
news writing, news publishing and news reading. Activity diagrams and swimlanes, which describe what each of the stakeholders does within the process,
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table 1. KPIs from the news writer’s and news editor’s perspectives
Level of automatization
News Writer
Simplicity of the interface
Time to accomplish a task
Information sharing cost
Task error prevention
News Editor
Misprint prevention
Number of steps supported by a computer system divided by a total number of steps
Number of operations to complete the task
Measured in minutes
Time from a data entry to a delivery output
Number of incorrectly published news (i.e., number
of news in a wrong section)
Number of syntactic errors in published material
Number of data transmission errors
Number of security problems per annum
are shown. Blocks of activities emphasized with color can be provided by Web
services. Based on this diagram the following Web services are identified (Activity 2):
– A service (services) responsible for user authentication via SMS, MMS or
the Web. Authentication is a functionality with a constant graphical pattern
used in three sub-processes, namely news writing, news publishing and news
reading, and potentially can be required in other places of the system or
other business processes of this organization.
– A service (services) responsible for interaction between a pair of stakeholders
or a pair system-stakeholder via SMS, MMS or the Web. Interaction activity
has a constant pattern used in different points of the business process;
– A service (services) responsible for syntax checking. Syntax checking is a
time-invariant functionality.
– A service (services) responsible for a payment procedure. Payment is a timeinvariant functionality that can be used in other business processes (e.g., for
author rewarding in the context of the current application).
At the choreography design step (Activity 3), interaction patterns among
stakeholders, Web services and the system are modelled with collaboration diagrams. In Fig. 4 news writer and news editor identification processes are shown.
This step helps to elicit requirements (e.g., operation signatures, capabilities, preconditions and effects) for Web services to be discovered or created (Activity 4).
So, in our case study, service operations for user identification via SMS/MMS
and the Web must deal with a login and a password or sender’s phone numbers
as input. The output message should contain acknowledgement or rejection, and
a reason in the latter case. Moreover, a service must support assignment of roles
to users. A message must be passed through system controller to enable the
permitted functions for this user (e.g., submit news or edit saved news).
The next step (Activity 5) is to find Web services with approximate behavior
defined at the previous steps. For example, a set of Web services capable to
perform on-line payments and send messages via SMS and email have been
discovered in the xMethods service registry3 (see Table 2).
XMethods web service registry -
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 3. Activity and swimlanes diagrams for news distribution process.
Risk analysis both at technical and business levels is required to establish
potential threats affecting the system and damaging stakeholders (through monetary loss, breach of reputation, etc.) at the early stages of the design process
(Activity 6). It can be noticed that in our scenario some mechanism is required
to collect feedback from a news reader to reveal inappropriate behavior of the
payment Web service, unavailability of the syntax checker can be tolerated while
a failure of the interaction services may cause severe consequences for the system and, therefore, must be prevented through selection of strategic business
partners or service replication.
Thus, after detailed analysis, testing and opportunity evaluation from a business strategy point of view these services can substitute the corresponding activities in our scenario while a Web service supporting interaction via MMS, syntax
checker and authorization service should be designed from scratch (or discovered among software components or open source projects). The collaborative
diagrams can be refined (Activity 7) to allow for the system’s interoperability
with the found components. At this step, structure and behavior of existing Web
services can be represented by means of UML [17] and included into our model.
Once appropriate Web services have been found, their QoS levels must be
evaluated by considering the defined KPIs (Activity 8). Thus, the security indicator of news publisher (see Table 1) means that the interaction Web services
have to assure secure connection. The information sharing cost indicator means,
in particular, that the total response time of authorization and interaction Web
services and system components involved in news submission process must not
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
News Writer identification
News Editor identification
Fig. 4. Collaboration diagrams
Table 2. Examples of Web services discovered for the news distribution process
Web Service
Short description
Payment Web service that supports credit cards,
debit cards and check services
SOAP Web services for ACH Processing and Payments (can
(T$$ - Rico Pamplona) accept and process check and credit card payments
Esendex Send SMS
Sends an SMS message to a mobile phone
StrikeIron Mobile Email Allows SMS to be sent to mobile telephones programMessaging
matically for many different service providers
Send mail messages to any email address
exceed some reasonable value (e.g., 2 minutes) to deal with urgent news like
intermediate scores in football matches or preliminary voting results. If a Web
service provider does not guarantee high QoS levels by default, they can be
Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper we have proposed a methodology for conceptual modelling of Web
service-based systems following a business modelling approach. In detail, activity
diagrams are useful at Requirements Elicitation stage because abstract services
are identified through repeated, similar for different processes and time-invariant
blocks of the activities which compose a business process. The choreography
design among identified abstract services is based on the interaction patterns
among stakeholders, Web services and the system described into the swimlanes
diagrams. Moreover, the KPIs based on stakeholders’ goals are useful for defining
desired quality levels for each abstract service at Service Identification stage and
for evaluating and trading quality parameters of discovered Web services at QoS
Negotiation and Service Contraction stage.
Our future work includes further elaboration and verification of the proposed
methodology. In particular, tighter connection with Web service specification
formats must be established to enable automated support of the design process
for WIS.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
1. Longo, A.: Conceptual Modelling of Business Processes in Web Applications Design. Phd thesis, University of Lecce, Innovation Engineering Department (2004)
2. Papazoglou, M., Yang, J.: Design methodology for web services and business
processes. In: Proceedings of the VLDB-TES Workshop, Springer (2002) 54–64
3. Quartel, D., Dijkman, R., van Sinderen, M.: Methodological support for serviceoriented design with ISDL. In: Proceedings of the Int. Conference on ServiceOriented Computing (ICSOC), ACM Press (2004) 1–10
4. Spanoudakis, G., Zisman, A.: UML-based service discovery tool. In: Proceedings of
the Int. Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), IEEE Computer
Society (2006) 361–362
5. Gardner, T.: UML modelling of automated business processes with a mapping to
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6. Deubler, M., Meisinger, M., Rittmann, S., Krger, I.: Modelling crosscutting services
with UML sequence diagrams. In: ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS). (2005)
7. Kramler, G., Kapsammer, E., Retschitzegger, W., Kappel, G.: Towards using UML
2 for modelling web service collaboration protocols. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications (INTEROPESA), Springer London (2005) 227–238
8. Feuerlicht, G., Meesathit, S.: Design method for interoperable web services. In:
Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), ACM
Press (2004) 299–307
9. Lau, D., Mylopoulos, J.: Designing web services with tropos. In: Proceedings of
the Int. Conference on Web Services, IEEE Computer Society (2004)
10. Bresciani, P., Perini, A., Giorgini, P., Giunchiglia, F., Mylopoulos, J.: Tropos: An
agent-oriented software development methodology. Journal of Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agent Systems 8(3) (2004) 203–236
11. Kazhamiakin, R., Pistore, M., Roveri, M.: A framework for integrating business
processes and business requirements. In: Proceeding of the Enterprise Distributed
Object Computing Conference, IEEE Computer Society (2004)
12. Penserini, L., Perini, A., Susi, A., Mylopoulos, J.: From stakeholder needs to service
requirements. In: Proceeding of Int. Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing:
Consequences for Engineering Requirements, IEEE Computer Society (2006)
13. Aiello, M., Giorgini, P.: Applying the tropos methodology for analysing web services requirements and reasoning about qualities of services. CEPIS Upgrade The European journal of the informatics professional 5(4) (2004) 20–26
14. Zimmermann, O., Schlimm, N., Waller, G., Pestel, M.: Analysis and design techniques for service-oriented development and integration. INFORMATIK (2005)
15. Arsanjani, A.: Service-oriented modelling and architecture (SOMA). Technical report, IBM developer,
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16. Eriksson H-E., P.M.: Business Modelling with UML: Business Patterns at Work.
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17. Marcos, E., de Castro, V., Vela, B.: Representing web services with UML: A
case study. In: Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Service-Oriented Computing
(ICSOC), Springer (2003) 17–27
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Aligning Web System and Organisational Models
Andrew Bucknell1, David Lowe1, Didar Zowghi1
University of Technology, Sydney
P.O. Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia
{andrew.j.bucknell, david.lowe, didar.zowghi}
Abstract. A significant area of research is the alignment of web system and
organisational requirements. In this paper we describe an approach to
facilitating this alignment using graphical models of the processes that are
being supported by a web-based system. This approach is supported by the
AWeSOMe modelling architecture. This architecture allows us to investigate
the effectiveness of different notations for modelling systems. The architecture
is being implemented as the AWeSOMe modelling tool, which will be used to
investigate our approach to alignment in industry-based case studies.
Keywords: Alignment, Modelling, Web-systems
1 Introduction
Current software development is often characterised by significant early uncertainty
in system scope, particularly where the Web is leveraged in supporting changes to
business processes. This uncertainty can then lead to poor alignment between
business processes and IT systems, substantial ongoing system redevelopment, and
client and customer dissatisfaction with the resultant systems. The lack of appropriate
approaches to address these problems leads to significant costs in web development
projects [11], which is a significant business activity in its own right [6], with cost
overruns being a significant waste of resources.
The AWeSOMe tool described in this paper is being developed to support research
which investigates an innovative approach to reducing this uncertainty and the
resulting volatility, and through this support a more rapid resolution of the
development scope for software systems. Specifically, the research will utilise recent
progress in the development of high-level modelling approaches [14, 16] (which more
effectively link system information management and functional behaviours with
business processes) to enable the automated identification of potential discordances
between the software system being developed and the organisational context in which
the system exists. These discordances arise when aspects of the (proposed) system or
business processes are changed without appropriate consideration of the impacts on
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the complex inter-relationships which exist within the composite software/business
Specific objectives of the research include:
Customisation and extension of existing modelling approaches to support
identification of key discordances: Existing modelling approaches can represent the
relationship between software systems and business domains [15], but have not
traditionally been used to identify or reason about discordances in these relationships
when changes are made to either of these (see the section below for an explanation of
this issue). We aim to adapt these modelling approaches to allow this reasoning about
potential discordances to occur. The AWeSOMe tool will allow us to prototype
extensions to modelling notations and use these notations to model systems.
Development of algorithms for automated identification of discordances: Once the
modelling approaches have been developed, we will develop algorithms to allow
reasoning about the models and subsequent automated identification and appropriate
reporting of discordances. The AWeSOMe tool will support the integration of
software components implementing algorithms that analyse the underlying data model
for discordances.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the techniques: The AWeSOMe tool can be used
in case studies that demonstrate the modelling and reasoning algorithms and allows
evaluation of the resultant impact on the reduction of scope volatility during the
development process. Particular attention will be payed to applicability of the
approaches across a range of problem domains and technologies, and the applicability
to managing real-world projects.
This paper describes the AWeSOMe tool which is being developed to support
research into aligning web system and organisation models. We begin by discussing
the existing research that is informing this work. We then discuss the problem that
this research seeks to address. Next we discuss the research methodology that is being
applied to investigate this problem, and discuss the role of the AWeSOMe tool in this
research. Next we discuss the conceptual and software frameworks that are supporting
the development of AWeSOMe. We conclude by outlining the next stages of our
work building on the AWeSOMe tool and a brief discussion of open research
questions around this work.
2 Background
This project will build upon our earlier research in several key areas. The first area,
related to the earlier stages of the Web development process, includes research into
Web characterisation models [11], development processes [10], requirements
volatility[22], Web Impact analysis [12, 20, 21] and – most recently – our work on the
role of issue resolution in supporting the determination of system scope in Web
projects. This last body of research is crucial in the context of this project. For the
commercial Web projects which we studied, once an initial project brief had been
established the key trigger for almost all subsequent adjustments to the project scope
was the resolution of issues. These issues related to the way in which the system
environment impacts on, and is impacted (or changed) by the introduction of the
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
system. This leads us to an approach to scope refinement which will be based on the
dualistic modelling of the system and environment as they currently exist prior to the
development (an as-is view), and as they are desired to be (a to-be view).
The second area of our previous research which feeds into this project is our
development of high-level information flow models [16]. Whilst the detailed
behaviour and low-level information design of a Web system tends to be extremely
volatile during (and usually after) the system development the flow of information
between the system and its environment tends to be much more stable. We
subsequently showed [17] that a representation based on high-level information flows
provided a clearer basis for system design, and – most significantly – facilitated
identification of ways in which a proposed design change may result in impacts upon
the systems environment. Further, the information flow models, when combined with
conventional work flows (a simplified form of which was shown in Figures 1 and 2
above), appeared to capture a key set of interfaces between the system and the
organisation in which it is embedded – those interfaces which, when changed, lead to
changes in the scope, and vide versa. The interfaces do not uniquely and completely
define the system, but they do appear to provide a source of crucial information for
identifying and resolving the discordances that were discussed in the background
section above, and which are the focus of this research.
Merging the above two threads of previous research provides a clear approach to
supporting the automated identification of those discordances between an IT system
and its environment that have the potential to affect decisions on the system scope and
its corresponding boundary. These identified discordances can then be used to raise
issues within a linked issue-tracking system. The issues, when resolved, will allow a
progressive clarification and elaboration of the agreed system scope (as well as the
concomitant changes to the associated organisational workflows and business
The approach will be based on the development of a modelling notation which
links information flows, functional boundaries and work flows – and which supports
the development of models that initially represent the current (as-is) domain. The
models are then progressively adjusted to show the incorporation of variations on the
proposed IT system, with discordances being automatically identified and issues
being raised with the developer as the models are modified. The value of a visual
notation that can be evolved can be seen in the success of approaches such as Threat
Model Analysis (TMA). Visualising the system helps to make the boundaries more
readily apparent, and thus less likely to be overlooked. The existence of the model
also allows the impact of changes in the relationships between elements on the
security threats to the system to be assessed and addressed. A prototype tool which
forms part of this research will allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the models
and algorithms in managing the construction and evolution of a system, and
identifying boundary conditions that require negotiation between the client and the
developer. We believe this approach will lead to a much more rapid convergence of
the agreed system scope and a substantial reduction in overlooked adverse
misalignment between the system and its environment.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
3 Approach
As was mentioned above, a key characteristic of much software systems development
is early uncertainty in the system scope. There exists a significant and growing body
of research into the early stages of the development cycle when the development
scope is nominally resolved – mostly focussing on domain modelling and
requirements capture and analysis. Most of this research however assumes an initially
unknown but largely invariant system scope which simply must be elicited and
analysed. Both research and practice often overlooks the complex interdependencies
through which the emerging definition of a system can directly or indirectly affect the
environment in which that system exists, and thereby create a feedback loop which
leads to subsequent changes in the scope of that system [21]. This type of
interdependency between system and environment is most common where part of a
business process is being fundamentally changed or replaced by a software system.
Whilst this characteristic of system development is not uncommon in most (if not all)
software systems, recent technologies, and especially web-based systems, are
exemplars of where the scale of the feedback mechanism makes addressing it early an
Before we consider existing research which is relevant, let us illustrate the above
problem with a simplified illustrative example. Consider an existing business process
(variants of which exist in many small businesses) that involves casual employees
completing a paper-based timesheet at the end of each week which is subsequently
checked by a supervisor and either returned for amendment or approved and
submitted to a payroll administrator for payment. This is shown in Figure 1 in a
simplified process modelling notation, in which the shaded region represents an
existing payroll IT system. This figures adopts a simplistic notation, but is used to
illustrate the representation of the relationship between the business workflows and
the existing (or anticipated) software systems. The modelling notation to be
developed will be much more sophisticated than shown in this figure.
Fig 1: Existing casual staff payment process
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig 2: Initial scope of electronic timesheet submission
Assume that a decision was then taken to develop a simple system to support
online submission (and modification, when necessary) of timesheets by casual
employees. The initial system scope was focussed on just support for the casual
employees, and could be defined as shown in Figure 2. Such a change in the relevant
subsection of the workflow would however have impacts on – and potentially require
changes to – other sections of the overall business process. For example, the
processing of timesheets by the staff supervisor was previously carried out on the
paper-based timesheets, but these no longer exist in that form (now being electronic).
The result is a discordance between the new software system and part of the existing
process (the checking of the timesheets which assumes paper-based input). Resolving
this discordance will involve changes to the scope of the proposed system and/or the
business processes, and would be the basis for negotiation with the client.
In other words, when we move from a system as it currently exists (the as-is view
of the business/system) to the definition of a potential new or changed system (the tobe view of the business/system) we introduce potential discordances between the
system and the business processes to be supported by the new system. Resolving
these discordances leads either to changes in the scope of the system, or changes in
the associated business processes – either of which can lead to further changes to
either or both. Much of the complexity of the early stages of project scoping resolves
around understanding and negotiating these changes and defining the boundary of
what functionality should “the system to be” support and which it should not. Whilst
this form of scope resolution is well accepted and understood, it is our contention that
it is invariably overlooked, and there has been little research specifically addressing
how it can be most effectively managed. We contend that by undertaking richer
forms of the modelling shown in the above examples, based on a merger of existing
process modelling techniques and our own information flow modelling formalism
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
[16], it is possible to automatically identify potential discordances early in the project
scoping / specification, and to then raise these as development issues that need to be
resolved – thereby leading to more rapid convergence onto an agreed system scope
which is integrated with the modified organisational workflows and business
As mentioned above, there has been substantial research over the last 30+ years,
focusing on the early stages of software systems development and the relationships
between software systems and business processes. Requirements Engineering (RE) is
an active research area which focuses on approaches to capturing, analysing and
modelling requirements for software systems. The majority of research in this field
assumes a fixed, though initially unknown, scope which must be discovered, analysed
and documented. Where requirements are recognised as varying (or volatile [22]) this
is usually attributed to uncertainty on the part of the client [13] or changes occurring
in the domain independently of the introduction of the system-to-be. Very little
research has considered the way in which the introduced system itself can lead to
changes in the domain – and hence create a positive feedback loop leading to changes
in the system. Our earlier research, which has had a specific focus on Web systems
development, has shown that often Web systems and the organisation domain in
which the systems exists co-evolve, with the nature and extent of this evolution often
not being clearly understood until early design prototypes are available [8,9].
In many respects, this research is also closely related to work on IT-business
alignment, which focuses on ways in which a software system can be most
appropriately designed to seamlessly integrate with, and support, existing or proposed
business activities. Of particular interest is research on strategic alignment [15].
Research has shown that strategic alignment can have substantial positive impact on
business performance [4]. Whilst the desired end result is similar (the absence of
discordances between the system and the business processes – or the business
objectives which are supported by those processes), the focus of work on IT-business
alignment is typically on how to ensure that software systems appropriately support a
given set of business objectives, rather than the identification of specific aspects
where an existing business process requires modification as a consequence of the
introduction or modification of a software system to which it interfaces. Furthermore,
the research in this area has not paid due attention to the nature and extent of impact
that the “system-to-be” may have on the corresponding business rules that govern
business processes and workflows within organisations.
Similarly, work in areas as diverse as soft-systems methodologies (SSM) [3],
problem frames [7] and COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) development [18] also
provides insights into the interdependence of software systems and the organisational
processes within which they are embedded. For example, rich pictures – a tool used
within SSM and elsewhere – can be used to understand the relationships between
software systems and the contexts within which they exist. Nevertheless, again, these
techniques are useful in supporting effective system design, but not in identifying
specific points of discordance. This identification is typically assumed to occur as a
natural consequence of the system design process, and hence has lacked any focus as
a research topic. Indeed, this assumption is partially true – the discordances do indeed
become obvious – but often not until later in the development cycle, well after design
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
or indeed implementation has commenced and scoping contracts have been agreed
upon and signed off.
Given that there is much work on what defines a software system effectively
aligned with organisational processes or business goals, but not on specific techniques
for identifying particular points where they are potentially misaligned, the obvious
question is how such discordances can be discovered as early in the development as
possible and what strategies could be employed in early resolution of issues arising
from the identification of these discordances. Answering these questions is the core of
this research project.
Our particular approach to answering this question emerges from the convergence
of two of our earlier research contributions: investigation of the ways in which issues
that emerge during software system design (and Web development in particular) have
influenced the developers understanding of the system scope [10,21]; and the
potential role in web system design of a high-level information flow model [16].
Taken together, these two areas of work indicate the importance to defining system
scope of understanding the flow of information into and out of a system, especially
when coupled with an equivalent process flow. These areas of work are the main
motivations behind the development of the AWeSOMe tool.
4 Methodology
The AWeSOMe tool is being developed to support investigation of issues around the
management of scope and requirements of web systems. The design decisions made
when developing AWeSOMe have been guided by these research goals. A brief
discussion of these goals follows to show how they have influenced the design of
Stage 1: Analysis of existing data on issue resolution and scope refinement: In the
first stage of the project, we will consider the question of what system/domain
interfaces are associated with those discordances that, when resolved, lead to scope
changes. We will analyse the data collected in our earlier research on issue analysis
with the specific objective of identifying those issues which related to an identified
discordance. These issues will then be analysed to select only those which resulted in
a subsequent change or refinement to the perceived or agreed system scope. The
AWeSOMe tool provides a realisation of the concepts being discussed in this phase
and provides a focal point for discussions. Work on AWeSOMe feeds back into these
Stage 2: Development of a modelling notation for representing interfaces between
a software system and its business domain: Using results from our previous work
[16,17] we will develop a rich model that captures the way in which business models
and processes inter-relate with IT system designs, particularly in terms of their mutual
impacts. This model will be compatible with existing business and system design
models (UML for example) and will leverage work that focuses on the impacts IT can
have on organisational operation. The modelling notation will be lightweight yet
expressive, and be understandable to both developers and clients – thereby facilitating
communication between them. Of specific interest will be the i* modeling notation
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
and the corresponding framework developed by Yu [19]. The purpose of this
modelling is to support identification of misalignments that exist between the IT
systems’ core functionality and the organisational workflows (see stage 3).
AWeSOMe acts as tool for prototyping different notations and experimenting with
different approaches to modelling. Because it is not tied to any existing notations or
frameworks we are free to try out new concepts.
Stage 3: Automated discordance identification algorithms: In this stage we will
develop algorithms for analysing the interface models constructed using the notation
developed in stage 2. These algorithms will be based on identifying points in the
models where the specific modelling semantics have been breached by making
changes to the models. In particular, as a model is constructed or changed to
incorporate the relationship between a proposed software system and the
organisational workflows it supports, the algorithms should be able to identify
discordances in these interfaces that have the potential, when resolved, to affect the
system scope. We will investigate existing automated reasoning algorithms and
technologies to find the most effective one for our purposes. The models created
using the AWeSOMe tool are stored in a database in a simple schema that we have
created. Using this data model we can create software components that analyse this
data using the algorithms developed in this phase. These tools can be standalone or
they can be integrated with AWeSOMe.
Stage 4: Implementation of tools to support reasoning: In this component we will
develop a prototype tool which supports the construction and evolution of the above
models that is suitable for use in industry-based case studies. The AWeSOMe tool
will serve as the basis for this implementation, both conceptually and technically. The
prototype tool will be interoperable with existing CASE tools so that the models can
also form the basis of subsequent modelling (e.g. the models should be able to be
exported into skeletons of preliminary UML use case diagrams). Our preliminary
design for this tool involves an interface that supports the construction of the as-is
model (i.e. existing workflows and information flows) and the subsequent
modification of the model to incorporate proposed changes and new system
functionality (the to-be model). A rich versioning capability will allow the modeller to
wind back or forward the model (or different versions of the changes) in order to
consider possible ways in which the scope can be affected. We will also implement in
the tool the discordance identification and subsequent issue handling processes. The
result will be a composite modelling, versioning and issue tracking CASE tool
Stage 5: Evaluation and refinement: Supporting all the above project components,
and running throughout the project, is a series of user and usage experiments. We
will conduct experiments with commercial developers using the model and associated
tool to track the extent to which they support effective identification of discordances
and raises these as issues to be resolved. Specifically we will consider the extent to
which the identified discordances are valid and complete, and the extent to which
their resolution affects the agreed system scope (or at least led to valid discussions
about the scope). We will also conduct case studies of the use of the tool. Evaluations
will be performed both with AWeSOMe and with the tool developed in stage 4.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
5 Conceptual Framework
A key purpose of the AWeSOMe tool is to assist with the development of new
techniques and methods for building web systems. These techniques and methods are
based on the existing body of work relating to Web Engineering. In particular we
build on the concept of alignment in systems modelling [1,2,4], existing approaches to
modelling systems [14], and existing notations used for modelling systems [14]. The
use of these concepts in this work is introduced below.
5.1 Alignment & Discontinuities
A system can be aligned, misaligned, or unaligned. An unaligned system can not be
realised. It is a system that has discontinuities. A misaligned system is one where
there are gaps between the web system and the organisational processes it is
supporting, but these gaps have been identified and steps have been taken to ensure
the process still works. Sometimes a physical change such as printing hard copy
versions of electronic documents is an acceptable workaround. When a discontinuity
is resolved with a workaround rather than with a change to the software scope we say
there is a misalignment, but the discontinuity has been resolved. An aligned system is
one where the web system totally encompasses the organisational processes. A
discontinuity is a discordance that has not been resolved. A model is aligned when all
its discontinuities have been resolved. A discordance can be changed either by
modifying the software system or the physical system. AWeSOMe is developed to
help developers of web systems identify these discordances early in the development
cycle, when the cost of rectifying them is lower than it would be otherwise.
5.2 Notations
A key component of this research is developing a notation that can be used to create
models of web systems and organisations. There are numerous notations available for
modelling web systems and our own research has also developed a useful notation
[16]. The AWeSOMe tool seeks to build on this research and support further research
in to notations that are useful for modelling web systems. In particular, we believe it
is essential for many projects to have a simple notation that can readily be applied to
real world problems. While BPMN, BPEL, IDEF(n) and the like are extremely useful,
there is often a great deal of overhead and cost involved in integrating these
modelling notations and techniques into an organisation. We aim to develop a simple
notation that will be easily adopted for projects of any size, while still retaining the
richness of expression that makes other notations useful.
An example of the kind of notation we are developing is shown in Figures 1&2. This
notation describes a system in terms of Actors, Activities, and Artefacts, and the
flows between them. The flows indicate, for example, that an Actor can perform an
activity, and that an Artefact can be the input or output of an Activity. This notation is
not well developed, but with the AWeSOMe tool serving as a prototype we can easily
modify notations and evaluate how useful they are for modelling actual systems.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
6 Software Framework
The concepts developed in this work are intended to be applied to real world
problems. While many of the concepts are widely used in existing tools, we believe
our approach to integrating them to be unique. For this reason we have chosen to
develop a software framework that supports the creation of tools based on the ideas
developed in this work. These tools aim to be useful both as research aids as we
develop our ideas, and as tools that can be used in web engineering projects. The
following discussion presents our approach to AWeSOMe’s architecture and a brief
discussion of its key components.
6.1 4-Layer Architecture
In order to support our research goals we have chosen to base AWeSOMe on a 4layer architecture as used in UML. Figure 4 shows a linear representation of the UML
4-layer architecture on the left and the corresponding layers used in the AWeSOMe
Fig 3 4-Layer Architectures for UML and AWeSOMe.
The UML layers are described in the UML 2.0 specification [cite]. In the
AWeSOMe architecture, the significance of the layers is as follows:
x M0 – the physical system that is being modelled. This can be an implementation of
a web system, or the processes and workflows of a business.
x M1 – a model representing the physical system. The model is an abstraction that
allows aspects of the physical system to be represented in a data structure that
supports reasoning about the system. The model is expressed using a notation.
x M2 – a notation for describing models of organisations or web systems. Common
examples of the kinds of notations describe are BPMN, UML Activity Diagrams,
and WIED.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
x M3 – a model for describing notations. The M3 layer is constructed to be as simple
as possible while still allowing a variety of notations to be expressed. The M3 layer
describes notations in terms of the entities that can be used in the models and the
relationships that can be created between these entities. The M3 layer is expressed
as a database schema.
6.2 Modelling Framework
The modelling framework is a collection of database schemas, software interfaces and
component designs that support the implementation of a notation independent tool for
modelling web systems and organisations. Figure 5 shows a conceptual view of how
the 4-layer architecture is realised as a set of software components in our
Fig 4 The AWeSOMe modelling framework
6.3 Database Schema
The M3 database schema describes a way of representing notations. We have kept
this description as simple and as minimally abstract as possible. In our schema we say
that a Notation consists of Entities and Relationships. Both of these can have
Attributes associated with them. We also support the notion of superclasses and
abstract Entities. In the example notation described above, the Entities are activities,
actors, and artefacts. The Relationships are invoke and produce. Relationships are
defined as having to and from entities, so when modelling the notation we would say
the from-Entity for invoke is actor and the to-Entity for invoke is artefact.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
6.4 M2Modeller
The M2Modeller allows us to model notations that are used to model web systems or
organisations (or both). Modelling different notations allows us to experiment with
different approaches to modelling web systems and organisations. Our goal is to
develop a notation that is simple to use but effective for modelling web systems and
organisations. The M2Modeller allows us to capture modelling semantics and layout
semantics. In our implementation the M2Modeller is a web application developed in
Java using the Struts framework and Hibernate. Notations created in the M2Modeller
are stored in the Notation Store. The Notation Store is implemented as a Hibernate
persistence layer, and in the current implementation also uses a MySQL database.
6.5 M1Modeller
The M1Modeller allows us to model web systems and organisations using any of the
notations modelled in the M2Modeller. It also allows us to manage branches and
evolutions in the model. The M1Modeller will also be used to interact with software
components that help to resolve alignment discontinuities in the model being created.
In our implementation the M1Modeller is a 2-tier client-server application. The server
layer consists of a collection of web-services that manage the M1 data and layout
models. This layer is implemented using Apaches Axis web-service framework and
Hibernate. These services are consumed by a C# application that allows the user to
create and manipulate models of physical systems using notations that have been
added to the system. The model created using the M1Modeller is stored in the Model
Store. The Model Store is implemented as a Hibernate persistence layer, and in the
current implementation also uses a MySQL database. Figure 5 shows an example of
modelling the timesheet system discussed earlier using AWeSOMe’s M1Modeller.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Figure 5 The M1Modeller for AWeSOMe
7 Further Work
The development of the AWeSOMe architecture and the AWeSOMe modelling tool
is being undertaken as part of our ongoing research into the modelling of web-based
systems. The architecture and tool serve two key purposes. The first purpose is to
provide a framework for the investigation of the various research questions raised
above, particularly through use of the tool in case studies. The second purpose is to
serve as a discussion point for research questions around requirements engineering,
process modelling, and web systems modelling.
7.1 Planned Outcomes.
The AWeSOMe modeller is being developed to support ongoing research into the
development of Web Systems. This research intends to have several outcomes, which
will be actualised in the AWeSOMe tool and in related tools the investigation
identifies as being necessary. These outcomes include:
x An improved understanding (represented as models) of the interdependence of
organisational workflows and the software systems which support these
workflows, and particularly with the way in which appropriate modelling (based on
a composite of workflow modelling and information flow modelling) of these
interdependencies can lead to identification of discordances between the
workflows and the systems.
x A set of techniques for undertaking reasoning about the models that are constructed
and the subsequent automated identification of those discordances between
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
software systems and the workflows that are supported which have the potential to
affect, when resolved, the agreed scope of the software system.
x A prototype tool which supports the construction of the models and subsequent
reasoning about these models, and which thereby assists in identifying
misalignments between software systems and the workflows that they support.
x Integration of the prototype tool with existing widely-utilised software product
development tools which thereby allow the rapid adoption and leveraging of the
models and techniques which will be developed.
7.2 Broader Research Questions
An important goal in the development of the architecture and tools described in this
paper is to encourage discussion about issues relating to requirements engineering,
web-systems modelling, and the alignment of web systems and organisational models.
These discussions are ongoing within our research group, and many of the issues
raised are of interest to the broader Web Engineering community. Some key issues
that are particularly relevant are:
x What are the modelling requirements for needs driven development and how do
these differ from those of vision or goal driven development. What are the
implications of these differences for the development process? If we take the view
that modelling a web-system is about interpretation of goals into requirements as
mediated by the design process, what modelling techniques should be supported?
x Is there an optimal sequencing for the resolution of system requirements that
impact on the development and adoption of a system? Can we use this sequence to
develop heuristics that allow the identification of high impact issues early in the
development cycle and guide the adoption of development pathways?
x What is the impact of the introduction of a new web-based system on existing
business processes? Can we identify these impacts early in the development cycle
so that any negative impacts can be mitigated?
x How can non-conformances between business processes and web-system
requirements be identified before a web-system is deployed in an organisation? Is
there a threshold that makes an acceptable level of alignment between a websystem and the business processes it supports?
1. Aversano, L., Bodhuin, T., and Tortorella, M. (2005), “Assessment and impact analysis for
aligning business processes and software systems”, In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing (Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 13 - 17, 2005). ACM
Press, New York
2. Bleistein S.J.,, Aurumn A., Cox K., and Ray P., “Strategy-Oriented Alignment in
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using the SOARE approach”, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology,
36(4): 259-276, 2004.
3. Checkland, P., & Scholes, J. (1990). Soft systems methodology in action. Toronto: Wiley.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
4. Croteau A.M., “Organisational and technological infrastructures alignment”, Proc of the
34th Hawaii International Conf. on Systems Sciences, IEEE, 2001.
5. X Fu, T Bultan, J Su (2004), “Analysis of interacting BPEL web services”, Proceedings of
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6. Houghton, J.W. (2005), “Australian ICT Trade Update-2005”, Centre for Strategic
7. Jackson, M (2000) Problem frames: analyzing and structuring software development
problems. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA
8. Kong, X., Liu, L., & Lowe, D. (2005, 5-7 Dec). “Modeling an agile web maintenance
process using system dynamics”. 11th ANZSYS / Managing the Complex V conference,
Christchurch, NZ.
9. Kong, X., Liu, L., & Lowe, D. (2005, 18-21 Oct). “Supporting Web User Interface
Prototyping through Information Modeling and System Architecting”. ICEB'2005: IEEE
Intern. Conf. on e-Business Engineering, Beijing, China.
10.Lowe D and Webby R. (1998) ‘Web Development Process Modelling and Project Scoping’
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Brisbane, Australia
11.Lowe D, (2000) ‘A Framework for Defining Acceptance Criteria for Web Development
Projects’, Second ICSE Workshop on Web Engineering, 4 and 5 June 2000, Limerick,
12.Lowe D., Yusop N., Zowghi D. (2003) ‘Using Prototypes to Understand Business Impacts
of Web Systems;, Proceedings of the 8th Australian World Wide Web conference, Gold
Coast, July 2003.
13.Lowe, D., & Eklund, J. (2003). Client Needs and the Design Process in Web Projects.
Journal of Web Engineering, 1(1), 23-36.
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Springer, Brisbane, Aust., pp. 29-40.
15.McKeen, J. D., and Smith H., “Making IT happen: Critical issues in IT management”,
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16.Tongrungrojana, R., & Lowe, D. (2004). WebML+: A Web Modeling Language for
Modelling Architectural-Level Information Flows. Journal of Digital Information, 5(2),
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17. Tongrungrojana, R., & Lowe, D. (2004, 3-7 July). Understanding business impacts of
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18.Torchiano, M. and Morisio, M., “Overlooked aspects of COTS development”, IEEE
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21.Yusop, N, Lowe, D & Zowghi, D (2005), 'Impacts of Web Systems on their Domain',
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ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
International Conference on Web Engineering 2007
6th International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software
Luis Olsina, University Nacional de La Pampa (Argentina)
Oscar Pastor, University Polytechnic of Valencia (Spain)
Daniel Schwabe, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio (Brazil)
Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA, UNLP (Argentina)
Marco Winckler, University Paul Sabatier (France) & UcL (Belgium)
Workshop program committee members
Simone Barbosa, PUC-RIO, Brazil
Birgit Bomsdorf, University of Hagen, Germany
Olga De Troyer, Vrije University of Brussel, Belgium
João Falcão e Cunha, FEUP, Porto, Portugal
Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock, Germany
Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Geert-Jan Houben, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Nora Koch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
David Lowe, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Maria-Dolores Lozano, University of Albacete, Spain
Kris Luyten, Hasselt University, Belgium
Nuno Nunes, University of Madeira, Portugal
Luis Olsina, University Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina
Philippe Palanque, LIIHS-IRIT, University Paul Sabatier, France
Fabio Paternò, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Vicente Pelechano, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Oscar Pastor, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA, UNLP, Argentina
Daniel Schwabe, PUC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gerd Szwillus, University of Paderborn, Germany
Marco Winckler, LIIHS-IRIT, University Paul Sabatier (France) & ISYS-IAG,
Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Quentin Limbourg, SmalS-MvM, Belgium
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table of Contents
Automatic Display Layout in WebML: a Web Engineering
Approach. Sara Comai and Davide Mazza ........................................... 149
A MDA-based Environment for Web Applications
Development: From Conceptual Models to Code. Francisco
Valverde, Pedro Valderas, Joan Fons and Oscar Pastor Lopez ......... 164
Enriching Hypermedia Application Interfaces. Andre Fialho
and Daniel Schwabe ......................................................................... 179
Modelling Interactive Web Applications: From Usage
Modelling towards Navigation Models. Birgit Bomsdorf ............... 194
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Automatic Display Layout in WebML: a Web
Engineering Approach
Sara Comai and Davide Mazza
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza L. Da Vinci, 32, Italy
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract. In this paper we present an approach for the Automatic Display Layout of Web applications based on the WebML modeling language. The WebML development method is model-driven: its conceptual
models contain several elements that can be exploited for defining a procedure for the automatic displacement of page contents. In this paper
we describe the development life cycle of our Web Engineering approach
and, focussing on the presentation design and on its layout, we highlight which aspects of the Human Computer Interaction approaches are
implicitly considered.
Automatic Display Layout (ADL) is the procedure for automatically positioning
the content of a diagram or of a document. In particular, in literature it has
been applied for the computation of the layout of nodes and links of graphs, in a
similar way for the positioning of electronic components over boards, or for the
layout of text, figures, tables, etc. in document presentations [7].
In this paper we consider the Automatic Display Layout of Web pages specified with WebML [16]. WebML relies on a well defined development method that
starts from two conceptual models: the data model and the hypertext model.
Starting from such models, we have defined a procedure that performs the automatic layout of the contents of the specified Web pages. The concepts defined
in both models are exploited to assign a position to each page component. The
proposed ADL procedure is based on the specification of layout rules: different
classes of rules are defined, taking into account the different elements of the two
conceptual models.
The layout of Web applications, and more in general of user interfaces, is a
classical problem treated in the human computer interaction (HCI) field: their
focus is mainly on the appropriateness of the layout and on the usability of the
In this paper we present a Web Engineering approach that implicitly considers some aspects of the Human Computer Interaction techniques. In particular,
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
we revise the whole development process adopted in WebML in order to highlight in which phases the aspects that are important for HCI are, at some extent,
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 explains the Web Engineering
process followed in the development of data-centered Web applications. Section
3 introduces a running example that has been used as a case study. Section 4
presents the main concepts of the WebML language needed to understand the
proposed approach. Section 5 presents the proposed ADL approach in detail and
Section 6 presents the test results we have obtained by applying the automatic
procedure on the running case. Section 7 discusses related work, and, finally,
Section 8 draws our conclusions.
The Web Engineering process for Web applications
The Web Engineering process for the development of data-driven Web applications is in line with the modern methods of Software Engineering, where the
different development phases are applied in an iterative and incremental manner,
and the various tasks are repeated and refined until results meet the business
requirements. Figure 1 shows a diagram that illustrates the different steps of the
Web development process.
The input of the process is the set of the business requirements, i.e., of the
goals that the application is expected to produce to its users and to the organization who builds it. In particular, the first step of the development process
consists in the specification of these requirements: in this phase the business actors are identified and functional and non-functional requirements are collected.
The former address the essential functions that the application should deliver to
its users; the latter include factors like usability, performance, scalability, and
so on. In particular, usability addresses the ease of use of the application, which
is determined by the ease of learning of the user interfaces, the coherent use of
the interaction objects across all the application interfaces, the availability of
mechanisms for orienting and assisting the user, etc.
The second step is represented by the design of the data model, representing
the domain of the application. This is a very important phase for data-intensive
Web applications: data include the core objects managed by the applications,
their relationships, possible auxiliary objects used to classify or specialize the
applicative objects (e.g., categories) having the purpose of facilitating access to
the application content; also static data may be included.
The third step consists in the specification of the hypertext as the set of
links and pages that will form the front-end of the application. The functional
requirements specification is transformed into an hypertext model delivering data
and services. Usability is a fundamental quality factor that must be considered
at this stage: indeed, it is particularly relevant in Web applications, where it is
essential to attract users and facilitate them in visiting a site. Hypertext usability
may be enhanced by carefully choosing the most suitable patterns of pages and
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
content [6], based on the user requirements and on the function delivered by
a page. Also navigation aids can be provided: they include all the auxiliary
mechanisms that help users in exploring the Web site, like navigation bars or
shortcuts to most frequently accessed pages. Orientation aids like breadcrumb
links, showing the current status of the navigation and the position of the current
page within the global structure of the hypertext can also help the orientation
of the user.
The fourth step consists in the presentation design. This step requires addressing two distinct concerns: graphic properties and layout. Graphic properties
are usually defined by graphic designers and refer to the look and feel of the Web
pages. The layout specifies the organization of a Web page, which may include
multiple frames, images, static texts, and so on. This part will be explained in
more detail in Section 5.
The next steps concern the deployment of the Web application: the final
application (data and hypertext) must be implemented, tested, and maintained
on top of a given architecture, which must also designed and put in place.
In this paper we focus on the layout of Web pages. We will see how it can
be specified as an automatic procedure based on the data and on the hypertext
models, and will present the results we obtained on a case study.
Fig. 1. The Web Engineering development process.
Running example
The running case we consider throughout the paper is the site, which
is the official Web site of the reference formalism of this document. Users accessing the site vary from novices, looking for introductory documentation on
WebML, to experts, looking for guides or handbooks, to students of courses
on Web or Software Engineering. The site provides downloadable didactic material, contains the main research results, and the list of the people who have
contributed to the definition of WebML or currently employed in the related
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
research. Such information are contained in a public area of the site. Beside this
public area, there are two other private areas that can be accessed only by registered users or administrators. A first area has been designed for the content
management of the site, thus supporting the creation of new contents or the update/deletion of existing data. A second area implements some interaction tools,
such as a mailing list, for supporting discussion on the research topics within
the WebML community.
WebML in a nutshell
In this section we review the main concepts of WebML that are needed to understand the proposed layout procedure. For further details on the WebML model
the reader may refer to [2, 3].
WebML is based on two main models: the data and the hypertext model.
The goal of the data model is enabling the specification of the data used
by the application. WebML exploits the most successful and popular notation,
namely the Entity-Relationship (E-R) model, which includes the essential data
modeling concepts sufficient to specify the data schema of a Web application.
The ingredients of the Entity-Relationship model are entities, defined as containers of structured data, and relationships, representing semantic associations
between entities. Entities are described by means of typed attributes, and can be
organized in generalization hierarchies, which express the derivation of a specific
concept from a more general one. Relationships are characterized by cardinality
constraints, which impose restrictions on the number of relationship instances
an object may take part to.
Figure 2 shows a little fragment of the WebML data model of the running
example. The entity WebMLConcept contains information about the relevant
concepts of the WebML formalism. Each WebMLConcept can have child concepts: this concept hierarchy is implemented using the one-to-many relationship
defined on the same WebMLConcept entity. The site contains data about the
WebML book, which is organized in parts, represented by entity Part. Each part
is formed by one or more chapters (contained in entity Chapter ): the containment
of chapters in parts is expressed by the one-to-many relationship between the
two entities. Entity Chapter contains the abstract and other information about
each chapter of the WebML book. Each chapter can refer to one or more WebML
concept, as specified by the many-to-many relationship with the WebMLConcept
entity. Finally, the TextChunk entity works as a repository for chunks of static
text that have to be shown in pages (such as introductions, instructions on how
to complete a form, etc.). This is a support entity, not useful to model the reality
of the problem.
The goal of the WebML hypertext model is the specification of the organization of the front-end interfaces of a Web application. It addresses the logical
division of the application into modules targeted to different classes of users, the
organization of large applications into sub-modules, the definition of the content
of the pages to deliver to the users, and the links to support user’s navigation
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 2. A data model example.
and interaction. The key ingredients of WebML are pages, content and operation units for delivering content or performing operations, and links. Content
units are the atomic pieces of publishable content; they offer alternative ways of
arranging the content dynamically extracted from the entities and relationships
of the data schema, and also permit the specification of data entry forms for accepting user input. Units are the building blocks of pages, which are the actual
interface elements delivered to the users. Pages are typically built by assembling
several units of various kinds, to attain the desired communication effect. Page
and units do not stand alone, but are linked to form a hypertext structure. Links
express the possibility of navigating from one point to another one in the hypertext, and the passage of parameters from one unit to another unit, which is
required for the proper computation of the content of a page. A set of pages
can be grouped into a site view, which represents a coherent hypertext serving
a well-defined set of requirements, for instance, the needs of a specific group of
users. WebML also allows specifying operations implementing arbitrary business
logic; in particular, a set of data update operations is predefined, whereby one
can create/delete/modify the instances of an entity, and create or delete the instances of a relationship (the latter operations are called connect and disconnect,
The WebML hypertext model represents a way to specify the tasks to be
performed by the user, even if at a low level of abstraction. This is due to the
nature of WebML, that requires the specification of the contents of each single
page and their connections. Therefore, it allows the definition of tasks at a readyto-implementation level, rather than a more abstract one, like in the hierarchical
approaches usually exploited in HCI [13, 15].
As an example, Figure 3 shows the way in which WebML allows the specification of a selection task. The left-most unit is an index unit showing a list of
book parts to the user. The right-most unit is a data unit showing the details
about the item selected from the index. The link that connects the two units
carries the parameters provided by the source unit and used for computation by
the destination unit and is defined as a navigational link. Such link imposes a
predefined order in the execution of the units to be displayed; more in general,
navigational links can imply the execution order of the users’ tasks.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 3. An interface model example.
Presentation Design and Automatic Display Layout in
Presentation design in WebML is mainly splitted into two phases: the definition
of the style and the specification of the layout. The former is established during
the requirement analysis. Style guidelines are specified to define:
– A page grid, i.e., a table containing a specific arrangement of rows, columns,
and cells where the content must be positioned (see Figure 4).
– The content positioning specification, addressing the rules for assigning standard content elements, like banners, menus and submenus. Such guidelines
can reduce the cognitive overhead of the user during the application learning
phase, because they force elements with similar semantics to be placed in
the same position across different pages.
– Graphical guidelines, containing the formatting rules for graphic items, like
fonts, colors, borders, and margins. They can be expressed by means of
Cascading Style Sheets rules or equivalent specifications. They can refer to
the whole page or in WebML they can also be specified for the single types
of content units.
Style guidelines are defined by graphic designers and are often embodied into
page mock-ups that are sample representations for a specific device and rendition
In a second phase and, in particular, once the data and the hypertext model
have been defined, the layout of the content units of each WebML page must be
specified. In the most common data-intensive Web applications the main content
of the pages is usually placed in the central grid, where contents are displaced in
multiple rows or columns; further lateral areas on the left and one on the right
of the grid may be present, as shown also in Figure 4.
Currently, in the WebML methodology (and also in the commercial tool
supporting WebML [17]) the layout of the contents is performed manually by
the Web application designer, who positions each unit of each WebML page
inside the content grid. In the next sub-sections our focus will be only on this
second phase, which can be automatized through the specification of a set of
rules exploiting the main concepts of the data and hypertext WebML models.
We will present the main classes of rules that have been identified by means of
simple examples.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 4. A grid example.
Exploiting hypertext patterns
We have seen that hypertext design should already consider usability aspects. In
particular, it should guarantee consistency: conceptually similar problems should
be given comparable solutions. Thus, similar user-tasks should be implemented
with the same content/operation units. A consistent use of composition and
navigational patterns helps the user build reliable expectations about how to
access information and perform operations; by applying past experience he can
predict the organization of an unfamiliar part of the applications. Consistency
applies not only to composition and navigation, but also to presentation, and
in particular to the layout of pages. For this reason a first class of layout rules
exploits hypertext patterns.
Common patterns in Web applications have been identified in different works
[6, 11]. Here we show a simple example of a modify pattern expressed in WebML.
The hypertext fragment in Figure 5 represents the update of a book part. This
operation is available in the private area of the application. The page is composed
by a data unit Selected book part containing the details of a selected part and an
entry unit Modify book part, representing an entry form for collecting the data
of the modified part. The data of the selected book are available in the form
fields; they are passed from the data unit to the entry unit as parameters on the
link between the two units. When the user submits the data entered in the form
(represented by the solid-line link exiting the entry unit) a Modify unit modifies
the instance of the selected book.
Similar patterns can be found in pages that perform the insertion or deletion
of data, or the visualization of information by means of subsequent levels of
detail. An overview of the WebML patterns can be found in [6].
Pages that adhere to a specific pattern, should dispose the correspondent
components with the same layout: pattern rules associate a layout to a pattern.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 5. The Modify pattern.
Beside the common patterns identified in [6], a Web application may contain other application-dependent recurrent structures. The specification of layout
rules can be generalized to any pattern appearing in a Web application.
Figure 6 shows the definition of a pattern-based rule for the Modify pattern
of Figure 5. The rule has a left-hand side and a right-hand side. The former
represents the hypertext structure a page must contain to apply the rule; the
latter represents the corresponding layout in our reference presentation model.
Any page containing a data or an index unit, providing content to an entry unit
used for modifying the fields of the selected object, will have the layout specified
on the right-hand side: the data or index unit is displayed at the top, the entry
unit at the bottom.
Fig. 6. The layout assigned to the Create pattern.
Associating a role to components
When a page does not adhere to a pattern, or when the page presents a pattern
structure but some other components remain, there is the need to find some
general criteria to displace its content. Two further classes of rules are defined,
presented in this section and in the next one, respectively.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
A set of rules can be specified for the layout of particular components, having
a particular role in the global context of the page. We call such rulesrole-based
rules. Examples of components associated to a particular role are: static texts
to be included in particular positions in the Web pages, e.g., at the beginning
of each page; the list of languages in a multi-lingual application which should
always appear in the same position across the different Web pages, and so on.
In general, the role of entities having specific semantics cannot be derived
from the data and hypertext models. Such information should be specified during
the ADL procedure. Particular roles can be associated to units defined over a
particular entity or using particular attribute types.
As an example consider the introductory chunks of static text, which in our
running example are usually positioned in the first cell in the main grid of each
page. These text chunks are stored in the database in a dedicated entity, as for
all the other data of the application. In the proposed approach the designer can
mark an entity as having a particular role, so that we can make the automatic
display layout procedure aware of the particular role of the data contained in
that entity. Units based on marked entities can then be positioned in a particular
To assign a position to the units defined on entity TextChunk the following
rule can be defined: Textchunk → (grid, top). It associates the top position in
the central grid (in alternative also the left and right column could be specified)
to the units defined over entity TextChunk. Notice that such rule assigns a fixed
position inside the grid.
Figure 7 shows an example of application of such role-based rule: it shows
the fragment of the data model used in the hypertext, an hypertext instance
satisfying the rule (the data unit The idea, identified with (1), is based on the
entity TextChunk ), and its final layout. Figure 8 shows the final rendering of the
page and highlights the positioning of the data unit The idea.
The positioning of the remaining units is explained in Section 5.3.
Fig. 7. Application of the role-based rule.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 8. The final rendering of a page with role-based components.
This example associates a particular role to units based on a particular entity.
Particular roles can be associated also to attribute types, e.g., to all BLOB
objects or to all the pictures, and so on. For example, all the pdf downloads in
the case study always appear in the same position, to guarantee consistency in
the whole application.
Exploiting the topology of the hypertext and the relationships
of the data model
When pattern- and role-based rules cannot be applied to the units of a page,
the content can be positioned according to the relationships between the entities
on which the different units of the page are based. The content of each WebML
page can be seen as a set of connected graphs having as nodes the units and as
edges the links; each connected graph is treated separately. Among the different
units to process in a connected graph, a starting point must be identified: this
should be the unit that can be considered the most important within the page.
From the analysis of several real applications developed using WebML, such unit
can be identified looking at the number of outgoing links: the unit having the
maximum number of outgoing links is usually the most important one. This
is usually positioned in the main area of the page. Then, for the remaining
units a relative position can be identified, by adopting an heurisitc: the graph
is traversed and the source entity of each child unit is compared with the one
of its parent unit in the graph. The cardinality of the relationship between the
entities over which the units are defined can be used to determine the relative
position as follows:
– if the relationship between the entities is one-to-many, the child node is
positioned to the right of its parent unit;
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
– if it is one-to-one, it is positioned in the same area of the parent unit and
below the parent unit;
– if it is many-to-one, it is positioned in to the left of its parent unit.
Such heuristics have been proven to be valid on several real industrial WebML
applications that have been analyzed.
Figure 7 shows an example of relationship-based layout. The considered graph
is the one formed by the two units identified with (2) and (3). According to our
algorithm The WebML models data unit is positioned first, because it has the
maximum number of outgoing links, and it is placed in the central area. The
index unit (WebML models) is a child of the former unit, and because of the
one-to-many self-relationship on the WebMLConcept entity, it is positioned in
the right column. Figure 8 shows the final rendering of this page and highlights
the positions of the two units.
Validation of the procedure
The procedure has been tested on our running case and on several industrial
applications developed with WebRatio. Here we present in detail the results on
our running case; they are reported in Table 1. They have been obtained by
comparing the layout manually computed by the designer of the application
with the layout suggested by our automatic procedure.
The application is globally composed of 173 pages, containing 640
content units and 155 operation units. Its data model is composed of 34 entities
and 80 relationships.
The following layout rules have been defined for this running case:
– The common patterns like the Create, Modify, Delete and so on are defined
by default, due to their high usage and diffusion in all Web applications.
A layout has been assigned to each of them. Four other application-specific
patterns have also been defined.
– Two role-based rules based on entities have been defined: one associated to
the TextChunk, representing introductory texts to be positioned at the top
of the grid area; another one associated to the News entity (not represented
in the fragment of the data model), which positions all the news in the right
– The relationship rules have been defined by default according the proposed
From the table it can be noticed that in most of the pages the 70-80% of
the units are automatically positioned like in the designer’s layout. We have
considered both the exact matching and an aesthetical equivalent matching of
layouts; the latter allows us to accept an automatically computed layout if its
appearance is the same as the one of the manual one: we consider two layouts
aesthetically equivalent if the relative positioning of each pair of units is the
same, independently on their positioning in the central grid, in the left or in the
right columns.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table 1. Results of the site test. The number of pages (matched, or total
of the siteview) is indicated in brackets.
Siteview (Pages)
Public area (67)
Administrative area (87)
Community area (19)
All rules
79.10% (52)
77.01% (66)
89.47% (16)
No patterns
74.63% (50)
71.26% (61)
89.47% (16)
No roles
56.72% (38)
73.56% (63)
89.47% (16)
Column All rules shows the results obtained by applying the three classes of
rules. Column No patterns shows the results obtained without applying patternbased rules; finally, column No roles does not consider the role-based rules. It
can be noticed that patterns and roles improved the results (compare the second
and third column with the first one, respectively). Relationship-based rules have
been applied in the 40% of the pages.
The public area, compared to the private areas, makes a heavy use of rolebased rules. The administrative area instead is based on patterns: however, such
patterns are quite simple and often match also the relationships layout rules.
Many pages in the community area contain very few units, and therefore are
easily positioned in the grid, also using only the relationships layout rules.
The cases where the layout is different in the manual and in the automatic
approaches (10-25%) regard pages containing a great number of units, where
neither pattern rules nor role-based rules can be applied. From the analysis
of the manual layouts no logics in the positioning of the units can be derived
and therefore specified with the third class of rules introduced in Section 5.3.
Moreover, for such cases it is also very hard to decide which layout can be
considered correct between the automatic one and the manual one.
The obtained layouts can be considered as an initial layout, and a further
manual refinement is still possible by the developer.
Related work
In literature the ADL problem has been applied in different fields. Early approaches have been applied to the computation of the layout of graphs, electronic
components on boards, or document presentation. Two possible approaches are
worth notice: a constraint-based approach and a rule-based one.
Constraint-based approaches are based on the specification of a set of constraints given in input to a solver which takes them into consideration during the
computation of the final layout. This is usually the path followed by graph layouters, where constraints typically consist in the minimization of edge crossings
or of occupied space. Algorithms used in this approach vary from the classical Constraint Satisfaction Problem [1] to the evolutionary techniques like the
genetic algorithms [9].
Rule-based approaches are based on a set of rules, fixed or customizable by
the user, which are subsequently applied until all elements to displace have been
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
positioned. Like in our approach, rules usually have a left-hand side (LHS), which
specifies the application conditions, and a right-hand side (RHS), which specifies
the operations to do or the state to which the current situation has to evolve.
This approach is usually applied to the document presentation. A survey of the
approaches developed for information presentation can be found in [7].
Solutions of the ADL problem applied to Web-oriented documents are instead
less diffuse. To our knowledge, those that can be found in literature have been
considered especially from an HCI point of view. All of them mainly focus on the
concept of task as operation to be done by the user. Instead, no Web engineering
methodology copes in detail with this problem.
However, the different classes of rules considered in our approach blend together aspects already treated in literature.
First of all we have considered the usage of patterns. Navigational patterns
are a set of navigational macro-structures largely used in nowadays Web applications (e.g. Shopping basket, News, etc.) [11]. In [11] they are defined at a
higher level of abstraction, taking more into consideration the usage that each
pattern allows to do, rather than its actual implementation. Our approach starts
from navigational patterns specified in an actual design language and focusses
on their layout.
In an analogous way, [13] considers the domain model (similar to our data
model), the interaction of the user and the task to be done in a user interface.
The paper identifies some ready-to-use solutions as presentation patterns, each
one for a specific task situation. Each solution has been defined with care to
usability. Compared to this work, our focus is on the realization of the final
layout, rather than on presentation schemas.
The work [10] proposes another approach for the design of a Web application
based on the tasks the user has to do with the application. The information
derivable from the data and navigational models is not enough expressive to
represent the mental model the user has in approaching and using the Web
application. Therefore they first model the users and the tasks to be done by
each single user, using a notation called CTT; subsequently, the navigational
model is specified using the StateWebCharts notation [14], which exploits the
previous definitions of users and related tasks. Also this work does not focus
on a specific implementation of the application, while our main objective is
the creation of the actual layout of the applications. The SWC notation and
WebML present some commonalities: in particular, SWC is formed by different
states in which the user can be and the navigation from one state to another
are triggered by users’ actions; the formal model of execution of WebML is very
similar [4]. The CTT approach, proposed in [15], expresses the user-task point of
view with a dedicated notation, while in our approach the user-centered aspect
is implicitly considered by the patterns (and more in general by the WebML
hypertext specification), that can be seen as another way to model the user
Other works try to give a measure of the usability of the layouts. [12] proposes
a way for measuring the usability of a user interface by detecting the sum of all
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
the distances the user mouse pointer has to cover in order to completely perform
a task. The layout is therefore defined as appropriate if it allows to minimize the
covered distance. [8] is instead a work based on the notion of visual balance: it
considers how the human eye first looks at some details of the image rather than
others by noticing its features (dimensions, colours, shape, ...) and by weighting
them in the global context of the image. According to this notion, it builds a
weighted map of the contents to displace and positions them in order to balance
the overall weight of the layout. Our approach does not consider any measure
of the usability of the layouts. However, it is possible to analyze the quality and
usability of the WebML hypertext specification as shown for example in [6, 5], on
which we base our layout algorithm.
In this paper we have illustrated a procedure developed to perform the automatic layout of the content of Web application pages, considered from a Web
Engineering point of view. The proposed approach is based on patterns, which
allow to define similar layouts to similar tasks, on the definition of role-based
rules, which allow to constrain the position of particular pieces of content, and
on the exploitation of the relationships existing among the different units of a
page. Layout computation is strongly related to usability, because of the vital
importance of the user interfaces, especially in Web applications. The presented
approach is not explicitly based on HCI concepts. However, many aspects typical of HCI are considered during the requirement analysis phase and reflected in
some way (e.g., by means of the usage of patterns) in the hypertext model, which
is then taken as basis for specifying the layout rules. The way in which WebML
units are positioned with our rules guarantees consistency in the presentation of
the user interfaces, which in large applications cannot be guaranteed by manual
layouts. This is especially true for pattern-based rules: however, since the layout is assigned by the designer and can be arbitrarily complex the usability for
such pattern should be carefully evaluated by the designer defining the rules.
Role-based rules, which constrain some contents to be positioned in predefined
places, are instead a way to highlight the most important information. Finally,
it can be noticed that the third class of rules, which considers the relationships
between the different units and clusters related information, allows the user to
easily catch such relationships.
The proposed approach represents a first experiment in the automatic display
layout of the WebML methodology. Our point of view originates from our experience in the Web Engineering field, but its models and the proposed approach
implicitly consider HCI concepts such as usability and user-tasks. We believe
that there are several common aspects between a Web Engineering methodology
and the HCI techniques and that discussion between the two communities could
actually improve our Web Engineering process and the automatization of some
tasks concerning the user interface, like the layout of the Web contents.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
1. K. F. Boehringer, F. N. Paulisch: Using constraints to achieve stability in automatic
graph layout algorithms. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Human
Interaction (CHI), April 1990, pp. 43-51.
2. S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera: Designing
data-intensive Web applications. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (2003)
3. S. Ceri, P.Fraternali, A. Bongio: Web Modeling Language (WebML): a Modeling
Language for Designing Web Sites. Computer Networks 33 (2000) 137-157
4. S. Comai, P. Fraternali: A semantic model for specifying data-intensive Web applications using WebML. In Int. workshop SWWS 2001, 566-585
5. P. Fraternali, P.L. Lanzi, M. Matera, A. Maurino: Model-Driven Web Usage Analysis
for the Evaluation of Web Application Quality. JWE, April 2004.
6. P. Fraternali, M. Matera, A. Maurino: WQA: an XSL Framework for Analyzing the
Quality of Web Applications. IWWOST’02, Malaga, Spain (2002)
7. S. Lok, S. Feiner: A survey of automated layout techniques for information presentations. Proceedings of Smart Graphics 2001 (2001)
8. S. Lok, S. Feiner, and G. Ngai: Evaluation of Visual Balance for Automated Layout.
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces table of
contents, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (2004) 101–108
9. T. Masui: Evolutionary learning of graph layout constraints from examples. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST’94
(1994) 103–108
10. F. Paterno’, C. Mancini, S. Meniconi: ConcurTaskTrees: a Diagrammatic Notations
for Specifying Task Models. Proceedings of IFIP T13 Conference INTERACT 97,
Sydney, Chapman&Hall (1997), pp. 362–369
11. G. Rossi, D. Schwabe, F. Lyardet: Improving Web Information Systems with Navigational Patterns. Proceedings of The Eighth International World Wide Web Conference, Toronto, Canada (1999)
12. A. Sears: Layout Appropriateness: A Metric for Evaluating User Interface Widget
Layout. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 19, issue 7 (1993) 707-719
13. J. Vanderdonckt, C. Pribeanu: A Pattern-Based Approach to User Interface Development.
14. M. Winckler, P. Palanque: StateWebCharts: a Formal Description Technique Dedicated to Navigation Modelling of Web Applications. Int. Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSVIS’2003), Funchal, PT. (2003).
15. M. Winckler, J. Vanderdonckt: Towards a User-Centered Design of Web Applications based on a Task Model. In Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on
Web-Oriented Software Technologies (IWWOST’2005), Porto, Portugal (2005).
16. WebML Official Web site:
17. WebRatio Web site:
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
A MDA-based Environment for Web Applications
Development: From Conceptual Models to Code1
Francisco Valverde1, Pedro Valderas1, Joan Fons1, Oscar Pastor1
Department of Information Systems and Computation, Technical University of Valencia,
Camino de Vera S/N, 46022 Valencia, Spain
{fvalverde, pvalderas, jjfons,opastor}
Abstract. Nowadays, MDA is gaining popularity as a feasible way to develop
software in Web environments. As a consequence, several tools from both academic and industrial contexts, offer their own MDA processes for producing
Web Applications. OO-Method is an object-oriented method that produces
software systems by means of its MDA implementation, OlivaNOVA. This tool
has been broadly tested in industry with real desktop applications. However, it
lacks the expressivity needed to accurately describe Web Systems. OOWS is
the web-oriented extension of OO-Method with was developed to solve this
problem. This work, presents a MDA development environment that combines
OO-Method and OOWS. This environment produces fully functional Web Applications that integrate the business logic generated by OlivaNOVA with a
Web Interface produced from OOWS models. The followings tools are introduced to support OOWS development process: (1) an Eclipse-based modeller to
edit OOWS models visually (2) a Web Interface Framework that is based on
Software Factories philosophy in order to reduce the abstraction level between
conceptual models and the code to be generated and (3) a set of Model-to-Text
transformations that allows the automatic generation of a Web Interface from
models. This work also describes a strategy to include the OlivaNOVA development process into the new MDA development environment.
Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) is a discipline that is starting to provide promising results. There are several optimistic indicators regarding the evolution
and the industrial implementation of this development philosophy. For example, the
increasing popularity of the MDA standard proposed by the OMG [17] or the Software Factories philosophy [9] promoted by Microsoft. Perhaps, the most promising
indicator is the continuous development of tools and technologies for building CASE
Tools to support MDSD, such as the Eclipse Modelling Project [6], and the DSL
Tools [13] that are integrated into Microsoft Visual Studio. Other commercial tools
with explicit support for MDSD such as OptimalJ [21] or AndroMDA [3], also provide a promising research scenario.
This work has been developed with the support of MEC under the project DESTINO
TIN2004-03534 and cofinanced by FEDER.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The Web engineering community is aware of this trend and several approaches
have emerged to provide support for Model-driven Web Applications development.
These approaches introduce conceptual models to describe the different aspects that
define a Web Application in an abstract way. The use of model-to-model and modelto-text transformations is proposed to obtain code that unambiguously represents the
Web Application conceptual mode. Several web engineering methods that follow this
approach are: OOHDM [24], WebML [5], WSDM [16], UWE [15] and OOH [10].
All these methods have been widely accepted by the web engineering community and
have been proved and validated in several applications. Some methods also provide
support tools. These tools define models that capture the structural, navigational and
presentation aspects of Web Applications and provide code generation support.
In this context; OO-Method [22] is an automatic code generation method that produces the equivalent software product from a system conceptual specification. Like
the methods mentioned above, it has a tool that implements its process: OlivaNOVA
[18]. This tool is the commercial application of the OO-Method, which has been developed by Care Technologies S.A2. It automatically generates code in multiple platforms (.NET 2.0, Java, Visual Basic) from an OO-Method model. This tool has been
tested in real enterprise applications and is therefore a reliable development environment. However, some usability issues regarding aesthetic aspects and navigation were
detected when web systems are modelled. For this reason OOWS [7], has been defined as an extension for the OO-Method to improve Web Applications modelling.
OOWS extends OO-Method conceptual models by introducing two new ones. The
goal of these models is to accurately capture the navigational and presentational aspects of Web Applications.
In this work, we present a MDA development environment that is able to produce
Web Applications automatically from Conceptual Models. The data and business
layer is generated by OlivaNOVA since its quality has been proven. On the other
hand, the OOWS development process that is described in this paper extends OlivaNOVA, providing an accurate Web Interface that interacts with the business logic.
In order to comply with Care Technologies business policies, the OOWS development process was implemented without modifications to OlivaNOVA. As a consequence, backwards compatibility with previously generated applications is guaranteed. Therefore, the main contributions of this work are:
1. A MDA development environment that extends an industrial MDA tool (OlivaNOVA) with the conceptual models (OOWS) needed to develop Web Applications.
2. A visual editor based on the Eclipse Platform that: 1) defines OOWS models at the
PIM level according to its metamodel and 2) provides a strategy to integrate OOMethod models defined in OlivaNOVA with models defined in OOWS Visual Editor.
3. A Code generation process that integrates business logic and persistence (provided
by OlivaNOVA) and a web interface generated by the OOWS Model Compiler.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents both commercial
and academic approaches that develop Web applications from a MDA/MDD point of
view. Section 3 briefly introduces an overview of the development process proposed
Care Technologies S.A.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
here. Section 4, describes the conceptual models used at the PIM level and Section 5
details the strategy followed to generate Web applications code. Section 6, discusses
lessons learned and identified weaknesses of the proposal. Section 7 presents our
Related Work
Due to the proven benefits of MDA many methods have emerged in the field of web
engineering. Several methods have also been implemented to support their ideas.
Currently, there are many model-driven tools to generate web applications from both
the academic and industrial sectors.
For many academic approaches such as UWE or OOH, UML is the starting point.
UWE defines a development process that is able to semi-automatically generate Web
Applications. To achieve this goal, UWE provides a navigation and presentation
model. Since its metamodel is defined as a conservative extension of UML 1.5, an
important advantage is that the analysts are very familiar with the notation. To create
UWE models an ArgoUWE [11] editor based on an open source tool (ArgoUML) is
provided. The transformation code process generates an XML file for deploying a
Web Application into a XML publishing Framework. However, the transformation
process is currently in a very early development stage, and does not yet generate a
complete Web Application.
A similar approach to UWE is the OOH method and its tool VisualWade [8]. This
tool is based on three views to model Web Applications: a class diagram, a navigation
diagram, and a presentation diagram. An advantage is that web page look and feel can
be designed inside the tool. In addition, the tool has a transformation engine that can
generate PHP applications. An inconvenience is that although the notation is UMLbased, it cannot be exported. Furthermore it also lacks a proper definition of behaviour because only CRUD operations can be defined thus requires manual code.
WebRatio [1] is a good example of an industrial tool that comes from an academic
methodology, WebML. Its main advantages is that since it focuses on the entire web
development process it covers requirements gathering, data and hypertext design,
testing, implementation and maintenance. This tool has been tested in several industrial projects and has advanced features to model web presentation aspects. Its data
model is based on UML class diagrams’, however some notation from Hypertext
Model is not strictly UML compliant. In spite of the fact that WebML are continuously evolving, the behavioural aspects are not yet fully supported. The behaviour
that can be modelled is mainly focused on create, modify, delete operations and relationships between objects. More complex behaviour must be imported from external
sources (like web services) or implemented manually.
Another interesting approach is AndroMDA [3], an Open Source MDA generator
for multiple platforms. It supports UML Models and is extensible by means of cartridges. A cartridge provides a metamodel, a set of transformation rules and code
templates to define how UML models are transformed to a specific platform code. It
defines transformations for web platforms as Struts. Even though it uses UML models, AndroMDA does not provide a UML Case tool. Therefore an external tool is
needed to define UML models in a XMI format that AndroMDA can understand.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Hence AndroMDA can be defined as an aid to MDA development but it cannot be
considered as a MDA tool.
Finally a good example of a Model-Driven industrial tool is Optimal J. This tool
follows a MDA approach which starts in a domain model (PIM) that is UML compliant. This domain model is transformed into an application model (PSM), from which
the final code is generated. Even though OptimalJ [21] is a model driven tool, its PSM
is clearly based on the J2EE platform and is related to technological concepts. Therefore its code model emphasizes manual changes in code by means of protected
blocks. As a consequence, the entire code cannot be generated from the domain
The main difference between these approaches and our MDA approach is that it
emphasizes the use of conceptual models for generating both presentation and behavioural aspects. Currently some minor details are still to be fixed directly in the final
code. We are analyzing all these manual changes, looking for their corresponding
conceptual primitive. Our final goal is to provide a true Model Compiler for Web
Application generation.
Fig. 1. OOWS MDA Development Process
MDA Development Process: Overview.
The new development process that this work introduces is summarized in Fig.1. The
left side represents the OO-Method development process, which is supported by OlivaNova. The OlivaNova Modeller allows us to graphically define the different views
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
that describe a system (the structural, dynamic and functional models explained in
section 4). A set of OlivaNova Transformation Engines, then compiles these views
and translates the conceptual primitives defined in the PIM into a specific implementation language. The final result is a three-tier software application: logic, persistence,
and presentation. This development process is summarized in Figure 1 (left).
The code generation process implemented by OlivaNOVA must also be extended
in order to automatically generate code from OOWS models. In order to perform this
extension, we have defined a parallel translation process which generates code from
the OOWS models (Figure 1 right). The integration of the two translation processes
(OO-Method and OOWS) are performed at the implementation level. To achieve this
goal two tools to support Web development have been implemented: the OOWS visual
editor and the OOWS model compiler. Therefore, the MDA development process proposed is composed of two stages:
1. Conceptual Modelling: First, the PIM model that defines the specific aspects of our
Web application is built. Static and behaviour aspects, which are collected by OOMethod models, are defined in the OlivaNOVA Modeller. Additional information
about this tool can be found in [18]. The navigational and the presentation models are
defined by the OOWS Visual Editor. This tool and the strategy defined to solve the
integration with OlivaNOVA models are described in detail in section 4.
2. Code Generation: In this state, two parallel code-generation processes are carried
out. The OlivaNOVA transformation engine produces code based on a three-tier architecture from OO-Method models. The OOWS model compiler generates a Web
Interface by means of model-to-text transformations whose target is a new Web Interface This transformation step, which is described by MDA as an Automatic Transformation, is introduced in section 5.
The MDA development process proposed produces fully functional Web Applications. Each stage of this MDA development environment is detailed in the following
Conceptual modelling
The first step in a MDA development process is to define the PIM (platformindependent models). In this work our PIM is based on both the OO-Method and the
OOWS metamodels. This section describes how Conceptual Models are created.
Since these models are defined in different tools (OlivaNOVA Modeller and OOWS
Visual Editor) an integration mechanism to share data between them is introduced.
Modelling behaviour : OO-Method Models
OO-Method provides a UML-based PIM where the static and dynamic aspects of a
system are captured by means of three complementary views, which are defined by
the following models:
• a Structural Model that defines the system structure (its classes, operations, and
attributes) and relationships between classes (specialization, association, and aggregation) by means of a Class Diagram.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
• a Dynamic Model that describes the valid object-life sequences for each class of
the system using State Transition Diagrams. Object interactions (communications
between objects) are also represented by Sequence diagrams in this model,
• a Functional Model that captures the semantics of state changes to define service
effects using a textual formal specification.
These models are created in the OlivaNOVA Modeller. The OO-Method models
are created in an XML file that is used as input for the desired transformation engine.
Figure 2 illustrates models screenshot’s from the OlivaNOVA Modeller. Extended
information about these models and their semantics can be found in [22].
Fig. 2. Structural (left), Dynamic (down) and Functional (right) models.
Extending OO-Method for the Web: OOWS Models
OOWS introduces two new models into the previous OO-Method metamodel in
order to support the particular navigational and presentation aspects of a web application in an adequate way. These models are:
• User Model: A User Diagram allows us to specify the types of users that can interact with the system. The types of users are organized in a hierarchical way by
means of inheritance relationships which allow us to specify navigation specialization.
• Navigational Model: This model defines the system navigational structure. It describes the navigation allowed for each type of user by means of a Navigational
Map. This map is depicted by means of a directed graph whose nodes represent
navigational contexts and whose arcs represent navigational links that define the
valid navigational paths over the system. Navigational contexts are made up of a
set of Abstract Information Units (AIU), which represent the requirement of retrieving a chunk of related information. AIUs are made up of navigational classes,
which represent views over the classes defined in the Structural Model. These
views are represented graphically as classes that are stereotyped with the «view»
keyword and that contain the set of attributes and operations that will be available
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
to the user. Basically, an AIU represents a web page of the Web Application at the
conceptual level.
• Presentation Model: Thanks to this model, we are able to specify the visual properties of the information to be shown. To achieve this goal, a set of presentation patterns is proposed to be applied over our conceptual primitives. Some properties that
can be defined with this kind of patterns are information arrangement (register, tabular, master-detail, etc), order (ascendant/descendent), or pagination cardinality.
In order to support OOWS models definition, a visual editor based on the Eclipse
Modelling platform has been built. This tool supports two main features:
• Model definition and persistence: OOWS models must be created in accordance with
their metamodel and be serialized in a standard language. To accomplish these requirements, we have used a set of tools provided by the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) [6]. From an OOWS metamodel definition described in Ecore (a subset
language from MOF), EMF provides a framework to define and edit conceptual
models according to the OOWS metamodel. Moreover, EMF stores conceptual models as XMI documents, which is the OMG Standard to interchange conceptual models between MDA tools. Thanks to this feature, our tool will be able to interact with
other modelling tools in the future.
• OOWS Visual Editor: To simplify OOWS models definition for system analysts, a
visual editor tool has been developed. This tool is similar to other CASE tools that
are on the market. To accomplish this task, the Eclipse Graphical Modelling Framework (GMF) has been used. This framework allows the automatic generation of visual editors from an Ecore metamodel. The editor is created from a specification that
associates each conceptual primitive to a textual or graphical representation in our
Fig. 3. OOWS Visual Editor
A screenshot of our visual editor is shown in Figure 3. This figure depicts the
OOWS navigational model of IMDB Lite Web application. In this context, the model
defines several navigational contexts to show information about movies, actors, direc170
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
tors, etc. For instance, TopMovies shows a movie ranking created by users whereas
MovieInformation provides a detailed description about a selected movie.
Integration at the PIM level
To define an OOWS Model, an OO-Method class diagram is needed because a navigational context is composed by views over classes. This diagram also defines the interface for calling business logic services’. Since the class diagram is created in OlivaNOVA, the OOWS Visual Editor needs a mechanism to retrieve information from it.
Therefore, integration at the PIM level takes place at the class diagram synchronization.
To perform the integration two mechanisms are needed: (1) an export mechanism to
share a class diagram defined in OlivaNOVA (2) an import mechanism to simplify the
import process to OOWS Visual Editor.
The export mechanism is currently provided by OlivaNOVA because every model
can be stored as standard XML. The import mechanism must be implemented inside
OOWS Visual Editor, taking into account that a XML document is going to be imported. Figure 4 illustrates this mechanism:
• Firstly the OO-Method class diagram is defined by means of an Ecore metamodel.
Since Ecore is a main component in EMF (see section 3), the OOWS Suite developed in Eclipse can easily understand Ecore models. So that, the current OOWS
metamodel is extended with the new Ecore class diagram metamodel. As a result of
this, the OOWS Visual Editor can understand and manage information from the OOMethod Class Diagrams defined in OlivaNova.
• Then, a model-to-model transformation is defined to transform an OlivaNOVA class
diagram (store as XML) to its Ecore representation (store as XMI). When this transformation is finished, the resulting model can be loaded into the OOWS Visual Editor. To define the transformation we have chosen XSLT because is the standard language to provide transformations between XML documents
Fig. 4. Import mechanism from OlivaNOVA Modeller
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Code generation process
The MDA code generation process proposed in this work is composed of two parallel
processes: 1) one to generate business logic from OO-Method models and 2) another
one to generate Web interfaces from OOWS and OO-Method models. In this section,
firstly the first code transformation process in OlivaNOVA is briefly introduced and the
OOWS Model Compiler that supports the second transformation process is described.
Finally how is integrated the code from the two processes is explained.
5.1 From OO-Method to Code: OlivaNOVA Transformation Engines
According to MDA, each OlivaNOVA Transformation Engine is a tool that automatically performs PIM-to-PSM transformations and PSM-to-Code transformations. The
input for a transformation engine is a model created in the OlivaNOVA Modeller.
Each transformation engine is composed of four elements that define its code generation strategy:
1. A common Conceptual Model, which is based on OO-Method that shares all transformation engines. This model can be seen as the OlivaNOVA PIM.
2. An Application Model (PSM) for each target platform (Java, .Net, ASP) that represents its technological aspects. The application model does not need to be modified
by analysts because there is a clear relationship between Conceptual Model elements and Application Model elements. For this reason, it is hidden inside the
transformation engine.
3. A set of correspondences that defines relationships between Conceptual Model
elements and Application Model elements. This set can be described as a function
whose domain is the Conceptual Model and whose image is an instance from the
Application Model.
4. A set of transformations that establishes how to obtain the application code from
an Application model. Each transformation takes an element from the Application
model and generates the associated portion of code.
Following this generation strategy, a transformation engine generates an application that is functionality equivalent to the model.
5.2 From OOWS to Code: OOWS Model Compiler
The OOWS Model Compiler is composed of two main elements: 1) a Web Interface
Framework that has been developed to simplify transformations complexity and skip
PIM-to-PSM step. This framework provides high level conceptual primitives for building a Web Application. 2) a set of model-to-text transformations for OOWS Models that
produces code from conceptual elements.
5.2.1 Web Interface Framework
The main goal the Web Interface Framework is to simplify model-to-code transformations. PHP 5 has been chosen for implementation purposes because it is an accepted and
widely used language for building Web frameworks. To define this framework some
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
principles from the Software Factories approach have been adopted. For instance, high
level primitives that abstract web page implementation have been provided. Thanks to
these high level primitives, the semantic gap between PIM models and code is drastically reduced. Therefore, PIM-to-PSM transformation step is avoided because the relationship between PIM concepts and framework primitives is very clear. Advantages and
disadvantage of this approach are discussed in [2]. These primitives are defined as a set
of classes which represent common concepts on Web Application development such as:
web page, link, navigation menu, service etc. Following this approach, a Web Application can be defined as a set of objects that specifies which kind of functionality should
be provided. The principal objects that make up our Web application are:
• Application: This object, which is unique in an application, contains global information. For example, the Role method defines different user types that can access the
application while the AllowAnonymous property provides anonymous access. It’s
possible to select a presentation style through the Default Style method. In addition,
to create the Page objects that make up the application, the AddPage method is
• Page: Each Page object is related to a Web Page implementation. Following the
usability criteria described in [19], this object defines a web page as an aggregation
of content zones. A zone can be defined as an independent piece of information or
functionality. The most important content zones that can be defined are:
-Navigation Zone. It provides the user with a set of navigable links that can be activated within the web page.
-Location Zone. It provides the user information about where the user is and the
navigation path (sequence of navigational pages) that s/he has followed to reach
that location.
-Information Zone. It provides information about the system (usually in a database).
-Services Zone. It provides access to the operations that can be activated. This
zone is contained inside an information zone, and all the operations are related to
that information.
-Data Entry Zone. It is responsible for providing the user with a form to input
data to execute certain operations. Then, a submit-like button links the input data
with the associated functionality..
-Custom Zone. It contains information regarding other types of contents that cannot be catalogued in the other zones. This zone is normally used for domainindependent content, such as advertisements, other related web applications, external applications, etc
The Page object provides a set of methods to add content zones such as AddNavigationZone o AddInformationZone.
• Zone: a Zone object defines any content zone mentioned above. For example, if we
define an information content zone, this object provides the AddField method to
select the attributes that are going to be recovered and also provides the AddDetail
method to show information recovered through a relationship (association, composition or inheritance). Mechanisms to filter and index recovered information are
specified with the DefineFilter and the DefineIndex methods.
Since these concepts are not related with OOWS, this framework can be used by
other web engineering methods in their generation processes. Moreover, the frame173
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
work facilitates the inclusion of aesthetic aspects by means of presentation templates
than can be adapted and reused as can be see at [25].
Figure 5 shows a web page from IMDB Lite case study (see section 6) where
framework objects’ and its visual representation are related. When a user makes a
web request to our application, the Web framework creates the set of objects that
make up the requested Web page (Application, Page, Zone etc.). These objects produce XHTML code that is sent to the user Web browser. It’s interesting to note that
the framework abstractions are not closely related to OOWS Models. Due to this fact,
Web Interface Framework can be used as target the platform by other MDA process
or Web engineering methods.
Fig. 5. Web Interface Framework code example
Model-to-code transformations
To define a transformation from model to code several approaches have been proposed.
Many authors suggest graph-based transformations [25], others support template languages [14], and there are even some defenders of XSLT transformations [12]. We have
chosen openArchitectureWare (oAW) [20], a model-driven support framework. The
main advantage of oAW with regards to other solution is that it provides a good Eclipse
support, so that can be easily integrated into the MDA Environment proposed. Among
other tools, oAW provides the xPand language to produce code from conceptual models. Using this language, transformation rules whose input is a conceptual primitive can
be defined. From this conceptual information, a code template is completed.
In order to define the OOWS code generation process, a set of oAW rules that
takes OOWS conceptual primitives as input has been created. Each OOWS element
has a rule that produces the Web Interface Framework code that represents its functionality. From an MDA point of view, this is called Automatic Transformation because
an in-between PSM is not needed. The following example illustrates this process. The
navigational model primitive (described in section 4.2) has an associated rule called
ModelNavigationRule (see Figure 6). This rule generates the code that adds the user
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
owner of the navigational model. To achieve this task the Role method from the Ap
plication object is used. Then, a new web page is created for each context by calling
the Page method.
Fig. 6. Navigational Model transformation rules
Code Integration
A Web interface is implemented From OOWS conceptual models using the framework introduced in section 5.2.1. However, OlivaNova business logic can be generated using a different technological platform and requires a mechanism to integrate
business logic and the interface code.
For reasons of brevity, we only focus on the .NET code generated by OlivaNOVA.
In this generation process business logic is encapsulated as a COM+ object. The
communication between an interface and this component is performed by interchanging messages. To request data or execute a service an XML message is sent to the
COM+ object and the response is made with another message. Therefore, the Web
interface must communicate with business logic by sending suitable messages. To
carry out this communication process, a business facade named OlivaNovaFacade has
been developed. This façade presents a group of methods that can be used by the Web
Interface Framework to build XML messages to be sent. Figure 7 shows how this
integration mechanism works. This solution provides a transparent mechanism for
using OlivaNOVA business logic without having to modify previously generated
Lessons learned.
In this section, we present the experiences extracted from the implementation of two
Web applications developed using the MDA development environment presented
here. These Web applications are:
• Water control application: This case study is based on a management application
from a water supply company, “Aguas del Bullent”3. Its information system is implemented on a desktop application that manages every functionality needed (customers management, bills, resource assignment etc.). New business goals required
migrating some features from the main application to a web environment. This new
3 (only corporate information)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 7. Integration mechanisms with OlivaNova business logic
Web application needed to be perfectly integrated with the desktop application in
order to be able to share the same data.
• IMDB Lite: This case study is based on an online repository of information related
to the movie world: The IMDB Internet Movie Database (IMDB). To illustrate our
approach (see Figure 5) we implemented a Web application for some functionalities from the IMDB. For instance to see information about movies and actors, etc.
and to make comments about them. All the code from this example (except aesthetic properties such as colour, font-family, background etc.) was automatically
generated from OlivaNOVA and the OOWS Model Compiler.
6.1 Benefits
− Nowadays, to develop a Web application, System Analysts must deal with many
technologies and concepts (client-server, web request, etc.) when designing the
system. For this reason, Web development is more expensive and slower than traditional software development. A key advantage of this MDA development approach is that it is independent from the technological platform. Since business
logic can be generated in several languages, programming expertise is not a problem. Analysts need only to focus on how to design the system and not on how to
implement it.
− The transformation process from a PIM-to-PSM and from PSM-to-code is not
trivial. The introduction of the Web Interface Framework has two advantages: 1)
since a PSM is not required the model-to-model transformation step is eliminated
and the process is simplified. 2) Technological aspects related to code generation
can be delegate to the framework without introducing them at the PIM level.
− This MDA development environment has been defined using several standards that
have been accepted by MDA community. The PIM metamodel is defined using
MOF. OOWS/OO-Method models are based on UML, which is a widely used notation, and can be exported as XMI. As a consequence, these models can be imported/exported from/to other MDA tools.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
6.2 Identified weaknesses
− We have detected a few usability issues in the generated interfaces. These usability
problems are related to complex interactions between user and interface. For example is not possible to specify how errors are shown to the user or model wizards
to aid the user. However we are studying on how to incorporate usability patterns
on OOWS Models in order to generate interfaces more usable to users.
− Currently our approach is based on two different tools OlivaNOVA Modeller and
OOWS Visual Editor. The main reason is to preserve the successful code generation capabilities of OlivaNOVA. However, models definition is a hard task because
the analyst has to export/import models from two different environments. Our final
objective is to have a unique environment, where the OOWS navigational and
presentation models must be included.
− In the case studies presented here all business logic was generated by OlivaNOVA.
Even though this MDA approach seems to be limited in use, the same concepts can
be used with other business logic providers. Interaction with other business logics
that come from external sources such as web services or business process are topics that will be include in future works.
− Non functional-requirements such as security and performance are not taken into
account using this approach. Currently, the security implemented by OlivaNOVA
is considered to be adequate; in a very restricted environment other security protocols should be analyzed. With regard to performance no strict empirical study has
been done. Though business logic has been validated at the industrial level, the
produced Web interface has not yet been tested in a high-demand Web Application. We are studying how to carry out a performance test and how to improve it if
A MDA-driven environment for Web Applications development has been presented in
this paper. This environment provides several tools to support the OOWS/OO-Method
development process to automatically generate Web Applications. Its main advantage is
that it combines experiences from both the academic and the industrial world. On the
one hand the PIM level is supported by OOWS and OO-Method Conceptual Models,
which describe Web applications systems precisely. On the other hand business logic
generation is delegated to OlivaNOVA which is a commercial tool that produce high
quality code and has been verified at industry.
The development process for obtaining a Web Interface from OOWS Models is described in detail. This new development process is based on open source tools and
OMG standards such as MOF, XMI or UML which are broadly accepted in MDA
community. An integration strategy has been defined in order to combine these parallel processes in a satisfactory way. This MDA environment has been applied and
verified in two case studies. Several Web Applications are currently being developed
with this approach. The experiences and feedback from these works will help us to
improve the code generation process.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
[1] Acerbis, R., Bongio, A., et al, WebRatio, an innovative technology for Web application
development, 4th International conference on web engineering Munich, Germany, 2004.
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[3] AndroMDA. Last visited: May 2007.
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[6] Eclipse Modelling Project. Last visited: May 2007.
[7] Fons J., Pelechano V., Albert M., and Pastor O. Development of Web Applications from
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[8] Gomez, J., et al, Model-Driven Web Development with VisualWADE, In Web Engineering book, 4th International conference on web engineering, Munich, Germany, 2004.
[9] Greenfield, J., Short, K., Cook, S., Kent S. and Crupi, J., Software Factories: Assembling
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[11] Knapp, A., Koch, N., et al, ArgoUWE: A Case Tool for Web Applications. First Int.
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[12] Kovse, J. and Härder, T. Generic XMI-Based UML Model Transformations. 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, Montpellier, France, 2002.
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[20] OpenArchitectureWare. Last visited: May 2007.
[21] OptimalJ. Last visited: May 2007.
[22] Pastor, O., Gomez, J., Insfran, E. and Pelechano, V. The OO-Method Approach for Information Systems Modelling: From Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling to Automated
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ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Enriching Hypermedia Application Interfaces*
André T. S. Fialho, Daniel Schwabe
Departamento de Informática – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
(PUC-Rio) – Caixa Postal 38.097 – 22.453-900 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil.
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract. This paper presents a systematic approach for the authoring of
animated multimedia transitions in Web applications, following the current
trend of rich interfaces. The transitions are defined based on an abstract
interface specification, over which a rhetorical structure is overlaid. This
structure is then rendered through concrete interfaces by applying rhetorical
style sheets, which define actual animation schemes. The resulting applications
have different transition animations defined according to the type of navigation
being carried out, always emphasizing the semantically important information.
Preliminary evaluation indicates better user experience in using these interfaces.
1. Introduction
Current web applications have become increasingly more complex, and their
interfaces correspondingly more sophisticated. A noticeable tendency is the
introduction of multimedia, in the form of sound, animations and video. In particular,
animation is increasingly becoming an integral part of Web application interfaces,
after the advent of AJAX technologies, as exemplified, for instance, the Yahoo
Design Patterns Library (for transitions) [13].
So far, the emphasis has been in animating individual interface widgets, as a way
to enhance or emphasize actions taking place during the interaction. A more complex
kind of animation is involved when considering entire interface changes that occur
during hypermedia navigation. Such interface changes are intrinsic to hypermedia
systems, where there is a transition as a result of navigational changes which
commonly also changes the information items displayed. As such, this type of
interface change is a prime candidate for the application of animation techniques.
The actual use of such techniques has remained an artistic endeavor up to now.
Designers use their sensibility and previous experience, sometimes guided by design
patterns such as [13]. This paper presents an approach for systematically enriching
hypermedia applications by extending the SHDM (Semantic Hypermedia Design
Method) approach [9]. In particular, attention is paid on how to relate animations to
the application semantics expressed in the SHDM models.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives some
background on the use of animation, and on the representation of interfaces in SHDM.
This is an expanded version of a short paper accepted to ICWE 2007.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Section 3 presents the proposed approach, and Section 4 presents a discussion about
the results and conclusions.
2. Background
Advantages of animation
There have been several studies analyzing the advantages of using animation in
interfaces. A study [2] of the use of animation for spatial information, shows how
animations affect the mental map formed by the user, it is shown that animation helps
to maintain consistency and aids in reconstructing spatial information, without
performance loss.
Evaluations of these kinds are difficult to carry out. Gonzales [5] argues that
inconsistencies in experiments result stem from the comparison between textual
versus graphical display of information, making it difficult to isolate the specific
effects of animation. Another factor is due to the tasks used – they are frequently
simple, well known and understood tasks that pose no real challenge or difficulty to
the user. A third aspect is the focus on information presentation as opposed to
interaction with the user.
With these considerations in mind, the authors in [5] carried out an experiment to
evaluate the effect of images, transitions and interaction styles on two renditions of an
interface – one on a real interface and a second on a mock-up. It was observed that
real images improve decision making, turning the interaction into a more pleasurable
experience for the user. However, these effects vary greatly depending on the kind of
task being carried out. It was also observed that smooth animations are preferred over
more abrupt ones, also improving decision making. Parallel interactions are also
preferred by users, improving the quality of decisions when compared to sequential
Animation in application interfaces
The common definition of animation is the result of several static images that, when
exhibited in sequence, creates an illusion of continuity and movement.
Nowadays there are several systems that use animation with the purpose of
enriching the interaction process and the user experience through smooth transitions
(Media Browser [4], Visual Decision Maker [12], Time Quilt [6], MacOS, Windows
Vista, etc). Over the web, animation is also widely applied mostly due to the
increased acceptance of technologies such as flash, dynamic html and dynamic
interfaces with asynchronous communication (Ajax). These animations are mostly
applied through a graphic design process, requiring an artistic view for decision the process As already mentioned, patterns and libraries have been
developed to aid the design and implementation process, facilitating the use of
animations .
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
While classification of the animation types can be quite variable, depending on the
abstraction level used, we can distinguish animation effects that are applied to
elements in the following categories: Entrance; Emphasis; Exit; Motion Path and
Object Action.
The first three are straightforward, representing the entrance, emphasis or exit of an
element, the motion path repositions an object, moving it along an invisible path, and
the object action represents an internal behavior of the object such as the execution of
multimedia content.
Beacker and Small [1] divide animation in three classes according to their use. The
first, are structure animations that correspond to animations made under three
dimensional environments, with the purpose of simulating, previewing and exploring
different position views and environments. The second are process animations,
applied for the visualization of internal processing of a function, task or application.
This type is commonly used for simulating and visualizing the functioning of
algorithms and programs. The third class are function animations, which helps the
user comprehend the interface, minimizing complexity and guiding through
interactions. This kind of animation represents best what we are trying to accomplish.
Table 1 below identifies what functions this type of animation can provide, next to the
problem it helps to solve.
Table 1 Animation functions with associated question and example [1]
Answers the question
What is this?
Where did I come from?
Where have I gone to?
What can I do?
What can I do with this?
How can I do this?
What is happening?
What have I done?
What should I do now?
Identify an application when they are
Illustrate changes in system state that
change the interface. For example,
accompanied by an animation of an
outline for the new window as it shrinks
until it disappears.
Animate menus in order to improve
efficiency of display, indicating the
relationship between items.
Improve the clarity of description of a
function associated to an icon.
Present steps necessary to achieve a
goal as an animated "Guided tour"
Show the degree of completion of a
task as progress bars and other
Replay user activities in order to
explain the steps that were taken to
arrive at a particular state.
Animations showing what would be the
result of possible actions.
Several animation effects that can be used in interfaces originate from traditional
cinematography techniques[1]. Cinematographers learned over time which dynamic
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
scenes are easily assimilated by the spectator and which aren’t. This type of
knowledge is a resource of principles that can be applied to human computer
interaction [11].
Another relevant influence comes from traditional cartoon animations techniques
[3]. These techniques offer enough information without confusing the spectator or
demanding greater efforts for understanding the animation, therefore aiding the
interpretation of changes that occur in the interfaces. In these animations, elements
don’t simply disappear or change position instantly; certain animation principles
apply. Among the most useful, are solidity, reinforcement and exaggeration, as
postulated by Johnston and Thomas [7].
Another important factor is timing. Determining the appropriate timing is a nontrivial task, since there is a trade-off between the amount of effects to be presented
and the total duration of the animations since the duration of an animation should not
affect the time to achieve a task. On the other hand, an animation executed too
quickly defeats its purpose, since it becomes too hard for the user to follow.
Experiments indicate that a duration that satisfies these constraints should be between
half to one second [2].
Abstract Interfaces in SHDM
Since animations will be expressed in terms of interface elements, we first summarize
how the interface is specified in SHDM through Abstract and Concrete Interface
The abstract interface model is built by defining the perceptible interface widgets.
Interface widgets are defined as aggregations of primitive widgets (such as text fields
and buttons) and recursively of interface widgets. Navigational objects are mapped
onto abstract interface widgets. This mapping gives them a perceptive appearance and
also defines which objects will activate navigation.
It is useful to design interfaces at an abstract level, to achieve, among other things,
independence of the implementation environment.
Fig. 1 Abstract widgets ontology
The most abstract level is called the Abstract Interface, focusing on the type of
functionality played by interface elements. The Abstract Interface is specified using
the Abstract Widget Ontology, which establishes the vocabulary, shown in Fig. 1.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
This ontology can be thought of as a set of classes whose instances will make up a
given interface.
An abstract interface widget can be any of the following:
• SimpleActivator, which is capable of reacting to external events, such as mouse
• ElementExhibitor, which is able to exhibit some type of content, such as text or
• VariableCapturer, which is able to receive (capture) the value of one or more
variables. This includes input text fields, selection widgets such as pull-down
menus and checkboxes, etc... It generalizes two distinct (sub) concepts;
• IndefiniteVariable, which allows entering hitherto unknown values, such as a text
string typed by the user;
• PredefinedVariable, which abstracts widgets that allow the selection of a subset
from a set of pre-defined values; oftentimes this selection must be a singleton.
Specializations of this concept are ContinousGroup, DiscreetGroup,
MultipleChoices, and SingleChoice. The first allows selecting a single value from
an infinite range of values; the second is analogous, but for a finite set; the
remainder are self-evident.
• CompositeInterfaceElement, which is a composition of any of the above.
It can be seen that this ontology captures the essential roles that interface elements
play with respect to the interaction – either they exhibit information, or they react to
external events, or they accept information. As customary, composite elements allow
building more complex interfaces out of simpler building blocks.
The software designer, who understands the application logic and the kinds of
information exchanges that must be supported to carry out the operations, should
design the abstract interface. This software designer does not have to worry about
several usability issues related to the look and feel, which will be dealt with during
the concrete interface design, normally done by a graphics (or ”experience”) designer.
Once the Abstract Interface has been defined, each element must be mapped onto
both a navigation element, which will provide its contents, and a concrete interface
widget, which will actually implement it in a given runtime environment. Concrete
widgets correspond to those usually available in most runtime environment, such as
labels, text boxes, combo boxes, pull down menus, radio buttons, etc… Fig. 2 and
Fig. 3 show examples of concrete interfaces, the first for a page describing a movie
and the second describing an artist. In sequence, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show abstract
representations for these interfaces.
As represented below, a concrete interface is based on an abstract interface model.
During development of the application we construct the concrete interface by
mapping each abstract widget into a real widget. In this example each element can be
mapped to a text or image. The dispositions of the elements are presented according
to the designer’s choice and the layout details are added later, or bound to the widgets
as CSS styles.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 2 Interface that represents a page of a movie
Fig. 3 Interface that represents a page of an actor
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Attribute = Actors
Repeat = True
Class = Movie
Attributr = Name
Target =
Class = Movie
Attribute = Name
Class = Movie
Attribute= Picture
Class = Movie
Attribute = Description
Class = Director
Attribute = Name
Class = Actor
Atribute = Name
Target = ActorsByMovie
Class = Acts_in
Atribute = Name
Target = ActorsByMovie
Class = Acts_in
Atribute = Photo
Target = ActorByMovie
Class = Genre
Attribute = Name
Class = Studio
Attribute = Name
Target = MovieAlpha.Next
Fig. 4 Abstract interface of a page that describes movies
Attribute = Actors
Repeat = True
Class = Actor
Atribute = Name
Target =
Class = Actor
Attribute = Name
Class = Actor
Attribute = Picture
Class = Actor
Attribute =
Class = Movie
Atribute = Name
Target = MovieAlpha
Class = Acts_in
Atribute = Name
Target = ActorsByMovie
Class = Acts_in
Atribute = Photo
Target = ActorByMovie
Fig. 5 Abstract interface of a page that describes actors
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
3. Introducing Animations in Hypermedia Applications
In this section we cover the systematic process for the insertion of animations during
the design of interface of the application.
The process is composed of four stages illustrated in Fig. 6, in which each of the
stages produces a specific output necessary to the next stage.
Description of the
Abstract Interface
Definition of the
animations for
each transition
Identification of the
interface pairs
Interpretation of
the Specification
Fig. 6 Steps to produce an animated interface
The animations proposed in this work are displayed to the user during interactions
that define a change in the navigational state. Each of these changes is made between
a pair of distinct origin/destination interfaces that represent these states. We call this
process a transition, which can be seen as an intermediate animated interface between
two other interfaces. Note that this intermediate interface is only representational, and
is described as a list of animations.
Each interface is a composition of widgets. A transition animation between
interfaces is the process of visual transformations that changes the source interface
into the destination interface. Therefore, the transformation to be applied to each
widget has to be specified. Fig. 7 illustrates this process.
Source Interface
Fig. 7 Transition representation
Destination Interface
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Interface Pairs
As already stated, the first requirement for setting up an interface animation is the
identification of the widgets that composes each interface. After describing the
abstract interface we will then need to specify which pairs of interfaces will define the
transition, which is determined by the navigational structure of the application and
associated abstract interfaces, as specified in the SHDM model of the application.
Each pair will be composed by a source and a destination interface. The source
identifies the originating state of the transition and the destination the ending interface
displayed after the transition.
As an example we can consider the interfaces described earlier in the document by
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 as a source/destination pair of interfaces. The running example will
represent a transition from the source Movie interface to an Actor destination
Transition Specification
Once we have a list of which elements are available in the source and destination
interfaces, we can identify the existing relation between them and define which
animations may be specified for the transition.
For each defined transition we need to compare the existing widgets in each
interface description, considering their respective mappings to the application model.
The goal is to identify widgets that are mapped to the same element in the model, or
to related elements. As a result, we identify which widgets remain, which disappear,
which appear, and define which are related. The first three behaviors are
straightforward; the last one will depend on which relationship the designer whishes
to expose. A common example of this widget relation is when widgets in the source
and destination interfaces are mapped to different attributes of the same element in the
model (e.g., a name and a picture).
After pairing the widgets, we must determine the transition specification for the
navigational change. Note that each possible change will be triggered during
interaction by a specific widget, which is as an activator element, so it is safe to
assume that the specifications can be made for every activator element of each
The transition specification is made considering a pre-defined range of animation
functions. Three main actions can be applied to a widget: A removal, an insertion or a
transformation. After analyzing and experimenting with which animations identify the
various alternatives, we came up with the list of animation actions below:
• Insert – An insertion animation in which a new widget is added during the
• Remove – A remove animation that removes an existing widget from the interface
during the transition;
• Match – For widgets that remain in the destination interface (i.e. they are present in
both the source and the destination interfaces), it is necessary to match their
appearance parameters such as position, size and color. This transformation
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
animation is responsible for matching these parameters. We can identify which
widgets correspond by insuring that the widgets are mapped to a same element
instance and attribute in the model.
• Trade – A transformation animation responsible for exposing the relation between
two distinct related widgets (i.e. widgets mapped to different attributes of a same
element instance, therefore represented differently) during the transition, as for
example, a morphing effect.
• Emphasize – A transformation animation that alters specific parameters such as
size or color of a widget to emphasize it.
To exemplify how the animations actions are chosen we will initially consider a
transition formed by the source/destination pair of interfaces represented by Fig. 4 and
Fig. 5.
Comparing the two interfaces we notice that there are certain widgets that will
appear only in the Actor interface (destination) such as the ActorDescription widget in this case we can apply an insertion action. Similarly, there are widgets that appear
only in the Movie interface (source) such as the DirectorComposite, on which we
should apply a remove action. For the match action we consider widgets that are
mapped to the same attribute and element of the model in both interfaces, such as the
ActorName and IdxActorName. The emphasis transition is an auxiliary animation
usually applied to give feedback to the user. This animation could be assigned to an
activator widget triggered by the user, such as the ActorName on the source interface,
which activates the transition from Movie to Actor.
To exemplify the trade action we will consider a transition between Movie
interfaces (illustrated in Fig. 4), in which we navigate between objects in the same
context (e.g., next Movie) changing only the element of the model presented, but
maintaining the interface layout. A trade animation can be represented in this
transition, exposing the relation between distinct widgets such as two CharacterPhoto
widgets when they represent the same element of the model (i.e. different characters
of a same actor element).
These functions will also have properties that describe the duration, the effect to
apply (fade, push, grow, etc) and the order in which they should occur within the
transition. The specific properties are specified according to their role in the
transition, described next.
Rhetorical Animation Structure
When we define the transition specification we must describe not only the list of the
animation actions that will occur, but in which order in the timeline they will be
executed. This sequence in which the animations are presented has great importance
since it influences how the transition will be interpreted by the user. Not only the
sequence is important, but also the duration of each of these actions and the chosen
effects during the actions.
Since several transformations can occur in a transition, an improper sequence,
timing or choice of effects could surely confuse the user, defeating the purpose of any
kind of cognitive aid during interaction.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
In order to determine the best sequence and which effects should be used in each
animation we propose the use of a rhetorical animation structure. This approach is
inspired by the use of Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) [10], as it has been used for
generating animation plans ([8]). With this structure we can define the communicative
role of each animation during the transition, and so identify which animations are
more important and how they should be presented to better inform the user of the
transformations that is occurring.
The rhetorical structure is specified in terms of rhetorical categories, which classify
the various possible animation structures. A possible set of rhetorical categories is:
• Removal – Set of all animations that achieve an element removal (widgets that
disappear). Rhetorically, these animations clean up the screen to set the stage for
the upcoming transition;
• Widget Feedback – Any kind of transformation that represents an immediate
feedback of the triggered widget. Rhetorically, these animations emphasize to the
user that the request made has been received, and that the application is about to
respond to it;
• Layout animations – Set of animations that changes (inserts or transforms)
interface widgets that are independent of the contents being exhibited. These
widgets are typically labels, borders, background images, etc;
• Secondary animations – Set of animations that transform interface widgets
associated to secondary (satellite in terms of RST) elements;
• Main animations – Set of animations that transform interface widgets associated to
main (nucleus in terms of RST) elements.
Once the structures are chosen, the designer must decide which animation
functions that have been identified in the previous step fit into each of these
categories. We can partially aid this classification by observing the navigational
model, identifying which relations are more important to describe. For example,
transitions between objects of different classes should help to identify the relation and
the contexts associated with the navigation step being carried out in the transition.
The next step, after the functions have been allocated to the rhetorical categories, is
to determine a rhetorical structure in which the animations will be presented. This is
an important step in the process, as it defines the sequence of animations during the
transition. This sequence can be built in several distinct ways and is one of the main
factors that affect the way the user perceives the transition. Different sequences can
be arranged for each type of navigation. In our example, illustrated in Fig. 8, we have
used one possible sequence using these rhetorical categories.
Remove Transitions
Layo ut Transitions
Widget Feedback
Secondary Transitio ns
Main Transitio ns
Insert Transitions
Fig. 8 Rhetorical animation structure
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
This sequence follows the rationale that first the screen should be cleared of
elements that will disappear, and simultaneously a feedback of the activated widget
should be given. Next, the screen layout is changed to reflect the destination interface,
in parallel with the secondary transitions (i.e., those that are judged as accessory to the
main transition) are made. Then the main transition is carried out, as the most
important part, followed by the insertion of new elements.
After defining the rhetorical animation structure we need to map the categories into
concrete transitions that describe which are the effects, duration and the sequence of
the actions within the structure. This is necessary since each category has a different
role in the rhetoric animation structure and must be presented differently to express
the desired semantics to the user. For instance, since the main animation category
behaves as the most important part of the transition, we should present the composing
animations in a way that most gathers attention of the user, such as exaggerated
movements or presenting the animations that compose this category one at a time,
avoiding overlaps.
The specification is done through a set of styles defined as a Rhetorical style sheet.
The choices of which effect to apply in each action, the duration and what will be the
sequence of execution inside each category can be done in several different ways, and
is a result of the designer preferences.
This process can be guided by the use of specific patterns that gather solutions to
common transition problems within a specific context. These patterns can help the
designer identify how the actions should be defined to attract a correct degree of
attention of the user. For instance we can use the following set of general rules
described in the Yahoo Pattern Design Library [13]:
The more rapid the change the more important the event.
Rapid movement is seen as more important than rapid color change.
Movement toward the user is seen as more important than movement
away from the user.
Very slow change can be processed without disrupting the user's attention.
Movement can be used to communicate where an object's new home is.
By seeing the object moving from one place to another we naturally
understand where it went and therefore will be able to locate the object in
the future.
Transitions should normally be reflexive. If an object moved and
collapsed to a new spot, you should be able to open it and see it open up
with the reverse transition. If you delete an object and it fades, then if you
create an object it should fade into place. This reinforces the concept of
'symmetry of action' (the opposite action is implied by the initial action.)
Nevertheless, it is still necessary to experiment with different rhetoric style sheets
and examine which would better represent the transition.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The next step once the specification is done is to interpret this specification so the
animations are presented to the user during the interaction. This process is technology
dependent and can be done for any kind of hypermedia representation. In this work
we use an environment for supporting animation on web documents, in which HTML
web pages represent the different types of interfaces. In our example, the environment
was implemented with javascript technology using dynamic HTML for the
The process of animation will initiate once a user has triggered a transition by
clicking on a widget on the source interface. The activating widget has a transition
specification bound to it, redirecting the user to a destination interface. In this case the
distinct interfaces are also distinct web pages. Once the element is clicked a request to
the destination page and transition specification are made, providing access to all the
necessary widgets and actions. When the elements are available the transition
specification, which is formed by a list of animation function calls, is interpreted,
executing each animation as specified. In our case the functions are described by a
javascript library and rendered by the browser.
In our environment the animations are all made on the source interface. This
approach is feasible because the appearance of a new destination interface can be
considered as a set of transformations over the source that results in a final interface.
In other words, when the execution of all animations in the specification is completed
the result is the destination interface of the transition. However, since we are dealing
with HTML documents, in this approach the final interface would be displayed in the
source url, so we redirect the user to the destination interface url, at the end of the
transition. This is a necessary step, since the user can then reference the state of the
navigation via its url.
The diagram that represents our environment is illustrated below (Fig. 9). In the
diagram first the user interacts with an activating widget in the source interface, then
the destination interface, followed by the specification, are loaded and executed.
Finally the user is redirected to the destination interface.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Transition Specification
Document that
describes the
originating interface
Document that
describes the
destination interface
Interacts with widget
Request destination Interface
Request specification
Set of animations that
describe the transition
Renders animations
Redirect to destinatio n
Renders final interface
Fig. 9 Diagram representing the the genral sequence of events in the environment.
We have developed a prototype of a flash application of an hypermedia movie
database with the approach described on this document to validate and exemplify the
use of animation during interactions, where the user can step through each phase in
the rhetorical structure, to better understand what is happening (hence the use of flash
instead of the implemented javascript). This example can be accessed at (requires a flash plugin to
4. Conclusions
This paper presented an approach for adding animation to hypermedia applications,
enriching a set of existing models in SHDM. Although several initiatives exist to add
animation to web pages, we are not aware of any published description of approaches
dealing with entire web page transitions.
We have so far made only informal evaluations of the resulting interfaces obtained
through this approach. Users have given positive feedback about the so-called “user
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
experience”, and seem to prefer animated interfaces over equivalent non-animated
interfaces. However, a more systematic evaluation will still be carried out.
While based on models and being more structured, the present approach still poses
authoring difficulties, since they require manual insertion and choice of animation
effects for each interface widget. We are currently investigating the use of wizards
and the construction of a Rhetorical Style Sheet library to aid designers for the more
common tasks routinely encountered in designing hypermedia applications.
Another goal is to allow partial animations in web pages, supporting AJAX style of
Acknowledgement: Daniel Schwabe was partially supported by a grant from CNPq.
5. References
Beacker, R; Small, I. Animation at the Interface. In B, Laurel, The Art of HumanComputer Interface Design, Addison-Wesley, New York 1990.
Bederson, B.B; Boltman, A. Does Animation Help Users Build Mental Maps of Spatial
Information? In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization '99
(InfoVis `99), pp. 28 - 35, IEEE Press, 1999.
Chang, B; Ungar, D. Animation: From Cartoons to User Interface. UIST'93 Conference
Proceedings, 1993, 45-55.
Drucker, S. M., Wong, C., Roseway, A., Glenner, S. Mar, S. MediaBrowser: Reclaiming
the Shoebox, AVI’04, Gallipoli, Italy.
Gonzalez, C., Does animation in user interfaces improve decision making?, Proceedings of
the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: common ground, p.2734, April 13-18, 1996, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Huynh, D. F., Drucker, S. M., Baudisch, P., Wong, C. Time Quilt: Scaling up Zoomable
Photo Browsers for Large, Unstructured Photo Collections, CHI’04 Portland, Oregon,
Johnston, O.;Thomas, F., Disney Animation-The Illusion of Life, Abbeville Press, New
York, 1981.
Kennedy, K.; Mercer, R. E. 2002. Using Communicative Acts to Plan the
Cinematographic Structure of Animations. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the
Canadian Society For Computational Studies of intelligence on Advances in Artificial
intelligence (May 27 - 29, 2002). R. Cohen and B. Spencer, Eds. Lecture Notes In
Computer Science, vol. 2338. Springer-Verlag, London, 132-146.
Lima, F.; Schwabe, D.: “Application Modeling for the Semantic Web”, Proceedings of
LA-Web 2003, Santiago, Chile, Nov. 2003. IEEE Press, pp. 93-102, ISBN (available at
Mann, W. S.; Thompson, S., Rhetorical Structure Theory: Toward a Functional Theory of
Text Organization. Text, 8(13):243–281, 1988
May, J, Dean, M. P. e Barnard P.J., Using Film Cutting Techniques in Interface Design.
Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 18, pp. 325-372, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Inc. 2003..
Regan, T., Drucker, S., Lofstrom, M. e Glatzer, A., The Visual Decision Maker – A Movie
Recommender for Co-located Users. Technical Report, Microsoft Research, 2002.
at parent.php?pattern=transition).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Modelling Interactive Web Applications:
From Usage Modelling towards Navigation Models
Birgit Bomsdorf
University Hagen, Germany
[email protected]
Abstract. This paper presents the WebTaskModel approach, by which task
model concepts are adapted for the purpose of modelling interactive web
applications. The main difference to existing task models is the introduction and
build-time usage of a generic task lifecycle. Hereby the description of
exceptions and error cases of task performance is on the one hand appended to
the task while, on the other hand, being clearly separated. Furthermore, it is
shown how an initial navigation model is derived from a WebTaskModel,
whereby also the objects attached to a task description are considered.
Keywords: usage-centred design, task model, navigation model, model-driven
1 Introduction
Both Web Engineering (WE) and Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) follow a usercentred modelling approach, even though, with different emphasis on various aspects.
In the field of WE, model-based approaches, e.g., WebML [5], OOHDM [18], and
WSDM [15] have their origin in the development of hypermedia as well as
information systems, incorporating more and more methods and techniques known
from Software Engineering (SE), or, as in the case of UWE [8], being strongly related
to SE. In general, the WE development process starts with requirement analysis. By
this the objective of the web site, the intended user groups and their tasks are
identified. This information is described, e.g., by means of narrative scenarios, use
cases and a kind of task model.
However, task models as applied in the HCI field [7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17] provide
richer concepts, e.g., describing constraints and temporal relations defining conditions
and sequencing of task execution. Task models are used as formal input to the
subsequent development steps, such as user interface modelling. In contrast to this, in
web modelling task models are used primarily as a means to explore requirements and
are limited to high-level task descriptions only. The documents are taken mainly as
input to derive the conceptual domain model and in some cases the (data-centred)
navigation model. Hence, the focus is shifted away from the users and their tasks to
the objects to be provided to them. The user-centred view is not kept up during
subsequent activity to the degree as in HCI.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
All in all, WE and HCI include task and domain modelling – but with different
importance and impact on subsequent modelling steps. Also the question by which
concept the modelling process should start is answered unequally. Up-to date
approaches have to support both starting with a conceptual model of the domain as
well as with a task model. Developing state-of-the-art web applications includes
designing access to an information space as well as to a function space – both are
needed in different combinations, not only within the whole web site but also within
single pages. For example, when a customer visits an online book store information
about books and relations between them may be in the foreground. Once the customer
wants to check out, the activities to be performed are dominating. From the users’
point of view, however, the distinction in accessing the information space or the
function space is of no interest. They simply want to reach their goals easily – which
has to be accomplished by an appropriate design.
In our point of view the development process should start with both task model and
conceptual model of the domain. Models taken for the high-level description of web
applications should provide concepts so that designers can choose and alternate
between behavioural and data centric modelling as well as combining them. In the
following we present how this can be supported by combining task and object models
as known from HCI with conceptual modelling known from WE. Throughout the
paper we focus mainly on task modelling aspects and its adaptation for the purpose of
web processes. In section 2 we first clarify different perspectives taken during
modelling of the processes to point out where our approach fits in. Task model
concepts cannot be applied straightforwardly due to the differences between
traditional user interfaces and web applications. In section 3 and 4 we present
WebTaskModel, an adapted web task model. We also propose a combined
specification of simplified and extensively specified objects and their relation to task
models. Afterwards, in section 5, it is shown how that model can be transformed into
an initial navigation model.
2 Modelling of Web Processes
The importance of processes in web applications is increasing. The inclusion of their
specification in existing modelling approaches leads to the adoption and adaptation of
different models, whereby business processes, workflow or user task models are most
commonly utilized. In principle they provide similar concepts, but usage in existing
approaches differs. The differences are often small, being one reason leading to
misunderstandings – not only between WE and HCI but also within each community.
The consideration of the development perspective that is taken within modelling
supports a first clarification. Web applications, as considered here, are characterized
by three kinds of processes:
Usage-oriented processes represent from the perspective of the users how they
perform tasks and activities by means of the web application.
Domain-oriented processes result from the domain and the purpose of the web
application. Examples of such processes are business processes in e-commerce
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
or didactical design in e-learning. The process specification reflects the view
point of the site owner and his goals.
System-based processes are specified from the perspective of the developer aiming at
implementation. The description is conditioned by, e.g., business logic and
system internal control information. This group of processes also includes the
models of web services which are specified by business processes as well.
The processes investigated and specified by these perspectives are highly interlinked,
being partially orthogonal while in other parts building intersections. Both WE and
HCI provide answers of how to model such web processes but with different
emphasis of the usage perspective and different utilization of the resulting
specifications in subsequent design steps.
In OO-H and UWE [8] business processes are described at conceptual level (by
means of UML activity diagrams this time) and subsequently transformed into the
design model. In OO-H the process model is mapped onto the navigation model; thus
the processes are expressed at this level in terms of the (already defined) concepts. In
contrast to this, within OOHDM [16] and UWE the navigation model is expanded by
new node and link types representing processes and interconnections with the
traditional data-centric navigation model. The navigation process model describes a
decomposition structure that is comparable to task hierarchies. The links to the parts
of the data-centric navigation nodes showing points where the user may access such a
process and thus control is passed over.
While in UWE system operations are already introduced by object methods, in
OOHDM the conceptual model comprises process objects with temporary lifetime for
specifying business processes and hierarchical decomposition. WebML [4] introduces
new symbols in their notation for describing workflows, which show flow of data
objects and their manipulation by system operations.
WSDM [6] has a strong emphasis on the user-centred view. For describing user
tasks the CTT notation [9] is used in a slightly modified version. The modifications
allow specification of transactions as a grouping mechanism for tasks. Similar to the
work by [10], task models are used as design models and refined up to the level of
dialog models. Afterwards, the initial structure of the navigation model is adopted
from the task model structure. i.e., the task model is translated into the notation of the
navigation model.
In [19] the CTT task notation is applied as well but more strictly than by WSDM
in regarding task types. As a result, in [19] the leaf tasks describe the dialog (by
alternating user and system tasks). These are transformed into the navigation model
that is described in a states chart based notation. States represent pages containing
graphic or executable objects. However, the objects are not modelled within the states but
the inner control structure according to the state’s function. In contrast to this, in WSDM
the behaviour is described by means of object inspection and modifications as relevant in
the task context.
As a rule of thumb, task models concern mainly usage-oriented processes, whereas
business process models and workflows are more used to cover the domain- and
system-oriented perspective. Generally, process/workflow models focus more on
responsibilities and task assignment, whereas the concept tasks relate more to user
goals. Control structures used in process/workflow models are basically adopted from
programming languages, whereas constructors in task models are more influenced by
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the domain and the users. The prevalent focus in modelling differs as well. Task
models put the decomposition structure into the foreground which is typically denoted
by means of a hierarchical tree notation. Process models lay the primary focus on the
sequencing information, formulated in most cases in terms of UML activity diagrams.
The work presented in the following sections focuses on the description of useroriented processes at an abstract level. It is based on task modelling as well but with
extensions aiming at web applications.
3 Modelling High-Level Usage Behaviour with WTM
The WebTaskModel (WTM) presented here enhances our previous work on task
based modelling [3]. We extend the modelling concepts to account more
appropriately for characteristics of interactive web applications. In contrast to other
approaches of task modelling, we assume the developer not to describe the complete
application by means of a connected task model; instead task modelling can be
applied whenever usage-centred aspects are under investigation. In the case
information (objects and their semantic relations) is dominating the modelling focus
the well-known models and notations (such as UML and Entity-Relationship
diagrams) can be applied. The resulting specification consists of several task models,
interrelated and linked to data-centric model parts. Since from this a first navigation
structure is derived, neither the task nor the content structure dominates the entire web
user interface but only those parts where appropriate.
3.1 Basic Task Description
As an example of task modelling, figure 1 shows parts of the model of an online
travel agency. As in general, the task hierarchy, showing decomposition of a task into
its subtasks, and different task types are modelled. In the specification of high-level
usage behaviour we distinguish cooperation tasks (represented by
) to denote
pieces of work that are performed by the user in conjunction with the web application;
user tasks ( ) that denote the user parts of the cooperation and are thus performed
without system intervention; system tasks ( ) to define pure system parts. Abstract
tasks (
), similarly to [9] are compound tasks the subtask of which belong to
different task categories. This is very similar to the CTT notation, but since it is not
alike in every particular a slightly different notation is used here.
Figure 1 depicts three separate task models specifying the login/logout procedure,
the booking of a flight and a hotel, and the single-task model get tourist information.
We define no dependency between these models to allow a user to switch between the
tasks, e.g., to perform the login process at every point within the booking process. At
this modelling stage, all isolated task models are conceptually related by the web application (here Flight Application). The position in the final site and thus inclusion of
the related interaction elements into pages depends on the navigation and page design.
The number of task executions is constrained by cardinalities of the form
(min,max), whereby no label indicates mandatory performance, i.e, card=(1,1). The
task perform login process is marked with (1..*) to denote that the user can repeat it
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
as often as he wants. Labels indicating min=0 define optional tasks (in the example
alter shipping data and alter payment data). Additionally, the label T is used to define
transactional tasks, i.e., task sequences that have to be performed completely
successfully, or not at all (payment in the example).
Project: Flight Application
get tourist
perform login process
book flight and hotel
find a flight
enter flight
choose a hotel
a flight
alter shipping data
alter payment data
Fig. 1. Examples of Task Models
The order of task execution is given by temporal relations. In contrast to CTTs [9],
we assign them not individually between sibling tasks but to the parent task, so that
the same temporal relation is valid for all of the subtasks. Relations typically used in
task models are sequential task execution, parallel task execution, and selection of
one task from a set of alternative tasks. Further relations are described in [9] and [3].
In the notation used in figure 1, temporal relations are denoted by abbreviations. The
tasks find a flight, choose a hotel and payment have to be performed strictly one after
the other (denoted by Seq) in the specified order (denoted by
Tasks of an arbitrary sequence, such as provide departure and provide arrival or
alter shipping data and alter payment data, are performed one after the other in any
arbitrary order (denoted by ASeq), so that at one point in time only one of the tasks is
under execution. SeqB is an extension we made to describe task ordering that often
exists in web applications: going “back” systematically to an already executed task of
a sequence. Hereby, the results of that task or of the complete sequence up from that
task are rolled back and the tasks can be performed again. In the example, the user is
guided through the tasks of payment. Before he accepts the conditions or confirms he
is allowed to go back to re-perform alter data and accept conditions, respectively.
Since validate data is a system task, the user cannot step back to it, but it is performed
automatically after each execution of alter data. Guided tours as traditionally
implemented in web sites provide similar behaviour but with different effect. Visitors
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
are guided through an information space enabling them to leave the tour at any
arbitrary point without any effect on the information space or domain model.
3.2 Object Views and Domain Objects
We make use of simplified object models as well as of detailed models describing
conceptual domain objects. The descriptions are detailed as needed during modelling
of abstract behaviour, refined and completed in subsequent development steps. A
simplified object model is used particularly for describing task objects. Such objects
represent information units as observed and used by the user (i.e., by the different
roles) during task performance. They are not considered as irredundant information
sources, but rather as views on the information and function space. In the example,
the customer should be able to choose a hotel depending on the selected flight. Thus a
list of all hotels located at the place of arrival should be made available to the user
(see figure 2). The connections between tasks and task objects are denoted by involves
relations, which may be refined by specifications of object manipulations (s. below).
Additional information, such as constraints or derivation from the domain objects, is
attached informally. In the example, in the underlying database we would store each
hotel by a single object, based from which the hotel list can be dynamically derived
and inserted into a web page.
Properties of task objects and task object types, respectively, are described by
means of attributes while their life cycles are specified by means of a finite state
machine. Hereby, only those aspects are modelled that are relevant to the user while
performing a task and interacting with the system, respectively.
find a flight
choose a hotel
enter flight
a flight
for all items in HotelList: = myFlight.arrival
visible: Boolean
Fig. 2. Examples of Task Objects
A user may want to get some information about the city or region he is going to fly
to. Let us assume the site owner wants to provide short descriptions in combination
with related books the user should be able to buy through the web site as well. In
addition, they should be able to get further information about books and authors.
Therefore, we have been inserting the task get tourist information in figure 1. Since
the actions the user may perform in this context are basically content-driven, we
decide to describe this part by means of views and the conceptual domain model. We
apply UML diagrams by which the model can be described in a very detailed way.
Figure 3 outlines only extracts from the domain and view model as related to get
tourist information. As described by the view model, the city description will be
presented to the user. By means of an index list (denoted by the index symbol
adopt from web modelling) the user can select a book to get detailed information
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
about its content and its authors. The derivation of the view from the domain model
may be described informally or by SQL like statements (not shown here).
Domain Model
View Model
Fig. 3. Parts of the Domain and View Model
3.3 Conditions
Task execution may depend also on business rules, context information and results of
tasks performed so far. These dependencies are specified by pre- and post-conditions.
A pre-condition is a logical expression that has to hold true before starting the task;
once it is started the condition is no longer checked. A post-condition is a logical
expression which has to be satisfied for completing the task. In contrast to pre- and
post-conditions, temporal relations decide on ordering of task execution. Once a task
could be performed because of the sequencing information, the conditions can be
evaluated to determine if an execution is actually enabled and may be finalized,
Condition specifications can be given differently, e.g., in terms of logical
expressions. In the following a condition refers to the result of its evaluation (that
basically yields “true” or “false”). In the WebTaskModel approach structuring and
composition of conditions are separated from their usage in the context of tasks. A
condition may be relevant for more than one task, possibly assigned to a task as a precondition while being a post-condition for another one. Since conditions are
formulated separately from tasks and objects they can be attached flexibly to tasks.
4 Task State Information
4.1 Generic Task Lifecycle
Tasks undergo different states while they are performed. The states are also
significant to users since in their planning of follow-up activities they take into
account current task situations. It is important to a user, whether he can start to work
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
on a task (initiated) or not because of unfulfilled conditions, or if he is already
performing a task and thus its subtasks (running). Further task states and the possible
transitions between them are given in figure 5. Start, End, Skip, Restart, Suspend,
Resume and Abort can be used to represent events resulting from user interactions or
internal system events. The coordination of the usage-oriented processes with the
domain-oriented and system-based processes is realized by means of these events.
Start, End and Skip are particularly significant in designing the web user interface
since they signalize the need of interaction elements.
The global events timeout , navigate_out, navigate_in are generated from “outside”
and valid for all states but the end states (skipped, completed and terminated). The
timeout event is a pure system event introduced here to deal with the occurrence of
session timeouts. In contrast to user interfaces of traditional applications the
Client/Browser provides additional navigation interactions (e.g., Back-button,
navigation history). The WebTaskModel provides the events navigate_in and
navigate_out to deal explicitly with unexpected user navigations by which he leaves
or steps into a predefined ordering of task execution. Such user behaviour as well as
session timeouts have to be considered at the level of task modelling since they may
significantly impact the predefined processes. First of all the relevance of a global
event for a specific task is to be decided: Should something happen at all or should a
global event cause no special behaviour of the “task”. If it is relevant, the impact on
further task executions and on the results reached so far is to be fixed: Should a task
be aborted, be interrupted or should occur nothing? Should modifications on objects
remain or is a rollback to be performed? Reaction in each case is in general a matter
of application design (examples are given below).
if all preconditions are
fulfilled the task can
be started
the task is omitted
denotes the actual
performance of the
task and of it’s
subtasks, if applicable
marks a successful
task execution
events valid
in all states
suspended the task is interrupted
indicates an abort
Fig. 5. Generic Task State Machine
The generic task life cycle originally served as part of the control component of the
final run time system [2, 1] and within our model simulation tool. It was planned not
to be visible explicitly in a task model editor. The developer should be able to attach
specifications of error and special cases to it by using a terminology which is related
to the cases and not to states and transitions. What do we mean by this?
One extension of our web-task model is given by the explicit specification of
interruptions from the users’ point of view. Here we distinguish three phases: The
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
prologue description contains the information presented to the user and the required
behaviour when the task is going to be suspended. Similarly, the epilogue (phase of
resuming a task) description shows the information to be presented to the user and
required behaviour to continue. The phase of the interruption is called within
interruption. Referring to the task life cycle, prologue specifications are assigned to
the Suspend transition, within interruption specifications are assigned to in_state and
epilogue specifications are assigned to Resume transition. The assignments were
planned to be performed internally by the editor software while the developer models
in terms of prologue and epilogue.
We applied our extended task model in small projects (in industry as well as in
students’ projects) before implementing an editor. The experiences show that the
models are more structured and concise in the cases the developers could make use of
the task state machine directly. Although we do not regard this as a representative
evaluation, it motivates us to re-design our first editor conception. As a result, the
main task structure is modelled as usually by means of a hierarchical tree notation
while additional behaviour can be assigned explicitly to states and transitions.
The actions of a behaviour may affect tasks, objects and/or conditions. An action
a task by sending a global or specific task event to it (task-action),
an object by sending an event to the object (by which involves relations are
described in more detail) (object-action),
a condition by setting its value (condition-action).
The actions are triggered
either by a global task
event or a specific task
event (event-trigger),
or by entering or leaving a
state (on-entry, on-exit) or
while the task is in the
state (state-trigger).
As an abbreviation we use
here the notation: task.taskstate.task-event Æ action
where task-event is either an
event-trigger or a statetrigger, and action is a taskaction, an object-action or a
4.2 Example: Specific
Behaviour Specification
Figure 6 shows the
behaviours defined so far for
the task select flight. A
Fig. 6. Task Behaviour Specification
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
navigate_out occurring while the task is running is treated in this example as an
interruption, which is formulated by
select flight.running.navigate_out Æ send Suspend to task select flight
Further behaviours are:
select flight.running.navigate_out Æ send store to object myFlight
select flight.suspended.Resume Æ send restore to object myFlight
select flight.suspended.Resume Æ send flight_selection_incomplete
to object message
The specification does not describe from what user interaction the navigate_out
results. For example, it may be generated because the user starts to browse through
the tourist information:
get tourist information.running.on_entry Æ send navigate_out to task select flight
In general, the specification of how to handle an event is uncoupled from its
occurrence. The reactions are described locally in the context of each task. A navigate
out, however, cannot be detected in all cases (due to the HTTP protocol). The user
may navigate to an external web site leaving the current task process open. At a
predefined point in time the web application server will terminate the user session,
whereby the timeout event is generated. We could make use of this event to formulate
the same behaviour as defined for navigate_out:
select flight.running. timeout Æ send Suspend to task select flight
However, if the user is not logged in we do not know how to assign to him the data
collected so far. So we model a system task handle timeout that differentiates the
select flight.running.timeout Æ send Start to task handle timeout
All in all, there are diverse causes and different ways of detecting navigations
beyond task sequencing. As shown by these few examples, the task life cycle model
can be used in a flexible way to describe complex behaviour of high level tasks. The
events timeout, navigate_out and navigate_in are used only if they impact high-level
behaviour. If, for example, two tasks are represented and accessible, respectively, by
the same page, it is rather useless to attach reactions to the navigate_out and
navigate_in events. Furthermore, it is oversized to have a less complex task controlled
by the generic life cycle. Our experience so far shows, that in particular navigate_out
specifications are not very often defined at the task abstraction layer, but if so they are
effective in keeping the web application behaviour consistent over all web pages
presenting the same task.
5 Initial Navigation Model
The Navigation model, as specified in the field of WE, shows the information
elements the navigation space is made of and possible ways of how a visitor may
access these elements. Typically it is expressed in terms of nodes and links. The
objective is to define the content and logical structure of the pages, as well as
accessing criteria and kinds of navigation.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
In HCI focus is on models describing access to system functionality. In our work
we make use of dialog modelling, which we adapted for the concerns of web user
interface development [1]. The task model and the dialog model are two separate
models at different levels of abstractions. They largely cover the same information:
the organization of the user’s interaction with the application. While the task model
concentrates on the tasks/activities that need to be performed, the dialog model
focuses on how these activities are organized chronologically in the user interface.
Following the tradition of model-based design in the field of HCI, we base the dialog
description on the task model. An initial navigation model is used as an intermediate
step in this process providing the transition from the view on task decomposition to
the view on chronological task flow. In the remaining of this section we present how
the navigation model can be derived from the task and the object models leading to an
integrated WE-HCI-navigation model.
5.1 Task Access Units
The navigation meta-model is extended by the concept
of a task access unit. Leaf tasks of the task hierarchy
basically denote the places interactions have to be designed
for. Therefore, a unit is derived for each leaf task. Figure 7
Fig. 7. Task Access Unit
depicts the basic symbol of a task unit and the possible
navigation transitions (task links) resulting from the task states completed and
skipped. These links are inserted systematically into the navigation model depending
on the cardinality constraints:
iterative completed
skip transition
(1,*), (0,*), (k,*)
(k,k), 1 < k
(i,k), i < k
9 transition to be inserted
- transition not to be inserted
An iterative completed transition represents the case that the task is executed
successfully but can be iterated. Completed and skip transitions end at the symbol of
the subsequent task. Determination of this “next task” is based on the task structure
and the temporal relations. In the case of a sequence this is quite simple: The task
units are connected by links according to the given order. Figure 8 presents the initial
navigation model for the task models shown in figure 1. The C-link from the login
unit to the logout unit results from the Seq relation. Since the entire process can be
repeated, the outgoing completed transition of logout ends at login. The link perform
login process.S results from the unbounded repetition number of the superior task. All
in all, this little navigation sequence holds the same information as the task model:
The user can login and afterwards logout. He can repeat this sequence as often as he
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
likes or omit it. For a SeqB relation (as defined for payment) the back-links are
additionally inserted. The task book flight and hotel consists also of subtask to be
performed in a sequence. This time the transformation from the decomposition
structure into the chronological structure is a little bit more complex since different
temporal relations have to be converted.
Some temporal relations would result in a complex link structure if we want to
denote all possibilities by means of simple task units and links. As a kind of
abbreviation we define new access structure units. Two of them are used in the
represents the arbitrary sequence. The dotted arrows
example navigation model.
link all task units to it which can be visited under that temporal relation. Both the Clinks of provide departure and of provide arrival point back to the symbol, denoting
that after visiting and completing one of them the next one can be performed. After
completion of the entire sequence the user is directed to the next task, which is
unit to the choose a flight unit.
represented by the C-link from the
the possibility to switch between different task groups. In the example it is used to
connect the task navigation structures resulting from the given task models. The task
access units are derived systematically from the WebTaskModel similarly as simple
task units. All in all, the respective task symbols can be interrelated by C- S- and Ttransitions, as well as by trigger-transitions resulting from task triggers. Instead of
going into the details oft this, we shift the focus to the attachment of objects.
i nv
Fig. 8. Initial Navigation Model
5.2 Object Access Units
The view model in figure 3 depicts a part of an object-driven navigation model as
used by our approach. Similarly to navigation classes in UWE or object chunks in
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
WSDM, and like in OOHDM we describe nodes as views on the domain model.
These nodes represent objects and content, respectively, to be included in the web
pages of the site. The example in figure 8 shows how the task flow description can be
linked easily to the specification of the data-driven navigation. Such links are derived
from the involves-links, i.e., from the object-actions that are specified in behaviours
attached to task states and transitions. Hereby, task access units are linked to access
units derived from the object model. The other way round, tasks can be linked to
object units to denote tasks the user may perform in the context of the object (as
shown by the example of buy book). Starting with simple or informal object
descriptions and replacing them by sophisticated view specifications, the involve
relation is refined by mapping method calls to the object-actions.
In addition, we adopt the access structure elements
book list
as defined by web modelling approaches, e.g., to
select a
and access by
denote an index , a guided tour
. Access structures, which are
means of a search
index book
based on data structures stemming from the domain Fig. 9. Compound access unit
model, represent a useful abstraction from the representation of the book index
specification of single units and links. Task access
structure units as introduced above do the same based on task performance structure.
All in all, task-centred and object-centred access can be described by similar
concepts, but with slightly different meanings. For example, an index access structure
implicitly defines required interactions. In the example the user has to select a book
from a list to access more information by means of book details (see figure 9).
Similarly, the city information object requires the city name for which the information
is to be provided. Thus, the task get tourist information has to be refined
appropriately, e.g., by an interaction tasks “fill in city name”. We postpone further
refinements to the interaction and dialog modelling since they describe the interface
behaviour rather than domain and application specific high-level usage.
Overall, object-driven views on the domain model are basically decomposed into
their data-driven and interaction-driven parts. Hereby, the model describes task-based
and object-based access in a unified and very granular way. Based on this generic
access components are defined by means of compound access units. These units
describe the building blocks of the access space, which are specialized through the
user interface design. We recommend this approach particularly if the design of the
concrete user interface is under investigation or the access space should support
multiple interfaces.
6 Conclusion
The modelling proposed in this paper supports equal modelling of tasks and objects
(content), so that none of the models dominate per se the web site structure. All in all,
we approach the design of the access space from both the task model and the object
model and integrate them in the access model. Hereby object views can be refined up
to the level of the included content information and interactions.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The main extension introduced by the WebTaskModel consists of the explicit
description of task performance by means of state information. The modifications aim
particularly at developing web applications but are applicable to traditional interactive
systems as well, e.g., the concepts for modelling interruptions from the users’ point of
view. Needless to mention that hereby also system functionality required for handling
the interruptions can be referenced.
In our approach we distinguish between domain objects and views on them. This is
also applied in WE modelling approaches – even sometimes not mentioned explicitly.
Different in our approach is that we also make use of less detailed described task
objects as defined in HCI. Similarly to [13] we describe modifications on task objects
by means of state-transition-diagrams. In that work the task models are only used as
an informal input to derive the object transitions. We retain the task model and bound
it to the objects by pre-/post-conditions and events triggering the transitions. This is
more flexible and allows using both models as formal input within the subsequent
navigation and interaction design. First experience showed that developers tend to
favour only one of the object types at a time depending on their background.
This paper also presents our steps towards generating an initial navigation model.
This work basically combines two approaches: The derivation of an initial dialog
model as followed by the HCI community, whereby focus is on the orchestration of
activities – and the derivation of a navigation structure model as applied in WE,
whereby focus is on the arrangement of content. It was shown by the notation used
above, how the task flow structure can be translated into the node-link-terminology of
navigation models. The task access structure units may be also useful in dialog
modelling to visualize the initial dialog model. OOHDM [18] make use of User
Interaction Diagrams (UIDs) focussing exclusively on the information exchanged
between the application and the user. UIDs provide a notation for data-oriented dialog
descriptions comparable to dialog graphs. Each state is specified by the data
exchanged between a user and the web application. It is used as an informal input for
navigation modelling later on, which is supported by guidelines. Furthermore, it is not
formally integrated with the OOHDM business process modelling [16]. In contrast to
OOHDM, on the one hand our approach is based on task performance that relates to
users’ goals. On the other hand, the WebTaskModel is used formally to derive the
initial access model.
Task models can be refined down to the dialog level, e.g., as done in WSDM and
[10]. Alternatively, the dialog can be described by a separate dialog model, e.g., as
introduced in [19]. Currently, we investigate both directions. In [1] a refined
WebTaskModel is combined with so-called Abstract Dialog Units (ADUs). The task
units are used as placeholders for objects (content, interaction and control objects).
This is similar to WSDM but our approach allows attaching object views not only to
leaf task. Hereby, we can define views relevant for several tasks.
The general objective of our work is to provide a modelling and runtime support
for multiple user interfaces. WebTaskModel is used at the build time to generically
define the task and domain specific behaviour of the site. The resulting models are
transformed into a runtime system, whereby the task state machines becomes part of
the controller, i.e., of a task-related controller [1, 2].
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
1. Betermieux, S.; Bomsdorf, B. Finalizing Dialog Models at Runtime, accepted for 7th
International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2007). July 2007, Como, Italy, 2007.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User
Interfaces, Valenciennes, France: Kluwer, 349–356, 2002.
3. Bomsdorf, B. A coherent and integrative modelling framework for the task-based
development of interactive system (in German: Ein kohärenter, integrativer Modellrahmen
zur aufgabenbasierten Entwicklung interaktiver Systeme), Heinz-Nixdorf-Institut,
Universität Paderborn, Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik, 1999.
4. Brambilla, M.; Ceri, S.; Fraternali, P.; Manolescu, I.; Process Modeling in Web Applications, In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2006.
5. Ceri, S.; Daniel, F.; Matera, M.; Facca, F., Model-driven Development of Context-Aware
Web Applications. To appear in: ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT),
volume 7, number 2, 2007.
6. De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: Modeling Complex Processes for Web Applications using
WSDM, In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software
Technologies (IWWOST2003), 2003.
7. Forbrig, P.; Schlungbaum, E.: Model-based Approaches to the Development of Interactive
Systems, Second Multidisciplinary Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and User Interface
Development - With emphasis on Social Cognition, Freiburg, 1997.
8. Koch, N.; Kraus, A.; Cachero, Ch.; Meliá, S.;. Integration of business processes in web
application models. Journal of Web Engineering, 3(1):22–49, 2004.
9. Paternò, F.; Model-based Design and Evaluation of Interactive Applications, Springer
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10.Paternò, F, Santoro, C.: A unified method for designing interactive systems adaptable to
mobile and stationary platforms In: Computer-Aided Design of User Interface, Interacting
with Computers, Vol.15(3), 349-366, 2003.
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12.Puerta, A.; Cheng, E.; Tunhow Ou, and Justin Min. MOBILE: User-centered interface
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13.Szwillus, G., Bomsdorf, B.: Models for Task-Object-Based Web Site Management. In:
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14.Stary, Ch.; Task- and model-based development of interactive software. In Proceedings of
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16.Schmid, H.A.; Rossi, G.: Designing Business Processes in E-commerce Applications.In: ECommerce and Web Technologies, Third International Conference, EC-Web 2002, 353-362,
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18.Vilain, P., Schwabe, D.; Improving the Web Application Design Process with UIDs, 2nd
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19.Winckler, M., J. Vanderdonckt, J.: Towards a User-Centered Design of Web Applications
based on a Task Model; In: International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software
Technologies (IWWOST'2005).
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE 2007)
Geert-Jan Houben1, Nora Koch2 and Antonio Vallecillo3
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and FAST GmbH, Germany
Universidad de Málaga, Spain
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Web Engineering is a specific domain in which Model-Driven Software Development
(MDSD) can be successfully applied. Existing model-based Web engineering approaches already provide well-known methods and tools for the design and development of most kinds of Web applications. They address different concerns using separate models (content, navigation, presentation, business processes, etc.) and are supported by model compilers that produce most of the application’s Web pages and
logic based on these models. However, most of these Web Engineering proposals do
not fully exploit all the potential benefits of MDSD, such as complete platform independence, explicit and independent representation of the different aspects that intervene in the development of a Web application, or the ability to exchange models
between the different tools.
Recently, the MDA initiative has introduced a new approach for organizing the design of an application into different models such that portability, interoperability and
reusability can be obtained through architectural separation of concerns. MDA covers
a wide spectrum of topics and issues like MOF-based metamodels, UML profiles,
model transformations, modeling languages and tools. Another MDSD approach,
Software Factories, provides concepts and resources for the model-based design of
complex applications. At the same time, we see a trend towards the incorporation of
emerging technologies like the Semantic Web and (Semantic) Web Rule Languages,
which aim at fostering application interoperability. However, the effective integration
of all these techniques with the already existing model-based Web Engineering approaches is still unresolved.
This workshop, which builds on the success of the preceding 2005 and 2006 Workshops (held, respectively, in Sydney jointly with ICWE 2005, and in Menlo Park
jointly with ICWE 2006) aims at providing a discussion forum where researchers and
practitioners on these topics can meet, disseminate and exchange ideas and problems,
identify some of the key issues related to the model-based and model-driven development of Web applications, and explore together possible solutions and future work.
The main goal of the MDWE 2007 workshop is to offer a forum to exchange experiences and ideas related to Model-Driven Software Development in the Web Engineering field. Accordingly, we invited submissions from both academia and industry
about the wide list of topics of interest stated in the Call for Papers.
In addition to the Workshop Organizers (Geert-Jan Houben, Nora Koch and Antonio Vallecillo), a selected program committee was set up to help reviewing and selecting the papers to be presented at the workshop. Members of the MDWE2007 Program
Committee were Luciano Baresi, Jean Bézivín, Olga De Troyer, Piero Fraternali,
Martin Gaedke, Athula Ginige, Jaime Gómez, Gerti Kappel, Esperanza Marcos, Maristella Matera, Pierre-Alain Muller, Alfonso Pierantonio, Vicente Pelechano, Gustavo
Rossi, and Hans-Albrecht Schmidt.
In response to the call for papers, a total of 10 submissions were received. Each
submitted paper was formally peer reviewed by at least two referees, and six papers
were finally accepted for presentation at the Workshop and publication in the proceedings.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The selected papers focus on the following topics, which constitute the basis for
the discussions of the three workshop sessions.
Freudentstein et al. discuss in their paper the use of domain specific languages and
a model-driven approach based on the construction of models of Web application and
the interpretation of these workflow-based models.
Kraus et al. discuss in their paper both an interpretational and a translational approach. For static aspects of Web applications the authors propose the use of transformation rules; for workflows of Web application instead the use of a virtual machine that provides a seamless bridge between models and code.
The paper by Wimmer et al. presents an approach for the integration of Web modeling languages using model transformation rules. The authors selected three Web
modeling methods and the model transformation language ATL for the proof of concept.
In the paper of Pau Giner et al. the focus is on model-to-model transformations
also specified in ATL and which are applied to BPMN resulting in Web applications
written in BPEL.
De Castro et al. propose the use of a graph transformation language for the transformation of platform independent models. The authors focus on service-oriented
Web applications.
The final paper, by Toffetti, focuses on modeling collaborative Web applications.
He proposes the extension of a Web modeling language to support enriched interactions following the new RIA paradigm.
An additional non-reviewed paper reports on the recent MDWEnet project.
MDWEnet is an initiative in the scope of MDWE and that counts on the participation
of many of the people and groups from the Universities of Alicante, Málaga, Linz,
Munich, Vienna and the Politecnico Milano related to the MDWE workshop from its
The presented papers, together with the Call for Papers, and all the information
relevant to the workshop, is available at the web site of the event, whose URL is This web site contains the final workshop proceedings, and the latest information about the activities performed during the workshop.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the ICWE 2007 organization for giving us the opportunity to organize this Workshop, especially to the General Chair,
Piero Fraternali, and the Workshops Chair, Emilia Mendes. They were always very
helpful and supportive. Many thanks to all those that submitted papers, and particularly to the contributing authors. Our gratitude also goes to the reviewers and the
members of the Program Committee, for their timely and accurate reviews and for
their help in choosing and improving the selected papers. Finally we would like to
specially thank Marco Brambilla, the ICWE 2007 Local Organization Chair, for his
continuous assistance and support with all local arrangements, with the electronic
submission system, and with the production of the workshops proceedings.
Como, Itay, July 2007
Geert-Jan Houben, Nora Koch, Antonio Vallecillo
MDWE 2007 Organizers
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Table of Contents
Model-driven Construction of Workflow-based Web Applications with Domainspecific Languages.
by Patrick Freudenstein, Jan Buck, Martin Nussbaumer and Martin Gaedke ........ 215
Model-Driven Generation of Web Applications in UWE.
by Andreas Kraus, Alexander Knapp and Nora Koch ............................................. 230
MDWEnet: A Practical Approach to Achieving Interoperability of Model-Driven
Web Engineering Methods.
by Antonio Vallecillo, Nora Koch, Cristina Cachero, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali,
Irene Garrigós, Jaime Gómez, Gerti Kappel, Alexander Knapp, Maristella Matera,
Santiago Meliá, Nathalie Moreno, Birgit Pröll, Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, José E. Rivera, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer,
Gefei Zhang ............................................................................................................. 246
On the Integration of Web Modeling Languages.
by Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger and Horst Kargl 255
Bridging the Gap between BPMN and WS-BPEL. M2M Transformations in Practice.
by Pau Giner, Victoria Torres and Vicente Pelechano ........................................... 270
Model Transformation for Service-Oriented Web Applications Development.
by Valeria de Castro, Juan Manuel Vara and Esperanza Marcos .......................... 284
Modeling data-intensive Rich Internet Applications with server push support.
by Giovanni Toffetti Carughi .................................................................................. 299
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Model-driven Construction of Workflow-based Web
Applications with Domain-specific Languages
Patrick Freudenstein1, Jan Buck1, Martin Nussbaumer1, and Martin Gaedke²
University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Telematics,
IT Management and Web Engineering Research Group,
Engesserstr. 4, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
{freudenstein, buck, nussbaumer}
² Chemnitz University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science,
Distributed and Self-organizing Computer Systems Group,
Straße der Nationen 62, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany
[email protected]
Abstract. The requirements for Web applications concerning workflow
execution, interaction, aesthetics, federation and Web service integration are
steadily increasing. Considering their complexity, the development of these
“rich workflow-based Web applications” requires a systematic approach taking
key factors like strong user involvement and clear business objectives into
account. To this end, we present an approach for the model-driven construction
and evolution of such Web applications on the basis of workflow models which
is founded on Domain-specific Languages (DSLs) and a supporting technical
framework. We describe our approach’s core DSL for workflow modeling
which supports various modeling notations like BPMN or Petri nets and outline
a set of DSLs used for designing workflow activities like dialog construction,
data presentation and Web service communication. In conclusion, rich
workflow-based Web applications can be built by modeling workflows and
activities and passing them to the associated technical framework. The resulting
running prototype can then be configured in detail using the presented DSLs.
Keywords: Web Engineering, Workflow, Domain-specific Languages, Reuse,
Evolution, Web Services, SOA, EAI
1 Introduction
The World Wide Web has evolved from a decentralized information medium to a
platform for basic e-commerce applications. Currently, the next step in its evolution
cycle towards a platform for sophisticated enterprise applications and portals with
strong demands regarding workflow execution, rich user interaction, aesthetics, and
strong Web service integration is taking place [16, 17]. Especially in the context of
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Enterprise Information Integration (EII) or
Business-to-Business (B2B) scenarios, these workflow-driven Web applications are
gaining more and more importance. In order to cope with the immense increase in
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
these Web applications’ complexity and their permanent evolution, a dedicated
engineering methodology is required.
Besides specific requirements resulting from this new type of applications, a
suitable engineering approach must also consider key factors like strong user
involvement and clear business objectives arising from a project management’s
perspective. Their strong influence on a project’s success was proved in
comprehensive studies [20] and taken on in agile software development methods [2],
being reason enough to soundly integrate them in today’s Web engineering methods.
Facing these challenges, we present an evolutionary approach for the model-driven
construction of rich, Web service-based Web applications on the basis of workflow
models. The approach is based on our previous work, namely the WebComposition
approach [8], the WebComposition Service Linking System (WSLS) [7] and our
latest approaches towards DSL-based Web Engineering [14, 15]. By providing
dedicated Domain-specific languages (DSLs) and an underlying technical framework,
stakeholders and domain experts with diverse backgrounds and knowledge are
enabled to directly contribute to the development effort. They can easily understand,
validate and even develop parts of the solution which in turn leads to a much more
intense collaboration and lowers the possibility of misunderstandings.
In section 2, we introduce a business process from a real-world scenario within a
large-scale EAI-project to which we will refer to throughout the paper. We elaborate
the particular requirements a systematic engineering approach for the described
problem scope must fulfill. Section 3 gives a comprehensible overview of our
evolutionary, DSL-based engineering method. In section 4, we describe the core
DSLs for workflow modeling in detail and outline supporting DSLs for rich dialog
construction, data presentation and Web service communication. Moreover, we
present the supporting technical framework being able to interpret a workflow model
and to assemble a corresponding Web application. Based on the presented scenario,
we show exemplarily how a workflow modeled in e.g. BPMN notation and enriched
with little annotations can directly be transferred into a running Web application. In
section 5, we give an overview of related work. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper
and outlines future work.
2 Challenges with Developing Workflow-based Web Applications
In the following, we first present a real-world scenario from a large-scale EAI project
that serves as a running example throughout the paper. Subsequently, we introduce a
general core set of requirements an engineering methodology for the systematic
construction and evolution of modern workflow-based Web applications should meet.
2.1 The KIM Project - An Example EAI Scenario
We have been collaborating in the project “Karlsruhe’s Integrated
InformationManagement (KIM)” [13], a university-wide EAI-project, for several
years now. One of the main challenges in this project is the extraordinary
decentralized organizational structure of a university.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Technical challenges: On the one hand, there exists a huge diversity of
heterogeneous IT systems which have to be integrated in order to enable a uniform
access to information. In order to cope with these integration challenges, the KIM
project is founded on a multi-layered Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). Therein,
canonical Web service wrappers provide homogeneous access to existing
heterogeneous legacy systems. These Web services are then orchestrated to realize
value-added functionalities which are also exposed via Web service interfaces.
Finally, the portal layer comprises mainly Web portals providing a centralized user
interface for accessing the highly distributed Web services.
On the other hand, business processes are mostly spanning several organizational
units and IT systems, thus suffering from media discontinuity issues. To improve the
efficiency and quality of these processes, there is an urgent need for a support
platform allowing for their integrated and uniform execution.
Communication challenges: Besides these technical aspects, we found
communication problems making up the second major problem area. Stakeholders
belong to different faculties and departments with entirely different education and
professional background. Hence, when specifying business processes with
stakeholders from all over the university, each group uses its own “language”. For
example, some of them prefer Petri nets as a means of communication as they play a
major role in their research context. Others favor the Business Process Modeling
Notation (BPMN) [21] or UML Activity Diagrams for the same reason. And people
with a background in humanities often like a notation in natural language better.
However, assuring efficient, non-ambiguous and intense communication is especially
in phases like requirements engineering and conceptual design a key factor [20].
2.2 The Master Thesis Business Process Example
One of our main goals within the KIM project was the development of a Web portal
for all students of the university serving as a uniform access point to all study-relevant
information and business processes. Within this paper, we will focus on a workflowdriven feature which supports the complete Master Thesis business process for all
involved parties: The student, the advisors, the examination office and the library.
Fig. 1. Excerpt from the Master Thesis business process
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 1 shows an excerpt from the Master Thesis business process modelled in
BPMN. We chose BPMN as the involved stakeholders found this notation rather
intuitive. However, in the following chapters, we will also outline how other
notations, e.g. Petri nets, can be employed within our approach. Our example starts
with the student submitting the final version of her thesis. Next, the advisor
downloads and reviews it and submits her expertise. The associated professor reviews
the expertise, which is then submitted to an existing exam management system via a
Web service wrapper and further processed by the examination office. The university
library approves the electronic thesis document, usually a PDF file, whereupon a
dataset for the thesis is created in the library’s central catalogue.
This process excerpt is a typical example found in advanced workflow-driven Web
applications, especially in EAI, EII and B2B scenarios. It comprises different
organizational units and roles, it contains typical building blocks like complex
dialogs, data rendering and Web service communication, and various stakeholders are
involved in the aspired Web application’s specification. Moreover, due to the
permanent restructurings taking place in the context of the Bologna Process [6] as
well as the current merger of the University of Karlsruhe towards the “Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT)”, our business processes underlie frequent changes.
2.3 Requirements for a Workflow-Driven Web Engineering Methodology
From the general requirements for Web Engineering methods found in literature (e.g.
[5, 9]) as well as based on our experiences in real-world projects, we identified the
following requirements to be particularly important for a methodology targeting the
construction and evolution of workflow-based Web applications. While the first three
requirements concern the development process and the methodology itself, the last
three aim at technical characteristics of modern workflow-based Web applications.
Agility & Evolution: Web applications in general and workflow-based Web
applications in particular underlie a continuous evolution due to frequent changes, e.g.
adjustments in the business process’ structure, integration of new partners or
presentational changes. Thus, agility in terms of supporting short revision lifecycles
and the efficient adoption of such changes is essential. To this end, a model-driven
approach seems to be a good solution as it allows for comparatively easy changes in
the models which are then automatically propagated to the actual implementation.
However, assuring consistency between models and implementation is crucial.
Reuse: With respect to requirements from the fields of evolution support,
development efficiency and software quality, the systematic reuse of all kinds of
artifacts throughout the development process plays an important role. Regarding
workflow-based Web applications, especially the reuse of workflow models in whole
or part as well as typical workflow building blocks, like e.g. dialogs, Web service
communication and data rendering is of great interest. Thus, an engineering method
should address reuse as a guiding principle throughout the development process.
Strong Stakeholder Involvement: In order to assure clear business objectives and
to avoid misunderstandings between the developers and the business, stakeholders
should be strongly incorporated in the development process. Especially regarding
workflow-based Web applications, the future end-users know the underlying business
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
processes best. Thus, a dedicated engineering methodology must take into account the
great diversity of stakeholders with different backgrounds and skills. Therefore, the
methodology should allow for dedicated modeling languages and notations hiding
unwanted complexity and being tailored to specific stakeholder groups [14].
Moreover, the ability to provide running prototypes from the very beginning of the
development process further supports the communication between the end-users and
the developers. Discrepancies between the requirements and the realization can be
identified in the early stages of the development process and cost-efficiently resolved.
Rich User Interfaces: As dialogs play a dominant role in workflow-based Web
applications, their usability has a great influence on how efficiently process
participants can complete their tasks and thus contribute to the business process. Due
to the increasing complexity of these tasks and the underlying data models, rich user
interfaces supporting the users by reducing the cognitive overload are required.
Therefore, these dialogues should be highly dynamic and offer guidance by e.g.
showing only relevant options and providing immediate feedback and hints. Thus,
their usability can be considerably improved [13]. Beyond that, aspects from the field
of accessibility, i.e. providing accessible interfaces for people with disabilities have to
be considered [22], especially in the public sector due to recent legal regulations.
Federative Workflows: Workflows based on business processes are - in contrast
to simple page flows - long-running and affect different people or roles respectively.
Advanced workflow scenarios (e.g. B2B) even span multiple companies. This means,
they involve people from different organizations and rely on multiple, distributed
information systems. The integration of these systems is usually realized via Web
service interfaces. Thus, supporting long-running and federative workflows as well as
comprehensive Web service support are key requirements.
Multimodal Participation: In advanced workflow scenarios, e.g. in supply chain
management, parts of a workflow take place outdoors or away from computers. Then,
process participants must be able to collaborate with other devices, e.g. PDAs or
smart phones. Beyond that, some tasks are better conducted in dedicated, task-specific
applications, e.g. a spreadsheet application. Thus, even though trying to offer one
integrated, browser-based user interface is a desirable objective, workflow-based Web
applications must also allow for completing tasks off the browser.
3 An Evolutionary DSL-based Engineering Approach
In this section, we give an overview of our evolutionary engineering methodology for
the model-driven construction of workflow-based Web applications starting from
business process models. The details of the methodology as well as the associated
technical framework will be explained in section 4. Both were designed and
implemented with strong adherence to the requirements identified in section 2.
3.1 The Workflow DSL
The model-driven construction is based on previous work in the fields of DSL-based
Web Engineering [15] and thus is founded on a dedicated Workflow DSL as a core
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
element. A DSL can be seen as programming language or executable specification
language that offers, through appropriate notations and abstractions, expressive power
focused on, and usually restricted to, a particular problem domain. By providing
various graphical notations and accompanying editors, each of them being as intuitive
as possible for a particular stakeholder group, the usability of a DSL can be further
improved. According to this definition, the Workflow DSL is an executable
specification language for workflow-based Web applications which allows the use of
various graphical notations known from the Business Process Modeling field, e.g.
BPMN, Petri Nets, UML activity diagrams etc. as well as custom notations. By
providing stakeholder-specific notations according to their individual skills and
preferences, stakeholders can easily understand, validate and even specify parts of the
solution being constructed. Following our DSL-based Web Engineering concept, the
Workflow DSL consists of three core elements:
Domain-specific Model (DSM): The DSM represents the formal schema for all
“DSL programs” that can be described with the DSL. With respect to our requirement
to support various process modeling notations, the DSM can also be seen as a
“Process Intermediate Schema”, representing an (as far as possible) common
denominator of multiple existing process modeling languages. Beyond business
process information, the DSM comprises dedicated modeling constructs necessary for
the transition from a pure business process model to a running workflow-based Web
application. We chose the XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) [19] as a basis
for the DSM. Serving both as an interchange format for process definitions and as a
definition language for executable workflow specifications (including human
interaction aspects) belonged to the major design goals of XPDL, making it an ideal
foundation for our DSL. The extensibility mechanisms provided by XPDL were used
to shape our DSM.
Domain Interaction Model(s) (DIM): Based on the DSM, a DIM comprises a
dedicated (graphical) notation being as intuitive as possible for a particular
stakeholder group. By using a DIM, stakeholders can understand, validate and even
create DSL programs without being confronted with complicated source code.
Within the Workflow DSL, multiple DIMs for various stakeholder groups could be
defined. Thereby, a DIM could either be derived from a well-known business process
modeling notation like e.g. BPMN or Petri nets, or defined from scratch based on a
custom notation. According to different incremental stages of the Web application
construction process, DIMs can also cover only parts of the DSM. Accompanying
editors support stakeholders in creating DSL programs based on a DIM notation.
Solution Building Block (SBB): A SBB is a software component being capable of
executing programs developed with the DSL. Therefore, the SBB does not generate
code but rather adapts its behavior according to a given DSL program. Thus, the SBB
of the Workflow DSL can be configured with an XML-based specification of a
workflow-based Web application, i.e. a Workflow DSL program. Thereupon, it
constructs at runtime an associated workflow-driven Web application prototype. This
immediately executable prototype employs SBBs from other DSLs to realize
workflow activities like e.g. dialog construction, data presentation or Web service
communication. These SBBs were initialized with a minimum configuration set
derived from the workflow model and can then be configured in detail using the
associated DSLs or their DIMs respectively.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
3.2 The DSL-based Process Model
Fig. 2 gives an overview of our methodology’s underlying evolution- and reuseoriented process model as well as the involved roles. It is based on the
WebComposition approach [8] and consists of three phases in a continuous evolution.
Fig. 2. Overview of the evolutionary, DSL-based engineering approach
Business Process Modeling: In this first phase, the business process to be realized
by the workflow-based Web application is modeled using pure business process
modeling constructs. Thereby, stakeholders representing the involved process
participants and knowing the business process best as well as a process analyst
supporting the modeling itself are involved. Moreover, the ‘Reuse Librarian’ role
advises the modeling team regarding possibilities for reusing existing process models
in whole or part. The resulting business process model is created by employing
adequate DIMs and associated editors from the Workflow DSL.
Workflow Modeling: In this phase, the business process model from the previous
phase is supplemented with workflow execution-relevant information, the ‘Concern
Configuration’. Thereby, to each activity in the process model a corresponding
activity building block is assigned, whereby each activity building block has an
associated DSL for its configuration. In our experience, a small core set of building
blocks for dialog construction and processing, data rendering and Web service
communication was sufficient for the most cases. If no suitable building block exists,
the ‘Developer’ role designs and implements a new one. In addition to selecting the
activity building block type, a minimum set of configuration information has to be
provided. This set contains properties from the different concerns of a Web
application, i.e. data, navigation, presentation, dialog, process, and communication.
This minimum configuration set assures the automatic setup of a running prototype of
the workflow-based Web application in the next phase. The detailed configuration of
the activity building blocks is usually performed in the next phase by means of the
associated DSLs. Like the previous phase, the Workflow Modeling phase is again
conducted by stakeholders who are supported by an application designer and the reuse
librarian. The application designer is experienced in workflow modeling and knows
the activity building blocks, the associated DSLs and the required minimum
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
configuration sets. She assists the modeling team in related issues. The reuse librarian
advises the team concerning the reuse of existing Concern Configurations and activity
building blocks from the reuse repository. The Workflow modeling phase is also
supported by adequate Workflow DSL DIMs and accompanying editors, usually the
same as used in the previous phase but extended with Concern Configuration
facilities. The result of this phase is a valid Workflow DSL program in form of an
XML document, whereby process structure information and Concern Configuration
are loosely coupled, thus easing reuse and evolution.
Physical Design & Execution: This phase deals with the transformation of the
DSL program into a running prototype of the aspired workflow-based Web
application. Therefore, the DSL program is passed to the Workflow DSL’s SBB,
which configures an associated workflow-driven Web application prototype. This
prototype can then either be configured in detail using the activity building blocks’
associated DSLs or directly be used for creating and processing workflow instances.
The WebComposition Service Linking System (WSLS) [7] serves as our approach’s
technical platform and facilitates the assembly and configuration of SBBs. As in the
previous phases, stakeholders can strongly participate in this phase, assisted by an
‘Application Configurator’ role who is experienced in WSLS and its configuration
capabilities as well as the activity building blocks’ associated DSLs.
Evolution: In case of changing or new requirements, our method provides strong
support for adopting changes, either in the business process model or the Concern
Configuration or both. Changes in the business process can easily be performed in the
Business Process Modeling Phase while keeping the Concern Configuration in the
Workflow Modeling phase unchanged. Changes in the Concern Configuration can
either be performed on model-level in the Workflow Modeling phase or directly in the
Physical Design & Execution phase by using appropriate DSLs. Our approach and the
technical platform preserve model consistency throughout all phases.
4 The Workflow DSL Approach Applied - Realization Details
This section describes our approach in detail based on the example excerpt from the
‘Master Thesis’ business process presented in section 2 (Fig. 1), which could be the
output of the Business Process Modeling phase and serves as a starting point. To ease
the understanding of the following subsections, section 4.1 outlines a selection of
activity building blocks for the realization of workflow activities. Section 4.2 focuses
the Workflow Modeling phase and shows how an appropriate Concern Configuration
could look like. We present our XPDL-based DSM, an adequate DIM editor and
excerpts from the resulting DSL program. Finally, section 4.3 covers the Physical
Design & Execution phase, and presents the approach’s underlying technical platform
for constructing, configuring and executing workflow-based Web applications.
4.1 Activity Building Block DSL Catalogue
A major design goal of our activity building blocks was that one activity from a
business perspective can be realized by one activity building block, and must not be
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
split up into several activities from a system perspective. Thereby, the business
process model’s structure can be kept throughout the construction process, easing the
collaboration with stakeholders. Thus, as we especially aim at service-based Web
applications, the Web Service Communication building block can be integrated with
other building blocks. Therefore, the DSLs allow for the loosely coupled integration
of external code in their programs which is forwarded at runtime to the appropriate
SBB. For example, a Dialog Construction DSL program can thus submit a filled form
to a Web service.
Web Service Communication: This DSL allows the specification and execution
of Web service calls. The DSM is represented by an XML Schema which defines,
amongst others, elements for specifying the Web Service endpoint, WSDL URL,
operation name, input parameters and security policy information based on the WSSecurity Policy standard (to be submitted to OASIS). The DIM editor is realized in
form of a property editor. The SBB generates a SOAP message according to the DSL
program, sends it to the Web service and returns the received response.
Dialog Construction: This DSL is used for the specification of highly interactive
and dynamic dialogs. The DSM is based on the W3C XForms standard. We defined a
DIM notation on the basis of the XForms user controls as well as Petri net-based
structures for modeling the dialog’s dynamic behavior. The SBB is capable of
automatically creating an XForms-based form prototype from an XML Schema
specification or a WSDL document. Moreover, it renders and processes the XForms
document by means of a JavaScript library. A browser-based DIM editor allows the
detailed design of the form, including the verification of accessibility guidelines [12] .
Data Presentation: This DSL addresses the presentation of data. The DSM
provides elements for referencing the data to be displayed as well as an XSL
document specifying the data transformation to the desired output format. If a DSL
program contains no reference to an XSL document, the SBB automatically generates
a prototypical XSL transformation into XHTML. A browser-based DIM editor allows
the detailed design of XSL stylesheets on the basis of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
again with integrated verification facilities for accessibility guidelines.
4.2 Workflow Modeling
The Workflow DSL’s DSM and the associated DIMs constitute the basis for the
Workflow Modeling phase. The DSM is based on XPDL which we extended by
dedicated modeling elements as depicted in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. WebComposition XPDL extensions appended to existing ApplicationTypes
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The XPDL schema contains so-called “ApplicationTypes” for modeling
applications used for performing activities. We extended the XPDL ApplicationTypes
“Form”, “WebService” and “Xslt” in order to integrate properties for the
configuration sets required by the activity building blocks presented above. Thereby,
the “WebComp_Dialog_Extension” serves for the Dialog Construction building
block, the “WebComp_WS_Extension” for the Web Service Communication building
block and the “WebComp_DataPresent_Extension” for the Data Presentation building
block. Beyond the minimum configuration set, we are currently working on a full
coverage of the DSLs’ modeling elements in form of attributes. Thus, fully
configured building blocks resulted from prior Physical Design & Execution phases
and stored in the Reuse Repository could be already reused in the Workflow
Modeling phase.
To provide support during the Workflow Modeling phase, we adapted Microsoft
Visio as a visual editor for a BPMN-based DIM notation (Fig. 4). The editor provides
shapes according to the BPMN notation (left pane) as well as a property editor for
annotating the Concern Configuration, i.e. the selection of an activity building block
and its corresponding minimum configuration, to process activities (bottom pane). In
the picture, the ‘Create Expertise’ activity is currently modeled as a Dialog
Construction building block and a data schema for the dialog as well as attributes
regarding the Web service the form shall be submitted to are provided.
Fig. 4. A BPMN-based DIM Editor in the Workflow Modeling Phase
Having completed the Workflow Modeling, the workflow model can be exported
as a valid Workflow DSL program. Thereby, the mapping of the BPMN notation and
the annotated Concern Configuration to a DSM-conform DSL program is performed.
The mapping of BPMN symbols to XPDL elements is described in the XPDL
specification [19]. Regarding other graphical notations, additional mappings have to
be defined. We are currently working on a DIM based on the Petri Net notation and to
be supported by the process modeling tool INCOME [11]. As our support for various
notations aims primarily at improving stakeholder collaboration by providing intuitive
notations, their usability and simplicity is more important than covering even the most
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
complex semantic aspect of a DIM notation’s underlying modeling language. Having
analyzed a great variety of process models from the KIM project, we found that
XPDL provides a sufficient (and extensible) set of generic business process modeling
elements, being suitable to accomplish a variety of DIM notations derived from
popular modeling languages like e.g. Petri nets and UML Activity Diagrams.
The following code snippets are part of the resulting Workflow DSL program.
Extract (1) shows the representation of the ‘CreateExpertise’ activity. According to
the business process model shown in Fig. 1, it is assigned to the ‘Advisor’ role. The
activity is linked to the ‘CreateExpertiseDialog’ application definition which defines a
dialog according to the Concern Configuration shown in Fig. 4.
<xpdl:Activity Id="CreateExpertise">
<xpdl:TaskApplication Id="CreateExpertiseDialog">
<xpdl:Application Id="CreateExpertiseDialog">
<xpdl:FormalParameter Id="ExpertiseParams" Mode="OUT">
<xpdl:DataType><xpdl:DeclaredType Id="ExpertiseType" />
... </webComposition:WSExtension>
4.3 Physical Design & Execution – The Technical Platform
Fig. 5 depicts the approach’s underlying technical platform, mainly consisting of the
Workflow Web Service and the Workflow SBB running on the WSLS framework.
Fig. 5. Overview of the Technical Platform: Workflow Web Service and Workflow SBB
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The Workflow Web Service has two core functions: First, it is used to manage
workflow definitions, i.e. Workflow DSL programs, and workflow instances, via a
CRUDS (Create, Read, Update, Delete, Search) interface. Second, it can be used to
participate in a workflow by retrieving the current tasks for a particular role
(GetTaskList) or the actual input parameters for a given task of a workflow instance
(GetTaskData) as well as sending the results of a completed task back to the
workflow instance (CommitTaskData). For the realization of these functions, the
Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is used as workflow engine. When
creating a new workflow definition, the Web service converts the process structure
from the DSL program into an executable WF library which serves as input for the
engine. By encapsulating these functionalities in a Web service, all kinds of clients
from any platform can participate in a workflow across organizational borders.
Fig. 6. (a): The Current User’s Global Task List (b): The ‘Create Expertise’ Activity Dialog
(c) Detailed Design of the Dialog using the Dialog Construction DSL’s DIM editor
The WSLS framework supports the systematic development and evolution of Web
applications by assembling and configuring components with respect to the
‘Separation of Concerns’ principle at runtime. It aims at realizing the ‘Configuration
instead of Programming’ paradigm and thus at making the process of evolution faster
and more flexible. The Workflow SBB is a WSLS component that can be configured
with a Workflow DSL program which is then sent to the Workflow Web Service in
order to create a new workflow definition. As all DSL programs are accessible via the
Web service, other WSLS installations can easily retrieve them, thus enabling
federation scenarios. The Workflow SBB uses the Concern Configuration information
contained in the DSL program to instantiate and configure a child component for each
process activity. Therefore, it employs the SBBs of the presented activity building
blocks which possess automation features enabling fast prototypes with minimal
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
configuration as well as a ‘Commit Activity’ component. The latter is used for
confirming the completion of tasks performed offside a PC like shipping a package.
Furthermore, the Workflow SBB instantiates two default child components:
‘Workflow Management’ for starting and managing workflow instances, and ‘Task
List’ (Fig. 6a) for displaying a cross-workflow task list for the currently logged in
user. From this moment on, all child components can be configured in detail (at
runtime) using the associated DSLs and the comprehensive WSLS configuration
facilities. The changed configurations are propagated back to the DSL program to
preserve consistency between physical design and the workflow model. Fig. 6c shows
the detailed design of the ‘Create Expertise’ dialog using the Dialog Construction
DSL’s DIM editor. If the user selects a task, the Workflow SBB retrieves the task
input parameters from the Web service and displays the child component associated
with the task (Fig. 6b). After the completion of a task, the Workflow SBB sends the
results back to the Web service which passes it to the workflow engine. Afterwards,
the Workflow SBB retrieves the new task list for the current user and the current
workflow instance and displays it or - in case of only one outstanding task - directly
switches to the page containing the associated child component.
5 Related Work
Having recognized the increasing importance of workflow-based Web applications,
established Web Engineering approaches like e.g. OOHDM [18], UWE [10], and
WebML [3] were extended towards modeling workflow-based Web applications. In
the following, we will point out the differences compared with our approach based on
the requirements presented in section 2.
All of them are model-driven design approaches, i.e. they incorporate business
processes in their various Web application models and thereof generate the Web
application’s code. Thus, they support agility and evolution in terms of adopting
changes on a model-level. However, changes in the generated code are not propagated
to the model-level and thus get lost when regenerating an application.
Model reuse is considered in the above mentioned approaches. However, reuse in
terms of component reuse, i.e. reusing common activity building blocks, is not
covered. Thus, the design models derived from business process models still require
intensive design effort regarding the concrete realization of process activities. In [1],
an advanced generic workflow modeling approach considering also application logic
contained in activities is presented. Though, they focus primarily on data processing
and navigation and leave out other concerns like presentation or interaction.
The strong involvement of stakeholders throughout the development process by
providing dedicated notations for individual stakeholder groups has not been in the
focus of current Web Engineering approaches yet. However, by means of model
transformations, they could also support multiple process modeling notations. The
integration of stakeholders in later stages beyond business process modeling has also
to be investigated further. Audience-driven approaches, e.g. from DeTroyer [4], rather
consider the future end-users, their characteristics and information requirements in
their design process in order to develop user-centered Web applications.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Presentation modeling naturally plays a major role in most of today’s Web
Engineering approaches. However, only few of them, e.g. WebML, have also
presented concepts concerning the modeling of dynamic and adaptive user interfaces
required for reducing the cognitive overload caused by complex dialogs. The
integrated consideration of accessibility guidelines in the development process is also
an open issue in most approaches.
Regarding technical requirements like federative workflows and multimodal
participation, most approaches provide only limited support. OOHDM, for example,
mentioned the need for supporting federative workflows in their above cited paper’s
outlook. WebML and UWE already support long-running workflows with different
roles, but so far their technical platform do not allow for federated participation
scenarios, e.g. from other Web portals or multimodal access from diverse clients.
Beyond the only limited fulfillment of the above requirements, each of the existing
Web Engineering approaches has other unique characteristics and ideas worth
considering and learning from. WebML, for example, presented inspiring work in the
field of exception handling and constraint modeling. Likewise, OOHDM’s concepts
for adapting business processes to given contexts and users is also an interesting topic
not yet covered by our approach. The UWE approach, for example, is very strong in
the field of meta-modeling and model-transformations. Their ideas and concepts serve
as a valuable source for the transformations required in our approach.
6 Conclusions & Future Work
Facing the challenges found in the development and evolution of advanced workflowbased Web applications, we presented a methodology for their model-driven
construction employing Domain-specific Languages. DSLs can define various
modeling notations, each of them being as intuitive as possible for a particular
stakeholder group and thereby improving communication and collaboration
throughout all stages of the construction process. Dedicated software components can
be configured at runtime with DSL programs and adapt their behavior accordingly.
Our approach places emphasis on evolution and reuse and enables rapid prototypes
automatically derived from slightly annotated business process models. This is
supported by a set of activity building blocks for the realization of rich dialogs, data
presentation and Web service communication, each of them being able to work with a
minimum configuration set derived from the workflow model. Associated DSLs allow
their detailed design at runtime, thereby assuring consistency between models and
implementation. The approach’s technical platform provides strong support for
evolution and reconfiguration and enables the execution of federative workflows and
multimodal participation.
As the presented approach is the result of more than two years research, not all
aspects could be described in detail. Thus, we are working on further publications
focusing e.g. the formal transformations from different process modeling notations to
our XPDL-based Process Intermediate Language and from there to the specification
formats of various workflow engines. This is achieved by employing model
transformation techniques like XSLT, QVT and ATL. Moreover, we will present the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
details of our activity building blocks, especially the Dialog Construction DSL, in a
separate paper. Beyond that, interesting extensions were given in section 5.
1. Barna, P., Frasincar, F., and Houben, G.J.: A Workflow-driven Design of Web Information
Systems. in International Conference on Web Engineering. 2006. Palo Alto, USA
2. Beck, K., et al.: Manifesto for Agile Software Development - (2001): (10.11.2006)
3. Brambilla, M., Ceri, S., Fraternali, P., and Manolescu, I.: Process Modeling in Web
Applications. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM),
2006. 15(4): p. 360 - 409
4. De Troyer, O.M.F. and Leune, C.J.: WSDM: a user centered design method for Web sites.
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 1998. 30(1998)
5. Deshpande, Y., et al.: Web Engineering. Journal of Web Engineering, 2002. 1(1): p. 3-17
6. European
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7. Gaedke, M., Nussbaumer, M., and Meinecke, J.: WSLS: An Agile System Facilitating the
Production of Service-Oriented Web Applications, in Engineering Advanced Web
Applications, S.C. M. Matera, Editor. 2005, Rinton Press. p. 26-37
8. Gaedke, M. and Turowski, K.: Specification of Components Based on the WebComposition
Component Model, in Data Warehousing and Web Engineering,2002,IRM Press, p. 275-284
9. Kappel, G., Pröll, B., Reich, S., and Retschitzegger, W.: Web Engineering: The Discipline
of Systematic Development. 1 ed. 2006: Wiley
10.Koch, N., Kraus, A., Cachero, C., and Melia, S.: Modeling Web Business Processes with
OO-H and UWE. in 3rd Int. Worskhop on Web-oriented Software Technology. Spain, 2003.
11.Lausen, G., et al.: The INCOME approach for conceptual modeling and prototyping of
information systems in the 1st Nordic Conference on Advanced Systems Engineering. 1987.
12.Luque Centeno, V., Delegade Kloos, C., Gaedke, M., and Nussbaumer, M.: Web
Composition with WCAG in Mind.In 14th International World Wide Web Conference, 2005
13.Nielsen, J.: Forms vs. Applications, in Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, 19.11.2005: (02.04.2007)
14.Nussbaumer, M., Freudenstein, P., and Gaedke, M.: Stakeholder Collaboration - From
Conversation To Contribution. in 6. International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE).
2006. SLAC, Menlo Park, California: ACM
15.Nussbaumer, M., Freudenstein, P., and Gaedke, M.: Towards DSL-based Web Engineering.
in 15. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW). 2006. Edinburgh, UK: ACM
16.O'reilly, T.: What Is Web 2.0 - Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next
Generation of Software - (2005):
09/30/what-is-web-20.html (18.10.2005)
17.Phifer, G.: The Fifth Generation of Portals Supports SOA and Process Integration, in
Gartner Reports. 2006, Gartner: Stanford, CT, USA
18.Rossi, G.H., Schmid, H.A., and Lyardet, F.: Customizing Business Processes in Web
Applications. in 4th International Conference on E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 2003
19.Shapiro, R., et al.: XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) 2.0 Specification - (2005),
Workflow Management Coalition
20.The Standish Group International: CHAOS Research - Research Reports (1994-2005):
21.White, S.A.: Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) Specification - (2006), OMG
22.World Wide Web Consortium: Web Accessibility Initiative Homepage:
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Model-Driven Generation of Web Applications in UWE
Andreas Kraus, Alexander Knapp, and Nora Koch
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
{krausa, knapp, kochn}
Abstract. Model-driven engineering (MDE) techniques address rapid changes
in Web languages and platforms by lifting the abstraction level from code to
models. On the one hand models are transformed for model elaboration and
translation to code; on the other hand models can be executable. We demonstrate how both approaches are used in a complementary way in UML-based
Web Engineering (UWE). Rule-based transformations written in ATL are defined for all model-to-model transitions, and model-to-code transformations
pertaining to content, navigation and presentation. An UWE run-time environment allows for direct execution of UML activity models of business processes.
Model-driven engineering (MDE) technologies offer one of the most promising approaches in software engineering to address the inability of third-generation languages to alleviate the complexity of platforms and express domain concepts effectively [18]. MDE advocates the use of models as the key artifacts in all phases of the
software development process. Models are considered first class entities even replacing code as primary artifacts. Thus, developers can focus on the problem space (models) and not on the (platform specific) solution space [18]. The main objective is the
separation of the functionality of a system from the implementation details following
a vertical separation of concerns.
The area of Web Engineering, which is a relatively new direction of Software Engineering that addresses the development of Web systems [8], is as well focusing on
the MDE paradigm. Most of the current Web Engineering approaches (WebML [5],
OO-H [6], OOWS [20], UWE [9], WebSA [15]) already propose to build different
views of Web systems following a horizontal separation of concerns.
The most well known approach to model driven engineering is the Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) defined by the Object Management Group (OMG)2. Applications
are modeled at a platform independent level and are transformed by model transformations to other models and (possibly several) platform specific implementations.
This research has been partially supported by the project MAEWA “Model Driven Development of Web Applications” (WI841/7-1) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG),
Germany and the EC 6th Framework project SENSORIA “Software Engineering for ServiceOriented Overlay Computers” (IST 016004).
Object Management Group (OMG). MDA Guide Version 1.0.1. omg/2003-06-01,
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The development process of the UML-based Web Engineering (UWE [9]) approach is
evolving from a manual process (based on the Unified Process [7]) through a semiautomatic model-driven process (based on different types of model transformations
[9]) to a model-driven development process that can be traversed fully automatically
in order to produce first versions of Web applications. A table of mapping rules is
shown in [9]. The UWE approach uses recently emerged technologies: model transformation languages like ATL3 and QVT4. In this paper we present a fully implemented version using the ATLAS environment and based on ATL transformations.
UWE applies the MDA pattern to the Web application domain from the top to the
bottom, i.e. from analysis to the generated implementation ([9][12]). Model transformations play an important role at every stage of the development process. Transformations at the platform independent level support the systematic development of
models, for instance in deriving a default presentation model from the navigation
model. Then transformation rules that depend on a specific platform are used to translate the platform independent models describing the structural aspects of the Web
application into models for the specific platform. Finally, these platform specific
models are transformed (or serialized) to code by model-to-text transformations. In a
complementary way platform independent models describing the business processes
are executed by a virtual machine thus providing a seamless bridge between modeling
and programming. The UWE approach is completely based on standards – in the
same way as MDA – facilitating extensibility and reusability.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: First we give a brief overview
on model-driven Web engineering. Next we present the UWE approach to MDWE
and focus on the model-based generation of Web application using the model transformation language ATL and the run-time environment for executable business processes. We conclude with a discussion on related work, some remarks and an outline of
our future plans on the use of model transformation languages.
Model-Driven Web Engineering
Model-driven Web Engineering (MDWE) is the application of the model-driven
paradigm to the domain of Web software development where it is particularly helpful
because of the continuous evolution of Web technologies and platforms. Different
concerns of Web applications are captured by using separate models e.g. for the content, navigation, process and presentation concerns. These models are then integrated
and transformed to code whereas code comprises Web pages, configuration data for
Web frameworks as well as traditional program code.
Variants in Model-Driven Approaches
Model-driven Web development is an effort to raise the level of abstraction at which
we develop Web software. MDWE processes can be achieved either by code genera3
ATLAS Transformation Language and Tool,
OMG. Meta Object Facility (MOF) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation Specification Final
Adopted Specification. docs/ptc/05-11-01.pdf
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
tion from models or by constructing virtual machines that execute models directly.
The translational approach is predominant and is supported by so called model transformations. An interpretational approach offers the benefits of early verification
through simulation, the ability to separate implementation decisions from understanding of the problem, and the ability to execute the models directly and efficiently on a
wide variety of platforms and architectures.
In addition, following the classification of McNeile there are two interpretations of
the MDE vision named “elaborationist” and “translationist” approaches [14]. Following the “elaborationist” approach, the specification of the application is built up step
by step by alternating automatic generation and manual elaboration steps on the way
from computational independent model (CIM) to a platform independent model
(PIM) to a platform specific model (PSM) to code. Today, most approaches based on
MDA are “elaborationist” approaches, which have to deal with the problem of model
and/or code synchronization. Some tools support the regeneration of the higher-level
models from the lower level models, also called reengineering. In a “translationist”
approach the platform independent design models of an application are automatically
transformed to platform specific models, which are then automatically serialized to
code. These PSMs and the generated code must not be modified by the developer
because roundtrip engineering is neither necessary nor allowed. UWE is moving from
an “elaborationist” to a “translationist” approach.
2.2 Role of Model Transformations
Transformations are vital for the success of a model-driven engineering approach for
the development of software or in particular of Web applications. Transformations lift
the purpose of models from documentation to first class artifacts of the development
process. Based on the taxonomy of transformation approaches proposed by Czarnecki
[4] we classify model transformation approaches in model-to-code and model-tomodel approaches, which differ on providing or not a metamodel for the target programming language.
Model-to-model transformations translate between source and target models,
which can be instances of the same or different metamodels supporting syntactic
typing of variables and patterns. Two categories of rule-based transformations are
distinguished: declarative and imperative and it is worth to mention two relevant subcategories of declarative transformations: graph transformation and relational approaches. Graph-transformation rules that consist in matching and replacing lefthand-side graph patterns with right-hand-side graph patterns. AGG5 and VIATRA6
are examples of tools supporting a graph model transformation approach. Relational
approaches are based on mathematical relations. A relation is specified by defining
constraints over the source and target elements of a transformation. A relation has no
direction and cannot be executed. Relational approaches with executable semantics
are implemented with logic programming using unification-based matching, search
and backtracking. QVT and ATL support the relational approach and provide impera5
Attributed Graph Grammar System,
VIATRA 2 Model Transformation Framework,
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
tive constructs for the execution of the rules, i.e. they are hybrid approaches. A different approach is the declarative and functional transformation language XML for transforming XML documents. As MOF compliant models can be represented in the XML
Metadata Interchange format (XMI), XSLT7 could in principle be used for model-tomodel transformations and transformed to code using languages such as MOFScript
that generate text from MOF models8. This approach has scalability problems, thus it
is not suited for complex transformations.
The UWE Approach to MDWE
The approach followed in UWE consists of decoupling the construction of models
using a UML9 profile, defining transformation rules using a model transformation
language, and providing a run-time environment, respectively. Model type transformations map instances from a source metamodel (defining the source types) to instances of a target metamodel (defining the target types). Therefore, the MDE approach is based on metamodels and transformations. All metamodels share the same
meta-metamodel (MOF). The proposed solution for the executable models is the use
of a platform specific implementation of the platform independent abstract Web process engine. A transformation maps the process flow model to XML nodes, which
represent the corresponding configuration of the runtime environment. This runtime
process engine is part of the platform specific runtime environment.
There is no restriction on the employed modeling tool as long as it supports UML
2.0 profiles and stores models in the standardized model interchange format. We
selected ATL as a Query/View/Transformation language and the ATLAS transformation engine. The Spring framework was selected as runtime environment engine.
UWE Process
Applying the MDA principles (see Sect. 2), the UWE approach proposes to build a set
of CIMs, PIMs, and PSMs as results of the analysis, design and implementation
phases of the model-driven process. The aim of the analysis phase is to gather a stable
set of requirements. The functional requirements are captured by means of the requirements model. The requirements model comprises specialized use cases and a
class model for the Web application. The design phase consists of constructing a
series of models for the content, navigation, process, presentation and adaptivity aspects at a platform independent level. Transformations implement the systematic
construction of dependent models by generating default models, which then can be
refined by the designer. Finally, the design models are transformed to the platform
specific implementation. This UWE core process is extended with the construction of
a UML state machine – called “big picture” in our approach – that integrates the design models. The objective of the big picture model is the verification of the UWE
W3C. XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0,
Eclipse subproject. MOFScript.
OMG. Unified Modeling Language 2.0, 2005. docs/formal/05-06-04.pdf
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
models by the tool Hugo/RT, a UML model translator for model checking and theorem proving [10]. In addition, architectural features can be captured by a separate
architecture model using the techniques of the WebSA (Web software architecture)
approach [15] and further integrated to the so far built functional models.
In this work we focus on the UWE core process depicted in Fig. 1 as a stereotyped
UML activity diagram. Models are represented with object nodes and transformations
as stereotyped activities (special circular icon). A chain of transformations then defines the control flow.
Fig. 1. UWE core process for CIM to PIM and PIM to PIM
3.2 UWE Metamodel
The metamodel is structured into packages, i.e. requirements, content, navigation,
process, presentation and adaptation. It is defined as a “profileable” extension of the
UML 2.0 metamodel providing a precise description of the concepts used to model
Web applications and their semantics. We restrict ourselves to illustrate the approach
by means of an excerpt of the presentation metamodel, for further details on the UWE
metamodel see [11] and [12].
Fig. 2. UWE presentation metamodel
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The presentation metamodel defines the modeling elements required to specify the
layout for the underlying navigation and process models. A PresentationClass is
a special class representing a Web page or part of it and is composed of user interface
elements and other presentation classes. UIElements are classes that represent the
user interface elements in a Web page. The presentation metamodel is depicted in Fig.
2. Anchors for example represent links in a Web page, and optionally a format expression may be defined for specification of the label that the anchor should have.
OCL class invariants are used to define the well-formedness rules for models, i.e.
the static semantics of a model, to ensure that a model is well formed before executing a transformation.
Model to Model Transformations in UWE
Requirement specification is based on UML use cases for the definition of the functionality of a Web application. The design phase consists of constructing a series of
models for the content, navigation, process and presentation aspects at a platform
independent level. Transformations implement the systematic construction of dependent models by generating default models, which then have to be refined by the designer. The approach uses the ATL transformation language in all phases of the development process.
We illustrate our approach by means of a simple project management system,
which is part of the GLOWA Danube system, an environmental decision support
system for the water balance of the upper Danube basin. The project management
system allows adding, removing, editing and viewing of two types of projects, user
projects and validation projects. At CIM level the UWE profile provides different
types of use cases for treating browsing and transactions (static and dynamic) functionality. UWE proposes the use of stereotypes «navigation» and «web process», to
model navigation and process aspects, respectively. A content model of a Web application is automatically derived from the requirements model by applying a transformation Requirements2Content. The developer can refine the resulting default
content model by adding additional classes, attributes, operations, associations etc.
Such a refined content model is represented as a UML class diagram (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Content model of project management system (simplified)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 4. Partial navigation model of project management system
The navigation model represents a static navigation view of the content and provides entry and exit points to Web processes. Nodes stereotyped as «navigation class»
and «process class» like Project and RemoveProject (Fig. 4) represent information
from the content model and use case model (requirements). They are generated by the
rules ContentClass2NavigationClass and ProcessIntegration respectively. Nodes stereotyped as «menu» allow for the selection of a navigation path.
Fig. 5. Process flow for remove project
Fig. 6. Presentation model for project
Links («navigation link» and «process link») specify the navigation paths between
nodes. The transformation rule CreateProcessDataAndFlow automatically generates the process data and a draft of the process flow for Web processes. Process flows
are represented as UML activity diagram where «user action»s, such as RemoveProjectInput in Fig. 5, are distinguished to support a seamless application of transformation rules. The transformation NavigationAndProcess2Presentation automatically derives a presentation model from the navigation model and the process model.
For each node in the navigation model and each process class that represents process
data a presentation class is constructed and for each attribute a corresponding presen236
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
tation property is created according to the type of a user interface element. For example a «text» stereotyped class is created for each attribute of type String and a «anchor» stereotyped class is created for an attribute of type URL. An excerpt of the
results is shown in Fig. 6.
UWE-Based Generation of Web Applications
The main effort of an MDE approach to Web application generation is bridging the
gap between the abstractions present in the design models (content, navigation, process, and presentation) and the targeted Web platform. In fact, this gap is quite narrow
for UWE content and presentation models: The UML static structure used for describing content in UWE (if we may neglect more arcane modeling concepts like advanced
templates, package merging and the like) has a rather direct counterpart in the backing
data description techniques of current Web platforms, like relational database models,
object-relational mappings, or Java beans. Similarly, an UWE presentation model,
being again based on UML static structures, can be seen as a mild abstraction of Web
page designs, using, e.g., plain HTML, Dynamic HTML, or Java Server Pages (JSPs).
This abstraction gap is comparable for UWE navigation structures using only navigation nodes and access primitives. The situation, however, changes for UWE business
process descriptions, which use a workflow notation. In particular, the token-based,
Petri net-like interpretation of UML activities and their combination of control and
data flow, which is especially well-suited for a declarative data transport, differs notably from the more traditional, control-centric programming language concepts supported by current Web platforms.
Thus, for generating a Web application from an UWE design model, we employ on
the one hand a transformational and on the other hand an interpretational approach:
Transformation rules are adequate for generating the data model and the presentation
layer of a Web application from the UWE content, navigation structure and presentation models, where the differences in modeling and platform abstraction is low. The
higher differences in abstraction and formalism apparent in the process models can be
more easily overcome interpreting these executable models directly in a virtual machine. For concreteness, we describe the Web application generation process from
UWE models by means of a single Web platform, the Spring framework10, but, by
exchanging the model transformations and adapting the virtual machine, the principal
ideas could be easily transferred to other Web technologies like using simply Java
Server Pages (JSPs) or, more heavy weightily, ASP.NET.
Spring is a multi-purpose framework based on the Java platform modularly integrating an MVC 2-based11 Web framework with facilities for middleware access,
persistence, and transaction management. Its decoupling of the model, view, and
controller parts directly reflects the general structure of the UWE modeling approach
and also supports the complementary use of transformation rules and an execution
engine in Web application generation: Minimal requirements are imposed by the
Spring framework on the model technology; in fact, any kind of Plain Old Java Ob10
Spring Framework,
Sun ONE Architecture Guide, 2002.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
jects (POJOs) can be used, and the access to the model from the view or the controller
parts only relies on calling get- and set-methods. We illustrate the approach defining transformation rules from an UWE content model into Java beans. The view technology is separated from the model and the controller part by a configuration mechanism provided by Spring; thus technologies like JSPs, Tiles, or Java Server Faces can
be employed. We define transformation rules from an UWE presentation model into
JSPs. Finally, the controller part provides a hook for deploying a virtual machine for
business process interpretation, as it can be customized through any Java class implementing a specific interface from the Spring framework. Configuration data for the
virtual machine are generated from the UWE process and navigation model.
Fig. 7. Overview of platform specific implementation
An overview of the transformations and the execution engine we describe in the
following is given in Fig. 7. The virtual machine for business process execution and
the integration into navigation is wrapped into a runtime environment that is built on
top of the Spring framework and also encapsulates the management of data and the
handling of views.
4.1 Runtime Environment
The structure of the runtime environment is shown in Fig. 8. The Spring framework is
configured to use a specific generic controller implementation named MainController. The controller has access to a set of objects with types generated from the content model and one designated root object as entrance point for the application. Model
objects are accessed by their get- and set- methods and the operations defined in the
content model. Additionally, the controller manages a set of NavigationClassInfo
objects which contain information about the navigation structure regarding inheritance between navigation classes and are generated from the navigation model. A set
of ProcessActivity objects generated from the process model represents the available Web processes; for each session at most one process can be active at a time.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Views, i.e. Web pages, are not explicitly managed by the runtime environment, only
string identifiers are passed. The Spring framework is responsible for resolving these
identifiers to actual Web pages that were generated from the presentation model.
The method handleRequest handles incoming Web requests by modifying the
model and returning a corresponding view. When this method is called, it first checks
if a process is active in the current session. If it is, then the execution is delegated to
the process runtime environment as detailed in Sect. 4.3. If not, then the next object
from the content model that should be presented to the user is resolved by its identifier. Finally, a view identifier is returned and the corresponding Web page is shown to
the user.
Fig. 8. Runtime environment
4.2 Content and Navigation
The transformation of the content model into Java beans is rather straightforward. The
following example illustrates the outcome for the transformation rule applied to ProjectManager:
public class ProjectManager {
private List<Project> projects;
public List<Project> getProjects() {
return projects;
public void setProjects(List<Project> projects) {
this.projects = projects;
public void removeProject(Project project) {
// to be implemented manually
The navigation model does not have to be directly transformed into code because
in the transformation of the presentation model the references to elements from the
navigation model are resolved so that the generated pages directly access the content
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
model. Nevertheless, a minimum knowledge about the navigation model is needed in
the runtime environment to handle dynamic navigation. For instance, in the navigation model of Fig. 4 a process link leads from the process class AddProject to the
abstract navigation class Project with the two navigation sub classes UserProject and
ValidationProject. Thus, when following the link from AddProject to a created project
then the presentation class for the navigation subclass for the dynamic content object
type should be displayed.
4.3 Process
Because of the complex execution semantics of activities based on token flows we
integrate a generic Web process engine into the platform specific runtime environment presented in Sect. 4.1. The basic structure of the Web process engine is given in
Fig. 9. A process activity comprises a list of activity nodes and set of activity edges.
Activity nodes can hold a token which is either a control token, indicating that a flow
of control is currently at a specific node, or an object token which indicates that an
object flow is at a specific node. Activity edges represent the possible flow of tokens
from one activity node to another. Multiple tokens may be present at different activity
nodes at a specific point in time. The method acceptsToken of an activity node or
an activity edge is used to query if a specific token would currently be accepted which
then could be received by the method receiveToken. An activity has an input parameter node and optionally an output parameter node which serve to hold input and
output object tokens.
The control nodes supported by the process engine are decision and merge nodes,
join and fork nodes, and final nodes. The object nodes supported are pins representing
input and output of actions, activity parameter nodes for the input and output of process activities, central buffer nodes for intermediate buffering of object tokens, and
datastore nodes representing a permanent buffer. The implementation of these nodes
corresponds to the UML 2.0 specification.
Before starting the execution of a process activity it has to be initialized by calling
the method init. This results in initializing all contained activity nodes and placing
an object token in the input parameter node as illustrated by the following simplified
Java code lines:
public void init(Object inputParameter) {
// initialize all activity nodes
for (ActivityNode n : activityNodes)
// place new object token in input parameter node
inputParameterNode.receiveToken(new ObjectToken(inputParameter));
finished = false;
The complete execution of a process activity comprises the handling of user interactions, like RemoveProjectInput and ConfirmRemoveProjectInput in Fig. 5. Thus,
when a process activity contains at least one user interaction then it cannot be executed completely in one step. The method next of a process activity is called from
the runtime environment to execute the process activity until the next user interaction
is encountered or the process activity has finished its execution. Moreover, either the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
next user interaction object to be presented to the user is returned; or in case the activity has finished with a return value, the output parameter object is shown. The following code lines give an outline to the implementation of the method next:
Fig. 9. Runtime process activity
public Object next() {
// process input requested after last method call
for (ActivityNode n : activityNodes) {
if (n.isWaitingForInput()) {
// token passing loop
while (true) {
for (ActivityNode n : activityNodes) {;
// return in case of waiting for user input
if (n.isWaitingForInput())
return n.getInputObject();
else {
// return if the output parameter node has an object token
if (n == outputParameterNode && n.hasToken())
return outputParameterNode.getObjectToken().getObject();
// return in case of activity final node reached
if (n instanceof ActivityFinalNode && n.hasToken()) {
return null;
First the method processInput of the first activity node that was waiting for input
in the last step is called to process the user input that is now available in the user in241
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
teraction object. Then all activity nodes are notified to execute their behavior by calling the method next. If a node then indicates that it is waiting for input the method
returns with the user interaction object returned by this node. If a token arrives either
at an activity output parameter node or at an activity final node the execution of the
process activity terminates and the method returns.
4.4 Presentation
We outline the transformation from the presentation model to Java Server Pages.
The metamodel of JSPs is shown in Fig. 10. For every user interface element of type
X in the presentation metamodel a corresponding ATL transformation rule X2JSP is
responsible for the transformation of user interface elements of the given type.
name : String
value : Str ing +children
docum ent Nam e : String
Fig. 10. JSP metamodel
Each presentation class is mapped to a root element that includes the outer structure of an HTML document. All mappings of user interface elements are included in
the body tag.
rule PresentationClass2JSP {
pc : UWE!PresentationClass
jsp : JSP!Root(documentName <- + '.jsp',
children <- Sequence{ htmlNode }),
htmlNode : JSP!Element(name <- 'html',
children <- Sequence{ headNode, bodyNode }),
headNode : JSP!Element(name <- 'head',
children <- Sequence{ titleNode }),
titleNode : JSP!Element(name <- 'title',
children <- Sequence{ titleTextNode }),
titleTextNode : JSP!TextNode(value <-,
bodyNode : JSP!Element(name <- 'body',
children <- Sequence{ pc.ownedAttribute->collect(p | p.type) })
Each user interface element of type form is mapped to an HTML form element.
All contained user interface elements are placed inside the form element. The action attribute points to the target of the corresponding link associated to the form by
using a relative page name with the suffix .uwe.
rule Form2JSP {
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
uie : UWE!Form
jsp : JSP!Element(name <- 'form',
children <- Sequence{ actionAttr, uie.uiElements }),
actionAttr : JSP!Attribute(name <- 'action',
value <- + '.uwe')
All remaining UI elements, like anchors, text, images are transformed similarly [12].
The JSP rendering of the presentation class ProjectManager of Fig. 6 is shown in Fig.
Fig. 11. Screenshot of JSP for the presentation class ProjectManager
Related Work
Other methodologies in the Web engineering domain are also introducing modeldriven development techniques in their development processes. For example, the Web
Software Architecture (WebSA [15]) approach complements other Web design methods, like OO-H and UWE, by providing an additional viewpoint for the architecture
of a Web application. Transformations are specified in a proprietary transformation
language called UML Profile for Transformations, which is based on QVT.
MIDAS [3] is another model driven approach for Web application development
based on the MDA approach. For analysis and design it is based on the content, navigation and presentation models provided by UWE. In contrast to our approach, it
relies on object-relational techniques for the implementation of the content aspect and
on XML techniques for the implementation of the navigation and presentation aspects. A process aspect is not supported by MIDAS yet.
The Web Markup Language (WebML [5].) is a data-intensive approach that until
now does use neither an explicit metamodel nor model transformation languages. The
corresponding tool WebRatio internally uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) for
storing WebML models and the XML transformation language XSLT for model-tocode transformation. WebML transformation rules are proprietary part of its CASE
tool. Schauerhuber et al. present in [17] an approach to semi-automatically transform
the WebML DTD specification to a MOF compatible metamodel.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
A recent extension of the Object Oriented Web Solution (OOWS [19]) supports
business processes by the inclusion of graphical user interfaces elements in their
navigation model. The imperative features of QVT, i.e. operational mappings are used
as transformation language. In [20] OOWS proposes the use of graph transformations
to automate its CIM to PIM transformations. A similar approach is used in W2000
[1]. SHDM [13] and Hera [21]are both methods centered on the Semantic Web. HyperDE – a tool implementing SHDM – is based on Ruby on Rails extended by navigation primitives. Hera instead only applies model-driven engineering for the creation of
a model for data integration.
Another interesting model driven approach stems from Muller et al. [16]. In contrast to this work, a heavyweight non-profilable metamodel is used for the hypertext
model and the template-based presentation model, nevertheless UML is used for the
business model. A language called Xion is used to express constraints and actions. A
visual model driven tool called Netsilon supports the whole approach.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
We have presented an MDE approach to the generation of Web applications from
UWE design models. On the one hand, model transformation rules in the transformation language ATL translate the UWE content and presentation models into Java
beans and JSPs; on the other hand, a virtual machine built on top of the controller of
the Spring framework executes the business processes integrated into the navigation
structure. These are the first steps towards a “translationist” vision of transformations
of platform independent models to platform specific models in UWE.
The combination of a translational and interpretational approach offers a high degree of flexibility to generate Web applications for a broad range of different target
technologies. The approach presented in this work is further extended in [12], including a detailed description of computational independent models (CIMs) and platform
independent models (PIMs) as well as transformations from CIM to PIM and PIM to
PIM, which are also expressed as ATL transformation rules. The ATL transformations of this work are easily transferable to QVT.
Our future work will focus on applying the model transformation approach to other
Web applications concerns, such as adaptivity and access control. An aspect-oriented
modeling approach is used to model these concerns in UWE and still needs the definition of appropriate transformations. We also plan to analyze the applicability of an
MDE approach to Web 2.0 features, e.g. Web services and Rich Internet Applications
(RIAs) using AJAX technology in the model-driven development process of UWE.
[1] Luciano Baresi, Luca Mainetti. “Beyond Modeling Notations: Consistency and Adaptability of W2000 Models”. Proc. ACM Symp. Applied Computing (SAC’05), Santa Fe, 2005.
[2] Michael Barth, Rolf Hennicker, Andreas Kraus, Matthias Ludwig. “DANUBIA: An Integrative Simulation System for Global Change Research in the Upper Danube Basin”. Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 35, No. 7-8, 2004, pp. 639-666.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
[3] Paloma Cáceres, Valeria de Castro, Juan M. Vara, Esperanza Marcos. “Model transformation for Hypertext Modeling on Web Information Systems”, Proc. ACM Symp. Applied
Computing (SAC’06), Dijon, 2006.
[4] Krzysztof Czarnecki, Simon Helsen. “Classification of Model Transformation Approaches”. Proc. OOPSLA’03 Wsh. Generative Techniques in the Context of ModelDriven Architecture, Anaheim, 2003.
[5] Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Aldo Bongio, Marco Brambilla, Sara Comai, Maristella
Matera. “Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications”. Morgan Kaufman, 2003.
[6] Jaime Gómez, Cristina Cachero. “OO-H: Extending UML to Model Web Interfaces”.
Information Modeling for Internet Applications. IGI Publishing, 2002.
[7] Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh. “The Unified Software Development Process”. Addison Wesley, 1999.
[8] Gerti Kappel, Birgit Pröll, Siegfried Reich, Werner Retschizegger (eds.). “Web Engineering”, John Wiley, 2006.
[9] Nora Koch. “Transformations Techniques in the Model-Driven Development Process of
UWE”. Proc. 2nd Wsh. Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE’06), Palo Alto, 2006.
[10] Alexander Knapp, Gefei Zhang. “Model Transformations for Integrating and Validating
Web Application Models”. Proc. Modellierung 2006 (MOD’06). LNI P-82, pp. 115-128,
[11] Andreas Kraus, Nora Koch. A Metamodel for UWE. Technical Report 0301, LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Germany, 2003.
[12] Andreas Kraus. “Model Driven Software Engineering for Web Applications”, PhD. Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, 2007, to appear.
[13] Fernanda Lima, Daniel Schwabe. “Application Modeling for the Semantic Web”. Proc.
LA-Web 2003, Santiago, IEEE Press, pp. 93-103, 2003.
[14] Ashley McNeile. MDA: The Vision with the Hole?, 2003.
[15] Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gomez. “The WebSA Approach: Applying Model Driven Engineering to Web Applications”. J. Web Engineering, 5(2), 2006.
[16] Pierre-Alain Muller, Philippe Studer, Frederic Fondement, Jean Bézivin. “Platform independent Web application modeling and development with Netsilon”. Software & System
Modeling, 4(4), 2005.
[17] Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, Elisabeth Kapsammer. “Bridging existing Web
Modeling Languages to Model-Driven Engineering: A Metamodel for WebML”, In: Proc.
2nd Wsh. Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE’06), Palo Alto, 2006.
[18] Douglas Schmidt. “Model-Driven Engineering”. IEEE Computer 39 (2), 2006.
[19] Victoria Torres, Vicente Pelechano, Pau Giner. “Generación de Aplicaciones Web basadas
en Procesos de Negocio mediante Transformación de Modelos”. Jornadas de Ingeniería de
Software y Base de Datos (JISBD), XI, Barcelona, Spain, 2006.
[20] Pedro Valderas, Joan Fons, Vicente Pelechano. “From Web Requirements to Navigational
Design – A Transformational Approach”. Proc. 5 th Int. Conf. Web Engineering
(ICWE’05). LNCS 3579, 2005.
[21] Richard Vdovjak, Geert-Jan Houben. “A Model-Driven Approach for Designing Distributed Web Information Systems”. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Web Engineering (ICWE’05). LNCS
3579, 2005.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
MDWEnet: A Practical Approach to Achieving
Interoperability of Model-Driven Web Engineering
Antonio Vallecillo1, Nora Koch2, Cristina Cachero4, Sara Comai3, Piero Fraternali3,
Irene Garrigós4, Jaime Gómez4, Gerti Kappel5, Alexander Knapp2, Maristella Matera3,
Santiago Meliá4, Nathalie Moreno1, Birgit Pröll6, Thomas Reiter6, Werner Retschitzegger6, José E. Rivera1, Andrea Schauerhuber5, Wieland Schwinger6, Manuel
Wimmer5, Gefei Zhang2
Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Technical University Vienna, Austria
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
[email protected]
Abstract. Current model-driven Web Engineering approaches (such as OO-H,
UWE or WebML) provide a set of methods and supporting tools for a systematic design and development of Web applications. Each method addresses different concerns using separate models (content, navigation, presentation, business logic, etc.), and provide model compilers that produce most of the logic
and Web pages of the application from these models. However, these proposals
also have some limitations, especially for exchanging models or representing
further modeling concerns, such as architectural styles, technology independence, or distribution. A possible solution to these issues is provided by making
model-driven Web Engineering proposals interoperate, being able to complement each other, and to exchange models between the different tools.
MDWEnet is a recent initiative started by a small group of researchers working
on model-driven Web Engineering (MDWE). Its goal is to improve current
practices and tools for the model-driven development of Web applications for
better interoperability. The proposal is based on the strengths of current modeldriven Web Engineering methods, and the existing experience and knowledge
in the field. This paper presents the background, motivation, scope, and objectives of MDWEnet. Furthermore, it reports on the MDWEnet results and
achievements so far, and its future plan of actions.
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) advocates the use of models and model transformations as the key features in all phases of software development, from system specification and analysis over design to implementation and testing. Each model usually
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
addresses one concern, independently of the rest of the issues involved in the construction of the system. Thus, the basic functionality of the system can be separated
from its final implementation; the business logic can be separated from the underlying
platform technology, etc. The transformations between models enable the automated
implementation of a system right from the different models defined for it.
Web Engineering is a specific domain in which model-driven software development can be successfully applied [1]. Existing model-driven Web Engineering approaches (such as OO-H [2], UWE [3] or WebML [4]) already provide a set of suitable methods and tools for the design and development of most kinds of Web applications. They address different concerns using separate models (navigation, presentation, business logic, etc.) and come with model compilers that produce most of the
application’s Web pages and logic based on these models. However, most of these
Web Engineering proposals do not fully exploit all the potential benefits of MDE,
such as complete platform independence, or tool interoperability. In addition, these
proposals also have some limitations, especially when it comes to exchanging models
or expressing further concerns, such as architectural styles or distribution.
Recently, the OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative [5] has introduced a new approach for organizing the design of an application into different models so portability, interoperability and reusability can be obtained through architectural separation of concerns. MDA covers a wide spectrum of topics and issues ranging from MOF-based metamodels to UML profiles, model transformations and modeling languages.
However, the effective integration with the already existing model-driven Web
Engineering approaches has been only partially achieved. The most interesting issue
is the interoperability of models and artifacts designed using the different existing
development methods to enable the use of synergies. The vision is, at the end of a
long way, to count on either one unified method based on the strengths of the different methods, or interoperability bridges (transformations) between the individual
models and tools that would allow their seamless integration for building Web applications.
Many groups of the Web Engineering community share these objectives. Lively
discussions took place at both Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) workshops
in Sydney (2005) and Menlo Park (2006). A small number of groups decided to reinforce discussions on workshops with a set of planned activities in order to get concrete solutions to the current problem of interoperability of model-driven Web Engineering approaches. The initiative is called MDWEnet and started its activities in
December 2006. This paper provides an overview of the motivation and background
of this initiative (Section 2), its scope and objectives (Section 3), activities (Section
4), and future plans (Section 5).
Background and Motivation
The growing interest in Model-Driven Web Engineering has produced quite a significant number of results, which have materialized into a concrete set of MDWE approaches. As mentioned above, they provide suitable methods and tools for the design
and development of Web applications, but they also present some limitations. So far,
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
each group is mainly working on progressively improving their own proposals in an
independent manner, with the exception of a couple of bilateral collaborations. One
alternative solution is provided by the possibility of making Web proposals interoperate, being able to complement each other, and to exchange models between the different tools. This is precisely one of the goals of MDWEnet.
The authors of this paper met for the first time in Munich in December 2006, with
the objective of coordinating the current efforts being carried out by individual groups
in the field of MDWE. They are members from five of the groups that work on these
topics, including the UWE, OO-H and WebML teams from the Universities of Munich, Alicante and Politecnico di Milano, respectively. The other two groups are from
the University of Malaga, and from a joint cooperation between the Technical University of Vienna and the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, contributing with their
knowledge on frameworks, metamodels and model transformations in the Web field
[6,7,8]. The intention is to harmonize their efforts in order to be more effective, to
avoid duplicated work, and to align their targets and goals. The plan was to start with
a small number of groups first, and then to open to the rest of the MDWE community
as soon as the first results were tangible and could be shown.
Several discussions took place during the meeting, most of them being representative examples of the topics and issues of current interest to the MDWE community.
First, the current activities and work in progress of each group were presented. Then,
a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the situation of MDWE in the fields of MDE and Web Engineering was conducted, to provide
a clear picture of the context and the current position from where to start. The following sections describe these issues, because they not only can be of help to the
MDWEnet group, but can also be interesting to the whole MDWE community.
Work in Progress
The following list shows the topics and issues that each individual group has recently
a) Addressing new concerns in Web application development
• Software architecture (OO-H)
• Personalization (OO-H), Adaptation (WebML)
• Workflows (UWE, WebML)
• Integration with external Web Services (WebML)
• Requirements (UWE)
b) Quality evaluation
• Effort estimation (OO-H, WebML)
• Usability logs for analysing usage patterns and validation of navigational designs (WebML)
c) Metamodel profiling and integration
• Definition of a global framework (Málaga)
• WebML profiles (various)
• Metamodel integration (Wien/Linz)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
d) Other
• Semantic annotations (OO-H)
• Automatic client-side code generation (WebML)
• Test derivation of applications (WebML)
• Analysis, validation and verification of models (WebML, UWE)
• Use of Aspect-Oriented Software Development techniques (e.g., for adaptation/access control) (UWE, Wien/Linz)
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis was conducted to gain a better understanding on the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threads of current MDWE practices and approaches.
The results are very illustrative, and show a field with plenty of possibilities and opportunities to grow and provide interesting benefits to the Web Engineering community.
a) Strengths
• Tool-supported methods
…that work in practice!
Significant improvements on productivity
• Tested and validated by real industrial usage
Large companies
Many projects (both privately and publicly funded)
• Wide knowledge and experience in Web Engineering
• Many groups working on interesting and useful extensions (see Sect.
b) Weaknesses
• Of those approaches not using OMG standards
Use of proprietary notations (many customers don’t like them)
Tools not aligned with MDA (yet)
• Of those using UML
Tool support (for modeling and code generation)
• No interoperability of models and tools between individual proposals
No reusability of efforts and developments
No “core competencies” approach possible
• Current Web modeling languages…
…are model-driven to a limited extent (e.g., the majority of approaches have not defined their metamodels, do not rely on model
transformations, etc.)
…partly provide concepts for modeling customization but no comprehensive support
• Customization of functionality cannot be captured separately but is scattered across all levels of a Web application model
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
c) Opportunities
• Web Engineering is a domain where MDE ideas can be successfully applied
• There is a current need for MDWE solutions in industry
Real interest from customers
Research funds (National and European)
• There is an interest in academia
Journals, conferences
• MDE and MDA are fashionable now
Claimed to be supported by everybody (OMG, IBM, Microsoft,
Customers, etc.)
Model transformation languages are becoming mature
• There is a group of people willing to co-operate to make it work
MDWEnet is a concrete example
• Use the repositories of previous projects for conducting empirical studies on performance, quality, etc.
d) Threats
• MDE/MDA fails to deliver because of
No tool support
Customer dissatisfaction or frustration (probably due to too high expectations)
• We fail to deliver because of
Result is worse than individual proposals, or
Resulting method, techniques and/or notation are too complex,
Learning is too difficult, or usability is not good enough
No real applications (very complex) can be built
• Real goals not addressed; they are
Too academic, or
Too pragmatic
Scope and objectives of MDWEnet
The scope of the MDWEnet initiative is the model-driven development of Web applications, using different methods and tools, while ensuring the interoperability of their
artifacts and models.
The overall objective is to improve current practices and tools for the modeldriven development of Web applications, by making use of the strengths of current
model-driven Web Engineering methods, and the existing experience and knowledge
in the field.
The way in which we decided to reach this goal is by investigating the interoperability of model-driven Web Engineering methods, i.e., by trying to explore how Web
proposals could interoperate, be able to complement each other, and exchange models
between the different tools.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Two clear phases in the process were distinguished: (1) proof of concept and validation; and (2) application of the interoperability approach.
The first phase is focused on investigating how this interoperability can be
achieved at a basic level (i.e., over the fundamental set of elements and functionality
that any MDWE method should cover), and on its validation for three MDWE methods: OO-H [2], UWE [3] and WebML [4]. This phase is based on an incremental and
iterative process, starting from a very small set of features and functionality that the
different methods should deal with, which are progressively extended until the basic
functionality offered by any MDWE approach is covered.
Once we achieve the required interoperability between the individual methods at
that basic level, the second phase will use a set of representative Web applications to
progressively extend these modeling elements and features, being able to deal with
both static and dynamic aspects of Web application design.
During the workshop different possibilities to achieve the objectives were discussed,
as already mentioned, focusing on two options: to use or not to use a common metamodel. In order to be able to define precise actions, the MDWEnet group had to
make a set of decisions related to the technologies and tools to be used for implementing the actions. Some of these decisions were not easy to make, as described below. A
plan of concrete actions was defined, relying on a strong commitment of the teams of
all groups.
In general, there are many ways to achieve these goals, especially in the MDE field—
which is neither fully mature nor well established yet. For instance, we had the following choices for tackling the problem of the interoperability between different
MDWE approaches.
Taking the best of each approach and try to define an integrated approach (in
a similar way in which the UML was originally defined)?
Developing a common metamodel?
Preserving the nature of each web method and try to concentrate the efforts
to process transformations between models?
We decided to initially explore two possibilities, and, once we have some concrete
results, to look back and decide based on the pros and cons of each one. These possibilities, together with their advantages and disadvantages (a priori) are as follows.
Option 1: Definition of a metamodel for each individual approach and of the
transformations between the different metamodels.
• Assumptions
– There exists no common metamodel, or
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
– No agreement is reached w.r.t. a common metamodel, or
– The common metamodel is not expressive enough, or
– Transformations are possible between all individual metamodels
– Individuality is respected
– Tools are readily available
– Zoos (model repositories) can be “easily” built and maintained to
share models
– Integration and interoperation are much more difficult
– Sharing tools is complicated
– Too many transformations required [n(n–1)]
Option 2: Definition of a common metamodel
• Assumptions
– There exists a common metamodel
– An agreement is reached w.r.t. such a common metamodel
– The common metamodel is expressive enough
– Transformations are possible to/from all individual metamodels
• Benefits/advantages
– Integration and interoperation are easier
– Sharing tools is possible
– Core competencies (presentation/information/tools/…)
– Less transformations between metamodels [2n]
• Disadvantages
– Individuality is somehow lost
– Too many assumptions
– Interoperability conflicts between different proposals
Of course, none of these options is free from problems. For example, should the
common metamodel be (a) just the basics of MDWE; (b) the intersection of the metamodels of all MDWE proposals; or (c) the union of all metamodels?
Regarding the notation to express the metamodels, should we use MOF, eMOF,
Ecore, KM3, or other metamodeling languages?
This leads to a more delicate question, regarding the MDE approach to use. Should
we go try to be compatible with the OMG approach (which means using MOF, UML,
QVT, etc), the Microsoft approach, or other (e.g., use AMMA and the ATLAS way)?
This has also to do with the choice of the modeling tools, since they do not interoperate at present. This is another important decision, since the only way to be able to
seamlessly exchange models and artefacts is by sharing a common modeling tool
(such as Enterprise Architect, MagicDraw, etc.). And the same is true for the model
transformation language and tool to use: QVT (Together), graph-based (AGG,
VIATRA, ATOM3), or other (e.g., ATL).
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
As aforementioned, we decided to explore the two options above: (1) to define and
use individual metamodels and transformations between them; and (2) to define a
common metamodel and transformations to/from the metamodels of the different
proposals. The common metamodel will be defined as the union of all metamodels.
The metamodeling language will be Ecore, and the MDE approach will be based on
the ATLAS group initiative, i.e., using the ATL as model transformation language.
For drawing models we agreed to use MagicDraw as modeling tool.
Plan of actions
Based on these decisions, a concrete plan of actions was set up. It was organized into
two phases, the first one running for 6 months. The actions to be developed during the
first phase focus on the definition of a common metamodel, on the specification of the
metamodels of the three initial proposals (UWE, OO-H and WebML) and on the
transformations between these metamodels.
In addition, the actions should achieve the preparation of a survey of existing
MDWE approaches and a “map” of communities that work on topics closely related
to Model-Driven Web Engineering. A second phase would build on the result of the
first one, and would consist of the definition of a Web Engineering modeling ontology, the evaluation of existing Web Engineering modeling tool environments and
their capabilities for integration. Another goal is to cooperate in teaching and research, e.g., sharing teaching material and the acquisition of funding for joint projects.
Results so far
Although there is still a long way to go, we already count on a set of results, which
could be of interest to the MDWE community.
The first one is a Wiki web, used by the group as a collaborative platform. The
Wiki allows the exchange of information, documents, models, and tools, as well as
the development of joint work on the material. It fulfills also the role of a repository
of all kind of interesting information on model-driven Web Engineering topics.
The Wiki also contains the results that the actions have produced. In particular, it
includes a collection of information on funding opportunities, the specification of the
common metamodel, core metamodels of OO-H, UWE and WebML and a set of
example model problems.
Future plans
The current activities are limited to the proof of concept of a first approach of interoperability of three methods OO-H, UWE and WebML. We also restricted the number
of issues the different methods should manage to a small set of basic features of Web
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
We plan to extend the current state with further modeling elements of the selected
methods in order to cover all static and dynamic model-driven aspects of Web applications. Further methods and experimental material for volunteers to conduct experiments on external quality of Web applications developed with Web Engineering
methods will be provided as well. At a long term plan the vision of a fully integrated
environment where modeling and generation of Web applications using any method
would be possible.
[1] Nathalie Moreno, José Raúl Romero, and Antonio Vallecillo. An overview of modeldriven Web Engineering and the MDA. In Luis Olsina, Oscar Pastor, Gustavo Rossi and
Daniel Schwabe, editors, Web Engineering and Web Applications Design Methods, volume 12 of Human-Computer Interaction Series, chapter 12. Springer, 2007.
[2] Jaime Gómez and Cristina Cachero. OO-H Method: Extending UML to Model Web Interfaces. Idea Group Publishing, pp. 144–173, 2003.
[3] Nora Koch, Alexander Knapp, Gefei Zhang, and Hubert Baumeister. UML-based Web
Engineering: An Approach based on Standards. In Luis Olsina, Oscar Pastor, Gustavo
Rossi and Daniel Schwabe, editors, Web Engineering and Web Applications Design Methods, volume 12 of Human-Computer Interaction Series, chapter 7. Springer, 2007.
[4] S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, and M. Matera. Designing
Data-Intensive Web Applications. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
[5] MDA Guide V1.0.1, omg/03-06-01,
[6] Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Wieland Schwinger, and
Werner Retschitzegger. Bridging WebML to Model-Driven Engineering: From DTDs to
MOF. Accepted for puplication in IET Software, 2007.
[7] Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, and Wieland Schwinger, Elisabeth Kapsammer,
and Werner Retschitzegger. Aspect-Oriented Modeling of Ubiquitous Web Applications:
The aspectWebML Approach. 5th Workshop on Model-Based Development for ComputerBased Systems: Domain-Specific Approaches to Model-Based Development, in conjunction with ECBS, Tucson, AZ, USA, March 2007.
[8] Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, and Horst Kargl. On the
Integration of Web Modeling Languages: Preliminary Results and Future Challenges.
Workshop on Model-driven Web Engineering (MDWE), held in conjunction with ICWE,
Como, Italy, July, 2007
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
On the Integration of Web Modeling Languages:
Preliminary Results and Future Challenges
Manuel Wimmer1,‡, Andrea Schauerhuber2, , Wieland Schwinger3,‡, Horst Kargl1,‡
Business Informatics Group
Vienna University of Technology
{wimmer, kargl}
Women’s Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies
Vienna University of Technology
[email protected]
Department of Telecooperation
Johannes Kepler University Linz
[email protected]
Abstract. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is considered as the lingua
franca in software engineering. Despite various web modeling languages having
emerged in the past decade, in the field of web engineering a pendant to UML
cannot be found yet. In the light of this “method war” the question arises if a
unification of the existing web modeling languages can be successfully applied
in the style of UML’s development. In such a unification effort we defer the
task of designing a “Unified Web Modeling Language”. Instead, we first aim at
integrating three prominent representatives of the web modeling field, namely
WebML, UWE, and OO-H, in order to gain a detailed understanding of their
commonalities and differences as well as to identify the common concepts used
in web modeling. This integration is based on specifying transformation rules
allowing the transformation of WebML, UWE, and OO-H models into any
other of the three languages, respectively. To this end, a major contribution of
this work is the languages’ definitions made explicit in terms of metamodels, a
prerequisite for model-driven web engineering for each approach. Furthermore,
the transformation rules defined between these metamodels - besides
representing a step towards unification - also enable interoperability through
model exchange.
Keywords: Web Modeling, Model Integration, Common Metamodel for Web
Modeling, Model-Driven Web Engineering
This work has been partly funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation
and Technology (BMVIT) and FFG under grant FIT-IT-810806.
This work has been partly funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science,
and Culture, and the European Social Fund (ESF) under grant 31.963/46-VII/9/2002.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
1 Introduction
In the past decade various modeling approaches have emerged in the research field
of web engineering including WebML [7], UWE [13], W2000 [1], OOHDM [26],
OO-H [10], WSDM [8], and OOWS [25]. Each of those model-based approaches
follows the similar goal of counteracting a technology-driven and ad hoc development
of web applications. Beyond this, we notice similar and simultaneous extensions to
the individual web modeling approaches, e.g., for supporting context-aware web
applications [2, 6, 9], business process modeling [4, 14], and for exploiting all
benefits of model-driven web engineering (MDWE) [15, 18]. The current situation
somewhat resembles the object-oriented modeling “method war” of the 90ies. A
situation from which after a unification process the UML [24] eventually has become
the lingua franca in software engineering. In the light of the current “method war” in
the research field of web engineering (cf. Figure 1) the question arises if a unification
of the existing web modeling approaches can be successfully applied as it was
achieved for the UML.
Figure 1:Web Modeling Languages History, based on [28]
In the MDWEnet initiative [16], which has recently started by a small group of
researchers working on MDWE, this and further questions are tackled. More
specifically, the initiative’s goal is to improve interoperability between current web
modeling approaches as well as their tools for the model-driven development of web
As a prerequisite for unification a common agreement on the most important web
modeling concepts is essential. This agreement can only be gained when investigating
the concepts used in existing web modeling languages and fully understanding the
languages’ commonalities and differences. In the MDWEnet initiative, we therefore
defer the task of designing a “Unified Web Modeling Language”. Instead, we first
aim at integrating three prominent representatives of the web modeling field, namely
WebML, UWE, and OO-H, since they are well elaborated and documented as well as
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
supported by modeling tools. This integration is based on specifying and
implementing transformation rules allowing the transformation of WebML, UWE,
and OO-H models into any other of the three languages, respectively. This way a
detailed understanding of the common concepts used in web modeling can be
obtained as well as their different realizations in the three selected languages. On the
basis of this integration task the definition of a common metamodel for web modeling
can be achieved in the future.
Consequently, the major contribution of this work is a step towards identifying the
common concepts in web modeling by first defining transformations between different
modeling languages. We present the general integration approach as well as first
results on the integration of WebML and OO-H.
Besides representing an important step towards unification, the transformation
rules also enable model exchange between the three different languages. For defining
the transformation rules, the languages’ definitions had to be made explicit in terms of
metamodels, which in turn represent a prerequisite for enabling model-driven web
engineering for each individual approach. On the basis of tool adapters the models’
representation within the approaches’ tools could be translated into instances of these
metamodels and vice versa thus also insuring interoperability. Furthermore, it will be
possible to exploit the different strengths of each web modeling approach, e.g., code
generation facilities for different platforms such as J2EE in WebML’s WebRatio1 tool
and PHP in OO-H’s tool VisualWade2.
In the remainder of the paper, we discuss our methodology for integrating existing
web modeling languages in Section 2. We elaborate on preliminary results of the
integration task with respect to WebML and OO-H in Section 3 and provide our
lessons learned in Section 4. Finally the paper is concluded with a discussion on
future challenges in integrating as well as unifying web modeling languages.
2 Integration Methodology used in MDWEnet
In this section we discuss the general methodology used for the integration of
WebML, OO-H, and UWE. We first explain why integration on the basis of already
existing language artifacts is not possible. Second, we outline a model-based
integration framework, and third, we discuss how to obtain the most important
prerequisite for integration – the metamodels for the three web modeling languages.
Why is the integration on the basis of existing language artifacts not possible?
In Table 1 we present an overview of the formalisms used for defining WebML,
OO-H, and UWE as well as the approaches’ model storage formats. When looking at
the languages’ definitions, one can easily identify that each language is specified in a
different formalism, even in different technological spaces [17], which a-priori
prevents the comparability of the languages as well as model exchange.
For the integration of modeling languages in general and for web modeling
languages in particular, the first requirement is that the languages are defined with the
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
same meta-language. This enables to overcome syntactical heterogeneities and to
compare the language concepts in the same formalism. Furthermore, defining
languages with the same formalism also allows expressing their model instances in
the same formalism which further fosters comparability of the languages’ concepts
and beyond allows the uniform processing of the models, e.g., their visualization or
Table 1. Differences concerning Language Definition and Model Storage.
Language Definition
WebRatio, DTD3
VisualWade, Rational Rose Model
ArgoUWE, UML Profile
Model Storage
XML documents
Proprietary format
Consequently, it seems necessary to split up the integration process in order to
tackle two distinct integration concerns, namely syntactical integration and
semantical integration: In the first step, i.e. the syntactic integration, the different
formats used by WebML, UWE and OO-H are aligned towards one common
integration format. For example, a WebML model represented in terms of an XML
document has to be translated into this common integration format. The second step,
i.e. the semantical integration step, covers the transformation of a model from one
language into another one, e.g. from WebML to OO-H, while preserving the
semantics of the input model within the output model. This transformation is based on
transformation rules which require the input models to be available in the common
integration format.
How to use model-based techniques for integration purposes?
We decided to apply a model-based approach and use techniques and technologies
which have emerged with the rise of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) [3]. MDE
mainly propagates two techniques which are relevant for integration purposes: (1)
metamodels for defining the concepts of modeling languages, and (2) model
transformations. Model transformations in the context of MDE can be divided into
vertical model transformations and horizontal model transformations [19]. While the
first kind concerns transformations between different abstraction levels, e.g.,
continuously introducing more details that finally are necessary for code generation
purposes, e.g., for model refactoring. Consequently, in this work we rely on
horizontal model transformations.
In Figure 2, we present our model-based integration framework, which is based on
the tool integration pattern of Karsai et al. [12]. The framework is built upon opensource technologies for MDE, which have been developed under the hood of the
Eclipse project. In particular, we are using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
[5], as a model repository for a common syntactic integration format and EMF’s
Ecore, i.e. an implementation of the Meta Object Facility (MOF) standard [21], as the
meta-language for defining the metamodels for WebML, OO-H, and UWE.
Recently, two different proposals for a WebML metamodel have been published in parallel
[20, 27].
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Furthermore, we employ ATL [11] as model transformation language to implement
the transformation rules and finally, the ATL engine for actually executing the
transformation. In Figure 2, we also sketch the model-based integration process of
WebML (WebRatio), OO-H (VisualWade), and UWE (ArgoUWE), which is
described more detailed in the following:
1) Syntactic Integration. On the basis of tool adapters for bridging the native
model storage formats of the approaches’ tools towards the EMF models can be
integrated syntactically. Thus, realizing import functionality the tool adapters
have to parse the models in their native format and generate an XMI [22]
version for the EMF. In addition, the tool adapters also must be capable of
exporting the models by transforming them into the tools’ native format.
2) Semantic Integration. After the syntactic integration, the user can focus on the
correspondences between modeling concepts of different languages. This is
done by relating the metamodel elements and implementing the integration
knowledge in terms of ATL model transformation rules.
Common 4
Metamodel for
Web Modeling
Class Class Class
(ATL Engine)
Figure 2: Model-based Integration Framework
3) Definition of a Common Metamodel for Web Modeling. The top of Figure 2,
illustrates the goal of MDWEnet, i.e., a unification of existing web modeling
languages in terms of a common metamodel for web modeling. By defining the
metamodels for WebML, OO-H, and UWE, as well as working out the
integration knowledge in a first step, we hope that the creation of such a
common metamodel is easier to achieve afterwards. For the future, the common
metamodel for web modeling can serve as a pivot model and thus lowering the
integration effort drastically.
4) Execution of the Transformations. The model transformation rules then can
be executed in a model transformation engine. More specifically, the ATL
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
engine reads an input model, e.g. a WebML model, and generates an output
model, e.g. an OO-H model, according to the transformation rules.
Subsequently, the generated models can be exported via the specific tool
adapter to the proprietary tool.
What’s missing for a model-based integration and how to close the gap?
As a key-prerequisite for a model-based integration, the metamodels for WebML,
OO-H, and UWE must be available, which currently, however, is not the case. Within
the MDWEnet initiative, we have decided to use a top-down approach for building
the individual metamodels by starting with a focused set of requirements which are
specific to the web modeling domain [30]. This approach has the advantage that we
can concentrate on the core modeling constructs of the web modeling domain
supported by the addressed approaches instead of focusing on a huge amount of
concepts available in the individual approaches and implemented in their tools.
Following this top-down approach, a set of modeling requirements for the core of web
modeling were defined each focusing on a specific modeling problem. In the
following, these requirements are briefly explained and categorized into requirements
for content modeling, hypertext modeling, and content management modeling.
Layer 0 – Content Modeling. This layer is required to express domain objects and
their properties on which the web application is built upon.
Example: Class Student with attribute name, age, and a relationship to the class
Layer 1 – Hypertext Modeling. This layer covers the requirements for web
applications that allow navigation among the hypertext nodes and publish within a
node the content extracted from domain objects (cf. Layer 0), possibly based on input
provided by the user. The following four cases are subsumed by Layer 1:
x Global Navigation: This case requires a starting point in the web application, i.e.
a home page, and subsequently, a navigation mechanism for moving to another
page of the hypertext.
x Content Publication: This case requires a page, which publishes a list of domain
objects and displays for each object a set of attribute values.
x Parametric Content Publication: This case requires a page, which publishes a
list of domain objects each having attached a navigation mechanism, e.g., a
button, an anchor. This mechanism shall allow the user to navigate to the details
of the object.
x Parametric Content Publication with Explicit Parameter Mapping: This case
requires one page, which contains an input form with various input fields. The
user inputs are used for computing a set of domain objects. Thereby, the attribute
values of the objects need to satisfy a logical condition including as terms the
input provided by the user.
Layer 2 – Content Management Modeling. This layer covers the requirements
for web applications that allow the user to trigger operations for updating the domain
objects and their relationships (cf. Layer 0).
Example: Create a new instance of type Student. Update the age value of the instance
of type Student where name=’Michael Smith’.
The definition of metamodels is of course an art on its on and can be approached in
different ways. For the purpose of this work it was decided to employ an example260
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
based approach by a process of obtaining a metamodel from the aforementioned
requirements as follows [16]: One or more concrete modeling examples were derived
from the requirements specification and modeled in the respective modeling language
within each approach’s accompanying tool. The code generation facilities of each tool
were then used to find out if the examples modeled were semantically identical, i.e.,
the generated applications should work in the same way. From these models the
language concepts which have been used were identified, as well as how these
concepts were related to each other. Consequently, this information is then defined in
a corresponding metamodel. These metamodels should allow expressing the same
models as within the approaches’ tools, meaning the same information must be
expressible in the models.
3 Preliminary Results
In this section we present our preliminary results. First, we briefly discuss the
modeling examples realizing the MDWEnet’s modeling requirements for web
modeling and provide the resulting metamodels in Section 3.1. In order to illustrate
how, on basis of those metamodels, the integration is realized with ATL in Section
3.2 we then present excerpts of the set of ATL transformation rules that have been
defined for the metamodels.
3.1 Derived Metamodels
Our first task after the MDWEnet’s modeling requirements for web modeling have
been agreed on has been the derivation of concrete modeling examples realizing these
requirements specifications. Inspired by previous examples in the web modeling
domain, we are using excerpts of the often referred to album store running example
[6], which covers all the aforementioned requirements. After defining the modeling
examples, each of them was modeled within the approaches’ tools, i.e., WebRatio,
VisualWade, and ArgoUWE, respectively. Furthermore, we used the code generation
facilities to compare the behavior of the models by executing the generated web
On the basis of the modeling examples, each expressed in WebML, OO-H, and
UWE, we identified the language concepts used in the individual examples and
obtained first versions of the metamodels for WebML as well as for OO-H. The
metamodel for UWE is currently under preparation. Beyond, we have grouped the
metamodels’ elements into packages which directly correspond to the layers of the
modeling requirements presented in Section 2. In the following, the class structures of
the metamodels for WebML and OO-H are presented and briefly explained. For more
detailed versions of the metamodels the reader is referred to [30].
WebML Metamodel. In Figure 3, we present the resulting WebML metamodel,
i.e., its packages, classes and their interrelationships. While the Structure package and
ContentManagement package correspond to the Layer 0 and Layer 2 of the modeling
requirements, respectively, for Layer 1 two packages have been defined, namely
Hypertext and HypertextOrganization.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The Content package contains modeling concepts that allow modeling the content
layer of a web application. Since WebML’s content model is based on the ER-model,
it supports ER modeling concepts: An Entity represents a description of common
features, i.e., Attributes, of a set of objects. Entities that are associated with each other
are connected by Relationships. Unlike UML class diagrams, ER diagrams model
structural features, only.
The ContentManagement package contains modeling concepts that allow the
modification of data from the content layer. The specific ContentManagementUnits
are able to create, modify, and delete Entities (cf. EntityManagementUnit) as well as
establish or delete Relationships between Entities from the content layer (cf.
LinkableElement to
1 NavigationModel
1 to
entity 1
EntityManagementUnit RelationshipManagementUnit
Relationship 1
0..1 Hypertext:: targetselector
selector Selector
to 1
• normal
• transport
• automatic
WebMLTypes 0..1 superentity *
• String
• Text
• Password
• Number
• Integer
• Float
• Date
• Time
• TimeStamp
• Boolean
Attribute 0..1
MultiDataUnit IndexUnit DataUnit
Figure 3: The WebML Metamodel
In contrast, the hypertext layer represents a view on the content layer of a web
application, only. The Hypertext package summarizes ContentUnits, used, for
example, to display information from the content layer which may be connected by
Links in a certain way.
The HypertextOrganization package defines the Page modeling concept which is
used to organize and structure information from the content layer, e.g., ContentUnits
from the Hypertext package, SiteViews group Pages as well as operations on data
from the content layer, e.g., OperationUnits from the ContentManagement package.
More specifically, SiteViews represent groups of pages devoted to fulfilling the
requirements of one or more user groups.
OO-H Metamodel. The class structure of the resulting OO-H metamodel is
presented in Figure 4. Similar to the WebML metamodel, the Layer 0 and Layer 2
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
modeling requirements are realized by corresponding packages in the OO-H
metamodel, i.e., the Content package and Service package, respectively. Concerning
Layer 1, two packages have been defined, however, namely the Navigation and
Presentation packages.
In the Content package, OO-H’s content model is based on the UML class
diagram: A Class represents a description of common structural and behavioral
features, e.g., Attributes and Operations, respectively. Classes can be connected with
each other via Associations.
The Service package contains the modeling concept ServiceNode that allows the
execution of arbitrary operations defined at the content layer. The modeling concept
ServiceLink is needed to connect NavigationalNodes with ServiceNodes, and in
addition, to transport information in terms of arguments from NavigationalNodes to
exp : String
navigationalPattern :
NavigationalNode *
• String
• Integer
• Boolean
• File
• Time
• Undefined
• Constructor
• Destructor
• Modifier
• Relationer
• Unrelationer
• Custom
0..1 entryPoint
• Index
• guidedTour
• showAll
• indexGuidedTour
* superClass
endType 1
0..1 returnType
Figure 4: The OO-H Metamodel
The Navigation package represents a view on the content layer of a web
application. In the Navigation package two types of NavigationalNodes can be
distinguished, namely ClassNodes displaying information from the content layer, and
Collections providing additional information such as navigation menus. Both types
have in common that they may be connected by Links. OCLExpressions attached to
Links either filter certain objects which should be displayed at the target
NavigationalNode or are used as preconditions that must be assured to access the
target NavigationalNode.
The Presentation package defines the Page modeling concept which is used to
organize and structure the NavigationalNodes of the navigation layer.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
3.2 Model Transformations Using ATL
Following we discuss one representative example for the commonalities between
WebML and OO-H, in order to exemplify how integration is achieved on the basis of
metamodels and model transformation.
As already mentioned, ATL was used as model transformation language, which is
a uni-directional, rule-based transformation language. For a full integration,
consequently, transformation rules have to be specified for both directions, e.g. from
WebML to OO-H and vice versa. An ATL rule consists of a query part (from
keyword), which collects the relevant source model elements, and a generation part
(to keyword) creating the target model elements.
In Figure 5 (a) we illustrate the semantic correspondences between WebML and
OO-H metamodel elements and present two ATL rules implementing the
transformation from WebML to OO-H in Figure 5 (b).
1. Rule Entity_2_Class is responsible for transforming each Entity of the
WebML model into a Class in OO-H.
2. Rule DisplayUnit_2_ClassNode is responsible for transforming each instance
of the concrete subclasses of DisplayUnit into ClassNodes.
3. This minimal example already shows some advantages of using ATL in
contrast to using a general-purpose programming language. When executing
ATL rules, a “trace model” is created transparently, which saves how
instances are transformed. In our example the ATL engine traces which Class
instance is generated for an Entity instance. Therefore, it is possible to retrieve
the Class instance for the referenced Entity, which allows for the simple
statement cN.displayedClass <- dU.displayedEntity.
name : String
name: String
MultiDataUnit IndexUnit
name : String
name: String
(a) Metamodel Correspondences
rule Entity_2_Class{ 1
from e: WebML!Entity
to c: OOH!Class{ <-,
rule DisplayUnit_2_ClassNode{
from dU: WebML!DisplayUnit
to cN: OOH!ClassNode{ <-,
cN.displayedClass <dU.displayedEntity 3
(b) Transformation Rules
Figure 5: Metamodel Correspondences and Transformation Rules Excerpt
4 Lessons Learned
Following, we summarize our lessons learned concerning the integration of
WebML and OO-H. In general, the integration of WebML and OO-H has turned out
to be straight-forward for the most part. At least for the core concepts of web
modeling, which have been the focus of the MDWEnet initiative, there exist many
commonalities between the two languages. Since the chosen modeling examples
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
could be realized in each language the languages can be considered to have “equal”
expressivity with respect to the defined core requirements. Nevertheless, we also
faced differences between the languages, which aggravated the integration. When
integrating languages based on their metamodels, further information, which often are
not covered by the metamodels, must be incorporated into the transformation rules.
This kind of information is on the one hand incorporated into the code generator and
on the other hand defined by the frameworks for which code is generated. Some of
these differences and the complexity they introduced during integration are explained
following the structure of the modeling requirements layers. Nevertheless, from our
current experiences we are able to conclude that the differences can be eliminated
within the transformations rules. Due to space restrictions and readability reasons we
explain the transformation rules textually and refer the reader to [30] for detailed
information on the ATL code.
4.1 Content Modeling (Layer 0)
As can be seen in Figure 1, WebML and OO-H have different origins. WebML is
based on the ER-model, which is typically used in the context of modeling database
schemas. In contrast, OO-H has emerged from an object-oriented background.
Consequently, in WebML each Entity has a set of operations which are “implicitly”
available and need not be defined by the modeler, i.e., WebML’s
ContentManagementUnits actually represent a data manipulation language (DML).
These operations include typical create, update, and delete operations as well as
operations for linking Entities (cf. Table 2). In contrast, in OO-H there are some
predefined operation types available, which have to be explicitly defined for each
Class by the modeler (cf. Table 2). Thus, when transforming WebML Entities in OOH Classes, the default operations must be created for each corresponding Class, in
order to ensure that OO-H’s ServiceNodes can execute them.
Table 2:.Comparison of Object Operations between WebML and OO-H.
Content Management Units
Example: Figure 6 (a) shows an excerpt of the content model of the album store
example. In Figure 6 (b) we depict the corresponding OO-H content model that needs
to be generated by the transformation rules. For each Entity in the content model of
WebML an OO-H Class is generated. Besides transforming the Entities’ Attributes, in
OO-H the Constructor(), Destructor(), and Modifier() operations must be defined for
the Class as well. Likewise for each Relationship of an Entity the Relationer() and
Unrelationer() operations have to be generated for the corresponding Class in the OOH content model.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Delete Album
oid: Integer
title: String
year: Integer
(a) WebML model
oid: Integer
title: String
year: Integer
«Constructor» new()
Delete Album
(b) OO-H model
Figure 6: Content Modeling and Hypertext Modeling in WebML and OO-H
4.2 Hypertext Modeling (Layer 1)
Generally speaking, one could say that WebML is the more explicit language
compared to OO-H, i.e., in the way that there are much more language concepts used.
In particular, this is the case for hypertext modeling where OO-H uses a minimal set
of concepts, which are refined with OCLExpressions, i.e., preconditions and filters,
for Links. In contrast to WebML, where various types of ContentUnits are available,
OO-H uses the concepts ClassNode and Collection, only. The actual content and
behavior of ClassNodes is defined by their incoming Links. Furthermore, for
parameter passing WebML offers LinkParameters with explicit source and target
parameter bindings, while in OO-H this is again expressed by OCLExpressions.
Besides the difference in the number of explicit concepts, WebML and OO-H both
use their own selector language for computing the content to be displayed. While in
OO-H the Object Constraint Language (OCL) [23] has been reused and extended,
WebML’s selector language is defined within the metamodel as well as based on the
concepts of Selector and SelectorCondition [30]. However, in the current version of
the OO-H metamodel, the modified grammar for the OCL is not yet covered as it is
done for the WebML selector language in the WebML metamodel. Thus, currently
the OCL statements are hard-coded in the transformations rules as ordinary Strings.
Incorporating the OCL grammar into the OO-H metamodel and the refinement of the
model transformations in order to define the OCL statements as model elements is
subject to future work. In the following, an example illustrating these differences
between WebML and OO-H is given.
Example: A search scenario is given, where in the first page the user provides
input, i.e., a certain year, for searching the set of albums. Figure 7 (a) shows the
example modeled with WebML4, where the EntryUnit AlbumSearch with a Field
named ‘from’ represents the input form. The Link to the IndexUnit AlbumResults
carries the user input in terms of a parameter. Therefore, a LinkParameter is assigned
to the Link, which has as LinkParameterSource the input Field and as
LinkParameterTarget the SelectorCondition of the AlbumResults IndexUnit. This
SelectorCondition computes the subset of all albums where the input value of the user
equals the value of the year attribute. In Figure 7 (b), the same information is modeled
with OO-H, where a separate concept for the information that is transported via Links
is not available. More specifically, the search scenario can be modeled with a
Collection AlbumSearch and a Link to the ClassNode AlbumResults. The Link
Please note that ellipse-shaped legends are not part of WebML’s notation.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
contains a filter OCLExpression dst.year = ?, with the question mark standing
for the user’s input value and dst.year meaning the ‘year’ Attribute of the Album
AlbumSearch [filter: dst.year = ?]
from eq Album.year
Field from
(a) WebML model
(b) OO-H model
Figure 7: WebML Unit Types vs. OO-H Filter Conditions
This example illustrates the need to integrate the various WebML ContentUnits
with OO-H Collections and ClassNodes as well as WebML LinkParameter and
SelectorConditions with OO-H filter OCLExpressions.
4.3 Content Management Modeling (Layer 2)
Due to the differences at the content modeling layer, the modeling concepts for
content management modeling are also differently defined in WebML and OO-H. For
each operation on Entities of the content modeling layer WebML offers an explicit
modeling concept, e.g., CreateUnit, DeleteUnit, and ConnectUnit. In contrast, OOH’s Service package encompasses two concepts only, namely ServiceNode and
ServiceLink. This means that OO-H does not differentiate between the typical create,
update, and delete operations by defining sub-concepts of ServiceNode. Instead a
ServiceNode has a reference to the Operation which should be executed when the
ServiceNodes is entered.
Example: The given scenario describes the deletion of a specific album by an
authorized user. In Figure 6 (a) a DeleteUnit DeleteAlbum is shown which might be
accessed, e.g., through an IndexUnit AlbumSearch (cf. Figure 7 (a)). Likewise,
concerning OO-H a ServiceNode DeleteAlbum might be accessed, e.g., through a
ClassNode (cf. Figure 7 (b)). For the given scenario we assume that the Selectors and
SelectorConditions are translated according to the transformation rules defined for the
hypertext modeling layer. Beyond, each OperationUnit from the WebML model
needs to be translated into a ServiceNode in the OO-H model. Thereby, the reference
identifying the corresponding operation type (cf. Table 2) must be set for the
5 Conclusions and Future Challenges
In this paper we have presented our methodology of integrating three of the most
prominent web modeling approaches, namely WebML, OO-H, and UWE, on the basis
of a set of core web modeling requirements. As a proof of concept, we have defined
the core languages in Ecore-based metamodels and subsequently, have implemented
the integration in ATL model transformations rules. From our preliminary results and
lessons learned from the integration of WebML and OO-H sofar, we conclude that the
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
core of the three languages can be integrated without loosing information.
Nevertheless, the presented results are only a first step in the direction of a full
integration of the languages and to the definition of a common metamodel for web
Future challenges concerning the integration of WebML and OO-H include the
finalization of the integration for their core modeling concepts which requires the
OCL version used in OO-H to be incorporated in the metamodel. Therefore, we plan
to employ the EBNF_2_Ecore transformer [29], which is capable of generating the
corresponding metamodel elements from a textual EBNF grammar. On the basis of
this we intend to finalize the transformation rules from OO-H to WebML.
The UWE metamodel is currently under preparation. As soon as a first stable
version is available, we plan to integrate UWE with the two other modeling languages
as well. We expect that a third language would bring further insights for building the
common metamodel for web modeling and on these results a first unification of the
modeling concepts can be proposed for the core requirements.
Beyond the core requirements, the modeling requirements and modeling examples
need to be extended to other web modeling concerns such as presentation, contextawareness, and business processes in the future to broaden the view on the unification
of the modeling concepts. Furthermore, a refinement of possible variants of modeling
requirements, in order to find further sub-concepts and alternative modeling styles
would be of interest.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the members of the MDWEnet initiative
that have contributed to this paper in terms of preliminary work, including Pierro
Fraternali (Politecnico di Milano) for setting up the set of modeling requirements and
Cristina Cachero, Jaime Gomez, Santiago Meliá, Irene Garrigós (Universidad de
Alicante) as well as Nora Koch (LMU München) for their work on the UWE
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Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Bridging the Gap between BPMN and WS-BPEL.
M2M Transformations in Practice1
Pau Giner, Victoria Torres, Vicente Pelechano
Department of Information Systems and Computation
Technical University of Valencia
46022 Valencia, Spain
{pginer, vtorres, pele}
Abstract. The Web is being consolidating as the main platform for the development of applications. Moreover, these applications are not conceived just as
isolated systems. This fact implies that the requirements that Web applications
should satisfy are now more challenging than before. One important requirement for these systems is to provide support for the execution of business goals
expressed by means of Business Process definitions. From the Web Engineering area, several methods have provided a solution to cope with this requirement. In this work we present, within the context of the OOWS Web Engineering method, how business process definitions are transformed into executable
process definitions by the application of model-to-model transformations. To
accomplish this goal, this work has been developed in the context of the Eclipse
environment jointly with the BABEL project.
1 Introduction
Web applications are no longer conceived just as systems to perform CRUD functions
over the persistence layer. In fact, the possibilities that bring the environment in which
these applications live widen the kind of systems being build as well as introduce new
challenges such as security, reliability, integration, etc.
One of the main advantages introduced by the Internet is that “services” are available 24x7. This fact allows service providers to reach a larger community of customers. Moreover, when these services are offered using a standard technology the potential number of customers can grow easily. In this direction, Web services were built as
the standard technology to provide functionality over the Web.
However, the great potential of services does not limit to the use of services as
units. In contrast, it is the service composition what brings value to them. Service
composition usually involves the interaction between different partners, some of them
behaving as clients and others as providers. Then, if we go one step forward, we can
see service compositions as business processes, where different services provided by
different partners are put together to accomplish certain agreed goals.
This work has been developed with the support of MEC under the project DESTINO
TIN2004-03534 and cofinanced by FEDER.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
In a previous work [11] we presented an extension to the OOWS [9] Web Engineering method to provide support for the generation of Business Process Driven Web
applications. This extension embraced mainly the Navigational model. The main goal
of this work was to obtain from a business process definition the Navigational model
necessary to provide support to the original processes. Moreover, as these processes
can extend in time, we decided to introduce into the architecture of the generated
applications a process engine that was in charge of driving processes during their life.
Therefore, we need to transform these business process definitions into a format that
could be executed by the engine.
Moreover, following a Model Driven Approach for the construction of these applications allows us to define them in a technological independent way (in terms of the
service composition) as well as to perform separation of concerns. In this case, as we
bet on Web services the independence is relegated to service composition. From service compositions defined in the BPMN [5] notation we could then transform it into
different process executable languages. In this work we focus on the generation of
WS-BPEL [6].
The main contribution of this work is to present the application of the MDA approach within a Web Engineering method for the construction of Business Process
driven Web Applications. In particular, this work focuses on the task of translating
business processes defined graphically in the BPMN notation (defined at the PIM)
into a specific language such as WS-BPEL (placed at the PSM level). Moreover, this
work has been developed within the Eclipse and BABEL [2] projects.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a revision
over the related work developed within in the Web Engineering area. Section 3 puts
into context the work developed and presents the tools used to accomplish it. Section
4 provides a brief overview over the BPMN language (the language used in this work
for service composition). Section 5 presents step by step the process followed to extend an existing to tool to provide full transformation from BPMN to WS-BPEL.
Section 6 presents some conclusions about the experience of this work. Finally, two
appendixes are included to show both, the schema generated for the extended tool and
the ATL [1] transformations implemented for this purpose.
2 Related Work
Web Engineering methods provide modeling mechanisms (supported in some cases by
tools) to overcome the development process of web solutions. Due to the inherent
dynamism of the Web, most of these methods have evolved to provide support to the
new arising requirements. As a result of these requirements a broader range of systems
are considered by these methods. Within this range we find process-driven web applications.
In this context, some of the existing proposals developed within the Web Engineering area have coped with the issue of integrating business process with navigation.
The solutions provided by these methods can be divided into two groups. In the one
hand, some of them propose introducing business process primitives into the naviga271
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
tional model. Within this group we find proposals such as OOHDM [10], UWE [8] or
WSDM [7]. On the other hand, others propose simply modeling the navigation that
occurs during the process execution as if it were pure navigation. In this group we find
the OO-H [8] proposal. All these proposals make use of a process notation such as
UML Activity Diagrams or Concur Task Tree to define process requirements. However, it is important to note that the navigation allowed within a business process execution is completely driven by the process and not by the user. This means that it is
not necessary to include in the Navigational model the process flow. In fact its inclusion can complicated considerately the understanding and modeling of the navigational model. Nevertheless, this do not implies that no navigation has to be defined for
business process execution. In fact, it can be desirable to improve or complete the
content of the navigational nodes (web pages) in order to generate better user interfaces.
Regarding workflows or long-running processes, WebML [4] and Hera [3] provide
modeling mechanisms to support this kind of processes. The modeling of this kind of
processes involves that multiple process and activity instances can be handled by
users. Moreover, different users behaving with different roles are in charge of performing certain process tasks. In the one hand, the webML approach introduces a
process reference model into its conceptual model. This process reference model is
interconnected with the application data model and the user model and it is used to
control the state of cases and processes. This proposal also introduces primitives to
model the navigation that occurs during process execution. However, these are not
separated from the ones that refer to pure navigation. As a result, navigational models
can get complicated not only when the size of processes is considerable or the process
grows but also if the control flow includes too many forks.
Similarly, Barna et al. in [3] propose a specification method for the automatic generation of web models from a workflow model. This proposal takes into account workflow processes providing a solution at the modeling level by introducing a task and
workflow modeling phases. This proposal also considers the asynchrony that appears
in workflow processes. To overcome it they present a mechanism based on message
queues to handle multiple workflow instances. Again, the navigation of the workflow
is moved to the navigation structure what complicates the definition of the navigation.
Our proposal tries to introduce modeling mechanisms for developing both short
and long-running processes. Moreover, we have tried to minimize the impact that this
new mechanisms can have over the remainder models. For this reason, we introduced
the Business Process Model (BPM) that allows us defining the set of business processes that govern the organization. The Navigational Model is only used to specify the
navigational contents that are going to be included in the implemented GUIs. No
navigation is again defined in this model. The navigation that occurs during process
execution is fixed and the user only has to follow it.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
3 Work Context
This work has been developed as a part of a bigger project aimed at the development of Business Process driven Web applications. This bigger project involves the
development of Web applications based on the MDA approach. Next two subsections
are dedicated (1) to present an overview of the whole project pointing out the part
covered in this work and (2) to reference the tools that have been used in its development.
3.1 Project Overview
As we have mentioned previously, the project has been conceived taking into account the MDA approach. Following this philosophy, the whole system is specified in
a technological independent fashion by means of different models which represent the
different aspects that characterize this kind of Web applications. Fig. 1 shows both the
models included in the proposal (including the dependences between them) and the
transformations required to evolve this specification into new models or even final
code (depending on the case).
Functional Model
Dynamic Model
(STD Diagram)
Model-to-Text Transf.
Business Process
Services Model
Model-to-Text Transf.
Model-to-Model Transf.
Structural Model
(Class Diagram)
Navigational Model
Presentation Model
Model-to-Text Transf.
Services Layer
Logic Layer
Presentation Layer
Servicios Web SOAP
asp, jsp, php, perl, etc.
Fig. 1 Project Overview
This figure shows that the Business Process Model (BPM) is defined using functionality that is defined both in the Structural Model and in the Services Model. This
allows the composition at the modeling level of internal functionality and functionality
that is “imported” from external partners. The following paragraphs provide a rough
explanation of these models.
The OO-Method (Object Oriented Method for Software Development) models
specify the structural and functional requirements of dynamic applications. These
models are:
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
the Structural Model, which defines the system structure (its classes, operations and attributes) and relationships between classes by means of a Class
the Dynamic Model, which describes (1) the different valid object-life sequence for each class of the system using State Transitions Diagrams and (2)
the communication between objects by means of Sequence Diagrams.
the Functional Model, which captures the semantics of the state changes to
define service effects using a textual formal specification.
The Services and Business Process models were introduced to specify the interaction with external partners.
the Services Model, which brings up external services (functionality provided
by external partners) into the modelling level in order to manage them more
easily [12].
the Business Process Model, which specify by means of BPMN diagrams a
set of processes in which can intervene both functionality provided by the local system as well as functionality provided by external partners. The activities that made up these processes represent functionality defined both in the
Structural Model and in the Services Model.
The OOWS (Object Oriented Web Solutions) models were introduced in order to
extend conceptual modeling to Web environments. These models are:
the User Model, which defines the kind of users that are going to interact
with the web application. Moreover, it defines inheritance relationships between them.
the Navigational Model allows us defining appropriate system views (in
terms of data and functionality) for each kind of user defined in the User
Model. This model was extended in a previous work [11] with a set of new
primitives in order to integrate business process execution within the Navigation.
the Presentation Model allows us to model presentation requirements (information paging, layout and ordering criteria) of the elements defined in the
Navigational Model.
The whole project relies both on transformations between models (to move knowledge between different aspects) and between model(s) and text (to generate an equivalent/compliance representation in terms of an implementation language). In particular,
the part of the project that has been implemented and presented in this work refers to
the Model-to-Text transformation that moves process definitions represented in the
BPM into the WS-BPEL executable language.
3.2 Technological Context
For the development of this work we have made use of a set of tools most of them
included in the Eclipse project and that are commented in the following paragraphs.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The Eclipse Modeling Framework2 (EMF) is the basis of several modeling projects
developed by the Eclipse community. EMF includes tools for the generation, edition
and serialization of models conforming to Ecore metamodels (an implementation of
the OMG’s Essential MOF to represent metamodels).
The necessity of operations to work with models comes from the fact that the
Model Driven Development approach considers models as first-class citizens. The
Atlas Transformation Language3 (ATL) was defined to cope with operations referred
to model transformation. It allows the definition of transformation rules for the creation of one or more output models from several input models. Moreover, the scope of
model transformation provided by this language is wide being quality improvement,
model refinement or model merging examples of some applications. The concept of
cartridge, a metamodel representing a technology and the corresponding code generation in conjunction, permits the usage of model transformation to generate final artifacts and helps to maintain the rationale of the generation in a model-to-model transformation. With this approach, in opposition to a direct model-to-code transformation,
the artifacts involved in the development are maintained at the modeling level.
XML Schemas are used to define XML-based formats, deriving an Ecore metamodel from them allow the definition of Platform Specific Models (PSM). EMF permits the generation of Ecore metamodels from XML Schemas. Models conforming the
generated metamodel are, when serialized, valid according to the schema. Web Tools
Platform4 (WTP) project offers several editors for different web-related formats to
ease Web applications and Web Services development. The XML tools have been
used to define XML Schemas and test them.
The Babel BPMN2BPEL5 tool is a java application to transform BPMN diagrams
into WS-BPEL definitions. BPMN is a graphical notation and has no defined textual
format, so the tool input format is a concrete textual representation with no formal
description. The lack of a model behind the input format prevents integration of the
tool in a model driven environment. As the format is XML based, the definition of its
supported XML Schema and the equivalent Ecore metamodel enables us (1) the creation of models and (2) the automatic code generation for the underlying format. Moreover, it constitutes a cartridge usable at the modeling level.
The SOA Tools Platform (STP) project aim is to offer a framework and a set of
tools to enable the development of SOA based applications. One of its sub-projects6
consists on the definition of a graphical editor to create BPMN diagrams. The editor is
based on Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) and the BPMN metamodel has been
defined in Ecore, that enables its usage with EMF-based tools. Business Processes are
modeled using the BPMN graphical editor included in the STP project and a mapping
targeting the platform specific model of Babel tool will be defined.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
4 Using BPMN for Service Composition
As we have mentioned previously, service composition provide an added value to
the companies that provide them. Moreover, the execution of compositions that include services that involve human participation can take a long time for being completed and then it requires keeping the state of the composed service. To accomplish
this task we rely on the use of a process engine.
In the following subsections we present the languages used to define and execute
service compositions.
4.1 BPMN to define Service Compositions
There are available several notations (such as UML Activity Diagrams, UML
EDOC Business Processes, IDEF, ebXML BPSS or BPMN among others) that can be
used to model BPs. In particular, we are going to use the BPMN notation because it
provides a mapping between the graphics of the notation to the underlying constructs
of an execution language, in particular to the WS-BPEL language, what makes this
notation a good candidate to be used. This notation is designed to cover a wide range
of type of diagrams (such as “high-level private process activities”, “detailed private
business processes”, “detailed private business processes with interactions to one or
more external entities” or “two or more detailed private business process interacting”
among others). However, as our goal is to obtain those software components that
implement these BP definitions, we are going to use the notation for the design of
“detailed private business processes with interactions to one or more external entities”.
It is important to make this clear in order to obtain, after the application of the transformation rules, a running Web Application solution.
4.2 WS-BPEL to Execute Service Compositions
The growth in the adoption of the Web service technology made us to consider services composition languages that were based on this technology. For this purpose, the
OASIS consortium is been developing Web services standards to cover for instance
issues such as security or e-business. One of these standards is the WS-BPEL, which
allows describing the behavior of a business process based on interactions between the
process and its partners through Web Service interfaces.
5 Bridging the Gap between BPMN to WS-BPEL
To achieve the goal established in this work (the translation between business processes definitions represented in the BPMN notation into WS-BPEL executable definitions) we have made use of the BPMN2BPEL tool. In fact, we have extended this tool
to provide support to the whole transformation.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 2 Process Overview
This tool is part of the process transformation tools developed in the BABEL project (project developed by the Business Process Management group at QUT). However, although this tool translates process models into process definitions represented
in WS-BPEL we wanted to provide the transformation directly from the BPMN notation to WS-BPEL. Moreover, as these transformations represent just a part of a bigger
project, which is being developed within the Eclipse environment, we wanted to integrate them as well in the same environment. Fig. 2 depicts graphically the process
followed to accomplish these goals.
5.1 XML Schema Definition for the BPMN2BPEL tool
BPMN is a graphical notation that lacks of a standard textual representation. Then,
the format used by the BPMN2BPEL tool is a particular XML application with no
definition of its grammar. In order to make the tool more interoperable it is desirable
to have, an XML Schema that represents the model behind the data. Although there
are several options to define XML applications (DTD, XML Schema, Relax NG,
Schematron, RDF and the like), we decided to use XML Schema because of its tight
integration with the EMF tools. XML Schema can be converted to an Ecore metamodel and the instances of this model can be converted back again into an XML conformant with the schema.
First of all we needed to know the schema used by the BPMN2BPEL tool to represent processes. Based on the suit of examples attached to the tool we could extract and
produce the process schema. The complete generated schema is included in the Appendix A. This schema defines three elements which are nodes, arcs and code. The
first two elements refer to activities and flows respectively. The latter element allows
the definition of code that is directly copied into the generated WS-BPEL file.
5.2 Transform the XML schema into the Ecore format
Then, to define transformations between the original BPMN model and the process
model used by the BPMN2BPEL tool we have to transform the latter into the Ecore
Metamodel (which is used by EMF-based tools and allows us to manipulate it properly).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 3 BPMN2BABEL input model represented in the Ecore Metamodel
Fig. 3 depicts graphically a screenshot with an excerpt of the BPMN2BABEL input
model represented now in the Ecore Metamodel.
5.3 Define model-to-model transformations
Once we have both, source (BPMN) and target (process definition used by the
BPMN2BPEL tool) metamodels represented in the Ecore Metamodel we could proceed to define the model-to-model transformations. To perform this transformation we
have used ATL as the transformation language. Although this language is not fully
compliance with the QVT standard it is enough mature and reliable to accomplish the
model-to-model transformations required in this project.
Fig. 4 Screenshot with ATL Transformations
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 4 depicts graphically a screenshot of the implemented model-to-model transformations to obtain the model accepted by the BPMN2BPEL tool. Appendix B includes all the ATL transformations defined in this work.
Fig. 5 Business Process Model defined using the BPMN editor provided within the STP project
Finally, the application of these transformations allows us to use the BPMN2BPEL
tool to obtain a process definition initially modelled following the BPMN notation
(Fig. 5) into an executable definition in WS-BPEL.
6 Conclusions
The application of a Model Driven Approach has proven satisfactory in several aspects. In the one hand reduces the risk of manual errors (in this case the definition of
BPMN models was correct since there is a metamodel behind the scenes that enforces
a consistent definition them). On the other hand, the use of a graphical tool allows a
more comfortable definition of BPMN models.
Moreover, the integration of tools at the modelling level allows the abstraction of
technological details and decouples the concepts from its physical representation.
Defining the bridge between models with a model-to-model transformation permits the
creation of simple mapping rules only dependent of both metamodels. The transformation rules are explicit statements of the equivalence of the metamodels in a technological agnostic way, thus the maintainability of the rules is better than ad-hoc export
The paper has presented a real application of the MDA approach in the scope of the
Web engineering area. In this case, model-to-model transformations have been implemented in the ATL language, which has been proved adequate to achieve the proposed goals. Moreover, the use of some of the projects developed under the Eclipse
community such as STP, WTP, EMF and M2M, have make possible its successful
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Similar to these transformations, the rest of the project involves both model-tomodel transformations defined in ATL (to obtain navigational models from business
process descriptions) and model-to-text transformations to obtain the executable code
that satisfies the system defined at the modeling level.
1. ATL: The Atlas Transformation Language.
2. BABEL Project. Expressiveness Comparison and Interchange Facilitation between Business
Process Execution Languages.
3. Barna, P., Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J.: A Workflow-driven Design of Web Information
Systems. In: International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE2006, Palo Alto, USA,
11-14 July 2006, p. 321-328, 2006, ACM.
4. Brambilla, M., Ceri, S., Fraternali, P., & Manolescu, I. (2006). Process Modeling in Web
Applications. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM),
vol. 15, issue 4. October 2006.
5. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) Version 1.0 - May 3, 2004
6. Business Process Execution Language for Web Services version 1.1. Feb 2005.
7. De Troyer, O., & Casteleyn, S. (2003). Modeling Complex Processes for Web Applications
using WSDM. Paper presented at the Third International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies, Oviedo, Asturias.
8. Koch, N., Kraus, A., Cachero, C., Meliá, S.: Integration of Business Processes in Web
Application Models. Journal of Web Engineering, vol. 3, no.1 pp. 022-049, May 2004.
9. Pastor, O., Fons, J., Abrahao, S., Pelechano, V.: Conceptual Modelling of Web Applications: the OOWS approach. Web Engineering. In: Mendes, E., Mosley, N. (eds), Springer
2006, pp. 277-302
10. Schmid, H. A., Rossi, G.: Modeling and Designing Processes in E-Commerce Applications.
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 19-27, January/February, 2004.
11. Torres, V., Pelechano, V.: Building Business Process Driven Web Applications. In: Dustdar, S., Fiadeiro, J.L., Sheth, A. (eds.): Business Process Management. 4th International
Conference, BPM 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4102, Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg (2006) 322-337
12. Torres, V., Pelechano, V., Ruiz, M., & Valderas, P. (2005). A Model Driven Approach for
the Integration of External Functionality in Web Applications. The Travel Agency System.
Paper presented at the International Workshop on Model Driven Web Engineering. Sydney,
Appendix A
This appendix provides a complete listing of the XML Schema used by the
BPMN2BABEL tool as input format for business process definition.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
<element name="bpmn" type="tns:Bpmn"/>
<complexType name="Bpmn">
<element name="process" type="tns:Process"/>
<complexType name="Process">
<element name="code" type="anyType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="nodes" type="tns:Nodes"/>
<element name="arcs" type="tns:Arcs"/>
<attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
<complexType name="Nodes">
<sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<element name="node" type="tns:Node"/>
<complexType name="Arcs">
<sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<element name="arc" type="tns:Arc"/>
<complexType name="Arc">
<attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
<attribute name="source" type="IDREF" use="required"/>
<attribute name="target" type="IDREF" use="required"/>
<attribute name="guard" type="string" use="optional"/>
<complexType name="Node">
<attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
<attribute name="name" type="Name" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="type" type="tns:nodeType" use="optional"/>
<simpleType name="nodeType">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="StartEvent"/>
<enumeration value="MessageEvent"/>
<enumeration value="TimerEvent"/>
<enumeration value="XOR-Join"/>
<enumeration value="EB-XOR-Join"/>
<enumeration value="AND-Join"/>
<enumeration value="AND-Split"/>
<enumeration value="EndEvent"/>
<enumeration value="XOR-Split"/>
<enumeration value="EB-XOR-Split"/>
Appendix B
This appendix provides a complete listing of the ATL Transformations to move from
the BPMN to BABEL input format.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
module bpmn2babel;
create OUT : babel from IN : bpmn;
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isStartEvent:Boolean=
let types: Sequence(bpmn!ActivityType)=
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isMessageEvent:Boolean=
let types: Sequence(bpmn!ActivityType)=
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isTimerEvent:Boolean=
let types: Sequence(bpmn!ActivityType)=
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isXorJoin:Boolean=
self.activityType=#GatewayDataBasedExclusive and
self.incomingEdges.size()>self.outgoingEdges.size(); --input >
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isXorSplit:Boolean=
self.activityType=#GatewayDataBasedExclusive and
self.incomingEdges.size()<self.outgoingEdges.size();--input <
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isEbXorJoin:Boolean=
self.activityType=#GatewayEventBasedExclusive and
self.incomingEdges.size()>self.outgoingEdges.size(); --input >
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isEbXorSplit:Boolean=
self.activityType=#GatewayEventBasedExclusive and
self.incomingEdges.size()<self.outgoingEdges.size();--input <
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isAndJoin:Boolean=
self.activityType=#GatewayParallel and
self.incomingEdges.size()>self.outgoingEdges.size(); --input >
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isAndSplit:Boolean=
self.activityType=#GatewayParallel and
self.incomingEdges.size()<self.outgoingEdges.size();--input <
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isEndEvent:Boolean=
let types: Sequence(bpmn!ActivityType)=
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
helper context bpmn!Activity def: isTask:Boolean=
self.activityType = #Task;
helper context bpmn!Activity def: nodeType:babel!NodeType=
let nodeTypes: Map(Boolean,babel!NodeType)=
(self.isStartEvent, #StartEvent),
(self.isMessageEvent, #MessageEvent),
(self.isTimerEvent, #TimerEvent),
(self.isXorJoin, #XORJoin),
(self.isXorSplit, #XORSplit),
(self.isEbXorJoin, #EBXORJoin),
(self.isEbXorSplit, #EBXORSplit),
(self.isAndJoin, #ANDJoin),
(self.isAndSplit, #ANDSplit),
(self.isEndEvent, #EndEvent)
} in
rule Main {
d: bpmn!BpmnDiagram
r: babel!DocumentRoot(
bpmn<- bp
bp: babel!Bpmn(
process<- p
p: babel!Process(
nodes: babel!Nodes(
node<-bpmn!Activity.allInstances() -- >union(bpmn!Activity.allInstances()->select(a|a.splits and a.isTask)>collect(x|thisModule.resolveTemp(x,'gate')))
arcs: babel!Arcs(
arc<-bpmn!SequenceEdge.allInstances()-- >union(bpmn!Activity.allInstances()->select(a|a.splits and a.isTask)>collect(x|thisModule.resolveTemp(x,'arc')))
rule Activity2Node{
from a: bpmn!Activity
node: babel!Node(
type <- a.nodeType)
rule Sequence2Arc{
from s: bpmn!SequenceEdge
arc: babel!Arc(
source<- s.source.iD,
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Model Transformation for Service-Oriented Web
Applications Development
Valeria de Castro, Juan Manuel Vara, Esperanza Marcos
Kybele Research Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Tulipán S/N, 28933, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
{valeria.decastro,juanmanuel.vara, esperanza.marcos}
Abstract. In recent years, innovation in technologies such as web services,
business process automation, etc., have motivated a new paradigm in the application development field to appear, known as Service-Oriented Computing.
This new paradigm, which utilizes services as fundamental elements for developing applications, has encouraged the evolution of web applications and the
way they are developed. Attending to this evolution we have already presented
a model driven method for service-oriented web applications development. The
method defines new Platform Independent Models (PIMs) and mappings between them. The PIMs proposed have been grouped in a UML profile based on
the behavioral modeling elements of UML 2.0. In this work, we focus on the
mapping between those PIMs and we define the model to model transformations needed for service-oriented web applications development. We first specify the transformation rules with natural language to later formalize them with
graph transformation rules.
Keywords. Service-Oriented Web Applications, MDA, UML, Model Transformations, Graph Transformation Rules.
1 Introduction
A new paradigm in the field of application development, known as Service-Oriented
Computing (SOC) [12] has encouraged the evolution of web applications and the way
they are developed. Thus, while first web applications were created as a way to make
available information to users, and they were built basically by linking static and
dynamic pages; currently, most of the web applications are understood as networks of
applications owned and managed by many business partners providing several services satisfying the needs of consumers that pay for them. Services usually range
from quite simple ones, like buying a book or renting a car to the ones which involve
complex processes such as obtaining sales ratings or participating in a public auction.
For that reason, in the Web Engineering field, there is a need for methodologies for
development based on current technologies such as web services, business process
execution, etc.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Although the design and implementation of web services can be apparently easy,
the implementation of business processes using web services is not so effortless.
Languages for the implementation of business processes have many limitations when
they are used in the early stages of the development process [19]. This occurs mainly
because the transformation from high-level business models generally carried out by
business analysts; to a composition language that implements those business processes with web services is not a trivial issue.
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [11] provides a conceptual structure where the
diagrams used by business managers and analysts, as well as the various diagrams
used by software developers can be fit. Moreover MDA allows organizing them in
such a way that the requirements specified in one diagram can be traced through the
more detailed diagrams derived from the former. Hence, MDA is a useful tool to
anyone interested in aligning business processes with IT systems [8].
This paper deals with the MDA approach for the development of service-oriented
web applications1. In a previous work we proposed a model-driven method which
starts from a high level business model and allows obtaining a service composition
model that makes easy the mapping to a specific web service technology [5]. To obtain this service composition model, which is represented through a UML activity
model, the method defines: a Computational Independent Model (CIM) for business
modeling, called value model [7]; four Platform Independent Models (PIMs) for the
behavioral modeling of service-oriented web application; and mappings rules between them.
In this work we present the metamodels of the PIMs defined by the method, which
includes new elements for service-oriented web applications modeling that extend the
behavioral modeling elements of UML 2.0 [10]; and we focus on the mapping rules
between these PIMs, which allows obtaining a service composition model that makes
easy the mapping to a specific web service technology, starting form a high level
UML use cases model in which the services required by the web consumers are represented.
Given that the method is based on a continuous development process in which, according to the MDA principles [9], the models act as the prime actors, mappings
between models play a very important role. Each step of this process consists basically in the generation of an output model starting from one or more input models on
which the mapping rules are applied. In this work, we follow a graph transformation
approach to effectively realize the mappings between the PIMs proposed by the
method. The term Graph Transformation is used to refer to a special kind of rulebased transformations that are typically represented diagrammatically [14]. So, given
that the mappings were defined in a rule-based manner, it seems appropriate to use a
graph transformation approach to later formalize them. A similar approach for objectrelational database development was presented in a previous work [18].
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents the UML profile
that includes the new elements for service-oriented web applications modeling at PIM
level; section 3 describes the model to model transformations between the proposed
This research is partially granted by the GOLD projects financed by the Ministry of Science
and Technology of Spain (Ref. TIN2005-00010).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
PIMs; finally, section 4 concludes the paper by underlying the main contributions and
the future works.
2 UML profile for service-oriented web applications modeling
As mentioned before, the method proposed for service-oriented web applications
development defines four new PIMs for modeling the behavioral aspect of web applications: the Business Services model, the Extended Use Cases model, the Services
Delivery Process model and the Services Composition model. Each one is defined
through a metamodel that extends the UML metamodel [10]. Figure 1 shows the
dependences of the new models proposed (shadowed in the figure) with respect to the
UML packages for behavioral modeling. As shown in the figure, the models proposed
in our method are represented through UML behavioral diagrams: while the business
services model and the extended use cases model are represented through use cases
diagrams, the services delivery process model and services composition model are
represented through activity diagrams.
Delivery Process
Business Services
Use Cases
Extended Use
Part of UML packages that
support behavioral modeling
Fig. 1. Dependencies of new models regarding the UML packages for behavioral modeling
These new PIMs defined by the method include new modeling elements which
have been grouped in a UML profile called MIDAS/BM (MIDAS Behavior Modeling). According to UML 2.0, a UML profile is a package that contains modeling
elements that have been customized for a specific purpose or domain, using extension
mechanisms, such as stereotypes, tagged definitions and constraints [10]. Our profile
is defined over the behavioral modeling elements of UML 2.0 and it describes new
elements for modeling the behavioral aspect of service-oriented web applications.
Figure 2 shows the profile, including the newly proposed stereotypes that are applied
over the existing metaclasses of the UML metamodel. The new stereotypes defined
are described in Appendix A at the end of this document.
Next, we are going to present the metamodel of the new PIMs in which these elements are represented, to later describe the mapping rules between them. For the sake
of space, we explain the metamodels by describing only the new elements defined,
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the associations between them and the specification of the respective restrictions over
these metamodels defined using the OCL standard. A complete example of how these
models should be used can be found in [5].
Fig. 2. The MIDAS/BM profile
Business Services Metamodel. The business service model is an extension to the
UML use cases model in which only the actors and the business services that the
system will provide them are represented. We define a business service as a complex
functionality offered by the system, which satisfies a specific need of the consumer.
The consumers of the system are represented in this model as actors. The business
services are represented in this model as use cases stereotyped with <<BusService>>
(see stereotype BusinessService in Appendix A).
Figure 3 shows the business services metamodel in which the new modeling element is shadowed. In the business services model each business service is associated
to the actor needing the business service.
Business Services
(form Kernel)
(form BasicBehaviors)
+ownedUseCase *
{subsets ownedMember}
context Business Services inv Model_Contents:
self.classes -> forAll(c |c.oclIsKindOf(UseCase)
-> includes("BusinessService")))
Fig. 3. Business services metamodel
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Extended Use Cases Metamodel. This metamodel also extends the elements of the
UML package for use cases modeling. In the extended use cases model we propose to
represent the basic or composite use services. We define a use service as a functionality required by the system to carry out a business service. Thus, it represents a portion
of the functionality of a business service. A basic use service is a basic unit of behavior of the web application, for instance ‘registering as a costumer’. A composite use
service is an aggregation of either basic or composite use services. The composite and
basic use services are represented in this model as a special kind of UseCase stereotyped with <<CS>> and <<BS>> (see stereotypes CompositeUseService and BasicUseService in Appendix A).
Figure 4 shows the extended use cases metamodel in which the new modeling elements are shadowed. Note that UseService is an abstract class therefore it is not represented in the extended use cases model.
Extended Use Cases
(form BasicBehaviors)
(from Kernel)
(form Kernel)
{subsets feature,
{subsets target}
{subsets ownedMember}
ExtensionPoint +extensionPoint
{subsets source}
{subsets source}
{subsets ownedMember}
{subsets ownedMember}
(from BusinessService)
+condition 0..1
{subsets ownedMember}
(form Kernel)
(from Kernel)
context Extended Use Cases inv Model_Contents:
self.classes->forAll(c |
(c.oclIsKindOf(Use Case) and -> includes( "CompositeUseService")) or
(c.oclIsKindOf(Use Case) and -> includes("BasicUseService")) or
(c.oclIsKindOf(Dependency) and -> includes("include")) or
(c.oclIsKindOf(Dependency) and -> includes("extend")))
Fig. 4. Extended use cases metamodel
Services Delivery Process Metamodel. This metamodel extends the elements of the
UML activity package. In the service delivery process model we propose to represent
the activities that must be carried out for delivering a business service. The activities
of this model are called service activities. The service activities are obtained transforming the basic use services identified in the previous model into activities of a
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
process. So, the services activities represent a behavior that is part of the execution
flow of a business service. A service activity is represented as an ActivityNode
stereotyped with <<SAc>> (see stereotype ServiceActivity in Appendix A).
The ServiceActivity element is shadowed in Figure 5 which shows the services delivery process metamodel.
Services Delivery Process
(form BasicBehaviors)
(from Kernel)
{subsets owner}
{subsets ownedElement}
context Services Delivery Process inv Model_Contents:
self.classes->forAll(c |
(c.oclIsKindOf(ActivityNode) and -> includes("ServiceActivity")))
Fig. 5. Service delivery process metamodel
Services Composition Metamodel. This metamodel also extends the elements of the
UML activity package. In this model we represent the execution flow of a business
service too, but in a more detailed way by including the concepts: activity operation
and business collaborator.
We define an activity operation as an action that is supported by the service activity. It is represented in this model as a special kind of ExecutableNodes stereotyped
with <<AOp>> (see ActivityOperation in Appendix A). Additionally, the service
composition model proposes to identify those activity operations that can be implemented as Web services, using a special kind of ExecutableNode stereotyped with
<<WS>> (see stereotype WebService in Appendix A).
A business collaborator is defined as an organizational unit that carries out some
activity operation which is involved in the services offered by the web application
(i.e.: as a Web service). The business collaborators are represented in this model as
ActivityPartitions, which can be indicated as a swim-lane in the activity diagram. The
ActivityOperations and WebServices are distributed in ActivityPartitions according
to the business collaborator that carries out the operation. A business collaborator can
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
be external to the system, in which case the ActivityPartition is labelled with the
keyword «external».
Figure 6 shows the service composition metamodel, in which the new modeling
elements are shadowed.
Services Composition
(form BasicBehaviors)
{subsets owner}
-IsDimension : Boolean
-IsExternal : Boolean
(from Kernel)
{subsets ownedElement}
(from ServiceDeliveryProcess)
+redefinedElement *
context Services Composition inv Contents_Model:
self.classes->forAll(c |
(c.oclIsKindOf(ExecutableNode) and -> includes("ActivityOperation")) or
(c.oclIsKindOf(ExecutableNode) and -> includes("WebService")))
Fig. 6. Service composition metamodel
3 Model Transformation for service-oriented web applications
As mentioned before, the proposed method for service-oriented web applications
development is based on the definition of models at different abstraction levels, the
basis of the model-driven development paradigm [2], [13]. In the previous section we
have defined the metamodels (consequently the models) that must be considered in
our method, thus, according to MDA principles, the only issue that must be faced in
order to complete the proposal is the definition of the mapping between these models.
This process stands for model transformation [11], [14].
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
3.1 Mapping Rules
Figure 7 shows the modeling process proposed for service-oriented web applications
development that includes the models defined in the previous subsections. As stated
earlier, in this work we focus on the mapping rules between PIMs, remarked in Figure 7. At PIM level, the process starts by building the business services model and
includes two intermediate models to finally obtain the services composition model.
Value Model
CIM: Business Modeling
Business Services
PIM: Behavioral Modeling
Business Services Model
Composite and Basic Use Services
Extended Use Cases Model
Basic Use Services and their relationships
Business Collaborator
Services Delivery Process Model
Service Process
Services Composition Model
Fig. 7. Modeling process for service-oriented web applications development
In relation to the way mappings should be defined in [11] it is stated that “the mapping description may be in natural language, an algorithm in an action language, or a
model in a mapping language”. In this case, and as a first approach, we have decided
to describe the transformation rules between models in natural language for later
expressing them as graph transformation rules. These transformations rules are collected in Table 1. According to [11], as some of the mapping rules of the transformation process require design decisions, it is not possible to automate them completely.
As a result, we have made the distinction between the mapping rules that can be
Completely (C) or Partially (P) automated.
Table1. Mapping rules between PIMs in the method for service-oriented web applications
Mapping Rules
1. Every Service found in the business service model will
be split into one or more CompositeUseService (CS)
and/or BasicUseServices (BS).
2. Every CS generated will be split into one or more BS.
3. For every BS corresponding to a same BusinessService,
there will be a ServiceActivity (SAct) in the service delivery process model that describe this BusinessService.
4. Every extend association identified in the extended use
cases model will be represented in the service delivery
process model by a ForkNode. The SAct corresponding
to the source BS of the extend association must be previ-
Grade of
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ous to the SAct corresponding to the target BS of the
extend association.
4.1 If the extend association has only one source BS,
the fork will present the SAct as an alternative to another flow with no SAct. Later, both flows will meet.
4.2 If the extend association has several sources BS,
the fork will present the different SAct as mutual alternatives to another flow with no SAct. Later, all
these flows will meet.
5. Whenever a include association is found in the extended use cases model, the SAct corresponding to the
source BS of the include association must be subsequent
to the SAct corresponding to the target BS of the include
5.1 If the include association has several targets, the
designer must decide the appropriate sequence for the
different SAct corresponding to the target BS (that
will be obviously previous to the SAct corresponding
to the source BS).
6. Every SAct found in the service delivery process model
Composi- will be split into one or more ActivityOperation (ActOp).
7. The control flow between ActOps is the same as the
flow between their relative SActs.
7.1 In the case of a SAct containing two or more ActOps, the designer has to choose the particular control
flow between the ActOps.
3.2 Graph Transformation
To observe the MDA principles, the model to model transformation of our method
for service composition modeling development must be automated, at least in some
extent. To achieve this objective we have decided to use a graph transformation approach [1], [4], [16]. Using a graph transformation approach results in two main advantages: on the one hand, graph grammars are based on a solid mathematical theory
and therefore they present a number of attractive theoretical properties that allows
formalizing model transformations; on the other hand, the use of graph grammars for
mappings definition could be shown as a direct step towards to implementation since
projects like Attributed Graph Grammar System (AGG)[15], VIATRA[3] or
ATOM3[6] will provide us with the facilities to automate model to model transformations defined as graph transformations. Moreover, as previously mentioned, the term
Graph Transformation is used to refer to a particular category of rule-based transformations that are typically represented diagrammatically. So, given that we have already formally defined the mappings in a set of rules, it seems appropriate to translate
these rules to graph transformations rules. Finally, from a pure mathematical point of
view, we can think on UML-like models as graphs. A graph has nodes and arcs, while
an UML model have classes and associations between those classes; this way the fact
that models are well represented as graphs is particularly appealing to shorten the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
distance between modelers and model transformation developers, a big problem
around model transformation. Rule-based transformations with a visual notation may
close the semantic gap between the user’s perspective of the UML and the implementation of transformations.
To express model transformations by graph grammars, a set of graph rules must
be defined. These rules follow the structure LHS:= RHS (Left Hand Side:= Right
Hand Side). Both, the LHS and the RHS are graphs: the LHS is the graph to match
while the RHS is the replacement graph. If a match is found on the source model,
then it is replaced by the RHS in the target model. In this work we have used the
approach already applied in previous works like [18] to define the graph rules that
collects the transformation rules proposed in Table 1.
According to these guidelines, we have defined the graph rules for the model
transformations needed in our proposal for service-oriented web applications development that were susceptible of being expressed by graph grammars.
From now on we present these graph rules next to the respective definition rules in
natural language. Figure 8 describes the mapping rules corresponding to transformations from the business services model to the extended use cases model. Figure 9 to
12 describe the mapping rules corresponding to transformations from the extended
use cases model to the service delivery process model. Finally, Figure 13 describes
the mapping rules corresponding to transformations from the service delivery process
model to the service composition model. For the sake of space we have had to reduce
the size of these pictures, in some cases they could result difficult to read. In order to
improve their clarity, they can be acceded in
- Business Services Model -
- eXtended Use Cases Model 2’
match (2).name.???:XUCm::CS
name: String= ???
match (1).name:XUCm::Actor
???: BSm::BusinessService
name: String= ???
match (2).name.???:XUCm::BS
1. Every Service found in the business service model will be split into one or more Composite and/or BasicUseServices (CS and BS).
2. Every CS generated will be split into one or more BSs.
Fig. 8. BusinessServices and Actors in the business services model mapped to CompositeUseServices, BasicUseServices and actors in the extended use cases model
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
- eXtended Use Cases Model -
- Services Delivery Process Model -
???: XUCm::BS
match(2).name: SDPm::SAct
name: String= ???
extended Case
???: XUSm::BS
name: String= ???
match(1).name: SDPm::SAct
4. Every extend association identified in the extended use cases model will be represented in the service delivery process model by a ForkNode. The SAct corresponding to the source BS (c) of the extend association must be previous to the SAct corresponding to the target BS
of the extend association (e).
4.1 If the extend association has only one source BS, the fork will present the SAct as an alternative to another flow with no SAct. Later,
both flows will meet.
Fig. 9. Extend associations in the extended use cases model mapped to the service delivery
process model.
- eXtended Use Cases Model -
- Services Delivery Process Model -
???: XUCm::BS
extended Case
extended Case
match(2).name: SDPm::SAct
name: String= ???
???: XUSm::BS
???: XUSm::BS
name: String= ???
name: String= ???
match(3).name: SDPm::SAct
match(5).name: SDPm::SAct
4. Every extend association identified in the extended use cases model will be represented in the service delivery process model by a ForkNode. The SAct corresponding to the source BS (c) of the extend association
must be previous to the SAct corresponding to the target BS of the extend association (e y g).
4.2 If the extend association has several sources BS, the fork will present the different SAct as mutual alternatives to another flow with no SAct. Later, all these flows will meet.
Fig. 10. Extend associations (with several sources BasicUseServices) in the extended use cases
model mapped to the services delivery process model.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
- eXtended Use Cases Model -
- Services Delivery Process Model -
???: XUCm::BS
match(2).name: SDPm::SAct
name: String= ???
including Case
???: XUSm::BS
match(1).name: SDPm::SAct
name: String= ???
5. Whenever a include association is found in the extended use cases model, the
ServiceActivity (SAct) corresponding to the source BS of the include association must
be subsequent to the SAct corresponding to the target BS of the include association.
Fig. 11. Include associations in the extended use cases model mapped to the services delivery
process model
- eXtended Use Cases Model 1
???: XUCm::BS
name: String= ???
XUCm:: Include
including Case
???: XUCm::BS
name: String= ???
including Case
XUCm:: Include
???: XUCm::BS
name: String= ???
match(2).name: SDPm::SAct
- Services Delivery Process Model -
match(2).name: SDPm::SAct
- Services Delivery Process Model -
match(1).name: SDPm::SAct
match(1).name: SDPm::SAct
match(1).name: SDPm::SAct
match(1).name: SDPm::SAct
5.1 If the include association has several targets, the designer must decide the appropriate sequence for the different SAct corresponding to the target BS (that will be obviously previous to the
SAct corresponding to the source BS).
Fig. 12. Include associations (with several target BasicUseServices) in the extended use cases
model mapped to the services delivery process model.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
- Services Delivery Process Model -
- Services Composition Model -
match(1).name.???: SCm::ActOp
name: String= match(1).name.???
???: SDPm::Sact
match(1).name: SCM:: SAct
0..1 incoming
name: String= ???
outgoing 0..1
0..1 target
match(1).name.???: SCm::ActOp
???: SDPm::Sact
name: String= match(1).name.???
match(2).name.???: SCm::ActOp
name: String= match(2).name.???
0..1 incoming
match(1).name: SCM:: SAct
outgoing 0..1
name: String= ???
0..1 target
match(2).name.???: SCm::ActOp
name: String= match(2).name.???
6. Every SAct found in the service delivery process model will be split into one or more ActivityOperation (ActOp).
7. The control flow between ActOps is the same as the flow between their relative SActs.
7.1 In the case of a SAct containing two or more ActOps, the designer has to choose the particular control flow between the ActOps.
Fig. 13. ServiceActivities in the services delivery process model mapped to the services composition model.
4 Conclusions and Future Works
In this work we have presented the model to model transformations needed to complete an MDA approach for service-oriented web applications development. This
way, we have firstly described the metamodels for the PIMs considered by the
method. They provide with new elements for service-oriented web applications modeling and extend the behavioral modeling elements of UML 2.0. Next we have defined the mapping rules between these PIMs following a graph transformation approach. As a first approach to model transformations from the proposal for serviceoriented web application development, we have firstly defined the transformation
rules in a declarative manner for later formalize them with graph rules in order to
automate them using some of the existing facilities to automate graph transformations. The mapping rules defined in this work allows obtaining a service composition
model that can be easily translate to a specific web service technology, starting form a
high level use cases model in which the services required by the web consumers were
This work serves as a clear example of the value of model transformations in Software development: the model to model transformations presented in this work complete the definition of our process for service-oriented web applications development,
a contrasted and published method that founds in model transformations the piece
that remained to become a completely feasible methodology.
At the present time we are working in the integration of the method described in
this work in a CASE tool which is now under development in our research group and
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
which its early functionalities have already been presented in previous works [17].
Besides, the open issue of making automatic the graph transformations by using existing technologies like ATOM3 is been tackled.
1. Baresi, L., Heckel, R.: Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective. In Corradini, A., Ehrig, H., Kreowski, H., Rozenberg, G. (eds.): Proceedings of the First international Conference on Graph Transformation. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 2505. Springer-Verlag, (2002) 402-429.
2. Bézivin, J.: In search of a Basic Principle for Model Driven Engineering, Novatica/Upgrade
Vol. 5, N° 2 (2004) 21-24.
3. G. Csertan, G. Huszerl, I. Majzik, Z. Pap, A. Pataricza and D. Varro, VIATRA — Visual
Automated Transformations for Formal Verification and Validation of UML Models, in:
Proc. of 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'02),
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2002, pp. 267-285.
4. Czarnecki, K., Helsen, S.: Classification of model transformation approaches. In: Bettin, J.,
Emde Boas, G., Agrawal, A., Willink, E., Bezivin, J. (eds): Second Workshop on Generative Techniques in the context of Model Driven Architecture (2003).
5. De Castro, V., Marcos, E., López-Sanz M.: A Model Driven Method for Service Composition Modeling: A Case Study. Int. Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. 2006 - Vol.
2, No.4 pp. 335 - 353.
6. J. De Lara, H. Vangheluwe and M. Alfonseca, Meta-Modelling and Graph Grammars for
Multi-Paradigm Modelling in AToM3, Software and Systems Modelling, Vol 3(3),
Springer-Verlag. August 2004, pp.: 194-209.
7. Gordijn, J., Akkermans, J.M.: Value based requirements engineering: exploring innovative
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8. Harmon, P.: The OMG's Model Driven Architecture and BPM. Newsletter of Business
Process Trends (May 2004). Accessible in:
9. Kleppe, A., Warmer, J., Bast, W.: MDA Explained, the Model Driven Architecture: Practice
and Promise. Addison Wesley (2003).
10.OMG. UML Superstructure 2.0. OMG Adopted Specification ptc/03-08-02 (2002). Accessible in:
11.OMG. MDA Guide V1.0.1. Miller, J., Mukerji, J. (eds.) Document Nº omg/2003-06-01
(2001). Accessible in:
12.Papazoglou, M.P., Georgakopoulos, D.: Serviced-Oriented Computing. Communications of
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13.Selic, B.: The pragmatics of Model-Driven development. IEEE Software Vol. 20, Nº 5
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14.Sendall, S., Kozaczynski, W.: Model Transformation–the Heart and Soul of Model-Driven
Software Development, IEEE Software archive Vol. 20, Nº 5 (2003) 42-45.
15.Taentzer, G.: AGG: A Tool environment for Algebraic Graph Transformation. In: Nagl, M.,
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16.Tratt, L.: Model transformations and tool integration. Software and Systems Modeling, Vol.
4, Nº 2 (2005), 112-122.
17.Vara, J.M., De Castro, V. Marcos, E.: WSDL automatic generation from UML models in a
MDA framework. International Journal of Web Services Practices Vol. 1 (2005) 1-12.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
18.Vara, J. M., Vela, B., Cavero, J. M., y Marcos, E. Model Transformation for ObtectRelational Database development. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2007 (SAC
2007). Seul (Korea), March, 2007
19.Verner, L.: BPM: The Promise and the Challenge. Queue of ACM Vol. 2, Nº 4 (2004) 8291.
Appendix A: Stereotypes of MIDAS/BM profile
This appendix includes all the stereotypes defined in the MIDAS/BM profile. It defines the new modeling elements which extend the existing metaclasses of the UML
metamodel. For each modeling element we describe UML metaclass extended, semantics and notation.
Business Services Model
UML metaclass “useCase”
Represent a complex functionality, offered by the system, which satisfies a
specific need of a consumer.
Extended Use Cases Model
UML metaclass “useCase”
Represent a functionality that is required to carry out a business service, which
is composed of other basic or composite use services.
UML metaclass “useCase”
Represent a functionality that is required to carry out a business service
Services Delivery Process Model
UML metaclass “ActivityNode”
Represent a behavior that is part of the execution flow of a business service.
Services Composition Model
UML metaclass “ExecutableNode”
Represent an action that is supported by a service activity.
UML metaclass “ExecutableNode”
Represent an action that is supported by a service activity which can be implemented by means of a web service.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Modeling data-intensive Rich Internet
Applications with server push support ⋆
Giovanni Toffetti Carughi
Politecnico di Milano,
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione,
Via Giuseppe Ponzio, 34/5 - 20133 Milano - Italy
[email protected]
Abstract. Rich Internet applications (RIAs) enable novel usage scenarios by overcoming the traditional paradigms of Web interaction. Conventional Web applications can be seen as reactive systems in which events
are 1) produced by the user acting upon the browser HTML interface,
and 2) processed by the server. In RIAs, distribution of data and computation across the client and the server broadens the classes and features
of the produced events as they can originate, be detected, notified, and
processed in a variety of ways. Server push technologies allow to get over
the Web “pull” paradigm, providing the base for a wide spectrum of
new browser-accessible collaborative on-line applications. In this work,
we investigate how events can be explicitly described and coupled to the
other concepts of a Web modeling notation in order to specify server
push-enabled Web applications.
Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are fostering the growth of a new generation
of usable, performant, reactive Web applications. Whilst RIAs add complexity
to the already challenging task of Web development, among the most relevant
reasons for their increasing adoption we can consider: 1) their powerful, desktoplike interfaces; 2) their accessibility from everywhere (along with the fact that
final users tend to avoid installing software if a Web-accessible version exists);
3) the novel support they offer for on-line collaborative work. This last aspect
is based on getting over the limits of Internet standards to provide server push
techniques, enabling applications such as instant messaging, monitoring, collaborative editing, and dashboards to be run in a Web browser.
In this paper we focus on push-enabled Rich Internet Applications and the
lack of existing modeling methodologies catering for their specific features. The
most significant contributions of this work are:
1. the extension of a Web engineering language to consider collaborative Web
applications using push technologies (Section 3) through the individuation
We wish to thank Alessandro Bozzon, Sara Comai, and Piero Fraternali for the
precious help and insightful discussions on this work.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
of a set of primitives and patterns (Section 4) catering for the different
aspects of distributed communication such as (a)synchronicity, persistence,
and message filtering. We stress that the extensions we propose are general
and can be applied to the most relevant Web engineering approaches;
2. a validation by implementation of the proposed concepts and notations (Section 5).
Running example
To ease the exposition we will use an example: as a case study, we consider a
collaborative on-line application for project management. The aim of the application is to serve as an internal platform to let users communicate and organize
projects and tasks. The purpose is to have a simple but consistent example we
can use throughout the different sections: we will keep it as naive as possible
so as to avoid cluttering diagrams with unnecessary detail, but the concepts we
will introduce are general and can be applied to complex industrial scenarios.
Application users impersonate different roles: project managers and project
participants. A project manager is responsible of creating projects and connecting them to their participants. For each project, tasks are created, precedence
relationships among them are defined, and they are assigned to project participants for execution. Project participants can exchange messages with their
contacts, while performing assigned tasks and signaling their completion.
0:N Password
Assigned to
Belongs to
1:1 OID
0:N Due Date
Alarm Time 0:N
Fig. 1. Data Model of the project management application
Figure 1 shows the data model for the collaborative on-line application: the
user entity represents all application users, a self-relationship connects each user
with his contact list. A single user can participate in one or more projects, while
each project can be directed by a unique manager. Users are assigned tasks:
each task belongs to a project and can have precedence constraints w.r.t. other
tasks. Messages can be exchanged between users, they have a sender and a set
of recipients.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
RIAs extend the traditional Web architecture by moving part of the application
data and computation logic from the server to the client. The aim is to provide
more reactive user interfaces by bringing the application controller closer to the
final user, minimizing server round-trips and full page refreshes.
The general architecture of a RIA is shown in Figure 2: the system is composed of a (possibly replicated) Web server1 and a set of user applications (implemented as JavaScript, Flash animations, or applets) running in browsers.
The latter are downloaded from the server upon the first request and executed
following the code on demand paradigm of code mobility [7].
User Interface
User Interface
UI Events
UI Events
UI updates
Web Browser
UI updates
Client Logic
Client Logic
Client Data
Client Data
Web Server
Fig. 2. A Rich Internet Application architecture
Each user interacts with his own application instance: as part of the computation is performed on the client, communication with the server is kept down
to the minimum, either to send or receive some data, generally in XML.
Server-push and communication The communication between client and
server is bidirectional in the sense that, after the first client request, messages
can also be pushed from the server to the client. This is technically achievable
because of the novel system architecture including client-side executed logic.
In a ”traditional” Web application the HTML interface is computed by the
server at each user’s request. When the user interacts with a link or a button on
the page the server is invoked and a new page is computed and sent back to the
client. The role of the browser is simply to intercept the user’s actions, deliver
the request to the server, and display a whole new interface even if the change
is minimal.
We abstract from the server-side internal components as they are not relevant for
the discussion
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
In a RIA instead, the client-side logic handles each user interaction updating interface sub-elements only. Furthermore, when client-server communication is needed to transfer some data, it can be performed in the background,
asynchronously, allowing continuous user interaction with the interface. This,
together with HTTP/1.1 persistent connections, are the key ingredients of a
technique called HTTP trickling, one of the solutions enabling servers to initiate
server-to-client communication (server-push) once a first HTTP request is performed. The programming technique for server-push is also known as “Comet”,
relevant implementations are Cometd2 , Glassfish3 , and Pushlets4 , but most Rich
Internet Application development frameworks provide their own.
A user can therefore be notified of events occurring outside of his application
instance, either other users actions or in general occurring on the server. Direct
communication between client applications is in general not possible5 , but the
server can be used as an intermediary (i.e., a broker ).
Most on-line applications (especially collaborative) can benefit from this approach: think for example of work-flow-driven applications, shared calendars or
whiteboards, stock trading platforms, plant monitoring applications, and so on.
Interaction of other users, server internal or temporal events, Web service invocations can all be occurrences that can trigger a reaction on a user client
Considering the project management case study, server push can be used for
instant messaging, or to signal task assignments and task completions in order
to immediately start the execution of new tasks.
Problem statement
As Rich Internet Application adoption is experiencing constant growth, a multitude of programming frameworks have been proposed to ease their development. While frameworks increase developer productivity, they fail in providing
instruments to abstract from implementation details and provide an high level
representation of the final software; this becomes necessary when tackling the
complexity of large, data-intensive applications.
While Web engineering methodologies offer sound solutions to model and
generate code for traditional Web applications, they generally lack the concepts
to address Rich Internet Application development. In a previous work [4] we
suggested an approach to tackle these shortcomings concerning data and computation distribution among components; here, we focus on another essential
Web clients are in general not addressable from outside their local area network; in
addition most browser plug-ins run in sandboxes preventing them to open connections to other machines than the code originating server. For this reason RIAs only
allow direct communication between clients and the server; no direct communication
can take place between client instances.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
aspect of RIAs: server push and the new interaction paradigms and application
functionalities it enables.
Approach overview
In a traditional Web application, data and computation reside solely on the
server. Thus, the whole application state, and all actions upon it, are concentrated in a single component.
In a RIA, distribution of data and computation across the server and different
clients causes:
– user actions to be performed asynchronously w.r.t. the server and other user
– client-side data for each user and server-side data to evolve independently
from each other.
In order to achieve better reactivity client-server communication in RIAs is reduced to the minimum: therefore a mechanism is needed to signal relevant events,
either to reduce the misalignment between replicated and distributed data, or
simply to signal that, at a specific instant, an action is being performed in the
distributed system. The classes of actions that are relevant for a system are
Example For instance, considering our running example, each action upon
a task instance can be considered a specific event type, we have event types:
Task assigned: when a project manager performs the action of assigning a task
to a specific project participant;
Task completed: when a project participant marks one of her assigned tasks
Both actions can be signaled to application users to begin working on the
associated or next tasks.
Notification communication
Considering that in a RIA all communication must go through the server (as
described in Section 2), only two scenarios apply:
1. An event occurring on a client application has to be notified. In this case
the notification starts from a client application, goes to the server, and is
eventually delivered to other users;
2. An event occurring on the server has to be notified. In this case only server
to client communication takes place.
Different aspects can influence the process of communicating event notifications across the system components: for instance how to identify notification
recipients, or whether the communication happens synchronously or not. We
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Dimension Name
Filter location
Sender, Broker, Recipient
Filter logic
Static, Rule-based, Query-based
Communication Persistence Persistent (asynchronous), Transient (synchronous)
Table 1. Semantic dimensions in RIA event notification
call these aspects semantic dimensions, they are listed in Table 1. Semantic dimension identification is necessary in order to correctly draw the primitives and
devise the appropriate patterns covering all their possible combinations. In the
following paragraphs we give a brief definition of each aspect.
Event filtering: location and logic. Not all users need to be notified of all
event occurrences; in distributed event systems the process of defining the set of
recipients is generally indicated as event filtering [16] and two dimensions can
influence it: where it takes place and how.
The former dimension considers the most general architecture for publish /
subscribe systems [12] that involves three kinds of actors: a set of publishers, a
broker, and a set of subscribers. Events occur at publishers that alert the broker
who, in its turn, notifies the subscribers. Thus, the decision of which subscribers
to notify can be taken at the publisher, at the broker, or all subscribers can be
notified leaving to them the decision of whether to discard or not an already
transmitted notification.
The latter dimension considers the logic that is used to determine notification
recipients: the spectrum of possibilities ranges from statically defined recipients,
to conditions on event attributes, to interpreted run-time defined rules (e.g.,
using a rule engine to detect composite event patterns).
Communication persistence. In distributed systems message communication
can be [20]:
– Persistent: a message that has been submitted for transmission is stored by
the communication system as long as it takes to deliver it to the recipient. It
is therefore not necessary for the sending application to continue execution
after submitting the message. Likewise, the receiving application need not
be executing while the message is submitted;
– Transient: a message is stored by the communication system only as long as
the sending and receiving applications are executing. Therefore the recipient
application receives a message only if it is executing, otherwise the message
is lost.
Depending on the application, some events may need to be communicated in a
persistent way to prevent their loss, others only need transient communication.
For example, email transmission uses persistent communication: the message is
accepted by the delivery system and stored until it is deleted by the recipient;
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the sender completes the communication as soon as the message is accepted by
the delivery system.
Transient communication, instead, does not store the message and requires
both sender and recipient to be running and on-line: it is often used when the
loss of some event notification is not critical. For instance, in a content management system the event that two users are trying to edit the same resource is
important for the colliding users, but if one of them disconnects before receiving
the notification it’s no use storing it persistently.
Proposed Extensions
In this section we present the extensions we propose to cover all the combinations
of the previously introduced communication aspects. We will illustrate them in
WebML [9], although we stress that they apply in general to most Web engineering languages. First we will consider the data model, then the navigation
Extension to the data model
Application-specific event types are represented by adding new entities to the
data model organised in a specialisation hierarchy. All event types extend a
predefined Event entity and can have relationships with application domain
We chose to extend the existing data model instead of adding a new event
model so that we could leverage existing CRUD6 WebML operations leaving full
control to the application designer to:
– enable persistent communication by directly storing event occurrences in the
database (or client-side storage);
– represent and instantiate relations between event occurrences and domain
model entities;
– instantiate an event base and explicitly draw ECA rules with provision for
specific dimensions such as granularity, composite event detection, and event
consumption [13].
Example Considering the project management example: the event types
”Task assigned”, and ”Task completed” apply. They are represented in the event
hierarchy in Figure 3. The WebML data model of Figure 1 is extended with entities representing the needed event types that are connected by means of relations
to the application domain entities. Thus, the events ”Task assigned” and ”Task
completed” have a relation with the task to which they refer. In addition to
being related to a task, the event ”Task assigned” also has a relationship to the
users to which the assignment was made.
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Belongs to
1:1 OID
0:N Due Date
Alarm Time 0:N
Assigned to
0:N Password
Task Assigned
Task Completed
Fig. 3. The data model of Figure 1 extended with event types
Extension to the hypertext model
In order to support event notifications, we added to the WebML hypertext model
two operations: send event and receive event. The former allows one to send an
event notification to a (set of) recipient(s); the latter is used to receive the notification and trigger a reaction. Send and receive event operations allow (indirect)
communication among users without the need to use data on the server. Each
operation is associated with an event type as defined in the extended data model.
The event type provides both mapping between send and receive event operations (i.e., operations on the same event type trigger each other) as well as their
specific parameter set. Operations for conditional logic (e.g., switch-operation,
test-operation, as introduced in [5]) or queries can be used in conjunction with
event-related operations in order to specify event filtering: retrieving notification
recipients from a database, or discarding notifications upon application-specific
conditions. Different patterns apply, catering for the possible combinations of
filtering and communication needs (see Section 3.1).
Predefined input parameters:
- sender ID
- recipients ID set
EventType-specific parameters
{followed if event was
succesfully signaled}
No incoming links
No input parameters
Exiting links:
- 1 OK-link
- 0..N transport links
<recipient := ID set | * >
<param := value>
Predefined output parameters:
- sender ID
- recipients ID set
- timestamp
EventType-specific parameters
Fig. 4. On the left, Send Event operation usage. On the right a Receive Event operation
Send event operation A send event operation (Figure 4) triggers the notification of an event. It needs to be explicitly activated by a navigation link or
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
by an OK or KO-link. It is associated with an event type (see Section 4.1), and
consumes the following predefined input parameters:
1. sender [optional]: the unique identifier of the sender of the event (e.g., a user
ID, or the server)
2. recipient: the (set of) identifier(s) of the recipient(s) (e.g., user IDs, the
server) . The ’*’ wild-card is used to indicate that the event is to be notified
to all possible recipients.
Additional input parameters stem from the associated event type. Send event
operations have no output parameters.
Assign Task
Current Task
Current Project
Project Members
Assign Task
Task Assigned
<task := TaskID>
<recipient := UserID>
Fig. 5. The hypertext to assign a task and send a notification
Example Considering the project management case-study, the send event
operation can be used to signal the assignment of a task to a project participant
as in Figure 5. The data-unit Current Task is used to show the selected task to be
assigned, Current Project provides the current project identifier to show project
participants in the Project Members index-unit. Selecting one, the Assign Task
connect-operation is invoked to instantiate a relationship between the current
task (with ID TaskID) and the selected user (with ID UserID): the same IDs are
provided to the NotifyAssignment send event operation to define the notification
recipient and to set the notification parameter identifying the assigned task.
Receive event operation A receive event operation (Figure 4) is an event
notification listener : it is triggered when a notification concerning the associated
event type is received. It is therefore associated with an event type, it has no
input parameters, and the following predefined output parameters:
1. sender: the unique identifier of the sender of the event
2. recipient: the id set of recipients of the notification
3. timestamp: the timestamp at server when the event was signaled
In addition to the predefined output parameters, a receive event operation
also exposes the parameters of the associated event type to be used by other
units (e.g., for condition evaluation). Receive event operations only have exiting
transport links or OK-links and cannot have incoming links.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
My Tasks
New Task
Current Tasks
Task Assigned
Get User
[ID = TaskID]
Fig. 6. A notification is received and the user interface is updated
Example Figure 6 shows the hypertext model of a page receiving a task
assignment notification. Page My Tasks shows a list of task assigned to the
current user with index-unit Current Tasks. It is a RIA page, marked with ’C’ in
the upper left corner, to specify that the page contains client-side executed logic.
Thus, the page can establish a persistent connection with the server and receive
notifications: when a Task Assigned notification is received, the RecAssignment
receive event operation is triggered. Upon activation, the unit passes the TaskID
parameter to the New Task data-unit that will retrieve the task details from the
server to be shown in a pop-up window; the refresh() signal on the transport
link connecting RecAssignment with Current Tasks causes the latter to refresh
its content to show the updated task assignments list.
A receive event operation can be placed both in a siteview7 (starting an
operation chain ending in a RIA page), or in a new diagram: the event view.
Respectively the former solution specifies the reaction that will be performed
by the client application if the notification recipient is on-line and viewing a
determined page, the latter specifies what condition evaluation and actions will
be performed when the server (which is supposed to be always on-line) receives
the notification.
Event view The event view models the server reaction upon receipt of event
notifications. Reactions to events are modeled by means of operation chains8
starting with a receive-event-operation. They can trigger any server-side operation such as invoking Web services, sending emails, performing CRUD operations
on the database, or signaling new event occurrences.
The event view:
– provides a mechanism for asynchronous or persistent communication, by
letting a designer specify the server reaction to an event notification. This
can include making the notification persistent using the database, to asynchronously signal the event when the intended recipient is back on-line;
The WebML diagram representing the hypertext structure for an application user
i.e. Sequences of WebML operations
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
– can be used together with conditional and query operations to specify broker filtering (Section 3.1) using server-side resources (e.g., databases, ruleengines, subscription conditions);
– allows reuse by factoring out operation chains triggered from different sources
(e.g., different site views, areas, pages).
Task Details
User Email Address
User Online?
Task Assigned
Send Email
User.status == Online
Fig. 7. If the assignment user is offline, send her an email
Example Figure 7 depicts an event-view operation chain for the running
example. The application requires that a notification be sent to a user when a
task is assigned to her. When the user is off-line, she cannot receive notifications
with server push: on the server, the User Online? switch-operation triggers a
send-email-operation if the recipient is not immediately reachable.
Considerations and experience
The primitives and models we propose provide a simple notation for the specification of server push-enabled Rich Internet Applications. They have been designed
so that the combination with WebML primitives enables the complete coverage
of the semantic dimensions space individuated in Section 3.
– Receive-event-operations used in conjunction with switch-operations provide
a mechanism to draw Event-Condition-Action rules distributed both on the
server (event view) and client (siteview) applications. This caters for concerns such as filtering at recipient and broker, as well as detecting composite
events9 .
– Send-event operations in concert with query-based units allow the design of
different communication paradigms including publish-subscribe, uni-, multi-,
and broadcast. WebML units such as the selector unit can be used to cater for
both static and query-based filtering to select event notification recipients.
– The event view lets a designer specify the behaviour on the server upon event
notifications in order to provide support for asynchronous communication
and event persistence.
e.g. by storing event occurrences in an event base and considering conditions querying
it upon event occurrences
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The same primitives can be used to represent other classes of system events
such as, for instance, temporal events, external database updates, or Web service invocations. We have implemented the integration of such events in our
prototype, but, due to space reasons, we do not discuss them here10 . Concerning
database updates, our solution was inspired by the work in [22].
The implementation of the presented concepts builds on the runtime architecture
for WebRatio we developed for our previous work presented in [4]. We developed
a working prototype of a code generator from the extended WebML notation to
Rich Internet applications implemented using the OpenLaszlo [1] technology. To
validate our proposal, we extended it with the needed components for serverpush: the resulting architecture is shown in Figure 8.
Configuration File:
- Action Mapping
Browser HTML Page
Flash Plug-In
Business Logic
Page Services
Operation Services
Servlet Container
Business Logic
Page Services
Unit Services
Operation Services
Link Services
Unit Services
(Lzx Components)
Auxiliary Services
Event Manager
Custom Tags
Event Manager
Laszlo Presentation Server
Data Tier
Data Tier
Fig. 8. The runtime architecture of our prototype implementation
OpenLaszlo provides natively the concept of a persistent connection 11 to
enable server to client communication. Thus, the implementation of the receive
event and send event operations on the client-side are quite straightforward. An
event handler (Event Manager ) is triggered whenever the Dataset 12 associated
with the persistent connection receives a message (an event notification) from
the server. The message is an XML snippet, its structure reflects that of the
associated event type, each message carries its type information. The Event
Manager checks the type information and triggers the appropriate receive event
operation instance passing the pointer to the received message. The receive event
operation extracts relevant parameters from the message, sets the values for its
outgoing parameters and calls the next operation in chain.
A send event operation on the client builds, when triggered, an XML snippet
reflecting the associated event type structure and whose attribute and text values
A complete exposition can be found in [21] connection.html
a data store of XML in OpenLaszlo
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
stem from the operation input parameters values upon invocation; then it invokes
the sendXML() method of the persistent connection.
The server-side stub of the persistent connection is a servlet and thus accessible through a regular HTTP request. We extended it so as to be able to
intercept event reception on the server and trigger the appropriate server-side
operations in the event view (using the server-side Event Manager).
The code-generator was used to produce the running code of a personal
information management application with features such as a shared calendar,
and instant messaging.
Related work
Although RIA interfaces aim at resembling traditional desktop applications,
RIAs are generally composed of task-specific client-run pages deeply integrated
with the architecture of a traditional Web application. Web Engineering approaches build on Web architectural assumptions to provide simple but expressive notations enabling complete specifications for code generation. Several
methodologies have been proposed in literature like, for example, Hera [23],
OOHDM [19], WAE [10], UWE [14], and W2000 [3], but, to our knowledge,
none of them addresses the design and development of RIAs with server push
This work, instead, considers system reaction to a collection of different
events depending on any user interaction, Web service calls, temporal events,
and data updates. Apart from defining the generic concept of event in a Rich
Internet Application, our approach also individuates the primitives and patterns
that can be used to notify and trigger reactions upon external events. This is
something that, to our knowledge, all Web engineering approaches lack as reactions are only considered in the context of the typical HTTP request-response
paradigm. Also, the approach we suggest provides the interfaces and notations
necessary to integrate external rule engines (e.g., to detect composite events)
with the Web application enabling the specification of reactions to events in
terms of hypertext primitives (pages, content units, and operations).
Both a survey and a taxonomy of distributed events systems are given in
[16]: most of the approaches bear the concepts individuated in [18] concerning
event detection and notification, or in [12] w.r.t. the publish-subscribe paradigm.
To cite but a few relevant works we can consider [2], [8], and [11]. Reactivity
on the Web is considered for example in [6] where a set of desirable features for
a language on reactive rules are indicated (the actual language is proposed in
With respect to these works, ours addresses events and notifications in a
single Web application where on-line application users are the actors to be notified. In contrast, the above proposals aim at representing Internet-scale event
phenomena with the traditional problems of wide distributed systems such as,
for instance, clock synchronization and event ordering [15]. The system we are
considering, instead, is both smaller in terms of nodes, and simpler in terms
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
of topology: the server acts as a centralized broker where all events are ordered according to occurrence or notification time. Nevertheless, it enables the
implementation of complex collaborative on-line applications accessible with a
Server push in RIAs provides the means to implement a new generation of on-line
collaborative applications accessible from a Web browser. Although notificationbased communication of events (e.g., publish / subscribe ) and server-push technologies (e.g., based on AJAX) are well-known and established technologies,
the explicit definition of the primitives supporting the modeling of Web applications employing said style of communication, and their introduction to modeling
languages are new contributions. In this work we have presented the extension
we propose to a Web Engineering language to represent the novel interaction
paradigms enabled by Rich Internet application technologies. We considered the
possible ways in which events occurring across different system components can
be detected, notified, and processed in order to identify a set of simple, yet
expressive, primitives and patterns.
1. OpenLaszlo.
2. J. Bacon, J. Bates, R. Hayton, and K. Moody. Using events to build distributed
applications, 1996.
3. L. Baresi, F. Garzotto, and P. Paolini. Extending UML for modeling Web applications, 2001.
4. A. Bozzon, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, and G. Toffetti Carughi. Conceptual modeling
and code generation for Rich Internet Applications. In D. Wolber, N. Calder,
C. Brooks, and A. Ginige, editors, ICWE, pages 353–360. ACM, 2006.
5. M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, and I. Manolescu. Process modeling in Web
applications. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2006.
6. F. Bry and M. Eckert. Twelve theses on reactive rules for the Web. In Proceedings
of Workshop ”Reactivity on the Web” at the International Conference on Extending
Database Technology , Munich, Germany (31st March 2006), LNCS, 2006.
7. A. Carzaniga, G. P. Picco, and G. Vigna. Designing distributed applications with
a mobile code paradigm. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on
Software Engineering, Boston, MA, USA, 1997.
8. A. Carzaniga, D. S. Rosenblum, and A. L. Wolf. Design and evaluation of a
wide-area event notification service. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,
19(3):332–383, 2001.
9. S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, and A. Bongio. Web Modeling Language (WebML): a modeling language for designing Web sites. In Proceedings of the 9th international
World Wide Web conference on Computer networks : the international journal
of computer and telecommunications netowrking, pages 137–157, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 2000. North-Holland Publishing Co.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
10. J. Conallen. Building Web applications with UML, 2nd edition. Addison Wesley,
11. G. Cugola, E. Di Nitto, and A. Fuggetta. The JEDI event-based infrastructure
and its application to the development of the OPSS WFMS, 2001.
12. P. T. Eugster, P. A. Felber, R. Guerraoui, and A.-M. Kermarrec. The many faces
of publish/subscribe. ACM Comput. Surv., 35(2):114–131, 2003.
13. P. Fraternali and L. Tanca. A structured approach for the definition of the semantics of active databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst., 20(4):414–471, 1995.
14. N. Koch and A. Kraus. The expressive power of UML-based Web engineering. In
Second Int. Workshop on Web-oriented Software Technology. Springer Verlag, May
15. L. Lamport. Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system.
Commun. ACM, 21(7):558–565, 1978.
16. R. Meier and V. Cahill. Taxonomy of Distributed Event-Based Programming
Systems. The Computer Journal, 48(5):602–626, 2005.
17. P.-L. Patranjan. The Language XChange: A Declarative Approach to Reactivity on
the Web. PhD thesis, University of Munich, Germany, July 2005.
18. D. S. Rosenblum and A. L. Wolf. A design framework for Internet-scale event
observation and notification. In M. Jazayeri and H. Schauer, editors, Proceedings
of the Sixth European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC/FSE 97), pages
344–360. Springer–Verlag, 1997.
19. D. Schwabe, G. Rossi, and S. D. J. Barbosa. Systematic hypermedia application
design with OOHDM. In Hypertext, pages 116–128. ACM, 1996.
20. A. S. Tanenbaum and M. V. Steen. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms.
Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 2001.
21. G. Toffetti Carughi. Conceptual Modeling and Code Generation of Data-Intensive
Rich Internet Applications. PhD thesis, Politecnico di Milano, 2007.
22. L. Vargas, J. Bacon, and K. Moody. Integrating databases with publish/subscribe.
In ICDCS Workshops, pages 392–397. IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
23. R. Vdovjak, F. Frasincar, G. Houben, and P. Barna. Engineering semantic Web
information systems in Hera. Journal of Web Engineering, 2(1–2):3–26, 2003.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Int.l Conference on Web Engineering 2007
Workshop on Web Quality, Verification and Validation
Tevfik Bultan, University of California Santa Barbara,USA
Coral Calero, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Angélica Caro, University of Bio Bio, Chile
Alessandro Marchetto, Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRST, Italy
Mª Ángeles Moraga, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Andrea Trentini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Workshop program committee members
Silvia Abrahão, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Carlo Bellettini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Cornelia Boldyreff, University of Lincoln, UK
Cristina Cachero, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Oscar Díaz, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
Howard Foster, Imperial College London
Marcela Genero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam
Emilia Mendes, University of New Zealand, New Zealand
Sandro Morasca, Universita dell’Insubria, Italy
Mario Piattini, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Marco Pistore, Universita di Trento, Italy
Lori Pollock, University of Delaware, USA
Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Tao Xie, North Carolina State University, USA
Andrea Zisman, City University, London, UK
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
This volume contains the proceedings of the First Workshop on Web
Quality, Verification and Validation (WQVV2007) that took part in
conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Web
Engineering (ICWE2007).
The main topics of the workshop were related to quality, verification
and validation of web, fundamental factors nowadays when
advances in technology and the spread of Internet have favoured the
appearance of a great variety of Web software systems (i.e.,
applications, portals and Web services). The success of these
technologies in several fields such as the electronic commerce and
their increasing use in safety critical applications makes quality,
validation and verification of Web-based software important and
critical factors/problems. Developing “good” Web applications will
require effective approaches, methods and tools to design, model,
develop, evolve and maintain these software systems.
Considering all this, the objective of this workshop was to bring
together members of the academic, research, and industrial
community interested in quality, testing, analysis and verification of
Web applications. We wanted to promote all these areas by giving to
the researchers the opportunity of sharing their works and a place for
discussing. Moreover, we hope to identify during the workshop
possible future lines related to the topics of the workshop,
establishing the foundations for the creation of a community of
researchers with interest in these areas. Additionally, two invited
speakers were held. One of these speakers was Silvia Abrahao from
the Politechnical University of Valencia in Spain, who talked about
“Bridging the Gap between Model-driven Development and Web
Project Estimation”. The invited speakers are internationally
recognized specialists in different areas and their talks have
definitely contributed to increase the overall quality of the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
The program of this workshop required the dedicated effort of many
people. Firstly, we must thank the authors, whose research and
development efforts are recorded here. Secondly, we thank the
members of the program committee for their diligence and expert
reviewing. Last but not least, we thank the invited speakers for their
invaluable contribution and for taking the time to synthesize and
prepare their talks.
July 2007
María Ángeles Moraga
Andrea Trentini
Program Chairs
This workshop has been partially supported by Escuela Superior de
Informática of University of Castilla-La Mancha and the CALIPSO
project (TIN20005-24055-E) supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table of Contents
Towards Self-Managing Services (invited talk by Mario Pezzè) ....... 319
Bridging the Gap between Model-driven Development and Web Project
Estimation (invited talk by Silvia Abrahão)……………………….... 321
Analyzing Trackback Usage as a Inspection of Weblog Data Quality.323
Shinsuke Nakajima
Improving the Quality of Website Interaction with Lightweight Activity
Analysis …………………………………………………………….. 334
David Nutter, Cornelia Boldyreff and Stephen Rank
Establishing a quality-model based evaluation process for websites . 344
Isabella Biscoglio, Mario Fusani, Giuseppe Lami and Gianluca
Subjectivity in Web site quality evaluation: the contribution of Soft
Computing ………………………………………………………….. 352
Luisa Mich
Testing Techniques applied to AJAX Web Applications ………….. 363
Alessandro Marchetto, Paolo Tonella and Filippo Ricca
Automated Verification of XACML Policies Using a SAT Solver ... 378
Graham Hughes and Tevfik Bultan
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Towards Self-Managed Services
invited talk
Mauro Pezzè
University of Lugano (Switzerland)
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (Italy)
Abstract. Services and service-based applications enable new design
practice. Many service-based applications are intrinsically multi-vendor,
multi-platform, quickly evolving and changing to adapt to modifications
in requirements, environmental conditions and user needs. Users and developers have little or no control on the whole code: different vendors can
independently update services embedded in applications maintained by
other parties, and applications can dynamically select alternative services
to better meet the required quality of service [1].
Classic maintenance cycles that require expensive test and debugging
activities, and that interrupt system operation to identify and remove
faults, and check for the validity of updates and new functionality, may
not work for service-based applications due to cost and time constraints.
If for example an application fails in completing a transaction, suspending the application to diagnose and remove the fault can avoid future
failures, but will not satisfy current users.
In this new scenario, classic test and debugging techniques may not suffice anymore, since many of them do not adequately cope with evolving
requirements, lack of access to source code, dynamically reconfiguring
applications and environment dependent behaviors.
Emerging results in autonomic and self-managed software systems may
address many of the problems that characterize service-based applications. Although the terminology is not standardized yet, and some terms
are overloaded, autonomic or self-managed refer to software systems that
can identify problems, diagnose, and fix faults without human intervention. [4]. A self-mananged software system can for example dynamically
detect a module incompatibility that escaped testing, diagnose and fix
the fault, for instance, by substituting the incompatible component with
a compatible one that offers equivalent services. Depending on the problems, self-mamanged systems are indicated with different terms: Selfadaptive systems can adapt to environmental changes, self-configuring
systems can modify the system architecture to solve configuration problems, self-optimizing systems can address performance problems by automatically optimizing resource allocation and use, self-organizing system
can deal with automatic installation and deployment of new components,
self-protecting system can defend themselves from malicious attacks, selfhealing systems can automatically diagnose and heal different classes of
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Self-managed technology work without human intervention, and thus
does not require expensive classic maintenance activities. Moreover, it
work at run time, without requiring access to the source code, thus overcoming practical limitations of classic test and debugging techniques.
In this talk, we will analyze the new problems of service-oriented applications, we will see the limits of classic test and debugging approaches,
and we will discuss the possibility offered by self-managed technologies.
We will appreciate the applicability of self-healing mechanisms through
some early results of an ongoing project that aims to define a design
methodology to produce self-helaing service oriented applications [3, 2].
1. C. Dabrowski and K. Mills. Understanding self-healing in servicediscovery systems. In Proceedings of the first workshop on Self-healing
systems, pages 15–20. ACM Press, 2002.
2. G. Denaro, M. Pezzè, D. Schilling, and D. Tosi. Towards self-adaptive
service-oriented architectures. In In Proceedings of the of the IEEE
International Workshop on Testing, Analysis and Verification of Web
Services and Applications, co-located with the ACM International
Symposium on Software Test and Analysis (ISSTA), July 2006.
3. G. Denaro, M. Pezzè, and D. Tosi. Adaptive integration of thirdparty web services. In Proceeding of the International Workshop on
Design and Evolution of Autonomic Application, co-located with the
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE, May 2005.
4. J. O. Kephart and D. M. Chess. The vision of autonomic computing.
IEEE Computer, 36(1):41–50, January 2003.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Bridging the Gap between Model-driven for the
Development and Web Project Estimation
Silvia Abrahão
Department of Computer Science and Computation
Valencia University of Technology
Camino de Vera, s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
[email protected]
Developing Web applications is significantly different from
traditional software development. The nature of Web development
forces project managers to focus primarily on the time variable in
order to achieve the required short cycle times. In this context,
Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approaches seem to be very
promising since Web development can be viewed as a process of
transforming a model into another model until it can be executed in
a development environment.
Over the last few years, several Web development methods that
provide some support to MDA have been proposed (e.g., WebML,
OO-HDM, W2000, OO-H). Adopting such methods, however, poses
new challenges to the Web project manager, in particular with
respect to resource estimation and project planning.
A fundamental problem in this context is the size estimation of the
future Web application based on its conceptual model. The
functional size measurement (FSM) methods used in industry date
from a pre-Web era. None of the ISO-standard FSM methods (e.g.,
IFPUG FPA, NESMA FPA, COSMIC) were designed taking the
particular features of Web applications into account. Therefore,
existing FSM methods need to be adapted or extended to cope with
Web projects. Some approaches for sizing Web projects have been
proposed in the last few years. The main limitation of these
approaches is that they cannot be used early in the Web development
life cycle as they rely on implementation decisions. Furthermore, for
project estimation purposes, measurements of this type come too
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
In this talk, I will discuss the benefits and challenges of using size
estimates obtained at the conceptual model level of a Web
application. In particular, I will show how measurement procedures
for Web size estimation can be defined as a mapping between two
metamodels: the metamodel of an ISO-standard FSM method and
the metamodel of a Web development method. The definition and
automation of a model-driven measurement procedure for Web
applications using this approach will be presented in detail, as well
as its use for Web effort and productivity estimation. Several aspects
of the validation of FSM methods will also be analyzed. The talk
will finish by showing the research directions that can have a
significant impact on the estimation of Web projects.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Analyzing Trackback Usage as a Inspection of
Weblog Data Quality for Weblog Mining
Shinsuke Nakajima1 , Katsumi Tanaka2 and Shunsuke Uemura3
Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology.
8916-5 Takayama-cho Ikoma Nara 630-0101, Japan
[email protected]
Dept. of Social Informatics, Kyoto University.
Yoshida Honmachi Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN,
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics, Nara Sangyo University.
3-12-1 Tateno-Kita, Sango, Ikoma, Nara 636-8503, Japan,
[email protected]
Abstract. Recently, blogs have become widely used as tools for putting
out information quickly and easily. Thus, the Web has become not only
a place for getting information, but also a place for communication. It
can be said that blogs have changed the way people use the Internet and
become the mirror of public opinion. Some researchers do blog analysis such as blog community analysis and reputation analysis using blog
data. It is known that the link structure among blog entries considerably
influences the formation of blog communities on blogspace. Thus, it is
very important to investigate hyperlinks and trackback links in order
to understand characteristics of blog communities and blogger behavior.
However, most researchers do not focus on trackback links, despite their
importance in understanding the relations between blog entries. Therefore, we analyze trackback usage in order to inspect weblog data quality
for weblog mining and investigate their importance in understanding
blogspace for blogger behavior. According to our analysis, we have realized that most existing trackbacks are blank-trackbacks that differ from
the definition of weblog trackback. We will also discuss relationship between blog entries connected via trackback link.
Recently, blogs have become widely used by general users as tools for putting out
the information quickly and easily. According to a report[1] of Japanese Ministry
of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in May 2005, The cumulative
number of bloggers (Internet users who maintain their blogs) in Japan is about
3.35 million (when considering bloggers who maintain two or more blogs, the
net number of bloggers is about 1.65 million.) as of the end of March 2005.
The MIC Study Group forecasts that by the end of March 2007, those numbers
will increase to about 7.82 million and about 2.96 million, respectively. Thus,
Web space becomes not only a place for getting information but also a place for
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
communication. It can be said that blogs have changed the way people use the
In Blogspace, general users can be not only contents consumers but also
contents providers. We may say that blog contents are the mirror of public
opinion. Consequently, it is reasonable to suppose that the importance of blog
information is getting bigger.
In fact, some researchers do blog analysis such as blog community analysis
and reputation analysis using blog data. It is known that the link structure
among blog entries considerably influences the formation of blog communities
on blogspace. Thus, it is very important to investigate hyperlinks and trackback
links in order to understand characteristics of blog communities and blogger
behavior. However, most researchers do not focus on trackback links, despite
their importance in understanding the relations between blog entries. The reason
why they do not focus on trackback is likely that it is not clear the significance
and the meaning of trackback in Blogspace.
The “The Motive Internet Glossary [2]” says that
Trackback is a standard that can be used to automatically create a link
between webpages (reciprocal link), usually between webpages on different websites.
Namely, A trackback is a function that can create a link from another blog
page to user’s own blog page independent of an intention of the another blog
author. According to the above definition, trackbacks should exist with the opposite hyperlink in pairs. However, trackback links are automatically created by
sending trackback ping, even if there are not the opposite hyperlinks. Actually,
there exist such “blank-trackbacks” whose opposite hyperlinks are blank. Therefore, the purpose of this study is analyzing trackback usages to inspect weblog
data quality for weblog mining and investigating its importance in understanding
We first describe blogs and trackbacks, and related work. This is followed by
a analyzing and considering of how trackbacks are used. We end with a summary
and outline our plans for future work.
Blogs and Trackbacks
A blog entry, a primitive entity of blog content, typically has links to web pages
or other blog entries, creating a conversational web through multiple blog sites.
Figure 1 shows a schematic of a typical blog site. A blog site is usually
created by a single owner/blogger and consists of his or her blog entries, each
of which usually has a permalink (URL: uniform resource locator) to enable
direct access to the entry. Blog readers can discover bloggers’ characteristics
(e.g., their interests, role in the community, etc.) by browsing their past blog
entries. If readers know the characteristics of a particular blog, they can expect
similar characteristics to appear in future entries in that blog.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Blog site
Blog site
Blog entry
A news site
Blog entry
Blog entry
A Web site
Blog entry
Blog site
Reply Link
Blog entry
Blog entry
Blog entry
Fig. 1. Typical blog site
Figure 2 shows concept diagram of a typical trackback link.
Blog site X
Blog site Y
(3) Trackback link
Blog entry X(i)
Blog entry Y(i)
(1) Hyperlink
(2) Trackback ping
Fig. 2. Typical Trackback link with hyperlink
Originally, A trackback is a function that automatically create a link from
another blog page to the user’s own blog page when referring to another blog
page. A typical procedure of creating a trackback is shown below:
(1) A user refers to a blog entry.
(2) The user send trackback ping to the referred blog entry.
(3) The referred blog system create a trackback link from the referred page
to the referring page automatically.
Next, Figure 3 indicate concept diagram of a blank-trackback. As Figure 3
shows, trackback function automatically create a trackback link to when receiving trackback ping even if there is no the opposite hyperlink in pairs.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Blog site X
Blog entry X(i)
Blank Trackback
Blog site Y
(2) Trackback link
Blog entry Y(i)
䋨䋱䋩Trackback ping
Fig. 3. blank-trackback
Related work
In related work on analyzing blogspace, Kumar et al. studied the burstiness of
blogspace[3]. They examined 25,000 blog sites and 750,000 links to the sites.
They focused on clusters of blogs connected via hyperlinks named blogspaces
and investigated the extraction of blog communities and the evolution of the
Gruhl et al. studied the diffusion of information through blogspace[4]. They
examined 11,000 blog sites and 400,000 links in the sites, and tried to characterize
macro topic-diffusion patterns in blogspaces and micro topic-diffusion patterns
between blog entries. They also tried to model topic diffusion by means of criteria
called Chatter and Spikes.
Adar et al. studied the implicit structure and dynamics of blogspace[5]. They
also examined both the macro and micro behavior of blogspace. In particular,
they focused on not only the explicit link structure but also the implicit routes
of transmission for finding blogs that are sources of information.
Nakajima et al. studied how to discover important bloggers by analyzing blog
threads[6]. They proposed a method of discovering bloggers who take important
roles in conversations and characterized bloggers based on their roles in blog
threads (a set of blog entries connected via usual hyperlinks). They considered
that these bloggers are likely to be useful in identifying hot conversations.
However, their purposes were not to analyze trackback usages and to investigate its importance in understanding blogspace.
Analysis of Trackback Usages in Blogspace
Crawling through blog entries and extracting trackback links
The system crawls through RSS feeds registered on the RSS list and registers
permalink of blog entries. Our RSS list have been created based on
PING.BLOGGERS.JP[7] that open RSS feeds of JP domain to the public.
We need to extract the trackback links from html files of blog entries that
have been crawled already. Therefore, we have to be able to recognize the scope
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
described the trackback data, based on an analysis of the HTML tag. However,
each blog site server has its own tag structure so we need to set up rules for
analyzing the tag structure of each blog site server that we want to analyze.
By using the rules, we extract data of trackback links that are starting URL,
destination URL and time stamp of the trackback link. Our target blog sites are
limited to famous blog-hosting sites because naturally we are unable to set up
rules for every blog site. We therefore set up rules for analyzing the tag structure
of about 17 famous hosting sites of JP domain. We call them “blog sites for the
analysis.” We use 10,683,678 blog entries in “blog sites for the analysis” published
from October 2005 to January 2006.
Relationship between entries connected via trackback links
Link-base relationship According to original definition of trackback, trackbacks should exist with the opposite hyperlink in pairs. We have investigated
actual condition of link-base relationship between entries.
TB( x - y )
Blog site X
Blog site Y
Trackback link
Blog entry X(i)
Blog entry Y(i)
Trackback ping
link( y - x )
Fig. 4. Representation of a hyperlink and a trackback link
First, We examine the link-base relationship between entry(x) and entry(y)
when existing trackback link ( TB(x-y) ) from entry(x) to entry(y). As indicated
in Figure.4, TB(x-y) corresponds to a trackback link existing in entry(x), and
it is created when receiving trackback ping from entry(y). link(y-x) corresponds
to a hyperlink from entry(y) to entry(x).
Table. 1 shows link-base relationship of hyperlinks and trackback links. In
this result, all patterns of existence of TB(y-x), link(x-y) and link(y-x) are investigated when a TB(x-y) exists. “link(x-y)O” denotes that link(x-y) exists.
“link(x-y)X” denotes that link(x-y) does not exist.
In this case, blank-trackback means a situation that link(y-x) does not exist.
It exists 99.08% of all patterns. In fact, almost all patterns in blog sites for the
analysis are blank-trackback. Thus, the latest situations of trackback usages are
different from the original definition of trackback.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table 1. Link-base Relationship
link(y-x) O link(y-x) X link(y-x) O link(y-x) X
Moreover, another result that we focus on is the mutual blank-trackback
relationship which is a situation that both TB(x-y) and TB (y-x) exist. This
situation totally exists 11.88% of all patterns.
We may suppose that blank-trackbacks are kinds of spams, because a purpose
of creating a blank-trackback may be to get more inlinks without making outlinks
in order to get higher PageRank and more web users visiting own web page.
However, it is quite likely that bloggers give recognition each other in the
mutual blank-trackback relationship. In this case, blank-trackback may not be
Therefore, we are examining content-base relationships between entries that
have blank-trackback relationship in the next chapter.
Content-base relationship In this section, we investigate content-base relationship between entries that have a blank-trackback link. The target data are
100 pairs of entries that have a blank-trackback. They are picked up at random
from entries in the term from October 2005 to January 2006. The investigation
is based on human judgment. The tester browse both contents of starting URL
and destination URL of blank-trackback. According to trackback definition, a
blogger who send a trackback ping should mentions in his/her blog entry about
the content of blog entry that receive the trackback ping. Thus, the tester investigates which a blogger has mentioned about target blog entry of blank-trackback,
or not.
Table.2 shows content-base relationship between entries that have blanktrackback. In all of the cases in Table.2, there exists TB(x-y).
Table 2. Content-base Relationship
Mention(y-x) O Mention(y-x) X Mention(y-x) O Mention(y-x) X
Related O
Related X
“Related O” or “Related X” denotes yes or no for existences of relation of
the contents (Topics) between entries.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
“Mention(y-x) O” or “Mention(y-x) X” denotes yes or no for existences of
mentioning entry(x) in entry(y) that send trackback ping to entry(x).
As Table.2 indicates, there exist 33% of trackback links that point to unrelated entry. Actually, all of them are adult sites and spams indeed. Moreover,
4% in this 33% cases have mutual trackback relationship. In this case, all pairs
of entries are mutual trackback-spams indeed.
We have recognized existences of trackback-spam. However, the percentage
in number of blank-trackbacks is only 33%. Thus, we cannot say that blanktrackbacks are always spams.
In addition, there exists 57% of trackbacks which have no-mention but related
to the opposite entry in pairs that is the target of trackback ping. Actually, they
have the same topics. For example, review of movies and books, forecasting of
horse racing, and so on. However, they do not mention contents of other entries
at all. This kind of entries often has not only one way trackback but also mutual
trackback. It seems that they form a “soft” blog community based on those
trackback connection. Their connections are not strong and explicit.
Difference between usual hyperlinks and trackback links
Table. 3 shows a number of hyperlinks and a number of trackback links against
total number of entries (10,683,678 entries) in “blog sites for the analysis.” Now,
we consider hyperlinks only appearing in the blog-description written by the
blogger, except automatically-created links to access the past entries and commercial links, and of course except trackback links.
Table 3. Comparison between number of links and number of trackbacks
Usual Hyperlink
Trackback link
Num. of Links Num. of Links / Num. of Entries
As shown Table.3, an average number of hyperlinks per number of entries is
0.432 from October 2005 to January 2006, and an average number of trackbacks
per number of entries is 0.159 in the same term. We can say that trackbacks
become important to connect blog entries each other though the hyperlinks are
still mainstream of connecting blog entries.
Figure.5 shows number of entries vs. the number of links contained in each
entry. Figure.6 shows percentage of entries vs. the number of links contained in
each entry.
As shown in Figure.5, most of entries containing hyperlinks (or trackback
links) have less than 5-10 hyperlinks (or trackback links). The trends in the
distribution between hyperlink and trackback link are similar though the number
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 5. Number of entries vs. the number of links contained in each entry
of hyperlinks is more than the number of trackback links. As shown in Figure.6,
percentages of entries that have one or two trackback links are higher than the
case of usual hyperlinks. It seems that connections via trackback links between
blog entries are stronger than connections via usual hyperlinks because most of
trackback links are often created by several particular bloggers.
Next, let’s discuss difference between hyperlink-base blog communities and
trackback-base blog communities. At beginning, we explain blog thread regarded
as temporal blog community.
An example of a blog thread is shown in Fig.7. We define a blog thread as
follows. A blog thread is composed of entries connected via links to a discussion
among bloggers. Namely, a blog thread is a directed connected graph and is defined as follows.
thread := (V, L)
V is a set of blog entries.
L ⊆ {(e, e′ )|e ∈ V, e′ ∈ V }
L corresponds to a set of links
Ideally, the entries in a blog thread should share common topics. The blog
threads seem to be blog communities formed of blog entries that have similar
topics via links.
Table.4 indicate numbers of hyperlink-base threads and trackback-base threads.
In this investigation, we use blog entries published in October 2005 and November 2005 and their hyperlinks and trackback links. We can see the result in the
cases that threads have more than 50 entries, more than 30 entries and more
than 10 entries in Table.4.
As indicated in Table.4, the number of trackback-base threads is more than
the number of hyperlink-base threads in all of three cases. As shown in Table.3,
we may say that trackback links have about 3 times abilities to form blog threads
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 6. Percentage of entries vs. the number of links contained in each entry
Blog site
Blog site
Blog site
Blog site
Blog entry
Blog entry
Blog entry
Blog site
Blog entry
Blog entry
Blog site
Blog entry
Blog site
Blog entry
Fig. 7. Example of blog thread
as strong as hyperlinks because the number of trackback links is one third of
the number of hyperlinks. Therefore, the trackback links are very important to
investigate relationship between blog entries by analyzing blog communities.
– Differences between original definition and actual usage of trackback
As mentioned above, blank-trackback, whose opposite hyperlinks are blank,
exists about 99% of all patterns. Moreover, blank-trackbacks are not always
spams and they can form a “soft” blog community. It is different from original
definition of trackback. It seems that we should re-define what trackback is,
because such undefined usage becomes majority of trackback usages, at least
for JP domain.
– Existences of trackback spams
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Table 4. Comparison of number of threads between Hyperlinks and Trackbacks(Oct.
2005 and Nov. 2005)
more than more than more than
50 entries 30 entries 10 entries
Num. of threads (via hyperlink)
Num. of threads (via trackback)
There exists 33% of trackback links that are spams indeed. It is quite likely
that the trackback spams may become cause of great error when analyzing
blog data. However, it is a problem of not only trackbacks but also Web itself.
As Table.3 indicates, the trackback links are very important to form blog
communities. Therefore, we had better consider trackbacks with developing
spam filtering in order to analyze relationship between blog entries.
– Blog communities based on trackbacks
As mentioned above, trackback links have about 3 times abilities to form blog
threads as strong as hyperlinks. The blog threads are regarded as temporal
blog communities. Actually, characteristics of trackback-base communities
are “soft” communities and a little different from characteristics of hyperlinkbase communities. Accordingly, the trackback links are very important to
discover and analyze blog communities.
In this study, we have analyzed trackback usages and investigating its importance
in understanding blogspace, for understanding blogger behavior.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
– We have set up rules for analyzing the tag structure of famous hosting sites
of JP domain and have analyzed trackback links
– We have investigated blank-trackback, whose opposite hyperlinks are blank,
exists about 99% of all patterns.
– We have investigated that existences of “soft” blog communities based on
blank-trackback connection.
– We have investigated difference between a number of hyperlinks and trackback links, and investigated ability to form blog threads. As a result, we
have examined an importance of considering trackback when analyzing blog
In addition, in future work we plan to investigate trackback data of blog
entries in the other domain for understanding blogger behavior.
This research is partly supported by MEXT (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
on Priority Areas #19024058).
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
1. Analysis on Current Status of and Forecast on Blogs/SNSs, Press Release by
Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on May 17th 2005C tsusin/eng/Releases/Telecommunications
/news050517 2.html
2. The Motive Glossary - trackback
3. R. Kumar, J. Novak, P. Raghavan, A. Tomkins: ”On the Bursty Evolution
of Blogspace”, The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (2003).
4. D. Gruhl, R. Guha, D. Liben-Nowell, A. Tomkins: ”Information Diffusion Through
Blogspace”, The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference (2004).
5. E. Adar, L. Zhang: ”Implicit Structure and Dynamics of Blogspace”, WWW2004
Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics
6. Shinsuke Nakajima, Junichi Tatemura, Yoshinori Hara, Katsumi Tanaka, and Shunsuke Uemura: ”Identifying Agitators as Important Blogger based on Analyzing Blog
Threads”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3841, The Eighth Asia-Pacific Web
Conference (APWeb2006), pp. 285-296, Springer-Verlag, (2006).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Improving the Quality of Website Interaction
with Lightweight Activity Analysis
David Nutter, Cornelia Boldyreff, and Stephen Rank
University of Lincoln
Abstract. Understanding user interaction with websites is at present a
black art requiring either significant investment in initial development or
later re-engineering of websites to track individual users reliably or timeconsuming surveying approaches. A lightweight system for identifying
common interactions with websites such as uploading a file or logging in
using only webserver logs is proposed; and an associated tool which can
automatically extract such information from webserver logs and visualise
such interactions as graphs is discussed. Using this tool, the web-based
CALIBRE Work Environment (CWE) has been evaluated and several
improvements based on the findings have been made.
Such an approach has advantages over existing website evaluation methods, primarily, ease of deployment against unmodified sites and webservers or archives of historical data. For thorough website evaluation,
the activity analysis approach must be a part of a larger strategy; however, it can represent a first step on the path towards improved quality
for the users interacting with the website.
Evaluation is an important activity throughout—and not simply at the end of—
the software lifecycle [1, 2, 3]. Such evaluation is a key activity to assure software
quality in the widest sense of fitness for purpose. Our earlier work focussed on the
development of software applications, from scratch or from discrete components.
This paper applies the same principles to the development, maintenance and
operation of a web-based collaborative environment built using Zope and Plone.
Three key factors in the evaluation of website quality are performance, security,
and usability [4]. This study’s primary focus is website usability.
The CALIBRE project was a 2-year coordination action funded under EU
Framework 6. It aimed to promote best practice in the use of libre software in
the secondary software sector (e.g., telecoms, automotive etc) and to conduct
systematic research into libre software topics including process, business models,
efficacy and dependability issues. The project had 12 partners in 9 countries. To
support collaboration between the partners, the CALIBRE Work Environment
(CWE) [5] was created. The CWE’s main aim was to support collaborative
research. The key collaboration required was in the production and dissemination
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
of research outputs (such as research papers and formal project deliverables),
augmented with web-based discussion forums for each work package.
The CWE is a web-based system which supports simple content management,
wiki editing, access control based on groups of users (Plone WorkGroups), file
upload, event management and news management. The site was built using Zope,
Plone, and a collection of third-party plugins for the latter. Very little development effort beyond integration was required to assemble the initial system.
The development and operation of the system was part of the contractual
obligations of the project (under “Dissemination”). Therefore several requirements for its evaluation existed. Firstly, the impact of the system on the target
demographic must be assessed and reported back to the European Commission.
Secondly, the usability of the system must be monitored and any problems found
addressed to ensure that the CWE is meeting the users’ needs. In the case of
the CWE, usability was seen as a key quality factor.
Web servers already gather detailed logs of resource accesses and error messages, and the potential of mining these logs to support site evaluation has been
noted [6, 7] in the past. As an initial attempt at addressing the first requirement,
two simple monitoring tools—analog and reportmagic—were deployed to statically analyse the webserver log files. These tools produced simple reports such
as the number of requests from particular organisations, the most popular files
and directories, the user agents employed by clients and so forth. While useful
for studying the user base en masse, these reports do not allow developers to
study the activities of a particular subset of users, nor identify problematic areas
of the site and therefore the second goal, of improving usability, could not be
achieved using such reports. Therefore, a smarter analysis method was deemed
to be required, one which allows the analysis of the activities of individual users.
There is an extensive base of literature addressing web usage mining for a variety of purposes: website adaptation [8, 9], target group identification [10], personalisation [11], system improvement, site modification, business intelligence,
and usage characterisation [12]. Sophisticated data mining and clustering techniques have been applied to discover web usage patterns; usually some form of
sessionalization of web server data or session tracking is a necessary step in the
mining processing.
Activity-Based Session Tracking
Session tracking allows the identification of individual usage sessions and thus
supports the analysis of the activities of individual users. By default, webserver
logs are request-based and do not track “sessions” associated with individual
users. Several approaches to adding session information to logs have been discussed in the literature, including:
User cookie Each unique user is issued a cookie to be presented to the website on return visits. For those users that accept and retain the cookie,
this method provides a very accurate method of tracking their activities.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The Apache webserver transparently provides such functionality using the
mod usertrack module, which annotates the log file with unique user identifiers.
Special URL Instead of explicitly issuing a cookie, the site’s URL is modified
to contain a unique identifier. While this method can track all users, it cannot
maintain tracking between different web browser session as the cookie can.
Such functionality requires modification of the web site itself and in our
case modifying Zope and Plone to provide such capabilities was deemed too
difficult in the time available.
Both these methods require intervention in the application at an early stage
of development to enable the necessary tracking technologies. This is of little use
when one wishes to “mine” [13] existing web server log files that do not contain
the necessary information. However, another method exists, whereby requests
are heuristically grouped by time and other factors into distinct sessions [14,
15, 16]. This has the additional advantage of working on unmodified web-servers
and without compromising user privacy in the manner of introduced unique
identifiers. Unfortunately, such a method is unreliable as it only identifies short
bursts of activity. Fortunately, these are sufficient for this project’s purposes.
Since there was no requirement for this evaluation to identify unique users,
merely to study interaction with the site, identify problematic features and thereafter improve them, the shortcomings of activity analysis do not affect the work
described here. The tendency of this method to identify short bursts of activity
rather than a full session is also useful, as it tends to pick out particular sequences
of closely-coupled actions making up a particular activities such as logging in,
uploading a file etc. This allows common activities to be identified and, by tracking error conditions as well as successful requests, problematic activities can also
be identified and is sufficient for our purposes.
To this end, two tools were developed. The first was a simple prototype
that processed an Apache log-file, split it into logfile fragments corresponding to
particular sessions, then visualised those sessions using the GraphViz tool. To
adjust the visualisation, or to annotate the graph program modifications were
required, making this solution tricky to use.
Consequently a new tool was required, a tool that was interactive; webbased; could filter and clean data; supported visualisation and backed with a
persistent store so once a raw log file was uploaded the original file could be
discarded. The intention was to provide a simple solution to exploring activity
visualisations. Other more complex tools [17] do exist for visualising the structure
and navigational paths users pursue through websites; however, that is not the
main goal here.
Tool Architecture
Given the previous requirements, this new version of the activity analysis tool
was designed to satisfy them. For maximum flexibility and extensibility, a pipeline
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Fig. 1. “Logfile Transformer” Pipeline
Fig. 2. Persistent Store and Visualisation Step
architecture was decided upon. This permits the use of simple, composable operations on a sequence of logfile entries to express complex analysis requirements.
A basic pipeline which implements a transformation between Apache format
logfiles to W3C Common Logfile format is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows
a second pipeline configured to produce an activity graph from log records extracted from the persistent store.
At present, the following pipeline components exist. All are derivatives of the
PComponent class.
LogProcessor Turns a raw logfile into a sequence of LogEntry objects using a
LogFormat entry
DBAgent Interacts with a database to insert and remove log entries from persistent store.
Discarder Terminates the pipeline and discards any entries
SessionMaker Accepts LogEntry objects and attempts to group them into
sessions. Consequently this object has a connection with the backing store
via DBAgent allowing it to look for other entries in the same session.
LogWriter Accepts LogEntry objects and prints them out into a file using a
specified LogFormat. Using a pipeline composed of a LogProcessor and a
LogWriter, one can convert between two logfiles in different formats e.g.
W3C to Apache style and vice versa, as may be seen in figure 1.
LogFormat Describes the format of a logfile entry in the manner of the Apache
LogFormat directive.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 3. Example session graph visualisation. Nodes represent pages, edges user paths
between pages, weighted according to frequency of traversal
Once sessions have been created by the SessionMaker pipeline component,
they may be retrieved from the backing store and visualised as a directed graph
using GraphViz [18]. A session is visualised as follows:
1. Each node represents a page within the site, or some error condition (like a
2. Each edge represents a transition between pages
3. The edge weight represents the number of times the transition took place
within the session
Figure 3 is one such visualisation showing the activity associated with browsing workpackages in the CWE. A and B represent the top of the tree of workpackages: the front page and the “workpackages” sub-page respectively. Users
then explore deeper into the tree, entering workpackage 4 (C) using the simple
view. Then it appears that certain users are content with default the simple
view, whilst others require the detailed view (D) and consequently make a further transition.
In order to reduce clutter on the activity graph some information is discarded.
Firstly, edges with weights less than a threshold (5 by default) are treated as
noise. Secondly, GET parameters in the page URL are also discarded, leading
to self-referential transitions in certain session graphs. Finally, requests for nonpage objects (e.g., images, CSS files), or from known crawlers are also discarded.
At this point it should be made clear that the activity graphs emerge spontaneously after this cleaning process. The developer is only required to interpret
the resulting graphs.
Identifying Usability Issues
The analysis requirements for the CWE are of two main types: usability improvement and impact assessment. The latter requirement is largely addressed
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
by the existing static monitoring system. Hitherto, the former requirement was
addressed only in an ad-hoc manner when users reported problems. Therefore
we analysed the collected log data for the year 2005 to identify usability issues.
As an initial step we analysed the months of March and April in 2005 to
capture the typical activities. These were two fairly active months as a deliverable
was due in April and therefore suitable for capturing all basic activities without
analysing excessive amounts of data. Each month was analysed separately, using
the default edge discard threshold of 5. The results were visualised and subgraphs
corresponding to distinct activities were selected.
Prior to examining the activity graph, we first listed the activities we thought
the site should support, with the intention of matching them to activity graph(s)
later on. Analysis of the activity graphs is of course subjective and not directly
supported by the tool. The operator must explore the activity graphs using the
tool and decide what they mean. In performing our analysis we considered the
– Any error conditions encountered. Many transitions to a 404 error indicate a
broken link, for example. 403 errors, on the other hand may be intentional—a
user is attempting to access something which they are deliberately prevented
from accessing.
– The prevalence of cycles in the activity graph, and whether this was due to
a multi-function page controlled by form variables or user confusion.
– The expected flow through a particular feature of the site (uploading, logging
in etc) and whether this matches the activity graph. Excessive deviation may
indicate a problem.
– Whether activity graphs are present for all the “features” of the site. Lack
of an activity graph indicates an under-utilised feature. We found that adjusting the threshold for discarding edges was helpful here as the under-used
feature graphs would appear when the threshold was reduced.
– Similarly, if an activity graph is present that does not correspond to one of
the previously identified features, this indicates that the site is being used in
an unanticipated way and that further requirements capture from the users
may be required to support and develop this new feature.
In dealing with problematic activities, we followed several strategies. Firstly,
we improved documentation of common activities that confused users. Secondly,
we re-engineered any features that lead to errors or could not be easily documented and finally revised the requirements of the site to reflect user needs more
accurately. The next section discusses the activities we identified both before and
after analysis, the problems and finally solutions we identified after analysis.
Results, Problems Identified and Solved
Table 1 shows some common activities identified, and whether they were known
before from user requirements, after the activity analysis or both. Many other
activities were identified during the course of this research but these have been
omitted for reasons of space and clarity.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Before After Description
Users may sign in to gain access to restricted
Search resources
Users may search the CWE contents on keywords and full text.
Manipulate workgroups x
Users may be assigned to workgroups which
delegate privileges to their members making
access control easier.
Post news or event
Users may place events and stories that appear on the calendar.
Upload file
Users may upload files to locations within the
site and by this action make them available
to others.
Single-page session
Results from users following a link in an email
directly to a resource. These may be discarded.
Table 1. Activities
Users “returning” from logout page to other This is partially an artefact arising from the
pages in the site
use of the “back” button in web browsers.
However, the site’s user interface does not
indicate which resources are restricted to
logged-in users. Documentation to this effect
was written.
Errors in file upload
Due to web server configuration restrictions,
files greater than a certain size cannot be uploaded. By lifting the restriction for the CWE
site, this problem was alleviated.
Users seeking the “detailed” view of folders Since users were constantly switching from
the simple (default) view of the folder to the
more detailed view, it was clear that providing an option for users to change their default
view was necessary. This was done.
Confusing workgroup functionality
The activity graphs related to changing or
using workgroups were very confused. User
feedback confirmed our suspicions that the
workgroup tool was difficult to use. Documentation was improved accordingly.
Internationalisation: site does not show which To resolve this problem, we merely changed
translations are (un)available. The activity the style of the links for translations which
graphs showed users entering and then imme- really were available. The “dead” links could
diately leaving the empty translation pages still be followed (indeed this was necessary to
allow users to edit them) but the confusion
occasioned by their presence was reduced.
Table 2. Problems and Solutions
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Table 2 shows some of the more critical problems found through this analysis
and the solutions proposed and implemented to deal with them. From these
tables, it is clear that the main use of this type of analysis tool is improving the
usability of the site rather than spotting other problems such as security issues.
Therefore activity analysis can only form a part of a larger web site evaluation
and evolution strategy.
Limitations, Outstanding Issues and Further Work
Though the tool supports data collection, cleaning, visualisation and some graph
exploration activities, it does not directly support the analysis of those graphs.
Thus the time to analyse a website using these tools will increase in proportion
to the number of distinct activities present. The subjective analysis of activities is of course prone to investigator bias and other errors; however, since
website usability is often evaluated using subjective aesthetic notions and rulesof-thumb [19, 20, 21], this is not fatal.
Since some request data (such as GET parameters) is discarded or is never
recorded in the web server log (as in the case of POST data), this tool is clearly
limited to analysing transitions between distinct pages. Consequently, this tool
is probably best applied to simple web applications (each “page” encapsulating
a particular feature) rather than more complex applications where each page
is involved in several features. Due to the paucity of information available in
the web server logs this tool can never provide the analysis potential of a fullyinstrumented web site.
Nevertheless, the advantages of this method are its wide applicability, flexibility and ease of use with unmodified websites and servers. In the case of the CWE,
most features are sufficiently separated to allow the tool to work satisfactorily,
but in the case of logs originating from another web application (Horde [22]) the
lack of separation and heavy use of POST data means no meaningful activity
graphs can be drawn.
Due to the grouping approach used by the SessionMaker module, it is possible for sessions to become confused where NAT gateways or HTTP proxies are
used which cause requests from distinct hosts to apparently originate from the
same host. Furthermore the graph visualisation does not make any attempt to
mark the beginning or end of an activity, which can make interpreting cyclic
activity graphs difficult.
Aside from incremental improvements to the tool interface, addition of graph
analysis support to the tool may be helpful. It seems plausible that well documented and intuitive website features will generate activity graphs with certain
key properties (few reversible transitions, few error states and few cycles for example). Assuming this holds, a future version of the tool could look for activity
graphs which do not express these features and present them to the operator for
further inspection.
Before such functionality is developed it will be necessary to investigate
whether activity graphs do in fact display such “marker” properties. Two strate-
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
gies for doing this suggest themselves, firstly by analysing a number of existing
websites and web-based applications, identifying their salient features and then
selecting a sample of users to interview about those features. Using the interview
results to determine which website features are difficult to use, the investigators
may then determine whether the activity graphs display any marker properties
that can be used to detect problematic features.
Secondly, as a follow-on to the above study, a set of simulated “good” (usable) and “bad” (unusable) website features could be created and used to test
a sample of users in controlled conditions to confirm the assumption that the
chosen activity graph marker properties are indicative of quality problems with
the corresponding website feature.
The everyday co-ordination, collaboration and dissemination work of the CALIBRE consortium has been well supported by the evolving CWE throughout the
project. The CWE web site now forms a permanent repository of the project’s
work throughout its lifetime. Monitoring of the CWE using existing web site
monitoring tools has given the big picture of its usage over time and more specialised monitoring of user activities has been accomplished using the tools described here.
The finer grained monitoring enabled us to identify specific usability problems
and take remedial action, thus improving the CWE during the project.
The research prototype version of the activity analysis tool and glue code
to run Report Magic 2.21 and Analog 5.32 and some test data are available
Further development of this tool is on-going research.
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[15] Cooley, R., Mobasher, B., Srivastava, J.: Grouping web page references into transactions for mining world wide web browsing patterns. In: IEEE Knowledge and
Data Engineering Exchange Workshop (KDEX ’97). (1997) 2
[16] Zhang, J., Ghorbani, A.A.: The reconstruction of user sessions from a server
log using improved time-oriented heuristics. In: Second Annual Conference on
Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR’04). (2004) 315–322
[17] Niu, Y., Zheng, T., Chen, J., Goebel, R.: Webkiv: Visualizing structure and
navigation for web mining applications. In: IEEE/WIC International Conference
on Web Intelligence (WI’03). (2003) 207
[18] : Graphviz - open source graph visualization project.
Checked February 2006.
[19] Nielsen, J.: Designing Web Usability. New Riders Publishing (2000)
[20] Sterne, J.: Web Metrics. Wiley (2002)
[21] : Webxact accessibility checker. (2006)
[22] : Horde web applications framework. Checked February
[23] Cabri, G., ed.:
13th IEEE international Workshops on Enabling Technologies For Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE). In Cabri, G., ed.: 13th
IEEE international Workshops on Enabling Technologies For Collaborative
Enterprises (WETICE), Modena, Italy, IEEE Computer Society (June 2004)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Establishing a quality-model based
evaluation process for websites
Isabella Biscoglio1, Mario Fusani1, Giuseppe Lami1, Gianluca Trentanni1
ISTI (Institute of Science and Technologies in Informatics) - CNR (National Research
Council), Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
{Isabella Biscoglio, Mario Fusani, Giuseppe Lami, Gianluca Trentanni}
Abstract. This paper presents the main aspects of an ongoing project, aimed at
defining a website independent evaluation process as a part of the mission of a
service-providing organization. The process uses as reference a quality model
that is defined starting from existing proposals and general requirements for
quality models. The problem of integrating human judgment and automation in
the evaluation process is also introduced, and technical solutions, involving the
use of experimental work, are discussed.
Keywords: Website quality evaluation processes, quality models.
1 Introduction
Quality Models (QMs), broadly intended as collections of expected properties of
human activities (processes) and their results (products, services), have quite often
been introduced in literature. The concept is no further discussed here, but is adopted
as one starting point towards the derivation of basic practices (including technology
and management) of an independent evaluation process for websites (intended as
products with their lifecycle processes).
With this initiative our organization, the Software and System Evaluation Centre
(SSEC) of the National Research Council at Pisa, that has been working for a couple
of decades in 3rd party software product and process assessment/improvement, is
planning to extend its activity into the domain where most applicative effort is
nowadays being devoted by both mature and less mature developers. Besides the
applicative and business-oriented opportunity offered, it seems that some research
problems, now traditional in the software lifecycle domain, are confirming themselves
in web engineering (WE), where better applicability of empirical methods stimulates
spending some investigative effort.
The approach, on which our organization is investing some time and resource, is as
First, an analysis of explicit/implicit QMs proposed in literature (including QMs
for QMs, see [12,14]) is performed (Section 2). Then, the classic problem of
expressing QM properties at various levels of abstraction, also referred as attributes or
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
characteristics, in meaningfully quantitative ways [7] is addressed and an
experimental activity is presented to cope with this problem (Section 3).
This covers only part of the preparation work for establishing the evaluation
process practices, but regards its most difficult (and interesting) step.
2 Quality Models
2.1 QMs for software products vs QMs for websites
The study of the quality characteristics of software products and their relationships
has been absorbing an impressive amount of effort that can be dated back to the
1970’s [1], [15]. In spite of the huge research work spent over decades, that actually
led to a better comprehension of the problems involved, no practically (industrially)
satisfying solutions have been reported up to our days [24].
Some credits can be granted to one popular standard for software product quality,
ISO/IEC 9126 [10] and its derivates (we recall that the six main abstract
characteristics of quality are: Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Efficiency,
Maintainability, Portability; plus four characteristics representing the point of view of
software users: Effectiveness, Productivity, Safety and Satisfaction). The principal
merit of ISO/IEC 9126 can be found in its attempt to reduce the product quality
predicate to a limited number of independent characteristics, and to have developed
the notion of various levels of qualities (“internal”, “external” and “in-use”).
Nevertheless, such a standard was not successful in providing meaningful,
quantitatively expressed (or measurable) indicators associated to quality
characteristics [24].
If we want to adopt a QM for websites, how much can we import from this
experience? And, are there any chances that we come out, in the more restrict WE
environment, with a somewhat “more measurable” framework than in the broader
Software Engineering (SE) environment?
First, we must be aware of differences and similarities between software products
and websites, in the perspective of their qualities:
In case of technical flaws in project or implementation, a website can tolerate
consequent sensible loss of quality and still be operative and available. The same is
not generally true for a software product: even minor defects can put it out of
Maintaining a software product is a recommendable practice while maintaining a
website is just necessary to keep it alive.
Whereas an experimental environment for analysing software products can be
technically hard and expensive, it is easier and cheaper to experience the
availability of websites belonging to homogeneous classes.
In most cases, we can easily get availability of both external (behavioural) and
internal (code) aspects of a website, whilst a comparable range of availability for a
software product can hardly be obtained.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
For both software products and websites we can use the notions of internal,
external and in-use quality levels.
Considering development process, some typical practices or subprocesses of
software development (such as, for example, configuration management) might not
be equally adoptable in website development.
Website aspects (and quality characteristics) may change during the evaluation
phases [19].
The above considerations, mainly the one about availability, encourage us to
design an experimental environment (section 3) to study, using statistical methods, the
relationship between internal (easier to collect automatically and measure), external
and quality-in-use (user perceivable and subjective) characteristics. The results of
such a study are expected to give a valuable input for defining the practices of the
evaluation process.
2.2 Adopting a Quality Model for website evaluation
Any attempt to evaluate, under any perspective, the quality of a website implies,
implicitly or explicitly, a QM (implicit QMs typically exist behind evaluation
methods and tools). Although our purpose is not to introduce yet another QM but to
define an evaluation process, we must adopt a working QM to go on. This we do by
synthesizing from existing ones.
We are not going to undertake any extensive survey of QMs proposed in the
literature, but are noticing that, among the wide plethora of proposals [4], [13], [16],
[17], [18], [19], [21], [23], [25], some general and systematic work do emerge, whose
value is to define concepts, relationships, terminology and methods as common
references [2]. This is a good basis for us to establish some entity definition criteria
for our independent evaluation process. Yet this work, along with other outstanding
ones for completeness of modeling [19], [20], still takes too much from ISO/IEC
9126, whose evaluation module metrics (based on elements counts and ratios) has not
been proved much successful when applied to industrial environments. Also, no
surveyed literature addresses the differences between SE and WE as being important
for investigation (we will be possibly agreeing with this after our experiments). Most
of the proposals (excepting some cautious adoption in [2]) seem to express good
confidence that inter-level, quantitative relationships among characteristics can be
known and used, in a way similar (although somewhat evolved) to the metrics
reported in the so-called “evaluation modules” associated to the ISO/IEC 9126 [20].
In the following, a sample of just seven QMs, proposed in the last few years, that
cover various points of view in observing, gauging and evaluating a website are
summarized (Table I). If we try to abstract the high level concepts which the
characteristics of the presented QMs refer to, it seems possible to identify a few of
them, namely: Usability, Content, Navigability, Management and Relationality.
These concepts encompass characteristics which probably are not totally mutually
independent; it is possible in fact that several characteristics, though presented with
different denominations, have similar meaning or recall the same concept; rarely the
different QMs use the same terms for semantically equivalent characteristics: perhaps
only the Content characteristic is a sort of agreed one, probably because its meaning is
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
less controversial. An extensive application of the ontology proposed in [2] could
solve all the related ambiguities. So we have to recall the definitions of the
characteristics reported in Table I.
Usability is “The effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified
users achieve specified goals in particular environments” [8]; this concept is recurrent
when the authors make implicit or explicit reference to an efficient, effective and
satisfactory use of the web site.
Content is considered a component that identifies what is contained in the site, and
has its further characterisations (as “sound”, “original”, …).
Navigability is used to underline the ability to exploit the relationships among the
elements (pages, images, ...) which compose a site.
The concept of Management recalls the set of the activities that allow full
operability of the site and that include the maintenance finalized to stability and
evolution, good operation of the site, including protection of privacy and security.
Relationality is related to the process through which two or more entities act to
reciprocally modifying their state, and is used as Identification and as Interactivity.
Table I. Example of Quality Models and Related High-Level Characteristics.
Model ID and Ref.
2QCV3Q (7 Loci)[17]
Comprehensive [23]
Exciting [25]
Minerva [18]
QEM [19]
EBtrust [4]
QWEB [21]
The semantics associated to the above characteristics, and to others proposed in
literature, depends on the category of the websites and on the actors involved (site
owners, site developers and site users, where each type of actors is conceivable at
various levels of involvement). As providers of an external service, we suppose that
our best category target is among commercial sites. Then, site owners and site users
play the role of suppliers and customers, respectively, and their mutual relation is a
commercial one: Ideally, the supplier wants the site being able to perform the transfer
of maximum perception of the value of the goods or services offered, possibly
enhancing this transferred value perception. This may change the semantics of the
same characteristics for another category of site. Postponing further abstraction level
adjustments, we initially adopt as characteristics the above ones plus the explicitation
of the Correctness of the source code (that impacts in various, difficult to quantify
ways, into other characteristics) and Accessibility (that is requested by compliance to
public guidelines). As mentioned in next Section where we introduce our experiment,
we may note that the completeness (not even the composition) of this set of
characteristics is not an issue for our purposes: we can complete the set while or after
analysing intra and cross correlations of internal and external characteristics (Sections
3.2 and 4).
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
3 Preliminary work for a website evaluation service
To establish a quality-model based evaluation, a set of criteria and actions aimed at
finding, in the object under examination, evidence of the desired quality
characteristics must be defined. Such actions include procedure execution that in turn
may include objective measurements that can be automated and some intervention of
human, subjective judgments that can not. Management practices and procedures are
equally important to achieve the goal, but we are not dealing with these in this paper.
3.1 Problems found in establishing an evaluation process
The basic requirement for an evaluation process is to be able to quantitatively
determine the degree of presence of each quality characteristic of the model in the
product under analysis. Other requirements (such as objectivity, cost effectiveness,
maintainability, repeatability) are related to the means for satisfying the main
requirement and to the results of the evaluations. We just report here a challenging
aspect of the problem.
Table II. Example of Lower-Level Characteristics.
Lower Level Characteristics
Total Links Mapped
Time Elapsed (DD:HH:MM:SS)
Total DL Time (
Total Bytes Downloaded
Average Download Rate (bytes/sec)
Depth Reached
Total Unique URLs on Site
Broken Links &/or Unavailable Pages
Excluded URLs
Pages Loading Slower than 3s
Pages Larger than 1024 bytes
Pages Older than 24 Hours
(Unique) Off-site Links
Metrics for Pages larger than 1KB
Average Links per Page
Average Bytes per Page
Average DL Time (ms/page )
Broken Links per Page
Slow Pages Visited
Large Pages Visited
Old Pages Visited
As pursuing objectivity is a goal for any evaluation process, one might think that a set
of extensive measures, covering all the scope of the qualities, would make the job.
Regrettably, what is more easily measurable is a number of lower-level characteristics
whose quantitative relationships with the external characteristics can hardly be
known, even if hypotheses about have been made in [15] and in successive works. An
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
example of such lower-level characteristics is represented in Table II, where the
values are obtained using a commercial tool [5].
Another problem is typical of services that must be self-sustaining, and is
represented by the cost of the evaluation process. Directly analysing higher-level
(external and quality-in-use) characteristics is mostly thorough, checklist-assisted
judgment work, and measuring usually is to map a sort of degree of presence of the
characteristic to ordinal scales. Automation here intervenes in checklist managing and
result reporting, and not in the very measuring act. This makes the job rather
In software products there has been a nice deal of confidence on the causal
relationships between lower-level and higher-level characteristics, and, as we have
already observed, this attitude has been preserved in websites as well [10], [19], [20],
[2]. We want to approach the investigation from another point of view.
3.2 Some features of the approach
The approach is partly based on conducting experiments that exploit the practically
unlimited availability of websites and the accessibility to their internal technicalities.
Tool-aided, extensive measurements are being executed on homogeneous website
categories, to collect a set of lower-level characteristics such as those shown in Table
II. Another data collection is going to be started on the same sample, this one manual
and checklist aided, oriented to collect higher-level characteristic ratings according to
the QMs shown in Table I. A database is in construction, to be populated with all
these data. Each record of the database has a field subset corresponding to lower-level
characteristics, and another subset corresponding to higher-level ones. Once the
database has been populated, statistical analysis will be performed to find whether or
not non-casual relationships exist between lower-level indicators and higher-level
Any significant relationship found can be used to lower the cost of the evaluation,
as part of the manual analysis would be corroborated or even substituted by the toolbased, automated analysis.
4 Conclusions and planned work
As said in Section 3, we decided to use a browser-based commercial tool, able to
collect and report a huge amount of metrics [5]. Data collection on public and
commercial sites is now in progress (Table II shows an example). Checklists are
being generated from the QM characteristics shown in Section 2, some of them split
in (one-level) sub-characteristics. Checklist construction for software products and
processes analysis has been an intensive activity of the SSEC for two decades, and we
are confident that a working version can be ready in a few months. The method for
statistical analysis has not been established yet, but we think of using Factor Analysis.
If no significant relationship can be found, checklists will be used anyway, and the
results from the tool will be interpreted by using experience and common-sense
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
reasoning. Also, we think that we could use count-based metrics as proposed in the
Annexes of ISO/IEC 9126 and shown as an example of usage in a well-defined
measurement framework in [2], [20], being aware of their un-meaningfulness risks.
Such metrics could as well be validated with the experimentation results.
We want to point out again that for the experiment we may choose an extended,
possibly quasi-redundant, set of higher-level characteristics, much taking from what
has been proposed in literature (Section 2). Our final QM will be adjusted according
to the experimental results.
Another feature to be added to our evaluation process is concerned with the
lifecycle processes for websites. In fact, our relationships with the site owners must be
complemented with other stakeholders (typically, requirements analysts, designers,
developers). The experience of SSEC with software lifecycle process definition,
started in 1993 with the SPICE project to support the ISO/IEC 15504 standard
development [11] and continued with tens of process assessments [6] can be used in
the WE domain. We think that the process set should be changed, possibly reduced
and adapted to WE. (the SPICE framework proved to be well adaptable to other, even
quite different, application domains [22], [3]).
Then, in terms of reference and supporting standards, our evaluation process would
take from both ISO/IEC 14598 [9] for assessing WE products and from ISO/IEC
15504 for assessing WE processes. Which is an ambitious but workable program, also
allowing for service scalability.
1. Boehm, B.W., Brown, J.R., Lipow, H., MacLeod, G.J. & Merrit, M.J.: Characteristics of
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Process for the development of Web Applications. (May 2007) Working Paper
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of non-software processes using ISO/IEC 15504. SPICE 2005 Klagenfurt Austria (April
4. EBtrust Standard, Version 2.0 -
5. eValid -
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Qualification Mechanism in Automotive. Industrial Proc. of the European Software Process
Improvement Conference 2006. Joensuu Finland (11-13 October 2006)
7. Fenton, N., Pfleeger, S.L.: Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach.
International Thompson Computer Press London (1996)
8. ISO 9241-11: Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display Terminals:
Guidance on usability. International Organisation for Standardization. Geneva Switzerland
9. ISO/IEC 14598: Information Technology - Software Product Evaluation. International
Organisation for Standardization. Geneva Switzerland (1999)
10. ISO/IEC 9126: Software engineering - Product quality. International Organisation for
Standardization. Geneva Switzerland (2001)
11. ISO/IEC 15504. Information Technology Software Process Assessment. International
Organisation for Standardization. Geneva Switzerland (2006)
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12. Krogstie, J., Lindland, O.I., Sindre, G.: Towards a deeper understanding of quality
inrequirements engineering. 7th International CAiSE Conference. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 932. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York (1995) 82-95
13. Leporini, B., Paterno, F.: Criteria for Usability of Accessibile Web Sites. Proceedings of the
7th ERCIM Workshop User Interfaces for All, Chantilly Parigi Francia (23-25 October
14. Lindland, O., Sindre, G., Sølvberg, A.: Understanding quality in conceptual modeling.
IEEE Software, Vol. 11(2) (March 1994) 42-49
15. McCall, J.A., Richards, P.K., Walters, G.F.: Factors in Software Quality. Final Tech.
Report RADC-TR-77-369, Voll I, II, III. Rome Air Development Center Reports, Air Force
System Command, Griffith Air Force Base, NY (1977)
16. Mich, L., Franch M., Gaio L.: Evaluating and Designing the Quality of Web Sites. IEEE
Multimedia, Jan-Mar (2003) 34-43
17. Mich L., Franch M., Novi Inverardi P., Marzani P.: Web site quality evaluation:
Lightweight or Heavyweight Models? University of Trento, Department of Information and
18. Minerva (Ministerial Network for Valorising Activities in Digitisation): Quality Principles
for Cultural Websites: to Handbook. Minerva Working Group 5, (2003)
19. Olsina, L., Godoy, D., Lafuente, G.J., Rossi, G.: Specifying Quality Characteristics and
Attributes for Websites. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2016. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin Heidelberg New York (June 2001) 266-277
20. Olsina, L.; Rossi, G,: Measuring Web Application Quality with WebQEM. IEEE
Multimedia Magazine, Vol. 9, Nº 4 (2002) 20-29
21. Qweb: Certification Scheme. Release 2.0 - 01 (January 2005) -
22. Rout, T.P., El Emam, K., Fusani, M., Goldenson, D., Jung, Ho-Won: SPICE in retrospect:
Developing a standard for process assessment. J. Syst. Software (2007),
23. Signore, O.: A Comprehensive Model for Web Sites Quality. In Proceedings of WSE2005 Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution. Budapest Hungary. ISBN:
0-7695-2470-2, (September 26, 2005) 30-36
24. The International Process Research Consortium: A Process Research Framework. Software
Engineering Institute. ISBN -13: 978-0-9786956-1-3. (December 2006) 20-28.
25. Zhang, P., von Dran, G.,: Expectations and Ranking of Website Quality Features: Results of
two Studies on User Perceptions. In proceedings of the 34° Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, IEEE 0-7695-0981-9/01, (2001)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Subjectivity in Web site quality evaluation:
the contribution of Soft Computing
Luisa Mich
Department of Computer and Management Science, University of Trento
Via Inama 5, 38100 Trento, Italy
[email protected]
Abstract. In this paper we investigate the problem of the subjective nature of
some features of a Web site and of the decisions related to an evaluation of its
quality. The goal is to analyze in which steps of the quality evaluation process
Soft Computing (SC) could help to address them. The view point is that of a
Web engineer who wants to answer that question raised by a SC expert.
Referring to a general Web quality model, some preliminary consideration are
given as a first step toward the applications of SC techniques for specific
evaluation tasks.
1 Introduction
One of the most critical issues regarding quality has to do with the need to define
models, norms and standards [1]. The aim is to have a series of conceptual and
operative tools – and therefore methodologies – that facilitate the realization of highquality products and services (see for example, [2]). The complexity of Web sites
means that it is not an easy task to define a methodology for the design and evaluation
of Web site quality. Indeed, the challenge lies not only in the inherently systemic
nature of Web sites but also in the variety of possible target viewers and users. One of
the major difficulties in the identification of the characteristics to consider when
defining quality in Web sites is found in the presence of components that are
intrinsically subjective. In fact, alongside technological components to evaluate hardware, software, networks - there are other elements such as graphic design, page
layout, the effectiveness of communication, etc.; for these elements the definition of
evaluation criteria must take into account subjective and qualitative aspects. To take
into account the subjectivity related to both the quality evaluation models and their
application it is necessary to adopt an approach that makes it possible to manage
qualitative aspects – and as such imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and
approximation. In a methodological sense, responding to these requirements implies a
change in logic and in computational models, changing from a crisp approach to one
that is more fuzzy [3], [4], [5]. In more general terms, we can refer to the methods of
Soft Computing (SC), where, apart from Fuzzy Logic, the principal constituents are
Neural Computing, evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Probabilistic
Reasoning [6]. The goal of this paper is to identify the aspects and the tasks of the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Web site quality evaluation process that could benefit from the application of SC
techniques. Specifically, we start from the viewpoint of a Web engineer who is
considering which activities related to design and evaluation of Web site quality
would gain the most from cooperation with an SC expert. The ultimate aim is to have
an approach to Web site quality evaluation that is more flexible and robust and that
makes it possible to manage one of the most important trade-offs in Web site quality:
the need to define standards of reference in the presence of factors that are by nature
subjective and difficult to measure.
The paper is structured as follows. The next section provides a definition of the
concept of quality and the specific aspects of quality in Web sites, so as to expose the
relativity of the concept. The third section introduces a general methodology of Web
site evaluation as a conceptual framework to identify the activities in which SC can be
applied to consider also that information which is subjective and incomplete, thereby
improving the efficacy of the evaluation projects. The concluding section summarises
the findings that emerged and which are relevant for the application of SC to the
evaluation of the quality of Web sites.
2 Quality and Web sites
2.1 The concept of quality
When speaking of standards and a definition of quality it is a good idea to refer to ISO
(International Standard Organization) norms [7], where we find the following
definition: “Quality is the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability
to satisfy stated and implied needs.” [8]; and the most recent description of quality as
the “Degree to which a set of inherent (existing) characteristics fulfils
requirements.”[9]. Both of these definitions link the concept of quality with the
satisfaction of needs or requirements [10] and, implicitly, presuppose the existence of
subjects that have such needs. Moreover, both definitions emphasize that quality is
related to the characteristics of an entity. The basic difference between the two
definitions is the notion that not all needs are explicit (first definition) and the focus
on inherent or existing characteristics (second definition). This preliminary analysis of
the concept of quality allows us to put forth the following general considerations:
The principal attribute of quality is its subjectivity, that is, quality is not an
absolute concept nor an intrinsic attribute of a given entity; it depends instead
on the context and on the aims and needs to be met, and can be defined and
evaluated only in relation to these.
The needs of users and the characteristics of the entity change over time, with
a rate of variability that increases continuously [11]. This second aspect
implies the need to provide for a periodic quality evaluation process.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
2.2 Quality in Web sites
Three essential elements emerge from the definition of quality; necessary for quality
evaluation, they require:
a) a characterization of the entity that will undergo a quality evaluation
b) identification of needs that the entity must satisfy (stakeholder and
c) verification of the degree to which the entity meets these requirements
(methodology of evaluation).
These three points are covered in greater depth in this section, where we aim to
build a framework in which it is possible to identify areas where SC could be used to
improve the process of design and evaluation of Web sites. Web sites differ from
conventional software systems [12], [13] and the aspects that generally characterize
Web sites can be traced to four fundamental facts:
Presence of several diverse components in a Web site Web sites contain
elements that go beyond the traditional components of software systems. They
require both a multidimensional, systemic approach and a multidisciplinary
development team.
Variety of stakeholders The design and use of a Web site involves a wide
spectrum of actors or “stakeholders” both internal and external to the company.
Each stakeholder has his own viewpoint on and expectations of the site.
Strategic role of Web sites Given the high level of competition existing on the
Web, simply being present on-line does not guarantee that a site’s sponsors will
reach their objectives for and through the site.
Market and technological evolution/changes The pressures of time and
continuous changes in the market and technological environment call for
innovative solutions to maintain competitiveness, thereby imposing ever tighter
demands on time and resources.
More specifically, the presence of several diverse components in a Web site
implies that an adequate model for the sites (point a) must take into account all of
them, involving not only people skilled in ICT but also expertise in business,
marketing, creative design, and of the field or domain itself. In general this implies
having fairly complex models to evaluate quality, and at a conceptual level this is the
reason why there is such a large number of models (a workable classification is given
in [14]). In fact, when evaluating Web site quality, one of the most critical decisions
lies in the choice of a model [15]. For our purposes – to identify the critical points
where Soft Computing can be useful – we introduce a meta-model which serves as a
common conceptual foundation for this “feasibility” study.
As regards the second point, identifying the needs the Web site must respond to
(point b), all of the already mentioned aspects that characterize Web sites – the
presence of several diverse components, variety of stakeholders, strategic role, market
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
and technological evolution/changes – must be considered in order to have an
adequate definition of requirements, which we refer to as all the needs and aims
described by all stakeholders. Thus the initial need to identify the stakeholders. There
are three principal roles which are involved in the development and use of a site: the
owner of the site, the user, and the developer. Each of these have different
expectations of the site and attribute different degrees of importance to different
The owner (one or more) of the Web site focuses principally on the aims to be
reached by means of the site.
The users: Web sites have a potentially wide and differentiated target
consumer/user base.
Technical as well as non-technical developers contribute to the site’s
The fundamental step in any quality evaluation project is to verify whether and
how much the entity – in our case the Web site – is found to satisfy the requirements
of stakeholders. Herein lies the need to deal with the qualitative and subjective
aspects of evaluation. As mentioned, the complexity of Web sites means that in order
to have an adequate model of their characteristics it is often necessary to consider
qualitative aspects, which are impossible to measure with precision. Statistical metrics
could also be introduced for Web site quality (see for example[16]).
Nonetheless these approaches have the same limitations that in other areas lead to
the introduction of fuzzy techniques. In terms of methodology, contrary to what might
be expected, the characterization of Web sites with the conventional approach of
system analysis can result in greater subjectivity. In fact, forcing an association
between metrics and intrinsically subjective elements could increase the level of
arbitrariness. For example, a metric that is based on the number of broken links to
evaluate the maintenance of a site means first deciding a) which links to analyze: all,
only those internal links which the site owner has full control of, also external links
that give information related to the core business, those related to the first hierarchical
levels of the site, those that can be analyzed automatically (keeping in mind that
automatic tools do not analyze pages of a site where the address is no longer linked to
the home page); each of these possibilities could be reasonably defended, but the
decision must take into account the type and size of the site, the domain, and the
evaluation objectives; b) what is an acceptable number of broken links: the literature
refers to a 3% threshold, yet even if this is applicable for each evaluation project it
must still be integrated with information that considers the position and semantics of
links (a non-functioning link on the home page or on the first pages creates greater
problems, but even internal links can be critical if connected to important transactions
or information). These problems can be exacerbated by features of the site such as
graphics, where it is nearly impossible to conduct an objective evaluation; as an
example, let’s suppose that we were confronted with the task of comparing two sites
to determine which has the better graphics. Since there are no available means to
measure in some detail the quality of graphics, we can introduce some indicators that
are based on assumptions such as follows: “the page with more images has a higher
value than one with fewer images,” or the opposite if it is the desired characteristic. In
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
the end this technique is essentially an attempt to impose qualitative standards on the
artistic value of a creative work. It is necessary to adopt subjective criteria, also
calling upon experts in the field for their evaluation. Moreover, even when the
parameters for a specific metric have been set, the process of obtaining the necessary
data to quantify them could be excessively costly in terms of time and financial
outlay. Another problem with classifications and crisp thresholds is the loss of
information, given that they are not able to incorporate imprecise or incomplete
information, often qualitative in nature, into the evaluation; this leaves out
information that could be highly valuable because of its link to specialized knowledge
provided by experts in the domain. The field of sports provides a general example of
how an evaluation expressed with a number can be even more subjective or arbitrary
than one expressed in qualitative terms. There are sports that can be defined as
“measured” – cycling, football, auto racing, athletics, etc. – where the results are
expressed in a precise measurement, usually time or length. Other sports instead are
“judged” – gymnastics, diving, skating, etc. (One can also argue that “measured”
sports have elements of subjectivity: an example being the numerous post-match
debates about whether players were off-sides or a referee call was correct, etc.). In
judged sports the problem of evaluation of performance is handled by experts, each of
whom gives a score (which in a strict sense does not express a measurement) and
applies general criteria, judging style and the presence of mistakes, etc. Rules also
attempt to provide some objectivity to judged sports (throwing out the highest and
lowest scores, for example). This all serves to provide greater transparency in the
judging process and to reduce the effect of inevitable opportunistic judgements (for
example, favouring the team or athlete from the home nation, etc.). In short, given
that we are talking about the design and systemic as well as systematic assessment of
Web sites, it is more appropriate to refer to it as an evaluation rather than a
measurement of quality and to apply techniques that take into account subjective
aspects of the evaluation.
An analysis of the general elements contributing to the complexity of Web site
evaluation and thus of the need to use techniques based on SC is incomplete without
adding the fundamental point that quality comes in different forms [17]. Descriptions
of at least ten different types of quality can be found in the literature, some linked to
the quality of the product (in turn described as internal or external quality) or of the
service (some authors further classify this: technique, relational, environmental,
image, economic, organizational) or to its fruition: quality in use, perceived quality,
expected quality, latent (unexpected) quality, requested quality; others refer to the
management of quality within an organization: planned quality, quality of the
resources, of the process, and quality offered or delivered. For each of these types of
quality there are different corresponding metrics (see for example the quality metrics
for products of ISO 9126 of 2001 [18]). For our purposes it is important to note how
the different types of quality are interrelated, thereby producing gaps that create
problems for a thorough and accurate evaluation as to whether an entity satisfies
stated and implied needs; these gaps fall into four general categories:
1) understanding and identification of needs and requirements of customers,
meaning a gap between expected quality (needs) and planned quality
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
2) nonconformity, referring to the gap between planned and delivered quality;
3) communication, arising from the gap between quality actually delivered and
quality perceived;
4) satisfaction, stemming from the gap between perceived and expected quality,
thus providing an indication of customer satisfaction.
The fourth gap is a function of all the others and determines the success or
otherwise of the product or service [19]. This is likely the reason why most Web site
quality evaluation models focus on the user (see for example, [20]), besides the fact
that most evaluations are based mainly on the client-side information (Figure 2).
3 Subjectivity in the evaluation of quality in Web sites
3.1 A general methodology to evaluate Web site quality
In light of the previously discussed aspects characterizing Web site quality, in this
section we introduce a meta-model and a process model to arrive at a general quality
evaluation methodology. The goal is to obtain a conceptual framework that will then
make it possible to decide – as in a feasibility study – what steps and activities in a
quality evaluation can benefit from the use of SC techniques.
A meta-model for the quality of Web sites All models for Web site quality
evaluation are based on a series of characteristics, ranging from just a few to several
hundred [21]. Moreover, nearly all models have a hierarchical structure of two or
three levels; some of the principal characteristics are specialized into subcharacteristics or attributes, the latter are then defined through their sub-attributes.
Structures of this type are found, for example, for ISO software quality models [18].
To provide a general framework we will refer to a meta-model called 7Loci (Figure
1), which foresees seven dimensions that correspond to the loci used in the rhetoric of
Cicero [14]. The 7Loci can be seen as a meta-model for classification of diverse
criteria for quality, given that existing models can be obtained by “instantiating” it
QVIS? (Who)
QVID? (What)
CVR? (Why)
VBI? (Where)
QVANDO? (When)
QVIBVS AVXILIIS? (With what means and devices)
Fig. 1. Ciceronian loci and dimensions of the 7Loci model (in Latin V stands for U)
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
The first dimension, Identity, regards the image that the organization projects and
therefore all elements that come together in defining the identity of the owner of the
site. Content and Services refer, respectively, to the information and services
available for users. Location regards the visibility of a site; it also refers to the ability
of the site to offer a space where users can communicate with each other and with the
organisation. Maintenance comprises all activities that guarantee proper functioning
and operability of the site. Usability determines how efficiently and effectively the
site’s content and services are made available to the user. Feasibility includes all
aspects related to project management.
The process for evaluating quality in Web sites A general model of the
evaluation process envisages an initial setup phase in which requirements are
established, a design phase in which the evaluation plan and techniques are defined,
followed by the realization phase (Figure 2). The phases must be repeated in cycles
using an iterative approach that characterizes the general vein of quality (see for
example the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle [23]). The main inputs in the evaluation
process are (a) the purpose of the evaluation, (b) URL, mission, goals, type and
domain of the site (or sites) to be evaluated, besides the site itself, at least the client
Fig. 2. Evaluation process
Regarding the first point, an evaluation can be born of very diverse needs: to
extend services offered on an e-commerce site, to identify the reasons for
unsuccessful marketing strategies, to compare the site with the competitors’ sites, etc.
The mission of the site is a fundamental element of input given that it is impossible to
evaluate a site if the “owner’s” goals for the site remain unclear. The main objective
of the setup phase is to identify the stakeholders and particular attention must be
placed on identifying the specific target group for the site. Then for all stakeholders
identified it is necessary to define requirements, focusing on the objectives of the
owner and of users of the site and on the user profiles (the set of characteristics
common to the user group, such as nationality or city, age group, income level,
interests and hobbies, etc.). The information in user profiles can be obtained in
different ways through techniques much like those used for market research, using
data obtained directly from the users and also data coming from traffic linked to the
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
site [24]. Obviously the requirements analysis for users becomes more difficult as the
user profiles for the site become more varied.
In the Set-up phase it is important to adopt a model of quality which according to
our approach would mean instantiating the 7Loci meta-model, which identifies the
quality attributes that relate to the dimensions considered. For some projects it is
possible to use a “standard” table. In some of our projects we have identified two or
three attributes for each dimension, and two sub-attributes for each attribute, for a
total of 26 characteristics to evaluate (see for example [14]). The specification of the
attributes and sub-attributes for each dimension of the model is the most delicate part
in the setup phase in that it determines the level of detail at which each dimension
must be analysed. Requirements that are classified can then be converted into
questions in order to obtain semantic models that take into account aspects related to
the domain and to the type of site. In doing so a generic question from a standard
table for the Content dimension (for example, “Is there enough of the necessary
information for the purposes of the site?”) for the site of a tourist destination can be
articulated as several questions having to do with the requirements for this dimension:
“Is there information on hotels? On the non-hotel accommodations sector? On
restaurants? On locally made products?” etc. It is evident that detailed models are
more precise and less subjective but also more costly. Indeed their design and creation
require abundant resources and they also require frequent updating given that they
become outdated as the profiles of users change, and also the aims of the owners, in
addition to technological changes.
The principal objective of the Evaluation Design phase is to identify the
appropriate assessment modalities for the attributes of the quality model in agreement
with the quality requirements defined in the setup phase. It is necessary at this point to
determine the survey modalities, which can vary depending on the techniques and
tools adopted as well as on the number and role (competency) of the evaluators. As
for the techniques, according to a classification proposed in the literature of the HCI
(Human Computer Interface), we can distinguish empirical and analytical techniques.
The decision to use one method rather than another depends on factors such as the
aims of the Web site, the data requested, etc., not to mention the time and resources
available. Nonetheless, diverse techniques should be employed, and to further
integrate the results, the evaluation should, for example, defer to experts for some of
the attributes and to on-line surveys for others. In some cases it may be useful to
analyze the log files of the Web site. This can show – for example - which pages are
the most popular in order to know where to place the priority for any eventual
modifications or for translation into other languages. Many evaluation techniques
involve choices resulting in the trade-off between a quantitative and a qualitative
evaluation, decisions where SC can make a decisive contribution. Other general
decisions in this phase can have to do with which language version of a site to
evaluate (if the site is available in more than one language), which sections of the site
to evaluate, the order in which to analyze the dimensions, etc.
The Realization phase moves on to the evaluation of the site, applying the
techniques of survey and the measurement modalities specified in the evaluation plan.
The main activities in this phase are: data gathering, analysis and interpretation of
results, and the compilation of reports. Data gathering is usually done by visiting the
site at least once but in some cases it may be necessary to access files or information
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
only available on the server side. Evaluation of some attributes can be supported by
( The results obtained must be compared — using
appropriate methods — with the quality requirements specified in the setup phase.
This comparison is not always straightforward, especially for qualitative evaluations.
Particularly important for data analysis and the creation of a final report is the need
for a global “score” for the site as a whole (used for example in comparisons with
other sites or as a measurement of improvements stemming from the re-designing of a
site) or to calculate “average values,” accounting for the “weight” of different
attributes where the elements analyzed are not only qualitative but also numerous and
different from each other.
3.2 Soft computing in Web site quality design and evaluation
In this section we discuss activities and issues regarding the process described in
Figure 2 that could be supported by techniques of SC. We do not describe actual
applications of these techniques, but we seek to provide a general schema of how an
SC expert could contribute to improving the efficacy of evaluation projects. To this
end it is important to underline again that the guiding principle of SC is to exploit the
tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation to achieve
tractability, robustness and low solution cost. [5]. The aim of SC is to have tools that
can deal with complex problems where detailed specification is virtually impossible
and, therefore, conventional problem solving is unlikely to produce useful solutions.
In other words, SC can be useful in providing systematic treatment to qualitative and
subjective information and in particular when this information requires the application
of computational models to classify, filter, make forecasts, optimize, plan, decide, and
consider contradictory findings, etc.
Focusing on the activities necessary for an evaluation process, we find the
following possible applications of SC:
Set-up phase:
To classify the goals and objectives of stakeholders, which if numerous can be
in conflict with each other.
To identify the different profiles of users through clustering techniques that
make it possible to use information provided directly by users as well as
information garnered from an analysis of site traffic.
To classify requirements in natural language, which as such are ambiguous,
often incomplete and contradictory.
To instantiate the quality model, calibrating the number of attributes on the
basis of the evaluation objectives and of models available in a repository that
contains information from prior evaluations.
To assign weights to the different dimensions of the site considered in the
quality model and articulated in the different attributes identified (permitting
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
experts or the owners to use adjectives that can then be translated with
linguistic modifiers).
Both attributes and weights can be gathered afterward from the evaluation
results using data-driven techniques.
Design phase:
- To introduce qualitative “metrics” for those aspects that are intrinsically
subjective, such as whether the graphic design is adequate for purposes of
- To make it possible to give qualitative scores based on scales of preference or
expressed with linguistic tags.
Realization phase:
- To manipulate “linguistic” scores such as those assigned by experts or users
for standard tables.
- To compare qualitative assessments for different sites or for repeated analysis
of the same site.
- To evaluate different types of quality, and therefore to evaluate the gaps
indicated in Figure 2, which require various types of data that come from
different sources.
- To check for the presence of patterns in the results of evaluations of sites from
different domains or from different categories of owners.
- To identify the points where SC can optimize further interventions on the site.
4 Conclusions
Einstein famously described a true paradox when he said: “Not everything that counts
can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” Soft Computing
addresses this trade-off. Few approaches or evaluation projects can be found in the
literature on Web site quality that apply techniques of SC, while there are applications
for product quality in industry, and – closer to web site - to evaluate information
quality [25]. On the other hand, similar considerations applied in the recent past for
evaluations of the quality of software, which has existed for much longer. The results
of the methodological analysis described above are in some ways surprising. In fact,
in light of the state of the art of Web site quality evaluation, we might have expected
that SC techniques would be useful mostly in “measuring” the attributes of Web sites,
that is in the design and realization phases. The findings revealed, however, that SC
can be used in all phases of the evaluation process – confirming the intrinsically
qualitative and subjective nature of the process. The list obtained with this
preliminary study represents a first step toward a collaboration with SC experts: they
could suggest the Web Engineer the best technique for a given task. Experiences in
SC date back about 30 years, with a wide application in many different fields, so we
could trust it; that is we do not have to demonstrate that SC could be useful to Web
site quality evaluation, but to apply it to improve our evaluation projects.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
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ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Testing Techniques applied to
AJAX Web Applications
Alessandro Marchetto1 , Paolo Tonella1 , and Filippo Ricca2
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST, 38050 Povo, Trento, Italy
[email protected]
Unità CINI at DISI⋆ , 16146 Genova, Italy
[email protected]
Abstract. New technologies for the development of Web applications,
such as AJAX, support advanced, asynchronous interactions with the
server, going beyond the submit/wait-for-response paradigm. AJAX improves the responsiveness and usability of a Web application but poses
new challenges to the scientific community: one of them is testing. In
this work, we try to apply existing Web testing techniques (e.g., model
based testing, code coverage testing, session based testing, etc.) to a
small AJAX-based Web application with the purpose of understanding
their real effectiveness. In particular, we try to answer the following questions: “Is it possible to apply existing testing techniques to AJAX-based
Web applications?”; “Are they adequate to test AJAX applications?”;
and, “What are the problems and limitations they have with AJAX testing?”. Our preliminary analysis suggests that these techniques, especially
those based on white-box approaches, need to be changed or improved
to be effectively used with AJAX-based Web applications.
Keywords: AJAX-based Web applications, Web testing techniques.
Traditional Web applications are based on the client-server model: a browser
(client) sends a request asking for a Web page over a network (Internet, via
the protocol HTTP) to a Web server (server), which returns the requested page
as response. During this elaboration time the client must wait for the server
response before visualizing the requested page on the browser, i.e., the model is
based on synchronous communications between client and server.
During the last few years, several Web applications (such as Google Suggest,
Yahoo Instant Search, Google and Yahoo Mail, etc.) have been developed using
a new technology named AJAX [11, 4]. AJAX breaks the traditional Web page
paradigm, in which a Web application can be thought of and modeled as a
graph of Web pages, and invalidates the model of traditional Web applications.
It introduces additional asynchronous server communication to support a more
Laboratorio Iniziativa Software FINMECCANICA/ELSAG spa - CINI
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
responsive user interface: the user interacts directly with items within the page
and the feedback can be immediate and independent of the server’s response.
The validation of Web applications that are based on asynchronous communication with the server and employ new technologies, such as AJAX, Flash,
ActiveX plug-in components, is an area that deserves further investigation. For
example, until now, little research efforts have focused on how to test Web applications employing AJAX. Since AJAX does not comply with the classical Web
application model, several techniques presented in literature will not work any
longer. This seems to be the case of model based Web testing: using a Web
Crawler3 to extract the model seems not possible anymore. Before devising new
techniques specific of AJAX, we think it is important to address the following
questions: “Which testing techniques are able to work with AJAX-based Web
applications?” and, “To what degree?”
In this paper, we apply some existing testing techniques to a simple Web
application based on the AJAX technology. Our purpose is to detect effectiveness
and advantages as well as limitations and problems, of each examined testing
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We start, in Section 2, explaining the main characteristics of AJAX. Section 3 presents the existing testing
techniques and tools examined. In Section 4 we analyze each technique in order
to understand and evaluate its applicability to AJAX-applications. In the same
Section we apply the analyzed techniques to a small AJAX-application. Section
5 summarizes our preliminary results and, finally, in Section 6 we conclude the
AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML) is a bundle of existing technologies used to simplify the implementation of rich and dynamic Web applications.
HTML and CSS are used to present the information, the Document Object
Model is used to dynamically display and interact with the information and the
page structure, the XMLHttpRequest object is exploited to retrieve data from the
Web server, XML is used to wrap data and Javascript is exploited to bind “everything together” and to manage the whole process. With AJAX developers can
implement asynchronous communications between client and server. To achieve
this, client-side scripts and a special AJAX component named XMLHttpRequest
are used. Thanks to AJAX, Web developers can update parts of the client-side
page independently: in AJAX the units of work are the page elements (e.g., text
area, HTML form, DOM structure) rather than the whole page, as happening
with traditional page-based Web applications. For this reason, AJAX breaks the
traditional Web page paradigm. Every element of an HTML page may be tied to
some AJAX action; every action may generate a server request, associated with
A Web crawler (also known as a Web spider or robot) is a program that automatically
traverses the Web’s hyperlink structure and retrieves some information for the user.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
a URL, so that many HTTP requests can be performed by a single client-side
The main technological novelty of AJAX is the XMLHttpRequest object used
to exchange request and data, wrapped into XML packages, between Web components. In particular, through this object a client-side component (e.g., HTML
page) can send HTTP requests to the Web server and capture its response in
order to update pieces of the same HTML page. XMLHttpRequest allows to send
asynchronous GET/POST HTTP requests to a given Web server without showing any visible effect to the user and, more importantly, without stoping the
component execution, since a special AJAX engine controls HTTP requests and
responses in background, using an event listener. In other terms, it allows Web
developers to specify event handlers that change the client-side component state
whenever a server response is received asynchronously.
Web Testing Techniques
Existing approaches for Web Application testing can be divided into three classes:
white-box, black-box and session-based testing.
White-Box testing
Similarly to traditional software, white-box testing of Web applications is based
on the knowledge about the internal structure of the system under test. This
approach can be applied to Web applications either by representing the structure
at the high-level, by means of the navigation model (Model-based testing), or
at the low-level, by means of the control flow model (Code-coverage testing).
In the white-box category we consider also Mutation-based testing, which
requires internal knowledge of the Web application under test.
1. Model-based testing [1, 3, 6]. In this approach, reverse engineering techniques and a Web crawler are used to build the Web model of the target
application. The built model is a graph where each node represents a Web
page and each edge represents a link (e.g., HTML links, submits, automatic
redirections). Test cases are extracted by traversing the navigational system
(i.e., the Web model) of the application under test. A test case is composed
of a sequence of pages plus input values.
2. Code-coverage testing [10]. This approach is based on knowledge of the
source code of the Web application under test [10]. In code coverage testing,
the level of coverage reached by a given test suite can be determined by
instrumenting (through trace instructions) the branches in the control flow
model. Since the execution on the server involves one (or more) server side
languages (e.g., Java, PHP, SQL) and the execution on the client involves
additional languages (such as HTML and JavaScript), the control flow model
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
has different node kinds. Examples of tools used to perform code-coverage
testing for Java software are Emma4 and Clover5 .
3. Mutation-based testing [2, 8]. Code mutation has been used in the literature for several purposes. In the context of Web applications, it can be
used to recover the Web model [2]. In this approach, code mutation is applied to the server-side code in order to automate the difficult task of model
construction. More traditional uses of mutation consist of applying mutation
operators to the source code in order to generate code mutants. Mutants are
exercised through suites of test cases in order to evaluate their effectiveness
in finding faults. For instance, Elbaum et al.[8] use a fault-based approach
to evaluate the effectiveness of test suites constructed by means of a sessionbased approach. Finally, another use of this defect-injection method is the
selection a subset of test cases, based on a fault-coverage criterion.
Black-Box testing
The test of the functional requirements can be conducted by considering the Web
application as a black-box. Web applications may have documents describing
the requirements at the user level, such as: use-cases, user stories, functional
requirements in natural language, etc. From these documents, it is possible to
create a list of test cases. Each test case, i.e., ordered list of Web pages plus
user inputs, describes a scenario that can be accomplished by a Web visitor
through a browser. Output pages obtained by navigating the application and
providing the requested inputs are compared with the results expected from
that interaction according to the requirements. In this work, we consider two
black-box approaches: capture/reply and xUnit.
1. Capture and Reply. The most common class of black-box testing tools
provide an infrastructure to support the capture and replay of particular user
scenarios. During black-box testing of Web applications the interaction with
the user can be simulated by generating the graphical events that trigger
the computation associated with the application interface. One of the main
methods used to obtain this result consists of recording the interactions that
a user has with the Web application and repeating them during the (regression) testing phase. A lot of functional and regression testing tools, based
on capture/replay facilities, are available as free and commercial software.
Examples are Mercury WinRunner 6 , IBM Rational Robot 7 and MaxQ 8 .
2. xUnit testing. Another approach to black-box testing is based on HttpUnit9 .
When combined with a framework such as Junit10 , HttpUnit permits pro4
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
grammers to write Java test cases that check the functioning of a Web application. HttpUnit is a Java framework well suited for black-box and regression
testing of Web applications, which allows the implementation of automated
test scripts based on assertions. In the xUnit family are also other tools, such
as JsUnit11 and PHPUnit12 . Several xUnit tools (e.g., Selenium13 ) use the
capture and reply mechanism to record scripts of test. These scripts can be
completed and enriched with assertions by the user.
Session-based testing
Another approach to testing Web applications is user-session based testing. It
relies on capturing and replaying real user sessions. This approach avoids the
challenge of building an accurate model of a Web application’s structure. Each
user session is a collection of user requests in the form of URL and name-value
pairs (i.e., input field names and values). A user session begins when a user makes
a new request to a Web application and ends when the user leaves it or the session
times out. To transform a user session into a test case, each logged request is
changed into an HTTP message that can be sent to the Web server. A test case
consists of a set of HTTP requests that are associated with each user session.
Different strategies can be applied to construct test cases from the collected
user sessions stored in a log file [5]. The simplest strategy is transforming each
individual user session into a test case. Other, more advanced, strategies are also
possible [7]. An example of access log is given in Figure 5.
Testing of AJAX-based Web Applications
In this section we analyze white-box, black-box and session-based testing in
terms of their applicability to AJAX-applications, evaluating limitations and
problems, considering existing tools and applying them to a small “case study”.
Fig. 1. customerID UML model
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Fig. 2. customerID screenshot
For our study we selected a small application named customerID 14 . Although
small, it represents a typical AJAX application, which can be analyzed, tested
and described in detail. Figure 1 shows the UML class diagram of this application. The customerID application is composed of:
a client-side HTML page (client.html );
an HTML form (customer ) used by client.html ;
a Javascript code fragment (JS ) used by client.html ;
a server-side page Customer.jsp.
JS retrieves the customer identification number written by the user (see Figure 2)
in the HTML form and uses an XMLHTTPRequest object (activated by the user
through the “submit” button of the form) to send this number to the server-side
page Customer.jsp. Customer.jsp is a JSP component that receives a customer
id from the client and returns first and last name of the customer associated
with the received id, using a XML-based object for data transmission. Then,
the client-side component JS captures this XML package and uses the contained
data to update the client page. In that operation, a fragment of the Javascript
code JS is used to get the data and to update the state of the HTML page
Fig. 3. Model-based testing applied to customerID
Model-based testing
Model-based testing are only partially usable to test AJAX applications, since
the associated model is not adequate for this kind of applications. Existing
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
model-based techniques describe a Web application through a navigation model
composed of Web pages and hyperlinks. The problem is that AJAX applications
are essentially composed of a single page that changes its state according to the
user interactions. Other problems with the model-based approach are: First, existing Web crawlers, used to build the Web model, are not able to extract the set
of dynamic links created by AJAX applications. Second, client and server components tend to exchange small XML data fragments instead of entire HTML
pages. This peculiarity of AJAX makes it impossible to capture the server response in order to extract the hyperlinks of the navigation model, as done in
conventional model-based testing. Third, existing Web models don’t capture the
evolution of a Web page in terms of successive states (i.e. DOM configurations)
and they are not able to represent the XML data exchanged among components.
Summarizing, to perform model-based testing of AJAX-based applications one
needs to:
1. improve the “capability” of the actual Web crawlers;
2. extend the Web model.
These limitations are evident when we apply model-based testing to customerID. The model produced by the Web crawler is partial (Figure 3 shows
the model extracted according to Ricca and Tonella [6]). It is composed only
of the page client.html, its HTML form and the page customer.jsp. The result
of executing customer.jsp on the server is missing in the model because XML
packages cannot be represented in this model.
Mutation-based testing
Two studies[2, 9] apply mutation-based testing to Web applications. Bellettini
et al. [2] use mutation to recover the Web model, while Sprenkle et al. [9] use
mutation to evaluate the effectiveness of a test suite by inserting artificial defects
(mutations) into the original application. No work to the best of the authors’
knowledge tried to apply mutation to the client-side code of Web applications.
The definition of mutation operators for AJAX could be quite complicated, due
to the possibility of run-time changes of the DOM structure and page content.
We think that mutation-based testing may be useful to support the testing
approaches for AJAX applications. This involves studying and defining AJAXspecific mutation operators.
We tried to apply the technique proposed by Bellettini et al. [2] to customerID, but we found a problem: This testing technique cannot be directly
used with customerID because it applies mutation operators only to server-side
pages and because the response of the server is an XML package and not an
entire page, as expected by the technique.
Code Coverage testing
In theory, it is possible to apply code coverage testing to AJAX-based applications. In practice there are some problems. The first is a technological problem.
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Fig. 4. Output of our code-coverage tool applied to client.html
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Coverage tools for Web applications need to trace Web code that, often, is a mix
of languages such as HTML, Javascript, JSP and currently, tools with these characteristics are not available. Moreover, currently, it is impossible to use existing
coverage tools to trace dynamic changes of the DOM structure or dynamically
generated code. We think that this list of problems limits in practice the effectiveness of the code coverage testing approach.
Some tools such as Cobertura15 , JCover16 , Clover17 and Emma18 cannot be
used to test complex and real Web applications because they can trace and
analyze only Java (i.e., server-side) code. An example of code coverage tool for
Javascript is the commercial tool Coverage Validator19 . It displays statistics for
each Javascript file that is being monitored for code coverage.
A coverage tool able to work with a mix of Web languages is under development at our laboratory. Figure 4 shows the output of our tool applied to the
client.html page of the customerID. The code (HTML and Javascript) exercised
during test case execution is traced and shown in light gray. The tool reports
(see top of the figure) some code-coverage metrics such as condition (60%) and
statement coverage (80%).
When applying our tool to customerID, some problems become evident. It is
difficult to trace dynamic code and dynamic changes of Web pages (e.g., DOM
changes). For instance, we cannot trace the run-time changes of the HTML form
embedded in the client.html page. The reason is that the AJAX component, used
by the same page, dynamically updates the form (name and lastname fields in
Figure 4) through asynchronous communications with the server page. Hence
dynamic changes of the form field values (lines 38-39 on Figure 4) cannot be
traced by the coverage tool. - HTTP/1.1” - - HTTP/1.1”
[04/Dec/2006:11:31:25 +0100] “GET /ajax1/client.html HTTP/1.1” 200 1916
- [04/Dec/2006:11:31:27 +0100] “GET /ajax/customer.jsp?customerID=134
200 29
[04/Dec/2006:11:32:03 +0100] “GET /ajax1/ HTTP/1.1” 200 1563
[04/Dec/2006:11:32:04 +0100] “GET /ajax1/client.html HTTP/1.1” 200 1917
- [04/Dec/2006:11:32:07 +0100] “GET /ajax1/customer.jsp?customerID=245
200 29
Fig. 5. Tomcat log-file of customerID
Session-based testing
This testing approach is apparently applicable to AJAX applications, because in
a log-file we can capture both kinds of HTTP requests: traditional (triggered by
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
user clicks), as well as AJAX-specific (triggered by AJAX-components). However, session-based testing techniques are adequate to verify only non-interacting,
synchronous request-response pairs, because of two kinds of limitations:
1. Using (only) log-files information it is not possible to reconstruct the state
of Web pages that are modified during the execution of a given application.
The reason is that the data exchanged between client and server in a given
AJAX application are only “pieces of data” wrapped into XML messages,
that are eventually turned into page changes;
2. Some techniques used to mix log file information (i.e., sequence of hyperlinks
and input values) cannot be used to generate new navigation sessions (i.e.,
new sequences of links and input values) useful to exercise the application
under test. In fact, it may be hard to reproduce the context where the log
information used in the original application can be re-inserted in a different
Figure 5 shows a fragment of the Tomcat log-file for the customerID application. Given this log file, we can reply the two customerID usage sessions
performed by the user but we cannot take advantage of the information in the
XMLHTTPRequest object used by customerID. For this reason, we can not repeat its behavior. Moreover, we can use the log information to verify each single
response to the HTTP requests stored in Tomcat log files. But, we cannot use
it to test the entire application customerID, since it is impossible to reconstruct
the state of the application when each HTTP request was issued and when the
response was received. Furthermore, by mixing the log-extracted HTTP requests
we might end up with inconsistent requests, since knowledge of the AJAX-objects
used by customerID cannot be derived from log-files only. Some examples of test
cases derived from the log-file in Figure 5 are the following:
1. GET client.html → verify the HTML code sent by the server on response;
2. GET client.html → send ID=134 to customer.jsp using a GET request →
verify the returned XML package;
3. GET client.html → verify the HTML code sent by the server on response;
4. GET client.html → send ID=134 to customer.jsp using a GET request →
send ID=234 to customer.jsp using a GET request → verify the returned
XML package.
Capture and Reply
Capture and replay is in principle applicable to AJAX-based Web applications,
since it exercises the application from a user point-of-view using the GUI. However, the real applicability to AJAX-based Web applications depends on the
actual testing tool in use. Several implementations of this technique would need
to be improved to be effectively used to test AJAX applications. To be successfully applied to AJAX applications, a capture and reply tool should:
1. support Javascript;
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
function testupdateFirstLastName() {
<?xml version=‘‘1.0’’ encoding=‘‘UTF-8’’?>
<LogiTest:description />
method=‘‘GET’’ delay=‘‘0’’ />
Fig. 6. LogiTest applied to customerID
2. be able to capture dynamic events associated with user input;
3. be able to capture dynamic changes of the DOM structures;
4. be able to perform asynchronous HTTP requests to the Web server.
Fig. 7. Selenium applied to customerID
Examples of capture and reply tools are LogiTest20 , Maxq21 and Badboy22 .
These tools don’t work well with AJAX applications. Logitest doesn’t support Javascript while Maxq cannot record dynamic events. Badboy supports
Javascript but it is not able to capture some dynamic events (e.g., “onblur”
on form input fields) and run-time changes of the DOM structures. Thus, it is
not adequate to test AJAX applications. The commercial tool eValid23 and the
tool Origsoft24 promise to test the AJAX applications. Indeed, they are able to
capture dynamic events and store dynamic DOM changes.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
We have tried to apply a tool of this category to customerID. Figure 6 shows
the navigation-script stored by LogiTest for an usage session of our customerID.
It is clear that this script is not adequate to test customerID since it doesn’t
contain information related to the asynchronous HTTP requests performed by
the application.
xUnit testing
The xUnit approach is also in principle applicable to test AJAX applications.
Actually, it focuses on the functional behavior rather than the implementation.
However, the real applicability to AJAX Web applications depends on the actual
implementation of the tool in use. To be used with AJAX-applications, xUnit
tools must support, at least, Javascript, asynchronous HTTP requests and DOM
Examples of xUnit testing tools are: Latka, HTTPUnit, InforMatrix, HTMLUnit, JsUnit, Canoo WebTest, squishWeb and Selenium. Latka25 and HTTPUnit26
cannot be used to test AJAX-applications because they are not able to manage
asynchronous HTTP requests and DOM inspection. Some tools such as InforMatrix27 , HTMLUnit28 and Canoo WebTest29 have been recently improved to
support Javascript and AJAX components. Unfortunately, their Javascript support is still limited and in real AJAX applications they can hardly be applied.
Instead, software such as squishWeb30 and Selenium31 can be used to test AJAX
applications, since they fully support Javascript, asynchronous HTTP requests
and DOM inspection.
We have tried to apply some tools of this category to customerID. InforMatrix and HtmlUnit can not be used to test customerID: they don’t support
some DOM-events actions, while they partially support Javascript. Differently,
Selenium, thanks to the assertion “wait conditions”, can be successfully used to
test customerID. Figure 7 shows two screenshots of Selenium. The considered
test case is the following:
1. load client.html → type the number “123” in the form ID → click the submit
button (i.e., send data to the customer.jsp) → verify the form name has been
updated with “John”.
In this example, we use two different assertions to verify the output of the
above test case. In the first case, we use a conventional “assert” command instead
of the correct “waitForValue” (see Figure 7, right). Without this “waitForValue”
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the test case verification fails (see Figure 7, left) since the AJAX application customerID uses asynchronous communications and thereby a conventional “assert”
cannot be used to capture the server response.
Code Coverage
adequate problems
Web models extracted
are partial; existing Web
crawlers are not able
to download site pages
mutant operators are
never being applied
to client Web code;
the application of
mutant operators
is difficult
partially it is difficult to cover
dynamic events and
DOM changes; coverage
tools managing a mix
of languages are not
it is impossible to
reconstruct the state
of the Web pages
using only log-files
Javscript, asynchronous
HTTP requests and
DOM analysis are
not always
Javascript: Coverage
Java: Cobertura,
Emma, Clover, etc.
Languages mix :
not available
not ok
not ok
partially ok
not ok
not ok : Maxq,
it depends
on the
InforMatrix etc.
partially ok : Badboy, implementation
HTMLUnit etc.
ok : squishWeb,
Selenium etc.
Table 1. Web testing techniques applied to AJAX-based applications
and xUnit
Table 1 summarizes our preliminary analysis of existing testing techniques
applied to AJAX Web applications:
1. model-based: test cases are derived from the Web model. The model doesn’t
consider all the states that a single HTML page may reach during the execution of the Web application. So, this technique appears applicable but not
adequate to test AJAX-applications.
2. mutation-based: to our knowledge, no work defines mutation operators
that apply to client-side code of Web applications. Moreover the application
of mutation operators is complicated by the specific nature of the AJAX Web
applications (HTML pages can dynamically change their DOM structure and
content). Additionally, specific tools for Web applications are not available.
So, this technique is promising, but far from being available in practice.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
3. coverage-based: this technique is applicable and adequate to test AJAX
applications. However, its real effectiveness has to be verified in practice since
it is difficult to instrument and trace AJAX dynamic code (in particular,
dynamic events and DOM changes). Another problem is that coverage tools
for Web applications must trace a mix of languages and currently, tools
with these characteristics are not available. For this reason, this technique
is considered only partially adequate to test this kind of software.
4. session-based: in this technique test cases are derived using the data recorded
in the log-files. Since in a log-file we can capture traditional HTTP requests
as well as AJAX-specific ones, this technique is apparently applicable to test
AJAX applications. However, session-based testing is not fully adequate because it is hard to reconstruct the state of the Web pages that are exercised
during the execution of a given application using only log-files information.
5. capture/reply and xUnit: this category of tools is adequate to test AJAX
applications because it does not consider the internal structure of the target application. The capture/reply and xUnit tools verify the functionalities
of the Web applications based only on requirements and expected output
(black-box testing). However, often, existing tools don’t support AJAX or
the support is still limited. A tool of this category, to be used with AJAXbased Web applications should support at least: Javascript, asynchronous
HTTP requests and DOM inspection.
In this paper we have applied some existing testing techniques to a simple AJAX
Web application with the purpose of detecting effectiveness and advantages, as
well as limitations and problems, of each examined technique.
The results of our preliminary analysis can be summarized as follows: model
and session-based testing techniques need to be modified and improved to let
them test AJAX Web applications. Mutation-based testing needs to be adapted
to be used with the client-side components of AJAX applications. Code-coverage
testing can be only “partially” used with AJAX-applications: (1) the dynamism
of this kind of technology limits its effectiveness; (2) tools are not available to
manage mix of languages as required. Currently, capture/reply and xUnit testing
are the only tools able to work with AJAX. However, some of them have to be
extended/improved to support Javascript, dynamic changes/events of the DOM
and AJAX-components.
Our preliminary analysis suggests that to test AJAX-applications new approaches/tools are needed, since the existing ones have severe limitations and
problems, especially white-box and session-based testing techniques.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
1. A. Andrews, J. Offutt, and R. Alexander. Testing Web Applications by Modeling
with FSMs. Software and System Modeling, Vol 4, n. 3, July 2005.
2. C. Bellettini, A. Marchetto, and A. Trentini. Dynamic Extraction of Web Applications Models via Mutation Analysis. Journal of Information, 2005.
3. C. Bellettini, A. Marchetto, and A. Trentini. TestUml: User-Metrics Driver Web
Applications Testing. 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2005),
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. March 2005.
4. J. Eichorn. Understanding AJAX: Using JavaScript to Create Rich Internet Applications. Prentice Hall, 2006.
5. S. Elbaum, G. Rothermel, S. Karre, and M. Fisher. Leveraging user session data to
support Web Applications Testing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Vol. 31, n. 3, March 2005.
6. F. Ricca and P. Tonella. Building a Tool for the Analysis and Testing of Web
Applications: Problems and Solutions. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
and Analysis of Systems (TACAS’2001), Genova, Italy. April 2001.
7. E. Sampath, S. Gibson, S. Sprenkle, and L. Pollock. Coverage Criteria for Testing
Web Applications. Technical Report 2005-17, Computer and Information Sciences,
University of Delaware., 2005.
8. S. Sprenkle, E. Gibson, S. Sampath, and L. Pollock. Automated Replay and Failure
Detection for Web Applications. 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), Usa. 2005.
9. S. Sprenkle, E. Gibson, S. Sampath, and L. Pollock. A Case Study of Automatically
Creating Test Suite from Web Applications Field Data. Workshop on Testing,
Analysis and Verification of Web Services and Applications (TAV-WEB 2006),
Usa. 2006.
10. P. Tonella and F. Ricca. A 2-Layer Model for the White-Box Testing of Web
Applications. International Workshop on Web Site Evolution (WSE’04), Illinois,
USA. September 2004.
11. E. Woychowsky. AJAX: Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and
XML. Bruce Perens’ Open Source Series, 2006.
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
Automated Verification of XACML Policies
Using a SAT Solver⋆
Graham Hughes and Tevfik Bultan
Department of Computer Science
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Abstract. Web-based software systems are increasingly used for accessing and
manipulating sensitive information. Managing access control policies in such systems can be challenging and error-prone, especially when multiple access policies are combined to form new policies, possibly introducing unintended consequences. In this paper, we present a framework for automated verification of
access control policies written in XACML. We introduce a formal model for
XACML policies which partitions the input domain to four classes: permit, deny,
error, and not-applicable. We present several ordering relations for access control
policies which can be used to specify the properties of the policies and the relationships among them. We then show how to automatically check these ordering
relations using a SAT solver. Our automated verification tool translates verification queries about XACML policies to a Boolean satisfiability problem. Our
experimental results demonstrate that automated verification of XACML policies
is feasible using our approach.
1 Introduction
Web-based applications today are used to access all types of sensitive information such
as bank accounts, employee records and even health records. Given the ease of access
provided by the Web, it is crucial to provide access control mechanisms for Web-based
applications that deal with sensitive information. Moreover, due to increasing use of
service oriented architectures, it is necessary to develop techniques for keeping the access control policies consistent across heterogeneous systems and applications spanning
multiple organizations.
XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) [12] provides a common
language for combining, maintaining and exchanging access control policies. XACML
is an XML-based language for expressing access rights to arbitrary objects that are
identified in XML. XACML provides rule and policy combining mechanisms for constructing policies from rules and metapolicies from policies, respectively.
Policies built using such mechanisms will inevitably become quite large and complex as they are used to combine access control rules and subpolicies in an organization
and especially across organizations. It is possible, even likely, that the act of creating
a metapolicy out of numerous disparate smaller policies could leave it vulnerable to
unintended consequences. In this paper, we investigate statically verifying properties of
access control policies to prevent such errors.
This work is supported by NSF grants CCF-0341365 and CCF-0614002.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
We translate XACML policies into a mathematical model, which we reduce to a
normal form by separating the conditions that give rise to access permitted, access
denied, and internal error results. We define partial orderings between access control
policies, with the intention of checking whether a policy is over- or under-constrained
with respect to another one. We show that these ordering relations can be translated
to Boolean formulas which are satisfiable if and only if the corresponding relation is
violated. We use a SAT solver to check satisfiability of these Boolean logic formulas.
Using our translator and a SAT solver we can check if a combination of XACML policies does or does not faithfully reproduce the properties of its subpolicies, and thus
discover unintended consequences before they appear in practice.
In Section 2, after giving an overview of XACML, we develop a formal model for
access control policies written in XACML and discuss how to transform these models
into a normal form that distinguishes access permitted, access denied, and error conditions. In Section 3 we define partial ordering relations among access control policies
which are used to specify their properties. We show how to check these properties automatically in Section 4. Finally, we report the results of our experiments in Section 5
and give our conclusions in Section 7.
2 Policy Specifications
An access request is a specially formatted XML document that defines a set of data
that we call the environment. Given an environment, an XACML policy specification
yields one of four results: Permit (Per), meaning that the access request is permitted;
Deny (Den), meaning that the access request will not be permitted; Not Applicable
(NoA), meaning that this particular policy says nothing about the request; and Indeterminate (Ind), which means that something unexpected came up and the policy has
failed. XACML additionally defines obligations, which are actions that the policy must
perform in some circumstances; we do not handle obligations in this work.
In XACML three classes of objects are used to specify access control policies: 1)
individual rules, 2) collections of rules called policies, and 3) collections of policies
called policy sets. XACML rules are the most basic object and have a goal effect—
either Permit or Deny—a domain of applicability, and conditions under which they
can yield Indeterminate and fail. The domain of applicability is realized in a series of
predicates about the environmental data that must all be satisfied for the rule to yield
its goal effect; the error conditions are embedded in the domain predicates, but can be
separated out into a set of predicates all their own. Policies combine individual rules
and also have a domain of applicability; policy sets combine individual policies with a
domain of applicability.
XACML predicates can be constructed using primitive functions such as equality,
set inclusion, and ordering within numeric types, and also more complex functions such
as XPath matching and X500 name matching.
Let us consider a simple example policy for an online voting system. The policy
states that to be able to vote a person must be at least 18 years old and a person who
has voted already cannot vote. Our environment (i.e., the set of information we are
interested in) consists of the age of the person in question and whether they have voted
already. We can represent this as a Cartesian product of XML Schema [13] basic types,
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <Policy xmlns="urn:..." xmlns:xsi="...-instance"
xmlns:md="http:.../record.xsd" PolicySetId="urn:example:policyid:1"
<ActionMatch MatchId="urn:...:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="...#string">vote</AttributeValue>
<ActionAttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:example:action"
<Rule RuleId="urn:example:ruleid:1" Effect="Deny">
<Condition FunctionId="urn:...:integer-less-than">
<Apply FunctionId="urn:...:integer-one-and-only">
<SubjectAttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:example:age"
<AttributeValue DataType="...#integer">18</AttributeValue>
<Rule RuleId="urn:example:ruleid:2" Effect="Deny">
<Condition FunctionId="urn:...:boolean-equal">
<Apply FunctionId="urn:...:boolean-one-and-only">
<SubjectAttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:example:voted-yet"
<AttributeValue DataType="...#boolean">True</AttributeValue>
<Rule RuleId="urn:example:ruleid:3" Effect="Permit"/>
37 </Policy>
Fig. 1. A simple XACML policy
as follows:
E = P(xsd:int) × P(xsd:boolean) × P(xsd:string)
Here, E denotes the set of all possible environments. The first component of an environment is the age of the person, the second component is whether or not they have
voted already, and the third component is the action they are attempting (perhaps voting,
but perhaps something else). We use power sets here because in XACML all attributes
describe sets of values, never singletons.
The XACML policy for this example is shown in Figure 1. We will explain the
semantics of this policy using a simple mathematical notation. We write all environment
sets in the form {e ∈ E : C} where C is a predicate whose only free variables are
the components of the environment tuple e. Since we do not at this time constrain the
predicate C, this does not cost us any generality.
The goal for our example policy is that if a person is doing something other than
voting, we do not really care what happens, and we require that there be only one age
and one voting record presented. To do this we can divide E into four sets, Ea , Ev ,
Ep and Ed as follows (note that the notation ∃! x P asserts that there is a unique x that
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
satisfies a condition P ):
Ea = { a, v, o ∈ E : ∃! a0 ∈ a ∧ ∃! v0 ∈ v} , Ev = { a, v, o ∈ Ea : ∃x ∈ o x = vote} ,
Ep = { {a0 }, {v0 }, o ∈ Ev : a0 ≥ 18 ∧ ¬v0 } ,
Ed = Ev − Ep = { {a0 }, {v0 }, o ∈ Ev : a0 < 18 ∨ v0 }
Here, Ea is the set of all environments whose inputs are not erroneous, Ev is the set of
all environments where voting is attempted, Ep is the set of all environments where the
person can vote (their attempt to vote is permitted), and Ed is the set of all environments
where the person cannot vote (their attempt to vote is denied).
A Formal Model for XACML Policies: Let R = {Per, Den, NoA, Ind} be the set of
valid results permit, deny, not applicable and indeterminate, respectively. We define the
set of valid policies P as follows (semantics will be defined below):
Per ∈ P, Den ∈ P
∀p ∈ P : ∀S ⊆ E : Sco(p, S) ∈ P ∧ Err(p, S) ∈ P
∀p, q ∈ P : p ⊕ q ∈ P ∧ p ⊖ q ∈ P ∧ p ⊗ q ∈ P ∧ p ⊘ q ∈ P
Informally, we regard Per and Den as basic policies that ignore the environment and
always yield Per or Den, respectively. Along these same lines, Sco and Err attach conditions to policies depending on the environment they are evaluated in: Sco(p, S) yields
p’s answer if the current environment is in S, or NoA otherwise (i.e., Sco is used to
define the scope of a policy); Err(p, S) yields Ind if the current environment is in S or
p’s answer otherwise (i.e., Err is used to define the error conditions for a policy). The
other four symbols (⊕, ⊖, ⊗, ⊘) are combinators, that combine two policies as:
– Permit-overrides: p ⊕ q always yields Per if either p or q yield Per.
– Deny-overrides: p ⊖ q always yields Den if either p or q yield Den.
– Only-one-applicable: p ⊗ q requires that one of p or q yield NoA and then yields
the other half’s answer.
– First-applicable: p ⊘ q yields p’s answer unless that answer is NoA, in which case
it yields q’s answer.
Our ⊗ and ⊘ operators are exactly equivalent to the only-one-applicable and firstapplicable rules in XACML. However, the ⊕ and ⊖ operators we use in this paper
are slightly different than the permit-overrides and deny-overrides rules in XACML. In
the cases where the sub-rules do not yield Ind, these operators are exactly equivalent to
the corresponding XACML rules. For the remaining cases, the corresponding XACML
rules can be mapped to our operators with some extra work.
We formalize the semantics of these combinators in Figure 2 by defining a function
eff : E × P → R that, given an environment and a policy, produces a result.
Using this notation, we can now model the XACML policy given in Figure 1 as:
S0 = { a, v, o ∈ E : ∀x ∈ a x < 18}
S1 = { a, v, o ∈ E : ∀x ∈ v x}
S2 = { a, v, o ∈ E : ∃x ∈ o x = vote}
S3 = { a, v, o ∈ E : ¬∃! a0 ∈ a}
S4 = { a, v, o ∈ E : ¬∃! v0 ∈ v}
r1 = Err(Sco(Den, S0 ), S3 )
r2 = Err(Sco(Den, S1 ), S4 )
p = Sco(r1 ⊖ r2 ⊖ Per, S2 )
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
eff(e, Per) = Per eff(e, Den) = Den
eff(e, p) if e ∈ S
eff(e, Sco(p, S)) =
if e ∈ S
eff(e, Err(p, S)) =
eff(e, p) otherwise
Per if eff(e, p) = Per ∨ eff(e, q) = Per
< Ind if (eff(e, p) = Ind ∧ eff(e, q) = Per) ∨ (eff(e, q) = Ind ∧ eff(e, p) = Per)
Den if (eff(e, p) = Den ∧ eff(e, q) = Per ∧ eff(e, q) = Ind)
eff(e, p ⊕ q) =
∨(eff(e, q) = Den ∧ eff(e, p) = Per ∧ eff(e, p) = Ind)
NoA otherwise
Den if eff(e, p) = Den ∨ (eff(e, q) = Den
< Ind if (eff(e, p) = Ind ∧ eff(e, q) = Den) ∨ (eff(e, q) = Ind ∧ eff(e, p) = Den)
Per if (eff(e, p) = Per ∧ eff(e, q) = Den ∧ eff(e, q) = Ind)
eff(e, p ⊖ q) =
∨(eff(e, q) = Per ∧ eff(e, p) = Den ∧ eff(e, p) = Ind)
NoA otherwise
< eff(e, p) if eff(e, q) = NoA
eff(e, q) if eff(e, p) = NoA
eff(e, p ⊗ q) =
: Ind
eff(e, p) if eff(e, p) = NoA
eff(e, p ⊘ q) =
eff(e, q) otherwise
Fig. 2. Semantics of policies
where S0 is the set of environments that fail the age requirement, S1 is the set of environments that fail the voting requirement, S2 is the set of environments where someone’s trying to vote, etc. Note that, r1 corresponds to the XACML rule between lines
19-27 in Figure 1, r2 corresponds to the XACML rule between lines 28-36, and p corresponds to the XACML policy between lines 2-38.
Policy Transformations: We convert the access control policies to an intermediate
normal form before we verify them. This enables us to decouple the verification backend of our tool from its front-end. This decoupling means that it is possible to support
other access control languages in our verification framework as long as they can be
translated to the same normal form.
We first define the equivalence between two policies:
P1 ≡ P2 iff ∀e ∈ E eff(e, P1 ) = eff(e, P2 )
We call a function f that takes a policy and returns another policy an eff-preserving
transformation if ∀p ∈ P f (p) ≡ p.
For any given policy, we want to regard the subset of E that will give a Per result,
the subset of E that will give a Den result, and the subset of E that will give an Ind
result independently. We define the shorthand S, R, T , where S, R and T are pairwise
disjoint, as follows:
S, R, T = Err(Sco(Per, S) ⊗ Sco(Den, R), T )
Hence, S, R, T is simply a policy that yields Per for any environment in S, Den
for any environment in R, Ind for any environment in T , and NoA for any remaining
environment. We call this triple notation and refer to an S, R, T as a triple.
Now that we have a framework for transforming policies, we would like to transform
an entire policy with Sco, Err and combinators alike into a single triple. For any policy
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
P a triple PT that is equivalent to it can be written as:
PT = {e ∈ E : eff(e, P ) = Per}, {e ∈ E : eff(e, P ) = Den}, {e ∈ E : eff(e, P ) = Ind} .
However, this is not a constructive definition. In [4], we developed an eff-preserving
transformation T : P → P(E) × P(E) × P(E), such that given a policy p, T (p)
returns a triple that is equivalent to p. Our transformation works in two stages. In the
first stage, the input policy is transformed to a set of subpolicies in our triple notation
combined with ⊕, ⊖, ⊗ and ⊘. In the second stage, the triples joined by combinators
are transformed into a single triple. For example, applying T to the policy p defined in
Equation (8) leads to the following:
p = Sco(Err(Sco(Den, S0 ), S3 ) ⊖ Err(Sco(Den, S1 ), S4 ) ⊖ Per, S2 )
T (p) = S2 \ (S0 ∪ S1 ∪ S3 ∪ S4 ), ((S0 \ S3 ) ∪ (S1 \ S4 )) ∩ S2 ,
((S3 ∪ S4 ) \ ((S0 \ S3 ) ∪ (S1 \ S4 ))) ∩ S2
3 Properties of Policies
In this section we will show that properties of policies can be expressed using several partial ordering relations. For example, we might want to prove that a (possibly
very complex) policy at least protects as much as some simpler policy, and similarly
we might want to guarantee that a (possibly very complex) policy does not say anything outside of its scope. Such properties can be expressed using the ordering relations
defined below.
Let P1 = S1 , R1 , T1 and let P2 = S2 , R2 , T2 be two policies. We define the
following partial orders:
P1 ⊑P P2 iff S1 ⊆ S2 ,
P1 ⊑D P2 iff R1 ⊆ R2 ,
P1 ⊑P,D,E P2 iff P1 ⊑P P2 ∧ P1 ⊑D P2 ∧ P1 ⊑E P2
P1 ⊑E P2 iff T1 ⊆ T2
Note that we can define a partial order for any combination of of P , D and E. We use
P1 ⊑ P2 as a shorthand for P1 ⊑P,D,E P2 . We can regard P1 ⊑ P2 as stating that for
any e ∈ E where eff(P1 , e) = NoA, eff(P2 , e) = eff(P1 , e).
To demonstrate the use of these ordering relations, let us create a new policy for our
online voting example. People are permitted to check the current results of the election,
for exit polls. We encode this with the following policy
S5 = { a, v, o ∈ E : ∃x ∈ o x = getresult},
r3 = Sco(Err(Per, S4 ), S5 )
where S4 is defined in Equation (5). Now, we can create a composite policy pc = p⊕r3 ,
where p is defined in Equation (8). This policy has a bug—specifically, it permits people
under 18 to vote in certain circumstances—and we will demonstrate the usefulness of
our technique by showing this. First, we perform our translations on this new policy as
above, getting:
T (r3 ) = S5 \ S4 , ∅, S4 ∩ S5
T (pc ) = ((S2 \ (S0 ∪ S1 ∪ S3 ∪ S4 )) ∪ (S5 \ S4 )),
(((S0 \ S3 ) ∪ (S1 \ S4 )) ∩ S2 ) \ (S4 ∩ S5 ),
((S4 ∩ S5 ) ∪ ((S3 ∪ S4 ) \ ((S0 \ S3 ) ∪ (S1 \ S4 ))) ∩ S2 ) \
((S2 \ (S0 ∪ S1 ∪ S3 ∪ S4 )) ∪ (S5 \ S4 ))
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
where S0 , S1 , S2 , S3 and S4 are from Equations (1) to (5).
Now, we insist that this combined policy deny anyone trying to vote who is under
18. This is itself a policy, which we call pv :
pv = ∅, (S0 ∩ S2 ) \ (S3 ∪ S4 ), (S3 ∪ S4 ) ∩ S2
The property we wish to verify here is whether or not pv ⊑D pc , i.e., does the policy
pc deny every input that is denied by pv . That would mean that everyone trying to vote
who is under 18 is denied, and that our policy combination has not done any harm.
However, the environmental tuple
e = {17}, {true}, {vote, getresult}
demonstrates that that is not the case. Input e passes the second part of the Per requirement and so is permitted by pc (which means that it is not denied by pc ) but denied by
pv , i.e., e demonstrates that pv ⊑D pc . The error is that we do not enforce that only
one action be given in the third component of the input, and because of this we have the
surprising result that someone who is under eighteen and has already voted, but asks for
the voting results at the same time as trying to vote will be permitted, and so can cast
any number of ballots. To fix this, we could insist upon a new condition, that ∃! x ∈ o;
or we could use ⊗ instead of ⊕, which would ensure that only one of the sub-policies
could be definitive on any given point (and so turn eff(e, pv ) into an Ind result instead
of a Per); or we could decide that only people who have voted already can check the
4 Automated Verification
In this section we first formalize the syntax of formulas we use to specify sets of environments. Then we discuss how policies constructed using these formulas and policy
combinators can be translated to Boolean logic formulas. After this translation we show
that we can check properties of access control policies using a SAT solver.
In Section 2, we defined our formal model using subsets of the set of possible environments E. We showed that each policy can be expressed in triple form P = S, R, T
where S, R, and T are subsets of E. We also declared that all these subsets of E are
either of the form {e ∈ E : C}, or some combination of subsets of E using ∪, ∩ or \.
Since {e ∈ E : C1 } ∪ {e ∈ E : C2 } = {e ∈ E : C1 ∨ C2 } and similarly other set
operations can also be expressed using logical connectives, we can regard all subsets of
E as of the form {e ∈ E : C}.
Given a set S in the form S = {e ∈ E : C}, our goal is to generate a boolean logic
formula B which encodes the set S. The encoding will map each e ∈ E to a valuation
of the boolean variables in B, and B will evaluate to true if and only if e ∈ S. Based
on such an encoding we can convert questions about different policies (such as if one
subsumes the other one) to SAT problems and then use a SAT solver to check them. For
example, we can generate a boolean formula which is satisfiable if and only if an access
policy is not subsumed (i.e., ⊑) by another one. If the SAT solver returns a satisfying
assignment to the formula, then we can conclude that the property is false, and generate
a counterexample based on the satisfying assignment. If the SAT solver declares that the
formula is not satisfiable then we can conclude that the property holds. We will discuss
the details of such a translation below.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
SC.f := SC.v[A] ∧ k
i=1,i=A (¬SC.v[i])
SC.f := k
↔ a[i]) ∧ ( k
i=1 SC.v[i])∧
→ j=1,j=i ¬SC.v[j])
i=1 (SC.v[i]
BS → s
BS.f := k
(BS.v[i] ↔ s[i])
↔ e[i][j])
BS → e[i]
BS.f := k
j=1 (BS.v[j]
SE → {SC}
SE.f := SC.f ∧ k
(SE.v[i] ↔ SC.v[i])
SE.f := BS.f ∧ k
↔ BS.v[i])
i=1 (SE.v[i]
(SE.v[i] ↔ (SE1 .v[i] ∨ SE2 .v[i]))
SE → SE1 ∪ SE2 SE.f := SE1 .f ∧ SE2 .f ∧ k
SE → SE1 ∩ SE2 SE.f := SE1 .f ∧ SE2 .f ∧ k
(SE.v[i] ↔ (SE1 .v[i] ∧ SE2 .v[i]))
SE → SE1 \ SE2 SE.f := SE1 .f ∧ SE2 .f ∧ k
i=1 (SE.v[i] ↔ (SE1 .v[i] ∧ ¬SE2 .v[i]))
BP → true
BP.f := BP.b ↔ true
BP → false
BP.f := BP.b ↔ false
(SC1 .v[i] ↔ SC2 .v[i]))
BP → SC1 = SC2 BP.f := SC1 .f ∧ SC2 .f ∧ (BP.b ↔ k
Vk i=1
BP → SC ∈ SE
BP.f := SC.f ∧ SE.f ∧ (BP.b ↔ i=1 (SC.v[i] → SE.v[i]))
BP → SE1 ⊆ SE2 BP.f := SE1 .f ∧ SE2 .f ∧ (BP.b ↔ i=1 (SE1 .v[i] → SE2 .v[i]))
C → BP
C.f := BP.f ∧ (C.b ↔ BP.b)
C.f := C1 .f ∧ (C.b ↔ ¬C1 .b)
C → ¬C1
C.f := C1 .f ∧ C2 .f ∧ (C.b ↔ (C1 .b ∨ C2 .b))
C → C1 ∨ C2
C.f := C1 .f ∧ C2 .f ∧ (C.b ↔ (C1 .b ∧ C2 .b))
C → C1 ∧ C2
C → ∀a ∈ BS C1 C.f := BS.f ∧ C1 .f ∧ ( k
i=1 (BS.v[i] → (a[i] ∧ Vj=1,j=i ¬a[j] ∧ C1 .b)))
C → ∃a ∈ BS C1 C.f := BS.f ∧ C1 .f ∧ ( i=1 (BS.v[i] → (a[i] ∧ k
j=1,j=i ¬a[j] ∧ C1 .b)))
C → ∃! a ∈ BS C1 C.f := BS.f ∧ C1 .f ∧ ( k
j=1,j=i ¬a[j] ∧ C1 .b)))
i=1 (BS.v[i] → (a[i] ∧
∧( i=1 ((BS.v[i] ∧ a[i] ∧ k
=i ¬a[j] ∧ C1 .b)
→¬ k
l=1,l=i (BS.v[l] ∧ a[l] ∧
j=1,j=l ¬a[j] ∧ C1 .b)))
1 SC → A
2 SC → a
Fig. 3. Translation of the basic predicates and the constraints to Boolean logic formulas.
For elements e ∈ E, we name the components of e e[0], . . . , e[n]. We use s, s0 , . . . ,
sn to denote set variables, a, a0 , . . . , an to denote scalar variables, and A, A0 , . . . , An
to denote constants. BP is a set of basic predicates which we define as:
SC → A | a
BS → s | e[i]
SE → BS | {SC} | SE ∪ SE | SE ∩ SE | SE \ SE
BP → true | false | SC = SC | SC ∈ SE | SE ⊆ SE
The above grammar is sufficient for specifying policies with finite domain types and
the operations ¬, =, ∈, ⊆. We will discuss extension to other domains later in this
Assuming that all subsets of E are specified in the form {e ∈ E : C}, where there
are no free variables save e in C, C is defined as follows:
C → BP | C ∧ C | C ∨ C | ¬C | ∀a ∈ BS C | ∃a ∈ BS C | ∃! a ∈ BS C
Recall that we use ∃! to mean there exists exactly one instance that holds. We can
express all set definitions on unordered and enumerated types that are permitted in
XACML using the expressions above.
We will explain our translation of a constraint C defined by the above grammar to
a Boolean logic formula using attribute grammars. We will first discuss the translation
of the basic predicates BP . In order to simplify our presentation we will assume that
domains of all scalar variables have the same size k. We will encode a set of values
from any domain using a Boolean vector of size k. Given a Boolean vector v, we will
denote its components as v[1], v[2], . . . , v[k] where v[i] ↔ true means that element
i is a member of the set represented by v whereas v[i] ↔ false means that it is not.
We encode a set variable s and each component of the environment tuple e using the
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
same encoding, i.e., as a vector of Boolean values. To simplify our presentation we also
encode a scalar variable a as a set using a vector of Boolean values but restrict it to be
a singleton set by making sure that at any time only one of the Boolean values in the
vector can be true. In our actual implementation scalar variables are represented using
log2 k Boolean variables where k is the size of the domain.
The production rules 1 to 14 in Figure 3 show the attribute grammar for basic predicates. Each production rule has a corresponding semantic rule next to it. The semantic
rules describe how to compute the attributes of the nonterminal on the left hand side of
the production rule using the attributes of the terminals and nonterminals on the right
hand side of the production rule. In the attribute grammar shown in Figure 3, the nonterminals SC, BS and SE have two attributes. One of them is a Boolean vector v denoting
a set of values, and the other one is a Boolean logic formula f which accumulates the
frame constraints.
Rule 1 in Figure 3 states that a scalar constant A is encoded as a singleton set that
contains only A. This singleton set is represented as a Boolean vector v, such that v[A]
is set to true and all the rest of the elements of the vector are set to false. This condition
is stored in the frame constraint f . Rule 2 states that a scalar variable is also encoded as
a Boolean vector v. The frame constraint f makes sure that the elements of the Boolean
vector v are same as the elements of the Boolean vector representing the scalar variable
a and exactly one of the elements in a or v is set to true in any given time. Rules 3 and 4
show that the set variables (s) and components of the environment tuple (e[i]) are also
encoded as Boolean vectors.
Rule 5 creates a singleton set from a scalar constant SC. However, since we encode
scalar constants as singleton sets, this simply means that the Boolean vectors encoding
the scalar constant (SC.v) and the set (SE.v) are equivalent and the frame constraint
SE.f expresses this constraint. Note that in the attribute grammar shown in Figure 3,
the frame constraint of a nonterminal on the left hand side of a production is a conjunction of the frame constraints of the nonterminals on the right hand side of the production
plus some other constraints that are added based on the production rule.
Rules 7, 8 and 9 encode the set operations: union, intersection and set difference.
Each set operation on two set expressions SE1 and SE2 results in the creation of a
new Boolean vector SE.v. The value of an element in SE.v is defined based on the
corresponding elements in SE1 .v and SE2 .v. For example, for the union operation,
SE.v[i] is true if and only if SE1 .v[i] is true or SE2 .v[i] is true. The intersection and
set difference are defined similarly.
The nonterminal BP corresponds to the basic predicates and it has two attributes.
One of them is a boolean variable b representing the truth value of the predicate and
the other one is a Boolean logic formula f that accumulates the frame constraints.
Rules 10 and 11 create two basic predicates which have the truth value true and false,
respectively. Rule 12 is a basic predicate that corresponds to an equality expression
comparing two scalars. Since scalars are expressed as Boolean vectors, the Boolean
variable encoding the truth value of the predicate is true if and only if all elements
of the Boolean vectors encoding the two scalar values are the same. This constraint is
added to the frame constraint of the basic predicate.
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Rule 13 creates a basic predicate that corresponds to a membership expression testing membership of a scalar to a set expression. Rule 14 creates a basic predicate that
corresponds to a subset expression testing if a set expression is subsumed by another set
expression. Since we encode scalars as singleton sets, the frame constraints generated
for rules 13 and 14 are very similar. They state that if a value is a member of the set on
the left hand side, then it should also be a member of the set on the right hand side.
The production rules 15 to 21 in Figure 3 show the attribute grammar for the constraints. The nonterminal C has two attributes. One of them is a boolean variable b representing the truth value of the constraint, and the other one is a Boolean logic formula
f that accumulates the frame constraints. Again, the frame constraint of a nonterminal
on the left hand side of a production is a conjunction of the frame constraints of the
nonterminals on the right hand side of the production plus some other constraints that
are added based on the production rule.
Rule 15 is just a syntactic rule expressing that a constraint can be a basic predicate.
Rule 16 defines the negation operation. As expected the frame constraint states that the
value of the constraint on the left hand side of the production rule is the negation of the
value of the constraint on the right hand side of the production rule. Rules 17 and 18
define the disjunction and conjunction operations. The frame constraints generated in
Rules 17 and 18 state that the value of the constraint on the left hand side of the production rule is the disjunction or the conjunction of the values of the constraints on the
right hand side of the production rule, respectively.
Rules 19, 20 and 21 deal with quantified constraints. In the rules 19, 20 and 21,
a denotes a scalar variable which is quantified over a basic set expression BS which
is either a set variable s or a component of the environment tuple e[i]. The quantified
variable a can appear as a free variable in the constraint expression on the right hand
side (C1 ). Universal quantification is expressed as a conjunction which states that for
all the members of the set s or e[i], the constraint C1 should evaluate to true. This
is achieved by restricting the value of the scalar variable a to the value of a different
member of the set for each conjunct. Existential quantification is expressed similarly as
a disjunction by restricting the value of the scalar variable a to the value of a different
member of the set for each disjunct.
Rule 21 is an existentially quantified constraint which evaluates to true if and only
if the constraint C1 evaluates to true for exactly one member of the set s or e[i]. This is
expressed by first stating that there is at least one member of the set s or e[i] for which
the constraint C1 evaluates to true (which is equivalent to existential quantification) and
then adding an extra conjunction which states that the constraint C1 does not evaluate
to true for two different members of the set s or e[i].
The translation we described above does not handle domain specific predicates,
e.g., ordering relations on types such as integers. When we translate sets described
using such predicates to boolean logic formulas, we represent them as uninterpreted
Boolean functions. We create a Boolean variable for encoding the value of the uninterpreted boolean function and we generate constraints which guarantee that the value
of the function is the same if its arguments are the same. Other than this restriction the
variables encoding the functions can get arbitrary values. Note that this introduces some
Workshops of 7th Intl. Conf. on Web Engineering. M. Brambilla, E. Mendes (Eds.)
imprecision to our analysis. It is possible that counterexamples may be spurious, and
will need to be validated against the original policy.
Note that, it is possible to fully interpret ordering relations in order to reduce the
imprecision in the analysis. We can encode a type with a domain of n ordered elements
using n2 boolean variables, one for each pair of values in the domain, representing
the ordering relations. However, XACML uses many complex functions such as XPath
matching and X500 name matching which can be lead to very complex formulas if one
tries to fully interpret them in the Boolean logic translation. Hence, we believe that
using uninterpreted functions for abstracting such complex functionality is a justified
approach which enables us to handle a significant portion of the XACML language.
Also, we would like to note that the imprecision caused by abstraction of such complex
functions has not led to any spurious results in the experiments we performed so far.
Property Verification: As discussed in Section 3, we specify properties of policies
using a set of partial ordering relations. These partial ordering relations can be used to
state that a certain type of outcome for one policy subsumes the same type of outcome
for another policy. In this section we will only focus on the ⊑ relation. Translation of
properties specified using other relations are handled similarly.
Given a query like P1 ⊑ P2 , our goal is to generate a Boolean logic formula which
is satisfiable if and only if P1 ⊑ P2 . As we discussed earlier our tool first translates
policies P1 and P2 to triple form, such that P1 = S1 , R1 , T1 and P2 = S2 , R2 , T2
where each element of each triple is specified with a constraint expression as follows:
S1 = {e ∈ E : CS1 }, R1 = {e ∈ E : CR1 }, T1 = {e ∈ E : CT1 }
S2 = {e ∈ E : CS2 }, R2 = {e ∈ E : CR2 }, T2 = {e ∈ E : CT2 }
After translating policies P1 and P2 in to the triple form our translator generates
boolean logic formulas for the constraints CS1 , CR1 , CT1 , CS2 , CR2 and CT2 based
on the attribute grammar rules described in Figure 3. For example, after this translation
the truth value of the constraint CS1 is represented with the Boolean variable CS1 .b and
the frame constraint CS1 .f states all the constraints on the Boolean variable CS1 .b.
Recall that, given P1 = S1 , R1 , T1 and P2 = S2 , R2 , T2 , P1 ⊑ P2 holds if and
only if S1 ⊆ S2 and R1 ⊆ R2 and T1 ⊆ T2 . Based on this, we generate a formula F
such that F = true if and only if P1 ⊑ P2 as follows:
F = (CS1 .f ∧ CR1 .f ∧ CT1 .f ∧ CS2 .f ∧ CR2 .f ∧ CT2 .f ) →
((CS1 .b → CS2 .b) ∧ (CR1 .b → CR2 .b) ∧ (CT1 .b → CT2 .b))
Finally, we send the property ¬F to the SAT solver. If the SAT solver returns a satisfying assignment for the Boolean variables encoding the environment tuple e (which are
the only free variables in the formula ¬F ), the satisfying assignment corresponds to a
counter-example environment demonstrating how the property is violated. If the SAT
solver states that ¬F is not satisfiable, then we conclude that the property holds, i.e.,
P1 ⊑ P2 .
We could use this same translation to verify logical properties of a policy directly at
the cost of introducing a new language that our users would be forced to learn. We feel
that subsumption is sufficiently powerful and the advantages of using only one language
are sufficiently compelling that we do not support this at this time.
Since the majority of the SAT solvers expect their input to be expressed in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), the last step in our translation (before we send the formula
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
Table 1.
IO Transform Boolean SAT Lines of XACML Variables Clauses
1.85s 0.17s
1.35s 0.11s
114 Property holds
2.07s 0.19s
1.41s 0.39s
83 Property holds
1.88s 0.16s
1.36s 0.12s
108 Property holds
1.94s 0.17s
1.33s 0.11s
106 Property holds
1.82s 0.16s
2.00s 0.16s
166 Property holds
2.12s 0.15s
2.53s 0.15s
190 Property fails
2.56s 0.34s
3.70s 0.10s
218 Property fails
1.99s 0.18s
1.21s 0.11s
Property fails
1.92s 0.16s
1.49s 0.11s
106 Property fails
1.88s 0.19s
3.47s 0.11s
250 Property fails
1.89s 0.16s
5.18s 0.15s
297 Property fails
0.75s 0.02s
15.10s 0.22s
280 Property holds
1.00s 0.03s
14.78s 0.13s
279 Property holds
0.73s 0.14s
5.86s 0.12s
123 Property fails
Results for the C ONTINUE (C1-11), Medico (M1-2) and voting (V1) examples.
¬F to the SAT solver) is to convert ¬F to CNF. For conversion to CNF we have implemented the structure preserving technique from [10].
5 Experiments
Our tool generates a Boolean formula in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), which we
then give to a SAT solver; in particular, we use the zchaff [9] tool. To demonstrate
the value of our tool we conducted some experiments. One of the policies we used
for our experiments is the C ONTINUE example [7], encoded into XACML by Fisler et
al. [3]. C ONTINUE is a Web-based conference management tool, aiding paper submission, review, discussion and notification. In addition, we used the Medico example from
the XACML [12] specification, which models a simple medical database meant to be
accessed by physicians. Finally, we have encoded our online voting example from Section 3 into XACML and applied our tool to the discovery of the error which we know
to exist. We tested 11 properties:
– C1 tests whether the conference manager denies program committee chairs the ability to review papers he/she has a conflict with.
– C2 and C7 test properties concerning reviews for papers co-authored by program
committee members.
– C3 and C8 test properties concerning access to the conference manager if the user
has no defined role.
– C4 and C5 test properties regarding read access to information about meetings.
– C6 tests whether program committee members can read all parts of a review.
– C9 tests which roles can set meetings.
– C10 and C11 test under what conditions program committee members can see reviews.
– M1 and M2 test whether the unified Medico policy upholds the required access
properties about the medical records.
– V1 is the voting property we discussed in Section 3.
The performance results shown in Table 1 indicate that analysis time is dominated
by the initial parsing of the policies and by the conversion from triple form to a Boolean
formula; sometimes the Boolean conversion is strongly dominant, as in the Medico examples. The resulting formulas are unexpectedly small and analysis time is so small the
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startup and I/O overhead of the zchaff tool is probably dominating. This was unexpected; our tool goes to some length to simplify the Boolean formula on the assumption
that run times would be dominated by the SAT solver. The results show that our assumption was wrong. These results are very encouraging in terms of the scalability of
the proposed approach. Among the different components of our analysis, SAT solving
is the one with worst case complexity. Since the examples we tested so far were easily
handled by the SAT solver we believe that our approach will be feasible for analysis of
very large XACML policies.
There appears to be no relationship between lines of XACML and the number of
Boolean formulas required to represent them, which is counterintuitive. This reflects a
difference in structure between the Medico and voting example and the C ONTINUE conference manager. The C ONTINUE conference manager was written by Fisler et al. [3]
for their Margrave tool, which supports only simple conditionals in the <Target>
block of an XACML specification. Accordingly, the policy files require far more text to
describe simple Boolean combinations than would be the case if <Condition> elements were used. We use their example because it is the largest XACML example that
we could find, but it is instructive that the Medico example from the XACML specification is as or more complex despite using an order of magnitude less lines of XACML.
The number of variables in our Boolean formulas is quite large, approximately half
the number of clauses. We have made a deliberate tradeoff to get this; our translation
machinery from Section 4 introduces large numbers of tightly constrained variables,
and our CNF conversion uses the structure preserving technique [10] which generates
even more variables. In exchange we get a relatively small formula, and the search
space is not so large as might be presumed because of the constraints. A different CNF
conversion that would embody a different tradeoff between the CNF conversion and
SAT solving might be worth exploring.
Our experimental results clearly demonstrate that the subsumption property is practical to analyze, and we believe total runtime could be lowered by optimizing the
Boolean formula generation and CNF transformation steps.
6 Related Work
There has been earlier work on automated analysis of access control policies. [11] and
[14] analyze role based access control schemas using the Alloy analyzer. However
[11] uses Alloy to verify that the composition of specifications is well formed and is
silent about their content, whereas we introduce a formal model of and a partial ordering on XACML specifications specifically designed for analyzing the semantics. Zao,
Wee et al. [14] model RBAC schema in Alloy and then check these models against predicates, also written in Alloy. We introduce a formal model for XACML with a partial
ordering on policies that we then automatically check using a SAT solver as a back end;
we do not insist that the user write predicates in another language and operate solely on
The Alloy Analyzer also uses a SAT solver as a back-end to solve verification
queries [5, 6]. Hence, translating XACML policies to Alloy in order to verify them is in
effect an indirect way of using a SAT solver for verification. In fact, we also used Alloy
analyzer for verification of XACML policies in our earlier work [4]. However our experience has shown that a direct translation to SAT is much more effective then translating
ICWE 2007 Workshops, Como, Italy, July 2007
the verification queries to Alloy. In our experience the Alloy Analyzer is not always capable of dealing with the sizes of problems we are dealing with. It is certainly the case
that our direct translation generates a customized encoding of the problem, whereas the
translation from the Alloy Analyzer is optimized for a more general class of models;
hence it may not necessarily be efficient for types of verification queries we are interested in. Mankai and Logrippo [8] also use Alloy Analyzer to analyze interactions and
conflicts among access control policies expressed in XACML. The translation to Alloy
appears to have been done by hand, in contrast to our automated translator; as well,
cited runtimes are around a minute for simple policies whereas our current approach
takes seconds to analyze the most complex policies we could find.
Zhang, Ryan and Guelev [15] have developed a new language named RW, on which
they can perform verification through an external program, and which can be compiled
to XACML. It is not obviously possible to translate arbitrary XACML policies to RW,
and so no analysis on arbitrary XACML policies can be done within their framework,
unlike ours.
Bryans [2] modeled XACML using the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
process algebra, and then used the FDR model checker to provide some automatic verification, including comparing policies. Bryans uses process interleavings to model rule
and policy combination operations which is likely to add unnecessary nondeterminism
and increase the state space. In fact, Bryans does not handle all policy combination
operations in XACML due to efficiency concerns.
Recently, Fisler et al. [3] used multi-terminal decision diagrams to verify properties
of XACML policies with the Margrave tool. Verification queries in [3] are expressed in
the Scheme language. We use relationships between policies instead, and since this does
not require learning a separate query language, we believe this makes our tool easier to
use. Margrave does not handle as much of XACML as we do, and so our tools are not
directly comparable; we handle more datatypes, and also complex conditionals as in
<Condition> elements, whereas Margrave can only handle simple conditionals in
the <Target> block. For example, the predicate x < 18 as in our subpolicy S0 cannot
be expressed in Margrave, not even as an uninterpreted Boolean variable, because it
can only be written in a <Condition> element. Of our examples, none of M1, M2
or V1 can be expressed using Margrave. The verification underpinnings of our tools
are also different; a verification approach that uses decision diagrams is more likely to
be successful for incremental analysis techniques, and so are probably the appropriate
representation to use for the change-impact analysis presented in [3]. However, for the
type of verification queries we discuss in this paper we expect a verification approach
based on SAT solvers to perform better than a verification approach based on decision
Agrawal et al. [1] discuss techniques for analyzing interactions among policies and
propose algorithms for policy ratification. They use techniques from constraint, linear
and logic programming domains for policy analysis. Compared to the approach presented in [1] we focus on the XACML language and use a Boolean SAT solver for
analysis. Unlike the approach discussed in [1], we are not proposing new mechanisms
for combining different policies. Rather, the approach we present in this paper is useful
for automated analysis of existing policies and finding possible errors in them.
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7 Conclusions
We have presented a formal model for access control policies, and shown how to verify
interesting properties about such models in an automated way. In particular we translate queries about access control policies to Boolean satisfiability problems and use a
SAT solver to obtain an answer. We express properties about access control policies as
subsumption queries between two policies. We implemented a tool that implements the
proposed approach and our experimental results indicate that automated verification of
nontrivial access control policies is feasible using our approach.
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