Asymmetric Active-Active High Availability for High-end
∗ †
C. Leangsuksun
V. K. Munganuru
Computer Science
Louisiana Tech University
P.O. Box 10348, Ruston,
LA 71272, USA
Phone: +1 318 257-3291
Fax: +1 318 257-4922
T. Liu
Dell Inc.
[email protected]
S. L. Scott
C. Engelmann
Computer Science and
Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Linux clusters have become very popular for scientific computing at research institutions world-wide, because they can
be easily deployed at a fairly low cost. However, the most
pressing issues of today‘s cluster solutions are availability
and serviceability. The conventional Beowulf cluster architecture has a single head node connected to a group of compute nodes. This head node is a typical single point of failure and control, which severely limits availability and serviceability by effectively cutting off healthy compute nodes
from the outside world upon overload or failure. In this paper, we describe a paradigm that addresses this issue using
asymmetric active-active high availability. Our framework
comprises of n + 1 head nodes, where n head nodes are active in the sense that they provide services to simultaneously
incoming user requests. One standby server monitors all active servers and performs a fail-over in case of a detected
outage. We present a prototype implementation based on a
2 + 1 solution and discuss initial results.
With their competitive price/performance ratio, COTS computing solutions have become a serious challenge to traditional MPP-style supercomputers. Today, Beowulf-type
clusters are being used to drive the race for scientific discovery at research institutions and universities around the
world. Clusters are popular, because they can be easily
deployed at a fairly low cost. Furthermore, cluster management systems (CMSs) like, OSCAR [6, 18] and ROCKS
[21], allow uncomplicated system installation and management without the need to individually configure each component separately. HPC cluster computing is undoubtedly an
eminent stepping-stone for future ultra-scale high-end computing systems.
Scientific computing, clusters, high availability, asymmetric
active-active, hot-standby, fail-over
∗This work was supported by the U.S. Department of
Energy under Contract No. contract No. DE-FG0205ER25659.
†This research is sponsored by the Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division; Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research; U.S. Department of
Energy. The work was performed at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, which is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC under
Contract No. De-AC05-00OR22725.
However, the most pressing issues of today‘s cluster architectures are availability and serviceability. The single head
node architecture of Beowulf-type systems itself is an origin for these predicaments. Because of the single head node
setup, clusters are vulnerable, as the head node represents
a single point of failure affecting availability of its services.
Furthermore, the head node represents also a single point
of control. This severely limits access to healthy compute
nodes in case of a head node failure. In fact, the entire system is inaccessible as long as the head node is down. Moreover, a single head node also impacts system throughput
performance as it becomes a bottleneck. Overloading the
head node can become a serious issue for high throughput
oriented systems.
To a large extent, the single point of failure issue is addressed
by active/hot-standby turnkey tools like HA-OSCAR [4, 5,
10], which minimize unscheduled downtimes due to head
node outages. However, sustaining throughput at large scale
remains an issue due to the fact that active/hot-standby solutions still run one active head node only. In this paper,
we describe a paradigm that addresses this issue using asymmetric active-active high availability. Unlike typical Beowulf
architectures (with or without hot-standby node(s)), our
framework comprises of n + 1 servers. n head nodes are
active in the sense that they provide services to simultaneously incoming user requests. One hot-standby server mon-
itors all the active servers and performs a fail-over in case
of a detected outage.
Since our research also focuses on the batch job scheduler
that typically runs on the head node, our proposed high
availability architecture effectively transforms a single scheduler system into a cluster running multiple schedulers in parallel without maintaining global knowledge. These schedulers run their jobs on the same compute nodes or on individual partitions, and fail-over to a hot-standby server in
case of a single server outage.
Sharing compute nodes among multiple schedulers without
coordination is a very uncommon practice in cluster computing, but has its value for high throughput computing.
Furthermore, our solution leads the path towards the more
versatile paradigm of symmetric active-active high availability for high-end scientific computing using the virtual synchrony model for head node services [3]. In this model, the
same service is provided by all head nodes using group communication at the back-end for coordination. Head nodes
may be added, removed or fail at any time, while no processing power is wasted by keeping an idle backup server
and no service interruption occurs during recoveries. Symmetric active-active high availability is an ongoing research
effort and our asymmetric solution will help to understand
the concept of running the same service on multiple nodes
and the necessary coordination.
However, in contrast to the symmetric active-active high
availability paradigm with its consistent symmetric replication of global knowledge among all participating head nodes,
our asymmetric paradigm maintains only backups on one
standby head node for all active head nodes.
This paper is organized as follows: First, we provide a review of related past and ongoing research activities. Second,
we describe our asymmetric active-active high availability
solution in more detail and show how the system handles
multiple jobs simultaneously while enforcing high availability. Third, we present some initial results from our prototype
implementation. Finally, we conclude with a short summary
of the presented research and a brief description of future
Related past and ongoing research activities include cluster
management systems as well as active/hot-standby cluster
high availability solutions.
Cluster management systems allow uncomplicated system
installation and management, thus improving availability
and serviceability by reducing scheduled downtimes for system management. Examples are OSCAR and Rocks.
The Open Source Cluster Application Resources (OSCAR
[6, 18]) toolkit is a turnkey option for building and maintaining a high performance computing cluster. OSCAR is a fully
integrated software bundle, which includes all components
that are needed to build, maintain, and manage a mediumsized Beowulf cluster. OSCAR was developed by the Open
Cluster Group, a collaboration of major research institu-
tions and technology companies led by Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (ORNL), the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), IBM, Indiana University, Intel,
and Louisiana Tech University. OSCAR has significantly
reduced the complexity of building and managing a Beowulf
cluster by using a user-friendly graphical installation wizard
as front-end and by providing necessary management tools
at the back-end.
Similar to OSCAR, NPACI Rocks [21] is a complete “cluster
on a CD” solution for x86 and IA64 Red Hat Linux COTS
clusters. Building a Rocks cluster does not require any experience in clustering, yet a cluster architect will find a flexible and programmatic way to redesign the entire software
stack just below the surface (appropriately hidden from the
majority of users). The NPACI Rocks toolkit was designed
by the National Partnership for Advanced Computational
Infrastructure (NPACI). The NPACI facilitates collaboration between universities and research institutions to build
cutting-edge computational environments for future scientific research. The organization is led by the University of
California (UCSD), San Diego, and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC).
Numerous ongoing high availability computing projects, such
as LifeKeeper [11], Kimberlite [8], Linux Failsafe [12] and
Mission Critical Linux [16], focus their research on solutions
for clusters. However, they do not reflect the Beowulf cluster
architecture model and fail to provide availability and serviceability support for scientific computing, such as a highly
available job scheduler. Most solutions provide highly available business services, such as data storage and data bases.
They use “cluster of servers” to provide high availability
locally and enterprise-grade wide-area disaster recovery solutions with geographically distributed server cluster farms.
HA-OSCAR tries to bridge the gap between scientific cluster and traditional high availability computing. High Availability Open Source Cluster Application Resources (HAOSCAR [4, 5, 10]) is production-quality clustering software
that aims toward non-stop services for Linux HPC environments. In contrast to previously discussed HA applications,
HA-OSCAR strategies combine both the high availability
and performance aspects making its methodology and infrastructure to be the first field grade HA Beowulf cluster solution that provides high availability, critical failure prediction and analysis capability. The project‘s main objectives
focus on Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS)
for the HPC environment. In addition, the HA-ORCAR approach provides a flexible and extensible interface for customizable fault management, policy-based failover operation, and alert management.
An active/hot-standby high availability variant of Rocks
has been proposed [14] and is currently under development.
Similar to HA-OSCAR, HA-Rocks is sensitive to the level of
failure and aims to provide mechanisms for graceful recovery
to a standby master node.
Active/hot-standby solutions for essential services in scientific high-end computing include resource management systems, such as the Portable Batch System Professional (PBSPro [19]) and the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Man-
agement (SLURM [22]). While the commercial PBSPro service can be found in the Cray RAS and Management System (CRMS [20]) of the Cray XT3 [24] computer system,
the Open Source SLURM is freely available for AIX, Linux
and even Blue Gene [1, 7] platforms.
The asymmetric active-active architecture presented in this
paper is an extension of the HA-OSCAR framework developed at Louisiana Tech University.
The conventional Beowulf cluster architecture (see Figure 1)
has a single head node connected to a group of compute
nodes. The fundamental building block of the Beowulf architecture is the head node, usually referred to as primary
server, which serves user requests and distributes submitted computational jobs to the compute nodes aided by job
launching, scheduling and queuing software components [2].
Compute nodes, usually referred to as clients, are simply
dedicated to run these computational jobs.
head should be counted as down time as well, since compute
nodes are not efficiently utilized.
We implemented a prototype of a 2 + 1 asymmetric activeactive high availability solution [13] that consists of three
different layers (see Figure 2). The top layer has two identical active head nodes and one redundant hot-standby node,
which simultaneously monitors both active nodes. The middle layer is equipped with two network switches to provide
redundant connectivity between head nodes and compute
nodes. A set of compute nodes installed at the bottom layer
are dedicated to run computational jobs.
In this configuration, each active head node is required to
have at least two network interface cards (NICs). One NIC
is used for public network access to allow users to schedule jobs. The other NIC is connected to the respective
redundant private local network providing communication
between head and compute nodes. The hot-standby server
uses three NICs to connect to the outside world and to both
redundant networks. Compute nodes need to have two NICs
for both redundant networks.
We initially implemented our prototype using a 2 + 1 asymmetric active-active HA-OSCAR solution that consists of
different job managers (see Figure 3), the Open Portable
Batch System (OpenPBS [17]) and the Sun Grid Engine
(SGE [23]), independently running on multiple identical head
nodes at the same time. Additionally, one identical head
node is configured as a hot-standby server, ready to takeover
when one of the two active head node servers fails.
Figure 1: Conventional Beowulf Architecture
The overall availability of a cluster computing system depends solely on the health of its primary node. Furthermore, this head node may also become a bottleneck in largescale high throughput use-case scenarios. In high availability
terms, the single head node of a Beowulf-type cluster computing system is a typical single point of failure and control,
which severely limits availability and serviceability by effectively cutting off healthy compute nodes from the outside
world upon overload or failure.
Figure 3: Normal Operation of 2 + 1 Asymmetric
Active-Active HA-OSCAR Solution
Running two, or more, primary servers simultaneously and
an additional monitoring hot-standby server for fail-over
purpose, or asymmetric active-active high availability, is a
promising solution, which can be deployed to improve system throughput and to reduce system down times.
Under normal system operating conditions, head node A
runs OpenPBS and head node B runs SGE, both simultaneously serving users requests at tandem. Both active head
nodes effectively employ the same compute nodes using redundant interconnects. Each active head node creates a different home environment for each of its resource manager,
and prevents conflicts during job submission.
We also note that preemptive measures for application fault
tolerance, such as checkpointing, can introduce significant
overhead even during normal system operation. Such over-
Upon failure (see Figure 4) of one active head node, the
hot-standby head node will assume the IP address and host
name of the failed head node. Additionally, the same set
of services will transfer control to the standby node with
respect to the same job management tool activated on the
failed node masking users from this failure.
same, if not better, availability behavior compared to an
active/hot-standby HA-OSCAR system, if we consider the
degraded operating mode of our prototype with two outages at the same time as downtime. Earlier theoretical assumptions and practical results (see Figure 5) using reliability analysis and tests of an active/hot-standby HA-OSCAR
system could be validated for the asymmetric active/active
solution. We obtained a steady-state system availability of
99.993%, which is a significant improvement when compared
to 99.65%, from a similar Beowulf Linux cluster with a single
head node.
If we consider the degraded operating mode with two outages at the same time not as downtime, availability of our
prototype is even better than the standard HA-OSCAR solution. We are currently in the process of validating our
results using reliability analysis. Furthermore, we also experienced an improved throughput capacity for scheduling
Figure 4: Fail-Over Procedure of 2 + 1 Asymmetric
Active-Active HA-OSCAR Solution
The asymmetric active-active HA-OSCAR prototype is capable of masking one failure at a time. As long as one head
node is down, a second head node failure will result in a
degraded operating mode. Even under this rare condition
of two simultaneous head node failures, our high availability
solution provides the same capability as a regular Beowulftype cluster without high availability features.
To ensure that the system operates correctly without unfruitful failovers, the system administrator must define a
failover policy in the PBRM (Policy Based Recovery Management [9]) module, which allows selecting a critical head
node (A or B). The critical head node has a higher priority and will be handled first by the hot-standby head node
in case the DGAE (Data Gathering and Analysis Engine)
detects any failures.
In the rare double head node outage event, there will not be
a service failover from the lower priority server to the hotstandby head node. This policy ensures that critical services
will not be disrupted by failures on the high priority head
node. For example, if OpenPBS job management is the
most critical service, we suggest setting the server running
OpenPBS as the higher priority head node.
In our experimental setup, the head node A runs OpenPBS
and Maui [15] and is assigned as the critical head node. The
services on the head node A have the priority failover to the
hot-standby head node. In case of a failure of head node
A, the hot-standby head node takes over as head node A‘.
Once head node A is repaired, the hot-standby head node
will disable OpenPBS and Maui to allow those services failback to the original head node A. If head node B fails while
head node A is in normal operation, the hot-standby head
node will simply fail-over the SGE until the head node B is
recovered and back in service again.
With our lab grade prototype setup, we experienced the
One of our initial concerns and one of the major challenges
we encountered during prototype implementation and testing was that most if not all services in a high-end computing environment are not active-active aware, i.e. schedulers
such OpenPBS and SGE do not support multiple instances
on different nodes. Automatic replication of changes in job
queues is not very well supported. The experience gained
during implementation will be applied to future work on
symmetric active-active high availability.
Our lab grade prototype of an asymmetric active-active HAOSCAR variant showed some promising results and showed
that the presented architecture is a significant enhancement
to the standard Beowulf-type cluster architecture in satisfying requirements of high availability and serviceability. We
currently support only 2 + 1 asymmetric active-active high
availability. However, ongoing work is currently investigating the extension of the implementation to n+1 active-active
Future work will be more focused on symmetric active-active
high availability for high-end scientific computing using the
virtual synchrony model for head node services [3]. In this
architecture, services on multiple head nodes maintain common global knowledge among participating processes. If one
head node fails, the surviving ones continue to provide services without interruption. Head nodes may be added or
removed at any time for maintenance or repair. As long as
one head node is alive, the system is accessible and manageable. While the virtual synchrony model is well understood,
its application to individual services on head (and service)
nodes in scientific high-end computing environments still remains an open research question.
[1] ASCII Blue Gene/L Computing Platform at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA.
[2] C. Bookman. Linux Clustering: Building and
Maintaining Linux Cluster. New Readers Publishing,
Boston, 2003.
[3] C. Engelmann and S. L. Scott. High availability for
ultra-scale high-end scientific computing. Proceedings
of 2nd International Workshop on Operating Systems,
Programming Environments and Management Tools
for High-Performance Computing on Clusters
(COSET-2), 2005.
[4] HA–OSCAR at Louisiana Tech University, Ruston,
[5] I. Haddad, C. Leangsuksun, and S. Scott.
HA-OSCAR: Towards highly available Linux clusters.
Linux World Magazine, March 2004.
[6] J. Hsieh, T. Leng, and Y. C. Fang. OSCAR: A
turnkey solution for cluster computing. Dell Power
Solutions, pages 138–140, 2001.
[7] IBM Blue Gene/L Computing Platform at IBM
[8] Kimberlite at Mission Critical Linux. At
[9] C. Leangsuksun, T. Liu, S. L. Scott T. Rao, and
Richard Libby. A failure predictive and policy-based
high availability strategy for Linux high performance
computing cluster. Proceedings of 5th LCI
International Conference on Linux Clusters, 2004.
[10] C. Leangsuksun, L. Shen, T. Liu, H. Song, and S. L.
Scott. Availability prediction and modeling of high
availability OSCAR cluster. Proceedings of IEEE
Cluster Computing (Cluster), pages 380–386, 2003.
[11] LifeKeeper at SteelEye Technology, Inc., Palo Alto,
[12] Linux FailSafe at Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain
View, CA, USA. At
[13] T. Liu. High availability and performance Linux
cluster. Master Thesis Report at Louisiana Tech
University, Ruston, LA, USA, 2004.
[14] T. Liu, S. Iqbal, Y. C. Fang, O. Celebioglu,
V. Masheyakhi, and R. Rooholamin. HA-Rocks: A
cost-effective high-availability system for Rocks-based
Linux HPC cluster, April 2005.
[15] Maui at Cluster Resources, Inc., Spanish Fork, UT,
[16] Mission Critical Linux. At
[17] OpenPBS at Altair Engineering, Troy, MI, USA. At
[18] OSCAR at At
[19] PBSPro at Altair Engineering, Inc., Troy, MI, USA.
[20] PBSPro for the Cray XT3 at Altair Engineering, Inc.,
Troy, MI, USA. Cray.pdf.
[21] ROCKS at National Partnership for Advanced
Computational Infrastructure (NPACI), University of
California, San Diego, CA, USA. At
[22] SLURM at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Livermore, CA, USA.
[23] Sun Grid Engine Project at Sun Microsystems, Inc,
Santa Clara, CA, USA. At
[24] XT3 Computing Platform at Cray Inc., Seattle, WA,
Figure 2: Asymmetric Active-Active High Availability Architecture
Figure 5: Total Availability Improvement Analysis (Planned and Unplanned Downtime): Comparison of
HA-OSCAR with Traditional Beowulf-type Linux HPC Cluster